Bits Bucket And Craigslist Finds For November 13, 2007
Please post off-topic ideas, links and Craigslist finds here.
Examining the home price boom and its effect on owners, lenders, regulators, realtors and the economy as a whole.
Please post off-topic ideas, links and Craigslist finds here.
Inflation Anxiety…
Bankruptcy anxiety!
Seems Countrywide like a whiny kid:
“I want an Interest Rate Cut!”
“I want the government to bail us out!”
“I want the agencies to raise the 417K ceiling”
“Don’t cut our rating, or else..!”
Cut the umbilical cord already!
CFC will go under before the end of the year, originations are on their way to 0.
Someone had a great question last week. If their lender goes bankrupt, can they buy their own mortgage for a fraction of its cost?
Who knows? Of course, the only way you would get a hefty discount would be if you had a risky (subprime) mortgage. There is no way that Joe or Jose Sixpack will have that kind (or any kind) of dough stashed away.
I think you would have to pay in cash - and we know how much cash these idiots have - nadda.
I think you can, but you’d be buying it in bulk along with a ton of other mortgages you’re probably better off having nothing to do with.
I doubt it. If you’re a good customer, making your payments on time with a healthy LTV ratio, someone else will be willing to buy your mortgage for more than that great “bargain price” you’re dreaming of.
“Someone had a great question last week. If their lender goes bankrupt, can they buy their own mortgage for a fraction of its cost?”
1) Most lenders sold their mortgages to conduits, to be bundled into toxic bonds. There is no way you are going to get that mortgage back.
2) However, some mortgages are now ’stuck’ with the lenders as they can’t foist them off on anyone else. If the lender goes bankrupt, these mortgages might end up with their creditors. These creditors might me more willing to bargain on the terms of the mortgage than the (underwater) lender would, since they would rather have a lower income stream without a foreclosure than have a worthless foreclosure on their hands. This would be especially the case if they otherwise would end up selling the notes to collection agencies for pennies on the dollar.
“Do you believe Washington will stand beside idly during a credit and housing collapse in an election year”?
Ah, the thinking that government is an infallable protector. I like to ask, could the government have stopped the internet stock collapse? When prices are out of line in a big market like housing, there ain’t nothing that can stop a correction, IMO. This isn’t bananas we are talking about.
“When prices are out of line in a big market like housing, there ain’t nothing that can stop a correction, IMO. This isn’t bananas we are talking about”.
No but “they” will try and we can count on that. Over time the housing market will correct but if anything can be done to stretch it out they will give it a shot.
I think what is telling about the candidates on both sides of the spectrum for the presidential race, in their speeches and in debates, is how little in touch with reality any of them are, save Ron Paul, about the nitty gritty of what is going on, financially.
And as Ben says, this is the mother of all debt.
If big gov practically gave up on the Gulf Coast, in Katrina’s aftermath, do you think they have the money to fix this?
‘No but “they” will try and we can count on that.’
I hear this all the time, but with no reason given.
We really are the housewife (strictly for pun’s sake) that can’t be overdrawn, because we still have checks!
I would venture to say the reason is a simple one from a political standpoint. These are the roofs over people/families heads, this is nothing like trying to bail out the stock market or boost Wall Street. The bleeding hearts will be all over this as foreclosures increase, so candidates polling info will dictate that they come up with some “save the family house bill” I for one do not think it can be done, but that will not stop an effort. How could it be engineered? I am not sure however our ever growing nanny State will brew up some concoction and see the the public will swallow it.
wmbz wrote:
No but “they” [government] will try [to prop up home prices] and we can count on that
Ben Jones wrote:
I hear this all the time, but with no reason given.
The reason comes from our understanding of the players in government, the housing market, and the players’ motivations.
1) Housing Market Players: NAR, Wall Street financial companies, home builders, private home sellers, homeowners who are feeling richer from holding a vastly appreciated asset.
2) Government players: local, state, government politicians, federal government politicians: All of these people gain that most precious resource from higher house prices - higher tax revenue. Plus, the highly moneyed interests pay politicians to get things done. NAR is the third largest donor in politics since 1989. Number 7 is Goldman Sachs; Number 10 is the Carpenter and Joiners union. They don’t give out of basic charity felt for the politician; they give so their interests will be advanced. Check out for a breakdown.
All of the above players benefit from high home prices.
Who gains from lower selling prices? Renters? The 30-some percent of the population that does not own a home?
These are not big moneyed interests, or cohesive interests.
Thus, I believe that government will do all it can to prop up home prices.
Well said, Messr. Neuromance.
How about making option-ARMs illegal about a certain LTV and forcing those contracts into low interest 30 year fixed? If the FB can’t handle that payment, then tough luck?
It’s a no-brainer to think that the gov will TRY to hold up the housing market. The arguments presented on why they will TRY are well founded. But I think what Ben is saying (and please correct me if i’m wrong Ben) is that it’s a big whatever. If ever there was an exercise in futility, this would be it. If anyone here thinks for a second that our gov can stave this off, even prolong it, it’s time to wake up to just how impotent your gov is. Lot’s of saber-rattling and football humping, but the end result is the same - economic disaster. I just crack-up every time one of you gets your panties in a twist over some seemingly new piece of news about a bail-out or some other machination that is the white horse that will save the day for housing. It’s not going to happen, so move on!
This is, IMHO, the best possible compromise. Force the lenders (who were, no doubt, sleazy) to refi anyone with a stinky loan into a 30-year fixed at whatever the going rate is (6.1%?)
No doubt, fewer than half of the FBs will even be able to afford that payment, but I think you’ll be able to convince most reasonable people that those folks are beyond help.
House prices will still reset to normal, but those people who got suckered into an “affordability” product will have a chance to get out, at a deal with which the bank can still make a few bucks, and can be seen as “fair”
Does this have a chance of happening? Absolutely not! (For one thing, this may require banks to make mortgages for $600K for houses that are only worth, say, 400K at best, etc.)
“No doubt, fewer than half of the FBs will even be able to afford that payment,”
You’re being generous, my friend. I’d say less than 10% could actually afford the payment.
What can they do? How can they go to their constituents and ask for another bailout? (This one to the tune of about 500B.)
500B? No, much much larger. That’s why I think it’s undoable. And I doubt the public would stand for it if it was smaller.
RE: (This one to the tune of about 500B.)
$500 billion was the cost of the Keating & Co. S&L clean-up following the ‘90/’91 bust.
This fiasco is easily 10X worse.
I think the a $$4/$5 trillion number has been batted around by a few posters here including myself.
Hopefully, the numbers are so huge, even the politico’s will blink in disbelief and say-sorry…no bail-out on my watch.
“Do you believe Washington will stand beside idly during a credit and housing collapse in an election year”?
Personally, I think there will be plenty of rhetoric from Democrats and Republicans. However, I think they will perhaps throw a few bones here and there, but mainly they will just let things run there course. Once the dust settles, then each party will just attempt to pin the blame on the other.
Perhaps I’m being too cynical though?
They will rightfully use in the housing fallout what they’ve wrongly used with other unresolved domestic problems;
Subertfuge, Blame, Debate, Rhetoric and Misdirection.
It’s been alarmingly effective at not addressing healthcare, social security, illegal immigration, offshoring, the dismantling of govt. institutions, etc.
Robert X Cringley has an interesting take on illegals and credit(and Google). He claims that illegals misusing other peoples social security numbers have boosted credit scores. He also claims business and local government are fully aware of the misused social security numbers, but don’t care:
It will be hard for the elephant to pin the blame on the donkey, although that trunk is very useful for spinning things around…
Correcto Aladin. Thats what happens when Dumbo the Elephant falls asleep at the gate while the rest of dumber little elephants trash the grain store.
“Robert X Cringley has an interesting take on illegals…”
Yes, 17-million illegals sounds about right. I figure that California has about 6-million of them, for a total California population of roughly 45-million. Last week an LA Times story about tax cheats indicated that California has 14-million income taxpayers. Little wonder that a working family there has a difficult time balancing their finances.
“Last week an LA Times story about tax cheats indicated that California has 14-million income taxpayers”
i know I bash LA non-stop on this blog but this will raise your hairs. Estimates from sources such as LA Times are that 30-40% of ALL ECONOMIC TRNSACTIONS IN LA CITY ARE BLACK MARKET UNDERGROUND!! That means billions in lost tax revenue yearly due to all those streetside vendors, all those immigrant Mom and Pops understating business income ,illegal transactions- iE drugs, cash pmts,auto parts salvage and dealers in junk cars selling all cash, ect. This is very common in the extensive illegal -alien underground community of LA.
Not to mention contractors, both illegal and US citizens, falsifying books, paying cash to illegal laborers, running up non-allowable deductions, ect.
The CA Stat board of Equalization/franchise tax boards
cannot deal with all this illegal tax evasion because they can only tract down propertied US citizens who have extensive paper trails and real, not fake/stolen identities. What % of the population in LA falls in this category? Less than 50% is my guess.
When you have this amt of illegal tax evasion and off-the book transactions in LA it is not surprising that LA also is a hot zone for RE Fraudulent transactions as well. E.G.,why were homes in that LA illegal- alien sanctuary, gang- controlled cesspool called Maywood selling for over $500,000 as late as july 07′.
I love LA!
The idea that we have companies that are “too big to fail”, aka, the Fed will always bail them out, creates a situation where they are incentivized to take on an unusual amount of risk. When they’re right, they profit. When they’re wrong, everyone in the nation holding dollars suffers.
The system is indeed rigged.
This all goes without saying.
Not to worry. Walmart has saved the day.
HD did not, retail is still mixed.
You can lay HD off to the housing bubble.
I don’t agree with this facile reasoning, just know how they’ll spin it.
WMT same store sales guidance of 0-2% for the fourth quarter is not very bullish when inflation is running north of 2%.
Food inflation is much higher than 2%. How much of Walmart’s sales are food?
Expect Big Box stores to be closing up shop, as soon as each is perceived to be a money loser.
Shouldn’t be long now.
WalMart sales came as no surprise. The cost of goods from China rose 8% last year. Units remain the same, sales go up because of increased cost. WalMart passed through cost increases. If business was so good for WalMart, then they would have upped construction of new stores instead of stopping construction.
upped construction of new stores instead of stopping construction ???
I have seen a recent spike in Wal-Mart facilities “For Sale” in the past several months including super centers…..I have also seen lots of residual land next to wal-marts put up for sale recently…This land is owned by wal-mart…Excess dirt after they have completed their center….They also like to control the product that develops around them to increase the synergies…
RE: Walmart has saved the day.
We are WAL-MART Nation!
LOL! Amazing, isn’t it, that the market will probably rally big time on Wal-Mart “good news”? However, how do we know that Wal-Mart isn’t lying about its numbers? For all I know, Wal-Mart could be tanking.
I always feel sort of dirty and disturbed after shopping at Wal Mart. I haven’t been to one in months and the last time I went it was only to pick up an international money order payment. Wal Mart is like one giant convenience store. There was one nearby for years and then they closed it down and moved operations to a SUPER Walmart five miles away, which is five miles from another SUPER Wal-Mart. The US could do nicely without Wal Mart. It’s like a cancer.
Some real estate ads in our town will list the distance to the nearest Wal-Mart. I kid you not.
You really need to move.
“I always feel sort of dirty and disturbed after shopping at Wal Mart”
I shop at wallmart. I know i will be castigated on this blog for shopping at a neighborhood-destroying,low-wage paying big box monstrosity which kills the local mom-and- pops. And yes i get sick of the lower class/ welfare mom’s/no-english speaking immigrants/lower classes who take a half hr to pay an item at the checker, or swarm the store with their wild screeching kids.
I go where the prices are cheapest , and if walmart has cheaper items than home-depot or target then thats where i go.
In my home city of Long beach the city council actually is debating and submitting a ballot to the public as to whether to allow bix-box superstores such as Walmart. This is a silly debate-much of Long Beach /LA is already badly deteriorated and overcrowded with cheap malls, decaying neighborhoods, swampeds with immigrants and gangs,cheap strip malls and abysmal quality of life that debating whether to put up a superstore is like debating whther to ban liquor stores in SCentral LA. It is a stupid ideological debate.
Ditto for Inglewood voting to ban Walmart in that nasty, rundown-,gang-ridden, stripclubs galore corrupt city where the police regularly visit massage parlors to get ’serviced’.
I always feel sort of dirty and disturbed after shopping at Wal Mart.
We have two Super Walmarts in Loveland. The difference in demographics bewteen the two is amazing. Like you mentioned, at the old one (about 4-5 years old) I feel dirty after visiting (this in spite of the fact that they just gave it a facelift). The old one is usually full of illegals and other folk from the bottom of socio-economic ladder. The new one on the other hand opened recently on the much more yuppie north end of town, and feels completely different. Will it last? Time will tell.
I grew up on that flashing blue light, over in boy’s shirts, where for the next 20 minutes, everything is on sale and 20% off…
And my 8 year old eyes would watch grown-ups scurry towards the light, at the K-Mart of my youth.
Good popcorn, too.
“I shop at wal mart.”
Another Wal Mart shopper here. I go for the same reasons you do: lowest prices & one-stop shopping. There is a certain time each month when social security and welfare checks are deposited, and the place becomes very crowded and unpleasant for a few days. But otherwise, its just like any other grocery store to me.
There’s no shame in saving money on necessities. oh, I know I’d probably get better value on the silk boxers available at Neiman Marcus for 69.95, but I’ll take the cheap tightie whities from Walmart.
I go where the prices are cheapest , and if walmart has cheaper items than home-depot or target then thats where i go.
I wonder what the future cost is of all of those lead tainted toys/dishes/etc. will be? I mean, how can parents in good conscientiousness continue to buy toys that they know are probably are tainted with lead??
I fear that all these cost savings will come back and bite us all in the kiester sometime in the near future…
The difference in price between walmart and target here in the desert isn’t worth the misery of the experience. I’m willing to pay a few pennys more to not have to go through the blood curdling shrieks of kids that are wound up on their McD meal racing through the store. Many times, I find a cheaper price on line, order it up and skip the whole dreadful experience of going out amongst the public at all. No driving, parking or shopping drama.
Same here. It’s 15-20 min to the nearest WalMart or Target. I can however go to someplace like and buy everything I need tax-free and get free shipping.
Now these services are reserved for folks with either credit or debt cards so savings are passed on to middle-class (lower Middle and true Middle), but many families at the poverty barrier will not be able to utilize this method.
I do find it an interesting answer to inflationary eneregy prices.
“Ditto for Inglewood voting to ban Walmart in that nasty, rundown-,gang-ridden, stripclubs galore corrupt city where the police regularly visit massage parlors to get ’serviced’.”
Re - lead tainted toys - I was wondering about everything else that is made in China now - what about (for example) make-up/toiletries that are made in China?
The Bloomberg article mentioned that the Wal Mart success was due to starting the holiday discounting early. In all the quotes in the article, nobody was worried that Wal Mart was simply stealing future sales. Is this a ridiculous worry?
nobody was worried that Wal Mart was simply stealing future sales. Is this a ridiculous worry?
The future? Leave tomorrow for tomorrow. What does the stock market have to do with the long-term anyway? Get in early this morning, cash in your chips this evening. What’s the concern? /snark
nah, I think that title should go to the Aldi stores …
low end re-tell uptick comes with higher end retail stumble.
Nordstrom shoppers have decided wal-mart clothing provides same utility as Polo.
Just last month though they were selling off old toys (and some not so old toys) so that they could put in the Christmas layout at my local Walmart - having been in retail I know that this also boosts your sales figures quite nicely.
From the link, those money market issues as predicted…
“Meanwhile, Bloomberg News reports that Legg Mason invested $100 million into one of its money funds in October and arranged $238 million in loans to support two other funds, according to an SEC filing. Legg Mason holds $10.7 billion of obligations of structured investment vehicles, the off-balance sheet entities created by banks to buy collateralized debt obligations, or CDOs, debt derivatives backed in varying degrees by subprime loans.”
I’ve been thinking a bit about why we have not seen inflation in the core CPI numbers. All we hear about is food and energy have gone up but core inflation is contained. I feel this is largely due to the China effect. Probably about 80% of our goods are made in China, India, or another part of the world. So, there is probably a delayed effect in the falling dollar - vrs inflation. Wait a few months, and whack, out of no-where, massive price increases.
Just my early morning ramblings.
This is why the Federal reserve is keeping the dollar cheap and will continue to do so for a long time. Wage inflation is virtually nil. Same reason: China effect (and India effect). This cheap money will keep gold going up in the long run. Eventually the inflation will have to creep into wages. If not, house prices will have to fall quite a bit. The Fed seems to be concerned about the real estate recession/depression that is coming about but of course rate cuts won’t help sales. Ever hear of price cuts? Sellers are still too stubborn. 40% price cuts are necessary to get house prices back in line with wages.
It’s a nice catch-22 situation that is good for precious metals and oil stocks for awhile.
China increased its interest rates again for the 5th time as their official inflation rate has been measured at 6.5%. They probably did not have a housing bubble to worry about. Or maybe their wages are actually going up!
Low wages, shrinking dollar valuation, spiraling fuel prices taking out an entire segment of population….. Seems like a dream date huh Bill?
Story on the BBC World Service this morning about food price inflation in China.
Food prices increased by 17.6% in October.
2007 is the first year ever that the USA became a net importer of food. Can’t find the report but I read it last month, no MSN attention though.
Those silly Chinese. When will they learn to take food prices out of their core CPI numbers? Better yet, don’t report food prices at all. What good is it being a totalitarian government with complete censoring ability if you’re too stupid to use your power?
SOL (smiling out loud), Devildog.
2007 is the first year ever that the USA became a net importer of food. Can’t find the report but I read it last month, no MSN attention though.
This frightens me. America doesn’t have to import food, it’s just economics. Let’s home somebody is at least saving seeds. We might need them.
I use Cascadian Farm $$ organic frozen broccoli as my barometer. A year ago, it was a product of China. Last week, the bag was stamped “Product of Mexico.” And oh btw, as of 2002 or so, wholesome little tree-hugging “local business” Cascadian Farm is a wholly owned subsidiary of General Mills.
So much for organic. I’m buying local, pesticides or not.
Taking the advice of posters here, I have begun stocking up on food, which is a trick in an apt. in Manhattan. The delivery guy humped 6 cases of dog food and 3 20 lbs bags yesterday. I’m now long cases of tuna fish, coffee, soup, beans, and 10lb bags of sugar, flour and rice. There ain’t an inch of space left under the bed. The amateur’s approach to commodities investing.
A number of you jump to the Red Commie China stereotype, anytime the Goliath of the East is mentioned…
China has changed often over the years, and after being in an opium fog for almost 2 centuries, they are reawakening to the capitalists that they once were, for thousands of years.
And very good ones, I might add.
While you won’t starve, the dog food gets old after a while.
There was an article last month in the LAT about central valley farmers that had given up on the hassles of getting illegal workers and are now renting land and farming in Mexico. They were paying something like $9/day instead of $11/hr for labor.
“So much for organic. I’m buying local, pesticides or not.”
Me, too. Yesterday at the store, I noticed that the organic meat was from New Zealand, while the non-organic was local. I bought that.
Every cow and sheep and red deer I ever saw in NZ, was grass fed, is that one the key things as far as being organic?
Having your car stopped by 10,000 sheep crossing the road…
Me, too. Yesterday at the store, I noticed that the organic meat was from New Zealand, while the non-organic was local. I bought that.
At my local Trader Joe’s (in Los Altos, CA), the “Organic” yogurt is made from powdered milk concentrate shipped from New Zealand. The regular stuff comes from dairies in northern CA.
I’ve never fallen for the “Organic” claim anyway. (Tough to do when you spend more than half your time in northern CA)
But a falling dollar enables wage inflation. A cheaper dollar means that you can give a raise (in devalued dollars) to U.S. workers without raising their wages relative to foreign workers.
Appreciable wage inflation will not occur in this cycle. It is not enough to keep U.S. wages static in relation to overseas wages - that gap will be closed.
Edgewatrjohn: It seems to me that depends largely upon how much money the Fed is willing to pump into circulation in the face of a massive decline in asset prices. Which do the governers fear more: runaway inflation or deflation? With the return of stagflation we can have both rising prices (as measured by the CPI) AND the disappearance of a trillion in nominal assets. The risks of both are balanced in the sense that they are both near unity.
Put yourself in China’s position…
Europeans and the rest of the world are still paying good prices for things they produce.
Why would they be all that excited about selling us fold-up cloth and metal chairs, so that we have them on sale all the time for $6.99, when everybody else is used to paying much more in terms of their currency?
Which means that same chair sells for probably 10 Euros, ($14+) overseas, and as big of a market as we are, why not sell to the currencies that by holding them, it represents a win, and not a loss, like holding Dollars?
China is deftly exiting our market, and we seem to kind of want them gone, at the same time.
Go figure…
What is noticeable if you ship in Europe and the states is the relative quality of imports from china. The stuff in the USA is increasingly cheap, poor quality cotton, etc. relative to Europe. It’s not a zero sum game. If you can produce 20 deck chairs and only sell 15 of them to Europe, then you still want to offload the other 5 somewhere.
Ultimately there are limits to how many deck chairs anybody wants to own, and that’s also a part of what’s happening now.
“Eventually the inflation will have to creep into wages.”
And this is where everything will collapse. As I’ve been seriously job searching for the last year, it appears to me that the exact opposite has been happening. Employers are wanting to hire fewer employees than before and at lower wages too.
So while prices spiral up due to inflation, wages are spiraling down because we are entering (already in) a recession and companies are beginning to think about survival and lowering overhead.
Precisely, and this is where the whole “inflate the mess away” idea falls apart, IMHO. We can’t just trash the dollar and let prices skyrocket to “save” housing without huge wage inflation. No wage inflation = most of the US suddenly becoming poor, and I don’t think that’ll go over very well.
The weakening dollar “should” make off-shore outsourcing less enticing. What do you all think?
In theory, you are correct. And it is possible that a weakening dollar will decelerate outsourcing. But even taking the dollar’s descent into account, there is still a huge–HUGE–disparity between what Asian workers are willing to work for compared to their US counterpart. And that disparity will most likely persist despite continued weakness in the dollar. Until wage equilibrium is reached, the trend toward outsourcing will continue.
“Wage inflation is virtually nil.”
I’m not sure that’s the case anymore. Just this last couple of months I’ve been reading about salary increases in the government sector. Maybe Crisp can correct me if I’m wrong but when in Bakersfield last week there was something about law enforcement getting a 4% raise this year and in each of the next two years. I find this interesting because raises are connected to cost of living and the cost of living in Bakersfield is on the way down. How many other areas of the country are going to do the same, especially for government safety workers?
My local greasy spoon/deli has raised prices by about 10% twice this year. This morning I stopped in for my daily dose of caffeine, a 20 ounce diet soda, and the price was up to $1.50. Since his price was $1.00 two years ago when I started this job, I asked him if his costs have really gone up that much. He told me I wouldn’t believe it. How does one define hyperinflation?
How does one define hyperinflation?”
When no one will take your paper money in exchange for goods, when the black market is where you find everything you need, when currency controls are tight. In other words, pretty soon now.
I don’t believe we are even close to going through hyperinflation. Just because the fed lowers the overnight lending rate it doesn’t mean you are going to soon be burning your dollar bills in the furnace to stay warm, spending your paycheck on Friday because it will lose so much value by Saturday, or melting down your quarters for the scrap metal. There isn’t a person alive that’s seen true hyperinflation occur in the United States, and I see no evidence that we will see it here in the near future.
hyper inflation is an inflation rate of greater than ~10% per MONTH. We’re nowhere close.
We’re not there, but I can see there, in the distance.
“hyper inflation is an inflation rate of greater than ~10% per MONTH. We’re nowhere close.
Hyper inflation can be as low as 1% per month! Hyper inflation is where inflation is out of control and becomes self perpetuating. To assign a 50% inflation per month disguises the out of control and self perpetuating aspects.
For practical purposes and where it would suffice to do the most damage (boiling frog syndrome), in the US hyper inflation need be only 100% every 4 years.
i had a bus customer inadverntently leave 45 hundred dollar bills on my desk this morning….he walked away with my directions in hand to the square….in a rush he came back to the shop after having lunch in town.
panicked, he searched the shop and his bus for his “notes”. after a bit of hurried searching I gave him his “notes”.
sweet relief.
hyperinflation IMO is when prices become time-sensitive.
Not too far off in your early ramblings (it’s late out here in Asia, hahaaha). Just look around you now at all these things: PC or Notebook (used to cost U$2-3000, now can be bought for around U$500), LCD monitor (cheap now at U$200 or less), cell phone, TV or LCD-TV, gamebox or perhaps handheld gameboy, and much more in the electronics consumer space. All in deflation mode for years as production firms sought cheapest place to produce. Deflation is all around us in consumer goods and not just electronics. I am not sure of the exact make-up of the goods in CPI calculation, but most likely many are of this variety that are on a 1-way trip down in deflation. Anybody else know?
RE: PC or Notebook (used to cost U$2-3000, now can be bought for around U$500), LCD monitor (cheap now at U$200 or less), cell phone, TV or LCD-TV, gamebox or perhaps handheld gameboy, and much more in the electronics consumer space.
All you list are non-essential electronic gee-gaws which the marketeers have convinced the GEN XYZ’er that they are loser schmucks if they don’t have the latest chip or hotshot color.
I mean, waitin’ in the rain overnight for a new edition of an XBOX? WTF? Still haven’t quite figured out watching’ movies on a 1×1 inch cell phone screen either.
Go track essentials like auto parts, food, energy, property taxes, health insurance, and higher education and then lay out a deflationary cost scenario.
Higher ed is a luxury too. In past recessions the trend was that more people went to school when they couldn’t get real jobs. I wonder if the current downturn will produce the same result, or if people will have awakened and noticed that just having degree(s) is no guarantee of employability or of decent wages.
Property taxes: you have pointed out an essential element of the housing bubble/bust. States and municipalities loved the run-up in valuations — a windfall for local governments. Did they pay down debt or update infrastructure? No, they “invested” in new programs and bigger bureaucracies. Life in these United States is a tug of war between public employees and the rest of us.
“In past recessions the trend was that more people went to school when they couldn’t get real jobs.”
Actually, I’ve seen this happen a bit and I was wondering the other day if it would continue. People get a degree in something fun or the economy is soft, so they go back to school and get another degree. Yeah, they may be taking on debt, but the government will give them loans so at least they can eat. I can even understand it from a short-term survival strategy, but we could easily end up with a lot of people with even more debt and not necessarily more marketable skills.
“Higher ed is a luxury too. In past recessions the trend was that more people went to school when they couldn’t get real jobs. I wonder if the current downturn will produce the same result, or if people will have awakened and noticed that just having degree(s) is no guarantee of employability or of decent wages.”
Very true. However, with my college degree I can sit back at my desk with a Latte and blog for 90-minutes while that cretin outside my window is working non-stop in the 42-degree weather.
The evidence that the gentleman outside your window is a “cretin,” sir? I submit the odd are very good that he is certainly a much nicer person than you, based upon that post, and possible more intelligent as well. Perhaps he simply prefers working outside to sharing an office with pretentious, judgemental, self-satisfied pricks such as yourself. Ninety minutes of 42 degree weather seems a small price to pay to avoid your company. God, I despise people who denigrate honest blue collar labor and the folks who provide it!
The US imports $1.8 trillion worth of goods last year. We exported $1.4 trillion worth of goods, and we built for domestic consumption $2.6 trillion worth of stuff last year (no services in any of those which were provided domestically with a small net export). That ignores the value of moving or selling any of the stuff which is more difficult to attribute.
I’d say about 30% of our “stuff” comes from any foreign country (much less China and India).
Looking at the interactive charts on the Wall Street Journal and NY Times websites, my county has just under 14% of all mortgages being subprime.
Any data, or anecdotal evidence, as to how far to expect home prices to fall based on the the % subprimel?
Gotta link for the chart? Those websites are pretty big.
Sorry - “United States of Subprime Loans.”
Article :
Interactive chart:
I’ve wondered about this, also. If subprime is such a small portion of loans, why would it be such a financial problem? What you leave out of the mix is all the HELOCs and refis. I don’t think it’s the number of loans that’s the problem - it’s what the street did with all the MBS, CDOs, SIVs, etc.
The reason subprime is a problem, is that houses aren’t built in a short period of time so a relatively small change in quantity of homes sold (from the 14% subprime mortgages) can have a dramatic impact on the price.
If there are 100,000 homes in your county (I’m picking a number) and perhaps 5,000 of them are “new” (not replacements of previous homes, but 14,000 buyers were created, the price rose to allocate homes to those who were willing to pay the most for them. Take those 14,000 buyers away and you now have 9,000 extra homes (and prices must come down to induce new buyers). That swing affects the value of all homes in the county was likely wide to the upside (and is likely to be wide on the downside as well). The swing to the downside is where it impacts all the equity extraction (HELOCs and refis because if they were agressive they are now upside down and historically upside down borrowers are much more likely to default).
What the street did with the loans really only impacts who will bear the ultimate losses and how concentrated they will be (if you think of it as the financial system and borrowers you can ignore the payment slicing and dicing). The uncertainty about that causes stable institutions to be denied loans until the losses are discovered.
I posted about 6 months ago how my friend owned a boat dealership in central fl. He told me then that inventory was as good as it had ever been, but boats were still selling…The best of both worlds…Time travel to yesterday when he told me nothing is moving. If it werent for the internet, he would not have a sale…He even shipped one to Germany??…I think we are finally seeing the end of MEW/HEW spending.
We are nearing the end of consumerism, as we knew it…
And if used things aren’t selling, who is buying the new ones?
A scramble for money is going on, and assorted price shocks from the Dollar getting hammered are just a month or 2 away, making new imported items that weren’t selling anyway, so much more expensive.
RE: We are nearing the end of consumerism, as we knew it…
I agree aladinsane.
As I guess what you would call an insider, over the last decade the amount of appraisal work I was doin’ for HELOC/re-fi loans to bail out extraneous consumer debt was unreal.
The average guy on the street doesn’t understand how big this borrow against the home phenomenon has been, ’cause nobody confesses to their friends and neighbors how big a debt hole they have dug for themselves.
Now the housing ATM is empty. And even if it isn’t, you’ll jump thru innumberable hoops to unlock the dough.
I can’t even imagine what’s gonna be required in an appriaisal to get a deal thru underwriting these days.
And with 80% of the US economy bein’ consumer driven-it’s beyond me what the overall solution is.
And ya know-being 54YO and divorced, I’ve finally come to the conclusion that you humpin’ to much stuff if ya can’t fit what you need in the back of a pick-up truck.
Who needs three-quarters of the crap out there today.
I do remember the days when I could move in two trips of stuff in a two door car…
And I agree, the real issue is how many cashed out their house. Everyone we know was doing it (and trying to talk us into it as well - which we just laughed at…). Many more then just those who bought in the last couple years are upside down as a result. even a “mild” recesion will light a huge fire under what’s already happening.
…’cause nobody confesses to their friends and neighbors how big a debt hole they have dug for themselves…
On average, I don’t think *they* even know the size
of the hole they have dug for themselves.
The lack of financial acumen in our society, even
amongst the well educated is truely amazing.
My sister who works at a car dealership, for a guy who owns 7 of them, said nothing is moving at any of them. She said service is up. That means people are fixing rather than buying.
Service departments have carried many dealerships through rough patches in the past.
car repairs , home fix up
cash only
There are still a lot of clueless fools out there. I just sold my old 1971 Ford F100 (5 miles per gallon and barely running)on ebay for $1000! I had expected it might bring a couple hundred at most. There were about 15 people who bid for it. And get this, the guy who bought it lives 1000 miles away. He’ll have to pay to have it shipped to him. Got a mo for $200 from him so I guess he’s serious. Some people won’t survive what’s coming.
There are still a lot of clueless fools out there.
Is this cluelessness or desperation? I stay away from ebay because people let the emotion of the auction get the better of them.
Hey, as long as you have a F-150 crew cab and money for gas, you ain’t truly homeless
A ot of cities and counties invested in these automalls as economic development or gave tax breaks. Yep - your tax dollars at work. Can’t fix the roads or bridges, but we have automalls so you can replace your trashed auto.
Be *very* careful about conterfeit MO on ebay! There’s a scam where you sell a car for, say, $1000. Someone gives you a MO for $1200 and tells you to cash the MO and wire the $200 to his “shipper”
You cash the check, wire the money, and then the bank will tell you the Money Order was counterfeit. And you just gave the scammer $200 of your $$$$.
“Service departments have carried many dealerships through rough patches in the past.”
I know a guy who writes-up the work order when you arrive at the service department. He pads everything according to perceived ability once he “sizes ‘em up.”
While standing in line at the bank about a week or so ago, I heard the teller making small talk with someone ahead of me who I figured out was a car salesman at a nearby dealership. Normally sales guys — especially the metal movers — tend to be upbeat, optimistic, gung-ho types. Imagine my surprise when I heard him say to the teller that sales were — and I quote –dead.
If we’re in a nasty recession/depression a year or two from now, I will look back to that moment as the starting point.
Here in Loveland the local snake oil developer (McWhinney) opened a car mall and used fear tactics (if you don’t move here someone else will and you will lose all your business, he did the same thing the the local multiplex theater a few years ago) to get most of the local hometown dealers to move to his mall. These are dealers who had smaller but probably paid for properties, which were conveniently located near mid town. All but the Ford dealer moved into expensive Taj Mahals in Centerra. I recall thinking “what will they do if sales tank? will they be able to make the monthly payment for the new place?
As far as service, I’ll take my car all the way out to Centerra only as long as its under warranty. So far I haven’t been out there, and don’t plan to any time soon.
Oh, and all the old dealership properties have for sale signs in front of them. So far only one is occupied by a used car dealer.
I have already been offered a free boat, from a home seller who wanted it off his property.
Target price for nicer stuff = ten to fifteen cents on the dollar.
Housing slump stings area banks
Six from Twin Cities among 20 in the U.S. most exposed to failing construction loans
An intensifying housing recession is zapping community banks across the Twin Cities - not with belly-up mortgages, but with failing construction loans for the housing behind them.
Since homebuyers slammed on the brakes, developers, builders and families across the region have been defaulting on construction loans for all manner of new housing, leaving community banks holding the bag.
Six of the 20 most-exposed banks in the country, ranked by the percent of overall bank assets that are in nonperforming construction loans, are based in the Twin Cities, according to New York-based investment rating agency Ratings. Nonperforming means the loans are unlikely to be repaid.
“Nonperforming means the loans are unlikely to be repaid.”
Hmm, that’s certainly a dumbing-down of a definition. “Non-performing” means the borrower isn’t currently meeting his obligations under the promissory note. In my personal experience, temporary instances of non-performance were more common than long-term non-performances leading to repossession. In the current situation, it may be that non-performance will more typically lead to foreclosure. Furthermore, many “currently performing” loans with exotic features (ARM, I/O, neg-am) are unlikely to be repaid when the higher rates are triggered.
I suppose that technically a loan can be temporarily non-performing.
Four front page stories this morning on robberies in towns around us. Sure sign the economy is tanking.
I awaken every morning to the latest news regarding a bloody convenience store robbery or a bank hold-up here in Central Fl.
It has now become a daily occurence.
Just last Friday we had the Wachovia branch here in sleepy Lake Alfred,FL held up in broad morning daylight. This branch was exactly one block from the police station. The robber is still at large and is being sought….they have the guys mugshot pic splashed all over the place.
Times are gettin’ hard here in Central Florida and I look for the sharp spike in various robberies/ burgularies/ strong armed robbery to increase as we near Christmas.
I was in a bank that got robbed, takeover style…
About 15 years ago~
Felt like I was in a movie.
Wasn’t their a mugging (shooting?) recently in Downtown Disney/Pleasure Island?
Online Broker Troubles
Home Depot sales down over 25% …”Tough market ” ha?
imagine the carnage on the earnings number had HD not bought back shares.
Good thing Chrysler hired Nardelli.
The way it’s shaping up, it’s going to be a matter of survival between Ford and Chrysler — and with Nardelli and the Gekko types in charge, say goodbye to the Pentastar, they will fold the company and sell the assets, IMO.
Better get that hemi while you still can!
dollar resumes slide:
Bought the dip in gold yesterday. Time will tell.
But up against the yen—for the moment.
TOKYO, Nov 13 (Reuters) - The United Arab Emirates is at a “crossroads” on the dirham’s dollar peg, the oil producer said on Tuesday in the clearest signal yet that the dollar’s slide is forcing Gulf Arab authorities to review exchange rate policy.
Any policy shift would be decided by the rulers of the UAE and five other Gulf Arab states that are preparing for monetary union as early as 2010, UAE Central Bank Governor Sultan Nasser al-Suweidi said in Tokyo.
Given the bleak outlook for the dollar and the U.S. economy, the six states could consider tracking a currency basket rather than the greenback, Suweidi said, without making clear whether that could happen before or after monetary union.
Thanks, watcher. I also increased my Australian-govt position (my coupon-bearing version of “gold”), but am reassured by the reversal since in reality I have no idea what I’m doing. Forex newbie me.
“Bought the dip in gold yesterday. Time will tell.”
Me too. At the very end of the day. Good to hear I wasn’t the only one.
I went with the silver. The dip was good yesterday…I just hope it wasn’t the first step down the stairs. Silver up $0.22 as of this writing.
I bought in too. Let’s go!
Shiller: A Ten Year Storm In Home Prices
“There is a probability of a continuing decline for a period of years, bringing prices in many cities down in the 10s of percent,” Shiller said in an exclusive interview with Reuters. “The bottom is hard to predict,” he said. “I do not see it imminent and it could be five or 10 years too.”
Obviously, given my take on the housing market, I am a huge Shiller fan. His book was excellent, and I think that he is a real leader in discussing and exposing housing prices, and many of the myths that surround them.
However, when I see him on CNBC, or read quotes like above, I just want to shake him a bit. Bob, YOUR RIGHT, they are wrong. And yet you allow yourself to seem “uncertain” about what is going to happen. You tell everyone in your book what is going to happen, tell them on CNBC and in your interviews. We are going back to the historic trendlines that have held throughout recorded history; which means a massive drop (50%) in some areas. Don’t be wishy-washy about it; you are right, and have been right all along. Speak with conviction! Yes, none of us know WHEN the correction will happen, but your research makes it plainly clear that it WILL eventually happen. So just tell all these shills/as**oles they interview you with on CNBC, let them act like idiots trying to refute you and just sit back and show them the math that supports your position.
The facts are on your side, and you have been right all along. Act like it.
Rant off…
Further to the point, I believe he intentionally understates the magnitude of the problem (and forecasted price declines) so as to be taken seriously. C’mon…. how many of these yapping ideological nutjob criminals like Larry “I’m not Gay” Kudlow and Steve Moore do YOU believe?
As NYCBoy stated yesterday, I watch Kudblow and Company daily as it is the trainwreck I just have to look at. Battipaglia took a shot at Kudlow and his Cast of Criminals by telling them they were lying to the public, in so many words. I don’t know about you guys but I see cracks forming in the Wall St Wall of Denial. My sense of it is that they know the game is over. Wall St is showing fear of the man in the street. (As they should)
nutty professor- he needs an image coach
50% already achieved in FL
He does not need an image. Image is a job requirement for the Cramers and the Kudlows of the world, not for Yale financial economists.
But the only thing empty skulls respond to is image.
“But the only thing empty skulls respond to is image.”
That is why empty skulls are currently shocked and awed by how terrible the real estate situation has turned out.
ummmm…. hey flat? lmao…
Unfortunately, it’s all about image. Remember in 2000 the regular guy you’de want to have a beer with vs. the too smart and stiff guy with experience?
I know your frustration Mike.
Professor Shiller is a very polite, modest man and anyone that has followed him over the last couple years knows that he is one to a bit of understatement in his predictions.
Shiller going on record as saying there is a potential for a 10% decline over a ten year period in my opinion confirms my projection that home prices will fall 50% over the next three to five years.
‘And yet you allow yourself to seem “uncertain” about what is going to happen.’
You don’t understand intellectual integrity, which is the advantage Robert Shiller has over his competition. He is humbly honest about his uncertainty, even when facing the media spotlight.
Most people crave certainty — why do you think religion is so popular? But part of a great scientist’s intellectual burden (and I count Shiller in this group) is open disclosure of what one does not know as well as what one does know. This makes him seem weak when confronting pundits who pretend to have a crystal ball telling them where the housing market situation is headed, but look who has egg all over their faces at this point!
“I can predict the motion of planets and stars but not the madness of men.”
– Sir Isaac Newton –
GC, the religion analogy doesn’t work well. I can count more who have asked me to prove God’s existence than those who accept it by faith. I can provide plenty of evidence but no proof.
It was not an analogy. I was merely offering evidence on the fact that people by-and-large are uncomfortable with uncertainty. They would much rather believe in a comfortably familiar fiction, outlandish details and all, than live with an uncertain fate.
Interesting. This follows along with the chart that either Mish or Charles Hugh Smith posted over a year ago showing a real estate decline based on the Japanese model. About two or three years into the decline comes a point when people think the bottom has been reached and there is some buying activity. I guess that’s where the knife catchers get mopped up. After this little sucker rally, then a steep decline over a number of years, I think it was eight or nine on the chart, if I recall.
BTW, how’s it going over in Riverbend, Dave? Haven’t been over that way in a while.
But I don’t think anybody can predict government interference with the contraction in housing prices . We don’t know how low BB is willing to go in interest rates and we don’t know how many programs the powers will come up with to slow down the crash or how much bad paper will be bought by government backed loans . We don’t know how many lenders will be willing to re-write paper to avoid a foreclosure .
You can predict whats going to happen based on normal cause and effect and current laws ,but hell, the goverment might enact a emergency foreclosure law ,or they might decide to provide assistance to fund down payments for first time buyers ,or come up with the Vacant House Act .Also lawsuits and Court rulings down the pike might change the bagholders or parties that are liable .I think the idea is to somehow drag the loss out into the future ,spread out for many years .Maybe the scheme is to spread out the loss to more parties ,including the taxpayers ,so the to big to fall entities will remain solvent ,and inflation can take care of some of the loss . All I know is that Wall Street and the Fed Chairman and the Senators are acting funny ,the spin is flying and they all have a hallow sound to their voice with their eyes darting around .
Regarding E*Trade…
How does a virtual bank run work, anyhow?
Where do you line up?
In the restroom with your laptop on your knees!
I knew those one-ply black, green and white rectangular pieces of paper would come in handy…
In a pinch.
You laugh… but that’s how I’m spending my morning.
I’ve got my hard earned dough in a broad ‘inflation proof’ portfolio including lots of Japanese yen, gold, silver, oil, you name it. Now I’m dumping it and waiting a few (nailbiting) days for the trades to settle so I can wire money out of the account.
That’s how it works…
How ironic that you can play it ’smart’ by not buying a hose, and by putting your money in metals and foreign currencies — and at the last minute the carpet gets pulled out from under you when your brokerage looks like it might tank. Scary stuff.
What really freaked me out is the terrifying — “Don’t worry you’re insured by the SIPC in case we go bankrupt” email I received this morning. (!) That’s something you *never* want to see from your bank: a “don’t worry, there’s an insurance company out there that will take care of you”, email. Yeeeeah.. right.
Time to run for the hills.
you can get assests transfered to another investment bank with a form.. don’t sell- transfer
“In-kind” - know it, love it, don’t get taxed with it.
The “bank run” alone could be severe enough to bring them down, if their other troubles don’t. Good luck.
When your account settles, you can do an immediate transfer to an external account. Of course your external account can take up to 3 days to register the transaction. I just did that with one of my external accounts. Now working to remove the remaining cash I have to other external accounts.
Good news! MSNBC says earnings are bottoming out and jobs are picking up. To the moon!
Dipshit Realwhore buys land to “develop”, finds land is filled with garbage, gets charged for cleanup -
I suggest a new job title on Wall Street: “Bottom caller”
mwhahaha….. He looks like a spineless real-turd too. Pay up puke.
Bigger Sotheby’s and Christies auctions this week.
Better indicators.
Last night set some records.
“Wayne Thiebaud’s painting of colored lollipops, “Seven Suckers,” propelled a $52.4 million auction by Christie’s International in New York last night, the start of a week of contemporary art sales projected to be the biggest ever.”
It’s no wonder given the wine that Sotheby’s offered at the last auction I attended. Talk about gauche; it’s a wonder that anyone bids at all.
The art market has been stickier than I expected, to tell the truth. I’m surprised by its resilience. Or by richies’ willingness to keep the high prices afloat. Or something.
the start of a week of contemporary art sales projected to be the biggest ever
That sounds more like what I’ve seen.
wasn’t that paining projected to go for $35 million?
Dollar drop 35%~ish the last six years - art is international and they haven’t had that issue. Not really that much of a surprise. add inflation, currency issues, increased whealth over seas… art priced in $$’s (wonder if it would look so good in Euro’s?).
Follow my thinking?
Pensacola, FL
I presume this will be a no reserve auction, otherwise it’s a waist of time:
I thought we were getting 2 wars for the price of one?
We had a coupon…
Can I talk to your manager?
“The US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are costing nearly double the amount previously thought, according to a report set to be released by Congress.”
Yeah but oil revenues (theft) will offset the cost.
Every dollar spent on a war is pent on business. It remains in the economy. It would have been much worse if we did not burn through ammunition, choppers and tanks.
But if consumers are 70% of the economy and you keep taking the money from the consumers and giving it to large corporations and the government, hows that going to work out?
I think that the plan is to obsolete the consumer. He is too fickle and irrational anyway. His only saving grace is that is far more willing to spend beyond his means than any sane business would.
But…but…Corporate America has global markets to tap and those third world countries want high end do da’s. Who cares if Americans are starving on the streets ,there are untapped markets around the world .Who cares about Americans anymore ,they are all tapped out ,and why should Coporate American even give Americans a raise when they have slave labor to tap world-wide .Wall Street determines the path and policy these days ….my evidence …..the housing bubble and the Fed Chairmans decisions . (Just a little rant ) .
Oh Gawwwd…. You guys have an excuse for everything including death and destruction. Give it up.
Elect me President! My economic plan is to drop a million daisy cutters on large cities across our great country! Jobs for everyone!
Wrong. This is the classic broken window fallacy. Society as a whole is worse off for the loss. Only the window repair, or ammunition, chopper, tank manufacturers are better off. If this really worked we should start going around and detroying things so we can all get rich fixing them.
Put another way, if you own the window repair place in town, you could do really well to go around in the middle of the nite and break windows, but the town wouldn’t be better off.
This plays into the bogus idea that FDR, WW2, and public works projects got us out of the depression.
Conflate much?
Not as much as I used to, now that I’m getting on in years.
Thanks for the heads up.
Posted it up in the forum section of the PNJ to an article that appeared yesterday to support my thesis that home prices can drop 50% in the area.
“…home prices can drop 50% in the area”
I hope so. I’m looking for a decent house in the Pace area for my mother.
UK house prices fall, but we are only a small island with lots of pent up demand, we ain’t building enough houses etc etc etc
same story in Netherlands; preliminary numbers for October show the first serious price decline in a long time (-2% from previous month). Dutch real estate has been going up for more than 20 years in a stretch now, many of these years at double-digit rates. Everyone involved with the RE market is convinced that prices will keep rising, although some of them think the increases could be a bit smaller than in previous years. If the Dutch RE mob can keep the train going until 2008 they will break the all-time (inflation-adjusted) high from nearly 300 years ago.
Judging from the trends in inflation-adjusted prices over the last 400 years, real home prices in Netherlands could fall by 60 to 80% from current levels (note: that is adjusted for inflation - nominal prices would probably have to fall much further!). Probably the downslide will last a generation, because the Dutch government will fight any correction tooth and nail
“It’s `check’ for the economy now; it’s facing `checkmate,”’ says Paul Kasriel, director of economic research at the Northern Trust Corp. in Chicago. ‘Checkmate is the dollar. Bernanke’s problem is that if he cuts, the dollar will go down even more. He may not be able to provide as much support for the economy as his predecessor.”’
(Dr. Evil: I demand the sum… OF 1 MILLION DOLLARS.) speaking…
Hear me out, please.
BB’s powder does not appear to be very dry at this point, either.
Carnage Asada?
“The scale of the losses that will hit Wall Street banks could approach half a trillion dollars as large numbers of sub-prime home loans go bad.”
I’ll have to remember that term next time I’m ordering at Chipotle’s!
Bay County, FL
Such a deal! There may be bidding wars on this one! They can’t be serious? I don’t have anything against mobile homes, I used to live in one, but $160,000? I need to clean the coffee off my monitor.
I think the delusion in Florida might be greater than anywhere else in the country. I see similar unbelievable prices in the Tampa Bay area for all sorts of property. Many people drank a particular flavor of Kool-Aid that said “We’re gonna be just like California and all the boomers want to live here!”.
I do have something against mobile homes and I grew up in one. Trailer houses go down in value like a vehicle. The only way I would live in one again was if I bought it for next to nothing, and I was building a real home next to it.
And wood structures depreciate too. There is no difference between the two.
I think that the putative value is in the land. That MH looks old.
I have a friend in Houston who used to live in a mobile. He bought it used, already in the park, for about $8,000. He said it was in pretty decent shape.
In the summer we drink one buck chuck here (Covey Run 2004 Sauvignon Blanc) and wouldn’t know a good wine from a barely ok one, honestly…
Not my deal, but I know lots of wine snobs, and check this out:
“In 2001, Frederic Brochet, of the University of Bordeaux, conducted two separate and very mischievous experiments. In the first test, Brochet invited 57 wine experts and asked them to give their impressions of what looked like two glasses of red and white wine. The wines were actually the same white wine, one of which had been tinted red with food coloring. But that didn’t stop the experts from describing the “red” wine in language typically used to describe red wines. One expert praised its “jamminess,” while another enjoyed its “crushed red fruit.” Not a single one noticed it was actually a white wine.”
“The second test Brochet conducted was even more damning. He took a middling Bordeaux and served it in two different bottles. One bottle was a fancy grand-cru. The other bottle was an ordinary vin du table. Despite the fact that they were actually being served the exact same wine, the experts gave the differently labeled bottles nearly opposite ratings. The grand cru was “agreeable, woody, complex, balanced and rounded,” while the vin du table was “weak, short, light, flat and faulty”. Forty experts said the wine with the fancy label was worth drinking, while only 12 said the cheap wine was.”
Can anyone explain this? I last posted on the AZ-NV thread Monday eve at 19:53 (it says). At that hour, I was NOT yet seeing the Calif thread, which supposedly was posted by Ben at 4:20 pm (16:20). Why could I not see the Calif thread which had been posted 3 1/2 hours earlier?
I don’t know about you, but every once in a while I have to close the window and reopen it and bring up the blog again to see new threads.
Thx palmetto, I’ll try that in the future.
Because Ben didn’t set his clocks back.
See I just posted my time 10:49. Its not yet 11 here in CA.
By the way it took me 1 1/2 hour to read last nights California thread. It took me forever to get thru Bits.
As usual, “capitalism” is taking the blame for decades worth of bad mortgage lending policy which undermined the invisible hand’s ability to properly price risk and a Fed-engineered credit bubble which served to mask risk behind seven years of record housing price inflation. Milton Friedman must surely be rolling over in his grave.
Mortgage Crisis Extends Its Reach
Fannie, Freddie Regain Dominance
As Investors Shrink From Housing
‘Capitalism Isn’t Perfect’
November 13, 2007; Page A1
For home buyers, the renewed dominance of government-related entities means the end of the era of endless choice and easy approvals on mortgages. Borrowers now generally must meet tighter standards familiar from earlier years, such as proving their income and making a down payment of 10% to 20%.
The expanding government role isn’t the result of initiatives from Washington. As investors have fled from housing exposure, lenders wanting to sell loans they make have had no choice but to rely more on existing agencies that will still buy mortgages, like government-sponsored Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
To raise funds to lend in the first place, lenders are leaning more heavily on the 12 regional Federal Home Loan Banks, which are cooperatives chartered by Congress but owned by commercial banks and other financial institutions. The Home Loan Banks’ loans to financial institutions — which are known as “advances” and typically secured by mortgage loans — grew 29% in the first nine months of 2007, to $824 billion. Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Home Loan Banks aren’t government agencies, but because of their federal charters, it’s widely assumed the government would bail them out if they ever got into a crisis.
In addition, some mortgage lenders — among them the largest, Countrywide Financial Corp. — are growing more reliant on deposits insured by another government agency, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. “Capitalism isn’t perfect,” says CEO Angelo Mozilo of Countrywide, which had a $1.2 billion loss in the third quarter as investors suddenly grew allergic to mortgages they had eagerly bought before.
Mr. Mozilo says the U.S. needs Fannie and Freddie as “shock absorbers” between people seeking home loans and unpredictable credit markets that can seize up overnight when investors take fright.
Mozilo ,you means the dumb investors won’t buy your junk loans anymore and you need Fannie and Freddie . Wow ..Mozilo is calling the credit markets “unpredictable “. Usually when investors take flight it’s because the investment isn’t good or safe ,yet Mozilo think the goverment such take up the slack .829 billion in advance by the Feds to lenders based on their junk loans ,and people do not think that the government backed loans are not going to be the long term bail out for the 829 billion in short term advances by the FED”s dicount window ? Come on ……You got to realize why Wall Street had a rally after BB starting giving out the easy money at the discount window .
Cramer defends GFs who watch his show…
Cramer strikes back after Farrell ’screed’
Commentary: ‘Pardon me for encouraging people to own equities’
By Jim Cramer
Last Update: 9:04 AM ET Nov 13, 2007
Editor’s note: Last week MarketWatch columnist Paul B. Farrell pitted his “Lazy Portfolios” against stock picks heard on Jim Cramer’s CNBC television show “Mad Money.” This is Cramer’s response.
NEW YORK (MarketWatch) — When I read Paul Farrell’s screed on MarketWatch the other day, the one where he listened to “Mad Money” once, it savaged me. He didn’t talk to me and wrote my show off as a waste of time at best and pernicious at worst. It reminded me how misunderstood both my show and my viewers really are.
LMAO, I have had the dubious pleasure of watching Mr. Cramers show twice. The first time I believed the show was for strictly “entertainment purposes only”, yesterday I watched because the football game was horrible. I listened to his answer to one question, “I recommend buying on weakness.” I cringed. This is the ’sucker’ investor strategy, this causes investors to buy after a minor drop and ride the markets down. I was dismayed, he provides a true disservice to naive investors. Mr. Cramer would do a better service to his listeners if he informed them “How to take losses”.
Mr. Cramer’s show is extremely dangerous to one’s pocketbook.
Alot of college kids love Cramer .I can’t stand all the horn blowing and Soppy Sales type delivery from Crammer . One time I saw him pushing some high end shoe company as well as the other big coffee joint other than Starbucks . He said to stay away from financials ,after they dropped alot with bad news ,and oh boy he really deserved a show over that call . Cramer needs a up rally so anything he calls makes money and that is why he goes into rant overdrive when BB doesn’t response to his demands ,or his stupid calls go down because of a overall bear market or sell off . Cramer is one of the biggest cheerleaders for a stock market bubble . What is Cramer going to do if the stock market doesn’t have any good picks and the stock market is just in survival mode ?
True confession: I have read enough about Cramer on this blog and in MSM sources to convince me never to watch his show. The only time I ever saw him on TV was in that YouTube diatribe where he took the Fed to task earlier this fall.
The ball still has enough air in it to kick it up high, but not necessarily enough helium to keep it up there…
Pending home sales has been rescheduled to 3 pm today. Wasn’t it suppose to be posted last week originally? Must be a real “Upper Decker”.
With a little nudge nudging wink winkery, can it be rescheduled sometime in the wee hours of the weekend?
Pending approval…
They must have had to put the numbers back in the oven for a bit, the edges weren’t quite crispy and browned yet.
I thought it was supposed to be at 10. Can’t upset the market when it’s in rally mode.
$25/share on BIDU overnight? I’ll take it!
Here’s something about gold for ya:
currency markets acting weird, everything down except the yen.
Yen is starting to trade more like Peso and Chinese currencies now, negatively correlated to Euro.
Re gold: if you don’t think the Fed is going to ease Dec. 11 (I don’t) it’s hard to see gold as a buy in the next month. Have to expect another ratcheting-up in calamityville (not just more of the same) to expect Fed easing and support for gold and weaker dollar - could happen but doesn’t strike me as a good bet.
Paul, I am still long Yen, Real, Rand and Loonie. The US dollar is trading like the Zimbabwe dollar. The Mexican Peso is kept pegged to the dollar and it is appreciating. The Yen is up 4% on the dollar in the last 3 weeks and getting stronger. The EuroYen has been the primary beneficiary of the “carry trade” over the last 2 years and is starting to unwind as a result of enormous economic risks.
Some currencies I would like to own are no longer available to freely purchase. There are about 20 countries that have closed transactions to dollars. These are South American countries, African Countries and Asian countries. Ergo the US/Zimbabwe dollar risk.
Yes, currency controls are being tightened in many countries. Isn’t it fascinating how the devaluation/inflation scenario moves according to the script, but still so many people do not see it.
Hoz - I’m currently not a dollar bear but have a yen position and would like to be long HK dollar or yuan but it is very hard without buying overpriced equities or being screwed on fees. GCH is probably the best way to play it.
Loonie, pound, and euro are overvalued. Re the peso: If Mexico would denationalize Pemex (would require changing the constitution) foreign direct investment would skyrocket and peso would be forced higher. But I have a feeling even Mexico and Colombia may be catching a little Chavez fever, and don’t have much confidence in Latin America, except perhaps Panama, which seems to me to be a special case. (Am going to Costa Rica and possibly Panama next week.)
I don’t expect to see any big bear runs on the stock market or the dollar the rest of the year. But, the housing price problem is a long, long way from playing out and within 6 months there will be another round of wailing and gnashing of teeth. Whining will eventually win out - resulting in greater socialist inroads, more inflation, and higher gold prices.
I absolutely agree with you about the Euro and Pound being currently overvalued, the YEN is artificially low, the Yuan is available to purchase through China bonds yielding ~3.27%. (Merrill is a Market Maker). The Loonie may or may not be overvalued. It is a commodity currency and is going to trade with higher commodity prices. The only way to value the Loonie is to treat it as a 1 year option on gold and oil and price it using Black-Scholes.
Should the US government keep its current policies, the Euro, Pound and Loonie will not be overvalued in 6 months. With expanding US government deficits and reduced income, the dollar will continue to get weaker. I hate one way bets, but there is nothing to change the scenario. Mortgages will fail, losses will grow, fewer taxes will be paid, more layoffs and increased government spending when the US cannot afford to pay its current bills.
Thanks for the info on the Chinese bonds. We see it the same way - it’s just the through the next Fed meeting I see the Fed as more hawkish than the general market does - they’ve given clues that they will err on the side of not easing in the near future - thus I don’t want to be anti-dollar or pro-gold until I am convinced the Fed is ready to cave again.
Hi Watcher,
“Yes, currency controls are being tightened in many countries. Isn’t it fascinating how the devaluation/inflation scenario moves according to the script, but still so many people do not see it. ”
Please explain.
Thank you.
SF gal,
Inflationists generally agree that excess money printing will lead to dollar devaluation/inflation. When inflation becomes obvious currency controls are imposed to prevent people from fleeing the declining currency. This fails to prop the failing dollar, which causes other countries to devalue their currencies in what is commonly called a race to the bottom, or race to zero. Eventually the entire fiat system will fail, and we will have to establish a new currency regime.
That is the script and IMO we are following it exactly. This cycle has repeated many times in history. We have reached the point at which inflation is obvious, and currency controls are coming into play. Next up, faster dollar depreciation.
We have had a 7% drop in the stock market and the Federal Reserve is in panic mode. They should be in panic mode. The Federal Reserve (Mr. Ben Bernanke) said the subprime losses were between $50 - 100B, the CDO market is showing losses greater than $1T, Deutshce Bank is projecting losses of $500B, private analysts are saying losses of $1.2T. That is a lot of moneys. The slant from Bloomberg as to Goldman Sachs level 3 assets is that it is 6% of Goldman’s assets. There is nothing in Bloomberg’s report that shows, the valuation of level 3 assets are the difference between being solvent and insolvent.
And Mr. Jim Cramer is recommending to buy on weakness.
Fed added 11.25 billion today per the slosh report to juice the market.
“This Thursday, we’ll probably get an $8 billion rollover of the 14-day repo from November 1, plus a $20 billion rollover of the 7-day repo from November 8. A $3.25 billion repo comes due on Wednesday. There’s also a $9 billion repo that will be rolled over the day before Thanksgiving. In all, the Fed currently has $40.25 billion in repos outstanding, which is a billion less than it had outstanding a week ago, and about the same as it has had outstanding for months. Total bank reserves dropped by another $41 million in October, after dropping by $2.4 billion in September. Meanwhile, the total amount of money lent by the Fed to banks through the discount window dropped by $38 million last week.”
Is this “sloshing” somewhat akin to check kiting, or am I missing the point?
I would think a return to S&P 1490 (fomer support) would be a low risk short entry.
That’s a looong way up. Volume died out pretty quick, let’s see if this rally has legs.
Hanging out @ the DMZ…
Just on the other side of the “Robertson” Line, the $700 Club.
Just hit the “refresh” button to see all of the new posts.
Here is a question for overseas HHB’ers:
How are houses built in your country? Are the built out of sticks, gypsum board and plywood like in the US? Or are they made of bricks and mortar?
I lived 12 years in Mexico City, and never saw a wooden house. Even in shantytowns the walls are (eventually) brick and mortar.
Am in Germany since a couple of days, and one of the reasons was that I was fed up with shoddy construction. Am now in a place, temporarily, vacation apartment, 30 years old. You should see the quality of it, not a whiff of draft due to the first winter storm of the season, and two walls are windows. Such windows/doors I have never seen in US. Expensive real estate should also be about decent quality.
My in laws are Germans and they moved to the US in the 70’s. My FIL tells me about how shocked they were with the low quality of construction.
The latest stock market performance shows how careful savers are starting to pay for this mess.
If you had, say $1M in a typical conservative balanced mutual fund–say Fidelity Asset Manager–you would have lost $30K over the last week.
If folks who were saving for their retirement the way our Government told us to do some years ago started complaining to the government that they were losing money, would anyone listen to them? Of course not! They would tell you that investing in the stock and bond market has risks.
Perhaps–as some have suggested–lenders should be forced to switch out its nasty loans for 30-year fixed. But that still won’t address one large aspect of the problem, which are HELOCs. And bailing people out who borrowed to buy “crap” seems like an extreme example of a “moral hazard” if I ever heard one. They need to be forced to liquidate and pay whatever they raise, while the lenders make up the rest.
That is not including currency translations.
Mr. Alan Greenspan said “We can guarantee cash benefits as far out and at whatever size you like, but we cannot guarantee their purchasing power.”
“And that is why the issue ultimately has got to be resolved in terms of [whether] we have the material goods and services that people will need to consume, not whether we pass some hurdle with respect to how legal financing occurs, because the financing is a secondary issue.”
Heard something interesting on the radio this morning. The program was talking about the upcoming retail season. The host mentioned that a good number of department stores, fashion outlets etc would be open on Thanksgiving day this year. The host then correlated it to the housing marketing declining and a broader recession. I was SHOCKED to hear this on a mainstream radio show. Here in Socal it played on KFI AM 640 during the morning drive show (7:45am).
Maybe this will be the official start of the consumer recession we have all been expecting…
Hard to distinguish between a buzzard and a turkey, these days.
Last night, on CNN international, there was an interview with the new CEO of Best Western, and he talked openly about the currently declining business, after a few very good years. Am not feeling sorry, because have seen same thing that applies to residential housing: lousy construction, sky high prices. Just stayed in a BW, and in two rooms the bathroom stank, probably due to shoddy plumbing. Did I say this was a “high end” area?
(travelled for a month in the West just now). The last was a brand new Hampton Inn where the walls were so thin that…oh well.
What amazes me is how Disney can constantly sell out its hotels in Anaheim. These are not cheap, and plain rooms can be as much as $400 per night (Grand Californian). It amazes me because there are some very nice hotels just 2-3 blocks away that go for less than $150, and if you are willing to shop around you can get rooms at decent hotels for less than $100.
I know people who insist that they won’t stay “off property”, even if it means $300+ per night. “You must be rich”, I tell them, which they vehemently deny. Sure, they save up for that splurge by buying generic cereal and shopping at Sam’s Club.
“Goldman jumped $11.59 to $226.30. Chief Executive Officer Lloyd Blankfein said at a banking conference in New York that the firm has no plans to announce a “significant writedown.” Goldman is “net shorting” mortgage-related collateralized debt obligations and has a “good grip” on so-called Level 3 assets. Such assets trade so infrequently that companies use internal models to gauge their value.”
Just curious, what the heck “net shorting” mortgage-related collateralized debt obligations”
It means they have lots of positions, but if you add them all up, the total exposure will increase invalue as CDOs decline in value.
Only if the counter parties have the financial ability to pay. Not very likely.
Haven’t been able to post, but am reading when I can. Quick update on the Oil Patch of E. Utah/W. Colo. Seeing reduced house prices around W. Colorado, but rents are still high and everything seems like it’s taking FOREVER ( i.e., prices are going down very slowly). The oil patch activity seems to be keeping things running, or maybe just keeping people’s hopes up so they refuse to capitulate. The town I’m in (pop. 900) has rumors of a nuclear reactor coming, and the filing of uranium claims has increased exponentially. Lots of nat. gas workers running amok on the back roads, the wildlife rehab people are having a heck of a time keeping up with the injured animals and birds – esp. eagles, which feed on the deer the truckers hit and then don’t move off the roads. There seems to be a new frenzy to all this, I’ve lived in this country all my life and there has always been extractive industry, but it just seems like an air of craziness. I spend a lot of time in the backcountry, so I see these guys, seismic crews, water trucks, tankers, even derricks being moved here and there, nearly been run over myself a few times. We’re talking places that are remote (I do archaeology, and I get way out there in the Big Empty). The local groc. store stays open late now to accommodate the workers as they come in, I think it’s become a large part of the store’s business. RE prices here (what there is, 2 or 3 houses and a few pieces of land) are prob. at least 100% over what they should be, maybe even 150% - the town is dying, except for the oil patch, but those guys don’t buy. The oil companies are having a hard time getting qualified workers and are having job fairs all over, there seems to be a shortage of people who can drive and who also have hazmat and CDL endorsements and clean records (think drugs, the Oil Patch is famous for high meth use).
Went to Moab (E. Utah tourist town) yest. and it was pretty dead, esp. since this is a good time of year for lots of people and the weather was nice. One of the bike shop owners told me things were slow and “It hurts.” In the meantime, prices keep going up for groceries and gas ($3.29 for premium in Moab, $4.75 for 5# potatoes, 1 gal. organic milk is $5.50). I needed some boots and really don’t want to buy Chinese, went to 5 outdoor stores and finally gave up and bought Chinese. Even the old standbys are now made in China. It made me want to gag. They weren’t cheap, either.
Anyway, I love hearing the trains go by in the evening here, who knows, it may be my only form of transportation some day. There’s a general lack of awareness here, but some people are starting to get it, they seem to be the older folks who have been through hard times before. One gal (age 79) frequents the espresso shop and talks endlessly to everyone about the economy and politicians, I asked her if she read this blog, she doesn’t even know how to use a computer, so no, but she’s pretty much on it. OK, sorry for the long post, seems like it’s a crazy world out here, something’s in the air, and it ain’t just smoke from San Diego (which is still lingering). As a contrast, I was in Grand Junction (core pop. 100k, but serves many more) on the weekend and everyone was buying. Also a craziness in the air over there, but a different kind. Or maybe not???
Thanks, Utah. Probably will never see that area again. Have done a huge amount of travelling, and like yourself, kept talking to locals, and have the eyes wide open otherwise.
Thanks for the report, Lost.
Moab seems to me to be a place for the inner yearnings, of inner America, to find itself.
I guess they are staying home?
While I was there last time, heard the local radio station say, “Welcome to Moab, where corporate wage slaves come to renew their enthusiasm for life.” LOL
Mortgage Woes to Sink Property Values
I saw a homebuilder’s sign (Pulte) on the side of the road. Not 20 feet away was a similar small sign in the ground, “Adult Massage Pleasure Spa, Open 24 Hours, .”
While this was intentional, I wonder if numerous fake bandit signs for adult businesses strategically placed near homebuilders signs would dissuade buyers any…hmmm.
Curiouser and curiouser. How did these particular firms happen into their roles advising a failing UK bank?
Leaked memo lays out options for Northern Rock
By FT Reporters
Published: November 13 2007 11:47 | Last updated: November 13 2007 12:10
Stricken mortgage lender Northern Rock may see the value of its equity wiped out and is expected to owe the Bank of England billions for years to come, according to documents seen by the Financial Times.
A briefing memorandum prepared for prospective buyers of Northern Rock by the bank’s advisers Merrill Lynch, Citigroup and Blackstone Group details a number of future scenarios for the bank.,Authorised=false.html?
I think these crooky firms are exactly the right choice if you want to lure an unsuspecting buyer like a big EU pension fund. They know exactly what it takes to bribe the managers that are in charge of buying decisions.
Foreclosure focus: Why Cleveland?
All over the state, even in prosperous communities, foreclosure filings at least quadrupled in 70 of the state’s 88 counties over the past 11 years, according to Zach Schiller, of Policy Matters Ohio, an economic think tank. “They grew even when the economy was doing better,” he said.
According to Rokakis, Cleveland got hammered because lax governmental oversight from the state allowed Wild-West lending. “No one was watching,” he said. “There was no sheriff in town. The state legislature was dominated by banking interests.”
more from the article:
Rokakis told of a 78-year-old Cleveland woman recently saddled with an unaffordable, 30-year ARM arranged by her minister, a mortgage broker. “I asked him why,” said Rokakis, “you would give an elderly woman an ARM. He said, ‘She wanted the house.’”
Roakakis shook his head. “I want a date with Uma Thurman,” he said, “but you have to be realistic.”
The “B Word” Returns: Backdoor Bailouts of Bankruptcy Candidates
More “B” words: backdoor bailouts, via the FHLB, have been the unrecognized mechanism keeping the credit crisis from worsening. And they’re expanding, as East Shore’s McCullough explains:
The FHLB of New York now is offering “Principal-Deferred Advances” (loans the Home Loan vernacular) which lets borrowers defer principal repayment for up to five years — with a fixed rate. Some deal.
The Home Loan Banks are GSEs, or government supported enterprises like Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. Which means in the real politick of government finance, “the U.S. taxpayer is ultimately at risk,” says McCullough.
All of which may provide some preview of what’s to come. Do you believe Washington will stand beside idly during a credit and housing collapse in an election year?
In so, there’s another “B” word: the Brooklyn Bridge – I’ll sell it to you, cheap.
Realtors Forecast Bigger Drop in Sales
Perhaps the stock market rally today was of the “Bad news on Main Street translates into good news on Wall Street” variety?
Goodbye, expansion; hello, recession
Commentary: Signs are everywhere, particularly in the plight of the consumer
By Dr. Irwin Kellner, MarketWatch
Last Update: 11:29 PM ET Nov 12, 2007
PORT WASHINGTON, N.Y. (MarketWatch) — No matter where you look, signs of a recession are beginning to proliferate. Indeed, it’s getting more and more difficult to come up with reasons to expect this aging expansion to continue.
One reason for concern is the age of the expansion itself.
November marks the sixth birthday of the current upswing. This makes it a senior citizen by business cycle standards, since it is now 20 months older than the average postwar peacetime expansion.
Indeed, only four of the previous 32 business cycles tracked by the umpire of the business cycle, the National Bureau of Economic Research, lasted longer than this one - and two of these occurred during wartime.
P.S. Good results at WalMart relative to faux luxury retailers are consistent with increased recession risk.
Training video on avoiding disasters (like CDOs, SIVs, etc)
Hey, Matt, bet we tag 1490 tomorrow a.m.
We love to trade this kind of volatility. Trade being the operative term.
shoulda been today.
why the wait?
im beginning to think we need a couple more of these upside trading curbs days in order to get a really big downdraft in context. 6-7% down over 4 days balanced by an upside 3%.
4 to 1 negative internals.
news is still the same.
“commodities are crashing rush to equities”
“inflation is surging rush to commoodities”
push and shove
wally world numbers were recessionary at best.
perhaps some dollars got spooked and they ran away, poor lonely dollar has nowhere to go. time to get home.
from Russ Winters blog
“The “positive” news today from Walmart and Goldman Sachs tells you two things:
1) The economy is in recession (but the public doesn’t know it because the government is lying to you about it)
2) The largest financial institutions are insolvent (but the public doesn’t know it because Wall Street is lying to you about it)
This isn’t some kind of futuristic novel, but the reality that we are now living in. Some may choose to trust in authority, but that would be a mistake. ”
classic stuff.
As of yesterday’s close, there were way too many November puts in the money. That had to be remedied and it was today.
I had no idea the November put idea the Monday before the Fed meeting would be such a winner. It was a WAG after reading the Berry column in the Washington Post. It worked out great. Another payday.
going long to hedge.
E*Trade up 39% after concerns it might go bankrupt. This is comical
Pandemonium in Toronto! People paid $500 to $1000 per night to wait in line for units in a new 80-storey development.
“The condo rage in Toronto only started since last March, with all the difficulties in the U.S. market,” said Tabrizi.
My mother used to have a highrise condo in Queen’s Quay on the waterfront in Toronto. After she died, we sold it for peanuts because it was just sitting empty. Guess I should have kept it ;(
I went out apartment hunting today. Rents at most complexes (that are less than 30 years old) for 2 bedroom units seem to be about the same as the cheaper 3 bedroom house rentals I’ve seen on Craigslist recently. I asked what was being built next door to one complex. She told me someone was building luxury apartments and that the rumor is one bedroom units will start at $850. I replied, “So, it will be cheaper to rent a house than to live there.”
Granted, a house of equal price is probably 30 years old, but hey, a yard is more important to me than stupid stainless steel appliances and brushed nickel bathroom fixtures.