The Real Estate Economy
NTD TV reports on China. “Recently, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Premier Li Keqiang said in an internal conversation that China’s economic problem is the real estate economy. In the Win Business Network article, Li admitted that, ‘China’s economy is basically the real estate economy, and China’s economic problems are basically real estate economic problems.’ Real estate prices continue to fall, but why do investments continue to flow into the real estate industry?”
“Mainland finance analyst Ren Zhongdao: ‘Without constructing new buildings, the local governments do not sell land, and then they have no money to pay debts. If the real estate developers do not buy land, then they have no land to use as loan collateral or issue trusts and other financial products. Therefore, in order to return the money, they still have to construct buildings. Now this has become a vicious cycle.’”
From the BBC. “At one property development here in eastern Hangzhou, the asking price of new apartments has been reduced by 25%, compared to the original sales price in 2011. The sales agent, who only gives her name as Miss Wang, shows me around. She explains it is a ‘perfect apartment’ for a three-person family - a family that can afford $900,000, that is. ‘The banks have tighter cash flow. People think the government might launch something like a property tax. That would make the price go a bit lower so buyers have started to wait and see,’ she explains. ‘The real estate developer wants to get their investment back. That’s why we’re giving a better discount,’ she says.”
“In Hangzhou, some of the price falls have been fast. One property developer’s office in the city was smashed up by buyers. They were angry they had paid more for their apartments a year ago than their new neighbours were now paying. ‘A lot in China depends on confidence, and it’s a matter of trying to get the middle class to think the value of their investment will go up again,’ says Jonathan Fenby, China director at Trusted Sources.”
The Global Times. “Driving in the downtown area of Hohhot, capital of North China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Jin Fang felt surprised to see so much more high-rise apartment buildings compared to three years ago, when she left the city for studies. ‘How can these apartments be sold out in such a short period given the limited demand here?’ Jin, a 31-year-old white collar worker who lives in the city, said skeptically to the Global Times.”
“Jin said recently she was always being bothered by calls from housing agencies staff promising high discounts on apartments, but she kept refusing them because she had already bought an apartment of 125 square meters with her husband in 2012.”
“The total inventory of new apartments for Hohhot hit a high number of around 120,000 units as of June, according to Centaline Property Agency. However, only 3,780 units were sold in the first five months of this year, according to Hohhot real estate portal In the light of the current poor sales, it will take around 10 years for the city to fill up its housing inventory, according to Centaline. Jin still remembers when three years ago, people from other cities rushed to Hohhot to buy property, which directly caused home prices to rise.”
“‘Most of the buyers were private lenders from Ordos city, where unregulated private lending activities were rampant’ partly due to excessive liquidity, said Jin. ‘I hope a rapid rise in home prices will not happen again,’ Jin said.”
The Wall Street Journal. “When Monte Burnham, the president of Birmingham, Ala.-based Foundry Manufacturing Solutions, recently visited Tianjin, China, he was pleasantly surprised to find its air more breathable than during his previous stay. ‘Then I realized, the smelters weren’t running,’ recalled Mr. Burnham, referring to the northern port city’s giant steel plants, which until recently had been delivering economic growth rates as high as 16% to Tianjin province.”
“So, how is China achieving 7.5% growth if it is powering down steel plants and letting copper stockpiles build up? With debt. Despite official instructions to banks to curtail lending to overstretched developers and municipalities, loans are still increasing at rates twice as fast as the economy—and those numbers exclude a so-called shadow-banking lending system estimated at more than $5 trillion, or 80% of gross domestic product.”
“‘That doesn’t make sense,’ says PNC Financial economist Bill Adams. ‘Eventually, sustainability concerns will either cause Chinese policy makers to slow credit growth or investor risk aversion will cause less credit to flow through the trust companies’ that manage the shadow lending programs.”
Radio Australia. “The top 1 per cent of households in Communist-ruled China control more than one third of the country’s wealth, while the bottom 25 per cent control just one hundredth, official media said, citing an academic report. The wealth gap is of significant concern for the ruling Communist Party, which places huge importance on preserving social stability to avoid any challenge to its grasp on power.”
“‘One per cent of households at the top level nationwide control more than one third of the country’s wealth,’ the website of the People’s Daily newspaper said late Friday in a report on the university’s statistics. ‘Twenty-five per cent of families at the bottom level only own one per cent of the country’s wealth.’”
The New York Post. “To avoid taxes or even seizure by the government, rich Chinese have exported a stunning $1.4 trillion between 2002 and today. China leads the world in ‘illicit capital flows’ — we call it ‘money laundering’ — while Russia, with $800 billion hidden outside the country, is runner-up. So much money is fleeing China — $10 billion a month — that it’s distorting the global economy, particularly in the art market and with real-estate booms in cities like New York.”
“China began to crackdown on the practice in 2012, following the arrest of powerful politician Bo Xilai for bribery and corruption and his wife for murder. Thousands of high-level confiscations have followed and this month two top oil executives, a popular television anchorman and the Bank of China itself were accused of laundering money and other forms of skullduggery.”
“It wasn’t until 2013 that China’s first money-laundering convictions occurred, and these were bit players. A 19-year-old Hong Kong delivery boy was convicted of laundering $1.7 billion in eight months through his bank account in a subsidiary of the Bank of China. Another involved an illiterate 61-year-old woman who laundered $876 million in three years by making small deposits of cash daily in several banks. Both netted 10-year jail sentences, and no one else was charged despite evidence they did not act alone.”
“Even more devious schemes by big shots have moved tens of billions offshore without handling cash or involving banks at all. For instance, money managers in North America were offered inflated fees of 20% to invest billions of Chinese corporate funds abroad. The catch was that half of the fees would be paid out to shell companies owned secretly by Chinese officials to buy them condos or art.”
“Other tactics involve bribing officials by selling assets at a loss so they can pocket immediate profits; or wiring cash to ‘fronts’ owned by officials or their children who wash the bribes as though they were legitimate income.”