November 5, 2006

A “Moderation Of Price, Maybe Even Correcting”

The Missoulian reports from Montana. “The DeArments put their Jackson Street home in the Rattlesnake up for sale a couple of months ago, and got exactly one offer. Last week, that offer fell through. Now, depressed by their inability to sell the house, combined with the difficulty of finding another one that suits their needs, they’re taking the house off the market. They’re also getting out of the buying market for now.”

“‘It’s a little bit harder to sell right now, so we’re just going to sit back, enjoy the low house payment we have now and wait for the time to be right,’ John DeArment said. ‘It’s sort of depressing.’”

“‘In 2004 and 2005, we had three buyers for every house,’ said Diane Beck, a Missoula Realtor. ‘You couldn’t not sell a house in those days.’ These days, however, houses are sitting on the market for considerably longer periods.”

“Missoula developed something of a housing frenzy in the past few years, where the prices of some homes were appreciating as much as 20 percent a year. Some of those folks are looking to sell now because they fear they’ll miss the top. ‘I think that accounts for some of the houses in the market right now,’ said Judy Wahlberg, president of the Missoula Organization of Realtors.”

“Tack on a slight rise in interest rates from the low 5 percents of two years ago, and you have the recipe for a glut of homes for sale, said (broker) Betsy Milyard. ‘Inventory is definitely up, particularly in the last month or so,’ Milyard said. ‘I think maybe some people on the buying side are waiting right now to see if prices come in a little bit further.’”

“‘Missoula is a market that is going to be in demand,’ (broker) Bruno Friia said. ‘There’s no way I can see any real depression in this market.’”

The Great Falls Tribune from Montana. “Paul Polzin, director of the Bureau of Business and Economic Research at the University of Montana, says there is evidence that the real estate market statewide is slowing.”

“Polzin notes that increases in real estate prices in several cities, including Missoula and Bozeman, along with parts of the Flathead Valley, have kept pace with a national run-up in recent years. Those markets may be vulnerable to a softening market.”

“‘I don’t see any reason why we shouldn’t be part of what’s going on in the rest of the nation,’ he said. ‘I think there was some kind of bubble in Montana.’”

“‘Things have slowed down in comparison with a year ago,’ said Donna Kostelecky, president of the Gallatin Valley Association of Realtors. ‘But the market is still very good. Buyers have a larger selection today than they had a year ago.’”

“In the Flathead, there are more homes on the market than in recent years, a sign of a changing market. ‘I think (the market) has done some adjusting, there’s no question about that,’ said Doug Gawe, a Realtor in Whitefish,. ‘Maybe even correcting. It has sort of leveled out a bit, but it’s certainly still moving.’”

“‘There may be some slowing down in the higher-priced stuff,’ said David Munroe, president of the Great Falls Association of Realtors, noting he has a listing that includes a home and 20 acres near Manchester priced at about $600,000 that has had ‘very few lookers.’”

The Jackson Hole Star Tribune. “‘Slump’ is not a word that applies to Wyoming’s housing markets. Moderation of price, perhaps, or modest cooling. But not slump.”

“Bo Short, president of the Cheyenne Board of Realtors, says its worth remembering that real estate locally is coming off a string record years. ‘Our market is still good,’ he says. ‘The difference is that our inventory is really high.’”

“Cheyenne has over 1,000 houses on the market, where 350 to 400 would be more typical.”

“As a result, there’s more dealing going on, in the form of modest price reductions, offers to pay some closing costs and other concessions, as sellers compete for the attention of buyers. Sellers might also have to wait longer to sell their homes.”

“‘Their house really needs to be in grade A condition when someone looks at it,’ Short says. ‘For buyers, it’s a great place because you’ve got lots of houses to look at,’ he adds.”

“In Sweetwater County, the energy boom continues to create labor shortages and a need for additional housing. ‘We’re finally getting more construction in,’ says Mary Manatos, a real estate agent in Rock Springs. ‘What I see is housing sitting a little longer on the market, and the prices either maintaining or starting to drop.’”

The Greeley Tribune from Colorado. “Tom Muniz and his wife weren’t worried when they decided to sell their Greeley house 18 months ago. They were so confident the process would just take a couple of months that they moved into their new place. Now they’re on their second Realtor, asking less than they expected and making two mortgage payments.”

“‘We didn’t anticipate it would take as long as it has to sell,’ Muniz said. ‘We thought we would be able to get out of that house within a few months. It’s just not going to happen. We’re kind of struggling.’”

“Muniz is living proof that a high number of foreclosures in an area doesn’t just affect the people who are defaulting on their loans. For two months, Weld County has had the highest foreclosure rate in the nation, according to a properties listing company.”

“In Weld County, one in every 168 households defaulted on their loans. That rate is 700 times higher than the national average. Colorado is following suit with Weld’s trends.”

“A high number of foreclosures means there are more properties than normal on the market, allowing buyers to be choosy when they pick a home. Also, it likely means a drop in prices for normal home sellers, said Rick Sharga, for RealtyTrac. ‘If you can buy a 5-year-old house for 30 percent below market value because of a foreclosure, it means that the 5-year-old house next door will also have to reduce its prices to move the property,’ Sharga said.”

“Along with home owners, a high foreclosure rate can mean less property tax generated by municipalities and a loss of jobs from Realtors to home builders. According to a 2005 case study sponsored by the Home Ownership Preservation Foundation, direct municipal costs from a foreclosure can exceed $30,000 per property.”

“‘A soft housing market it not good for anybody,’ said Matt Revitte, a broker associate in Greeley. ‘I would say a lot of people will be affected by this slow down.’”

“He said the Weld County housing market is simply going through a cycle and will rebound. However, he fears that the worst might not be over. ‘I don’t see anything in the immediate horizon that says ’stop,’ Revitte said.”

“For now, Muniz will continue waiting and hoping for a miracle. His house is average, it’s on a busy thoroughfare and needs a little fixing up. He would do it himself, but he’s strapped for cash trying while trying to make two mortgage payments.”

“When he first put it on the market 18 months ago, it was appraising for $115,000. Now, Realtors tell him he could get $93,000 for it.”

“‘I think buyers right now are wanting to find a house they can move into rather than anything to do work on… I’ve heard there’s such a surplus of properties available that buyers can afford to be choosy,’ Muniz said. ‘It’s just not selling.’”

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Comment by Ben Jones
2006-11-05 10:08:02

‘A longtime valley farm family and an Arizona firm are teaming up on the largest individual development proposal in Flathead County’s history. The Stillwater Meadows master-planned community is expected to have 2,000 to 3,000 residential units on 640 acres immediately west of the new Glacier High School, south of West Reserve Drive.’

‘Valley West, the Bozeman project, is a master-planned community with about 1,000 residential lots, soccer fields, parks and three lakes. ‘We’ve sold 300 to 400 lots there so far,’ said Don Meyers, the founder and chief executive officer of The Aspen Group.’

Comment by implosion
2006-11-05 10:49:49

Build baby, build.

Comment by Duane Lapinski
2006-11-06 18:28:31

Remember Valley Unit, 1980, Bozeman Montana. Remember Bozeman Montana, !987, the city unable to pay it’s bill, because of valley unit SID bonds. If I recall right, The last crash began fall of 1979. The panic to leave Bozeman happened in fall of 1984. Our local paper, The Bozeman Daily Cover Up, did not notice anything wrong untill about 1987.

Comment by stanleyjohnson
2006-11-05 10:17:14

NAR ad you have all been waiting breathlessly to read.

PDF loads slowly and takes some time to view but it comes.

Comment by mrktMaven FL
2006-11-05 11:42:58

I suspect the net effect of this ad will be further declines in existing homes sales or at best a tiny uptick. Gullible buyers will continue to buy as they are currently. Some gullible sellers will harden on price b/c as the NAR argues prices will increase in 2007. And finally, Realtors will continue with the hand-wringing while homebuilders slash prices and eat their lunch.

Comment by talon
2006-11-05 13:45:54

Desperate, pathetic, and self-defeating. Bad timing, too—it’s going to get lost in all the pre-election noise.

Comment by mrktMaven FL
2006-11-05 12:30:23

Firstly, the NAR should not even appeal to sellers. There is more than enough inventory on the market, 3.75 million units. Moreover, sellers are fully aware of how terrible the market is and are growing increasingly frustrated the longer their properties stay unsold. Therefore, the ad should simply say, “Its a great time to buy.” It’s kinda insulting to sellers to say otherwise.

Secondly, buyers are fully aware of increasing interest rates and prices. That’s why they are not buying or have gone scarce. The buyers who wanted to and could barely afford to buy already bought at historically low interest rates. Moreover, prices are so detached from incomes, there are very few of us left to absorb current supply.

Lastly, it’s kinda hard to argue that homeownership is a ’safe’ investment and you should hurry up and buy when some sellers are upside down on their mortgages as a result of falling prices and can’t sell without taking a loss. In fact, you can easily argue the opposite; with prices at all time highs and falling, it’s a terrible time to buy and you should delay your purchase decision for as long as possible. Why rush?

Comment by GetStucco
2006-11-05 13:07:11

“There has never been a better time to buy.”

Glad the NAR spent the $40m on an original marketing idea.

Comment by smf
2006-11-05 10:23:09

‘Our market is still good,’ he says. ‘The difference is that our inventory is really high.’”

That is one bright dude, isnt he? What happens to prices when you have an oversuppply? Then will always come down, regardless of our wishes.

Comment by Ben Jones
2006-11-05 10:25:22

It is interesting to read the same psychology play out in market after market. No national bubble, eh?

Comment by sm_landlord
2006-11-05 10:51:48

Nope, just a thousand points of blight ;-)

Comment by tj & the bear
2006-11-05 15:56:19


(Comments wont nest below this level)
Comment by Gekko
2006-11-05 11:08:45

>“‘Missoula is a market that is going to be in demand,’ (broker) Bruno Friia said. ‘There’s no way I can see any real depression in this market.’”

Missoula is “different”.

Comment by GetStucco
2006-11-05 13:06:26

No national collective awareness, either.

Comment by Tango in Uniform
2006-11-05 13:29:49

It’s good to see that several Montana papers are finally taking notice. I’m still working on the Billings Gazette to do a story. Many of the same quotes would be said here as well.

Comment by Gekko
2006-11-05 11:40:22


You see, their market is still good, it’s just that their inventory is bad. That’s all.

Comment by bradthemod
2006-11-05 10:44:59

These will be trying times for solipsists.

Comment by boulderbo
2006-11-05 10:45:39

weld county is grim, grim, grim. so many developments sprouting out in no man’s land, you would think that colorado’s job market is booming, it’s not. nothing too cheap either, affordable urban bungalows next to the erie landfill starting in the mid-200’s. yikes.

Comment by implosion
2006-11-05 10:56:35

What’s amazing is that folks like Mr. Muniz seem so out of touch with their markets. Did this market just tank recently, or were there signs of a decline 18 mos ago when he put his house up for sale? Given that it didn’t move in a month or two, wouldn’t one think something was going on?

Comment by Gekko
2006-11-05 11:11:58


1. “Vegas-like attitudes popping up among homeowners in places like…” MISSOULA.

2. “Instead of getting mortgages from local banks, as they did 20 years ago, people all over the country get mortgages from capital markets,” said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s That means that access to credit and interest rates don’t vary much across the country. “ (Including MISSOULA)

Comment by salinasron
2006-11-05 11:15:05

““Along with home owners, a high foreclosure rate can mean less property tax generated by municipalities and a loss of jobs from Realtors to home builders. According to a 2005 case study sponsored by the Home Ownership Preservation Foundation, direct municipal costs from a foreclosure can exceed $30,000 per property.”

Gee, the logic is finally working its way into print. Gotta love it!

Comment by need 2 leave ca
2006-11-05 11:28:24

The Greeley Tribune from Colorado. “Tom Muniz and his wife weren’t worried when they decided to sell their Greeley house 18 months ago. They were so confident the process would just take a couple of months that they moved into their new place. Now they’re on their second Realtor, asking less than they expected and making two mortgage payments.”

Gee, another genius that is smarter than the market, and now wants everyone to think he is a victim. Oh yeah, now location means something. Who wants to buy an overpriced POS on a busy thoroughfare? Especially folks with young children, and those that like to open their windows and hear the quiet. LOL

Comment by need 2 leave ca
2006-11-05 11:29:04

Missoula is different. That’s right. We all want to experience that cold.

Comment by smf
2006-11-05 12:50:36

The whole thing boils down to this: When everyplace is ’special’, no place is.

Comment by 4shzl
2006-11-05 11:35:03

If you want to see what’s happening on the credit side of the RE implosion, read New Century Financial’s latest quarterly report. Delinquency rates are soaring and, unbelievably, 2% of its most recent mortgages actually defaulted on the VERY FIRST PAYMENT. (Somebody help me here — how is that possible? Fraud is the only answer I can come up with.) See the url below for details:

Comment by Jon
2006-11-05 13:06:17

I agree–fraud is the only thing that seems to fit with not making the first mtg payment. Could 2% of sub-prime no-doc mortgage applications really be fraudulent??? That would be HUGE!

Comment by mrktMaven FL
2006-11-05 11:38:19

“‘Missoula is a market that is going to be in demand,’ (broker) Bruno Friia said. ‘There’s no way I can see any real depression in this market.’”

What’s in Missoula, Montana? I’ve never heard of it before.

Comment by P'cola Popper
2006-11-05 12:41:29

The University of Montana is located in Missoula and there looks like a pretty good skiing area 20 minutes by car from Missoula called Snowbowl.

Comment by GetStucco
Comment by Tango in Uniform
2006-11-05 13:26:43

Except that the film was mostly shot in south-central Montana (Gallatin River), far away from Missoula

Comment by az_lender
2006-11-05 14:40:09

Route 12 from Lewiston ID to Missoula MT is a very driveable highway through wilderness, and I have often advertised it to friends as one of the prettiest drives in the US. But I never recommended that anyone reaching Missoula that way should STAY

Comment by Bad Shift
2006-11-05 11:44:07

“‘A soft housing market is not good for anybody,’ said Matt Revitte, a broker associate in Greeley.

Gosh I can’t think of anyone who could possibly benifit from lower house prices. This gets my nomination for stupidest comment of the week.

Comment by Ozarkian from Saratoga, CA
2006-11-05 12:13:32

OT but…That comment is as good as the one from the congressman pushing posting the 10 commandments in courthouses. Stephen Colbert ask him “can you think of a better type of building in which place the 10 commandments”? “No”, the congressman said. He couldn’t think of a single better type of building to house the 10 commandments. It only got worse (or better depending on your point of view) when Colbert asked him to name the 10 commandments. This clip used to be on YouTube I think it has been removed.

Comment by GetStucco
2006-11-05 13:01:02

We need a constitutional amendment mandating separation of stupidity and state.

Comment by TroubleinDC
2006-11-05 12:14:19

You beat me to it. Yes … amazingly stupid comment.

Comment by az_lender
2006-11-05 14:44:08

“A soft housing market is not good for anybody” — an irrational price-to-rent ratio is not good for promoting rational behavior — and neither is a sudden 60%-100% increase in rents — so guess what IS good –

Comment by JTZ
2006-11-05 12:17:41

Outside money and relocation has driven up home prices in many MT towns. Local jobs are low paying.

I lived in Missoula 85-91 and still frequent the town. Most of the increase in home prices since the 80’s has been driven by gentrification (e.g. medical industry) with people buying second homes and other relocating to the area and buying relatively cheap homes.

Home prices were very depressed in the 80’s (1987 brick home in town center 34k) but took off after the Brad Pitt movie, “A River Runs Through It” made the locality popular and it cleaned up.

It’s a desirable place to live and will attract people who cashed out of higher priced markets.

The problem I see for home apprecation is that taxes are progressive: Property and income taxes are nontrival. There is no sales tax. Expensive homes are taxed and incomes progressively taxed at a rate equal to CA.

Lower income renters are favored by the state’s tax laws.

There’s a bubble in Missoula but the city has made drastic improvements over the past 20 years as a better, cleaner place to live. It’s become a mini-Boulder.

Comment by ronin
2006-11-05 12:41:29

“There’s a bubble in Missoula but the city has made drastic improvements over the past 20 years as a better, cleaner place to live. It’s become a mini-Boulder”

I really like Missoula, except that unlike Boulder it is has few decent-paying jobs, no nearby large metropolitan center (Seattle is 500 miles away?,) and lots of room for building expansion.

Comment by GetStucco
2006-11-05 12:57:29

Sounds like a perfect location for out-of-town investers to lose their shirts!

Comment by yogurt
2006-11-05 23:09:40

Actually the nearest big city is Calgary, Alberta, Canada which is a 460 mille drive across empy prairie which they’re not making any more of :-)

Comment by GetStucco
2006-11-05 12:56:19

“‘Slump’ is not a word that applies to Wyoming’s housing markets. Moderation of price, perhaps, or modest cooling. But not slump.”

- There is no bursting bubble…
- The market will not crash…
- Prices will only fall a little bit before resuming normal appreciation in 2007…

Sheesh! How many ways can denial be expressed???

Comment by crash1
2006-11-05 17:51:53

Cheyenne sucks. It’s of course the capital of WY, but there aren’t any real good paying jobs unless you think driving a truck or warehousing for Home Depot or Lowes is a good job. The wind blows all the time. It stinks from the refinery. My neighbor is a real estate pimp-not a bad dude other than that- and he says there are almost 1200 homes for sale as opposed to 300-400 last year. You see signs all over the place.

Comment by Carlsbad Renter
2006-11-05 21:12:23

But, hey, Ft. Collins is only 45 minutes south and the Cowboys are finally winning a few games again… can you not buy?

Comment by JTZ
2006-11-05 13:11:47

I agree that Boulder has better jobs but consider travel and infrastructure/services.

Missoula’s “isolation” relative to Boulder plays both ways. Missoula services a large area rather than depending on a nearby larger city: Missoula has a great airport & connecitons for it’s size. Some people who travel extensively work out that city. It has outstanding medical industry and care for it’s size and dealerships/shopping. Fewer people to crowd the public spaces.

There are also fewer Gov’t jobs (USFS and Fire lab) and Univ. of MT but Boulder wins hands down with NOAA, NCAR, U of CO and etc.

It is hard to make a good living in these towns. They are over-priced relative to local incomes but great cities if you live in the core and use bikepaths and buses.

Some cities have appreciated becuase they have changed - that doesn’t mean they are “buys” or “bubble proof” but that this bubble has cleaned up places and made them better places to live. They attract money and that drives up prices as folks overpay because they can.

Comment by Duane Lapinski
2006-11-07 17:06:27

The problem with both Bozeman and Missoula, is right now the major industry is building houses. When house building slows down, the good paying constuction are gone. This will leave a lot vacant stater homes, condo, town house, for sale or for rent. The last time this happened was from a much smaller housing bubble in the 1970’s. The slump lasted from 1980 untill 1991. Most contractors that were buiding houses during the slump were building second homes or for people retiring. This did not drive up home prices at the time because there was glut of unsold homes on the market. Montana’s economy recoved in abot 1990, and glut of unsold homes were sold. Right now, outside of real estate and construction, Montana’s economy is not creating that many jobs, and they are not in Bozeman or Missoula. In Bozeman some busineses have hard time finding employees because, they can’t afford housing. This problem will be solved with a crashing housing market like what happend in 1980, how how many jobs are going to dry up because of the slump?

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