November 28, 2007

Bits Bucket And Craigslist Finds For November 28, 2007

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Comment by wmbz
2007-11-28 04:36:30

Muck… Wonder who the next group will be with their hand out trying to bum some oil money?;_ylt=AhSxtHjSp0W9DItpiZgkDzCyBhIF

Comment by combotechie
2007-11-28 05:19:51

This article reads as if Wells Fargo wrote it.

Comment by Tom
2007-11-28 04:39:17

I am in the UK. In talking with people here, especially some at Barclays and HSBC, they think the U.S. is a tainted market and there is a ton of pressure on them to not keep making the same mistakes.


I talk to these people every day although I am over here IT consulting. I do here it. Even IT managers and higher level executives know the party is over and that the U.S. currency is “crap” as they put it. As long as the FED keeps lowering interest rates, they will demand higher rates to compensate for the yield.

Comment by Ben Jones
2007-11-28 04:46:56

I posted this about a month ago. I ran into a tourist from Italy. He was an economist for a small bank there. I asked him what was a good Italian company to invest in. In his halting english, he said, ‘none, subprime.’

Comment by Tom
2007-11-28 04:54:09

The perception was that U.S. securities were a “safe” investment. That has now been shattered. Now what?

Comment by matt
2007-11-28 05:01:32
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Comment by housing hanky panky
2007-11-28 05:13:54

Check with Wall Street, I’m sure they more interesting products on offer. :smile:

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Comment by spike66
2007-11-28 05:46:41

Well, Wall Street continues to devour it’s own. Citi’s layoffs were just the first up, all the ibanks will follow. NYC is looking at a very reduced future, and very reduced tax revenue streams. From Bloomberg, this am.

“Wall Street, which got hooked on shipping its back-office work to India earlier this decade, is taking the next step — outsourcing investment research. Citigroup Inc., Deutsche Bank AG, Goldman Sachs Group Inc., JPMorgan Chase & Co., Morgan Stanley and UBS AG are among the firms staffing units in Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mumbai and New Delhi. They’re tapping analysts who in the U.S. and Europe would cost firms 200,000- 400,000 euros ($290,000-$580,000) a year and instead are paying a quarter to a third of those sums.”

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Comment by JP
2007-11-28 05:50:24

Eventually, somebody is going to do a statistical analysis of the high-paid analysts and figure out that they are no better than those at 1/2 the salary.

Comment by matt
2007-11-28 05:58:10

About time those guys got offshored, ceo’s should be next. I’ll volunteer to run a company into the ground for 100k a year.

Comment by palmetto
2007-11-28 05:58:52

This is one class of jobs which will be no big loss to the US economy. A world of hurt has been created by bogus research and analysis. India couldn’t possibly do a worse job and might do a much better job, unless they, too, get suborned.

Comment by spike66
2007-11-28 07:46:31

The research dept. in ibanks is essentially a marketing dept.
Nothing more. Relying on their efforts is volunteering to lose your shirt. It’s interesting for me because whole depts. can now be shut down in NY, and will be. More jobs lots, and the tax revenues (City depends on Wall St. to stay solvent) will thin, as the dimunition of NYC as a financial center continues. The effects will be felt in real estate, restaurants, high-end stores, et. al. These jobs support the city services and the costs of the poor–all of which will have to be trimmed. By law, NYC must run a balanced budget, no deficits allowed.

Comment by HBBLurker
2007-11-28 09:40:01

NYC is the center of the debt consumption bubble, it has become overcroweded and insanely expesive and full of “nuevo rich”, I will welcome the chickens coming how to roost…

Comment by oxide
2007-11-28 06:36:08

Mortgages were a safe investment, because bad buyers were screened out by documentation and down payments/PMI. When the screening process ended, so did the safety. Everybody — from Moody’s to money market funds in Norway — should have seen it. But no, they still thought it was safe. Riding on the coattails of our financially responsible parents and grandparents.

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Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 07:59:54

“But no, they still thought it was safe.”

The deleterious effect of abandoned underwriting standards on mortgage credit quality was masked by an unprecedented pace of U.S. housing price appreciation which occurred when unqualified borrowers were handed money with no downpayment requirements and low initial monthly payments.

Comment by jim A
2007-11-28 09:07:06

It all has to do with the illusion that no matter HOW bad the underlying loans, banks could pool and tranche until there were good bonds made from them.

Comment by nhz
2007-11-28 06:55:47

judging from the current low treasury rate that perception has not been shattered at all. And banks in my country keep boasting about their investments in real estate, especially investments in US RE.

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Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 07:21:55

If a critical mass of foreign investment in U.S. RE is reached, might not political incentives for keeping RE asset prices propped up at pre-bust levels be eroded to the point of failure?

Comment by aladinsane
2007-11-28 08:25:07

The saving grace of a housing bubble, compared to the dotcom bubble, is that it is shelter, one of our 3 basic needs…

I think prices will fall around 25% below pre-2000 levels, and obviously much more in B.F.E.’s, like the I.E.

Comment by aladinsane
2007-11-28 08:33:27

U.S. = UnSecurities

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Comment by Pondering the Mess
2007-11-28 10:33:09

Well, fortunately the US can fall back on its strong manufacturing base and… oh, we outsourced all that… Well, we still have lots of good jobs and… nope, outsourced those… Hmmm… Um, our people have saved a lot and can thus invest in the… oh, wait, everyone is in debt over their heads… Ummm… nope - we’re hosed.

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Comment by joeyinCalif
2007-11-28 10:48:01

ain’t nothin broken that a little recession won’t fix..

Comment by matt
Comment by Xenos
2007-11-28 05:15:14

How many Chicago families are earning >$200,000 and have $120,000 as a down payment?

Comment by Brian in Chicago
2007-11-28 08:27:15

I know a bunch, but none that would buy a house in Elmhurst.

Comment by Danni
2007-11-28 05:20:00

Sounds like he’s very motivated to make some so called 2005 “easy money”

Comment by MD_Renter
2007-11-28 06:21:00

That is an *unbelievable* price - but not in the way he meant.

Comment by Michael Fink
2007-11-28 06:49:15

He was right about one thing. That price is indeed unbelievable!

Comment by Kathy
2007-11-28 09:56:02

I live in Elmhurst. This house is in a crappy neighborhood 1 block away from a quarry. The neighborhood is also full of rundown rentals. If you don’t know where it is, it looks like a bargain since new houses in that school area go for $1,000,00 and up (not that they are worth that).

Comment by Kathy
2007-11-28 14:07:00

If you think those are wishing prices for Elmhurst, check out these:

Comment by Xenos
2007-11-28 16:04:30

$457 per square foot? Must have some serious bling.

Comment by wmbz
Comment by spike66
2007-11-28 05:40:39

The same talking heads with their “souffles” and goldilocks” stories now venture maybe a chance of recession. This is a nightmare, from the link….

“Thousands of school, fire, water and other local districts across the U.S. keep their cash in state- and county-run pools. These public accounts, modeled after private money market funds, are supposed to invest in safe, liquid, short-term debt such as U.S. Treasuries and certificates of deposit from highly rated banks.
The Florida pool, which was the largest of its kind in the U.S. at $27 billion before the recent spate of withdrawals, has invested $2 billion in SIVs and other subprime-tainted debt, state records show. Connecticut, Maine, Montana and King County, Washington, are among other governments holding similar investments, in smaller quantities. “

Comment by Devildog
2007-11-28 06:34:24

Yeah, all the people who think government workers have it made will think again when it comes out that all that pension money has disappeared. Sure the federal government will just keep going deeper in debt, maybe some of the states and large metro areas too. But the majority of small municipalities won’t have that option and will just say “sorry you’re SOL”.

And with respect to the feds and states - there’s a finite amount of taxes they can raise especially during a recession/depression, and they are technically already bankrupt. They’ll just be able to keep the house of cards up a little longer is all.

Comment by flatffplan
2007-11-28 07:16:14

govs will raise taxes - they have your dough ,Joe
good time to consider a cash biz

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Comment by auger-inn
2007-11-28 07:19:37

Here is an interesting article on the GSE debt. Apologies to the non goldies out there as it has a pro-gold slant at the end but overall deals mainly with detailing the debt picture.

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Comment by Leighsong
2007-11-28 12:21:18

Must watch the Youtube video for a funny, yet accurate understanding of SIV and soon to be or not to be M-LEC.

Thanks Auger!

Comment by A.B. Dada
2007-11-28 07:20:56

I’ve noticed their solution, starting over a year ago and really accelerating now: more and more ridiculous fines/penalties/enforcement of laws and regulations that protect no one.

My town has a bad neighborhood or two, with consistent rapes, murders and thefts. The cops don’t go there. Instead, they gang up at the 4 speed traps in town, and write tons of tickets. I went to traffic court last month to battle a ticket (I won) and noticed the sheep in line happy to pay their $120 and get off with 30 day probation. The sheer amount of tickets written must have tripled in 18 months, and the police are even less worthy in terms of protection actual property.

The courts also are letting off possibly “violent” offenders with a high fine and no jail time, so they can do it again and collect another fine. My lawyer recently told me of a guy who had his third DUI in a year (note that I am against DUI laws except when there is actual damage done) with a crazy high fine, but no jail time. They know he’ll do it again, I’m sure, and maybe next time they’ll hit the guy with a 5 figure fine.

I’ve been requesting a budget on pension payments (now and future) from my city clerk for 6 months now, and still haven’t received the necessary details. It keeps getting moved to a different department. Luckily for me, I host an email newsletter that about 1500 of my neighbors receive (opt-in) and I’m starting to get more aggressive in asking people to call and ask for the same information. Maybe tying up the phone system will eventually get us the info we need.

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Comment by spike66
2007-11-28 07:51:10

“note that I am against DUI laws except when there is actual damage done”

This is a very dim viewpoint. I do hope that when the next DUI happens, you are not the guy who gets slammed.

Comment by Devildog
2007-11-28 07:52:05

Yeah, I’ve noticed the same thing too. I got 2 tickets 2 weeks apart inside my subdivision a block from my (former) house. Just a money making sceme that outraged me. I got out of both - there are enough people that willing pay their fees that if you put up any resistance the court backs off. For now.

This and the many spy cameras they’re putting up all over Houston are a leading factor in why I’m moving out to the country (that and I want a farm). It would be one thing if they were nailing everyone, but as you accurately noted the guilty go free, while the law abiding get stuck with big fees (because they can pay and criminals can’t).

Here in Houston it’s the illegals. They can total your car running a stop light and the cops will let them go without a ticket because they say the illegal wouldn’t pay it anyway. But just let a citizen do a 1 mph roll through of a stop sign on a deserted street and its a $200 fine and they want to haul you off to jail.

Comment by tab
2007-11-28 08:34:07

Oh please, I’ve lived in Houston for 4 years and I’ve never gotten a single ticket. Perhaps you should quit speeding?

Comment by Devildog
2007-11-28 08:39:57

Sorry to burst your bubble but I wasn’t speeding one block from my house. And I’ve lived in Houston longer than you have - it’s been getting significantly worse lately. Living in Houston you should be aware of the complaints against the spy cameras just being a money making scheme for the city (and no, I haven’t gotten tickets for that yet either).

Comment by Pelegirl
2007-11-28 08:42:32

Yep, we have the same problem in SoCal. My hubby was in a head on collision on the freeway with an illegal alien, no license, no insurance, not even a license plate, going about 80 miles per hour. Shut down most of the freeway and the woman still tried to drive off. Luckily he was in a big work truck so not hurt but he had nightmares for weeks because he had to slam on his brakes and almost fishtailed into a van full of teens next to him. The cops actually took this idiot away, but what do you want to bet they just let her out of jail the same day and she changed her name from Maria to Mari and avoided all fees, jail time, etc.

We were pretty poor for a while when we were kids. Raised by my dad who was a contractor. He couldn’t get over the fact that mexican guys would underbid the jobs, win, screw up the job, and walk away with a new name to do it again the next day. Not only that, but my dad had to pay a couple hundred dollars a year per child so we could ride the bus to school. Really hurt him sometimes when money was low. The illegal kids rode for free. The last straw was when he would get pulled over by cops consistently because he had a well cared for work truck and dump truck - they knew he’d pay the ticket. Never pulled over the illegals in trucks that were overloaded, uninsured, or dangerous. I remember seeing him in tears one time telling the cop that the ticket he was writing would just take food out of his kids mouths. This was in the 90’s when contracting work was scarce. Cop could care less.

Comment by tab
2007-11-28 08:47:58

Devil - of course, I’m aware of the cameras. Pat Gray wouldn’t shut up about them this morning. At least its not all illegals all the time anymore. I don’t agree with them in principal, but are you telling me that you were innocently driving, obeying all laws, when they stopped you in your subdivision? If so, then accept my apologies. I just probably haven’t gotten any tickets because they think I’m illegal or maybe they like my libertarian bumper sticker.

Comment by tab
2007-11-28 08:54:58

Thats why I never get stopped - I’m brown like an illegal and I drive a junker.

Comment by RMB
2007-11-28 10:10:10

Hey tab, did you notice devildog said they got out of both tickets. So yea, he/she was just driving along and the cops gave them a ticket for no reason or at least couldn’t prove a reason to the courts content.
This is happening everywhere, and expect it to increase as the budgetary shortfalls increase. If you are driving an expensive car, lookout.
Have a buddy who is a CHP officer and he basically told me that, with the number of laws on the books in CA, they can pull anyone over at any time and write them a ticket.

Comment by Pondering the Mess
2007-11-28 10:40:41

Interesting, though I wonder how long a society can tax and fine itself to prosperity. At some point, people are going to have to actually do REAL work and spend less than they make, and the clowns running the show are going to have to stop getting rid of decent jobs and security and quit making everything into a zero-sum or negative-sum game in their favor.

Comment by NeilT
2007-11-28 07:34:56

There is no doubt that going forward there will be much economic pain to be endured by everyone, including the govt workers. As the govt debt level keeps rising, the interest rates will rise and the interest payments gobble up bigger and bigger share of the govt revenue. So more debt piles on at ever increasing interest rates. As the middle class gets more and more shafted, taxes will take a hit, too.
It will be quite interesting to see how we pull ourselves out of this mess.
OT: I bet everyone knows someone that is fleecing the govt to collect a handout. We know an Asian couple, running a small 24-hr store. We are shocked to learn that the wife and the kid get free Mass Govt health insurance and food stamps. Husband owns the house & the business that rakes in a bundle (I am guessing that they make a lot of under the table sales thus saving the sales/income taxes, too). So how can they collect the MA govt health benefits which seem to be overly generous compared what we get from our private employment, that too at a huge premium charge ($6000 per year!)? Is it possible they are divorced on paper?
It is really shameful how the honest, hard-working middle class citizens are screwed by our elected governments. I will definitely vote for anyone who promises to end the govt handouts!

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Comment by spike66
2007-11-28 07:55:22

Neil T,
Please, no matter what else you do today, turn these folks in to your state fraud division. When these folks get investigated, their friends and relatives who are thieving from you and your family will get the word and desist before they get nailed too. And please don’t say they’re “nice”–they’re stealing from you and from your children’s future. Nail ‘em.

Comment by packman
2007-11-28 07:58:38

“It will be quite interesting to see how we pull ourselves out of this mess.”

I have an idea how it’ll happen, but it won’t be pretty. And unfortunately more likely than not it’ll only involve getting out of one mess and into another - e.g. something that will involve a change of currency.

Comment by Devildog
2007-11-28 07:59:27

The only way the government can technically avoid default is hyper inflation (while significantly under reporting to avoid mandatory cost of living increases). They are already doing this but they are starting to fall behind and the gap will continue to increase.

When I bring up the possibility of pension default to my fed gov worker dad he says they’ll never do it-there would be a revolution. And then I say, oh yeah? Why do you think our military has been getting experienced doing real world population supression fro the last few years? And does anyone seriously think government workers would actually revolt? They are more sheeple than most. As the private sector citizens get squeezed more they may actually demand lessening gov workers benefits. Even if they don’t you can bet they wouldn’t get their panties in a bunch if gov pensions get scaled back.

Comment by auger-inn
2007-11-28 08:11:09

Along that frame of mind packman, has anyone else caught the new (at least to me) talking head on CNN Headline news station?
Yesterday he had on Pat Buchanan pimping his new book. Now I want to self disclose that I don’t necessarily support Mr. Buchanan in many of his views but he is largely correct (IMO) with regard to immigration.
Anyway, this talking head went on and on about the upcoming collapse of the dollar, the plans to subvert our constitution and join the North American Union/ SPP legislation, etc, etc.
It was almost surreal watching this guy and listening to what was recently considered a very tin foil hat viewpoint. Pat Buchanan was agreeing with him and was totally aware of this plan.
As a side note, does anyone else find it strange that several members of congress have announced retirement plans? These guys usually die in their hard bought jobs. I think it is indicative of trying to get out before the high crimes and misdemeanors against the US citizens are uncovered.

Comment by palmetto
2007-11-28 08:18:41

“As a side note, does anyone else find it strange that several members of congress have announced retirement plans?”

Yes, auger, I have taken note of that, especially lardass Hastert, that was a shocker. Of course, they’re on to lucrative lobbying jobs, I’m sure.

Comment by Ernest
2007-11-28 08:22:02

3 ex-wives of Muslim bakery founder allege elaborate welfare scam

Comment by palmetto
2007-11-28 08:34:18

auger, I also agree with Buchanan’s points regarding immigration. All immigration, legal and illegal, for any reason, needs to be shut down while the system is repaired, just like you’d shut off the water to repair a plumbing or gas leak. Yeah, we’ve got plenty of criminality here in the US, but that doesn’t mean we need to add to it by importing it. First, you stop the bleeding. Then you work on the patient. The US is basically just an idea and I agree with Dada about restoring the republic.

Comment by jer
2007-11-28 08:39:57

“As a side note, does anyone else find it strange that several members of congress have announced retirement plans?”

New lobbying laws go into effect Jan 1 that will bar any congress/senate office holder from lobbying Congress for two years after leaving office. As a result, there’s a rush to the door…

Comment by Devildog
2007-11-28 09:02:02

“New lobbying laws go into effect Jan 1″

Ah so. The murky waters have cleared. Slightly.

Comment by are they crazy
2007-11-28 09:20:03

In the case of Lott, there’s rumblings of another gay escort scandal.

Comment by not a gator
2007-11-28 11:16:58

bfffaaaaahahahaha, CONgress pay not keeping up with luxury inflation, and the G-men are breathing down their necks about graft again … the real money is on K street. Get a whiff of that rot…

Comment by WatchingTheSagaUnfold
2007-11-28 09:18:37

‘Yeah, all the people who think government workers have it made will think again when it comes out that all that pension money has disappeared. ‘

That reminds me of a flippant remark a major brokerage firm rep once made to me. They said it was simple for government to guarantee safety of money markets. They just print more money/charge more taxes. So, there will always be a safety net for entitlements. I guess chuck told them to say that is how things work.

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Comment by not a gator
2007-11-28 11:18:03

Entitlements, maybe. I think some pension funds ARE going to get hosed. Guess what, those workers will flip out, but it won’t be a revolution …

They’ll be going postal …

Comment by Mary Lee
2007-11-28 20:54:39

My “entitlement” is the sad remains of the 6% deducted involuntarily from my pay, and “invested” where I have no say nor oversight. Nice entitlement.

Comment by Pen
2007-11-28 05:18:27

Good morning all,

Let’s suppose that we are off the mark on our dire assessment of the near future of the housing market.

What is it that we could be missing?

What is it that could “rescue” the FBs, brokers, mtge co’s, et. al.?

Comment by Danni
2007-11-28 05:25:22

What is it that could “rescue” the FBs, brokers, mtge co’s, et al.?


Comment by exeter
2007-11-28 05:31:43

Right on Danni. I believe risk capital would run quickly from housing in the event of a rescue.

Comment by Danni
2007-11-28 05:32:11

Seriously, the more I read, watch and hear leads me to believe that for the most part, the government, who one would think has the power to do something significant is ultimately filled with a bunch of lame ducks.
I’m not stating that I want them to do anything to bail out irresponsibility. Just as a whole, they are incapable of getting their collective acts together.

Comment by Danni
2007-11-28 05:34:24

OT my brother just told me it’s a great time to buy…..

I need more coffee

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Comment by A.B. Dada
2007-11-28 07:29:01

There are 4 possible solutions that would work fairly quickly. All of them have negative consequences.

1. The worst one would be a much higher minimum wage law, such as the so-called “living wage” minimum. Raise the minimum wage to $12 an hour, and destroy small businesses and untalented workers who would be shut out of the pool. Unions would love this, though.

2. Immigflation (I coined this term). Immiglation is the staving off of price increases that come from monetary inflation through increasing legal immigration. Want to solve the housing problem? Let 500,000 immigrants come in legally in 2 months. They’ll need somewhere to live, probably rental houses and apartments, which will decrease supply and push prices up a bit. Of course the labor market would get chopped up, but a higher demand for food, clothing, and energy could cause prices to rise. The new immigrants would bear the brunt of the pain, probably.

3. Market-specific inflation coupled with reduced regulation on lending within that market. I don’t think this is legal or possible, but if the Treasury, SEC and Fed all worked together to reduce loan requirements for certain markets (say, small business loans or the like), banks would be able to loan out money again outside of housing, but having a more direct effect on wages in those markets (and spending).

4. Ron Paul wins election. Long term, but I think his goal of getting rid of the IRS and ending the Imperialism could have a very positive effect on the economy. It would shift spending to more local State and community oriented areas, and also reduce the burden of the Federal government by $1 trillion per year, likely. The States would quickly raise taxes to cover the new money introduced into their economies, but I’d say there is less bureaucracy the lower you go down the government ladder. I am a fan of restoring the Republic, so I think this would be the best solution — it would bring more hardship initially on all, but would bring more equality in opportunity for all rather quickly.

Any of the other solutions would help the elite even if they were titled “Help the poor tax relief bill of 2008.”

Comment by ahansen
2007-11-28 08:43:17

Ron Paul wins election… could have a very positive effect on the economy. It would shift spending to more local State and community oriented areas, and also reduce the burden of the Federal

Yeah, great idea. Then we can return control of the eductional system to “local school districts.” (Ron Paul, PBS “Newshour” Oct. 2007) Kansas and much of the SE can finally be rid of those pesky scientific types who keep objecting to Creation Science. And County governments can go back to writing/enforcing their own good ‘ol boy laws without fear of meddling from the FBI.

On the other hand, marijuana and married homosexuals will gain new status in the coastal north west and east.

Hope you’re on good terms with your local warlord…the “national” guard is in the middle yeast anyway.

Isn’t Balkinization fun?

(rant off)
rrrrr…these earthquakes are getting tedious. The bubble in Central California may be about to solve itself.

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Comment by Devildog
2007-11-28 09:13:20

Sorry but evolution is not science. It doesn’t even slightly follow the scientific method. It’s a religeon unto itself (read up on its origins sometime). It’s amazing what people will believe if they are indoctrinated enough..

Comment by MrBubble
2007-11-28 09:50:15

Yep. The Lord dun dun it! An’ I ain’t no monkey!

Comedy. Evolution is testable and reproducible. A religeon [sic] it is clearly not.


Comment by samk
2007-11-28 10:27:19

Just a small example of evolution at work. Apparently, it is science.

Comment by Devildog
2007-11-28 10:44:39

Nope, evolution is not testable or reproducable. When was the last time you saw a whale turn into a dog? It’s utterly ludicrous. What is verifyable is adaptation, which is just common sense (i.e. if due to weather conditions a bird needs a certain shape of beak, the brids with that beak will survive and prosper while the rest will die off - that’s just genetics). But evolutionists claim this is “evidence” of cross-species creation which is just plain hogwash.

For something to be science it has to be documentable and reproducable. What happens when “scientists” can’t reproduce? They get laughed off the stage (remember the cold fusion guys in Utah?), except for soem reason when it comes to evolution.

Evolution is just a brainwashed cult religeon. If you stop and think about it rationally it’s just nonsense.

Comment by neuromance
2007-11-28 11:08:26

Evolution is science. Creationism is religion.

For a discussion, check out this page:

Sorry about the off-topicality, but the conflation of science and religion is a trend that drag us down to third world status.

Comment by not a gator
2007-11-28 11:30:18

Lame, devildog. You just whipped out a strawman. No one claims (except Lamarck) that species convert to new species in one or two generations. That’s nonsense. (BTW, Lamarck–or Lysenkoism–was promoted heavily by Stalin, but has been completely disproven. OTOH, Darwinism has a great track record. They went toe-to-toe in the mid-20th century. The US improved their wheat production while the Stalinist regime utterly failed. Hell, I believe we were feeding them for a while there.)

Talk.Origins Archive

Everything you need to know about modern biology in one handy website.

Comment by Devildog
2007-11-28 11:34:57

Once again, evolution is NOT science. Just becuase lots of people SAY it is doesn’t make it so. Evolution does not follow the scientific method, therefore it can not be science. When you can’t test something or see it for yourself it is either not true, or faith based (religeon). Evolution fits both of those (no one’s ever seen it-it takes millions of years!! Yeah, right).

Tell a lie long enough and most people will believe. And more people will believe the bigger the lie is.

Comment by Devildog
2007-11-28 11:41:05

No straw man here. You just proved my point. Evolution is unverifyable BECAUSE we all know species don’t convert over several generations. Therefore you can’t test or reproduce it, which are requirements for something to be science.

Comment by bluprint
2007-11-28 12:31:37

Kansas and much of the SE can finally be rid of those pesky scientific types who keep objecting to Creation Science.

That would probably be a good thing. Instead of spending so many cycles arguing about whether we crawled out of a primordial soup or were created, they could instead spend those cycles learning, you know, useful stuff, like math and reading.

The time spent arguing about this useless crap is much more wasteful than teaching a thought that might be wrong but has no bearing on real life if it is.

Comment by bluprint
2007-11-28 12:34:50

Hope you’re on good terms with your local warlord

The only warlord I’m aware of is in D.C. It’s much more difficult to send your neighbor off to war than it is to send some guy of a different race who’s family you will never have to see in church on sunday (or at the game on friday night or whatever). I would much prefer local people I know to run things than your corporate, war-mongering shills. But thanks for offering.

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 13:30:09

“It’s a religeon unto itself (read up on its origins sometime).”

Bosh! Just read the book I reference below, and a few others written by modern evolutionary scientists. No need to worry about origins unless you are into religion.

Then if you want to learn about the critical importance of origins to religion, then read this book:

or this one:

Comment by Blue Skye
2007-11-28 14:15:18

“science” would be to say we have no f–cking clue, evolution, creation. Science is never reaching a conclusion and then trying to prove it.

As a scientist, I think devolution (a steady loss of diversity) has more proof than evolution.

It is a fools conversation; attempting to validate oneself by converting others.

Comment by MrBubble
2007-11-28 16:57:00

Blue Skye –

Come on! I agree that, to avoid the dogmatic thinking of religion, there is a small chance that evolution isn’t real. In the same way, plate tectonics might be wrong. Shoot, gravity might just be an inverse cube of the distance at long distances. But the evidence fits these theories very well. Your reasoning seems to suggest that we can’t ever say something is right or wrong. But that’s sort of like Zeno’s paradox. Technically, you would never get anywhere by halving the distance, but realistically we do.

And I don’t think that it’s a fool’s conversation. Some of the people on the fence on some of these issues might see these anti-evolution “arguments” and think, “Gee, those guys sound like they know what they are talking about.” I, and others apparently, want to make sure that we stand up to be counted. I am not trying to convert anyone. Hey, we’re just trying to “teach the controversy”. LOL.


Comment by Devildog
2007-11-28 09:06:20

“Want to solve the housing problem? Let 500,000 immigrants come in legally in 2 months.”

A million come in illegally in ONE month (OK a slight exageration, but who really knows? The gov number is fudged for sure). And you’re forgetting that they live 20 per home and are here already. Sorry, this is not a fix.

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Comment by are they crazy
2007-11-28 09:26:10

I was surprised to read this morning that Ron Paul is anti stem cell research - I knew he was anti choice. He’s against birth control components of foreign aid not because he’s anti foreign aid, but because he’s anti birth control. He’s also anti environmental protection laws. Although he is anti war and has some great ideas about the economy, when I look at the whole picture, he’s just not a candidate I can support. I think as he becomes more well known as a candidate, he will lose support. I don’t think he’ll be able to get the fatcats of the party to support him anyway and I don’t believe he can win without that is our warped system.

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Comment by Devildog
2007-11-28 09:35:44

Wow. It’s incredible that the more I hear about Ron Paul the more I like him. I have yet to hear any of his views that I disagree with (there must be at least one, but I haven’t heard it yet).

I agree with you though that most Americans don’t agree with those things any more. Which is sad because I think without the government school indoctrination many more people would.

Comment by are they crazy
2007-11-28 09:52:05

To each their own Devil. That’s one value from the past we can agree on - used to be people had civil discourse and respect for one another even if they didn’t agree on every issue. It used to be people were encouraged to look for commonality. We may not agree on social issues or science, but there are many economic and financial issues that we do agree on.

Comment by MrBubble
2007-11-28 09:52:41

Yeah! Make way for “religeous” indoctrinashun!

Comment by Devildog
2007-11-28 11:11:30

You know crazy that is a good point. IMO civil discourse went away when rational thought became an endangered species. It drives me nuts how people foam at the mouth and scream about soemthing the other party’s guy is doing, but if it was their guy it would be OK. Yet on stuff that really IS important it seems most people give up without a whimper either because they don’t know the difference, or they’ve bought the “don’t offend” PC garbage hook line and sinker. Truely baffling.

Offending left and right over nothing, and refusing to take a stand on important issues. Americans today.

Comment by Xpovos
2007-11-28 11:20:40

Mmm… Catholicious.

Comment by not a gator
2007-11-28 11:32:15

Heh, Chronos, “Never underestimate the power of the Dark Side.”

Ex-Cath & loving it!

Comment by alambka
2007-11-28 11:36:28

If you are going to “quote” Ron Paul’s stances you should at least research them. his belief is that it should not be the Federal government’s job to decide what to do, or not do, with Money they should not of taken from the Citizens of the USA. Its all good as long as the Feds are subsidizing, and forcing people to do what you believe in (abortion, gay marriage, Foriegn aid, family values, stem cell research, flag burning, whatever). If you don’t believe in what they are doing, it is oppressive. I think we need to rethink the role of the federal government. I think it is to much power in to few. I think we should all start thinking for ourselves, and not believe everything we read in the MSM or hear on the radio. (its obvious the lie and have their own agenda). I think I like the idea of freedom to make my own Choices god and bad. Ron Paul is a Hero of mine, He is not perfect, but he is Honorable and Honest. And his decisions all make sense when you understand his thoughts on what Gov. should and shouldn’t be. I think now is the time to do some research for yourself on all the candidates. The crapstorm that is coming at us is going to put Issues like survival as a nation in front of gay marriage or stem cell research.

Comment by Xpovos
2007-11-28 12:23:51

not a gator, you made my day. Always a joy to see randomly well educated people gathering for a common cause.
quasi-ex-Cath. And, yeah, that does get ugly.

Comment by are they crazy
2007-11-28 12:40:43

I didn’t “quote” Ron Paul’s stances, alambka. I was reiterating what I read. It was my understanding from what I read that his anti stem cell research, anti gay, anti choice stand, anti birth control funding stances are based on his personal religious beliefs having nothing to to do with small government beliefs. That’s my objection - I don’t want any one of any religion shoving their beliefs down my throat in the form of laws, particularly when at the same time they proclaim to be small government, keep the government out of peoples’ lives believer.

Comment by are they crazy
2007-11-28 13:17:30

Interesting that he already made one run at the presidency in 1988 as a Libertarian. I wonder why he would tie himself to the Republican party - why not run as an independent.

Comment by bluprint
2007-11-28 14:05:13

I don’t want any one of any religion shoving their beliefs down my throat in the form of laws,

That’s the point. As long as everything is federalized, everything is being forced down someone’s throat.

Without federalization we can have more liberty. You want a religious education? Sure, go for it. You want an anti-religious education, you can have that too. We don’t need one-size-fits-all.

When we have liberty, we will better be able to respect other’s personal beliefs, since we won’t be in danger of those beliefs being forced on each of us individually.

The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.

Thomas Jefferson

Comment by Xenos
2007-11-28 09:48:15

Let 500,000 immigrants come in legally in 2 months. They’ll need somewhere to live, probably rental houses and apartments, which will decrease supply and push prices up a bit.

We have a 20 year queue for legal immigrants from Mexico and the Philippines. Let them in all at once, give them proper ids, set severe penalties for hiring illegals, and let the illegals face the competition for once. Facing starvation, at least some will turn themselves in for a free flight home.

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Comment by Pondering the Mess
2007-11-28 11:05:12

Massive immigration won’t fix the problem. That floods the labor pool, driving wages DOWN, which is the exact opposite effect needed if “they” want to keep housing prices inflated. Then, there’s the effects on neighborhood quality when a dozen illegals live in one house, drink themselves stupid and party late into the night, etc. And do they even pay property tax? I doubt it…

Comment by not a gator
2007-11-28 11:24:24

Hey, I like #1, but you push it through too quickly and you’ll just make the illegal problem worse–more illegal slave labor so you don’t have to pay up.

They need to bust the nuts of these so-called employers, really plantation-owners. Send them to prison. Enslaving human beings is against the law!

Back to min. wage. Look, I remember the 1990’s. It was fun, but some of those people didn’t deserve to have a job, the way they treated it. If you were a hard worker, you got rewarded by cleaning up after their stupid messes.

Also, some small businesses deserve to die … 1/3 of all restaurants go under anyway. If things ever get straight in this country the restaurant sector will shrink.

Maybe if wait staff were paid a living wage, I and my confreres wouldn’t feel like we were cheats tipping any less than 20%. Nobody has to tip like that in Europe because they don’t consider a measly $3.13/hr USD to be a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work.

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Comment by evildoc
2007-11-28 11:39:01

— Comment by Devildog
2007-11-28 10:44:39
Nope, evolution is not testable or reproducable. When was the last time you saw a whale turn into a dog? It’s utterly ludicrous.—

Really, so evolution to be ‘testable’ requires my turning a whale into a dog?

How can i test astronomy? When is the last time i held a supernova in my hand? Rediculous! hehehehe

I love how folks define something as untestable because the “test” they propose is irrelevant and rediculous.

I’ve made evolution happen in the lab. Subject bacteria to mutagen, select for new feature, have new straing of bacteria in pretty short order. Evolution. No need for whales n’ dogs.

Oh, btw- every play with a purebred dog? Say a poodle? Evolution in action.

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Comment by speedingpullet
2007-11-28 12:56:34

Nope, evolution is not testable or reproducable. When was the last time you saw a whale turn into a dog? It’s utterly ludicrous. What is verifyable is adaptation, which is just common sense (i.e. if due to weather conditions a bird needs a certain shape of beak, the brids with that beak will survive and prosper while the rest will die off - that’s just genetics). But evolutionists claim this is “evidence” of cross-species creation which is just plain hogwash.

Strangely enough, Devildog, whales and dogs are related, distantly. So, no, you won’t turn a whale into a dog, but (ancestors of) dogs turned into whales - over a very long period of time

‘Adaptation’ and ‘genetics’ are just two factors in evolution - adaptation describes why an organism changes, and genetics describes how it changes. Why do you have such problems with the word evolution and then go on to say that adaptation is just ‘common’ sense? How are they any different?

And what is this ‘cross-species’ thing you talk of? How do you think new species come into existance?
Take dogs and wolves - since people started meddling with wolves around 20,000 years ago, we have literally thousands of breeds of dog. OK, the evolution of the dog is not ‘natural’ selection, as people have selectively bred different dogs for different things, but the underlying fundamentals still apply. Breed dogs that show the characteristics you require and stop the dogs, that don’t have them, from breeding. Result? Dogs in all shapes and forms, from Mastiffs to Chihuahuas.

No offense meant, but it sounds as if you don’t understand the mechanism very well - and that’s all its is - a mechanism. Call it ‘adaptation’ or ‘genetics’ if you want, but its stilll the same thing.
Do you ‘believe’ in gravity? Will not beliving in gravity stop a plate from falling on your foot if you let go of it, or stop you from falling off a cliff if, you get too near the edge? No. But you can’t touch it or see it, yet it still affects every action you make (unless you live on the Space Station, or reside in a permanently flying Vomit Comet). Using your criteria, gravity isn’t ’science’ either.

Now, if you reject evolution on religious grounds, so be it. We’ll have to agree to disagree on that matter.

And, please, don’t start on Intelligent Design - that truly is false science. It insults creationists by refuting the all-powerful hand of god, and insults evolutionists by ‘magicking’ myriad species from thin air in a matter of days.

Sorry to be OT.

Comment by spike66
2007-11-28 13:32:53

devildog is just yanking everyone’s chain. Nobody could be that dim and put a sentence together. Must be a slow day for him.

Comment by Lionel
2007-11-28 22:13:02

I don’t know, spike, strangely devildog’s contentions are so meritless and silly that I’m beginning to question whether in fact we have evolved very much.

Comment by rentor
2007-11-28 13:33:28

#2 would impact pople in 20’s and 30’s who want to start own nest.

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Comment by combotechie
2007-11-28 05:34:55

“What is it that could “rescue” the FBs, brokers, mtg co’s,”

Time, maybe. Time for the excesses to be reabsorbed into the economy.
This means encouraging those that have money to keep the faith, to keep spending. It means to encourage the knifecatchers to buy into a declining market; their injection of liquidity will help slow the descent.
That’s why I think that the NAR, the MSM, and other repugnants are really our friends; they offer much needed hope to the masses. Without this hope confidence will immediately vanish and a crash will ensue which means we, the “” will be screwed along with the people who caused all this mess.

Comment by Darrell_in_PHX
2007-11-28 06:04:05

“What is it that could “rescue” the FBs, brokers, mtge co’s, et. al.? ”

The only thing I can think of is if the govt. did a $2 trillion cash injection to the working class.

Everyone with income under $50K gets 1 year’s income (as reported to IRS on 2006 tax return). If you make above median income, then you lose $.25 for each $1 above median. If you have debts in excess of 1-year’s income, the money is sent to your debtors. If you have less than 1 year’s income of debts, then the check is sent to you.

If you cashed in on the bubble, the you get nothing. Wou cahsed in? for example: sold in the last 2 years and did not buy like kind, were a Realtor or mortgage broker, appraiser.

Combine this cash injection with reforms such as lending standards, ARM reset limits, % sub-prime/Alt-A originations from any one company, changing the way appraisas are done, roll back the changes in bankruptcy laws, etc.

The result of all of this cash is inflation, and hopefully wage inflation. People with cash in the bank are somewhat compensated for loss in purchasing power from the cash injection.

People with multiple houses or debt WAY over their heads, still face foreclosure. However, renters now have a chunk of cash to use as a down payment, and if the injection does stimulate wage inflation, house prices wouldn’t need to fall as far to return to affordability.

Comment by nhz
2007-11-28 07:01:31

the easiest ’solution’ would be to provide huge subsidies to everyone who wants (but cannot afford) a home, enough free money to remove all excess inventory; that is the way they do it in the Netherlands and it works, it simply keeps the pyramid game going for another round. Why give money to people if they don’t want to spend it on housing? It’s all about helping out Wall Street and other corporate crooks, so I think such a general cash injection is out of the question.

Of course, lowering rates on mortgages AND savings accounts by printing excess money is effectively just the same: punish savers and reward home debtors.

Comment by oxide
2007-11-28 07:27:51

Then sellers would just raise the price of everything to anticipate these cash infusions, tha same way house prices go up exactly the same amount of gov’t “down payment assistance.”

Isn’t this precisely what happened in Europe?

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Comment by nhz
2007-11-28 09:40:01

yes, in parts of Old Europe like Netherlands, UK etc. (but not everywhere).

Comment by palmetto
2007-11-28 07:01:31

“The only thing I can think of is if the govt. did a $2 trillion cash injection to the working class.”

Which would certainly be preferable to the hot beef injection we’ve been getting.

Comment by not a gator
2007-11-28 11:39:52

Lame. Price of everything would go up.

I am working class. This is a stupid idea. The lazy good-for-nothings would be scamming full-time, while those of us who save would find the means of life had increased in price in the amount of the payout. Yeah, just what I need: more inflation.

The credit crunch is awesome. I can actually save money again. More funny money means more bling-tards overpaying for everything in sight.

I DON’T BUST MY BUTT DRIVING A G-D-D-MNED CITY BUS 50 HRS A WEEK SO SOME JERKOFF CAN BUY NEW RIMS FOR HIS JACKED UP PIMPMOBILE!! And then cut me off to take a right turn so I can slam on my brakes and have 20 passengers accuse me of getting my CDL out of a cereal box. Like I don’t have enough stress already!

ps–dirty little secret. I worked many service sector jobs. I now do a blue collar job. Blue collar jobs pay better than service sector because they are WAY fvcking harder. Harder on you mentally, harder on your body, more demanding in terms of conduct, professionalism, etc. Why should some TV-addict, PT ‘tard who steals from the till at Staples get a giant bonus from the gubmint … and then bid up my rent, groceries, and internet access? F*** that.

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Comment by Asparagus
2007-11-28 06:10:53

The next bubble. Maybe green technology….
Manufacturing wind turbines and solar panels
Selling them
Installing them

Soaring fuel costs, balmy winters in the north with droughts in the south…

Comment by palmetto
2007-11-28 06:16:22

I agree. In a way, though, balmy winters might be a blessing for now, in light of fuel costs.

Yep, “green” is the next bubble, like dot.bomb. Including water.

Comment by palmetto
2007-11-28 06:20:21

Oh, and speaking of “green”, there was a report on the news last night about George (the elder) and Ma Babs Boosh installing a windmill on their property in Maine. LOL! Probably a little dig at their devil spawn in the White House. The US has suffered at least partially because of the pissing match between father and son.

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Comment by KayLaw
2007-11-28 06:48:26

Actually, Palmetto, they’re just preparing for what’s to come. A lot of people who doubted Peak Oil became believers after reading about the Crawford Ranch. It’s all “green.” Just do a Google search on Crawford Ranch, solar, photovoltaics, and you’ll see, they’re ready for anything.

Also, as soon as Bush moved into the WH he replaced the solar panels Reagan ripped out and added a huge cistern. Again, a Google seach will back this up.

Comment by palmetto
2007-11-28 06:59:25

Thanks for the tip, KayLaw. Doesn’t surprise me.

Comment by exeter
2007-11-28 07:12:30

As much as I’d love to see us cut lose from the global oil crime syndicate, I call BS on the outcome of global warming, peak oil and the supposed shrinking natural resources. I’m as green as anyone of you guys but there is WAAAAAY too much fear associated with this. Long ago, right here on this blog, we established the fact that fearful people do very stupid things. Can you say “buy now or be priced out forever?” As VTbear and I discussed below, the panic and fear mentality of 9/11 created a massive and unrealistic head for the hills mentality in NY which ultimately drove RE prices through the roof in ME, VT, NH and upstate NY. I’ll wager that those people who gave into that fear will pay a monumental price for acting on it. I’m not one of those who gave into that fear nor will I panic over the alleged shrinking natural resources.

I call BS.

Comment by exeter
2007-11-28 07:57:04

The best upside to spiraling petro prices is seeing these gargantuan SLOBurbans come of the roads and onto front lawns with for sale signs on them.

Schadenfreude for me.

Comment by In Colorado
2007-11-28 08:55:28

Just saw an article in claiming that demand for used behemoths is rising.

Comment by MrBubble
2007-11-28 10:01:26

“I call BS on the outcome of global warming, peak oil and the supposed shrinking natural resources”

I call BS on your BS and raise you two BS. We are clearly and demonstrably f*cking up this planet. I’m busy today, but if you’ll cite sources, so will I.


Comment by MrBubble
2007-11-28 10:05:15

“I call BS on the outcome of global warming, peak oil and the supposed shrinking natural resources”

I call BS on your BS and raise you two BS. We are clearly and demonstrably f*cking up this planet. I’m busy today. But if you’ll cite sources, so will I.


Comment by exeter
2007-11-28 10:24:31

Mr.B… I didn’t say it global climate change didn’t exist nor did I apologize for the crime syndicate that denies its existence. I am saying that we are overreacting to it as individuals and I won’t make that mistake for me and mine. In other words, I don’t fear to the point where I run to the hills, dump my diesel pickup for a Prius, etc. I’ll say the same thing about “terrism”.

Comment by MrBubble
2007-11-28 16:45:35

Exeter —

Fair enough. Although I do think that climate change will be one of the greatest challenges humankind has ever faced, I agree that knee-jerk reactions are not the way to go. Until we “run the numbers” and do a comprehensive LCA on the diesel pickup and the Prius (and everything else), we don’t know what the hell we’re talking about. Paper or plastic, real or fake Xmas tree, hand towels or air dyer, etc. The signal to noise ration is just so high out there that people are freaking out and don’t know what to do.

Same thing goes with green-washing and carbon neutrality. BTW — It’s nice to see that global climate change seems to be getting less political. Bush or Gore, Dems or Reps? Who cares?! I hate ‘em all. Just somebody get the ball rolling in the right direction. And fuel cells and ethanol is NOT the right direction. You can’t manage what you don’t measure, so I think that GHG LCA is one way to make a difference. [Absolutely shameless plug for my company!]

The one thing that we can do without having to run the numbers is to stop consuming so much. Sorry, rambling on…


Comment by exeter
2007-11-28 16:57:45

I with you 100% including ethanol, fuel cells and the overconsumption. We have to be led on all this by strong leadership instead of the insidious and evil denial machine that currently controls our destiny.

Comment by Blano
2007-11-28 06:43:29

Given that it was 19 degrees here when I got up this morning, a balmy winter doesn’t sound too bad.

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Comment by palmetto
2007-11-28 06:54:06

Well, come on down, Blano! Pretty balmy here in FLA, except I almost (I repeat, almost) turned on the AC yesterday.

Actually, in general conversation with friends and as a result of observing the weather, it would appear that the seasons have shifted by a month. In other words, getting November’s weather in December, December’s in January, etc.

Comment by oxide
2007-11-28 07:16:11

The entire US east of the Rockies has shifted about 1/2 gardening zone warmer over the past 15 years.

Gardening zones are assigned a number from ~3-11. They define a zone by minimum temperature (will a plant survive the winter), but it also corresponds roughly to the number of months of growing season. The DC area was gardening zone 6, now it’s 6.5.

Comment by Blano
2007-11-28 07:19:13

“Well, come on down, Blano! ”

Careful what you ask for, my good man, lol. You never know when I might decide to put up with Spirit Airline’s crappy service to get a $20 round trip ticket to your area. Done it once already.

Yeah, I was curious yesterday about exeter’s green leaves comments in the Northeast. It’s already blah and gloomy here with our regular 10 minutes a week of sunshine.

You’re around Tampa somewhere, right?? (a Spirit destination)

Comment by palmetto
2007-11-28 07:21:26

Interesting. I was reading some article yesterday (maybe a link from this blog) about the steady erosion of the South Florida beaches and all the millions of dollars put into “beach re-nourishment”. Dang! And they have the balls to complain about budget shortfalls in Tallahassee? I’d love to see those oceanfront condoze topple into the Atlantic. We could use some new reefs.

Comment by WT Economist
2007-11-28 07:25:11

Still leaves on the trees in Brooklyn, some colors other than brown. The last day for leaf composting pick-up was last Sunday. I know the person who runs the program, and she had to schedule the dates in advance based on past climate data.

Comment by palmetto
2007-11-28 07:40:26

Blano, yes, I’m in the Tampa area. The Detroit of Florida.

Comment by flatffplan
2007-11-28 07:18:24

then nukes after the green BS bubble pops- my county is planting trees and buying hybrid SUVs
symbol NLR

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Comment by exeter
2007-11-28 07:50:38

Just possibly the most coherent and sensible statement you’ve ever made here Flat.

Comment by SDGreg
2007-11-28 06:32:47

Borrowing a comment I saw posted on James Howard Kunstler’s blog earlier this week seems to sum up the situation nicely:

“All attempts by the “Leadership” of this country to ’solve’ this financial perfect storm will look like someone who has lit their hair on fire, and then tries to put it out with a Hammer.”

In short, the situation is “dire” and attempts to intervene will largely fail. It’s too big to “rescue”.

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 06:55:47

I am not sure the housing market per se is really that big a deal at this stage of the game, as the bust is pretty much common knowledge thanks to relentless MSM gloom and doom reports on housing.

I am more worried, though, about this comment from Sir Hoz, which I read late last night on yesterday’s CA thread:

“The current shortage is $225B due on banks books by Dec 31, 2007. That is real moneys.”

Care to explain?

Comment by Hoz
2007-11-28 07:15:30


That is not a loss that is SIV CDO moneys that have to be placed on books for year end accounting. $75B is already taken care of Citigroup has to do something, BAC has to do something. As do a lot of other entities. The real risk to these banks is if one of the CDOs gets downgraded and the downgrade causes a forced liquidation by a pension fund - not suitable investment clause, banks holding CDOs are toast. To date this happened with one series, carina and in the last week $69B in CDOs were downgraded, so far no trades but no liquidation either.

The second part is the CDO liquidity ‘Put’. This is where Bank of America sold CDOs and sold a Put with the CDO that allows the CDO to be remitted to BAC. BAC and Citi and others sold a whole bunch of these Puts.

Now you understand MLEC.

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 07:54:06

“The real risk to these banks is if one of the CDOs gets downgraded and the downgrade causes a forced liquidation by a pension fund - not suitable investment clause, banks holding CDOs are toast.”

This scenario suggests a ‘too-big-to-fail’ situation requiring a change of the rules of the game in order to circumvent a financial catastrophe. But isn’t that pretty much the idea behind the MLEC / Superfund SIV?

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Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 07:17:02

Penn —

With all due respect, I frankly see no reason to entertain the question of “what if we are off the mark” at this stage. That is the problem of the MSM-quoted REIC experts, who failed miserably to gauge the severity of the housing crisis.

Why not try to get in touch with Gary Watts or David Lereah if you want to find out about the risk of being “off the mark?” They have vast experience.

Housing crisis ‘will worsen’
By Stacy-Marie Ishmael in New York
Published: November 28 2007 03:38 | Last updated: November 28 2007 03:38

The housing crisis that has held both Wall Street and Main Street in thrall this year will worsen in coming months, homebuilding executives said on Tuesday.

At a conference in Las Vegas, chief executives of major US homebuilding companies said rising foreclosures and tighter lending standards would aggravate an already bad situation.,Authorised=false.html?

Comment by Matt_in_TX
2007-11-28 20:39:50

Why did they invite those people to the convention anyway? ;)

Comment by david cee
2007-11-28 07:20:56

“What is it that could “rescue” the FBs, brokers, mtge co’s, et. al

TRANSPARENCY + Telling the truth

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 17:14:14

That sounds to me more like a rescue for accelerating the crash. The die is cast, but a deliberate effort to keep housing market and stock market participants confused helps slow down the inexorable correction.

Comment by Curt
2007-11-28 05:32:26

Can you say contagion?

Las Vegas:

Real estate company files for bankruptcy

Prudential Americana Group, one of the largest residential real estate firms in the Las Vegas Valley, is filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy so it can reorganize its debts while continuing operations.
O’Steen said the bankruptcy filing is further evidence that small businesses are getting hurt because of the popping real estate bubble.

Comment by txchick57
2007-11-28 05:43:46

Good grief. What debts could a real estate office have?

Comment by JP
2007-11-28 05:51:43

Back commissions?

Comment by matt
2007-11-28 06:00:06

Are you tracking this company?

Comment by txchick57
2007-11-28 06:03:07

Never heard of it. Fugly chart.

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Comment by Mole Man
2007-11-28 18:03:19

The chart at the upper right of that page appears to be a strange holdover generated by and ancient library called gnuplot. The fancified new charts, still in Beta whatever that means nowadays, are here (yahoo finance charts for ARE). The new charts are kind of spiffy, though the load times can be an annoyance.

Comment by Russell A
2007-11-28 06:29:05

Maybe an interest-only ARM on their office and the principle has come due and the rate reset?

Comment by Michael Fink
2007-11-28 07:00:21

That would be poetic justice! One can only hope..

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Comment by auger-inn
2007-11-28 07:59:54

A former partner had an office in a real estate building and I became an aquaintance with the broker who also leased the office space. It turned out that he was in the process of building (2 million) new offices for his business. I believe the office moved in 06 into the new digs. Any question in anyone’s mind whether this guy is on the business end of a financial ass-pounding?

Comment by auger-inn
2007-11-28 11:40:51

2 million = $2 million building (as opposed to 2 million offices)

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Comment by SawItComing
2007-11-28 11:49:41

How about this:

$353k in corp consulting
$228k in franchise royalties
$163k in Barabara’s commissions
$125k AMEX
$106k rent HA HA they didn’t even own!
$95k Virtual tour billing
$90k advertising
$40k auditing
$320k in COMMISIONS to 10 people
$20k in postage!

Looks to me like just another deadbeat, lousy, dishonest businessman that is seeking a license to steal.

When I get time I will look up the addresses of the peoples he owes commissions to, might be fun to see what they own on their houses.

Comment by SawItComing
2007-11-28 11:50:54

BTW, these were only the top 20 creditors, they didnt even pay the janitorial service.

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Comment by Blano
2007-11-28 06:48:47

Peninsula Capital Partners of Detroit…..never heard of them.

Guess the grass isn’t always greener somewhere else.

Comment by david cee
2007-11-28 07:28:29

“Prudential Americana Group, is filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy so it can reorganize its debts while continuing operations.

Will a judge grant BK protection when the company states it has “positive cash flow”
I never heard of getting BK when you are solvent. Just another real estate scam I smell FRAUD.

positive operating cash flow

Comment by watcher
2007-11-28 05:33:46

oil producers buy the world:

WASHINGTON, Nov. 27 — Flush with petrodollars, oil-producing countries have embarked on a global shopping spree.

With a bold outlay of $7.5 billion, the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority is about to become one of the largest shareholders in Citigroup.

The bank had already experienced the petrodollar’s power this month when another major shareholder, Prince Walid bin Talal of Saudi Arabia, cleared the way for the ouster of its chief executive, Charles O. Prince III.

The Dubai stock exchange, meanwhile, is negotiating for 20 percent of a newly merged company that includes Nasdaq and the operator of stock markets in the Nordic region. Qatar, like Dubai a sheikdom in the Persian Gulf, might compete in that deal.

Comment by aNYCdj
2007-11-28 06:04:05

Watch Taiwan everybody, what would we do if china invades or blockades Taiwan? We can’t do anything they have almost a trillion dollars of our money.

Plus if the stock market really crashes, look to china and abu dubai et all, to buy up say Microsoft GM GE at $10 a share..and IBM at $50. And then will put Americans back to work at $10 hr, making products for their home countries.

The X-files were right a take-over by 2014 not by aliens but buy people who will force us to take back our money for something tangible

Comment by yensoy
2007-11-28 06:56:46

I love it how Americans say “our money”. Damn it, you bought stuff from them and now the money is theirs. It may be denominated in your currency, it may even be held in your treasuries, but the money is theirs. They have more to fear about their money disappearing due to the sliding dollar.

The fact that you paid for trinklets you didn’t really need doesn’t change a damn thing. Would “you” return Manhattan to the natives?

Comment by palmetto
2007-11-28 07:07:59

I doubt if NYCdj has been purchasing any trinkets. I avoid it myself if I possibly can, but that has less to do with China than the fact that I just don’t need any trinkets. However, my car does, on occasion, need parts and these seem to be coming from China. Wish those parts were as cheap as the trinkets.

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Comment by vozworth
2007-11-28 07:37:25

Federal Mogul (lotsa car part trinkets) announced its second price increase of the year, as has Detroit Diesel..

major price increases from CAT and Cummins are in the pipeline. I am having trouble keeping up with the pace of changes in prices. Dont even get me started on “shipping” costs.

Inflationary pressures across the board of inputs is running at DOUBLE DIGITS….except wages, thats a mere 3%

Comment by edgewaterjohn
2007-11-28 08:13:21

A Voz points out, wages aren’t keeping up at all. There will be no appreciable wage inflation this cycle. If given a choice between lowering real wages or reinflating the bubble (which would require wage inflation, in part at least) guess which will win out?

Comment by jess from S.C.
2007-11-28 05:34:40

What could rescue Fl. is a small nuke clould in the northeast.[a dirty one or whatever,an attack,tho I hope not]not much else would help them now..

Comment by exeter
2007-11-28 05:43:04

It’s funny you mention that jess…. The RE KoolAde drinkers in the far rural areas of New England always use the farfetched notion “what if there is another 9/11?”….. It’s almost as if these sickos are hoping for another catastrophe.

Comment by vthousingbear
2007-11-28 06:31:22

In 2000 their were about 50 million dollar houses in Vermont. The latest tally is somewhere around 1600. Damn a-holes from NYC with their ‘run for the hills’ mentality have killed the market in this state for locals.

Apologies to any NYC’ers on this board. If you’re here then you’re definitely not an a-hole. ;-)

Comment by exeter
2007-11-28 06:53:07

VTHB…. there is an upside. Remember the same crap happened in the 80’s? Remember how ugly it got for them in the 90’s? Hoards of them left. I’m not sure where they went but their exodus leaves pretty good buying opportunities when they high tail it out of here.

It’s quite humorous at times though… These clowns can be spotted from a mile away regardless of the fact they attempt to blend in using VT license plates. The dead giveaway? Wearing sneakers and driving EuroTrash like a Vulva or glorified VW’s (Audi).

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Comment by vthousingbear
2007-11-28 07:07:08

Heh, heh. Volvos. The new ones suck but the ones they made back in the 70’s and 80’s could run head on into an 18 wheeler with hardly a scratch. Those things were tanks. My Dad had always had a nice old rusty Volvo in the yard and it always did great in the winters.

Comment by exeter
2007-11-28 07:19:06

Well irrespective of Vulvas(glorified Fords using Ford Taurus parts) and their sneaker wearing clueless owners, watch as the pain spreads from the siezed up credit markets to hometown VT. Some have such short memory spans but VT was truely an awful place to make a living in the 90’s and in many respects, it still is. The only thing keeping natives heads above water is MEW and subdividing their worst piece of shit land and taking NJ clowns for everything they’re worth and then some.

Comment by Blano
2007-11-28 07:21:55

Vulva…..too funny!!!

Comment by awaiting wipeout
2007-11-28 07:41:55

I own a Pre-Ford ‘95 Volvo (remember, Ford bought them). 260K, with minimal repairs so far, and a turning radius that’s incredible. Paid off for 9 years now. My favorite car is one that’s paid off (and runs good).

Comment by Carolina W
2007-11-28 11:01:45

Wow, glad I caught this thread. The wife’s got me trying to sell our 98 (pre-Ford by just a hair) V70 wagon thats been paid off for 5 years. She wants a new car. Only 126K, looks new, no problems in 9 years, 23-24 avg mpg on regular, great stereo and seats, CHEAP insurance, one of the best performers ever in IIHS crash tests.

This is my the sign I’ve been waiting for. I’m pulling the for sale flyers off the windows and will deal with her anger later. Thanks HBBers.

Comment by Anon In DC
2007-11-28 11:47:07

What’s her rationale for a new car ?

Comment by Carolina W
2007-11-28 12:31:04

That it’s new - they’re offering cheap leases with not too much down on the VolvoFord SUV and the ‘08 wagons right now.

Comment by not a gator
2007-11-28 19:25:36

There’s a reason nobody’s taking them up on it…

Comment by WT Economist
2007-11-28 07:26:51

You should see what NYC a-holes have done to housing prices in NYC.

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Comment by exeter
2007-11-28 07:46:57

“You should see what NYC a-holes have done to housing prices in NYC.”

LMAO….. I’m up in Westchester right now and have a pretty good idea WT….

Comment by palmetto
2007-11-28 08:09:45

“LMAO….. I’m up in Westchester right now and have a pretty good idea WT….”

I grew up in Westchester. Even back in the 1960s and 1970s, my family couldn’t afford or just didn’t want to buy there because of the ridiculous taxes. Eventually they moved to Greenwich, CT. Smart financial move that funded my late mother’s retiredment and medical care, through the sale of the house. Now THAT was a good “buy and hold”.

Comment by exeter
2007-11-28 08:17:19

Palmy, the property taxes here can only be described as criminal. Putnam is no better. Literal shacks on a lot are no less than $3000/yr in property taxes. I’ve never seen such thievery in my life(at the local level).

Comment by az_owner
2007-11-28 09:56:36

Why exeter, are you actually implying that taxes can be too high, and sometimes should be cut? You know - that awful “tax relief” that mucks up government’s big spending plans?

Next you’ll be saying things like “People should be allowed to keep the money they earn”, or other such non “progressive” blasphemy!

Of course I may have misinterpreted, and the “criminal theivery” you speak of is that the taxes are too LOW, and the local government is entitled to a larger share from every property owner, maybe to use on programs “for the children”? ;-)

Comment by exeter
2007-11-28 10:19:05

You’re confusing and conflating my factual contention of the middleclass getting hammered with your worn out sanctimonious pandering for the wealthiest among us.

Nice try though.

Comment by sf jack
2007-11-28 11:39:01

I must have missed the memo.

exeter = lingus?

Welcome back, lingus!

Comment by SawItComing
2007-11-28 12:08:51

No Exexter, I looks to me like he pointed out an inconsistency in your position(s).

Comment by exeter
2007-11-28 13:16:01

I’m amazed at the cowardice of one posting as 2.

Comment by Mohammed The Boogeyman
2007-11-28 13:24:21

wanting to tax those who can pay instead of those who can’t is an inconsistency? wow. welcome to your world.

Comment by auger-inn
2007-11-28 15:01:04

I want to go on record as saying that if my wife caught me driving a new “vulva” she would hang my nuts on a flag pole! Just FYI kind of stuff. :)

Comment by watcher
2007-11-28 05:53:39

Wolseley, the specialist plumbing and building materials supplier, plans to slash 1,300 more jobs in the US by the end of the first half as the US housing market slump appears to deepen.
Wolseley has already axed 1,700 jobs in the three months to the end of October, and now plans to take out a further 1,300 jobs in order to make annual savings of $60m (£29.1m).

Comment by Quirk
2007-11-28 05:55:55

Homebuilders subsidizing their income in Pot St. Lucie, FL.

Comment by bizarroworld
2007-11-28 06:01:37

Banks Gone Wild

By Paul Krugman, The New York Times. Posted November 27, 2007.
The point is that the subprime crisis and the credit crunch are, in an important sense, the result of our failure to effectively reform corporate governance after the last set of scandals.

Infortunately, reform seems to merely encourage the discovery of new and larger loopholes. It’s a stacked deck game; the financial geniuses will always find a way to outsmart the lagging thought process of the bureaucrats.

Comment by Darrell_in_PHX
2007-11-28 06:06:58

Fed speak indicates another cut is coming.

Moral hazard… people that made bad decisions are still taking the brunt. Economy should not be strangled to punish a few.

Another cut is in the bag. .25 or .5?

Comment by Darrell_in_PHX
2007-11-28 06:13:46

Oil went from down to up. Gold recovered earlier losses.

No wonder the $200 point gain yesterday. The Fed leaked its decision to the insiders again?

Comment by Darrell_in_PHX
2007-11-28 06:33:22

durable good down .7%

Comment by matt
2007-11-28 06:45:20

I,m thinking .25, that is already priced in.

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 07:06:25

I’m thinking 50 bps (like I thought before the last time there was a “larger-than-expected” 50 bps FFR cut).

Comment by edgewaterjohn
2007-11-28 08:16:39

Just last week I thought I’d be laughed at for opining that .50 might be possible - now it seems to have quickly crept into the discussion overnight.

Comment by nhz
2007-11-28 07:06:54

and at the same time clown Poole is saying that they may have to raise rates (probably as others have said, in order to boost the effect of the next rate cut). The FED is irrelevant , except for all the sheeple that still want to believe in the emperors new clothes.

Comment by arroyogrande
2007-11-28 09:03:59

“Another cut is in the bag. .25 or .5?”

Good, it will give me another chance to “diversify” most of my remaining US stock holdings out of stocks. The stock bulls will have to ride on without me…seeya boys!

Comment by exeter
2007-11-28 06:07:08

How large will the raft of bullshit be from (fun)Yun today? Whatever the magnitude, I’m sure his nattering will twist my balls for weeks.

Comment by Darrell_in_PHX
2007-11-28 06:11:22

Bill Richardson on CNBC calling for a massive, S&L type bailout.

Comment by watcher
2007-11-28 06:21:00

Of what, everything?

Comment by Darrell_in_PHX
2007-11-28 06:56:07

No clear plan presented… something that would allow people to stay in houses that they can’t afford. That is all he’ll say.

Comment by yensoy
2007-11-28 07:01:47

George Bush stays in a house we the tax payers can’t afford. Does the bailout apply to him as well?

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Comment by palmetto
2007-11-28 07:31:41

Funny you should mention that, yensoy. Here in FLA, we have a law on the books that says any family in publicly subsidized housing gets evicted lock, stock and barrel if ANY member of the family residing in the home gets nailed for drug activity, an initiative heartily backed by Governor Jebbie. And yet Governor Jeb didn’t vacate the governor’s mansion (taxpayer subsidized) when his addict daughter Noelle kept getting nabbed over and over for her drug activity. A buddy of mine wrote his a scathing letter calling him out on his hypocritical attitude. So to answer your question, apparently the Boosh lowlifes are above the law.

Comment by In Colorado
2007-11-28 09:03:58

Of what, everything?

LOL! In that case I also want to refi with a 1% mortgage too!

Comment by joesixpack
2007-11-28 10:00:42

He was yammering on and on, something about having to help Americans that could lose their “American Dream” like it is some kind of entitlement. What a dolt.

Comment by speedingpullet
2007-11-28 13:13:12

Yep, Richardson is an affable guy, but a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic in the Smarts Department.

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Comment by palmetto
2007-11-28 06:33:44

Good luck with that one. But that’s funny you should mention it, I was just thinking yesterday about the RTC and houses being sold for pennies on the dollar back in the day. Much as I would hate to be on the hook as a taxpayer, the way the banks are clinging to their overpriced REOs (ridiculous, especially Countrywide), perhaps another RTC is in order to clear out this crap. And wasn’t a Boosh involved in the S&L scandal? I swear, just exile the entire fricken family. You’d see this country straighten up in hurry.

Comment by hope4us
2007-11-28 07:00:23

Amen Palmetto, this family dynasty thing has to end. No more Bushes and no more Clintons

Comment by palmetto
2007-11-28 07:17:08

Exactly. I’m sick to death of bushclintonbush(clinton?). You forgot the Kennedys, we could do without them in politics, too, although some of the family members are OK. I like Robert’s Riverkeepers project. They should just stick to stuff like that.

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Comment by BP
2007-11-28 07:54:06

Don’t worry the you have seen the last Bush and/or Clinton in the White House. She will be lucky to win her own party’s nomination.

Comment by palmetto
2007-11-28 08:14:39

From your lips to God’s ears, BP. Both families need to leave the country, the sooner the better. BTW, Bill isn’t looking so good these days and it’s not just normal aging, IMO. Somehow I get the feeling he’s not going to be around to see the 2008 election.

Comment by BP
2007-11-28 08:24:13

I worry about Jeb running down the road but I think George screwed it up enough to keep him out.

Comment by palmetto
2007-11-28 08:38:54

Yes, if there’s any US left by the time George gets through with the country. Exile for both families. Get ‘em out. The best thing we could do for the illegal immigration problem, IMO.

Comment by In Colorado
2007-11-28 09:05:57

Somehow I get the feeling he’s not going to be around to see the 2008 election.

I wonder if that would buy Hillary any sympathy votes?

Comment by Xenos
2007-11-28 10:01:43

From your lips to God’s ears, BP. Both families need to leave the country, the sooner the better

Time to bring back ostracism. Athenians could not make Democracy work without it.

Comment by SanFranciscoBayAreaGal
2007-11-28 11:37:03

Don’t forget McCain was also involved.

Comment by matt
2007-11-28 06:47:03

How does he plan to fund it? Better check with the Asians first.

Comment by JamesRaven
2007-11-28 06:13:34

With a bold outlay of $7.5 billion, the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority is about to become one of the largest shareholders in Citigroup.

Paying cash for sh*t does not change the essential nature of the sh*t.

No rescue on the horizon. Too many houses is the problem. Not political financial policy or any other kind of “management vision”. Burn down 50% of the houses, and the remaining ones are still overpriced. Not to mention the lack of qualified buyers. I’ve never bought because I couldn’t afford it. A spiffy jacket and embossed business cards showing me whacked numbers on paper doesn’t change that reality.

The situation will improve when residential real estate stops being an investment.

Comment by palmetto
2007-11-28 06:23:20

“With a bold outlay of $7.5 billion, the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority is about to become one of the largest shareholders in Citigroup.”

They’ll lose it, but what the heck, plenty more where that came from.

Comment by kahunabear
Comment by Darrell_in_PHX
2007-11-28 06:22:18

You forgot, “lay off 15% of the workforce and off shore market analysis to India”.

Comment by watcher
2007-11-28 06:23:41

LONDON, Nov 28 (Reuters) - Money markets tightened further on Wednesday with the cost of borrowing euros in the wholesale interbank market hitting fresh 6-1/2 year highs as banks paid a higher premium for cash covering the New Year period.

Cash is getting less available and more expensive in the market since the credit crunch started in August as banks hoard cash as a contingency against credit-related losses. This general shortage is being exacerbated by liquidity concerns over the seasonally thin Christmas and New Year period.

Comment by Blano
Comment by cynicalgirl
2007-11-28 06:31:22

Existing home sales numbers out today. Everybody ready for another round of fun-Yuns?

Comment by watcher
2007-11-28 06:38:35

The dollar is finally catching a bounce…of 40 basis points. Talking heads would have you believe this is the start of some massive turnaround but we need to move 400 basis points just to get back to long-term support turned resistance.

Comment by az_lender
2007-11-28 06:46:44

Mulling over a Sept 23 NYT piece that says Dean Baker was too early when he called RE top and sold his house in May of 2004. The author argues that Baker should acknowledge error as much as the boosters who said those 2004 prices were justifiable should acknowledge error. The author’s beef with Baker is that prices didn’t peak till May of 2006. Hmm. My beef with the author is that RE is an illiquid market. If Baker had waited till May 2006 to try to sell his house, it might not have sold at all, even by now. Have posted here before that I sold my Maine house Memorial Day 2006, and I consider myself to have been about a year LATE. Indeed, I am quite sure I’d have gotten more money for the same house if I’d sold it in summer or early fall of 2005. (Except that certain repairs were incomplete at that time.) I’m rambling, but my point is, to sell out of an illiquid market, one must be either early or lucky.

Comment by Ozarkian from Saratoga, CA
2007-11-28 07:05:12

I sold my house in Oct ‘05 (Saratoga, Santa Clara County, CA) and my mom’s house in May ‘06 (Menifee, Riverside County, CA).

In Saratoga prices were higher 6 months earlier (a clone house on the next street sold for $150K more), and prices seemed to go up after I sold mine for another year or so. Right now prices are still high, but the sales seem to be slow. It’s hard to tell if I sold too early or too late to get the max amount, but as for my emotional health, I sold at just the right time! In 2005 was already petrified that the market was going to stall and crash, having lived thru the last downturn in the early ’90s. Although my debt on the house was low (I never took at any equity loans!), that plus the property taxes were high enough that without a substantial income if I had had to hold the house long-term I could have gotten into trouble.

As for the Menifee house, I was clearly late (because I was busy selling my own house and moving and other stuff) but I totally lucked out. I had one offer and took it and made a bunch of concessions to close the deal. It would have been a disaster for my mom to have been stuck in that house as she is elderly and could not live there alone anymore and had a reverse mortgage (you have to live in the house yourself — cannot rent it).

Comment by DC_Too
2007-11-28 07:32:02

Dean Baker lives in DC. Peak was summer ‘05, not ‘06.

No one can know where the top is. The only people who get it right are the ones calling “top” every Tuesday afternoon, usually over the course of at least two years. Same holds true for the bottom.

DC was gripped by a classic, textbook financial mania with respect to housing. Fundamentals, measured by housing supply and income levels went way, way out of whack. There was never a “shortage” of housing in DC. Rents stopped rising several years before Baker sold.

I guess selling stocks in the winter of ‘99 was just as “dumb” as selling DC in 2004? Not.

Comment by Darrell_in_PHX
2007-11-28 06:50:55

Still contained?
“Phoenix will likely have to slash programs and services in the coming year as the result of a budget shortfall caused by the slowing housing market and plunging sales-tax revenue.”

“The current forecast shows Phoenix will take in $53 million less than expected over the next 18 months, virtually guaranteeing steep cuts to nearly every department in the city.”

“In an effort to avoid layoffs, Maricopa County moved this month to trim administrative costs by 5 percent and freeze non-emergency spending. The state is facing an $800 million budget shortfall this year that could balloon to $1.5 billion next year.”

“Hints of the looming budget crisis in Phoenix appeared in July, when sales-tax revenue was 5.4 percent lower than the year before. Revenue increased slightly in August but began to dip again in September, prompting the city to lower revenue estimates by $20 million.

Then this month, the city learned that October sales-tax revenue was 9.1 percent lower than last year, prompting Phoenix to lower revenue estimates by an additional $20.1 million.”

“The situation is similarly bleak in Mesa,”
“The picture has worsened since last month, when sales-tax collections were $1.6 million below projections for the fiscal year that began July 1. The gap has since grown to $2.5 million.”

Comment by az_owner
2007-11-28 10:09:11


The nice thing about government spending in Arizona is that a large portion of it recently has been on citizens of other countries who are here for unauthorized, but excused, long-term visits. Now that money is tight, that spending can be eliminated and those foreign nationals can return to their own countries, refreshed and invigorated by their lengthy vacation in the US. Perhaps they will take what they have learned about civil society and functioning economies back to their homelands, becoming local heroes as they share their acquired knowledge with their less fortunate compatriots.

Comment by Englishman in NJ
2007-11-28 06:58:14

Classic stuff in the markets this morning. all the news is bad, and I mean all of it, so of course the futures are way up and the Dow might open up 100 points.

Of course, it’s obvious……

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 07:08:25

Fed seeks to calm markets
By Krishna Guha in Washington
Published: November 28 2007 13:43 | Last updated: November 28 2007 13:43

In an apparent bid to reassure markets troubled by hawkish rhetoric from the Federal Reserve, vice-chairman Don Kohn on Wednesday said the US central bank would be ”flexible and pragmatic” in responding to the renewed stress in financial markets.

Mr Kohn said that the increased ”turbulence” of recent weeks had ”partly reversed some of the improvement in market functioning over the late part of September and in October.”,Authorised=false.html?

Comment by edgewaterjohn
2007-11-28 08:20:38

”flexible and pragmatic” = .50 cut

Comment by matt
2007-11-28 10:35:37

I don’t think so, the fed has to realize they can’t save this, .25 next meeting.

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Comment by Darrell_in_PHX
2007-11-28 07:12:30

It is not all bad. Kohn said that Fed is cutting again. Well, he didn’t say it, but the hints he dropped were about as close to saying it as you can get.

Comment by matt
2007-11-28 07:13:35

I wouldn’t be surprised to see 200, Im looking for 13,500 dow and 1500 s$p.

Comment by txchick57
2007-11-28 07:17:00

I don’t know, that’s a stretch. I’d be (figurative, hahah) balls to the wall short at that point.

Comment by matt
2007-11-28 07:19:54

I think the short squeeze might kick it that high, definately worth a downside play at that point.

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Comment by txchick57
2007-11-28 07:15:30

Probably start the puts again at S%P 1450 and go all out at 1490 if it gets there.

Comment by Englishman in NJ
2007-11-28 07:24:38

Chick, what duration on the Puts? How far will you go out?

Comment by txchick57
2007-11-28 07:38:40

April probably. April is a good month for crashes ;)

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Comment by txchick57
2007-11-28 07:48:06

Looks like it has to be March unless this drags out past Dec. expiration.

Comment by hwy50ina49dodge
2007-11-28 10:12:44

let’s see…that would be apprx 2 months before the Colt gun fires the blank that starts the “runners” “jumping” over the “hurdles” in China…Bang! ;-)

Now about those 2008 hedge fund “redemptions” …post “Superbowl” …or… pre commie “Olympics” decisions…decisions ;-)

Comment by Matt_in_TX
2007-11-28 20:48:32

I think the US Olympic team should miss their flight to the games, just like the Navy missed their Hong Kong holiday. Time for “Tough Love” for the dollar, anyway.

Comment by matt
2007-11-28 08:06:21

About 200k puts @1450, 120K@1475, 200k@1500. I’m thinking 1500 by the ex.

Comment by txchick57
2007-11-28 08:07:31

How many calls? Got to look at that too.

I have a few bids in. They’re not hit yet. Small. Obviously this will ride on hope through Dec. 11.

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Comment by matt
2007-11-28 08:19:50

Big strikes are 110k@1450, 220k@1500. 1500 or bust!

Comment by txchick57
2007-11-28 08:33:01

I’m partially in. I’d rather be down for awhile than have no exposure if the next shoe drops before the fed meeting.

Comment by matt
2007-11-28 08:36:56

I’m hunting bby, maybe tomorrow. Looks like the 52 area will be tough.

Comment by matt
2007-11-28 09:20:03

Very low volume in the dec 1500 puts, especially with 200k open int. Waiting for a bigger bounce?

Comment by txchick57
2007-11-28 09:30:37

I wouldn’t think the best carnage will come until mid January and beyond

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 07:01:47

Thanks a lot, Hoz, for helping me wake up in a cold sweat very early this morning, still thinking about your comment I read late last night on the CA thread:

“The current shortage is $225B due on banks books by Dec 31, 2007. That is real moneys.”

Could you kindly elaborate on exactly what distinguishes “real moneys” from the “unreal” variety?

And if 1 = “no big deal, because the Fed can always print more” and 10 = “the metaphorical equivalent of a giant meteor striking the Earth”, how would the short- and long-term implications of your comment rank on a scale from 1 to 10?

Comment by Darrell_in_PHX
2007-11-28 07:18:08

Mark Faber just did his Faber Report.

Fund raising to come. Banks need cash and they need it BADLY! They’ll do what it takes to get it.

Why? More wirte downs to come. Debt to equity ratio problems.

Comment by cactus
2007-11-28 07:24:02

I thought the FED was loaning this cash to the banks in exchange for the banks collateral = crappy mortgages leveraged to the max.

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 07:34:56

Are you suggesting “this cash” is the $225 bn Hoz referenced as due on 12/31/07? If so, why can’t the Fed just extend the term of the loans as long as necessary for the panic to subside?

Comment by Hoz
2007-11-28 07:29:01

Hard money = real moneys
Soft moneys = accounting moneys

The Federal Reserve cannot print more.
If MLEC does not occur, banks unable to lend moneys for the next few quarters. Unable to pay dividends, vulnerable to hostile takeunder. Let alone a friendly take under.

Versus now, Banks not lending moneys -no qualified borrowers, Banks forced to liquidate stocks to meet tier one margins, Asset deterioration as current borrowers default, massive layoffs looming. Serious questions about the opacity of their quarterly statements, not on what is on the statements but on what should be on the balance sheet. There are serious solvency issues that may have been skirted by the SEC and the Federal Reserve Bank. Not enough friggin info.

This is the beginning, it is not anywhere near the end of the bank solvency problems. These probs started in July,2007 they may be resolved by Dec 2010.

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 07:39:17

OK, I am sweating again now…

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 07:48:52

Are you willing to entertain my “scale of 1-to-10″ question?

Comment by Hoz
2007-11-28 07:33:11

Avant que Je parte,
It is only moneys, whats a few dollars between friends.

’til tomorrow.

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 07:43:54

“…whats a few dollars between friends.”

Uncle Shylock may not see things this way.

Comment by Hoz
2007-11-28 09:14:07

As a result of my monthly dosage and the ill effects for the next 5 days, I will try not to be so hostile. The Worlds economy in the best of time has a 5% chance of a meltdown, last year the risk rose to 25%, this year the risk has risen to 38%. There is no 1- 10 scale it is closer to the saffir-simpson scale or the homer simpson scale.

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Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 14:44:46

0% to 100% is good enough for me.

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 07:10:28

Contrary data are starting to blow the “decoupling” theory to smithereens…(no surprise here to any of this blog’s long time followers).

Markets unsure if they will decouple from US
By Michael Mackenzie
Published: November 24 2007 03:42 | Last updated: November 24 2007 03:42

Global markets are reflecting unease that a deteriorating US economy, which comprises about 25 per cent of total world activity, could torpedo the notion that Asia and other countries can “decouple” from a sickly North America.

China’s Shanghai index fell below 5,000 this week, the first time since August, and is now more than 17 per cent lower since setting a record high in mid-October.,Authorised=false.html?

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 07:26:29

We have no debt crisis here — rather, we have investment as part of a buying boom which is transforming the global economy. IT’S ALL GOOD!

Oil nations transform the global economy
Investment in Citicorp is part of buying boom

By Steven R. Weisman
November 28, 2007

Comment by vozworth
2007-11-28 07:46:21

“buying boom” should read bailout.

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 08:09:27

That was the point of my post. It is funny how this article appears on the front page of today’s SD Union Tribune, while many other news services are calling the action a bailout.

Wall St. rallies on big bank bailout
Citibank to sell $7.5B stake to Abu Dhabi
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Associated Press

Comment by michael f
2007-11-28 07:41:45

From the American Banker (this guy must be nuts)
Fed Official Sees Housing Rebound

By: Steven Sloan
American Banker, 11/28/2007 — The worst of the problems in the housing market should pass by June 30, according to Charles Plosser, the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia.

“I expect the decline in housing activity will bottom out by the end of the second quarter next year,” Mr. Plosser said in a speech outlining his economic forecast at the University of Rochester. “Residential investment should then turn positive in the remaining quarters of the year, for the first time in more than two years.”

He also said the Fed cannot help the market determine the true price of risky subprime mortgages.

“It is important to recognize that the Federal Reserve cannot resolve this price discovery problem,” he said. “The markets will have to figure this out.”

Comment by spike66
2007-11-28 07:59:25

Nope, Plosser works for the private owners of the Federal Reserve…he answers to them. Any concerns for the citizens of the US or the economic future of the US are far down on his list.
He’s talking his book, for the benefit of the bank’s ownership.

Comment by hwy50ina49dodge
2007-11-28 08:17:19

“…the Federal Reserve cannot resolve this price discovery problem”

You know why this guy will never be FED Chairman…he uses the wrong verbiage:


“price discovery… conundrum” ;-)

Comment by hwy50ina49dodge
2007-11-28 07:47:50

So… hows “Goldilocks” & the “Good-Ship-Lollipop” this morning? ;-)

Sat next to a Chinese Saudi male mongrel mutt buying everyone at the bar 26 year old single malt Scotch last night…he needed a shave & some nuclear tic tacs. ;-)

Comment by Paul in Jax
2007-11-28 07:48:52

Florida local governments losing shirt on risky holdings, all bailing at once:

“”Nov. 28 (Bloomberg) — Florida local governments and school districts pulled $8 billion out of a state-run investment pool, or 30 percent of its assets, after learning that the money- market fund contained more than $700 million of defaulted debt. ”


The State Board of Administration manages about $42 billion of short-term investments, including the pool, as well as the state’s $137 billion pension fund. Almost 6 percent, or $2.4 billion, of its short-term investments consist of asset-backed commercial paper that has defaulted. Those holdings include $425 million in Axon Financial, a structured investment vehicle, or SIV, according to state records.

About $19 billion remained in the pool this week after the unprecedented wave of withdrawals, which came after the State Board of Administration reported its holdings of downgraded debt to Crist at a Nov. 14 public meeting of his cabinet in Tallahassee. The disclosures followed a month of inquiries by Bloomberg News to Florida officials.

“Knowing other people were pulling out, and that word was spreading, we looked at the potential for a run on the pool,” said Orange County’s Moye.

Comment by txchick57
2007-11-28 07:52:33

Ha! This guy is dropping this place $5K a day for real. It was 338K when I put on here last week. Must have the sherriff at the door.

Comment by marksparky
2007-11-28 08:14:54

that’s waaaay overpriced for lake travis. that stretch of 620 has turned into strip-mall nightmare; it’s not bucolic lake living by a long shot. I’ve driven by that complex…poorly designed french fru-fru.

Comment by kuga428
2007-11-28 20:46:05

Did you see the condo fees? Good grief. I wouldn’t buy the thing if he sold it for $75K with condo fees like that. And they will only go up.

Comment by Professor Shays
2007-11-28 08:12:37

On CNN’s Business Page = Breaking News:

Existing home sales sink 1.2% to record low sales pace in October. More soon.

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 08:13:38

The market for existing homes has blown way past the early-1990s bust at this point.

Existing-home sales fall 1.2% to 4.97 million pace in Oct
By Rex Nutting
Last Update: 10:00 AM ET Nov 28, 2007

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) - Sales of existing homes fell further in October even as more homes came on the market, driving the supply of homes to the highest level in 22 years, the National Association of Realtors reported Wednesday. Sales dropped 1.2% to a 4.97 million seasonally adjusted annualized pace in October, the real estate advocacy group said. The sales pace is the lowest since 1999. The inventory of unsold homes rose by 1.9% to 4.45 million, representing a 10.8 month supply, the highest since 1999. For single-family homes alone, the inventory of 10.5 months is the highest since July 1985.

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 08:17:23

Luckily the stock market is rallying despite the gloom and doom report on existing home sales.

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 13:22:26

Link don’t work no mo’…

Marketwatch getting tired of us taking a peak at highly correlated and volatile U.S. stock price movement have become?

No matter…

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 14:04:09

Is today Fed capitulation day or something? Because until Kohn started talking, they were trying oh so hard to convince markets that no rate cut was forthcoming. Seems like they just did a 180 degree flip-flop?

Comment by autechre78
2007-11-28 08:17:41

Just heard on sirius CNBC. Median home price 207k? Is that right? This morning I got alerts about home prices in Fair Oaks, CA. The recent sales and the existing sales were all around 115k - 170k. That’s pretty low, I was surprised to see that all of the sudden, and I consider myself pretty up to date on the local market (who isnt). Also, Centex Homes in a nice part of Rocklin, CA (near golf course) cut prices this weekend from 900k - 500k. Although I think they were actually priced from 700k, possibly a misprint (spoke to agent and she had different numbers).

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 08:26:39

Given the GSE conforming loan cap will stay at $417,000 next year, CA has way too much inventory up in the $417,000+ price range relative to the number of qualified and interested buyers. For instance, on SD’s used home inventory, there are currently 19,809 listings, of which 10,205 (51.5 percent) are asking more than $450,000.

What percentage of San Diegans can afford to pay off a debt of $450,000 out of their permanent incomes (= net savings plus expected present value of future earnings net of non-mortgage-debt expenditures)? I believe the number of such individuals who are also not already comfortably housed and are also willing to catch falling knives is vanishingly small.

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 08:33:59

“… of which 10,205 (51.5 percent) are asking more than $450,000.”

Corallary to this post:

If 51.5 percent of SD listings are above $450K (so 48.5 percent are below $450K), the current median SD listing (dividing line between top and bottom 50 percent of listings) is only slightly north of $450K. Given that used homes are typically selling for considerably less than listed, I guess we should expect November SD used home sales to show a median sale price south of $450K.

How does this square with the numbers coming out of DataQuack?

Comment by txchick57
2007-11-28 08:30:56

Bids hit on first group of index puts. Works for me.

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 08:42:53

There is a plethora of bad economic news to fuel today’s ‘Bad News on Main Street is Good News on Wall Street’ stock market rally. Third time is not a charm in this case.

latest news
[$INDU] Dow industrials rise 200 points to 13,153.9
Weakness in high-tech sinks durable orders in Oct.
By Rex Nutting, MarketWatch
Last Update: 8:48 AM ET Nov 28, 2007

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — With demand for high-technology goods weakening, orders for U.S.-made durable goods fell for the third straight month in October, falling 0.4%, the Commerce Department reported Wednesday.

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 08:45:58

Bear trap meltup…

November 28, 2007 10:44 A.M.EST

Blue chips up 400 points in two-day surge
Rate-cut hopes sustain rally

Comment by watcher
2007-11-28 08:50:06

Bear trap? Counter-trend rallies are always sharp and short. Looks like a bull trap to me.

Comment by aladinsane
2007-11-28 09:02:27

Looks like a sideshow diversion now, Wall Street.

Goofing with the numbers obviously was no problem, for the best and brightest financially, in regards to hedge funds and the alphabet soup of bad acronyms they spawned.

Why wouldn’t they goof with the numbers on the DJIA?

Besides all the plebes are going to hear today is…

blah, blah, blah, blah, Wall Street roared back over 13,000, showing it’s strength… blah, blah, blah, blah

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Comment by matt
2007-11-28 09:04:11

Massive short squeeze, we got about 100 pts off the aug spike the last time. i still think 1500 is doable.

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Comment by Jas Jain
2007-11-28 08:46:27

John Hussman Quiz (he is on CNBC):

How much money Fed has injected into the economy since March?

A. 1 Trilllion
B. 500 Billion
C. 15 Billion
D. None of the Above


Comment by nhz
2007-11-28 09:41:34

D: they will never tell you what is going on behind the curtain.

Comment by Jas Jain
2007-11-28 09:46:53

This is ridiculous. Information is made public in a very timely manner.

BTW, the answer is C. That takes care of “Printing Money” dopes’ cries.

It Is the Debt, Stupid! (Not the Fed and the money supply unless the money gets into the real economy via increase in spendable debt).


Comment by watcher
2007-11-28 10:22:22

Are you saying that the Fed has not increased money supply? This is absurd, and if they didn’t hide the data you would see money supply is probably in excess of 14% growth. Perhaps you are a ‘dope’ if you believe the Fed, and CNBC.

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Comment by Jas Jain
2007-11-28 10:54:32

The question was how much money the Fed injected since March?

Money supply is for dopes. Debt IS the cause and Money Supply is an effect. Focusing on DEBT answers all the questions correctly. One needs to get into endless questions like Velocity of Money, etc.

Greenspan admitted that in early 1990s the Money Supply numbers stopped working because the banks were unwilling to lend. Don’t you guys get it: It Is the Debt, Stupid!


Comment by watcher
2007-11-28 11:07:41

Wrong Jas. Money supply matters and the Fed knows it. That’s why they hid the number. Incrasing the money supply is the definition of inflation, whether you deflationists admit it or not. Why do you suppose the dollar has dropped to all-time lows against every major currency?

You focus on repos and ignore money supply because increasing money supply does not support your deflationary theory.

Comment by Anonymous Coward
2007-11-28 11:26:33

watcher, what they don’t show now is official government M3 calculation. Fed sloshing is different. It is very transparent. How that base is levered up into actual money supply is not determined by the Fed, which is why they have very little power to stop this train wreck. Money supply has indeed grown at an astonishing pace over last few years because of increased lending by banks. This is often stimulated by lower interest rates because more demand from borrowers at lower rates. But correlation with interest rates is not always there. When potential borrowers are maxed out, lower rates doesn’t necessarily mean more M3, as happened in the early 30’s. (This is why Keynes’ model has investment determined by “animal spirits,” not r, but that’s a different conversation.) Point is that Jas is right, Fed has increased the base by only $15 billion since March.

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 12:24:32

“Increasing the money supply is the definition of inflation, whether you deflationists admit it or not.”

Perhaps we should consult an authority on this topic.

Monetarism today is mainly associated with the work of Milton Friedman, who was among the generation of economists to accept Keynesian economics and then critique it on its own terms. Friedman and Anna Schwartz wrote an influential book, Monetary History of the United States 1867-1960, and argued that “inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon.”

Perhaps the dispute here is really one about time horizons. It seems obvious that so long as expectations remain sufficiently myopic, one can create inflation by running the virtual money printing press a bit more quickly.

But as Keynes pointed out, in the long run we are all dead. Now that he himself is long dead, perhaps his big idea that one can always get out of economic jams by some combination of either running larger fiscal deficits or printing more money is about to face its most severe test to date.

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 11:02:40

‘That takes care of “Printing Money” dopes’ cries.’

IMHO, your posts are a bit too centered on personal subjective beliefs.

Remarks by Governor Ben S. Bernanke
Before the National Economists Club, Washington, D.C.
November 21, 2002

Deflation: Making Sure “It” Doesn’t Happen Here

What has this got to do with monetary policy? Like gold, U.S. dollars have value only to the extent that they are strictly limited in supply. But the U.S. government has a technology, called a printing press (or, today, its electronic equivalent), that allows it to produce as many U.S. dollars as it wishes at essentially no cost. By increasing the number of U.S. dollars in circulation, or even by credibly threatening to do so, the U.S. government can also reduce the value of a dollar in terms of goods and services, which is equivalent to raising the prices in dollars of those goods and services. We conclude that, under a paper-money system, a determined government can always generate higher spending and hence positive inflation.

A money-financed tax cut is essentially equivalent to Milton Friedman’s famous “helicopter drop” of money.

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Comment by Jas Jain
2007-11-28 11:27:00

Tax-cut equals increase in debt because it is financed by Federal govt. taking on more debt, No?

How many different measure of Money Supply were created over the years and why?


Comment by watcher
2007-11-28 11:37:26

You can lead a deflationist to water…

Comment by Jas Jain
2007-11-28 11:44:43

Money Supply brainwashing is very hard to undo. How many here have looked at the YoY change in various money supply numbers for the past 40-50 years for which data is available? Ever tried to make sense of them and relating them to the inflation rate?

M3 was the most useless and there is good reason why it was discontinued. Inflationists see conspiracies where none exist.

As I said, Debt answers all the relevant questions. Increase in household debt pushes inflation rate up, is there any mystery there? Money can sit in banks!


Comment by Jas Jain
2007-11-28 11:50:47

For once all Fed would be proven impotent when the recession leads to deflation. Yes, we will have to wait for another ten months or so. My forecast for outright CPI deflation is Sep’08.


Comment by Jas Jain
2007-11-28 12:12:40

For Money Supply dopes —

“but the reality is that banks are hoarding cash”!

David Rosenberg: “Financial conditions have tightened — We get asked this all the time – whether the boom in the M’s is going to be inflationary, but what has happened is that the Fed’s easings have been stopped at the front door because even as the Fed has cut the funds rate, Libor has actually gone up around 20 bps since the last easing and overall financial market conditions have actually tightened about 50 bps. Year-end liquidity pressures are exacerbating the situation but the reality is that banks are hoarding cash and this has resulted in longer-term funding costs rising despite the Fed’s efforts.”

One more piece of evidence that it is the Debt (or lending) that is important and NOT the money supply.


Comment by Anonymous Coward
2007-11-28 13:58:55

I argue that debt IS the money supply and that, in some sense, you’re both right. It’s just that you can increase the money supply (via more debt, via lower rates) sometimes, but not all the time.

Keynes advocated fiscal (not monetary) policy. He argued that the main reason for recessions is that prices are sticky. AD falls, but with P the same, equilibrium output is much lower. Classical econ suggested equilibrium output would be the same, but prices would adjust (to be lower). Sticky prices is why Keynes advocated stimulating AD via public works projects. He looked around and saw that in the real world, sometimes investment does not increase with lower r (so you can’t stimulate AD that way), and sometimes prices do not decrease when they “should” due to a decrease in aggregate demand.

But saying prices are sticky doesn’t mean they don’t change. The usual analogy is a sticky door: once it lets loose, it flies. But it causes more disruptions than keeping things even, steven, or so argue some more modern-day economists like Stiglitz. (I generally like Stiglitz, but I’m very wary of this idea that we should micromanage the economy.)

Increasing money supply leads to an increase in prices or prevents a decrease in prices that would otherwise occur. For some reason, most people think the latter effect is good, but the former is bad. It’s really the exact same thing. Keynes’s idea of sticky prices had something to do with this thinking, but he was just pointing out something that was already there. People are emotional beings and don’t like to see their income go down year after year, even if their real purchasing power is increasing.

So, we get more and more money (debt) each year, but sometimes the creation of debt outpaces people’s ability to eventually pay off the debt. Voila. A Minsky Moment. Banks cut back on lending. Debt (money) is destroyed.

This is the main idea of Bernanke’s deft-deflation theory of recessions and depressions. Nothing original. This is just common sense. What is not common sense is that Bernanke concludes (as pointed out by PB above) that we can just print more money if we see threat of recession. Deflation can never be a problem. Tell that to Japan. The Fed needs sound banks to create money.

Unsound banks = no increase in the money supply (debt) = we are screwed.

Prices will go down. It happened in the Great Depression, and it will happen again.

Comment by watcher
2007-11-28 14:11:07


I agree that prices will fall but you will have severe inflation before deflation. It’s Weimar all over again.

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 15:05:50

It is so obviously idiotic to suggest that money supply and inflation are unrelated that I am almost loath to mention it.

European Money-Supply Growth Accelerated in October (Update3)
By Gabi Thesing

Nov. 28 (Bloomberg) — Money-supply growth in the euro region accelerated more than economists forecast in October, to the fastest pace in more than 28 years, adding to the European Central Bank’s inflation concerns.

M3 money supply, which the ECB uses as a gauge of future inflation, grew 12.3 percent from a year earlier, after gaining 11.3 percent in September, the Frankfurt-based bank said today. That’s the highest rate since July 1979. Economists expected growth of 11.5 percent, according to the median of 35 forecasts in a Bloomberg News survey.

Comment by vozworth
2007-11-28 09:53:27

The Top 10 Borrowers from the FHLBs. These come from the Consolidated Financial Statement for All the FHLBs.

[b]Citi $98.682 B[/b]
Countrywide $50B
WAMU $43.7B
WSB Cali $24.2B
RBS $21.8B
Sovereign $21.0B
BofA R.I. $19.8B
WSB Texas $17.2B
US Bank $16.8B
BofA Cali $14.75B

thats about 330B

Comment by kckid
2007-11-28 10:32:38

What kind of collateral are they putting up? Is this the bailout?

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 10:52:23

“What kind of collateral are they putting up?”

I’m guessing it mainly consists of the U.S. federal tax base?

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Comment by vozworth
2007-11-28 11:41:27
“I agree with Chuck Schumer and Nouriel Roubini that the $51 billion lent to Countrywide (CFC) by the Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta smells very fishy. Yes, it’s collateralized by $62 billion in mortgages, and it’s entirely possible that FHLB Atlanta has the sophistication necessary to determine that $51 billion is a reasonable lower bound for the value of those mortgages. But $51 billion is an enormous sum of money in anybody’s books, and FHLB Atlanta’s exposure to Countrywide is now a whopping 37% of its total outstanding advances. (Actually, it was 37% at the end of September; it might be even more than that today, we just don’t know.) No reasonable lender would put so many of its eggs in one basket – especially a basket as fragile as Countrywide.”


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Comment by aladinsane
2007-11-28 08:56:09

The tsunami of price increases on imported goods, delayed for a few months, as old stock languishes in stores…

Will be something to behold.

We are used to prices staying the same, or in the gizmo world, they continually go down.

This will be the exact opposite of a PC going down in price over 10 years from $1,500 to $300.

Comment by In Colorado
2007-11-28 11:09:19

Then we had better buy that HDTV before prices go up.

Comment by radon
2007-11-28 13:02:27

There will need to be some sort of demand for prices to increase. I can’t imagine that the average FB will need an HDTV for their cardboard box.

Comment by Domi
2007-11-28 08:58:44

I was wondering if any one has any information on the rate reset chart for mortgages. I need the website as well.

Thanks in advance.

Comment by chilidoggg
Comment by not a gator
2007-11-28 11:03:46

Thank you, TxChick!

I finally bought a copy of Riding the Bear, by Sy Harding. GREAT book. Hard to find, but pretty cheap on Amazon. I can’t believe with the drops in the market lately how cheap I could get it for.

Anyway, it was very clear and accessibly, and presented a vastly different view on the markets from the books I’ve been checking out from the library for the last 18 months (mostly written by stock brokers and financial planners, natch).

So many words of wisdom on this list. :) Thank you.

Comment by watcher
2007-11-28 11:09:19

Don’t expect oil to go back to 60.

Chinese Tiger has Nothing in the Tank

Rowan Callick, China correspondent | November 28, 2007
CHINA is running out of fuel. Police are guarding petrol stations in several inland provinces to prevent fights, as shortages of petrol and diesel are causing huge queues of trucks, buses and cars.

In Kunming, capital of the southwestern province of Yunnan, 1000 trucks are stranded.

A truck driver named Li told the Chuncheng Evening News he had been stranded at the Stone Tiger Gate petrol station for three days after searching for fuel in other places, but failing. He said his delivery date was way overdue.

Another driver, at Geiju city, said a job that would have taken one day in the past, now took three: one on the road, two queuing for fuel.

Nine days ago, a truck driver was reported to have been stabbed to death in central Anhui province after a row about queuing.,25197,22832180-2703,00.html

Comment by Max
2007-11-28 20:37:54

The shortages are because of the price controls. I remember the year 1991 in Russia - mile-long lines for a tank.

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 12:08:25

The slowdown has already arrived, ergo the stock market has bottomed out. Time to buy the dip!

Slowdown has arrived, according to latest Fed Beige Book
By Greg Robb
Last Update: 2:00 PM ET Nov 28, 2007

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — The economic slowdown has begun, according to the Federal Reserve’s latest report on conditions across the country released Wednesday. The economy continued to grow, but at a reduced pace, according to the report, known informally as the Beige Book. The glut of available homes for sale is keeping downward pressure on house prices and construction activity. No turnaround is on the horizon until well into 2008, contacts said. Two of the few bright spots were manufacturing and tourism which benefit from the weaker dollar. The report found soft retail sales, pessimism about the holiday season and concern that goods are piling up on shelves. The financial market turmoil is impacting the market for credit. Business loans are down and standards for consumer loans are up. Not wanting to dwell on the weak bank sector, the report separated out “nonfinancial services” as an area of strength. Demand for legal services increased. End of Story

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 12:14:22

Curiouser and curiouser. (I hope it is not too early in the holiday season for Carrolling!)

UPDATE 1-Recession risks have risen -White House official
Tue Nov 27, 2007 11:28am ET161
UPDATE 3-Bush economic adviser Hubbard resigns
(Adds Hubbard comments, background)

WASHINGTON, Nov 27 (Reuters) - The risk that the U.S. economy slips into recession has climbed but is still not that high, a top White House economic advisor said on Tuesday.

“Obviously, the chances of a recession are higher now than they were a year ago, but we still think it’s less than 50:50,” Allan Hubbard, economic advisor to U.S. President George W. Bush, told CNBC television during an interview.

“I don’t know what it is, but the bulk of the economy is doing just fine. We obviously have problems in the housing sector and we have problems in the financial sector, but … real America is doing just fine,” he said.

“Foreclosures are going to increase. We expect that, with all these subprime mortgages. At the same time, it is a small percentage of our overall economy. We’ve got a gigantic economy,” he said.

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 12:33:24

November 27, 2007, 8:26 am
The Early Word: A Recession Could Shift ‘08 Priorities
By Ariel Alexovich

Recession. The word alone is enough to send shivers down the spines of many Americans. A Wall Street Journal article today explores the ways in which an economic downturn could cause voters to re-evaluate their priorities.

Much has been written about rising oil prices, the housing crisis and now – the questionable success of the holiday shopping season. Former Treasury Secretary Laurence Summers even said this week that a recession is on its way.

‘A slowdown is inevitable, and a growing number of analysts are beginning to utter the dreaded “R” word. A recession in the middle of the 2008 presidential campaign would be a game-changer for both parties.

For Republicans, the bad news is that they inevitably would shoulder much of the blame because they control the White House. The good news for them is that they can start pushing tax cuts as a way to spur a slumping economy. That’s a better argument than pushing tax cuts for their own sake, which is pretty much where Republicans have been. The moment may be meeting the message.

For Democrats, the tax-cut question will be the opposite: If the economy is perilously close to recession, do you really want to propose tax increases? And a tax increase is precisely how Republicans portray any move to undo the Bush tax cuts.’

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 12:09:51

Top economic adviser promoted from within
NEC deputy Hennessey named chief as Hubbard leaves post
By MarketWatch
Last Update: 12:45 PM ET Nov 28, 2007

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — President Bush has chosen Keith Hennessey to head up the National Economic Council beginning in the last year of his administration, the White House announced Wednesday.

Hennessey, currently the No. 2 official at the National Economic Council, worked for Sen. Trent Lott, R-Miss., before joining the White House more than five years ago to work under Al Hubbard.

Hubbard’s departure, first reported Tuesday night and confirmed by the White House Wednesday, is the latest of a series of departures of top advisers from the White House.

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 12:30:40

Chinese Stocks Face Biggest Monthly Drop Since 1995 (Update1)
By Chua Kong Ho and Zhang Shidong

Nov. 29 (Bloomberg) — Chinese stocks are poised for their steepest monthly decline since at least 1995 as the government deflates a bubble that caused prices to quadruple in a year.

The Shanghai Composite Index fell 19 percent so far in November, the most since February 1995, when Bloomberg started keeping records of the benchmark. Shares in the index trade at an average 44 times earnings, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The MSCI Asia Pacific Index and the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index are valued at 17 times profit.

While this year’s rally turned Beijing-based PetroChina Co. into the biggest company by market value and made Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd. the largest bank, five interest rate increases by the People’s Bank of China and higher taxes on trading shares sent the index down 21 percent from its Oct. 16 record. The last five times the Shanghai Composite Index dropped 20 percent or more from a high, losses deepened to an average 35 percent before recovering, Bloomberg data show.

“The risk facing the stock market is considerable now, as the government is trying to squeeze an asset bubble,” said Zhang Ling, who manages the equivalent of $1.1 billion with ICBC Credit Suisse Asset Management Co. in Beijing.

U.S. billionaire Warren Buffett said last month investors should be “cautious” about China’s stock market. Six months ago, Li Ka-Shing, China’s richest man, said it “must be a bubble.”

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 12:37:55

Does anyone know why the GSE share prices are on a tear today?

Market Scan
Fannie, Freddie Won’t Get A Raise
Ruthie Ackerman, 11.27.07, 10:20 PM ET

Resisting congressional pressure, the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight said Tuesday it would leave unchanged the maximum value of single-family mortgages that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will be permitted to purchase in 2008.

The federally backed mortgage finance companies will buy loans up to a maximum of $417,000, the same as in 2006 and 2007, despite a fall in home prices, which would suggest lowering the limit, and calls from Congress to raise the ceiling due to the tightening up of the mortgage market.

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 12:42:37

Does anyone get the connection between the GSE situation and the Citigroup situation? I smell coordinated intervention, but then I am a bit of a cynic…

Freddie Has Best Day in 19 Yrs as GSE Shares Soar
Wed Nov 28, 2007 1:01pm EST
(Dubai International Capital takes Sony stake
Democrats back easing GSE investment cap
Treasury wants wider GSE oversight: document)

By Al Yoon

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Shares of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, the biggest providers of money for U.S. housing, surged on Wednesday on signs financial companies have access to billions of dollars in capital amid market unrest.

Freddie Mac stock soared in its best one-day percentage gain in 19 years after the company late on Tuesday said it would raise $6 billion via a preferred stock offering in coming days. The sale would be a record by the government-sponsored enterprise and follows a $7.5 billion cash infusion earlier this week to Citigroup Inc.

“The equity capital that is being added to the balance sheet of both Freddie and Citicorp — that is very good news, said Dan Fuss, vice-chairman of Loomis Sayles, which manages $100 billion in fixed-income assets. “It’s an indication that there is capital out there.”

Comment by Big V
2007-11-28 16:55:18

Does it make sense for the stock price to go up when the current shares about to be diluted?

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 21:38:11

To be honest, nothing that happens on the stock market these days makes much of any sense, which explains why I steer clear of it.

(Comments wont nest below this level)
Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 12:46:11

Wall Street cargo cultists eagerly await a protracted period of Fed easing.

U.S. Stocks Rally for Second Day; Citigroup, Google Shares Gain
By Elizabeth Stanton

Nov. 28 (Bloomberg) — U.S. stocks staged the biggest two- day rally in four years, led by financial shares, after Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Donald Kohn reinforced expectations for another interest rate cut.

Citigroup Inc., Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. and Morgan Stanley rose more than 6 percent. Ebay Inc. and Inc. helped push the Nasdaq Composite Index to a 2.6 percent gain after Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. forecast “a strong fourth quarter” for both companies.

Kohn’s comments just add to a perception that the Fed is embarking on a sustained path of easing,” said Michael Metz, the New York-based chief investment strategist at Oppenheimer Holdings Inc., which manages $60 billion. “There’s also huge relief that the worst of the financial crisis may be behind us.

Comment by txchick57
2007-11-28 13:21:26

Adding a few more puts.

Comment by Remain Calm. All is Well
2007-11-28 14:03:47

I loaded up on Dec. SPY puts a few min before the close. The ramp up today is unbelievable.

Comment by matt
2007-11-28 16:48:49

I think another 40 to 50 pts is in the cards, that would put it close to the upper b-band. i’m looking at 13,700 on the dow for a short entry.

(Comments wont nest below this level)
Comment by Hoz
2007-11-28 14:30:55

Darn it! I always work with stops and a number were run! Not one was run in the financial sector. Blasted in retail, My hedges collapsed. It does matter where I got in, but I hate losing moneys on any day. I would love to say ‘laughing all the way to the bank” but I don’t trust any Money Center Bank. Thank you Brazil.

So Tx, since I was at sundry and dirty places today, I blame you for letting this market go up! LOL
I really don’t like it when the beast raises its ugly head in a last gasp. (Even when I know it is going to happen.)

Comment by txchick57
2007-11-28 18:33:30

Well, right now you’ve got a test of the Aug. lows with a higher low. Not good if you’re bearish. But we do have the Dow Theory sell signal working too. My first bids were hit around 1455 and got a few more at the close. All March, so no worries here.

(Comments wont nest below this level)
Comment by Hoz
2007-11-28 19:12:02

Still see nothing fundamental to change my opinion on the price of the DJIA by New Years. Yet, I suspect that a bank could declare BK in this market and the stock could do a go-go dance.

Right now I have a Canadian low coming in (as opposed to a Mexican high) - last night I was out walking in the woods, tonight sittin’ and watching the flakes blow sideways. Hopefully another 95″ before Christmas.

Light Snow

Feels Like:
29.66 in and steady
1 mi
W 22 mph
8:15 am
5:08 pm
135 PM EST WED NOV 28 2007


Like the advisory is going to keep “The Dew Drop Inn” from staying open. A Manana.

Comment by vozworth
2007-11-28 20:39:14

day early on my 10 SOV, 10% in two days, first day no movement, spooky, then the bailout news started to arrive… may last a few days, global bailout of “percieved” poor banks continue. These guys are gonna feast on themselves.

Comment by nhz
2007-11-28 14:08:10

just goes to show that we need FAR bigger accidents than the current subprime/CDO/SIV mess and a few bank runs before the financial sheeple wake up…

Comment by watcher
2007-11-28 14:12:29

How’d you like that dollar headfake? Dropped like a rock late in the day…somebody just sold the rally. I bet they speak an asian language.

Comment by arroyogrande
2007-11-28 17:32:12

“U.S. stocks staged the biggest two- day rally in four years,”

As a sluggish, long-term index mutual fund ‘investor’, hey, thanks for another exit point…I’m now at only 20% US stocks.

Comment by chilidoggg
2007-11-28 15:02:17

I thought trading curbs kicked in at +/- DJIA 200 points. Look at this 5-minute chart today for SPY:

What’s the deal with these volume spikes over 5 million shares after 10:30?

Comment by chilidoggg
2007-11-28 15:06:48

sorry, I can’t post the link to my chart for SPY.

Comment by Hoz
2007-11-28 15:18:15

“…Real estate deals are coming apart at the fastest pace since September 2001, when the U.S. economy was shrinking, because banks are tightening standards for loans, said Robert White, president of Real Capital Analytics, a New York-based research firm.

About $15 billion of commercial property transactions of $10 million or more are under contract in the U.S., compared with about $70 billion at mid-year, White said. That’s unusual because the number usually rises at year-end, he said.

`Market is Imploding’

More than 75 have been withdrawn because banks aren’t lending, and that estimate is “probably conservative, because not all deals that blew up were well-publicized,” White said. …”

28 Nov

Phase 2 begins.

Comment by Big V
2007-11-28 15:21:18

I don’t know if anyone is still reading the bucket, but I just wanna let you know that I just saw my first craigslist ad for a new house “still under construction” that is on the rental market already. Text:

Brand new Encanto single family home under construction. This community has a large pool and club house. The house has 3 bedrooms and 21/2 baths, W/D, central heating, gourmet kitchen with pantry, refrigerator, microwave, and dishwasher. Dining and living room and the half bath are located downstairs. Enclosed 2 car garage with entrance to kitchen. Yard is maintained by the HOA.

The house is located within 5 minutes walking distance to Santa Clara University.

Please note that this is available only from end of December, 2007 to end of
August, 2008. No pets and nonsmokers only.


Comment by Mole Man
2007-11-28 19:17:54

Yard maintained by HOA, even though the house isn’t finished? Yuck!

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 15:24:27

UPDATE 4-EU eyes mounting cost of German subprime rescue
Wed Nov 28, 2007 3:06pm ET136
Market View
IKBG (IKB Deutsche Industriebank )
(Adds government denial of newspaper story, paragraph 9)

By William Schomberg and Patricia Nann

BRUSSELS/FRANKFURT, Nov 28 (Reuters) - The European Commission said on Wednesday it wanted more details about Germany’s aid to banks as the cost of a Berlin-led bail-out of subprime casualty IKB soared.

EU Competition Commissioner Neelie Kroes said she intended to speak to Finance Minister Peer Steinbrueck a day after state-owned lender KfW [KFW.UL] warned the cost of its IKB rescue was rocketing.

IKB nearly collapsed this year under the strain of losses from investments in risky U.S. home loans and was rescued in an effort spearheaded by KfW. Government bail-outs of private-sector companies are normally illegal under EU law.

KfW said on Tuesday the outlook for Rhineland Funding — an offshore outfit IKB set up to invest in subprime mortgages and which is now housed at KfW — had turned dramatically worse.

Given Rhineland’s problems, KfW said it would more than double the money it set aside for expected losses to 4.8 billion euros ($7.1 billion).

Comment by Big V
2007-11-28 15:24:44

Just in case I don’t make it to the CA thread today, I also want to tell you all that my LL avoided foreclosure, but is now going to sell the house because he “can’t sustain the negatives”. Also, my neighboor tried to sell her house last year, but couldn’t get her price, so now she’s moving and wants to rent the place out. I talked to her property manager, but the rental price he gave was way too high, so I countered. I’ll see if he counter-counters, but there’s a much nicer, bigger house in a better neighborhood nearby that is asking the same price. I’m hoping she counter-counters because I’d rather pay less for a smaller place, but I won’t take her place if the better place is the same price!

Cali. Whatcha gonna do?

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 16:27:29

‘LL avoided foreclosure, but is now going to sell the house because he “can’t sustain the negatives”.’

Time for you to play him a sad tune on your big violin…

Comment by Big V
2007-11-28 16:39:15


Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 15:26:28

Gulf, Asian investors may target Eurobanks-analysts
Tue Nov 27, 2007 4:37 PM GMT139

By Andrew Hurst, European banking Correspondent

ZURICH, Nov 27 (Reuters) - Abu Dhabi Investment Authority’s purchase of a stake in Citigroup (C.N: Quote, Profile , Research) has sparked speculation that Gulf or Asian investors may target one or more European banks that are grappling with the subprime mortgage crisis.

Rumours swirled in Zurich on Tuesday that investors from the Middle east or China could be interested in buying a stake in UBS AG, which has been hit by big subprime-related charges. UBS shares were up 3.1 percent at 1610 GMT.

“There are rumours that a large buyer could move in from some Eastern country,” said a Swiss banking analyst who asked not to be identified. “That is what we are hearing.”

Comment by Hoz
2007-11-28 16:04:30

They have to do something with their $8T in reserve might as well buy banks world wide.

Comment by vozworth
2007-11-28 20:35:14

are the guns of navarone being wielded by the petro and slave labor “Reserve?” aka: Governmental Entities? Petro Dollar? Production Capacity Dollars?

the game is Sovereign Bailout. The players, Chinese, Saudi, US and A, Japanese, Brazil?..coming to a Playstation near you. I left out Europe (Germans, Italians, French, uhhhh), and red cards, as well as, the UK…

anyway, you get the gist. Make it role playing, resource allocation, with full armaments, and actual wildcards like financial wizardry?

the only winning move is not to play.

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 16:51:23

This is quite outdated, but nonetheless this somehow seems to be a great moment in time to repost it…

There is no housing bubble!
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Debt is Wealth —

Comment by Matt_in_TX
2007-11-28 23:11:26

That is scary. Was terrified when I started to nod and had to slap myself.

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 21:36:00

Now that the Fed has voiced its commitment to keep lowering interest rates and the U.S. stock market is back into bull run mode, gloom-and-doom stories like this one can be safely ignored as irrelevant.

Wall Street Journal

Consumer gloom adds to recession risk

Home prices dropped 4.5% in the third quarter from a year earlier, while consumer confidence waned in November.
Sudeep Reddy, Wall Street Journal
28 Nov 2007 04:48

The stock market’s volatility and higher energy prices are depressing consumer sentiment, adding to the recession threat posed by unprecedented declines in home values.

Waning consumer confidence in November, reported by the Conference Board, may signal trouble ahead for consumer spending. Another troubling sign: house prices nationwide in the third quarter posted their biggest declines on record — 1.7% from the second quarter and 4.5% from the year-earlier period, according to the Standard & Poor’s/Case-Shiller index.

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 21:43:20

A commentator has a cab driver moment, and thinks little of it. (This is the updated version of the 1929 shoe shine boy moment…)

Fear takes a holiday as greed returns to Wall Street
Commentary: Investors rush back into financials to seed year-end rally
By David Callaway, MarketWatch
Last Update: 4:23 PM ET Nov 28, 2007

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) — Ah greed. It’s good, you know?
At least it is when it appears in the form of a powerful snapback rally like we’ve seen in the U.S. stock market in the last two days.

Any investor worth his or her Ameritrade account has been itching for the chance to get into the financials in the last month, as their shares plummeted amid rising exposure to the subprime-mortgage debacle and the subsequent chopping of heads at the big investment banks.

Even my cab driver on a recent trip to the airport had his list of financial stocks to jump on, when he felt the time was right. Buy the banks, avoid the mortgage lenders, you know?

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-28 22:06:16

Fed to banks: Happy Holidays!

Hoz — Does this pretty much clear up your worries about ‘real moneys’ due on 12/31/07?

Fed to inject $8 billion to ease end-of-year credit squeeze
27 November 2007

The US Federal Reserve has said on Monday 26 November that it would provide up to $8 billion in funds to ease concerns about lending during the holiday season and reassure banks during the continuing credit crisis.

The amount will come in the form of a low-interest loan to the nation’s banks. It will be issued on Wednesday, and must be repaid by 10 January. The 43-day loan period is the longest in the last three years for this type of year-end injection.

Such fund injections are not an unusual step for the Fed, but the injection usually takes place later in the fourth quarter and mostly involves a smaller amount. In 2005, the last time the Fed issued year-end funds, they came in the form of 28-day repurchase agreements for $5 billion, starting 8 December.

Banks can become extremely reluctant to give loans during the year-end holiday season. Even as consumer demand for loans during the holiday spending season goes up, banks want to close out their yearly balance sheets with a large amount of capital and investments in safe-haven securities like treasury bonds.

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-29 01:49:34

US bank earnings plunge in third quarter

By Ben White in New York

Published: November 28 2007 19:57 | Last updated: November 28 2007 19:58

US bank earnings plunged nearly 25 per cent in the third quarter, falling below $30bn for the first time since 2003 as the sagging US housing market hit profits, according to government data.

Net income for banks in the period fell to $28.7bn, down $9.4bn from last year driven by a steep increase in provisions for loan losses and a drop in non-interest income, according to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.,Authorised=false.html?

Comment by vozworth
2007-11-28 22:21:08

roseburg oregon:
notice of trustees sale
980 ne alameda rsbg oregon 97470
45 nw cary st winston or 97496


been waitin till it reared its head round these parts.

Comment by Professor Bear
2007-11-29 02:07:02

The ‘bad news on Main Street is good news on Wall Street’ mindset seems to still be running very strong on Wall Street these days.

Fed’s Hints
Of a Rate Cut
Cheer Markets
November 29, 2007; Page A1

The Federal Reserve, faced with mounting signs of a slowing economy, opened the door to an interest-rate cut next month, cheering the nation’s stock market, which staged its biggest two-day rally in five years.

The latest signal from the central bank came in remarks by Donald Kohn, its vice chairman, which represented a Fed acknowledgment that the financial-market turmoil that started this summer remains a threat to the economy.

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