Good morning from Japan, the land of the never rising stock market.
Great opinion in the NY Times from a couple of days ago about how we need to “pierce the housing bubble.” It’s the best summary of what folks have been saying here for years that I’ve read in the msm.
At the same time, we’ve been hammering on the housing bubble, many here have also been very critical of how the measures of CPI have changed, thus understating the real numbers.
I think the Shadow Stats website is the most commonly cited. www dot shadowstats dot com
The gist, is that the current way to measure CPI has been understating CPI relative to the 1980 methodology by about 1-5% PER YEAR for the past ~15-20 years (at least).
So isn’t the implication of this obvious? If you are using data from the first 80 years of the century as evidence that home prices track CPI, shouldn’t you use the same CPI methodologies thereafter to determine whether home prices are too high/too low relative to CPI?
My personal view is:
- The official CPI numbers don’t so much “understate” as they do generally “misstate”, though most of the misstatement is on the underside.
- I think that SGS grossly overstates actually. So while I think Williams is right that CPI is (usually) understated - I think the actual inflation values he presents are quite overstated. For instance he presents inflation generally running around 10% for the 2000-2008 period. I don’t think it was anywhere close to that*.
- Specifically - even Williams doesn’t correctly include house prices in inflation stats. E.g. in the 2007-2009 period we had incredible deflation overall, because our biggest expense - housing - went down by 30% or so.
- In the end it’s hugely complex, and assets of different types tend to inflate and deflate somewhat independently. E.g. we see coffee prices going through the roof right now, but gas fairly low. Wages can be independent of prices as well. Then there’s the whole “price vs. money supply” discussion.
* Save for housing. However if Williams was accounting for housing in his 2000-2008 10% inflation, then he should have also shown big-time deflation 2007-2009, but he didn’t.
I generally agree that the website does overstate considerably. From 1980, US reported CPI says that prices should have roughly tripled from then. SGS says they should have gone up 9x, which would mean that home prices SHOULD get back to bubble levels to be in line with inflation. We all know this is not going to happen.
My point is just that over that 30 year period, it is not inconceivable that US CPI has been understated (or misstated on the downside) by at least the amount that people are saying home prices need to fall to get back to that CPI level. To make up that difference, inflation would have only needed to be understated by approximately 0.65% annually.
I’m focusing more on population/unit and affordability measures when I think about my own expectations about home prices a year out. Of course, without job growth, all bets are off.
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Comment by packman
2010-08-31 09:59:49
Yes, though the cost of owning a home has gone up I think faster than inflation as well - e.g. property taxes, as well as a bevy of other new taxes and fees on home purchases. So believe it or not I think a valid case could be made that housing prices should actually increase slower than true inflation (e.g. possibly inline with published inflation).
That being said - there is at least some truth to the “they’re not making any more land” factor. While obviously there are vast tracts of developable land still existing in the U.S. - there are some areas where there is very little developable land, particularly within commuting (or walking) distance of desirable areas. However this has always been true - even going back before the 1900’s (e.g. the SF peninsula was mostly built out by 1900, and completely built out by the mid 1900’s.)
Comment by Rental Watch
2010-08-31 10:30:36
I don’t believe the “they ain’t building any more land” rhetoric either. They make new land every time a condo is created with airspace, etc. Additionally, there is plenty of raw land as you fly over various states, it’s simply not all that conveniently located near services, etc.
What I fervently believe however is that in some jurisdictions, the apparent availability of land is completely irrelevant. What is more relevant is the ability to get it approved for building, which can be quite difficult, expensive, and time consuming.
Comment by alpha-sloth
2010-08-31 11:10:10
Land costing more in cities as opposed to the middle of nowhere is not a creation of the current RE bubble, but rather a phenomenon that has been around since at least ancient Greece and Rome, and probably from the beginning of civilization. (You always wanted a home -inside- the city walls, if you could afford it.)
Comment by packman
2010-08-31 11:15:20
What is more relevant is the ability to get it approved for building, which can be quite difficult, expensive, and time consuming.
Yes - saw this firsthand in northern CA when I lived there. There was a lot of open space, however the vast majority was undevelopable, and for the rest of the areas developers had to jump through hoops to develop.
(I don’t disagree with that though - that’s beautiful country up there, and I think it’s appropriate to limit development in the scenic areas.)
They are always busily making more land: Check out how the local landfill grows toward the sky with each load dumped and sculpted into giant truncated pyramid by caterpillars. Want something truly green: Build yourself a house atop the landfill using realtor skulls for the walls and methane-power for self-sufficiency. Now that’s green.
I’m starting to sound like Hwy…
Comment by Rental Watch
2010-08-31 12:36:54
There are some areas that are not-so-scenic, but still very hard to obtain entitlements to build new housing. NIMBYism for the sake of NIMBYism is alive and well.
Comment by Jim A.
2010-08-31 12:56:54
Alpha sloth–but of course the popularization of the automobile and the creation of the interstates in the 50s vastly expanded the distance that one could reasonably commute, as the streetcar had before it. This meant that a much greater area of land around the city could be used to house those who worked in it.
Comment by Rental Watch
2010-08-31 13:19:12
I think we are on the same page. In many parts of the country, the hard costs to build a home (infrastructure plus vertical) are greater than price at which that house can be sold. This is changing in some places…slowly.
In the meantime though, this means that the only homes that can be reasonably built today are homes that will be built on existing finished lots, where they can be acquired at a discount to hard costs. The availability of these finished lots is dwindling. IMHO, this is one of the reasons we will continue to see poor new home construction numbers until there is some additional move upward in home prices.
Inflation in materials costs is putting a floor on the price for new homes (energy, copper, oil based goods, concrete, with the exceptions being labor and lumber). For the low end in many parts of the country, I have a very hard time seeing how the floor for new homes is lower than today’s prices.
Comment by alpha-sloth
2010-08-31 14:39:06
Jim A.- I agree. The auto (and reasonable security from the Hun) have greatly increased the area around a city where one may choose to live. But there are still reasons (convenience, entertainment, employment, diversity) that will make cities, in general, have higher prices than outlying areas. It’s not an artificial construct, mindless custom, or RE conspiracy. It’s as old as cities themselves.
FORTUNE — Finally, nearly two years after they were bailed out by Congress, big banks are beginning to ease lending standards for individuals and small businesses. But it’s not exactly having the reception many believed it would. Just when credit becomes more available, there’s little evidence of a surge in demand for it.
Since the financial crisis, banks have been blamed for slowing the pace of economic recovery because of their reluctance to lend. Unlike larger companies that can borrow from bond markets, small businesses and consumers mostly depend on loans from banks. Federal officials have said tight credit has kept households from spending more and small businesses from hiring more.
Now the U.S. Federal Reserve says banks are modestly expanding credit. But the new development, given all its potential, might still do little to improve America’s prospects for economic growth — at least in the near future.
They say that, but I know small businessowners with good FICO’s who still can’t get credit even though they have purchase orders from customers in hand.
I suspect banks are not looking at the individual as much as the track record of their industry and the loss rates for their zip code… Not to say you do not still need decent credit…
US homeowners flock to Florida event in desperate bid to save properties
More than 20,000 American mortgagees to hit Palm Beach as Naca’s five-day mortgage modification marathon gets under way. (UK)
Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA) helps homeowners refinance A mortgage adviser from Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America helps a homeowner at the five-day, 24-hour Palm Beach event Photograph: Robert Sullivan/Polaris/Guardian
In the pre-dawn darkness of a steamy night of sub-tropical rain, a queue of anxious, soggy people snakes around the palm trees outside a cavernous Florida convention center. Some have erected camp beds or makeshift tents. All clutch sheaves of mortgage documents.
Welcome to America’s biggest jamboree of delinquent borrowers. For five days, the Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (Naca), a not-for-profit organization, is working round the clock to help homeowners hang on to their houses. More than 12,000 people have signed up in advance and more than 20,000 are expected to turn up, travelling from as far afield as California, Georgia and Maryland.
“It’s either feed your kids or pay your mortgage,” says Omayra Delgado, a 33-year-old special education teacher whose Miami house has slumped in value from $160,000 (£103,000) to $60,000. “My home is in foreclosure. I’m trying to keep it.”
Politicians’ talk of an economic recovery is laughable to many of those here. This is a last, desperate bid to cling on to home ownership – the event is shrewdly named “save the dream”.
The kids are probably suffering from malnutrition. Dollar menus and 7-11 fare will make you fat but they don’t feed you.
I read a very simple statement on obesity: how do they fatten up cattle and pigs for slaughter? They don’t feed them fatty steaks, they feed them corn. When they call obese kids cows, I guess they aren’t far off. They too are fed mostly corn and some wheat. Automated, irrigated, fertilized and subsidized. Taken apart and put back together into dollar menu and 7-11 fare. The cheapest stuff out there.
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Comment by The_Overdog
2010-08-31 08:11:24
They don’t feed cows meat because cows are vegeterians.
Comment by Austin Scott
2010-08-31 08:26:23
They give the industrial food-chain animals just about anything, including feces. Where do you think mad cow disease came from? Cows eating other cows’ brains and spines.
Comment by alpha-sloth
2010-08-31 08:53:46
they call obese kids cows,
They also call them ‘corn-feds’.
The Atkins diet guy was right, and numerous studies have borne it out. Grains, cereals, and most starches are simply not natural foods for humans. The ability of such foods to fatten us up and provide the ’staff of life’ was great back when food was scarce, but not so great now that we have plenty.
Comment by Cassandra
2010-08-31 09:45:34
Actually they do feed cows meat, sometimes. That’s how mad cow is spread.
“It’s either feed your kids or pay your mortgage,”
“My home is in foreclosure. I’m trying to keep it.”
Guess we know her priorities: the house comes before the kids.
I’ve seen this same story play out in higher incomes. Friends were miserable and I mean miserable in the last school district I was in. Moms and kids were getting so depressed they sometimes wouldn’t leave the house for weeks. This was a situation that had played out for years. But when I asked why they simply wouldn’t move to a new district for the chance of giving the kids and her some positive experiences her answer was simple: we’d lose too much money on the house.
I know 3 other families in the same situation (and many more that have moved rather than raise their kids in a toxic environment). All w/top incomes, brain surgeon, CEO, medical professor, VP. Dads at the top of their field and the Moms w/masters or higher education. Income was not the issue. Maybe keeping the trophy address was.
They can rot in hell for all I care. I live in a rented two bedroom with my pregnant wife and 3 year old daughter. I am forced to live here because all these nitwits drove prices up too high with their greed.
I’ll pass them on the way up… and maybe flip ‘em the bird.
“It’s either feed your kids or pay your mortgage,”
This is the reason my wife and I have not purchased the house we want. Going back 11 years we didn`t make enough money to feed, clothe and have health insurance for the kids and that house and mortgage. Not to mention be able for them to participate in sports, dance etc. By the time we could afford that house, we couldn`t afford that house because it went from $160,000 to $400,000 So my advise to Omayra would be from that obnoxious Suzie person. People first, then money, then things.
Are you eligible for unemployment benefits if you walk off the job for not being aloud time to pray?
Feds: Muslims faced discrimination at Neb. plant
The Associated Press
Posted: 10:20 p.m. Monday, Aug. 30, 2010
OMAHA, Neb. — Federal officials say a JBS Swift & Co. meatpacking plant in Nebraska should provide Muslim employees with prayer time and not retaliate against workers who ask to pray.
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed a lawsuit Monday on behalf of more than 80 Somali Muslims.
A message left at JBS Swift’s U.S. headquarters in Greeley, Colo., wasn’t immediately returned.
Hundreds of Muslim workers walked off the job at the Grand Island, Neb., plant during Ramadan in 2008, saying they wanted time to pray at sunset and break a daylong fast. Plant management adjusted the work schedule the next day.
Non-Muslims counterprotested and management ended the accommodations. The company fired 86 Muslim workers for walking off the job, but have said the firings weren’t about religion.
It wasn’t clear if the counterprotest was anti-muslim or just anti-schedule change, for other reasons (which might be quite reasonable, like, say, the change added an hour to everyone’s shift.)
Grrr! I’m tired of these namby pamby creampuff judges treating religion as some sort of precious thing that must be put on the high priority list at the expense of everything else.
Things like that make me clutch my gold coins and ammo and say the U.S. is doomed.
But then as a kid back in 1967 I remember my dad saying the same thing about how a judge in Oregon gave kid glove treatment to hippies. It was too long ago and I was too young to remember what the issue was about.
You are just a slight few years older than me - but I remember I was envious of you older ones because you had all the fun of the “free love” era. The Herpes scare started in about 2001 and the AIDS scare started in 2003 or so. I was in my early 20s and missed out on the fabled “free love” / woodstock type of stuff
Hey, I’m still envious of you slightly older ones.
I guess these guys didn`t have the same friends as Angelo.
Former TopDot official sentenced
By Kimberly Miller Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
Posted: 5:35 p.m. Monday, Aug. 30, 2010
Boca Raton resident Jason Vitulano, 35, a former manager of Top Dot Mortgage, was sentenced in federal court Thursday to more than five years in prison after pleading guilty to charges related to mortgage fraud.
A second former Top Dot manager, Peter Hartfolis, 33, of New York, was sentenced to more than 2 years in prison for his involvement.
Co-conspirators Joseph Miller, 64, of Palm Beach Gardens received an 18-month sentence, while Steve Vento, 42, of Jupiter was sentenced to one year.
Man, they got off lightly. If you compare the amount of money and the number of people who get screwed by large scale corporate fraud, the sentences they get are ridiculously light. Somebody robbing the till at a grocery store gets about the same amount of time.
But the BIG GUYS aren’t going to jail…at least not yet.
They are dragging these lower-end mopes in front of the cameras to show how they’re “going after the bad guys,” but the bad guys are at the top of the policy-making heap.
During my three-mile stroll, I got to talking with a couple who’d recently moved here from Wisconsin. They’re renting an apartment Downtown while they check out the local housing market.
Lady said that she wasn’t looking with an agent yet. I told her that she didn’t need an agent for that — she could do the looking herself. I also said that I thought that most real estate agents had a case of Pinocchio nose.
And she agreed, saying, “You just can’t trust them.”
I’m expecting the desk clearing time this Friday to be extra-special. Your desk must be piled high, since we missed one last week. No less than 10 pages will do.
Many expect another wave of foreclosures to further deflate prices. The government could offer new incentives — or let market forces rule.
By Tom Petruno
August 28, 2010
You can’t force someone to buy a house.
But as a society we’ve long tried to make homeownership an offer you couldn’t refuse.
And since the real estate mega-bubble burst three years ago, the government has tried even more tricks to get people to sign home purchase contracts.
Now, a grim reality has set in: Despite the still-rich basket of tax breaks for residential property owners, and the lowest mortgage rates in a generation, the pool of willing or able buyers is dwindling.
The housing market’s new woes expose the limits of government’s ability to end the real estate bust, while also raising the odds that policymakers could resort to more dramatic moves to try to support the market.
A new program will offer no-interest loans of up to $50,000 for unemployed homeowners to help them make their mortgage payments until they find work.
The Obama administration “has taken a broad set of actions to help stabilize the housing market and help American homeowners,” Treasury spokesman Mark Paustenbach said.
A new program will offer no-interest loans of up to $50,000 for unemployed homeowners to help them make their mortgage payments until they find work screw the taxpayers like their lender screwed them.
And since the real estate mega-bubble burst three years ago, the government has tried even more tricks to get people to sign home purchase contracts.
Why do we even need jails if all the government has to do is get people to become slaves to real estate? Sitting ducks for the taxman to come around knocking. Statists understand that long term stable neighborhoods where people stay put for many many years, make people conform, to tolerate the (ahem) culture of others that may run against ones values (forced toleration) and be nice law-abiding docile sheep.
Obviously these calls have been out there for years yet finally the MSM is giving them more airtime. Larry Kudlow actually had an analyst on last night besides Peter Schiff that was calling on our gov to end support of housing and let values fall to market value. He was given enough airtime to make good solid points. So what does this signal?
The MSM throws a bone to the proletariat now and then to induce trust?
Obama admin has decided that hiding the truth of what we’re facing means Dems are on the way out and needs some info released to soften the masses up for the hard right turn?
The 27% drop after the home tax exemption expiration gives free market apostles a level of credence (or is it ammunition?) that can no longer be denied?
When unemployed “homeowners” blow through $50k in interest fee funds, then can’t repay the loan and lose the house too, will we hear it was “unexpected”, and “nobody saw it coming?”
By Greg Fielding Filed in Home Economics, Social Mood Swings Tagged with Home Prices, Housing Bubble, Politics
August 27th, 2010 @ 2:21 pm
It’s probably not that our Government doesn’t understand the housing’s problems, but that addressing them isn’t politically palatable. Home prices are going to find their eventual bottom, no matter what the interest rates or homebuyer tax credit may be. And, all of the foreclosures that need to happen, eventually will – it’s a question of when.
Allowing home prices to fall might anger voters in the short term. But, as soon as prices hit bottom, there is nowhere to go but up. Optimism, and the consumer spending that accompanies it, can return. Moreover, if homebuyers in 2011 and 2012 spend less on housing, they can spend more on other things. Bad for banks perhaps, but good for the rest of us.
On the other hand, by continuing to extend foreclosure timelines and pretend the problem doesn’t exist, home prices would be relatively more stable in the short term. However, as long as the eventual bottom is postponed, so too is the day when real, organic, unstimulated optimism can return.
I’ve declared, and I’m not alone, that all gov programs to prop up housing prices are about saving the banks and there really isn’t much evidence to dissuade us from that deduction.
However, there’s more to this. How much of the system would go down in flames if we did allow free market price discovery? Would it just be the 5-10 sinner investment banks? Wouldn’t a lot of smaller lenders go down too? How long would a world wide credit freeze up last and how many pockets (or capital reserves) are deep enough to survive through it?
So really saving the banks is about saving businesses, both large and small. It’s bout saving jobs. It’s about keeping another huge deluge of labor off the doles. The truth is the fed is really only moves away from checkmate. And the politics is only fighting over the dwindling remaining spoils.
If anyone has seen an analysis or commentary of how jobs would survive through a free market asset price correction that would decimate our credit structure, I’d be most interested in reading it. Thanks!
However, there’s more to this. How much of the system would go down in flames if we did allow free market price discovery? Would it just be the 5-10 sinner investment banks? Wouldn’t a lot of smaller lenders go down too? How long would a world wide credit freeze up last and how many pockets (or capital reserves) are deep enough to survive through it?
So really saving the banks is about saving businesses, both large and small. It’s bout saving jobs. It’s about keeping another huge deluge of labor off the doles.
There is a lot of truth in this however, long-term, a great re-set would have been better for America. Most of “saving the banks” was saving the status quo, Wall Street, crony-capitalistic oligarchy that controls our democracy and slowly sucks the life out of America.
If it took a lot of pain to dismantle that system, so be it as it will never be dismantled without much pain. We could have been about 30% there by now but that time has been lost.
I’m with CarrieAnn on this one. I think it’s easy to talk in euphemisms and generalities about ‘letting it crash’, and ‘finding the true bottom’ (as if such a thing exists), and then ‘dusting ourselves off and rebuilding’. I’ve still yet to have someone explain how we get past things like:
1) Our entire banking system failing
2) The FDIC then failing (or requiring an ‘evil’ bailout)
3) The world dropping us as a reserve currency
4) Monster unemployment that makes the current unemployment look like nothing
5) Worldwide credit freeze/panic that would dwarf the one we just went through
Where is it written that after sustaining a devastating deflationary crash, that would honestly wipe out possibly the majority of Americans, we just pop back up and continue on as a democracy with civil liberties? Refreshed and wiser.
And for that matter, where is it written that the very same people at the top now, wouldn’t still be there? I mean, the rich are who have the private walled estates; the private islands; the planes, helicopters, and yachts; the overseas bank accounts, assets, and hideaways. And the money to buy their own militia/guards if need be. I think a crash would just cement their position at the top of the pile, with the rest of us even more powerless and poorer than before.
We just had a crash that would be minor compared to what many call for, and that alone has caused a third of our population to think the president is a muslim bent on destroying the American way, and to talk openly about revolt and secession.
We do live in the age of Fox News.
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Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2010-08-31 12:10:40
Of course we will never know will we? However:
1) Our entire banking system failing
Who said it would have? Oh yea, the Banks we bailed out.
2) The FDIC then failing (or requiring an ‘evil’ bailout)
Who cares if we had to bail out the FDIC’s 100K-250 commitment? That’s cheaper than our current 23 trillion dollar bailout commitments.
3) The world dropping us as a reserve currency
Now we don’t know that would have happened. Why would it? The entire world would have been knocked down in close relative proportion to our “knock-down”.
4) Monster unemployment that makes the current unemployment look like nothing
I’d say 25% of Americans are under or unemployed now, with no future of an economic re-set or increased opportunity. I don’t think any future unemployment would make our current situation look like “nothing”.
5) Worldwide credit freeze/panic that would dwarf the one we just went through
Yes. This argues my point that we wouldn’t have automatically lost our world reserve currency status.
I live in the one country the past 25 years who’s economy and currency collapsed 3 times, who’s 7th constitution was ratified in only in 1988, prior to that was a military dictatorship and who now is economically growing at 7% per year, has had 35 million join the middle-class in 7 years and that has a trade surplus and is energy independent.
Brazil survived economic hell, rose up and thrived.
America would have survived just fine in the long term I think.
We just had a crash that would be minor compared to what many call for, and that alone has caused a third of our population to think the president is a muslim bent on destroying the American way, and to talk openly about revolt and secession.
Similar rhetoric was heard during the 1930s. Remember Fr. Coughlin? He had quite a following. And didn’t someone here just mention the group of wealthy businessmen who tried to stage a coup against Roosevelt?
Comment by alpha-sloth
2010-08-31 14:30:36
Rio- I think you’re trying to have it both ways. First, you say we need to let it crash and reset. Then you’re saying that it wouldn’t be much worse than it already is. Then how is it a crash and reset?
And there’s a difference between what we’re possibly on the hook for with our guarantees (many of which would come due only if we did crash and burn), and what we’d definitely be on the hook for if banks failed en masse, and the FDIC had to make everyone whole. In the event of a crash, we’d be on the hook for -both- amounts, remember. If we can avoid an all-out crash, we’ll be on the hook for a lot less.
And if all the RE were forced onto the market at once, then obviously there would be a major price deflation that would put still more people even further underwater, or underwater for the first time, which would make still more people walk away, which would continue the deflationary spiral. How could it not?
Forcing the banks to then mark to market would make even more insolvent. How could it not?
How could this not result in much higher unemployment? We talk here all the time about how many businesses are on the edge right now. The businesses that aren’t on the edge are rightly fearful about hiring and investing, because the economy is still weak right now. Surely a large-scale crash would greatly increase their hesitance, and ability, to hire. In fact, many more would go out of business, which would make more people broke, which would put more houses on the market, which would make their value drop even more, which would put still more people underwater, who would then walk away etc etc…..Again, how could it not?
And would Brazil have had the ability to bounce back from its problems if it didn’t have a huge country to its north that effectively polices the entire hemisphere, and provides a huge market for their goods, thus allowing lesser (no offense) countries the luxury to be able to screw up and recover? Like it or not, we police the world, and if we were down and out for a few/ten years (dusting off and rebuilding our economy), who do you think would rise to take our place? Or would anyone?
And, say we let it crash, then what? We suddenly rebuild our manufacturing base and somehow aren’t undercut by Chindian wages? Or do we match their wages? What exactly do we build or rebuild? Where are we competitive right now?
I’m not saying we’d never recover, unexpected things happen (like the advent of the internet) that could well save our bacon, but there’s something to be said for chugging along until that something arises, rather than letting your country crash and burn under the optimistic feeling that ’something’ will turn up, and ’somehow’ we’ll be just fine. That strikes me as dangerously wishful thinking.
And didn’t someone here just mention the group of wealthy businessmen who tried to stage a coup against Roosevelt?
Me. FDR had a LOT on his plate. The Communist Party was also about to become the majority political party.
There’s a lot of folks who hate FDR. They have NO idea how bad it really was and could have been if it wasn’t for FDR.
As for letting the FIRE sector suffer their own medicine of “market correction,” the problem was, and still is, international in scope. And Wall St. propaganda aside, a lot of countries would not have been very happy about that as their fortunes were also tied into Wall/Fleet St. Russia and China being prime examples. You know, the guys with nukes and ICBMs.
The general rule is that if you cause someone enough grief, they WILL come looking for you. In other words, WW3.
I would really like to see Wall/Fleet St. “corrected” but try it all at once and you have to answer to the entire world.
Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2010-08-31 15:42:25
First, you say we need to let it crash and reset. Then you’re saying that it wouldn’t be much worse than it already is. Then how is it a crash and reset?
I think it would have been much worse at first and then much better going forward because bad bets would have gone bad, capitalists would have learned what capitalism is, structures, duties, policies and laws would have changed to initially support the dispossessed, and later to promote American jobs, education, manufacturing and the middle class. We have the “money”. Is it not obvious now how much “money” we have? The question was how to use it.
That money should have been spent to do the above, not bail out failure, parasites and losers such as Banks and Wall Street.
On Brazil’s protection: First of all a crash would not have rendered our military impotent. We have lots of “money” as we have seen. And:
Brazil doesn’t really need the US protection. Who would invade Brazil? China? Peru? Argentina? Most South Americans despise American’s history of “protection”. I hate it when they start talking about it in front of me.
On Brazil losing American markets if America crashed:
It’s hard to believe for most Americans but the USA is a distant third trading partner with Brazil after the EU and China. And the USA would have bounced back anyway.
but there’s something to be said for chugging along until that something arises,
A key thing is, we should all forget about “something (new) arising”. It might or might not happen. The key going forward in this age of overcapacity is for America to re-structure its economy so that the majority of workers can thrive in an economy merely “chugging along”.
This will require redistribution of profits, jobs, priorities and wealth back in line with American historical norms. We just wasted an opportunity to start this process and we will pay for it.
Comment by alpha-sloth
2010-08-31 17:00:32
Who would invade Brazil? China? Peru? Argentina?
Why not? Or how about China or Russia funding rebels within Brazil? I wouldn’t get carried away with Brazil’s military strength.
And I realize you’ve got fancy new beaus now, but back when Brazil was a banana republic and making all those mistakes, who was nearby making sure the USSR wasn’t ‘liberating’ them. Don’t mistake now for then- the world wasn’t always so unipolar.
And citizens of countries that rely on and thrive under US protection, while berating us for it behind our backs, is a story as old as the Cold War.
bad bets would have gone bad, capitalists would have learned what capitalism is, structures, duties, policies and laws would have changed to initially support the dispossessed, and later to promote American jobs, education, manufacturing and the middle class
I agree with the sentiment, but we just went through a smallish crash (compared to what you’re calling for) and Glen Beck and Sarah Palin have become two of the most popular political ‘thinkers’ in the country, with a rabid following of people who openly threaten rebellion if they don’t get their way. One could only assume they’d grow in popularity if things got even worse. And this is the populace that is supposed to achieve the lofty goals you’ve listed above?
The key going forward in this age of overcapacity is for America to re-structure its economy so that the majority of workers can thrive in an economy merely “chugging along”
One could argue that that very thing is occurring right now. Perhaps not at the pace we might like, but where is the guarantee that it would be faster in a state of more serious collapse? One could well imagine a lot of very serious, and very counterproductive, ‘unknown unknowns’ that might pop up in a situation of widespread collapse.
Let’s not burn the house down to kill a few rats.
Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2010-08-31 17:38:59
Don’t mistake now for then- the world wasn’t always so unipolar.
I explain that to the Brazilians sometimes. Some get it.
Why not? Or how about China or Russia funding rebels within Brazil?
A waste of money. Maybe in the Spanish countries yes but not Brazil. They just aren’t a revolutionary type culture on the macro level and their history bears this out. War? Revolution? Why? That would take too much time away from the beach, beer, women, their children, hammock time and futbol.
but we just went through a smallish crash…and Glen Beck and Sarah Palin have become two of the most popular political ‘thinkers’ in the country, with a rabid following
Maybe BECAUSE it was a smallish crash. I think the bailouts and papering over the problem took the right’s eye of the ball as to who the real enemy is - the corporate oligarchy. This was the plan. If we all fell together and harder, we’d have come together more as Americans first. I mean if Wall Street and Banks fell, how could you blame the poor and middle class for that? Sure the usual suspect nutjobs might believe it but most wouldn’t. That is what they were afraid of. Now, instead we have a muddling along situation that enables Palin an Beck to spread their misinformation.
Let’s not burn the house down to kill a few rats.
The house with rats was ruined, it was burning and we had the money to rebuild.
Instead we took that money and saved the rats and now we have to live with those rats in the same house that is half-way burnt down.
Comment by alpha-sloth
2010-08-31 18:34:56
O meu amigo, Brazil’s not revolutionary? Almost their entire twentieth century history is one right wing dictatorship after another, interspersed with communist uprisings, particularly in the 30s. Perhaps they’re reactionary, but either way, they aren’t that mellow, at least not historically. And have they gained control, or even access, to all the favelas yet? That could be a good source of insurrection.
The ‘what ifs’ about how we might have responded to the crash, if we had it to do over again, are irrelevant- we don’t have it to do over again. Here we are.
FDR saved the system rather than letting it crash all the way, as many encouraged him to. Do you think he made a mistake? Many do. I don’t.
(Do I wish Obama had more of a fighting spirit like FDR had? Yes. But it’s easier to take on Wall Street when everyone knows you’re a well-born plutocrat yourself, rather than when the morons have been told, and believe, you’re a socialist Kenyan Muslim America-hater.)
Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2010-08-31 20:00:18
O meu amigo, Brazil’s not revolutionary? Almost their entire twentieth century history is one right wing dictatorship after another, interspersed with communist uprisings, particularly in the 30s. Perhaps they’re reactionary, but either way, they aren’t that mellow, at least not historically. And have they gained control, or even access, to all the favelas yet? That could be a good source of insurrection.
Fine, you read it. I read it and I live and have lived it.
Comment by CA renter
2010-09-01 02:30:10
I’m with Rio, 100%.
Falling asset prices would have primarily hurt the “rich” as the middle and lower classes rely more on wages, not asset price appreciation.
I was all for spending money on jobs programs (infrastructure, energy R&D, healthcare technologies, etc.), and I even advocated nationalizing the banking system while we move through the much-needed deflationary period. There is NO NEED for a “private” banking/credit system if the taxpayers are taking all the risks anyway (while the bankers make all the profits during the “good” times).
Comment by CA renter
2010-09-01 02:32:35
Bottom line: “letting it fall” would have been the best course of action. What we have done so far is to merely make the problem bigger (more debt — and most of that now being borne by taxpayers), and extended the duration of the downturn. Printing money to cover up the huge misallocation of capital and over-leveraging in our economy does NOT fix the problem.
THANK YOU both for this (and all of your other,) exceptionally thoughtful, civil, and dare I say it, scholarly exchange. This sort of lively debate is what makes HBB so special, and why I often stay up past midnight reading it.
Kudos again to Ben for providing us with this forum.
By Greg Fielding Filed in Home Economics, Social Mood Swings Tagged with Home Prices, Housing Bubble August 28th, 2010 @ 3:12 pm
Low home prices are great for buyers, great for mobility, and great for the economy because we’d all have more money to save or spend on things beyond mortgage interest.
The transition from high prices to affordable prices has been horrendously painful, but necessary. Simply put, we have to go through it to get through it and come out on the other side.
So far, politicians have tried to preserve the status quo of high debt, high home prices, and lots of government involvement, because they think it’s what we want. They think it’s what will get them re-elected.
Today, they may be right. But patience is wearing thin.
Consider The Politics of High House Prices
Maybe that’s how all of this will end. Maybe, eventually, enough of us will get mad enough and tired enough and simply demand that the charade ends so that we can get on with out lives. Eventually protests could turn to riots as social acrimony spreads and perhaps at some point our politicians may get it:
It’s not high home prices that will get them re-elected, it’s that light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel – the mass optimism that things will get better.
And right now, that light is pretty dim.
Only hours after I wrote that, Tom Petruno wrote in the Los Angeles Times Time to Let House Prices Fall?
Reports this week on home purchases in July were beyond dismal. Sales of existing homes tumbled 27% from June and 25% from a year earlier. New-home sales slumped to an annualized rate of just 276,000 units, down 32% from July 2009 and the lowest since at least the early 1960s.
Some of the fall-off undoubtedly reflected the spring expiration of the latest federal housing gimmick — tax credits of $8,000 for first-time buyers who met certain income requirements, and $6,500 for repeat buyers.
But it can’t be a coincidence that the summer plunge in housing demand occurred as faith in the year-old economic recovery continued to wane.
“It’s not a housing issue anymore — it’s an overall economic issue,” said David Crowe, chief economist for the National Assn. of Home Builders.
Historically, housing has led the way in recoveries. “But this is a case where housing is going to follow the economy, not lead it,” Crowe said.
I found on a website that 90277 (South Redondo Beach) and 90503 have slightly lower incomes than 85044. Yet the California zip codes have higher priced houses and they are much older. Lots of them built in the 1950s - many of them are probably able to stand up because the termites are all holding hands. But in Ahwatukee the average house prices is about 1/3 or less. In Ahwatukee, therefore, people have more money left over to spend on other things.
The real estate in Phoenix may have been devastated, but for people who have been renting, or signed the purchase agreement before 2002 and did not HELOC, the living is not really that bad.
The weather in LA in 90503, 90254, and 90277 is very nice all year. But that’s about it. The streets are crappy with lots of bumps and potholes. The roads in 85044 are smooth and well-maintained. The rent in L.A. in 90503 at least is low enough and my pay is high enough to make working in LA a good deal still. But the potential big earthquake makes me worried.
The damage caused by a big quake in California - especially in the expensive coastal areas - would cause almost all mortgages in the area to become underwater. That much equity would evaporate overnight.
Which leads to an interesting question. How many mortgages became underwater/defaulted in New Orleans after Katrina? I never saw any reporting or analysis on that, but I’d guess that thousands walked away from their house and their mortgage in the aftermath.
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Comment by scdave
2010-08-31 13:48:49
If it is a big one on the Andreas or Hayward the loss would dwarf Katrina…
I think they just folded the mortgages losses into the general damage assessment. I’m not sure, though.
Comment by Rental Watch
2010-08-31 18:18:36
If an earthquake hits CA, the US Government will not ignore it…1/7th of the US GDP–too much money for politicians to ignore.
Lots of people will go back to work rebuilding, and government debt would go up that much more.
Oh, and insurance companies who wrote EQ policies would be paying lots of money out.
It wouldn’t be a walk in the park, but if Europe can be rebuilt after WWII, so can CA after an earthquake.
Just saying…I’ve been in CA my whole life, lived within about 45 minutes of SF during the ‘89 quake (only about a 7). An earthquake properly (or improperly located) would be bad, but not the end of the world. Perhaps I’ve just grown complacent since I live here…
Seeing that here. Lower priced and lower taxed home owners are the ones most likely to have updated or properly maintained the structure. I’ve been looking at homes recently in older (20-50 year) “hot” locations. It’s been a shocker. I always thought here lives the movers and shakers but it appears most haven’t updated their properties since purchased. Some neglect has been downright depresssing.
The school taxes have no end to their increases but its obvious people couldn’t keep up and didn’t do anything to change their plight despite how deep of a hole they dug. I dunno. I find it difficult to believe people of a certain professional level enjoyed living this way.
I always thought of Syracuse as 10 months of Mother Nature beating the crap out of your house, and 2 months of Homeowners trying to repair/maintain the house. Of couse, you also want to have some fun during that 2 months, so you really only get 2 weekends to fix up the place after 10 months of snow, sleet, ice, etc.
Talk about homeowners and disposable income. In Syracuse, it’s homeowners and disposable time that’s in short supply.
(a slight exaggeration but you get the point. it’s a wonder any house is still standing after 50 years. At some point, someone doesn’t complete the yearly maintenance, and Mother Nature gets the upper hand the next winter and the path to destruction is nearly irreversable)
Well Combo, I have lots of savings in cash, for my kid’s college education (over the next six years) and retirement, but somehow I’m not happy. Because what is cash?
I have mostly short term U.S. Treasury bills and notes, in mutual funds and Treasury Direct. If things get bad enough, what if the federal government requires mandatory rollovers and I can’t get the money out?
Gold? You can’t spend it. Pieces of paper? Money in insolvent banks in excess of $100K (or is it $250K)?
Other currencies? What are those in the end? Are Europe and Japan in better debt and demographic shape in the end? Are China and the Latin American countries more likely to honor their debts even if the U.S. somehow defaults?
Even cash may not be cash if things go as badly as they might.
Right now cash is the stuff people seem to be a bit short of. Cash is the stuff that can be traded for other stuff. Cash is why bank robbers rob banks.
It may not always be so; there may be a time down the road a bit where cash will not do what it does now. But that is then, this is now.
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Comment by Professor Bear
2010-08-31 07:44:07
You forgot to mention that cash is king… (just sayin’).
Just bought a Japanese made tractor, four implements, and a ragged out trailer for three ounces of AU.
I agree that one can not spend gold if one does not have gold to spend.
Gold holders have quietly been in the very best trade for the last decade.
I predict that when gold hits $2000 AMERICANS WILL PANIC INTO BUYING PHYSICAL.
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Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2010-08-31 10:15:28
I predict that when gold hits $2000 AMERICANS WILL PANIC INTO BUYING PHYSICAL.
That would be expected in the third and final stage of a secular bull market.
Currently, in gold, we could be in the second stage.
Comment by Bill in Los Angeles
2010-08-31 21:30:39
Those who bought most of their gold in 2001 are kings!
And I’m just the court jester.
I keep wanting to buy more precious metals, but Jon Nadler keeps posting reasonable articles on kitco to level off at 10%. So government securities are nice purchases.
(The “Two Buck Chuck” Cabernet Sauvignon bottle I selected is good tonight. But only about 9 ounces total - honest. I’m supposed to swim 4,000 yards tomorrow very early)
government cheese is on the sidelines, and so are many buyers.
No deal: buyers will see fewer discounts for cars
By TOM KRISHER The Associated Press
DETROIT — For years, Americans shopping for cars were treated to all sorts of deals and incentives, especially at the end of summer. Think Cash for Clunkers, which paid up to $4,500, or promotions that offered employee discounts to everyone.
Those days are over.
And with no one expecting the government to offer a repeat of the Clunkers program, get ready for fewer discounts on your next car.
“This may be as good as it gets, and get used to it,” says Jeff Schuster, the executive director of forecasting for J.D. Power and Associates.
As a result, U.S. auto sales are at a standstill, with potential buyers waiting for more deals but automakers resisting. The industry expects this to be the worst August in 18 years, with sales barely over 1 million cars and trucks. Sales are expected to fall 3 percent from July, according to car-pricing website
August usually sees strong sales as automakers offer deals to clear out the lots for new models. In August 2007, before the recession, automakers sold nearly 1.5 million new cars and trucks. Last August, when sales were at a 30-year low, the government came to the rescue. Cash for Clunkers, which paid buyers up to $4,500 per vehicle, boosted sales by about a third to 1.2 million.
But this year, the government is on the sidelines, and so are many buyers.
So the automakers are trying to kick the rebate/incentive habit? It will be interesting to see who cries uncle first: the buyers or the automakers. I think it will be the automakers, people can continue driving their old cars for a while.
I used to ride weekend Mountain biking rides out of “Full Cycle” bike shop in Tucson on Speedway in the late 90s. We had alternate Saturday and Sunday rides. Lots o’ fun. I had a Specialized Rockhopper. I have always been timid going downhill fast. I can take an uphill very well though.
As a result, U.S. auto sales are at a standstill, with potential buyers unable to afford a new car and automakers unable to sell their more expensive models.
There was a story yesterday that mentioned that the average auto loan is about 12K. Sounds like they are selling a larger share of compacts and subcompacts than before (must be great for KIA and Hyundai)
Cars last longer than they used to. When I was a kid, 100K miles and you were ready to push it over a cliff. Now, many 100sK miles is the norm before that point. That means the market shrinks. It also means that people whose car owning experience includes a long-lived brand will return to that brand. I leave the remaining conclusions to the reader.
‘93 Lexus SC300 (3 liter sports coupe with a Camry engine, 225 HP and 4 speed auto yielding 25-to-30 mpg and phenomenal performance) bought 6 years ago for $7500. Now worth $4500 and has only 130k miles. Capable of 220k easily, as it has had 3 very protective owners, per my normally-intensive research!
Great body integrity and classic design. I’ll invest $5k more if needed. Why buy new unless hybrid, Mustang, Camaro, or Chrysler’s
sexy new sport offering. Let them get the tickets -
I thought the first generation SC300 was an inline 6 while the Camry was a V6? Anyway, my friends are the type who put 800hp Supra turbo motors into those…never really tempted me, though since I’d prefer AWD with that kind of power.
“And with no one expecting the government to offer a repeat of the Clunkers program, get ready for fewer discounts on your next car.
“This may be as good as it gets, and get used to it,” says Jeff Schuster, the executive director of forecasting for J.D. Power and Associates.”
“But this year, the government is on the sidelines, and so are many buyers.”
You do not have to be a free market enthusiast to know that a lack of interest in auto purchases will yield further discounts.
That always seems to be the central question. I wish that We the People - as individuals and collectively - had a fuller concept of ourselves and our purpose on this planet, other than being mere atomized economic/consumption units in a global Keynesian marketplace.
Right on, Sammy. And I’d like to add to your mini-rant yesterday about voters. It may have been said by others, but I’m sick of the lousy choices present to us by the two halves of the same party. Vote for sh*t, or sh*t on toast. This two party machine needs to be retired, and something else take its place. It’s even worse than that, here in Fla, I have a choice between three Senatorial candidates, NONE of which appeal to me in any way, shape or form.
Thanks for the support, Palmetto. Good to know that among the lobotomized masses there are still a few capable of independent and original thought, who refuse to go along with the corporatist-staged Republicrat puppet show.
Meanwhile, our champion of hope ‘n change is getting ready to embark on another “stimulus” spending spree. When oh when is responsible adult leadership going to appear to cut up the national credit card?
When oh when is responsible adult leadership going to appear to cut up the national credit card?
As soon as
1. Somebody puts a stop to the globalized race-to-the-bottom business model that capitalism has turned into.
2. Somebody takes the job-lock out of health care, allowing budding entrepreneurs and near-retirees to leave the workforce and free up jobs for the next gen.
3. Somebody crashes house prices so that money goes towards goods and services rather than to the useless black hole of interest payments.
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Comment by Sammy Schadenfreude
2010-08-31 06:41:23
4. Lemmings stop voting for more of the same. You know who you are.
Comment by In Colorado
2010-08-31 07:51:31
” Lemmings stop voting for more of the same. You know who you are.”
It will be hard to get the lemmings to stop voting for tweedle-dee or tweedle-dum, and even harder to get them to understand that there is no significant difference between the two. Obama’s “Healthcare Reform” was no more radical than Bush’s Medicare prescription program.
Somebody takes the job-lock out of health care, allowing budding entrepreneurs and near-retirees to leave the workforce and free up jobs for the next gen.
Here’s a long-distance high five for ya, oxice!
Comment by oxide
2010-08-31 07:58:10
It’s nice to say “elect new people,” but how do you go about electing ALL new people, especially 60 like-minded — regardless of which mind — Senators? Don’t forget that Dems were 3-4 votes shy of a public option.
The only way I’ve seen it happen is slowly, over generations.
Comment by zeus matuze
2010-08-31 07:58:20
I may be changing my opinion of “Ol’ Stinky.” He knows that TV and the media are full of it so he isolates his daughters from the snakeheads.
[From the article]
“Both girls play the piano; Malia also plays the flute.
_Sasha likes to dance hip-hop. The girls also are working on their tennis game.
_They are not allowed to watch TV during the week, and weekend viewing is limited.
_The girls can only use the computer during the week if they need to for school assignments.”
Comment by packman
2010-08-31 08:04:18
Part of the problem is that when people vote for a given party - a large part of the reason is because they’re voting against the other party. A lot of people will vote for a major party for this reason even if their ideals more closely match a third party.
Comment by oxide
2010-08-31 06:37:44
When oh when is responsible adult leadership going to appear to cut up the national credit card?
As soon as
1. Somebody puts a stop to the globalized race-to-the-bottom business model that capitalism has turned into.
2. Somebody takes the job-lock out of health care, allowing budding entrepreneurs and near-retirees to leave the workforce and free up jobs for the next gen.
3. Somebody crashes house prices so that money goes towards goods and services rather than to the useless black hole of interest payments.
Next year when the Republicans take over the House. We are about to enter a new age because Big Govt is going to be forced to cut back on spending. Please note that I know the Repubs are barely better than the Dems, but they will be in charge when the cut backs are forced on them.
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Comment by In Colorado
2010-08-31 07:53:05
“Please note that I know the Repubs are barely better than the Dems, but they will be in charge when the cut backs are forced on them.”
I’m sure they will find a way to continue kicking the can down the road.
Comment by scdave
2010-08-31 08:33:22
Republicans take over the House ?
And the Senate I hope…
Comment by oxide
2010-08-31 08:43:32
I’m not sure they will. It seems our corporate-government complex has become expert at feathering their own nests by exporting “real” jobs and covering the job losses with bubble jobs. (Clinton is not blameless here, but he had the luxury of a booming Internet). The bubble jobs pop with the bubble, just in time to blame it on new Dems.
I’m almost hoping that the Republicans take the House and Senate for a couple years. If they can find a way to bring back REAL jobs and cut spending at the same time, I’m all for it. But unless conservatives find another bubble to inflate,* they too will “own” their very own Depression. Then watch out in 2012. Not only will you get Obama again, you’ll get an even larger army of liberals in Congress.
*The only bubble I can think of to top the debt/housing bubble is another war. And Repubs in Congress can’t inflate a new war bubble without a President to declare a new war.
Comment by scdave
2010-08-31 09:03:43
they too will “own” their very own Depression?
I agree and my hope is that the moderates will drop all the forced dogma and try to find the middle ground for the benefit of the “whole” country….
watch out in 2012. Not only will you get Obama again, you’ll get an even larger army of liberals ??
I don’t think so…I think Obama is a one term President…He (and the country) have achieved their biggest objective…The ability of, and the willingness to elect a Black President…The oppressed black man (Sharpton/Jackson) just does not hunt anymore…
I am hoping that we will see a run right up the middle…I like Bloomberg and he will do it if he is convinced he can win……
I may be changing my opinion of “Old Stinky.” Seems he knows the media is a head of snakes and doesn’t want his kids exposed to them. Who knew he was a closet conservative?
“-Both girls play the piano; Malia also plays the flute.
-Sasha likes to dance hip-hop. The girls also are working on their tennis game.
-They are not allowed to watch TV during the week, and weekend viewing is limited.
-The girls can only use the computer during the week if they need to for school assignments.”
I pan most of the crap that comes out today…Ive never seen so many wussie white “rock” bands…or maybe its geek rock, those whiny screechy guys and little girlies with their PIEannohz
I mean at least Eminem has passion, I like the way you lie…is a very rough great song I also like Avril Lavinge, and Pink
Passion is what is lacking in most of the “music” today it’s just prepackaged assembly line McMusic.
I’m sick of the lousy choices present to us by the two halves of the same party. Vote for sh*t, or sh*t on toast.
I agree we need a third party but also:
I think everyone should be able to vote in the primaries of BOTH parties. That way we’d get candidates on both sides more to the center of the political spectrum instead of the extremes which have no desire to work together.
That can also backfire. Some states do allow anyone to vote in primaries. Rush Limbaugh encouraged republicans in at least one state to vote for Hilary because conservatives figured that Hilary would be easier to beat than Obama.
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Comment by scdave
2010-08-31 10:20:11
Rush Limbaugh encouraged republicans in at least one state to vote for Hilary ??
But there-in lies the possible solution because it works the same going back the other way…The left would cross over and nominate Palin or Beck or the Loony bird senator in Minn…I think that was Rio’s point…It forces both parties to nominate candidates that appeal to a broader group particularly the middle…
Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2010-08-31 10:33:17
That can also backfire.
I know, but sometimes a perceived backfire can backfire.
Comment by Bill in Carolina
2010-08-31 14:05:54
The left would cross over and nominate Palin or Beck or the Loony bird senator in Minn…
Wait a minute, both loony bird senators from Minn ARE lefties. No crossover required.
wish that We the People - as individuals and collectively - had a fuller concept of ourselves and our purpose on this planet, other than being mere atomized economic/consumption units in a global Keynesian marketplace.
It’s called “compartmentalization” and we became the masters of it in WWII.
Like the technology that was transfered back into the civilian sectors after WWII, so were much of the social sciences.
…everyone avoids me like a cyclone ranger…
Check out how closely the nikkei avg during the beginning of Japan’s downturn aligns with the S&P avg since we started our decline. Spooky.
If U.S. Is Japan, Sell Stocks and Buy Bonds!
Posted Aug 30, 2010 02:45pm EDT by Peter Gorenstein
Tech Ticker Yahoo
If the U.S. is the next Japan, the stock market is not the place to put your money, especially right now. As Joe Weisenthal points out in the clip and in a recent column, we may be due for another market crash based on the work of Doug Short and his “Real” Mega Bears chart.
“It’s kind of frightening right now. If you were to line it up perfectly, the Nikkei would indicate that we’re in for another big decline,” he tells Henry.
The U.S. is looking a lot like Japan on the policy front as well. More than 20 years into its prolonged economic malaise, the Japanese government is still looking for ways to kick-start the economy. The latest policy announcement came overnight, but did little to excite global investors.
In terms of policy response, Weisenthal argues the U.S. is following in Japan’s footsteps. “It’s very similar to pretend, extend and pretend — try to ease the currency as much as possible, interest rates basically going to zero and staying here permanently. Meanwhile, the bonds continue to rally beyond anyone’s expectations in light of the massive public debt.”
That last point is key. Rather than worry about a bond market bubble, it might be wise for investors to buy U.S. debt, he says. “We talk about how eye-popping it is that our 10-year yield is 2.6% right now, but Japan — which arguably started this process 10 years earlier than we did — their bonds are trading at 1%.”
Except one thing - Japan is very much an export economy. We very much are not.
That makes all the difference in the world. As of 2009 Japan had $510 Billion more (net) flowing into the country than we do. (+130B current account balance vs. U.S. at -380B)
Thus IMO Gorenstein’s point is completely invalid.
Does being the world’s reserve currency (at least for the time being) alter the export deficiency?
Yes, very much so; in addition of course to just the size of the U.S. I think it’s the main reason however that our bond rates aren’t much higher than they are. If you look at other countries that have similar deficit and debt levels, but also have trade deficits - they pay way more for their bonds. E.g. the PIIGS.
That being said - interestingly - an exception is France. FWIW - I think they’ll be a country to watch over the next few years. They’re a big import economy as well, and also have a big debt like the U.S. However their bond rates are similar to the U.S. - e.g. the 10-year is at 2.5%. Of course they’re a much bigger economy than the PIIGS.
what resources does Japan have? Not as much square miles, no shale, and so on. Its best resources is its industrious people and its geishas (well - geishas important to me…).
America is different from Japan and all bets are off (regarding whether we repeat the 20 year depression that Japan had) Japan is RACIST. There - I fixed my political correctness for xenophobic…If America is so racist it would have no problem with illegals here and O.J. would not have had Nicole to use as a pincushion. That type of stuff. America has a constitution that still respects more individual liberty than Japan. Japanese are great at making existing things better. They are not so great at developing new things. Copycat monopolies win in Asia. However I have an affection for asian women (a weakness)…
Gold Poised for Biggest Monthly Advance Since April on Investment Demand
Gold is set for the biggest monthly advance since April as signs that the global economic recovery may be faltering prompt investors to boost their holdings to try to preserve their wealth.
Gold for immediate delivery was little changed at $1,236.20 an ounce at 12:56 p.m. in Singapore, climbing 4.7 percent this month.
“Driven by stronger investor interest, gold prices have made significant gains lately,” Eugen Weinberg, head of commodity research at Commerzbank AG, wrote in a report. “As long as weak economic data releases continue, investor interest should remain high.”
Analysts have raised 2011 forecasts for gold more than for any other precious metal in the past two months, predicting a 10th annual gain, data compiled by Bloomberg show. Gold may rise as high as $1,500 next year, according to the median estimate in a Bloomberg survey of 29 analysts, traders and investors.
Desperate Consumers Stop Paying Mortgages in Order to Pay Credit Cards
Posted 6:00 PM 08/26/10
Normally, it would be considered a positive sign that people are reducing their credit card debt load. But a series of statistical releases this week confirms an ominous new trend among desperate consumers: They have stopped paying their mortgages but are continuing to pay off their credit cards so they can continue to buy staples, like food.
“It’s a reversal of tradition,” says Jordan E. Goodman, a consumer finance expert and author of Master Your Debt: Slash Your Monthly Payments and Become Debt Free. “People used to pay their mortgages first and let their credit cards slide. But I’m hearing more and more that people are paying their credit cards first because they are going to lose their house anyway and they want to keep their credit card lines open.”
Interesting. So now I’m wondering, which would be better:
A. Shadow squat and lose house. Use saved cash to pay credit cards to keep credit line open.
B. Shadow squat and lose house. Stash saved cash. Declare BK to wipe out unsecured CC debt. Live on stashed cash while rebuilding credit.
I’m assuming this is a non-recourse state, and that the FB is mobile and keeps his job. Option A sounds attractive in the short term because you get to keep credit. However, your hard earned cash goes into the credit card hole where it can’t buy stuff. Option B is more extreme but you use your cash for actual stuff, live within your cash means, and recover the FICO faster. I guess it depends on the BK laws and how much debt you’re in. Isn’t this what the banks were thinking when they wrote/lobbied for the Chap 13 option in the BK law? Is CC debt no longer truly unsecured?
Seems to me that Geithner et al have chosen a Modified A (print cash, then pay credit cards) for the US as a whole, so I guess the sheeple are following suit.
I was wondering that myself, pack. Up until a couple years ago, CC’s would have invoked the universally hated Universal Default clause in a microsecond. But that was eliminated. I know they can’t change terms on a whim now, but there must be some way to reassess risk. Is there a time limit, like every year? I don’t know, I barely use the card..
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Comment by alpha-sloth
2010-08-31 07:20:11
Default risk on a cc might go -down- when the holder sheds his/her real estate white elephant.
would having the bank of mom and dad give you $10K to start over…be a cause for reopening a BK?
I guess he could have stashed his loot in his parents or a relatives safe…. and kept a few thous and a few coins to hoodwink the trustee
Federal prosecutors said 69-year-old Donovan Lindhorst of Gresham had about $82,000 in cash, gold bullion and other assets in a home safe that was found during a court-approved inspection by his bankruptcy trustee.
“Hiding away a stash of money through bankruptcy may be a criminal offense.”
May be? It most certainly is! Creditors have a legal right to that stash.
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Comment by DennisN
2010-08-31 10:19:38
I never did any BK work, but IIRC you are permitted to keep some spare change and a cheap car, etc. Of course a new Mercedes and $100K may raise the judge’s eyebrows.
From the days when Alan Greenspan was an Ayn Rand disciple, before he became part of the problem:
“In the absence of a gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value. If there were, the government would have to make its holding illegal, as was done in the case of gold. If everyone decided, for example, to convert all his bank deposits to silver or copper or any other good and thereafter decline to accept checks as payment for goods, bank deposits would lose their purchasing power and government-created bank credit would be worthless as claims on goods. The financial policy of the welfare state requires that there be no way for the owners of wealth to be able to protect themselves.
This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists’ tirades against gold. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights. If one grasps this, one has no difficulty in understanding the statists’ antagonism toward the gold standard.” — Alan Greenspan, ‘Gold and Economic Freedom’ in 1966.
He was her lifelong friend and supporter. What makes you think he really changed his stripes? If you wanted to bring down the fiat system, you could hardly do more for your cause than he did.
Was Greenspan an objectivist mole, who burrowed his way to the heart of the system, and once there, sowed the poison that may destroy it?
Interesting hypothesis. Though that’d be some serious egg-breaking to cook that omelette!
I doubt it, given that I think there’s still an extremely small chance of us emerging from this mess with a non-fiat monetary system. Rather we’re more likely to emerge with even greater central planning - e.g. on an international level.
Yeah, I think Greenie did what most everyone seems to do when their philosophy collides with their ability to make a ton of money and be famous and powerful- he softened his philosophy- a bit- to agree with his new status.
I think Greenspan’s fatal flaw was that he had too much faith in the wisdom and, yes, benevolence of the ‘titans’ of Wall Street- the ‘flaw’ in his theory, as he himself says.
And this is exactly what he shares with Ayn Rand. The naive, romantic belief that the rich and powerful are also, by their very ’superior’ nature, highly moral. When history has shown us again and again that the opposite is true.
And this is exactly what he shares with Ayn Rand. The naive, romantic belief that the rich and powerful are also, by their very ’superior’ nature, highly moral. When history has shown us again and again that the opposite is true.
Disagree. Rand and her followers didn’t believe in the morality of the rich, just in the ability of the free market to limit the power of their immorality.
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Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2010-08-31 10:54:07
Rand and her followers didn’t believe in the morality of the rich, just in the ability of the free market to limit the power of their immorality.
Both beliefs FAILED.
And yes, both beliefs had their chance to succeed as much as any rigid, overly simplistic philosophy has a chance to succeed in societies composed of actual human beings, their nature and behavior.
Therein lies those belief’s flaws.
Comment by alpha-sloth
2010-08-31 11:46:13
Cripes, have you read her books? (rhetorical question- I know you have) The -only- moral people in them are the big boyz who ‘get things done’, and the women who dig them. The big boyz do what’s right because it’s in their nature, they don’t know any other way to be. Everyone else is, quite literally, a parasite. And that is not even remotely an exaggeration.
And Greenie himself said that believing the big boyz would never risk the destruction of their mighty businesses just for a quick billion or two was the flaw in his theory. He never thought they’d be so…immoral.
It’s not hard to connect the dots.
Comment by packman
2010-08-31 12:07:09
The -only- moral people in them are the big boyz who ‘get things done’, and the women who dig them. The big boyz do what’s right because it’s in their nature, they don’t know any other way to be. Everyone else is, quite literally, a parasite. And that is not even remotely an exaggeration.
You mean like Orren Boyle? James Taggart? Horace Mowen? Peter Keating? (and others)
Apparently you haven’t read her books. You’re apparently presuming on hearsay, and have no clue what’ you’re talking about.
Comment by alpha-sloth
2010-08-31 15:26:29
Ha! Unfortunately for both of us, I have read her horrible books. And I know those characters. Taggert, Mowen, and Keating are all world class schmucks- and parasites. And I can’t remember Boyle, because I don’t think he had much of a role.
Seriously, that’s the best you can come up with? I rest my case.
Ok, I like gold but not as a currency. What I like is a good, strong economy with good, solid regulatory oversight of the financial sector. I certainly do not want the Gov’t in bed with the money pigs. I just don’t think that gold is what it used to be and shouldn’t have ever been. Gold is a commodity.
Fiat currencies are not a bad thing in and of themselves. What makes them bad is the proclivity of governments to debase them as a convenience . This usually occurs after a drunken credit binge like we just had.
My point is this: When people advocate going to a gold standard, the effect is it allows the government to abdicate its responsibilities vis a vis the economy and nation. These responsibilities should prevent the likes of “deficits don’t matter”, “omg! deflation!”, “omg! inflation!”, “omg! austerity!”, LTCM, AIG, subprime, and so on.
So, I want US government and FedRes to fully accept responsibility in the areas they say they have control over. We need adults in charge of this and not infantile, testosterone filled, teenaged 50 year olds who won’t see and address real issues when they arise. As an example I present Greenspan, Rubin, Summers, Clinton, Bush, etc.
Now, if only I could find my unicorn and the fairy I lost last week….
Fiat currencies are not a bad thing in and of themselves. What makes them bad is the proclivity of governments to debase them as a convenience.
Problem is that the very purpose of a fiat currency is debasement. Why else would one create one? It isn’t for convenience, since that objective can be achieved via commodity-backed paper/electronic money.
So that’s a bit like stating “I don’t mind football stadiums; it’s just the sport of football I don’t like”.
Fiat currencies are made to expand when the economy expands. This is considerably different from debasing the currency. If there is a currency that is partially backed by a fixed amount of gold by mass, then the amount of money is basically fixed no matter how large the economy gets. You then have a natural limit on economic expansion. We would be in permanent recession and perhaps a permanent depression.
See, the economy is supposed to be able to expand when new products and technologies are introduced. It is also supposed to expand when the population increases… and it can contract when appropriate, also. The problem arises when currencies are viewed as being there to assist or completely solve economic and/or financial excesses through debasement. Like we have today. I’m pretty sure this is what you are objecting to.
I just can’t see how backing with gold would work. This is why I can’t get my head around what Ron Paul is propounding. It doesn’t make sense.
Clearly the housing market has recovered, as evidenced by solid gains in the S&P/Case-Shiller Index measure of home prices. It is high time for Uncle Sam to remove the feeding tubes, in order to allow the market to stand on its own two feet and run along side the bulls of Pamplona once again.
NEW YORK, Aug 31 (Reuters) - Prices of U.S. single-family homes gained more than expected in June and rose in the second quarter, reflecting the lingering boost from homebuyer tax credits that ended in April, Standard & Poor’s/Case Shiller home price indexes showed on Tuesday.
The S&P/Case Shiller composite index of 20 metropolitan areas rose 0.3 percent in June from May on a seasonally adjusted basis. The rise was better than the 0.2 percent increase expected by economists polled by Reuters, though slower than the 0.5 percent rise in May.
Unadjusted, the 20-city index gained 1 percent following May’s 1.3 percent jump.
I stated the other day - the really interesting data will be starting in July. (i.e. data to come out a month from now) June is meaningless, given that it was artificially-fed.
Its ALL arificially fed. Lets see the data the month after the FED quits buying treasuries and sells all of its worthless MBS. Every current statistic is fake and skewed. The whole thing is an enormous joke.
I had to LOL at the notion yesterday that Nazi Germany was not socialist. I didn’t weight in on it them, but will do so now. As a basis for discussion, here’s what Wikipedia says regarding the Nazi economy. If this isn’t socialism, then I’d like for someone to clarify exactly what is.
Also note some very… interesting… points I’ve highlighted.
In keeping with the political syncretism of fascism, the Nazi war economy was a mixed economy of free-market and central-planning practices; historian Richard Overy reports: “The German economy fell between two stools. It was not enough of a command economy to do what the Soviet system could do; yet it was not capitalist enough to rely, as America did, on the recruitment of private enterprise.”[41]
20 Reichsmark note
When the Nazis assumed German government, their most pressing economic matter was a national unemployment rate of approximately 30 per cent;[42] at the start, Third Reich economic policies were the brainchildren of the economist Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, President of the Reichsbank (1933) and Minister of Economics (1934), who helped Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler implement Nazi redevelopment, reindustrialization, and rearmament of Germany; formerly, he had been Weimar Republic currency commissioner and Reichsbank president.[42] As Economics Minister, Schacht was one of few ministers who took advantage of the administrative freedom allowed by the removal of the Reichsmark from the gold standard—to maintain low interest rates, and high government deficits; the extensive, national public works, reducing the unemployment, were deficit-funded policy.[42] The consequence of Economics Minister Schacht’s administration was the extremely rapid unemployment-rate decline, the greatest of any country during the Great Depression.[42] Eventually, this Keynesian economic policy was supplemented by the increased production demands of rearmament, inflating military budgets, and increasing government spending; the 100,000-soldier Reichswehr expanded to millions, and renamed as the Wehrmacht in 1936.[42]
Polish-forced-workers’ badge
OST-Arbeiter badge
While the strict state intervention into the economy, and the massive rearmament policy, almost led to full employment during the 1930s (statistics didn’t include non-citizens or women), real wages in Germany dropped by roughly 25% between 1933 and 1938.[43] Trade unions were abolished, as well as collective bargaining and the right to strike.[44] The right to quit also disappeared: Labour books were introduced in 1935, and required the consent of the previous employer in order to be hired for another job.[44]
Nazi control of business retained a diminished investment profit-incentive, controlled with economic regulation concording a company’s functioning with the Reich’s national production requirements. Government financing eventually dominated private investment; in the 1933–34 biennium, the proportion of private securities issued diminished from more than 50 per cent of the total, to approximately 10 per cent in the 1935–38 quadrennium. Heavy profit taxes limited self-financing companies, and the largest companies (usually government contractors) mostly were exempted from paying taxes on profits—in practice, however, government control allowed “only the shell of private ownership” in the Third Reich economy.[45]
In 1937, Hermann Göring replaced Schacht as Minister of Economics, and introduced the Four Year Plan that would establish German self-sufficiency for war—within four years—by curtailing foreign importations; fixing wages and prices (violators merited concentration-camp internment); stock dividends were restricted to six per cent on book capital, et cetera. Strategic goals were to be achieved regardless of cost (as in Soviet economics): thus the rapid construction of synthetic-rubber factories, steel mills, automatic textile mills, et cetera.[42]
The Four-Year Plan is discussed in the German-expansion Hossbach Memorandum (5 November 1937) meeting-summary of Hitler and his military and foreign policy leaders planning aggressive war. Nevertheless, when Nazi Germany started the Second World War, in September 1939, the Four Year Plan’s expiry was not until 1940; to control the Reich economy, Economics Minister Göring had established the Office of the Four Year Plan. In 1942, the increased burdens of the war, and the accidental aeroplane-crash death of Reichsminister Fritz Todt, placed Albert Speer in economics ministry command; he then established a war economy in Nazi Germany, which required the large-scale employment of forced labourers. To supply the Third Reich economy with slaves, the Nazis abducted some 12 million people, from some 20 European countries; approximately 75 per cent were Eastern European.[46]
Obviously there’s a huge war/military component in there, that doesn’t exist in most socialist economies today. Also the German control over companies was greater than many socialist countries of today - to the point of outlawing unions.
The main point being this - the notion that the Nazi economy even remotely resembled a “free market” economy is utterly, utterly ludicrous. To suggest otherwise is beyond revisionist - it’s either stupidity or lying.
That being the case, we still have revisit the “socialism” component. Was it as such? Looking at the definition (from
1. a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.
2. procedure or practice in accordance with this theory.
3. (in Marxist theory) the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles
And referring back to the Wikipedia text:
“in practice, however, government control allowed “only the shell of private ownership” in the Third Reich economy”
Social organization = Nazi government: check
Ownership of means of production and distribution: check
Control of means of production and distribution: check
Ownership of the means of production was not vested in the community as a whole (para 1), it was seized by the Nazi party for their warmongering efforts. Socialism can’t exist in a dictatorship.
Fact: Nearly all of Hitler’s beliefs placed him on the far right.
Many conservatives accuse Hitler of being a leftist, on the grounds that his party was named “National Socialist.” But socialism requires worker ownership and control of the means of production. In Nazi Germany, private capitalist individuals owned the means of production, and they in turn were frequently controlled by the Nazi party and state.
True socialism does not advocate such economic dictatorship — it can only be democratic. Hitler’s other political beliefs place him almost always on the far right.
He advocated racism over racial tolerance, eugenics over freedom of reproduction, merit over equality, competition over cooperation, power politics and militarism over pacifism, dictatorship over democracy, capitalism over Marxism, realism over idealism, nationalism over internationalism, exclusiveness over inclusiveness, common sense over theory or science, pragmatism over principle, and even held friendly relations with the Church, even though he was an atheist.
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Comment by packman
2010-08-31 12:14:44
Fact: Opinion: Nearly all of Hitler’s beliefs placed him on the far right.
If one defines “right” as “state control”, then yes, Hitler’s beliefs did place him on the far right, and you can place me for one firmly in the left camp.
It looks like we have different ideas about what socialism is. Here’s some other definitions:
From Encarta: “1. political system of communal ownership: a political theory or system in which the means of production and distribution are controlled by the people and operated according to equity and fairness rather than market principles.”
Me - Hitler certainly wasn’t ‘the people’. Equity and fairness wasn’t a factor.
From Wikipedia: “Socialism is an economic and political theory advocating public or common ownership and cooperative management of the means of production and allocation of resources.[1][2][3]
In a socialist economic system, production is carried out by a free association of workers to directly maximize use-values (instead of indirectly producing use-value through maximizing exchange-values), through coordinated planning of investment decisions, distribution of surplus, and the means of production.”
Me - Dictatorships aren’t about cooperative management. Nazi Germany wasn’t a free association of workers.
“Fascism (pronounced /ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a radical and authoritarian nationalist political ideology.[1][2][3][4] Fascists seek to organize a nation according to corporatist perspectives, values, and systems, including the political system and the economy.[5][6] Fascism was originally founded by Italian national syndicalists in World War I who combined left-wing and right-wing political views, but it gravitated to the political right in the early 1920s.[7][8] Scholars generally consider fascism to be on the far right of the conventional left-right political spectrum.[9][10][11][12][13][14"
Me - The current day 'socialist' nations are not in fact socialist, they are fascist. Hitler was a fascist, not a socialist. You're focussing too much on the economics of socialism and ignoring the social aspect of socialism. The definition of socialism can be stretched to describe Nazi Germany, but fascism fits to a tee.
Think about it. Socialism is about capital being held by the people. In dictatorships, the government doesn’t represent the people. They are mutually exclusive. Dictatorship + government control of capital = totalitarianism.
I did a couple of other posts, but they’re not coming through.
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Comment by packman
2010-08-31 09:24:20
Socialism is about capital being held by the people.
No it’s not. Socialism is capital being held by “the public”, or “common ownership” (as per definition). Don’t confuse that with “the people”.
The only way to achieve public or common ownership is through the government.
The key difference is whether you view “the people” as being a single unit - a collection, vs. being a term for just humans.
The problem with viewing them as a single unit is - there’s a premise of common interests. That’s a bad premise. My interests and your interests may not be the same. Thus I may not want my capital to be allocated in the same way you want your capital to be allocated. Thus it’s not appropriate for a single entity - the government - to decide collectively how our capital is allocated.
Comment by measton
2010-08-31 09:38:09
What we have is Animal Farm
In Communism everyone works for the collective 100%. Those who manage the collective have immense power. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts abolutely.
What starts out as we are all brothers becomes some animals are superior to others. See China and Russia as examples.
Many view socialism as the same as communism,and conflate the issues of governance and economic systems. I suspect some of this is by design. See Fox News for examples.
Currently Europe is considered socialist yet retains a significant degree of capitalism in their economic systems and retains democracy in their governance.
Like I said if you go far enough to the right or the left you end up with dictators that are hard to distinguish.
The right path to dictatorship starts with progressive poverty leading to tighter control by government. The gov uses the gov, military and MSM to preserve the weath of the elite.
The left path to dictatorship starts with poverty leading to the gov seizing assetts in the name of wealth distribution. Usually this distribution is to another group of self proclaimed elite. The poor are kept in check with trinkets, and propaganda and eventually the military as well.
Comment by Al
2010-08-31 10:42:02
It’s not so much about everybody agreeing or common interest, but about who has control. With an elected government the public has some level of control of elected officials (not so great right now), and thus control of the capital. While not everybody will agree with decisions made, they at least have the ability voice their opinion. In a dictatorship the public has no power, the government is not representative, and thus ownership is not vested.
Comment by Al
2010-08-31 11:02:36
BTW, If I’m not mistaken you equate socialism with centrally controlled economy 100%. A centrally controlled economy is both necessary and sufficient to identify a nation as socialist. I do agree that, for the most part, Nazi Germany had a centrally controlled economy.
But I believe that for a system to be socialist, the public has to have a measure of control. Without public control the system is totalitarian or fascist, either of which is a better description of Nazi Germany.
It looks like we’re just disagreeing on the definition of socialism.
Comment by packman
2010-08-31 11:12:24
Fair enough Al - to a great extent you’re right in that distinction of elected vs. non-elected. However let’s not forget that Hitler actually was elected into power (though he effectively nullified further elections). So the people did choose him.
Also I would state that what we have today isn’t really free elections either, when we are essentially given a Hobson’s Choice of two candidates both mostly controlled by the same powers.
That being the case - back to Beck - if the key distinction of Nazism is non-elected dictatorship - It’d be good if someone to please provide a sound byte where Beck has proposed such a thing.
Comment by alpha-sloth
2010-08-31 12:05:47
from the Holocaust Encyclopedia:
“Among the earliest victims of discrimination and persecution in Nazi Germany were political opponents — primarily Communists, Socialists, Social Democrats, and trade union leaders.”
I guess the Nazis were persecuting themselves? Seriously, read some history books. The nazis despised the socialists, despite having a similar name.
Comment by packman
2010-08-31 12:19:24
But I believe that for a system to be socialist, the public has to have a measure of control.
What if the control is technically there, but illusory? (i.e. elections but with no real choice - e.g. as we see blatantly in places like Venezuela, but also more subtly in many other countries - arguably including the U.S.)
Comment by Al
2010-08-31 12:43:16
I wasn’t arguing Beck’s point; I didn’t get a chance to look at yesterday’s B&B. Just my own opinions on the nature of Nazi Germany. Personally I think socialism has gotten a bad wrap due to dictators claiming they are socialists. It has adequate flaws of it’s own.
I do agree with you on illusory vs real control being material. USSR had elections, but there were no choices and the public had no voice on how government was managed. The voice is key. So by my definition USSR was neither socialist nor communist.
The passage of the TARP is scary for the US. It was so clear that people didn’t want that piece of crap passed and was even shot down the first time. That was a clear indication that the government is shifting away from it’s representative role.
I’ll have to have a look at Beck’s work. Could be the same conclusion for different reasons.
Comment by measton
2010-08-31 16:03:57
The passage of the TARP is scary for the US. It was so clear that people didn’t want that piece of crap passed and was even shot down the first time. That was a clear indication that the government is shifting away from it’s representative role.
BINGO which is why my vote and dollars will only support candidates that voted not on TARP 1 and TARP2
Russ Feingold being among them.
One major branch of the Nazi party really believed in the “socialist” part of the national-socialist-german-worker’s-party. They centered around chief brown-shirt Ernst Rohm and Goebbels. Hitler had their ringleaders killed of in a purge although Goebbels wisely clung to Hitler and thereby saved his neck. The rank and file party members quickly fell in with the “party line”.
Fascism/Corporatism is the furthest thing from socialism as you can get.
The facts are that the Nazi’s rounded up, locked up and executed communists and socialist internally during the entire regime and fought communists and socialists on the eastern front.
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Comment by packman
2010-08-31 10:29:46
So… friggin… what.
Your premise is that some entity can’t conflict with another entity with shared characteristics. By that logic - if someone kills a person then that means they’re not a person. Or if someone kills a gang-banger then they must not be in a gang themselves. Etc. etc.
Bad logic.
Comment by Austin Scott
2010-08-31 13:56:36
And Stalin liquidated the Trotskyites and Old Bolsheviks. What’s your point?
The National Socialist Workers Party of Germany, otherwise known as the Nazi Party, was indeed socialist, and it had a lot in common with the modern left. Hitler preached class warfare, agitating the working class to resist “exploitation” by capitalists — particularly Jewish capitalists, of course. Their program called for the nationalization of education, health care, transportation, and other major industries. They instituted and vigorously enforced a strict gun control regimen. They encouraged pornography, illegitimacy, and abortion, and they denounced Christians as right-wing fanatics. Yet a popular myth persists that the Nazis themselves were right-wing extremists. This insidious lie biases the entire political landscape, and the time has come to expose it.
If you are referring to the mosque 2 blocks from the World Trade Center Buildings, I don`t think anyone is
“whipping up hate against a minority religious group” I just think a lot of people remember the pictures of those people who worked in the towers whose only escape from burning jet fuel was jumping to a certain death, and if you watched one 9/11 documentary I did, the look on the rescue workers face as they listened to the sound of the bodies hitting above them where they were staging to go up into the towers on their rescue mission that ended in death for many of them and the workers they were trying to reach as the towers came down. I will never forget the words of Mohamed Atta: We Have Some Planes. There are a lot of sounds and pictures of that day that many Americans will never forget. I don`t remember any tremendous hate of the Muslim religion but common sense should tell anyone a mosque 2 blocks from Ground 0 named “Cordoba Initiative” is not a good idea.
Cordoba is a city in Spain. During the time of the Crusades it was one of Spain’s
greatest cultural centers. The Moors, which were a group of Muslims from North Africa invaded Spain beheading all infidels (non-Muslim believers), captured Cordoba, converted it to their city and turned the city’s well known Catholic cathedral into a mosque.
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Comment by exeter
2010-08-31 16:59:00
When us New Yorkers need your help and opinions, we’ll call on you all… mmmmmkay?
Comment by jeff saturday
2010-08-31 18:40:27
Born and raised in Greenwich, family still there. I knew people in those towers. Since when are people from Vermont, New Yorkers anyway?
Comment by exeter
2010-08-31 19:58:16
Since when is Greenwich in NY? Good grief.
Comment by jeff saturday
2010-09-01 03:58:27
You are right it`s not NY, but it borders NY and many of its residents and my friends and neighbors take that 37 minute train ride into Manhattan. The same train I took countless times for Ranger games, concerts etc. Always drove to Mets games, Laguardia etc. easier and quicker. But if you want me to keep my opinions to myself, I will. I will just tell all of the people I know back home who are of the same opinion, I have to keep mine to myself. But when they need my help, whether they live in Greenwich, Westchester or Norwalk, they are still going to get it.
Greenwich is a town in Fairfield County, Connecticut, United States. As of the 2000 census, the town had a total population of 61,101. Greenwich is the southernmost and westernmost municipality in Connecticut and is 37+ minutes by train from Grand Central Terminal in Manhattan. The town is bordered to the west and north by Westchester County, New York, to the east by the city of Stamford, and to the south by Long Island Sound.
Comment by exeter
2010-09-01 06:40:42
I’m certain Greenwich, CT residents don’t need anyone in FL to speak for them…. they’re quite capable. Not that they have much say in it anyways.
Soon after their takeover of power in Germany, the Nazi government resumed talks with the Holy See concerning the establishment of a concordat. Previously, concordats, regulating the relation between the Catholic Church and the state, had been established in Bavaria (1924), Prussia (1929) and Baden (1932), but talks had failed on a federal level for several reasons. The Reichskonkordat was signed on July 20, 1933.
Like the idea of the Reichskonkordat, the notion of a Protestant Reich Church, which would unify the Protestant Churches, also had been considered previously.[19] Hitler had discussed the matter as early as 1927 with Ludwig Müller, who was at that time the military chaplain of Königsberg
During the First and Second World War, German leaders used the writings of Luther to support the cause of German nationalism.[20] At the 450th anniversary of Luther’s birth, which took place only a few months after the Nazi seizure of power in 1933, there were celebrations conducted on a large scale both by the Protestant Churches and the Nazi Party.[21] At a celebration at Königsberg (which after 1945 became Kaliningrad) Erich Koch, at that time Gauleiter of East Prussia, made a speech which, among other things, compared Adolf Hitler and Martin Luther and claimed that the Nazis fought with Luther’s spirit.[21] Such a speech might be dismissed as mere propaganda,[21] but, as Steigmann-Gall points out: “Contemporaries regarded Koch as a bona fide Christian who had attained his position [of the elected president of a provincial Church synod] through a genuine commitment to Protestantism and its institutions.”[
The German Christians, (Deutsche Christen) constituted the strongest Protestant movement in Germany after the 1932 Church elections, with the aim of synthesising Christianity with the ideology of National Socialism. There were various groups within the Deutsche Christen, some more radical than others, but united in the goal of establishing a national socialist Protestantism [27] Deutsche Christen abolished what they considered to be Jewish traditions in Christianity, and some but not all rejected the Old Testament altogether. They rejected academic theology as sterile and not populist enough and were often anti-Catholic. On November 1933, A Protestant mass rally of the Deutsche Christen, which brought together a record 20,000 people, passed three resolutions
Hitler wanted unity of faith. He hated some groups but didn’t mind the idea of using religion to unify the people. To say that he was anti Christian is a joke. Most religions denagrate other faiths that are different. He just took it to the extrememe.
So your are saying the 10,000 priests he sent to the gas chambers, the replacing of Christmas /Easter /Wedding /Baptism with Nazi pagan ceremonies and replacing Christmas songs with Nazi based songs don’t count?
And the raising of three Muslim Waffen SS divisions was “unity of the faith?”
When you read how the Nazis treated Christianity - it sounds so much of what we see today. The Nazis and they weren’t Republicans, or “right wing”, or “patriots” or “militias”. They were Socialist monsters.
“Under National Socialism,” one order observes, “Yule has regained its ancient traditional character of Winter solstice rejoicings. “Our Germanic forefathers celebrated Yule, which is older than Christ and which Christendom borrowed from the Germanic prototype.”
In several cities members of girls’ Hitler organizations have indicated that they will sing no more Christmas carols. Other orders are to the effect that the place for religious Christmas exercises is in church and must “on no account be introduced into community celebrations.”
Christmas plays must not be performed in schools. Instead, reversion to the old custom of presenting dramatic versions of ancient legends bearing on the battle between light and darkness, good and evil, is recommended, with full allowance for old local customs.
New York Times archives | 12/18/38 | Associated Press
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Comment by measton
2010-08-31 14:25:57
He used religion like a tool.
He used it to take control of capital and industry by destroying the Jews.
He used it to solidify the population. He did this by removing the parts that he thought jewish and trying to merge it with Nazi ism. Like I said every religion denagrates non believers he just took it too the extreme, because at heart he was a dictator and used any lever he could to maximize his power and destroyed any powerbase that might be used against him.
It’s a moot point though as socialism does not mandate the destruction of religion. I believe if you travel through Europe you will find plenty of Christians practicing freely.
Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2010-08-31 14:36:52
I wonder if the Jews think Hitler was a Socialist. I know they don’t like the right’s attempt to re-write history.
Jewish Groups Assail Nazi Comparisons Made by Conservatives in Health Care Debate
The American Jewish Congress issued a statement, “The Limbaugh comments comparing Obama (and Pelosi) to Hitler and the Nazis are grossly offensive and intolerable. They reflect a nasty and hyperbolic tendency on our political culture, one which makes reasoned discourse impossible, confuses disagreement with evil, and which makes it impossible to distinguish evil from ordinary politics. … It behooves all participants in the political process to unequivocally disavow the comparison and to make it plain that peddlers of such noxious comparison have no place in our politics, no matter how large their audiences. And all Americans should make plain their disgust at the comparisons by talk show hosts by a prompt use of the off button.”
Comment by exeter
2010-08-31 16:56:01
So the Nazi’s demonized all religions equally and replaced with an angry theology.
That certainly meets the definition of conservative, even by the narrowest measure.
Hitler was a dictator at heart
He seized capital and means of production and handed it to his loyal Nazi business men. This is a dictatorship and facism but not socialism see all of the arguements above.
Gun control is not capitalist or socialist, neither are pornography, illegitimacy or abortion.
He denounced some christians, he wanted unity and used the christian faith to get it. To say he was completely anti christian is a lie. All religions denounce other religions in some degree or another. Only true believers go to heavan don’t you know. He just took it to the extreme.
Sorry those on the far far right. You don’t deserve it but you own it.
Nazism (Nationalsozialismus, National Socialism; alternatively spelled Naziism[1]) was the ideology and practice of the Nazi Party and of Nazi Germany.[2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] It was a unique variety of fascism that involved biological racism and antisemitism.[10] Nazism presented itself as politically syncretic, incorporating policies, tactics and philosophies from right- and left-wing ideologies; in practice, Nazism was a far right form of politics.[11] wiki
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Comment by packman
2010-08-31 14:26:13
Again - it all depends on your definition of “right”. Apparently Fritzsche and Griffin define it as ultimate state control. If so, then most conservatives are lefties.
Comment by alpha-sloth
2010-08-31 17:55:10
If so, then most conservatives are lefties.
Conservatives are only against state control when they don’t control the state.
You’re trying to introduce a different spectrum of political beliefs, mises institute- er, I mean, packman. With state control at one end, and personal freedom and democracy at the other. If so, then yes, nazism and communism have a lot in common, and would lie at the same end of the spectrum.
But the traditional spectrum has fascism (absolute rule of a dictator) at one end (the right) and communism (collectivism) at the other (the left). If your point is that most communist leaders are really fascists, then again, I agree with you.
The main point being this - the notion that the Nazi economy even remotely resembled a “free market” economy is utterly, utterly ludicrous. To suggest otherwise is beyond revisionist - it’s either stupidity or lying.
The arguement was not whether the Nazi economy was a “free market” it was whether it’s gov was right wing.
No one argued that the Nazi economy was a “free market”. To suggest otherwise is beyond revisionist-
Socialism - 1. a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.
This def in no way resembles Europe. This definition is more consistent with communism where private ownership of all things is distributed. Europe is called socialist now. They provide health care, manage public transportation, and have progressive taxation, but private ownership of production capital land and for the most part distribution is alive and well.
“”in practice, however, government control allowed “only the shell of private ownership” in the Third Reich economy””
Correction - It allowed private ownership if you were loyal to the Nazi Party and weren’t Jewish etc.
Not a free market
Not current definition of socialism.
Not communism
More of a highly managed economy that benefitted the Nazi party and elite business leaders who supported the Nazi party.
We all know that if you go far enough to the right or the left in terms of government you end up in a similar totalitarian state. People on the left and right often confuse discussions of economic systems with those of systems of gov, which is understandable as there is a lot of overlap.
The arguement was not whether the Nazi economy was a “free market” it was whether it’s gov was right wing.
No one argued that the Nazi economy was a “free market”. To suggest otherwise is beyond revisionist-
Here was the post from yesterday that started it off
“No.. Nazis were liberals.
Beck is conservative
But.. then.. you knew that
Still, the revelation often gives the heavily liberal group a headache, which has merit.”
So I was wrong the arguement was Beck or Liberals more Nazi like.
Liberals - Advocate for minority rights, progressive taxation, health care for all, and a gov that keeps corporate America from crushing the average citizen. That doesn’t sound Nazi like to me.
Beck - Uses fear, nationalism, subtle racism, and religion to get a large group of people to foam at the mouth. That sounds exactly like the Nazi rise to power.
Why does everything have to be 100% socialism or 100% free market? Can’t there be capitalism for some industries (eg cars), socialism for others (eg the roads they drive on), plus some trustbusting when capitalism turns into corporatism?
Here…. parlay this into some self-knowledge, even if ever so slightly.
“Nazism is a politically syncretic variety of fascism, which incorporates policies, tactics and philosophic tenets from left and right-wing politics. Italian fascism and German Nazism reject liberalism, democracy and Marxism. Usually supported by the far right (military, business, Church).”
*Ernst Nolte, German historian and philosopher, Professor Emeritus of Modern History at the Free University of Berlin
Comment by oxide
2010-08-31 10:03:32
I’ve had enough of this thread.
Why does everything have to be 100% socialism or 100% free market? Can’t there be capitalism for some industries (eg cars), socialism for others (eg the roads they drive on), plus some trustbusting when capitalism turns into corporatism?
It’s not nearly as easy to control the masses if they’re allowed to think freely about things. We must always force everyone into easily-identifiable boxes, as it’s easier to convince people to turn against each other when it suits our masters…divide and conquer.
Again the arguement was not was the NAzi system capitalist or socialist.
It was
Is Glen Beck or Liberalism more like the Nazi’s.
Liberalism - supports minority rights, health care for all, the use of gov to keep Corporations from raping the country, open government, . See ACLU always accused of being a liberal orgaization. None of these things are positions of the NAzi’s.
Glen Beck - uses fear, religion, subtle racism, and nationalism to get his flock foaming at the mouth. That sounds much more like the Nazi party.
“Nationalism involves a strong identification of a group of individuals with a political entity defined in national terms, i.e. a nation. Often, it is the belief that an ethnic group has a right to statehood,or that citizenship in a state should be limited to one ethnic group”
“National flags, national anthems, and other symbols of national identity are often considered sacred, as if they were religious rather than political symbols. Deep emotions are aroused.”
Flags, bibles, mono-ethnic ideology, etc.
It sure sounds like Backpedalling Beck and his Band of Bigoted Bumpkins.
Really? And people wonder why this country is in trouble.
ALL credible sources state that the Nazis PRETENDED…“The party’s socialist orientation was basically a demagogic gambit designed to attract support from the working class.”
That their main ideology was “nationalism”, but with a heavy leaning toward fascism and racism.
That after taking control of Germany, they proceeded to persecute the socialists along with EVERYONE who wasn’t a Nazi.
That Hitler’s election was a sham.
Do the required reading FIRST. At least watch the History or Military Channel. Sheesh.
Well this is interesting. A flurry of rumors about the whereabouts of China’s top banker who reportedly may have lost his country a great deal of money. In the PRC “economic crimes” can land you in front of a firing squad, unless of course you have the right connections. So, where’s Waldo?
U.S. government officials are throwing cold water on super-heated internal Chinese reports that the head of China’s top bank has defected.
[China ready to end dollar peg - Telegraph]
Stratfor, the global intelligence analysis group, reported Monday that Chinese-language blogs were reporting that Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of the People’s Bank of China, “may have left the country.”
But George Friedman, chief executive officer of Stratfor, said that the swirling rumors, which also accuse Zhou of overseeing a $430 billion loss on U.S. Treasury bonds, have little basis in fact and may instead signify a power struggle in advance of a leadership change in 2012.
“We don’t believe it either,” Friedman told SpyTalk, referring to the alleged $430 billion investment loss. But he added, “I’m less concerned about the number and the specific charges than the politics of a senior banker clearly under attack without the government stepping in and backing him. We really don’t know what it all means, if anything, but the numbers aren’t important.”
According to Stratfor, the rumors were built on a foundation of intrigue.
“The rumors appear to have started following reports on Aug. 28 which cited Ming Pao, a Hong Kong-based news agency, saying that because of an approximately $430 billion loss on U.S. Treasury bonds, the Chinese government may punish some individuals within the PBC, including Zhou,” Stratfor reported.
A growing number of commentators expect the current US slowdown to turn into a double dip. But if, as many of them believe, the US is repeating Japan’s lost decades, a more likely outcome is for very slow growth rather than an actual downturn.
The gaming reflects the stock market’s status as a leading economic indicator. The more it is gamed, the less true its indications. Eventually, with sufficient gaming, it will lead fools the way to losing their fortunes; once the gig is up, the sucker will go down as fast as a share of Enron stock.
Witness the past twenty years’ worth of Nikkei average price dynamics if you want to read the handwriting on the wall.
By JONATHAN J. COOPER, Associated Press Writer Jonathan J. Cooper, Associated Press Writer – Fri Aug 27, 10:57 pm ET
PHOENIX – Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer demanded Friday that a reference to the state’s controversial immigration law be removed from a State Department report to the United Nations’ human rights commissioner.
The U.S. included its legal challenge to the law on a list of ways the federal government is protecting human rights.
In a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Brewer says it is “downright offensive” that a state law would be included in the report, which was drafted as part of a UN review of human rights in all member nations every four years.
“The idea of our own American government submitting the duly enacted laws of a state of the United States to ‘review’ by the United Nations is internationalism run amok and unconstitutional,” Brewer wrote.
Arizona’s law generally requires police officer enforcing other laws to investigate the immigration status of people they suspect are illegal immigrants.
This law has already provided a certain, ahem, motivation to some of AZ’s illegal residents. They’re leaving the state. So far, New Mexico seems to be a favorite destination.
I’d say it’s an effective law when just in AZ. If the whole U.S. adopted it, however, I don’t think it would cause anybody to move since they’d have nowhere to go. Maybe we need to build catapults and just start launching them back over the border.
Gov Brewer has done a fine job considering how low our expectations were for her. She gained office when Janet Napolitano became the US Secretary of Homeland Security.
I agree with Slim on this one. Illegal people [the semi-law abiding ones anyway] are leaving for greener pastures. The illegals we really don’t want [coyotes, drug smugglers, etc]probably don’t care too much since they’re already armed and ready to fight the authorities.
Has anyone noticed any substantial building projects on Army stations around the US? The base in El Paso is going through a massive expansion project. Hopefully the National Guard and the military leaving Iraq will be restationed on our border to ensure that these don’t get it.
So the REIC and the media are floating the idea of a tax credit in order to gauge the reaction of the masses. The longer this idea stays out there, the more believable/likely/possible it seems to become. Fewer purchase offers get made, because house buyers want to hold off until they find out the details of the credit. So demand then screeches to a halt, which kind of ties the hands of the elected officials into offering… a tax credit.
A tax credit is a really good idea. The entire economy of the US should be based on tax credits. We could be the largest producer/exporter of tax credits in the world and reclaim the tilte of the most industrialized country on the planet. Our factories could mass-produce tax credits of every size, shape, and color. Call now to see if we have a tax credit that is right for you!
It could easily be argued that almost every major country in the world, with the possible exception of China, lost control over their economies in 2008 and 2009. Some experts would say that “control” is a matter of degrees. The US may have effectively diminished chances of inflation and stabilized the banking system, but has not been able to change a struggling housing industry which continues to undermine economic growth.
Japan, however, has lost almost all control over its economy and probably its financial future. Is Nikkei index fell over 3% overnight to a 16-month low, and attempts by the Bank of Japan to bring down the value of the yen have failed and it still trades above 85 to the dollar.
“The US may have effectively diminished chances of inflation and stabilized the banking system, but has not been able to change a struggling housing industry which continues to undermine economic growth.”
They still keep parroting this line, as if an economy could be based on construction and reselling used houses.
If this worked than all Mexico would have to do to solve its problems is build houses like crazy!
Oh wait, buyers need good incomes to buy houses. Whoopsie!
You may have a grain of truth in your statement. Subsidize Mexican illegal aliens to return home and build houses. Lord knows the Mexican peasants need better housing. This would solve part of the illegal alien racket, and give an export market to US building materials companies. US home builder companies - which are mostly just management companies - could get in on the act too.
The thing is that Mexico has such programs, called “Casas the interes social” with subsidized interest rates, etc.
Another thing is that construction workers in Mexico earn a pittance, so these jobs wouldn’t put much money in their pockets anyway. Most are paid Mexican minimum wage, which is almost $5 USD per day.
I would guess it will come back when and if solid evidence emerges that U.S. home prices have not yet bottomed out. Much of federal economic policy these days seems aimed at putting a floor beneath nominal asset prices.
Too bad for the guv the Case/Shiller data is two months behind. By the time they react, it’ll be too late. (At least, if you’re someone who actually wants home prices to stay inflated).
The other day I posted anecdotal evidence of a new leg down starting - Florida median prices in July were down pretty sharply ($143.4k to $138k).
Side note - even if a new tax credit is instated - don’t expect it to have nearly the effect of the previous one.
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Comment by awaiting wipeout
2010-08-31 08:17:50
I wish they would apply it to foreclosures and 1st time buyers, if they pass another credit (hoping yes & no). We need a home NOW (5 rents out of pocket (apt,3 storage units,office) and since we’re paying cash, it will eliminate a huge monthly out go. Husband has Glaucoma. Our financial future is a cautionary tale.
Comment by awaiting wipeout
2010-08-31 08:22:41
There is nothing that works on the market for us, so maybe the pace of the shadow inventory being released would speed up with a foreclosure tax credit. Where’s all the inventory in So Ca?
The infestors on the inside of the REIC get to any homes available and flip.
Comment by scdave
2010-08-31 08:46:28
infestors on the inside of the REIC get to any homes available and flip ??
Simple cure if you truly want owner occupants and in particular first time buyers to benefit from the lower prices…
Index the amount FHA, Fanny & Freddie will finance to a maximum of 90% of the last sale “if” that sale occurred within the last 12 months maybe even 24 months…Bye, Bye flippers and hello good deals for the renters…
Comment by Kim
2010-08-31 09:13:08
“I wish they would apply it to foreclosures and 1st time buyers”
Applying any tax credit to foreclosures-only would make J6P’s house less desirable - in fact, during the time the tax credit is in place, it would force J6P (presumably already priced higher than foreclosures) to lower the price of his house by the amount of the tax credit in order to be deemed worthy of a showing. Thus a credit set up in that way would be seen by J6P as “another bailout for the banks”; politically dangerous ahead of November’s election. Since so many first time buyers took the first credit, I think they’d have to open it up to (at least) anyone buying a primary residence in order for it to have much effect.
Comment by awaiting wipeout
2010-08-31 10:21:35
I miscommunicated my thought (stressed out this morning). I think a tax credit for buying a foreclosure for 1st time buyers, and I know it’s wishful thinking, but require a 10% down to discourage short term ownership (i.e. walking away). Any deal, past,present, or future, will be a sugar daddy deal for the banks anyway.
In reality, I just wish the ptb would get a freak’in clue and just let housing fall to equlibrium, and let’s get it over with. Too much to ask for, I know. We’re going to be Japan, only at a faster pace, imo.
Housing prices in So Ca are still too high.
Comment by Kim
2010-08-31 10:29:05
“In reality, I just wish the ptb would get a freak’in clue and just let housing fall to equlibrium, and let’s get it over with.”
What is the difference between realty and reality?
Comment by awaiting wipeout
2010-08-31 11:07:34
You and I know, Hell will freeze over first.
(Not that I believe in Hell, but others do.)
Comment by Kim
2010-08-31 11:55:20
Yup. Unfortunately (as I posted below your Diana Oleck column link), I think legislators hands will soon be tied. With all this talk of a tax credit now “out there”, buyers are likely to wait to see if will happen or not before submitting offers.
Never mind that the first tax credit didn’t help as much as was hoped, and was costly and fraud-ridden.
Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2010-08-31 13:15:06
What is the difference between realty and reality?
Lately? Everything.
Realty falls out of favor as reality comes into favor.
Comment by awaiting wipeout
2010-08-31 13:45:16
Fristly, pressboardbox…God, I loved that post. Perfect! I’m licensed, btw. I did shopping center mgmt and marketing for a REIT.
Kim- All that tax credit did was:
1.Inflate already inflated housing prices.
2. Pull demand forward.
3. Get people who shouldn’t have been sucked in, in. Future homemoaners.
4. Gave the FIRE sector a mini burst.
5. Wasted taxpayer’s $
I got some numbers hot off the REIC press (newsletter) for you guys/gals. It is estimated that:
1.There are estimated to be 7M distressed properties.
2. 900,000 in Realty Trac Database of which 30% are available for sale today.
3. 12M are somewhere in the foreclosure process, with only 20% in the MLS…
4. 5.5M seriously deliquent homes haven’t entered the Floreclosure process.
We’ve only just begun to live
White lace and promises
A kiss for luck and we’re on our way
We’ve only begun
Before the rising sun we fly
So many roads to choose
We start out walking
And learn to run
And yes! We’ve just begun
Sharin’ horizons that are new to us
Watchin’ the signs along the way
Talkin’ it over just the two of us
Workin’ together day to day, together
- The Carpenters
Comment by CA renter
2010-09-01 03:32:50
Simple cure if you truly want owner occupants and in particular first time buyers to benefit from the lower prices…
Index the amount FHA, Fanny & Freddie will finance to a maximum of 90% of the last sale “if” that sale occurred within the last 12 months maybe even 24 months…Bye, Bye flippers and hello good deals for the renters…
Excellent idea, scdave! Of course, it would never happen, because the govt has been relying on flippers to keep housing prices up.
There’s nothing worse than a situation where you can’t say anything nice to an old friend……
I use Zillow to check up on the markets around the country, using people I know as references. I noticed an old friend’s house showed up as “for sale” so I sent him an email asking if he was relocating. Turns out his situation is dire. He had a sales/marketing job that paid extremely well, so he bought the McMansion on a golf course (all 4,600 square feet of it) and lived large for several years. Then all the sales dried up these last two years, so he’s forced to sell/relocate and is filing a personal BK.
I don’t think I can even give him any constructive criticism without sounding like a jerk.
Tell him to take his family on a trip to Hawaii and go to the mall and buy as many iphones as he can physically carry. That is what Everyone else in his position appears to be doing.
Same sort of sitch is playing out in my own family. Seems that one of my cousins bought an investment house in another town. That was back in 2004. For a while, the tenant she was renting the place to was just grand.
Then she lost her job and turned into Tenant-zilla. My cousin had one heckuva time evicting her.
In the midst of all this, my cousin was diagnosed with breast cancer. And she lost her job. Which meant that she also lost her health insurance. The cancer has spread to her bones.
In order to save the house via some sort of government program, she’s moving into it, which her boyfriend doesn’t want to do, and so she’ll be out there by herself. With cancer. And things don’t look good on the cancer front.
Prepare to have few friends if you are a future oriented and logical American within America.
My wife and I came to this very same conclusion this past week-end. Thanks for putting it into writing!
Prepare to have few friends if you are a future oriented and logical American within America.
Nahh. Just act like Cariocas. (Those born in Rio) Laugh, drink, smile a lot, have a lot of sex maybe, eat well with your friends, work out and look good, smile, enjoy free time, thank god for your good fate, party, talk about the weather, talk about futbol, and sometimes talk about politics or religion for about 2 min. and then smile, shake your head because it’s all crazy, smile and then go to the beach.
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Comment by 2banana
2010-08-31 12:36:58
Yeah - but after 50 or so years that can get old…
Comment by edgewaterjohn
2010-08-31 13:38:40
Great advice, but that’s exactly what the bankers, pols, and friends don’t want us to do. Beach bums don’t make bankers rich, interest paying wage slaves do.
During the most obnoxious part of the bubble, Realtors used to parrot: “There are 1000 people a day moving to Florida”. Can you even imagine how annoying it was to listen to this?
Reality: School enrollment declines “more than expected” for fourth year in a row:
Rio, you are so right! Just smile and act like everything is great, this is what they want you to do.
I’m not sure I am right more than I was just making a comparative observation.
Although both cultures can learn a lot from each other, Americans are not Brazilians and I am not a Carioca.
I actually think the Brazilians believe “everything is great” more so than they are “acting” like everything is great. There are many theories involving religion, language, Portuguese slavery system, rigid class system and the Latin mentality that cover this.
Catholic Brazil is much more mystical, of the moment, and believing in the fate of god’s will than the pragmatic, future oriented, protestant and puritanical influenced America.
I enjoyed your analysis of magical thinking religious zealots. I have a friend who has a home that was in the path of a raging fire, and swears Jebus saved her home through her prayers. She said her and her neighbors had a pray-a-thon in the street, and saved their neighborhood. No credit given to the skill of the fire crews.I gave her a reality check, it was the firefighters and diminished winds. Oy Vey!
I enjoyed your analysis of magical thinking religious zealots. I have a friend who has a home that was in the path of a raging fire, and swears Jebus saved her home through her prayers.
Sorry if I’m unclear. I would not call Brazilians religious zealots. They have a complicated relationship with their church. For examples, Hedonistic Carnival is not a tenet of the Catholic Church although it is wildly popular. Abortions are illegal although available and the government gives out free condoms.
My point was each culture could learn from each other.
In your example, my feeling and most Brazilian’s would be that God, prayer AND the fire fighters saved my house.
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Comment by awaiting wipeout
2010-08-31 16:40:21
I am sorry if I offended you. Truly, that wasn’t my intent. I find there is a balance between reality and faith, and many go too far in both directions. I believe that God doesn’t micro-manage our lives, and we do have free will (no, the “devil” didn’t make you do that.) Balance is the key imho. Yes, I agree, cultures can learn from each other. Can’t wait to see Brazil. It’s Argentina or Brazil for my facelift. Both are incredible cultures. I want to Samba and Tango!
Comment by sfbubblebuyer
2010-08-31 16:50:40
In your example, my feeling and most Brazilian’s would be that God, prayer AND the fire fighters saved my house.
Well, you’d be 1/3 right. In baseball, that’s not bad.
Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2010-08-31 16:59:13
I am sorry if I offended you. Truly, that wasn’t my intent.
No, I was not offended at all but thanks. I thought I’d given Brazilians a bad rap by not being clear is all.
Right now Argentina is cheaper but Brazil is cooler. But not the temperature. You should see them both.
Comment by awaiting wipeout
2010-08-31 18:11:21
Thanks for the tip. I loved seeing the YouTube of Diana Krall in Rio singing “The Boy from Ipanema”. The crowd look so responsive and they were having a ball. In an interview Krall said the country was beautiful and so were the people (in spirit too).
Monsanto cutting 700 more jobs
St. Louis Business Journal
Monsanto says it’s cutting about 650 to 700 more jobs as it continues to restructure its business, including nearly 170 jobs in the St. Louis area.
The cuts will cost the company $180 million — $90 million in severance and benefits, $60 million in facility closure expenses and $30 million in asset writedowns. The new job cuts are in addition to a restructuring announced last year to reduce the company’s work force by 1,800, or 8 percent.
Of the up to 700 additional jobs Monsanto is cutting, about 300 are in the U.S. The cuts include about 4 percent of its St. Louis-area work force of 4,200, spokeswoman Kelli Powers said.
Many St. Louis-area employees are receiving notice this week, she said, with notification continuing over the next several weeks. The cuts are not targeted in one specific work area or job level, Powers said.
Cut,cut,cut….I am wondering about the recent big M&A’s…HP & 3PAR are just miles apart…Intel & McAfee can almost use the same restrooms they are so close…More trimming coming ??
For years Intel has been building the hardware “hooks” into their processors and chipsets in order to enable advanced security measures in software such as Microsoft’s “Longhorn” OS (sold as Vista). It makes sense to acquire some sort of security technology, although McAfee as a choice is a headscratcher to me. I’m sure Intel is trying to look ahead at what features s/w vendors will want 5 or 7 years down the road.
3par is a cloud computing company, not much overlap with HP. Word is that Hurd walked away from an earlier deal to buy 3Par because it was too expensive.
“My guess is that the president will continue to play it safe, all the way into catastrophe.” ~Paul Krugman
Economist Paul Krugman says Tea Party supporters are well-to-do and rich folks hate liberals….President Obama in particular. “Tea Partiers are relatively affluent, and nobody is angrier these days than the very, very rich. Wall Street has turned on Mr. Obama with a vengeance: last month Steve Schwarzman, the billionaire chairman of the Blackstone Group, the private equity giant, compared proposals to end tax loopholes for hedge fund managers with the Nazi invasion of Poland.” Witch Hunts
Krugman is from the old Keynesian school of economics through and through. He is angry because the White House, the Treasury, and the Federal Reserve are not dumping money in an even greater flood into the economy to “make it revive.” He’s even more angry at people who dare complain about ballooning government debt, ballooning taxes, and the other economic woes that are biting harder than ever.
Professor Krugman could not be more wrong in his belief that the failed economic prescription of John Maynard Keynes is going to work.
dumping money on me would be a boon to society…but no the money has to go to HoeOwnaz, civil servants, cars for clunkers, tax breaks for the rich….and associated crap….
Its downright pathetic the lack of leadership and smarts we have today….
I’m thinking Mr. Krugman doesn’t shop much at the dollar store himself.
This is fight between two groups of people with money but differing ideologies. As always, the majority are caught in the middle and jerked around. When all these clowns run out of brilliant ideas they’ll probably resort to that old PTB standby - war (a larger one).
U.S. Auto Sales May Hit 28-Year Low as Discounts Flop
U.S. auto sales in August probably were the slowest for the month in 28 years as model-year closeout deals failed to entice consumers concerned the economy is worsening and they may lose their jobs.
Industry wide deliveries, to be released tomorrow, may have reached an annualized rate of 11.6 million vehicles this month, the average of eight analysts’ estimates compiled by Bloomberg. That would be the slowest August since 1982, according to researcher Ward’s AutoInfoBank. The rate would be 18 percent below last year’s 14.2 million pace, when the U.S. government’s “cash for clunkers” incentive program boosted sales.
“Home sales are way down, the stock market is way down, the unemployment report is very disappointing and consumer confidence is sputtering,” Jesse Toprak, vice president of industry trends at, said in an interview. “People just don’t want to make big-ticket purchases because they’re uncertain about their jobs and the value of their homes.”
That’s a bit misleading. Yeah it may be the “slowest August” since 1982, but only because cash-for-clunkers pumped it up last year. Monthly sales have been below 11.6M for some time now - almost every month since 9/2008 actually, bottoming for several months below 10M even.
Sure seems like it. At the Auto Show this past February I was shocked at the prices on the Korean offerings. What should have been a $8k-$9k car had stickers $15k and up. Lots of bright colors, odd shapes, and bling though - they sure know their audience.
I’m thinking it must be a great career opportunity for a small number of Americans, to be marketing advisers to these Asian companies. Tell ‘em exactly what the people back home will buy.
Dollar Drops Versus Yen for 4th Straight Month as U.S. Equities Erase Gain
By Catarina Saraiva - Aug 31, 2010 2:12 PM PT
The dollar fell versus the yen, capping the Japanese currency’s longest stretch of monthly gains since January 2009, as stocks erased an advance when Federal Reserve minutes failed to signal plans to resume asset buys.
The yen strengthened for a fourth month versus the dollar as speculation the global economic recovery is faltering burnished its haven appeal. The Swiss franc reached a record high against the euro.
“The yen is looking higher on a flight to quality,” said Dennis Cajigas, a senior market strategist in Chicago at brokerage MF Global Holdings Ltd. The Fed minutes showed “there’s a lack of cohesive policy in terms of when to enact easing. That uncertainty is what’s keeping investors on the sidelines for now.”
The Japanese currency gained 0.5 percent to 84.20 yen per dollar at 5 p.m. in New York, from 84.62 yesterday, and appreciated 0.4 percent to 106.76 yen per euro, from 107.14. The euro rose 0.1 percent to $1.2680, from $1.2663.
Europe’s shared currency earlier advanced as much as 0.6 percent against the greenback after data showed bigger-than- forecast gains in U.S. home prices and confidence, easing concern the economy is slowing and pushing up U.S. stocks.
U.S. equities reversed gains after the minutes of the Fed’s Aug. 10 policy meeting disappointed investors speculating the central bank would resume “quantitative easing,” or the large- scale purchase of debt, to bolster the economy. The Fed would need to consider ways to add monetary stimulus “if the outlook were to weaken appreciably further,” the minutes said.
Home prices bounce back nationally, stay flat in South Florida
by Jeff Ostrowski
The S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price index for Palm Beach, Broward and Miami-Dade counties rose to 146.92 in June, up from 146.33 in May.
South Florida prices have flat-lined, according to the index, but national home prices are bouncing back, rising 4.4 percent nationally from the first quarter to the second quarter. Economist Karl Case, one of the creators of the index, was pleasantly surprised by the rebound.
“If you had showed me this report six months or a year ago, I’d be crazy with happiness,” Case told reporters this morning.
Robert Shiller was less buoyant, pointing to the uncertainty in the economy.
“What really bothers me is the very high level of long-term unemployment,” he said.
4 Responses to “Home prices bounce back nationally, stay flat in South Florida”
3. Area Realtor Says:
August 31st, 2010 at 4:46 pm
It’s the calm before the giant price increase storm.
Every U.S. state experienced job losses during the recent downturn, but thanks to the right mix of industries, natural resources, and skilled workers, some states have a far lower unemployment rate than the 9.5% national average.
1. N Dakota
2. S Dakota
3. Nebraska
4. New Hampshire
5. Vermont
6. Hawaii
7. Kansas
8. Wyoming
9. Minnesota
10. Iowa
The residents of those ten states probably wish they’d drop that goofy story already, it’s been floating around in various forms for two years - and there’s more “Okies” on the road than ever before.
OT- Has anyone seen the Model S prototype from Tesla yet? (The 4 door sedan coming out in 2012)
If so, was it a medium or larger size sedan? (Can’t really tell from website photos.)
Interesting car company. I’m pretty jazzed, but holy cow, can they bring down the price.
Federal Reserve officials wrestled with a slew of questions about the disappointing recovery before deciding at a fractious Aug. 10 meeting to prevent their securities portfolio from shrinking, according to minutes released Tuesday.
High unemployment was one issue. Several Fed officials argued that business was frozen by uncertainty about taxes, regulations and health- care costs. Others said the job market was paralyzed by structural changes, “such as mismatches between unemployed workers’ skills and the needs of employers with job openings.” Several agreed that the economy lacked sufficient demand from consumer spending and business investment to get firms to hire.
Officials concluded the U.S. “was operating farther below its potential than they had thought, that the pace of recovery had slowed in recent months and that growth would be more modest during the second half of 2010 than they had anticipated.” Fed staff lowered the projection for 2010 growth but largely stuck to its call for a “moderate strengthening” in growth in 2011.
Officials disagreed before voting 9 to 1 to alter management of the Fed’s $2 trillion securities portfolio, as reported in The Wall Street Journal. Nearly $400 billion of mortgage securities were set to mature or be prepaid by investors through 2011, Fed staff told policy makers. That would have drained money from the financial system and could have slightly tightened financial conditions.
So the Fed decided to reinvest cash from those securities that were getting paid off into Treasury securities, a move officials believe helps to keep long-term interest rates low.
“A few members” of the Fed’s policy committee “worried” at the August meeting that reinvesting cash “could send an inappropriate signal to investors about the Committee’s readiness to resume large-scale asset purchases,” the minutes, released after the usual lag, said. Indeed, if the economy falters, one step could be more Fed purchases of bonds, an option outlined by Chairman Ben Bernanke in a speech last week at Jackson Hole, Wyo.
Federal Reserve officials wrestled with a slew of unanswered questions about the economy before deciding at their Aug. 10 meeting to alter their strategy. Jon Hilsenrath has details from Washington.
But the minutes showed that Fed officials struggled to reach consensus on the causes of the economy’s problems and on the way forward. That leaves its next step uncertain.
There was also a range of opinions expressed on the inflation outlook. Very few foresaw deflation, in which consumer prices and wages fall, as has happened in Japan. But a few warned that the already low inflation rate of around 1.5% could drift lower still—while others noted that easy monetary policy could cause inflation down the road.
Are there any legal limits on the asset classes the Fed can purchase with the proceeds of its balance sheet expansion? I assume MBS purchases will be reinstituted following the resumption of residential real estate price declines?
WSJ Blogs
Real Time Economics
Economic insight and analysis from The Wall Street Journal.
* Amid Downturn, Divorce and Infidelity Decrease
* August 31, 2010, 2:39 PM ET
The Federal Reserve’s decision to reinvest the proceeds of mortgage-backed securities into Treasurys earlier this month was a signal of steady monetary policy, though officials also raised the possibility of reinvesting in mortgages in the future.
Most Fed board members agreed that the new strategy of reinvesting maturing or refinanced mortgage-related securities was necessary to avoid an unwanted tightening given the weakening economic recovery, minutes of the August 10 policy-setting meeting showed Tuesday.
“Most members judged, in light of current conditions in the MBS market and the committee’s desire to normalize the composition of the Federal Reserve’s portfolio, that it would be better to reinvest in longer-term Treasury securities than in MBS,” according to the minutes.
Although renewing the asset purchase program completed in March wasn’t discussed, Fed officials left open the option of putting proceeds back into the mortgage market.
“While reinvesting in Treasury securities was seen as preferable given current market conditions, reinvesting in MBS might become desirable if conditions were to change,” the minutes said.
Noting signs of a slowdown in a statement concluding the meeting, the Federal Open Market Committee announced plans to “help support the economic recovery” by reinvesting proceeds of maturing mortgage-backed securities into Treasurys.
The decision to prevent its $2 trillion securities portfolio from contracting too quickly has been described by Fed officials as largely a technical move to adjust for the fact that low mortgage rates were causing more homeowners to refinance. But the debate inside the meeting was contentious, since any action would be viewed by the markets as a potential policy shift.
More than a third of the 17 Fed participants expressed reservations with the decision to reinvest the mortgage proceeds, according to The Wall Street Journal. However, Kansas City Fed President Thomas H. Hoenig was once again the lone dissent among the 10 voting members of the committee.
The minutes show that Fed officials are increasingly divided on what policy path to take in the face of stubbornly high unemployment and uncomfortably low inflation.
“A few members worried that reinvesting principal from agency debt and MBS in Treasury securities could send an inappropriate signal to investors about the Committee’s readiness to resume large-scale asset purchases,” the minutes said.
On the key facts behind the bailouts of 2008, regulators have stonewalled the public, the press and even the inspector general of the Troubled Asset Relief Program. On Tuesday, we’ll find out if they can also stonewall the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission.
Chairman Phil Angelides and his panel will begin two days of hearings on the subject of “Too Big to Fail,” featuring testimony from Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Chairman Sheila Bair. Across bailouts from Bear Stearns to AIG, the government has refused to release its analysis of the “systemic risks” that compelled it to mount unprecedented interventions into the financial system with taxpayer money. Two years after the crisis, Mr. Angelides and his colleagues should finally let the sun shine on this critical period of our economic history.
A year ago we told you about former FDIC official Vern McKinley, who has made a series of Freedom of Information Act requests. He wanted to know what Fed governors meant when they said a Bear Stearns failure would cause a “contagion.” This term was used in the minutes of the Fed meeting at which the central bank discussed plans by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to finance Bear’s sale to J.P. Morgan Chase. The minutes contained no detail on how exactly the fall of Bear would destroy America.
He also requested minutes of the FDIC board meeting at which regulators approved financing for a Citigroup takeover of Wachovia. To provide this assistance, the board had to invoke the “systemic risk” exception in the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, and it therefore had to assert that such assistance was necessary for the health of the financial system. Yet days later, Wachovia cut a better deal to sell itself to Wells Fargo, instead of Citi. So how necessary was the assistance?
The regulators have been giving Mr. McKinley the Heisman, but two weeks ago federal Judge Ellen Segal Huvelle made the FDIC show her the Wachovia documents. She is still considering the McKinley suit, but the crisis commission doesn’t need to wait for her decision. It should let all Americans read them now.
Then there’s AIG. Who decided that firm was too big to fail, and on what basis? Last winter, Senator Jim Bunning went on CNBC and said that Mr. Bernanke’s staff did not think AIG was too big to fail. “His staff didn’t agree with him. . . . I’m talking about an email that he sent his staff after his staff recommended that the Federal Reserve not touch AIG,” said Mr. Bunning.
In February, we sent a FOIA request to the Fed for an internal memo entitled “Issues Related to Possible IPC Lending to American International Group” and an email from Chairman Bernanke that included a draft of the proposal that he would soon present to the Fed Board of Governors to approve lending to AIG. Yesterday a Fed spokeswoman told us it is still reviewing the request.
You could argue that the Fed has been a model of good government in handling our request compared to the way it has responded to TARP inspector general Neil Barofsky. Documents he’s asked for were not produced and in some cases the New York Fed has told Mr. Barofsky that documents did not exist when in fact they did. Along with investigating the management of the crisis, the former prosecutor is also now investigating the withholding of information about the crisis.
Name:Ben Jones Location:Northern Arizona, United States To donate by mail, or to otherwise contact this blogger, please send emails to:
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Good morning from Japan, the land of the never rising stock market.
Great opinion in the NY Times from a couple of days ago about how we need to “pierce the housing bubble.” It’s the best summary of what folks have been saying here for years that I’ve read in the msm.
Peeping tom Realtor?
Excellent article–too bad it was only an opinion piece.
“Good morning from Japan, the land of the never rising stock market.”
What a bunch of dummies. Haven’t they ever heard of TARP? Hello, Duh. No wonder they lost the war.
Question for folks here.
At the same time, we’ve been hammering on the housing bubble, many here have also been very critical of how the measures of CPI have changed, thus understating the real numbers.
I think the Shadow Stats website is the most commonly cited. www dot shadowstats dot com
The gist, is that the current way to measure CPI has been understating CPI relative to the 1980 methodology by about 1-5% PER YEAR for the past ~15-20 years (at least).
So isn’t the implication of this obvious? If you are using data from the first 80 years of the century as evidence that home prices track CPI, shouldn’t you use the same CPI methodologies thereafter to determine whether home prices are too high/too low relative to CPI?
Great question.
My personal view is:
- The official CPI numbers don’t so much “understate” as they do generally “misstate”, though most of the misstatement is on the underside.
- I think that SGS grossly overstates actually. So while I think Williams is right that CPI is (usually) understated - I think the actual inflation values he presents are quite overstated. For instance he presents inflation generally running around 10% for the 2000-2008 period. I don’t think it was anywhere close to that*.
- Specifically - even Williams doesn’t correctly include house prices in inflation stats. E.g. in the 2007-2009 period we had incredible deflation overall, because our biggest expense - housing - went down by 30% or so.
- In the end it’s hugely complex, and assets of different types tend to inflate and deflate somewhat independently. E.g. we see coffee prices going through the roof right now, but gas fairly low. Wages can be independent of prices as well. Then there’s the whole “price vs. money supply” discussion.
* Save for housing. However if Williams was accounting for housing in his 2000-2008 10% inflation, then he should have also shown big-time deflation 2007-2009, but he didn’t.
I generally agree that the website does overstate considerably. From 1980, US reported CPI says that prices should have roughly tripled from then. SGS says they should have gone up 9x, which would mean that home prices SHOULD get back to bubble levels to be in line with inflation. We all know this is not going to happen.
My point is just that over that 30 year period, it is not inconceivable that US CPI has been understated (or misstated on the downside) by at least the amount that people are saying home prices need to fall to get back to that CPI level. To make up that difference, inflation would have only needed to be understated by approximately 0.65% annually.
I’m focusing more on population/unit and affordability measures when I think about my own expectations about home prices a year out. Of course, without job growth, all bets are off.
Yes, though the cost of owning a home has gone up I think faster than inflation as well - e.g. property taxes, as well as a bevy of other new taxes and fees on home purchases. So believe it or not I think a valid case could be made that housing prices should actually increase slower than true inflation (e.g. possibly inline with published inflation).
That being said - there is at least some truth to the “they’re not making any more land” factor. While obviously there are vast tracts of developable land still existing in the U.S. - there are some areas where there is very little developable land, particularly within commuting (or walking) distance of desirable areas. However this has always been true - even going back before the 1900’s (e.g. the SF peninsula was mostly built out by 1900, and completely built out by the mid 1900’s.)
I don’t believe the “they ain’t building any more land” rhetoric either. They make new land every time a condo is created with airspace, etc. Additionally, there is plenty of raw land as you fly over various states, it’s simply not all that conveniently located near services, etc.
What I fervently believe however is that in some jurisdictions, the apparent availability of land is completely irrelevant. What is more relevant is the ability to get it approved for building, which can be quite difficult, expensive, and time consuming.
Land costing more in cities as opposed to the middle of nowhere is not a creation of the current RE bubble, but rather a phenomenon that has been around since at least ancient Greece and Rome, and probably from the beginning of civilization. (You always wanted a home -inside- the city walls, if you could afford it.)
What is more relevant is the ability to get it approved for building, which can be quite difficult, expensive, and time consuming.
Yes - saw this firsthand in northern CA when I lived there. There was a lot of open space, however the vast majority was undevelopable, and for the rest of the areas developers had to jump through hoops to develop.
(I don’t disagree with that though - that’s beautiful country up there, and I think it’s appropriate to limit development in the scenic areas.)
They are always busily making more land: Check out how the local landfill grows toward the sky with each load dumped and sculpted into giant truncated pyramid by caterpillars. Want something truly green: Build yourself a house atop the landfill using realtor skulls for the walls and methane-power for self-sufficiency. Now that’s green.
I’m starting to sound like Hwy…
There are some areas that are not-so-scenic, but still very hard to obtain entitlements to build new housing. NIMBYism for the sake of NIMBYism is alive and well.
Alpha sloth–but of course the popularization of the automobile and the creation of the interstates in the 50s vastly expanded the distance that one could reasonably commute, as the streetcar had before it. This meant that a much greater area of land around the city could be used to house those who worked in it.
I think we are on the same page. In many parts of the country, the hard costs to build a home (infrastructure plus vertical) are greater than price at which that house can be sold. This is changing in some places…slowly.
In the meantime though, this means that the only homes that can be reasonably built today are homes that will be built on existing finished lots, where they can be acquired at a discount to hard costs. The availability of these finished lots is dwindling. IMHO, this is one of the reasons we will continue to see poor new home construction numbers until there is some additional move upward in home prices.
Inflation in materials costs is putting a floor on the price for new homes (energy, copper, oil based goods, concrete, with the exceptions being labor and lumber). For the low end in many parts of the country, I have a very hard time seeing how the floor for new homes is lower than today’s prices.
Jim A.- I agree. The auto (and reasonable security from the Hun) have greatly increased the area around a city where one may choose to live. But there are still reasons (convenience, entertainment, employment, diversity) that will make cities, in general, have higher prices than outlying areas. It’s not an artificial construct, mindless custom, or RE conspiracy. It’s as old as cities themselves.
Credit is finally available, but no one wants it.
FORTUNE — Finally, nearly two years after they were bailed out by Congress, big banks are beginning to ease lending standards for individuals and small businesses. But it’s not exactly having the reception many believed it would. Just when credit becomes more available, there’s little evidence of a surge in demand for it.
Since the financial crisis, banks have been blamed for slowing the pace of economic recovery because of their reluctance to lend. Unlike larger companies that can borrow from bond markets, small businesses and consumers mostly depend on loans from banks. Federal officials have said tight credit has kept households from spending more and small businesses from hiring more.
Now the U.S. Federal Reserve says banks are modestly expanding credit. But the new development, given all its potential, might still do little to improve America’s prospects for economic growth — at least in the near future.
They say that, but I know small businessowners with good FICO’s who still can’t get credit even though they have purchase orders from customers in hand.
I suspect banks are not looking at the individual as much as the track record of their industry and the loss rates for their zip code… Not to say you do not still need decent credit…
So they are offering to loan to the businesses that are getting by without borrowing. Of course they don’t want the loans.
Don’t worry. They’ll pull back once they realize that property prices are going down again.
US homeowners flock to Florida event in desperate bid to save properties
More than 20,000 American mortgagees to hit Palm Beach as Naca’s five-day mortgage modification marathon gets under way. (UK)
Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA) helps homeowners refinance A mortgage adviser from Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America helps a homeowner at the five-day, 24-hour Palm Beach event Photograph: Robert Sullivan/Polaris/Guardian
In the pre-dawn darkness of a steamy night of sub-tropical rain, a queue of anxious, soggy people snakes around the palm trees outside a cavernous Florida convention center. Some have erected camp beds or makeshift tents. All clutch sheaves of mortgage documents.
Welcome to America’s biggest jamboree of delinquent borrowers. For five days, the Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (Naca), a not-for-profit organization, is working round the clock to help homeowners hang on to their houses. More than 12,000 people have signed up in advance and more than 20,000 are expected to turn up, travelling from as far afield as California, Georgia and Maryland.
“It’s either feed your kids or pay your mortgage,” says Omayra Delgado, a 33-year-old special education teacher whose Miami house has slumped in value from $160,000 (£103,000) to $60,000. “My home is in foreclosure. I’m trying to keep it.”
Politicians’ talk of an economic recovery is laughable to many of those here. This is a last, desperate bid to cling on to home ownership – the event is shrewdly named “save the dream”.
“It’s either feed your kids or pay your mortgage,”
“My home is in foreclosure. I’m trying to keep it.”
Guess we know her priorities: the house comes before the kids. Whatever.
Have you seen her kids? Maybe the house, unlike them, is salvagable.
Maybe in today’s market it’s easier to sell the kids than the house.
Maybe the kids could stand to lose a few pounds.
The kids are probably suffering from malnutrition. Dollar menus and 7-11 fare will make you fat but they don’t feed you.
I read a very simple statement on obesity: how do they fatten up cattle and pigs for slaughter? They don’t feed them fatty steaks, they feed them corn. When they call obese kids cows, I guess they aren’t far off. They too are fed mostly corn and some wheat. Automated, irrigated, fertilized and subsidized. Taken apart and put back together into dollar menu and 7-11 fare. The cheapest stuff out there.
They don’t feed cows meat because cows are vegeterians.
They give the industrial food-chain animals just about anything, including feces. Where do you think mad cow disease came from? Cows eating other cows’ brains and spines.
they call obese kids cows,
They also call them ‘corn-feds’.
The Atkins diet guy was right, and numerous studies have borne it out. Grains, cereals, and most starches are simply not natural foods for humans. The ability of such foods to fatten us up and provide the ’staff of life’ was great back when food was scarce, but not so great now that we have plenty.
Actually they do feed cows meat, sometimes. That’s how mad cow is spread.
They don’t feed cows meat because cows are vegeterians.
And they can’t handle steak knives.
“It’s either feed your kids or pay your mortgage,”
“My home is in foreclosure. I’m trying to keep it.”
Guess we know her priorities: the house comes before the kids.
I’ve seen this same story play out in higher incomes. Friends were miserable and I mean miserable in the last school district I was in. Moms and kids were getting so depressed they sometimes wouldn’t leave the house for weeks. This was a situation that had played out for years. But when I asked why they simply wouldn’t move to a new district for the chance of giving the kids and her some positive experiences her answer was simple: we’d lose too much money on the house.
I know 3 other families in the same situation (and many more that have moved rather than raise their kids in a toxic environment). All w/top incomes, brain surgeon, CEO, medical professor, VP. Dads at the top of their field and the Moms w/masters or higher education. Income was not the issue. Maybe keeping the trophy address was.
Hilarious. I love it.
They can rot in hell for all I care. I live in a rented two bedroom with my pregnant wife and 3 year old daughter. I am forced to live here because all these nitwits drove prices up too high with their greed.
I’ll pass them on the way up… and maybe flip ‘em the bird.
“It’s either feed your kids or pay your mortgage,”
This is the reason my wife and I have not purchased the house we want. Going back 11 years we didn`t make enough money to feed, clothe and have health insurance for the kids and that house and mortgage. Not to mention be able for them to participate in sports, dance etc. By the time we could afford that house, we couldn`t afford that house because it went from $160,000 to $400,000 So my advise to Omayra would be from that obnoxious Suzie person. People first, then money, then things.
The “Woodstock” of our era. It was a crazy time… a time of sex, drugs, and debt forgiveness… we all felt so free!
“Free! Free to ride! Free… to stick it to the man!”
Are you eligible for unemployment benefits if you walk off the job for not being aloud time to pray?
Feds: Muslims faced discrimination at Neb. plant
The Associated Press
Posted: 10:20 p.m. Monday, Aug. 30, 2010
OMAHA, Neb. — Federal officials say a JBS Swift & Co. meatpacking plant in Nebraska should provide Muslim employees with prayer time and not retaliate against workers who ask to pray.
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed a lawsuit Monday on behalf of more than 80 Somali Muslims.
A message left at JBS Swift’s U.S. headquarters in Greeley, Colo., wasn’t immediately returned.
Hundreds of Muslim workers walked off the job at the Grand Island, Neb., plant during Ramadan in 2008, saying they wanted time to pray at sunset and break a daylong fast. Plant management adjusted the work schedule the next day.
Non-Muslims counterprotested and management ended the accommodations. The company fired 86 Muslim workers for walking off the job, but have said the firings weren’t about religion.
And I should be allowed to bring rattlesnakes to work and pass them around during my impromtu “services.”
I love rattlesnakes in church. Where is the church located?
The most interesting part of this story is that plant management adjusted the schedule, but then adjusted it back because of the counterprotestors.
It wasn’t clear if the counterprotest was anti-muslim or just anti-schedule change, for other reasons (which might be quite reasonable, like, say, the change added an hour to everyone’s shift.)
Grrr! I’m tired of these namby pamby creampuff judges treating religion as some sort of precious thing that must be put on the high priority list at the expense of everything else.
Things like that make me clutch my gold coins and ammo and say the U.S. is doomed.
But then as a kid back in 1967 I remember my dad saying the same thing about how a judge in Oregon gave kid glove treatment to hippies. It was too long ago and I was too young to remember what the issue was about.
I was too young to remember what the issue was about ??
It was about “Free Love”….
You are just a slight few years older than me - but I remember I was envious of you older ones because you had all the fun of the “free love” era. The Herpes scare started in about 2001 and the AIDS scare started in 2003 or so. I was in my early 20s and missed out on the fabled “free love” / woodstock type of stuff
Hey, I’m still envious of you slightly older ones.
Somali immigrants………
Nothing good will come of this. You heard it here first.
Duly noted.
Besides, I thought they were all driving cabs…didn’t realize they sought work in meatpacking of all places.
Uh, religious practices have NEVER been allowed at ANY place I’ve worked.
You are free to practice the religion of your choice… on your own time.
at Court TV they had a room reserved for praying to mecca and lactating.
I guess these guys didn`t have the same friends as Angelo.
Former TopDot official sentenced
By Kimberly Miller Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
Posted: 5:35 p.m. Monday, Aug. 30, 2010
Boca Raton resident Jason Vitulano, 35, a former manager of Top Dot Mortgage, was sentenced in federal court Thursday to more than five years in prison after pleading guilty to charges related to mortgage fraud.
A second former Top Dot manager, Peter Hartfolis, 33, of New York, was sentenced to more than 2 years in prison for his involvement.
Co-conspirators Joseph Miller, 64, of Palm Beach Gardens received an 18-month sentence, while Steve Vento, 42, of Jupiter was sentenced to one year.
Man, they got off lightly. If you compare the amount of money and the number of people who get screwed by large scale corporate fraud, the sentences they get are ridiculously light. Somebody robbing the till at a grocery store gets about the same amount of time.
Good find jeff.
As I’ve said to those who say nobody is going to jail over this mess, there is just so MUCH of it that it’s going to take time.
But the BIG GUYS aren’t going to jail…at least not yet.
They are dragging these lower-end mopes in front of the cameras to show how they’re “going after the bad guys,” but the bad guys are at the top of the policy-making heap.
Realtor parasites and the rest of the blood sucking leeches attached to the dead carcass of housing need to find some honest employment.
Oh, brother, exeter, are you playing my song!
And it isn’t just my song. Yesterday evening, I joined several hundred other Tucsonans for our weekly constitutional around Downtown.
During my three-mile stroll, I got to talking with a couple who’d recently moved here from Wisconsin. They’re renting an apartment Downtown while they check out the local housing market.
Lady said that she wasn’t looking with an agent yet. I told her that she didn’t need an agent for that — she could do the looking herself. I also said that I thought that most real estate agents had a case of Pinocchio nose.
And she agreed, saying, “You just can’t trust them.”
Methinks the REIC has a major problem.
I would love to test the “can’t trust them farther than you can throw them” logic on realtors in general if we’re allowed catapults and trebuchets.
I’m expecting the desk clearing time this Friday to be extra-special. Your desk must be piled high, since we missed one last week. No less than 10 pages will do.
Time to let home prices fall?
Many expect another wave of foreclosures to further deflate prices. The government could offer new incentives — or let market forces rule.
By Tom Petruno
August 28, 2010
You can’t force someone to buy a house.
But as a society we’ve long tried to make homeownership an offer you couldn’t refuse.
And since the real estate mega-bubble burst three years ago, the government has tried even more tricks to get people to sign home purchase contracts.
Now, a grim reality has set in: Despite the still-rich basket of tax breaks for residential property owners, and the lowest mortgage rates in a generation, the pool of willing or able buyers is dwindling.
The housing market’s new woes expose the limits of government’s ability to end the real estate bust, while also raising the odds that policymakers could resort to more dramatic moves to try to support the market.
A new program will offer no-interest loans of up to $50,000 for unemployed homeowners to help them make their mortgage payments until they find work.
The Obama administration “has taken a broad set of actions to help stabilize the housing market and help American homeowners,” Treasury spokesman Mark Paustenbach said.,0,6008427.column - 181k
A new program will offer no-interest loans of up to $50,000 for unemployed homeowners to help them
make their mortgage payments until they find workscrew the taxpayers like their lender screwed them.Oops… that didn’t come out right. Sorry.
But you’re right about the taxpayers getting screwed. I’d take the 50k and walk away from the house and file BK.
And since the real estate mega-bubble burst three years ago, the government has tried even more tricks to get people to sign home purchase contracts.
Why do we even need jails if all the government has to do is get people to become slaves to real estate? Sitting ducks for the taxman to come around knocking. Statists understand that long term stable neighborhoods where people stay put for many many years, make people conform, to tolerate the (ahem) culture of others that may run against ones values (forced toleration) and be nice law-abiding docile sheep.
Buy a house get a green card….30-40% cash down….no creative financing stuff
Let you home go into foreclosure and you are deported…..sounds fair to me
Obviously these calls have been out there for years yet finally the MSM is giving them more airtime. Larry Kudlow actually had an analyst on last night besides Peter Schiff that was calling on our gov to end support of housing and let values fall to market value. He was given enough airtime to make good solid points. So what does this signal?
The MSM throws a bone to the proletariat now and then to induce trust?
Obama admin has decided that hiding the truth of what we’re facing means Dems are on the way out and needs some info released to soften the masses up for the hard right turn?
The 27% drop after the home tax exemption expiration gives free market apostles a level of credence (or is it ammunition?) that can no longer be denied?
When unemployed “homeowners” blow through $50k in interest fee funds, then can’t repay the loan and lose the house too, will we hear it was “unexpected”, and “nobody saw it coming?”
Most certainly, Grizzly Bear. There’s no way anybody can see that coming.
For all the breaks the feds give home owners and small businesses NY state seems laser forcused on taking up the slack. I’m sure they’re not alone.
Oops. I thought you all were talking about extended unemployment yesterday. My bad.
The Politics of High House Prices
By Greg Fielding Filed in Home Economics, Social Mood Swings Tagged with Home Prices, Housing Bubble, Politics
August 27th, 2010 @ 2:21 pm
It’s probably not that our Government doesn’t understand the housing’s problems, but that addressing them isn’t politically palatable. Home prices are going to find their eventual bottom, no matter what the interest rates or homebuyer tax credit may be. And, all of the foreclosures that need to happen, eventually will – it’s a question of when.
Allowing home prices to fall might anger voters in the short term. But, as soon as prices hit bottom, there is nowhere to go but up. Optimism, and the consumer spending that accompanies it, can return. Moreover, if homebuyers in 2011 and 2012 spend less on housing, they can spend more on other things. Bad for banks perhaps, but good for the rest of us.
On the other hand, by continuing to extend foreclosure timelines and pretend the problem doesn’t exist, home prices would be relatively more stable in the short term. However, as long as the eventual bottom is postponed, so too is the day when real, organic, unstimulated optimism can return.
I’ve declared, and I’m not alone, that all gov programs to prop up housing prices are about saving the banks and there really isn’t much evidence to dissuade us from that deduction.
However, there’s more to this. How much of the system would go down in flames if we did allow free market price discovery? Would it just be the 5-10 sinner investment banks? Wouldn’t a lot of smaller lenders go down too? How long would a world wide credit freeze up last and how many pockets (or capital reserves) are deep enough to survive through it?
So really saving the banks is about saving businesses, both large and small. It’s bout saving jobs. It’s about keeping another huge deluge of labor off the doles. The truth is the fed is really only moves away from checkmate. And the politics is only fighting over the dwindling remaining spoils.
If anyone has seen an analysis or commentary of how jobs would survive through a free market asset price correction that would decimate our credit structure, I’d be most interested in reading it. Thanks!
However, there’s more to this. How much of the system would go down in flames if we did allow free market price discovery? Would it just be the 5-10 sinner investment banks? Wouldn’t a lot of smaller lenders go down too? How long would a world wide credit freeze up last and how many pockets (or capital reserves) are deep enough to survive through it?
So really saving the banks is about saving businesses, both large and small. It’s bout saving jobs. It’s about keeping another huge deluge of labor off the doles.
There is a lot of truth in this however, long-term, a great re-set would have been better for America. Most of “saving the banks” was saving the status quo, Wall Street, crony-capitalistic oligarchy that controls our democracy and slowly sucks the life out of America.
If it took a lot of pain to dismantle that system, so be it as it will never be dismantled without much pain. We could have been about 30% there by now but that time has been lost.
I’m with CarrieAnn on this one. I think it’s easy to talk in euphemisms and generalities about ‘letting it crash’, and ‘finding the true bottom’ (as if such a thing exists), and then ‘dusting ourselves off and rebuilding’. I’ve still yet to have someone explain how we get past things like:
1) Our entire banking system failing
2) The FDIC then failing (or requiring an ‘evil’ bailout)
3) The world dropping us as a reserve currency
4) Monster unemployment that makes the current unemployment look like nothing
5) Worldwide credit freeze/panic that would dwarf the one we just went through
Where is it written that after sustaining a devastating deflationary crash, that would honestly wipe out possibly the majority of Americans, we just pop back up and continue on as a democracy with civil liberties? Refreshed and wiser.
And for that matter, where is it written that the very same people at the top now, wouldn’t still be there? I mean, the rich are who have the private walled estates; the private islands; the planes, helicopters, and yachts; the overseas bank accounts, assets, and hideaways. And the money to buy their own militia/guards if need be. I think a crash would just cement their position at the top of the pile, with the rest of us even more powerless and poorer than before.
We just had a crash that would be minor compared to what many call for, and that alone has caused a third of our population to think the president is a muslim bent on destroying the American way, and to talk openly about revolt and secession.
We do live in the age of Fox News.
Of course we will never know will we? However:
1) Our entire banking system failing
Who said it would have? Oh yea, the Banks we bailed out.
2) The FDIC then failing (or requiring an ‘evil’ bailout)
Who cares if we had to bail out the FDIC’s 100K-250 commitment? That’s cheaper than our current 23 trillion dollar bailout commitments.
3) The world dropping us as a reserve currency
Now we don’t know that would have happened. Why would it? The entire world would have been knocked down in close relative proportion to our “knock-down”.
4) Monster unemployment that makes the current unemployment look like nothing
I’d say 25% of Americans are under or unemployed now, with no future of an economic re-set or increased opportunity. I don’t think any future unemployment would make our current situation look like “nothing”.
5) Worldwide credit freeze/panic that would dwarf the one we just went through
Yes. This argues my point that we wouldn’t have automatically lost our world reserve currency status.
I live in the one country the past 25 years who’s economy and currency collapsed 3 times, who’s 7th constitution was ratified in only in 1988, prior to that was a military dictatorship and who now is economically growing at 7% per year, has had 35 million join the middle-class in 7 years and that has a trade surplus and is energy independent.
Brazil survived economic hell, rose up and thrived.
America would have survived just fine in the long term I think.
We just had a crash that would be minor compared to what many call for, and that alone has caused a third of our population to think the president is a muslim bent on destroying the American way, and to talk openly about revolt and secession.
Similar rhetoric was heard during the 1930s. Remember Fr. Coughlin? He had quite a following. And didn’t someone here just mention the group of wealthy businessmen who tried to stage a coup against Roosevelt?
Rio- I think you’re trying to have it both ways. First, you say we need to let it crash and reset. Then you’re saying that it wouldn’t be much worse than it already is. Then how is it a crash and reset?
And there’s a difference between what we’re possibly on the hook for with our guarantees (many of which would come due only if we did crash and burn), and what we’d definitely be on the hook for if banks failed en masse, and the FDIC had to make everyone whole. In the event of a crash, we’d be on the hook for -both- amounts, remember. If we can avoid an all-out crash, we’ll be on the hook for a lot less.
And if all the RE were forced onto the market at once, then obviously there would be a major price deflation that would put still more people even further underwater, or underwater for the first time, which would make still more people walk away, which would continue the deflationary spiral. How could it not?
Forcing the banks to then mark to market would make even more insolvent. How could it not?
How could this not result in much higher unemployment? We talk here all the time about how many businesses are on the edge right now. The businesses that aren’t on the edge are rightly fearful about hiring and investing, because the economy is still weak right now. Surely a large-scale crash would greatly increase their hesitance, and ability, to hire. In fact, many more would go out of business, which would make more people broke, which would put more houses on the market, which would make their value drop even more, which would put still more people underwater, who would then walk away etc etc…..Again, how could it not?
And would Brazil have had the ability to bounce back from its problems if it didn’t have a huge country to its north that effectively polices the entire hemisphere, and provides a huge market for their goods, thus allowing lesser (no offense) countries the luxury to be able to screw up and recover? Like it or not, we police the world, and if we were down and out for a few/ten years (dusting off and rebuilding our economy), who do you think would rise to take our place? Or would anyone?
And, say we let it crash, then what? We suddenly rebuild our manufacturing base and somehow aren’t undercut by Chindian wages? Or do we match their wages? What exactly do we build or rebuild? Where are we competitive right now?
I’m not saying we’d never recover, unexpected things happen (like the advent of the internet) that could well save our bacon, but there’s something to be said for chugging along until that something arises, rather than letting your country crash and burn under the optimistic feeling that ’something’ will turn up, and ’somehow’ we’ll be just fine. That strikes me as dangerously wishful thinking.
And didn’t someone here just mention the group of wealthy businessmen who tried to stage a coup against Roosevelt?
Me. FDR had a LOT on his plate. The Communist Party was also about to become the majority political party.
There’s a lot of folks who hate FDR. They have NO idea how bad it really was and could have been if it wasn’t for FDR.
As for letting the FIRE sector suffer their own medicine of “market correction,” the problem was, and still is, international in scope. And Wall St. propaganda aside, a lot of countries would not have been very happy about that as their fortunes were also tied into Wall/Fleet St. Russia and China being prime examples. You know, the guys with nukes and ICBMs.
The general rule is that if you cause someone enough grief, they WILL come looking for you. In other words, WW3.
I would really like to see Wall/Fleet St. “corrected” but try it all at once and you have to answer to the entire world.
First, you say we need to let it crash and reset. Then you’re saying that it wouldn’t be much worse than it already is. Then how is it a crash and reset?
I think it would have been much worse at first and then much better going forward because bad bets would have gone bad, capitalists would have learned what capitalism is, structures, duties, policies and laws would have changed to initially support the dispossessed, and later to promote American jobs, education, manufacturing and the middle class. We have the “money”. Is it not obvious now how much “money” we have? The question was how to use it.
That money should have been spent to do the above, not bail out failure, parasites and losers such as Banks and Wall Street.
On Brazil’s protection: First of all a crash would not have rendered our military impotent. We have lots of “money” as we have seen. And:
Brazil doesn’t really need the US protection. Who would invade Brazil? China? Peru? Argentina? Most South Americans despise American’s history of “protection”. I hate it when they start talking about it in front of me.
On Brazil losing American markets if America crashed:
It’s hard to believe for most Americans but the USA is a distant third trading partner with Brazil after the EU and China. And the USA would have bounced back anyway.
but there’s something to be said for chugging along until that something arises,
A key thing is, we should all forget about “something (new) arising”. It might or might not happen. The key going forward in this age of overcapacity is for America to re-structure its economy so that the majority of workers can thrive in an economy merely “chugging along”.
This will require redistribution of profits, jobs, priorities and wealth back in line with American historical norms. We just wasted an opportunity to start this process and we will pay for it.
Who would invade Brazil? China? Peru? Argentina?
Why not? Or how about China or Russia funding rebels within Brazil? I wouldn’t get carried away with Brazil’s military strength.
And I realize you’ve got fancy new beaus now, but back when Brazil was a banana republic and making all those mistakes, who was nearby making sure the USSR wasn’t ‘liberating’ them. Don’t mistake now for then- the world wasn’t always so unipolar.
And citizens of countries that rely on and thrive under US protection, while berating us for it behind our backs, is a story as old as the Cold War.
bad bets would have gone bad, capitalists would have learned what capitalism is, structures, duties, policies and laws would have changed to initially support the dispossessed, and later to promote American jobs, education, manufacturing and the middle class
I agree with the sentiment, but we just went through a smallish crash (compared to what you’re calling for) and Glen Beck and Sarah Palin have become two of the most popular political ‘thinkers’ in the country, with a rabid following of people who openly threaten rebellion if they don’t get their way. One could only assume they’d grow in popularity if things got even worse. And this is the populace that is supposed to achieve the lofty goals you’ve listed above?
The key going forward in this age of overcapacity is for America to re-structure its economy so that the majority of workers can thrive in an economy merely “chugging along”
One could argue that that very thing is occurring right now. Perhaps not at the pace we might like, but where is the guarantee that it would be faster in a state of more serious collapse? One could well imagine a lot of very serious, and very counterproductive, ‘unknown unknowns’ that might pop up in a situation of widespread collapse.
Let’s not burn the house down to kill a few rats.
Don’t mistake now for then- the world wasn’t always so unipolar.
I explain that to the Brazilians sometimes. Some get it.
Why not? Or how about China or Russia funding rebels within Brazil?
A waste of money. Maybe in the Spanish countries yes but not Brazil. They just aren’t a revolutionary type culture on the macro level and their history bears this out. War? Revolution? Why? That would take too much time away from the beach, beer, women, their children, hammock time and futbol.
but we just went through a smallish crash…and Glen Beck and Sarah Palin have become two of the most popular political ‘thinkers’ in the country, with a rabid following
Maybe BECAUSE it was a smallish crash. I think the bailouts and papering over the problem took the right’s eye of the ball as to who the real enemy is - the corporate oligarchy. This was the plan. If we all fell together and harder, we’d have come together more as Americans first. I mean if Wall Street and Banks fell, how could you blame the poor and middle class for that? Sure the usual suspect nutjobs might believe it but most wouldn’t. That is what they were afraid of. Now, instead we have a muddling along situation that enables Palin an Beck to spread their misinformation.
Let’s not burn the house down to kill a few rats.
The house with rats was ruined, it was burning and we had the money to rebuild.
Instead we took that money and saved the rats and now we have to live with those rats in the same house that is half-way burnt down.
O meu amigo, Brazil’s not revolutionary? Almost their entire twentieth century history is one right wing dictatorship after another, interspersed with communist uprisings, particularly in the 30s. Perhaps they’re reactionary, but either way, they aren’t that mellow, at least not historically. And have they gained control, or even access, to all the favelas yet? That could be a good source of insurrection.
The ‘what ifs’ about how we might have responded to the crash, if we had it to do over again, are irrelevant- we don’t have it to do over again. Here we are.
FDR saved the system rather than letting it crash all the way, as many encouraged him to. Do you think he made a mistake? Many do. I don’t.
(Do I wish Obama had more of a fighting spirit like FDR had? Yes. But it’s easier to take on Wall Street when everyone knows you’re a well-born plutocrat yourself, rather than when the morons have been told, and believe, you’re a socialist Kenyan Muslim America-hater.)
O meu amigo, Brazil’s not revolutionary? Almost their entire twentieth century history is one right wing dictatorship after another, interspersed with communist uprisings, particularly in the 30s. Perhaps they’re reactionary, but either way, they aren’t that mellow, at least not historically. And have they gained control, or even access, to all the favelas yet? That could be a good source of insurrection.
Fine, you read it. I read it and I live and have lived it.
I’m with Rio, 100%.
Falling asset prices would have primarily hurt the “rich” as the middle and lower classes rely more on wages, not asset price appreciation.
I was all for spending money on jobs programs (infrastructure, energy R&D, healthcare technologies, etc.), and I even advocated nationalizing the banking system while we move through the much-needed deflationary period. There is NO NEED for a “private” banking/credit system if the taxpayers are taking all the risks anyway (while the bankers make all the profits during the “good” times).
Bottom line: “letting it fall” would have been the best course of action. What we have done so far is to merely make the problem bigger (more debt — and most of that now being borne by taxpayers), and extended the duration of the downturn. Printing money to cover up the huge misallocation of capital and over-leveraging in our economy does NOT fix the problem.
But, as soon as prices hit bottom, there is nowhere to go but up.
There’s always sideways.
Rio and alpha,
THANK YOU both for this (and all of your other,) exceptionally thoughtful, civil, and dare I say it, scholarly exchange. This sort of lively debate is what makes HBB so special, and why I often stay up past midnight reading it.
Kudos again to Ben for providing us with this forum.
Should we just let house prices fall?
By Greg Fielding Filed in Home Economics, Social Mood Swings Tagged with Home Prices, Housing Bubble August 28th, 2010 @ 3:12 pm
Low home prices are great for buyers, great for mobility, and great for the economy because we’d all have more money to save or spend on things beyond mortgage interest.
The transition from high prices to affordable prices has been horrendously painful, but necessary. Simply put, we have to go through it to get through it and come out on the other side.
So far, politicians have tried to preserve the status quo of high debt, high home prices, and lots of government involvement, because they think it’s what we want. They think it’s what will get them re-elected.
Today, they may be right. But patience is wearing thin.
Consider The Politics of High House Prices
Maybe that’s how all of this will end. Maybe, eventually, enough of us will get mad enough and tired enough and simply demand that the charade ends so that we can get on with out lives. Eventually protests could turn to riots as social acrimony spreads and perhaps at some point our politicians may get it:
It’s not high home prices that will get them re-elected, it’s that light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel – the mass optimism that things will get better.
And right now, that light is pretty dim.
Only hours after I wrote that, Tom Petruno wrote in the Los Angeles Times Time to Let House Prices Fall?
Reports this week on home purchases in July were beyond dismal. Sales of existing homes tumbled 27% from June and 25% from a year earlier. New-home sales slumped to an annualized rate of just 276,000 units, down 32% from July 2009 and the lowest since at least the early 1960s.
Some of the fall-off undoubtedly reflected the spring expiration of the latest federal housing gimmick — tax credits of $8,000 for first-time buyers who met certain income requirements, and $6,500 for repeat buyers.
But it can’t be a coincidence that the summer plunge in housing demand occurred as faith in the year-old economic recovery continued to wane.
“It’s not a housing issue anymore — it’s an overall economic issue,” said David Crowe, chief economist for the National Assn. of Home Builders.
Historically, housing has led the way in recoveries. “But this is a case where housing is going to follow the economy, not lead it,” Crowe said.
Good point - more money to spend on other things.
I found on a website that 90277 (South Redondo Beach) and 90503 have slightly lower incomes than 85044. Yet the California zip codes have higher priced houses and they are much older. Lots of them built in the 1950s - many of them are probably able to stand up because the termites are all holding hands. But in Ahwatukee the average house prices is about 1/3 or less. In Ahwatukee, therefore, people have more money left over to spend on other things.
The real estate in Phoenix may have been devastated, but for people who have been renting, or signed the purchase agreement before 2002 and did not HELOC, the living is not really that bad.
The weather in LA in 90503, 90254, and 90277 is very nice all year. But that’s about it. The streets are crappy with lots of bumps and potholes. The roads in 85044 are smooth and well-maintained. The rent in L.A. in 90503 at least is low enough and my pay is high enough to make working in LA a good deal still. But the potential big earthquake makes me worried.
But the potential big earthquake makes me worried ??
As you should be….Its California’s blackswan in that most people here tend to forget due to its infrequency…
If its a black swan you want, if Yellowstone were to erupt… zowie!
Yellowstone were to erupt… zowie! ??
Doesn’t the wind blow East from there ??
The wind direction would be irrelevant….
Previous eruptions blanketed the US from Pacific to Atlantic.
I worried about this moving from San Jose to Boise….until I realized that San Jose would be equally hosed if the Yellowstone caldera blew up.
The damage caused by a big quake in California - especially in the expensive coastal areas - would cause almost all mortgages in the area to become underwater. That much equity would evaporate overnight.
Which leads to an interesting question. How many mortgages became underwater/defaulted in New Orleans after Katrina? I never saw any reporting or analysis on that, but I’d guess that thousands walked away from their house and their mortgage in the aftermath.
If it is a big one on the Andreas or Hayward the loss would dwarf Katrina…
10s of thousands in N.O.
I think they just folded the mortgages losses into the general damage assessment. I’m not sure, though.
If an earthquake hits CA, the US Government will not ignore it…1/7th of the US GDP–too much money for politicians to ignore.
Lots of people will go back to work rebuilding, and government debt would go up that much more.
Oh, and insurance companies who wrote EQ policies would be paying lots of money out.
It wouldn’t be a walk in the park, but if Europe can be rebuilt after WWII, so can CA after an earthquake.
Just saying…I’ve been in CA my whole life, lived within about 45 minutes of SF during the ‘89 quake (only about a 7). An earthquake properly (or improperly located) would be bad, but not the end of the world. Perhaps I’ve just grown complacent since I live here…
Seeing that here. Lower priced and lower taxed home owners are the ones most likely to have updated or properly maintained the structure. I’ve been looking at homes recently in older (20-50 year) “hot” locations. It’s been a shocker. I always thought here lives the movers and shakers but it appears most haven’t updated their properties since purchased. Some neglect has been downright depresssing.
The school taxes have no end to their increases but its obvious people couldn’t keep up and didn’t do anything to change their plight despite how deep of a hole they dug. I dunno. I find it difficult to believe people of a certain professional level enjoyed living this way.
I always thought of Syracuse as 10 months of Mother Nature beating the crap out of your house, and 2 months of Homeowners trying to repair/maintain the house. Of couse, you also want to have some fun during that 2 months, so you really only get 2 weekends to fix up the place after 10 months of snow, sleet, ice, etc.
Talk about homeowners and disposable income. In Syracuse, it’s homeowners and disposable time that’s in short supply.
(a slight exaggeration but you get the point. it’s a wonder any house is still standing after 50 years. At some point, someone doesn’t complete the yearly maintenance, and Mother Nature gets the upper hand the next winter and the path to destruction is nearly irreversable)
“It’s not a housing issue anymore — it’s an overall economic issue,” said David Crowe, chief economist for the National Assn. of Home Builders.
It never was a “housing” issue…it was always a DEBT issue (and wages being stagnant/declining for most of the past decade).
As some of us have said from the beginning, we won’t get out of this rut until they shift their focus from housing to JOBS.
Tokyo washout!! minus 3 percent!!!
What does this mean for our markets/economy? more importantly our HBB’ers
PPT on red-alert double secret probation status as of 6:00 AM this morning…
“What does this mean for our markets/economy?”
It means you should fasten your seat belts if you haven’t already done so, and maybe put on your crash helmet.
Deflation is at hand… cash is king … etc.
“put on your cash helmet.”
You missed a golden pun opportunity, combo.
I see you didn’t pass one up though.
Crash is King.
Well Combo, I have lots of savings in cash, for my kid’s college education (over the next six years) and retirement, but somehow I’m not happy. Because what is cash?
I have mostly short term U.S. Treasury bills and notes, in mutual funds and Treasury Direct. If things get bad enough, what if the federal government requires mandatory rollovers and I can’t get the money out?
Gold? You can’t spend it. Pieces of paper? Money in insolvent banks in excess of $100K (or is it $250K)?
Other currencies? What are those in the end? Are Europe and Japan in better debt and demographic shape in the end? Are China and the Latin American countries more likely to honor their debts even if the U.S. somehow defaults?
Even cash may not be cash if things go as badly as they might.
Even cash may not be cash if things go as badly as they might.
Plant a garden and raise some chickens?
Canned peas, AK-47’s, ammo, cigarettes, gasoline, solar-panel backup e- system… - 14k
gun porn…mmmmm.
Nah, click 7.62 cal and then go to SGL21-PR (SAIGA) that`s “gun porn”
“Because what is cash?”
Right now cash is the stuff people seem to be a bit short of. Cash is the stuff that can be traded for other stuff. Cash is why bank robbers rob banks.
It may not always be so; there may be a time down the road a bit where cash will not do what it does now. But that is then, this is now.
You forgot to mention that cash is king… (just sayin’).
Can’t spend gold?
Just bought a Japanese made tractor, four implements, and a ragged out trailer for three ounces of AU.
I agree that one can not spend gold if one does not have gold to spend.
Gold holders have quietly been in the very best trade for the last decade.
I predict that when gold hits $2000 AMERICANS WILL PANIC INTO BUYING PHYSICAL.
I predict that when gold hits $2000 AMERICANS WILL PANIC INTO BUYING PHYSICAL.
That would be expected in the third and final stage of a secular bull market.
Currently, in gold, we could be in the second stage.
Those who bought most of their gold in 2001 are kings!
And I’m just the court jester.
I keep wanting to buy more precious metals, but Jon Nadler keeps posting reasonable articles on kitco to level off at 10%. So government securities are nice purchases.
(The “Two Buck Chuck” Cabernet Sauvignon bottle I selected is good tonight. But only about 9 ounces total - honest. I’m supposed to swim 4,000 yards tomorrow very early)
We are all turning Japanese now.
That’s a different slant on the issue.
government cheese is on the sidelines, and so are many buyers.
No deal: buyers will see fewer discounts for cars
By TOM KRISHER The Associated Press
DETROIT — For years, Americans shopping for cars were treated to all sorts of deals and incentives, especially at the end of summer. Think Cash for Clunkers, which paid up to $4,500, or promotions that offered employee discounts to everyone.
Those days are over.
And with no one expecting the government to offer a repeat of the Clunkers program, get ready for fewer discounts on your next car.
“This may be as good as it gets, and get used to it,” says Jeff Schuster, the executive director of forecasting for J.D. Power and Associates.
As a result, U.S. auto sales are at a standstill, with potential buyers waiting for more deals but automakers resisting. The industry expects this to be the worst August in 18 years, with sales barely over 1 million cars and trucks. Sales are expected to fall 3 percent from July, according to car-pricing website
August usually sees strong sales as automakers offer deals to clear out the lots for new models. In August 2007, before the recession, automakers sold nearly 1.5 million new cars and trucks. Last August, when sales were at a 30-year low, the government came to the rescue. Cash for Clunkers, which paid buyers up to $4,500 per vehicle, boosted sales by about a third to 1.2 million.
But this year, the government is on the sidelines, and so are many buyers.
So the automakers are trying to kick the rebate/incentive habit? It will be interesting to see who cries uncle first: the buyers or the automakers. I think it will be the automakers, people can continue driving their old cars for a while.
Meanwhile, business at my favorite bicycle shop is booming. Something about transport that people can afford.
I used to ride weekend Mountain biking rides out of “Full Cycle” bike shop in Tucson on Speedway in the late 90s. We had alternate Saturday and Sunday rides. Lots o’ fun. I had a Specialized Rockhopper. I have always been timid going downhill fast. I can take an uphill very well though.
As a result, U.S. auto sales are at a standstill, with potential buyers waiting for more deals but automakers resisting
As a result, U.S. auto sales are at a standstill, with potential buyers unable to afford a new car but automakers resisting
Better yet:
As a result, U.S. auto sales are at a standstill, with potential buyers unable to afford a new car and automakers unable to sell their more expensive models.
There was a story yesterday that mentioned that the average auto loan is about 12K. Sounds like they are selling a larger share of compacts and subcompacts than before (must be great for KIA and Hyundai)
Dream on.
Price slashing will come when inventory sits in excess of 90 days….. sooner or later.It always has and it always will.
It will be interesting to see how far are they willing to reduce production.
Cars last longer than they used to. When I was a kid, 100K miles and you were ready to push it over a cliff. Now, many 100sK miles is the norm before that point. That means the market shrinks. It also means that people whose car owning experience includes a long-lived brand will return to that brand. I leave the remaining conclusions to the reader.
‘93 Lexus SC300 (3 liter sports coupe with a Camry engine, 225 HP and 4 speed auto yielding 25-to-30 mpg and phenomenal performance) bought 6 years ago for $7500. Now worth $4500 and has only 130k miles. Capable of 220k easily, as it has had 3 very protective owners, per my normally-intensive research!
Great body integrity and classic design. I’ll invest $5k more if needed. Why buy new unless hybrid, Mustang, Camaro, or Chrysler’s
sexy new sport offering. Let them get the tickets -
I thought the first generation SC300 was an inline 6 while the Camry was a V6? Anyway, my friends are the type who put 800hp Supra turbo motors into those…never really tempted me, though since I’d prefer AWD with that kind of power.
Those days are over.
“Prices will never be this low again”
Yeah, right.
“And with no one expecting the government to offer a repeat of the Clunkers program, get ready for fewer discounts on your next car.
“This may be as good as it gets, and get used to it,” says Jeff Schuster, the executive director of forecasting for J.D. Power and Associates.”
“But this year, the government is on the sidelines, and so are many buyers.”
You do not have to be a free market enthusiast to know that a lack of interest in auto purchases will yield further discounts.
“What does this mean for our markets/economy?”
That always seems to be the central question. I wish that We the People - as individuals and collectively - had a fuller concept of ourselves and our purpose on this planet, other than being mere atomized economic/consumption units in a global Keynesian marketplace.
Right on, Sammy. And I’d like to add to your mini-rant yesterday about voters. It may have been said by others, but I’m sick of the lousy choices present to us by the two halves of the same party. Vote for sh*t, or sh*t on toast. This two party machine needs to be retired, and something else take its place. It’s even worse than that, here in Fla, I have a choice between three Senatorial candidates, NONE of which appeal to me in any way, shape or form.
Thanks for the support, Palmetto. Good to know that among the lobotomized masses there are still a few capable of independent and original thought, who refuse to go along with the corporatist-staged Republicrat puppet show.
Meanwhile, our champion of hope ‘n change is getting ready to embark on another “stimulus” spending spree. When oh when is responsible adult leadership going to appear to cut up the national credit card?
When oh when is responsible adult leadership going to appear to cut up the national credit card?
As soon as
1. Somebody puts a stop to the globalized race-to-the-bottom business model that capitalism has turned into.
2. Somebody takes the job-lock out of health care, allowing budding entrepreneurs and near-retirees to leave the workforce and free up jobs for the next gen.
3. Somebody crashes house prices so that money goes towards goods and services rather than to the useless black hole of interest payments.
4. Lemmings stop voting for more of the same. You know who you are.
” Lemmings stop voting for more of the same. You know who you are.”
It will be hard to get the lemmings to stop voting for tweedle-dee or tweedle-dum, and even harder to get them to understand that there is no significant difference between the two. Obama’s “Healthcare Reform” was no more radical than Bush’s Medicare prescription program.
Somebody takes the job-lock out of health care, allowing budding entrepreneurs and near-retirees to leave the workforce and free up jobs for the next gen.
Here’s a long-distance high five for ya, oxice!
It’s nice to say “elect new people,” but how do you go about electing ALL new people, especially 60 like-minded — regardless of which mind — Senators? Don’t forget that Dems were 3-4 votes shy of a public option.
The only way I’ve seen it happen is slowly, over generations.
I may be changing my opinion of “Ol’ Stinky.” He knows that TV and the media are full of it so he isolates his daughters from the snakeheads.
[From the article]
“Both girls play the piano; Malia also plays the flute.
_Sasha likes to dance hip-hop. The girls also are working on their tennis game.
_They are not allowed to watch TV during the week, and weekend viewing is limited.
_The girls can only use the computer during the week if they need to for school assignments.”
Part of the problem is that when people vote for a given party - a large part of the reason is because they’re voting against the other party. A lot of people will vote for a major party for this reason even if their ideals more closely match a third party.
I blame Ross Perot and Ralph Nader.
My apologies to oxide. (I misspelled your name.)
Comment by oxide
2010-08-31 06:37:44
When oh when is responsible adult leadership going to appear to cut up the national credit card?
As soon as
1. Somebody puts a stop to the globalized race-to-the-bottom business model that capitalism has turned into.
2. Somebody takes the job-lock out of health care, allowing budding entrepreneurs and near-retirees to leave the workforce and free up jobs for the next gen.
3. Somebody crashes house prices so that money goes towards goods and services rather than to the useless black hole of interest payments.
You nailed it, oxide!
Next year when the Republicans take over the House. We are about to enter a new age because Big Govt is going to be forced to cut back on spending. Please note that I know the Repubs are barely better than the Dems, but they will be in charge when the cut backs are forced on them.
“Please note that I know the Repubs are barely better than the Dems, but they will be in charge when the cut backs are forced on them.”
I’m sure they will find a way to continue kicking the can down the road.
Republicans take over the House ?
And the Senate I hope…
I’m not sure they will. It seems our corporate-government complex has become expert at feathering their own nests by exporting “real” jobs and covering the job losses with bubble jobs. (Clinton is not blameless here, but he had the luxury of a booming Internet). The bubble jobs pop with the bubble, just in time to blame it on new Dems.
I’m almost hoping that the Republicans take the House and Senate for a couple years. If they can find a way to bring back REAL jobs and cut spending at the same time, I’m all for it. But unless conservatives find another bubble to inflate,* they too will “own” their very own Depression. Then watch out in 2012. Not only will you get Obama again, you’ll get an even larger army of liberals in Congress.
*The only bubble I can think of to top the debt/housing bubble is another war. And Repubs in Congress can’t inflate a new war bubble without a President to declare a new war.
they too will “own” their very own Depression?
I agree and my hope is that the moderates will drop all the forced dogma and try to find the middle ground for the benefit of the “whole” country….
watch out in 2012. Not only will you get Obama again, you’ll get an even larger army of liberals ??
I don’t think so…I think Obama is a one term President…He (and the country) have achieved their biggest objective…The ability of, and the willingness to elect a Black President…The oppressed black man (Sharpton/Jackson) just does not hunt anymore…
I am hoping that we will see a run right up the middle…I like Bloomberg and he will do it if he is convinced he can win……
Republicans take over the House ?
And the Senate I hope…
They recently had control for 8 years and you think they did a good job?
No…They did a horrible job…
I may be changing my opinion of “Old Stinky.” Seems he knows the media is a head of snakes and doesn’t want his kids exposed to them. Who knew he was a closet conservative?
[from the article]
“-Both girls play the piano; Malia also plays the flute.
-Sasha likes to dance hip-hop. The girls also are working on their tennis game.
-They are not allowed to watch TV during the week, and weekend viewing is limited.
-The girls can only use the computer during the week if they need to for school assignments.”
Sounds like a typical white family from hedge fund heaven……Greenwich CT.
Both girls play the piano; Malia also plays the flute.
Sounds like a typical white family from hedge fund heaven……Greenwich CT.
So, in my capacity as a music auditioner for our community radio station, I want to know…
When do they cut their first CD?
And, be forewarned, kids. I’m a tough judge. Matter of fact, I just panned a Sonic Youth CD.
I pan most of the crap that comes out today…Ive never seen so many wussie white “rock” bands…or maybe its geek rock, those whiny screechy guys and little girlies with their PIEannohz
I mean at least Eminem has passion, I like the way you lie…is a very rough great song I also like Avril Lavinge, and Pink
Passion is what is lacking in most of the “music” today it’s just prepackaged assembly line McMusic.
Totally agree with you, aNYCdj.
Thanks that’s why i like Zydeco Music…people play with passion, they sweat and have a good time…click on my handle
+1. Well said.
I’m sick of the lousy choices present to us by the two halves of the same party. Vote for sh*t, or sh*t on toast.
I agree we need a third party but also:
I think everyone should be able to vote in the primaries of BOTH parties. That way we’d get candidates on both sides more to the center of the political spectrum instead of the extremes which have no desire to work together.
I agree Rio…..
That can also backfire. Some states do allow anyone to vote in primaries. Rush Limbaugh encouraged republicans in at least one state to vote for Hilary because conservatives figured that Hilary would be easier to beat than Obama.
Rush Limbaugh encouraged republicans in at least one state to vote for Hilary ??
But there-in lies the possible solution because it works the same going back the other way…The left would cross over and nominate Palin or Beck or the Loony bird senator in Minn…I think that was Rio’s point…It forces both parties to nominate candidates that appeal to a broader group particularly the middle…
That can also backfire.
I know, but sometimes a perceived backfire can backfire.
The left would cross over and nominate Palin or Beck or the Loony bird senator in Minn…
Wait a minute, both loony bird senators from Minn ARE lefties. No crossover required.
wish that We the People - as individuals and collectively - had a fuller concept of ourselves and our purpose on this planet, other than being mere atomized economic/consumption units in a global Keynesian marketplace.
It’s called “compartmentalization” and we became the masters of it in WWII.
Like the technology that was transfered back into the civilian sectors after WWII, so were much of the social sciences.
…everyone avoids me like a cyclone ranger…
Check out how closely the nikkei avg during the beginning of Japan’s downturn aligns with the S&P avg since we started our decline. Spooky.
If U.S. Is Japan, Sell Stocks and Buy Bonds!
Posted Aug 30, 2010 02:45pm EDT by Peter Gorenstein
Tech Ticker Yahoo
If the U.S. is the next Japan, the stock market is not the place to put your money, especially right now. As Joe Weisenthal points out in the clip and in a recent column, we may be due for another market crash based on the work of Doug Short and his “Real” Mega Bears chart.
“It’s kind of frightening right now. If you were to line it up perfectly, the Nikkei would indicate that we’re in for another big decline,” he tells Henry.
The U.S. is looking a lot like Japan on the policy front as well. More than 20 years into its prolonged economic malaise, the Japanese government is still looking for ways to kick-start the economy. The latest policy announcement came overnight, but did little to excite global investors.
In terms of policy response, Weisenthal argues the U.S. is following in Japan’s footsteps. “It’s very similar to pretend, extend and pretend — try to ease the currency as much as possible, interest rates basically going to zero and staying here permanently. Meanwhile, the bonds continue to rally beyond anyone’s expectations in light of the massive public debt.”
That last point is key. Rather than worry about a bond market bubble, it might be wise for investors to buy U.S. debt, he says. “We talk about how eye-popping it is that our 10-year yield is 2.6% right now, but Japan — which arguably started this process 10 years earlier than we did — their bonds are trading at 1%.”
cyclone ranger
According to the lyrics on their anthology album, it’s actually “psyched lone ranger”…
Do the Japanese have a PPT?
psyched lone ranger
Hmm. That does make a bit more sense.
Fun stuff! I love that song (still). Kind of in the same genre of “My Sherona”
Do the Japanese have a PPT?
The Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIT) along with the Ministry of Commerce.
Except one thing - Japan is very much an export economy. We very much are not.
That makes all the difference in the world. As of 2009 Japan had $510 Billion more (net) flowing into the country than we do. (+130B current account balance vs. U.S. at -380B)
Thus IMO Gorenstein’s point is completely invalid.
Does being the world’s reserve currency (at least for the time being) alter the export deficiency?
And besides all that, follow the ‘link’- it’s amazing how similarly the two indices have behaved. Even if it signifies nothing.
Does being the world’s reserve currency (at least for the time being) alter the export deficiency?
Yes, very much so; in addition of course to just the size of the U.S. I think it’s the main reason however that our bond rates aren’t much higher than they are. If you look at other countries that have similar deficit and debt levels, but also have trade deficits - they pay way more for their bonds. E.g. the PIIGS.
That being said - interestingly - an exception is France. FWIW - I think they’ll be a country to watch over the next few years. They’re a big import economy as well, and also have a big debt like the U.S. However their bond rates are similar to the U.S. - e.g. the 10-year is at 2.5%. Of course they’re a much bigger economy than the PIIGS.
Countering that,
what resources does Japan have? Not as much square miles, no shale, and so on. Its best resources is its industrious people and its geishas (well - geishas important to me…).
America is different from Japan and all bets are off (regarding whether we repeat the 20 year depression that Japan had) Japan is RACIST. There - I fixed my political correctness for xenophobic…If America is so racist it would have no problem with illegals here and O.J. would not have had Nicole to use as a pincushion. That type of stuff. America has a constitution that still respects more individual liberty than Japan. Japanese are great at making existing things better. They are not so great at developing new things. Copycat monopolies win in Asia. However I have an affection for asian women (a weakness)…
Gold Poised for Biggest Monthly Advance Since April on Investment Demand
Gold is set for the biggest monthly advance since April as signs that the global economic recovery may be faltering prompt investors to boost their holdings to try to preserve their wealth.
Gold for immediate delivery was little changed at $1,236.20 an ounce at 12:56 p.m. in Singapore, climbing 4.7 percent this month.
“Driven by stronger investor interest, gold prices have made significant gains lately,” Eugen Weinberg, head of commodity research at Commerzbank AG, wrote in a report. “As long as weak economic data releases continue, investor interest should remain high.”
Analysts have raised 2011 forecasts for gold more than for any other precious metal in the past two months, predicting a 10th annual gain, data compiled by Bloomberg show. Gold may rise as high as $1,500 next year, according to the median estimate in a Bloomberg survey of 29 analysts, traders and investors.
“Poised for a big advance”. Well - even as gold proponent, I really don’t like to hear that kind of talk. Sounds familiar…
They’re not makin’ any more gold.
Gold is working off of a totally new economic model than any of us have ever experienced in the past.
Desperate Consumers Stop Paying Mortgages in Order to Pay Credit Cards
Posted 6:00 PM 08/26/10
Normally, it would be considered a positive sign that people are reducing their credit card debt load. But a series of statistical releases this week confirms an ominous new trend among desperate consumers: They have stopped paying their mortgages but are continuing to pay off their credit cards so they can continue to buy staples, like food.
“It’s a reversal of tradition,” says Jordan E. Goodman, a consumer finance expert and author of Master Your Debt: Slash Your Monthly Payments and Become Debt Free. “People used to pay their mortgages first and let their credit cards slide. But I’m hearing more and more that people are paying their credit cards first because they are going to lose their house anyway and they want to keep their credit card lines open.” - 89k
Kick them out of the houses and let them hold a credit card over their heads when it rains.
and when they die…(after they get stiff)…you can just pound them straight into the ground and use their visas as a tombstones.
Interesting. So now I’m wondering, which would be better:
A. Shadow squat and lose house. Use saved cash to pay credit cards to keep credit line open.
B. Shadow squat and lose house. Stash saved cash. Declare BK to wipe out unsecured CC debt. Live on stashed cash while rebuilding credit.
I’m assuming this is a non-recourse state, and that the FB is mobile and keeps his job. Option A sounds attractive in the short term because you get to keep credit. However, your hard earned cash goes into the credit card hole where it can’t buy stuff. Option B is more extreme but you use your cash for actual stuff, live within your cash means, and recover the FICO faster. I guess it depends on the BK laws and how much debt you’re in. Isn’t this what the banks were thinking when they wrote/lobbied for the Chap 13 option in the BK law? Is CC debt no longer truly unsecured?
Seems to me that Geithner et al have chosen a Modified A (print cash, then pay credit cards) for the US as a whole, so I guess the sheeple are following suit.
Question - what happens to someone’s credit cards when their house is foreclosed? Are they usually kept open, but perhaps with the lines cut back?
(serious question - I really don’t know)
I was wondering that myself, pack. Up until a couple years ago, CC’s would have invoked the universally hated Universal Default clause in a microsecond. But that was eliminated. I know they can’t change terms on a whim now, but there must be some way to reassess risk. Is there a time limit, like every year? I don’t know, I barely use the card..
Default risk on a cc might go -down- when the holder sheds his/her real estate white elephant.
Hiding away a stash of money through bankruptcy may be a criminal offense.
would having the bank of mom and dad give you $10K to start over…be a cause for reopening a BK?
I guess he could have stashed his loot in his parents or a relatives safe…. and kept a few thous and a few coins to hoodwink the trustee
Federal prosecutors said 69-year-old Donovan Lindhorst of Gresham had about $82,000 in cash, gold bullion and other assets in a home safe that was found during a court-approved inspection by his bankruptcy trustee.
“Hiding away a stash of money through bankruptcy may be a criminal offense.”
May be? It most certainly is! Creditors have a legal right to that stash.
I never did any BK work, but IIRC you are permitted to keep some spare change and a cheap car, etc. Of course a new Mercedes and $100K may raise the judge’s eyebrows.
From the days when Alan Greenspan was an Ayn Rand disciple, before he became part of the problem:
“In the absence of a gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value. If there were, the government would have to make its holding illegal, as was done in the case of gold. If everyone decided, for example, to convert all his bank deposits to silver or copper or any other good and thereafter decline to accept checks as payment for goods, bank deposits would lose their purchasing power and government-created bank credit would be worthless as claims on goods. The financial policy of the welfare state requires that there be no way for the owners of wealth to be able to protect themselves.
This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists’ tirades against gold. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights. If one grasps this, one has no difficulty in understanding the statists’ antagonism toward the gold standard.” — Alan Greenspan, ‘Gold and Economic Freedom’ in 1966.
He was her lifelong friend and supporter. What makes you think he really changed his stripes? If you wanted to bring down the fiat system, you could hardly do more for your cause than he did.
Was Greenspan an objectivist mole, who burrowed his way to the heart of the system, and once there, sowed the poison that may destroy it?
Interesting hypothesis. Though that’d be some serious egg-breaking to cook that omelette!
I doubt it, given that I think there’s still an extremely small chance of us emerging from this mess with a non-fiat monetary system. Rather we’re more likely to emerge with even greater central planning - e.g. on an international level.
“Never attribute to malice that which can adequately be explained by stupidity.”
Yeah, I think Greenie did what most everyone seems to do when their philosophy collides with their ability to make a ton of money and be famous and powerful- he softened his philosophy- a bit- to agree with his new status.
I think Greenspan’s fatal flaw was that he had too much faith in the wisdom and, yes, benevolence of the ‘titans’ of Wall Street- the ‘flaw’ in his theory, as he himself says.
And this is exactly what he shares with Ayn Rand. The naive, romantic belief that the rich and powerful are also, by their very ’superior’ nature, highly moral. When history has shown us again and again that the opposite is true.
And this is exactly what he shares with Ayn Rand. The naive, romantic belief that the rich and powerful are also, by their very ’superior’ nature, highly moral. When history has shown us again and again that the opposite is true.
Disagree. Rand and her followers didn’t believe in the morality of the rich, just in the ability of the free market to limit the power of their immorality.
Rand and her followers didn’t believe in the morality of the rich, just in the ability of the free market to limit the power of their immorality.
Both beliefs FAILED.
And yes, both beliefs had their chance to succeed as much as any rigid, overly simplistic philosophy has a chance to succeed in societies composed of actual human beings, their nature and behavior.
Therein lies those belief’s flaws.
Cripes, have you read her books? (rhetorical question- I know you have) The -only- moral people in them are the big boyz who ‘get things done’, and the women who dig them. The big boyz do what’s right because it’s in their nature, they don’t know any other way to be. Everyone else is, quite literally, a parasite. And that is not even remotely an exaggeration.
And Greenie himself said that believing the big boyz would never risk the destruction of their mighty businesses just for a quick billion or two was the flaw in his theory. He never thought they’d be so…immoral.
It’s not hard to connect the dots.
The -only- moral people in them are the big boyz who ‘get things done’, and the women who dig them. The big boyz do what’s right because it’s in their nature, they don’t know any other way to be. Everyone else is, quite literally, a parasite. And that is not even remotely an exaggeration.
You mean like Orren Boyle? James Taggart? Horace Mowen? Peter Keating? (and others)
Apparently you haven’t read her books. You’re apparently presuming on hearsay, and have no clue what’ you’re talking about.
Ha! Unfortunately for both of us, I have read her horrible books. And I know those characters. Taggert, Mowen, and Keating are all world class schmucks- and parasites. And I can’t remember Boyle, because I don’t think he had much of a role.
Seriously, that’s the best you can come up with? I rest my case.
Keating? As in the Keating 5?!
Seriously, that’s the best you can come up with? I rest my case.
Your case is “guilty as charged”?
OK - accepted.
Ok, I like gold but not as a currency. What I like is a good, strong economy with good, solid regulatory oversight of the financial sector. I certainly do not want the Gov’t in bed with the money pigs. I just don’t think that gold is what it used to be and shouldn’t have ever been. Gold is a commodity.
Fiat currencies are not a bad thing in and of themselves. What makes them bad is the proclivity of governments to debase them as a convenience . This usually occurs after a drunken credit binge like we just had.
My point is this: When people advocate going to a gold standard, the effect is it allows the government to abdicate its responsibilities vis a vis the economy and nation. These responsibilities should prevent the likes of “deficits don’t matter”, “omg! deflation!”, “omg! inflation!”, “omg! austerity!”, LTCM, AIG, subprime, and so on.
So, I want US government and FedRes to fully accept responsibility in the areas they say they have control over. We need adults in charge of this and not infantile, testosterone filled, teenaged 50 year olds who won’t see and address real issues when they arise. As an example I present Greenspan, Rubin, Summers, Clinton, Bush, etc.
Now, if only I could find my unicorn and the fairy I lost last week….
Fiat currencies are not a bad thing in and of themselves. What makes them bad is the proclivity of governments to debase them as a convenience.
Problem is that the very purpose of a fiat currency is debasement. Why else would one create one? It isn’t for convenience, since that objective can be achieved via commodity-backed paper/electronic money.
So that’s a bit like stating “I don’t mind football stadiums; it’s just the sport of football I don’t like”.
Fiat currencies are made to expand when the economy expands. This is considerably different from debasing the currency. If there is a currency that is partially backed by a fixed amount of gold by mass, then the amount of money is basically fixed no matter how large the economy gets. You then have a natural limit on economic expansion. We would be in permanent recession and perhaps a permanent depression.
See, the economy is supposed to be able to expand when new products and technologies are introduced. It is also supposed to expand when the population increases… and it can contract when appropriate, also. The problem arises when currencies are viewed as being there to assist or completely solve economic and/or financial excesses through debasement. Like we have today. I’m pretty sure this is what you are objecting to.
I just can’t see how backing with gold would work. This is why I can’t get my head around what Ron Paul is propounding. It doesn’t make sense.
Very good post, ACH.
Case-Shiller data shows 4.5% increase in home prices.
Crisis is over! That was close.
Flippin is back!
Clearly the housing market has recovered, as evidenced by solid gains in the S&P/Case-Shiller Index measure of home prices. It is high time for Uncle Sam to remove the feeding tubes, in order to allow the market to stand on its own two feet and run along side the bulls of Pamplona once again.
US home prices up in June, Q2 - S&P/Case-Shiller
Tuesday August 31, 2010 05:00:13 PM GMT
Reuters News Bookmark and Share
NEW YORK, Aug 31 (Reuters) - Prices of U.S. single-family homes gained more than expected in June and rose in the second quarter, reflecting the lingering boost from homebuyer tax credits that ended in April, Standard & Poor’s/Case Shiller home price indexes showed on Tuesday.
The S&P/Case Shiller composite index of 20 metropolitan areas rose 0.3 percent in June from May on a seasonally adjusted basis. The rise was better than the 0.2 percent increase expected by economists polled by Reuters, though slower than the 0.5 percent rise in May.
Unadjusted, the 20-city index gained 1 percent following May’s 1.3 percent jump.
I stated the other day - the really interesting data will be starting in July. (i.e. data to come out a month from now) June is meaningless, given that it was artificially-fed.
Its ALL arificially fed. Lets see the data the month after the FED quits buying treasuries and sells all of its worthless MBS. Every current statistic is fake and skewed. The whole thing is an enormous joke.
Gotta love the bull getting up in the crowd- reminds me of the legendary Boston Bruins crowd fight:
I had to LOL at the notion yesterday that Nazi Germany was not socialist. I didn’t weight in on it them, but will do so now. As a basis for discussion, here’s what Wikipedia says regarding the Nazi economy. If this isn’t socialism, then I’d like for someone to clarify exactly what is.
Also note some very… interesting… points I’ve highlighted.
In keeping with the political syncretism of fascism, the Nazi war economy was a mixed economy of free-market and central-planning practices; historian Richard Overy reports: “The German economy fell between two stools. It was not enough of a command economy to do what the Soviet system could do; yet it was not capitalist enough to rely, as America did, on the recruitment of private enterprise.”[41]
20 Reichsmark note
When the Nazis assumed German government, their most pressing economic matter was a national unemployment rate of approximately 30 per cent;[42] at the start, Third Reich economic policies were the brainchildren of the economist Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, President of the Reichsbank (1933) and Minister of Economics (1934), who helped Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler implement Nazi redevelopment, reindustrialization, and rearmament of Germany; formerly, he had been Weimar Republic currency commissioner and Reichsbank president.[42] As Economics Minister, Schacht was one of few ministers who took advantage of the administrative freedom allowed by the removal of the Reichsmark from the gold standard—to maintain low interest rates, and high government deficits; the extensive, national public works, reducing the unemployment, were deficit-funded policy.[42] The consequence of Economics Minister Schacht’s administration was the extremely rapid unemployment-rate decline, the greatest of any country during the Great Depression.[42] Eventually, this Keynesian economic policy was supplemented by the increased production demands of rearmament, inflating military budgets, and increasing government spending; the 100,000-soldier Reichswehr expanded to millions, and renamed as the Wehrmacht in 1936.[42]
Polish-forced-workers’ badge
OST-Arbeiter badge
While the strict state intervention into the economy, and the massive rearmament policy, almost led to full employment during the 1930s (statistics didn’t include non-citizens or women), real wages in Germany dropped by roughly 25% between 1933 and 1938.[43] Trade unions were abolished, as well as collective bargaining and the right to strike.[44] The right to quit also disappeared: Labour books were introduced in 1935, and required the consent of the previous employer in order to be hired for another job.[44]
Nazi control of business retained a diminished investment profit-incentive, controlled with economic regulation concording a company’s functioning with the Reich’s national production requirements. Government financing eventually dominated private investment; in the 1933–34 biennium, the proportion of private securities issued diminished from more than 50 per cent of the total, to approximately 10 per cent in the 1935–38 quadrennium. Heavy profit taxes limited self-financing companies, and the largest companies (usually government contractors) mostly were exempted from paying taxes on profits—in practice, however, government control allowed “only the shell of private ownership” in the Third Reich economy.[45]
In 1937, Hermann Göring replaced Schacht as Minister of Economics, and introduced the Four Year Plan that would establish German self-sufficiency for war—within four years—by curtailing foreign importations; fixing wages and prices (violators merited concentration-camp internment); stock dividends were restricted to six per cent on book capital, et cetera. Strategic goals were to be achieved regardless of cost (as in Soviet economics): thus the rapid construction of synthetic-rubber factories, steel mills, automatic textile mills, et cetera.[42]
The Four-Year Plan is discussed in the German-expansion Hossbach Memorandum (5 November 1937) meeting-summary of Hitler and his military and foreign policy leaders planning aggressive war. Nevertheless, when Nazi Germany started the Second World War, in September 1939, the Four Year Plan’s expiry was not until 1940; to control the Reich economy, Economics Minister Göring had established the Office of the Four Year Plan. In 1942, the increased burdens of the war, and the accidental aeroplane-crash death of Reichsminister Fritz Todt, placed Albert Speer in economics ministry command; he then established a war economy in Nazi Germany, which required the large-scale employment of forced labourers. To supply the Third Reich economy with slaves, the Nazis abducted some 12 million people, from some 20 European countries; approximately 75 per cent were Eastern European.[46]
Obviously there’s a huge war/military component in there, that doesn’t exist in most socialist economies today. Also the German control over companies was greater than many socialist countries of today - to the point of outlawing unions.
The main point being this - the notion that the Nazi economy even remotely resembled a “free market” economy is utterly, utterly ludicrous. To suggest otherwise is beyond revisionist - it’s either stupidity or lying.
That being the case, we still have revisit the “socialism” component. Was it as such? Looking at the definition (from
1. a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.
2. procedure or practice in accordance with this theory.
3. (in Marxist theory) the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles
And referring back to the Wikipedia text:
“in practice, however, government control allowed “only the shell of private ownership” in the Third Reich economy”
Social organization = Nazi government: check
Ownership of means of production and distribution: check
Control of means of production and distribution: check
Sounds a lot like socialism to me.
I have to disagree with you on this one pacman.
Ownership of the means of production was not vested in the community as a whole (para 1), it was seized by the Nazi party for their warmongering efforts. Socialism can’t exist in a dictatorship.
I pretty much see “warmongering” as just one form of “vesting in the community”, so don’t draw such a distinction.
Either way it’s a centrally-planned and controlled economy.
An’ here there seem to be so many socialist dictatorships.
Hitler and the Nazi’s were far right, even more than Glen Beck, Mel Gibson and Rush Limbaugh.
Here’s a long, comprehensive argument with sources:
Myth: Hitler was a leftist.
Fact: Nearly all of Hitler’s beliefs placed him on the far right.
Many conservatives accuse Hitler of being a leftist, on the grounds that his party was named “National Socialist.” But socialism requires worker ownership and control of the means of production. In Nazi Germany, private capitalist individuals owned the means of production, and they in turn were frequently controlled by the Nazi party and state.
True socialism does not advocate such economic dictatorship — it can only be democratic. Hitler’s other political beliefs place him almost always on the far right.
He advocated racism over racial tolerance, eugenics over freedom of reproduction, merit over equality, competition over cooperation, power politics and militarism over pacifism, dictatorship over democracy, capitalism over Marxism, realism over idealism, nationalism over internationalism, exclusiveness over inclusiveness, common sense over theory or science, pragmatism over principle, and even held friendly relations with the Church, even though he was an atheist.
Fact:Opinion: Nearly all of Hitler’s beliefs placed him on the far right.If one defines “right” as “state control”, then yes, Hitler’s beliefs did place him on the far right, and you can place me for one firmly in the left camp.
And I hold him personally responsible for the death of one of my cousins. (She was killed during the London Blitz.)
Socialism can’t exist in a dictatorship.
Very wrong. Dictatorship is a political system. Socialism is an economic system. Then can, and very often have, coincided.
It looks like we have different ideas about what socialism is. Here’s some other definitions:
From Encarta: “1. political system of communal ownership: a political theory or system in which the means of production and distribution are controlled by the people and operated according to equity and fairness rather than market principles.”
Me - Hitler certainly wasn’t ‘the people’. Equity and fairness wasn’t a factor.
From Wikipedia: “Socialism is an economic and political theory advocating public or common ownership and cooperative management of the means of production and allocation of resources.[1][2][3]
In a socialist economic system, production is carried out by a free association of workers to directly maximize use-values (instead of indirectly producing use-value through maximizing exchange-values), through coordinated planning of investment decisions, distribution of surplus, and the means of production.”
Me - Dictatorships aren’t about cooperative management. Nazi Germany wasn’t a free association of workers.
By contrast there is Fascism (Wikipedia):
“Fascism (pronounced /ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a radical and authoritarian nationalist political ideology.[1][2][3][4] Fascists seek to organize a nation according to corporatist perspectives, values, and systems, including the political system and the economy.[5][6] Fascism was originally founded by Italian national syndicalists in World War I who combined left-wing and right-wing political views, but it gravitated to the political right in the early 1920s.[7][8] Scholars generally consider fascism to be on the far right of the conventional left-right political spectrum.[9][10][11][12][13][14"
Me - The current day 'socialist' nations are not in fact socialist, they are fascist. Hitler was a fascist, not a socialist. You're focussing too much on the economics of socialism and ignoring the social aspect of socialism. The definition of socialism can be stretched to describe Nazi Germany, but fascism fits to a tee.
Think about it. Socialism is about capital being held by the people. In dictatorships, the government doesn’t represent the people. They are mutually exclusive. Dictatorship + government control of capital = totalitarianism.
I did a couple of other posts, but they’re not coming through.
Socialism is about capital being held by the people.
No it’s not. Socialism is capital being held by “the public”, or “common ownership” (as per definition). Don’t confuse that with “the people”.
The only way to achieve public or common ownership is through the government.
The key difference is whether you view “the people” as being a single unit - a collection, vs. being a term for just humans.
The problem with viewing them as a single unit is - there’s a premise of common interests. That’s a bad premise. My interests and your interests may not be the same. Thus I may not want my capital to be allocated in the same way you want your capital to be allocated. Thus it’s not appropriate for a single entity - the government - to decide collectively how our capital is allocated.
What we have is Animal Farm
In Communism everyone works for the collective 100%. Those who manage the collective have immense power. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts abolutely.
What starts out as we are all brothers becomes some animals are superior to others. See China and Russia as examples.
Many view socialism as the same as communism,and conflate the issues of governance and economic systems. I suspect some of this is by design. See Fox News for examples.
Currently Europe is considered socialist yet retains a significant degree of capitalism in their economic systems and retains democracy in their governance.
Like I said if you go far enough to the right or the left you end up with dictators that are hard to distinguish.
The right path to dictatorship starts with progressive poverty leading to tighter control by government. The gov uses the gov, military and MSM to preserve the weath of the elite.
The left path to dictatorship starts with poverty leading to the gov seizing assetts in the name of wealth distribution. Usually this distribution is to another group of self proclaimed elite. The poor are kept in check with trinkets, and propaganda and eventually the military as well.
It’s not so much about everybody agreeing or common interest, but about who has control. With an elected government the public has some level of control of elected officials (not so great right now), and thus control of the capital. While not everybody will agree with decisions made, they at least have the ability voice their opinion. In a dictatorship the public has no power, the government is not representative, and thus ownership is not vested.
BTW, If I’m not mistaken you equate socialism with centrally controlled economy 100%. A centrally controlled economy is both necessary and sufficient to identify a nation as socialist. I do agree that, for the most part, Nazi Germany had a centrally controlled economy.
But I believe that for a system to be socialist, the public has to have a measure of control. Without public control the system is totalitarian or fascist, either of which is a better description of Nazi Germany.
It looks like we’re just disagreeing on the definition of socialism.
Fair enough Al - to a great extent you’re right in that distinction of elected vs. non-elected. However let’s not forget that Hitler actually was elected into power (though he effectively nullified further elections). So the people did choose him.
Also I would state that what we have today isn’t really free elections either, when we are essentially given a Hobson’s Choice of two candidates both mostly controlled by the same powers.
That being the case - back to Beck - if the key distinction of Nazism is non-elected dictatorship - It’d be good if someone to please provide a sound byte where Beck has proposed such a thing.
from the Holocaust Encyclopedia:
“Among the earliest victims of discrimination and persecution in Nazi Germany were political opponents — primarily Communists, Socialists, Social Democrats, and trade union leaders.”
I guess the Nazis were persecuting themselves? Seriously, read some history books. The nazis despised the socialists, despite having a similar name.
But I believe that for a system to be socialist, the public has to have a measure of control.
What if the control is technically there, but illusory? (i.e. elections but with no real choice - e.g. as we see blatantly in places like Venezuela, but also more subtly in many other countries - arguably including the U.S.)
I wasn’t arguing Beck’s point; I didn’t get a chance to look at yesterday’s B&B. Just my own opinions on the nature of Nazi Germany. Personally I think socialism has gotten a bad wrap due to dictators claiming they are socialists. It has adequate flaws of it’s own.
I do agree with you on illusory vs real control being material. USSR had elections, but there were no choices and the public had no voice on how government was managed. The voice is key. So by my definition USSR was neither socialist nor communist.
The passage of the TARP is scary for the US. It was so clear that people didn’t want that piece of crap passed and was even shot down the first time. That was a clear indication that the government is shifting away from it’s representative role.
I’ll have to have a look at Beck’s work. Could be the same conclusion for different reasons.
The passage of the TARP is scary for the US. It was so clear that people didn’t want that piece of crap passed and was even shot down the first time. That was a clear indication that the government is shifting away from it’s representative role.
BINGO which is why my vote and dollars will only support candidates that voted not on TARP 1 and TARP2
Russ Feingold being among them.
I like your arguments, Al.
One major branch of the Nazi party really believed in the “socialist” part of the national-socialist-german-worker’s-party. They centered around chief brown-shirt Ernst Rohm and Goebbels. Hitler had their ringleaders killed of in a purge although Goebbels wisely clung to Hitler and thereby saved his neck. The rank and file party members quickly fell in with the “party line”.
If you listen to the Fauxbamunnists, you’ d think the National Socialist Workers Party has morphed into Republicans…or Rotary.
Delude yourselves… please.
Fascism/Corporatism is the furthest thing from socialism as you can get.
The facts are that the Nazi’s rounded up, locked up and executed communists and socialist internally during the entire regime and fought communists and socialists on the eastern front.
So… friggin… what.
Your premise is that some entity can’t conflict with another entity with shared characteristics. By that logic - if someone kills a person then that means they’re not a person. Or if someone kills a gang-banger then they must not be in a gang themselves. Etc. etc.
Bad logic.
And Stalin liquidated the Trotskyites and Old Bolsheviks. What’s your point?
I’ll answer when you tell us why you’re hiding.
The National Socialist Workers Party of Germany, otherwise known as the Nazi Party, was indeed socialist, and it had a lot in common with the modern left. Hitler preached class warfare, agitating the working class to resist “exploitation” by capitalists — particularly Jewish capitalists, of course. Their program called for the nationalization of education, health care, transportation, and other major industries. They instituted and vigorously enforced a strict gun control regimen. They encouraged pornography, illegitimacy, and abortion, and they denounced Christians as right-wing fanatics. Yet a popular myth persists that the Nazis themselves were right-wing extremists. This insidious lie biases the entire political landscape, and the time has come to expose it.
If Obama is the new hitler, then why is it that the republicans are the ones whipping up hate against a minority religious group?
If you are referring to the mosque 2 blocks from the World Trade Center Buildings, I don`t think anyone is
“whipping up hate against a minority religious group” I just think a lot of people remember the pictures of those people who worked in the towers whose only escape from burning jet fuel was jumping to a certain death, and if you watched one 9/11 documentary I did, the look on the rescue workers face as they listened to the sound of the bodies hitting above them where they were staging to go up into the towers on their rescue mission that ended in death for many of them and the workers they were trying to reach as the towers came down. I will never forget the words of Mohamed Atta: We Have Some Planes. There are a lot of sounds and pictures of that day that many Americans will never forget. I don`t remember any tremendous hate of the Muslim religion but common sense should tell anyone a mosque 2 blocks from Ground 0 named “Cordoba Initiative” is not a good idea.
Cordoba is a city in Spain. During the time of the Crusades it was one of Spain’s
greatest cultural centers. The Moors, which were a group of Muslims from North Africa invaded Spain beheading all infidels (non-Muslim believers), captured Cordoba, converted it to their city and turned the city’s well known Catholic cathedral into a mosque.
When us New Yorkers need your help and opinions, we’ll call on you all… mmmmmkay?
Born and raised in Greenwich, family still there. I knew people in those towers. Since when are people from Vermont, New Yorkers anyway?
Since when is Greenwich in NY? Good grief.
You are right it`s not NY, but it borders NY and many of its residents and my friends and neighbors take that 37 minute train ride into Manhattan. The same train I took countless times for Ranger games, concerts etc. Always drove to Mets games, Laguardia etc. easier and quicker. But if you want me to keep my opinions to myself, I will. I will just tell all of the people I know back home who are of the same opinion, I have to keep mine to myself. But when they need my help, whether they live in Greenwich, Westchester or Norwalk, they are still going to get it.
Greenwich is a town in Fairfield County, Connecticut, United States. As of the 2000 census, the town had a total population of 61,101. Greenwich is the southernmost and westernmost municipality in Connecticut and is 37+ minutes by train from Grand Central Terminal in Manhattan. The town is bordered to the west and north by Westchester County, New York, to the east by the city of Stamford, and to the south by Long Island Sound.
I’m certain Greenwich, CT residents don’t need anyone in FL to speak for them…. they’re quite capable. Not that they have much say in it anyways.
Soon after their takeover of power in Germany, the Nazi government resumed talks with the Holy See concerning the establishment of a concordat. Previously, concordats, regulating the relation between the Catholic Church and the state, had been established in Bavaria (1924), Prussia (1929) and Baden (1932), but talks had failed on a federal level for several reasons. The Reichskonkordat was signed on July 20, 1933.
Like the idea of the Reichskonkordat, the notion of a Protestant Reich Church, which would unify the Protestant Churches, also had been considered previously.[19] Hitler had discussed the matter as early as 1927 with Ludwig Müller, who was at that time the military chaplain of Königsberg
During the First and Second World War, German leaders used the writings of Luther to support the cause of German nationalism.[20] At the 450th anniversary of Luther’s birth, which took place only a few months after the Nazi seizure of power in 1933, there were celebrations conducted on a large scale both by the Protestant Churches and the Nazi Party.[21] At a celebration at Königsberg (which after 1945 became Kaliningrad) Erich Koch, at that time Gauleiter of East Prussia, made a speech which, among other things, compared Adolf Hitler and Martin Luther and claimed that the Nazis fought with Luther’s spirit.[21] Such a speech might be dismissed as mere propaganda,[21] but, as Steigmann-Gall points out: “Contemporaries regarded Koch as a bona fide Christian who had attained his position [of the elected president of a provincial Church synod] through a genuine commitment to Protestantism and its institutions.”[
The German Christians, (Deutsche Christen) constituted the strongest Protestant movement in Germany after the 1932 Church elections, with the aim of synthesising Christianity with the ideology of National Socialism. There were various groups within the Deutsche Christen, some more radical than others, but united in the goal of establishing a national socialist Protestantism [27] Deutsche Christen abolished what they considered to be Jewish traditions in Christianity, and some but not all rejected the Old Testament altogether. They rejected academic theology as sterile and not populist enough and were often anti-Catholic. On November 1933, A Protestant mass rally of the Deutsche Christen, which brought together a record 20,000 people, passed three resolutions
Hitler wanted unity of faith. He hated some groups but didn’t mind the idea of using religion to unify the people. To say that he was anti Christian is a joke. Most religions denagrate other faiths that are different. He just took it to the extrememe.
So your are saying the 10,000 priests he sent to the gas chambers, the replacing of Christmas /Easter /Wedding /Baptism with Nazi pagan ceremonies and replacing Christmas songs with Nazi based songs don’t count?
And the raising of three Muslim Waffen SS divisions was “unity of the faith?”
When you read how the Nazis treated Christianity - it sounds so much of what we see today. The Nazis and they weren’t Republicans, or “right wing”, or “patriots” or “militias”. They were Socialist monsters.
“Under National Socialism,” one order observes, “Yule has regained its ancient traditional character of Winter solstice rejoicings. “Our Germanic forefathers celebrated Yule, which is older than Christ and which Christendom borrowed from the Germanic prototype.”
In several cities members of girls’ Hitler organizations have indicated that they will sing no more Christmas carols. Other orders are to the effect that the place for religious Christmas exercises is in church and must “on no account be introduced into community celebrations.”
Christmas plays must not be performed in schools. Instead, reversion to the old custom of presenting dramatic versions of ancient legends bearing on the battle between light and darkness, good and evil, is recommended, with full allowance for old local customs.
New York Times archives | 12/18/38 | Associated Press
He used religion like a tool.
He used it to take control of capital and industry by destroying the Jews.
He used it to solidify the population. He did this by removing the parts that he thought jewish and trying to merge it with Nazi ism. Like I said every religion denagrates non believers he just took it too the extreme, because at heart he was a dictator and used any lever he could to maximize his power and destroyed any powerbase that might be used against him.
It’s a moot point though as socialism does not mandate the destruction of religion. I believe if you travel through Europe you will find plenty of Christians practicing freely.
I wonder if the Jews think Hitler was a Socialist. I know they don’t like the right’s attempt to re-write history.
Jewish Groups Assail Nazi Comparisons Made by Conservatives in Health Care Debate
The American Jewish Congress issued a statement, “The Limbaugh comments comparing Obama (and Pelosi) to Hitler and the Nazis are grossly offensive and intolerable. They reflect a nasty and hyperbolic tendency on our political culture, one which makes reasoned discourse impossible, confuses disagreement with evil, and which makes it impossible to distinguish evil from ordinary politics. … It behooves all participants in the political process to unequivocally disavow the comparison and to make it plain that peddlers of such noxious comparison have no place in our politics, no matter how large their audiences. And all Americans should make plain their disgust at the comparisons by talk show hosts by a prompt use of the off button.”
So the Nazi’s demonized all religions equally and replaced with an angry theology.
That certainly meets the definition of conservative, even by the narrowest measure.
Nazi=Authoritarian, Autocratic
Conservative=Authoritarian, Autocratic
Socialist=decentralized structure, democratic, autonomous
Hitler was a dictator at heart
He seized capital and means of production and handed it to his loyal Nazi business men. This is a dictatorship and facism but not socialism see all of the arguements above.
Gun control is not capitalist or socialist, neither are pornography, illegitimacy or abortion.
He denounced some christians, he wanted unity and used the christian faith to get it. To say he was completely anti christian is a lie. All religions denounce other religions in some degree or another. Only true believers go to heavan don’t you know. He just took it to the extreme.
Sorry those on the far far right. You don’t deserve it but you own it.
Nazism (Nationalsozialismus, National Socialism; alternatively spelled Naziism[1]) was the ideology and practice of the Nazi Party and of Nazi Germany.[2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] It was a unique variety of fascism that involved biological racism and antisemitism.[10] Nazism presented itself as politically syncretic, incorporating policies, tactics and philosophies from right- and left-wing ideologies; in practice, Nazism was a far right form of politics.[11] wiki
Again - it all depends on your definition of “right”. Apparently Fritzsche and Griffin define it as ultimate state control. If so, then most conservatives are lefties.
If so, then most conservatives are lefties.
Conservatives are only against state control when they don’t control the state.
You’re trying to introduce a different spectrum of political beliefs, mises institute- er, I mean, packman. With state control at one end, and personal freedom and democracy at the other. If so, then yes, nazism and communism have a lot in common, and would lie at the same end of the spectrum.
But the traditional spectrum has fascism (absolute rule of a dictator) at one end (the right) and communism (collectivism) at the other (the left). If your point is that most communist leaders are really fascists, then again, I agree with you.
But that puts them both to the far right.
The main point being this - the notion that the Nazi economy even remotely resembled a “free market” economy is utterly, utterly ludicrous. To suggest otherwise is beyond revisionist - it’s either stupidity or lying.
The arguement was not whether the Nazi economy was a “free market” it was whether it’s gov was right wing.
No one argued that the Nazi economy was a “free market”. To suggest otherwise is beyond revisionist-
Socialism - 1. a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.
This def in no way resembles Europe. This definition is more consistent with communism where private ownership of all things is distributed. Europe is called socialist now. They provide health care, manage public transportation, and have progressive taxation, but private ownership of production capital land and for the most part distribution is alive and well.
“”in practice, however, government control allowed “only the shell of private ownership” in the Third Reich economy””
Correction - It allowed private ownership if you were loyal to the Nazi Party and weren’t Jewish etc.
Not a free market
Not current definition of socialism.
Not communism
More of a highly managed economy that benefitted the Nazi party and elite business leaders who supported the Nazi party.
We all know that if you go far enough to the right or the left in terms of government you end up in a similar totalitarian state. People on the left and right often confuse discussions of economic systems with those of systems of gov, which is understandable as there is a lot of overlap.
The arguement was not whether the Nazi economy was a “free market” it was whether it’s gov was right wing.
No one argued that the Nazi economy was a “free market”. To suggest otherwise is beyond revisionist-
Here was the post from yesterday that started it off
“No.. Nazis were liberals.
Beck is conservative
But.. then.. you knew that
Still, the revelation often gives the heavily liberal group a headache, which has merit.”
So I was wrong the arguement was Beck or Liberals more Nazi like.
Liberals - Advocate for minority rights, progressive taxation, health care for all, and a gov that keeps corporate America from crushing the average citizen. That doesn’t sound Nazi like to me.
Beck - Uses fear, nationalism, subtle racism, and religion to get a large group of people to foam at the mouth. That sounds exactly like the Nazi rise to power.
I’ve had enough of this thread.
Why does everything have to be 100% socialism or 100% free market? Can’t there be capitalism for some industries (eg cars), socialism for others (eg the roads they drive on), plus some trustbusting when capitalism turns into corporatism?
Capitalize profits and socialize losses. How is that for a 50/50 balance?
This is already the case.
Why does everything have to be 100% socialism or 100% free market?
Because it’s faster and doesn’t make people’s head hurt.
Why does everything have to be 100% socialism or 100% free market?
I’m not proposing that oxide. I think it’s understood we’re talking in relative terms here.
Here…. parlay this into some self-knowledge, even if ever so slightly.
“Nazism is a politically syncretic variety of fascism, which incorporates policies, tactics and philosophic tenets from left and right-wing politics. Italian fascism and German Nazism reject liberalism, democracy and Marxism. Usually supported by the far right (military, business, Church).”
*Ernst Nolte, German historian and philosopher, Professor Emeritus of Modern History at the Free University of Berlin
Comment by oxide
2010-08-31 10:03:32
I’ve had enough of this thread.
Why does everything have to be 100% socialism or 100% free market? Can’t there be capitalism for some industries (eg cars), socialism for others (eg the roads they drive on), plus some trustbusting when capitalism turns into corporatism?
It’s not nearly as easy to control the masses if they’re allowed to think freely about things. We must always force everyone into easily-identifiable boxes, as it’s easier to convince people to turn against each other when it suits our masters…divide and conquer.
Again the arguement was not was the NAzi system capitalist or socialist.
It was
Is Glen Beck or Liberalism more like the Nazi’s.
Liberalism - supports minority rights, health care for all, the use of gov to keep Corporations from raping the country, open government, . See ACLU always accused of being a liberal orgaization. None of these things are positions of the NAzi’s.
Glen Beck - uses fear, religion, subtle racism, and nationalism to get his flock foaming at the mouth. That sounds much more like the Nazi party.
Wiki- Nationalism
“Nationalism involves a strong identification of a group of individuals with a political entity defined in national terms, i.e. a nation. Often, it is the belief that an ethnic group has a right to statehood,or that citizenship in a state should be limited to one ethnic group”
“National flags, national anthems, and other symbols of national identity are often considered sacred, as if they were religious rather than political symbols. Deep emotions are aroused.”
Flags, bibles, mono-ethnic ideology, etc.
It sure sounds like Backpedalling Beck and his Band of Bigoted Bumpkins.
oops…. I mean to say Harold Hill.
Anyone know why Glenn er…. Harold changed his name?
Introducing…….. The Harold Hill Show! Not to be taken any more seriously than The Benny Hill Show.
Keep your politics to yourself. This is a real estate blog.
Exactly Bulwark.
Packman…. there is no need to start these threads completely unrelated to housing.
Really? And people wonder why this country is in trouble.
ALL credible sources state that the Nazis PRETENDED…“The party’s socialist orientation was basically a demagogic gambit designed to attract support from the working class.”
That their main ideology was “nationalism”, but with a heavy leaning toward fascism and racism.
That after taking control of Germany, they proceeded to persecute the socialists along with EVERYONE who wasn’t a Nazi.
That Hitler’s election was a sham.
Do the required reading FIRST. At least watch the History or Military Channel. Sheesh.
Well this is interesting. A flurry of rumors about the whereabouts of China’s top banker who reportedly may have lost his country a great deal of money. In the PRC “economic crimes” can land you in front of a firing squad, unless of course you have the right connections. So, where’s Waldo?
Top China bank official’s defection rumors quashed
U.S. government officials are throwing cold water on super-heated internal Chinese reports that the head of China’s top bank has defected.
[China ready to end dollar peg - Telegraph]
Stratfor, the global intelligence analysis group, reported Monday that Chinese-language blogs were reporting that Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of the People’s Bank of China, “may have left the country.”
But George Friedman, chief executive officer of Stratfor, said that the swirling rumors, which also accuse Zhou of overseeing a $430 billion loss on U.S. Treasury bonds, have little basis in fact and may instead signify a power struggle in advance of a leadership change in 2012.
“We don’t believe it either,” Friedman told SpyTalk, referring to the alleged $430 billion investment loss. But he added, “I’m less concerned about the number and the specific charges than the politics of a senior banker clearly under attack without the government stepping in and backing him. We really don’t know what it all means, if anything, but the numbers aren’t important.”
According to Stratfor, the rumors were built on a foundation of intrigue.
“The rumors appear to have started following reports on Aug. 28 which cited Ming Pao, a Hong Kong-based news agency, saying that because of an approximately $430 billion loss on U.S. Treasury bonds, the Chinese government may punish some individuals within the PBC, including Zhou,” Stratfor reported.
Pardon my asking, but isn’t the stock market a leading economic indicator of where the macroeconomy is headed?
P.S. This is the first time I have seen a MSM reference to Japan’s “lost decades.”
U.S. May Not Double Dip
Aug. 31, 2010
A growing number of commentators expect the current US slowdown to turn into a double dip. But if, as many of them believe, the US is repeating Japan’s lost decades, a more likely outcome is for very slow growth rather than an actual downturn.
In theory, but it’s so gamed, who can say for sure?
The gaming reflects the stock market’s status as a leading economic indicator. The more it is gamed, the less true its indications. Eventually, with sufficient gaming, it will lead fools the way to losing their fortunes; once the gig is up, the sucker will go down as fast as a share of Enron stock.
Witness the past twenty years’ worth of Nikkei average price dynamics if you want to read the handwriting on the wall.
By JONATHAN J. COOPER, Associated Press Writer Jonathan J. Cooper, Associated Press Writer – Fri Aug 27, 10:57 pm ET
PHOENIX – Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer demanded Friday that a reference to the state’s controversial immigration law be removed from a State Department report to the United Nations’ human rights commissioner.
The U.S. included its legal challenge to the law on a list of ways the federal government is protecting human rights.
In a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Brewer says it is “downright offensive” that a state law would be included in the report, which was drafted as part of a UN review of human rights in all member nations every four years.
“The idea of our own American government submitting the duly enacted laws of a state of the United States to ‘review’ by the United Nations is internationalism run amok and unconstitutional,” Brewer wrote.
Arizona’s law generally requires police officer enforcing other laws to investigate the immigration status of people they suspect are illegal immigrants. - 115k
This law has already provided a certain, ahem, motivation to some of AZ’s illegal residents. They’re leaving the state. So far, New Mexico seems to be a favorite destination.
I’d say it’s an effective law when just in AZ. If the whole U.S. adopted it, however, I don’t think it would cause anybody to move since they’d have nowhere to go. Maybe we need to build catapults and just start launching them back over the border.
“So far, New Mexico seems to be a favorite destination.”
“Whoa! Whoa! Slow down there maestro. There’s a NEW Mexico?” —C.Montgomery Burns
No one likes a tattle-tale.
Gov Brewer has done a fine job considering how low our expectations were for her. She gained office when Janet Napolitano became the US Secretary of Homeland Security.
I agree with Slim on this one. Illegal people [the semi-law abiding ones anyway] are leaving for greener pastures. The illegals we really don’t want [coyotes, drug smugglers, etc]probably don’t care too much since they’re already armed and ready to fight the authorities.
Has anyone noticed any substantial building projects on Army stations around the US? The base in El Paso is going through a massive expansion project. Hopefully the National Guard and the military leaving Iraq will be restationed on our border to ensure that these don’t get it.
Another Home Buyer Tax Credit? Diana Olick
So the REIC and the media are floating the idea of a tax credit in order to gauge the reaction of the masses. The longer this idea stays out there, the more believable/likely/possible it seems to become. Fewer purchase offers get made, because house buyers want to hold off until they find out the details of the credit. So demand then screeches to a halt, which kind of ties the hands of the elected officials into offering… a tax credit.
A tax credit is a really good idea. The entire economy of the US should be based on tax credits. We could be the largest producer/exporter of tax credits in the world and reclaim the tilte of the most industrialized country on the planet. Our factories could mass-produce tax credits of every size, shape, and color. Call now to see if we have a tax credit that is right for you!
The new 2011 tax credits are in early this year!
LOL, pressboard.
Japan Loses Control Of Its Economic Future
Posted: August 31, 2010 at 4:56 am
It could easily be argued that almost every major country in the world, with the possible exception of China, lost control over their economies in 2008 and 2009. Some experts would say that “control” is a matter of degrees. The US may have effectively diminished chances of inflation and stabilized the banking system, but has not been able to change a struggling housing industry which continues to undermine economic growth.
Japan, however, has lost almost all control over its economy and probably its financial future. Is Nikkei index fell over 3% overnight to a 16-month low, and attempts by the Bank of Japan to bring down the value of the yen have failed and it still trades above 85 to the dollar.
The DOW is up 25 points (0.26%)! Gotta hand it to the PPT, they won’t let it drop below 10,000.
When it comes to hidden highly coordinated corrupt collusion, the USA is the best! Go HHCCC team!
Far too true.
“The US may have effectively diminished chances of inflation and stabilized the banking system, but has not been able to change a struggling housing industry which continues to undermine economic growth.”
They still keep parroting this line, as if an economy could be based on construction and reselling used houses.
If this worked than all Mexico would have to do to solve its problems is build houses like crazy!
Oh wait, buyers need good incomes to buy houses. Whoopsie!
You may have a grain of truth in your statement. Subsidize Mexican illegal aliens to return home and build houses. Lord knows the Mexican peasants need better housing. This would solve part of the illegal alien racket, and give an export market to US building materials companies. US home builder companies - which are mostly just management companies - could get in on the act too.
All problems can be solved, given enough subsidies.
Except one.
The thing is that Mexico has such programs, called “Casas the interes social” with subsidized interest rates, etc.
Another thing is that construction workers in Mexico earn a pittance, so these jobs wouldn’t put much money in their pockets anyway. Most are paid Mexican minimum wage, which is almost $5 USD per day.
WSJ Ignore Talk of a Housing Tax Credit ‘Revival’
I would guess it will come back when and if solid evidence emerges that U.S. home prices have not yet bottomed out. Much of federal economic policy these days seems aimed at putting a floor beneath nominal asset prices.
Sounds right to me.
Too bad for the guv the Case/Shiller data is two months behind. By the time they react, it’ll be too late. (At least, if you’re someone who actually wants home prices to stay inflated).
The other day I posted anecdotal evidence of a new leg down starting - Florida median prices in July were down pretty sharply ($143.4k to $138k).
Side note - even if a new tax credit is instated - don’t expect it to have nearly the effect of the previous one.
I wish they would apply it to foreclosures and 1st time buyers, if they pass another credit (hoping yes & no). We need a home NOW (5 rents out of pocket (apt,3 storage units,office) and since we’re paying cash, it will eliminate a huge monthly out go. Husband has Glaucoma. Our financial future is a cautionary tale.
There is nothing that works on the market for us, so maybe the pace of the shadow inventory being released would speed up with a foreclosure tax credit. Where’s all the inventory in So Ca?
The infestors on the inside of the REIC get to any homes available and flip.
infestors on the inside of the REIC get to any homes available and flip ??
Simple cure if you truly want owner occupants and in particular first time buyers to benefit from the lower prices…
Index the amount FHA, Fanny & Freddie will finance to a maximum of 90% of the last sale “if” that sale occurred within the last 12 months maybe even 24 months…Bye, Bye flippers and hello good deals for the renters…
“I wish they would apply it to foreclosures and 1st time buyers”
Applying any tax credit to foreclosures-only would make J6P’s house less desirable - in fact, during the time the tax credit is in place, it would force J6P (presumably already priced higher than foreclosures) to lower the price of his house by the amount of the tax credit in order to be deemed worthy of a showing. Thus a credit set up in that way would be seen by J6P as “another bailout for the banks”; politically dangerous ahead of November’s election. Since so many first time buyers took the first credit, I think they’d have to open it up to (at least) anyone buying a primary residence in order for it to have much effect.
I miscommunicated my thought (stressed out this morning). I think a tax credit for buying a foreclosure for 1st time buyers, and I know it’s wishful thinking, but require a 10% down to discourage short term ownership (i.e. walking away). Any deal, past,present, or future, will be a sugar daddy deal for the banks anyway.
In reality, I just wish the ptb would get a freak’in clue and just let housing fall to equlibrium, and let’s get it over with. Too much to ask for, I know. We’re going to be Japan, only at a faster pace, imo.
Housing prices in So Ca are still too high.
“In reality, I just wish the ptb would get a freak’in clue and just let housing fall to equlibrium, and let’s get it over with.”
Amen to that!
What is the difference between realty and reality?
You and I know, Hell will freeze over first.
(Not that I believe in Hell, but others do.)
Yup. Unfortunately (as I posted below your Diana Oleck column link), I think legislators hands will soon be tied. With all this talk of a tax credit now “out there”, buyers are likely to wait to see if will happen or not before submitting offers.
Never mind that the first tax credit didn’t help as much as was hoped, and was costly and fraud-ridden.
What is the difference between realty and reality?
Lately? Everything.
Realty falls out of favor as reality comes into favor.
Fristly, pressboardbox…God, I loved that post. Perfect! I’m licensed, btw. I did shopping center mgmt and marketing for a REIT.
Kim- All that tax credit did was:
1.Inflate already inflated housing prices.
2. Pull demand forward.
3. Get people who shouldn’t have been sucked in, in. Future homemoaners.
4. Gave the FIRE sector a mini burst.
5. Wasted taxpayer’s $
I got some numbers hot off the REIC press (newsletter) for you guys/gals. It is estimated that:
1.There are estimated to be 7M distressed properties.
2. 900,000 in Realty Trac Database of which 30% are available for sale today.
3. 12M are somewhere in the foreclosure process, with only 20% in the MLS…
4. 5.5M seriously deliquent homes haven’t entered the Floreclosure process.
We’ve only just begun…
We’ve only just begun to live
White lace and promises
A kiss for luck and we’re on our way
We’ve only begun
Before the rising sun we fly
So many roads to choose
We start out walking
And learn to run
And yes! We’ve just begun
Sharin’ horizons that are new to us
Watchin’ the signs along the way
Talkin’ it over just the two of us
Workin’ together day to day, together
- The Carpenters
Simple cure if you truly want owner occupants and in particular first time buyers to benefit from the lower prices…
Index the amount FHA, Fanny & Freddie will finance to a maximum of 90% of the last sale “if” that sale occurred within the last 12 months maybe even 24 months…Bye, Bye flippers and hello good deals for the renters…
Excellent idea, scdave! Of course, it would never happen, because the govt has been relying on flippers to keep housing prices up.
There’s nothing worse than a situation where you can’t say anything nice to an old friend……
I use Zillow to check up on the markets around the country, using people I know as references. I noticed an old friend’s house showed up as “for sale” so I sent him an email asking if he was relocating. Turns out his situation is dire. He had a sales/marketing job that paid extremely well, so he bought the McMansion on a golf course (all 4,600 square feet of it) and lived large for several years. Then all the sales dried up these last two years, so he’s forced to sell/relocate and is filing a personal BK.
I don’t think I can even give him any constructive criticism without sounding like a jerk.
so he’s forced to sell/relocate and is filing a personal BK
Sounds like he is already doing the hard things. What else would you tell him?
Tell him to take his family on a trip to Hawaii and go to the mall and buy as many iphones as he can physically carry. That is what Everyone else in his position appears to be doing.
Mostly how he got into this predicament, and how not to do it again. But as I said, this would only make me sound like a jerk.
I feel for you, Dennis.
Same sort of sitch is playing out in my own family. Seems that one of my cousins bought an investment house in another town. That was back in 2004. For a while, the tenant she was renting the place to was just grand.
Then she lost her job and turned into Tenant-zilla. My cousin had one heckuva time evicting her.
In the midst of all this, my cousin was diagnosed with breast cancer. And she lost her job. Which meant that she also lost her health insurance. The cancer has spread to her bones.
In order to save the house via some sort of government program, she’s moving into it, which her boyfriend doesn’t want to do, and so she’ll be out there by herself. With cancer. And things don’t look good on the cancer front.
I am so sorry to hear this AZ Slim.
Hopefully, your cousin will be able to get some medical help soon? Is she getting any kind of help?
If what you say to someone is logical, rational, pragmatic, reasonable then it is very likely you will be seen as a jerk.
If you are not like a sheep then you are more than likely a wolf or at least will be seen as one by the sheeple.
Prepare to have few friends if you are a future oriented and logical American within America.
Prepare to have few friends if you are a future oriented and logical American within America.
My wife and I came to this very same conclusion this past week-end. Thanks for putting it into writing!
Prepare to have few friends if you are a future oriented and logical American within America.
Nahh. Just act like Cariocas. (Those born in Rio) Laugh, drink, smile a lot, have a lot of sex maybe, eat well with your friends, work out and look good, smile, enjoy free time, thank god for your good fate, party, talk about the weather, talk about futbol, and sometimes talk about politics or religion for about 2 min. and then smile, shake your head because it’s all crazy, smile and then go to the beach.
Yeah - but after 50 or so years that can get old…
Great advice, but that’s exactly what the bankers, pols, and friends don’t want us to do. Beach bums don’t make bankers rich, interest paying wage slaves do.
…’cause if you ain’t a workaholic consumer, yer just a lazy socialeest/commie!
Prepare to have few friends if you are a future oriented and logical American within America.
Story of my life right there. You should also mention outright persecution.
“If what you say to someone is logical, rational, pragmatic, reasonable then it is very likely you will be seen as a jerk.”
The general population prefers mealy mouthed, self-deceiving communication with each other.
During the most obnoxious part of the bubble, Realtors used to parrot: “There are 1000 people a day moving to Florida”. Can you even imagine how annoying it was to listen to this?
Reality: School enrollment declines “more than expected” for fourth year in a row:
“There are 1000 people a day moving to Florida”.
But none of them are paying their mortgage.
Or none of them could afford to have kids
And they’re waving to the 3000 a day moving out of Florida as they drive past.
“The whole system is rigged.”,skf,ihf,wlp,gs&sec=topStories&pos=6&asset=&ccode=
Obama must be doing something right if Hedge Fund Managers like Loeb are angry.
Seriously it is these pigs who caused this, they have turned our gov into their puppets with piles of cash.
What have I been saying?
Good find.
Maybe I should clarify…
Yes, the whole system is rigged… against the less than wealthy individual. That’s 90% of us.
So yeah, if he’s getting his panties a bunch, then Obama MUST be doing something right.
Dow 10,000!
5 minutes till - exactly 10k
Clawed back into 10K+ territory at the last minute. Obviously nothing but candy crapping unicorns from here on out!
Bull’s eye: Mr Market ended the day with the DJIA at exactly the opening bell level…
That PPT rocks — until it cracks.
What would or could make it crack? This is where my textbook knowledge of finance leaves me scratching my head…
Rio, you are so right! Just smile and act like everything is great, this is what they want you to do.
Rio, you are so right! Just smile and act like everything is great, this is what they want you to do.
I’m not sure I am right more than I was just making a comparative observation.
Although both cultures can learn a lot from each other, Americans are not Brazilians and I am not a Carioca.
I actually think the Brazilians believe “everything is great” more so than they are “acting” like everything is great. There are many theories involving religion, language, Portuguese slavery system, rigid class system and the Latin mentality that cover this.
Catholic Brazil is much more mystical, of the moment, and believing in the fate of god’s will than the pragmatic, future oriented, protestant and puritanical influenced America.
I enjoyed your analysis of magical thinking religious zealots. I have a friend who has a home that was in the path of a raging fire, and swears Jebus saved her home through her prayers. She said her and her neighbors had a pray-a-thon in the street, and saved their neighborhood. No credit given to the skill of the fire crews.I gave her a reality check, it was the firefighters and diminished winds. Oy Vey!
I enjoyed your analysis of magical thinking religious zealots. I have a friend who has a home that was in the path of a raging fire, and swears Jebus saved her home through her prayers.
Sorry if I’m unclear. I would not call Brazilians religious zealots. They have a complicated relationship with their church. For examples, Hedonistic Carnival is not a tenet of the Catholic Church although it is wildly popular. Abortions are illegal although available and the government gives out free condoms.
My point was each culture could learn from each other.
In your example, my feeling and most Brazilian’s would be that God, prayer AND the fire fighters saved my house.
I am sorry if I offended you. Truly, that wasn’t my intent. I find there is a balance between reality and faith, and many go too far in both directions. I believe that God doesn’t micro-manage our lives, and we do have free will (no, the “devil” didn’t make you do that.) Balance is the key imho. Yes, I agree, cultures can learn from each other. Can’t wait to see Brazil. It’s Argentina or Brazil for my facelift. Both are incredible cultures. I want to Samba and Tango!
In your example, my feeling and most Brazilian’s would be that God, prayer AND the fire fighters saved my house.
Well, you’d be 1/3 right. In baseball, that’s not bad.
I am sorry if I offended you. Truly, that wasn’t my intent.
No, I was not offended at all but thanks. I thought I’d given Brazilians a bad rap by not being clear is all.
Right now Argentina is cheaper but Brazil is cooler. But not the temperature. You should see them both.
Thanks for the tip. I loved seeing the YouTube of Diana Krall in Rio singing “The Boy from Ipanema”. The crowd look so responsive and they were having a ball. In an interview Krall said the country was beautiful and so were the people (in spirit too).
Monsanto cutting 700 more jobs
St. Louis Business Journal
Monsanto says it’s cutting about 650 to 700 more jobs as it continues to restructure its business, including nearly 170 jobs in the St. Louis area.
The cuts will cost the company $180 million — $90 million in severance and benefits, $60 million in facility closure expenses and $30 million in asset writedowns. The new job cuts are in addition to a restructuring announced last year to reduce the company’s work force by 1,800, or 8 percent.
Of the up to 700 additional jobs Monsanto is cutting, about 300 are in the U.S. The cuts include about 4 percent of its St. Louis-area work force of 4,200, spokeswoman Kelli Powers said.
Many St. Louis-area employees are receiving notice this week, she said, with notification continuing over the next several weeks. The cuts are not targeted in one specific work area or job level, Powers said.
Cut,cut,cut….I am wondering about the recent big M&A’s…HP & 3PAR are just miles apart…Intel & McAfee can almost use the same restrooms they are so close…More trimming coming ??
I really don’t see what the synergy is between Intel and McAfee. Would someone care to enlighten me?
For years Intel has been building the hardware “hooks” into their processors and chipsets in order to enable advanced security measures in software such as Microsoft’s “Longhorn” OS (sold as Vista). It makes sense to acquire some sort of security technology, although McAfee as a choice is a headscratcher to me. I’m sure Intel is trying to look ahead at what features s/w vendors will want 5 or 7 years down the road.
Google “trusted platform module”.
McAfee as a choice is a headscratcher to me.
That’s why I was asking for enlightenment. McAfee as a choice is making my head need a scratch.
3par is a cloud computing company, not much overlap with HP. Word is that Hurd walked away from an earlier deal to buy 3Par because it was too expensive.
I guess they weren’t “Roundup Ready.”
“My guess is that the president will continue to play it safe, all the way into catastrophe.” ~Paul Krugman
Economist Paul Krugman says Tea Party supporters are well-to-do and rich folks hate liberals….President Obama in particular. “Tea Partiers are relatively affluent, and nobody is angrier these days than the very, very rich. Wall Street has turned on Mr. Obama with a vengeance: last month Steve Schwarzman, the billionaire chairman of the Blackstone Group, the private equity giant, compared proposals to end tax loopholes for hedge fund managers with the Nazi invasion of Poland.” Witch Hunts
Krugman is from the old Keynesian school of economics through and through. He is angry because the White House, the Treasury, and the Federal Reserve are not dumping money in an even greater flood into the economy to “make it revive.” He’s even more angry at people who dare complain about ballooning government debt, ballooning taxes, and the other economic woes that are biting harder than ever.
Professor Krugman could not be more wrong in his belief that the failed economic prescription of John Maynard Keynes is going to work.
dumping money on me would be a boon to society…but no the money has to go to HoeOwnaz, civil servants, cars for clunkers, tax breaks for the rich….and associated crap….
Its downright pathetic the lack of leadership and smarts we have today….
I’m thinking Mr. Krugman doesn’t shop much at the dollar store himself.
This is fight between two groups of people with money but differing ideologies. As always, the majority are caught in the middle and jerked around. When all these clowns run out of brilliant ideas they’ll probably resort to that old PTB standby - war (a larger one).
Every time. (I see you know your history)
Tea Party supporters are well-to-do and rich folks hate liberals….President Obama in particular ??
Ya think…
U.S. Auto Sales May Hit 28-Year Low as Discounts Flop
U.S. auto sales in August probably were the slowest for the month in 28 years as model-year closeout deals failed to entice consumers concerned the economy is worsening and they may lose their jobs.
Industry wide deliveries, to be released tomorrow, may have reached an annualized rate of 11.6 million vehicles this month, the average of eight analysts’ estimates compiled by Bloomberg. That would be the slowest August since 1982, according to researcher Ward’s AutoInfoBank. The rate would be 18 percent below last year’s 14.2 million pace, when the U.S. government’s “cash for clunkers” incentive program boosted sales.
“Home sales are way down, the stock market is way down, the unemployment report is very disappointing and consumer confidence is sputtering,” Jesse Toprak, vice president of industry trends at, said in an interview. “People just don’t want to make big-ticket purchases because they’re uncertain about their jobs and the value of their homes.”
That’s a bit misleading. Yeah it may be the “slowest August” since 1982, but only because cash-for-clunkers pumped it up last year. Monthly sales have been below 11.6M for some time now - almost every month since 9/2008 actually, bottoming for several months below 10M even.
Still very low - but not nearly an actual bottom.
The raw data:
2008-01-01 15.433
2008-02-01 15.556
2008-03-01 14.930
2008-04-01 14.473
2008-05-01 14.231
2008-06-01 13.814
2008-07-01 12.657
2008-08-01 13.519
2008-09-01 12.612
2008-10-01 10.700
2008-11-01 10.265
2008-12-01 10.147
2009-01-01 9.631
2009-02-01 9.325
2009-03-01 9.713
2009-04-01 9.354
2009-05-01 9.911
2009-06-01 9.793
2009-07-01 11.276
2009-08-01 14.146
2009-09-01 9.348
2009-10-01 10.400
2009-11-01 10.827
2009-12-01 11.094
2010-01-01 10.740
2010-02-01 10.502
2010-03-01 11.699
2010-04-01 11.246
2010-05-01 11.624
2010-06-01 11.140
2010-07-01 11.527
Could it also be that cars are just too bleeping expensive?
I’m surprise dthat the Chinese haven’t jumped on this opportunity yet. Even Korean cars are getting pricey these days.
Sure seems like it. At the Auto Show this past February I was shocked at the prices on the Korean offerings. What should have been a $8k-$9k car had stickers $15k and up. Lots of bright colors, odd shapes, and bling though - they sure know their audience.
I’m thinking it must be a great career opportunity for a small number of Americans, to be marketing advisers to these Asian companies. Tell ‘em exactly what the people back home will buy.
I’m surprised that the Chinese haven’t jumped on this opportunity yet.
They are trying. But the same thing will happen that happened with Japanese cars… steep tariffs and ridiculous dealer mark up.
A damned econobox should NOT cost $18 damn thousand dollars! (that’s with financing, which is what most people have to do)
Dollar Drops Versus Yen for 4th Straight Month as U.S. Equities Erase Gain
By Catarina Saraiva - Aug 31, 2010 2:12 PM PT
The dollar fell versus the yen, capping the Japanese currency’s longest stretch of monthly gains since January 2009, as stocks erased an advance when Federal Reserve minutes failed to signal plans to resume asset buys.
The yen strengthened for a fourth month versus the dollar as speculation the global economic recovery is faltering burnished its haven appeal. The Swiss franc reached a record high against the euro.
“The yen is looking higher on a flight to quality,” said Dennis Cajigas, a senior market strategist in Chicago at brokerage MF Global Holdings Ltd. The Fed minutes showed “there’s a lack of cohesive policy in terms of when to enact easing. That uncertainty is what’s keeping investors on the sidelines for now.”
The Japanese currency gained 0.5 percent to 84.20 yen per dollar at 5 p.m. in New York, from 84.62 yesterday, and appreciated 0.4 percent to 106.76 yen per euro, from 107.14. The euro rose 0.1 percent to $1.2680, from $1.2663.
Europe’s shared currency earlier advanced as much as 0.6 percent against the greenback after data showed bigger-than- forecast gains in U.S. home prices and confidence, easing concern the economy is slowing and pushing up U.S. stocks.
U.S. equities reversed gains after the minutes of the Fed’s Aug. 10 policy meeting disappointed investors speculating the central bank would resume “quantitative easing,” or the large- scale purchase of debt, to bolster the economy. The Fed would need to consider ways to add monetary stimulus “if the outlook were to weaken appreciably further,” the minutes said.
Home prices bounce back nationally, stay flat in South Florida
by Jeff Ostrowski
The S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price index for Palm Beach, Broward and Miami-Dade counties rose to 146.92 in June, up from 146.33 in May.
South Florida prices have flat-lined, according to the index, but national home prices are bouncing back, rising 4.4 percent nationally from the first quarter to the second quarter. Economist Karl Case, one of the creators of the index, was pleasantly surprised by the rebound.
“If you had showed me this report six months or a year ago, I’d be crazy with happiness,” Case told reporters this morning.
Robert Shiller was less buoyant, pointing to the uncertainty in the economy.
“What really bothers me is the very high level of long-term unemployment,” he said.
4 Responses to “Home prices bounce back nationally, stay flat in South Florida”
3. Area Realtor Says:
August 31st, 2010 at 4:46 pm
It’s the calm before the giant price increase storm.
10 States With Ridiculously Low Unemployment — And Why—-and-why-535377.html?tickers=^dji,^gspc,spy,dia,udn,edv,uup
Every U.S. state experienced job losses during the recent downturn, but thanks to the right mix of industries, natural resources, and skilled workers, some states have a far lower unemployment rate than the 9.5% national average.
1. N Dakota
2. S Dakota
3. Nebraska
4. New Hampshire
5. Vermont
6. Hawaii
7. Kansas
8. Wyoming
9. Minnesota
10. Iowa
The residents of those ten states probably wish they’d drop that goofy story already, it’s been floating around in various forms for two years - and there’s more “Okies” on the road than ever before.
Area Realtor Says:
“It’s the calm before the giant price increase storm.”
I’ll have what they’re having… based on what, happy juice and hope?
OT- Has anyone seen the Model S prototype from Tesla yet? (The 4 door sedan coming out in 2012)
If so, was it a medium or larger size sedan? (Can’t really tell from website photos.)
Interesting car company. I’m pretty jazzed, but holy cow, can they bring down the price.
TESLA These “centerfolds” of the Model S Electric Car: Finally beauty and brains in a vehicle. 300 miles per charge.
I guess they only want to sell this to people who weigh less then 160lbs each.
Repeat after me:
News Hub: Stocks Finish on the Plus Side
Aug. 31, 2010
Paul Vigna explains why stocks managed to finish in the green after trading lower earlier and falling below the 10,000 level.
* SEPTEMBER 1, 2010
Fed Wrestled With Questions, Doubts
Federal Reserve officials wrestled with a slew of questions about the disappointing recovery before deciding at a fractious Aug. 10 meeting to prevent their securities portfolio from shrinking, according to minutes released Tuesday.
High unemployment was one issue. Several Fed officials argued that business was frozen by uncertainty about taxes, regulations and health- care costs. Others said the job market was paralyzed by structural changes, “such as mismatches between unemployed workers’ skills and the needs of employers with job openings.” Several agreed that the economy lacked sufficient demand from consumer spending and business investment to get firms to hire.
Officials concluded the U.S. “was operating farther below its potential than they had thought, that the pace of recovery had slowed in recent months and that growth would be more modest during the second half of 2010 than they had anticipated.” Fed staff lowered the projection for 2010 growth but largely stuck to its call for a “moderate strengthening” in growth in 2011.
Officials disagreed before voting 9 to 1 to alter management of the Fed’s $2 trillion securities portfolio, as reported in The Wall Street Journal. Nearly $400 billion of mortgage securities were set to mature or be prepaid by investors through 2011, Fed staff told policy makers. That would have drained money from the financial system and could have slightly tightened financial conditions.
So the Fed decided to reinvest cash from those securities that were getting paid off into Treasury securities, a move officials believe helps to keep long-term interest rates low.
“A few members” of the Fed’s policy committee “worried” at the August meeting that reinvesting cash “could send an inappropriate signal to investors about the Committee’s readiness to resume large-scale asset purchases,” the minutes, released after the usual lag, said. Indeed, if the economy falters, one step could be more Fed purchases of bonds, an option outlined by Chairman Ben Bernanke in a speech last week at Jackson Hole, Wyo.
Federal Reserve officials wrestled with a slew of unanswered questions about the economy before deciding at their Aug. 10 meeting to alter their strategy. Jon Hilsenrath has details from Washington.
But the minutes showed that Fed officials struggled to reach consensus on the causes of the economy’s problems and on the way forward. That leaves its next step uncertain.
There was also a range of opinions expressed on the inflation outlook. Very few foresaw deflation, in which consumer prices and wages fall, as has happened in Japan. But a few warned that the already low inflation rate of around 1.5% could drift lower still—while others noted that easy monetary policy could cause inflation down the road.
Are there any legal limits on the asset classes the Fed can purchase with the proceeds of its balance sheet expansion? I assume MBS purchases will be reinstituted following the resumption of residential real estate price declines?
WSJ Blogs
Real Time Economics
Economic insight and analysis from The Wall Street Journal.
* Amid Downturn, Divorce and Infidelity Decrease
* August 31, 2010, 2:39 PM ET
Fed Discussed Reinvesting in Mortgages
By Tom Barkley and Victoria McGrane
The Federal Reserve’s decision to reinvest the proceeds of mortgage-backed securities into Treasurys earlier this month was a signal of steady monetary policy, though officials also raised the possibility of reinvesting in mortgages in the future.
Most Fed board members agreed that the new strategy of reinvesting maturing or refinanced mortgage-related securities was necessary to avoid an unwanted tightening given the weakening economic recovery, minutes of the August 10 policy-setting meeting showed Tuesday.
“Most members judged, in light of current conditions in the MBS market and the committee’s desire to normalize the composition of the Federal Reserve’s portfolio, that it would be better to reinvest in longer-term Treasury securities than in MBS,” according to the minutes.
Although renewing the asset purchase program completed in March wasn’t discussed, Fed officials left open the option of putting proceeds back into the mortgage market.
“While reinvesting in Treasury securities was seen as preferable given current market conditions, reinvesting in MBS might become desirable if conditions were to change,” the minutes said.
Noting signs of a slowdown in a statement concluding the meeting, the Federal Open Market Committee announced plans to “help support the economic recovery” by reinvesting proceeds of maturing mortgage-backed securities into Treasurys.
The decision to prevent its $2 trillion securities portfolio from contracting too quickly has been described by Fed officials as largely a technical move to adjust for the fact that low mortgage rates were causing more homeowners to refinance. But the debate inside the meeting was contentious, since any action would be viewed by the markets as a potential policy shift.
More than a third of the 17 Fed participants expressed reservations with the decision to reinvest the mortgage proceeds, according to The Wall Street Journal. However, Kansas City Fed President Thomas H. Hoenig was once again the lone dissent among the 10 voting members of the committee.
The minutes show that Fed officials are increasingly divided on what policy path to take in the face of stubbornly high unemployment and uncomfortably low inflation.
“A few members worried that reinvesting principal from agency debt and MBS in Treasury securities could send an inappropriate signal to investors about the Committee’s readiness to resume large-scale asset purchases,” the minutes said.
Systemic Stonewalling
* SEPTEMBER 1, 2010
‘Systemic Risk’ Stonewall
Some bailout questions the Fed still hasn’t answered.
On the key facts behind the bailouts of 2008, regulators have stonewalled the public, the press and even the inspector general of the Troubled Asset Relief Program. On Tuesday, we’ll find out if they can also stonewall the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission.
Chairman Phil Angelides and his panel will begin two days of hearings on the subject of “Too Big to Fail,” featuring testimony from Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Chairman Sheila Bair. Across bailouts from Bear Stearns to AIG, the government has refused to release its analysis of the “systemic risks” that compelled it to mount unprecedented interventions into the financial system with taxpayer money. Two years after the crisis, Mr. Angelides and his colleagues should finally let the sun shine on this critical period of our economic history.
A year ago we told you about former FDIC official Vern McKinley, who has made a series of Freedom of Information Act requests. He wanted to know what Fed governors meant when they said a Bear Stearns failure would cause a “contagion.” This term was used in the minutes of the Fed meeting at which the central bank discussed plans by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to finance Bear’s sale to J.P. Morgan Chase. The minutes contained no detail on how exactly the fall of Bear would destroy America.
He also requested minutes of the FDIC board meeting at which regulators approved financing for a Citigroup takeover of Wachovia. To provide this assistance, the board had to invoke the “systemic risk” exception in the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, and it therefore had to assert that such assistance was necessary for the health of the financial system. Yet days later, Wachovia cut a better deal to sell itself to Wells Fargo, instead of Citi. So how necessary was the assistance?
The regulators have been giving Mr. McKinley the Heisman, but two weeks ago federal Judge Ellen Segal Huvelle made the FDIC show her the Wachovia documents. She is still considering the McKinley suit, but the crisis commission doesn’t need to wait for her decision. It should let all Americans read them now.
Then there’s AIG. Who decided that firm was too big to fail, and on what basis? Last winter, Senator Jim Bunning went on CNBC and said that Mr. Bernanke’s staff did not think AIG was too big to fail. “His staff didn’t agree with him. . . . I’m talking about an email that he sent his staff after his staff recommended that the Federal Reserve not touch AIG,” said Mr. Bunning.
In February, we sent a FOIA request to the Fed for an internal memo entitled “Issues Related to Possible IPC Lending to American International Group” and an email from Chairman Bernanke that included a draft of the proposal that he would soon present to the Fed Board of Governors to approve lending to AIG. Yesterday a Fed spokeswoman told us it is still reviewing the request.
You could argue that the Fed has been a model of good government in handling our request compared to the way it has responded to TARP inspector general Neil Barofsky. Documents he’s asked for were not produced and in some cases the New York Fed has told Mr. Barofsky that documents did not exist when in fact they did. Along with investigating the management of the crisis, the former prosecutor is also now investigating the withholding of information about the crisis.
What could the New York Fed be hiding?