Bits Bucket For October 10, 2009
Post off-topic ideas, links and Craigslist finds here. Please visit the HBB Forum.
Examining the home price boom and its effect on owners, lenders, regulators, realtors and the economy as a whole.
Post off-topic ideas, links and Craigslist finds here. Please visit the HBB Forum.
Good morning America! Keep on innovating, it makes for a better tomorrow! Look here, see what I mean:
“Besides snacks, beer and hard liquor, Khamis says he’s going to be teaming up with restaurants to deliver Philly cheese-steaks, Mexican food and pizza. There is a $4.99 delivery charge, and alcohol prices are marked up a bit, but the trade-off is worse, as is made clear by the company slogan: “Better Than a DUI.”
I left a comment:
“Better Than a DUI.”
203,866 DUI arrests in Calif. 2007
Average cost to driver after arrest? > $5.00
Delivery cost $5.00
So, Like Radical Rick says: “How tough is it?”
Run Hwy,…RUN!
Is innovation in the fast food industry enough to pull us out of this great recession?
And will the cupcake bubble help or hurt?
My apologies if this topic already has been covered her.
“……$3.00 per cupcake…..”
If I ever pay three bucks for a cupcake, you all have my permission to take me out back behind the barn or woodshed, and shoot me in the Azz.
Guess it’s time for me to open up my “Gourmet Grilled Cheese Sandwich” store.
203,866 DUI arrests in Calif. 2007 ??
@ average cost of $10,000. a pop = $2 bil + and now that you are a criminal forget about “any” job that requires driving a company car..
The city of Orange,CA just got a whole fleet of NEW Dodge Chargers with the BIG BIG Hemi’s and ALL the Bell’s & Whistle’s & cool LED flashing lights…those things hall asssss$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$…you ought to see x3 of them chase after the homeless on their bicycles, they get their toothless psych-ward women every time, and if she swings an umbrella or throws a plastic re-cycle bottle…she’s toast!
(Hwy ponders the cost $$$$$$$$$$$$$ of x25 fully outfitted modern day police cruiser…) “…Calling car 54…”
…Car 54. Come in car 54. Car 54, where are you?
Just the facts, ma’am.
Someone with the exact same name as me, year of birth one year earlier, has a DUI in Arizona. It comes up in those free criminal records searches.
Since my name isn’t very common I’ve always wondered how many contracts I didn’t get because someone did a records search and found this. Many people would conclude it’s the same person.
(Your comment about “forgetting about getting any job that requires driving a company car” reminded me of this).
Hurry up and overpay 50k so you get that tax credit from uncle sam:
A few quotes from the article….
“I knew in my heart I could not really afford the house, but they (FHA) gave it to me anyway,” said Mr. Fullenkamp, 22. “I thought, ‘Wow, I’m surprised I pulled that off.’ ”
“Barney Frank, the Massachusetts Democrat who is chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, said in an interview that the defaults were, in essence, worth it.
“I don’t think it’s a bad thing that the bad loans occurred,” he said. “It was an effort to keep prices from falling too fast. That’s a policy.”
“I don’t think it’s a bad thing that the bad loans occurred,” he said. “It was an effort to keep prices from falling too fast. That’s a policy.”
And how many times have I said “controlled collapse” here….
Many times. They predicted “soft landing” enough time that they had to Make It So. /picard
Psychopath=Barney Frank
Sociopath = Generally less educated
Because of the organized personality of the psychopath, he or she might have a tendency to be better educated than the average sociopath, who probably lacks the attentive skills to excel in school. Barney Frank went to Harvard- Govt. Degree. I’ve read he later matriculated at Harvard Law School.
‘Not just for homes: “There’s a lot of focus on the home…but an RV or motor home qualifies as well,” said Meighan, who is also a certified public accountant. Besides RVs and motor homes, he says that you can qualify even if you buy a houseboat, as long as they are used as primary residences. ‘
You’ve gotta be kidding me. And we thought housing was a depreciating asset! How about an RV or houseboat?
depreciating asset! How about an RV ??
Its only a depreciating asset if you must sell it…IMO, Between the time you purchase and the time you sell it its really irrelevant because you did not purchase it for the purpose of any personal financial gain…
Not in Portland or Seattle or Sausalito. So far they hold value, or not, just like a land house.
Breaking news: Free homes for all non residents!
Dear HBBers,
I want to punch every REICster I meet in the face. They are all the same. What is it about the “profession” that gives it such gravity to slime? Please help.
“What is it about the ‘profession’ that gives it such gravity to slime?”
P.T. Barnum nailed it long ago.
Last year and early this year I noticed the rail sidings in town were filled with dozens of empty box cars. This past summer almost all of those cars disappeared. I thought hmmm, a green shoot?
Guess what? They’re ba-aack! But this time it’s a bunch of rusted hulks with a name I don’t recognize instead of the rust-free CSX/Southern cars that were there before.
I guess they decided since they don’t need all their rolling stock they may as well use just the good ones.
“More than 400,000 rail cars are reported to be in storage in the U.S.”
Combo, that link is not working…(Hwy’s thinking…might be a good time to buy one… )
“(Hwy’s thinking … might be a good time to buy one …)”
During the RE boom - when we heard grain silos were to be converted into condos - would’ve been a good time to buy a whole string of boxcars and and convert them into apartments, or condos.
Same could be said of shipping containers.
” …that link is not working …”
Hmmm, google up “boxcar surplus” and you’ll find some info.
Not exactly rail cars, but shipping containers can be converted into some pretty nice living spaces…
Maybe the rail cars could be converted into traveling residences for retired and disabled folks.
That’s a great site, bobo. Thanks.
NIce to see ye, Combo.
I drove through the railyard area of Nampa ID the other day, and was astonished to see dozens and dozens of LOCOMOTIVES parked in the sidings. Box cars are one thing, but locos are another: they are much more expensive an asset to have lying around not being productive.
When we drove through Idaho heading to Canada, saw a few miles of empty rail cars (these looked like they hauled logs) parked on the tracks.
Reminds of the story of those ships off the coast of Singapore(?).
Depends on the age of the unit. The railroads are parking most of their older, less efficient units.
Since the new EPA rules make rebuilding these locomotives not cost effective, most of those built in the 60s-70s-early 80s are going to be scrapped when they have a major failure, or are due for a major overhaul.
Which is going to eventually kill off the “Short Line” railroads, because their sources of cheap locomotives is going to dry up…….so much for expanding rail service.
Gotta love those unintended consequences.
Sorta like all those older PAID OFF cars wont be able to get a used CHEAP engine because they all had to be destroyed in the clunker program
Which is going to eventually kill off the “Short Line” railroads, because their sources of cheap locomotives is going to dry up…….so much for expanding rail service.
“I pledge allegiance to America’s debt, and to the Chinese government that lends us money, and to the interest, for which we pay, compoundable, with higher taxes and lower pay, until the day we die.”
Outstanding post Pbear…Thanks…
Luckily we have a strong dollar policy, or else I would presume that paraphrase of the Pledge of Allegiance was meant to be taken seriously, rather than tongue in cheek.
Dollar Falls as Skeptics of ‘Strong’ Currency Buy Euro, Aussie
By Oliver Biggadike and Ruby Madren-Britton
Oct. 10 (Bloomberg) — The dollar fell for the first time in three weeks against the euro as calls for a “strong” U.S. currency failed to reassure investors concerned the government and Federal Reserve will accept declines in the greenback.
Traders shifted funds to Australia’s dollar, making it the best performer this week among 16 major currencies. Lawrence Summers, head of President Barack Obama’s National Economic Council, said on Oct. 8 the U.S. is committed to a strong dollar, the same day European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet said it’s “important” to keep supporting the policy.
“Officially they have to say something like that,” said Hidetoshi Yanagihara, senior currency trader at Mizuho Corporate Bank in New York. “As long as the Fed keeps the current policy, too much excess money will push the dollar lower.”
“…Glenn Beck, a talk-show host, foments panic and then urges listeners to buy gold from a company he endorses.”
47 days ’till Thanksgiving Dinner with the siblings…
“TrueBeliever’s™/ TrueDeceiver’s ™” …yellin’-stompin’-screamin’:
Buy Gold! Buy Gold! Buy Gold!
Buy bullets! Buy bullets! Buy bullets!
Buy sugar! Buy sugar! Buy sugar!
Less Govt! Less Govt! Less Govt!
More Prisons! More Prisons! More Prisons!
Don’t tax the wealthy! Don’t tax the wealthy! Don’t tax the wealthy!
Death Panels! Death Panels! Death Panels!
Drill Here! Drill Now! Drill Here! Drill Now! Drill Here! Drill Now!
Privatize Everything! Privatize Everything! Privatize Everything!
Fiscally Responsible! Fiscally Responsible! Fiscally Responsible!
Compassionate Conservative! Compassionate Conservative! Compassionate Conservative!
Blame the Black Prez! Blame the Black Prez! Blame the Black Prez!
I can’t take shrill parrots like Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh or Shawn Innanity seriously enough to pay them one bit of attention…
(Hwy thinks Glen Beck’s figured out how to make 400 Million Dollars $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ in a fashion similar to Rash Limpbaughs….secretly, Hwy hopes he succeeds and then buys the Raiders)
WOW Hwy…Do you “self med” before you go ?? That get together sounds painful
Strong beer in the morning with biscuits & gravey, eggs, beef patty…then a long walk with a “favorite” RED RED bottle or two of wine…When they ring the tri-angle @ apprx 3PM …I slide down from the tree-house or flop out of the yurt…put on my knight’s armor & large shield (the one with the Cap’t America painted on it) grab the “great sword” ….then start yellin’ & screamin’ (like Brave Heart) “You Lie! You Lie! You Lie!”
Oh, my goshamighty…please tell me there’s a youtube video coming up this November. Please please please…!
put on my knight’s armor & large shield (the one with the Cap’t America painted on it) grab the “great sword” ….then start yellin’ & screamin’ (like Brave Heart) “You Lie! You Lie! You Lie!”
I LOVE the image!
You crack me up Hwy…Hang in there..:)
Their social conservatism makes me want to puke. But as long as the interest rates stay low, gold is going to continue to go up in value. Just because I cannot stand windbags like Rush does not mean they are wrong about gold.
The dealership I work for put an ad in the paper for phone sales at 8$/hour. 2 days and 40 interviews later I’m so disheartened. People from all walks of life were in here, from 20 year professionals from other fields that can’t find work to desperate housewives trying to make ends meet with hubby unemployed. That said what shocked me was how many college educated youths with their 4 year degrees who have no job and no prospects in their chosen field.
Kids with big student loan back-monkeys fighting to make 8$/hour telemarketing for a car dealership. A LOT of them. 20 more interviews today, 2 positions to fill…… The recession is over, right?
Wow. What area are you in?
Tempe, AZ, 7 miles from ASU.
All is not well here. The undercurrent is swiftly rising and soon the fallout will be much more visible. Speaking of which, the biggest house/estate in the area is in forclosure, they just auctioned off tons of stuff from inside (at least what the burgulars failed to steal).
I wonder what the burgulars are going to do with a 1941 navy dive helmet. Also of note, this home includes a dungeon to lock yourself in after you shell out the banks 8.7 million dollar asking price.
botched the url, lets try this again…..
Tempe house prices are dropping like a rock. I’ve been keeping an eye on a few places that, if they get cheap enough, might interest me. Foreclosures and short sales in 85282/3 have been piling up on the MLS in the last 30 days now that the summer selling season is over, so things could get really interesting in the spring. Lots of for rent signs still in yards in my neighborhood (McClintock/Southern), and there’s an overpriced failed flip across from me that’s been sitting since July without any sign of activity.
now that the summer selling season is over, s
Talon, we both live where High season is just starting, so do you really think, “summer selling season is over”?
Keep us informed of your area, cause ours is still sticky, and the only newspaper says ‘greenshoots’.
I’m in Mesa, and there were 5 B.A’s trying for the same $9/hr no benefit clerk job up the street. It could turn out that even that new lowly job could disappear soon. I know the owner of the place, a health food store.
He says he has no money this year for anything, just trying to keep the place open.
It’s getting to be impossible, he says.
Within a mile from here there is a med/dental type office complex that was built the summer and fall of 2007. There are 12 office units and not ONE has EVER been rented or leased. The parking lot is empty 24×7. Somebody is taking a major hit on that little piece of CRE.
Sad thing is, up until they bulldozed it flat there was a nice stand of orange trees that was home to some quail, rabbits, and occasional marauding coyotes. No more.
Sad thing is, up until they bulldozed it flat there was a nice stand of orange trees that was home to some quail, rabbits, and occasional marauding coyotes. No more.
A sad thing, indeed.
When I cycle-commute (trying to stay healthy) I end up on “grove parkway”. Once a bunch of grapefruit and orange groves, now a ton of apartments behind a walmart. There are still remnants, in the form of trees along the road, the grapefruit are outstanding and nearly ripe again as of this morning. Soon my daily breakfast will include a grapefruit after my ride as it has the last 5 years.
I’m surprised nobody else seems to eat them though, the trees are always heavy with fruit. People walk past without even thinking about the delicious fruit above their heads. When did the world lose touch? I consider a plump free grapefruit a daily highlight…
another funny thing on grove parkway… Closer to walmart on the south side of the street is an obvious water line break. Every day for the past year or more I ride past this spot next to the sidewalk with moist ground, some runoff, and a tall (5 foot) stand of water grasses. A few weeks ago the stand of grass was gone, and I assumed it was repaired. Today I ride past and see the grass sprouting again from that moist patch, I guess its easier to fix the visible signs then the underlying problem.
Developers who threatened to sue, or did sue, any zoning boards or councils or members who wanted to preserve some nature and dared to challenge or deny their greed in action plans:
May the wheels of justice find and grind them to impoverished grit, grime, and misery.
Countless perfectly good farms, forests, ponds, streams, swamps, and prarie, were mutilated and destroyed by these “developers”.
When it comes to these things you could say I’m not the “forgive and forget” type.
My guess is, you aren’t either.
“Pave paradise and put up a parking lot”.
More than just an old tune on AM radio.
May the wheels of justice find and grind them to impoverished grit, grime, and misery.
I’m with you, cobalt. I can’t forgive and forget that stuff either.
Cobalt, I agree with you too. I read they did the same in Florida, saying that “we’re in this business to make money* and we can just get our orange juice cheaper from Brazil anyway.”
I don’t like that our country is becoming dependent on other nations for our very food. Tainted grain meal from China, oranges from Brazil, everything else from Mexico… thankfully in the US, there is still enough arable land if we cut down on idiot corn and emphasize locally-intensive vegetables, but fruit trees take time, time that we don’t have. I’m grateful that the housing bubbles didn’t reach fever pitch in Central New York or southern Pennsylvania, or we would have lost our apple orchards too.
Ken Burns “National Parks” series was an eye-opener. Loggers were cutting down forests in a race with Congress in the Great Smokey Mountain area. Developers were eyeing the Everglades (that was quite a fight), Congress barely saved half of what was left of the redwood trees. It’s disheartening.
*Oh how I despise this phrase. To them, “make money” doesn’t mean make a nice salary with great bennies and a 401K. No, it means Make Money in the AIG-bonus sense: that is, money enough to lord it over everyone else.
+Plus a freakin’ gazillion, cobalty! No, TWO gazillion.
Developers who threatened to sue, or did sue, any zoning boards or councils or members who wanted to preserve some nature and dared to challenge or deny their greed in action plans:
May the wheels of justice find and grind them to impoverished grit, grime, and misery.
Testify! TEST.IF.YYYYYY. Yes, let it be that way.
Countless perfectly good farms, forests, ponds, streams, swamps, and prarie, were mutilated and destroyed by these “developers”.
How many? Yes, verily, how many were destroyed?
I think upon it daily. Sometimes I don’t think I even want to know. Other times I think that all things ruined should be solemnly accounted for, as a tragic list.
I’m kinda conflicted on this.
When it comes to these things you could say I’m not the “forgive and forget” type.
My guess is, you aren’t either.
Oh, my, I surely am not. They kill my Precious and I hates them for forever and ever and ever. I pray for the Fates to deliver doom unto them and all of theirs, for seven generations. Does that qualify as ‘not forgiving’, I wonder?
I think it might.
…And now I have to wonder, cobalty, how can we agree so firmly on this matter? …You gettin’ all librull and tree-huggy or something?
will include a grapefruit after my ride as it has the last 5 years.
Temporal, technically, theft.
But I agree. Lucky to have so many trees around the neighborhood to pick fromthe . I do recall Easter time in Phoenix/Scottsdale area ripe with the fragrance of so many orange orchard blossoms. Much later in life, it is almost aphrodisiacal to me. Such a lovely smell.
I would rather see ranchers watering orchards, than condos/cre and wasteful water users.
Look on the bright side: At least Wall Street banksters are still getting their bonuses. They are taxpayer guaranteed!
10,000 apply for 90 factory jobs
By Jere Downs • • October 8, 2009
In the latest sign of weakness in Louisville-area employment, about 10,000 people applied over three days for 90 jobs building washing machines at General Electric for about $27,000 per year and hefty benefits.
The jobs dangle medical, eye care, prescription and dental benefit packages, as well as pension, disability, tuition assistance and more, said GE spokeswoman Kim Freeman. And despite the recession, no union workers have been laid off from Appliance Park since the company negotiated lower wages with workers in 2005.
“There are no jobs out there paying these kinds of wages that also offer these kind of benefits,” said Jerry Carney, president of IUE-CWA Local 761 at Appliance Park.
Just four years ago, the same jobs paid $19 per hour. But that was before Local 761 approved wage cuts for new workers aimed at preventing the closure of Appliance Park.
When the new Trader Joe’s opened here in Olympia in mid August they had about 69 positions, and about 2,000 applicants.
Although maybe those 2,000 applicants simply wanted to be able to walk up and caress tubs and tubs of Triple Ginger Gingersnap cookies whenever they wanted to.
That’s a reasonable desire.
Have you ever tasted Trader Joe’s Imported English Authentic Lemon Curd? Put that on some toast with a little butter, oh heaven.
I shall try this. Also I shall try cream cheese on Slim Jims, as you recommended the other day. Maybe I shall all of this at once and see if it’s SUPER good.
Cream cheese on beef jerky, not on Slim Jims
Years ago while renting in Wisconsin, I cleaned up a “party fridge” that had been sitting unplugged on a porch for a couple of years. I threw away a few bottles of beer, old ketchup and mustard, and a few packs of Kraft Philadelphia Cream Cheese. I opened one of the latter out of curiosity - it was intact, like new, not a speck of mold.
It gave me the creeps. I’d recommend getting Organic Valley or anything but Kraft.
Slim Jims! Have you lost your mind! Those things are nasty!
caress tubs and tubs of Triple Ginger Gingersnap cookies whenever they wanted
At Tj’s so often am now getting hugs from the staff!
“Although maybe those 2,000 applicants simply wanted to be able to walk up and caress tubs and tubs of Triple Ginger Gingersnap cookies…”
Those things are the BEST! Hm, might be time to do a TJ’s run today…
“simply wanted to be able to walk up and caress tubs and tubs of Triple Ginger Gingersnap cookies whenever they wanted to”
You kidding? The TJ’s down the street from me runs out of ginger snaps by about 4:00 PM. They always run out.
“Let them eat cake.”
Formerly $19/hr, now $13.50/hr. Yep, another sign of rampant inflation just around the corner.
I understand what you mean, but J6P’s wages have been proven to have nothing to do with price inflation.
Good morning everybody. We are thinking about putting in an offer on a foreclosed house. The listing agent informed us over the phone that the bank wants to deal with cash only buyers. This house was foreclosed by the bank for 400K about 6 months ago. The asking price is in the 599K and similar houses have been selling in the 420K to 475K. The houses that had been selling have a swimming pool and a tennis court. This property lacks a tennis court.
Does anybody have any advice on how to establish a cash price for properties being sold by the banks these days? Do you have any advice on this type of transaction as to what to watch out?
Thank you in advance.
Step 1: Figure out what you are willing and able to afford.
Step 2: Figure out what other similar homes have sold for recently.
Step 3: Figure out whether the first-time buyer credit plus all the other extraordinary measures to prop up the housing market are temporary or permanent, and plan accordingly…
Good luck! The uncertainty about how long it will take the bubble to bottom out (and I am talking years, not months here) is keeping us on the sidelines for another year (i.e., we are going to renew our lease this December).
I think you should get a 20% discount for cash after you have determined what the house should go for verses the list price . My question would also be why do they want cash ? Sometimes banks only want cash on damaged property .
But ,in the final analysis it whatever good deal you can get depending on how hard-up the seller is to unload it .
My suggestion: Ignore the list price and focus on the comps. Many sellers have their heads up their @sses, keeping their homes listed indefinitely at prices where they will never find a buyer.
The uncertainty about how long ??
There are a lot of cheerleaders on the tube ( Larry Dudlow) but there are some that make me sit up and listen…One is Wayne Rogers…His opinions over the last number of years IMO, have been spot on…He is a market investor and a real estate developer…He said this morning that apartments rents are falling and under tremendous pressure due to the economy and jib losses…He believed that rent prices will continue to fall and that will put more pressure on housing values and predicted that they will continue to fall…
keeping us on the sidelines for another year (i.e., we are going to renew our lease this December).
Guys thanks for your input. Is there a time limit we should put on the purchase contract to make the bank move faster towards a decision for acceptance or rejection and what time frame is reasonable?
My comment on fundamental flaws forcing banks into a “cash only” proffer has not yet posted. Please read it before making an offer.
Well tell them your lease is up in December/January and you want to know if we should renew it.
That should hopefully get the wheels turning
Is there a time limit we should put on the purchase contract to make the bank move faster towards a decision for acceptance or rejection and what time frame is reasonable?
Generally houses that are sold on a “cash only” basis have a fundamental flaw that can’t be papered over. On properties like this, Fannie Mae won’t lend - and those guidelines propagate through the entire banking system outside of hard money loand. Examples would include: no septic system, functional obsolescence in electrical systems, structural flaw (foundation cracking), contamination (lead, meth lab).
Be very wary. Banks make lots of money on lending and servicing. If the house is being sold on a cash basis, it means the loan can’t be treated as a hot potato and the current holder does not want to touch the liability with a ten foot pole.
Get a good, rigorous inspector to root out the hidden flaw. There is a hidden flaw. Figure out what it would cost to fix it, if it is fixable and if you want the headache. Then cut the asking price by half with your written justification, assuming that half will cover your costs plus your interim liability. Remember - if you are sued, it will not be a matter of a couple of hundred thousand dollars.
I think you need to determine the cost by using a $/sqft metric. Forget the fantasy $100/sqft of 2003-2005. These shacks can be built for $50/sq foot and MAKE MONEY DOING IT.
Are you prepared to own this thing for the rest of your life, or walk away when you have to move?
Your house hunting goal should be to find the minimum house you can live comfortably in, in a community that meets your requirements (e.g., short commute, good schools, quiescent HOA, whatever) and that you feel has the greatest chance of remaining stable (low turnover, few if any rentals).
Bling is dead.
The renewal of the first-time home buyer credit seems as certain as passage of TARP seemed last fall. This housing market cannot stand on its own two feet — the REIC must receive its subsidies!
* The Wall Street Journal
* OCTOBER 8, 2009, 2:02 P.M. ET
Home Builders Climb On Hopes For Buyer Tax-Credit Extension
By Shara Tibken
NEW YORK (Dow Jones)–Home builder shares jumped Thursday as government officials continued talks about extending the first-time home buyer’s tax credit and as mortgage rates fell further this week.
Builder stocks have been volatile as investors try to determine whether the tax credit, offering as much as $8,000, will be extended beyond Nov. 30. The credit lured buyers off the sidelines, and developers have reported increased traffic and deals as first-time buyers ink contracts. There has been great concern that the market will soften, with the weakness lasting into next year, should this credit end.
Wall Street Strategies analyst David Urani said the market recently has received conflicting information about the possible extension.
“It’s really what’s going to drive home builders until it gets sorted out,” Urani said.
He added that media reports have signaled House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., will consider extending - and possibly expanding - the tax credit to include more potential home buyers. Currently, only first-time buyers qualify.
In recent trading, the Dow Jones U.S. Home Construction Index jumped 6.9%. Lennar Corp. (LEN) climbed 8.7% to $14.33, while Ryland Group Inc. (RYL) rose 7.6% to $21.04. KB Home (KBH) increased 6.7% to $16.21, and Meritage Homes Corp. (MTH) rose 6.4% to $19.92.
Standard Pacific Corp. (SPF) climbed 11% to $3.51 as it announced the results from its debt-securities tender offer. More than $250 million in 2010, 2011 and 2013 notes were validly tendered.
Meanwhile, Freddie Mac (FRE) said Thursday that the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage average declined further to 4.87% for the week ending Oct. 8 from 4.94% last week and 5.94% a year ago. While rates remain low, an increase would make homes less affordable for some potential buyers.
With the tax-credit expiration looming, home builders and real-estate agents have mounted a lobbying campaign in Washington to push Congress to extend and expand the tax credit.
I can wish like hell for this stupid credit to go away, but it won’t. They can posture all they want, this credit is getting last minute extension and everyone with a brain knows it.
besides, its not like -we’re- aying to help fha meet its goal of making housing unaffordable right? Charge it!
Had an argument about the 8k credit with a coworker yesterday. He argued that we need the credit and any help we can get to revive the economy here (phoenix relies on housing, it greases all the economic wheels here). I argued that housing being allowed to bottom out would create new demand at pricing that would allow an average joe to consume more stuff, end result being economic recovery. Our town did well on cheap living and cheap homes, take that away and what do you have left here in phoenix? The weather? The scenery? The valley fever lung fungus 1/3rd of us will get living here long term?
Obviously the path to recovery would involve letting home prices reach a level where young families could afford to purchase them, lay down roots in Southwestern US cities and have some money left over to spend on other things besides high interest payments to Wall Street banks, but the East Coast establishment PTB are standing in the way of this to keep tribute flowing towards the Wall Street-Washington REIC establishment.
How dare you suggest that NYC economics is somehow flawed!
You got some nerve, ya mook!
I have no objection to economics. Institutionalized theft is another matter entirely.
Agreed. But that IS NYC economics.
If the stupid tax credit went away, house prices would drop $8K overnight, without help. That’s an even better deal, since you’re not paying interest on $8K, and the Re-al-TOR isn’t making 6% on that $8K.
I wonder why the Fed doesn’t allow another bank to fail. Some medium-size one. Just enough to scare the big boyz away from their rampant shenanigans for a while. I.E., dump some shadow inventory in a panic.
I live right across the 10 in Ahwatukee and could not agree more. Low cost of housing is one of the main reasons I came here from California 17 years ago. Sad to see what the bubble has done to this area. It is still nice, but not the same.
My county does foreclosure auctions online. Has anyone seen or tried this approach?
Rocket-docket Lee county is going to adopt online foreclosure auctions and it is hoping to attract world-wide bidders.
“Developer Michael Mastro misled investors, state says”
Over the years, Mastro raised more than $100 million from more than 175 investors he referred to as Friends & Family, using the money to buy and develop property and make loans to other developers.
The charging papers say he provided the investors with little information when they loaned him money, failed to adequately disclose risk, and kept them in the dark when his empire began to crumble last year.
Mastro’s 40-year real-estate career came to a halt this summer when three banks forced him into bankruptcy involuntarily, charging he was not paying his debts. After initially resisting, Mastro, 84, agreed to enter bankruptcy.
In documents filed with U.S. Bankruptcy Court last month, he reported $249 million in assets against nearly $587 million in liabilities, most of that owed to banks whose debt is secured by the properties that Mastro bought or developed with their money.
The PNW’s piker version of Bernie Madoff.
…I’m eagerly waiting for the day when whenever anyone admits: ‘I’m a developer’, that whoever is standing near them simply back-hands ‘em briskly across the face as a matter of course.
My J-school professors used to hammer it into us that “lent” money was proper and “loaned” money was an abomination.
But I guess that horse has left the barn.
Let me get this right. The investors gave him money BEFORE they had the information they needed/wanted?
Hey, this is the PNW, man! Didn’t you get the memo?
It’s ‘different’ here….
Hey, this is the PNW, man! Didn’t you get the memo?
And speaking of, I been grumbling sotto voce alllll this whole long afternoon about this very same subject, as I stacked firewood and covered it with a tarp and then hauled in and covered up my picnic benches and little tables and suchlike and then dabbed on a few last touches of paint.
Are we, or are we fo0kin’ not, the PNW? So where’s the fo0kin’ rain?! I’m tired of all this sun! My eyeballs is getting dried out! I have to squint sometimes even! I hate squinting!
Is this off-topic? I don’t care. Everyone else natters on about napkins and crumpets and crap, so I can demand rain if I want.
We need to get together and do a rain dance.
I’d PAY to see that! (will beer do?)
We need to get together and do a rain dance.
*fearsome scowl *
Oly. You might have to buy eyedrops. Do the raindance with Wolf and more eyedrops. Sunglasses too. Till the rains…
Ben, do you remember Leslie? The transvestite who hangs out scantily-clad downtown and at events? Seems like he had a stroke and is in serious condition.
after the slashes:
Also, Rusty Weir died yesterday.
Not a big fan, but I know who he is.
In Texas music, I lean more toward blues than outlaw cowboy, but ended up seeing Rusty Weir now and then over the years.
He had a weekly gig at the Saxon Pub on South Lamar near my house for years. And he played regularly at some outdoor dance floor places on Lake Travis that are fun in summer.
after the w-s
should be Wier
This one?
From the OC Register:
Leslie Appleton-Young, the chief economist for the California Association of Realtors, has forecast that California home prices will rise for the first time in three years in 2010, but that home sales will decrease slightly. The annual CAR forecast projects that the median house price will increase 3.3% to an annual average of $280,000. But CAR projects that sales will decline 2.3% next year.
We spoke with her recently about what she sees for the housing market in the year ahead.
Us: This is the first time in three years that you project a price increase. Is that significant?
Leslie: Yes, but we’ve already seen prices rising. Starting in March of this year the median (home price) has gone up or been flat every month. Obviously there’s some seasonality in pricing. But February, the median was $245,000, and our latest August number was $292,960.
In 2009, it was down significantly. In 2010 it will be up slightly. Essentially you have prices rising since the spring.
Did LAY just pull her forecast out of thin air? I guess I shouldn’t question it — she did nail the biggest California real estate housing price crash in history, didn’t she?
She had to. Price going up but sales going down? Uh…. what?
9%+ unemployment. Government is broke. Imports way down. Emigration up. Wages stagnate at best. Drought.
Remind me… who is going to buy these houses?
“Price going up but sales going down? Uh…. what?”
Last time that happened, there was subsequently a historically unprecedented crash in home prices. Maybe LAY thinks it is different this time?
“9%+ unemployment.”
For the record, your figure is way too low…
California Joblessness Reaches 70-Year High
Published: September 18, 2009
LOS ANGELES — California’s unemployment rate in August hit its highest point in nearly 70 years, starkly underscoring how the nation’s incipient economic recovery continues to elude millions of Americans looking for work.
While job losses continue to fall, the state’s new unemployment rate — 12.2 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics — is far above the national average of 9.7 percent and places California, the nation’s most-populous state, fourth behind Michigan, Nevada and Rhode Island. Statistics kept by the state show California’s unemployment rate was 14.7 percent in 1940, said Kevin Callori, a spokesman for the California Employment Development Department.While California has convulsed under the same blows as the rest of the country over the last two years, its exposure to both the foreclosure crisis and the slowdown in construction — an industry that has fueled growth in much of the state over the last decade — has been outsized.
Total building levels in California have fallen to $23 billion this year from $63 billion in 2005; home building this year is less than a quarter of what it was in 2005, according to the Center for Continuing Study of the California Economy. Roughly 500,000 of the state’s job losses have been in construction, finance, real estate and industries related to construction.
“We were at the epicenter of the housing bubble, and we are at the epicenter of the fallout,” said Stephen Levy, senior economist and director of the center. “The reason we are doing worse in California than other states is construction.”
“Price going up but sales going down? Uh…. what?”
Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t that precisely how markets work? Prices goes up, demand drops. Prices fall, demand increases.
I was awake at 3 am this morning kicking myself (figuratively) for missing the rally this year. I had the right idea and got in equity funds for awhile but bailed too soon. Seems like I’m always better off if I just don’t look at what’s happening and stick to DCA.
I wonder if the great inflation is starting already with Wall St & should I get back in, or are we in for another leg down.
Why do you think we are headed towards either a great inflation or crash? Don’t you think the Fed would rather engineer a gradual write down of the US currency relative to stocks and gold prices, than have a sudden disorderly devaluation? So far, this is what I see happening (except for that little glitch over the past 1 1/2 years or so in housing and stock prices).
I agree, PB—extend and pretend is the Fed’s game-plan.
The longer and slower the adjustment, the less adverse side-effects there will be, at least in their view. A sudden, discontinuous adjustment is like an earthquake; they prefer a slow-motion mud-slide.
Surprise, surprise, surprise: Uncle Sam is Megabank, Inc’s b!tch.
How can America throw off the banking industry parasites and get our country back?
Saturday Oct. 10, 2009 07:11 EDT
On the government’s owners
The most revealing political quote of the last year came, in my view, from the second-highest ranking Democratic Senator, Dick Durbin, who told a local radio station in April: “And the banks — hard to believe in a time when we’re facing a banking crisis that many of the banks created — are still the most powerful lobby on Capitol Hill. And they frankly own the place.” The best Congressional floor speech of the last year on the financial crisis was this extraordinarily piercing five-minute revelation from Rep. Marcy Kaptur of Ohio on the Wall Street bailout and how the Congress is subservient to their dictates. And the single most insightful article on the financial crisis was written by former IMF Chief Economist and current MIT Professor Simon Johnson in the May, 2009 issue of The Atlantic, when he argued that “the finance industry has effectively captured our government” and detailed how the U.S. has become very similar to failed emerging-market nations in both its political and economic culture.
All of that came together last night on Bill Moyers’ Journal program, as Johnson and Kaptur together discussed the stranglehold which the financial industry exerts over the federal government and how that has produced a jobless recovery in which the only apparent beneficiaries are the bankers and other financial elites who caused the financial crisis in the first place. The discussion began with reference to this Associated Press article from last week, which examined Timothy Geithner’s calenders, obtained through a FOIA request. Those documents show that Geithner spends an amazing amount of time on the telephone with the CEOs of Goldman Sachs, Citibank and JP Morgan: “Goldman, Citi and JPMorgan can get Geithner on the phone several times a day if necessary, giving them an unmatched opportunity to influence policy.” Other than the President, virtually everyone else — including leading members of Congress — are forced to leave messages. Kaptur and Johnson begin by discussing what that signifies in terms of the ongoing financial crisis and how government works.
Nice post….Thanks again Pbear…
I’m going to watch that last night’s Bill Moyers later today. Sounds good.
BIll Moyers was spot on, again.
“How can America throw off the banking industry parasites and get our country back?”
As I’ve said before, history shows that the usual, time tested, peasant approved way is usually a brutal depression and or a major war.
And by history I mean centuries.
I don’t want violence, revolution or major wars. All I want is a well-functioning financial sector subject to a rule of law. If this requires rooting out corruption and fraud at the highest levels of government and industry, then so be it.
As I’ve said before, history shows that the usual, time tested, peasant approved way is usually a brutal depression and or a major war. And by history I mean centuries.
Well, I’m of the cable-teevee generation, so I don’t have that sort of attention span.
So I say we grab the pitchforks and the flamethrowers and any handy ordnance right this very minute and get to work.
Maybe that GPS imaging and twitter might have a good use, after all?
I’m not fond of my conclusions either. Historically, the best that was ever done to reign in fraud and self destructive capitalism was FDR’s admin, and even he was damn near ousted by coup de tat and labor unrest!
(Hwy sends helium balloon aloft with Mr. Bear’s question attached)
Attention: “If you find this balloon and your name is aladinsane or Jas Jain ….your reply is most urgently needed…”
I’m thinking it might be time to put a note posing my question into a bottle and cast it into the ocean?
Still hoping for change?
Wall Street: + trillions
Main Street: - trillions
Grab the bull by the horns — Trade.
Hey Combo, good to see you posting again.
Nana arrived yesterday to help out with the fam. I’m doing much better but the littleman is still ill. We’re waiting on the doc’s answering service to see if we need to go the hospital.
I’m fortunate that Tampa has one daily direct flight from Rochester. This is the kind of scenario that keeps Kunstler, and occasionally me, awake at night. How do you slowly unwind a culture where a guy calls in his mom to backstop his sick family 1,400 miles away? I called at 9pm and she was here by lunch the next day. My wife has family here but none of them could afford a sick day.
I see the bubble being related to our mobile culture somehow, I just can’t articulate it.
I hope littleman gets to feeling better and the rest of your family too. Sounds like your Mom is a “Mom” for sure. I sure miss mine right now.
Loosely, the mobility means we can NOT come together as a community because we HAVE to go where the jobs are, therefore making us constant strangers. This means we cannot form effective support groups and push back against greater powers such as marketing (propaganda) and devastating economics shifts (ex. regional jog losses) as well as bad political policy (ex. huge tax breaks and regulatory waivers to big business).
In other words, our freedom of mobility has been used against us.
United we stand…
I get what you’re saying, but this gave me another thought. In the past, when you had to move for jobs due to depression/whatever, you put down new roots, got to know the new neighbors, and only saw the old family and friends once or twice more in your whole life.
Now our whole culture is like college freshmen who know they’ll be back home at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Still tied to the significant other and family back home, spending all their time on the phone instead of going out with the people they’re with. We’ve moved to where the jobs are, but we haven’t really assimilated to the new reality.
Or maybe it’s just me.
It’s not just you, and I still relatively young. I want to add that: in the past, if you had to move for a job, that job you moved for lasted upwards of 10 years. So you felt comfortable putting down roots with the new people.
Nowadays, not only are we moving from the fam, but the fam is also moving. My grandparents on one side lived in the same house for 40 years, and on the other side for 60 years. But even in two generations, we’ve all split up.
I should also add that the stability of staying in one place also leads to much more stable finances.
“Now our whole culture is like college freshmen who know they’ll be back home at Thanksgiving and Christmas.”
Thank you — that is exactly how I feel and what I was trying to say.
You should see small upstate NY towns over the Holidays. Little restaurants like Bluewater in Skaneateles are packed to the gills with 20-30-40 somethings saying, “If I could move back… but the job…”
Invariably absurd house prices are mentioned, too.
If I could move back… but the job…
Yup, that’s what I say every year when I’m back in Wyoming…in a packed restaurant full of my peers from all over the US.
“Yup, that’s what I say every year when I’m back in Wyoming…in a packed restaurant full of my peers from all over the US.”
That makes me sad.
Does anyone want to take a guess as to why this is? Is this more generational fallout? X’ers scrambling for Boomer crumbs?
I don’t know exactly. What I do know is that the “good jobs” that used to be there were related to small oil companies that no longer exist or were bought out and all the jobs went elsewhere/away. Small time farming and ranching for a living has become nearly impossible even if you inherit the land. Teachers and nurses are the cultural elite there (and their pay comes from the outside world). If you want something other than that, you gotta go somewhere else, even if you’d prefer to live there. However, when I can no longer work as a professional because the last job was shipped to China, that’s where my food and ammo is, and we’ll see what happens from there. At least I can still grow food there, even with the old dry climate, if I can just keep them from taking the land away for being unable to pay cash for the taxes. I figure something will give before that happens en masse.
To add to what Ecofeco said above .. not only has our mobility been used against us, but the tendency from large extended multi-generational households to smaller nuclear families (or just singles, like me) has been a part of it. My nearest family is many miles west of Boston (Schenectady) and I’ve been living here for 20-something years. If anything happens, I am so screwed
I actually liked that part of upstate NY too, but unfortunately (wait for it) there are no jobs there.
“Hey Combo, good to see you posting again.”
Thanks. I’ve been keeping busy (gasp) trading stocks. No kidding. I dusted off my Livermore and Nicholas Darvas books and dabbled into buying stocks that make new highs.
I’m still a fundamentalist at heart but - hey- go with the flow.
Cash still rules as king, however.
“Cash still rules as king, however.”
You don’t say!
Wall Street cadre has Geithner on speed dial:
When these men call, Treasury boss answers
* By Matt Apuzzo and Daniel Wagner, Associated Press Writers
* On 4:26 pm EDT, Thursday October 8, 2009
WASHINGTON (AP) — As the federal government propped up the housing market and braced for the collapse of General Motors this spring, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner capped a busy week with phone conversations with three men.
The first was Lloyd Blankfein, the CEO at Goldman Sachs Group Inc.
The second was Jamie Dimon, the CEO at JPMorgan Chase & Co.
The third was President Barack Obama.
Hanky Panky Paulson had Nancy Ray-gun’s astrologist on #1…at least that’s the rumor.
Washington Wire
Political Insight and Analysis From The Wall Street Journal’s Capital Bureau
* The Wall Street Journal
* October 9, 2009, 7:30 AM ET
Tim Geithner and Rahm Emanuel: Constant Companions
Susan Davis reports on the White House.
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel are never far from each other’s side, according to detailed daily schedules obtained by The Wall Street Journal Thursday through a Freedom of Information Act request.
From January to July, Geithner and Emanuel met in person, spoke on the phone, or left messages for each other at least 108 times—interactions that don’t include broader meetings with White House officials or informal contacts such as hallway chats.
Contact between the two senior administration officials picked up after Feb. 10, the day Geithner delivered a widely panned speech outlining his bank rescue plan that prompted an immediate drop in bank stocks.
After that, as The Wall Street Journal reported at the time, President Barack Obama asked his chief of staff to take a more active role in overseeing plans to stabilize the financial sector—prompting more interactions between the two men. Within Treasury, the mantra became: “Rahm wants it.”
How do you through off the shackles of Megabank, Inc when they have the top economic leadership in the US under their financial and political control?
May 2009 Atlantic
The Quiet Coup
by Simon Johnson
The crash has laid bare many unpleasant truths about the United States. One of the most alarming, says a former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund, is that the finance industry has effectively captured our government—a state of affairs that more typically describes emerging markets, and is at the center of many emerging-market crises. If the IMF’s staff could speak freely about the U.S., it would tell us what it tells all countries in this situation: recovery will fail unless we break the financial oligarchy that is blocking essential reform. And if we are to prevent a true depression, we’re running out of time.
I don’t know if it would do any good to start calling that financial oligarchy blocking financial reform, known as the Federal Reserve, by the more descriptive name of “Rothschild & Associates International Bank and World Government”.
Does it really help one appreciate the puppet show to understand that the puppeteers also have blood on their hands?
Probably not. After all, American Idol, NFL football, and SpongeBob are on the tube so why be distracted?
I love SpongeBob. Are you criticizing SpongeBob? How could you?
I’ll fight you right now, you commie!
…but wait! SpongeBob is not a Jew, right?
He’s too yellow and probably not kosher, either…
Like many home debtors, SpongeBob is permanently underwater.
Pineapples only go up.
It’s already too late to prevent a depression.
Real Time Economics
Economic insight and analysis from The Wall Street Journal.
* October 7, 2009, 3:37 PM ET
Paul Krugman: In Trade, ‘It’s Not the Great Depression — It’s Worse’
By Kelly Evans
Princeton University economist, author and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman won the Nobel Prize in economics last year for his work on international trade — so the guy knows what he’s talking about when it comes to this subject. And he’s worried.
“When it comes to international trade, actually it’s not the Great Depression, it’s worse,” he said, presenting charts showing the decline in global trade activity falling much more steeply in the current downturn than during the Depression.
“The scale of the collapse of world trade has been so large that it has produced a degree of international linkage that surpasses what even the pessimists imagined,” he said. “World trade acted as a transmission mechanism,” spreading economic distress “even to those countries that had relatively healthy financial systems,” such as Germany.
“We really are one world economy in a way that has never been true before,” he said.
A billion here, a billion there, and soon you are talking about real money!
State’s revenue falls $1.1 billion short
Wyatt Buchanan, SF Chronicle Staff Writer
Saturday, October 10, 2009
(10-10) 04:00 PDT Sacramento - –
California appears headed for another ugly budget deficit as revenue coming into the state coffers was $1.1 billion short for the first three months of the new fiscal year, state Controller John Chiang said Friday.
That announcement came as lawmakers continued intense negotiations over a plan to overhaul the state’s water system, which would come at a multibillion-dollar cost, and as Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger came closer to acting on more than 700 bills on his desk.
Lawmakers and the governor ended face-to-face talks early in the evening, even though Schwarzenegger had declared, “Today is the day to get this done once and for all,” at a statehouse rally earlier Friday. But later in the evening the governor backed down slightly from that ultimatum, and a spokesman said Schwarzenegger would wait until meetings conclude today to decide if he would follow through on his threat of a mass veto.
The budget gap has grown since July, when lawmakers finished work on the year’s spending plan, and appears to be expanding at a quickening pace. A month ago, total general fund revenue was down by $237 million. That grew by $863 million over the past 30 days, according to the controller.
“I urge lawmakers and the governor to prepare for more difficult decisions ahead,” Chiang said in a statement.
W’oh Woh!
Thinking the worst is behind the industry, investors began looking to 2010 and 2011 when banks should be a lot healthier, according to Richard Bove, an analyst at Rochdale Securities. Third-quarter results will make that leap of faith harder to maintain, he said.
“Third-quarter earnings for most banks, particularly the regional lenders, will be extraordinarily negative,” Bove said.
He estimates that about 60% of banks will report losses in the period as nonperforming assets continue to grow and charge-offs remain very high. Lenders will also have to increase reserves because they didn’t bolster them enough during the second quarter, Bove added.
Loan growth will likely remain sluggish and net interest margins won’t increase much, partly because funding costs have already dropped so much that they can’t fall much further, the analyst explained.
“None of this bodes well for the third quarter,” Bove said. “Once the market is faced with the reality of how bad the earnings are, it will be interesting to see whether investors will be able to hold on to these stocks at these price levels.”
What’s another $1 bn a month in bailouts so long as it appeases the REIC lobbyists who direct funding to Congressional campaigns?
* The Wall Street Journal
* OCTOBER 7, 2009, 2:31 P.M. ET
UPDATE: Industry Makes Case For Home Buyer Tax-Credit Extension
By Jessica Holzer
WASHINGTON (Dow Jones)–A slate of representatives from sectors that thrive on the construction, sale and upkeep of homes made a strong pitch for extending the $8,000 first-time home buyer tax credit in a U.S. House hearing Wednesday.
The home builder, realtor, construction, title insurance and architecture industries argued that the credit has helped to stabilize the housing market and also boost the broader economy. Some of the groups are pushing to increase the size of the credit and expand it beyond first-timers.
Extending the credit enjoys scattered support from members of both parties in Congress. However, it could meet resistance from lawmakers looking to repair their fiscal bona fides after the costly bailouts of the financial and automobile sectors and legislation to prop up the economy.
The price tag for merely extending the credit will be high: It will cost nearly $1 billion per month, according to an estimate from Congress’ Joint Tax Committee. A Senate proposal to boost its size to $15,000 would cost much more.
House Democrats are also likely to demand measures to offset the cost of any extension, forcing proponents to compete for the limited “pay-fors” available to cover the cost of spending measures.
Industry groups contend that not extending the tax credit could jeopardize the fragile housing recovery, creating more costs for the government down the road. They point to an oversupply of homes on the market and the threat of another wave of foreclosures to argue that the credit is still needed to prop up demand.
“The threats of more foreclosed property coming to the market, combined with the mortgage rate resets and growing unemployment are simply too great to take a wait and see approach,” Joseph Canfora, a real-estate broker from East Islip, N.Y., said in prepared remarks on behalf of the National Association of Realtors.
* The Wall Street Journal
* OCTOBER 6, 2009, 11:04 P.M. ET
Fed’s Hoenig: Monetary Policy Still Stimulative At Higher Rates
By Michael S. Derby
NEW YORK (Dow Jones)–The Federal Reserve could start raising interest rates and still remain supportive of economic growth, even if the output gains were modest, a veteran central banker said Tuesday.
“I would not support a tight monetary policy in the current environment, but my experience tells me that we will need to remove our very accommodative policy sooner rather than later,” Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City President Thomas Hoenig said.
“Even if we were to start immediately, much time would pass before incremental increases could be considered tight or even neutral policy,” he said.
Hoenig noted that at its current level of effectively zero percent, monetary policy is rather stimulative of growth. He explained a “neutral” rate for the economy is not zero, and “equally obvious to me is that a rate of 1 or 2 percent is not tight monetary policy - it is still very accommodative.”
Are the California Used Home Sellers expecting a jobs recovery next year? If not, where do they believe the demand will come from to fuel a home price increase?
I suppose if, in retrospect, the recent price increases prove to be a dead cat bounce (as I expect), the REIC experts can always resort to saying, “Nobody could have seen it coming” when prices resume their stomach-churning drop towards the ground.
Lansner on Real Estate
OC Register
Calif. home prices forecast to rise 3.3%
October 7th, 2009, 11:00 am
posted by Jeff Collins
California home prices hit bottom early in 2009, and now are projected to continue rising right through 2010, the chief economist for the California Association of Realtors said.
Leslie Appleton-Young issued her annual forecast today, projecting that the median California house price will rise 3.3% next year driven by sales of distressed homes – foreclosures and homes selling for less than their home-loan debt.
Sales will decline by about 2.3% next year, however, as joblessness and the slump continue to be a drag on the economy.
In a sense, the housing market outlook for 2010 is more of the same from 2009, the forecast says. The tale of two markets that emerged this year will continue to unfold in the next.
Affordable prices and available credit from federally backed sources are driving sales at the low end. At the high end, however, financing with “jumbo” loans is considerably scarcer.
“The distressed markets are booming. Demand exceeds supply,” Appleton-Young said. “The statewide median has been going up since April.”
But, she added, “At the high-end of the market, you have not seen much price-softening. A little bit, but nothing like you’ve seen at the low end of the market. You have a lot of sellers who are keeping their homes off the market because they don’t have to sell right now.”
Is it time to add the Wall Street bear to the endangered species list?
* The Wall Street Journal
* OCTOBER 10, 2009
Bears Retreat on Big Board, Nasdaq
Short-selling fell at the New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq Stock Market in the second half of September.
In the exchanges’ latest twice-a-month statistics, this time for the period ended Sept. 30, the number of short-selling positions at the NYSE not yet closed out, known as short interest, fell 3.4%. The positions stood at 13,061,828,730 shares from a revised 13,515,436,991 shares in the period ended Sept. 15.
On Nasdaq, short interest fell 1.4% to 6,337,597,288 shares from 6,426,391,344 shares, in the same period.
“Although the most recent decline was modest, the longer-term trend has been down,” said Eric Newman, portfolio manager at TFS Capital in West Chester, Pa. This is the fewest number of shorted shares since the end of 2007, he noted, suggesting an unwillingness to take bets against what has been a generally rising market.
So they think the market is continuing its upward,mostly, trajectory?
So long as you don’t convert the price into the terms of some relatively strong non-dollar currency (e.g., gold dust), I suppose.
Just in case anyone is interested, here is a speech on bubbles which BB gave before he took over as Fed Chair.
Can anyone who understands the nuances of English better than I do plesase explain why “Bubbles” needed the double quotes?
Remarks by Governor Ben S. Bernanke
Before the New York Chapter of the National Association for Business Economics, New York, New York
October 15, 2002
Asset-Price “Bubbles” and Monetary Policy
I am very pleased to have this opportunity to address the National Association for Business Economics. Thank you for inviting me.
My talk today will address a contentious issue, summarized by the following pair of questions: Can the Federal Reserve (or any central bank) reliably identify “bubbles” in the prices of some classes of assets, such as equities and real estate? And, if it can, what if anything should it do about them?
Is it really that the Fed fails to understand asset price bubbles, or more that an admission of understanding would be tantamount to an acknowledgment of culpability?
I personally find it quite hard to conceive how so many posters here, many apparently without advanced training in economics or finance, could see the bubble which somehow seems to still remain hidden from view of the Fed.
The New York Times
Explaining the Science of Everyday Life
October 9, 2009, 5:09 pm
The Fed Doesn’t Really Understand Asset Bubbles
By Catherine Rampell
The Federal Reserve doesn’t really understand asset bubbles.
Unfortunately, neither does anyone else.
Donald L. Kohn, the vice chairman of the Fed, said in a speech today:
‘A better understanding of asset prices, the credit channel, and their interaction also would seem to be critical for successfully carrying out some of the tasks central banks and other authorities are being urged to take on in the future. Discussions of macroprudential regulation of financial institutions have noted the tendency for financial crises to be preceded by bubbles spurred by financial liberalization or innovations, and how the most pernicious crises have been associated with disruptions to credit provision that resulted from excessive leverage. And increasingly, central banks are being encouraged to “lean against the wind” in the face of asset price bubbles. As researchers, we need to be honest about our very limited ability to assess the “fundamental value” of an asset or to predict its price. But the housing and credit bubbles have had a substantial cost — and the final bill is not yet in. Research on asset prices, credit and intermediation should help to identify risks and inform decisions about the costs and benefits from a possible regulatory or monetary policy decision attempting to deal with a potential asset price bubble.’
A colleague points out that this may be an early hint of the Fed’s broader rethinking of the Bernanke/Greenspan philosophical view that you do not try to pop bubbles ahead of time, at least not through monetary policy.
“…Discussions of macroprudential regulation of financial institutions…”
Hey let’s have Daffy Duck translate for us financial bird-brains:
“Consequences, Schmonsequences, as long as I’m rich.” Daffy Duck
Ain’t dat de troof!
The fed loves bubbles. Why else would it engineer so many of them? Smart bankers make a lot of money fleecing the sheeple while bubbles expand and after they pop.
To be honest, I’m starting to like bubbles too. A nearby 2 bedroom condo sold for 25K at auction. Owners equivalent rent is around $1100 a month. That’s affordable housing, baby.
I guess we will all eventually owe the Fed a debt of gratitude for their (ultimately) successful efforts to create affordable housing. But artificially propping up prices for the short run seems like a rather disingenuous and inefficient approach. Why not just let market forces do the job, instead of executing a futile effort to prop up prices, eventually leading to an overwhelming tsunami of market forces instead of manageable ones?
Real Time Economics
Economic insight and analysis from The Wall Street Journal.
* October 7, 2009, 4:49 PM ET
Ron Paul Calls for Delay in Bernanke Confirmation
By Jon Hilsenrath
In a letter they will send to Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd this afternoon, Reps. Ron Paul (R., Tex.) and Alan Grayson (D., Fla.) will ask that the Senate hold off on Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke’s confirmation hearing until the central bank releases more information about its rescues. ( Read the full letter.)
It is up to the Senate and not the House to confirm the Fed chairman, and the congressmen’s letter might not carry much weight in the neighboring chamber. Still, it is a sign of the potentially hostile environment Mr. Bernanke could face when he returns to Congress in the weeks ahead to defend his policies in confirmation hearings. Mr. Paul has won broad support in the House for a bill that would subject the Fed to audits by Congress’s Government Accountability Office.
The lawmakers offer a long list of disclosure demands, including a call for more information on which financial firms have received emergency Fed loans in the past year and transcripts of Federal Open Market Committee meetings up to June 2009. Transcripts are released with a five year league. The Fed has resisted calls for information about firms receiving its loans for fear it will stigmatize them in markets and make them and others reluctant to turn to the central bank in a time of crisis.
Both congressmen have been sharp critics of the Fed.
“We are writing to ask you postpone the confirmation of Ben Bernanke until the Federal Reserve releases documentation that will allow the public and the Senate to have a full understanding of the commitments that the Federal Reserve has made on our behalf,” the letter says. Senate confirmation hearings haven’t been scheduled yet.
The Fed declined to comment.
A strong US needs a weakened dollar
Published: October 9 2009 22:23 | Last updated: October 9 2009 22:23
Lawrence Summers, the director of President Barack Obama’s National Economic Council, has voiced his support this week for “a strong dollar based on strong fundamentals”. He was responding to the greenback’s recent feebleness: the US currency has depreciated by 13.3 per cent on a trade-weighted basis since its peak in March of this year. But this fall in value, while large, should neither be feared nor obstructed.
The immediate cause of this slide is not growing fear of inflation: market expectations for future inflation rates have been stable and low. Rather the decline in the dollar has been caused by the recent recovery in world economic confidence.
The weakening is part of the unwinding of the stampede to safety that, between August 2007 and the spring of this year, drove the value of the dollar up by 12.6 per cent as investors rushed to hold safe assets. The US currency is now roughly where it was as the crisis was emerging.
It would actually be rather helpful if the dollar were to weaken further. Politicians everywhere see strong currencies as national virility symbols, but the effect of a cheaper dollar would be to help American exporters while making imports to the US dearer.
But Snow, last yr or so,kept waying a weak dollar was good.
So, what is it?
Sheesh. Don’t ya just want to smack them all?
These guys all seem to gain something by talking out of both sides of their mouths. Perhaps the point is to make people feel good by indicating that no matter what happens, it is a good thing?
Do you remember Flip That Yacht? It looks like I was right when I identified that story as a shoeshine boy moment at the time it hit the press.
Here is an update on the state of the yacht construction sector:
Debt Trips Up Hinckley, Venerable Yacht Maker
Published: October 9, 2009
SOUTHWEST HARBOR, Me. — David Rockefeller Sr. ordered a new boat last year, a $3 million 55-foot powerboat.
Mr. Rockefeller, now 94 years old, may not have needed a new boat. It was, after all, the sixth he has bought from Hinckley Yachts in Southwest Harbor. But Hinckley Yachts and its workers certainly needed the order — and providing them with work was part of Mr. Rockefeller’s motivation, his spokesman said.
Hinckley — which has been making boats since 1928 and is known for classically designed, beautifully constructed sailboats as well as sleek, easy-to-maneuver powerboats — is under financial pressure. It has significantly reduced its work force — from about 625 employees at its peak in mid-2008 to 305 at the end of August. The layoffs, in turn, have affected Southwest Harbor businesses, some locals say.
Like other yacht makers, Hinckley lost substantial business when the economy turned sour. But Hinckley’s problems can also be traced to its sale to one, and then another, private equity firm over the last dozen years. With each sale, it took on more debt, which became onerous when business slowed. And the culture also shifted from a family-owned business to one controlled by outsiders.
Beginning early this decade, near the peak of demand, private equity buyers poured money into yachting, convinced — wrongly, it turned out — that the business could weather any economic storms because its wealthy clients would continue to buy. Several other boat makers have run into problems, including Ferretti of Italy and the MasterCraft Boat Company of Vonore, Tenn.
Has anyone tallied how much wealth has been fleeced from the wealthy by private equity funds who thought trees would grow to the sky forever and were caught flat footed when the economic tsunami hit the beach?
I guess I was not just imagining that I was seeing lots of “For Lease” signs at shopping centers everywhere I go…
U.S. Retail Center Vacancies Rise to 17-Year High, Reis Says
By Daniel Taub
Oct. 8 (Bloomberg) — Vacancies at U.S. shopping centers rose in the third quarter to a 17-year high as unemployment climbed, consumers cut spending and stores closed, real estate research company Reis Inc. said.
Vacancies at neighborhood and community shopping centers increased to 10.3 percent, the highest level since 1992, from 8.4 percent a year earlier, New York-based Reis said today. Vacancies at regional and super-regional malls rose to 8.6 percent from 6.6 percent a year earlier, a high for this decade.
“Until we see stabilization and recovery take root in both consumer spending and business spending and hiring, we do not foresee a recovery in the retail sector until late 2012 at the earliest,” Victor Calanog, Reis research director, said in a statement.
Does the Fed or Treasury have some kind of a bailout for losing gamblers in commercial real estate? Commercial real estate investors sure could use a nice fat taxpayer- or Fed-funded bailout to make them whole again.
* The Wall Street Journal
* OCTOBER 8, 2009
Retail Vacancies Hit Multiyear Highs
When consumers start their holiday shopping in earnest next month, they will find fewer stores competing for their business as vacancy rates at malls and shopping centers have risen to multiyear highs.
According to Reis Inc., a New York real-estate research firm, 10.3% of the retail space at U.S. shopping centers — open-air centers typically anchored by a grocery store or big-box retailer — was vacant in the third quarter. That was up from 8.4% in the same period a year earlier and was the highest vacancy rate since 1992. At enclosed malls, the vacancy rate rose two percentage points to 8.6%, the highest rate since Reis began tracking mall data in 2000.
The hardest-hit retail properties were those completed this year. Of those, 30% opened half-empty or worse, according to Reis data, which cover the 77 largest U.S. markets.
Mall and shopping-center owners are reeling from two years of flat to declining retail sales and waves of store closures. Many are still trying to find tenants to fill hundreds of vacancies created by the closures last year and early this year of chains including Linens ‘n Things Inc., Circuit City Stores Inc. and Gottschalks Inc. Meanwhile, the closures continue to mount, with chains such as Blockbuster Inc., Hollywood Entertainment Corp.’s Game Crazy, Zale Corp. and AnnTaylor Stores Corp. cumulatively closing more than 1,000 stores.
The Federal Reserve has tallied nearly 8,300 store closings announced by retailers so far this year, including more than 1,500 large anchor stores. Last year, the International Council of Shopping Centers, an industry trade association, counted 6,900 such announced closures. The next-highest annual total recorded by the trade association was 7,000 in 2001.
As demand for retail space plummeted, average retail lease rates continued to decline in the third quarter, down 3.7% to $16.89 per square foot for shopping centers and off 3.5% to $39.18 for malls. And the outlook for a recovery in the near future appears bleak. “We don’t see rent levels in retail returning to 2008 levels until 2016,” said Victor Calanog, Reis director of research.
There has never been a better time to rent office space…
* The Wall Street Journal
* OCTOBER 8, 2009
Office Rents Dive as Vacancies Rise
Rent for office space is falling at the fastest pace in more than a decade as vacancies create a glut and landlords slash prices to attract tenants.
Nationwide, effective office rents fell 8.5% in the third quarter compared with the same period a year ago, the steepest year-over-year decline since 1995, according to Reis Inc., a New York real-estate research firm.
The decline came as companies returned a net 19.6 million square feet of space to landlords in the third quarter, slightly more than in the second quarter. For the first three quarters of this year, the net decline in occupied space totaled a record 64.2 million square feet, the highest so-called negative absorption recorded since Reis began tracking the data in 1980. (That doesn’t count space that left the market as a result of the 2001 terrorist attacks.)
The vacancy rate, meanwhile, hit 16.5%, a five-year high, according to Reis.
Declining rents and rising vacancies in the office sector signal more woes for the commercial-real-estate market, which already faces a lack of credit and plummeting property values. With landlords more likely to default, financial institutions, which hold trillions of dollars in commercial-real-estate debt also face more pain. “It means more losses for the banks, because they will have to write off more bad debt,” said Victor Calanog, director of research for Reis.
Manhattan apartment rents are becoming more affordable these days, too:
Manhattan Rental Deals Plunge 59% on Unemployment (Update1)
By Oshrat Carmiel
Oct. 8 (Bloomberg) — Manhattan apartment rentals plunged 59 percent in the third quarter from a year earlier as job losses and discounts in the sales market sapped demand during the city’s prime leasing months.
New lease signings dropped to 2,549 from 6,208, appraiser Miller Samuel Inc. and broker Prudential Douglas Elliman Real Estate said today in a report. The median rent fell 7.7 percent to $2,950, with the most expensive units — four-bedroom apartments — declining the most.
“New York City unemployment continues to rise, and the rental market correlates closely with trends in unemployment,” Jonathan Miller, president of Miller Samuel in New York, said in an interview. “The success of the sales market in the summer came at the expense of the rental market.”
Apartment rents are not just falling in Manhattan, either:
* The Wall Street Journal
* OCTOBER 6, 2009
Apartment Glut Expands
Vacancy Rate Rises to 7.8% as Unemployment Dents Demand; Monthly Rents Slip
Apartment vacancies hit their highest point since 1986, surging in cities from Raleigh, N.C., to Tacoma, Wash., as rising unemployment continued to chip away at demand during the traditionally strong summer rental months.
The U.S. vacancy rate reached 7.8%, a 23-year high, according to Reis Inc., a New York real-estate research firm that tracks vacancies and rents in the top 79 U.S. markets. The rate is expected to climb further in the fall and winter, when rental demand is weaker, pushing vacancies to the highest levels since Reis began its count in 1980.
Meanwhile, the air leaving the market is driving rents down, most sharply in markets that had been chugging along until a year ago, when unemployment accelerated, including Tacoma; San Jose, Calif.; and Orange County, Calif.
In New York, Jennifer Hyman rented a one-bedroom apartment in July at a monthly rate of $1,950 — down from $2,450 for the previous tenant — when she returned to the city after graduating from Harvard Business School. Her first month’s rent was free — and her landlord painted the apartment, scrubbed the floors and added window coverings.
“The experience was night-and-day different from before,” said Ms. Hyman, who had rented other Manhattan apartments between 2002 and 2007, each time paying a brokers’ fee and feeling pressured to sign a lease the minute she found an apartment. Now, she says, “Renters are the ones with the power.”
Driving the change is the troubled employment market, which is closely tied to rentals. With unemployment at 9.8% — a 26-year high — more would-be renters are doubling up or moving in with family and friends during periods of job loss. Landlords have been particularly battered because unemployment has been higher among workers under 35 years old, who are more likely to rent. Nationally, effective rents have fallen by 2.7% over the past year, to around $972.
“I was not just imagining that I was seeing lots of “For Lease” signs at shopping centers everywhere I go…”
Now Mr. Bear, get some sleep…there’s not even a close 2nd for this weeks “Eeyore Award”.
Rewatched “The Corporation” last night…Carlton Brown (commodities trader)…”With Devastation…there’s “opportunity”
I’m wide awake. Trying to muster the will to cook some dinner, but there is just such an amazing amount of bursting-bubble related news to take in…I thought the bubble would have deflated to the point where ennui would have set in by now, but thanks to the myriad bubble reflation efforts underway, no such luck.
Nine investment homes for $132,000? That comes out to
$132,000/9 = $14,667 per home. Is Chicago turning into Detroit?
October 9, 2009 Southwest News-Herald - City
Walking Tour Among Ruins
Highlights Foreclosure Blight That Has Hit Marquette Manor
Foreclosures in Chicago have been at an all-time high, and the Southwest Side has been no stranger to boarded-up and vacant homes.
According to a study done by National People’s Action, an organization that strives to strengthen communities based on equality in housing and lending, in the first half of 2009, there was nearly 10,000 new foreclosures filed.
Many homeowners were forced to leave all of their personal belongings after being forced out of their homes due to the economic crisis.
One Chicago neighborhood that has been among those hit the hardest is Marquette Manor.
From 61st and Fairfield to 62nd and Washtenaw, there are more than 10 homes that have sit vacant for months. Some of them have been sold to investors who have failed to keep up with maintaining the properties.
National People’s Action teamed up with Neighborhood Housing Services of Chicago, an organization that promotes community development by offering homeownership, lending and rehab services and brings the Chicago foreclosure crisis directly to the federal reserve by taking a tours of homes that have been foreclosed and unattended to.
Mike Reardon, neighborhood director for the NHS, led the Marquette Manor tour, speaking directly to federal reserve officials and giving a brief biography of each home that has been foreclosed.
The home at 6118 S. Fairfield Ave., for instance, was vacant for 16 months before being sold for only $23,000.
Home prices are at an all-time low, with banks settling with investors just to break even on a sale. One investor, who was not identified, was able to purchase nine homes from January 2008 to June 2009 for only $132,000.
Seems I am not the only one who suspects elephants remain hidden under the housing market’s living room rug. Too bad you have to look to the Great White North to get the unvarnished truth in a MSM story.
Foreclosures threaten U.S. house prices
Jobless recovery bad for banks, homebuilders
Levi Folk, Financial Post Published: Tuesday, October 06, 2009
After a three-year rout in the U.S. housing market, it is a big deal that house prices are rising for bank earnings and ultimately for consumer demand. Unfortunately, the housing market is too fragile to call a definitive bottom in the near term. Mortgage delinquencies continue to increase in the United States and foreclosures are gaining strength. Financial companies will remain hostage to the mortgage loans they made during the housing boom, as will consumer demand.
No bell rang at the peak of the housing market in November 2005 when houses were changing hands in the United States with high hopes and good intentions at a record 8.5-million annual pace.
Neither was there much fanfare at the start of the year when housing sales finally bottomed with roughly three million fewer sales on an annual basis — a contrast in numbers that sums up the complete devastation to the housing industry and to the American dream.
That tragedy is being captured by the latest creation from American toymaker Mattel. Witness “Gwen,” an American Girl doll who is both homeless and fatherless and forced to live with her mother out of the family car.
The US$95 pricetag for this cast-off from economic recession suggests that her target market is the declining number of American families with roofs over their heads and in gainful employment.
September’s rise in the U.S. unemployment rate to 9.8% means that it will be at least a year before Americans need more new homes to accommodate rising demand because there is a significant lag between the three stages of mortgage default, foreclosure, and resale.
Currently, nearly one-quarter of all subprime mortgages are delinquent so there is a significant pipeline of housing supply.
An “ever growing pent-up supply of foreclosures in-process” is the “elephant in the room” says Ivy Zelman, housing analyst at Zelman & Associates based in Cleveland. Between 5.1 million to 5.8-million mortgages are at risk to foreclosure in the United States, according to a recent report by Zelman, a number so big that it threatens to swamp the current pace of single-family existing home sales of 5.1-million units per year.
OH great, lets make money off the homeless.
And I suppose the $95 price tag is one that will appeal to those less fortunate?
Pretty sick, huh?
Tehran Times
Iran’s Leading International Daily
U.S. Treasury set to finalize home “short sales” plan
NEW YORK (Reuters) — The U.S. Treasury will soon finalize a plan to expand its incentives for mortgage companies to include “short sales” as a way to stem a rising tide of foreclosures, according to a Treasury spokeswoman.
“Short sales,” or sales of homes for less than the balance on existing mortgages, are seen as a key way to supplement other efforts such as loan modifications to steady housing.
Unlike most modifications, “short sales” eliminate the problem of negative equity that has become a big reason for defaults as home prices have plunged.
The incentives, first announced in May, would expand the government’s Home Affordable Modification Program that has seen limited success in lowering payments for hundreds of thousands of homeowners deemed eligible.
Just 12 percent of homeowners eligible have had their loans reworked, leaving millions more foreclosures to come, the Treasury said on September 9.
More short sales may alleviate fears that a raft of “shadow supply,” or foreclosures in the pipeline, will flood the market and deal a blow to the nascent rebound in housing seen over the U.S. summer months, analysts said.
The overhang of supply is currently about 7 million units, or 135 percent of a year’s of existing home sales, according to Amherst Securities Group.
“What they are trying to do is move some of these foreclosures in the pipeline, and bring them to a resolution before (foreclosure) happens,” said Lisa Marquis Jackson, a vice-president at Irvine, California-based John Burns Real Estate Consulting. “12 percent of these being modified isn’t enough to clean these up.”
T’aint enough:
In May, the Treasury proposed lenders would receive a $1,000 payment for allowing the owner to sell the house for less than the amount owed on the mortgage, and accepting the proceeds as full repayment.
They can also receive $1,000 for accepting a similar deed-in-lieu transaction, in which the deed is simply transferred to the lender instead of going through a costly foreclosure.
Borrowers who agree to short sales or deed-in-lieu deals can received up to $1,500 in closing costs.
Treasury also said it will pay second lien holders up to $1,000 to relinquish their claims in such transactions.
Panel Says Obama Plan Won’t Slow Foreclosures
Published: October 9, 2009
A day after the Obama administration proclaimed significant progress in its effort to spare troubled homeowners from foreclosure, an oversight panel on Friday sharply criticized the program and declared it would leave millions of Americans vulnerable to losing their homes.
In a report mild in language but pointed in substance, the Congressional Oversight Panel — a watchdog created last year to keep tabs on taxpayer bailout funds — said the administration’s program would, “in the best case,” prevent “fewer than half of the predicted foreclosures.”
The report rebuked the administration for failing to shape a program that addressed the most significant engines of the foreclosure crisis — soaring joblessness and exotic mortgages with low introductory interest rates that give way to sharply higher payments over the next three years. Many of those mortgages are too large to qualify for modification under the administration’s plan. People who lose their jobs often lack enough income to qualify for relief.
The administration’s plan appears “targeted at the housing crisis as it existed six months ago, rather than as it exists now,” asserted the oversight panel in its report. “The panel urges Treasury to reconsider the scope, scalability and permanence of the programs designed to minimize the economic impact of foreclosures and consider whether new programs or program enhancements could be adopted.”
6600 foreclosures per day occur at an annual rate of
365*6600 = 2.4 million. That sounds low to me relative to other figures I have seen.
International Property and Investments
US foreclosure supply ‘will increase’
Article Date : 09 October 2009
The supply of foreclosed properties for sale will not dry up any time soon, it has been predicted.
Homes in the country are currently receiving filings at a rate of 6,600 per day and the Centre for Responsible Lending has said the situation will deteriorate, reports Reuters.
Although this could be bad news for those losing homes, it may provide investors with many properties to buy at cut prices.
Those who do so may need to undertake a long-term strategy to make a significant capital return, however, as Celia Chen of Moody’s Economy dot com told the news agency it could take many years for prices to return to 2006 levels.
Friday, October 9, 2009, 12:33pm EDT
Foreclosure activity continues to rise in Tampa Bay
Tampa Bay Business Journal
There is little good news in a new foreclosure report from First American CoreLogic that shows more increases year-over-year in families losing homes. But the Tampa Bay region is doing better than Florida as a whole.
Foreclosure rates in August were 8.58 percent in the Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater market, according to the CoreLogic report. That is nearly a 4 percent change from its rate a year ago where 4.65 percent of homes were in foreclosure.
Florida overall had a foreclosure rate of just under 10 percent in August, however, a 4.72 percent change from 2008 when it had just a 5.24 percent rate.
With foreclosures, the 90-day delinquency rate remains higher for the region, growing from 7.44 percent in August 2008 to just under 14 percent this past August. The state had a similar increase, expanding from 8.51 percent to 16.47 percent.
Both local and state numbers remain well ahead of national averages. The United States is reporting a 2.86 percent foreclosure rate in August, up from 1.65 percent the year before, while 90-day delinquencies are up from 4.18 percent to 7.1 percent.
CoreLogic’s foreclosure rates measure the percentage of loans in some stage of foreclosure, including delinquencies of 90 days or more through properties sold at auction. It does not represent the number of new foreclosure filings but rather the current inventory of loans in the foreclosure process, which it says offers a comprehensive view of foreclosure trends.
This guy’s point does not apply to North County San Diego, where home prices remain overvalued compared to local incomes.
I am curious at what point housing price stabilization became part of the Fed’s mandate, given that asset prices fall outside the scope of their definition of inflation?
Stabilization of U.S. Housing Prices
by: Walter Kurtz October 11, 2009
The direction of US home prices continues to be a hotly debated subject. The e-mail on our recent post on the topic keeps coming. Many Armageddon forecasters are too young to have remembered the numerous stresses the US economy and housing have undergone in previous cycles - so this crisis truly feels like the end of the world. And why would you buy a home if the world is ending?
There is no question that the housing market continues to be vulnerable in the short term, particularly given the uncertain employment outlook. And if the US government hasn’t been involved, one could argue the price declines have more to go. But the politicians and the Fed will go out of their way to stabilize the US housing prices.
More importantly, the prices may now be at the “pre-bubble” levels (at least with respect to the national averages) after a spectacular growth and a similarly drastic correction. The following chart shows the ratio of house prices to median household income.
It’s not likely we will see significant price appreciation from this point on, but for those who are buying a home instead of investing in property, it’s not necessarily a bad time to do so.
Posted on Sun, Oct. 11, 2009
Skeptics question housing recovery
Recent sales have been positive, but U.S. intervention, interest rates, and other issues still raise concern.
By Alan J. Heavens
Inquirer Real Estate Writer
Those with big stakes in the housing industry appear to be champing at the bit to declare the recession over and recovery just around the corner.
Not as convinced are economists and observers outside the industry, who do not see a few months of comparatively positive sales and construction numbers as a guarantee that the worst is behind us.
Several reasons appear consistently in the skeptics’ analyses: the tax credit for first-time buyers, interest-rate volatility, government intervention, continuing unemployment, and the steady stream of foreclosures and mortgage delinquencies nationwide.
In interviews, more than two dozen economists and experts elaborated on these points.
The $8,000 tax credit. Thus far, 370,000 home sales to qualified first-time buyers are attributed to this. But the incentive expires Nov. 30. Congressional leaders have pledged to extend it. The housing industry wants it extended, and expanded.
“The tax credit has clearly had a positive effect on housing demand,” said Joe Robson, the National Association of Home Builders’ chairman.
But some others said that, like “Cash for Clunkers,” the credit is merely tapping pent-up demand.
“If all you have done is shifted home purchases that would have occurred anyway from the future into the present, that is simply moving home sales around rather than increasing their overall level,” said economist Kevin Gillen, vice president of Econsult Corp. in Philadelphia.
The consequences of blatant financial engineering of higher home prices should not be attributed to psychology.
The New York Times
Economic View
A Bounce? Indeed. A Boom? Not Yet.
Published: October 10, 2009
THE sudden rise in home prices suggests that the psychology of the market has shifted substantially. But what should we expect in the months ahead? Not necessarily that we’re entering a new housing boom. To a large extent, where we’re heading depends on what home buyers are thinking.
We looked at both the long- and short-term attitudes of home buyers. In our survey, we ask, “On average over the next 10 years, how much do you expect the value of your property to change each year?” The average answer among 311 respondents in 2009 was an increase of 11.2 percent. The median response — with half above, half below — was 5 percent, also high. That sounds rather like bubble thinking.
For a home buyer who borrows 90 percent of the money to acquire a house, an appreciation rate of 11.2 percent offers an investment bonanza. By putting a small amount of money down, investors stand to make a large gain if home prices climb. That is the power of leveraging. Recently, however, home buyers have also experienced the unpleasant consequences of leverage when home prices fall. Investing in a home during the wild past few years has been like gambling in a casino: You can leave with riches or empty pockets.
In our survey data from one year earlier, when prices were falling at an annual rate of nearly 20 percent, buyers were still expressing long-term optimism. Then, the average answer to the question about expected yearly increases in home values was 9.5 percent a year, with a median of 5 percent — high figures indeed for that time. The bubble thinking is not new.
Looks like more cramdowns are in the works. Business week ran a story (October 19, 2009, P 052) on how “struggling homeowners” are getting the attention of Congress who are trying to find more ways to give handouts to specu-vestors.
As usual, I sent a letter (real mail, it has a better success rate) to Business Week (they’ve printed two of these over the years, I’m hoping for a third):
Dear Editor:
Don’t call people who owe more money on their house than it’s worth “struggling homeowners.” This is offensive to me and the millions of Americans who actually do own homes free and clear. More correct would be “bad investors,” “speculators”, or “homedebtors.”
It was interesting to read that Senator Jeff Merkeley gets calls from speculators who want him to “do something.” Perhaps I’ll try this technique on some of the stock investments I made that are now below my purchase price.
Of course I’m not likely to get a tax-free handout, in the form of a cramdown, for my speculative losses. In this upside-down society we’ve become, only the irresponsible are rewarded, and Americans who are financially prudent are being punished, forced out of business, or taxed out of their life savings.
Use more neutral language next time you want to write about people who thought they’d make a killing in real estate and bet incorrectly. “Struggling Homeowners” shows an extreme bias towards irresponsible behavior.
Reuven S******
(I had a letter printed in Business Week at the height of the bubble warning of a collapse, and stating that using the “value” of one’s primary residence when calculating household net worth was foolish. It made me feel smarter than some Nobel-prize winning economists….)
“It made me feel smarter than some Nobel-prize winning economists….”
Ypu ARE smarter than some Nobel-prize winning economists.