October 22, 2009

Bits Bucket For October 22, 2009

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Comment by wmbz
2009-10-22 02:30:34

This is the bust in the boomtown that banks built
Beneath Charlotte’s shiny skyline, ‘a new humility’

In Charlotte, Consequences of The Economic Crisis Are Deeply Felt
Few American cities prospered more over the last two decades than Charlotte, its growth propelled and gilded by Wachovia and its cross-town rival, Bank of America. Now Charlotte is suffering, as the crisis that shattered several of the nation’s largest banks left many of the survivors struggling to recover.

CHARLOTTE — A monument to the financial crisis is rising amid this city’s thicket of skyscrapers: a gleaming, glass-walled trophy tower that was intended as a fitting headquarters for Wachovia’s national banking empire.

It will open instead as the headquarters of a regional power company. Wachovia, unable to survive a run of bad decisions, was swallowed by San Francisco-based Wells Fargo during the depths of the crisis last year.

Few American cities prospered more over the past two decades than Charlotte, its growth propelled and gilded by Wachovia and its crosstown rival, Bank of America. Executives shoehorned gaudy mansions into old neighborhoods around downtown. Workers poured into vast subdivisions on the city’s ever-expanding periphery. With coffers overflowing, giddy public officials spent tax dollars on a manmade river for whitewater rafting.

Now Charlotte is suffering. Unemployment has spiked to 12 percent, well above the national average. Subdivisions sit unfinished. Mansions cannot be sold. The school system, which for years had recruited teachers from shrinking cities such as Detroit, laid off more than 1,000 employees this summer.

The crisis that shattered several of the nation’s largest banks and left many of the survivors struggling to recover has also damaged the bank towns, the smaller cities that became financial centers in recent years — less celebrated than New York but even more dependent on the industry.

Comment by aNYCdj
2009-10-22 05:09:59

NYCboy should be happy that’s where he moved from

74 today last time to open all the windows bleach the bathroom…etc..
oh the fun i will have today
Now Charlotte is suffering. Unemployment has spiked to 12 percent

Comment by arizonadude
2009-10-22 06:17:42

More people losing their jobs.I guess the economists over at cnbc are calling for a jobless recovery.They said the recession is over.
People still have money to gamble at the indian casinos so not sure what that says.I guess people are getting desperate to hit the big jackpot so they can pay the bills.


Comment by VaBeyatch in Virginia Beach
2009-10-22 07:34:31

They are just finishing the new Wachovia tower here in Norfolk. The project is supposed to contain a bunch of expensive condos and high end apartments as well. We’ll see.

Comment by Skip
2009-10-22 08:09:43

Last time I was in Seattle they were putting the finishing touches on a huge Washington Mutual building in the downtown area. I wonder if they ever go to move in.

Comment by Olympiagal
2009-10-22 09:44:37

The giant blue-glass tower? If that’s the one, then yes. Finished and then stocked with expensive and bland furniture and sleek and bland receptionists.
I went to a few meetings there and the thing I most noticed was the scent of the place. It smelled like…like smug smooth evil.
Maybe that particular fragrance comes in a special air-freshener scent.

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Comment by hip in zilker
2009-10-22 09:50:50

scent of …smug smooth evil … Maybe … comes in a special air-freshener scent

Nope, it exudes all on its own.

Comment by awaiting wipeout
2009-10-22 09:55:27

“The giant blue-glass tower?”
Jim Kunstler named those type of buildings “starkitecture”.

Comment by DD
2009-10-22 12:17:29

the scent of the place. It smelled like…like smug smooth evil.

Going to keep that for future posts!

Comment by Arizzzona
2009-10-23 13:45:31

A truly great line!

Comment by oxide
2009-10-22 08:58:08

Just like the late 90’s. When you saw dot-coms building their own office towers, it was time to sell the stock!

Remember those buildings? They were either all-glass in some weirdo modern shape, or they were a masonry/brick tower with a tacked-on overhang at the top supported by 18-story high columns. Northern Virginia is packed full of these monstrosities.

[but they are not the worst commercial architecture. That award goes to the plain flat-sided red-tan building, with the circular thing on the corner, with that horrid circular metal flat circle overhang. One on every street corner it seems. WTF designed that?]

Comment by ecofeco
2009-10-22 13:37:54

That faux post modern neo gothic crap? Modern office tower with a romanesque mausoleum on top?

Who the hell thought that was good design?!

What that’s old saying about taste and money?

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Comment by Professor Bear
2009-10-22 07:59:15

Is the author of this story being unduly gloomy? Because to hear the Fed’s green shooters tell it, happy days are here again.

Comment by mikey
2009-10-22 08:15:39

Bank Mutual’s third quarter earnings fall 23%
By Paul Gores of the Journal Sentinel

Posted: Oct. 21, 2009

Profits fell 23% for Bank Mutual Corp. in the third quarter as the bank beefed up reserves to cover loans that could go bad.

The Brown Deer-based bank said Wednesday that net income fell to $1.2 million, or 3 cents a share, from $1.6 million, or 3 cents, in the year-ago quarter.

Bank Mutual added $5.1 million to loan-loss reserves in the quarter. In the third quarter of last year, it added $1.1 million to reserves.


Bank Mutual is a Bankrate 4 star rated Safe and Sound bank and I know Mike Crowley has always prided himself in “being conservative” with both interest rates and loans.

Trying to get a Chinese radio or a stone pizza baking dish out of this guy, even with big money, is like pulling chicken teeth.

I’m no expert but I definitely believe that things are going to get really rough in Wisconsin’s “conservative” banking World…really rough!


Comment by scdave
2009-10-22 08:54:23

I played a little baseball in Charlotte in the early 70’s…It was a little laid back sleepy town as I recall…

Comment by Olympiagal
2009-10-22 09:52:32

Yar! You once mentioned you played for the Tacoma Raniers! Is that so?
In related basebally news, I just barely told someone I think the Yankees are going to beat the Angels. I don’t know if they really are, I simply enjoy seeing the veins in his head pulse and the froth form on his sputtering lips.
I guess this makes me a bad person, which I’ve suspected might be the case for quite some time now.

Oh, my point was: I understand that Tacoma used to be a sleepy laid back little town once, too. Well, times have changed. And NOT for the better.

Comment by GrizzlyBear
2009-10-22 10:02:11

Tacoma has some really cool areas. I ran a small business (not my own) down on the tide flats for a while. There are some awesome little neighborhoods to the north along the water around Browns Point. Also, some big, beautiful old homes up towards hilltop, though the neighborhoods around there can go from good to bad in a heartbeat.

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Comment by Olympiagal
2009-10-22 14:33:09

I ran a small business (not my own) down on the tide flats for a while.

Rumrunner? Oyster shucker? Picturesque fisherman in galoshes? What were you doing on the tideflats?

Comment by DD
2009-10-22 15:41:30

What were you doing on the tideflats?

Posing for tourist pictures?

Comment by GrizzlyBear
2009-10-22 16:22:11

LOL, Oly. Plant nursery and pottery shop.

Comment by Olympiagal
2009-10-22 16:34:57

Posing for tourist pictures?

Like eating salmon with your bear claws?
Hey, that reminds me, guess what? The salmon are staring to run for the rivers! I know this because I see a couple of tribe boats out there, preparing to string gill-nets from one side of the inlet to the other, and if it’s like last year, for a week longer than they’re permitted to.

Father Sky, Mother Earth my paleface a*s*s

Comment by Olympiagal
2009-10-22 16:37:53

Father Sky, Mother Earth my paleface a*s*s…

It would be more appropriate to say: “Father Tin-can and Mother Dollar”.
Boy, them Native ‘Merikans are fast learners.

Comment by GrizzlyBear
2009-10-22 16:58:06

“Father Sky, Mother Earth my paleface a*s*s…”

Exactly. Did you see where it was Native’s who killed all of those Bald Eagle’s? Disgusting.

Comment by Olympiagal
2009-10-22 17:20:50

Exactly. Did you see where it was Native’s who killed all of those Bald Eagle’s? Disgusting.

Remember those Makah a*s*hats hunting whales with machine-guns? Shot from a power-boat?
Yeah, that’s a part of the harmonious ‘First People’ way, for surrrrre….

Comment by GrizzlyBear
2009-10-22 17:35:06

“Remember those Makah a*s*hats hunting whales with machine-guns? Shot from a power-boat?”

Hey, it’s an age old tradition- a right of passage! I mean, they’ve been doing it like that for cennnnnturies. Wait a minute- you’re saying they didn’t have machine guns and internal combustion in the 1600’s?

Comment by alpha-sloth
2009-10-22 18:36:59

And how about the cursed kwakwaka’wakw’s ? And their crazy kwakwaka’wakw ways?
(Heehee- I’ve been waiting for the opportunity to use that name for a while…)

Comment by Ol'Bubba
2009-10-22 09:37:15

I’m unemployed in Charlotte and it’s not a great job market. On the other hand, I can’t really name a major metro area in the country that has a strong job market.

My personal belief is that this too shall pass. Charlotte never had the big run up in values like Florida, Nevada, California, etc.

There is a lot of white collar talent here, a nice weather climate, and a relatively low cost of living.

One of the things that a recession does is remove the excesses from an economy, and that allows the economy to heal and recreate itself.

In the short term, Charlotte is hurting. In the intermediate to long term, I think Charlotte will do alright.

Comment by In Colorado
2009-10-22 09:51:00

That all depends if we are in a recession or a depression. The concensus here on the HBB seems to be leaning towards depression. YMMV.

Comment by Professor Bear
2009-10-22 13:17:21

How can you really know whether you are in a recession or depression in real time? I did some reading a few years back of some WSJ articles from early-1930. Judging from what was written at the time, the editors were either 100 percent propagandists, or else clueless. There was no hint of what lay ahead over the next decade — in fact, they thought the fall 1929 stock market crash was just a big dip from which the economy was already recovering.

Given that the Fed cannot tell when it is in a bubble, I don’t believe they are qualified to judge whether we are in a recession, a depression or a green shot recovery, either.

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Comment by Professor Bear
2009-10-22 13:18:21

P.S. To their credit, today’s WSJ editors seem much more in tune with the economic situation playing out in real time than did those in the early 1930s.

Comment by In Montana
2009-10-22 14:51:08

Deer in the headlights? I’m feeling a little like that about my cash & equivs.

Comment by X-GSfixr
2009-10-22 16:15:46

As far as the economy, I’m belive what I’m seeing with the good old “Mark I Eyeball”, rather than anything I’m seeing in the media.

Comment by drumminj
2009-10-22 11:47:33

Charlotte never had the big run up in values like Florida, Nevada, California, etc.

As Ben often says, that doesn’t mean there wasn’t a bubble. It just means that values stayed flat when they may have otherwise fallen.

I don’t know the area so I don’t know for sure, but I wouldnt’ assume that relatively flat housing values == no bubble.

Comment by DD
2009-10-22 12:24:04

I don’t know too much about Charlotte, just 4 yrs ago I visited a friend. Her condo/townhome is $115,ooo. She bought it 9 yrs ago same price, but it isn’t such a great deal, no garage/carport. The other houses and condos we looked at were-condos smushed together-to which I wondered “why” due to all the land available? But the prices were high, I thought at the time, 399k for a Nice but squooshed townhome mini development. Now a home, OK, but a squooshed tiny no land development? Careful your neighbor is backing out too at the same time..Nope. Also, lots of these spots were nowhere near jobs-commute in.

I am thinking they had a bubble too.

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Comment by packman
2009-10-22 12:42:38

Charlotte never had the big run up in values like Florida, Nevada, California, etc.

While Charlotte didn’t have the “big” run-up like those other areas - it still had somewhat of a bubble as well. They’ve been late to the game in falling.

HPI for Charlotte went up 30% between 2003 and 2007 - still bubbly.

Comment by CentralCoastDude
2009-10-22 11:15:00

More layoffs and and more foreclosures, yippee the recession is over!

Reminds me of Shrub’s, “Mission Accomplished.”

Maybe we can all join the Army.

Comment by ecofeco
2009-10-22 13:51:30

Be careful what you wish for…

Comment by wmbz
2009-10-22 02:36:51

Hamptons Home Sales Surge Most in Five Years Amid 19% Discounts.

Oct. 22 (Bloomberg) — Home sales in the Hamptons, the Long Island beach retreats favored by Hollywood celebrities and Wall Street financiers, surged 32 percent in the third quarter as deal seekers landed discounted properties.

Transactions climbed to 339 from 257 a year earlier, the biggest increase in five years of records, New York-based appraiser Miller Samuel Inc. and broker Prudential Douglas Elliman Real Estate said in a report today. The median price dropped 2.4 percent to $810,000.

“It shows the power of affordability,” Miller Samuel President Jonathan Miller said in an interview. “There’s enough value in the market for people to recognize it.”

Concessions averaged 19 percent off asking prices as sellers sought to lure buyers. New York financial companies cut 32,000 city jobs in the 12 months through September, the state Labor Department said Oct. 15. The reductions came as worldwide losses and asset writedowns tied to sour home loans surpassed $1.6 trillion, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Wall Street bonuses help drive demand for Hamptons property.

New York City’s unemployment rate increased to 10.3 percent in September and total private-sector employment fell by 111,700, or 3.5 percent, in the year through September.

“You’re still looking at a very weak economy and very tight credit so it’s hard to see a second-home market as rising when you’re not seeing that in the city,” Miller said.

Comment by CarrieAnn
2009-10-22 05:50:43

“It shows the power of affordability,” Miller Samuel President Jonathan Miller said in an interview. (from wmbz’s post)

One thing I’ve noticed about this downturn is that if you haven’t lost your job to date, many appear to conduct themselves like it’s no longer a possibility. One of the things that stopped us on a few properties that were some pretty good deals but more costly was wondering how long the status quo would hold. We weren’t afraid of anything imminent but should there be a collapse of the currency, a banking emergency or an energy spike anytime w/in the duration of the mortgage who knows what bills would spike or if the income stream would remain constant. We’re trying to leave a really large cushion after our mortgage is in place. I feel a lot of others are still reaching for their dream home now in reach. (I was this close on making on offer on mine so I know how incredibly hard it is to walk away)

Comment by arizonadude
2009-10-22 06:25:48

Geroge w bush now doing motivational speeches, LMAO!!!!!


Comment by scdave
2009-10-22 09:03:15

From the article…Toooo funny…

That’s right—for only $19, you and your entire office can hear the former president of the United States talk about his formula for success!

Comment by ahansen
2009-10-22 09:22:04

Wonder who has the used shoe concession….

Comment by DD
2009-10-22 12:25:25


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Comment by pressboardbox
2009-10-22 07:39:28

If not for TARP, the Hamptons would be a quaint ghost-town. So glad our tax dollars are propping up demand for property in playground of the biggest criminals of our time. Thanks Hank.

Comment by aNYCdj
2009-10-22 08:14:31

My GF mom sold her cottage in Bridgehampton and the house in Stammer back in 99 moved to Flooriddah

Yes it was a summer cottage like on golden pond, was in the family since the 60’s .. old musty…but damn functional

But Thanks to google maps..we knew there was a bunch of them 6-8 on her street they were torn down and what looks like some 10,000 sq ft behemoth was put there

Comment by DD
2009-10-22 12:26:49

WS GS are the ones with the bonuses rushing to buy now. Or be priced out forever.

Comment by Professor Bear
2009-10-22 08:07:37

“Hamptons Home Sales Surge Most in Five Years Amid 19% Discounts.”

Have the ‘dicsounts’ translated into the list prices for comparables? If not, one has to assume the bubble is still inflated.

For comparison, the median SFR list price in tony Rancho Bernardo West (San Diego 92127) stands today at $1,179,000, down slightly from its bubble peak near $1.4m, but still quite high considering the economic picture (double-digit unemployment, no jobs, corporate downsizing, etc). Here is the (SDZipRealty) description for this home, which begs the question, for how many days can a home remain listed and still be marketed as “brand new”?

17284 REFLECTIONS CIRCLE, SD - Rancho Bernardo, CA 92127**
School District: POWAY UNIFIED

Beds: 4
Type: SFR
Sq. Ft.: 4,570
Lot Size: 14,455 Sq. Ft.
MLS #: 090021526
Baths: 4/1
Built: 2008
$/Sq.Ft.: $258
List Date: 04/11/09
On Market: 194 days

List Price: $1,179,000 Price reduced
Estimated Monthly Payment: $7,843

Get Pre-Approved: Bank of America

Beautiful brand new Lennar home. Large two story family home, 4570 sq ft, 4 bedrooms, 4.5 baths and 4 bay garage. Upgraded harwood floors. Kitchen features granite slab countertop, ge stainless steel appliance package, kitchen island and spacious pantry.

Comment by Jon
2009-10-22 09:23:27

$7,843 * 12 = $94,116 per year for a house. For 30 years. Nice chunk of change & a gutsy call for whomever is confident they will maintain that level of income over their lifetimes.

Does Cali have a property tax & homeowner’s insurance? How much would that tack on?

Who can afford that other than retiring cops & firefighters?

Comment by DD
2009-10-22 12:28:46

Taxes in CA are similar to living in NYC.
It’s a wash.

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Comment by DennisN
2009-10-23 02:41:37

Initial CA property tax is 1%+ on sales price, so that place would start off at about $11,790 per year. Is there Mello-Roos in Rancho Bernardo?

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Comment by Jerry
2009-10-22 13:52:55

Use to live in RB. Sold in 2005 and moved out of state. Was a R.Broker for many years when real credit was verifyed. My guess this house will fall 40 to 50 % with in less then 2 years. Few will buy in a “continued falling market” but of course a few optimistic fools might still bite on the golden dream.

Comment by Professor Bear
2009-10-22 17:30:47

Thanks, Jerry. I am going to wait at least two more years to even think about dipping my toes in the market, esp. since our landlady generously agreed to share the cost of some new efficiency-flush thrones for our three bathrooms :-)

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Comment by Stpn2me
2009-10-22 03:05:49

Hello everyone…

Listening to “Jam on it” by Newcleus. What great music.

Not to much happening now. It’s getting cold and I have always found fighting a war in the winter sucks…


Afghanistan has these HUGE bees and it appears they are fighting going in for the winter. They mostly leave you alone, but I am deaftly afraid of them. If we are ever attacked with bees by our enemies, your military is one CPT short.

Comment by Blue Skye
2009-10-22 05:19:08

Long ago I heard a story that the Chinese used bees against tanks, along with a .22 rifle. Maybe this was against Japan in Pre-WW2? Anyway, a beehive would be placed in the road and the tank driver would stop (of course). Eventually the hatch of the tank would open and a head would pop up to take a look around. Then the .22 sniper would take him out.

Comment by 2banana
2009-10-22 05:29:59

Two words - camel spiders!

As big as a football and mean

Comment by Stpn2me
2009-10-22 05:52:58

OH yea,

Check out my description of them a couple of weeks ago on this thread. We have one we call G.I. Joe. He’s a pretty good size…

We are going to let him go when we leave, unless the next unit wants him..

Comment by packman
2009-10-22 06:24:42

2banana! Wow - haven’t heard from you in a while. Though I don’t check through all the posts so may have missed some. Are you perhaps in Afghanistan as well?

Got a question for you guys - do you happen to use satellite service for your internet access? If so - what satellites, if I may ask? If you can’t say, that’s OK.

Comment by Bill in Carolina
2009-10-22 07:11:45

Where do you live that you have to consider satellite service? It’s my understanding that it is very expensive and rather slow. The satellite TV boys (DirecTV etc.) actually use the local telco to provide DSL to their customers who also want internet. We just got a mailing from them the other day and that’s what the fine print says.

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Comment by packman
2009-10-22 07:26:30

I don’t use it.

Indeed it is very expensive and very slow. Not too many other options though in remote places though like Afghanistan, or on ships in the middle of the ocean, etc. I’m just curious what these guys typically use.

Comment by scdave
2009-10-22 09:08:07

do you happen to use satellite service ??

Rancher may…My cousin in Grants Pass uses Hughes….

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Comment by Stpn2me
2009-10-22 21:25:42

If so - what satellites, if I may ask? If you can’t say, that’s OK.

By internet access, I can only assume you mean commercial internet. We use a civilian contractor who has his own terrain based system. AAFES has a provider for soldiers too, but they block all the good sites (gotta love them muslim restrictions).

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Comment by FB wants a do over
2009-10-22 06:35:27

Pictures and various information.


Comment by VaBeyatch in Virginia Beach
2009-10-22 07:36:11

Rock this yo, rock that yo, rock on and don’t ya dare stop.

Boogie Down Bronx, Man Parrish. VaBeyatch recommends!

Comment by lavi d
2009-10-22 08:54:41

They mostly leave you alone, but I am deaftly afraid of them.

Maybe you can train the camel spiders to go after them?

Comment by samk
2009-10-22 09:08:39

That whole album was pretty good. I like “Automan”. Pretty good stuff.

Comment by cobaltblue
2009-10-22 10:51:09

Hi Stpn,

Sometimes those little buzzers aren’t bees at all.
They could be “MAV”’s!

Micro Air Vehicles


Miniature drones

For your perusal, an actual link:

Comment by wmbz
2009-10-22 03:48:52

Hey, Lindsey
by Ron Paul

The other day when Lindsey Graham went after me, and accused me of trying to take over the Republican party, I couldn’t help but chuckle. Partisan politics is one thing, and about the only thing politicians understand. But ideas are something else. And our ideas – the ideas of liberty – are capturing the hearts and minds of millions of Americans, and that is what counts.

Ever since our presidential campaign ignited a prairie fire of freedom, especially among young people, I see our progress everywhere. The bureaucrats are right, for example, to be worried at the Federal Reserve. After putting us into this economic pickle, the Fed is under attack for the first time in all its years. The Fed has devalued our dollar by 95% since it was founded by the big banksters and one senator in 1913, but it took the recent boom-bust engineered by the Fed, and then our presidential campaign, to rattle the china at their marble palace on Constitution (!) Avenue.

To build on the momentum you and I started, I wrote a book that can change our country, End the Fed. We must audit the Fed, expose its secret doings, and then end it. We deserve sound money, not the fiat paper that can be manipulated for Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan, and against the rest of us.

The book has done well – four weeks on the NY Times bestseller list, for example – but while it started out at #7, and #1 on Amazon, it has dropped. This book can change America, and undermine all the statists in DC, by explaining, in easy to understand terms, the history of the Fed and all the trouble it has caused, and why we can and must replace it with the Constitution.

Comment by Stpn2me
2009-10-22 04:16:58

Book plug aside…

I like Ron Paul

Comment by James
2009-10-22 06:50:02

I like RP but you can’t have the radical movement he describes without causing a calamity. At best we could eliminate the Fed over the next 8 years.

Also disagree about having bases around the globe and a strong military. I bet the countries founders would recognize the world is too small now. Threats can move to quickly to counter and the big wide world of 1776 is long gone. Not to mention the power of the weapons used. That world started to disappear with the steam engine, the Gatling gun and artillery. Any foolish or romantic remnants should have been swept away with the horror of WW2.

Now, an armored strike could be at our doorstep in hours.

No. We are stuck with vigilance. Keep going as long as we can here till our strength has left us.

Comment by Professor Bear
2009-10-22 08:12:51

“I like RP but you can’t have the radical movement he describes without causing a calamity. At best we could eliminate the Fed over the next 8 years.”

Agreed that slow change, e.g., gradually reducing the temperature of the pot of boiling water the Fed has heated up for the Main Street Americans who are swimming in it, is far preferable to rapid change, which at best is accompanied by economic calamity and at worst leads to bloodshed.

Comment by Professor Bear
2009-10-22 08:38:03

By analogy, a rapid price decline in US home prices (say double-digit annual rates of decline) would be ‘bad’, as many underwater owners would be tempted to stop paying their overpriced mortgages and hand the collateral back to the lender.


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Comment by Bill in Los Angeles
2009-10-22 08:53:12

I agree with Wendy McElroy and Carl Watner of the libertarian group called “Voluntaryists.” Their argument against gradualism is this:

Slavery in the 1800s in the US was wrong. Many people did not like it but were against abolition because it would be too radical and disrupt the economy. They preferred gradually getting rid of slavery.

If all these trillions of dollars of unconstitutional spending should gradually be reduced, we would still be stealing from taxpayers to pay for unconstitutional programs. Theft is wrong.

I’m for abolition of big government.

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Comment by Hwy50ina49Dodge
2009-10-22 09:04:07

“…I’m for abolition of big government.” ;-)

I think the folks mentioned below, like having the “Deadliest” military in the world…and a large general population to provide “bodies” to run it & taxes to pay for it…(kinda makes them feel safe as they move “freely” about…) :-)

“The 2.7 million millionaires in the U.S. and Canada had $1.3 trillion in cash in 2008, based on a survey released in June by Capgemini SA and Merrill Lynch & Co. Investors put $19.2 billion into 55,480 companies last year, according to the Center for Venture Research at the University of New Hampshire in Durham.”

Cash-Distressed Business Offers Investors Way to Follow Buffett:
Oct. 22 (Bloomberg) By Alexis Leondis

Comment by Bill in Los Angeles
2009-10-22 09:17:09

Why do you think cash rich Americans want the US to be a big bully policeman around the world, as opposed to wealthy Swiss or Costa Ricans (no military)? I call BS.

Comment by Hwy50ina49Dodge
2009-10-22 09:54:50

“…want the US to be a big bully policeman around the world”

Is that what I said?

“Lost in translation” or “mis-interpreted”

Comment by Hwy50ina49Dodge
2009-10-22 08:37:19

“…Threats can move to quickly to counter” ;-)

What’s the value of these American “assets” ?

1. The Pacific Ocean
2. The Atlantic Ocean
3. Military capability
4. Excess food

Comment by Professor Bear
2009-10-22 08:39:09

“4. Excess food”

I am pretty sure that one helps backstop the dollar, as it is pretty nice to be able to trade green pieces of paper for food.

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Comment by Hwy50ina49Dodge
2009-10-22 09:45:00

Interesting about the 90% farm income coming from off-farm sources…(explanations provided in the article)

“…The driving forces behind these events that have received most attention are technological progress in farming and nonfarm economic development. Technological progress in farming results in less input required per unit output, fewer and larger farms, and lower costs of production. With competition in product markets, lower costs mean lower commodity prices. Nonetheless, returns to labor in commercial agriculture have been maintained and even increased through the opportunities provided by rising nonfarm real wages. In an “integrated” labor market, worker mobility between sectors equates wages for comparable labor in farm and nonfarm work. The integration is not only between rural and urban employment at a given location, but also between sections of the country. In 1910 farm wage rates in the Pacific Coast states were almost 3 times the level of farm wages in the South. By 1997 the difference was only 10 percent (Gardner, 2002, p. 173). For farm operator households, the USDA estimates that in 2000 mean household income was $62,000 compared to $57,000 for nonfarm households. But over 90 percent of farm household income was estimated to have come from off-farm sources (USDA 2002, p. 54).”


Comment by oxide
2009-10-22 11:08:09

The 90% figure is a big part of the relocalization movement. Money that used to go to the farmer now goes to Archer Daniels Midland et al, leaving the farmers so poor that they are dependent on that vicious cycle we all know about. Fertilizer/cornsoy/ADM/gov subsidies, etc.

I know the Justice Department targeting the Google monopoly, but if I had my druthers, I’d aim straight for Monsanto. They have unparalleled domination of the seed market. They are even infiltrating the home gardening catalogs. (home gardeners, however, are savvy to it.)

Comment by DD
2009-10-22 15:47:37

They are even infiltrating the home gardening catalogs. (home gardeners, however, are savvy to it.)

Ohhnooooooooo. Really?? Even the good seed catalogues, like SEED(s?)

That zombie company will ruin it all if they have their chance.

Indigenous farmers in Mexico had their centuries old maze crops ruined by accepting some “gifts” from Monsanto seeds.

Comment by tresho
2009-10-22 10:43:36

What’s the value of these American “assets” …

1. The Pacific Ocean
2. The Atlantic Ocean
3. Military capability
4. Excess food
compared to a nuke in the bed of pickup truck? Let me think about it a while….

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Comment by Professor Bear
2009-10-22 08:09:47

“But ideas are something else. And our ideas – the ideas of liberty – are capturing the hearts and minds of millions of Americans, and that is what counts.”

Beautifully stated.

Cue Fast Eddie to mention that ‘Ron Paul is a kook.’

Comment by Eddie
2009-10-22 11:23:22

When im right im right. He is a kook but a clever one who swindled millions from his followers.

Comment by Professor Bear
2009-10-22 17:32:11

Sounds like he should be a religious leader or a politician, then.

Hey wait…

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Comment by ahansen
2009-10-22 20:33:40

Have to agree with you here, Edster. On a whim I subscribed to Dr. Paul’s newsletter in the mid-eighties, and was um, appalled by the religionist, racist, Bunkie Hunt-ish tone of the whole thing.

What is it about Texas, anyway?

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Comment by hip in zilker
2009-10-22 21:57:06

What is it about Texas, anyway?

God knows. :-)

Comment by hip in zilker
2009-10-22 23:22:06

My comment wasn’t directed to Ron Paul. I have to say that I was sorry that the Republican primary process marginalized Ron Paul during the debates and so on.

I think that our political discourse benefits from including “outliers” - Paul, Kucinich, Sanders and others to come. That is good for the education of the electorate at large.

Comment by Jon
2009-10-22 09:32:56

Libertarians are moving quickly to take over the Republican Party in Florida. Really ticks off the Christian fundies. However, they have strong backing by the developers & home builders who hate dealing with environmental laws and having to pay for infrastructure improvements.

Christians are losing their last opportunities to put the smackdown on homos & abortionists. It’s getting fun to watch.

Comment by In Colorado
2009-10-22 10:15:50

Yet the GOP needs their votes to win elections.

Comment by palmetto
2009-10-22 11:19:36

Which is why I called my branch of the RNC and gave them a good piece of my mind today re: the awful Lindsey Graham. I’m still registered as a repub, I don’t know why, guess I’m still hoping for the Republic. I vote independent, according to who I think can best do the job. I vote third party whenever I see a good candidate.

Anyway, my stand is this: if I hear one more RINO trash Ron Paul, NO Repub candidate will get my vote and I’ll urge as many friends of mine as I can to do the same.

Anyway I’ve had it with the one party system. It’s got to go and maybe the repugnican branch of Megaparty should go first, they’re the most vulnerable.

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Comment by Bill in Los Angeles
2009-10-22 11:38:27

The Christian Fundies destroyed the Republican Party. It would be a good party if it had hundreds of Barry Goldwaters running it.

Comment by lavi d
2009-10-22 12:08:42

The Christian Fundies destroyed the Republican Party.

I think it’s the reverse.

I think the Republicans harmed themselves with their use of the fundies.

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Comment by Olympiagal
2009-10-22 15:19:43

However, they have strong backing by the developers & home builders who hate dealing with environmental laws and having to pay for infrastructure improvements.

Christians are losing their last opportunities to put the smackdown on homos & abortionists. It’s getting fun to watch.

I…I…wow, what a good post!

Comment by Stpn2me
2009-10-22 04:14:24

Book plug aside…

I like Ron Paul….

Comment by Sammy Schadenfreude
2009-10-22 05:59:24

Ron Paul had far more donations from military members in the last campaign than Bush, McSame, or Obama. Imagine that.

Comment by packman
2009-10-22 06:32:20

Interesting, given that he’s strongly against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Maybe the servicemen/women are indeed interested in ideals moreso than self advancement. Imagine that.

Comment by ET-Chicago
2009-10-22 07:15:34

Is it your belief that this particular member of Congress is above politics?

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Comment by packman
2009-10-22 07:37:04

Is it your belief that this particular member of Congress is above politics?

Define “politics”.

If you’re referring to corruption, then I believe he’s above it moreso than probably any other single member of Congress, yes.

Comment by ET-Chicago
2009-10-22 08:09:26

Not just corruption per se (an area where the congressman appears to be above average), but also pandering, shifting alliances, accepting funds from special interests then supporting their particular positions (which to my mind is not necessarily corruption, but it’s not saintly, either), tacitly accepting the support of questionable people/organizations (a mixed record there, I’m afraid) — the whole gamut of political gamesmanship.

In short, he’s a well-entrenched part of the system, like it or not, right down to his party affiliation. But the myth persists that he’s somehow different.

Comment by Skip
2009-10-22 08:12:18

He did quite Congress to run for president 20+ years ago.

Comment by packman
2009-10-22 10:58:39

Not just corruption per se (an area where the congressman appears to be above average), but also pandering, shifting alliances, accepting funds from special interests then supporting their particular positions (which to my mind is not necessarily corruption, but it’s not saintly, either), tacitly accepting the support of questionable people/organizations (a mixed record there, I’m afraid) — the whole gamut of political gamesmanship.

In short, he’s a well-entrenched part of the system, like it or not, right down to his party affiliation. But the myth persists that he’s somehow different.

Myth? Are you joking? You don’t follow RP much do you?

For starters he was one of only 6 out of 223 republicans who voted against going into Iraq (to the original subject).

He created the “audit the fed” bill HR 1207, and has publicly stated time and again he wants the Fed to be abolished - I’m not aware of any other recent politician who has done so.

I could go on and on.

While he technically has a Republican party affiliation recently, he’s very much a Libertarian and acts as such.

Yes he practices political gamesmanship - as has every successful politician since the beginning of the U.S. - good or bad; it’s a necessary thing if you want to get anything done. And yes he has accepted donations from questionable sources - as far as I’m aware though he has not done anything to help any bad organization from which he’s received funds.

Comment by lavi d
2009-10-22 12:14:45

I could go on and on.

I always remember his quote (not verbatim) in response to a debate question posed to Republican candidate wanna-bes, “Would yo go to war with Iran?”

He was the only one to respond, “Let’s see what the Constitution has to say about that!”, a reference to the fact that the president (supposedly) doesn’t have the power to make war.

Comment by ET-Chicago
2009-10-22 12:24:43

Myth? Are you joking? You don’t follow RP much do you?

I’m not joking. Are you joking?

I’ll be the first to say I admire his vote against the war in Iraq, but there’s far more to the man than a single vote.

What about Paul’s acceptance of campaign funds from supremacist organization Stormfront, a group that actively stumped for money on his behalf? As far as I know, he kept the money they raised, and he didn’t repudiate them by name.

What about the many dubious comments published in his newsletters over the years, including bigoted, homophobic, pro-militia, and anti-Semitic remarks? His consistent courting of fringe elements by granted repeated interviews to the magazine of the John Birch Society (wha’?) and to talk show host Alex Jones?

(Here’s an interesting article on the newsletters.)

Comment by ET-Chicago
2009-10-22 13:18:25

I posted a reply a while ago, but it seems to be caught up in the Filter-Tron 3000.

Comment by packman
2009-10-22 19:13:17

So “dubious comments” and questionable acceptance of campaign funding, with no evidence of favoritism, are the worst you’ve got on him?

Look - I agree he’s no saint or god, but his actions and viewpoints of truly limited government are what’s sorely needed right now - and something not coming from anyone else in any quality or quantity in congress right now.

Comment by alpha-sloth
2009-10-22 06:52:00

Actually, it looks like Obama had the most donations from active service memebers. Ron Paul placed second.


Comment by packman
2009-10-22 07:56:23

Old data. See this.

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Comment by alpha-sloth
2009-10-22 08:45:21

Your link says:

The largest difference is in contributions from employees of the Department of Defense, who have given McCain $35,400 more than they have to Obama since the start of the election cycle ($127,200 compared to $91,800). Obama, however, has maintained his lead among employees of the uniformed service branches, bringing in $340,400, while McCain’s total was $321,500. Obama is also still ahead in contributions from military donors with overseas addresses, including those who work for the DoD–$74,650 compared to $16,600

I was talking about active duty personnel, not DoDers.

Comment by Al
2009-10-22 10:54:30

I’m surprised this information is released in any way. The military as a whole is supposed to be neutral towards politics. For the Canadian Forces, we vote but are not supposed to make our political choices public. The goal is to avoid the slippery slope where the armed forces becomes the government.

Comment by alpha-sloth
2009-10-22 12:24:37

It’s self-reported info that they’re using so the whole thing is pretty tenuous. And the dollar amounts are tiny, compared to overall fundraising.

Comment by In Montana
2009-10-22 15:03:09

Contributors have to report their occupation and employer. The candidates sure in hell have to make sure they get that info with the check…but if you’re retired, all you have to say is that, not retired what you retired from. So I wonder how they got the active/inactive breakout.

Comment by alpha-sloth
2009-10-22 18:29:42

Exactly, they know those serving in the military because they’ve listed it as their occupation. Those are I think the more reliable numbers, and they show Obama with the most donations, then Paul.

Another poll asked people who they gave to and whether they had any ‘affiliation’ with the military. This was self-reported and subjective (eg if you served as a young man and were discharged years ago, you may or may not consider yourself affiliated, etc). This poll was of 1000 people too, so it was rather small. This is the one that shows Paul with the most donations.

So whether or not you consider either numbers to be accurate, they are not measuring the same thing. Active duty donations were only measured in the one, affiliated donations in the other.

I think the active duty numbers are the more reliable. And the more relevant.

Comment by salinasron
2009-10-22 04:20:54

And from USA Today, Oprah picks another winner:

“PORTLAND, Maine — Kaile Warren was depressed and homeless when, through “divine intervention,” he got the concept — and brand name — that would make him something of a national celebrity.
Warren says God presented him with the idea for a home-repair franchise and this slogan: “Rent-A-Husband: For those jobs that never get done.” At the time, the former home builder was lying surrounded by rats in an abandoned warehouse — or in a homeless shelter or on a friend’s couch, depending on the version he’s pitching to the media.”
“What is certain: Buoyed by his national media presence and well-scripted sales pitch, Warren persuaded dozens of people to invest at least a total of $4.5 million in his business, which was more than $3 million in debt and had assets of just $142,000 as of March, according to company financial documents reviewed by USA TODAY. He faces disputes over promised payments to investors, including one lawsuit, and is under investigation by the Maine Division of Securities.”
“the 10-year CBS Early Show home-repair contributor, author, three-time Oprah Winfrey Show guest and founder of the Rent-A-Husband chain, “

Comment by Bill in Carolina
2009-10-22 07:14:36

Shades of the ZZZZBest cleaning franchise.

Comment by In Colorado
2009-10-22 10:12:55

So does the “Rent-A-Husband” do a half a$$ job of repairing things like we real life husbands do ;-)

Comment by tresho
2009-10-22 10:46:21

Pictorial guide to fixing just about anything. Duct tape is not always used here.

Comment by ecofeco
2009-10-22 14:05:01

I think I just hurt myself laughing.

Damn you! :lol:

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Comment by DD
2009-10-22 15:52:47

half a$$ job of repairing things like we real life husbands do

As I have said before, I thought you guys were ALL supposed to have those “fix it ” genes. Otherwise you had better come to the marriage with a BIG , um, checking acct to hire a mr fixit.

I almost hurt myself laughing too.

Comment by GrizzlyBear
2009-10-22 10:41:53

I kind of like this “rent-a-husband” idea, except I’d like to cover more areas than just home repair, etc. On second thought, I might be sued for discrimination if I asked for pictures… J/K

Comment by ecofeco
2009-10-22 14:09:30

This guy is making money from TV, writing, free publicity from Oprah plus the core business and he can’t make a profit?

Really? What’s wrong with this picture?

Comment by Muggy
2009-10-22 04:33:31

From yesterday, re: eddie/Tampa

“I’ve seen what $1500 gets you in a 3/2/2 in that area. To me that is not even in the ballpark of decent.”

Where are you from and what do you expect? I can see how a Manhattanite would not like CBS, but in this area you have two choices: CBS from the 60’s and Rotting Chinese Drywall from the 00’s.

Can you describe what ‘decent’ means to you?

Comment by Muggy
2009-10-22 04:37:53

BTW, I’m not ‘offended’ or defending any particular type of house of area, merely pointing out that, IMHO, $1,500/mo. can get you CBS on the water — which is basically the best this area has to offer.

If you move here from the NE, you have quality shock. What’s worse, is there are a ton of rotting stick homes in primo locations. This is a paradox that I haven’t seen in any other place I’ve lived; typically the best locations have the nicest homes where I’m from.

Comment by Michael Fink
2009-10-22 04:58:07

If I’m reading you right, Palm Beach Gardens/Jupiter is the same way. All the new homes are inland, huge, and overpriced. The homes on the water are almost all older, smaller, and grossly overpriced. It’s because the water was built up first, nobody in their right mind would live in Wellington or Jupiter Farms (both way out west) if they didn’t have to. Then, the boom came, and suddenly everyone wanted to live here; the water is all built out (albeit with older/smaller homes) so the developers moved west and built McMansions across the landscape. Also, the land that they were building on was effectively worthless, until the homes were put in there was no reason to ever step foot on the land they built on. So, they were able to markup the homes dramatically; paying 10K an acre and then reselling for 250K an acre. That wasn’t possible on the water, so most of the development was focused elsewhere.

Problem is, there’s FAR more people who want to live on/near the water than there are who want to live in the boonies. So, as the bubble has collapsed, the homes furthest out (Weston, Wellington, etc) have seen the most depreciation, while those on the water have held up (relatively) better.

As such, you run into a situation where there are shacks on the best lots and mansions on some of the worst lots. It’s very strange, but, given the economic climate during the boom, the development pattern does make sense.

Comment by Muggy
2009-10-22 05:43:10

That’s exactly right, Mike. Thanks for expanding on that. Wesley Chapel and Trinity are perfect examples for the Bay Area. Some of those new developments have ‘Wild Boar’ warning signs in them — that’s how cowtown they are.

A friend of mine bought precisely the house I am referring to on the water, in St. Pete Beach, for $265 in 2002. I don’t really see how you can do better than that (or worse than a mccrapshack in Wesley Chapel in 2006).

So, again, when Eddie says you can only find ‘decent’ rental homes in the $2500-3000/mo. range, I have no idea what he is referring to.

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Comment by Jim A.
2009-10-22 06:15:16

I’m guessing that small lot sizes are the only thing that prevented alot of teardowns in a case like this. Certainly flood insurance doesn’t prevent people from building on stilts and then illegally enclosing the first floor anyway.

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Comment by missingfla
2009-10-22 07:37:50

In south Florida you need to “anchor” the house into the ground, so no building on “sticks” to be above floods. Hurricane codes or something like that.

Comment by SouthFL
2009-10-23 05:43:49

Exactly right about the homes on the water being smaller, older CBS homes. (BTW in South Florida, even the McMansions in the west are CBS construction to be in accordance with Dade County code - they’re just stucco over that).

We sold our CBS home on the water to move out west to get a bigger house because we went from 1 to 4 kids in 3 years. The water seemed dangerous for my little burgeoning toddlers so we bought the McMansion on the big piece of property, thinking how smart and wise we were (we sold our CBS teeny house for 50% more than we paid for, only 2 short years later to a person who planned to tear it down and replace with a monstrosity on our 7,000 square foot lot).

Fast forward, our McMistake lost $1 million in value (67%) from 2006 to this May, 2009 when we finally sold it at a humongous loss. Fortunately (or unfortunately?) we had quite a bit of equity in the house and had used our CBS $$ to build the McMistake so it wasn’t actual, real live money we lost.

We never thought the west/McMansions were going to get hit harder than the coastal areas b/c the houses are nicer, bigger and on bigger land (plus hurricanes aren’t as severe 9 miles inland and storm surge isn’t an issue). Nope. We were wrong.

Back on the coast - renting. Happily.

Comment by James
2009-10-22 06:58:14

I looked on the realtor dot web and posted in response to the troll yesterday. Basically in the greater Tampa area, you can get a mansion for 300K.

On the gulf it is a lot more dense and expensive. Plus you have so many multifamily houses. If I’m remembering correctly the best area’s were Clearwater and gulf side of St Pete’s. The bay is considered pretty polluted and not that desirable. So, Saint Pete’s beach, Treasure Island, Palm Harbor, Dunedin exc. Kind of up the coast areas.

Comment by Eddie
2009-10-22 15:57:35

Im on my mobile so its too much of a pain to get the links. Go to cl, search for beach range 3000 plus or hyde park 3k plus or davis islands 3500 and you will see what im referring to. Im sure i could rent a dump for 800 too. Just because there are sub par options doesnt mean I have to take them. Jeez i dont see why its a crime to want to live well.

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Comment by Eddie
2009-10-22 15:50:02

A3-2-2 is too small first off. Second for 1500 you get 60s house with 70s or 80s decor, ie pink tiles in the bathroom and lineleum in the kitchen. Each to their own but that’s not my cup of tea. Sorry.

Comment by palmetto
2009-10-22 05:54:53

Did anyone catch the news yesterday showing the story of the thousands of people lined up in Rockville, MD for an H1N1 flu shot? The majority were turned away. Just wasn’t enough to go around. But you had to see the clips. Now THERE was a moment. Reminded me of something you’d see in a third world country, public clinics jammed to the gills and people being turned away. We’ve arrived!

Oh, and since I decided to play hooky from work yesterday, I actually tuned into Oprah’s “global” program. (Yeah, I know, I know). Got a big bang out of the segment where she interviewed a middle class lady from Rio, Brazil. It was almost surreal. The lady showed off her Afro-Brazilian maid and took the camera crew to the maid’s “favela” to show how the maid lived. After saying that favelas are basically slums, the lady said her maid lived in a “nice” favela. Now, I’m not sure which offended Oprah more, the fact that Rio got the Olympics over Chicago, or that here was a middle class white Brazilian with an Afro-Brazilian maid. So Oprah, in her lofty manner, gets in a jab about isn’t the lady worried about the violence and corruption in Brazil, because Oprah’s camera crew had to pay someone off with $600.00 just to film in the “nice favela”. Oooooh! What followed next was hysterical. The Brazilian lady gets all thin lipped and toothy, still smiling, but you could see she was pissed, giving some explanation about how safe the favelas are, her children go to nightclubs there, but maybe it was Oprah’s ostentatious camera crew that drew out the thugs.


Comment by X-philly
2009-10-22 07:31:14

I hope none of those lined up for the shot have the same reaction as Desiree Jennings did.

One of my cousins married a Brazilian girl. She has two nannies, one for each kid.

Comment by palmetto
2009-10-22 08:07:41

LOL, X-Philly, TWO nannies? That’s something.

Re the flu shot, I never take it. I’ve already had the swine flu, very mild for this over-the-hill boomer, but I have to say, my body felt like it had been beaten all over with a baseball bat. The nausea was pretty bad, too.

Comment by X-philly
2009-10-22 08:19:26

The second nanny only gets pressed into service when it’s time to fly home to visit grandparents. I don’t know, maybe it would cause a family scandal if she didn’t show up with the appropriate child care contingent.

I’m glad you’re feeling better. I’ll send you a Phillies cap to help you forget the nausea…

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Comment by lavi d
2009-10-22 09:29:05

The second nanny only gets pressed into service…

I’d like to press some nannies.

Comment by X-philly
2009-10-22 10:08:17

It’s the wife/mom in this case who is pressable.

Comment by Kim
2009-10-22 08:51:47

LOL, X-Philly, TWO nannies? That’s something.

Palmy, don’t be too envious. It turns out those cheap-labor nannies aren’t all that into child rearing. FIL attended a wedding in Argentina (his first visit to the country) and the rest of the family heard all about how much better behaved the kids down there were because they had parents AND nannies watching them. Well, he came home from that trip singing a very different tune. The expression “when the cat’s away, the mice play” happens to be somewhat universal.

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Comment by DD
2009-10-22 15:59:38

I did see that clip, and O wasn’t to pleased about the brazilian thinking her maid of 6 yrs was in a safe slum. Oy. I didn’t watch the rest of the train wreck.

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Comment by Kim
2009-10-22 08:39:50

“Did anyone catch the news yesterday showing the story of the thousands of people lined up in Rockville, MD for an H1N1 flu shot? The majority were turned away. Just wasn’t enough to go around.”

I caught the tail end on the news. Folks started lining up shortly after midnight. I presume they were there for their kids, because unless you’re pregnant or under three years of age, you weren’t going to get one anyway. There were about 200 doses IIRC. A reporter got one for her kid, but found out its a split dose vaccine for the kiddies, so she has to repeat the exercize in 30 days for the vaccine to be effective. I wondered if she’ll have to get in line again at midnight for that second dose?

IIRC, the US has about a quarter billion doses on order.

Comment by packman
2009-10-22 06:15:57

combotechie - thanks for the reference to the boingboing article on the banks borrowing at 0% and then lending back to the government via treasuries. I’ve saved it as a reference, though perhaps not the best one. The only reference mentioned is Phil Grenspun’s “friend in the money business” - who knows who that is. Also they seem to think the Federal Reserve is officially a government agency, and in fact don’t even mention the Federal Reserve anywhere in the article! He just says the banks are borrowing from “the government”. So FWIW - not really a good reference. I was thinking more along the lines of some detail from the WSJ with some real numbers if possible.


How Wall Street is making its billions

Wall Street banks have had profitable quarters. JPMorgan Chase reported $3.6 billion in profit (more than $1 billion per month). Goldman Sachs was only slightly behind, at $3.2 billion. These profits supposedly came from “trading.” I asked a friend who has worked in the money business how this was possible. “For someone to make money trading, there has to be someone on the other side of every trade who is losing money. Where does each bank find someone who can lose $1 billion every month?”

He explained that “carry trade” would be a more accurate description of what they’re doing. Because of the Collapse of 2008 financial reforms, the big investment banks are able to borrow money from the U.S. government at 0 percent interest. Then they can turn around and buy short-term bonds that pay 2 or 3 percent annual interest. Now they’re making 2 percent on whatever they borrowed. They can use leverage to increase this number, by pledging some of the bonds that they’ve already bought as collateral on additional bonds.

Comment by arizonadude
2009-10-22 07:30:36

Govt is stuffing the pockets of its contributors once again.

Just heard the govt has lost 139million due to fraud from the 8000 tax credit.Even irs employees are defrauding the govt as well as other shenanigans by others.People are claiming they are first time buyers that already own a house, not even buying a house and claiming the credit, claiming credit on investment properties.Is this a joke or what?I wonder how much the govt will spend cleaning up the fraud?

Comment by arizonadude
2009-10-22 07:38:40

Here is a link to the tax credit scam:


Comment by measton
2009-10-22 09:00:29

139 million how quaint. I’m not even sure small numbers like this are a crime anymore?

Comment by pressboardbox
2009-10-22 07:32:21

This makes sense. I also suppose that it takes “top talent” to borrow money at 0% and ‘invest’ and leverage it into bonds so those huge bonuses are indeed justified. Couldn’t a monkey do this???? (one wearing an expensive suit, of course).

Comment by Professor Bear
2009-10-22 08:19:01

‘He explained that “carry trade” would be a more accurate description of what they’re doing. Because of the Collapse of 2008 financial reforms, the big investment banks are able to borrow money from the U.S. government at 0 percent interest. Then they can turn around and buy short-term bonds that pay 2 or 3 percent annual interest. Now they’re making 2 percent on whatever they borrowed. They can use leverage to increase this number, by pledging some of the bonds that they’ve already bought as collateral on additional bonds.’

This sounds like the description I have given here more than once recently. But I don’t know that ‘carry trade’ is an accurate description without further qualification. It is important to recognize that Megabank, Inc has monopoly rights to borrow at zero percent from the Fed, and gamble that money as its heavily-bonused executives see fit. I cannot go to the Fed and borrow money at zero percent, then turn around and park as much as I want in a broadly-diversified portfolio of high-income gambling activities, which on average will pay off.

This is tantamount to providing Megabank, Inc with monopoly rights to a casino operator’s profit stream. Those who understand how casino gambling works realize that although any particular bet may work in favor of the gambler over the operator, lots of small bets coupled with the convergence properties of the bell curve result in a guaranteed money stream to the operator. It gets even better when the operator gets to borrow for free and lend at market rates.

Comment by tresho
2009-10-22 10:51:16

Because of the Collapse of 2008 financial reforms, Dang! I didn’t know the 2008 financial reforms had collapsed yet. Where I’m at now, I can still get money from the ATM and I can still fill my tank using a piece of plastic.

Comment by packman
2009-10-22 11:24:09

There are some good comments in there from “Sam” - basically to the effect that the article is bogus, in large part because the banks only can borrow from the Fed’s short-term discount window or other overnight funds.

However that doesn’t seem right to me. If that’s the case - then why is there such an obvious cause->effect connection between the Fed Funds rate and mortgage rates? Seems like the banks maybe just set up a rolling set of overnight and/or short term borrowing from the Fed, at the low rate?

Seems like an audit is in order.

Comment by neuromance
2009-10-22 19:30:28

It seems like a save Megabank at any cost project.

And since Timmy, BB and co are quite sympathetic to bankers, their attude seems to be, what’s the harm in the boys making some bank? They’re good guys.

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Comment by FB wants a do over
2009-10-22 06:20:38

20 Year Old Buys Home With $183,000 FHA Loan And Just 3.5% Down
BusinessInsider.com - John Carney|Oct. 18, 2009, 12:22 PM

Denise Tejada bought a house last month at the age of 20, thanks in large part to a loan guaranteed by the Federal Housing Authority.

Without question, Tejada’s loan is toxic–to her and to the taxpayers who are backing the loan. Her house cost $155,000. Tejada’s loan was apparently made on a micro-down payment of just 3.5%, the minimum down payment to qualify for an FHA loan. On top of this, however, she got an additional government backed loan to make improvements. Her total loans amount to $183,0000. In short, she was immediately underwater on her new house.

The monthly payments on her debt amount to $1328. Her income is $2470, leaving her with just $285 a week to live on. She’s paying 54% of her income to make the mortgage payments. She earns that income by holding down one full time and two part time jobs. Obviously, this woman has a strong work ethic. But it also means her income is precarious. With unemployment still rising, she obviously should be worried about losing one of her three jobs. A loss of one of them would likely leave her unable to make the debt payments.

Tejada says that when she bought it, the house was just a “box” with no kitchen or bathroom. Now it is “gorgeous”. She claims the renovation has increased the value of her home from $155,000 to $255,000.

“I bought my house for $155,000. And now, after all the fixing, after all the remodeling, my house is worth $255,000. So just within a month period, I made a $100,000,” she tells Market Place’s Scott Jagow.

She doesn’t give any indication about how she arrived at the conclusion that she has made a $100,000 gain in just a month. Even if her improvements had dramatically increased the value of the house beyond the cost of the improvements themselves, she would have to contend a declining housing market. From last year to this year, the median price of homes sale in Oakland, California has declined 28%.

Tejada sees her house as an investment rather than a home. And she is planning on buying more homes, despite the fact that her income is already strained by her debt. This three bedroom house is just her “first house” and is “a little too big for me.” This is the opposite direction house buying traditionally moved in, with young people buying a small fixer-upper or renting and moving into larger homes as their incomes and family size increased. Tejada has started big.

Tejada, a first generation immigrant from Guatemala, isn’t going to college. If that was ever the American dream, it isn’t hers. She’s going into home buying. Her older brother also bought a house. Indeed part of the reason she bought her house so young was that she wanted to beat her brother, who bought his house at the age of 21. She is very happy about the fact that her friends seem impressed that she owns a home.

“This is the kind of mentality that our dad pretty much embedded in us since we were 12 years old,” she says.

Her father bought a house shortly after moving to the United States. Shortly after buying the home, the family started acquiring nicer things. New cars, new televisions, that kind of thing. When Tejada’s brother asked about where they were getting the money for these things, the father said it was all because of the house.

That sounds a lot like the father was using his house as an ATM, most likely borrowing from a home equity line of credit to purchase consumer goods. As the value of the house increased during the housing bubble, the family seemed to be getting richer. Most likely, they were simply acquiring more debt. This way of thinking has been passed on to Tejada–who believes she made $100,000 in a month.

The Tejada family obviously has a very strong worth ethic and a savings ethic as well. Unfortunately, something appears to have gone haywire when it comes to homes. The children were encouraged to work and save but then to spend their savings on homes and to be completely unafraid of massive amounts of debt. This is, in short, a living breathing example of the ideology of home ownership at work.

We wish the Tejada’s nothing but the best of luck. We hope she really can keep paying her mortgages and that she somehow makes money on her house. But it is outrageous that the FHA is guaranteeing her loans, putting the taxpayer on the hook for her precarious financial situation.

Comment by Bill in Carolina
2009-10-22 06:31:07

Didn’t Barney recently say it was good that FHA was still underwriting these kinds of loans?

Comment by Blue Skye
2009-10-22 06:32:46

Isn’t math wonderfuL?

I bought a vehicle with $10,000 cash. I am now $10,000 poorer.

If I had borrowed the money, I would be $20,000 richer.

Comment by FB wants a do over
2009-10-22 06:56:25

Yeah, and her math gets even fuzzier.

Current wishing value $255,000
Minus the current loans $183,000

Says she made $100,000 in a month ????????????

Comment by Cassandra
2009-10-22 07:05:49

Obviously, she didn’t let a little math get in her way.

let’s see cost 183,000, value (being generous) 255,000.

255,000 - 183,000 = 100,000!

The window is open, and I’m taking bets, how many months before the first NOD?

Comment by aNYCdj
2009-10-22 07:24:48

Nah she will find a buy at $255K then they will rip out the granite and “improvements” and put in Greek marble then put it back on the market for $349K

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Comment by FB wants a do over
2009-10-22 08:17:56

She’s paying 54% of her income to make the mortgage payments.

Now all she needs is a loan modification / reduction in principle to bring her payment down to 31% of gross pay so she can make another $100,000.

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Comment by potential buyer
2009-10-22 16:43:34

But the thing is — her monthly debt is $1328 and it would cost that to rent a 2 bedroom anyway here in the Bay Area.
Not sticking up for her, but if she took in a roommate for that house thats too big for her, she just may be OK.

Comment by packman
2009-10-22 06:35:21

Keep digging. Keep digging.

Have we hit China yet?

Comment by rms
2009-10-22 06:37:02

“On top of this, however, she got an additional government backed loan to make improvements.”

This tells me everything about this woman; hope she falls hard.

Comment by Bill in Carolina
2009-10-22 07:19:39

Hope she falls hard?

The money to cover the FHA’s loss will be coming out of YOUR pocket.

Comment by X-philly
2009-10-22 08:01:42

It’s ironic isn’t it?

Here we are judiciously saving our money and not overextending ourselves to buy more house than we can afford…

And the money we saved by not buying into the mania will be used in support of all the perps who did drink the RE kool-aid.

The karma, it burns…

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Comment by lavi d
2009-10-22 09:42:57

The karma, it burns…

That’s a funny setence - thanks.

Comment by rms
2009-10-22 11:02:40

“Hope she falls hard?

The money to cover the FHA’s loss will be coming out of YOUR pocket.”

Everyone was screwed at the moment of closing.

Too bad so many people are commission junkies these days. The fed is merely keeping them alive until it figures out what their role will be in the new smaller economy.

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Comment by edgewaterjohn
2009-10-22 06:42:53

The connection between immigrants and real estate in the US is a long and interesting one.

Stories like this again remind me of the century-old observations of Jane Addams’. In her work with European immigrants she witnessed how the men would work nearly around the clock in the stockyards and factories to buy a house. In the meantime, juvenile delinquency and domestic violence soared. Some even worked themseleves to death, buying a house was an obsession and the rationales back then are exactly the same as those cited above.

A century later it’s still the same. But here’s where it gets sticky. Such industriousness is easily twisted by the REIC/PTB into a social ideal. But in light of these booms and busts - we Americans need to ask ourselves: is it better to work harder or to work smarter? Who exactly are these people working for? After all, it wasn’t but a few decades later that many of the very same European communities the Addams’ saw struggling to buy houses evententually lost their communities to the blockbusting and white flight of mid-century.

Admittedly, however, the HELOC thing is a new twist this time around.

Comment by packman
2009-10-22 07:33:11

At least back then when people worked themselves to the bone they generally ended up actually owning a house. These days? Not so much.

Comment by lavi d
2009-10-22 09:50:06

Who exactly are these people working for?

I think when you’re younger you work for “stuff”

A bit older and you’re working for “the kids”

Then, you’re working for the “family”, in that it’s nice, when you get to a certain age, that you can help out - be somewhere, loan money, pull strings, etc.

All along, of course, you should be working for “retirement”.

The whole thing can get perverted when you add debt…

Comment by ecofeco
2009-10-22 14:18:09

I’m pretty sure working smarter is illegal.

Or at least socially unacceptable.

Comment by Cassandra
2009-10-22 07:07:36

FHA is going to require mortgage insurance on this. Who wrote the policy? Seems like a sure bet for a short.

Comment by VaBeyatch in Virginia Beach
2009-10-22 08:16:48

Two renters paying $400/month could help.

Comment by GrizzlyBear
2009-10-22 09:23:05

The thought of paying $400 per month for a room in somebody else’ house is nauseating. I think I’d pay the extra few hundred to live by myself even if it meant a crappy studio apt. I’ve actually never lived in an apt in my life, but given a choice between the two that’d be mine.

Comment by packman
2009-10-22 11:27:50

The thought of paying $400 per month for a room in somebody else’ house is nauseating. I think I’d pay the extra few hundred to live by myself even if it meant a crappy studio apt. I’ve actually never lived in an apt in my life, but given a choice between the two that’d be mine.

I did it for a few years before being married. It was nice actually - not only did it save money in rent, but also money for furniture, TVs, etc., since I just used his. You have to have a good enough friend that you get along with to make it work though.

A good intermediate step between college dorms and having your own place.

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Comment by GrizzlyBear
2009-10-22 13:27:55

I was thinking along the lines of total strangers. It’s just not my cup of tea. A good friend of mine bought his first house ten years ago, almost immediately after he got his teaching job, and being single he advertised for roommates. He had some real horror stories. A firefighter who, when he wasn’t working, was falling down drunk, sleeping in strange areas of the house, or passed out on the couch rendering it useless for he and his other roommate for most of the day. He kicked him out after the first month.

He also had some muscle head medical student (allegedly) who moonlighted as a bouncer at a strip joint stealing from him. When he confronted the guy about it, the guy beat him up in his own house then had the audacity to go down and file a restraining order against him. My friend went to court, got a restraining order, and the guy ended up getting arrested and having to pay him back. The following roommate who he had replaced was a chef who turned out to be a cocaine addict. There were other stories, but the scary part was that all of these people, on the surface, seemed to have money and their lives together.

Comment by VaBeyatch in Virginia Beach
2009-10-22 12:31:15

Depending on the area. Here in my area nicer 2 bedroom apartments run $1100 + whatever fees extra. Well the new studios go for $1200/mo. Norfolk, VA. Median household income might be $40K-$50K

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Comment by JoJo
2009-10-22 08:31:55

“Tejada says that when she bought it, the house was just a “box” with no kitchen or bathroom. Now it is “gorgeous”. She claims the renovation has increased the value of her home from $155,000 to $255,000.”

What is it with these people who think that spending $10,000 on renovations will net them a $100,000 return? If she keeps this house for a few years, by the time she sells the ‘upgrades’ will be dated and worn and I don’t think any buyer will be impressed or pay top dollar for 5 year old, chipped countertops and used appliances.

I’d rather buy the house down the street in it’s unimproved state and renovate to my exact tastes instead of buying the generic granite, travertine tile, stainless steel appliance house for $100,000 more.

Comment by hip in zilker
2009-10-22 09:47:59

buy the house down the street in it’s unimproved state and renovate to my exact tastes

Exactly, JoJo. My houses were small poor-condition houses in great locations that we renovated for our use and for rental. By renovating to your taste, you don’t have to pay for expensive materials that happen to be fashionable. You can maintain a “period” consistency where you like (that might be inexpensive - linoleum and formica, or might be expensive - double hung replacement windows with old fashioned screens) and contemporary convenience where you like. My houses have a mix of relatively inexpensive and expensive elements according to what suits my needs and preferences.

You concentrate on things like flow of space, air, and light and space that is suited for your usage and needs. You end up with a place that you (and others) find attractive, comfortable, and convenient, not some cookie-cutter style prescribed by and for sheeple.

Comment by X-philly
2009-10-22 10:00:49

That’s pretty much what I’m hoping to find:

A small structure with good bones and a gutted kitchen.

I don’t know why formica got such bad press, there’s some nice patterns/color and it is serviceable.

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Comment by GrizzlyBear
2009-10-22 10:07:58

One point I’d like to make is that linoleum is NOT cheap. I think I paid $6 per square foot for the Marmoleum in my last house. You can find hardwood for less.

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Comment by hip in zilker
2009-10-22 13:07:39

When I replace, I’ll use Marmoleum real linoleum which is about $6 sq/ft. I used cheaper vinyl stuff before, which has held up fine.

I’ll probably use formica again for countertops - it’s so easy to clean and looks good. I might do a tile backsplash, where I have formica now.

I’ve got a well-laid-out U-shaped kitchen in an open-plan living area - designed by my brother who tore out the internal walls and gave me advice on kitchen installation before going back to California. The floor space is small, so I don’t have to worry about flooring price.

The thing that was expensive in my kitchen was the down-draft range, necessary to keep the open airy roomy effect in this small house.

Comment by JoJo
2009-10-22 11:22:25

I put in *gasp* formica countertops and they look great. I didn’t want the expense and hassle of granite (special cleaners, etc.) Formica has come a long way since the tacky patterns and colors of my childhood. I don’t get why everyone’s so in love with granite. I don’t want anything I can’t change when it goes out of style or gets damaged.

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Comment by GrizzlyBear
2009-10-22 13:33:21

I’ll take Formica over granite if only because it’s unique at this point in time. Granite is so overused and run of the mill now that it’s lost any appeal it ever had with me.

Comment by DD
2009-10-22 16:08:32

I’ll take Formica over granite if only because it’s unique at this point in time.

That is exactly what I was thinking.
You know there is the mid century look that got outdated but is in again,
The 70s look avocado and harvest gold and redwood walls, shag carpet which you raked, and mirrored walls.Deep vibrant colors.
Grannie dresses. whoops. Back to housing.
The 80s look, bland and boring.
So, with all the period telling details, I was thinking the stainless steel is going to be so outdated at some point that everyone will rush to get linoleum and formica!
We’ll be ahead of the game and have money in our pockets!

Comment by GrizzlyBear
2009-10-22 16:29:07

I have always hated stainless steel- especially the sinks. I like a big ol’ white, heavy cast iron farmhouse sink with an apron front.

Comment by DD
2009-10-22 16:38:36

like a big ol’ white, heavy cast iron farmhouse sink with an apron front.

Me 2.

Comment by X-GSfixr
2009-10-22 14:16:42

The flipper shows from 2004-05 are still being shown on cable around here.
Evidently, they are in re-runs in other places.

Comment by cereal
2009-10-22 13:37:31

Take this animal to vet and have her put to sleep.

It’s like 75 bucks or something

Comment by James
2009-10-22 06:40:48

Here is some of the bullsh&& detection from our troll Eddie.

I sold my house close to the peak as well. Missed the absolute peak by about 6 months for my neck of the woods. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that when my house more doubled in value in less than 2 years something wasn’t quite right. I, like you also got out of stocks in 2007, May and June. And I bet the other way with options on all sorts of financials, GM, Harley Davidson and retailers. A recession was inevitable. It came, I made money. I was happy.

so basically this guy just happened to see the big real estate bubble based on instinct and then get out just in time. Followed by realization that this was a “garden variety recession” and knew to short the market based on instinct again. Explanation of why he is long below? Nope. Does he identify which financials and retailers. Nope.

But the difference between me and the HBB crew is that I see the recession as your garden variety recession. It happened, people suffered, politicians vowed to do something, as usual they only make things worse but look good in the photo op while wasting trillions. But as all recessions do, this one has ended. And my investments are almost a mirror opposite of what they were in 2007/2008. Instead of shorting financials and retailers, I’m long both of them including some long term calls that have done exceptionally well the last 2-3 months.

As for real estate, it’s home buying time for me…
Its a good time to BUY!

As for renting, I posted what I found back a couple of months ago. To rent anything decent in Tampa is $2500 to $3000. To buy something decent is $500-600K. Do the math and you’ll see renting is marginally cheaper per month. But throw in the tax deduction and it’s a toss up. I’m not trying to convince anyone to go out and buy 12 houses. I’m telling you my opinion which I know will be disagreed with by one and all here.
So, you can do an easy search in the tampa area and find plenty of great houses for less than 400k. In fact that is too high. 300K still gets you a 3000 sq ft home… on a lake even. This is a siege people. You are going to be under attack from all sides, including the Eddies that are here pretending. Lets see how Eddie does predicting the future instead of the past. We have another year or more to wait everyone.

Well enough droning on….back to work.
Is the phone still on at the realitard agency?

Comment by alpha-sloth
2009-10-22 07:23:49

If he’d made half the financial moves he claims he made, he’d be so wealthy he’d be retiring to the Riviera, not looking for a ‘decent’ house in Tampa. I mean, with 1000x ROI, it would be hard not to be fantastically wealthy.

Comment by GrizzlyBear
2009-10-22 10:38:27

Exactly. Either Eddie had barely two nickels to rub together before he invested, or he’s so full of sh!t his eyes are brown. I’ll take “why does Eddie always wear sunglasses for $1000, Alex!”

Comment by exeter
2009-10-22 17:47:53

EddieTard=cashedin05 and other lamebrained monikers. Cowardice+Keyboard=EddieTard.

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Comment by Michael Fink
2009-10-22 07:34:38

How in the he** is renting for 3K more expensive than buying for 600K? 600K home in FL has about 10K in property tax, 5K in insurance, and another 3-5K in HOA fees. Let’s call it 15K in fixed costs, that’s 5 months of rent just to cover the fixed costs.

Then there’s the 500K loan (putting down 100K), at 5% that costs about 2,600/month. A 3K rental should sell, at most, for about 400K, not 600K. 100X monthly rent is 300K, 10X annual rent is 360K. Either way, neither is approaching 600K. And, of course, you have the 3-5K a year you’re no longer making by giving up that 100K down payment.

Without high appreciation, this doesn’t make any sense at all. If it rents for 3K, the most I would consider spending on it is 400K; 600K is nuts, there’s no way that’s going to pan out.

Comment by polly
2009-10-22 08:08:03

Darn you and all those pesky numbers!

Comment by Michael Fink
2009-10-22 08:27:04

Yeah, I know.. Math is just soooo boring. Let’s just all go buy based on “gut instincts”; that’s the way “real men” do it! :)

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Comment by Professor Bear
2009-10-22 08:41:49


Comment by Muggy
2009-10-22 09:16:43


I’m trying! But even if he’s a realtor, I want to know what ‘decent’ means for Tampa. Eddie, please post an MLS number or cram it.

I’m simply trying to understand his bizzare statement + call him out. If he truly believes that ’something nice’ in Tampa costs %600k I want to see a link.

Either way, I think he is full of it and is REIC/jealous bitter pwner.

Comment by measton
2009-10-22 09:05:09

If eddy is buying in that price range he might want to look at how AMT affects his mighty deductions. My guess is he is walking away with a lot less, although Florida has a low income tax and I don’t know what his other deductions are.

Comment by In Colorado
2009-10-22 10:08:50

Its a good time to BUY!

Knock yourself out.

Comment by Skip
2009-10-22 06:55:09

Any of you Florida guys got any background on the St. Joe/Southwest deal?

Dallas-based Southwest Airlines Co. will partner with real estate developer St. Joe Co. to start service in May at a new airport being built near Panama City, Fla.

In a partnership that Southwest chief executive Gary Kelly called the first of its kind, St. Joe will subsidize at least the first two years of Southwest’s service from Northwest Florida Panama City Airport.

Comment by Bill in Carolina
2009-10-22 07:23:07

Airlines often get “concessions” to begin serving (or to continue to serve) a small market but it’s usually from the local gubmint, i.e., taxpayers.

Comment by aNYCdj
2009-10-22 07:27:35

St Joe owns hundreds of thousands of acres in that area…

subsidize means not charging them for land rental.

Comment by Jon
2009-10-22 09:54:19

St. Joe is an old timber company. Owns the bend area where the peninsula hits the mainland. They decided in the late ’90’s that working for a living sucks & decided to become a giant developer. Of course the system collapsed before they could bulldoze everything.

I would strongly bet that they are trying to get more local plane flights so they can sell pine swampland to suckers. They don’t want folks to have to know just how far from civilization they will be.

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Comment by Olympiagal
2009-10-22 10:08:23

Of course the system collapsed before they could bulldoze everything.

Hooray! Hooray! I love happy endings!

Comment by Cassandra
2009-10-22 07:52:59

Even my home town of little old Flagstaff gave concessions for a flight to Los Angeles.

Comment by DD
2009-10-22 16:13:35

The coachella valley did it for a major carrier for years. The CVA gave $250,000 for the airline to keep service-1 flt per day during the summer. Finally the bubble made the valley big enough that the CVA said ‘airline you are on your own’. And airline kept full service through the hot summers. Thank the bubble for that!

Comment by polly
2009-10-22 07:08:06

Flu update:

Still running low grade fever. Went through the sinus drainage stage yesterday afternoon/evening from about 2:00 PM to about 10:00 PM. Had to go out to Bed Bath and Beyond to pick up more tissues around 3. Treated myself to the aloe infused kind - that was a good idea. Still dripping but at a much slower pace. Hacked up phlem this morning, but there doesn’t seem to be any more of that going on. Cough and sore throat continue. It was harder to sleep last night because of the congestion, but I’m surviving.

CDC is now reporting that you can transmit the disease for 48 hours after having a normal temp (without medicine) not just 24 hours, so I’m still toxic for a few days. My waste paper basket needs to be treated with biohazard precautions. May be I should go out and talk to some realtors?

Current tea is lemon zinger with honey.

Comment by oxide
2009-10-22 07:24:32

I didn’t know you could get tissues at Bed Bath and Beyond. I also don’t know how long the virus survives outside the body. I heard “2-3 hours” on one of the news shows, but that was for hard surfaces, doorknobs and the like. I don’t know about tissues.

You do sound as if you’re improving, but this sounds nasty. I’ve been washing my hands and slathering on hand sanitizer whenever I touch something in a store, and avoiding anything resembling a tot or its parents. Been lucky so far.

Comment by polly
2009-10-22 07:31:03

I wasn’t sure about the tissues, but I knew they had some basic toiletry items (mostly travel size stuff) and make up and a few other things near the checkout lines, so it was worth a peep. Not a huge selection, but enough. CVS is an extra block or two away, so that was the back up.

Comment by Cassandra
2009-10-22 07:54:11

Time to show your true feeling and go hug a realtor.

Comment by SanFranciscoBayAreaGal
2009-10-22 10:18:11

That was too funny. Thank you for the morning laugh :laugh:

Comment by mikey
2009-10-22 13:20:38

I was thinking more along the line of identifying every realtor in the US by address and then giving the complete list to those LDS kids on a Mission.

Comment by Hwy50ina49Dodge
2009-10-22 08:23:26

“…May be I should go out and talk to some realtors?”

Naw, call’em & tell’em to come pick you up…(your car’s in the shop)…when you’re about 15 min in…start coughing like heck, ask’em if they can stop by the store so you can pickup more tissues :-)

Comment by tresho
2009-10-22 10:58:49

CDC is now reporting that you can transmit the disease for 48 hours after having a normal temp (without medicine) not just 24 hours I think the larger problem is the fact that people can transmit influenza virus before they have any symptoms at all. There are many apparently healthy vectors spreading H1N1 around right now.

Comment by DD
2009-10-22 16:15:52

CDC is now reporting that you can transmit the disease for 48 hours after having a normal temp (

Good thing you went to the store then. Share and share alike, I say.

Did you see Polly that some parents are having H1N1 slumber parties for their kids. Like they did in the “ol days” with chicken pox. Get it over with NOW!

Comment by realestateskeptic
2009-10-22 07:10:11

Maybe its not a done deal??? Either that or they are just laying low for now.

White House studying housing tax credit

By Jeff Mason

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration is still considering extending a popular housing tax credit but is weighing that against efforts to bring down the federal deficit, senior White House officials said on Wednesday.

The $8,000 tax credit, which will expire at the end of November, has boosted home sales in recent months, helping to revive a flagging housing market, which was a major factor driving the United States into a recession.

Lawrence Summers, top economic adviser to President Barack Obama, told Reuters there was a case to be made for extending the credit “in terms of supporting the housing market.”

But he added: “At the same time, we can’t afford everything for which there is a case.”

On Tuesday, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan — the administration’s top housing official — expressed doubts the United States could afford to extend the tax credit for first-time home buyers beyond its expiration.

Valerie Jarrett, a senior adviser to Obama on business issues, said she was undecided about the program.

“I’m not leaning any which way or another. I’m still in the process of doing our due diligence on the program,” she told Reuters in a separate interview.

Jarrett said the White House was considering whether to continue a host of programs that had been used to boost the economy. “We have to measure them against how successful have they been. And so we’re in the process of doing that now,” she said.

“As we look at all the different ways that we could help jump-start the economy, we have to measure that against our desire to bring down the deficit.”

Summers said he thought it was important to keep the program’s emphasis on first-time home buyers. Some in Congress would like to broaden the credit to offer it to other home buyers as well.

Critics say expanding the credit might be wasteful because it could end up providing incentives to people who would have bought a home anyway.

“It does seem to me that concentrating on first-time home buyers has the virtue that you’re stimulating demand without also stimulating supply as distinct from (providing) the credit to those who are turning over a home,” Summers said in the interview.

But he also emphasized that in weighing whether an extension of the credit could benefit the economy, the White House would also consider its impact on the deficit.

Summers said the administration would look at the possibility of expanding the size of the credit, but on that issue, the impact on the deficit would be a consideration.

© Thomson Reuters 2009. All rights reserved.

Comment by pressboardbox
2009-10-22 07:36:35

Ohhh, they are still going to extend/expand the credit. They just want you to think they wont so you go rush to buy a house thinking it will run out. They did the same thing with C4Clunkerz, the sly little buggers. So clever in a really dumb kind of way.

Comment by oxide
2009-10-22 08:15:33

Pressy, save your tinfoil for the bought-off Congresscritters who want to extend AND expand the credit. They are using $8K as a Trojan horse to re-inflate the housing bubble and massage their BFF’s in banking. That’s your conspiracy.

The C4C program was so short that the deadline came before awareness and demand hit a natural peak. Even then, all it did was borrow future demand.

This $8K program, on the other hand, has been around for months, long enough to exhaust initial demand. No hurry. Any further demand is artificial. Given the fraud, it’s probably not even worth it to extend the credit.

I predict a short extension, but no expansion.

Comment by Kim
2009-10-22 09:01:17

“Given the fraud, it’s probably not even worth it to extend the credit.”

Fraud? What fraud?


“Tens of thousands of people may have taken advantage of the first-time home buyer tax credit to defraud the government, an IRS watchdog office said Thursday, in testimony that could jeopardize efforts to extend the popular program.”

“Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration J. Russell George told a House panel that more than 19,000 people filed 2008 tax returns claiming the credit for homes they had not yet purchased. Russell said his office had identified another $500 million in claims, by some 74,000 taxpayers, where there were indications of prior home ownership.”

“He told a House Ways and Means oversight subcommittee that they also found 580 taxpayers under the age of 18 who claimed $4 million in first-time home buyer credit. One was 4 years old.”

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Comment by Professor Bear
2009-10-22 08:58:47

They’ll study it until the last possible minute before a “surprise” announcement of the renewal, in order to capture two “free” psychological benefits of the political charade:

1) Tempt those who want to capture the $8K before the program expires to hurry up and buy;

2) Prod those who thought they missed the chance to come back into the housing market.

It is all about luring greater fools to catch themselves falling knives; whether the fools are speed demons or slow pokes is immaterial.

Comment by X-GSfixr
2009-10-22 14:28:38

3) Has the effect of distorting the market, keeping prices at an artificially high level.

Much like the manipulation of statistics to make the employment and GDP numbers look better than they actually are.

Purpose: Self-preservation program for politicians, bankers.

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Comment by cereal
2009-10-22 13:43:41

The credit helps steal renters away. It is having a negative impact on vacancies and commercial prices.

zero sum game?

Comment by Michael Fink
2009-10-22 07:37:47

Please, please let it go away. I am a first time home buyer, and I’m just dying for this credit to go away. Keep your 8K, I have my own downpayment and will happily use it to purchase a reasonably priced home!

Comment by awaiting wipeout
2009-10-22 07:57:45

Does anyone here have an estimate on how much that $8,000 credit is adding to the sale price of a sfh?

So Ca is still way too high. Not sure if we want to buy our “toe tag” home here. Nevertheless, many states are still too frothy.

Comment by X-philly
2009-10-22 08:06:35

In my area, the credit seems to be supporting the midrange houses, 200k-400k. The bottom is falling out of the low range.

And in the midrange, buyers are gravitating to the houses with the latest accoutrments as opposed to the solidly built 1950s stock. So they’re still stretching to get into the house.

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Comment by JLR
2009-10-22 10:14:46

funny … we just bought a house built in 1956 and that’s part of what attracted us to it … it is solid and in great condition. And that black and white bathroom tile is back in style again :)

Comment by awaiting wipeout
2009-10-22 11:38:41

Good decision. We have owned nothing but McMansion/Garage Mahals, and we’re going to buy older too, this time around. We are craving the feel of an older neighborhood, a more formal floorplan, and the feel of a real home. Not to mention the big beautiful TREES. After living in starkitecture with baby trees, my appreciation has grown.

Comment by Olympiagal
2009-10-22 14:35:44

We are craving the feel of an older neighborhood, a more formal floorplan, and the feel of a real home. Not to mention the big beautiful TREES. After living in starkitecture with baby trees, my appreciation has grown.

I know of a place with great big trees.

Comment by DD
2009-10-22 16:18:13

I know of a place with great big trees.

Send the sunday classifieds, Oly!

Comment by socaljettech
2009-10-22 17:10:04

“I know of a place with great big trees.”

Joshua trees? How come no one talks about Joshua trees any more? :(

Comment by DD
2009-10-23 10:16:51

Joshua trees? How come no one talks about Joshua trees any more?

We still got em.

Comment by mikey
2009-10-22 08:25:24

‘So Ca is still way too high. Not sure if we want to buy our “toe tag” home here. Nevertheless, many states are still too frothy.”

For sure, I believe an underwater guy in Illinois that was trying to sell was quoted the other day as saying.

“We’re gonna have to live here…Forever”

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Comment by awaiting wiipeout
2009-10-22 09:08:44

We’re paying cash and working our income around where we settle. No PITI makes it easier to survive. Mikey, you do have a good point.

Paging Packman-
Where did you move from in So Ca, and where did you settle back east? Are EE’s finding DC related contract work in your area? If so, how does one find the jobs?

Comment by packman
2009-10-22 11:36:35

Paging Packman-
Where did you move from in So Ca, and where did you settle back east? Are EE’s finding DC related contract work in your area? If so, how does one find the jobs?

I moved from northern CA actually - north of SF in a little “telecom valley” area. Currently in northern VA. There is lots of tech stuff around Herndon/Reston and the like. There are some EE jobs - probably more than most other areas. If you’re interested, pop me an email at my live account packman_hbb. (I only use it for HBB stuff, so is safe to post here).

Comment by measton
2009-10-22 09:07:58

Does anyone here have an estimate on how much that $8,000 credit is adding to the sale price of a sfh?

I’m going to go out on a limb and say about $8000

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Comment by awaiting wiipeout
2009-10-22 09:15:43

meatson, you little smart butt. I read it was up to $20,000, after all the multi- bid idiots get going. I was looking for some multi-regional feedback.I love ya anyway. Big hug, and then a kick in the seat of the pants. :)

Comment by Cowtown
2009-10-22 12:36:20

It has been argued here on the HBB that, thanks to the magic of leverage, it may add up to $40K to the price. This assumes a traditional 20% downpayment.

So maybe the answer is “at least $8K.”

Comment by X-GSfixr
2009-10-22 14:34:32

Mom currently owns/rents from the bank her current residence.
She’s been thinking about moving to Texas to be closer to family.

She got all excited when the $8K credit came out. Had to crush her dreams when I told her that she was ineligible for it.

Comment by Professor Bear
2009-10-22 09:00:42

“I have my own downpayment …”

You don’t qualify, because you are too financially prudent and responsible. Megabank, Inc only likes to lend to debtbeats. A whale’s diet consists primarily of plankton.

Comment by Professor Bear
2009-10-22 09:02:37

Besides, since most loans are guaranteed by the government these days, it matters not a lick to the lender whether the borrower is likely to go into default.

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Comment by DD
2009-10-22 16:20:56

A whale’s diet consists primarily of plankton.

Good one.

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Comment by edgewaterjohn
2009-10-22 07:53:25

Depending on how many others out there would also like to liquidate, then in a round about way exapnding this credit might actually function as an incentive to sell to get in on the price bump.

Comment by hip in zilker
2009-10-22 08:19:37

I got mail from a Realturd trying to buy up houses for investors (presumably looking forward to the next wave of McMansion-building), urging me to hurry up and sell to take advantage of the $8,000 credit!!! (exclamation points his)

Comment by Kim
2009-10-22 12:43:02

“(exclamation points his)”

Used house salesfolk LOVE exclamation points, the more the merrier.

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Comment by drumminj
2009-10-22 08:09:55

The Obama administration is still considering extending a popular housing tax credit but is weighing that against efforts to bring down the federal deficit, senior White House officials said on Wednesday.

Maybe I just have misconceptions, but doesn’t Congress enact tax law? Or is the IRS part of the executive and can make up it’s own rules at the behest of the president?

While it’s frustrating, I suppose I can somewhat understand people blaming/praising the president for all the actions in DC. But I’d expect reporting to be more accurate.

Am I missing something?

Comment by oxide
2009-10-22 08:20:16

I think Congress does it. When the C4C extension came up, there were Senators who voted against it. But either way, Obama still has to sign off on it.

Would this extension be a stand-alone bill, or will they stick it on the end of some other bill to force Obama to agree to it? (That’s how we got concealed carry in the National Parks. :roll: )

Comment by drumminj
2009-10-22 12:05:03

That’s how we got concealed carry in the National Parks.

Wait, you can concealed-carry in national parks? I thought guns weren’t allowed in nat’l parks, period, open carry or concealed.

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Comment by packman
2009-10-22 12:44:55

Wait, you can concealed-carry in national parks? I thought guns weren’t allowed in nat’l parks, period, open carry or concealed.

Recent change - google it.

Comment by ecofeco
2009-10-22 14:49:18

And thank god. Going in to any wilderness area without a firearm is not a very bright idea. Might as well leave your lighter, first aid kit and canteen at home while you’re at it.


Comment by DD
2009-10-22 16:24:28

Concealed weaponry and assault snowmobiles tearing up all the land. Don’t mind so much the weapons, but seriously would have hoped you HAD to register them when you entered the park,IF you were a legitimate and reasonable person. Otherwise you would have nefarious reasons for sneaking in a gun, imho.

Had to have seen the entire history of the national parks on PBS recently to understand the reason for my opinion.
Too much and to many get carried away. And not for self preservation reasons.

Comment by mikey
2009-10-23 06:07:09

“And thank god. Going in to any wilderness area without a firearm is not a very bright idea. Might as well leave your lighter, first aid kit and canteen at home while you’re at it.”

Sheesh…with you gun guys on the loose, we’ll have to have the bears, chipmunks and snakes wearing Blaze Orange jackets and walking and wiggling around with their paws up.

The snakes must carry little white suurender flags or make other Safety Arrangements to live in their OWN woods.

Comment by polly
2009-10-22 08:14:49

No mention of the IRS problems in implementing the program? That is weird. Maybe it is because they were talking to administration officials rather than law makers?

Comment by awaiting wipeout
2009-10-22 07:30:35

I’ve read online that people born before 1957 are already immune to swine flu. Is this true, and if so, why? — Lisa Radher, Chicago

Yes, pretty much so, says Dr. David Morens of the National Institutes of Health, who has studied the history of flu viruses.

People born before 1957 were exposed to ancestors of the new pandemic virus, which are in a lineage that goes back to the notorious H1N1 virus that touched off the raging pandemic of 1918-19. That’s why people older than 52 are likely to have some protective antibodies that “cross-react” with the new H1N1 flu.

In 1957, for reasons flu experts don’t fully understand, H1N1 viruses disappeared for 20 years.

…link it to continue

Comment by The_Overdog
2009-10-22 08:26:15

The swine flu is just a variation of the normal flu (in terms of symptoms you feel when you have it), which kills 40,000 US citizens per year.

The swine flu has killed around 500.

You should be more worried about the normal flu than the swine flu.

Comment by michael
2009-10-22 08:39:17

they would not even test my sister in-law for it.

they tested for the regular flu and it was negative and she had flu like symptoms.

when the TV says someone died of swine flu people stop and watch…the regular flu…meh.

hysteria and hype always wins out over ho hum drum…sheeple are just that way…and always will be.

Comment by Professor Bear
2009-10-22 08:49:21

No sh!t, Sherlock… this whole episode is another great chance for the government to menace the public with a hobgoblin that provides opportunity to protect us all.

Comment by tresho
2009-10-22 11:02:17

this whole episode is another great chance for the government to menace the public with a hobgoblin that provides opportunity to protect us all. We’ll see. One partisan’s hobgoblin is another partisan’s mass murderer.

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Comment by Professor Bear
2009-10-22 08:27:01

This news should work wonders for the much vaunted San Diego tourism industry. I know by word of mouth that some Asians are avoiding visits to the US entirely due to fear of contracting the swine flu. It sounds like San Diego would be an ideal place to catch it.

The precautious had better stay away from the malls and avoid visiting open homes for sale, as the virus is EVERYWHERE. BOO!!!

I personally am looking forward to enjoying some undisturbed area beaches over the next 12 months or so.

Swine flu may be at all county schools
Some campuses report 20 percent absentee rate; others see fewer cases

By Keith Darcé
2:00 a.m. October 22, 2009

Sheila Morris, custodian at Ross Elementary in San Diego, makes sure surfaces children might touch are cleaned with bleach.   Peggy Peattie / U-T - Peggy Peattie/Union-Tribune

Outbreaks of swine flu have surfaced in at least 29 schools in San Diego County over the past three weeks, and the virus is likely circulating at all other campuses, local public health officials said yesterday.


Active as of yesterday

 •Cajon Valley Union district: Bostonia Elementary, Meridian Elementary

•Del Mar Union: Del Mar Hills Elementary, Ocean Air Elementary, Torrey Hills Elementary

•Fallbrook Union: Frazier Elementary

•Poway Unified: Stone Ranch Elementary, Westwood Elementary

•San Diego Unified: Dingman Elementary, Fay Elementary, Marcy Adolescent Treatment Program, Rodriguez Elementary, Rolando Elementary, Sunset Elementary, Washington Elementary

•Santee: Cajon Park Elementary, Prospect Elementary

•Solana Beach: Skyline Elementary

•South Bay Union: Mendoza Elementary

•Vista Unified: Vista Magnet Middle

•Col. Solomon Preschool in San Diego

•Literacy First Charter School in El Cajon

• Encinitas Union: Flora Vista Elementary, Mission Estancia Elementary

•Poway Unified: Oak Valley Middle

•San Diego Unified: Hawthorne Elementary, Ibarra Elementary, Ross Elementary

•Solana Beach: Solana Santa Fe

Comment by In Colorado
2009-10-22 10:01:49

My mom keeps emailing me all these alarmist stories on why not to get vacinnated. My sister is a 2nd grade bilingual teacher. I can’t wait to see my mom’s face if one of the kids in my sister’s school dies of swine flu, as she has literally been on her knees begging us not to get immunized, because the vacinne is “dangerous”. Its moot anyways, as there are no vacinnes left in stock.

Comment by JoJo
2009-10-22 08:34:08

There was a terrible flu outbreak in 1956, maybe the survivors developed immunity because of it.

Comment by Professor Bear
2009-10-22 08:55:50

I think my family either had already it or is otherwise immune, as one of my kids attends a school on the list above.

Comment by Professor Bear
2009-10-22 08:31:12

Sounds like the myriad artificial life support measures propping up the ailing housing market may have to be extended indefinitely, to help fulfill the green shoots predictions of this Fed narrative:

Business Briefing
Housing, manufacturing aiding economy, Fed says

Compiled from staff and wire reports

2:00 a.m. October 22, 2009

Improvements in housing and manufacturing are driving the early stages of the economic recovery, according to a Federal Reserve survey.

The Fed’s latest “Beige Book” snapshot of business conditions nationwide found “many sectors” of the economy either stabilized or logged modest improvements over the last six weeks. The pickups, though, often were from “depressed” levels of activity.

The new report adds to evidence that a recovery has started from the worst recession since the 1930s. Only two of the Fed’s 12 regions — Atlanta and St. Louis — reported weaker overall economic activity.

The report said factories increased production as businesses restocked depleted inventories. Both housing and manufacturing continued a “pattern of improvement that emerged over the summer,” the Fed observed.

Comment by Professor Bear
2009-10-22 08:34:46

“housing market improvement” = restoration of many of the conditions that led to the housing bubble which must not be named. So long as the Fed brass stay in denial, the housing bubble lives on.

Comment by Professor Bear
2009-10-22 08:36:14

Economic Report

Oct. 22, 2009, 10:46 a.m. EDT
Home prices fall 0.3% in August, FHFA says

By Rex Nutting, MarketWatch

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — After rising for three months, U.S. home prices fell a seasonally adjusted 0.3% in August compared with July, the Federal Housing Finance Agency reported Thursday.

Prices were down 3.6% in the past year, and were down 10.7% from the peak. Prices are roughly the same level they were in February 2005. Read the full report.

Prices rose in four of nine regions, fell in four and were flat in the other. The FHFA index is based on repeat sales on homes financed through Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac.

The largest price declines in August were in the South Atlantic states (down 1.6%) and New England (down 1.1%)

The biggest price gains in August came in the Pacific region (up 1.2%) and Mountain region (up 0.8%), where the housing bubble was the most intense.

Comment by Professor Bear
2009-10-22 08:47:46

It looks like the PPT turned on the DJIA = 10,000 peg in response to the initial selloff on news of lower home prices today…

If Ron Paul’s wish to audit the Fed comes to pass, I hope he thoroughly investigates for which (if any) asset classes the Fed and its Megabanking minions engage in price fixing, and whether these practices are legal. Questions of legality aside, price fixing on a macroeconomic scale would be very destructive for at least two reasons:

1) It destroys the ability of a free market to choose between projects that are worth pursuing and those which are losers (e.g., building more McMansion tract homes into a massive glut);

2) If market participants are unaware of stealth interventions by the monetary cartel to undermine market forces, they may falsely conclude that free market economics does not work.

Comment by southwest guy
2009-10-22 08:41:10

Stainless steel,granite, these two (so called luxury items) single handed ruined the home industry.
Just add this to your home and it goes from $150k to $500k instantly and the dumb public fell for it hook line and sinker.

Comment by Bill in Los Angeles
2009-10-22 08:43:51

Built-in GPS on cars seven years ago added $5,000 to them - for the dummies who bought the cars only for GPS.

Comment by Professor Bear
2009-10-22 08:52:06

Hah! We bought our GPS for under $200 a few months ago. And it is portable — works in whatever car we happen to be driving at the time :-)

Comment by Kim
2009-10-22 08:53:18

And now the built-ins are less desirable, because you can’t move them from car-to-car as needed (say, to a rental car when you travel).

Comment by Olympiagal
2009-10-22 10:36:17

because you can’t move them from car-to-car as needed (say, to a rental car when you travel).

Good point.
I got a TomTom as a present and it’s useful sometimes,
but mostly we just shout at and argue with each other, using different languages and accents according to our whims and by which button we press:

Snotty-sounding British voice: ‘You’re utterly lost in the Land that Time Forgot.’
Olygal: ‘I’m not either f**ckin’ lost! Shut up!’
Snotty-sounding British voice: ‘No, really, you are lost. Really, super, utterly and totally lost…see that mastodon out there?’
Olygal: ‘One more word and I’m chucking you out the window into the bog.’
Snotty-sounding British voice: ‘Okay, but you’re still lost in the wilderness with only a stale Saltine and some gumdrops.’
Olygal: (notices a pterodactyl gliding by and starts sniffling)
Snotty-sounding British voice: “Boy, I hope pterodactyls don’t like eating little talking machines as much as they like eating pink semi-evolved monkeys. Hey, maybe it can learn to worship me as a God!”

Like that. It’s really annoying.

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Comment by aNYCdj
2009-10-22 11:09:58

Oly are you sure you weren’t a main writer for Max headroom?

Comment by lavi d
2009-10-22 12:33:57

Like that. It’s really annoying.

Oly. A little tip. Eat the mushrooms after you get where you’re going.

Comment by Kim
2009-10-22 12:37:42

Ha! THAT is funny.

I know another woman who SWEARS the voice on her GPS gets firmer and stricter the more she deviates off the route.

Comment by Cowtown
2009-10-22 12:47:17

I drove down to Dallas earlier this year. I told TomTom to avoid toll roads. It took me straight to the nearest toll road, and it told me to be in the lane reserved for E-Pass.

Comment by mikey
2009-10-22 13:50:20

I have a GPS. It shouts commands sometimes. It talks a lot when I find myself lost by detour and going around in circles in some semi rough Chicago neigborhood.

‘In 200 ft, turn right…turn right! ”

“Re-calculating…Drive 94.7 miles and take a left…take a left…”

I was ready to abandon BOTH the stupid talking GPS and the friggin’ car and make a run for it for the Wisconsin border on foot. I’d be better taking orders and directions from a small green turtle than that thing !

Comment by mikey
2009-10-22 14:11:14

Good one Oly,

1700 miles away me and she has a TomTom with an attitude problem.

It’s all gravy …and I’m SAFE from physical harm !

Comment by Northeastener
2009-10-22 14:42:17

And now the built-ins are less desirable, because you can’t move them from car-to-car as needed (say, to a rental car when you travel).

Both my family’s vehicles have built-in Navigation. Why? Because if I’m travelling on foot or in a rental car, I can use my Blackberry or my wife’s iPhone for directions… no need to carry/purchase another seperate device.

The portable GPS’s are notorious for “smash-and-grabs” when left in the car… i.e. smash the car window and grab the device and never even set off the alarm. I never have to worry about that with a built-in GPS in my car nor do I have to remember to put the portable in my bag or the glovebox. And yes, thieves will look for the mounts and break in, knowing the device is probably in the glovebox.

Lastly, today’s built-in Nav systems come bundled with other features like higher end sound systems, HDD sound, backup cameras, bluetooth, etc. They also have larger screens than the portables, making it easier to view. All of which I and my wife find useful for various reasons.

Basically, I wouldn’t buy another car without built-in Nav, nor will I even look at a new or used car without it. To each his/her own. I freely admit that I’m a car and gagdet guy willing to part with my hard-earned money for fast cars and cool tech. I still won’t buy an overpriced single-family house, so there you go.

Comment by Olympiagal
2009-10-22 14:44:23

1700 miles away me and she has a TomTom with an attitude problem.

Is that all? I thought it was…I dunno, a fifty-eleven gazillion miles or something.
I’m not good with math. Also I like to drive at Warp 9, which distorts time and distance and makes it hard to calculate those mile thingies, what with all the black holes and quasars and stuff.

Comment by Doghouse Riley
2009-10-22 14:45:53


Did you have to pay extra to download the road maps of Pangaea??

Comment by Olympiagal
2009-10-22 14:52:24

I’d be better taking orders and directions from a small green turtle than that thing !

In my experience small green turtles are worth listening to. They’ve been around and have paid attention and gotten all wise and Japanesy and Zen-like and so forth. Plus, they don’t usually speak in snotty British accents when they tell you you’re lost, which is a GIANT plus.

I was ready to abandon BOTH the stupid talking GPS and the friggin’ car and make a run for it for the Wisconsin border on foot.

You probably didn’t even have a good reason to run for the border. At least not on THAT day. It was just instinct, wasn’t it? You were probably slurping a lemonade and thinking about getting a haircut and then suddenly felt the need to run for the border, out of habit.
You can tell us. We won’t guffaw for more than 15 minutes.

Comment by mikey
2009-10-22 15:52:06

Actually, I used to drive down to the Chicago area 12-16 times a month. If you can drive I-294 or on the Dan Ryan Speedway, you race darned near anywhere.

“You probably didn’t even have a good reason to run for the border. At least not on THAT day. It was just instinct, wasn’t it?”

Yep…it made me homesick for my mom’s quiet, winding tree lined 3 1/2 mile dirt road where the only thing you had to worry about doing 60 mph was meeting a moose or my equally insane sister doing 90… inbound.

I struggle with the city life. I wanna go HOME!!

Comment by Olympiagal
2009-10-22 16:22:02

Did you have to pay extra to download the road maps of Pangaea??

No, they were included, luckily. (This was a deluxe model. Me and the TomTom can argue with each other in 20 languages and 101 accents, or until someone gets their head banged on the dashboard.)
But there’s no Trader Joes to be found anywhere in Pangaea! Can you imagine? How freakin’ primitive. So I’m not ever going back there.

Comment by Olympiagal
2009-10-22 17:23:19

I struggle with the city life. I wanna go HOME!!

Well, maybe it’s getting time? Even though ‘your’ ranch got sold. This Autumn feels lucky, somehow.

Comment by socaljettech
2009-10-22 17:56:56

Man I love my GPS- Garmin, cause they make airplane GPS’s, of course! Has a cute female Aussie accent, much better than the stuffy Brits. The best part is the custom points of interest I download from POI factory- I found all the brewpubs in Rhode Island when I was there a couple of years ago. Oh and Homer Simpson gives me the alert when I’m close to one with a “MMMM, BEEER”. Always a good sound when you’re thirsty…

Comment by mikey
2009-10-22 18:12:50

I may go back for a quick visit but lingering at home in a -40 degree winter with the wolves sitting on a frozen lake staring in at me just doesn’t thrill me anymore.

I’d much rather be warm in Mexico or Jamacia wasting my money on “wimmin and booze”

Ho Ho Ho….”Merry Christmas” Ma


Comment by FB wants a do over
2009-10-22 08:56:12

Funny you mention that. Girlfriend was shopping for a new Acura last year and the sales guy mentioned that a built-in GPS would cost an additional $3,000. Unbelievable.

Comment by tresho
2009-10-22 11:09:09

I got my GPS for $50 (brand new, fully warranteed, no rebates necessary). I must state I already owned a nice set of wheels, a voltage inverter, and a laptop. The only time I ever drove into Washington DC, I used my GPS to avoid a major interstate traffic jam and to navigate its city streets to make an appointment, only 5 minutes late. Try that with a paper map.

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Comment by tresho
2009-10-22 11:10:13

I used my GPS to avoid a major interstate traffic jam I forgot to mention I had a basic cup of Starbucks 20 minutes before I approached the jam. That was essential.

Comment by Bill in Los Angeles
2009-10-22 11:50:09

I have a smartphone that I use for my phone calling, my web e-mail at work, browsing internet at the airport, and it has voice GPS (graphics, voice, and so on) which routes you around congestion. It’s an LG Versa.

Comment by Michael Fink
2009-10-22 13:32:17

I have had cars without GPS, and now have one with it. Yes, it’s HORRIBLY overpriced to buy it with the car. 3000 dollars for something that costs about 200.

However, that said, I think the built in GPS is worth 3K to me. I am horribly directionally challanged, and travel a lot for work. The built-in, always there GPS is a wonderful feature, I just glace down and know where I am at any time. I really enjoy it.

Put it this way, I wouldn’t sell you the GPS from my car for 3K (assuming you replaced it with a head unit that had no GPS). It’s worth that much to me. However, I have used Tom-Tom and Garmin, and both are awesome (better than the built in I have now). I just don’t want it flying around the car and the wires on the floor. But, by far, if you’re not using it constantly, the handheld/portable GPS is the way to go. Or, if you have some sense of direction and can find you way to the grocery store without GPS. :)

BTW, the GPS update disk for my car? 400 dollars!!! You want to talk about a rip off! I would pay 40 for it, but not 400. So, instead, from me, they get 0.

(Comments wont nest below this level)
Comment by X-GSfixr
2009-10-22 14:43:35

Garmin learned something from their forays into the aviation business.

The money isn’t in the equipment, but in the upgrades/updates required to keep it current/functional.

Comment by DD
2009-10-22 16:32:57

I am horribly directionally challanged,

MichaelFink, are you an engineer originally? J/K.

Father was search/rescue AF early on= should be able to get around okay?
Drove back and forth aside the Matterhorn for an hr as kids before he would finally ask a gas station person how to get to that mountain and entrance to Disneyland.
Can’t cook either, so I dont’ know how he did those survival forays.

Comment by socaljettech
2009-10-22 18:26:18

“The money isn’t in the equipment, but in the upgrades/updates required to keep it current/functional.”

I just updated the maps in my Garmin- they now have a lifetime subscription offer for the maps and traffic alerts for $120.00- pretty reasonable in my book. Yeah, its for this unit only, but the thing seems to be going strong after 3 years, so what the hey…

Comment by Bill in Los Angeles
2009-10-22 08:42:43

Happy October 22! Ah, another $1,000 52-week T-bill added to my collection. Now I have 52-week T-bills maturing every four weeks, enough to pay my rent on one of my apartments.

But the story today is another tech ticker guy (other than Peter Schiff) who says gold will eventually get to $5,000 per ounce:


Then massive fraud on the $8,000 tax credit may jeopardize the program or any extension of it:

“Tens of thousands of people may have taken advantage of the first-time home buyer tax credit to defraud the government, an IRS watchdog office said Thursday, in testimony that could jeopardize efforts to extend the popular program.”


Comment by Professor Bear
2009-10-22 10:16:34

“Tens of thousands of people may have taken advantage of the first-time home buyer tax credit to defraud the government, an IRS watchdog office said Thursday, in testimony that could jeopardize efforts to extend the popular program.”

This program sounds to me like a perfect candidate for renewal, as there can be no reflation of the housing bubble without massive fraud.

Comment by Don't Know Nothin About Buyin No House
2009-10-22 10:57:39

“This program sounds to me like a perfect candidate for renewal, as there can be no reflation of the housing bubble without massive fraud.”


Comment by X-GSfixr
2009-10-22 14:48:16

It has the benefit of cutting out those pesky “middlemen” (mortgage brokers, bond-graders, investment banks, etc.)

And it gets the IRS back into their comfort zone (beating up on Mr/Mrs J6P individual taxpayer, instead of the hassle and time it takes to successfully prosecute someone who can afford a good lawyer.

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Comment by tresho
2009-10-22 11:22:01

Ah, another $1,000 52-week T-bill added to my collection. Now I have 52-week T-bills maturing every four weeks, Let’s see, this week’s 52-w $1,000 T-bill would have cost a Treasury Direct investor $996.20. So at maturity in 52 weeks you would have earned $3.80 along with getting your principal back, without calculating in/deflation. If you bought such a T-bill every week for a year, you would tie up $51,802.40 for the annual income of $197.60. I must not be figuring this right.

Comment by Bill in Los Angeles
2009-10-22 11:32:32

Your figures are exact. I just want to return my principle at maturity. I don’t care about getting an extra $3.79 from today’s T-bill in one year. It counteracts my precious metals bullion.

Comment by Bill in Los Angeles
2009-10-22 11:34:48

Diversification is the key. It’s a piggy bank that I cannot get into for an extended period of time. Keeps me from spending it on wimmin and booze.

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Comment by drumminj
2009-10-22 12:29:58

Keeps me from spending it on wimmin and booze.

Would you be willing to loan it to me at the paltry interest rate you are getting so that *I* may spend it on wimmin and booze?

At least one of us should get getting enjoyment out of that money. Right now the gov’t is just using it to blow things up and give it to deadbeats.

Comment by Olympiagal
2009-10-22 15:21:18

Keeps me from spending it on wimmin and booze.

You have something better to spend your money on?

Comment by mikey
2009-10-22 17:41:47

“Keeps me from spending it on wimmin and booze”

mutters Billy over and over as he shoots spitwads from a bent straw at Nurse Mildred Racheted in the Home for the Senile and Criminally Insane.

ha ha ha

Comment by Bill in Los Angeles
2009-10-23 09:06:41

Hey Mikey,

you wanna race? I’ve less than 9% body fat. 2 mile swim in the pool. I will finish my 2 while you are still working on your 1 mile.

Comment by Northeastener
2009-10-22 14:52:26

Happy October 22! Ah, another $1,000 52-week T-bill added to my collection.

Don’t sound so happy… I just lost a $1000 on a short trade on NYT today. In what world does a dead-tree newspaper company come out with 3rd quarter earnings, losing .25/share, with ad revenue down 27% vs last year and trading with trailing P/E of 42 become the best performing stock on the S&P today? I’ll tell you, Bizarro World. I swear someone on Wall St. just wanted to piss me off today… and it worked.

Comment by Professor Bear
2009-10-22 08:53:35

market pulse

Oct. 22, 2009, 11:48 a.m. EDT

Financial Panel OK’s Consumer Protection Agency
By Ronald D. Orol

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) - A key congressional committee on Thursday approved the creation of a controversial Consumer Financial Protection Agency, charged with writing rules for mortgage and credit card products in the wake of the credit crunch. In a partisan vote, lawmakers in the House Financial Services Committee took a major step in financial regulatory reform by approving the wide-ranging agency, backed by the panel’s chairman, Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., in a voice vote.

Comment by Professor Bear
2009-10-22 08:54:46

Barn door left open
All of the horses have fled
Barney, shut the door!

Comment by Olympiagal
2009-10-22 10:37:48

That’s freakin’ beautiful. Thanks.

Comment by wmbz
2009-10-22 08:55:02

Good News!

U.S. Initial Jobless Claims Rose More Than Forecast (Update1)

Oct. 22 (Bloomberg) — More Americans than forecast filed claims for unemployment benefits last week, a reminder that the labor market will be slow to recover.

Initial jobless applications rose by 11,000 to 531,000 in the week ended Oct. 17, from a revised 520,000 the prior week that were the fewest in nine months, the Labor Department said today in Washington. The number of people collecting benefits fell, while those receiving extended benefits increased.

Economists project the unemployment rate will reach 10 percent by the first quarter of 2010, underscoring the risk to consumer spending, the biggest part of the economy. Companies cutting costs remain reluctant to hire, even as they’ve eased dismissals from levels seen earlier this year.

“Until demand turns around, businesses have to continue to cut costs,” said Joshua Shapiro, chief U.S. economist at Maria Fiorini Ramirez Inc., a New York forecasting firm. “We remain pessimistic on consumer spending.”

Comment by In Colorado
2009-10-22 09:54:33

I’m seeing signs of capitulation in MSM. I’m not seeing too many “the recession is over” stories anymore. I’ve even seen a few admitting that the current situation is the “new normal”.

Comment by X-GSfixr
2009-10-22 14:50:55

The beatings will continue until morale improves.

If you don’t like it, call Helen Waite.

Comment by ecofeco
2009-10-22 14:59:17

“We remain pessimistic on consumer spending.”

Ya think? :lol:

Comment by DD
2009-10-22 16:36:15

YET, yet, wally is cutting prices today till Christmas to get all the folks to buy because…..people are spending now.

Article said so.

Comment by wmbz
2009-10-22 08:57:43

Losing their lifeline - 7,000 a day
As the Senate debates whether to extend unemployment benefits, more than 200,000 jobless Americans are set to see their checks stop in October.

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) — Another day, another 7,000 people run out of unemployment benefits.

One month after the House passed a bill extending unemployment benefits, the issue is still being debated in the Senate.

Democratic leaders in the Senate introduced a bill two weeks ago to lengthen benefits in all states by 14 weeks. Those that live in states with unemployment greater than 8.5% would receive an additional six weeks.

Senate Republicans want to add several amendments, including one that would pay for the extra benefits with stimulus funds rather than by extending a federal unemployment tax.

While leaders in both parties are trying to negotiate a compromise, Senate Democrats Wednesday took a step to bring the bill to the floor as early as the end of next week. If it passes, the Senate legislation must then be reconciled with the House version, which extends benefits by 13 weeks in high-unemployment states.
How to get a job in 100 words or less

Meanwhile, the bickering has cost people like Crystal Jordan of Dolton, Ill., their benefits. The single mother of three ran out in late September.

She is one of the 1.3 million people set to lose their benefits before year’s end if Congress doesn’t act, according to the National Employment Law Project, an advocacy group. In October alone, more than 200,000 people will fall off the rolls.

Lawmakers twice lengthened the time people can receive checks to as much as 79 weeks, depending on the state.

Jordan lost her administrative support job in the spring of 2008. She had never been unemployed before and hasn’t been able to find work since, despite sending out 10 resumes a day.

Jordan is also finishing her bachelor’s degree in business management. She hopes that will give her the edge she needs to find a job in 2010.

The $1,000 check she received every two weeks allowed her to pay the rent and feed her family. Now, she doesn’t know how she’ll cover next month’s bills.

“I am fearful we will all end up on the street because I can’t find a job and have no income,” Jordan said.

Comment by Hwy50ina49Dodge
2009-10-22 09:10:56

“Senate Republicans want to add several amendments, including one that would pay for the extra benefits with stimulus funds rather than by extending a federal unemployment tax.”

Don’t the “TrueDeceiver’s™” stay on message with their “Grand Wizard” anymore?

Rash Limpbaughs: “That spending, that’s not stimulus! ;-)

Comment by Jon
2009-10-22 10:06:05

lol: business management degree. This poor chick. Single mother of 3.

Comment by ecofeco
2009-10-22 15:03:37

Consider this:

“Another day, another 7,000 people run out of unemployment benefits.”

This means that they are no longer counted on the UE stats.

Now combine that with the consistently huge number of new filings.

UE at +/- 10%?

I don’t think so.

Comment by wmbz
2009-10-22 09:02:06

NTK Files for Bankruptcy to Cut Debt by $1.3 Billion (Update1)

Oct. 22 (Bloomberg) — NTK Holdings Inc., a manufacturer of heating and cooling equipment owned by Thomas H. Lee Partners LP, sought bankruptcy protection with a plan to eliminate about $1.3 billion in debt.

The company, based in Providence, Rhode Island, listed debt of $2.78 billion and assets of $1.65 billion as of July 4, in Chapter 11 documents filed yesterday in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Wilmington, Delaware. Thirty-seven affiliates also sought protection, including the company’s operating unit, Nortek Inc.

“The Chapter 11 process will enable Nortek to emerge as an even stronger company with substantially less debt,” Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Richard L. Bready said today in a statement.

Nortek is North America’s largest supplier of residential range hoods and exhaust fans, and makes home-security and audio- video equipment, according to court documents. Sales totaled $2.3 billion in 2008. The company sells home heating, ventilation and air conditioning products under brands including Maytag, Westinghouse and Frigidaire, and makes custom HVAC products for hospitals, stores and government buildings.

“Unsustainable debt levels,” along with a slump in home construction, forced the company to seek bankruptcy protection, NTK said. U.S. home starts fell 33 percent in 2008, and dropped another 48 percent in the first half of 2009.

Comment by ecofeco
2009-10-22 15:08:40

Holy crap! They’re like the Hon Hai of American HVAC.

This is not good.

(for those of who don’t know who Hon Hai is, google it. The short answer: they make roughly 75% of every single consumer electronics devices in the world. Their front company is Foxconn)

Comment by X-GSfixr
2009-10-22 15:11:46

Anytime I see anything that looks like a “private equity” company involved in a deal like this, I wonder how much the equity partners pocketed, while trashing the company.

They’ve been following the same M.O. since the eighties:

-Locate a publicly-held company sitting on a lot of cash, with a depressed stock price
-Buy controlling interest in the country with borrowed money
-Pocket the cash
-Use the company’s assets as collateral to borrow more money.
-Bill the company ridiculous fees to manage the company.
-Make the numbers look good for a few quarters, by gutting product development, engineering, customer support, etc.

Then sell the mess via IPO before the chickens start coming home to roost, or put it in bankruptcy, and get paid ridiculous fees to “manage” the liquidation.

I know there are some PE guys that do things the “right” way, but this is the typical M.O.

Comment by DD
2009-10-22 16:42:15

but this is the typical M.O.

Been watching this for a long time, haven’t we? It is the way our corps do business, the way you are taught to do business in MBA schools. Amazing. Just ruin the hell out of something good. But CYA with lots of money.

Comment by Trapper
2009-10-22 17:50:42

+10 X-GSfixer, I have been enjoying your postings

Comment by Professor Bear
2009-10-22 09:05:55

All that bailout money comes in handy when campaign donation season rolls around. Coup de banksters continues…

* The Wall Street Journal
* OCTOBER 22, 2009

Wall Street Steps Up Political Donations, Lobbying
Firms Boost Outlays Amid Debate on Financial-Services Overhaul, After Slowing Spending While Getting Bailout Cash

Comment by wmbz
2009-10-22 09:13:28

Spoke with a local/small ATV dealer this morning, he said business had been very slow for the first part of the year. Recently sales have picked up a good deal, due to new zero down, zero payments for the first six months, lending available. Great part is NO credit check, must have a job though.

Asked who the financing was being offered by? One of which is through an Ally Bank group. Remember who that used to be? GMAC?

Comment by Hwy50ina49Dodge
2009-10-22 10:01:15

“…due to new zero down, zero payments for the first six months, lending available. Great part is NO credit check” ;-)

Sounds like they know about their customers “needs”…and how to fulfill them.

Comment by aNYCdj
2009-10-22 11:15:31

does anybody really really NEED an ATV???? If so why cant it be written off for business purposes?

Comment by tresho
2009-10-22 11:32:49

Spoke with a local/small ATV dealer this morning, he said business had been very slow for the first part of the year.
I visited a big Ford dealer the other day. Lots of cars & trucks on their lot, but they are the major supplier for their area. I stopped by because they were the only dealers who had the new Transit Connect vans on display. I spent a couple of hours going over the one on the display floor. Talked with a salesman who is 64. He had retired early & had started collecting Social Security, but stopped collecting SS & went back to work because the auto business was booming. I was the only apparent customer on the floor the entire time, and I was only looking. FYI.
BTW, the Transit Connect was very nice, I might buy one. Even though tilting the steering wheel caused the plastic steering column cowl to come loose & pop up in the air. Even though you have to use the ignition key to open the hood, and the dealer at the moment has no way to copy the Tibbe key, which is unique to this model. Additional keys will likely be very expensive.

Comment by measton
2009-10-22 09:14:01

In the end they will payfor it by hitting the upper middle class. A payroll tax hike on those making over 250k.

I can’t wait to see next years comparisons of total effective tax rates for 2009. My guess is that all catagories rise except the bottom 20% and the top 0.5%.

Comment by wmbz
2009-10-22 09:48:46

NYC sees economic gold in green jobs. NYC’s boot camp…

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Recession-stricken New York City plans to double its current green work force by creating over 13,000 new jobs in the next decade, partly by competing with London to become the new center for carbon trading, a city official said on Wednesday.

London, whose prominence as a financial capital rivals New York City and Tokyo, got an early lock in trading pollution credits by training lawyers, accountants and other experts “before the market even existed,” Seth Pinsky, president of the Economic Development Corporation, told Reuters.

New York City’s new boot camp in green finance will be run by the State University of New York’s Levin Institute. It will be open to laid-off workers or future entrepreneurs, much like an already “booming” incubator for financial start-ups, Pinsky said.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who made his first fortune as a Wall Street bond trader before getting into politics, is expected to announce on Thursday this green job branch to his two-year-old PlaNYC program, which set ambitious goals for reducing greenhouse gases, planting 1 million trees and crowning skyscrapers with wind turbines.

The mayor’s $7.5 million green jobs plan will call on Columbia University to help offer public school pupils “hands-on” learning in energy efficiency, according to Bloomberg, who is running as an independent candidate for a third term. His plan also will create an Urban Technology Innovation Center to tap academic research. Existing city and state funds and federal stimulus dollars will pay for it.

Comment by ecofeco
2009-10-22 15:12:34

:lol: A “green workfarce” does not sit in a NYC skyscraper pushing paper all day long.

Comment by Faster Pussycat, Sell Sell
2009-10-22 16:33:30

Sure it does.

We don’t own cars. We use very little energy. My ANNUAL electricity + gas bill is less than most people’s monthly.

True, we waste a lot in the form of packaging but that’s like, what? A Californian’s weekly energy waste driving around endlessly?

I don’t think you see the total picture. High-density beats the heck out of suburbia energy-wise.

Comment by DD
2009-10-22 16:43:19

faster you are here!

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Comment by Faster Pussycat, Sell Sell
2009-10-22 17:04:55

I never left. I’m always around. LOL :-D

Comment by iftheshoefits
2009-10-22 17:40:09

Faster is 100% correct. I got out of the off-grid remote solar business once I realized it was only feasible with large amounts of cheap dino-fuel to transport goods and people back and forth long distances.

The higher density you get, by definition the more energy efficient you get in a number of ways.

Of course there’s the issue of people in populated ares not wanting their energy generation or harvesting to be located close to where they are located, so some of the benefits are lost due to this fact.

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Comment by Faster Pussycat, Sell Sell
2009-10-22 18:18:32

Off-the-grid is broken because of one extraordinary simple fact.

Solar works at day (either heating or cooling.) If you’re not at home (which you’re not - you’re at work), it’s a waste. There are NO energy storage devices that scale up and can handle the time transfer.

It’s bleedin’ physics…

Comment by Professor Bear
2009-10-22 20:16:16

“Solar works at day (either heating or cooling.) If you’re not at home (which you’re not - you’re at work),…”

Apparent solution: Get solar, and take the graveyard shift…

Comment by aNYCdj
2009-10-22 20:00:45

Hey faster:

You are right most people do not need a car in the city, and lots of places will deliver just about everything.

But still It was fun last month to fill up a brand new freezer with probably 100 lbs of hamburger London broil meat fish pork chicken from pathmark, most at $1.99lb plus coupons points… guess if i didn’t have the car i would have needed to get a cab….

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Comment by X-GSfixr
2009-10-22 15:23:29

“Carbon Trading”, aka The Next Big Scam……A system designed to keep all those Harvard MBAs employed by skimming a percentage off the paperwork churn.

Comment by cobaltblue
2009-10-22 09:57:45

$425K drops to $15K in 4 years - now THAT’s an investment opportunity for someone, and proof that they aren’t making any more land, but they are making more excuses:

Conservatory Lot Sells at Tax Deed Sale for $15,185
Lots in this Ginn community sold originally for $329.9 thousand to $529.9 thousand.
By Toby Tobin

Palm Coast, FL – October 21, 2009 – In its 2005 sales launch, real estate developer Ginn-LA (Bobby Ginn and his financial partner Lubert Adler) sold 337 lots in The Conservatory at Hammock Beach for a total of about $142 million. Buyers anxiously anticipated news that they had been selected to purchase one (or more) lots in a golfing community that was being developed surrounding a Tom Watson signature golf course. Lot prices ranged from $329.9 thousand to $529.9 thousand. As it turns out, the lucky ones were those who were not selected. One lot purchased then for $425.9 thousand was sold yesterday at a Flagler County tax deed sale. The only bidder paid $15,185; the minimum bid to cover back taxes, interest, penalties, and fees.

Of four Conservatory lots originally scheduled to be sold on September 20, two were redeemed or withdrawn prior to the sale, a third was rescheduled for the November sale.

The Conservatory is not representative of the Palm Coast and Flagler County real estate market, but it mirrors what is happening in some Ginn communities. Tesoro and Bella Collina were both fueled by speculative buyers and suffered a similar market collapse. But parts of Ginn’s former empire remain relatively healthy. Hammock Beach (and Ocean Hammock) owners are building homes. The developer, whose local efforts are now managed by a subsidiary of Reynolds Plantation, recently reintroduced unsold condominiums albeit at prices roughly half the original launch prices. Sales, while not brisk, are encouraging.

In spite of the amenities, which include access to the premier Hammock Beach Club, The Conservatory seems unable to gain market traction. It consists of a beautiful Tom Watson designed golf course and magnificent clubhouse, four model homes, and one privately built home.

Comment by whino
2009-10-22 10:13:54

Just a little peek into what is on the FED’s balance sheet. :-)

Deserted shopping mall bleak symbol of Fed bailout

OKLAHOMA CITY (Reuters) - A $29 billion trail from the Federal Reserve’s bailout of Wall Street investment bank Bear Stearns ends in a partially deserted shopping center on a bleak spot on the south side of Oklahoma City.

The Fed now owns the Crossroads Mall, a sprawling shopping complex at the junction of Interstate highways 244 and 35, complete with an oil well pumping crude in the parking lot — except the Fed does not own the mineral rights.


Comment by Professor Bear
2009-10-22 20:40:57

Will the Fed open a Real Estate Owned department, to unwind all the pig-in-the-python purchases it has recently made in its unsustainable and potentially illegal attempt to prop up real estate prices?

Comment by Muggy
2009-10-22 10:17:04

I’m blogging live from the hospital — it’s baby time!

Don’t worry, the wifers told me to bring the laptop to keep me busy and therefore less annoying. Lol…

Comment by Bill in Los Angeles
2009-10-22 10:53:55

I wish I had a good amber beer right now to toast to you, your wife, and the new addition!

Comment by Olympiagal
2009-10-22 11:16:13

Wonderful! That’s great! I hope it all goes terrifically well. Keep us updated, every minute or so. Is your mini-man excited for a new sister, or is he just jumping off hospital chairs carelessly?
This is great.

Comment by Muggy
2009-10-22 11:57:26

Mini-man is hangin’ with uncle right now.

The hospital has this new-age channel that shows nature scenes with solo piano — I love it!

You know you’re old when…

Comment by Kim
2009-10-22 12:54:22

Congrats, Muggy!

Comment by GrizzlyBear
2009-10-22 13:38:28

Funny. Blogging from the delivery room. That’s dedication- or addiction!

Comment by ET-Chicago
2009-10-22 13:41:15

Good luck with everything, Muggy.

I found my laptop essential to my sanity during the days I spent in the hospital.

Comment by lavi d
2009-10-22 13:52:22

I found my laptop essential to my sanity during the days I spent in the hospital.

I recently did some ICU time with mine…

Comment by Olympiagal
2009-10-22 14:54:04

What?! Are you okay? I insist you tell us that you’re okay, lavi.

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Comment by lavi d
2009-10-22 15:47:03

What?! Are you okay? I insist you tell us that you’re okay, lavi.

I am okay.

My brother, however, is recovering from heart surgery and a stroke.

An awfully terrible run of bad luck for a 47-year-old.

Heart-valve infection from (we think) a root canal. Hospitalized on 8/14 for valve replacement, massive stroke on the 15th. He was in ICU for six weeks.

He’s in hospital rehab now, and it’s going to be a long haul.

Thank god he signed up for COBRA after getting laid off in May.

Comment by DD
2009-10-22 16:46:56

Man, Lavi, glad your brother had you around. Sorry for his ill health. Dang a root canal gone bad. Who woulda thunk it.

Again, if we all had medicare E, he never would have had to be “glad” he signed up for cobra. OMG.

Comment by lavi d
2009-10-22 16:51:46

Man, Lavi, glad your brother had you around.

Actually, his wife is the one who’s really been pulling the duty.

I live in Las Vegas and they live in Tucson - so my web-surfing in the hospital has been limited to three visits so far.

Comment by Faster Pussycat, Sell Sell
2009-10-22 17:27:31

his wife is the one who’s really been pulling the duty.

Just as long as she hasn’t been pulling the plug …

Comment by aNYCdj
2009-10-22 20:05:33

Make sure that Cobra payment is made AHEAD of the due date….and send it by certified mail return receipt


Comment by GrizzlyBear
2009-10-22 21:41:32

Real sorry to hear that, Lavi. I wish your brother a full recovery.

Comment by REhobbyist
2009-10-22 21:52:11

Lavi: you are a good sister. And an addicted HBBer.

Muggy: congratulations, man.

Comment by Muggy
2009-10-22 13:55:14

“Good luck with everything, Muggy.”
Thanks, ET

“Funny. Blogging from the delivery room. That’s dedication- or addiction!”

Well, the hospital we’re at makes it like being at home, so I don’t feel weird sitting here, typing away. Last time there was so much downtime, my wife said, “bring the laptop next time.”

Here I am.

Comment by Olympiagal
2009-10-22 15:35:12

Well, the hospital we’re at makes it like being at home,

What, like with screaming, howling women? And white lab coats?
Oh, wait—your wife is having a C-section. Okay, then, with doped-up, glassy-eyed grinning women? And white lab coats?

Naw, Muggy, just teasing you. Which, come to think of it, is probably not the thing to do with an expectant daddy.

Look! Calm down, man! Breathe through your nose!
Don’t get get excited—they’ll sedate you if you get excited. Believe it.

Birth is a natural thing.
Just remember that, when you see all the fluids.

*throws up *

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Comment by Faster Pussycat, Sell Sell
2009-10-22 16:30:24

And the placenta! Don’t forget the placenta.

Do you have a placenta plan, Muggy?

Jes’ kiddin’. Congrats!

Comment by Olympiagal
2009-10-22 17:34:42

Do you have a placenta plan, Muggy?

Hayzoos Kreestos! Placentas….
I was taking a shower at a friends apartment one time long ago and commenced washing my hair. She had expensive salon shampoo, unlike the Suave or whatever crap I was normally using at the time—hey, I was poor, it was college—anyway I held the little bottle in one hand and idly scanned the ingredients as the other hand worked up a lather. Then I got to the ‘placenta’ part of the list and screeched and flung the bottle over the shower curtain and had a bit of an ‘episode’ until I got all rinsed off…

Look, what sort of psycho washes their hair with a freakin’ placenta?

But I digress, perhaps.
Look, Muggy, just don’t make shampoo, okay? Everything else is okay.

Comment by Faster Pussycat, Sell Sell
2009-10-22 17:40:45

I was just about to mention a Japanese drink product featuring “horse placenta”.

It comes in two varieties - orange and black.

The black one is more potent because “it is harvested while the afterbirth is still potent”.

$50 and $300 respectively.

Step up, step up, you know you want to!

Comment by REhobbyist
2009-10-22 21:49:14

Memories. I was having my first baby years ago and he was more than nine pounds and required hours of pushing. I looked up and there was a young woman looking through the glass of the door, looking not at my face, if you know what I mean. I asked who the hell she was, in between painful pushes. She was a researcher who was waiting for my placenta (back in those days they didn’t ask for your permission.) I told her where to go, but I bet she got my placenta anyway.

Comment by wmbz
2009-10-22 11:12:02

Romer: Impact of stimulus will level off.

WASHINGTON (AP)— A top White House economist says spending from the $787 billion economic stimulus has already had its biggest impact on economic growth and will likely not contribute to significant expansion next year.

Christina Romer, the chair of President Barack Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers, said Thursday that the $194 billion already spent gave a jolt to the economy that contributed to growth in the second and third quarters of the year. She told a congressional panel that by the middle of next year, the impact of the stimulus will level off. Romer said spending so far has saved or created 600,000 to 1.5 million jobs but warned that unemployment will remain high, above 9.5 percent, through the end of 2010.

Comment by packman
2009-10-22 11:42:56

Only about 1/3 of the stimulus has been spent - and they’re already stating it’s done all it can do? Cripes. The damage control begins already.

Comment by wmbz
2009-10-22 11:29:31

About 1.4 million home sales have claimed the credit. About 350,000 to 400,000 of those sales are believed to have been a direct result of its availability, according to estimates of the real estate industry and independent economists. Extending the credit would cost about $1 billion a month in lost revenue, Congressional analysts say. Making it more generous and extending it to all homebuyers — as the industry and some lawmakers want — would cost more than twice that.

“I am pleased that more than 1 million taxpayers claimed the first-time homebuyer credit,” Representative John Lewis, Democrat from Georgia who is chairman of the subcommittee, said in his statement announcing the hearing. “However, I am concerned about recent reports that there have been fraudulent schemes involving the credit. This hearing will allow the subcommittee to hear what, if any, additional steps should be taken to allow the I.R.S to strike a balance between issuing timely refunds of the homebuyer tax credit and protecting federal revenue.”

Comment by wmbz
2009-10-22 11:35:58

Gubmint’s on the job…

The Sovereign Society Offshore A-Letter
Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Government’s
Forever Blowing Bubbles…
By Andrew Packer

Did you hear the one about the portly 20-year-old Guatemalan?

Seems most Friday nights, when all the other 20-year-olds are trying to sneak into bars, she’s out shopping…for houses…

From the “so crazy only government involvement can explain it” file, the Federal Housing Authority (FHA) recently (as in post-real-estate bust) allowed this 20-year old to take out a $183,000 mortgage for only 3.5% down. The actual selling price of the home? $155,000.

For those readers “in-the-know,” that’s what you might call a toxic loan. 110% loan-to-value…3.5% down payment…in a declining market…and in that income bracket? That kind of paper could make even the boldest of subprime lenders blush (though you probably couldn’t tell whether Countrywide’s Angelo Mozilo was blushing or just far too tanned).

But wait, there’s more!

Her income is provided from not just her full time job, but an additional two part-time jobs. The possibility of her losing at least one of them seems more than likely as the economy continues to shed jobs.

It’s this kind of government-financed lunacy that makes it so difficult for the few financially responsible Americans out there to take advantage of the next great deal.

Indeed, it seems almost like the government is siding with banks and lenders (the current owners of these houses, who stand to lose if prices continue to fall) rather than the actual citizens they allegedly represent (citizens, of course, stand to lose in terms of opportunities if prices don’t fall)

If anything, it’s starting to look like real estate is the bubble that government will never let fully burst. “Take our currency, take our investment banks, take our financial system,” the government says, “…but whatever you do, don’t take away our ‘American dream’ that represents almost universally overinflated real estate prices.”

Comment by edgewaterjohn
2009-10-22 12:04:00

Watch out! They’re looking for volunteers.

She’s playing her role today, but soon she will be forgotten. They keep this up and they’ll have to erect a Tomb of the Unknown FB in DC someday.

Comment by wmbz
2009-10-22 12:30:19

“Watch out! They’re looking for volunteers”.


My wife spoke with a mgt.broker last week, checking to see if any criteria had changed since she last asked, (about 3 years ago).

We have a good credit score near 800, and know what we have and can afford. Anyway the call back about 10 mins. later from the broker was… You can borrow easily twice what you are asking for.

We may be able to borrow twice what we asked for but we would be house poor debt slaves paying it back. The loans are out there and easy to come by.

Brokers last line, “prices are as low as they are going to get, better hurry up before rates rise”.

Comment by DD
2009-10-22 16:49:53

Brokers last line, “prices are as low as they are going to get, better hurry up before rates rise”.

Ben, you really could have a great book here with all the quotes!

(Comments wont nest below this level)
Comment by Faster Pussycat, Sell Sell
2009-10-22 17:14:48


If rates rise, prices fall further. Do these people actually understand basic bond math?

Comment by Professor Bear
2009-10-22 17:26:33

“If rates rise, prices fall further.”

The Fed certainly does; why else would they be sitting on mortgage rates, besides trying to reflate the bubble (which they somehow still cannot see well enough to acknowledge its existence)?

Comment by Faster Pussycat, Sell Sell
2009-10-22 17:31:00

It’s done.

You know it, they know it, you know they know it, they know you know they know it, … etc.

Commercial RE is the next to collapse.

In the meantime, while we’re all waiting, I recommend a triple dose of double-double martinis, good food and most-excellent horizontal jogging with one (or one’s) you love.

Comment by alpha-sloth
2009-10-22 19:24:58

Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we shall die, eh?
Well, thanks for popping in with the cheery news! How much time do we have? Because I’m gonna start drinkiing right about…three hours ago.

Comment by Professor Bear
2009-10-22 20:13:03

“In the meantime, while we’re all waiting, I recommend a triple dose of double-double martinis, good food and most-excellent horizontal jogging with one (or one’s) you love.”


(Don’t mean to steal your thunder, but it seemed like somefing was missin from your post…)

Comment by Professor Bear
2009-10-22 20:14:08

“You know it, they know it, you know they know it, they know you know they know it, … etc.”

Sounds like a black hole of infinite regress has caught up with the gamesters of Megabank, Inc.

Comment by GrizzlyBear
2009-10-22 22:10:58

“My wife spoke with a mgt.broker last week, checking to see if any criteria had changed since she last asked, (about 3 years ago).

We have a good credit score near 800, and know what we have and can afford. Anyway the call back about 10 mins. later from the broker was… You can borrow easily twice what you are asking for.”

Have they really thrown away the DTI ratio’s again, or are you just trying to borrow a very small amount as compared to your income? If the insanity is back, lord help up all…

(Comments wont nest below this level)
Comment by wmbz
2009-10-22 11:49:31

New Mexico’s Investment Chief Resigns Amid Probe (Update1)

Oct. 22 (Bloomberg) — New Mexico’s chief investment officer resigned after the state was drawn into a nationwide investigation of the fees paid to politically connected agents by those seeking to win investment-management work.

Gary Bland, who serves on the board overseeing endowment funds for the fifth-biggest U.S. state by area, quit yesterday, according to a letter submitted to New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson. Bland was appointed by Richardson, a Democrat who unsuccessfully sought his party’s 2008 presidential nomination.

“Clearly, I am saddened and disappointed to render my resignation as state investment officer,” Bland wrote.

New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the Justice Department are investigating “pay to play” practices in which money managers and their placement agents used ties to public officials to help gain access to $2 trillion in U.S. public pension systems.

Bland’s resignation follows the Oct. 6 guilty plea to fraud charges by Saul Meyer, founder of Dallas-based pension consultant Aldus Equity. Meyer pleaded guilty in court to fraud charges and admitted he paid $300,000 to Hank Morris, a one-time adviser to former New York state Comptroller Alan Hevesi, to secure money from that state’s pension fund.

Aldus worked as a private equity adviser to New Mexico before being fired by the investment council and Educational Retirement Board earlier this year. The retirement board said in June that it was subpoenaed by the Justice Department, which sought information about the role Aldus played in investments with the fund.

Comment by wmbz
2009-10-22 11:57:17

You go gubmint! folks are spending to much time on line anyway…

Carriers Eye Pay-As-You-Go Internet
Amid Government Push to Open Networks, Some See Cover for Pricing Based on Usage. The Wall Street Journal. 10-21-09

Recent efforts to introduce usage-based, or metered, broadband services have met stiff resistance from consumers. But a new push by the federal government to adopt rules that would force Internet providers to treat all Web traffic equally, no matter how much bandwidth they take up, could give ammunition to the broadband providers that want to change how they charge for Web access, Internet experts and consumer advocates say.

“This could come down to carriers saying, ‘If you don’t allow us to manage our networks the way we see fit, then we will just have to cap everything,’ ” says Phillip Dampier, a consumer advocate focusing on technology issues in Rochester, N.Y. “They’ll make it an either/or thing: give them more control over their network or expect metered broadband.”

Comment by measton
2009-10-22 13:31:04

I’ll take metered broad band over letting providers decide what I can and can’t look at and slowing my service when I don’t go where they want met to go.

Comment by wmbz
2009-10-22 14:07:10

“over letting providers decide what I can and can’t look at and slowing my service when I don’t go where they want met to go”.

There is not one thing in any proposal/plan that has anything to do with “what you can, and can’t” look at.

Comment by lavi d
2009-10-22 13:48:19

‘If you don’t allow us to manage our networks the way we see fit, then we will just have to cap everything,’ ”

None of this would be a problem if the FCC would just reinstate their line-sharing rules.

Comment by DD
2009-10-22 16:52:59

This is a crucial situation for all of us, demrepslibts etc,
If this gets allowed, Net Neutrality is crucial to our Freedom of speech. Period. That is what was so hard fought over in Jeffersons time, only it was newspaper. This is exactly the same thing.
No one should be allowed to make it a tiered situation. Ever.
Net Neutrality is crucial to everyone. High/low and in between.

Comment by lavi d
2009-10-22 17:03:44

No one should be allowed to make it a tiered situation. Ever.

If there was true competition in the marketplace (most cities have only a phone Co and a cable Co as providers, a “duopoly”) then people could choose what level of service they wanted and not have it forced on them.

Companies would fight to offer the most service at the lowest price in order to make it up on volume - instead of the bullshit “introductory rates” and shaping and capping we get now.

There’re no metered plans in wireless, for example, because most people have more than two wireless providers to choose from.

(Comments wont nest below this level)
Comment by wmbz
2009-10-22 12:43:08

The #1 job of a politician is to get re-elected. Presidents are short term, these folks want the job for life!

Key senators may rebuff Obama on health care.
Key Democratic senators may prove indifferent to Obama’s health care pleas ~ Thursday October 22, 2009

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Democrats’ control of a hefty majority in the Senate — plus the House — would suggest that President Barack Obama is within reach of overhauling the nation’s health care system this fall.

But the numbers mask a more complicated reality: Obama and Democratic leaders have modest leverage over several pivotal Senate Democrats who are more concerned about their next election or feel they have little to lose by opposing their party’s hierarchy.

One is still smarting from being forced to abandon next year’s election. Another had to leave the Democratic Party to stay in office. And some are from states that Obama lost badly last year.

These factors will limit the president’s ability to play his strongest card — an appeal for party loyalty and Democratic achievement — in trying to muster the 60 votes his allies will need this fall to overcome a Republican filibuster in the 100-member Senate.

When lawmakers face a tough vote, their uppermost thought is “survival,” said Alan Simpson, a Wyoming Republican who spent three terms in the Senate.

On a very few occasions, Simpson said, then-President George H.W. Bush asked him to cast a vote likely to cause him political problems back home. That was perhaps three times in 18 years, said Simpson, who held a GOP leadership post. “I swallowed hard and went over the cliff,” he said.

But it’s a sacrifice that presidents and party leaders should not count on, he said.

The Democratic leaders’ limited leverage will complicate the push for allowing the government to sell insurance in competition with private companies. Some Senate Democrats who oppose the idea are from states that voted heavily against Obama last fall.

Democratic Sen. Blanche Lincoln faces a potentially tough re-election race next year in Arkansas, where Obama lost to Republican John McCain by 20 percentage points. She says she will base her health care votes on what is best for Arkansans.

Choice and competition among insurers are good, Lincoln said, but “I’ve ruled out a government-funded and a government-operated plan.”

Sen. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, where Obama lost by a similar margin, said she might be willing to let some states try “fallback or trigger” mechanisms that would create a public option if residents don’t have enough insurance choices.

But she told reporters, “I’m not for a government-run, national, taxpayer-subsidized plan, and never will be.”

Comment by wmbz
2009-10-22 12:47:16

Weeee Dawgies ! You go DOW ! 10,000 in the rear view.

Comment by wmbz
2009-10-22 12:53:38

This “Pay czar” crap, is just that! Doing nothing but grabbing a headline.

Big pay cuts … what about Goldman? NAAAAAH!

Pay czar Kenneth Feinberg cut the pay of 175 employees at the top seven bailed-out companies, but some are calling for curbs at other firms as well.

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) — The Obama administration’s pay czar is imposing tough cuts on 175 big earners — but many on Wall Street are still on track for a banner payday.

Kenneth Feinberg, appointed the Treasury’s special master for compensation in June, has ultimate say over compensation for the top paid employees at the 7 most bailed-out companies: AIG (AIG, Fortune 500), Bank of America (BAC, Fortune 500), Citigroup (C, Fortune 500), General Motors, Chrysler, GMAC and Chrysler Financial.

In a policy announced Thursday, Feinberg demanded salary cuts of up to 90%, and total reductions — including stock and options — of 50%.

But Feinberg’s ruling does not impact other financial firms that are on track to pay out record bonuses, like Goldman Sachs (GS, Fortune 500), Morgan Stanley (MS, Fortune 500) and JPMorgan Chase (JPM, Fortune 500).

Revenue projections for those firms keep rising, and analysts say bonuses will be back on track for another record year following a one-year dive in 2008. Goldman Sachs said last week that it set aside $16.7 billion for salaries, employee stock options and bonuses, which works out to about $526,814 per employee.

Comment by measton
2009-10-22 13:26:56

Given that the US gov has basically handed management these huge bonuses, let’s see a windfall profit tax on any bank that borrows from or sells to the FED beyond what would be considered the norm of say 20 years ago.

Comment by Ria Rhodes
2009-10-22 13:07:24

Snippet from today’s New York Times about U.S. Federal drug cartel sweeps:

“La Familia is unusual in that its leaders espouse a religious philosophy and ask the core members of the organization to carry bibles and attend church. It recruits heavily from drug rehabilitation centers..”

..all while peddling dope, murdering people, and sneaking firearms into Mexico to murder more people. Hail Mary.

Comment by measton
2009-10-22 13:24:50

And this is odd how??

Criminals and the power hungry love religion. When you convince an army of believers that killing is a good thing then you have real power.

Comment by Bill in Carolina
2009-10-23 19:37:15

Ria, did you ever watch the Godfather movies?

Comment by measton
2009-10-22 13:22:28

LONDON – Concerns worldwide about the dollar’s slide have escalated to the point where currency markets are beginning to wonder when governments might try to do something about it.

For now, any attempt to put a floor under the dollar’s exchange rate is expected to remain rhetorical, with actual market interventions by central banks unlikely — especially if China won’t change its currency policy.

I love the MSM
So the chinese currency policy is keeping the value of the dollar suppressed?????????????????

Comment by wmbz
2009-10-22 13:48:29

George Carlin ~ Fear of germs…

Typical Carlin “language” !!!! FYI a little foul to some folks.


Comment by Hwy50ina49Dodge
2009-10-22 22:02:47

Actually, in another time & place… they would have hung’em by his “liberal” balls…and felt they did a great “service” to America! :-)

Comment by wmbz
2009-10-22 14:00:20

NCR Corp. reported Thursday its profit plunged about 79 percent following impairment charges, litigation charges and the impact of the recession. It also will cut up to 2,200 jobs.

Duluth, Ga.-based NCR (NYSE: NCR), which makes automated teller machines (ATMs) and retail self-checkouts, recorded net income of $17 million and earnings of 9 cents a share. This compares with net income of $80 million and earnings of 49 cents a share in the third quarter of 2008.

The results for the third quarter of 2009 included a $17 million impairment charge related to an equity investment and a $6 million litigation charge.

Third-quarter revenue decreased 18 percent to $1.14 billion, hurt by the negative impact from foreign currency translation. Revenue also was hurt by the recession’s impact on the global financial services industry and the retail and hospitality industries.

“In the third-quarter, financial services, and especially retail customer investments were negatively impacted by the global economic downturn in most geographies,” said Bill Nuti, chairman and CEO of NCR, in an earnings statement. “The willingness of customers to invest in the second quarter of 2009, which helped NCR deliver solid results in that quarter, did not spill over into the third-quarter. That said, we were more encouraged by the conversations we were having with our customers about the fourth quarter and 2010, as well as our internal execution against our cost programs and strategic priorities.”

Comment by aNYCdj
2009-10-22 20:12:49

They should have stuck with their old business:

National Cash Register

Comment by DennisN
2009-10-23 03:23:02

NCR has been big in defense electronics for a long time now. They built the AN/WSC-3 navy satcom transceiver in the late 1970’s.

Comment by Professor Bear
2009-10-22 15:58:54

Given that this program is rife with fraud, I would think most Congress folk would have to love it, not to mention all the real-estate agents, home builders and mortgage bankers who are pressuring Congress to renew it.

* The Wall Street Journal
* OCTOBER 22, 2009, 6:18 P.M. ET

Thousands of Suspicious Claims Filed for Home-Buyer Credit


WASHINGTON – Tens of thousands of people submitted suspicious — and possibly fraudulent — claims for the federal first-time home buyer tax credit, tax officials told Congress Thursday.

Raising new worries about the stimulus program as lawmakers consider extending the credit, the Treasury Department said that at least 19,000 filers who hadn’t yet bought homes claimed $139 million in tax credits. Treasury officials said they have found another 74,000 tax-credit claims, worth $500 million, where evidence of prior homeownership could make their claims invalid.

More than 500 people under the age of 18, including a 4-year-old, also filed for the credit, which is worth up to $8,000 for new home buyers, federal officials said at a hearing about abuses of the program. Most of the claims involving children were made by parents who purchased a home but were ineligible for the credit because their incomes were too high, said J. Russell George, the Treasury inspector general for tax administration.

The problems are potentially troublesome for backers of the credit – including real-estate agents, home builders and mortgage bankers – who want Congress to extend it and expand it to all home buyers, not just first-time buyers. The credit is set to expire on Nov. 30.

Comment by Faster Pussycat, Sell Sell
2009-10-22 17:13:16

I submitted a credit increase today on all of my cards. I’m shorting the f*ckers that deny me. It’s the best probe I have into how stable their balance sheets actually are.

I don’t need credit, as most here already know. LOL


Comment by Professor Bear
2009-10-22 20:10:50

Let us know which of the Megabanksters is most screw3d :-)

Comment by Professor Bear
2009-10-22 22:05:41

Market Snapshot

Oct. 22, 2009, 4:19 p.m. EDT
Follow the stimulus
Government spending translates into sector stock gains

By Kate Gibson, MarketWatch

NEW YORK (MarketWatch) — As the U.S. stock market on Thursday rode a wave largely dictated by the latest quarterly earnings, some equity analysts say investors would be wise to focus on sectors where the government also is investing, namely manufacturing and residential real estate.

“The government is not only the lender but the spender of last resort,” said Doug Roberts, chief investment strategist for Channel Capital Research.

Comment by Professor Bear
2009-10-22 23:44:14

Like I have been saying…

* The Wall Street Journal
* OCTOBER 22, 2009, 10:49 P.M. ET

Preventing the Next Financial Crisis

Don’t be fooled by the bond market. Banks are holding prices down because they can buy Treasurys with free money from the Fed.


The United States is headed toward a new financial crisis. History gives many examples of countries with high actual and expected money growth, unsustainable budget deficits, and a currency expected to depreciate. Unless these countries made massive policy changes, they ended in crisis. We will escape only if we act forcefully and soon.

As long ago as the 1960s, then French President Charles de Gaulle complained that the U.S. had the “exorbitant privilege” of financing its budget deficit by issuing more dollars. Massive purchases of dollar debt by foreigners can of course delay the crisis, but today most countries have their own deficits to finance. It is unwise to expect them, mainly China, to continue financing up to half of ours for the next 10 or more years. Our current and projected deficits are too large relative to current and prospective world saving to rely on that outcome.

Worse, banks’ idle reserves that are available for lending reached $1 trillion last week. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said repeatedly in the past that excess reserves would run down when banks and other financial companies repaid their heavy short-term borrowing to the Fed. The borrowing has been repaid but idle reserves have increased. Once banks begin to expand loans or finance even more of the massive deficits, money growth will rise rapidly and the dollar will sink to new lows. Do we have to wait for a crisis before we replace promises with effective restraint?

Comment by packman
2009-10-23 06:15:38

Thanks for the link. Unfortunately again though just an op-ed piece with a general statement that the banks are borrowing from the Federal Reserve and buying treasuries. While I don’t doubt that this is happening - it would be nice if there were somewhere to get real numbers and/or a more official statement / article. At least this is WSJ so presumably has at least some basis. It seems like a lot of statements like this are being made, based on some recent information that came out - I can’t seem to find that initial information though.

There was a Bloomberg article back in August that mentioned the banks buying treasuries, but didn’t give any info on numbers or the nature of the purchase (e.g. long-term vs. short-term) or the source of their information.

Google searches continue… if anyone has any info they can offer please do. IMO this is hugely insidious, and it’d be nice to get some hard evidence/proof. (Though from what I can tell I think it’s gone on for years)

Comment by Professor Bear
2009-10-22 23:48:37

* OCTOBER 23, 2009

Our New Paymasters
Wage controls are politically easier than genuine reforms.

In the annals of what used to be known as American capitalism, yesterday will go down as a sorry day: The Treasury and Federal Reserve announced wage controls on private American companies. So once again our politicians are blaming bankers, rather than addressing the incentives the politicians themselves created for bankers to take excessive risks.

President Obama cheered the pay reductions as “an important step forward” and urged Congress to “continue moving forward on financial reform to help prevent the crisis we saw last fall from happening again.” The pay curbs are intended to feed the official political narrative that the bankers caused the entire crisis, and that cutting their future pay will prevent the next one. Only a politician could really believe this, or at least pretend to.

We certainly have no sympathy for bankers who’ve been bailed out, and the most defensible of yesterday’s pay curbs are those announced by Treasury “pay czar” Ken Feinberg. He was handed the task of determining compensation for 175 executives at seven companies that are still using money from the Troubled Asset Relief Program: Citigroup, AIG, Bank of America, General Motors, Chrysler, GMAC and Chrysler Financial. These companies—and executives—owe their survival to political intervention, and the price of such taxpayer help is inevitably some populist retribution.

Comment by Professor Bear
2009-10-22 23:58:00

Is price fixing legal, provided it is Treasury and Fed officials who are executing the scheme?

Price-Fixing Begins At Home
Nicole Gelinas, 01.15.09, 12:01 AM EST
The government can’t determine mortgage rates forever.

The U.S. Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department have been mulling over a plan that would obliterate all market signals from the mortgage industry. The plan demonstrates once again Washington’s perverse belief that the cure for decades’ worth of government distortion of the housing market is … more government distortion.

Normally, Washington doesn’t directly control mortgage rates. Yes, the Fed helps control general interest rates for all kinds of borrowing through its interest rate policies. And the government’s long-assumed guarantee of mortgage behemoths Fannie Mae (nyse: FNM - news - people ) and Freddie Mac (nyse: FRE - news - people ), until it quasi-nationalized the two companies last summer, also kept mortgage rates lower than they would otherwise have been for decades.

But now, the government may take a giant step further. The Fed and the Treasury may set home-borrowing rates in the next few months by purchasing mortgages directly from Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and other mortgage lenders at a fixed price that would dictate an interest rate of 4.5% for new home buyers, as well as, possibly, for owners of existing homes who want to refinance their more expensive loans. After news of the tentative plan got out in December, mortgage rates plummeted to just above 5%, the lowest level in four decades. (Since then, the Fed has begun purchasing mortgages, but the government hasn’t yet formalized the target mortgage rate.)

The government’s reasoning is obvious, if wrongheaded. It wants to keep housing prices from falling further, which would drive homeowners into foreclosure and push banks and investors into deeper distress. To achieve this, the government has to scare up new home buyers, many of whom feel skeptical that prices have hit bottom. So the Fed hopes to lure buyers with dirt-cheap mortgages, just as they were priced during the housing bubble. The gambit could work–for a while. But in the long run, the federal plan will just make things worse.

Comment by Hwy50ina49Dodge
2009-10-23 06:31:41

“…mortgage rates plummeted to just above 5%, the lowest level in four decades.”

Why not just set any mortgage loan below $417,000 @ 2%? …toss in a renewed down payment credit…that ought to bring in a few sales. :-)

Comment by Professor Bear
2009-10-23 00:00:11

Price fixing
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Price fixing is an agreement between business competitors to sell the same product or service at the same price. Historically, such a group of businesses in price fixing was referred to as a combination.

In general, it is an agreement intended to ultimately push the price of a product as high as possible, leading to profits for all the sellers. Price-fixing can also involve any agreement to fix, peg, discount or stabilize prices. The principal feature is any agreement on price, whether expressed or implied. For the buyer, meanwhile, the practice results in a phenomenon similar to price gouging.

Price fixing requires a conspiracy between two or more sellers; the purpose is to coordinate pricing for mutual benefit at the expense of buyers. Sellers might agree to sell at a common target price; set a common “minimum” price; buy the product from a supplier at a specified “maximum” price; adhere to a price book or list price; engage in cooperative price advertising; standardize financial credit terms offered to purchasers; use uniform trade-in allowances; limit discounts; discontinue a free service or fix the price of one component of an overall service; adhere uniformly to previously-announced prices and terms of sale; establish uniform costs and markups; impose mandatory surcharges; purposefully reduce output or sales in order to charge higher prices; or purposefully share or “pool” markets, territories, or customers.

Comment by Hwy50ina49Dodge
2009-10-23 06:27:32

That could never happen to Oil!

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