I’m curious as to how similar the irresponsible reckless behavior of consumers during the course of this bubble, compares to the behavior of people in the 1920s. I for one, as many here, have very little sympathy for the FBs who are looking for bailouts (as well as for the bankers.) This really changes the perspective I was taught in school about the Great Depression.
Two great books on the Great Depression is Murray Rothbards’s book, and “The Forgotten Man” (forgot author’s name- current).
I also thought “Only Yesterday” was a good account of the roaring 20’s. I agree, what we learned in school was a disneyesque watered down story on what caused it.
Amity Shlaes from the WSJ wrote forgotten man. It’s a solid revisionist history of the depression. She documents a lot of the crazy snake oil stuff Roosevelt did to the economy.
I’ve picked up a few books on the 1930s Depression. Not that I’d consider myself an expert by any means but what I did find most interesting is how the obvious political leanings of the author changes the “reported” facts.
It’s good to look at a few sources and do your own Depression Redux.
Stud Terkel did an oral history (interviews) of the people who lived through the Great Depression. Ron Howard made the crew on “The Cinderella Man” read Stud’s book. Stud Terkel’s book is on my list to read.
I’m going to start taking pictures of mopeds parked in front of Starmucks … now that I think of it…that might be a good sales gimmick for Hardley-Davidson: “Buy a Harley… get a free moped!”
Scooters represent a hyper consumer’s answer to the increased price of fuel: buy something to fix a problem - spend money to save money. Anything to justify buying something, especially if it’s trendy. Is Vespa publicly traded?
Isn’t that the truth. It took me about 3 years to get my current girlfriend to understand that you don’t “save” money by spending money. It’s amazing how ingrained that is in the culture of the American people.
Think about how much you can save, come in and buy a car today!!
Excellent thread, very important for those of us in what Dr. Seuss called in “Oh the Places You’ll Go” the WAITING place.
Spring has sprung and the air and sun will always–knock on wood–be free. Those of us interested in getting back into the market need to forget about, remember how all we wanted before was a free, debtless existence. Now we’ve got it , so no more waiting. Turn off realtor.com, grab the missus by the hand and stroll through the flower gardens.
Have a great weekend my peaceful peeps, and remember to stay away from market watching.
“Have a great weekend my peaceful peeps, and remember to stay away from market watching.”
It does get mundane watching the market RE /economic Collapse and the BS sprouted by the MSM and the LA Slime. I have all i need to survive the economic stagnation/ recession next year or two, armed with the knowledge gained from this blog. Live simple and enjoy simple pleasures such as bicycle riding, gardening, dog walking, blogging, healthy exercise walks/runs in the hood, if U live in a nice walkable hood .
Gotta get my bike out to the beach again this weekend for more beach cycling in the balmy CA late spring/summer sun. I am 1/2 hr drive from Huntington Beach, the best local recreational beach in LA/OC IMHO.
Leave the depressing economic news behind and out of sight for a few hrs anyway.
How would one think that spending money = saving money? I don’t get the connection to that.
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Comment by I am Sam
2008-05-16 09:32:01
It equals all those “green” products you’re supposed to buy to save the environment–they all come in green plastic bottles from China.
The oxymorons Eco Products and American Environmentalist = Compassionate Imperialist and Holy War, as well as Healthcare “Industry,” Honest Politician, etc.
wait till you get married dude
deals on sht you don’t need is the mainstay of a relationship
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Comment by CarrieAnn
2008-05-16 10:47:30
mainstay of your relationship, taxme
I married for the sex. I mean if you gotta hold up your vows pick someone worthy, right?
Comment by Hazard
2008-05-16 11:40:06
Oh, I’m not sure sex is a reason to get married. I always thought of that as a given. OTOH, I was in college in the 60s so maybe I’m thinking more of those times and my personal mind-set formulated then not now.
Oh yeah, and he better have a house. Preferably paid for. Or at the very least, a camper…or a tent, even. Oh what the heck, he has to at least wear a loinchoth once in awhile…
The rest of the world is continuing to grow despite the grinding adjustment of the U.S., and exports allow U.S. employment to stagnate rather than crash.
That adjustment is rolling out slowly. We’ve lost a lot of mortgage banking firms, but just one major financial institution so far.
The dollar has sunk rather than collapsed.
The best case scenario is two more years of this, with falling living standards (except for more affordable housing), higher taxes, and diminished public services, but no collapse.
The worst case scenario? Guns, ammo and canned goods I guess.
A generation ago, I watched south central burn from my perch, high atop Topanga State Park…
The fuse had been set years before and all it needed to get going was a video of a black guy getting the crap beat out of him by policemen, coppers that then beat the rap, & sparks flew.
Back then you had to be somewhat of a geek and willing to spend a grandido or 2 on a bulky camera, to be a recorder, as opposed to a reporter.
It’s a lot easier now. A $100 digital camera is all you need.
Events were shaped by pictures in the 20th century, but video reigns in the 21st.
I’ve been scraping some bucks together for a tiny camcorder since the new year. My plan is to carry it everywhere, especially on bike rides, bus rides, and our weekend walks around town. A must have in a big city. Words can’t describe some of the crap out there.
I bought a really nice and very expensive (7k) HD camera a couple of years ago to do videos. I didn’t have time to learn how to use it (somewhat complicated), so I sold it at breakeven to a friend who makes his living that way. Now I’m eyeing another, this time 3k and less complicated.
If I break down and buy it, my “justification” is that it’s my reward for not buying a house and for being financially prudent. How’s that for logic?
On another note, my Oregon friend called last night, had just put a deposit on an overpriced cabin in the woods. This is the friend who I’ve spent hours explaining the bubble to, who agreed it was crazy to buy now, who scrimps on everything. I just kept my mouth shut and observed in a clinical way how people let their emotions drive them to foolishness, just like everyone on this blog says not to.
Let’s do a thread on how not having the house you want and NEED affects your mood and makes you want to buy stuff, to mindlessy follow the American way of consuming…
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Comment by aqius
2008-05-16 10:17:08
lost in utah
yer helmet cam comment reminds me of the “Super Dave Osborne” era on Showtime.
I really disagree on that……Our criminal justice system is very discriminatory not against race but against the severely stupid.
He was driving at 100mph on the hwy, then 65 in residential zones eluding the police..
So maybe the solution is for black people to Man up and learn to speak English and to commit crimes on the same per capita basis as white people. But then what would we do with 100,000 useless police officers…lay them off?
Just something to think about.
a black guy getting the crap beat out of him by policemen, coppers that then beat the rap, & sparks flew.
Lets see 80%+ of people in jail did not finish high school, even more can not read at an 8th grade level. Black people commit crimes at 5-6 times the rate as whites. So why are you in favor of the status quo?
I’m not, i would love to see 100,000 police officers fired for lack of work. But we need Al Sharpton Jesse, et all, to co-operate with us. And speaking proper (non swearing non ghetto) English is the first step to a crime free lifestyle, next is weaning them away from rap and hip hop music.
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Comment by sfv_hopeful
2008-05-16 11:26:39
DJ, just out of curiosity, are you against rap and hip hop music? And if so, what kind of music do you DJ with?
Most of the “good” poor people I know had very solid, moral, concerned and involved parents.
If the black leaders would finally grow a pair and tell the truth (get married before having kids, take responsibility for yourselves and your children, stop using drugs and acting like thugs, etc.), you’d find there would be much less “racism”.
“He was driving at 100mph on the hwy, then 65 in residential zones eluding the police..”
And was stoked on PCP. Do u know what PCP does to a man? It make him 3-5 times as strong and i am sure that R king knocked over a few of those cops teeth and basically fought like an enraged bull on steroids. Dosen’t excuse the cops behavior but the story is more complex. I have seen dudes stoked on PCP and believe me they become basically like animals with superhuman strength and uncontrollable rage. I have heard such dudes smashing windows and doors with their bare fists .
I remember watching on TV hundreds of middle aged folks waiting at the post office but it was closed, their kids burned down their own city. The joke was they were waiting for welfare checks. Just another bad joke in bad times. Plus Aerospace was laying off by the thousands and RE taking a dive. Bad times for S. CA and then the earthquake. That was probably the bottom for a bad decade. Money came in and work rebuilding got the area going again.
ah…thanks Ex. I felt unsatisfied with the non-resolved status. Someone brought up the great point of surface area with the JT, however, I feel compelled to make a case for the Saguaro for 2 reasons: 1) Girth. Enough said. 2) Spines. All those sharp, pointy, painful spines all over the Saguaro. If I absolutely had to make a choice between the two, (gulp) I’d pick death by JT just for those two reasons.
We touched on that yesterday, except I referred to the “reach around tickler arm” as the “descrotumizer”. Why settle for just a ream-job when you can take out a sack or two in the process?
Hmmmm, looks the the SC is a strong challenger to the JT.
If the Fed is seriously looking for bubbles to deflate, I suggest they start with the volatile food and energy sectors. My neighbors are hurting, thanks to food and energy price inflation.
Just because the price of something rises does not mean it is a bubble. Also, when HeliBen dumps money, it goes everywhere. He doesn’t get to pick and choose what asset to inflate, so as long as you inflate you can expect some prices to rise.
PB - I read that link. It’s 6 months old and there is not a single substantial argument why oil will be coming down other than “unleashed forces”, whatever they are. Meanwhile we’re over $100 a barrel in oil.
Food and oil are not in bubbles, as far as I can tell. There is rising demand and diminishing supplies. I’m interested in the argument that they something other than supply and demand is happening here but I need something more substantial than a reason from the Star Wars.
I think it is time to disect the “why this bubble is different” stuff topic by topic. I am truely sick of hearing the quotes from the NAR, etc. that real estate downturns typically last 3-5 years so we are doen with this, or that economic downturns only last x number of months, etc. For this weekend, I’d like to see us tackle the wealth effect aspect. I have a few ideas.
Things that might influence the wealth effect - old style: People were in the habit of saving. Social security seemed solvent. People often had defined benefit pensions and expected to be able to live on them to a large extent when they retired. College for the kids wasn’t the equivalent of buying another house, per child so you could handle it by saving and sacrificing a bit while the kid was in school. And, perhaps the most important, it was very difficult to get the money out of the house.
Things that might influence the wealth effect - new style: Easy to get money out of the house. People relying on the value of the house for kids college or retirement or both. No saftey net expected from social security or defined benefit pensions. Influence of society, especially TV, means that saving is just not on most people’s radar.
I think that most of these factors means that economists have vastly underestimated the amount of the wealth effect this time around. Most (all?) of what I described means that the wealth effect was greater this time around than it was in the past. People saw the house value as part of their wealth just like they see the free space on their credit cards as the equivalent of an emergency savings account. I think that once people get past the not knowing how to save part of the problem, the wealth effect contraction will be huge.
I propose an examination of what the HBBers think about the role of the FEDERAL RESERVE in the creation of this bubble, the role they have played in mitigating its effects, and the consequences of both. The purpose, nature, organization and power of the Federal Reserve is rarely examined, IMHO, by the MSM.
HBBers are cumulatively rather astute world citizens and an open dialogue about the international banking cartel with the seemingly unconstitutional authority to create our money without the backing of silver or gold could be “illuminating”.
Prices here in Canberra Australia haven’t fallen; if anything they’re still SLOWLY rising, but official interest rates have gone up a bit over the last year which impacts on ARM’s. (In Oz, ARM’s form the vast majority of all mortgages.)
1. At work yesterday, I heard the people running the social club (which theoretically operates on an cash-based honour system) discussing one person who was into the club for over $300 in IOU’s.
2. The weekly duplicate I attend at the local Bridge Club has seen a significant drop-off in numbers over the last year. There’s a quiet belief that some pairs are playing rubber bridge at each other’s homes to avoid the fees.
if you see used packets of sugar or salt/pepper from Dennys strewn about the card tables then that is another good indicator of penny pinching from yer local cardplayers. (do you have Dennys casual diner down in OZ . . ) ?
Maybe it’s that I live among a lot of retirees, but I see that anyway. Signs were up for a while in 2003 at fast food places (at the drive up window) that there would be a charge for more than 2 or 3 condiment packets. A few of the places were rebuilt after the hurricanes, not sure if the signs are up again.
Also lots of people setting up scenarios to take advantage of the “if the price is wrong, it’s free!” option at the grocery store (busy time, bullying manager, plausible reason as to why it should be that price).
In Australia, the median income for people over 65 is the current old-age pension. To the cent, because more than 50% have ZERO income from other sources.
Some of my mother’s friends are in that position, and I have to say there is an enormous difference in living standard between those who have a fully paid-off residence and those who don’t. One group lives very modestly, but the other group is POOR.
Hmmmmm, maybe I should ask them how the milk holds up these days. I remember when another club I belong to changed over to “milk” being dispensed from the machine, rather than having a seperate carton with the sugar. They SAID it was due to health regulations, but one of the staff once told me she had several times seen people quietly filling up flasks.
I would like to see some type of true cost of living index for the various bloggers here in their respective areas. As Im not the economist, rather the observer/ recorder type, Id leave the makeup of the items for the index to someone more knowledgeable. Something that we could better gauge and compare and maybe see something coming that others will miss by relying on the feds.
The cost of feeding future food, combined with cost of getting it to market & add in a pinch of consumers switching from meat to cheaper foodstuffs, and that’s your recipe for disaster…
For the many dependent upon raising livestock for a living, in California’s Central Valley.
You should probably survey your/participants’ item purchases over the last several years. Then weight your index by how much of the total spending an item is. So if rent is 15% of the expenditures, it should be 15% of your cost of living index. It’s up to you to decide how discrete you want to get (ie do you want to aggrigate all chicken or separate out whole chicken/breasts/ thighs and broth. Make sure you track item sizes and I’d suggest looking into where they were purchased, so you can continue to reflect the same mix of retail options.
What has everyone been seeing in stores that aren’t Home Depot, Lowes, etc.? We know that stores like Home Depot and Lowes are empty and having problems since they are directly related to housing. But what about stores that aren’t related to housing in any way?
Personally, here’s what I have seen. Recently, I have had to buy some new clothes. In two stores I go to, both were empty when I went. It may have been a coincidence, but this was the first time I had ever seen those stores empty. Both of them are also running a lot of buy one shirt (or pair of pants, etc.), get the second shirt (or whatever) 50% off deals. This is in addition to the $20 off coupons they sent me (which I have never gotten from either of them before). The whole thing reeks of desperation on their part.
On the other hand this one computer store I go to occasionally (especially now since I am building a computer), always has plenty of people in it. It does seem like they are lowering prices and running a lot of deals including giving away USB thumb drives with a purchase, but I can’t tell if that really means anything or they are just clearing out inventory to make room for newer computer parts.
Usually Borders and Barned & Noble are busy on weekends, but a few days ago they seemed a little quieter than usual. Macy’s is dead. I can’t gauge Best Buy because I don’t go there often enough.
Catalog stores are sending me sale emails every day of the week. (Probably because I broke down and bought a few things.) But at least the financial houses stopped trolling for IRA money. I guess they only do that around tax time.
I work with car dealerships and times are sure tough for them. One service department went from seeing 140 new cars everyday two months ago to an average of 70 new cars daily. This is a dealership that has four different GM brands. The sales department just can’t seem to get the suv’s and anything priced over 30k off the showroom floor. The traditional cliente of said dealership are 100k+ annual income types.
You see, we thought of this because of the current fervor over mortgage bailouts, the theory of which says we can’t have people, and the banks that enable them, suffering due to their bad decisions and/or greed and/or fraudulent behavior.
So why don’t we give people a free house and buy back their big SUV at the same time, replacing it with an economical car?
I haven’t really noticed any difference in most stores. From bulk stores (Sam’s, Costco, etc.) to the Target / Wal*Mart / Kmart-type stores to home improvement stores to the mall, etc. No real change in patronage (that I can see).
However, it seems car dealerships are struggling / some closing up in the area.
Used to be that’s what the dealer would give you when they were willing to take it off of your hands and get you out of the showroom. That’s what I was paid for a compact in 2006; apparently the “standard rate” either dropped or is not even available anymore.
I went to the local Kroger today around lunchtime. A year ago it was always pretty busy that time of day. Since then the store’s traffic has slowly declined. Today it was deserted. It was like being there in the middle of the night. When I went to checkout, I was the only person there, all of the lines including the self check out were empty.
This week I was also in one of the upscale northern burbs. A new ritsy non-anchored retail center called The Avenues had just opened. It looked to be about 90% leased. But within a 2 mile radius there are at least 5 brand new unanchored retail centers that are completed with no tenants. I’ve never seen even one new retail center in the Atlanta market that was not immediately leased up.
And scariest of all, there are now green & white government signs posted on Hwy. 9 in Roswell ( another upsacle area) to direct people to the North Fulton County Food Bank. I guess this is where all the former Kroger shoppers have gone.
News outlets are reporting an uptick in sales & housing starts this spring, but not prices or jobless claims. I’d like to know what the media thinks/says is happening, as well as Ben’s analysis.
I’d like to make suggestion that discusses the state of the crash now. I have a bad feeling for some reason that the large correction I was seeking out here in the Bay Area isn’t going to materialize but rather just fizzle along. I get this feeling that now that people are now acclimated to the current housing market as well as the bad news. Basically, the crippling doom specter that was on the horizon in Feb seems to have subsided a bit. The atmosphere these days is strange. I can’t put my finger on it.
So… I hate to bring this up, but I would love to hear what people’s reactions are. What will YOU do if the worst scenario happens and prices stay flat or actually start rising again in your area- especially if you live in an area where prices are still entirely too high? I’ll go ahead and give mine in that if they do start rising again, I will be packing immediately because I’m sick of it.
“…and prices stay flat or actually start rising again in your area-”
I know nothing about San Fran, but I do know quite a bit about Palm Beach County. Here the prices on existing homes were sticky until about 60 days ago when it became evident that the snowbirds weren’t going to scoop up the “deals” before going back home. The floor has fallen out from underneath prices. Anything that actually sells is doing so at 2002 prices at the high end. I’ve seen mid to late 1990’s prices come across my desk.
New construction is a little bit of a different story. Builders who had units on-line ready to sell absolutely blew them out (at least compared to boom prices). Now that those units are off line, pre-construction pricing has seemed to creep up at developments such as Porto Sol and Palm Beach Plantation. I even saw a builder’s closeout sign on condos go from $129,900 to $149,900 to $154,900 in a matter of 3 months. I think the builders are kidding themselves and soon the cold reality will hit…either sell for a lot less to compete with existing homes, or don’t sell anything. It’s that simple.
This is my convern as well. I haven’t seen much change at all in my area (north suburbs of Philly). And I do continuously think, “Is it possible that homes really will never be affordable to me again?”
I read about the houses getting cheaper by the minute in Florida and wonder if that can and will ever happen here. (Unfortunately, I don’t like Florida enough to consider moving there.)
“Is it possible that homes really will never be affordable to me again?”
This is the feeling that I along with many others had in the Metro-Detroit area in 1999-2001. Medians were running very high and people were putting in offers higher than asking price. This was still nowhere near as crazy as the run up in FL. Michigan never really saw that kind of cray.
So what happened in Detroit? They saw slow, steady decline in prices until about a year ago. Then BOOM! You could buy a reasonable house cheaper than most luxury vehicles. That’s where I think other big metro areas will head as the mortgage mess continues to work itself out.
At last count, there were something like 19 million vacant homes in the country. About half of those were vacant due to the housing crisis.
How can current prices be sustained when there’s so much excess inventory? They can’t.
There is another round of interest rate resets coming. Hoards of stretched buyers will default. More inventory will hit the market.
I’d estimate that another entire volume of inventory, equal to existing and potential REOs combined is waiting on the sideline.. hoping to eventually be sold.
Pressure is not subsiding.. it’s increasing.
What prevents the dam from bursting? I think it’s nothing more than the staying power of the lenders. They have deep pockets and can delay the sale of these REOs. They can artificially keep the excess inventory off the market and temporarily cheat the law of supply demand…
The longer they delay, the longer current prices are supported.
There are two ways this inventory might be released.. a little at a time or all at once. Everyone with skin in the game is hoping for and doing what they can to insure the pressure is released slowly. This is the less painful and least dangerous way, but it will take the longest time.
In addition to threatening the safety of the banking system, any large and sudden disruptions are likely to cause peripheral pain and damage to non-combatant civilians.. everyone…meaning everyone.. would suffer needlessly.
The dam is mortally damaged.. it cannot be repaired. The forces behind it will eventually escape and a balance will be reached. The laws of supply/demand will not be denied.
Inflation like evaporation can solve a leaky dam if it’s patched long enough. In this case that’s probably 10-20 years, but it’s dampening the blow (and the higher the better).
Maybe spring fever has tempered the gloom. Does that mean we’ve got to wait till Halloween for some progress here? I’ve got to move the clan in a few weeks and am seeing no decent rental deals, nothing but prices creeping further toward the stratosphere. How long can the bastards hold out, sitting on every decent apt. in NYC and slapping a wacko 4K or 5K label on it? Wonder what the math must be. Lots of empty windows, it seems to me, no matter what the urban legend about 1%-to 3%, or whatever, vacancy rate. Can’t hardly even glance at the sales listings, they’re still an absolute joke everywhere. Ah … vent over.
I think prices will be falling, but it takes a while due to bottlenecks and inefficiencies that exist. For example, we read about people trying to contact their lenders and they cannot speak to a real person. And, it is probably a good thing that 19 million properties are not selling all at once. While prices need to drop, I think it would cause undue harm to our economy if things happened all at once.
I have a friend who lives in Carmel Valley, San Diego in a rather new McMansion (less than 3 years old). This neighborhood is the white flight neighborhood for upper middle class and up types, and so prices have always been a little high there, but during the boom prices went sky high. Anyways I watch what’s happening on her relatively small street (perhaps 10 homes total). I saw on Yahoo that a house on that street was in foreclosure. Sure enough, a couple of weeks later a u-rent van was in the driveway of the house next door. At the same time (3 weeks ago), 2 other homes were for sale on the same street, with both asking over $400/sq foot (the larger one was $1.7 million). Yesterday I noticed both for sale signs were gone. This makes me think these two homes are in foreclosure as well, the owners’ attempts to sell unsuccessful. So I don’t see how these prices can hold up long term. The simple fact is that people just don’t have the income to support the loans in the long term. And the oil and food bubbles will impact people living on the edge.
Ahhhh, this is exactly what I was just thinking about as I reached and read your post.
So much has been written about, and the finger pointed to, sub-prime lenders and borrowers as he straws that broke the housing camels back…I would like to see more about the Alt-A and prime borrowers that are now hitting the skids. Those stories are slowly surfacing, but are not getting the same amount of light.
There were many, many Alt-A and prime borrowers who, although they qualified for the sane and reasonable loans, bit off more than they could chew. Now, they are finding out that the 2nd home really wasn’t necessary, or one of the incomes (of a dual-income family) has disappeared by way of a job loss, divorce or illness, or they just HELOC’d themselves into financial ruin. So content they were with their high flying lifestyles that they thought they were untouchable…..or perhaps they saw themselves as *above* the folks who were getting covered in the media.
They need to be outed more so that people can see that it is not just Jose the strawberry picker, the 20-something (who really doesn’t have a clue about a normal housing market) or any number of other previously profiled borrowers.
“‘This is simply an adjustment to a more normal market,’ said Kale Dunning, a Vancouver broker”
there’s another red-flag buzz word again; “simply”. every time I see that & other terms designed to minimize the truth, such as “merely”, “only”, “little bit”, “correction” and others, a Krakatoa-sized red flare erupts in my mind and everything connected to that sentence/paragraph/article is now suspect.
so obvious how the real estate industry is mimicking their role-model lawyers by using these diminishing descripitve words in a pathetic, sad attempt to downplay a bad situation.
How big is the bike economy getting. I’ve noticed juice bars closing and bike shops opening. Bike repair signs where “handy man special” and “loan originators wanted” signs used to be.
Bike racks on busses full. Bike racks outside of businesses and transit stops full. Lots of folks on the sidewalks (the braver or foolish on actual roads - not sure how to classify) on wheels.
On bulk pick up day (now I know part of why our taxes are so high, bulk pick up once a week instead of once a month or every quarter like a lot of other counties) are dueling scavengers driving around.
Mostly I see this on roads rated at 45mph - usually means SUVs are going 60.
Also, most bikes are beater bikes. I know mine is (scavenged from an jerk neighbor who was “decluttering” and let me have two ten year old but functioning adult 1 speed bikes for free) which is why I don’t worry about it getting stolen. It gets me the few miles a week I need downtown and I leave it there when I don’t use it.
I may fix up the other one and use it around town locally when the fall comes.
I’ve seen a few new bikes under people who are using them for utility - on older gentleman on my usual evening train who never puts it in the rack, just stands up holding it. The other on an occasional young commuter; his bike actually folds. That one, I hear from friends, is popular in San Francisco.
I had a nice 10 spd a few years back but it was accidentally given away when my folks decluttered. Nice to be back on foot breaks, though.
Yep. My husband can commute to work on a bike. The traffic between here and there is relatively slow moving, but it’s very dense 4 lane traffic. I cringe when I see bikes in that traffic because there’s no margin of error.
I’ve told him to that I’ve already factored in any tickets he may collect by riding on the sidewalk. Any fine for that has to be significantly cheaper than the hospital bills if he gets hit.
How about home for a topic. What do different people here enjoy in a house, yard, community, location - tangible or intangible. What have they liked about houses they have lived in, what they enjoy about their current living space, or what they hope to enjoy in their home in the future.
Practical suggestions for living well in a small space, saving on energy consumption, building community are welcome too.
Put in another way, what are people’s real or ideal alternatives to the over-priced POS cookie-cutter box.
Gardening space. Not too far from civilization, not too close. Strawbale or adobe walls. Solar cells, own well. Not a penny in mortgage.
There was a time when I lived that way, well, okay, mostly. One of those items was not in play. I couldn’t wait to leave, ah, what did I know.
But being in hurricane country, I am a bit glad I’m in a house up to current hurricane standards.
Given money and time, I’d recreate a hurricane-friendly version of the place with the gardening space. Not too far from civilization, not too close. Strawbale or adobe walls. Solar cells, own well. Not a penny in mortgage.
But we’re at the young kid$ $tage of our lives atm; we’ll see how and if I get that little space.
Alternatively, I’ll take a downtown - a realish downtown, in a functioning city, with access to a community garden. Out of hurricane country.
Schools are kind of important. To me it’s a place for some of the form nailing; but I help pour and harden the cement.
After intense negotiations with Democratic counterparts, Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama, the top Republican on the Senate Banking Committee—and a key opponent of previous Democratic efforts to pass a housing bailout—says he has reached agreement with Sen. Chris Dodd, the Connecticut Democrat who chairs the committee, on a housing package that would enable struggling homeowners to refinance into more affordable loans and create a stronger regulator for government-sponsored enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
For the last year or so I’ve been following the mortgage woes of my adorable FedEx person and her husband. Hard-working, professional, resourceful, she’s the ideal employee and the just the sort of person a lender would (and did,) salivate over. Unfortunately, the lender was one of those central valley skank-weasels who took the money, ran, and didn’t bother to make the property tax payments they’d been collecting in an escrow account. Which caused a one-month default until she could take care of the delinquency, which triggered a rate reset… and you know the rest.
A couple of months ago I gave her the HBB speech about using her weakness to her advantage. (Stop paying the mortgage, put the money into a savings account, wait for them to foreclose, and end up with a nice down-payment on a better house in a buyer’s market. ) Then, because I knew she’d qualify, I gave her the 1-800 HOPE number and told her to contact them for help.
When she brought me my bi-monthly insult today, I asked how the house situation was coming along.
She opened a savings account and put last and this month’s mortgage payment into it. When the collection agency called she told them to go ahead and foreclose because there was no way she was going to play their crooked little game with them. That the mortgage contract they were trying to enforce was not the mortgage contract she signed. That her $350K house was probably worth at most 200K in today’s market and good luck finding a sucker to pay that much for it in Bakersfield–minus, of course, the 35K+ in monthly payments I’m withholding until you can get a foreclosure through the central valley court system. Oh, and when I DO go? I’m taking my appliances, my carpets, my new cabinets, my landscaping, and my fencing with me.
OR, you can rewrite my mortgage through a reputable bank and give me my original fixed payments.
After a week or two of hemming and hawing, that’s precisely what she got. Five year, fixed, at 7%. I told her to call them back and tell them 15 years.
But here’s the interesting thing. After explaining the situation to the counselor at 1-800 HOPE, and having them examine all her financial records and mortgage papers, they told her to walk away, too! In pretty much the same words I’d used, (thanks to my HBB education.) This is a government-sponsored program, and even THEY’RE telling people to walk away from this mess.
What does that say about the state of our country’s economic system, (she wondered?)
Do you think she will stick it out with a 350K loan on a 200K house? I wonder how long until its back to 350K? 10 years?
At least she got the bank back to 7% but of course they don’t want a 350K loan back on collateral worth 200K? I would say the bank came out ahead on this one.
Agreed, cactus. She knows they’re underwater, but they’re quite young and this is their home–both physically and metaphorically. Her job is reasonably secure and she has some seniority, so that portion of the budget is a known quantity. She doesn’t want to move, (her route is one of the best driving roads on the planet and she knows and genuinely likes all the folks to whom she delivers,) so what the house is “worth” on the open market is essentially irrelevant to her. What matters is what she can afford and her reasoned expectation of an ability to continue doing so.
After you’ve planted your gardens, pastured your horse, built the decking and painted your bedroom some garish color you’ve always yearned for, your house (for some of us anyway,) becomes more than just a place to live…it becomes a part of you.
So yeah, I think she’ll stick it out and be glad for doing so.
It’s not that I’m suggesting Ben invite or encourage trolls, but I’d like to hear from FBs. I’d like to hear from people 6 month or a year past forclosure - what has happened to them? What do they think buying and losing their homes with the perspective of hindsight and time? What would they tell anyone house hunting now? Have they shared their story or kept it a secret? I would think they would become huge HBBers.
My real dream is to go with the reporter when they do the interviews for the sob stories. I want to ask the questions like what were you thinking? You make X/month - how did you think you were going to pay for the house, taxes, insurance, and all the other costs of living, while saving for retirement and college at the same time?
People get really defensive when you ask those questions - particularly when you ask them to describe how they thought it was going to work.
Name:Ben Jones Location:Northern Arizona, United States To donate by mail, or to otherwise contact this blogger, please send emails to: thehousingbubble@gmail.com
PayPal is a secure online payment method which accepts ALL major credit cards.
I’m curious as to how similar the irresponsible reckless behavior of consumers during the course of this bubble, compares to the behavior of people in the 1920s. I for one, as many here, have very little sympathy for the FBs who are looking for bailouts (as well as for the bankers.) This really changes the perspective I was taught in school about the Great Depression.
1921 biggest price drop -gov did nothing= instant recovery
1930 here & 1990 japan did everything
2008 ? lots of bail = 10-15 year stagflation
Two great books on the Great Depression is Murray Rothbards’s book, and “The Forgotten Man” (forgot author’s name- current).
I also thought “Only Yesterday” was a good account of the roaring 20’s. I agree, what we learned in school was a disneyesque watered down story on what caused it.
opps “is” should be “are” Murray Rothbard’s…
Amity Shlaes from the WSJ wrote forgotten man. It’s a solid revisionist history of the depression. She documents a lot of the crazy snake oil stuff Roosevelt did to the economy.
Thanks for “The Forgotten Man” author’s name. I had a TGIF brain fart.
my kids hs book mentions the new deal failing
WOW you would never have seen that when I was a lad
I’ve picked up a few books on the 1930s Depression. Not that I’d consider myself an expert by any means but what I did find most interesting is how the obvious political leanings of the author changes the “reported” facts.
It’s good to look at a few sources and do your own Depression Redux.
agreed….even the oral histories uncover significant disparities in perspective and reported/remembered experience.
Stud Terkel did an oral history (interviews) of the people who lived through the Great Depression. Ron Howard made the crew on “The Cinderella Man” read Stud’s book. Stud Terkel’s book is on my list to read.
J K Galbraith’s “The Great Crash” is a must. It reads like a running blog of the events leading up to and following the 1929 crash.
I’m going to start taking pictures of mopeds parked in front of Starmucks … now that I think of it…that might be a good sales gimmick for Hardley-Davidson: “Buy a Harley… get a free moped!”
Scooters represent a hyper consumer’s answer to the increased price of fuel: buy something to fix a problem - spend money to save money. Anything to justify buying something, especially if it’s trendy. Is Vespa publicly traded?
Isn’t that the truth. It took me about 3 years to get my current girlfriend to understand that you don’t “save” money by spending money. It’s amazing how ingrained that is in the culture of the American people.
Think about how much you can save, come in and buy a car today!!
Excellent thread, very important for those of us in what Dr. Seuss called in “Oh the Places You’ll Go” the WAITING place.
Spring has sprung and the air and sun will always–knock on wood–be free. Those of us interested in getting back into the market need to forget about, remember how all we wanted before was a free, debtless existence. Now we’ve got it , so no more waiting. Turn off realtor.com, grab the missus by the hand and stroll through the flower gardens.
Have a great weekend my peaceful peeps, and remember to stay away from market watching.
Sam I am, see Sequoias soon & seize sun.
“Have a great weekend my peaceful peeps, and remember to stay away from market watching.”
It does get mundane watching the market RE /economic Collapse and the BS sprouted by the MSM and the LA Slime. I have all i need to survive the economic stagnation/ recession next year or two, armed with the knowledge gained from this blog. Live simple and enjoy simple pleasures such as bicycle riding, gardening, dog walking, blogging, healthy exercise walks/runs in the hood, if U live in a nice walkable hood .
Gotta get my bike out to the beach again this weekend for more beach cycling in the balmy CA late spring/summer sun. I am 1/2 hr drive from Huntington Beach, the best local recreational beach in LA/OC IMHO.
Leave the depressing economic news behind and out of sight for a few hrs anyway.
‘It took me about 3 years to get my current girlfriend to understand that you don’t “save” money by spending money.’
She tolerated your wise instruction, for 3 years, without snapping? You must be a patient, persuasive guy. And she must be a keeper.
How would one think that spending money = saving money? I don’t get the connection to that.
It equals all those “green” products you’re supposed to buy to save the environment–they all come in green plastic bottles from China.
The oxymorons Eco Products and American Environmentalist = Compassionate Imperialist and Holy War, as well as Healthcare “Industry,” Honest Politician, etc.
wait till you get married dude
deals on sht you don’t need is the mainstay of a relationship
mainstay of your relationship, taxme
I married for the sex. I mean if you gotta hold up your vows pick someone worthy, right?
Oh, I’m not sure sex is a reason to get married. I always thought of that as a given. OTOH, I was in college in the 60s so maybe I’m thinking more of those times and my personal mind-set formulated then not now.
I married for ALL the wrong reasons - love, friendship, compatibility, etc. What a lousy way to live.
Next time, I go for money, sex, and rock and roll.
Oh yeah, and he better have a house. Preferably paid for. Or at the very least, a camper…or a tent, even. Oh what the heck, he has to at least wear a loinchoth once in awhile…
god bless america.
Maybe a worst case scenario vs best case scenario?
So far it’s the best case scenario.
The rest of the world is continuing to grow despite the grinding adjustment of the U.S., and exports allow U.S. employment to stagnate rather than crash.
That adjustment is rolling out slowly. We’ve lost a lot of mortgage banking firms, but just one major financial institution so far.
The dollar has sunk rather than collapsed.
The best case scenario is two more years of this, with falling living standards (except for more affordable housing), higher taxes, and diminished public services, but no collapse.
The worst case scenario? Guns, ammo and canned goods I guess.
A generation ago, I watched south central burn from my perch, high atop Topanga State Park…
The fuse had been set years before and all it needed to get going was a video of a black guy getting the crap beat out of him by policemen, coppers that then beat the rap, & sparks flew.
Back then you had to be somewhat of a geek and willing to spend a grandido or 2 on a bulky camera, to be a recorder, as opposed to a reporter.
It’s a lot easier now. A $100 digital camera is all you need.
Events were shaped by pictures in the 20th century, but video reigns in the 21st.
Video Fusiliers
I’ve been scraping some bucks together for a tiny camcorder since the new year. My plan is to carry it everywhere, especially on bike rides, bus rides, and our weekend walks around town. A must have in a big city. Words can’t describe some of the crap out there.
I bought a really nice and very expensive (7k) HD camera a couple of years ago to do videos. I didn’t have time to learn how to use it (somewhat complicated), so I sold it at breakeven to a friend who makes his living that way. Now I’m eyeing another, this time 3k and less complicated.
If I break down and buy it, my “justification” is that it’s my reward for not buying a house and for being financially prudent. How’s that for logic?
On another note, my Oregon friend called last night, had just put a deposit on an overpriced cabin in the woods. This is the friend who I’ve spent hours explaining the bubble to, who agreed it was crazy to buy now, who scrimps on everything. I just kept my mouth shut and observed in a clinical way how people let their emotions drive them to foolishness, just like everyone on this blog says not to.
OK, just bought a $50 helmet cam.
Let’s do a thread on how not having the house you want and NEED affects your mood and makes you want to buy stuff, to mindlessy follow the American way of consuming…
lost in utah
yer helmet cam comment reminds me of the “Super Dave Osborne” era on Showtime.
What about that little $100 one? Dinky, and will hold 60 mins of digital madness. It’s called the Flip.
Sorry alad:
I really disagree on that……Our criminal justice system is very discriminatory not against race but against the severely stupid.
He was driving at 100mph on the hwy, then 65 in residential zones eluding the police..
So maybe the solution is for black people to Man up and learn to speak English and to commit crimes on the same per capita basis as white people. But then what would we do with 100,000 useless police officers…lay them off?
Just something to think about.
a black guy getting the crap beat out of him by policemen, coppers that then beat the rap, & sparks flew.
Well, that was offensive.
No, just run of the mill stupidity combined with an inability to read.
Lets see 80%+ of people in jail did not finish high school, even more can not read at an 8th grade level. Black people commit crimes at 5-6 times the rate as whites. So why are you in favor of the status quo?
I’m not, i would love to see 100,000 police officers fired for lack of work. But we need Al Sharpton Jesse, et all, to co-operate with us. And speaking proper (non swearing non ghetto) English is the first step to a crime free lifestyle, next is weaning them away from rap and hip hop music.
DJ, just out of curiosity, are you against rap and hip hop music? And if so, what kind of music do you DJ with?
a black guy getting the crap beat out of him by policemen, coppers that then beat the rap, & sparks flew.
“In Video Veritas”
In edito manipulatum.
Ever consider it’s a poverty issue ?
Lots of poor people who never commit crimes.
Lots of rich people who do.
No, it’s about character and how you grow up.
Most of the “good” poor people I know had very solid, moral, concerned and involved parents.
If the black leaders would finally grow a pair and tell the truth (get married before having kids, take responsibility for yourselves and your children, stop using drugs and acting like thugs, etc.), you’d find there would be much less “racism”.
“He was driving at 100mph on the hwy, then 65 in residential zones eluding the police..”
And was stoked on PCP. Do u know what PCP does to a man? It make him 3-5 times as strong and i am sure that R king knocked over a few of those cops teeth and basically fought like an enraged bull on steroids. Dosen’t excuse the cops behavior but the story is more complex. I have seen dudes stoked on PCP and believe me they become basically like animals with superhuman strength and uncontrollable rage. I have heard such dudes smashing windows and doors with their bare fists .
I remember watching on TV hundreds of middle aged folks waiting at the post office but it was closed, their kids burned down their own city. The joke was they were waiting for welfare checks. Just another bad joke in bad times. Plus Aerospace was laying off by the thousands and RE taking a dive. Bad times for S. CA and then the earthquake. That was probably the bottom for a bad decade. Money came in and work rebuilding got the area going again.
I think this commentary by a black man does a great job explaining the situation.
That was a very funny video! Spot on!
yesterday this question was raised….
Joshua tree or Saguaro Cactus?
…this question begs for resolution.
ah…thanks Ex. I felt unsatisfied with the non-resolved status. Someone brought up the great point of surface area with the JT, however, I feel compelled to make a case for the Saguaro for 2 reasons: 1) Girth. Enough said. 2) Spines. All those sharp, pointy, painful spines all over the Saguaro. If I absolutely had to make a choice between the two, (gulp) I’d pick death by JT just for those two reasons.
Saguaro Cactus. You can even get it with an optional “reach around” tickler arm. Can’t beat that feature.
We touched on that yesterday, except I referred to the “reach around tickler arm” as the “descrotumizer”. Why settle for just a ream-job when you can take out a sack or two in the process?
Hmmmm, looks the the SC is a strong challenger to the JT.
Well has a Josuha Tree ever been able to pull this off? Fall on and kill the guy who was shooting it?
Are you talking again about bouncing off the bottom?
It’s a compulsion that’s out of control…….like I need to tell you.
If the Fed is seriously looking for bubbles to deflate, I suggest they start with the volatile food and energy sectors. My neighbors are hurting, thanks to food and energy price inflation.
federal reserve
Mishkin: Deflate some bubbles
Central bank should watch out for fast expansion of credit that has the potential to inflate balance sheets, Fed governor says.
Just because the price of something rises does not mean it is a bubble. Also, when HeliBen dumps money, it goes everywhere. He doesn’t get to pick and choose what asset to inflate, so as long as you inflate you can expect some prices to rise.
“Just because the price of something rises does not mean it is a bubble.”
Yes, but I believe the rear view mirror will prove my conjecture correct that the current spike in food and energy prices were a bubble.
by John Cassidy
The Coming Oil Crash
Dec 17 2007
PB - I read that link. It’s 6 months old and there is not a single substantial argument why oil will be coming down other than “unleashed forces”, whatever they are. Meanwhile we’re over $100 a barrel in oil.
Food and oil are not in bubbles, as far as I can tell. There is rising demand and diminishing supplies. I’m interested in the argument that they something other than supply and demand is happening here but I need something more substantial than a reason from the Star Wars.
I think it is time to disect the “why this bubble is different” stuff topic by topic. I am truely sick of hearing the quotes from the NAR, etc. that real estate downturns typically last 3-5 years so we are doen with this, or that economic downturns only last x number of months, etc. For this weekend, I’d like to see us tackle the wealth effect aspect. I have a few ideas.
Things that might influence the wealth effect - old style: People were in the habit of saving. Social security seemed solvent. People often had defined benefit pensions and expected to be able to live on them to a large extent when they retired. College for the kids wasn’t the equivalent of buying another house, per child so you could handle it by saving and sacrificing a bit while the kid was in school. And, perhaps the most important, it was very difficult to get the money out of the house.
Things that might influence the wealth effect - new style: Easy to get money out of the house. People relying on the value of the house for kids college or retirement or both. No saftey net expected from social security or defined benefit pensions. Influence of society, especially TV, means that saving is just not on most people’s radar.
I think that most of these factors means that economists have vastly underestimated the amount of the wealth effect this time around. Most (all?) of what I described means that the wealth effect was greater this time around than it was in the past. People saw the house value as part of their wealth just like they see the free space on their credit cards as the equivalent of an emergency savings account. I think that once people get past the not knowing how to save part of the problem, the wealth effect contraction will be huge.
Agree 100%, Polly.
I propose an examination of what the HBBers think about the role of the FEDERAL RESERVE in the creation of this bubble, the role they have played in mitigating its effects, and the consequences of both. The purpose, nature, organization and power of the Federal Reserve is rarely examined, IMHO, by the MSM.
HBBers are cumulatively rather astute world citizens and an open dialogue about the international banking cartel with the seemingly unconstitutional authority to create our money without the backing of silver or gold could be “illuminating”.
Offbeat signs of possible financial desperation.
Prices here in Canberra Australia haven’t fallen; if anything they’re still SLOWLY rising, but official interest rates have gone up a bit over the last year which impacts on ARM’s. (In Oz, ARM’s form the vast majority of all mortgages.)
1. At work yesterday, I heard the people running the social club (which theoretically operates on an cash-based honour system) discussing one person who was into the club for over $300 in IOU’s.
2. The weekly duplicate I attend at the local Bridge Club has seen a significant drop-off in numbers over the last year. There’s a quiet belief that some pairs are playing rubber bridge at each other’s homes to avoid the fees.
if you see used packets of sugar or salt/pepper from Dennys strewn about the card tables then that is another good indicator of penny pinching from yer local cardplayers. (do you have Dennys casual diner down in OZ . . ) ?
Maybe it’s that I live among a lot of retirees, but I see that anyway. Signs were up for a while in 2003 at fast food places (at the drive up window) that there would be a charge for more than 2 or 3 condiment packets. A few of the places were rebuilt after the hurricanes, not sure if the signs are up again.
Also lots of people setting up scenarios to take advantage of the “if the price is wrong, it’s free!” option at the grocery store (busy time, bullying manager, plausible reason as to why it should be that price).
In Australia, the median income for people over 65 is the current old-age pension. To the cent, because more than 50% have ZERO income from other sources.
Some of my mother’s friends are in that position, and I have to say there is an enormous difference in living standard between those who have a fully paid-off residence and those who don’t. One group lives very modestly, but the other group is POOR.
The club throws in free tea/coffee/hot chocolate.
Hmmmmm, maybe I should ask them how the milk holds up these days. I remember when another club I belong to changed over to “milk” being dispensed from the machine, rather than having a seperate carton with the sugar. They SAID it was due to health regulations, but one of the staff once told me she had several times seen people quietly filling up flasks.
I would like to see some type of true cost of living index for the various bloggers here in their respective areas. As Im not the economist, rather the observer/ recorder type, Id leave the makeup of the items for the index to someone more knowledgeable. Something that we could better gauge and compare and maybe see something coming that others will miss by relying on the feds.
The cost of feeding future food, combined with cost of getting it to market & add in a pinch of consumers switching from meat to cheaper foodstuffs, and that’s your recipe for disaster…
For the many dependent upon raising livestock for a living, in California’s Central Valley.
You should probably survey your/participants’ item purchases over the last several years. Then weight your index by how much of the total spending an item is. So if rent is 15% of the expenditures, it should be 15% of your cost of living index. It’s up to you to decide how discrete you want to get (ie do you want to aggrigate all chicken or separate out whole chicken/breasts/ thighs and broth. Make sure you track item sizes and I’d suggest looking into where they were purchased, so you can continue to reflect the same mix of retail options.
What has everyone been seeing in stores that aren’t Home Depot, Lowes, etc.? We know that stores like Home Depot and Lowes are empty and having problems since they are directly related to housing. But what about stores that aren’t related to housing in any way?
Personally, here’s what I have seen. Recently, I have had to buy some new clothes. In two stores I go to, both were empty when I went. It may have been a coincidence, but this was the first time I had ever seen those stores empty. Both of them are also running a lot of buy one shirt (or pair of pants, etc.), get the second shirt (or whatever) 50% off deals. This is in addition to the $20 off coupons they sent me (which I have never gotten from either of them before). The whole thing reeks of desperation on their part.
On the other hand this one computer store I go to occasionally (especially now since I am building a computer), always has plenty of people in it. It does seem like they are lowering prices and running a lot of deals including giving away USB thumb drives with a purchase, but I can’t tell if that really means anything or they are just clearing out inventory to make room for newer computer parts.
The one type of store that always seems busy to me, are the cell phone places.
Usually Borders and Barned & Noble are busy on weekends, but a few days ago they seemed a little quieter than usual. Macy’s is dead. I can’t gauge Best Buy because I don’t go there often enough.
Catalog stores are sending me sale emails every day of the week. (Probably because I broke down and bought a few things.) But at least the financial houses stopped trolling for IRA money. I guess they only do that around tax time.
I work with car dealerships and times are sure tough for them. One service department went from seeing 140 new cars everyday two months ago to an average of 70 new cars daily. This is a dealership that has four different GM brands. The sales department just can’t seem to get the suv’s and anything priced over 30k off the showroom floor. The traditional cliente of said dealership are 100k+ annual income types.
Time for an SUV Bailout?
You see, we thought of this because of the current fervor over mortgage bailouts, the theory of which says we can’t have people, and the banks that enable them, suffering due to their bad decisions and/or greed and/or fraudulent behavior.
So why don’t we give people a free house and buy back their big SUV at the same time, replacing it with an economical car?
I haven’t really noticed any difference in most stores. From bulk stores (Sam’s, Costco, etc.) to the Target / Wal*Mart / Kmart-type stores to home improvement stores to the mall, etc. No real change in patronage (that I can see).
However, it seems car dealerships are struggling / some closing up in the area.
I’m seeing cars on the corner marked $500.
Used to be that’s what the dealer would give you when they were willing to take it off of your hands and get you out of the showroom. That’s what I was paid for a compact in 2006; apparently the “standard rate” either dropped or is not even available anymore.
I went to the local Kroger today around lunchtime. A year ago it was always pretty busy that time of day. Since then the store’s traffic has slowly declined. Today it was deserted. It was like being there in the middle of the night. When I went to checkout, I was the only person there, all of the lines including the self check out were empty.
This week I was also in one of the upscale northern burbs. A new ritsy non-anchored retail center called The Avenues had just opened. It looked to be about 90% leased. But within a 2 mile radius there are at least 5 brand new unanchored retail centers that are completed with no tenants. I’ve never seen even one new retail center in the Atlanta market that was not immediately leased up.
And scariest of all, there are now green & white government signs posted on Hwy. 9 in Roswell ( another upsacle area) to direct people to the North Fulton County Food Bank. I guess this is where all the former Kroger shoppers have gone.
News outlets are reporting an uptick in sales & housing starts this spring, but not prices or jobless claims. I’d like to know what the media thinks/says is happening, as well as Ben’s analysis.
I’d like to make suggestion that discusses the state of the crash now. I have a bad feeling for some reason that the large correction I was seeking out here in the Bay Area isn’t going to materialize but rather just fizzle along. I get this feeling that now that people are now acclimated to the current housing market as well as the bad news. Basically, the crippling doom specter that was on the horizon in Feb seems to have subsided a bit. The atmosphere these days is strange. I can’t put my finger on it.
So… I hate to bring this up, but I would love to hear what people’s reactions are. What will YOU do if the worst scenario happens and prices stay flat or actually start rising again in your area- especially if you live in an area where prices are still entirely too high? I’ll go ahead and give mine in that if they do start rising again, I will be packing immediately because I’m sick of it.
We are stuck in something akin to the phoney war, or as the Germans called it, sitzkrieg…
All hell’s about to break loose, but on what front?
“…and prices stay flat or actually start rising again in your area-”
I know nothing about San Fran, but I do know quite a bit about Palm Beach County. Here the prices on existing homes were sticky until about 60 days ago when it became evident that the snowbirds weren’t going to scoop up the “deals” before going back home. The floor has fallen out from underneath prices. Anything that actually sells is doing so at 2002 prices at the high end. I’ve seen mid to late 1990’s prices come across my desk.
New construction is a little bit of a different story. Builders who had units on-line ready to sell absolutely blew them out (at least compared to boom prices). Now that those units are off line, pre-construction pricing has seemed to creep up at developments such as Porto Sol and Palm Beach Plantation. I even saw a builder’s closeout sign on condos go from $129,900 to $149,900 to $154,900 in a matter of 3 months. I think the builders are kidding themselves and soon the cold reality will hit…either sell for a lot less to compete with existing homes, or don’t sell anything. It’s that simple.
This is my convern as well. I haven’t seen much change at all in my area (north suburbs of Philly). And I do continuously think, “Is it possible that homes really will never be affordable to me again?”
I read about the houses getting cheaper by the minute in Florida and wonder if that can and will ever happen here. (Unfortunately, I don’t like Florida enough to consider moving there.)
“Is it possible that homes really will never be affordable to me again?”
This is the feeling that I along with many others had in the Metro-Detroit area in 1999-2001. Medians were running very high and people were putting in offers higher than asking price. This was still nowhere near as crazy as the run up in FL. Michigan never really saw that kind of cray.
So what happened in Detroit? They saw slow, steady decline in prices until about a year ago. Then BOOM! You could buy a reasonable house cheaper than most luxury vehicles. That’s where I think other big metro areas will head as the mortgage mess continues to work itself out.
At last count, there were something like 19 million vacant homes in the country. About half of those were vacant due to the housing crisis.
How can current prices be sustained when there’s so much excess inventory? They can’t.
There is another round of interest rate resets coming. Hoards of stretched buyers will default. More inventory will hit the market.
I’d estimate that another entire volume of inventory, equal to existing and potential REOs combined is waiting on the sideline.. hoping to eventually be sold.
Pressure is not subsiding.. it’s increasing.
What prevents the dam from bursting? I think it’s nothing more than the staying power of the lenders. They have deep pockets and can delay the sale of these REOs. They can artificially keep the excess inventory off the market and temporarily cheat the law of supply demand…
The longer they delay, the longer current prices are supported.
There are two ways this inventory might be released.. a little at a time or all at once. Everyone with skin in the game is hoping for and doing what they can to insure the pressure is released slowly. This is the less painful and least dangerous way, but it will take the longest time.
In addition to threatening the safety of the banking system, any large and sudden disruptions are likely to cause peripheral pain and damage to non-combatant civilians.. everyone…meaning everyone.. would suffer needlessly.
The dam is mortally damaged.. it cannot be repaired. The forces behind it will eventually escape and a balance will be reached. The laws of supply/demand will not be denied.
Inflation like evaporation can solve a leaky dam if it’s patched long enough. In this case that’s probably 10-20 years, but it’s dampening the blow (and the higher the better).
Maybe spring fever has tempered the gloom. Does that mean we’ve got to wait till Halloween for some progress here? I’ve got to move the clan in a few weeks and am seeing no decent rental deals, nothing but prices creeping further toward the stratosphere. How long can the bastards hold out, sitting on every decent apt. in NYC and slapping a wacko 4K or 5K label on it? Wonder what the math must be. Lots of empty windows, it seems to me, no matter what the urban legend about 1%-to 3%, or whatever, vacancy rate. Can’t hardly even glance at the sales listings, they’re still an absolute joke everywhere. Ah … vent over.
I think prices will be falling, but it takes a while due to bottlenecks and inefficiencies that exist. For example, we read about people trying to contact their lenders and they cannot speak to a real person. And, it is probably a good thing that 19 million properties are not selling all at once. While prices need to drop, I think it would cause undue harm to our economy if things happened all at once.
I have a friend who lives in Carmel Valley, San Diego in a rather new McMansion (less than 3 years old). This neighborhood is the white flight neighborhood for upper middle class and up types, and so prices have always been a little high there, but during the boom prices went sky high. Anyways I watch what’s happening on her relatively small street (perhaps 10 homes total). I saw on Yahoo that a house on that street was in foreclosure. Sure enough, a couple of weeks later a u-rent van was in the driveway of the house next door. At the same time (3 weeks ago), 2 other homes were for sale on the same street, with both asking over $400/sq foot (the larger one was $1.7 million). Yesterday I noticed both for sale signs were gone. This makes me think these two homes are in foreclosure as well, the owners’ attempts to sell unsuccessful. So I don’t see how these prices can hold up long term. The simple fact is that people just don’t have the income to support the loans in the long term. And the oil and food bubbles will impact people living on the edge.
Ahhhh, this is exactly what I was just thinking about as I reached and read your post.
So much has been written about, and the finger pointed to, sub-prime lenders and borrowers as he straws that broke the housing camels back…I would like to see more about the Alt-A and prime borrowers that are now hitting the skids. Those stories are slowly surfacing, but are not getting the same amount of light.
There were many, many Alt-A and prime borrowers who, although they qualified for the sane and reasonable loans, bit off more than they could chew. Now, they are finding out that the 2nd home really wasn’t necessary, or one of the incomes (of a dual-income family) has disappeared by way of a job loss, divorce or illness, or they just HELOC’d themselves into financial ruin. So content they were with their high flying lifestyles that they thought they were untouchable…..or perhaps they saw themselves as *above* the folks who were getting covered in the media.
They need to be outed more so that people can see that it is not just Jose the strawberry picker, the 20-something (who really doesn’t have a clue about a normal housing market) or any number of other previously profiled borrowers.
The story below is from February of this year, but it makes the point.
“‘This is simply an adjustment to a more normal market,’ said Kale Dunning, a Vancouver broker”
there’s another red-flag buzz word again; “simply”. every time I see that & other terms designed to minimize the truth, such as “merely”, “only”, “little bit”, “correction” and others, a Krakatoa-sized red flare erupts in my mind and everything connected to that sentence/paragraph/article is now suspect.
so obvious how the real estate industry is mimicking their role-model lawyers by using these diminishing descripitve words in a pathetic, sad attempt to downplay a bad situation.
so how’s biz ?
what do you do and what impact do you see
How big is the bike economy getting. I’ve noticed juice bars closing and bike shops opening. Bike repair signs where “handy man special” and “loan originators wanted” signs used to be.
Bike racks on busses full. Bike racks outside of businesses and transit stops full. Lots of folks on the sidewalks (the braver or foolish on actual roads - not sure how to classify) on wheels.
On bulk pick up day (now I know part of why our taxes are so high, bulk pick up once a week instead of once a month or every quarter like a lot of other counties) are dueling scavengers driving around.
Riding on the sidewalk is illegal in most places.
It is here, too, but no one is enforcing it.
Mostly I see this on roads rated at 45mph - usually means SUVs are going 60.
Also, most bikes are beater bikes. I know mine is (scavenged from an jerk neighbor who was “decluttering” and let me have two ten year old but functioning adult 1 speed bikes for free) which is why I don’t worry about it getting stolen. It gets me the few miles a week I need downtown and I leave it there when I don’t use it.
I may fix up the other one and use it around town locally when the fall comes.
I’ve seen a few new bikes under people who are using them for utility - on older gentleman on my usual evening train who never puts it in the rack, just stands up holding it. The other on an occasional young commuter; his bike actually folds. That one, I hear from friends, is popular in San Francisco.
I had a nice 10 spd a few years back but it was accidentally given away when my folks decluttered. Nice to be back on foot breaks, though.
Riding on the sidewalk is illegal in most places.
Yep. My husband can commute to work on a bike. The traffic between here and there is relatively slow moving, but it’s very dense 4 lane traffic. I cringe when I see bikes in that traffic because there’s no margin of error.
I’ve told him to that I’ve already factored in any tickets he may collect by riding on the sidewalk. Any fine for that has to be significantly cheaper than the hospital bills if he gets hit.
How about home for a topic. What do different people here enjoy in a house, yard, community, location - tangible or intangible. What have they liked about houses they have lived in, what they enjoy about their current living space, or what they hope to enjoy in their home in the future.
Practical suggestions for living well in a small space, saving on energy consumption, building community are welcome too.
Put in another way, what are people’s real or ideal alternatives to the over-priced POS cookie-cutter box.
Privacy. Space, above and surrounding. Peaceful quiet in which to enjoy Nature’s Glory.
Oh, and no mortgage. That’s key.
Gardening space. Not too far from civilization, not too close. Strawbale or adobe walls. Solar cells, own well. Not a penny in mortgage.
There was a time when I lived that way, well, okay, mostly. One of those items was not in play. I couldn’t wait to leave, ah, what did I know.
But being in hurricane country, I am a bit glad I’m in a house up to current hurricane standards.
Given money and time, I’d recreate a hurricane-friendly version of the place with the gardening space. Not too far from civilization, not too close. Strawbale or adobe walls. Solar cells, own well. Not a penny in mortgage.
But we’re at the young kid$ $tage of our lives atm; we’ll see how and if I get that little space.
Alternatively, I’ll take a downtown - a realish downtown, in a functioning city, with access to a community garden. Out of hurricane country.
Schools are kind of important. To me it’s a place for some of the form nailing; but I help pour and harden the cement.
Will passage of a bailout measure have any effect on the situation?
Shelby: Housing Rescue Will Be Enacted
May 16, 2008 01:59 PM ET | Luke Mullins
After intense negotiations with Democratic counterparts, Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama, the top Republican on the Senate Banking Committee—and a key opponent of previous Democratic efforts to pass a housing bailout—says he has reached agreement with Sen. Chris Dodd, the Connecticut Democrat who chairs the committee, on a housing package that would enable struggling homeowners to refinance into more affordable loans and create a stronger regulator for government-sponsored enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
For the last year or so I’ve been following the mortgage woes of my adorable FedEx person and her husband. Hard-working, professional, resourceful, she’s the ideal employee and the just the sort of person a lender would (and did,) salivate over. Unfortunately, the lender was one of those central valley skank-weasels who took the money, ran, and didn’t bother to make the property tax payments they’d been collecting in an escrow account. Which caused a one-month default until she could take care of the delinquency, which triggered a rate reset… and you know the rest.
A couple of months ago I gave her the HBB speech about using her weakness to her advantage. (Stop paying the mortgage, put the money into a savings account, wait for them to foreclose, and end up with a nice down-payment on a better house in a buyer’s market. ) Then, because I knew she’d qualify, I gave her the 1-800 HOPE number and told her to contact them for help.
When she brought me my bi-monthly insult today, I asked how the house situation was coming along.
She opened a savings account and put last and this month’s mortgage payment into it. When the collection agency called she told them to go ahead and foreclose because there was no way she was going to play their crooked little game with them. That the mortgage contract they were trying to enforce was not the mortgage contract she signed. That her $350K house was probably worth at most 200K in today’s market and good luck finding a sucker to pay that much for it in Bakersfield–minus, of course, the 35K+ in monthly payments I’m withholding until you can get a foreclosure through the central valley court system. Oh, and when I DO go? I’m taking my appliances, my carpets, my new cabinets, my landscaping, and my fencing with me.
OR, you can rewrite my mortgage through a reputable bank and give me my original fixed payments.
After a week or two of hemming and hawing, that’s precisely what she got. Five year, fixed, at 7%. I told her to call them back and tell them 15 years.
But here’s the interesting thing. After explaining the situation to the counselor at 1-800 HOPE, and having them examine all her financial records and mortgage papers, they told her to walk away, too! In pretty much the same words I’d used, (thanks to my HBB education.) This is a government-sponsored program, and even THEY’RE telling people to walk away from this mess.
What does that say about the state of our country’s economic system, (she wondered?)
Do you think she will stick it out with a 350K loan on a 200K house? I wonder how long until its back to 350K? 10 years?
At least she got the bank back to 7% but of course they don’t want a 350K loan back on collateral worth 200K? I would say the bank came out ahead on this one.
Agreed, cactus. She knows they’re underwater, but they’re quite young and this is their home–both physically and metaphorically. Her job is reasonably secure and she has some seniority, so that portion of the budget is a known quantity. She doesn’t want to move, (her route is one of the best driving roads on the planet and she knows and genuinely likes all the folks to whom she delivers,) so what the house is “worth” on the open market is essentially irrelevant to her. What matters is what she can afford and her reasoned expectation of an ability to continue doing so.
After you’ve planted your gardens, pastured your horse, built the decking and painted your bedroom some garish color you’ve always yearned for, your house (for some of us anyway,) becomes more than just a place to live…it becomes a part of you.
So yeah, I think she’ll stick it out and be glad for doing so.
It’s not that I’m suggesting Ben invite or encourage trolls, but I’d like to hear from FBs. I’d like to hear from people 6 month or a year past forclosure - what has happened to them? What do they think buying and losing their homes with the perspective of hindsight and time? What would they tell anyone house hunting now? Have they shared their story or kept it a secret? I would think they would become huge HBBers.
My real dream is to go with the reporter when they do the interviews for the sob stories. I want to ask the questions like what were you thinking? You make X/month - how did you think you were going to pay for the house, taxes, insurance, and all the other costs of living, while saving for retirement and college at the same time?
People get really defensive when you ask those questions - particularly when you ask them to describe how they thought it was going to work.