Bits Bucket And Craigslist Finds For November 30, 2007
Please post off-topic ideas, links and Craigslist finds here.
Examining the home price boom and its effect on owners, lenders, regulators, realtors and the economy as a whole.
Please post off-topic ideas, links and Craigslist finds here.
It appears charity contributions are down this year. Many organizations including the Salvation Army are having trouble raising funds. I would love to compare and contrast this seasons charity contributions to the retail sales. It has been reported that the day after Thanksgiving brought brisk sales. If sales are up and charity contributions are down, I think it will say a lot about our culture.
“It has been reported that the day after Thanksgiving brought brisk sales. If sales are up and charity contributions are down, I think it will say a lot about our culture.”
I don’t believe the reports on day after Thanksgiving sales. Since about March, the local TV stations here in Florida have been reporting that donations to local charities were on the decline, while those in need were up. I did once see a report that charity giving on behalf of Americans is more than charity giving from the rest of the world combined. Americans may have their problems, but they are the most generous people in the world when it comes to giving.
My Dutch friend who worked for charity organizations in Europe was a speaker for our international policy discussion group. (Mostly well to do retired types and yours truly trying to learn from people in the know)
She reported that “per capita” the US was not the top contributer. She told the group that, in fact, it was somewhat lower on the list. She also had some numbers as a percentage of GDP that were a bit embarassing too.
The aggragate number superiority was due to our larger population. So she suggested that although many Americans were very generous, it was apparent that there were still quite a bit more of us that were not.
(Pls don’t shoot the messenger on this one. Just a report from someone with the background to know)
Whether you like it or not it looks like we will all be donating to the new charity “New Hope Alliance.” The FB’s the government and their lenders wish us all a very Merry Christmas.
Gotta keep housing unaffordable and the sheeple in debt.
I think the “New Hope Alliance” - aka “Taxpayer Funded Bailout Alliance” should be a weekend topic.
I’d like to believe that Americans are the most generous, but frankly, I’m not sure where all those generous folk are. My personal experience suggests that one of the biggest motivators for donations, charitable or otherwise, is the list of donors’ names (published or otherwise), be it the church’s list of donors, the walk-a-thon’s list of donors, etc…. This is a country of greed, which is ok; but to suggest that the people in such a system are generally unselfishly generous is almost laughable. If that were the case, instead of a housing bubble, we’d have a charity bubble.
An old book written by a guy who did fundraising states that, along the lines of the 80/20 principle, that another ratio is 5/50….5 percent of burglars commit half the burglaries, 5 percent of churchgoers buy half the Bibles, 5 percent of beer drinkers buy half the beer, you get the picture. Says the same for giving.
I give anonomusly, but it is a factor of income (thithe). When I cashed out of housing, my giving increased (alot) for the year based on this “income”. I still give, but at normal levels this year. I don’t think this is immoral or shows that America is stingy. I would contribute to this statistic is all I’m saying.
Not immoral at all. Unfortunately only a very small percentage do what you do. Otherwise, as someone else said, there’d be a charity bubble.
Well, we certainly don’t need any more bubbles in this country, so I’ll keep my checkbook safely in my desk drawer!
Is Lawrence Welk’s Bubble maker still around?
Anonymous giving is the preferred method for those who do so from a religious conviction. Matthew 6:1 “But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret”.
Mine are up over 100%. But I know what you mean. I see an increase in need everywhere.
A lot of Americans are like you, tx, I know so many people who give generously to the causes of their choice. It seems to be the fashion to run down American citizens right now, and I myself get annoyed with the hordes of mouth-breathers out there on occasion, but I’m tired of hearing how bad we are. Our “leaders” suck profusely, but most average Americans I know will give the shirt off their back to help others in need, sometimes to their own detriment.
It seems that most nation charities are not very well run. I’ll stick to my local charities that are well over 90% efficient (for every $1.00 donated, more than $0.90 goes to the people in need) instead of the national one that seem focused on high-profile (expensive) fundraising and highly-paid employees. Which probably means that my donations are off the radar.
Oh, same here. I actually take the time to check things out and spend directly. I don’t give to national charities other than the Morris Animal Foundation.
We give to a local food bank and it all ends up within the community. It’s hard to extort donations when they come in cans.
Hear, hear on the giving locally. I tend to do that too. I make one exception, and that’s for an international relief agency that I’ve volunteered with.
Many years ago, we decided to give locally and give year round what we could rather than just at the holiday season.
Well, there’s a reason folks are suspicious of “non-profits’.
Like Everson, appointed in April to run the Red Cross, canned today, six months later, for having an extramarital affair with a staff member. He’s the fifth chief in 6 years…with the federally chartered charity in charge of the nation’s blood supply and coordinating help in catastrophes. Salary: 500,000.
Maybe he donated a few nickles to the Red Cross himself.
“Dogged by miserable weather Saturday, the city’s largest one-day toy drive, the Chuy’s Children Giving to Children Parade, was a near-bust, drawing donations of about 2,400 toys. Last year’s event drew about 42,000 toys, assistant parade director Brooke Cox said.”
What a difference a year makes…
94% less toys
Maybe people hesitate to give Chinese-made toys that could be hazardous to the recipients’ health.
I have posted on layoffs in the Not For Profits. It is a very disturbing trend, Catholic hospitals, Salvation Army, Vozworth’s company in Oregon etc. It is getting a lot worse.
I’m betting there is an inverse relationship over the decades of the increase in personal taxes vs the percentage of personal income donated to charity.
When the gov takes near 50% of earnings, a lot of taxpayers start to feel that they are already taking care of a whole boatload of people in need, by force.
“If sales are up and charity contributions are down, I think it will say a lot about our culture.”
Charity begins at home. Merry Christmas!
I’m so annoyed that these people are still running radio ads (seemingly only on the minority targeted stations). Is it any wonder that the DC/Baltimore metro market is so slow to wake up.
And they also have another website out there that I can’t recall.
Flip this House guy has ads on the local DC sports radio station (980) all the time. Annoying as hell. He’ll send you his book “free - you just pay shipping and handling” - I’ll bet the S&H is plenty high enough for profit.
he is so damn annoying. ick.
These are really interesting.
The fed lowers interest rates and your town piles on fees and taxes. You’re still screwed. IMO this is a great example of how the fed has no control over the situation.
The FED Bush knows exactly what it is doing… they want to look like THEY aren’t raising taxes, while OFF loading it to states and localities. Meanwhile the FED or Bush or his henchmen want us all to kowtow to their demands, while they dont’ cover the original things like roads etc for states and localities. The Sheeple see the “Fed” as lowering taxes, and then the sheeple mean mouth the local townships etc.
Don’t worry, the I-355 extension will come to the rescue!
Exurban Chicago has been stifling the Regional Transportation Authority for I don’t know how many years, preventing almost all expansion of transit systems. 10-year waiting lists for parking passes at the outer suburban commuter train stations couldn’t even convince them. I’m not going to feel any sympathy now that your steady stream of building permits have dried up and you can’t maintain your roads that became overcrowded 3 months after you built them.
10-year waiting lists for parking passes at the outer suburban commuter train stations couldn’t even convince them.
Good grief, and I was annoyed that I had to wait two months to get a Caltrain bike locker at my station of choice!
Don’t worry, the I-355 extension will come to the rescue!
Exurban Chicago has been stifling the Regional Transportation Authority for I don’t know how many years, preventing almost all expansion of transit systems.
You’re right, it’s ridiculous.
I have a feeling there are entrenched, well-financed interests such as this in every major metropolitan area in the US — driven in part by real estate developers.
Truth be Tolled!
Rudy Giuliani Benefits From Sale Of U.S. Highways To Foreign
Companies; Q&A With Pat Choate On Privatizing U.S. Highways
Looking like real money…,1,5933849.story?coll=la-headlines-business&ctrack=6&cset=true
From this article:
“The Bush administration and major financial institutions are close to agreeing on a plan that would temporarily freeze interest rates on certain troubled sub-prime home loans, the Wall Street Journal reported early today, citing sources familiar with the negotiations.”
This is also mentioned in Paul Krugman’s blog today.
“The Bush administration and major financial institutions are close to agreeing on a plan that would temporarily freeze interest rates on certain troubled sub-prime home loans, the Wall Street Journal reported early today, citing sources familiar with the negotiations.”
The mayor of SF is trying to do something similar.
It’s a slap in the face of everyone who didn’t participate in this mess, or who bought a house they could actually afford, with a down payment and a fixed mortgage.
Someone on CNBC said “we’re way beyond moral hazzard at this point,” so I think folks know how bad this is going to get.
So they help a few FB’s here and there. It will just make getting a mortgage that much more difficult for future buyers, which still tanks the market.
Yep - It’s election year and they’ve used the MSM for sob stories with no backup research so that it looks like a crisis and the knights on white horses can come in and save the poor little citizens. If they really are able to pull this off it will only put off the inevitable because housing prices will just stay at a standstill and no one will buy. I’ve yet to see any real details that state who will be helped - 2nd home buyers, flippers, speculators, refiers? Will they verify income?
Exactly. If they do this, no one will buy a bond if it contains any teaser rate or even adjustable rate mortgages. And since the securitizers won’t be able to sell them, they won’t buy loans that have those characteristics. And since the banks won’t be able to sell they, they won’t make them.
Welcome back to the days of fixed rate, fully amortizing home loans. Good bye, teaser rates, ARMs, Option ARMS, and anything other than a fully amortizing fixed rate. Now where did that demand for housing go?
The Bush administration and major financial institutions are close to agreeing on a plan that would temporarily freeze interest rates on certain troubled sub-prime home loans
Wow! Is my memory faulty, or is this the first attempt at national price control since the Nixon administration? And we all know how well that worked.
What next — lines of customers who “need” to get home loans outside the mortgage broker’s office?
Here’s the problem, though. Even if you freeze the interest rates forever, who’s going to want to keep making payments for 30 years on a house whose value has dropped 25% or more? In the Bay Area, that could be a $200k loss on an $800k house.
Choice 1: Suck it up and pay over the next 30 years, and hope to hell that if it comes time to sell, you have enough equity or cash in the bank to make up the shortfall.
Choice 2: Save TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS by walking away. Punishment: a bad FICO score for seven years.
I have a 815 FICO score and value good credit more than most Americans do, but if someone offered me $200k in exchange for a trashed credit score for seven years, that’s a no-brainer! I’d take it in a heartbeat.
I am still waiting for the following ideas to surface:
- Government mandated price controls on housing. Basically, think of it as “trading curbs” on housing prices. Say, housing can’t go down more than 5% per year, but it can go up infinitely.
- Requirements that force people (the f’d buyers) to stay in their homes for some number of years. The challenge will be to somehow allow greedy speculators to continue to run amok while at the same time hosing the f’d buyers by saddling them with endless payments on a depreciating asset AND hosing the taxpayers with the burden for all this.
- Government funded housing for all. Every loan is conforming, the Fed will take everything up to and including used tissues in return for free money, etc. Let’s go Wiemer!
There are still plenty of ways to make the situation worse, and I have faith that our leaders are thinking them over.
Russia USA of the 40’s-80’s..?
Freeze interest rates and it keeps building up on the backside. What the Fed can’t do is lower LIBOR and therefore this is just smoke and mirrors to control the foreclosure market slide into something that they think will be more manageable, Hah! This puppy is world wide and you can’t control that. After the holidays and into 2008 comes the CC debt, and they can’t control that. People have to relocate, divorce, job, etc, and they can’t control that. Neighborhoods will have boarded up houses lowering the value of the neighborhood and they can’t control that. Control the GF interest and let them squat and who’s going to buy, not I!!!!
I don’t get it. Wouldn’t a freeze on adjustments just put the banks in a different kind of jeopardy? And what about all those people, institutions, banks, retirement funds, foreign central banks, etc. that purchased mortgage backed securities? Doesn’t the value of those securities take a beating if they freeze the adjustment of the ARMs? I’m going to have call b.s. This sounds like politicians flapping their lips and claiming to have a solution. Because a real solution would involve saving the FB’s at the expense of the greater financial system. Well… here on my planet politicians have enough survival instincts not to screw banks and the world’s largest pools of money.
The thing that stands out most about this is that the White House is “close to agreeing on a plan”. That means that lenders are doing this voluntarily, which means that they will do what’s in their own best interests within the confines of their agreements with investors.
need membership to read
I heard someone say yesterday that his credit union (one of the largest in our area) will not make a loan to anyone with a credit score of 600 or less.
600 or less!? That excludes what, the bottom 20% or so of the population? The question is why anyone would loan anything to such people, under any circumstances, ever!
Pigman Puppeteer
This stuff is really hard to predict. Not!
My question is do they ever make him dress in a mini skirt and spike heels and do a table dance for them, just because they can?
It would ruin the facade, but it does sound like good toon material.
Arnold Ziffel, I presume?
Definitely, GREEN acres today! Ha.
I swear I saw Pigman at a strip club in Houston…or maybe it was his twin brother…hmmmm, now I’m cornfused.
Kahunabear…you should do a HBB calander for 2008…so we can mark down the historic event days!
Ha. Who would the models be?
That’s a great name, might have to use it every now and then…
Kahuna –
If only I had your talent, I would draw:
1) The man behind the curtain
2) BB respiking the punch bowl
Not having your talent, I hope I can at least occasionally throw out a suggestion that sparks your imagination
Thanks Professor Bear. I will work on it.
So we may get a Helicopter Benefit, and some kind of rate-freezing bill. But isn’t the problem falling values? People didn’t stop buying houses because the rates weren’t low enough. They stopped because the values started falling faster than Larry Craig could tap his foot.
So if this all happens, the financial world at the top will Benefit, and the few homeowners who haven’t bailed might not, but prices will continue to free-fall.
Got falling knife?
The goal is to inflate our way out of this problem (hence falling dollar and interest rate cuts). If they can freeze rates for 7 years then in 7 years those “home owners” will be able to sell their houses for about what they bought them for. Problem solved. This is so unbelievable to me. CNBC commentators said this morning that it is in everyone’s interest that adjustable rates be frozen. “Everyone’s interest”, WTF!!
Makes me want to go out and buy stuff I could never afford, I want to be bailed out too while enjoying all the stuff I bought.
Mark to Needle in a Haystack
trying to lock in the RE inflation of the last few years?
And still we pi$$ away billions of tax dollars for “affordable housing”. I am so sick of all of the scumbag losers getting all of the benefits of society while doing nothing to contribute to it. Pop out babies and enjoy the ride.
yeah. the poor should be exterminated.
youth in Asia?
them too.
It must be nice to live in a fantasy world. Here in the real world all poor people aren’t saints.
Observer, I’m afraid you are wrong on the inflating our way out of this. Unfortunately, our politicans and the knuckleheads who vote for them can’t balance a budget worth a damn. Therefore, the Treasury must sell bonds in order to make up the difference. If we start inflating too much, no one will buy those bonds. In the end, the government can’t let that happen, so inflation won’t happen.
On the other hand, if no banks are willing to loan money and no one is willing to spend it, we may hit deflation.
(The goal is to inflate our way out of this problem (hence falling dollar and interest rate cuts). If they can freeze rates for 7 years then in 7 years those “home owners” will be able to sell their houses for about what they bought them for. Problem solved.)
Not a bad solution, if it happens.
No taxpayer funds.
Investors absorb the loss, but a smaller loss than if the houses are abandoned for a decade. They’ll know enough not to invest in these kind of instruments next time.
Bona fide homeowners stay in the homes by pay more than they otherwise would. Some HELOCed and partied, but at least the party is over. The minimum should be 30% of income for housing. The average renter pays that much or more, and that is what Section 8 and Public Housing residents are required to pay.
The investor and fraud homes sell to others for less.
“Not a bad solution, if it happens.”
Yeah, no problem. Devalue the dollar, and screw everyone who actually saves for retirement or a downpayment. Let food, oil, clothing, transportation and everything else go thru the roof.
Let the elderly and the retired folks eat dog food, since government supplied figures for COLA are bogus. And the freeloaders will continue to get medical care, but working Americans can choose between food and health insurance premiums. 47 million uninsured Americans now…watch that number skyrocket.
If we are going to redistribute income on such a massive scale, let’s just be honest about it. ‘Tax and spend’ would sure beat ’spend and borrow and fool around with the money supply.’
If nothing else, people could predict what is going to happen and could plan appropriately for it. At this point my financial planning consists of Wild Ass Guesses.
That number of uninsured is going to skyrocket regardless of what they do. We will soon reach the breaking point where the populace will DEMAND a national health system.
We will soon reach the breaking point where the populace will DEMAND a national health system.
I hope you’re right — not about the breaking point, which’ll be ugly if it happens, but about demands from the general populace for some genuine healthcare reform.
Careful what you wish for.
A Comrade’s Medical Plan
Under forced care, physician choice will not exist. Americans will be assigned a doctor, or allowed to choose from a small group, much like those who are part of the managed care systems — the same ones that are so derided by those who support nationalized health care.
This is not a fevered right-wing fantasy. There is a real-world example: the British system, held up as a model for the U.S. to follow. It does not let patients see the doctor of their choice. Britons who use the National Health Service can visit only designated family physician, whose practice is located near their homes.
OTOH, you get to choose your doctor in Canada. I believe that’s also the case in Australia.
“This is not a fevered right-wing fantasy. There is a real-world example: the British system, held up as a model for the U.S.”
Why do you think a Universal Health Care plan here would have to be anything like the one in Great Britain? And who is holding up Britain’s plan as a model? Nobody I know. How about looking at Australia’s plan, or Germany’s, or France’s, or Italy’s, or Spain’s, or . . . you get the picture. Anti-universal Health Care people always try to find the worst examples to scare us with. Every Canadian province has its own Universal Care program, yet naysayers always find the worst ONE to hold up and shake while yelling “boo.” Some of the Canadian plans work very well. Many of the European and Asia plans work very well, too.
If the insurance profits are cut out of the cost, providing universal coverage for everyone would be far less expensive than what piecemeal coverage costs now. If hospitals couldn’t charge one patient 10,000 dollars for a 100 dollar procedure in order to cover all the non-payers in the emergency room, things would change drastically. Doctors do not need to be wealthy. Hospital administrators do not need to be wealthy. There may come a time in the not-too-distant future when doctors will be happy to have any job, cushy or otherwise, because nobody will be able to afford the absurd prices charged by hospitals, doctors, labs, and drug companies.
“Careful what you wish for.”
Is there any other recourse? I too am against socialized medicine, but at this point I think that’s where we’re headed regardless of how much we hate it. Much the same way our psuedo-economy is headed for the shitter, our health care system is likewise doomed.
Putting the government in charge of health care insurance will solve our current problems, but one might as well be honest and admit it will usher in a whole new set of problems. A good example of that is Quebec, where a provincial government that is hostile to the Anglos and immigrants intentionally shifts medical resources out of the city of Montreal.
I support single payer coverage, but we need to find ways to avoid that sort of mischief. I suspect American are up to the task.
I suspect American are up to the task.
I suspect you are right, once critical mass has been reached.
The British National Health System is excellent and would be a good model for the USA to follow. It is not a free system, it is in fact contributed to by a deduction from wages, salaries and income of the self employed. However, the benefits apply to all and the sick are well treated. That’s not to say that the system is not abused at times, but generally it works well and serves the seriously ill very well. So don’t knock it on heresay, just ask the Brits whether they would prefer the ” Medicine for those that can afford it ” or “Medicine for all. ” I lived in the U.K. for most of my life and found the system excellent, I have lived in the US for 15 yrs and find the health system expensive and controlled by those with a vested interest. Examples of each: My sister was provided with Dialisis machines at home, including installation, maintenance, and observation for 5 yrs or more. She then received a Kidney Transplant, and is now continually observed and medicated. All for “Free”.
Many very sick peopleare treated just the same, so don’t knock it if you don’t know it. On the other hand, my wife spent a week in Hospital here in the USA, shared a room with a patient who left blood in the bathroom, that was not clean while my wife was there. Where the staff were more interested in logging the use of Tissues or sanitary Towels than making the beds. Believe me, if you can get a system to match the British system for the little it costs in Social security deductions, you will be doing well. What you really need to do is eliminate Insurance Companies, limit the over subscribing of drugs by Doctors who are encouraged to sell the products of Drug companies, and get the Doctors to be more concerned about their patients than their million dollar incomes. Then you might have a system that is cost effective and provides a medical system for all.
“If the insurance profits are cut out of the cost, providing universal coverage for everyone would be far less expensive than what piecemeal coverage costs now.”
The main issue that I see though is that with 100% public care, there will be a much less effective check on healthcare consumption.
While I admit that most healthcare is NON-discretionary, when the consumer does not see the cost of care, they tend to over-consume it. I’m am not saying that we should restrict healthcare, but I am saying that this inherent problem to healthcare much be considered when proposing a solution.
I think that a private system and a public system (for the least fortunate) can co-exist. On the private side, I suggest the following two reforms to help keep costs down:
1. A panel of judges review all malpractice cases prior to going to trial. If as an attorney, 3 cases are thrown out that you bring before the court, you can no longer bring malpractice cases. I recently experienced what I can only describe as an extreme over-abundance of caution with healthcare–to the point where a member of my family received PRECAUTIONARY tests that were expensive, and according to logic, AND our primary care physician, completely unnecessary. However, since I didn’t pay the bill (insurance did), why not allow the tests? Given what I know now to be a very painful test, I would not allow it again. Under a different legal environment, I would imagine that these decisions by healthcare providers would be different.
2. Most favored nation status for all insurance companies at any licensed hospital (no insurance company can get beneficial pricing over other insurance companies). Currently, if you are a large insurance company, and you negotiate reimbursement rates with a hospital, you get a better deal than a small insurance company (one pays $x for procedure y, the other pays more for the same procedure). This stifles insurance competition, and puts more power in the hands of fewer insurance companies. I don’t like messing with free markets, but before we eliminate a market, lets see if we can help it become more competitive.
3. Give tax deductions for healthy activities. Make gym memberships, exercise equipment, personal training, etc. all tax deductible. Why not?
Is there any other recourse?
Getting government out of healthcare would be a start. The reason insurance (which everyone seems to focus on for some reason) is so expensive is simply because healthcare itself is expensive.
For starters, there are too few medical schools, the AMA bought that artificial limitation decades ago to limit the supply of doctors and drive up their wages (and school prices).
There are also too many regulations in other regards, why does a doctor have to look at a picture to see if a bone is broken? My wife was a paramedic, she went to school for two years and was paid a hell of a lot less than any doctor (and the school costed far less as well). In her case, the focus was emergency care, but it would not have been a big stretch at all to add “looking at picture of bone to determine if it’s broken and put a cast on it” to her education. We don’t need to be paying 200k for someone to do that, and lots of other routine stuff.
Get government out of medicine, and you might see those kind of real changes that could have real effects on medical costs. Or we can just continue to manage health care more centrally, since that trend has been working so well up to this point.
We don’t need to be paying 200k for someone to do that, and lots of other routine stuff.
Great point. I went to a local clinic to have an earwax blockage removed (not exactly a difficult procedure). An orderly performed the task, but a doctor for some reason had to be present before and after the task, though all he did was recommend that I put a drop of oil into each ear every once in a while to keep the wax soft. He later sent me a bill for $158, presumably for his cutting-edge medical advice.
To add insult to injury, the doctor wasn’t even in-network for my insurance plan (though the clinic itself was), so I had to pay the $158 out of my own pocket.
“Careful what you wish for.”
I’m not crazy about a national health system either, but I’m looking at it from the point of view of the ever increasing number of uninsured J6Ps: Its better than being uninsured.
He later sent me a bill for $158, presumably for his cutting-edge medical advice.
The system is rigged to be expensive. Unbelievably expensive. Perhaps as we all join the ranks of the uninsured prices will come down. Or they will just make patients sign away their financial futures by signing promisory notes they can never repay.
The one thing that I like about the single payor system is that it can tell the doctor that they won’t pay him $158 for essentially doing nothing.
The one thing that I like about the single payor system is that it can tell the doctor that they won’t pay him $158 for essentially doing nothing.
The people you are counting on to do that, are the same people that have given them the ability to charge those rates, by way of regulation. Why do you still have confidence in those same people to fix a “problem” they have been paid to create? Personally, I distrust those people and want them the hell out of the system, not more in control of it.
The insurance industry has no more business sucking money out of health care than it does, say, education. Or the purchase of foodstuffs.
A two-tiered approach to healthcare such as we had in the 1950’s (and which was vilified as “undemocratic” at the time,) makes a lot more sense to me than allowing some high school graduate in a cubicle to suborn my physician’s orders or tell me when and where I can receive medical care.
Under a two-tiered or free market approach, public health clinics–subsidized by the US Public Health Service, medical schools, and religious and private charities, served as “gate-keepers,” much as emergency rooms do today. This national network of clinics (which were usually affiliated with a medical school and their outreach programs,) was staffed by medical interns (MD’s,) and nurses, therapists, residents, etc. and was overseen by attending physicians affiliated with the school. Public Health Service was part of an MD’s medical training, and although they were compensated for their time, it was at a very minimal rate. (Still is.)
The truly sick or injured were triaged into the hospital or specialty clinics, and the runny noses were referred to the runny nose doctor/nurses. If you were genuinely sick, you would be attended to in the public wards. Inoculations, public health issues like TB, and routine health care were free to all.
You could pay for services rendered by your private physician or hospital per your arrangement with them. Fee for service.
In neither of these instances were insurance companies consulted or compensated.
When US corporations went to HMO’s in the late 1970’s, an already out-of-control insurance industry sensing new blood, (sorry,) further co-opted medical care in this country adding layer upon layer of new bureaucracy between physician and patient.
There seems to be a perception in this country that health care is a “right.”
No it isn’t. It’s a commodity.
You can either buy it like you do everything else, or you can take what you are given by those who subsidize you.
If you are a strawberry picker, you most likely won’t be getting a face lift….
A little consistency of philosophy would be nice here.
Universal coverage does work in many countries, so why not see what they’re doing and adjust it for this country? The government doesn’t have to be directly involved in health care, but it could be the one responsible for paying the doctors and hospitals, eliminating the unbelievably greedy middle man (the insurance company).
I think the malpractice argument is a red herring. If doctors don’t like malpractice insurance costs, let them start their own non-profit malpractice insurance company. Here’s an even easier idea: Get rid of the quacks. It’s astoundingly difficult to sue a doctor for malpractice in Florida; many aren’t doing unnecessary tests to avoid malpractice suits; they’re doing them to increase profits all around. Drug companies actually give doctors money kickbacks (not to mention free trips, gifts, blah blah) for the prescriptions they write, so, of course, they write as many as possible for the most expensive drugs as possible.
The same goes for veterinarians.
Medicine here is simply a racket, with everybody trying to cash in.
Doctors blame lawyers, lawyers blame insurance companies, insurance companies blame doctors. But nothing ever changes, because they’re all in it together. With all the lawyers in legislative bodies, they could change all of it overnight, but being able to claim fantastic lifetime damages for clients makes them way more money then they’d ever get with a Universal Health Care program.
Next time this issue comes up in Congress, look at those who are trying to stop National Health Care: insurance companies, doctors, hospitals, lawyers, and drug companies: These raptors have everything to lose if we get universal coverage, and will fight tooth and nail to make sure we never do.
I have a simple question… What moron would like to be a doctor under a “universal health care”, Comrade Stalin?
If you weigh 350 pounds, how DARE you waddle into a doctor’s office and not expect to pay for your health care on the spot, in full, and out of pocket?
Ditto for anyone who climbs mountains, races cars, plays football, has unprotected sex, and so on and on and on. Nobody I know of leads a life of perfect health virtue–redefined daily as the so called experts change the rules.
All over the world there are doctors happy to work under Universal care systems. The fact that American doctors don’t want to because they want to live like Arab dictators is irrelevant. Nobody forced them into medical school.
it remains to be seen who absorbs the loss, most of the loss is still unrealized. What happens after a few years, when all FB’s are still (over even more) under water with the mortgage? Implicit government warranty against lower asset value when the home is sold (like it is done now in the Netherlands)? What happens with the CDO’s that are backed by these mortgages, will they get some kind of government SIV guarantee too?
And who pays for the huge inflation that should bail out all these FB’s? Certainly not the general investor, they will profit from FED reflation efforts (compared to savers and other honest citizens).
I don’t think this is any solution, it just delays the day of reckoning and by definition shifts more of the burden to the future generation and foreigners, instead of putting it on those who made a profit from it.
I don’t see how future generations pay, unless there is a hidden taxpayer bailout.
As housing values drop, homeowners will be paying more than they would in a new purchase, though less than they would have if the interest rates had reset. And investors would be getting less than the interest they were entitled to, but more than they would have gotten if the borrower had defaulted. They split the loss.
I don’t understand. If it’s such the win-win, why does the government have to mandate the freeze? Couldn’t the lenders freeze the rates themselves if it inures to their benefit?
Their not mandating anything. They’re working on an agreement, just like Gov. Schwarzenegger.
TheirThey’reUm, the problem is that “locking in the housing inflation” requires either 1) a return to toxic lending. Oh, they’ll do it if they can, but I have doubts, or 2) massive wage increases, which will happen a week after I am crowned Overlord of All. In short, never.
I don’t see how this will do anything than drag things out ever longer with no real benefit. Oh, but wait - some bankers may get bigger bonuses, so there’s the benefit!
It isn’t just J6P that needs the insurance it is everyone who got layed off by OFFSHORING cos and other wonderful gov designed ideas.
WHY can’t we reply to the below posts?
If they can freeze rates for 7 years then in 7 years those “home owners” will be able to sell their houses for about what they bought them for.
But that’s only freezing interest rates. What about the I/O’s and neg-ams who have to start paying principal? Or the balloons? They’ll still have higher payments.
And even if payments were frozen, the cost of health care, gas, food etc will be so inflated too and take a bigger chunk out of wages — without the attendent wage inflation — that in a few years, income still won’t cover the frozen payment.
And freezing rates might bring them from underwater to the surface, but won’t bring back the appreciation that so many FB’s were depending on to refinance. They might forclose anyway.
And there’s another problem — at least five years worth of demand is already sucked up. Say the houses do break even. FB’s will still have to sell — to whom? All those nonexistant buyers on the sidelines?
AND, I suspect any rate freeze of any stripe would apply only to primary residence homes. No legislature would pass a law bailing out investment property or HELOCs. So those FB’s are toast anyway — which sets comps for everybody else.
Thank you Oxide. Your a poster who can see the truth through the BS. One thing you failed to mention is:
How are you going to get this easy money in the hands of the people with a lack of toxic financing? Heck, not even a lack of toxic financing, todays lending standards are pure puckerbutt. Sorry, folks in general won’t have access to this money.
Second, when you have a pyramid/Ponzi scheme, which is what this is/was, you need a constant infusion of new capitol. So tell me, what good will freezing anything do?
I could go on, but the bottomline is that we’re about to witness for the first time an absolute failure by the Fed to salvage anything.
Remember the Great Depression?
“But that’s only freezing interest rates. What about the I/O’s and neg-ams who have to start paying principal? Or the balloons? They’ll still have higher payments.
And even if payments were frozen, the cost of health care, gas, food etc will be so inflated too and take a bigger chunk out of wages — without the attendent wage inflation — that in a few years, income still won’t cover the frozen payment.”
Oxide, don’t forget property taxes! ‘Tis the season for reassessments in a lot of areas (outside of Cali). FB gets off the hook for about six months… until the next installment comes due.
“Makes me want to go out and buy stuff I could never afford, I want to be bailed out too while enjoying all the stuff I bought.”
But think what this will do to lending standards….think they’re tight now…try stranglehold if banks / investors are stuck with extending teaser rates. The market still tanks.
The CA legislature is looking at a plan that would eliminate no-doc mortgages are part of an industry clean up. Brilliant, that leaves about 5 qualified buyers at current prices.
No one wants to call a spade a spade. Prices cannot be supported without exotic financing.
And honestly, I think there are just too many FB’s in the pipeline for any plan to make a dent.
That may all be true, what you say, that it won’t make a dent.
But what does it say to those who took those extra risks and now get a pass?
You and I could have gone out and purchased a Bay Area dwelling beyond our means in recent years, and now we have the government engineering something to save our asses.
That is ridiculous policy and will only encourage “bad behavior” in the future.
Those who took extra risks and now have a pass will be in their own debtors prison for a long time.
Without funny money, home prices will fall. It will just take longer without the massive foreclosures. The banks will bleed the debtors as long as they can, like parasites. If taking too many resources from the host kills the host, the parasite dies too. So, you find out exactly what resources you can take without killing the host, and take that many resources and no more.
For me, this is an admission by the banks that home prices are screwed for quite some time. They DON’T WANT THE HOMES, they want to bleed the borrower for as much money as they can get. They are smart to do this now, before the homeowner’s psychology gets any worse out there. Another year of weak springs and falling prices, many borrowers would say “why bother” with the frozen rate? Better to get out now, dump the house on the doorstep of the bank and buy back in at a much lower price.
Yep. Got Japanese style zombie banks?
maybe I should buy or shoulda bought a house now/6 mos ago.? (sarcasm)
This will simply protract the time that it takes for home prices to fall. So, instead of deep recession and relatively quick recovery, we’ll have slow growth for years, and a depressed RE market for years.
To be candid, if the financial institutions and investors are paying for all of this, what do I care? They’re just delaying the time in which they’ll take their lumps. It’s their right to modify their loan to “work something out” en masse. Bad financial decision, IMHO, and every month that goes where the value of the remaining debt goes down, they’ll be repeatedly beaten over the head with their bad decisions in 2005-2006.
If, on the other hand, the US government is footing the bill in ANY way (by subsidizing interest payments for borrowers), I’m not a happy camper.
You are paying for it if you, like me, actually are “stupid” enough to want to buy a decent house in a decent neighborhood for an affordable price. Why should I be stuck for more years renting in the increasingly-dumpy rental realm because some group of jerks wants to keep F’d buyers in their unaffordable houses? I am so dang sick of being screwed for doing the right thing!
The issue is that if financial institutions pass these losses to investors, we will have exactly the same situation the have now less one bail-out that already happened ( FBs got to keep the house ). This will immediately to put pressure on the government to bail out investors (”you helped FBs but you want to screw investors… Except that investors are pension funds of GM/Ford/Boeing/California Teachers/etc. You can’t allow already strapped FB not to get his/her retirement, can you?”)
Return of the 1926 Florida Land Bubble Implosion, which helped usher in the Great Depression.
History repeats. I don’t know what the heck these fund administrators were thinking.
Another historical precedent worth noting: In 1934 the US Supreme Court upheld a Minnesota law placing a moratorium on foreclosures, despite the fact that the US Constitution (Article 1, Section 10) explicitly bars the US Government from interfering with the enforcement of legitimate contracts.
Minnesota isn’t the US government, and contract law is reserved to the states. The Roberts Courts is an awful lot like the Lochner era court, though - maybe even worse.
What law school did you go to? It’s the impairment of contract clause and it applies to the states, as well.
Blaisdell is a really interesting decision -
So states don’t have to abide by the constitution?
Not the U.S. Constitution, which I believe only applies to the U.S. government.
(I’m not a lawyer, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night)
they do, but contracts are always subject to the laws in existence at their making, and subsequent changes in law can alter them based on some things including needed police or emergency powers, e.g., dealing with the Great Depression or a hurricane.
Like I said, a really interesting decision.
Government gets around this because banks and corporations are (rightly so) regulated by the government. Thus, if a corporation or bank is operating in a way that is contrary to the public interest, and is violating its charter, the government can pass laws that change limit the enforceability of contracts, which amounts to changing the terms of the contracts.
That decision thingie is way too long for me to read right now, but here’s what I understand about the US Constitution:
The US Constitution lays out what rules the Federal government must/may impose on states, and what it may not. For instance, it has to impose the freedoms listed in the bill of rights and interstate commerce law, and it may draft soldiers. Anything not mentioned in the US Constitution is up to the discretion of the state.
Am I correct?
by packman
2007-11-30 09:16:15
Not the U.S. Constitution, which I believe only applies to the U.S. government.
(I’m not a lawyer, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night)
started coughing after much laughing…
fees palmetto, fees!
I hate when the Larouche wackos claim the mantal of rational discourse!
Ha, I haven’t seen Lyndon LaRouche’s publication cited in polite company in ages! We are polite company, aren’t we?
Pravda come from the most curious of sources sometimes.
Like from Pravda, for instance?
The WSJ announced the “mother of all cramdowns” today, with the Bush Administration agreeing with mortgage services that low introductory rates should be kept until Bush is out of office.
Investors and services evidently agree that individual workouts will overwhelm the system, naking the eventual losses greater.
Instead, some kind of rule will be used to divide people into those who can pay the higher rate, those who can’t even pay the introductory rate, and those who can pay the lower rate but not the higher rate. The latter group would get a reprieve.
The length of time has not been set. And the article said “subprime.” Not sure about Alt-A, etc. The thing is, under the new bankruptcy law those with lower incomes can just walk away, whereas those with higher incomes can have part of their future earnings seized for years.
“The WSJ announced the “mother of all cramdowns” today, with the Bush Administration agreeing with mortgage services that low introductory rates should be kept until Bush is out of office.”
Won’t work. This hollowed out borrow and spend economy will be hung around his neck. Right were it belongs.
Not so sure. It appears the plan is to keep the good times rolling until at least next November. Given that some of the good times brought in by FDR’s New Deal have survived for over 70 years, how can you be so sure that GWB’s good times won’t outlive his term in office?
Lots of GWB’s “good times” most certainly will outlast his tenure, most notably his unwillingness run up absurd expenditures without the ability to pay for them.
unwillingness run up absurd expenditures
Yikes, I meant willingness to run up absurd expenditures.
I sounded like a crackpot for a minute.
Naw, I thought it was satire. ~_^
One part said that rates could be frozen as long as 5 years. If I was someone who was responsible and gotten a fixed rate to begin with, which is probably higher than those teaser rates, I’d be pi$$ed.
ET you have to be kidding
Don’t look at national deficit look at the national debt. That includes Social Security and Medicare. The gov has been handing out IOU’s to itself in an effort to make the books look better. We’ve been deficit spending to the tune of 450 billion a year for the last 8 years if you factor out the hokus pokus book keeping
I mistyped above.
Lack of coffee, perhaps.
What DID the republicans answer on Youtube when they were asked…when WILL the gov start repaying the
2 Trillion OWED the Social Security?
I didn’t hear the answer…or was there one?
If someone could post a link where we could see the whole article without being a subscriber, that would be greatly appreciated.
Also can’t wait for some analysis of how they’d actually be able to pull this off.
Waiting for Rupert. I read he wants to make the WSJ website free — it is one of the few successful paid subscriptions, but he thinks the WSJ can get more money from advertizing.
The question is, however, would my wife and I keep the dead tree subscription?
The Journal is old, you can get the same info from the wire services. Might as well make online free.
I believe the article is only available to subscribers, but I pulled this snippet out which is buried deep in the article.
“Treasury officials say financial institutions are likely to set criteria that divide subprime borrowers into three groups: those who can continue to make their payments even if rates rise, those who can’t afford their mortgages even if rates stay steady, and those who could keep their homes if the maturity date of their mortgages were extended or the interest rates remained at the teaser rates. Only the third group would be eligible for help.”
How are they going to determine who could keep their homes with extended maturity dates and interest freezes? This sounds like nothing more than a PR maneuver that in the end will amount to almost nothing.
based on stated income of course
Those who cannot afford the minimum payments will walk away anyhow. The only reason they even jumped for it in the first place is with the expectation of accelerated capital appreciation.
With that gone, they will abandon the property. But the government- ie, the taxpaye- er, the consumers- will abide by their bailou- er, fairplay American Dream Act- and pay the banks for the next five years.
I knew this was comming as everyone else on here, but it still angers me, make me want to run out a buy some 500K house that I can’t afford with a neg amort loan and then claim I’m a victim…How about havin these poeple sell SUV’s aka ROVs(Ridiculous oversized vehicals), and plama’s and give up there cell phones and 300ch’s of cable and cut all there credit cards up first….Ultimately they could never afford the house to begin with so they never will be able to, and they will never be able to sell since they have no money in the bank to bring to the table at closing…Basicly priced in for life, but none the less if they plan of living there forever on basicly gov subsities taken from the few responsible they still luck out…What will the gov do when these poeple start loosing there job in the comming masive down turn and can’t even make the artificially low payment….
Mortgage-industry lobbyists have argued an across-the-board solution is difficult to apply. Rewriting contracts also risks moral hazard — encouraging borrowers to take on more debt in the expectation of being bailed out if needed later.
Do the homeowners have to sign these new mortgage agreements? If so, will there be fees, like a refinancing?
‘make me want to run out a buy some 500K house that I can’t afford with a neg amort loan and then claim I’m a victim’
Then go jump on the pile of FBs if it makes you feel better…
Ben —
Your calm, collected perspective on the chaos is always appreciated!
“Instead, some kind of rule will be used to divide people into those who can pay the higher rate, those who can’t even pay the introductory rate, and those who can pay the lower rate but not the higher rate. The latter group would get a reprieve.”
From each, according to his ability, to each, according to his needs. LMAO! Welcome to the People’s Republic of Amerika.
Most likely the latter group will be state and federal workers easy to document their pay and future pay. Private industry workers too easliy laid off or they just don’t make enough in th efirst place, CEOS excepted of course.
Oh…. oh, that is so not funny, but that IS essentially what is being said here.
Naturally, we the “stupid” responsible people will be giving a lot more according to our abilities since we work, save, etc. Nice system…
Bloomberg now has an article you can read.
“The Commerce Department reported the same day that the median price of a new house fell 13 percent in October from a year earlier, while fewer homes were sold than economists anticipated”
Of all the proposals laid out thus far, which of them has been implemented? Meanwhile, what has commenced in the market? Of all the proposals being laid out right now, how many of them will be implemented. Meanwhile, what will commence in the market?
I thought the gop was into personal responsibility ?
gosh I’ll just have to go LP
this won’t work or fool anyone
Is there anybody more disgusting than Erin Burnett on CNBC?
That was supposed to be a separate statement. Her voice is like a siren. I had to vent. I want to turn it off but I just have to hear what these morons are saying this morning. It’s the car accident think. I don’t want to look but I can’t turn away.
I’m watching WFC and it is headed straight down right now. You mean Bernanke didn’t save all of these banks last night?
Think about the most clueless, mindless, braindead SheeplePerson you know…… For me it’s Erin Burnett.
I don’t have cable, so what’s so disgusting about this chick to you boys???
Think of the clueless blonde spiderhead high hair receptionist of the 1980’s who adds the suffix “LLC” to the company name when answering the phone and you’ll understand.
Burnett is pretty smart - she got a decent education and worked for a few years at Goldman, which may not look for creative, brilliant people but does not hire dummies.
I think this is more of a generational thing. Those kids! What do they know? She was ten years old in 1987! I am only a decade older than she is, and it grates on me, too.
it looks very similar to the forced solution that was adopted in Netherlands after about 10% of Dutch households lost huge amounts of money in stock-leasing plans. Of course many made nice gains pre-2000, the big losses came later.
The courts where swamped over the last five years with complaints against the financial company that offered the leases (with very little explanation, usually). The company that sold the stock-leasing plans and the former Finance Minister got in trouble so politics intervened. In their wisdom, they decided that people who had spent the free money don’t have to pay it back, and people who still have savings will have to pay all the bills. Officially most cases are still in court, but it is clear what politics considers ‘fair’ and they will probably force this solution whatever the judges decide. Another example of the current entitlement society and another sad episode in the War on Savers.
“…divide people into those who can pay the higher rate, those who can’t even pay the introductory rate, and those who can pay the lower rate but not the higher rate.”
Toast with jam
Toast with nothing
Toast with butter
No matter how you slice it their all Toast!
“Instead, some kind of rule will be used to divide people into those who can pay the higher rate, those who can’t even pay the introductory rate, and those who can pay the lower rate but not the higher rate. The latter group would get a reprieve.”
Let’s at least hope (verified) owner-occupancy is a qualifying criterion, so flippers get burned.
What did you guys expect? Politicians have to try to look busy when the SHTF. The biggest blame game in town; inactivity; horrors, he’s doing nothing!
All of this stuff reminds me of watching a cat climb a pine tree. Once at the top, it gets kinda confused. Then the cat will do all kinds of things to turn around and go back, but in the end there is only one way to go.
“Politicians have to try to look busy when the SHTF.”
Exactly. Even if laissez faire were the best policy, any politician who followed it would be tarred and feathered by the opposing party for not ‘doing something’ about the problem at hand. This is why even govt economists who know better get caught up in the social engineering business.
How are they going to Account for this latest benevolent banking bean? Will impairments stay on the positive side of the ledger for a few quarters more? Is CRAP back?
States’ Budgets Blow as Housing and Credit Bubbles Crash.
You’re not seriously quoting the LaRouche movement are you?
They’ve been dead on in their forecasts of the housing bubble. LaRouche called the tech bubble dead on, too. I’ve made a lot of money and avoided a lot of pitfalls by paying attention to his “lunatic fringe ravings.” If mentally circumscribed little pinheads like you would rather trust the MSN, all power to you.
Money Mania…
“with the Bush Administration agreeing with mortgage services that low introductory rates should be kept until Bush is out of office.”
I don’t get why everyone coddles the worthless, incompetent shrub. It’s been the pattern of his life ever since he wuz a pup. Do-overs when he didn’t like the outcome of a tennis match, running companies into the ground, heck, even Carlyle group didn’t want him around. It’s like everyone’s afraid the spoiled brat will have a trantrum and thus they become enablers. I don’t get it.
Because the permanent government owes their jobs to the Bush family. Or the Clintons…witness all the happy purring noises the White House is making on behalf of Hillary. The power brokers who run things and make the deals are never elected and they are never out of power. They may nominally fly under the repub or dem flag, but they trade deals, jobs and power back and forth among themselves.
The prez election seems to me to be increasingly just expensive entertainment…who really believes the permanent government will be inconvenienced, let alone displaced?
As asked on the Weekend Thread, how far are you planning to go out wiht your Puts once the double top is in?
I have a bit of a longer time horizon that you I think, I’m plannig on out three to six months on the SPY’s. What say you?
I’ve got some March index puts, less than a half position. That was my “anchor” position in case something happens before the fed meeting. Going to see how 1490 is handled but as mentioned yesterday, this nonsense should go on right up to the fed meeting like last month with the added incentive of making the year look as good as they can now for compensation/future fundraising. So, assuming 1490 is mounted, probably hang out and use time rather than price to finish up. March - June expiration.
Also look for clues like that excellent one someone posted last month (the WAPO Berry article the Sun. before the fed meeting). Whoever posted that, I owe them a beer. That made me money buying the puts the day before the fed meeting.
Check Roubini, he has some comments on the rate cut “save”.
Are there any puts which expire after November?
Why would anybody buy puts? Bernanke has saved the market. We are once again the world’s leader. All it took was a pledge to throw us down the well. And some douche bag on CNBC just said, “I think this is real this time”. Woo hoo. It’s real.
buy the dips and sell the rips
I hear some ripping . . .
Just my heart cuz the Packers lost to the Cowboys. We let Dallas win up here once, why couldn’t Dallas let us win there once?
Dallas tried. They made Aaron Rodgers look like Johnny Unitas for a spell.
and those season tix I got 3 years ago when you couldn’t give them away now go for $1K each.
Hard to believe a Mr. Tolford coached Q’back might make it in the NFL. Every time I see Mr. Rodgers on the field, I think back to Mr. Cade McNown with the Chicago Bears.
So good @ UCLA, so bad in the pros.
Pensacola, FL
I perceived a slight note of desperation by this seller:
Inability to spell - like tattoos - is going to come back to haunt a lot of people in their future lives. Efficiant, rediculously, convienient (not to mention capitalizing nouns a la Deutsche) - these things don’t put her in a position of strength.
Very funny ad. Not familiar with the area, is this cheaper than, well, for lack of a better word, comps?
Hey Paul, that’s impressive using English, French, and German all in one swoop.
Note that the contact number is a Colorado (303) Area code; can you say out-of-state-flipper boys and girls?
Google Maps reveals that it enjoys enviable proximity to a cemetery, which is good because the buyer will likely want to blow his brains out after he realizes that he caught a falling knife.
Boy, that decor is ugly. At least you don’t have to buy the furniture along with the house, but you’ll never get that wave pattern off the breakfast-nook wall.
Upper B-bands are 1525 spx and 13700 djx, this thing still has a ways to go.
Right, in light of all the “new” developments, see no reason to overcommit to the downside yet.
Looks like 1500 will be hard to crack.
Still so much denial in Bawstin (Boston)
Lol, they have a year. Then, regime change. Guess what, defense will be on the chopping block again.
I wonder what the lag will be for college spending. Some parents sent their kids to school on HELOCs. Those with high income haven’t lost their jobs yet. Still, we may see some trouble soon …
I wonder what the lag will be for college spending. Some parents sent their kids to school on HELOCs. Those with high income haven’t lost their jobs yet.
That’s a really good question.
There’s been a whole lotta inflation in higher education prices, far greater than the rate of inflation (official or adjusted). It’ll be interesting to see how that plays out when pennies are tighter.
Well, someone wants to put condos in malls. Buy a plasma TV on the way home from work? Every day?
(Curious how they already know how the future will play out, aren’t it?)
Countdown to the close:21min19sec
November 30, 2007 9:08 A.M.EST
Gangbusters open for Street
Data do little to dent optimism over Bernanke’s remarks
Fed chief, in speech Thursday night, does nothing to derail hopes for lower U.S. rates. Dell, though, won’t be taking part in the rally.
What are we looking at here? Best 1 day gains for 07 today? Sick.
Well, it was a surprise that BB announced his cut rate policy in advance of the meeting, wasn’t it?
What kinda cut do you figure we get if the indices are all at or near their yearly highs on Dec. 11?
Why wouldn’t you expect the market to sell off today? The Fed has tipped its hand that it thinks a recession is on the way.
Professor, I think BB and Helicopter Ben are too polite for someone so intent on destroying the American economy. Because he seems to pick up the soap every time Wall Street drops it, perhaps he should be called Ben(dover) Bernake.
Dr. Evil? One million dollars!
Greenspan started it all.
shouldn’t that ugly geezer get some hard whacks?
Stocks Set to Jump at Open
A Wall Street Journal Online NEWS ROUNDUP
Word Count: 677 | Companies Featured in This Article: Countrywide Financial, Citigroup, Washington Mutual, Dell, Hewlett-Packard, Sprint Nextel, Morgan Stanley, Tiffany, J. Crew Group
Stock futures rose sharply on Friday, buoyed by hopes for interest-rate cuts and mild inflation data.
I lost the link showing that if you use the system in place before 1980, we have had negative quarters since 2005, making this nearly a three year recession already. Wall street analysts seem to be making stuff up as part a willful, mass hysteria.
No duh, I suppose.
Bears to bulls: Grrrrr!!!
Got popcorn?
DJIA appears to have climbed up to a temporarily high ledge along the cliff face…
Didn’t stay on the ledge for long before the landslide started eroding the cliff face, though…
and here’s our friend again. another day, another reduction
Wow, spelling the scam out in the ad, interesting.
“We’ll just add $6K to the sales price…”
“He’s a smooth operator…
Smooooooth operatorrrrrrr…”
Chateau Clarendon Hills. Comes with “Freedom Fries”.
Cul-d(e!)-sac - my behind (actual meaning of ‘cul’)!! Just say dead end.
That’s a cool looking house, though it seems the interior photos were taken at 3am. It’s a lot better than the decrepit 1950s shack that $897 would buy you on the SF peninsula. I can’t even begin to imagine paying to heat and cool the thing in the harsh Chicago climate, though.
Earlier this week I raised the issue of road building with respect to taxes and government. In response MrBubble asked an interesting question about whether building road networks may have lead to suburbanization in a way that has supported civil degeneration and endangers us as we hit peak oil.
I think this issue about how communities are built is very important for understanding the future of the housing market. To be brief I am leaving verification as an exercise for the reader, but all the facts I claim here are from a prominent study.
Preferences: In recent history preferences have been stable and are balanced strongly in favor of suburbs with roughly 50% in metropolitan areas and around 80% in some other area prefering to build and live in suburban communities. Of the remaining more than 30% choose rural living and only around 10-15% of people live in dense city cores. Dense cities are significant and that small demographic slice includes a high concentration of power players, but this distribution appears to be deeply rooted and unlikely to change greatly or quickly.
Density: Also, details matter as old streetcar suburbs and modern “New Urbanist” develpments enable easy access to walking paths, neighborhood retail, and parts that is usually missing from exurbs. Well designed dense surburbs also tend to fill out over time, zoning and building rules permitting. Garden cities are likely to start with around 6-8 units per acre, but grow over time add secondary units to reach 13-16 units per acre. That is roughly the same density as a geographically constrained urban area. Some kinds of development such as cottage or bungalow clusters can reach between 20-30 units per acre which is comperable downtown high rise densities. Suburbs can offer high density with better air and light.
Wheels: Walking paths and pedestrian streets are popular, but people do not like to give up on wheels. Already in my walkable streetcar suburb there are some who drive electric cars, and some of these are powered by the sun. This kind of thing is increasingly being considered cool in a way that gas guzzling hot rod types used to be.
Infill: Development used to be something done to raw land, but increasingly development is dominated by infill conversions. Farms are being converted to suburbs, with some efforts to save farms here and there. Open space and greenways can raise money for preservation by building homes with special CC&Rs in clusters around and in open space. Contested urban schemes can we favor by lower height. In wide range of infill situations suburban or “New Urban” development modes have a better chance of drawing investment, getting permits, and enduring once built.
Living: Planners see advantages to density and push it, but downtown condos are unlikely to appeal to more than the relatively small group who will live in dense cities. This has implications not only for development and appreciation, but also how communities work. This might mean over time more drunks and less DUI because of improved access. Road salt is wiping out ecosystems nationwide, so sticking with suburban development means better plows or heated streets or something.
Change is always difficult, but with respect to peak oil it is important to remember that urban living used to depend on whale oil when most US cities were being laid out.
“…urban living used to depend on whale oil when most US cities were being laid out.”
Not to mention travel by horse-drawn carriage…
Our monthly bill came in from Big Electric, and they want less than a Dollar from us, after we solared up.
The one thing about solar energy that doesn’t get talked about much is…
The array of panels must be facing south and free of obstructions, and many suburban houses don’t meet this criteria, for placement.
There’s also the small reality that cities in general are: crowded, filthy, noisy, dismal and lifeless (oh, look - a tree! I remember those!), and full of criminals, druggies, and other crooks and scamsters. Is it any wonder that people do not want to live in them? That, and living in concrete and steel purgatories surrounded by “our fellow man” like ants in an anthill is anethama to human nature based upon our past as a species. Finally, I have about as much faith in “new urban planning” as I do in all government and special interest ideas - zero faith, that is.
Dense cities have about as much future as a condo development at sea-level in Florida in the path of a hurricane, IMHO.
Or people who have Loads of cars, trucks,RVs boats,fake plastic basketballhoops,loads of plastic toys in front green grass.. you name it isn’t pretty. So, lets buy a nice house in a nice clean neighborhood and junk it up.
Mole Man –
Thanks for re-opening that line of discussion. I posed the question, but got busy and never looked at the answer(s). I’ve been happiest in the city (SF and DC) and in the country (rural ME, NH and VT). Suburbs are like slow death to me, personally. Brother lives in Napa (what I consider sub to exurbs at this point). He just got a new mini-van and was pumped to show it off. Ugh. He should just buy elastic waistband clothing, Velcro shoes and cut his hair with a bowl to let everybody know that he has given up. Ah, I’m just bitter that he bailed on joining me at the Raiders game Sunday.
Sorry to all the mini-van owners. I’d rather drive the Family Truckster.
Cool original with modifications.
I remember the original, back facing seat in trunk space as kid
County outlook drops on jobs, construction
By Dean Calbreath
November 30, 2007
San Diego County’s economic outlook darkened considerably last month, driven by a large jump in unemployment filings and a sharp decline in residential construction, according to an index of leading economic indicators released yesterday by the University of San Diego.
It was the 18th time in 19 months that the index has dropped. It is now at its lowest point in more than four years. And USD economist Alan Gin, who compiles the index, said more bad news is ahead.
Might as well start drinking G & T’s now, bottoms gottem’
Who bears the cost of this proposed policy (aside from folks who live in houses they cannot afford enjoying a more gradual financial death)?
U.S., Banks Near A Plan to Freeze Subprime Rates
November 30, 2007; Page A1
WASHINGTON — The Bush administration and major financial institutions are close to agreeing on a plan that would temporarily freeze interest rates on certain troubled subprime home loans, according to people familiar with the negotiations.
• Rising Rates to Worsen Subprime Mess
• Economists React: ‘It’s a Big Deal, Maybe’)
An accord could reassure investors and strapped homeowners, both of whom are anxious as interest rates on more than two million adjustable mortgages are scheduled to jump over the next two years. It could also give a boost to the Bush administration, which is facing criticism for inaction amid the recent housing turmoil.
I’m hoping to hell it’s only the lenders and borrowers that are trading dollars and cents and that the role of the US Gov. (you and me) is limited to assisting and facilitating the collusion among lenders for the grand workout.
Anyone who tries to get an adjustable loan will suddenly be SOL, though that might be a good thing. I can’t imagine any bank giving out ARMs if the “teaser rate” suddenly becomes semi-permanent.
Also, anybody holding securities based on these mortgages is now a guaranteed loser, since the teaser rates were meant as an inticement and can’t be generating much of a return.
(single-b rated) has been down rated to (Arnold Ziffel)
Mortgage fraud in AZ, and govt doesn’t want to pay to investigate.
“Arizona’s mortgage regulator has shut down a handful of Valley firms for fraud and other illegal lending practices this year, but at least 40 other investigations are stalled because there is no money to fund them.”
“To tackle the flood of complaints this year, the regulator hired independent investigators. But a plan to keep paying those contractors stalled during the last legislative session because some lawmakers said the mortgage industry should self-regulate.”
Because self-regulation has worked soooooooooo well.
As someone in the discussion said, “New laws are fun to pass, but not so fun to pay for.”
Nice to know Sgt. Shultz found a new gig after Stalag 13 closed down.
I see he replaced “I know nothhhing” with “vee cannot afford to investigate” - but it still pretty much means the same thing, I think.
Hell, in essence, don’t a lot of us already investigate fraud, for FREE???
Personal Spending Weakens As Core Inflation Remains Steady
By Jeff Bater
Word Count: 426
WASHINGTON — Income growth of Americans was below expectations for October, while their spending weakened, a sign of caution among consumers as the housing slump restrains the U.S. economy.
A price index for personal consumption expenditures rose 0.3% a second straight month in October compared to the prior month. The PCE price index excluding food and energy, or core PCE, rose 0.2% a second consecutive time.
I like Erin Burnett and I’m a woman. Maria is smart but talks way too fast and the accent is hard on my ears.
Olick just mentioned the three catagories for mortgage resets. I read it here 10 minutes ago.
I’m sick of hearing about joshua trees. It reminds me a rape women hate being reminded. I suggest Keyholed. Its a tidy word. And makes women giggle.
That aunt who is leaving her bunalow to her tenant has fallen and get up. Wealthy lady and no plans for emergency. Her Carson City home destroyed from dog and cat waste inside home. She wants to leave that house to Smith College but they don’t want it.
I’m think of sending Ben Jones a Christmas bonus. For me that means $50.00 instead of $25.00 we’ll see how that works out.
I suggest Keyholed. Its a tidy word. And makes women giggle.
Why does it make women giggle? Also, are you saying that you have personally been raped by a joshua tree, and don’t like to be reminded?
Its a violent sounding term.
Since Ben’s sight is getting world reknowned, we need to clean it up and pick a new theme. I suggest suggestions for a new theme for Joshua Tree.
I will start. Trounced.
Homebuyers were getting pulverized but here comes the calvary.
Let’s skip the spin and stay with the tried and true. Joshua Tree means a great deal to those of us here, and has earned its place among us. “Clean it up” and “make it nice” –screw that. Joshua Trees are what the perps deserve and nothing less.
Well, it looks like the city of Lakeland, FL has 50 million dollars frozen in the big state investment fund. As you may recall, there was a run on the fund this week and Governor Crist had the account frozen….
According to the article, the City of Lakeland was able to scrape up enough to pay its employees today; but don’t know if they will be able to meet payroll again in two weeks..
Merry Christmas, sheeple.
Crickey !!!!
The beatings will continue until morale improves.
This stuff is too funny…
But what choice do the municipalities have? The treasurers can only invest in what is “approved”.
Don’t mess with people’s paychecks though. . .
What happens when you can’t pay back bonds when people redeem them?
If the municipality misses bills to be paid because of frozen assets (cash), how can they bring back their credit rating to pay low interest on bonds? The state is the one that screwed them, can they take the full rating hit? Nope.
I am so tired of seeing the word “upscale” (read: ridiculously expensive) in real estate ads and hearing people talk about “upscale” this and “upscale” that. My mother-in-law from Pottstown - Pottstown FCOL - talks about passing over some stores for other “more upscale” stores. Pretty snooty from someone who spent a good portion of her life on Welfare. What is it with people? /rant
I pretty sick of the term slump that the MSM attaches to everything, using slump instead of bust because using the term slump indicates the possiblity of reinflating the bubble…
Mikey(2), may i interest you in an upscale Townhome on 17th and Catherine? In a close proximity (18th and Catherine) you can obtain coke (NW corner), crack-cocaine (NE corner), pills (SW corner) and last but not least heroin (SE corner). No need to go to the upscale Rittenhouse Market where produce goes bad by the time you get it home.
if the teaser rates are frozen as proposed, three consequences will be:
1. The bondholders of the securitized mortgages will lose big, causing the bonds to plunge. Earnings at the big banks and brokerages will plunge again, sending their stock prices even lower. Pensions, endowments, 401Ks, etc. will all be hurt.
2. Lenders will tighten standards even more, sending housing prices even lower.
3. Homeowners will be stuck paying for houses that are wildly overpriced because the plan will reduce house prices, not sustain them.
Again, sounds like a fair division of the pain, except for pensions and 401Ks. What business did they have investing in non-conforming mortgages?
“What business did they have investing in non-conforming mortgages?”
As long as all the other pension fund investment deciders were making stupid investments, their b^tts were collectively covered.
Right. No. 2 on your list was my first thought . What would incentive lenders to unfreeze money so new transactions can take place?
Here’s my predicted headline for a year from now:
“Subprime Bailout Began With High Hopes But Ended in Failure”
I think you have it right.
Perhaps this will become known as “the great debacle” ;-). Anybody else remember the history test that was posted here a few years back?
“Here’s my predicted headline for a year from now:”
Important part of this prediction: Election day is less than one year from now.
“2. Lenders will tighten standards even more, sending housing prices even lower.”
That’s what I’m thinking. A rapid re-equilibration to affordable housing prices for anyone with lots of FOREX- or gold-denominated savings!
4. Losses will go unrealized a little bit longer.
5. Losses will grow a bit larger before they are realized.
There is one wild card, if they freeze rate there will be no market for subprime loans or ARMS of any type poeple won’t even be able to get one, at which point the gov will be the lender of these types of loans through freddie and fannie who will be the only provider of these loans and will saddle tax payers with even more bad debt…..
Hey txchick,
It looks like your old friend nina has a new post up on her real estate empire. Looks like the aligators are chomping.
I’ll have to check that out!
Gee thanks. That first post made me want to go bleach my eyeballs
Is Nina the one with the places in Palm Springs? A flip or? vaguely remember what’s up?
She’s paying for dinner and not getting sex in return.
Now do you want to read it?
shakes in response to your wanting to pick a bone with me that I was way off with statistics about the homeless population being composed of one quarter vets-it was in last weeks NYTimes:
“The New York Times reported last week that though veterans make up only 11 percent of the adult population, they make up 26 percent of the homeless. If that doesn’t translate into despair, neglect and poverty, well, I’m not sure the distinction is one worth quibbling about.”
do a search in nytimes ‘homeless vet” and you will find the stats.
actually i found this:
“The federal government says veterans account for about a third of the country’s homeless population.”
This article
“120 War Vets Commit Suicide Each Week” posted yesterday:
amplifies even more the absurdist dysfunctions of our society when a ‘player’ like Chuck Prince of Citigroup infamy gets a 12 million parachute with 1.7 million per annum pension and a driver and car for 5 years.
managed capitalism anyone?
I read that article too, my bone to pick was not with you but with the statistics. In this case I think the statistics are off. I stop and talk to homeless who state they were in this or that unit and what they did and I would guestimate that at least one third of those I talk to are talking out their ass. Those who seem legitimate I give money to or buy them food. I know that statistics can mislead and from my own personal observations I think this is one of them.
‘Cheap Chinese goods? Blame America’
China shrugs off EU calls to revalue yuan, blaming crisis on cheap dollar
“…The rising value of the euro has caused a huge political and economic problem for eurozone leaders. The EU is China’s biggest trading partner, but the exchange rate is contributing to a trade deficit with China that is growing at €15m an hour. It reached €130bn last year and is likely to be €170bn this year, surpassing even the giant deficit of the US.
The rapid growth of China’s economy is bringing cheap goods for European consumers but creating severe problems for manufacturers. Already disadvantaged by higher costs, they are now punished by the high value of the euro, which makes their goods more expensive in China. They are also hampered by barriers to European exports that are said to cost EU firms €20bn a year in lost trade opportunities.
Similar problems are affecting trade with the US after the euro’s rise to an all-time high against the dollar. Last week the chief executive of Airbus, Tom Enders, warned that the exchange rate would put the company out of business because it builds planes in euros but sells them in dollars.
Against that background, the threat of protectionism also hangs over EU-China relations. Claude Juncker, the Luxembourg premier who has headed the so-called eurogroup of ministers that has been in Beijing this week, said there could be “protectionist reactions” in Europe if China did not act.
There was some encouragement for the Europeans. Wen promised that China would further modernise the revised exchange rate mechanism introduced in 2005 in a “gradual, proactive and manageable manner” so it became fully convertible, allowing a greater free flow of capital into the world’s third-largest economy.
Wen, who agreed to set up a joint EU-China working group on the issue, appeared to bear out the ultra-cautious remarks of European Central Bank president Jean-Claude Trichet that China was “perhaps” moving towards revaluing the yuan against the euro.
“We were told that this is something which is being examined but I will not go further,” he told reporters after he, Juncker, and Joaquín Almunia, EU economic and monetary affairs commissioner, held unprecedented talks with China’s central bank governor, finance minister and Wen on the issue.
The EU’s leading anti-protectionist, trade commissioner Peter Mandelson, who has this week berated China for denying European goods and services access to its domestic market, welcomed moves by Wen and president Hu Jintao to recognise and take measures to reverse the ballooning deficit.
“I arrived unhappy and leave more encouraged,” he said. “There’s a clearly stated political commitment by the Chinese leadership at the highest level to address the deficit, including market access and intellectual property issues. This is what we were seeking.”
According to EU sources Hu said during the one-day summit that he did not favour a sizeable trade surplus with the EU. “I am ready to work with you to reduce our surplus and ready to import more EU products,” he was said to have remarked, agreeing to set up another joint working group on the issue.
Not all EU officials were impressed. “We invested heavily in this summit and all we’ve got is two working groups. It’s been a complete waste of time. The Chinese, who will change their government in March, bringing in new interlocutors, are doing the usual: playing for time and delaying decisions,” one EU delegate said.
No one in the EU delegation expected an overnight conversion of the Chinese to currency revaluation or cutting the trade deficit. Mr Juncker suggested it welcomed the role a revalued yuan could play in dampening the risk of inflation and helping to rebalance the economy away from overseas export-led investment towards private consumption.
But it remained clear that the EU still fails to understand fully the policy attitudes of China’s leadership as it grapples with 11.5% growth and promotes employment at all costs. José Sócrates, EU president and Portuguese premier, reasserted Europe’s “One China” policy and said Taiwan’s proposed independence referendum “might change the status quo for the worse.”
29 November
“Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one.”
A.J. Liebling
“A penny saved is a penny earned.”
-Benjamin Franklin
“In for a penny in for a pound, tis love that makes the world go round.”
“A penny saved is a penny inflated…”
Here is a bit more bad economic news on Main Street to help encourage the bulls on Wall Street to buy the dip…
U.S. incomes fall, spending flat in October
Inflation eats away at modest gains in wages and salaries
By Rex Nutting, MarketWatch
Last update: 10:46 a.m. EST Nov. 30, 2007
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — Growth in U.S. consumer spending ground to a halt in October, while inflation eroded households’ modest gains in income, the Commerce Department reported Friday.
Meet Joe Liebling…
Regarding Fed rate cuts, Elliott Wave has a scary observation:
– During the period between 1929 and 1932, the Federal Reserve eased rates from 6% to 2.5%, a rate-cutting crusade that did nothing to prevent the Dow Jones Industrial Average from plummeting 89% in the steepest stock market crash ever amidst a period of unprecedented economic contraction known as the Great Depression.
– From 1984 and 1992, the Federal Reserve slashed rates from 11.75% TO 3%. This period was marked by the worst stock market collapse since the Great Depression (October 1987), record-high unemployment, a debilitating savings and loans crisis, slow GDP, and economic recession.
– Similarly, a Federal Reserve rate cut from 6.5% To 1.25% from 2000 to 2002 proved impotent against the longest stock market decline since the Great Depression, the tech-bubble bursting, and a brief economic recession.
don’t forget japan.
RE: Depression
It’s coming…
Depression 2006 no Travel Agent Needed
This blog “The Depression of 2006” gets a suggestion now and then to change the year until “I get it right.” The year picked might not seem like much, but is important. It leaves room for perspective. Everyone can remember the 1929 depression from history class. The fact overlooked by the history books is that no one in 1929 thought they were even in a recession. Prosperity had reached a permanent plateau. The economic machine had been fine tuned and there would be no more economic dips. The word recession had not been invented. Technology had blossomed. New to this generation were, the telephone, the car, electric lights, the airplane and indoor plumbing. It wasn’t until 1931 that everyone knew they were in a depression.
Here we are in 2007. Two weeks ago there was a 10% chance of a recession, now this week it’s more like 50%. Do you get the idea that a recession is only something you can see from the rear view mirror? The government will never make the call that a recession is in our midst. They have to deny it at all cost. Otherwise it could become a self feeding downward spiral.
Right now we have governors running around trying to save over leveraged home owners. This is really hard to figure out. The homeowner today can walk away from a home and probably not even have to consider bankruptcy. Get them to stay in that “home” an extra two years and enjoy the 200K drop in value. That’s an even worse mess. In six months we have progressed from “Canaries in coal mines” to “Horses and barn doors.” To top it off, the politicians are getting ready to pass laws to protect the homeowner from being looted ever again. There is nothing your politician can do to stop people from doing stupid things, that’s how they got elected in the first place!
We have a stock market that’s down 200, up 400, down 200. If you had a car that ran like that, your nose would be broken from hitting the windshield repeatedly. This is what you could label a bear market. Burn the Shorts until they fade away and then it is down we go forever (it will seem like that unless you’re under 30 and have some time to burn until retirement).
Now we hear that a Florida State investment pool has suspended withdrawals. They had 28 billion two weeks ago and now have 18 billion, with 3 billion drawn out yesterday. This is where the cities, counties and school districts parked their spare cash before payday to earn a little more. The question comes up, will the teachers be paid this payday? We’re lucky that that didn’t happen in Kalifornia (methinks I should keep quiet). For the short bus crowd, this is a run on the bank. The SIV bailout or the homeowner refi, was going to be done with OPM (other people’s money). Now everyone wants to take the “my money” out of OPM.
So we have “The depression of 2006”, it’s just like 1929. Let’s see, add three years, and that would make 2009 as the year to watch. You will know then that you have arrived. The only damn problem is, no one wanted to take the trip. Talk about ingratitude, the depression of a life time, what an experience! No ticket needed, front row seats for everyone. And you thought you needed a travel agent!
What’s up with ACA???;range=1d;charttype=line;crosshair=on;logscale=on;source=undefined
I think it’s rather humerous that the OFHEO is making a big deal out of the “first quarter-over-quarter drop in home price index since 1993″. Quarterly drops are relatively meaningless, since they jump around so much - what matters more is YoY declines. Actually the closest we’ve come to YoY declines was in 1990.
Since they’ve been keeping stats (since 1975) there has *never* been a year-over-year decline. The way the downward curve is going however - we will easily hit that in 2008 Q1. Then we’re talking.
Just heard Brad Setser on NPR, worrying about the potential for non-U.S. allies in sovereign wealth funds using their financial influence to cause U.S. recessions.
Got trojan horse?
That’s what I was thinking too.
Funny how the financial MSM headlines applaud the influx of Arab oil money to buy U.S. assets w/o raising Homeland Security concerns…
We have a different home-land to worry about now.
The caption-free caricature of Uncle Sam is worth at least 1000 words…
Who will pick up the thread after the great unwinding?
By Martin Wolf
Published: November 20 2007 20:06 | Last updated: November 21 2007 08:20
Is the US going to experience a recession? Two answers must be given to this question: nobody can be sure; and it does not matter. A much more important question is whether the US economy continues to experience a “growth recession”, by which is meant a lengthy period of sub-trend growth. The answer is that it will.,Authorised=false.html?
Yeah, that’s a nice illustration.
Alright, I need some help. I am renting a condo from a F’ed “investor” Capital F, little i. I think he is on the brink of foreclosure, and I want to be ready fo a contingency. How can I find out if he has stopped paying his mortgage on my unit?
I am so sick of this whole housing thing, I might just buy out of disgust.
Go to the local courthouse website and see if a Lis Pendens has been filed against him.
Your only contingency may be withholding the rent money if he’s not paying his mortgage. That’s the approach that I would take if he is in default.
You may need to start looking for another place to live in right away. Next time try to go with a property management company or a long-time property owner who is in the business of landlording several properties.
Its these sleazy little self-entitled asshat “Trump wannabees” that you have to worry about.
Thank you, I will get on it and let you know how it plays out. And this guy is a total Trump wannabe A$$hat. investor……whoooosh(flushing toilet sound)
Good stuff
Here’s a question - with all this new talk about rate cuts - why is the dollar going up instead of down like it has for the previous rate cuts? What’s different this time?
It’s been my impression that it will rally a little to mirror the stock market, then, when the rate cut actually happens, or gets close to it, it freefalls. Besides, I wouldn’t worry about it, just as there are “corrections” when things go up too fast, it can happen on the way down too. “Gee, the dollar can’t fall that much further, can it?” YES IT CAN! I’m betting that the dollar will resume downward spiral next week. But I could be wrong, I was wrong on timing a down leg for the DOW (called October, happened November). My $0.02.
I got this email via my SIL (about 4 forwards away from the realtor) who lives in Dallas. It’s for a place in Athens, TX. The email included a flyer (pdf) and the following email:
I have a house with a seller in Distress and I thought you might be able to spread the word and maybe help. I am attaching a brochure on this house in Safari Waters. The sellers have given me permission to disclose that they are losing this house into foreclosure if we do not sell it by the end of the year. It is on the Henderson Co. tax roll at $527,000 and we are trying to sell it for $380,000 which is what is owed plus closing costs and commission.
The seller is the builder and is in trouble.
If you know anyone that might be interested in this house please have them call me and help me save it.
Personally, I think it’s very generous that she is trying to save that house. Isn’t she nice?
Man, that place is FUGLY and located in Redneck Central. Who in their right mind signed up for 500K plus out there? 380K? Don’t think so - maybe $175K.
And where was the last Italian villa you saw constructed with red brick?
Some info from Banc Investment Daily:
CRE Data: Our CRE data for Oct. is showing a faster decline
than expected. NYC now has the highest vacancy rate for
office buildings (at 7.6%) in some time. Meanwhile, nonaccurals
at many banks have jumped 40+bp and cap rates are
ratcheting up quickly. Normally, we see about $75B of building
sales under contract, but Oct. looks like it averaged around
$15B. New loan spreads have increased 21bp for the month
with about 50% of our data collected.
more very interesting information (sorry it’s a litte long but this is from a pdf):
Industry earnings: fell
nearly 25% from a year ago,
sinking to the lowest level in
4Ys. Overall, softness was
driven primarily by higher credit losses and lower trading
revenue. It is interesting to note, however, that most of the
decline was attributable to 10 large institutions that accounted for
more than 50% of the decline in industry earnings. Amazingly,
the number of unprofitable institutions jumped 46% YOY,
reaching just over 10%. Noninterest income slipped 5% from the
same period last year, marking the first drop in the prior 12
quarters. Noninterest expenses climbed nearly 7%.
Return: ROA for the 3Q quarter dropped to 0.92%, the lowest
level in 15Ys. ROE dropped 18% from the same period last year,
slipping to 10.52%.
NIM: Interest-earning assets climbed nearly 8% from a year
ago, as NIM benefited from a steeper yield curve. Overall, the
average NIM was 3.36%, up from 3.34% in 2Q, but remained
near 17Y lows.
Loans: Fire sales were common for the industry during the
quarter, as total sales resulted in a net loss. This is the first time
in 7Ys that a loss on sale has been recorded. Meanwhile, RE
construction/development loans saw the smallest growth
increase in 3Ys. Despite the slowdown, at the end of 3Q, about
25% of banks reported construction loan portfolios in excess of
100% of capital. Asset growth slowed sharply, coming in at
8.11% for the quarter vs. 9.84% thru 3Q 2006.
Loan Losses: Loan loss provisions swallowed up 11% of net
operating revenue, doubling over the same period last year and
soaring to their highest quarterly level in 20Ys. Overall, reserves
increased 12% over the 3Q of 2006. The percentage of net
charge offs to loans soared nearly 40% during the quarter, rising
to the highest level in 5Ys (0.50%). Meanwhile, the largest
increase occurred in C&I, where charge-offs were 91% higher
than a year earlier.
Noncurrent: Delinquent loans had their largest quarterly
increase in 20Ys, driven by construction/development (up 46%),
soft residential real estate (up 24%) and home equity lines of
credit (up 27%).
In tracking what’s reported on, I see a new high for pre-foreclosures for Santa Clara County CA - 2,441 pre-foreclosures. Over 140 days of tracking what’s on, the avg daily pre-foreclosure is 1897 homes.
“WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Treasury Department is finalizing a plan with mortgage industry leaders that will hold interest payments steady for many subprime borrowers facing higher rates and possible foreclosure.”
Being irresponsible/greedy/stupid has it’s rewards in today’s environment of victimization. How many of these chums are your neighbors?
Worst of for us, is it tells foreigners holding Yankee Dollars, that we are bailing ourselves out, not them.
So…if I read this right. This guy is saying that the negative third quarter means prices AREN’T dropping…?!
More bad news for the “home prices are crashing” crowd
The federal Office for Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) quarterly report is one of the most complete and reliable snapshots of the state of housing prices.
The report for the period ending September 30 (released today) shows a quarter-over-quarter decline of 0.4% in home prices nationally, and a rise of 1.8% over the previous year. Prices in the Chicago-Naperville-Joliet Metropolitan Statistical Area fell 0.11% during the quarter, and rose 2.16% during the year.
Read the press release and the full OFHEO report (pdf file).
Don’t expect any of these facts to have any more impact on the doomsayers than any other report that interferes with their wishful thinking.
The only thing I will believe is the actions of these boosters. How much RE have they been buying recently?
BTW, here the trend in Chicago…
Q4 ‘05 - 1yr 10.66, qtr 2.60
Q1 ‘06 - 1yr 10.56, qtr 1.96
Q2 ‘06 - 1yr 9.09, qtr 1.52
Q3 ‘06 - 1yr 8.05, qtr 1.29
Q4 ‘06 - 1yr 6.30, qtr .86
Q1 ‘07 - 1yr 5.06, qtr .86
Q2 ‘07 - 1yr 3.69, qtr .28
Q3 ‘07 - 1yr 2.16, qtr -.11
It looks like things are crashing.
Puryear: “We Are Still Adding 0.5%/Year to Housing Stock; 50% Homebuilders Will BKRPT”
November 30, 2007
Paul Puryear, Raymond James Director of Real Estate Research, appeared on Boob-berg this morning.
This means that approx. 600K more units, annually, are being built than the demand. This implies that with the Completion Rate of 1.3-1.4M, the current demand is 0.7-0.8M units. Economists have been misleading the public all along with the “estimate” for demand at 1.65-1.90M.
I have had a running feud with blogger at Calculated Risk (an excellent blogger with lot of good data, I must say), for the past 9 months, about his ‘estimate” of demand at 1.7M. He had repeatedly refused to reconcile his data with the Census survey data on housing stock and vacancies. I am certain that Mr. Puryear’s numbers are derived from the Census data.
For the past ten years or so the housing demand for new units has been close to 1.25M annual rate. At the peak Hopebuilders were building 2.0M. The supply would have to drop to 500K a year for few years to really clear the excess inventory.
Mr. Puryear is predicting that 50% of the homebuilders will go bankrupt. My forecast is for 75% to go bankrupt.
If the government freezes the teaser rates for FB in trouble how does this affect those who bought the MBS with the expectation of making a profit when they reset?
If I recall correctly some of them were at 1-2%.
Pension and municipal funds have them in their portfolios
Add to that they would have to take a loss if they tried to sell them.
Seems to me there will be some “very upset” people if this goes through.
As I understand tranching, there will be some winners based on less defaults & some losers based on less interest income.
There will be some people upset, some happy, & a lot more of us who have no idea which side our bread is buttered on.
Back in ciVILEization for awhile waiting out the big storm coming through (weather, not economic, that may take longer). Thought by now W. Colo. would start to drop more in prices, am seeing some reductions, but it’s basically just slowed WAY down and everyone’s hanging on to their high prices. The house I’ve been watching (in Utah, a remodeled farm house on 11 acres) has gone from 370k to 330k and is now 299k with only 1 acre (yeah, sleight of hand, I’m sure nobody noticed, scumbag realtors). People are just SO in denial out here, thinking the energy industry is going to save them. Like I’ve said before, most oil/gas guys do NOT buy homes, they’re too mobile. I’ve noticed several ENTIRE subdivisions for sale (infrastructure in, no houses). The writing’s on the wall, and it’s in every language – this bubble knows no boundaries.
The Grand Junction, Colorado, Daily Sentinel (sorry no link (maybe , yest. paper, dead tree version) had a HUGE article (huge because it’s so contrary to what I’d expect from them) on how the housing industry there was set to lose most of the value it had accumulated in the past 5 years. Of course, it had the typical realtors (confident but clueless) denying it, blah blah blah.
If there were anything I could personally do to hasten this decline, I would. I’m really tired of bloated prices and having to live in substandard places just because I have pets (not to mention boarding my two horses, expensive) – though being mobile is starting to grow on me, may go spend the summer at Glacier. Someone in a thread the other day mentioned that buying cheap land and building may be the wave of the future, with contractors now working cheaper and material prices down. So far haven’t seen land really drop here. Went to Grand Junction yest. and it was hectic, people everywhere, like ants after you’ve stirred up the ant hill with a stick (not that I’d ever do that).
Went into a real estate office yest. to return some keys for my brother (rental) and heard two people yelling at each other in one of the back offices. Didn’t stay long – seems like there’s a bit of stress in the air along with the Christmas good cheer. OT, but I saw an ad for PAID Salvation Army bellringers – and all these years I thought they were generous volunteers, I’m disillusioned. To H-E-doublehockeysticks with Christmas consumerism (unless, of course, someone wanted to buy me a house). And my economic contribution on Black Friday was two cheese enchiladas at the Westwinds Truck Stop in Green River, Utah- pretty good stuff after being in the backcountry eating out of cans for weeks (oh, and later a big roll of Tums).
There was an article in today procliaming that GJ is still a “hot spot” with double digit appreciation. According to wikipedia: “The median income for a household in the city was $33,152, and the median income for a family was $43,851. Males had a median income of $31,685 versus $22,804 for females. ” In other words in the typical family dad makes $15/hr and mom makes $10/hr.
Hardly a high income community. Makes Ft. Collins look down right prosperous.
On the government’s plan for the banks to voluntarily keep teaser rates for resetting ARMs:
The devil’s in the details. There are quite a few ways this could be structured, and the unintended consequences are all “interesting” with all of them. I’m taking a wait and see attitude; however, my take is that at best, any such plan will only prolong the crash, and actually *increase* the losses for the note holders. Why? Because all of the plans so far would only help a subset of those looking at foreclosure, and that is just not good enough to prop up the housing slide (for so many reasons).
Any voluntary program by the banks and reluctant investors is based on the thought (hope) that with the “fix”, house prices will start to go up again, after which they can *safely* (for them) take the houses in foreclosure without losing money. In ohter words, it’s better to take less interest $$$ right now, if it saves you big $$$ later…and if the person defaults later, so what, the house will have (hopefully) recovered its value, and you can safely foreclose.
However, if the plan doesn’t actually get housing values moving back *up* again (not just keep them stable), you end up with the situation of losing interest money each year, and then finally foreclosing on a house that was worth even less than when the ARM reset.
The plan is based on the hope of increasing home prices bailing them out…and by doing so, there is hope that home prices will start rising before the new day of reckoning.
That probably is the plan (don’t let home values drop any further and try to get them to move up again), lower the dollar and cut interest rates to create inflation. Of course as this happens, they’ll say “core” inflation is moderate as we all pay higher prices for food as the packages get smaller. It’s ok though because food is not “core”.
Thank you for your itrospection. It makes good sense.
I meant introspection
E*Trade’s sale to Citadel creates a new migraine for banks. Since the securities traded to Citadel are the ones that banks Marked to Model due to lack of liquidity, there is now a new level II standard for pricing. A 73% discount. Full employment act for accountants. Wheee!
“NEW YORK (Dow Jones)–Hedge fund Citadel Investment Group’s agreement to buy a troubled debt portfolio from E*Trade Financial Corp. (ETFC) shows there is a market - however small and cheap - for even toxic securities. The paradox is, that could be bad news for banks still holding similar securities on their books.
Banks like Citigroup Inc. (C) and Merrill Lynch & Co. (MER) continue to hold piles of securities tied to subprime mortgages and are having to effectively guess at their values, because the market for such securities has all but dried up. To compensate, they’ve relied on market indexes and their own formulas.
That “mark to model” approach produced some $36 billion in losses for banks in the third quarter, according to analysts at Deutsche Bank. The E*Trade deal, however, could show that losses have been worse. The discount broker sold Citadel its $3 billion portfolio of asset backed securities, including collateralized debt obligations, at a cut-rate price of around 27 cents on the dollar.”
Welcome to the 27 Cents on the Dollar State of America.
The question to be asked is did Citadel overpay at 27 cents?
and that will be known in the “fullness of time.”
LOL, I love that cliche
“Morgan Stanley (MS.N: Quote, Profile, Research) may face a fiscal fourth-quarter write-down of as much as $5.7 billion for mortgage-related losses, CNBC television said on Friday.
The pretax amount is $2 billion higher than the amount the Wall Street company said it will write down for mortgage-related trading losses in September and October. Morgan Stanley’s fiscal fourth quarter ends this month.”
Don’t worry its all contained.
You haven’t seen $2 Billion that’s gone missing?
NEW YORK, Nov 30 (Reuters) - Citigroup (C.N: Quote, Profile, Research) and Merrill Lynch (MER.N: Quote, Profile, Research) are unlikely to fund Nelson Peltz’s bid for Wendy’s International Inc. (WEN.N: Quote, Profile, Research), according to sources, adding another challenge to the attempted sale of the company.
Citigroup and Merrill were expected to commit to Peltz’s bid but elected instead to sit on the sidelines, sources say. Peltz’s Triarc Companies Inc (TRY.N: Quote, Profile, Research) is trying to buy the struggling hamburger chain as the auction for the company nears its final stages.
The decision by the banks to take a pass on Triarc’s offer underscores the impact that the subprime mortgage meltdown and subsequent credit crunch has had on Wall Street banks, which in prior months jumped at the chance to fund buyouts….”
They don’t have any moneys.
What me worry?
Where’s the beef?
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CM.TO: Quote, Profile, Research) could have up to C$10 billion ($10 billion) in hedged exposure to the U.S. subprime mortgage sector, a newspaper said on Friday….”
Oops, only a 473MM writedown expected.
O Canada,
21 times what you planned
Hahaha. I think it is better…. If it is hedged, and not held exposure, then it can’t be unwinded without the counter-party!
So… who is the sucker holding the other side?
“Expectations are growing that many U.S. and European banks will sooner or later have to cut dividends and more will be forced to raise capital as writedowns on subprime-related exposures pile pressure on balance sheets.
While in public they are giving little away, privately some senior bankers say much of the industry needs to raise capital.
But it will take one major financial institution breaking ranks and announcing a dividend cut to persuade others to follow suit. After Citigroup’s (C.N: Quote, Profile, Research) capital injection from Abu Dhabi, others may also launch into full-blown capital-raising exercises.
The banks most exposed are those with large investment banking businesses whose capital ratios have started to feel the heat from the subprime crisis…..”
“Much of the industry needs to raise capital” may very well be the understatement of the year.
I apologize if this is already posted….
U.S., Banks Near A Plan to Freeze Subprime Rates
We have gone through Goldilocks and now we are about to enter Never Never land.
“All you need is trust and a little bit of pixie dust!”
“…He said it was “hard to overstate the severity” of the effect of massive mortgage foreclosures on Wall Street, where exposure to subprime mortgages has been “spread like pixie dust….”
Treasury close to subprime aid plan: sources
Dead cats bouncing…
“Then you carried your ashes to the mountains: Will you today carry your fire into the valleys? Do you not fear an incendiary’s punishment?”
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Today the ashes of recent fires are flooding into San Diego county valleys, carried by the runoff from an unexpected early winter storm. Even Friedrich Nietzsche might have been humbled by nature’s one-two punch here this fall.
“Dead cats bouncing…”
Why not…we already have ‘dead man walking’…
He we are again into the dangerous “Countdown to the Close” part of the marketwatching day…
Countdown to the close:54min18sec
November 30, 2007 3:05 P.M.EST
Street gets a pain in the tech
Earlier rally dampened by fall in technology sector; Nasdaq in the red
Bernanke sounds worried; Wall Street in bliss
Analysis: Rate cuts won’t help market if the economy tanks
By Rex Nutting, MarketWatch
Last update: 12:54 p.m. EST Nov. 30, 2007
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — The more worried Ben Bernanke gets, the happier Wall Street becomes.
This is the problem with Greenspan/Bernanke puts — the bulls take every expression of concern from the Fed chairman about the real economy as a sign that respiking activities are about to lead to a massive bull run on Wall Street. Irrational exuberance has become rational exuberance at this point, thanks to Pavlovian conditioning.
This aging bull needs more viagra.
It was all a 3 card house monte game…
Remember Lance? He’s at it again on
He writes:
This just in:
The biggest plunge in new home prices in 37 years was not enough to revive October sales, according to the government’s latest reading on the battered housing and home building markets.”
It would be interesting to see a major news organization do a story on how much the bubble myth is contributing to the slowdown. People thinking they’ll get something for nothing if they “just wait”.
You yell “fire” in a crowded theater and people run … even if there isn’t a fire. I’d imagine the people that run feel like real fools when the truth comes out.
My response:
Lance –
Please come back to thehousingbubbleblog so that we can crucify you and your alogical, data-free bon mots some more. We miss you!
Remember readers, if there’s a panic, it’s best to be the first one to panic. If you’re out on the street after somebody yells, “Fire”, maybe it’s time to go home. To your rented or paid-off home, of course.
So much for inflation.
Where is the deflation?
First the mopes hit my supply of chocolate up 120% this year.
Now the price of beer is about to soar.
And the price of Single Malt is going up.
The basic staples of life. Chocolate, beer and Islay
Just closed my best month of the year. Now I really am done unless a nobrainer shows up.
That is really awesome TX!
I will not complain about this month - except losing to friggin Dallas. Nasty way to end up the month.
Have a great weekend Tx
Does anyone feel uneasy about the huge chucks of American businesses (Citi, etc.) that are being bought up by foreign interests who have large numbers of citizens that want to lynch a schoolteacher for naming a teddy bear “Mohammad? This is a far cry from the Japanese buy-up situation circa 1980’s/90’s. I heard a report that if the largest Middle East owners of American debt securities wanted to freeze out economy in one swift action they could do, albeit at great loss to their own interests too. Religious fanatics - I don’t like/trust any of them.
No. Eventually, one of the big “too big to fail” banks will need to fail. That is, one will overreach and be beyond the ability or political will of the government to bail them out. Foreign ownership will diminish political will.
I am looking forward to the failure, as it will cause all of the remaining players to be a little more careful.
Top 6 banks worldwide by market cap after subprime fallout:
1) Industrial & Commercial Bank (China) $228.7 bln
2) China Construction Bank (China) $153.6 bln
3) HSBC (Great Britain) $134.4 bln
4) Bank of America (US) $134.1 bln
5) Bank of China (China) $132.0 bln
6) Citigroup (US) $108.9 bln
3) HSBC (Great Britain) $134.4 bln
I thought HSBC was an Asian bank?
HSBC is headquartered in London.