Bits Bucket And Craigslist Finds For November 9, 2006
Please post off-topic ideas Craigslist finds here.
Examining the home price boom and its effect on owners, lenders, regulators, realtors and the economy as a whole.
Please post off-topic ideas Craigslist finds here.
bubble news from Spain: the RE corruption scandal that started around Second Home bubble paradise Marbella a year ago is spreading all over the country, and now including Gran Canaria. After investigators started arresting some high level people from the RE mob and corrupt government officials, the case is snowballing and it is evident that hundreds (probably thousands) of politicians, government officials and business people must be involved. Of course, the conservatives are lobbying everywhere to stop the investigations because it is ‘threatening the economy’.
This could become the pin to prick the Spanish housing bubble. But who knows, maybe they will do the same as the Dutch government did two years ago with a similar scandal: have all the companies and officials involved promise that they will never do it again, give them some ’serious’ fines (like 1% of the total gains in the transactions) or proforma sentences and wipe everything under the carpet. It will be a good integrity test for the new socialist Spanish government.
How long has the bubble in Spain been running?
I would say about 10 years, at least at the costas where most of the corruption scandal is taking place.
The running of the bubble? Don’t they do that in Pamplona every July?
yes, the yearly bull run is quite a sight - and a good lesson for how dangerous it is to run with the crowd
Spain is in for an interesting ride these next few years and it’s not just because of the bubble. The spring tide of Euros coming in from the EU is going to shift from Spain to various EE countries, thereby drying up what’s been an extremely significant cash inflow to the Spanish economy this past decade.
What that will do to the economy is unknown, but governments in general are not all that good at having to make do with less.
most of the euros flowing into Spain is black money that is invested in Spanish real estate; it’s probably more than all the official euros coming from Brussels. The government knows this and up to know that have been ignoring the problem. The Spanish tax office could make lots of money by taxing all these illegal white-collar immigrants, but apparently they have decided not to kill the goose that lays the golden RE eggs. But the new socialist government is under increasing pressure to do something about this, including pressure from the EU because Spanish RE is one of the few black money heavens left in the EU (at least for the middle class, for the really wealthy there are always many opportunities).
bear run?
thanks, i’ll be here all week….
Off the housing bubble topic, but important:
In Retirement Planning, There Is Nothing Certain About Death and Taxes
“Budget analysts unanimously agree that the current fiscal situation of the country is unsustainable. According to the latest numbers from the Government Accountability Office (, the total fiscal gap facing this country in the future is about $60 trillion, and some budget experts suggest even that is an underestimate.
“One of them, Laurence J. Kotlikoff, an economics professor at Boston University, says that if we try to close the fiscal gap with higher taxes, it will take an immediate and permanent increase of more than 80 percent in all income taxes. When I reached Professor Kotlikoff for a comment, he said, ‘The government’s accounting is far worse than Enron’s.’ His view, summarized bluntly, is that ‘the U.S. is bankrupt.’”
Is inflation is the only thing that can get us out of this? Make today’s debt worthless and start all over again?
Cutting spending would be a good start, but they will never do that.
We have on record, an entitlement-fixated Republican president and now a Democrat-led Congress, which is, by definition, in favor of extreme growth in entitlements. Bush already met with Pelosi in very friendly circumstances. We will not see any spending cuts at all. Token rhetoric by Bush for tax cuts, yes.
Democrat congressmen and congresswoman are mostly millionaires themselves. They do not like to pay taxes either. They will keep loopholes in for themselves and people who invest their wealth like Congressmen and Congresswomen. They (the Congress) will count on people who are slow to react to tax policies for the funding of more pork barrel.
There are people who, for instance, do not take advantage of Roth IRAs or matching contributions to 401ks, although eligible. There are people who do not deduct for business expenses when they are away on business from their permanent address (for up to a year), although such deductions are legal.
Congress depends on the ignorance of he taxxed to fund their socialist engineering programs.
Welcome to the road to Serfdom.
There are lots of obese losers in their early fifties drawing SSDI and riding around on mobility scooters…all at taxpayer expense.
Laurence J. Kotlikoff wrote a paper earlier this year for the Federal Reserve (I think St. Louis) titled “Is the US Bankrupt?” (If you google Kotlikoff you should find it.) There are certainly problems with the Federal deficit and with US accounting practices. In the next week, after the ECB meeting there should be a better feeling as to whether the US will continue ‘A La’ Greenspan or as Kim says bite the bullet and cut spending. Tricochet has been fighting inflation and is probably willing to let the dollar get slaughtered before he will let the Euro collapse. The world news seems to suggest nervousness over the Democratic houses with key positions in banking going to congresspeople and senators espousing “a grow at any cost” approach. I believe Mr. Bernanke will be susceptible to political pressures and that inflation will be exponential.
Tricochet’s comments are in Nov 8,2006
the dollar get slaughtered, against what? certainly not against the worthless euro or yen, where the money supply is growing even faster than in the US …
Trichet is just like Greenspan and Bernanke, all this talk about the ECB fighting inflation is just a smoke screen for running the printing presses at maximum speed. Just maybe the gang at Eurostat is a bit better at manipulation inflation numbers than the gang at the BLS.
Today I heard inflation in the Netherlands is now supposed to be 0.9% yoy; that is while nearly all required expenses like local taxes, energy, healthcare insurance, rents (on the free market) etc. are increasing at 8-10% every year. But of course, our TV’s and digicams have more megapixels again this year for same or lower price, that’s all you need to know to calculate inflation numbers.
The monetary version of “beggar thy neighbor” = “the race to inflate one’s own fiat currency the fastest.”
Bugger thy neighbor
maybe today’s action in the gold market suggests that it is ‘off to the races’ very soon?
Poor Casey. Only just now figuring out that he needs to get a job. I wonder if he has enough cash to buy a one-way ticket to whatever “stan” he is from?
He is a true piece of human excrement.
What he needs is a 12 step program for his gambling addiction, in addition to a job.
The free market will solve Casey’s problem. When the conundrum dies (and with it, the absence of risk premiums), common sense will cure the gambling epidemic.
Now now, txchick–just cause he has to learn things the hard way does not make him excrement… Unable to understand risk and leverage, that he is for certain. Addicted, maybe. We’ll see if he relapses, or learns from his first BK.
He’s from Uzbekistan. Thank you, Republicrats, for our open-borders, all riff-raff welcome immigration policies.
No kidding. I’m almost tired of ranting about that. You’ll see plenty more of it from all over the world when the fraud stories really get rolling.
And in other news, regular American joes can’t afford houses due in part to the sleazy garbage by people like Casey.
He couldn’t have done it without the help of sleazy lenders to fund his “investments.”
I also love Casey’s conditions - $3K/month, no more than 40 hours/week, and in the rapidly-expanding real estate industry. I had one guy who told me in his first week of employment that he didn’t want to work more than 40 hours/week - he lasted two months.
He still fancies himself an “entepreneur” who doesn’t want to answer to “the man”. Fine, I feel the same way, but it took 15 years of working as a wage slave to get to the point where I could do that.
I doubt anyone would hire him to run a french fry cooker so the discussion is probably moot. Maybe he can hire on as a drug testing dummy for the pharmaceutical companies.
$3,000 a month for 40 hours? Mmmm. Could be this is just one of the reasons we have so much outsourcing going on.
I have a friend who owns a small graphics business and he is slowly reducing his work force (of about 15 employees) and sending more and more work to Brazil and India. He said he’s sick of hearing US employees whining and demanding. The small company goes through lean times and good times but when it’s lean, he still gets the whining about health care, bonus payments, traveling expenses, etc. Worse, the company is in California so he’s getting reamed by the state government for workmans comp, taxes, etc, as well. Add that to the high office rent and he’s basically had enough. He told me that he doesn’t want to outsource but has very little choice and that the people he deals with in India and Brazil turn out work just as good as his US employees AND they get the job done in less time with no bitchin’ and moanin’. I asked him about the quality of the work he outsourced and he said the work he sends to India (he’s also testing China and had some good results once you get over the teething problems) is excellent and better than Brazil BUT he said something very interesting. He said, if you are not satisfied with the results and they think you’re going to stop using them, they double their efforts until they get it right AND they offer to reduce the price until he (the owner) is satisfied. He’s been to India and Brazil a several times and China twice to “straighten things out” and help them to understand what he wants of them. He said, they treat him like royalty when he’s there to the point he almost feels embarassed.
I suppose the new “tech age” has allowed this to happen and it means one of two things. (A) Those workers in India, China and Brazil will eventually demand $3,000 a month + benefits and bitch and moan about health care and expenses OR (B) US workers will come down to the level of workers in Brazil and India and do anything to keep their job - including NOT bitch’ and moanin’.
Not sure I want to know the answer with all the jobs we are losing and the massive debts we have run up.
While Casey is a worthless piece of crap, 3K a month is only 36K a year. He’s probably not worth half that but for a single individual to live outside of poverty, that’s probably what’s necessary, at least within any # of miles of an urban area. To my knowledge, Casey is in CA and AZ, where McDonald’s hamburger flippers average 10K a month, at least according to their NoDoc OptionArm applications, making Casey’s demands even less obscene.
$3k / mo @ 40 hours / week = $18.75 an hour.
Good luck getting that at any entry level job.
Well, first, I noticed he means NET pay… HAHAHAHAHAHA… we just jumped from 36K to about 60+K in order to net that much. Read his blog…. he’s a blithering idiot, and yes, no entry level job would pay that much… I presumed this guy had a degree and a former career he could return to…. I’m not entirely sure… and while TxChick confirmed he’s real, I’m still amazed he’s real - he honestly seems too moronic to survive… i’d expect a blackhole of idiocy to open up around him his stupidity is just that massive…
“I suppose the new “tech age” has allowed this to happen and it means one of two things. (A) Those workers in India, China and Brazil will eventually demand $3,000 a month + benefits and bitch and moan about health care and expenses OR (B) US workers will come down to the level of workers in Brazil and India and do anything to keep their job - including NOT bitch’ and moanin’.”
Or (C) America closes its boarder, educates it citizens and creates well-paying high skill jobs that can’t be outsourced to third world peasants.
You gotta love the arrogance of “entrepreneurs” like your friend who imagine they’re doing something important for the world by running a small business while squeezing American workers to make money. Poor guy, having to listen to all that bitchin’ and moanin’ about health care, bonus payments and traveling expenses.
When your friend went to China and was treated like a king, did he happen to visit the grim worker dormitories that sit next to factories in places like Guan Ghzou? It’s the magic of serf labor that afforded his “embarrassing” regal treatment and allowed them to “double their efforts until they get it right AND they offer to reduce the price until he (the owner) is satisfied”.
Maybe if your friend is cutthroat and lucky enough, someday he’ll have his own workers’ dormitory next to his print shop. Or maybe, he’ll just be stuck having to offer employee benefits.
Well said manraygun.
Mike said “whining about health care and retirement”
Gee how arrogant of people that work to believe they are entitled to basic healthcare and money to save for retirement
I have an out-sourcing anecdote. I work in IT and have managed software developers. I am now an independent consulting doing development. Anyway, when I was managing developers I ran into the same attitude that Mike’s friend did with about half of the employees. These were people with excellent benefits making anywhere from $70k to $95k. People would come in late, leave early, sit on their work, miss deadlines. It felt like I was a babysitter constantly proding them to get something done. They had no sense of commitment to the company. We also had an Indian outsourcing firm with several consultants, many of whome I was able to use on my projects. They were courteous, respectful and generally got the job done right even if they had to work extra hours. Needless to say, I was eager to use them and their role continues to grow within the company.
That said, it is important for me to remind myself of the positive half of the equation because there are also some very intelligent hard-working Americans out there. So, I’m not saying this about everyone, but there most definetely are many people that have an entitlement mentality.
soup box on
IMO, anyone who thinks the government will save them will be in for a rude awakening as I expect them to be broke within my life time. That is one very good reason why we need to make our businesses more competitive, not strangle them with taxes and regulations.
soap box off
I’d love to know some of these lazy americans who feature in all these anecdotes told by people who choose to outsource work to third world countries. I live in NYC and everyone I know does a 60 hour week and more. The 7am subways are jammed, and so are the 7pm ones…Does the “bitchin and moaning” outweigh US productivity gains, which are also trumpeted by the gov? Since the social contract has been torn up, the work arena is pretty adversarial. Health benefits, pensions,job security–all cut to the bone or dying, while the top dogs in any public corp. demonstrate unbridled greed. And you expect happy workers all pulling together? It’s every man for himself–whether self-employed or working for a company. And it should get even uglier–as more and more jobs go overseas.
Don’t mis-read the comments I made about “my friend” and his employees. This guy IS NOT a greedy employer. He didn’t have to get a health care plan. He pays out a fat bonus if he has a good year. He brings in lunch from Costco or a Chinese restaurant or a Pizza place everyday for his employees. He happens to believe strongly in compulsory health care for workers. He thinks employers like WalMart should be forced to pay healthcare insurance. Two years ago he refinanced his home during a lean period to keep the business going, paid his employees for basically doing nothing for several weeks AND he just squeaked through by getting another good contract before the money ran out. He has a 401k plan….yet they still bitch and moan. Most are making over $50,000 a year. Some much more. He’s even continued paying some cobra payments for ex-employee’s after they FAILED to keep up the payments. So, making comments about the “…arrogance of entrepreneurs…” is a stupid comment.
Actually, and I didn’t put this in the previous post but last time I spoke to him he looked really tired and hassled. I know he has a big chunk of money from his last contract. I also know he is paying out from that chunk of money and no new contract has been forthcoming but his ‘busy season’ is coming up so he figures he’ll get several contracts soon. He’s still paying salaries but the last job is nearly finished. Usually, he manages to get another contract but, like many other …”arrogant small business entrepreneurs….” he has to compete cost-wise and it gets harder and harder. This was my advice: Close the business, fire everyone, let them find another job, take your money and go live a long life instead of making it shorter by worrying about the welfare of people who don’t give a s*it about you as long as they get paid.
In your first post you catalogue your friend’s complaints about his workers but make no mention of the good things he does for his workers. Sorry, but it was your description that made him sound arrogant. Now you tell us he has a conscience — great. I wish all entrepreneurs were like him. My father ran a small business and was able to retire before 60. He sometimes griped about his employees, but would no doubt give them credit for helping him to live his version of the American dream.
As for your advice to you friend… If he can afford to retire and wants to, why not? (Though I presume part of his success is due to the ingrates who’ve worked for him.) I guess my problem with both of your posts is the portrayal of your friend as an magnanimous capitalist being taken advantage of by vampiristic workers. Given your bitter tone at the end, I suspect has it has less to do with who he is than with your world view.
I enjoyed this particular thread because it is indicative of the very disparate perspectives on the US economy.
These “entrepreneurs” (and more often, the executives of large corporations) believe they are the only ones ENTITLED to the fruits of their workers’ labor. They should keep in mind that as the workers for these companies are based in other countries, at some point there is no need for the “entrepreneurs” in the US. Why should the world market buy goods and services from a US company (that outsources most of its work) instead of buying from an overseas company that would likely be more efficient since it can be managed locally?
EVERYONE can be outsourced. The executives and entrepreneurs who cheer on outsourcing ought to keep that in mind.
Housing Speculation Hangover by the Daily Reckoning crew — good stuff.
by Dan Amoss
According to the chief economist of the National Association of Realtors (NAR), the housing market is now transitioning from and “unsustainable boom” to a “permanently high plateau.” According to an October 25 NAR press release:
“David Lereah, NAR’s chief economist, said stabilizing sales should build confidence in the housing market. ‘Considering that existing-home sales are based on closed transactions, this is a lagging indicator and the worst is behind us as far as a market correction – this is likely the trough for sales,’ he said. ‘When consumers recognize that home sales are stabilizing, we’ll see the buyers who’ve been on the sidelines get back into the market, and sales will be at more normal levels in the wake of the unsustainable boom that we saw last year.’ He noted sales already are improving in some areas.
“Total housing inventory levels fell 2.4 percent at the end of September to 3.75 million existing homes available for sale, which represents a 7.3-month supply at the current sales pace.”
Housing inventory levels can certainly continue falling, but don’t make the mistake of concluding that this will automatically lead to the return of a “tight” market. Over the past year, inventories were given an extra kick as many existing homeowners merely tested the waters of the market; these homeowners hoped to extract big equity gains in 2006 via the analytically complex process of slapping an “ask” price closely resembling their neighbor’s sale price from last year. From there, they expected to sit back and wait for multiple “bids” above their ask price, ultimately selling to the highest bidder.
Trouble is, buyers have finally wised up to the realization that housing runs in cycles – and the top of this cycle has been the most overextended in history. Irrationally exuberant psychology extended the topping process, as buyers clearly feared being left behind by the home equity gravy train. This was very reminiscent of the tech bubble psychology that caused an already-overvalued NASDAQ to double yet again from spring 1999 to spring 2000 before crashing.
The hangover in the housing market will clearly not be as severe as it was in the case of the NASDAQ’s 78% peak to trough decline, because houses (generally) have more durable, tangible value than stock certificates. But by no means is housing about to turn around and rocket upward once again. Buyers’ lowball bids are reflecting this, and sellers can either withdraw their listing or hit lower bids if they must move out of necessity.
As I wrote in the August issue of Strategic Investment, too many pundits (who in fact must remain cheerleaders as part of their job description) are treating the housing market as if it were similar to the stock market:
“…about 9-10% of the housing market turns over every year. Compare this low turnover with volume in the stock market. The typical S&P 500 stock has about 150% turnover per year, so you can be reasonably sure that the stock sitting in your portfolio is worth within a fraction of a percent of the last tick. The low housing transaction volume makes aggregate national housing value statistics misleading. The near-term value of your house is completely dependent on what current shoppers are willing and able to pay for your house. The ‘willing’ part is psychological, and psychology has morphed from ‘my house will appreciate 15–20% per year’ to ‘my house will appreciate 8% per year.’ The ‘able’ part is dependent on global liquidity and mortgage financing aggressiveness.”
The data coming out over the past few months indicate that while homeowner psychology may have worsened to “my house will appreciate 2% per year,” the mortgage liquidity spigots remains on full blast. Those desperate to sell should be able to sell by hitting lower bids in this low-rate, high-liquidity environment, while those buying are doing so because they want to raise a family in a home – not because they are deluded into thinking they will become millionaires without lifting a finger.
But the bond market merits our attention, particularly after what we saw there last Friday.
If yields spike back above the June highs, the buying support under the housing market could quickly falter, making the “landing” far more perilous than it currently appears.
It’s a big analytical mistake to extrapolate the prices of a 9-10% turnover market onto the entire housing stock. But this mistake has convinced many millions that housing inflation equals “wealth creation.” Thus far, this mistake has not proven to be very costly, since credit availability appears to have no rational limit.
But those who have been planning under the assumption that last year’s housing market was the status quo are waking up to an ugly reality. An article in the November 3 Wall Street Journal entitled “The New Word in Home Sales: ‘Canceled,’” provides an anecdote:
“Cancellations by buyers of existing homes are up as well. Although no formal measures exist, historically they have been in the 2% range, according to the National Association of Realtors. In September, however, nearly half of the 454 agents responding to an online NAR survey said they had recently experienced cancellation rates higher than that.
“Sean Shallis, senior real-estate strategist for the Shallis Team of Re/Max Villa Realtors in Jersey City, N.J., says that roughly 22% of his sales have fallen apart before closing this year because the buyers backed out, up from 10% last year. With the market cooling, buyers have decided they can buy a similar property for less. For others, adjustable-rate mortgages have gotten more expensive, making a home purchase too costly, Mr. Shallis says. To reduce the chances of cancellation, he is advising his clients to close their deals as quickly as possible after the offer is accepted, and to put fewer contingencies in the contract. ‘The longer your property is under contract, the longer the buyer has to talk and think about it and watch the market change.’
“Mr. Shallis himself is among the would-be buyers with cold feet. Late last year, he agreed to pay $595,000 for a new two-bedroom condominium in Jersey City for his in-laws. He pulled the plug on the deal this summer after his father-in-law’s illness scotched the planned move. ‘My exit strategy was if they didn’t move into it, we could sell it or rent it,’ Mr. Shallis says. But that plan made less sense after the price of similar properties dropped to as low as $529,000. At the same time, higher short-term interest rates made it unlikely that he would be able to cover his mortgage payments and other costs if he found a renter. Instead, Mr. Shallis walked away from the contract and lost his $30,000 deposit.”
The huge number of people who bought investment properties in recent years cannot all rent them out. For those who can, their after-tax, after-expense yield is practically negative. Without the fundamental support provided by yield, the “second house” market rests on the speculation that prices can continue to irrationally inflate. As the WSJ story shows, even “senior real estate strategists” are beginning to grasp this concept.
Best Regards,
Dan Amoss, CFA
for The Daily Reckoning
P.S. The hangover for real estate speculators is likely to continue worsening. Upon the first hint of “deflationary” fears, global central banks tasked with destroying paper money at a “measurable” pace will unleash their next campaign of rate cuts and liquidity injections. At that point, the “good” inflation in the stock and real estate markets can quickly morph into the “bad” inflation of rising CPI levels, gold, and commodities.
“The hangover in the housing market will clearly not be as severe as it was in the case of the NASDAQ’s 78% peak to trough decline, because houses (generally) have more durable, tangible value than stock certificates.”
This point may be technically correct, but it misses something important. Many who invested in the NASDAQ before the 78% peak-to-trough decline directly purchased shares (w/o leverage); thus they lost $0.78 for each dollar invested at the peak.
Now suppose that I bought a house with 10% downpayment (= $100K on a $1m San Diego home) and the value of homes dropped 7.8%. Then like the hapless tech stock investor, I just lost 78% of my “investment.” And I guess those who used I/O Option ARMs with 0% down lost an infinite amount (in percentage terms). Such is the effect of leverage — it multiplies the percentage loss in the underlying asset by a factor of 1/(1-s), where
s = share of purchase price financed with debt.
Depending on the degree of leverage in the housing market versus the tech stock market, a smaller percentage drop in home prices could have greater negative wealth effects on household balance sheets.
and just imagine the Netherlands, where people buy homes that have appreciated 600-1000% in the last bubble run, and they buy them with at least 1:10 leverage (I’m not sure what leverage applies to 120% 0-down mortgages …). Back to the trendline is about 85% down, even with 1:10 leverage that could get a little bit ugly.
“Now suppose that I bought a house with 10% downpayment (= $100K on a $1m San Diego home) and the value of homes dropped 7.8%. ”
They can lose 7.8% by selling for the same price they bought it for. And even without a RE agent it still costs maybe 2-3% to sell.
True — I kept my example conservatively simple for illustration, but factoring in transactions costs makes the decision to buy (invest in?) a home even less attractive than if they are ignored.
“Over the past year, inventories were given an extra kick as many existing homeowners merely tested the waters of the market; these homeowners hoped to extract big equity gains in 2006 via the analytically complex process of slapping an “ask” price closely resembling their neighbor’s sale price from last year.”
I love the dry wit.
What does it say when a “senior real-estate strategist” almost immediately bails out and takes a $30,000 hit?
Either he’s a complete dope or he’s smart and humble enough to know when the market has DRASTICALLY changed.
Sammy that was a great read! Tuff but so true. You know all GWBush proved was America has an Armed Force it is unworthy of. This makes it twice in my life time. Just like when LBJ quit the field when our troop were in battle, Donnie Rumpy has bugged -out, just quit his post while on duty. They would shoot a 19 year old for that…. for shame… for shame.
But if both Lereah and Hovnanian see a bottom forming, it must be true, no?
Hovnanian CEO: Housing To Hit Bottom In 3 Months >HOV
Dow Jones Newswires - November 09, 2006 8:00 AM ET
Related Quotes
Symbol Last Chg
HOV Trade 28.40 0.00
Real time quote.
NEW YORK (Dow Jones)–Hovnanian Enterprises Inc. (HOV) Chief Executive Ara Hovnanian said in a CNBC interview Thursday that he expects the housing market to bottom out in about three months, after which it may remain there for six months to a year.
“That is not as much of a concern for us. Once the market finds bottom, then land prices come down and everything starts coming into balance. We can do well if it stabilizes along the bottom,” Hovnanian said.
Hovnanian said he’s seen recent signs of improvement. In the last two months, resale listings are leveling off or declining in certain markets, he said.
But to weather the current slowdown, the company has been offering incentives like paying closing costs and offering extra upgrades at half price.
Home builders, Hovnanian added, have cut back on building, but the industry has experienced “accidental inventory” when people cancel their housing projects.
I think their minions are posting here. Besides explaining why he is a guru and I am an idiot, Paul in Jax was arguing along these lines yesterday (the builders with a better business model have already put in a bottom…).
“…he expects the housing market to bottom out in about three months…”
By the end of next quarter, YOY ‘percentage sales’ declines will probably not be as dramatic as the last 3 quarters; as a result, Ara can claim sales transactions have bottomed. When you add cancellations to the mix the picture is a lot different, however. I suspect he is also betting on interest rate declines to flatten and increase the sales trend line looking forward 6-9 months.
Keep in mind, most CEO’s including Ara did not see the downturn coming. They were looking at demographic and economic data while we looked at other metrics such as income to price ratios, price to rent ratios, and loose lending standards.
Perhaps, it’s deja vu all over again. Lending standards are tightening and income to price ratios and price to rent ratios have not improved much. We’ll just have to wait and see what the environment is like 6-9 months from now to make our judgements.
“Keep in mind, most CEO’s including Ara did not see the downturn coming.”
Do you think they foresee higher interest rates coming? Because I am wondering what the Fed will do to protect the dollar, now that the Chinese are dropping blunt hits about diversifying?
The Chinese and other foreign central banks with trade surpluses stand to lose with a falling dollar. Their cash reserves will fall in value and American consumer’s buying power will diminish in turn hurting Chinese manufacturing.
I suspect it will be a team effort to protect the dollar. They will probably work it out at the next G8 summit; sooner if the need arises by intervening in the currency markets.
Instead of accepting Rumsfield’s resignation Bush should have busted him to private and shipped his arrogant azz to Iraq. I would love to see Rumsfield serving his last two years in the Bush administration walking point in Bagdad alley.
Yeah, if I am in a firefight, a 74 year-old whose eyeglass lenses protrude out as far as my wife boobs is exactly who I want having my back!
Rummy’s done a cut and run–and as for his pal Wolfowitz–oh yeah, he’s running the World Bank. Now that’s reassuring. Any bets on how long it will take Rummy to join the Carlyle Group?
maybe Carlyle can now buy that Rummycub company that holds the Tamiflu patent, and see how much money they can make with a real birdflu scare?
I think he had his corporate name plate(s) engraved a long time ago for Carlyle, Bechtel, etc. He got them engraved at the same place Tony “Poodle” Blair got his after Bush promised him places on US corporation boards for being a “good boy”.
yes, and for sure that includes some politicians from the Netherlands too. There is talk about ’secret documents’ that were used to get the Netherlands into supporting the US war in Afghanistan and Iraq (while most of the population was firmly against those wars). I guess we will hear a bit more about that after our elections, in a few weeks.
Rumsfeld was a disaster. Goodbye and good riddance to him — he should’ve been fired long before for the Iraq fiasco.
I often wonder if Rumsfeld wasn’t bribing someone (GW?) so he could keep his position. He’s been a drag on the administration and the Republican party for a long, long time, IMHO.
Personally, I wouldn’t be surprised if we hear about Rumsfeld being investigated for some of his actions during the war (and even prior to it?).
Meant blackmailing, not bribing…sorry.
Absolutely agree!
A chart from Miller Samuel comparing Manhattan condo/coop prices & U.S. GDP. The most interesting part is the year-over-year change in Manhattan prices from 1989 to 1996. Down almost every quarter.
If he were to show the data from 1981 to 1989, it would look a lot like the data from 1997 to today. Hmmm.
WT-I sent this data this week to a client whose son is bidding 1.3m+ on a coop on the West Side–and she’s senior management at Merrill.
She dismissed it out of hand–good apts in good coops in Manhattan never go down…Must be reassuring to folks who have their money invested at Merrill to know those folks are so on top of the situation.
I suspect that there would be a better correlation between the bonuses that are paid on the street and the demand for Manhattan condos. This years bonus is 36 billion or $678,000 for every employee and I guarantee runners and clerks only get the ceremonial $500 check at Christmas.
The Spending Habits of Hedgies
“As the art market boils over this year — Wednesday night, Christie’s oversaw a record-setting $491 million sale that included works by Gauguin and Klimt — it is fair to say that hedge fund managers are adding some of the heat. Consider SAC Capital’s Steven A. Cohen, who recently agreed to drop $63.5 million for a Willem de Kooning painting owned by the entertainment mogul David Geffen.
“A new survey of hedge fund professionals, who are a generally secretive group, suggests they are juicing not just the art market, but those for other goods as well. For his book Fortune’s Fortress: A Primer on Wealth Preservation for Hedge Fund Professionals, Russ Alan Prince of the consulting firm Prince & Associates, working in conjunction with trade publisher MARHedge, polled the buying habits of 294 managers with a median net worth of $61.7 million.
“The average respondent reported spending nearly $4 million on fine art last year, which means that among the survey participants alone, more than $1.1 billion of hedge-fund money poured into the art market.
“Given the reputation of many hedge-fund professionals as big technology fans, it may be suprising that electronics were so low on the hedgie shopping list. In fact, facials seem to have outranked plasma TV’s, as average spending on ‘traditional spa services’ was higher than the ‘electronics’ category.
“The survey’s findings for their 2005 personal average spending:
“Fine art: $3.99 million
Yacht charters: $429,700
Jewelry: $376,400
Hotels & resorts: $304,900
Watches: $271,300
Fashion and accessories: $204,200
Traditional spa services: $124,000
Electronics: $99,300
Entertaining friends: $76,700
Wine & spirits for the home: $48,900
“What’s driving the spending? Says Mindy Rosenthal, MARHedge’s conference editorial director: ‘It’s no surprise that hedge fund managers shop the same way they work — without restraint.’”
Nauseating. But what the hell, they can steal at will so nothing is out of reach.
TxChick — could you please elaborate on what you meant by “they can steal at will?” How is it that they can do so?
Read up on the practices of private equity funds after they “buy” a company.
Read Businessweek’s issue last week. “Gluttons at the Gates”
GS, There are myriad ways for the managers of Hedge Funds and private equity funds to “steal at will”. If a private equity fund does an LBO of a company strips the assets and pension plan then resells the company (saddled with debt) as an IPO. All that wonderful money goes to the Managers/owners of the private equity fund. This has been happening for 30 years. Until ERISA is changed to protect pension plans, this will continue to occur. The chance of a new IPO of a saddled company repaying its debt is marginally greater than 0. Another way is for the Hedge Funds (completely unregulated) to manipulate the shares prices (current law suits have been filed in NY claiming collusion and should these suits prove succesful entitle the plaintiff to treble damages) resulting in greater dollars to the fund manager even tho the shown profit is done with smoke and mirrors. It gets even worse when you include the 3% of fund managers that are outright crooks.
And after they IPO it, they probably short the new stock!
Another thing private equity firms do is leverage up the company with debt, then issue themselves huge dividends (often multiple times), which thanks to recent tax law changes are now taxed like long-term capital gains. From what I’ve read, the stuff that’s going on there is essentially like the serial refinancing in homeowner-land — just get the cash, pass the default risk on to someone else, and that someone else hedges the risk with someone else, ad infinitum, until ultimately all the risk becomes systemic risk, born by a few small entities (like the U.S. gov’t).
I happen to know an insider in this field. He has written articles about how those involved better start self-regulating (i.e. toning down their greed) before system collapses due to overleveraging of companies and real regulators getting involved.
This kind of stuff is why I keep saying there’s a 50-50 chance of financial system gridlock within the next decade or so.
oops that should have said “borne by a few LARGE entities”.
Thanks to all for great insights.
Just heard (second hand) from someone that is long 2 homes in Greenwich, CT that during October only 7 sales took place compared to 75 during October of 2005. I find this quite surprising considering how well Wall Street is doing this year.
It’s not surprising at all. Look how they are spending.
They bought all the RE they need the past 5 years, while driving prices up.
Now, they are enjoying the good life buying luxury items to fill their homes that have doubled in value.
Makes perfect sense to me.
Sell a Condo, Get A Free Beamer
“Units at the futuresque new development 123 Baxter St in Soho South are now available. To lure brokers and potential tenants to the building, they are giving away a free BMW 328i to the ‘first broker to deliver a signed contract.’ Is this better than a FSBO on a pole?”
From the WSJ:
“Do Real-Estate Agents Have a Secret Agenda?; In a Softening Market, Many Are Receiving Big Bonuses to Steer Buyers to Certain Properties”
“HOME BUYERS have a new reason to be wary in this weakening housing market: Real-estate agents increasingly have lucrative incentives to push one home over another.
“Slow sales have prompted builders and some individual sellers to offer unusually generous incentives to agents whose clients buy a home. Sellers normally pay the buyer’s agent 2% to 3% of the home’s price. Now many are offering thousands of dollars or other rewards, such as travel vouchers, on top of the normal commission.
“Such incentives have long been used to sell some homes. But they have proliferated and become more generous recently as a glut of properties on the market makes it harder to sell homes. ‘These guys are desperate,’ Ivy Zelman, a Cleveland-based housing analyst at Credit Suisse Group, says of home builders.[...]
“The National Association of Realtors, the dominant trade group for real-estate agents, doesn’t require its members to tell buyers in advance of a purchase how much the agents will be compensated. Federal rules require bonuses and sales commissions to be disclosed on the HUD-1 settlement statement, but buyers don’t see that document until the closing or shortly before. At that point, it would be awkward to start negotiating with an agent about the compensation. The federal rules, enforced by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, or HUD, don’t require agents to disclose trips or other noncash awards.”
Federal rules require bonuses and sales commissions to be disclosed on the HUD-1 settlement statement, but buyers don’t see that document until the closing or shortly before. At that point, it would be awkward to start negotiating with an agent about the compensation.
Oh yeah? I don’t think it would be awkward. If I were a buyer and found out this had happened without my knowledge, I’d walk away until a similar amount to whatever the “incentive” was removed from the sale price.
Your insights are usually good. RE agents work for sellers. You know what your contract amount is. What difference does it make to you if it includes a 25% commission?
To me it means they can reduce the price of the home by 25%.
What if you’d already put down a 3% or 6% earnest money deposit? Can you get it back?
yep cause when you are buying everyone has their hands in your pockets.
fight it all the way till closing or they’ll take you for everything they can get.
Dems have the Senate and the House now. Gekko, is the world ending or what? LOL
P.S. This reminds me of when Clinton was first elected. Republican colleagues said the stock market would tank in respone. Instead, we got a tech stock bubble and the all-time high on the NASDAQ.
Actually, gridlock is back, meaning good times for the economy (if it is given a few years to take effect). If you look only post-1994 (i.e. after Republicans seized the Congress), then you’ll see the good times. The big key will be if we can resist the urge to bring back rubber-stamp hegemony. Personally, I think we’ll get a Democrat. Let me be the first to name him President Jimmy Carter II.
Nice thought. But We have a President who loves entitlement programs (can you say $560 billion prescription medicine “benefit” program?) and we have the Democrat-led Congress. Democrat rhetoric is pure SPEND, pure PORKBARREL. No, this will work against the taxpayer and work in favor of those who refuse to work.
Haven’t we learned anything in the last 40 years? Democrats spend and like big government. Republicans spend and like big government. Oh please no arguing. If you don’t want to live in a socialist nonproductive society (and none of us here want that) we really need to throw out the fantasy musings of Buckley, Rusher, Reagan, Norquist, etc. It hasn’t worked, it aint never gonna work. It’s time to get some new ideas. Remember how Singapore was paying women not to have children before they graduated college? How about eliminating all corporate taxes coupled with no corporate right to petition and lobby government? How about eliminating all income taxes, and replace it with tariffs and property taxes? We need something radical. The old playbook’s gotta go.
Hopefully, they will be so disagreeable with each other about what the money is to be spent on, it isn’t. I want gridlock.
Which, in hindsight, was not so good
But it was exciting while it lasted!
So was the housing bubble, while it lasted…
You go get ‘em, GetStucco.
Liberals are evil.
Interesting article from the NY Post. Especially for those of you who complain about the loss of M3 data.
Crudele has been blowing the horn for some 3-5 years if I remember correctly. And he is usually spot on which is a surprise for a politically pander rag like the Post.
Related topic: “US credit quality is in 25-year retreat toward junk.”
The tax cut lunacy of the barking moonbats coming home to roost.
Crudele is the voice of one crying in the wilderness…
Russell on the stock market bubblet:
Dow’s high doesn’t impress everyone
Commentary: Richard Russell is wary, Don Hays is worrying
By Peter Brimelow, MarketWatch
Last Update: 12:01 AM ET Nov 9, 2006
NEW YORK (MarketWatch) — The post-election stock market may have close at a multi-year high, but not everyone is impressed.
After the close, Dow Theory Letters’ Richard Russell wrote Wednesday: “We have a “double non-confirmation” on the part of the Transports, since again they refused to confirm. On October 26 the Dow closed at a record high of 12,163.66. On that same day the Transports failed to confirm but closed at 4,788.72. Today the Dow closed at a new record high of 12,176.54. But today the Transports closed even lower than their October 26 level — today Transports closed at 4,723.02. In other words, as the Dow climbs higher, the Transports close lower … Something is very “amiss.” The Averages are refusing to agree — they are diverging.”
Russell has a bearish reputation, but recently he appeared ready to extend diplomatic recognition to a new bull market. See Oct. 5 column
Now, however, he is back to thinking negative big-picture thoughts, especially about housing (”The consensus continues to be that housing is due for a “soft landing” … I think it’s going to be a very hard landing, one that will work a hardship on the entire nation.”)
Wow, Don Hays used to be a reliable bear back in the bubble days but he went soft in the head and became bullish in about 2001 - 2002 (kidding, good call)
Glad to see him moving back toward the dark side.
Pernially bearish, love it: all the while, the bull markets climb the wall of worry. I think when enough people on this board become bullish, I’ll sell…to you…
Housing has nothing to do with the stock market.
Not to me you won’t. I’ve got plenty of long positions and a new short (TOL) which is coming in just fine.
Txchic: girl, you change your colors faster than a chameleon. You waffle more than Aunt Jemima. At least GetStucco is consistent…consistently wrong.
Uh, you have to be able to do that to survive, now, don’t you?
I wouldn’t talk btw.
Especially when someone like me, who doesn’t have the benefit of knowing exactly what is going to happen like you do, has to make my money following your tracks. Must be nice to have all the info in front of you that you do.
Did I interpet this correctly ?? Does hedge think he is smarter & wiser than the combined blog ??
Actually that’s a *requirement* for hedge fund types.
At least he is right far more than 50% of the time, as the stock market almost always goes up (well, not today, but…).
Oh yes, he’s a legend in his own mind.
update conference call WCI(well over 150 minutes):
continuing to expect only 5% default rate. despite spiking double digits in the latest quarter. they blame it on the auditors. when the defalut rate is 20% as in the latest quarter 35 cents impact 06 and 25 cents 2007. no model was run with higher defaultrates. (unrealistic!)
38 mio $ options on land/lots. full write down 0,54 eps impact
owned 18.300 lots land. bought on average 5 years ago. 87%! locatet in florida!(pdf 19)
bookvalue 25,64$ based on a “discounted cash flow model” that assumes a modest decline in 07 and a recouvery in 08.
wci is the 3rd largest short position on wall street
capitalized interest 150 mio$ (130 land, 20 construction)
still betting 100% on the towers that will close the next 2 quarters. they are all sold out with an average deposit of 18%. but as the latest figures show, the defalut rate is spiking close to 20%. they assume that they can sell the units with 90% of its contractvalue (contracts closed in 2003-2005). very optimistic!(look at page 18 of the pdf) they asume that when the building is 100% sold they will sell in 12 month, when not 100% 12-24 month.(look at the condoflip link ……..)
get this: from their main condoproduct “one bal harbour” with 290 units (when you include the condo/hotel) and a value 480 mio$ that is officially 100% sold almost 87 (30%)are listet at lots of competition……default rate only 5% seems overly optimistic !!!!!!!!!! (condoflip/they say 260 units/maybe they exclude the hotelunits)
try to sell golf course resorts and commercial land in the next 9 month for about 70-80 mio$
25.7 mio$ spend on caped call option for buyback 12 month out !!!!!!! looks like this money is going out the window………………amazing!
200-300 mio$ left in credit line
when they fail with the towers in the next quarters they are in deep deep trouble!
news from across the pond: Homeowner misery as interest rates rise
Much overblown. That £16 per month is a wee fraction of what my pals there spend on beer, though it does come on the (August) heels of another rate rise.
What will be the real misery is if/when the BoE continues its rate rises in succession, one meeting after another, in their attempt to nip inflation. One or two rate rises will only affect the marginal owners, but a sequence of eight or ten or more rate rises (not out of the question in many scenarios) is when the real pain starts.
the real pain starts when the lenders stop the easy money train and start checking the details like income on mortgages and other credit. I don’t see a sign of that yet, and as long as the money spigots are wide open interest rates are totally irrelevant and housing will continue to levitate.
You’re right, no sign of tightened lending at all there! In fact, one of the banks (was it Abbey National) announced only in the last week or two that they will now be officially giving out loans at 5 times income. Sure, people did that before, but not fully documented loans, perhaps. Now it is. So they will keep that bubble going… for now.
For some reason, though, the word “unsustainable” comes to mind. I can easily think of scenarios where the status quo continues, but there are many other scenarios where external shocks can make it fall apart. A good bout of inflation is one, especially in the UK where inflation causes the central bank to raise rates, and nearly everyone is on flating rate mortgages.
Keep rates at 5% and keep recession at bay, and things re good. Anything else, and you’re looking at big problems. What we have now there is too fragile a situation to go on indefinitely.
Arrghhh! Can’t type today!
everyone [in the UK] is on flating rate mortgages
should read
everyone is on floating rate mortgages
And of course “things are good”…
situation in the Netherlands: shortterm mortgage rates are rising (but not rates for savings accounts and deposits of course, they have not moved at all despite a 1% ECB rate increase) and longterm mortgage rates are declining again. This is a sure way to increase the Dutch housing bubble, as most mortgages here are fixed-rate (mostly 5-15 years I guess). Longterm rates are already the lowest in four centuries, and they are still declining. There is now talk of Dutch banks getting squeezed by an inverted yield curve (and of course, the banks pass their losses on mortgages to their savers, so the easy money circus can continue for another year or so). And house price gains can increase from the current 600-1000% to maybe 1000-2000% in 1-2 years?
Unsustainable for sure, but the trouble is that everything is getting so extremely out of whack that the only option is a total crash of the financial system; there is no way back to sanity I’m afraid.
“the real pain starts when the lenders stop the easy money train and start checking the details like income on mortgages and other credit. I don’t see a sign of that yet, and as long as the money spigots are wide open interest rates are totally irrelevant and housing will continue to levitate.”
Since a good portion of the money for lending is coming from MBS sold to pension funds, the easy money will likely continue until wall street has fully leveraged the pension funds.
Here are the 5 bubbles that are about to burst..It is a PDF file but worth the read.
Thanks. Good read.
Good read Paul….
First time I’ve seen recommendations for such high net worth asset allocations to gold, kinda flies in the face of modern investment theory. Anyone know why PM’s are going bonkers today?
There was further support in comments from Peoples Bank of China Governor Zhou Xiaochuan who said at a Frankfurt conference that China has very clear plans to diversify its currency reserves, which now stand at more than $1 trillion. A wide range of instruments are under consideration, including gold and oil.
“The news is bullish for gold, but not really new,” said Tony Crescenzi, chief bond market strategist at Miller Tabak & Co, who pointed out that central banks worldwide have been diversifying reserves since 2001.
Gold for December delivery was last up $17 at $635.30 an ounce on the New York Mercantile Exchange, its highest level since Sept. 9. The contract closed over $9 lower Wednesday as traders reacted to the Democratic Party sweep of Congress by consolidating recent gains. Prices tallied a loss of $10.90 over the past three days.
“central banks worldwide have been diversifying reserves since 2001″
diversifying, as in selling off all remaining gold and exchanging it for worthless US fiat paper …
Not to ignore the other pond: Seoul leaves interest rate unchanged
And one from down under: Rise ‘to murder’ Coast market
hopefully the ‘murder’ will deal with the bubble in RE and mortgage mob first.
PM John Howard is correct but he’ll probably get the boot next go round.
Bush’s Chernobyl economy; hard times are on the way
In the next few months, a financial crisis will arise somewhere in the world which will jolt the American economy and trigger a swift and precipitous decline in the value of the dollar. This is not speculation; it will happen and there is nothing that the Bush administration can do to stop it. All of the traditional supports for the dollar have been removed by a shrinking economy, a massive $800 billion account deficit, dramatic increases in the money supply, and the reckless manipulation of interest rates.
The Federal Reserve’s bloody fingerprints are all over our present dilemma. The privately-owned Fed has never operated in the public interest. By doubling the money supply in the last seven years and keeping interest rates artificially low, the Fed has generated a $10 trillion housing bubble while, at the same time, ignoring a $800 billion trade deficit which is sucking up American assets and crushing American industry at an unprecedented rate.
Bit of a problematic statement there: The privately-owned Fed…
The Fed is not privately owned at all, and there are no share owners at all in the sense of private companies. In fact, the Fed is set up as an independent agency, meaning it is under the “umbrella” of the government, but its decisions do not have to be ratified by the government (which is to help isolate it from too much political pressure).
Perhaps the writer was confused because the member banks themselves are privately owned (I believe). But not the Federal Reserve Board.
And as for operating in the public interest, that depends on the poltics of the one making the statement on a given day. Any central bank might indeed think it’s operating in the pulbic interest when it raises rates (even belatedly) to maintain currency stability; those who want it to concentrate instead on other goals, however laudable or not, might vehemently disagree.
I like Wikipedia’s answer -
“The Federal Reserve Banks are nominally “owned” by the private member banks (see below). In Lewis v. United States, 680 F.2d 1239 (9th Cir. 1982), the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit stated that “the Reserve Banks are not federal instrumentalities for purposes of the FTCA [the Federal Tort Claims Act], but are independent, privately owned and locally controlled corporations.” The opinion also stated that “the Reserve Banks have properly been held to be federal instrumentalities for some purposes.”
I interpret this to mean if it screws up its privately owned but if everybody is happy its a government entity.
Ah yes, so the member BANKS are privately owned. The Federal Reserve Board (the agency itself) is not — it’s specifically a government entity. Interesting how that has led to this quasi-private/public mish mash.
“Nothing is more repugnant to America’s ruling elite than the notion that every man, however broke and insignificant, can participate in our system of government.”
Somehow I get the feeling the author has an agenda that “tilts” his vision a bit. Not that all of what he says is wrong but when someone “knows” that “elites” abhor dirty democracy….I’ve known and met many “elites”, if they have such an agenda they do a great job of hiding it.
“The Fed is not privately owned at all, and there are no share owners at all in the sense of private companies. In fact, the Fed is set up as an independent agency, meaning it is under the “umbrella” of the government, but its decisions do not have to be ratified by the government (which is to help isolate it from too much political pressure).”
Not true - the Federal Reserve is a private corporation, as are the Federal Reserve banks - which pay a six percent dividend to shareholders.
Crisrose is absolutely correct, and if I recall, the shareholders are all foreign entities aren’t they? Crisrose, have you heard anything from your friend in London lately?
Not true - the Federal Reserve is a private corporation,
No, you’re “not true”. Where are you getting your information? I hate wasting time on things like this, but we have to stop disinformation in its tracks. Here’s a bit of info from the Federal Reserve Board itself (highlights are mine):
“The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System is a federal government agency. The Board is composed of seven members, who are appointed by the President of the United States and confirmed by the U.S. Senate.”
This Board of Governors is, of course, the very group of people who are making the day-to-day (or month-to-month) monetary policy decisions as an agency of the federal government.
The Reserve Banks, on the other hand are organised differently and are at least in part private, but they fall under oversight of the Frederal Reserve Board. God, this is boring.
Find out more on these and how they reltae to the FOMC at:
Sorry for the hurried typos:
Frederal = Federal
reltae = relate
‘The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System’ and the ‘Federal Reserve System’ are two different entities. They are named such to fool you.
See any Federal Reserve banks in here?
TITLE 31 > SUBTITLE VI > CHAPTER 91 > § 9101 § 9101. Definitions
In this chapter—
(1) “Government corporation” means a mixed-ownership Government corporation and a wholly owned Government corporation.
(2) “mixed-ownership Government corporation” means—
(A) the Central Bank for Cooperatives.
(B) the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
(C) the Federal Home Loan Banks.
(D) the Federal Intermediate Credit Banks.
(E) the Federal Land Banks.
(F) the National Credit Union Administration Central Liquidity Facility.
(G) the Regional Banks for Cooperatives.
(H) the Rural Telephone Bank when the ownership, control, and operation of the Bank are converted under section 410(a) of the Rural Electrification Act of 1936 (7 U.S.C. 950 (a)).
(I) the Financing Corporation.
(J) the Resolution Trust Corporation.
(K) the Resolution Funding Corporation.
(3) “wholly owned Government corporation” means—
(A) the Commodity Credit Corporation.
(B) the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund.
(C) the Export-Import Bank of the United States.
(D) the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation.
(E) Federal Prison Industries, Incorporated.
(F) the Corporation for National and Community Service.
(G) the Government National Mortgage Association.
(H) the Overseas Private Investment Corporation.
(I) the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation.
(J) the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.
(K) the Rural Telephone Bank until the ownership, control, and operation of the Bank are converted under section 410(a) of the Rural Electrification Act of 1936 (7 U.S.C. 950 (a)).
(L) the Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation.
(M) the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development when carrying out duties and powers related to the Federal Housing Administration Fund.
(N) the Tennessee Valley Authority.
[(O) Repealed. Pub. L. 104–134, title III, § 3117(a), Apr. 26, 1996, 110 Stat. 1321–350.]
(P) the Panama Canal Commission.
(Q) the Millennium Challenge Corporation.
You don’t - because they are privately owned corporations.
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York is the viper’s nest. It is a private corporation - owned by banks (I received a list of the shareholders directly from the FRBNY) that are paid a six percent dividend (profit).
The members of the Board of Governors are appointed by the President and the President is told who to appoint (as the Senate is told who to approve) - by those who own and run this country - the banks
“The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System is a federal government agency.”
Boy - they sure are quick to point out its a government agency. Good thing no one is stupid enough to fall for it and everyone realizes that the Federal Reserve System and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System are not the same thing.
“Independent” establishments are created by Congress to address concerns that go beyond the scope of ordinary legislation. These agencies are responsible for keeping the government and economy running smoothly.
Farm Credit Administration
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
Federal Election Commission (FEC)
Federal Housing Finance Board
Federal Labor Relations Authority
Federal Maritime Commission
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission
Federal Reserve System
Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Anyone care to guess when the last audit of the Federal Reserve banks occurred? You know - when the books were opened for everyone and their brother to look at?
While we’re on the subject. I always thought the IRS was part of the Department of the Treasury. Didn’t it pop into existence about the same time as the Federal Reserve? Coincidence I’m sure…
§ 301. Department of the Treasury
§ 302. Treasury of the United States
§ 303. Bureau of Engraving and Printing
§ 304. United States Mint
§ 305. Federal Financing Bank
§ 306. Fiscal Service
§ 307. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
§ 308. United States Customs Service
§ 309. Office of Thrift Supervision
§ 310. Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
§ 311. Office of Intelligence and Analysis
§ 312. Continuing in office
§ 313. Terrorism and Financial Intelligence
Online Journal is leftist propaganda; I would not trust any opinion found there.
“Online Journal is leftist propaganda; I would not trust any opinion found there.”
Good for you! If it isn’t on Fox news, don’t trust it. Any information OJ prints is obviously a lie. From the article:
“Even if nothing explosive happens, the faltering real estate market will continue to swoon, consumer spending will dry up, and the fragile economy will crash to earth.”
Hey, run out and buy that rapidly ‘appreciating’ real estate as soon as you can. Let us know in six months how you’re doing.
If it isn’t on Fox news, don’t trust it.
The Holy Grail down from Mount Sinai I guess….
“This is not speculation; it will happen and there is nothing that the Bush administration can do to stop it”
I thought congress authorized spending, not the “Bush Administration.” So now that congress is pwnted by a different party,
it is true that the Bush Administration can do nothing about it. However, the new congress has an opportunity to do a lot about it. Will it?
Money’s vital role in monetary policy
By Jean-Claude Trichet
“…Over the next two days, the European Central Bank will host a conference to discuss the role of money in monetary policymaking. At present, the dominant academic view seems to be that monetary aggregates should have no part in monetary policy decisions. From this perspective, money does not deserve to be central to one of the two “pillars” of the ECB’s monetary policy strategy. I do not share this view. In this I follow Friedrich Hayek, who wrote in The Pure Theory of Capital: “It is self-contradictory to discuss a process [inflation] which could not take place without money and at the same time to assume that money is absent or has no effect.”
Do not mistake me for a monetary Luddite: I have immense appreciation for the intellectual elegance and sophistication of modern monetary policy models that leave no room for money. In many respects, I fully agree with their implications regarding the benefits of price stability, the crucial importance of central bank credibility, the advantages of pursuing a clear and predictable policy and the centrality of private inflation expectations. Such considerations have governed my own thoughts on monetary policy since I was appointed governor of the Banque de France 13 years ago. These same considerations have also strongly influenced the design of the ECB’s policy framework. Yet, I cannot dispel my doubts that a model of monetary policy that includes no role for money is incomplete in some important respects…”
The writer is president of the European Central Bank
Financial Times
As inflation raises its ugly head, opposing the Federal Reserve and trying to keep the beast at bay is the ECB’s goal. It is only a matter of time before France gets rid of its American T bond holdings.
all utter nonsense, don’t believe any word of what Tricky Trichet is saying or writing.
The only thing these ECB bankers are worried about is that the FED may start printing money faster than they can (for the last 5 years or so, the ECB has been ahead of the FED in growning the money supply, and over the last year they are even further ahead). Just a few weeks ago they openly stated that they will not let the euro appreciate over 1.30 to the dollar (that’s just 2% from where we are now).
I think Trichet should buy up all of EADS and have it work overtime on assembly of black helicopters; he will need them soon.
The owner of Toll Brothers Corp HQ office building is bailing out.
Philadelphia, $216/sf, 13 years remaining on the lease. 6.33% cap rate. Hmmm, it seems the stock holders are not the only people wondering where this company is going.
JR;….Large asset with a relatively short term lease…And, I suspect, Toll is not in the mood to extend….I do not follow any commercial markets other than California & Oregon but, over the past 6 months, I have seen a significant spike in large portfolio properties offered on the market…One that stands out was a recent offering for 15-20 (possibly more) regional shopping centers….For the ones that I saw, their value was close to 2 Bil…When I see portfolio managers dumping 2 Bil worth of real estate on the market in one geographic location it promps the question why ? AND, where are you going with the doe ?
I am a doe/dough….English language not my strong suit….
Some people think commercial real estate is overvalued and this is a good time to sell. They will hold cash and take T-bill returns and wait for opportunistic periods ahead. Here is a great example, told to me by a CA commercial real estate broker: In 1996, he was leasing office space for $21/sq.ft. annually. Expenses came to $6/sq.ft. annually. So the building returned $15/sq.ft. and sold for $165/sq.ft. for a 9% ROI (or cap rate). Flash forward to 2006: The same space leases for $19.80/sq.ft. annually. Expenses are now $8/sq.ft., so the building returns $11.80/sq.ft to the owner. However, the building sells for $200/sq.ft. now, providing a 6% ROI (or cap rate). The point is this: The building rents for less, costs more to operate, and is returning less in net income, yet it is selling for $35/sq.ft. more than it did 10-years ago. Hmmm. Go figure.
Time to cut and run?
Just wait for the Realtors to change to month to month comparisons:
“Median prices in both markets suffered year-on-year drops — down 4.63 percent to $370,000 in the attached market and down 3.5 percent to $550,000 for detached homes.
But those prices were up from September, by 3.27 percent in condos and townhouses, and by 4.41 percent for detached homes.”
OB_Tom: Good point. Eventually, the YOY will be large enough to make the month to month data less distressing to report.
there are soo many clever things you can do with statistics .. I just read in the magazine of the Dutch National realtors organisation (NVM) that the ‘median home price’ that they publish every month is now defined as the average price of the median 50% of properties sold. So the cheapest and most expensive properties no longer count for the statistics; good trick to produce stable numbers for another year or so.
My favorite air-head:
“Prices are still going UP, though the number of sales has gone down. In fact, sales are down 29.3% from a year ago (July). But sales PRICES are only down 1.8%. This is not really that significant because last year was the highest sales year in San Diego County history.”
And she still has her “reasons why the “Housing Bubble” is bogus” list, even though it has dropped to 6 reasons instead of 10.
OB_TOM: One of our local realtors had been using the fact that YOY medians were still 8.7% to argue that “appreciation is still happening” and that “8% is a great return on your investment”. I dunno how she will spin it with the most recent data, which shows a YOY median decline.
How can she state “Prices are still going UP” and “But sales PRICES are only down 1.8%”? I know people have trouble with math, but it shouldn’t be too hard to figure out if prices are up or down.
And those 6 reasons are just idiotic:
“Here are some reasons why the “Housing Bubble” is bogus.
1) Employment is the key driver of home purchases. With an unemployment rate of only 4.8% in July - the lowest since 2000, we are at near full employment. This is because even if they were given a job, 3% of the population wouldn’t work.
2) After 17 consecutive rate increases the Fed finally stopped and mortgage rates have been moving LOWER.
3) In June 2006 UCLA’s business school of forecasting admitted that not only were prices not headed downward, but that they felt that today’s prices are at their lowest point for the next 5 years!
4) Over the next decade, there will be a 25% increase in the population who are over 50 years old. This group is spending $1.7 trillion dollars annually!
5) Last year 27.7% of all sales were for investment purchases while only 12.2% were for 2nd homes.
6) In the US incomes are growing 6 times faster than the population. There are over 1 million people living in $1M(+) homes and 1/3 of them own a 2nd home!”
Let’s see, (1) employment is the key driver of home purchases, and employment is great - but home sales are down despite the low unemployment rate. Hmmm.
(2) Rates haven’t dropped that much, and the reality is that homes are so overpriced that a small drop in interest rates isn’t going to help. And sales are still down, despite the the drop in interest rates, so her theory doesn’t seem to really be holding up.
(3) UCLA’s Anderson School of Business admitted that it’s previous forecast of falling prices was wrong, and now says prices will essentially stay flat. So, if they were wrong before, what makes this forecast right? Is it because she wants it to be?
(4) Not sure what her point is about the increasing population of people over 50. Sure, they spend (which will help the GDP), but do they really need to buy houses (I would think most of them would already own their house). So, I see this as creating less demand, and thus lower prices.
(5) 27.7% of purchases last year were for “investment.” And how many investors are still purchasing or likely to purchase in San Diego over the next few years when prices are not climbing at double digit rates? So, there goes 27.7% of demand, thus leading to lower prices. Not to mention the 12% of people buying second homes - how many will continue to do this if prices are flat or falling?
(6) I’m not sure I understand her statement that “incomes are growing 6 times faster than population.” But the fact that she backs up that statement with the number of people living in houses purportedly worth $1+ million seems inconguous, as the value of house has nothing to do with income unless it is sold. And, how many of those houses will be worth $1+ million in a year or two? And how many of those folks “living” in those homes will be able to stave off foreclosure as their ARMs reset?
If she really wanted to argue why the Housing Bubble “is bogus,” she could have given some good economic fundamentals about price to income ratios or price to rent ratios, or some other time-proven fundamental. But, I guess that she doesn’t understand those or, if she does, she knows that they clearly show that there is a housing bubble that is bursting.
Like many others I just printed her website to Adobe and plan to ask a few questions in a year or two. I believe these liars should suffer embarassment for a long, long time.
I got this (below) from our local (San Luis Obispo - CA Central Coast) craigslist. No address is given for the property, but presumably it is a local listing. If the property is in good condition, it may or may not be priced competitively (depending on where in SLO county it is located). My favorite part is the sales pitch where the 5-year profit of owning is calculated (including at least one basic math error, in addition to all the assumptions). Wow, the owner is clearly a really nice guy to offer such a terrific ‘investment’ to some lucky buyer . . . .
$550 (3br/2ba conversn ok) 2 Bedroom/1 bth 2200/mo purch. (ZERO Down OK)
Reply to:
Date: 2006-11-09, 8:49AM PST
It’s my duplex!
The rent unit brings in 1200/mo in rents to you.
you pay about 2200/mo., for a 2br/1ba., (can be converted to 3br/2ba, if bldg dept says it’s ok, and they probably will, no gimmicks).
So you pay yourself around 2200/mo, and get paid 1200/mo from the renter, more if you make both sides 3br/2ba. The reason I say you pay yourself, is that if you sell it in five years, it should go up in value each year, (6% a year?, thats $230,000. profit), plus you’re getting ~36,000 A YEAR!($180,000 5YRS) from your own payments, and the renters. 180+230=$410,000.00 !!) First time buyer is ok and even better, because of first time buyer programs out there, some are ZERO DOWN PAYMENT!
So let me know. no agents, I’m not.
“it should go up in value each year, 6% a year….that $230k profit”
heh-heh, now that’s funny!!! :o)
Hell, why 6%….Lets use 10% and make it a real sweet deal….
Yes, when the experts in the NAR were predicting 8% for 2006, a mere 6% seems excessively conservative. I vote 8% at least!
“So you pay yourself around 2200/mo, and get paid 1200/mo from the renter, more if you make both sides 3br/2ba. The reason I say you pay yourself, is that if you sell it in five years, it should go up in value each year, (6% a year?, thats $230,000. profit), plus you’re getting ~36,000 A YEAR!($180,000 5YRS) from your own payments, and the renters. 180+230=$410,000.00 !!) First time buyer is ok and even better, because of first time buyer programs out there, some are ZERO DOWN PAYMENT!”
Just love the laudromat due diligence!
I am actively looking to buy in the Boston area, and have been following listings avidly on Zillow. Thought you might be interested to know that in one “luxury” building at 106 13th St in Charlestown, several units sold in 2006 at prices below those paid for the same unit in *2001*! Have we realy unwound the housing bubble back to 2001 prices so quickly?
Dos anyone think I will be able to buy a house before 2008?
Guess which asset class gets protection today — stocks or T-bonds (= future dollars)?
Whither the symbiosis? It looks like decision time is at hand:
Defend the dollar, or the continuation of the conundrum. You can’t have it both ways any more.
Dollar, gold move on China’s diversification talk
By Wanfeng Zhou, MarketWatch
Last Update: 2:47 PM ET Nov 9, 2006
NEW YORK (MarketWatch) - The U.S. dollar tumbled and gold rallied Thursday after news that China’s looking to diversify its rapidly growing foreign-exchange reserves.
Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of the People’s Bank of China, said at a conference in Frankfurt that China has very clear plans to diversify its reserves, which now stand at more than $1 trillion. A wide range of instruments are under consideration, Zhou added.
The dollar slumped to a two-month low against the euro following the news. The Europe’s shared currency is seen as the most obvious alternative as a reserve currency. See Currencies.
Gold futures climbed to their highest level in two months after Zhou’s comments. See Metals Sector.
“The remarks are especially crucial a few days after reports showed China’s currency reserves have attained the $1 trillion mark, making such diversification plans inevitable,” said Ashraf Laidi, chief foreign-exchange analyst at CMC Markets in New York.
“We have long warned against the diversification wave by global central banks in light of the peak in U.S. interest rates and the need to diversify into other currencies and commodities that are boosted by steadying commodity prices,” he said.
Is this new rhetoric coincidental to the US election outcome, or is there some dependence? I am wondering how Democratic control of the House and Senate might influence calls for trade protectionism, which would decrease Chinese dependence on a strong dollar. Any thoughts?
“Homes for sale” is not the only inventory correction underway in the US economy…
Wholesale inventories build up to one-year high
Sales fall 1.2%, while inventories rise 0.8% in September
By Rex Nutting, MarketWatch
Last Update: 10:16 AM ET Nov 9, 2006
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — Inventories at U.S. wholesalers rose to their highest level in relation to sales in more than a year in September, the Commerce Department reported Wednesday.
Sales at wholesalers fell 1.2% in September, the first decline since last December and biggest drop in three years, while inventories increased 0.8%.
The inventory-to-sales ratio rose to 1.18 in September, the highest since August 2005. It was at a record low 1.15 in July and rose to 1.16 in August. The typical wholesaler has about 36 days of sales on hand, up from 35 days in August. Read the full report.
The buildup in inventories, if sustained throughout the pipeline running from production to final sales, could lead to cutbacks in output and employment.
The increase in inventories was slightly higher than the 0.6% predicted by economists surveyed by MarketWatch. See Economic Calendar.
Inventories had increased an upwardly revised 1.2% in August.
Inventories are up 9.9% in the past year. Sales are up 8.1% in the past year. The figures are not adjusted for price changes.
Cisco gaps up and closes at LOD on 4x average volume.
Not exactly bullish.
CSCO is going to $30, silly. I dare you to short it.
Silly to call so many people silly IMO…
Sorry if this link has been posted before, great article on neuroeconomics, explaining why sellers won’t drop their prices even to their disadvantage. Entitled: “For Sale, By the owners Ego”.
“..These studies have illuminated a few key concepts: Many people will pass up sure profits for illusory ones. Some will turn down profits if they believe someone else is unfairly profiting more. Some will even refuse to sell if they believe they may come to regret it, because fear of future regret can be as powerful a motivator as money in the pocket today.”