April 3, 2017

The Money Is There For A Good Time, Not A Long Time

A report from Reuters on Australia. “In their struggle to cool red-hot property prices in Australia’s big cities, authorities are ratcheting up measures that could dent the whole market but avoiding more targeted steps that have had some success in New Zealand and China. Australian regulators first focused on reining in investment loans nationally in 2015, by imposing an annual limit of 10 percent on how much banks could expand their investor loan book. Those steps worked for a while, but the heat is on again in Sydney, where prices are rising almost 20 percent a year, having more than doubled since 2008, and Melbourne, where the pace is over 15 percent, according to Core Logic.”

“‘They should … just sit in a corner and not do a thing,’ said Lindsay Partridge, managing director of Brickworks. ‘Any of the things that they do are going to affect confidence, and that is going to affect construction activity … The state governments should release more land for construction and just let the market run and correct itself.’”

From News.com.au. “Forget dipping into super, scrapping negative gearing or opening up new supply. If we’re going to restore some sanity to the Australian housing market, the regulator must step in to ban ‘toxic’ interest-only loans, economist Lindsay David has argued. ‘It’s definitely the best policy to take artificial and speculative heat out of the market,’ he told news.com.au.”

“‘Over the last 20 years, Australian house prices have risen in real terms by about 131 per cent, in the same time real wages have risen by about 38 per cent, and real rents have only increased by about 20 per cent,’ Mr David told Sky News. ‘So I disagree that Australia actually has a housing affordability issue, but what we do have is a credit-fuelled housing bubble issue. The easiest way to make house prices more affordable is to limit the amount of debt that gets flooded into the housing market. Here in Australia we’ve had this total household credit expansion that has moved in a beautiful straight line at about a 35-degree angle — the only other line I know that grows like that is Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme.’”

From the Gold Coast Bulletin. “Is this the beginning of the apartment armageddon we’ve been warned about? A property developer is offering homebuyers $30,000 cashback, or to pay their stamp duty, in a bid to sell unsold apartments in a major Parramatta development. In an effort to sell the remaining units, Harcourts real estate agent Ramez Riad offered the sweetener as a final release incentive. The complex includes a mixture of one, two and three-bedroom apartments, however, the remaining 10 in the final release consist of nine two-bedroom units and one three-bedroom, ranging from $750,000 to $920,000.”

“According to a report by trends forecaster Hotspotting, off-the-plan units sold in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and the Gold Coast are a ‘clear and present danger’ to property buyers, due to over supply forcing down prices. And units in Sydney’s ’second CBD’ Parramatta are at even greater risk. ‘Parramatta, in particular, is a concern,’ Hotspotting director Terry Ryder said. ‘There is already a pattern of decline in sales but supply is still increasing. It’s a very dangerous combination.’”

The Gladstone Observer. “An unfinished Gladstone housing estate is for sale after the company behind the project collapsed. Brookview Estate was a $90 million project from Latitude Development Group, which once promised a ‘resort style’ gated community. Latitude was placed in the hands of receivers McGrathNicol early last year. Special project agent Tony Williams said expressions of interest campaign has been launched for the sale. The buyer would receive 23 residential lots, and the additional 123 approved residential lots which are in the second stage of the development.”

“Mr Williams said he couldn’t give an estimate for the amount the estate could sell for, but said it would be ‘interesting what the market offers. Gladstone’s going through some difficult times but there’s a whole raft of groups looking at buying opportunities in the region.’”

The Namoi Valley Independent. “Queensland residents have described the coal seam gas industry’s impact on local housing prices as ‘a really short party with the worst and longest hangover.’ Karen Auty bought her home in Chinchilla in 2007, prior to the CSG mining boom enveloping the area, which she said sent house prices, rental rates and land valuations sky rocketing. When the CSG industry came to town, the value of her unimproved land tripled in three years, before dropping more than $20,000 below its original value.”

“‘My unimproved land was worth $58,000 prior to the boom – between 2011 and 2014, when the CSG party was in town, it rose to a whopping $182,500 and my rates increased by almost 100 per cent,’ Ms Auty said. ‘Every year since that peak the value of my land has dropped but rates have continued to rise. I just got a valuation notice this month and it’s dropped to $35,000. Coal seam gas is like a really short party with the worst and longest hangover. The money is there for a good time, not a long time, and locals are left much worse off.’”

“Kylie Hausler said she sold her home to take her family away from the Tara gasfield and lost $100,000 on the property. ‘I worked hard for 20 years in nursing to pay a mortgage and ended up with nothing, not even a home,’ Ms Hausler said.”

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Comment by Ben Jones
2017-04-03 09:45:39

This was posted here last night and someone sent it to me as well:

‘Bubbles are ultimately a confidence game, in which the vendor sells the asset to a buyer at a profit, with the latter hoping to do the same in the future. This game relies on a powerful narrative that captures people’s imagination and persuades them their turn will be different.’

‘As George Soros, the famous US-Hungarian multi-billionaire hedge fund manager once remarked: […] Bubbles don’t grow out of thin air. They have a solid basis in reality, but reality as distorted by a misconception.”

There is an article from 2016 linked to it:

‘What to do when property bubbles burst: investor $3.5 million in the red. Feb 22, 2016′

‘In 2012, then 24-year-old Kate Moloney and her 23-year-old husband, Matt, were crowned Investors of the Year in Your Investment Property magazine. Today, if the Moloneys sold all their properties, they would still owe $3.5 million to the banks. “We started this journey when we were 21, we had half our home paid off. We were told to go and refinance our home and get finance to buy an investment property,” Ms Moloney said.’

“There are many people here who have been affected [by the property downturn]. Suicide and depression is rampant, people are on anti-depressant tablets … you’re never shown this side of the story,” Ms Moloney said.’

‘They bought 16 properties in mining towns such as Queensland’s Moranbah, pocketing $570,000 a year in rental income. Now, they are considering all their options, including bankruptcy.’

‘In mid-2011, Moranbah’s median price was $750,000, Domain Group data shows. In 2015, this plummeted to $180,000 as the mining boom came to an abrupt halt. It’s not the only town or suburb suffering from a rush of speculative investors who inflated the markets, Domain Group senior economist Andrew Wilson said.’

“The whole Central Queensland region is affected and had clearly been in a bubble – it hasn’t bottomed out yet,” Dr Wilson said.’

Comment by butters
2017-04-03 11:06:14

Let the Chinese move in. Entice them with Greencard, problem solved.

In 20 yrs from now, Canada, Australia & California will be like Hongkong, basically a Chinese territory.

Comment by Ben Jones
2017-04-03 11:46:17

They already did that, for years. To the extent that they have thousands of unoccupied airboxes that aren’t suitable for actually living in. Greater fool theory ultimately breaks down. If nothing else because the lack of end users starves local governments and fails to support local jobs.

I was surprised to see this video the other day. You can skip 8 minutes in:

GHOST CITY - Inside the Chinese Housing Bubble

Published on Oct 16, 2016


The Chinese government came out and said these empty cities can no longer be built. But obviously they still are. Why? It must be they can’t or won’t stop it. I guess they need the economic activity. But it’s a complete waste of money and resources.

Comment by Neuromance
2017-04-03 16:37:56

I think this is a result of falling for the siren song of financial alchemy. The desire to make something out of nothing is very strong.

Money represents, on some level, the value, the desire/demand of humans, for all the desirable things in an economy. Human desire is the core driving force behind an economy.

The central banks are the accepted oracles around the world, for all things economic. They live in a bubble though, surrounded by the finer things, wealthy and powerful people, and studies produced for profit by those who must publish or perish. They guide the economy by the seat of their pants, influenced by what they perceive to be important data. They’re so used to looking for patterns in the data, possibly spurious, and see their actions enrich and benefit people and entities they hold important, that I think they forget the cornerstone of the economy is not the money, is the things of value that the money represents.

Financial markets do some important things (lending) but they do a lot of gambling and skimming too - perhaps mostly so. So the central economic planners, the accepted experts, are blinded by their apparent ability to conduct financial alchemy - bring prosperity to all they value, and it’s what they feel - that’s their seat of the pants.

But - it cannot get around the fact that the economy is, in reality, driven by human desire and the production of things humans desire. They can say, “Hey, humans desire lottery tickets, we can control that, we’ll build an economy around lottery tickets!” But financial products and constructs are a proxy good for the tangible goods and services people desire.

I don’t think the planners can get around that fact. I think however they’ve fooled themselves that they can, by seeing the prices of proxy goods skyrocket. Ghost cities are a symptom of being fooled by their own personal bubbles and their loss of vision of what actually brings prosperity.

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Comment by Neuromance
2017-04-03 16:44:50

And when I say “proxy goods”, I mean goods which can be potentially used to yield yet more of the most basic logical construct, money. And with money, they can then buy the tangible goods and services they desire, and that action is the thing that brings prosperity.

The economic planners have been fooled, both intellectually and emotionally, that the market for proxy goods is the same as the market for tangible goods and services.

Comment by phony scandals
2017-04-03 14:11:58

‘In 2012, then 24-year-old Kate Moloney and her 23-year-old husband, Matt, were crowned Investors of the Year in Your Investment Property magazine. Today, if the Moloneys sold all their properties, they would still owe $3.5 million to the banks.”

Dis Kate even get a HELOC boob job out of it?

Comment by new attitude
2017-04-03 14:50:04

If they trained with: The Art of the Deal they could negotiate the debts.

Comment by Ben Jones
2017-04-03 16:50:15

Still butt-hurt, after all these years…

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Comment by phony scandals
2017-04-03 17:42:38

Some people are just having a hard time excepting it is all.


Comment by new attitude
2017-04-03 21:56:17

If you dont kiss the ring, you are “butthurt.”

We need contrarians.

Comment by Hi-Z
2017-04-03 23:28:59

accepting, not excepting

Comment by @AltFacts
2017-04-04 07:20:53

Haven’t you ever heard of American exceptionalism?

Comment by phony scandals
2017-04-04 07:26:55

Lo-z Hi-Z you were late.

Comment by phony scandals
2017-04-03 18:41:11

I’m having a hard time accepting I used the word excepting in my “It Burns” post.

Comment by JSandusky
2017-04-03 17:53:28
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Comment by phony scandals
2017-04-03 18:41:11

I’m having a hard time accepting I used the word excepting in my “It Burns” post.

Comment by phony scandals
2017-04-03 18:49:01

“We were told to go and refinance our home and get finance to buy an investment property,” Ms Moloney said.’

I met my old Realtor
On the street last night
She seemed so glad to see me
I just smiled
And we talked about some old times
And we drank ourselves some beers
Still butt-hurt, after all these years

Paul Simon -Still Crazy After All These Years


Comment by oxide
2017-04-04 05:16:18

“Much butthurt I sense in you” should read “Much butthurt in you I sense.”

Seriously can’t anyone speak proper Yoda anymore? :roll:

Comment by Senior Housing Analyst
2017-04-03 10:55:00

Tillamook, OR Housing Prices Crater 7% YoY


Comment by oxide
2017-04-04 06:38:25

Meanwhile, the flips keep coming. This is a run-of-the-mill reno-flip ranch with new basement bedroom of questionable legality. It’s in Westminster MD, 40 miles from the DC near-burbs and 35 miles from downtown Baltimore:


Jan 2008: Sold $230K (bubble price)
Dec 2010: Listed $225K … (chase market down)
Aug 2015: Sold $131K … (reno-flip)
Oct 2015: Listed $289K (chase market down)
Apr 2017: listed $275K

Yeah right. Nice flat land, but that’s an insane price. It would be a nice generic Oil City house if you put it in rural VA for $90K.

Comment by Race Bannon
2017-04-04 07:48:09

Give it time Donk.

Comment by scdave
2017-04-04 08:35:28

Give it time Donk ??

LOL….How long have you been posting ?? Maybe your comment should be more like;

Give it a “Lifetime” Donk…

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Comment by Karen
2017-04-04 09:40:21

You do realize this is the Housing Bubble Blog. Why are you even here? There is no way to time bubbles. None of us can predict when things will happen, we just know that they inevitably will.

Comment by Race Bannon
2017-04-04 10:51:53

A 7% price decline in a year isn’t very long to wait and certainly not a lifetime. And that’s 7% less to finance and we know financing doubles the cost, thus a 14% decline is worth waiting for my friend.

Woodland, WA Housing Prices Crater 11% YoY


Comment by phony scandals
2017-04-03 13:11:09
Comment by Apartment 401
2017-04-04 08:52:27

And millennials are the dumbest generation yet.

The 10th anniversary of the i-phone release is this year.

People don’t bother to actually “know” things anymore. And why bother, when you can just Google search it?

Comment by Carl Morris
2017-04-04 09:54:46

People don’t know how to rebuild a carburetor any more either. I think it’s progress that we can look everything up. The problem is when people have no idea what to do with the information they find.

Comment by redmondjp
2017-04-04 14:16:36

No, Carl, the problem is that this new device creates a dependency which renders people useless, when the connection to the internet is not there.

If I take away your phone and smash it, how will you call an Uber to get home? How will you call your best friend? Do you even know their number?

We are becoming a nation of zombies.

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Comment by Carl Morris
2017-04-04 16:12:22

I get it, but nobody can navigate by the stars with a sextant any more either. The people who know the old ways always worry about those skills being lost. But 99% of the time that’s not the biggest reason to worry.

At this moment we as a culture are dependent on lots of things. Cars…oil…industrial food production and distribution…centralized water treatment and sewers…etc. The internet is just the latest addition. If it all goes down which thing kills us first before we can adjust back to the old ways?

Comment by azdude
2017-04-03 17:25:46

Is it safe to say the only folks who have really been part of this recovery are the ones who own stocks and homes?

What else has changed besides central bank management of risk assets?

Comment by JSandusky
2017-04-03 17:50:59

And cash.

Comment by JSandusky
2017-04-03 17:52:01

Get to work, Mr chairman!

–A regressive senator

Comment by Crow Breath
2017-04-03 20:01:56

Shorts should be real careful. Just waiting for some “surprise” announcement that a new healthcare deal is done and will pass. They don’t have circuit-breakers for up-days, right? They only do that for big down days.

Heck just look at Tesla today. Even the CEO was trolling the shorts (in his own stock!), on twitter. I thought that was hilarious.

Comment by butters
2017-04-04 06:51:38

And we though Vegas casinos were rigged.

Comment by Senior Housing Analyst
2017-04-03 18:50:47

Greenwood Village, CO Housing Prices Crater 18%YoY As Market Tanks


Comment by @AltFacts
2017-04-03 18:57:24

Do you have the Quicken Rocket Mortgage app on your phone?

To the moon, Alice!

Comment by Crow Breath
2017-04-03 19:07:08

Here’s another one from Australia today, with some history of the Australian housing market.


“The problem, as is usually the case with bubbles, is that no-one really wants it to deflate, let alone allow it to burst. ”

“Since the 1960s, we’ve experienced several housing market booms. But there’s never been a catastrophic meltdown in the aftermath.”

“Even during the most recent recession 25 years ago, which followed a sharp uptick in real estate in the late 1980s, Australian property prices merely plateaued, repeating a pattern of previous downturns.”

“That was despite a massive hike in interest rates, when banks were charging 18 per cent or more for mortgages, elevated unemployment and a contracting economy.”

“One reason was that willing sellers simply retreated. They refused to accept a lower price and just hung on. That reduced supply of stock on the market kept prices elevated.”

Comment by Ben Jones
2017-04-03 20:03:57

‘Australian property prices merely plateaued’

This country lives in an alternative reality. They and the UK blame the GFC (great financial crisis) on the US when their prices went down first. There were plenty of FB’s, go back and look at this blogs archives. And ask these ruined FB’s in the post above if they’ve plateaued. They merely briefly benefited from the mammoth Chinese QE. I had a recent post showing 80% of the off the plan Chinese wishing they could walk away.

Comment by Crow Breath
2017-04-03 20:22:51

-> Chinese money

It seems like this isn’t the first time the Australians fueled their markets with overseas money. If that abc.com.au guy’s history is correct, he says (in the context of year 1999, I think):

“In addition, banking was becoming a global affair. Rather than just recycle domestic deposits to households, our financial institutions discovered the wonders of offshore wholesale funding markets. They borrowed huge amounts of cash offshore, brought it home, and lent it to us which is why we have a mountain of foreign debt.”

“All that extra cash pushed up the price of housing, and the more it cost, the more the banks shovelled in from offshore. It was a virtuous circle that transformed them into some of the world’s most profitable institutions but their fortunes are now inextricably tied to Australian real estate.”

So, we’ll see how this all turns out… One thing is, even if house prices triple from here, I’m happy to have sold last summer. It just sucks having a big ole debt hanging over your head, no way around it. If I ever buy a house again it will be all-cash, or nothing.

Comment by Crow Breath
2017-04-03 20:58:41

I should clarify, if house prices tripled from here, I would not even pay cash for one — of course that would be ridiculous… but in principle, I would no longer choose to take on such a large debt for a house. It’s not so much about owing some big bank a lot of money, it’s the feeling of getting trapped if (or when..) prices go down. I’m not a nomad, but I’ve always moved around to different places in life, less often as time goes on, but enjoy the feeling of mobility. I guess you could call it, the fear of being ’stuck’ or ‘getting trapped’.

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Comment by azdude
2017-04-04 06:43:27

people buy when prices are going up.

Comment by phony scandals
2017-04-03 20:25:38

Where taxpayers get the best and worst returns on their taxes

By Sophia Tewa Updated 12:04 pm, Monday, April 3, 2017

Scroll through the slideshow to see in which states taxpayers have the best and worst return on investment (ROI), according to a recent WalletHub study.


Comment by Professor Bear
2017-04-04 02:29:23

Are central bankers now jawboning into place the political foundations of 1970s style inflation? I’m ​wondering about how AARP views any such discussion, as retirees living on fixed incomes would bear the brunt of a deliberate effort to inflate away the debt.

Of course, the folks who recently bought houses at nominally absurd multiples of income would look smart if wage inflation realigned incomes (and demand) with home prices along with dollar devaluation.

Comment by azdude
2017-04-04 05:46:49

they are they stock market managers.

Comment by butters
2017-04-04 06:18:55

I am not that old, but doesn’t AARP always align itself with whatever the government or its agencies want to do? It’s another tool of the propaganda.

Comment by rms
2017-04-04 06:33:05

“It’s another tool of the propaganda.”


Comment by MightyMike
2017-04-04 06:46:32

I am not that old, but doesn’t AARP always align itself with whatever the government or its agencies want to do?

If you looked into it, you’d probably find that that’s not the case. It wouldn’t make sense.

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Comment by redmondjp
2017-04-04 14:18:11

I started getting spam snail-mail from the AARP while in college. I was 23 years old at the time. Still getting it, and almost at the age that I could join!

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Comment by oxide
2017-04-04 06:55:28

Not always. AARP was against the Republican’s health care bill which ultimately failed. I remember an AARP radio ad about it, clearly targeting secret Trump voters: “You looked at the issues, you weighed the options, you cast your vote. But this health care bill is not what you voted for… call your Congressman etc.”

That said, yes, the AARP tends to favor the gov. Simple reason: the gov itself knows which age group butters its bread and so they tend to propose boomer-friendly legislation in the first place. The AARP just piles on.

And with *that* said, things are going to change bigly in the next 15 years, as the boomers — the last generation to smoke in large numbers — die off. By then, Gen X will begin to reach retirement age, but in small numbers, and an even smaller number will have enough money for a comfortable retirement. So the AARP will have fewer voters and less power. And the gov will start favoring Millenials.

In fact I suspect that ALL of these can-kicking measures, everything from QE to staving off inflation to keeping Medicare/SS intact, are going to last only as long as the boomer pig is still in the python. After that, it’s all going to crash down on GenX. If you’re GenX, you need to be salting away yuge and looking for Oil City options.

Comment by Professor Bear
2017-04-04 07:23:42

“In fact I suspect that ALL of these can-kicking measures, everything from QE to staving off inflation to keeping Medicare/SS intact, are going to last only as long as the boomer pig is still in the python.”


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Comment by phony scandals
2017-04-04 10:57:16

AARP Made $2.8 Billion off of Obamacare

by AVIK ROY September 24, 2012 7:24 AM @AVIK

In other words, AARP is poised to make billions thanks to Obamacare’s cuts to Medicare Advantage. As it is, the interest group makes almost twice from its Medigap royalties what it gets in membership dues. So it’s no wonder that AARP supported Medicare cuts that would be unpopular with seniors: Its own financial interests won out.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/328338/aarp-made-28-billion-obamacare-avik-roy

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Comment by aNYCdj
2017-04-04 05:52:47

“We started this journey when we were 21, we had half our home paid off.

They were a million to one lottery winner at 21, and threw it all away.

Comment by Carl Morris
2017-04-04 09:59:46

They were a million to one lottery winner at 21, and threw it all away.

At that age you ALWAYS think things are just working out the way they are supposed to when you win the lottery.

Comment by butters
2017-04-04 09:44:45


Just to validate how corrupt CNN is, they have nothing on Susie Rice “unmasking” Trump staff on its website and it has already been good 3 days the story broke. Imagine for a moment if the shoe was on another foot, there would be nothing but…..

Comment by redmondjp
2017-04-04 14:19:10

#fakenews (according to them).

Comment by butters
2017-04-04 10:20:54

The farce is so strong on this one. The whole purpose of the organization is to enrich the few at the expense of the masses. The leaks are the norms not the exception.

Richmond Fed’s Lacker Resigns After Admitting He Leaked Confidential Fed Information

Comment by rms
2017-04-04 14:04:29

“Richmond Fed’s Lacker Resigns…”

You’re either with us or you’re against us. :)

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