My grandfather worked in the company store. So my mother has little but disdain for those who ended up in hock to the store, comparing them to people who borrow too heavily on their credit cards. When you extend credit to the profligate, their gratitude is quickly replaced by anger when you expect them to pay back the money that they’ve borrowed.
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Comment by Faster Pussycat, Sell Sell
2010-12-04 09:02:04
LOL. That’s funny in a dark humor kinda way.
I have this image of your grandfather as a young man, and then as a old man teaching his lesson to the younger ones.
Shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves, my friend. That’s how the world works.
Comment by Prime_Is_Contained
2010-12-04 11:50:07
Very interesting anecdote, Jim! Thanks for sharing…
I had never thought that some of those who ended up in hock to the company store might simply have been living above their means. I had only seen them described in victim-terms in the past.
If they were earning a livable wage and chose to live above it, it makes sense that they would end up in debt and should bear responsibility for their choices. If the wage was not a livable one, then it may still have been an abusive situation.
Comment by Jim A
2010-12-04 20:12:48
PiC while pay was low in absolute terms, mining jobs were (and are) well paying compared to the sort of hard scrabble subsistance agriculture that was the alternative in Appalachia. Of course working in a mine is hard, dangerous and debilitating. And just like CC companies the mines WERE successful debt pushers.
I have been buying silver for the last year. I got out of gold, I got too jittery. But silver is cheap and a pretty metal. Plus, almost every currency has silver versions of their money. I like the Chinese panda’s and the Silver Eagles. I just bought a $100 bill in 4oz of Silver. Very nice…
Comment by GrizzlyBear
2010-12-04 10:47:34
Funny video, but consider the source- a company who’s selling silver.
Ya take out sixteen loans, what do ya get?
Another day older and deeper in debt.
Wells Fargo don’t you call me, cause you can’t foreclose
Ya done lost my note when the mortgage was sold….
Some people say a man is made outta mud
A congressman’s made outta stupid and thug
Stupid and thug and bribe and cohones
A mind that’s a-weak and a greed that’s strong
I see carson palmer bought a lot n san diego from the city of delmar for 4 million.A fool and his money are soon parted.
No wonder nfl games are so expensive.I’m actually getting bored with football for some reason.Havent figured out the reason yet but seems like the games are not as exciting anymore.
The reason just might be rooted somewhere deep within the phrase: “What difference does it make?”
Does it REALLY MATTER to people not directly associated with the games as to who wins or who loses? Does it even matter if the games are played at all?
“but seems like the games are not as exciting anymore”
The NFL rewards mediocrity. Finish in last place and you get a first round draft pick (contrast that with soccer leagues around the world where a team gets demoted to a minor league if it finishes last). The league is designed to be a revolving door where a team that wins the Superbowl might not even make the playoffs 2-3 years later.
I too find the games to be extremely boring. An endless procession of TV commercials. Plus I don’t understand the devotion fans have to the teams. The NFL has shown time and time again that the fans don’t matter and it will gladly relocate a team to a “better market”. Contrast that with soccer, where the mere idea that Manchester United or Real Madrid would relocate for a better deal is unthinkable.
And then there is Los Angeles, the NFL’s demographic nightmare, a market that is indifferent to the NFL because of its changing demographics. A market that has two professional soccer clubs but no NFL team. A market that reflects the future of the US, where David Beckham and Landon Donovan are the local sports heroes.
Landon Donovan is perhaps the #1 American soccer player at the time. Stop by any soccer field on a weekend and ask the kids who he is. Trust me, they know.
I have to admit, I did enjoy watching the world cup “because” the USA was in the hunt for awhile…Have not watched 5 seconds of soccer since….Would rather watch paint dry….
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Comment by In Colorado
2010-12-04 11:18:56
Well … its not a sprt of thye ADD cowd. If your attention span is limited to 10 second events, then American Football is your sport.
Comment by scdave
2010-12-04 12:06:23
ADD crowed ?? If your attention span is limited to 10 second events, then American Football is your sport ??
Try baseball my friend….
Comment by scdave
2010-12-04 12:08:52
crowed = crowd…. Misspelled it just like you did…
Comment by In Colorado
2010-12-04 16:22:06
LOL! Who has time to proofread?
Yeah, baseball has that problem too. But think about American football. You know when the play is going to begin, and the then it lasts 5 seconds with another 30+ second break betwen plays
A market that reflects the future of the US, where David Beckham and Landon Donovan are the local sports heroes.
If you believe that, you are more liberal than can be helped. Just like people in S.F. think their city is how the U.S. is going look in 50 years! LOL..
The U.S. will never embrace Soccer like Europe does. You want to talk boring games? Americans like scores and Soccer doesnt have enough of it…
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Comment by In Colorado
2010-12-04 11:26:20
Just saying that in the future we are going to be a lot more like California than we are today (as in a lot more hispanics), and those folks prefer “futbol” over American Football. And FWIW, its not just California that is there today. Granted if you live on the east coast you wouldn’t have a clue about this.
Funny how you labelled me as “liberal” because I like soccer (LOL!). My observation has little to do with my preferences and more to do with demographics. Remember when there was no “press 1 for English”? The demographic trend is there my friend. I’m not saying its going to be tomorrow, but I recall how white Californians used to be in denial over their eventual minority status.
Still, doesn’t it strike you as odd that there is no NFL team in LA? It’s a market of 20,000,000 people.
Comment by In Colorado
2010-12-04 11:35:32
Oh, and another observation: Even here in the heart of Broncos land more kids play soccer than baseball, basketball and American Football combined. Even redneck Loveland has about 20 dedicated soccer fields and only two American football fields. I don’t know any families who have kids playing pop warner league. I do know a few who have kids playing organized baseball and tons who have kids playing soccer. There are youth soccer clubs in Denver with thousands of players and professional, full time coaching staffs.
Comment by MightyMike
2010-12-04 12:40:21
Soccer has been a major sport for American kids for something like 20 - 30 years. An interesting question for the world of professional sports is why so few of those kids have an interest in watching professional soccer on TV when they grow up.
Comment by theoracleofnebraska
2010-12-04 13:26:25
few of those kids have an interest in watching professional soccer on TV when they grow up.
Because better soccer is in Europe, Brazil and Argentina. MLS would be a minor league in countries like England, Spain, Italy and Germany.
If you want people to watch, you have to be a top league in the world like NBA, NFL or MLB.
Comment by theoracleofnebraska
2010-12-04 13:33:13
If you believe that, you are more liberal than can be helped.
That’s funny. You are right. I like soccer and I am a liberal of European kind. American liberals are more like fascists to me.
Comment by Carl Morris
2010-12-04 15:17:18
In my son’s 85% Hispanic elementary school in Boulder, they play soccer on the playground to pass the time, but all the boys want to be Denver Broncos when they grow up. They’d play tackle football on the playground if the teachers would let them.
Comment by In Colorado
2010-12-04 16:25:23
How many kids play pop warner in Boulder vs. the Boulder Force soccer club? Heck they even have hispanic soccer leagues for the kids (because the “white” team play European style).
I agree that the couch potato wannabees watch the Broncos, but for those who actually play a sport, its soccer.
Comment by In Colorado
2010-12-04 16:26:57
“Because better soccer is in Europe, Brazil and Argentina.”
Correct. And you can watch most of those matches on TV now. Why watch the Colorado Rapids when you can watch English Premier League games?
Comment by pressboardbox
2010-12-04 17:03:14
Step, you’re alive!
Comment by dude
2010-12-04 18:41:47
+1,stpn2me, good to see you post. Did you buy?
Comment by Carl Morris
2010-12-04 19:46:07
How many kids play pop warner in Boulder vs. the Boulder Force soccer club?
I don’t know if pop warner even exists in Boulder. And yeah, a buttload of middle and upper-middle class kids play soccer exclusively. But the poor/working class kids appear to be a lot more interested in football, to me. And around here, those kids are hispanic.
Comment by stpn2me
2010-12-04 21:48:26
stpn2me, good to see you post. Did you buy?
Nope, I rent on post as usual. If I buy a house, I will live the rest of my life in it. Plus, I think housing still has about 10% to go down…
Comment by dude
2010-12-04 22:48:20
My plan as well, I think I bought my last house last year. Good luck with your search when you decide to plant roots.
With me it’s the steroid-induced combination of mass, velocity and savagery that damages the players’ bodies and minds. It’s gotten ugly, even at the high school level.
It’s an unhealthy sport for bulky and fat kids. I always laugh when I see “professional” players huffing oxygen on the bench after a play. Those are supposed to be athletes? No wonder they keel over and die in their 50’s (on average).
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Comment by theoracleofnebraska
2010-12-04 13:29:46
Also, on average they play for 3 yrs IIRC. Billionaires exploiting kids for their benefits just like in most facets of America society. Don’t even get me started with College sports. What a scam….
Medical science is finally addressing the short and long term consequences of a concussion, even a mild concussion, that can lead to cognitive and learning problems later in life.
With just a mild concussion, personality traits
can change and a person is four times as likely
to have another concussion with the same type
of impact…
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Comment by dude
2010-12-04 18:43:23
I’m in trouble then because I’ve had 3. (only 1 of them from football)
What really frosts my hide is when a team decides it wants a new stadium. What ensues is almost like blackmail - the team threatens to move if the city/county doesn’t pony up the cash to help build a new stadium.
Frankly nothing would please me more to see those leeches move to another city and suck the blood of some other taxpayers for a while. Of course I don’t think any states or cities are really in a position to spend money on anything quite so frivolous these days.
Something like that happened in Minnesota. The Twins baseball threatened for a new stadium. Minneapolis surveyed their citizens and came back with an answer: We have better things to spend our taxes on. Don’t the let door hit ya where the good lord split ya.
So why doesn’t the NFL, which is as American as apple pie, get painted with the socialist brush? Team owners are Socialists, dang nab it. Glenn Beck, where are you? Can’t hear you….
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Comment by measton
2010-12-04 20:47:35
socialist implies that the use of gov money is for society not for corporate overlords or team owners.
I live in LA: Landon Donovan and David Beckham are no more local sports heroes than I am, among the general population. Serious soccer fans in LA are imported, immigrants or temporary expats from Europe or Latin America (and none of them have been impressed with Beckham’s lackluster performance in MLS).
MLS is growing in popularity and who knows, maybe one day it will take off, but in LA baseball, basketball and football still dominate water cooler chat.
Very true, even among 1rst gen immigrant Hispanics in LA you’ll get a much bigger reaction if you talk about the Lakers or Dodgers instead of the Galaxy.
The reason there is no NFL in LA is because the city council has the cojones to stand up to the NFL and refuse to build a stadium on the taxpayers’ dime. If the league or an owner were to offer to build their own stadium, I’d expect they’d be welcome (I have a feeling AEG is going to do just that, downtown).
Meanwhile most LA NFL fans don’t mind overmuch, because we’re all immigrants, from elsewhere in the US or overseas, and root for the team from our ancestral homes. No local team = no TV blackouts…
And why won’t they give in? Maybe because the locals don’t care anymore.
Don’t get me wrong, the NFL isn’t going away anytime soon. But they do seem pretty desperate to expand outside the USA. Unfortunately for them, no one outside of the USA is interested.
What turns me off are the EMBEDDED ads. I don’t mind commercials — televising those games is expensive and they need the money from somewhere. But I am annoyed with the Toyota halftime report or X being sponsored by somebody, or the Dot.Bomb stadium, or the TV studio decked out with banner ads, or those poor announcers who have to sound excited when they plug the new episode of some TV show.
That was the thing that was fun about World Cup this year. While I don’t understand the game as well, you could just sit and watch. There weren’t the constant interruptions for commercials. No time-outs. No BS plays intended to do nothing more than stop the clock.
Now if they could only have banned those vuvuzuelas..
The salaries in pro sports are what have turned me off. I’m just not impressed by a guy making $15M+ a year who can barely put a coherent sentence together. I would never dream of paying $75 or more, oftentimes much more, for a ticket to a sporting event to support such an individual.
It’s a sad commentary that pro-sports guys get paid huge salaries for being in the entertainment business. Doctors who come up with a polio vaccine or eradicate smallpox get paid chicken feed. So do engineers like me who put together inter alia the electronic defensive systems for the F-16 and A-10.
Obama to sign historic settlement to black farmers
The Associated Press
Posted: 10:20 p.m. Friday, Dec. 3, 2010
WASHINGTON — Decades-old claims from African American farmers and native Americans that the government mistreated and swindled them out of billions of dollars can finally be settled starting Wednesday.
President Barack Obama is set to sign the bill authorizing payment of $4.6 billion to settle claims that arose in class-action lawsuits.
The White House said the president would sign the Claims Resolution Act of 2010 and make remarks at the ceremony next week, but offered no further details.
The House passed the bill on Tuesday. The package would award some $3.4 billion to American Indians for royalties for resources like oil, gas and timber. Another $1.2 billion would go to African American farmers who claim they were unfairly denied federal loans and other assistance.
July 27, 2010 - by Zombie
I’m confused.
If there are only 39,697 African-American farmers grand total in the entire country, then how can over 86,000 of them claim discrimination at the hands of the USDA? Where did the other 46,303 come from?
Now, if you’re confused over what the heck I’m even talking about, let’s go back to the beginning of the story:
Pigford v. Glickman
In 1997, 400 African-American farmers sued the United States Department of Agriculture, alleging that they had been unfairly denied USDA loans due to racial discrimination during the period 1983 to 1997. The farmers won the case, known as Pigford v. Glickman, and in 1999 the government agreed to pay $50,000 each to any farmer who had been wrongly denied an agricultural loan. By then it had grown into a class action case, and any black farmer who had filed a complaint between 1983 and 1997 would be given at least $50,000 — not limited to the original 400 plaintiffs. It was estimated at that time that there might be as many as 2,000 beneficiaries granted $50,000 each.
In the 1999 case Pigford v. Glickman, the USDA agreed to pay 16,000 black farmers $1 billion after a judge held the federal government responsible for the decline in black farmers. Critics argued that more than 70,000 farmers were shut out of the lawsuit. In 2008, then-Sen. Barack Obama and Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley got a law passed to reopen the case, and the settlement talks moved forward.
The U.S. Senate and Shirley Sherrod
Which brings us up to today, when two current events suddenly thrust this otherwise little-known case into the spotlight. First, the Senate stripped funding for the settlement out of an unrelated war appropriations bill, as they had done several times in the past. Second, it was revealed today that “A farm collective founded by Shirley Sherrod and her husband that was forced out of business by the discriminatory practices received a $13 million settlement as part of Pigford last year, just before she was hired by the USDA.”
Total number of African-American farmers in the United States, by year:
1987: 22,954
1992: 18,816
1997: 18,451
Even if there was a 100% turnover, and every single farmer went out of business every five years and was replaced by a new farmer (extremely unlikely), there still wouldn’t be enough black farmers throughout the entire period combined to account for the number of claimants.
It seems, no matter how you look at it, that a substantial number of the 86,000 claims must necessarily be fraudulent.
California lawmakers enjoy a perk that seems like a luxurious amenity in a state that has been slashing billions of dollars from its budget: taxpayer-provided cars.
The state purchases cars for lawmakers to drive around their districts and the capital under a decades-old program, spending more than $5 million for the latest suite of vehicles that includes a $55,000 Cadillac sedan and a $52,000 Lexus hybrid.
The Legislature’s vehicle program dates to the 1950s, when lawmakers decided it was cheaper to buy cars and gasoline than to be reimbursed by the mile.
The Legislature said it could not provide information about how many miles each vehicle was driven or where lawmakers drive their vehicles because it does not keep track.
At a reimbursement rate of 50 cents a mile, lawmakers would have to drive a collective 10 million miles to reach the $5 million taken from the general fund to buy the vehicles — equal to more than 3,000 cross-country trips. The net cost to the state is unknown because the amount of lawmakers’ leases and the resale values will vary.
Instead of providing a luxury vehicle or dealing with the record keeping for mileage reimbursement, why not provide a reasonable fixed allowance based on a reasonable number of miles?
Though I love this editorial, I disagree with the writer’s point about the effect of eliminating the MID on home prices, for several reasons:
1) So long as underwriting continues to revert back towards traditional prudential standards, housing prices are toast regardless of whether the MID is eliminated.
2) There is no reason the phase-in period could not be dragged out long enough so that there was no material effect on home prices for current owners.
3) They started phasing in Social Security retirement ages past 65 back in the late 1980s, and now they are still talking about doing it some more. Similarly, the MID could be phased out in baby steps: Put in place a schedule for a modest amount of reduction over, say, the next five years, but then at that point, announce further reductions. Repeat until the MID is no more.
Having recently entered into homeownership, I am now in the unhappy state of having to advocate against my own interest. As someone whose freelance expenses make it worthwhile to itemize, I plan to take the mortgage interest tax deduction until they phase the damn thing out, or I pay off the house, whichever comes first. But as an economics journalist, I retain my deep hatred for the thing.
The arguments for keeping that deduction are several:
1. Homeowners invest more in their homes, and in their neighborhoods, then renters do.
2. Homeownership breeds middle class values about saving and civic engagement.
3. Homeownership has been the primary vehicle for saving for several generations of Americans, and poor people who do not have access to this precious vehicle are shut out of the American dream
I must admit that since buying a home, I have become considerably more reluctant to, say, pad down to the corner store in my pajamas and an overcoat when we’re out of milk–what would the neighbors think? But in the wake of the housing bubble, these arguments nonetheless seem ludicrous. For millions, houses were a route to excess, and eventually penury. And I’m just talking about the mortgage brokers. Don’t even get me started on the poor homeowners who fell for this malarky.
The thing is, economists knew these arguments were high-test twaddle before the bubble popped. Adam Ozimek summarizes a recent paper which outlines just how terrible a deduction the mortgage interest allowance is:
Using national data from 1984 to 2007 they found that the MID did not increase overall homeownership. In areas with light land use regulation they found that homeownership among higher income families was increased, and in tightly regulated housing markets homeownership was decreased for all income groups except the lowest. The effects, both positive and negative, generally range from 3% to 5%. Regardless of the regulatory environment, homeownership among the lowest income group was not affected at all by the MID.
The authors estimate that it each additional homeowner created by the mortgage interest deduction costs the government $53,590, a number they rightly call “staggering”.
An important implication of the findings is that in urban areas, where land use regulations are typically more restrictive, homeownership is likely to be negatively impacted.
We spend around $100 billion a year on this subsidy, and to the extent that it’s defenders are correct and homeownership does have positive externalities, it is actually making urban areas worse off.
The problem is that while homeownership wouldn’t be affected by getting rid of the deduction, homeowners would be. Some people who relied on the deduction to make their house affordable would be caught in a budget squeeze–though you can solve this problem pretty easily by grandfathering in existing homeowners, or sunsetting the deduction after five or ten years.
However, this would still have a pretty nasty effect on housing prices. Even people with little or no mortgage would be adversely affected by a price drop in their largest asset.
“However, this would still have a pretty nasty effect on housing prices. Even people with little or no mortgage would be adversely affected by a price drop in their largest asset.”
There are many of us that have been waiting nearly a decade to buy our first house that would welcome this. You don’t get to keep the deduction, it just serves to drive up the cost of the house.
Why not ?? Wasn’t that the rule when the decision was made to take on the 30 year obligation ?? I can’t understand how flippant some can be about the ramifications of this action….
You want to eliminate the MID fine but you eliminate it going forward not retroactive…
Eliminating the MID for everyone would be like kicking homeowners 2X where it hurts the most. Prices would fall (10-20%, most likely) AND they would have a higher MTG balance that they now paid interest on.
That said (as a homeowner myself) it’s a terrible policy to perpetrate, and should be removed post-haste. It’s nuts to encourage huge loans, and to discourage paying them off; where’s the sense in that?? It should either be “all” or nothing; why is MI deductible and not CC or car loan interest? Again, horrible policy, encouraging people to borrow against their homes instead of taking out other consumer loans..
Phase it out over time; grandfather those who have it already. If you have it already, it means you own a house. You’ll feel the pain in the house price, no reason to double up the suffering!
Finally, the MID is truly just a sales tool for the RE establishment. They twist it to their evil purposes; making folks buy way too much house, or making folks believe that it’s of FAR more value to them than it actually is. If you have a big loan (400K+) and a big salary to go with it; then, yes, the MID is a significant item. However, the majority of folks in this country should be spending ~150-250K on their homes; in that case, the MID is really just a “trap” to lure them into buying a house; it has little net effect when you take into account their “giving up” the STD deduction.
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Comment by indioadjacent
2010-12-04 13:30:23
How do y’all feel about MID as opposed to Prop 13 (speaking to californians)
I suspect we’ll see a split down the middle — long time residents vs newcomers saddled with higher property tax amounts and mello-roos ‘fees’ etc.
My take: Prop 13 fundamentally unfair and is a highly regressive and malicious form of taxation. Interestingly, the most right-wing among us usually take umbrage to my opinion, likely because they feel it is payback for higher marginal income tax. The venom expressed is usually quite shocking to me.
Comment by In Montana
2010-12-04 15:07:51
I’m a right-winger but I agree something in Cali definitely changed after Prop 13. I tend to think that auto-executing tax cuts just don’t work. The way to cut taxes is in the legislature in a deliberative manner, but that takes guts. So, the auto-limiting mechanism invites draconian cuts in all the wrong places..maybe due to bureaucratic pique, I don’t know..
Comment by Professor Bear
2010-12-04 16:15:40
“…something in Cali definitely changed after Prop 13.”
Like heading one of the best public education systems in the country towards the toilet, for example?
“Why not ?? Wasn’t that the rule when the decision was made to take on the 30 year obligation ??”
I didn’t see that in my mortgage contract? Nor did I see it written in stone or did I purchase based upon that. I purchased because the numbers were right, I could control my long term rent (20+ yrs), and I liked the neighborhood.
What I couldn’t control long term was the quality of the neighborhood long term, nor my choice of neighbors (but I always lucked out with great ones).
The only certainty in life is change!
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Comment by scdave
2010-12-04 10:59:35
I didn’t see that in my mortgage contract ??
Has nothing to do with the mortgage…Has everthing to do with tax law…If you chose to buy without consideration of the “Tax Law” then that was your choice…Others have chosen differently for different reasons based on the “law”…
Under your reasoning, why don’t we eliminate depreciation for Capital improvements or deductions for R&D ??
Many things about housing have been changed retroactively.
When I bought my house in San Jose back in 1981, the rule then was a cap gains exclusion once-in-a-lifetime when you reached age 55. I paid off this house over 25 years, but when I sold the rule had changed, and, as a single person, I got nailed paying cap gains on over $200K.
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Comment by scdave
2010-12-04 11:04:29
but when I sold the rule had changed ??
Whats “retroactive” about that ??
Comment by DennisN
2010-12-04 11:08:35
It’s “retroactive” in just the way you are complaining about abolishing the MID. I bought the house in good faith expecting to sell it at retirement with a cap gains exclusion - which didn’t care if you were married or single.
People who bought before the present cap gains laws were passed in around 1998 were NOT grandfathered in under the old laws.
Comment by scdave
2010-12-04 12:17:41
It’s “retroactive” in just the way you are complaining about abolishing the MID ??
No its not…You lost nothing when they changed the law…That changed effected actions in the future…Your finances did not change one bit until you sold and if you would have died first your stepped up basis would have had no tax impact at all…Expecting something in the future is always subject to change…Everyone takes that risk…
Comment by Prime_Is_Contained
2010-12-04 13:59:36
“Expecting something in the future is always subject to change…Everyone takes that risk…”
And expecting the MID to remain the same in the future is not “expecting something in the future”? Those are future tax savings you apparently were banking on…
Comment by scdave
2010-12-04 14:44:39
And expecting the MID to remain the same in the future ??
Not looking to the future at all….The MID is something that is in place NOW…You want to change the future for MID, have at it…
I agree MID needs to go for everyone, sunset it in 10 years and we can be like the rest of the world. Eventually we will see home owner ship increase which is the net good, see Canada for example.
Lower home prices are good for everyone.
I know several people in the Pacific Northwest who bought 5 acre plots with their homes and planned to divide the land for others to buy and build on. The towns passed new zoning disallowing any homes on less than X acres to control urban sprawl, those home owners were retroactively effected. But the net good is the town doesn’t have as much sprawl.
““However, this would still have a pretty nasty effect on housing prices. Even people with little or no mortgage would be adversely affected by a price drop in their largest asset.”
A good quick start would be to only allow a deduction on houses below $400K that are owner occupied, none for second homes, motor homes, rentals, etc.
only allow a deduction on houses below $400K that are owner occupied ??
If “fairness” is your objective then the $400,000. needs to be indexed to the median…$400,000. would likely cover 99% of the mortgages in Oklahoma City…It would not cover any in Manhattan…
Now, if fairness is not your objective and the approach is to f$@# the higher housing costs area’s then that idea would work…
none for second homes ?? I agree
none for motor homes ?? Only if its “not”
your primary residence…
none for rentals ?? Are you kidding me ?? rental real estate is a business just like any other….If you say no interest deduction on the real estate rental business, then you need to say no deduction for interest for “any” business…
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Comment by SDGreg
2010-12-04 13:19:06
I’d propose something a little different:
- Eliminate the MID for non-primary residences immediately.
- For existing loans on primary residences, gradually phase it out over 30 years from the date of the initial loan on that property by that owner (no later date for refi’s).
- For new loans on new primary residences (not new properties, but new owners), phase it out over 15 years with more than a gradual reduction over 15 years.
Grandfathering MID eligibility for those who already have it plus phasing it in gradually enough to not exacerbate the price collapse which already underway is the only possible means to make this idea politically defensible.
Alternatively, Congress could just cram it down Americans’ throats the way they did the TARP. Perhaps if they could convince us that some kind of financial emergency was in progress, which could only be fixed if the MID were eliminated?
they float the idea of eliminating the MID to see if they can make it stick
The government will rasie taxes on most of us and try and make us feel its fair, that we had it too good with a MID, or in the old days credit card interest deduction. The government will try and give tax breaks to the top 2% of all income earners and try and make us think thats fair too.
What the cat food commission is proposing is a massive screw job on the middle class under the guise of “deficit reduction”. If you take away the gutting of Social Security, it doesn’t even come close to balancing the budget.
Getting a viable proposal seems impossible given the composition of the commission.
Good luck to the REIC propagandists who are busily spreading disinformation about the dire effects of eliminating the mortgage interest deduction. The word is out there now that this policy is a boondoggle and a tax giveaway to the rich.
Although President Obama’s bipartisan debt-reduction commission did not reach agreement today, their report has made clear to all that major changes in public policy are needed to solve our country’s fiscal problems. Many of the proposed changes are considered too extreme by people on both ends of the political spectrum. But there has been remarkable accord among tax and policy experts from the left, right, and middle about one provision: reforming the tax deduction for mortgage interest.
The mortgage interest deduction in its current form is extremely expensive and does little good, the definition of a wasteful government program. Despite the popularity of the deduction among taxpayers and its ferocious defense by the housing industry, this is one public policy whose day of reckoning is long overdue.
To review, the mortgage interest deduction currently provides a tax incentive to borrow up to $1.1 million in mortgage debt when buying a home (or two). The family or individual who takes out a home mortgage pays interest to the lenders, which the lenders keep. The federal government then gives some of the interest back to some of the homeowners. The amount is between 15 cents (for those in the lowest tax bracket) and 35 cents (for those in the highest) for every dollar of interest paid.
Because this program is a tax expenditure, most Americans do not understand its cost. The interest goes to the banks and the benefit is paid by the government, so the deduction is really government spending on a mortgage subsidy program. In 2011, the program will cost $104.6 billion, two and a half times the money Congress appropriates for the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Unlike HUD programs, the mortgage interest deduction provides the biggest subsidies to the highest income borrowers who take out the most expensive loans.
Moreover, many Americans with mortgages do not benefit from the deduction. Forty-six percent of homeowners do not get the deduction because they have paid off their mortgages, they do not itemize on their tax returns, or they are very low income. Since still more households own their homes free and clear or are renters, 76% of all taxpayers do not benefit from the mortgage interest deduction at all.
Not only is the mortgage interest deduction regressive and costly, it encourages Americans to mortgage their homes to the hilt. What’s worse, its value to prospective homebuyers is largely capitalized into the price of housing, making home buying more expensive than it would be otherwise. This price effect is particularly strong where markets are tighter and middle class people must take out bigger mortgages in order to purchase homes. It also puts lower tax bracket households at a disadvantage since they have to pay the same market prices and the same or higher interest rates, but receive fewer cents on the dollar from their deduction.
I personally dislike the mortgage deduction, but playing devils advocate, wouldn’t it be true that eliminating the deduction would push more folks who are living close to the edge into foreclosure and since it is built into house prices perhaps to the tune of 25% stand to further erode house prices, resulting in another large increase in foreclosures?
Besides, increasing taxes at this point will only further reduce tax revenues (see HS linear programming) and increase the amount required to bail out the newly created defaulters, resulting in an even greater national debt?
What seems to be missed in this whole economics thing, is that nothing done by the FED or Treasury has increased the total amount of debt held, but has rather redistributed it from those who loaned and those who borrowed and then defaulted to everyone else rather than allowing only the creditors and debtors to shoulder the losses. Who are the creditors? Retirees and the Chinese for the most part. The debtors? mostly middle (or previously middle) class citizens who were too stupid or too crazy to stay out of the bubble.
Even the debt commission didn’t eliminate the MID entirely. Their proposal axed the MID for homes over a certain amoung, and for second homes and HELOCS — in other words, it axed the MID only for rich people (or people who think they are rich). If the MID is enough to push those people over into BK, I say it can’t come soon enough.
“…wouldn’t it be true that eliminating the deduction would push more folks who are living close to the edge into foreclosure and since it is built into house prices perhaps to the tune of 25% stand to further erode house prices, resulting in another large increase in foreclosures?”
1. Read my comments from above.
2. My comments were:
1) So long as underwriting continues to revert back towards traditional prudential standards, housing prices are toast regardless of whether the MID is eliminated.
2) There is no reason the phase-in period could not be dragged out long enough so that there was no material effect on home prices for current owners.
3) They started phasing in Social Security retirement ages past 65 back in the late 1980s, and now they are still talking about doing it some more. Similarly, the MID could be phased out in baby steps: Put in place a schedule for a modest amount of reduction over, say, the next five years, but then at that point, announce further reductions. Repeat until the MID is no more.
The question is, are you too-big-to-fail, or what?
… You ain’t too-big-to-fail — you ain’t nothin’!
Op-Ed Contributor Too Big to Succeed
Published: December 1, 2010
Kansas City, Mo.
THE world has experienced a severe financial crisis and economic recession. The Treasury and the Federal Reserve took actions that saved businesses and jobs and may very well have saved the economy itself from ruin. Still, the public seems ungrateful, expressing anger at these institutions that saved the day. Why?
Americans are angry in part because they sense that the government was as much a cause of the crisis as its cure. They realize that more must be done to address a threat that remains increasingly a part of our economy: financial institutions that are “too big to fail.”
As long as there is at least one honest man left standing with access to the media, I won’t give up hope.
Fed’s Hoenig: “too big to fail” hurts small banks
By Carey Gillam
OVERLAND PARK, Kansas | Mon Aug 23, 2010 12:57pm EDT
OVERLAND PARK, Kansas (Reuters) - Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank President Thomas Hoenig warned on Monday that landmark financial reforms may not end market perceptions that taxpayers will rescue the largest banks and cautioned against speculative investments in housing.
Hoenig, testifying at a field hearing of the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, said larger banks perceived as “too big to fail” have a lower cost of capital, putting smaller banks at a competitive disadvantage and threatening their business model.
The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act intended to end Wall Street bailouts by giving regulators a mechanism to seize and shut down failing large institutions in much the same manner as the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. can shut down smaller banks.
Hoenig said it was not yet clear whether the reform act would put big and small banks on an equal footing.
“That can only happen if markets are absolutely convinced that too big to fail has finally been ended and only time will tell. It’s an open question,” he told the hearing in suburban Kansas City.
Hoenig, the Fed’s lone policy dissenter in recent months, did not address the U.S. central bank’s outlook on the economy nor monetary policy matters. He voted against the Fed’s decision earlier this month to reinvest funds from maturing mortgage-backed securities into Treasury debt to help push down mortgage interest rates further, citing a gradual improvement in the economy.
He also told the House panel that housing was not suitable for speculative investments by consumers.
“If the American people are looking for the housing market to be their investment opportunity, I think they’re making a mistake,” Hoenig said. “I don’t think the economics of the housing industry … is really designed for that. Right now the facts are we have an excess supply.”
Google signed a contract to buy its New York office building for about $1.8 billion, according to a person with knowledge of the agreement….
The deal signals strong demand for Manhattan property as the market recovers, said Dan Fasulo, a Real Capital managing director.
“You can’t get a stronger vote of confidence for the strength of the New York office market,” Fasulo said. “When one of the most prestigious modern corporations makes a bet on your marketplace, it’s not just a bet on your real estate, but in New York as a place to retain and attract the best talent.”
Anyone from NYC know where the Google building is located?
Google has different motivations than you and I. I can just hire movers. Google cannot. There are severe logistics involved which can take up to a year.
If you’ve never moved a corporate office, you have no clue what I am talking about. If you have, you’re probably out there nodding your head.
Seriously, this is neither here nor there. It’s meaningless.
Besides, only children are impressed by that stuff. Any rational person would conclude that they are wasting their time for a whole lot of smoke and mirrors.
Google is aimed at cheating child engineers who don’t know better! Any fool should figure that out.
Comment by theoracleofnebraska
2010-12-04 12:16:45
Check out their office pictures …
Modern day prison. I would not like to be caught dead in a place like that. After I am done with my 8/9 hrs I want to go home. Thank you for your free dinner and nap room, but I gotta go.
Comment by Professor Bear
2010-12-04 14:01:59
“Google is aimed at cheating child engineers who don’t know better! Any fool should figure that out.”
I hadn’t given it much thought, but I think you’ve nailed it. They must need to keep costs pretty low, given their revenues are based on eyeball statistics*…
*I ‘eyeball’ Google ads daily, but have yet to buy anything based on them.
Comment by Happy2bHeard
2010-12-05 22:49:51
Most of the seating looks like it would be extremely uncomfortable after a few minutes.
Well, as I only got 5 out of 5 correct answers in Mr. Bear recent economics HBB quiz, what does ol’ Hwy knoweth ’bout “bigbidness”? Still, I reckon Google Inc. would fail rapidly as a business model if they were unable to get a “valuable” Manhattan property location. In fact, I might go so far as to say that being unable to penetrate the NYC RE landscape would prove to the world that Google is really weak and impotent.
Keep talking about your bullies, Demon. Who is it who took billions in bailout money from the American treasury, then perpetrated a robo-signing foreclosure rampage to kick helpless, hapless Main Street American families out of their homes?
How the World Works
Wednesday, Dec 1, 2010 16:47 ET How can America’s smartest banker be so dumb?
The New York Times tells us, again, that JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon feels “bullied.” He needs to get out more
By Andrew Leonard
If I were Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan Chase, I’m not sure what I would think of the headline placed on Roger Lowenstein’s endless Sunday New York Times Magazine profile, “America’s Least-Hated Banker.” Talk about damning with faint praise! How should we read that? The best thing we can say about Jamie Dimon is that he is not reviled as much as the rest of the “fat-cat banksters” that ran wild on Wall Street and crashed the economy?
Though, really, the question is begged: Least-hated by whom? I don’t think the general public makes the same fine distinctions in this arena as do business journalists, who, like Lowenstein, routinely laud Dimon for his smarts and for his ability to manage risk while others lose their shirts. Jamie Dimon is clearly better at this job than other Wall Street CEOs, but that still puts him squarely in the middle of a class that is fundamentally unpopular.
The funny thing is, you’d think a smart guy like Dimon would be, well, smarter, about the way the country works. Lowenstein tells us that Dimon was a big supporter of Obama but ended up turning against him after becoming upset at the personal insults that started coming his way from the White House.
The day before, “60 Minutes” broadcast an interview with Obama in which he referred derisively to “fat cat” bankers. To Dimon, who earned $16 million for 2009 — all but $1 million of it in long-term stock incentives — the slap was the sort of broad-brush slur he was hearing too much of on all sides. He reminded the president: “President Lincoln could have denigrated all Southerners. He didn’t.”
… Judy Dimon says the crisis took a toll on him. He used to stand up to bullies who threatened his smaller twin; now he felt as if he, and bankers in general, were being bullied.
Wow. I thought CEOs were made of tougher stuff. Pretty much everybody who pays at least passing attention to politics knows exactly why Obama made that comment. His administration was perceived, for very good reasons, as being too lenient on Wall Street, and he was trying to rally some political support. If you supported Obama’s larger agenda, which Dimon apparently did, you might be expected to shrug off the name-calling. That’s politics. But, instead, Dimon felt bullied. That’s the sign of a thin-skinned man who doesn’t have his priorities straight.
A POWERFUL government agency has just had a trove of its most sensitive interactions with key counterparties around the world thrown open to the public. I’m not talking about the State Department but the publication today of who got help from the Federal Reserve’s emergency lending programmes during the crisis.
The details are interesting, even titillating, but not terribly surprising. The biggest banks tended to be the biggest borrowers. The data are a bit tricky to interpret: each loan is reported separately even when it represents the rollover of a maturing loan. Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Citibank and JPMorgan Chase all borrowed at least $15 billion each via the Fed’s Term Auction Facility; the total outstanding at any one moment exceeded $45 billion in the case of Bank of America and Wells Fargo, according to Bloomberg. One of the more intriguing revelations is how much support the Fed gave to Europe’s banks: an American unit of Belgium’s Dexia had at least $14 billion outstanding at one point; RBS Citizens, a unit of Royal Bank of Scotland, at least $14.5 billion, and Bank of Scotland (part of Lloyds), $12 billion. Is it a coincidence that the parents of all these banks had to be bailed out by their host governments? (The European Central Bank was also far and away the largest users of dollar swap lines from the Fed, at one point borrowing $171 billion. It then lent those dollars to euro-zone banks.)
Investment banks also became big borrowers when the discount window was opened to them. Bear Stearns borrowed up to $28 billion (no surprise there) as it fended off collapse in March of 2008. But the others did not borrow in size until that fall. Lehman borrowed $28 billion the day of its bankruptcy. (Why it didn’t borrow sooner is a bit puzzling. Was it too scared of looking like it needed the help? And should the Fed have lent to a dealer whose holding company had just sought bankruptcy protection?) Merrill Lynch borrowed up to $33 billion, Morgan Stanley $47 billion, and Goldman Sachs $18 billion.
These revelations reinforce what we already knew: that the Fed helped reinforce all these firms’ “too big to fail” status by lending them huge amounts when they needed it. Yes, this is moral hazard, but…
Would it be possible to modify the U.S. Constitution to make this an elected position?
Fed President Hoenig Eyes Return of Glass-Steagall Glass-Steagall’s separation of banks from more risky brokerage businesses would ‘restore the integrity of the financial system’
Advisor One | December 2, 2010 | By Kathleen McBride, AdvisorOne
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City President Thomas M. Hoenig called for diversifying the U.S. financial system by bringing back Glass-Steagall-type provisions for financial services giants.
My point was that so long as unelected Fed officials are making allocation decisions, awarding below-market loans to Wall Street and Eurozone Megabanks, hedge funds, really rich financiers who I guess were also too-big-to-fail, and what not, shouldn’t the average American get a say in who leads the agency? Otherwise, Main Street is likely to get screwed again and again until we have fully reverted to the feudal society the American Founding Fathers were trying to escape.
The Wall Street Journal is editorializing against the too-big-to-fail banking thugs. Life is schweet!!!
* The Wall Street Journal
* DECEMBER 2, 2010
The Fed’s Bailout Files Which banks were too big to fail? All of them.
Lender of last resort indeed. The Federal Reserve pulled back the curtain yesterday on its emergency lending during the financial panic of 2008 and 2009, and the game to play at home with the kids is: Who didn’t get a bailout?
If you can find a big financial player who declined the Fed’s cash, you’re doing better than we did yesterday afternoon.
The documents aren’t another WikiLeaks dump but are due to Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, who insisted that the Dodd-Frank financial bill require more transparency about how the Fed allocated capital during the panic. The release of this data on some 21,000 Fed transactions over the last three years is one of the rare useful provisions in Dodd-Frank, but kudos to our favorite Socialist for demanding it.
We learn, for example, that the cream of Wall Street received even more multibillion-dollar assistance than previously advertised by either the banks or the Fed. Goldman Sachs used the Primary Dealer Credit Facility 85 times to the tune of nearly $600 billion. Even in Washington, that’s still a lot of money. Morgan Stanley used the same overnight lending program 212 times from March 2008 to March 2009. This news makes it impossible to argue that either bank would have survived the storm without the Fed’s cash.
Looks like certain MUrDoch’s “TrueProvoker ™” Faux News subscribers are going to have to decide where to focus their “TrueAnger™”
1.) Goldman Sachs used the Primary Dealer Credit Facility 85 times to the tune of nearly $600 billion.
Now, …NOW!,… we’re filled with “TrueAnger™”:
2.) Republicans block child nutrition bill:
“Republicans say the nutrition bill is too costly and an example of government overreach.”
“We all want to see our children healthy and active. This is about spending and the role of government and the size of government — a debate about whether we’re listening to our constituents or not.”
“We all want to see our children healthy and active. This is about spending and the role of government and the size of government — a debate about whether we’re listening to our constituents or not.”
But borrowing $700 billion from China so the filthy rich get a tax cut is the role of government according to the GOP hypocrites.
This is interesting: count an FBI agent among the FBs…
“An FBI employee who handled background investigations for the agency in San Francisco has been charged in federal court with lying about the amount of money she owed on her properties, court records show.
Rachelle Thomas-Zuill, 39, of Pittsburg claimed on a financial disclosure form that she owned three properties with an outstanding mortgage debt of $866,000, when in fact she owned six properties and had a debt of more than $2.2 million, according to the charging document filed Thursday in U.S. District Court in San Jose.
Thomas-Zuill, who joined the FBI 13 years ago, was charged with making false statements to a government agency, a felony. She could not be reached for comment Friday.
Thomas-Zuill worked from 2003 until July of this year as a personnel security specialist for the FBI. Her responsibilities included overseeing and administering background investigations for agents’ security clearances.
Because she had a special security clearance, Thomas-Zuill was required to file a financial disclosure form each year.
The case was investigated by the Justice Department’s Office of the Inspector General.”
It is a far cry from the life that Mr. Martin and his family enjoyed until recently at their Adirondacks waterfront camp at Tupper Lake, N.Y. Their garage held three stylish cars, including a yellow Aston Martin; they owned three horses, one that cost $173,000; and Mr. Martin treated his wife, Kate, to a birthday weekend at the Waldorf-Astoria, with dinner at the “21″ Club and a $7,000 mink coat.
That luxurious world was fueled by a check Mr. Martin received in 1998 for $14 million, his share of the $600 million sale of Martin Media, an outdoor advertising business begun by his father in California in the 1950s. After taxes, he kept about $10 million.
He might be a moron, but it isn’t like he is the only one out there. People who ran up credit cards to live beyond their means. People who took out home equity loans to finance cars, vacations or boob jobs. Now the chickens are coming home to roost.
Yeah rent free too. Not only did he piss away $14 million, he owes the bank too. It’s unimaginable really. If a tenth of that dough fell in my lap I’d still have 80% of it after buying everything I wanted.
I keep my mortgage prepaid six months in advance. I continue regular monthly payments w/ additional principal always keeping my due date six months ahead–just in case. It isn’t yours until it’s paid in full.
In WA there is no income tax, so property taxes are higher than normal. The assessor said my place is now worth $181k, so my annual taxes are $2,200/yr. Such is life in a 3/2 ranch spec. We’re still breathing air.
(Comments wont nest below this level)
Comment by GH
2010-12-04 19:44:49
Hmmm In California at 1.2% your property taxes would be $2172 and your income tax if you earned say 75K would be at least $3,000. And thats not all.. Don’t forget our 9%+ sales tax
Comment by rms
2010-12-04 23:43:33
Good point, GH.
Our WA utilities and water cost less, and the car insurance and registration tabs cost less too. Considering only the basic necessities we simply couldn’t afford to live in California on one income, and that’s with an engineering job.
I really hate winter, and we recently experienced a -17F cold snap; back to normal icy 20s now. Things won’t improve until March, and the nice weather won’t arrive until mid May. I can tell ‘ya all about cabin fever!
“I take great pride in ownership and enjoy improving my house,” she said. “I’ve been divorced for 34 years, and I’ve learned to be very handy with repairs and improvements. All by myself, I have painted, replaced doors and closets, installed crown molding and new baseboards, constructed a backyard shed, stuccoed, tiled and carpeted flooring, installed wallpaper and replaced my shower. I even have a miter saw.”
“Dugan has a new job as a nurse. She can afford to keep her home if she is given the opportunity.”
New job as a nurse? Sounds like she should have her own show on HGTV. The Lesbian Handyman.
They have stopped making payments on their $1.1 million mortgage and their $53,000 in annual property taxes in the Adirondacks as well as the mortgage and taxes on their Vermont home
“Will the Germans still finance the Greeks in 2013 when they have not whittled down their deficit and the Greeks still want to retire at 50 on full pensions? Will the Irish decide that it is in their best interests to take on massive debt so that French and German and UK banks are paid back? Can the solution to a debt problem be more debt?
Will Texas singlehandedly bail out California so their prison guards can continue to make $100,000 a year? Tough questions.
I don’t know how this story is going to end, but I am not expecting a happy ending.
I keep wondering when the people in Greece and Ireland basically get tired of austerity, and vote in new people that promise to stick it to the bankers with a default. Not that it would solve all that much - I suppose there would be a temporary feel-good moment, and then TSHTF again. Kind of like a jailbreak, I guess. The guys in jail are intent on getting out, and it might be kind of a rush while they are on the lam, but most are eventually caught again, and in the end they get more time added on.
“Maybe the Feds should warrantlessly track TBTF banks in real time.”
Investigating TBTF banks is apparently left to Wikileaks and the feds are none too thrilled with that. The feds appear to be doing little other than protecting the organized crime of big business and the banks.
OKEECHOBEE COUNTY, Fla.—Patsy Campbell could tell you a thing or two about fighting foreclosure. She’s been fighting hers for 25 years.
The 71-year-old retired insurance saleswoman has been living in her house, a two-story on a half acre in a tidy middle-class neighborhood here in central Florida, since 1978. The last time she made a mortgage payment was October 1985.
And yet Ms. Campbell has been able to keep her house, protected by a 105-pound pit bull named Dodger and a locked, rusty gate advising visitors to beware of the dog.
“They’re not going to take this house,” says Ms. Campbell. “I intend to stay in this house and maintain it as my residence until I die.”
Ms. Campbell’s foreclosure case has outlasted two marriages, three recessions and four presidents. She has seen seven great-grandchildren born, plum real-estate markets come and go and the ownership of her mortgage change six times. Many Florida real-estate lawyers say it is the longest-lasting foreclosure case they have ever heard of.
The story of how Ms. Campbell has managed to avoid both paying her mortgage and losing her home, which is currently assessed at more than $203,000, is a cautionary tale for lenders that cut corners and followed sloppy practices when originating, processing and servicing mortgages. Lenders are especially vulnerable in the 23 states, including Florida, that require foreclosures to be approved by a judge.
Ms. Campbell has challenged her foreclosure on the grounds that her mortgage was improperly transferred between banks and federal agencies, that lawyers for the bank had waited too long to prosecute the case, that a Florida law shields her from all her creditors, and for dozens of other reasons. Once, she questioned whether there really was a debt at all, saying the lender improperly separated the note from the mortgage contract.
LOS ANGELES (AP) — The worst summer for home sales in decades also put a chill on foreclosure sales, even as the average discounts on the distressed properties got bigger compared with other types of homes.
Foreclosure sales plunged 25 percent in the July-September quarter versus the April-June period and tumbled 31 percent from the third quarter last year, foreclosure listing firm RealtyTrac Inc. said Thursday.
Sales of non-foreclosed properties fell 29 percent sequentially and nearly 31 percent from the third quarter last year, the firm said.
The decline in sales of bank-owned properties and other homes in some stage of foreclosure is in line with an overall housing market slowdown that took hold after federal homebuyer tax credits expired in April.
The fallout over foreclosure processing errors that prompted some lenders to temporarily halt sales of bank-owned homes wasn’t a significant factor in the sharp third-quarter drop in foreclosure sales, said Daren Blomquist, a RealtyTrac spokesman.
“We could expect probably in the fourth quarter to see that percentage of foreclosure sales dip because buyers are a bit skittish about purchasing foreclosure properties, given the questions surrounding the foreclosure process,” Blomquist said.
Why can’t MSM financial journalists for once acknowledge the financial prudence of those who don’t foolishly catch themselves falling knives without a moment’s hesitation, rather than suggesting that fear is the driving force in their decisions? Maybe if these journalists instead focused on pointing out the foolishness of rushing to buy unaffordable homes on credit, then a lot fewer American households would be hundreds of thousands of dollars under water on their mortgages.
By Les Christie, staff writer
December 2, 2010: 10:46 AM ET
NEW YORK ( — Despite some of the best home-buying conditions in years — affordable prices, low interest rates and lots of choices — fear of buying has infected the market.
It has paralyzed house hunters, making them unable to pull the trigger even on attractive deals. Some are worried about making the payments, while others are convinced they’ll save even more if they wait.
It’s perfectly natural that they should feel that way in the wake of the housing bust, said Lawrence Yun, the chief economist for the National Association of Realtors. “It’s like when the stock market is crashing,” he said. “People are waiting to see if deals will get better.”
In fact, home sales are down by about 25% from last year, which means a lot of people are sitting on the sidelines. And real estate agents are having to get used to the fear of buying trend.
Anne Williams, an agent with Wallace & Wallace in Knoxville, Tenn., said, “I have several buyers that fit this category. I have learned not to be too pushy. Buying a home is a big decision and if they aren’t convinced that now is the time, I back off.”
“Anne Williams, an agent with Wallace & Wallace in Knoxville, Tenn., said, “I have several buyers that fit this category. I have learned not to be too pushy. Buying a home is a big decision and if they aren’t convinced that now is the time, I back off.”
NAR: “Get your balls out of your wife’s purse, NOW!”
There are many important omissions from the article below:
1. By artificially propping up demand, low interest rates also serve to prop up the purchase prices of homes.
2. For the same monthly payment, a relatively higher purchase price and lower interest rate implies a smaller mortgage interest deduction; so long as the Congress is keeping the mortgage interest deduction around, it therefore might be wise to wait for higher interest rates and lower prices.
3. Other costs of ownership, such as taxes and insurance, are also tied to market value, which is presumably a function of purchase price. Buying when purchase prices are high (due to low interest rates) therefore inflates the other three components of PITI (payment, interest, taxes and insurance).
4. You can refinance into a lower rate mortgage if interest rates fall, but you cannot refinance into lower principle if market values (comps) decline — just ask all the FB’s out there right now wondering why they can’t get a loan mod if you don’t want to take my word for it. Buy now, and lock in high principle forever!
$20: The typical mortgage holder’s potential monthly savings as a result of the Federal Reserve’s latest effort to bring down long-term interest rates.
The country’s 53 million mortgage holders shouldn’t expect too much from the Fed’s latest bond-buying spree.
Interest rates on mortgages are one of the channels through which the Fed’s second round of quantitative easing — in which the central bank aims to spend some $600 billion on Treasury bonds — is supposed to boost the economy. By pushing down rates, the stimulus makes buying a home more attractive, and also allows homeowners to improve their finances by replacing their existing mortgages with new, cheaper loans.
But while $600 billion sounds like a lot of money, the added benefit for mortgage holders will likely be tiny. That’s in part because many of them can’t or won’t take advantage of the lower rates, and in part because the savings for those who do will be minimal.
Most people who are able to refinance their mortgages have long had the opportunity to do so. In the three months before the Fed first signaled its latest round of stimulus, the interest rate on a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage averaged 4.61%. That’s one percentage point below the rate about 56% of the nation’s mortgage holders are currently paying, according to mortgage-data provider LPS Applied Analytics.
The Fed’s efforts won’t do much to expand the pool of people able to refinance. Economists at Goldman Sachs estimate that the bond buying will keep long-term interest rates, including mortgage rates, about 0.15 percentage point lower than they otherwise would be. All else equal, that would make refinancing attractive to an additional population of about 3 million homeowners, or 6% of all mortgage holders.
Like millions of other homeowners, many of those will not take advantage of the lower rates. Some simply aren’t paying attention. Others can’t get a new loan because they’re out of a job, have poor credit or owe more than their homes are worth.
To be sure, the lower rates still provide an added incentive for people looking to buy a home. But even there it’s pretty small. A 0.15-percentage-point difference in long-term interest rates would knock about $20 off the monthly payment on a typical new mortgage. That’s a welcome break, but not a game-changer.
(Updates with claims in 10th and 11th paragraphs.)
Dec. 3 (Bloomberg) — JPMorgan Chase & Co. and credit- ratings companies lost a bid to throw out lawsuits over the sale of $2.8 billion of mortgage-backed securities to the Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh.
Pennsylvania state Judge R. Stanton Wettick Jr. in Pittsburgh said some claims could proceed against JPMorgan and ratings companies Moody’s Corp., Fitch Group Inc. and McGraw- Hill Cos., which owns Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC, according to a Nov. 29 court order. The judge dismissed other claims against the companies.
“We are very pleased with the judge’s ruling and we look forward to stating our viewpoints as the case goes forward in court,” Neil Cotiaux, a spokesman for the Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh, said today in a phone interview.
It’s said that a home is one of the biggest purchases that you’ll ever make–and there’s a corollary to that, which is that a mortgage loan is probably one of the biggest loans you’ll ever take out. It’s one of the most confusing too, with phrases like “secondary market” and “portfolio lender” suddenly showing up on the scene. One way to think about it may be to think of three different types of lenders you can go to for your loan:
Big Banks.
The trend has been towards consolidation in the mortgage industry. In 2007, three banks–Wells Fargo, Bank of America, and J.P. Morgan Chase–did about one-third of the new mortgage lending in the country; for the first half of 2010, they did more than one-half, according to industry statistics quoted in the Wall Street Journal. Together with the #4 and #5 lenders, GMAC and Citigroup, you’ve got a group of “big banks.”
Mortgage rates are rising even though the housing market remains weak. Typically, rates rise as home prices and borrowing activity increases.Sixty per cent of those buying a property said they would have to make sacrifices to do so – 84 per cent said they would cut back on spending, 50 per cent would miss out on an overseas trip and 35 per cent would purchase a less expensive property than desired.
Times when rates are low are the ABSOLUTE WORST time to buy. This is all based on the “how much a month” mentality, and prices will be maxed out like they have been in the last few years since rates dropped.
I actually had an experience trying to buy a car a few years back where the sales person would not give me a price quote until he had run my credit - all he could go on about was how much I wanted my payments to be a month and not how much the car would actually cost. I told him to get lost and bought a car elsewhere. I was not interested in how much a month, but how much the darn car was!
The story is that the strengthening economy explains rising mortgage rates. But doesn’t yesterday’s unemployment figure suggest otherwise? What about the alternative explanation that the Fed stepping up to help bail out EU sovereign debtors is driving up rates, by diverting supply in the market for loanable funds? Because monies used to help bail out European countries are clearly not going to be loaned to U.S. home buyers or owners, are they?
Rates on fixed-rate home mortgages rose for the third week in a row, following bond yields higher after economic data suggested that the economy might be stronger this quarter, Freddie Mac said.
The rate on the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage averaged 4.46% for the week ended Dec. 2, up from 4.40% last week, according to Freddie Mac’s weekly survey of conforming mortgage rates. The mortgage averaged 4.71% a year ago.
Fifteen-year fixed-rate mortgages averaged 3.81%, up from 3.77% last week. The mortgage averaged 4.27% a year ago.
Adjustable-rate mortgages also rose, with the five-year Treasury-indexed hybrid ARM averaging 3.49%, up from last week’s 3.45%. The ARM averaged 4.19% a year ago. One-year Treasury-indexed ARMs averaged 3.25%, up from 3.23% last week; it was 4.25% a year ago.
To obtain the rates, the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage required payment of an average 0.8 point, the 15-year fixed-rate mortgage required an average 0.7 point and both ARMs required an average 0.6 point. A point is 1% of the mortgage amount, charged as prepaid interest.
“Mortgage rates followed bond yields higher this week as recently released economic data suggest the economy may be stronger this quarter than the previous,” said Frank Nothaft, vice president and chief economist of Freddie Mac, in a news release.
The plan to eliminate the mortgage tax deduction was widely criticized, but the industry overreacted to the proposal. Turns out it’s not that great for most of us.
mortgage deductionPresident Obama’s deficit commission came up short of votes to command quick action in Congress of a bipartisan plan that recommended eliminating or reducing long-standing credits, including the popular home mortgage interest deduction. This isn’t much of a surprise. While lawmakers acknowledge that the nation faces an incredibly worrisome debt problem and that a dramatic slash in spending needs to happen, the plan was politically unpopular from the start.
Real estate and mortgage industry experts argued the elimination of the mortgage deduction would put more pressure on an already fragile housing market. That might be the case, but if we look deeper, many of their arguments are exaggerated. If anything, once the housing market gains some strength three or so years from now, slimming the deduction down some might actually not be such a bad thing and it could save the US government billions of dollars. Here are three reasons why:
It doesn’t benefit the vast majority of American homeowners anyway.
* Dorothy Brown: It’s unusual to get a tax break for a personal choice such as buying a home
* Renting is not deductible, she says, even though about one-third of Americans are renters
* Brown: Tax break meant to “encourage homeownership,” but people buy homes anyway
* Tax break is a $200 billion subsidy every year for those with higher incomes, she says
Editor’s note: Dorothy Brown is a professor of law at Emory University. She is the author of numerous law review articles about the race and class implications of federal tax policy.
(CNN) — The National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform did not go far enough when it proposed the repeal of certain provisions of the mortgage interest deduction. The deduction for mortgage interest should be repealed in its entirety.
Most people know that owning a home comes with tax advantages such as the deduction for mortgage interest, but they don’t know how much of an anomaly that is. Most personal, family or living expenses are not tax deductible. They are the result of choices.
Your decisions on what to wear to work or whether to pay cash or credit are your personal choices. You don’t get a tax deduction. That’s why rent is not deductible, even though roughly one-third of Americans are renters — which includes the majority of blacks and Latinos. Where you live is considered to be the result of a personal choice.
The deduction for mortgage interest is a huge exception to the general rule, because what could be more personal than the decision to buy a home?
In 1986, an exception was made for home mortgage interest as a way to “encourage homeownership.” That’s the good news for homeowners.
The bad news for renters is that the 2010 estimated revenue loss of the tax subsidy for homeownership is greater than $200 billion. By comparison, the entire Housing and Urban Development budget is less than $50 billion. That is a pretty high price to pay to “encourage homeownership.” But as long as it actually encourages people to buy homes, it could be money well spent.
Yet economists generally believe that the mortgage interest deduction does virtually nothing to encourage people to buy homes. During the past 40 years, while tax rates have changed dramatically (making the value of the tax benefits fluctuate), the homeownership rate has been quite stable. The biggest increase in homeownership rates happened after World War II and came after innovations in mortgage financing.
A foreclosed six-bedroom house on Highwood Avenue in Leonia was on the market for $535,000 last year.
Published: December 2, 2010
LOOKING for a deal in a down market? As winter sets in, the fruits of desperation — foreclosure sales, short sales, auction sales and deep discounts — are appearing in bountiful number, if anyone out there is hungry for a bargain.
Consider one example, a spacious six-bedroom colonial at 203 Highwood Avenue in Leonia, now on the market for $390,000.
The 90-year-old house, which has two and a half baths, has the obvious drawbacks of normal wear and tear, and an annual tax bill over $11,000. But it is in a community known for fine schools; last year it was on the market for $535,000. A potential buyer’s offer of $490,000 was rejected as too low, according to Reetesh Sood of Exit Platinum Realty, who is now handling the bank sale of the house.
Last summer, before foreclosure, the house became available as a short sale, in which a lender allows the owner to sell the house for less than the amount owed on the mortgage. The asking price then was $460,000. In September, after the bank took over and the owners departed, Mr. Sood listed the property at $420,000; last month he reduced the price twice more.
Mr. Sood said he was still getting calls. One was from the buyer who last offered $490,000; another was from a neighbor down the street, who actually made an offer the bank accepted, but then withdrew it out of “guilt” over taking advantage of a former friend’s misfortune.
The house on Highwood is one of 61 bank-owned properties for sale for less than $500,000 in Bergen County, according to multiple listing figures cited by Sharon Gill of Prudential New Jersey Properties. There are also 11 listed for more than $500,000.
“True, true bargains are available at every price level,” said Ms. Gill, who is based in Montclair, and is marketing several bank-owned properties in Essex County. One is 3 Brentwood Drive in North Caldwell, a custom-built five-bedroom six-bath French provincial listed at $949,000. (It was sold for $1.9 million in August 2006.) The backyard has a free-form pool with its own island.
A House of Cards, Part 1
An Interview With Nye Lavalle
“Sixteen years ago, he began investigating mortgage fraud when a bank attempted to wrongfully foreclose on a family property. Many of the issues he uncovered more than a decade ago, like robosigning, are just being recognized today…
…EMC Mortgage, which was a unit of Bear Stearns. EMC initiated foreclosure, and we initiated a defense to that, and over the years they spent $2.5 million and 7 years in litigation on a $100,000 loan…
I was the first to unravel what you’re seeing now. The emperor had no clothes. They didn’t own the note, they churned these properties, they double-pledged their notes sometimes. They had no right to the note, they had no right to foreclose, and they were cooking the books, all those things…
To me, the most important thing that nobody has really covered is how much of this junk was sold to our respective mutual, trusts, insurance, and pension funds, the institutional investors…”
Name:Ben Jones Location:Northern Arizona, United States To donate by mail, or to otherwise contact this blogger, please send emails to:
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Another day older and deeper in debt.
-what song is that from?
Sixteen tons, and what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt.
St. Peter don’t you call me because I can’t go, I owe my soul to the company store
My grandfather worked in the company store. So my mother has little but disdain for those who ended up in hock to the store, comparing them to people who borrow too heavily on their credit cards. When you extend credit to the profligate, their gratitude is quickly replaced by anger when you expect them to pay back the money that they’ve borrowed.
LOL. That’s funny in a dark humor kinda way.
I have this image of your grandfather as a young man, and then as a old man teaching his lesson to the younger ones.
Shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves, my friend. That’s how the world works.
Very interesting anecdote, Jim! Thanks for sharing…
I had never thought that some of those who ended up in hock to the company store might simply have been living above their means. I had only seen them described in victim-terms in the past.
If they were earning a livable wage and chose to live above it, it makes sense that they would end up in debt and should bear responsibility for their choices. If the wage was not a livable one, then it may still have been an abusive situation.
PiC while pay was low in absolute terms, mining jobs were (and are) well paying compared to the sort of hard scrabble subsistance agriculture that was the alternative in Appalachia. Of course working in a mine is hard, dangerous and debilitating. And just like CC companies the mines WERE successful debt pushers.
Is there silver manipulation at jp morgan:
I have been buying silver for the last year. I got out of gold, I got too jittery. But silver is cheap and a pretty metal. Plus, almost every currency has silver versions of their money. I like the Chinese panda’s and the Silver Eagles. I just bought a $100 bill in 4oz of Silver. Very nice…
Funny video, but consider the source- a company who’s selling silver.
Tennessee Ernie Ford Sings 16 Tons
Violent Femmes also had a song called “Special” with those lyrics. I think that is the one I had heard.
Seems more relevant today than back in the mid eighties when I was in college.
Ya take out sixteen loans, what do ya get?
Another day older and deeper in debt.
Wells Fargo don’t you call me, cause you can’t foreclose
Ya done lost my note when the mortgage was sold….
Some people say a man is made outta mud
A congressman’s made outta stupid and thug
Stupid and thug and bribe and cohones
A mind that’s a-weak and a greed that’s strong
I see carson palmer bought a lot n san diego from the city of delmar for 4 million.A fool and his money are soon parted.
No wonder nfl games are so expensive.I’m actually getting bored with football for some reason.Havent figured out the reason yet but seems like the games are not as exciting anymore.
“Haven’t figured out the reason …”
The reason just might be rooted somewhere deep within the phrase: “What difference does it make?”
Does it REALLY MATTER to people not directly associated with the games as to who wins or who loses? Does it even matter if the games are played at all?
Hello, we are getting somewhere in here….
it’s fun when you’re young and identify with the players’ upward mobility..
“but seems like the games are not as exciting anymore”
The NFL rewards mediocrity. Finish in last place and you get a first round draft pick (contrast that with soccer leagues around the world where a team gets demoted to a minor league if it finishes last). The league is designed to be a revolving door where a team that wins the Superbowl might not even make the playoffs 2-3 years later.
I too find the games to be extremely boring. An endless procession of TV commercials. Plus I don’t understand the devotion fans have to the teams. The NFL has shown time and time again that the fans don’t matter and it will gladly relocate a team to a “better market”. Contrast that with soccer, where the mere idea that Manchester United or Real Madrid would relocate for a better deal is unthinkable.
And then there is Los Angeles, the NFL’s demographic nightmare, a market that is indifferent to the NFL because of its changing demographics. A market that has two professional soccer clubs but no NFL team. A market that reflects the future of the US, where David Beckham and Landon Donovan are the local sports heroes.
Admittedly I live near the other coast, but Landon Who?
I’ve heard of Beckham. He’s the guy who can bend it (ow!!).
Landon Donovan is perhaps the #1 American soccer player at the time. Stop by any soccer field on a weekend and ask the kids who he is. Trust me, they know.
Soccer ??
I have to admit, I did enjoy watching the world cup “because” the USA was in the hunt for awhile…Have not watched 5 seconds of soccer since….Would rather watch paint dry….
Well … its not a sprt of thye ADD cowd. If your attention span is limited to 10 second events, then American Football is your sport.
ADD crowed ?? If your attention span is limited to 10 second events, then American Football is your sport ??
Try baseball my friend….
crowed = crowd…. Misspelled it just like you did…
LOL! Who has time to proofread?
Yeah, baseball has that problem too. But think about American football. You know when the play is going to begin, and the then it lasts 5 seconds with another 30+ second break betwen plays
A market that reflects the future of the US, where David Beckham and Landon Donovan are the local sports heroes.
If you believe that, you are more liberal than can be helped. Just like people in S.F. think their city is how the U.S. is going look in 50 years! LOL..
The U.S. will never embrace Soccer like Europe does. You want to talk boring games? Americans like scores and Soccer doesnt have enough of it…
Just saying that in the future we are going to be a lot more like California than we are today (as in a lot more hispanics), and those folks prefer “futbol” over American Football. And FWIW, its not just California that is there today. Granted if you live on the east coast you wouldn’t have a clue about this.
Funny how you labelled me as “liberal” because I like soccer (LOL!). My observation has little to do with my preferences and more to do with demographics. Remember when there was no “press 1 for English”? The demographic trend is there my friend. I’m not saying its going to be tomorrow, but I recall how white Californians used to be in denial over their eventual minority status.
Still, doesn’t it strike you as odd that there is no NFL team in LA? It’s a market of 20,000,000 people.
Oh, and another observation: Even here in the heart of Broncos land more kids play soccer than baseball, basketball and American Football combined. Even redneck Loveland has about 20 dedicated soccer fields and only two American football fields. I don’t know any families who have kids playing pop warner league. I do know a few who have kids playing organized baseball and tons who have kids playing soccer. There are youth soccer clubs in Denver with thousands of players and professional, full time coaching staffs.
Soccer has been a major sport for American kids for something like 20 - 30 years. An interesting question for the world of professional sports is why so few of those kids have an interest in watching professional soccer on TV when they grow up.
few of those kids have an interest in watching professional soccer on TV when they grow up.
Because better soccer is in Europe, Brazil and Argentina. MLS would be a minor league in countries like England, Spain, Italy and Germany.
If you want people to watch, you have to be a top league in the world like NBA, NFL or MLB.
If you believe that, you are more liberal than can be helped.
That’s funny. You are right. I like soccer and I am a liberal of European kind. American liberals are more like fascists to me.
In my son’s 85% Hispanic elementary school in Boulder, they play soccer on the playground to pass the time, but all the boys want to be Denver Broncos when they grow up. They’d play tackle football on the playground if the teachers would let them.
How many kids play pop warner in Boulder vs. the Boulder Force soccer club? Heck they even have hispanic soccer leagues for the kids (because the “white” team play European style).
I agree that the couch potato wannabees watch the Broncos, but for those who actually play a sport, its soccer.
“Because better soccer is in Europe, Brazil and Argentina.”
Correct. And you can watch most of those matches on TV now. Why watch the Colorado Rapids when you can watch English Premier League games?
Step, you’re alive!
+1,stpn2me, good to see you post. Did you buy?
How many kids play pop warner in Boulder vs. the Boulder Force soccer club?
I don’t know if pop warner even exists in Boulder. And yeah, a buttload of middle and upper-middle class kids play soccer exclusively. But the poor/working class kids appear to be a lot more interested in football, to me. And around here, those kids are hispanic.
stpn2me, good to see you post. Did you buy?
Nope, I rent on post as usual. If I buy a house, I will live the rest of my life in it. Plus, I think housing still has about 10% to go down…
My plan as well, I think I bought my last house last year. Good luck with your search when you decide to plant roots.
With me it’s the steroid-induced combination of mass, velocity and savagery that damages the players’ bodies and minds. It’s gotten ugly, even at the high school level.
+1 Dr. REhobbyist….. Having taken all three of my children through a highly competitive high school & college sports environment I would agree…
It’s an unhealthy sport for bulky and fat kids. I always laugh when I see “professional” players huffing oxygen on the bench after a play. Those are supposed to be athletes? No wonder they keel over and die in their 50’s (on average).
Also, on average they play for 3 yrs IIRC. Billionaires exploiting kids for their benefits just like in most facets of America society. Don’t even get me started with College sports. What a scam….
Medical science is finally addressing the short and long term consequences of a concussion, even a mild concussion, that can lead to cognitive and learning problems later in life.
With just a mild concussion, personality traits
can change and a person is four times as likely
to have another concussion with the same type
of impact…
I’m in trouble then because I’ve had 3. (only 1 of them from football)
What really frosts my hide is when a team decides it wants a new stadium. What ensues is almost like blackmail - the team threatens to move if the city/county doesn’t pony up the cash to help build a new stadium.
Frankly nothing would please me more to see those leeches move to another city and suck the blood of some other taxpayers for a while. Of course I don’t think any states or cities are really in a position to spend money on anything quite so frivolous these days.
Something like that happened in Minnesota. The Twins baseball threatened for a new stadium. Minneapolis surveyed their citizens and came back with an answer: We have better things to spend our taxes on. Don’t the let door hit ya where the good lord split ya.
The Twins are still in Minnesota.
So why doesn’t the NFL, which is as American as apple pie, get painted with the socialist brush? Team owners are Socialists, dang nab it. Glenn Beck, where are you? Can’t hear you….
socialist implies that the use of gov money is for society not for corporate overlords or team owners.
I live in LA: Landon Donovan and David Beckham are no more local sports heroes than I am, among the general population. Serious soccer fans in LA are imported, immigrants or temporary expats from Europe or Latin America (and none of them have been impressed with Beckham’s lackluster performance in MLS).
MLS is growing in popularity and who knows, maybe one day it will take off, but in LA baseball, basketball and football still dominate water cooler chat.
Very true, even among 1rst gen immigrant Hispanics in LA you’ll get a much bigger reaction if you talk about the Lakers or Dodgers instead of the Galaxy.
The reason there is no NFL in LA is because the city council has the cojones to stand up to the NFL and refuse to build a stadium on the taxpayers’ dime. If the league or an owner were to offer to build their own stadium, I’d expect they’d be welcome (I have a feeling AEG is going to do just that, downtown).
Meanwhile most LA NFL fans don’t mind overmuch, because we’re all immigrants, from elsewhere in the US or overseas, and root for the team from our ancestral homes. No local team = no TV blackouts…
And why won’t they give in? Maybe because the locals don’t care anymore.
Don’t get me wrong, the NFL isn’t going away anytime soon. But they do seem pretty desperate to expand outside the USA. Unfortunately for them, no one outside of the USA is interested.
Zeus’s thought exactly. Maybe when it became World Wide Vaudevilleball.
“I’m actually getting bored with football for some reason.”
I may be due to your age. For me my interest started to wane around age 40.
I think the sports advertising demographic is 18 - 35 +/-.
There might be something to that where the built in violence appeals to younger guys.
What turns me off are the EMBEDDED ads. I don’t mind commercials — televising those games is expensive and they need the money from somewhere. But I am annoyed with the Toyota halftime report or X being sponsored by somebody, or the Dot.Bomb stadium, or the TV studio decked out with banner ads, or those poor announcers who have to sound excited when they plug the new episode of some TV show.
Constant commercials make any American sport unwatchable on TV. One hour game ends up being three and half hours. Who has that kind of time?
That was the thing that was fun about World Cup this year. While I don’t understand the game as well, you could just sit and watch. There weren’t the constant interruptions for commercials. No time-outs. No BS plays intended to do nothing more than stop the clock.
Now if they could only have banned those vuvuzuelas..
The salaries in pro sports are what have turned me off. I’m just not impressed by a guy making $15M+ a year who can barely put a coherent sentence together. I would never dream of paying $75 or more, oftentimes much more, for a ticket to a sporting event to support such an individual.
It’s a sad commentary that pro-sports guys get paid huge salaries for being in the entertainment business. Doctors who come up with a polio vaccine or eradicate smallpox get paid chicken feed. So do engineers like me who put together inter alia the electronic defensive systems for the F-16 and A-10.
Obama to sign historic settlement to black farmers
The Associated Press
Posted: 10:20 p.m. Friday, Dec. 3, 2010
WASHINGTON — Decades-old claims from African American farmers and native Americans that the government mistreated and swindled them out of billions of dollars can finally be settled starting Wednesday.
President Barack Obama is set to sign the bill authorizing payment of $4.6 billion to settle claims that arose in class-action lawsuits.
The White House said the president would sign the Claims Resolution Act of 2010 and make remarks at the ceremony next week, but offered no further details.
The House passed the bill on Tuesday. The package would award some $3.4 billion to American Indians for royalties for resources like oil, gas and timber. Another $1.2 billion would go to African American farmers who claim they were unfairly denied federal loans and other assistance.
July 27, 2010 - by Zombie
I’m confused.
If there are only 39,697 African-American farmers grand total in the entire country, then how can over 86,000 of them claim discrimination at the hands of the USDA? Where did the other 46,303 come from?
Now, if you’re confused over what the heck I’m even talking about, let’s go back to the beginning of the story:
Pigford v. Glickman
In 1997, 400 African-American farmers sued the United States Department of Agriculture, alleging that they had been unfairly denied USDA loans due to racial discrimination during the period 1983 to 1997. The farmers won the case, known as Pigford v. Glickman, and in 1999 the government agreed to pay $50,000 each to any farmer who had been wrongly denied an agricultural loan. By then it had grown into a class action case, and any black farmer who had filed a complaint between 1983 and 1997 would be given at least $50,000 — not limited to the original 400 plaintiffs. It was estimated at that time that there might be as many as 2,000 beneficiaries granted $50,000 each.
In the 1999 case Pigford v. Glickman, the USDA agreed to pay 16,000 black farmers $1 billion after a judge held the federal government responsible for the decline in black farmers. Critics argued that more than 70,000 farmers were shut out of the lawsuit. In 2008, then-Sen. Barack Obama and Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley got a law passed to reopen the case, and the settlement talks moved forward.
The U.S. Senate and Shirley Sherrod
Which brings us up to today, when two current events suddenly thrust this otherwise little-known case into the spotlight. First, the Senate stripped funding for the settlement out of an unrelated war appropriations bill, as they had done several times in the past. Second, it was revealed today that “A farm collective founded by Shirley Sherrod and her husband that was forced out of business by the discriminatory practices received a $13 million settlement as part of Pigford last year, just before she was hired by the USDA.”
Total number of African-American farmers in the United States, by year:
1987: 22,954
1992: 18,816
1997: 18,451
Even if there was a 100% turnover, and every single farmer went out of business every five years and was replaced by a new farmer (extremely unlikely), there still wouldn’t be enough black farmers throughout the entire period combined to account for the number of claimants.
It seems, no matter how you look at it, that a substantial number of the 86,000 claims must necessarily be fraudulent.
“It seems, no matter how you look at it, that a substantial number of the 86,000 claims must necessarily be fraudulent.”
Baroke O’Bummer never met a fraud or government giveaway he could pass up.
His approval rating must need some added stimulus.
Government bean counters. Cash for black eyed peas!
Don`t forget Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley briging home the govt. cheese to the people of his state.
AP Enterprise: Calif. lawmakers keep vehicle perk
California lawmakers enjoy a perk that seems like a luxurious amenity in a state that has been slashing billions of dollars from its budget: taxpayer-provided cars.
The state purchases cars for lawmakers to drive around their districts and the capital under a decades-old program, spending more than $5 million for the latest suite of vehicles that includes a $55,000 Cadillac sedan and a $52,000 Lexus hybrid.
The Legislature’s vehicle program dates to the 1950s, when lawmakers decided it was cheaper to buy cars and gasoline than to be reimbursed by the mile.
The Legislature said it could not provide information about how many miles each vehicle was driven or where lawmakers drive their vehicles because it does not keep track.
At a reimbursement rate of 50 cents a mile, lawmakers would have to drive a collective 10 million miles to reach the $5 million taken from the general fund to buy the vehicles — equal to more than 3,000 cross-country trips. The net cost to the state is unknown because the amount of lawmakers’ leases and the resale values will vary.
Filed under: “When the Southern US Senators votes in 100% agreement with their Long-Legged Northern Senator Brothers”
Friday, November 19th, 2010 By Steve Tarlow
CNN reports that the U.S. Senate has unanimously decided to pay a $1.15 billion settlement for black farmers.
Now why would the US SENATE vote unanimously to pay this money?
Define “unanimously”?
“Unanimity is complete agreement by all people in a given situation. When unanimous, everybody is of same mind and acting together as one”
Where was the x30 Southern Senator’s OUTRAGE?
Now,…now they are filled with “TrueAnger™”
I don’t even think the vote to go to war in Iraq was unanimous:
Authorization for the Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002:
Final vote on H.J.RES.114: October 11, 2002 / Passed: 77-23
(Hwy thinks there musta-been-some-“TrueMerits™”-to the-case)
“Now why would the US SENATE vote unanimously to pay this money?”
Don’t want to alienate those black voters.
Instead of providing a luxury vehicle or dealing with the record keeping for mileage reimbursement, why not provide a reasonable fixed allowance based on a reasonable number of miles?
Though I love this editorial, I disagree with the writer’s point about the effect of eliminating the MID on home prices, for several reasons:
1) So long as underwriting continues to revert back towards traditional prudential standards, housing prices are toast regardless of whether the MID is eliminated.
2) There is no reason the phase-in period could not be dragged out long enough so that there was no material effect on home prices for current owners.
3) They started phasing in Social Security retirement ages past 65 back in the late 1980s, and now they are still talking about doing it some more. Similarly, the MID could be phased out in baby steps: Put in place a schedule for a modest amount of reduction over, say, the next five years, but then at that point, announce further reductions. Repeat until the MID is no more.
The Mortgage Deduction Should Be Done Away With–But It Won’t
Dec 3 2010, 4:21 PM ET 61
Having recently entered into homeownership, I am now in the unhappy state of having to advocate against my own interest. As someone whose freelance expenses make it worthwhile to itemize, I plan to take the mortgage interest tax deduction until they phase the damn thing out, or I pay off the house, whichever comes first. But as an economics journalist, I retain my deep hatred for the thing.
The arguments for keeping that deduction are several:
1. Homeowners invest more in their homes, and in their neighborhoods, then renters do.
2. Homeownership breeds middle class values about saving and civic engagement.
3. Homeownership has been the primary vehicle for saving for several generations of Americans, and poor people who do not have access to this precious vehicle are shut out of the American dream
I must admit that since buying a home, I have become considerably more reluctant to, say, pad down to the corner store in my pajamas and an overcoat when we’re out of milk–what would the neighbors think? But in the wake of the housing bubble, these arguments nonetheless seem ludicrous. For millions, houses were a route to excess, and eventually penury. And I’m just talking about the mortgage brokers. Don’t even get me started on the poor homeowners who fell for this malarky.
The thing is, economists knew these arguments were high-test twaddle before the bubble popped. Adam Ozimek summarizes a recent paper which outlines just how terrible a deduction the mortgage interest allowance is:
The problem is that while homeownership wouldn’t be affected by getting rid of the deduction, homeowners would be. Some people who relied on the deduction to make their house affordable would be caught in a budget squeeze–though you can solve this problem pretty easily by grandfathering in existing homeowners, or sunsetting the deduction after five or ten years.
However, this would still have a pretty nasty effect on housing prices. Even people with little or no mortgage would be adversely affected by a price drop in their largest asset.
“However, this would still have a pretty nasty effect on housing prices. Even people with little or no mortgage would be adversely affected by a price drop in their largest asset.”
There are many of us that have been waiting nearly a decade to buy our first house that would welcome this. You don’t get to keep the deduction, it just serves to drive up the cost of the house.
You don’t get to keep the deduction ??
Why not ?? Wasn’t that the rule when the decision was made to take on the 30 year obligation ?? I can’t understand how flippant some can be about the ramifications of this action….
You want to eliminate the MID fine but you eliminate it going forward not retroactive…
Eliminating the MID for everyone would be like kicking homeowners 2X where it hurts the most. Prices would fall (10-20%, most likely) AND they would have a higher MTG balance that they now paid interest on.
That said (as a homeowner myself) it’s a terrible policy to perpetrate, and should be removed post-haste. It’s nuts to encourage huge loans, and to discourage paying them off; where’s the sense in that?? It should either be “all” or nothing; why is MI deductible and not CC or car loan interest? Again, horrible policy, encouraging people to borrow against their homes instead of taking out other consumer loans..
Phase it out over time; grandfather those who have it already. If you have it already, it means you own a house. You’ll feel the pain in the house price, no reason to double up the suffering!
Finally, the MID is truly just a sales tool for the RE establishment. They twist it to their evil purposes; making folks buy way too much house, or making folks believe that it’s of FAR more value to them than it actually is. If you have a big loan (400K+) and a big salary to go with it; then, yes, the MID is a significant item. However, the majority of folks in this country should be spending ~150-250K on their homes; in that case, the MID is really just a “trap” to lure them into buying a house; it has little net effect when you take into account their “giving up” the STD deduction.
How do y’all feel about MID as opposed to Prop 13 (speaking to californians)
I suspect we’ll see a split down the middle — long time residents vs newcomers saddled with higher property tax amounts and mello-roos ‘fees’ etc.
My take: Prop 13 fundamentally unfair and is a highly regressive and malicious form of taxation. Interestingly, the most right-wing among us usually take umbrage to my opinion, likely because they feel it is payback for higher marginal income tax. The venom expressed is usually quite shocking to me.
I’m a right-winger but I agree something in Cali definitely changed after Prop 13. I tend to think that auto-executing tax cuts just don’t work. The way to cut taxes is in the legislature in a deliberative manner, but that takes guts. So, the auto-limiting mechanism invites draconian cuts in all the wrong places..maybe due to bureaucratic pique, I don’t know..
“…something in Cali definitely changed after Prop 13.”
Like heading one of the best public education systems in the country towards the toilet, for example?
“Why not ?? Wasn’t that the rule when the decision was made to take on the 30 year obligation ??”
I didn’t see that in my mortgage contract? Nor did I see it written in stone or did I purchase based upon that. I purchased because the numbers were right, I could control my long term rent (20+ yrs), and I liked the neighborhood.
What I couldn’t control long term was the quality of the neighborhood long term, nor my choice of neighbors (but I always lucked out with great ones).
The only certainty in life is change!
I didn’t see that in my mortgage contract ??
Has nothing to do with the mortgage…Has everthing to do with tax law…If you chose to buy without consideration of the “Tax Law” then that was your choice…Others have chosen differently for different reasons based on the “law”…
Under your reasoning, why don’t we eliminate depreciation for Capital improvements or deductions for R&D ??
Many things about housing have been changed retroactively.
When I bought my house in San Jose back in 1981, the rule then was a cap gains exclusion once-in-a-lifetime when you reached age 55. I paid off this house over 25 years, but when I sold the rule had changed, and, as a single person, I got nailed paying cap gains on over $200K.
but when I sold the rule had changed ??
Whats “retroactive” about that ??
It’s “retroactive” in just the way you are complaining about abolishing the MID. I bought the house in good faith expecting to sell it at retirement with a cap gains exclusion - which didn’t care if you were married or single.
People who bought before the present cap gains laws were passed in around 1998 were NOT grandfathered in under the old laws.
It’s “retroactive” in just the way you are complaining about abolishing the MID ??
No its not…You lost nothing when they changed the law…That changed effected actions in the future…Your finances did not change one bit until you sold and if you would have died first your stepped up basis would have had no tax impact at all…Expecting something in the future is always subject to change…Everyone takes that risk…
“Expecting something in the future is always subject to change…Everyone takes that risk…”
And expecting the MID to remain the same in the future is not “expecting something in the future”? Those are future tax savings you apparently were banking on…
And expecting the MID to remain the same in the future ??
Not looking to the future at all….The MID is something that is in place NOW…You want to change the future for MID, have at it…
I agree MID needs to go for everyone, sunset it in 10 years and we can be like the rest of the world. Eventually we will see home owner ship increase which is the net good, see Canada for example.
Lower home prices are good for everyone.
I know several people in the Pacific Northwest who bought 5 acre plots with their homes and planned to divide the land for others to buy and build on. The towns passed new zoning disallowing any homes on less than X acres to control urban sprawl, those home owners were retroactively effected. But the net good is the town doesn’t have as much sprawl.
““However, this would still have a pretty nasty effect on housing prices. Even people with little or no mortgage would be adversely affected by a price drop in their largest asset.”
A good quick start would be to only allow a deduction on houses below $400K that are owner occupied, none for second homes, motor homes, rentals, etc.
only allow a deduction on houses below $400K that are owner occupied ??
If “fairness” is your objective then the $400,000. needs to be indexed to the median…$400,000. would likely cover 99% of the mortgages in Oklahoma City…It would not cover any in Manhattan…
Now, if fairness is not your objective and the approach is to f$@# the higher housing costs area’s then that idea would work…
none for second homes ?? I agree
none for motor homes ?? Only if its “not”
your primary residence…
none for rentals ?? Are you kidding me ?? rental real estate is a business just like any other….If you say no interest deduction on the real estate rental business, then you need to say no deduction for interest for “any” business…
I’d propose something a little different:
- Eliminate the MID for non-primary residences immediately.
- For existing loans on primary residences, gradually phase it out over 30 years from the date of the initial loan on that property by that owner (no later date for refi’s).
- For new loans on new primary residences (not new properties, but new owners), phase it out over 15 years with more than a gradual reduction over 15 years.
I’d buy that…Sounds reasonable & fair….
Grandfathering MID eligibility for those who already have it plus phasing it in gradually enough to not exacerbate the price collapse which already underway is the only possible means to make this idea politically defensible.
Alternatively, Congress could just cram it down Americans’ throats the way they did the TARP. Perhaps if they could convince us that some kind of financial emergency was in progress, which could only be fixed if the MID were eliminated?
PB. How much do you think TARP has cost us vs. no TARP??
The government is floating ideas to rasie taxes
they float the idea of eliminating the MID to see if they can make it stick
The government will rasie taxes on most of us and try and make us feel its fair, that we had it too good with a MID, or in the old days credit card interest deduction. The government will try and give tax breaks to the top 2% of all income earners and try and make us think thats fair too.
good luck with that
What the cat food commission is proposing is a massive screw job on the middle class under the guise of “deficit reduction”. If you take away the gutting of Social Security, it doesn’t even come close to balancing the budget.
Getting a viable proposal seems impossible given the composition of the commission.
“What the cat food commission is proposing is a massive screw job on the middle class under the guise of “deficit reduction”.’
All the more reason to eliminate welfare-to-the-wealthy programs like the MID.
Good luck to the REIC propagandists who are busily spreading disinformation about the dire effects of eliminating the mortgage interest deduction. The word is out there now that this policy is a boondoggle and a tax giveaway to the rich.
Sheila Crowley
President, National Low Income Housing Coalition
Posted: December 3, 2010 05:23 PM
One Thing the Deficit Commission Got Right — There’s a Better Way to Subsidize Housing
Although President Obama’s bipartisan debt-reduction commission did not reach agreement today, their report has made clear to all that major changes in public policy are needed to solve our country’s fiscal problems. Many of the proposed changes are considered too extreme by people on both ends of the political spectrum. But there has been remarkable accord among tax and policy experts from the left, right, and middle about one provision: reforming the tax deduction for mortgage interest.
The mortgage interest deduction in its current form is extremely expensive and does little good, the definition of a wasteful government program. Despite the popularity of the deduction among taxpayers and its ferocious defense by the housing industry, this is one public policy whose day of reckoning is long overdue.
To review, the mortgage interest deduction currently provides a tax incentive to borrow up to $1.1 million in mortgage debt when buying a home (or two). The family or individual who takes out a home mortgage pays interest to the lenders, which the lenders keep. The federal government then gives some of the interest back to some of the homeowners. The amount is between 15 cents (for those in the lowest tax bracket) and 35 cents (for those in the highest) for every dollar of interest paid.
Because this program is a tax expenditure, most Americans do not understand its cost. The interest goes to the banks and the benefit is paid by the government, so the deduction is really government spending on a mortgage subsidy program. In 2011, the program will cost $104.6 billion, two and a half times the money Congress appropriates for the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Unlike HUD programs, the mortgage interest deduction provides the biggest subsidies to the highest income borrowers who take out the most expensive loans.
Moreover, many Americans with mortgages do not benefit from the deduction. Forty-six percent of homeowners do not get the deduction because they have paid off their mortgages, they do not itemize on their tax returns, or they are very low income. Since still more households own their homes free and clear or are renters, 76% of all taxpayers do not benefit from the mortgage interest deduction at all.
Not only is the mortgage interest deduction regressive and costly, it encourages Americans to mortgage their homes to the hilt. What’s worse, its value to prospective homebuyers is largely capitalized into the price of housing, making home buying more expensive than it would be otherwise. This price effect is particularly strong where markets are tighter and middle class people must take out bigger mortgages in order to purchase homes. It also puts lower tax bracket households at a disadvantage since they have to pay the same market prices and the same or higher interest rates, but receive fewer cents on the dollar from their deduction.
I personally dislike the mortgage deduction, but playing devils advocate, wouldn’t it be true that eliminating the deduction would push more folks who are living close to the edge into foreclosure and since it is built into house prices perhaps to the tune of 25% stand to further erode house prices, resulting in another large increase in foreclosures?
Besides, increasing taxes at this point will only further reduce tax revenues (see HS linear programming) and increase the amount required to bail out the newly created defaulters, resulting in an even greater national debt?
What seems to be missed in this whole economics thing, is that nothing done by the FED or Treasury has increased the total amount of debt held, but has rather redistributed it from those who loaned and those who borrowed and then defaulted to everyone else rather than allowing only the creditors and debtors to shoulder the losses. Who are the creditors? Retirees and the Chinese for the most part. The debtors? mostly middle (or previously middle) class citizens who were too stupid or too crazy to stay out of the bubble.
Even the debt commission didn’t eliminate the MID entirely. Their proposal axed the MID for homes over a certain amoung, and for second homes and HELOCS — in other words, it axed the MID only for rich people (or people who think they are rich). If the MID is enough to push those people over into BK, I say it can’t come soon enough.
“…wouldn’t it be true that eliminating the deduction would push more folks who are living close to the edge into foreclosure and since it is built into house prices perhaps to the tune of 25% stand to further erode house prices, resulting in another large increase in foreclosures?”
1. Read my comments from above.
2. My comments were:
1) So long as underwriting continues to revert back towards traditional prudential standards, housing prices are toast regardless of whether the MID is eliminated.
2) There is no reason the phase-in period could not be dragged out long enough so that there was no material effect on home prices for current owners.
3) They started phasing in Social Security retirement ages past 65 back in the late 1980s, and now they are still talking about doing it some more. Similarly, the MID could be phased out in baby steps: Put in place a schedule for a modest amount of reduction over, say, the next five years, but then at that point, announce further reductions. Repeat until the MID is no more.
Cut the MID’s throat.
Papa was a rolling stone
Wherever he laid his hat was his home.
But when he died
All he ever left us was a loan.
Why do we get linked to the rap version?
Somefing different…
The question is, are you too-big-to-fail, or what?
You ain’t too-big-to-fail — you ain’t nothin’!
Op-Ed Contributor
Too Big to Succeed
Published: December 1, 2010
Kansas City, Mo.
THE world has experienced a severe financial crisis and economic recession. The Treasury and the Federal Reserve took actions that saved businesses and jobs and may very well have saved the economy itself from ruin. Still, the public seems ungrateful, expressing anger at these institutions that saved the day. Why?
Americans are angry in part because they sense that the government was as much a cause of the crisis as its cure. They realize that more must be done to address a threat that remains increasingly a part of our economy: financial institutions that are “too big to fail.”
“Free Markets!” / “Financial Innovation!” / “De-Regulation!”
Corpoorations: “Let loose these here “Gubermint Bidness” shackles & “JUST LET US BE FREE!”"
Is the Federal Reserve 1st a “Corpooration Inc.” or an “Gov’t Institution” ?
As long as there is at least one honest man left standing with access to the media, I won’t give up hope.
Fed’s Hoenig: “too big to fail” hurts small banks
By Carey Gillam
OVERLAND PARK, Kansas | Mon Aug 23, 2010 12:57pm EDT
OVERLAND PARK, Kansas (Reuters) - Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank President Thomas Hoenig warned on Monday that landmark financial reforms may not end market perceptions that taxpayers will rescue the largest banks and cautioned against speculative investments in housing.
Hoenig, testifying at a field hearing of the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, said larger banks perceived as “too big to fail” have a lower cost of capital, putting smaller banks at a competitive disadvantage and threatening their business model.
The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act intended to end Wall Street bailouts by giving regulators a mechanism to seize and shut down failing large institutions in much the same manner as the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. can shut down smaller banks.
Hoenig said it was not yet clear whether the reform act would put big and small banks on an equal footing.
“That can only happen if markets are absolutely convinced that too big to fail has finally been ended and only time will tell. It’s an open question,” he told the hearing in suburban Kansas City.
Hoenig, the Fed’s lone policy dissenter in recent months, did not address the U.S. central bank’s outlook on the economy nor monetary policy matters. He voted against the Fed’s decision earlier this month to reinvest funds from maturing mortgage-backed securities into Treasury debt to help push down mortgage interest rates further, citing a gradual improvement in the economy.
He also told the House panel that housing was not suitable for speculative investments by consumers.
“If the American people are looking for the housing market to be their investment opportunity, I think they’re making a mistake,” Hoenig said. “I don’t think the economics of the housing industry … is really designed for that. Right now the facts are we have an excess supply.”
If you have TBTF when SHTF you are TF.
Google is going to be a CRE FB!
Google signed a contract to buy its New York office building for about $1.8 billion, according to a person with knowledge of the agreement….
The deal signals strong demand for Manhattan property as the market recovers, said Dan Fasulo, a Real Capital managing director.
“You can’t get a stronger vote of confidence for the strength of the New York office market,” Fasulo said. “When one of the most prestigious modern corporations makes a bet on your marketplace, it’s not just a bet on your real estate, but in New York as a place to retain and attract the best talent.”
Anyone from NYC know where the Google building is located?
It’s near 14th St. How does that even help you?
Google has different motivations than you and I. I can just hire movers. Google cannot. There are severe logistics involved which can take up to a year.
If you’ve never moved a corporate office, you have no clue what I am talking about. If you have, you’re probably out there nodding your head.
Seriously, this is neither here nor there. It’s meaningless.
I should have been more specific. Google is in the advertising business. Is this place near the traditional Madison Avenue advertising slum?
Nope. It’s near 14th St. just North of the Village.
It’s a nice nabe. I like it but it’s neither here nor there. It has zero amenities.
“It’s a nice nabe. I like it but it’s neither here nor there. It has zero amenities.”
It doesn’t need amenities! Check out their office pictures …
Isn’t that the Mountainview, CA stuff?
Besides, only children are impressed by that stuff. Any rational person would conclude that they are wasting their time for a whole lot of smoke and mirrors.
Google is aimed at cheating child engineers who don’t know better! Any fool should figure that out.
Check out their office pictures …
Modern day prison. I would not like to be caught dead in a place like that. After I am done with my 8/9 hrs I want to go home. Thank you for your free dinner and nap room, but I gotta go.
“Google is aimed at cheating child engineers who don’t know better! Any fool should figure that out.”
I hadn’t given it much thought, but I think you’ve nailed it. They must need to keep costs pretty low, given their revenues are based on eyeball statistics*…
*I ‘eyeball’ Google ads daily, but have yet to buy anything based on them.
Most of the seating looks like it would be extremely uncomfortable after a few minutes.
Well, as I only got 5 out of 5 correct answers in Mr. Bear recent economics HBB quiz, what does ol’ Hwy knoweth ’bout “bigbidness”? Still, I reckon Google Inc. would fail rapidly as a business model if they were unable to get a “valuable” Manhattan property location. In fact, I might go so far as to say that being unable to penetrate the NYC RE landscape would prove to the world that Google is really weak and impotent.
Keep talking about your bullies, Demon. Who is it who took billions in bailout money from the American treasury, then perpetrated a robo-signing foreclosure rampage to kick helpless, hapless Main Street American families out of their homes?
How the World Works
Wednesday, Dec 1, 2010 16:47 ET
How can America’s smartest banker be so dumb?
The New York Times tells us, again, that JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon feels “bullied.” He needs to get out more
By Andrew Leonard
If I were Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan Chase, I’m not sure what I would think of the headline placed on Roger Lowenstein’s endless Sunday New York Times Magazine profile, “America’s Least-Hated Banker.” Talk about damning with faint praise! How should we read that? The best thing we can say about Jamie Dimon is that he is not reviled as much as the rest of the “fat-cat banksters” that ran wild on Wall Street and crashed the economy?
Though, really, the question is begged: Least-hated by whom? I don’t think the general public makes the same fine distinctions in this arena as do business journalists, who, like Lowenstein, routinely laud Dimon for his smarts and for his ability to manage risk while others lose their shirts. Jamie Dimon is clearly better at this job than other Wall Street CEOs, but that still puts him squarely in the middle of a class that is fundamentally unpopular.
The funny thing is, you’d think a smart guy like Dimon would be, well, smarter, about the way the country works. Lowenstein tells us that Dimon was a big supporter of Obama but ended up turning against him after becoming upset at the personal insults that started coming his way from the White House.
Wow. I thought CEOs were made of tougher stuff. Pretty much everybody who pays at least passing attention to politics knows exactly why Obama made that comment. His administration was perceived, for very good reasons, as being too lenient on Wall Street, and he was trying to rally some political support. If you supported Obama’s larger agenda, which Dimon apparently did, you might be expected to shrug off the name-calling. That’s politics. But, instead, Dimon felt bullied. That’s the sign of a thin-skinned man who doesn’t have his priorities straight.
Dimon should be able to loot the treasury in peace.
I mean, Jamie.
The Fed’s “WikiLeaks” moment
Dec 1st 2010, 23:28 by G.I. | WASHINGTON, DC
A POWERFUL government agency has just had a trove of its most sensitive interactions with key counterparties around the world thrown open to the public. I’m not talking about the State Department but the publication today of who got help from the Federal Reserve’s emergency lending programmes during the crisis.
The details are interesting, even titillating, but not terribly surprising. The biggest banks tended to be the biggest borrowers. The data are a bit tricky to interpret: each loan is reported separately even when it represents the rollover of a maturing loan. Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Citibank and JPMorgan Chase all borrowed at least $15 billion each via the Fed’s Term Auction Facility; the total outstanding at any one moment exceeded $45 billion in the case of Bank of America and Wells Fargo, according to Bloomberg. One of the more intriguing revelations is how much support the Fed gave to Europe’s banks: an American unit of Belgium’s Dexia had at least $14 billion outstanding at one point; RBS Citizens, a unit of Royal Bank of Scotland, at least $14.5 billion, and Bank of Scotland (part of Lloyds), $12 billion. Is it a coincidence that the parents of all these banks had to be bailed out by their host governments? (The European Central Bank was also far and away the largest users of dollar swap lines from the Fed, at one point borrowing $171 billion. It then lent those dollars to euro-zone banks.)
Investment banks also became big borrowers when the discount window was opened to them. Bear Stearns borrowed up to $28 billion (no surprise there) as it fended off collapse in March of 2008. But the others did not borrow in size until that fall. Lehman borrowed $28 billion the day of its bankruptcy. (Why it didn’t borrow sooner is a bit puzzling. Was it too scared of looking like it needed the help? And should the Fed have lent to a dealer whose holding company had just sought bankruptcy protection?) Merrill Lynch borrowed up to $33 billion, Morgan Stanley $47 billion, and Goldman Sachs $18 billion.
These revelations reinforce what we already knew: that the Fed helped reinforce all these firms’ “too big to fail” status by lending them huge amounts when they needed it. Yes, this is moral hazard, but…
“Morale Hazard.” Simply a way to avoid using the more appropriate word, “Criminal” so as not to alert the public.
How about a new word for murder too. Let’s see. How about “Early lifelessness.”
Gotta love these Orwellian days of double plus goodness.
It’s moral hazard, not morale hazard, and it has nothing to do with criminality really. It just states that immoral behavior shouldn’t be rewarded.
I do like your alternate term for murder though.
Hoenig for Fed Chair.
Would it be possible to modify the U.S. Constitution to make this an elected position?
Fed President Hoenig Eyes Return of Glass-Steagall
Glass-Steagall’s separation of banks from more risky brokerage businesses would ‘restore the integrity of the financial system’
Advisor One | December 2, 2010 | By Kathleen McBride, AdvisorOne
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City President Thomas M. Hoenig called for diversifying the U.S. financial system by bringing back Glass-Steagall-type provisions for financial services giants.
It probably wouldn’t require an amendment. Wasn’t the Fed chartered by act of Congress? They could just amend the charter.
Well an ammendment would make a future repeal more difficult.
My point was that so long as unelected Fed officials are making allocation decisions, awarding below-market loans to Wall Street and Eurozone Megabanks, hedge funds, really rich financiers who I guess were also too-big-to-fail, and what not, shouldn’t the average American get a say in who leads the agency? Otherwise, Main Street is likely to get screwed again and again until we have fully reverted to the feudal society the American Founding Fathers were trying to escape.
…below-market interest loans…
The right hit-man could make it happen with better odds.
The Wall Street Journal is editorializing against the too-big-to-fail banking thugs. Life is schweet!!!
* The Wall Street Journal
* DECEMBER 2, 2010
The Fed’s Bailout Files
Which banks were too big to fail? All of them.
Lender of last resort indeed. The Federal Reserve pulled back the curtain yesterday on its emergency lending during the financial panic of 2008 and 2009, and the game to play at home with the kids is: Who didn’t get a bailout?
If you can find a big financial player who declined the Fed’s cash, you’re doing better than we did yesterday afternoon.
The documents aren’t another WikiLeaks dump but are due to Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, who insisted that the Dodd-Frank financial bill require more transparency about how the Fed allocated capital during the panic. The release of this data on some 21,000 Fed transactions over the last three years is one of the rare useful provisions in Dodd-Frank, but kudos to our favorite Socialist for demanding it.
We learn, for example, that the cream of Wall Street received even more multibillion-dollar assistance than previously advertised by either the banks or the Fed. Goldman Sachs used the Primary Dealer Credit Facility 85 times to the tune of nearly $600 billion. Even in Washington, that’s still a lot of money. Morgan Stanley used the same overnight lending program 212 times from March 2008 to March 2009. This news makes it impossible to argue that either bank would have survived the storm without the Fed’s cash.
Looks like certain MUrDoch’s “TrueProvoker ™” Faux News subscribers are going to have to decide where to focus their “TrueAnger™”
1.) Goldman Sachs used the Primary Dealer Credit Facility 85 times to the tune of nearly $600 billion.
Now, …NOW!,… we’re filled with “TrueAnger™”:
2.) Republicans block child nutrition bill:
“Republicans say the nutrition bill is too costly and an example of government overreach.”
“We all want to see our children healthy and active. This is about spending and the role of government and the size of government — a debate about whether we’re listening to our constituents or not.”
“We all want to see our children healthy and active. This is about spending and the role of government and the size of government — a debate about whether we’re listening to our constituents or not.”
But borrowing $700 billion from China so the filthy rich get a tax cut is the role of government according to the GOP hypocrites.
Why don’t the dems play ball with repubs? Tell them if you want tax cuts, we have to pay it by reducing military expenses. That will shut their mouth.
hard ball
This is interesting: count an FBI agent among the FBs…
“An FBI employee who handled background investigations for the agency in San Francisco has been charged in federal court with lying about the amount of money she owed on her properties, court records show.
Rachelle Thomas-Zuill, 39, of Pittsburg claimed on a financial disclosure form that she owned three properties with an outstanding mortgage debt of $866,000, when in fact she owned six properties and had a debt of more than $2.2 million, according to the charging document filed Thursday in U.S. District Court in San Jose.
Thomas-Zuill, who joined the FBI 13 years ago, was charged with making false statements to a government agency, a felony. She could not be reached for comment Friday.
Thomas-Zuill worked from 2003 until July of this year as a personnel security specialist for the FBI. Her responsibilities included overseeing and administering background investigations for agents’ security clearances.
Because she had a special security clearance, Thomas-Zuill was required to file a financial disclosure form each year.
The case was investigated by the Justice Department’s Office of the Inspector General.”
here’s the link:
when in fact she owned six properties and had a debt of more than $2.2 million
See, this would never happen if she was employed as a full-time OT fireman, I mean where would she find the time to handle it all? :-/
“See, this would never happen if she was employed as a full-time OT fireman, I mean where would she find the time to handle it all?”
If she were, she’d make more and have more time. She’d still be screwed financially, though.
BofA -10 Tips For A Successful Short Sale -Agent Flyer (I would never go this route myself, as a buyer.)
How to blow $10 million on bling in a decade….
It is a far cry from the life that Mr. Martin and his family enjoyed until recently at their Adirondacks waterfront camp at Tupper Lake, N.Y. Their garage held three stylish cars, including a yellow Aston Martin; they owned three horses, one that cost $173,000; and Mr. Martin treated his wife, Kate, to a birthday weekend at the Waldorf-Astoria, with dinner at the “21″ Club and a $7,000 mink coat.
That luxurious world was fueled by a check Mr. Martin received in 1998 for $14 million, his share of the $600 million sale of Martin Media, an outdoor advertising business begun by his father in California in the 1950s. After taxes, he kept about $10 million.
Check last weekends posts for lengthy discussion on Mr. Martin The Moron.
He might be a moron, but it isn’t like he is the only one out there. People who ran up credit cards to live beyond their means. People who took out home equity loans to finance cars, vacations or boob jobs. Now the chickens are coming home to roost.
I like the way the article neglects to mention how he is living rent-free at the moment.
Yeah rent free too. Not only did he piss away $14 million, he owes the bank too. It’s unimaginable really. If a tenth of that dough fell in my lap I’d still have 80% of it after buying everything I wanted.
Shattered dreams of home ownership
Note: faux victim here.
I keep my mortgage prepaid six months in advance. I continue regular monthly payments w/ additional principal always keeping my due date six months ahead–just in case. It isn’t yours until it’s paid in full.
“It isn’t yours until it’s paid in full.”
Do you live in a state where there is no property tax?
In WA there is no income tax, so property taxes are higher than normal. The assessor said my place is now worth $181k, so my annual taxes are $2,200/yr. Such is life in a 3/2 ranch spec. We’re still breathing air.
Hmmm In California at 1.2% your property taxes would be $2172 and your income tax if you earned say 75K would be at least $3,000. And thats not all.. Don’t forget our 9%+ sales tax
Good point, GH.
Our WA utilities and water cost less, and the car insurance and registration tabs cost less too. Considering only the basic necessities we simply couldn’t afford to live in California on one income, and that’s with an engineering job.
I really hate winter, and we recently experienced a -17F cold snap; back to normal icy 20s now. Things won’t improve until March, and the nice weather won’t arrive until mid May. I can tell ‘ya all about cabin fever!
” It isn’t yours until it’s paid in full.”
That`s Old School, now you don`t pay the mortgage for years because, It isn`t theirs until they take it back.
Yeah, I’m old school…a banker’s dead beat.
Do you think a big HELOC might be the unmentioned red-herring in the whole “tragedy”?
“I take great pride in ownership and enjoy improving my house,” she said. “I’ve been divorced for 34 years, and I’ve learned to be very handy with repairs and improvements. All by myself, I have painted, replaced doors and closets, installed crown molding and new baseboards, constructed a backyard shed, stuccoed, tiled and carpeted flooring, installed wallpaper and replaced my shower. I even have a miter saw.”
“Dugan has a new job as a nurse. She can afford to keep her home if she is given the opportunity.”
New job as a nurse? Sounds like she should have her own show on HGTV. The Lesbian Handyman.
Not a dream. It started off a nightmare and ended up one.
They have stopped making payments on their $1.1 million mortgage and their $53,000 in annual property taxes in the Adirondacks as well as the mortgage and taxes on their Vermont home
from John Mauldin ’s free weekly letter
“Will the Germans still finance the Greeks in 2013 when they have not whittled down their deficit and the Greeks still want to retire at 50 on full pensions? Will the Irish decide that it is in their best interests to take on massive debt so that French and German and UK banks are paid back? Can the solution to a debt problem be more debt?
Will Texas singlehandedly bail out California so their prison guards can continue to make $100,000 a year? Tough questions.
I don’t know how this story is going to end, but I am not expecting a happy ending.
I keep wondering when the people in Greece and Ireland basically get tired of austerity, and vote in new people that promise to stick it to the bankers with a default. Not that it would solve all that much - I suppose there would be a temporary feel-good moment, and then TSHTF again. Kind of like a jailbreak, I guess. The guys in jail are intent on getting out, and it might be kind of a rush while they are on the lam, but most are eventually caught again, and in the end they get more time added on.
“Will Texas singlehandedly bail out California so their prison guards can continue to make $100,000 a year?”
Will Texas energy companies return the money that has been gouged from California consumers over the past decade?
I don’t see your point. One is public funding; one is private funding.
“Feds Warrantlessly Tracking Americans’ Credit Cards in Real Time”
Maybe the Feds should warrantlessly track TBTF banks in real time.
“Maybe the Feds should warrantlessly track TBTF banks in real time.”
Investigating TBTF banks is apparently left to Wikileaks and the feds are none too thrilled with that. The feds appear to be doing little other than protecting the organized crime of big business and the banks.
Tired of paying off your unaffordable mortgage but not in the mood for moving? Consider investing in a pet pit bull.
* DECEMBER 4, 2010
The 25-Year ‘Foreclosure From Hell’
OKEECHOBEE COUNTY, Fla.—Patsy Campbell could tell you a thing or two about fighting foreclosure. She’s been fighting hers for 25 years.
The 71-year-old retired insurance saleswoman has been living in her house, a two-story on a half acre in a tidy middle-class neighborhood here in central Florida, since 1978. The last time she made a mortgage payment was October 1985.
And yet Ms. Campbell has been able to keep her house, protected by a 105-pound pit bull named Dodger and a locked, rusty gate advising visitors to beware of the dog.
“They’re not going to take this house,” says Ms. Campbell. “I intend to stay in this house and maintain it as my residence until I die.”
Ms. Campbell’s foreclosure case has outlasted two marriages, three recessions and four presidents. She has seen seven great-grandchildren born, plum real-estate markets come and go and the ownership of her mortgage change six times. Many Florida real-estate lawyers say it is the longest-lasting foreclosure case they have ever heard of.
The story of how Ms. Campbell has managed to avoid both paying her mortgage and losing her home, which is currently assessed at more than $203,000, is a cautionary tale for lenders that cut corners and followed sloppy practices when originating, processing and servicing mortgages. Lenders are especially vulnerable in the 23 states, including Florida, that require foreclosures to be approved by a judge.
Ms. Campbell has challenged her foreclosure on the grounds that her mortgage was improperly transferred between banks and federal agencies, that lawyers for the bank had waited too long to prosecute the case, that a Florida law shields her from all her creditors, and for dozens of other reasons. Once, she questioned whether there really was a debt at all, saying the lender improperly separated the note from the mortgage contract.
Foreclosure sales down 25 percent
Columbia Daily Tribune
Saturday, December 4, 2010
LOS ANGELES (AP) — The worst summer for home sales in decades also put a chill on foreclosure sales, even as the average discounts on the distressed properties got bigger compared with other types of homes.
Foreclosure sales plunged 25 percent in the July-September quarter versus the April-June period and tumbled 31 percent from the third quarter last year, foreclosure listing firm RealtyTrac Inc. said Thursday.
Sales of non-foreclosed properties fell 29 percent sequentially and nearly 31 percent from the third quarter last year, the firm said.
The decline in sales of bank-owned properties and other homes in some stage of foreclosure is in line with an overall housing market slowdown that took hold after federal homebuyer tax credits expired in April.
The fallout over foreclosure processing errors that prompted some lenders to temporarily halt sales of bank-owned homes wasn’t a significant factor in the sharp third-quarter drop in foreclosure sales, said Daren Blomquist, a RealtyTrac spokesman.
“We could expect probably in the fourth quarter to see that percentage of foreclosure sales dip because buyers are a bit skittish about purchasing foreclosure properties, given the questions surrounding the foreclosure process,” Blomquist said.
Why can’t MSM financial journalists for once acknowledge the financial prudence of those who don’t foolishly catch themselves falling knives without a moment’s hesitation, rather than suggesting that fear is the driving force in their decisions? Maybe if these journalists instead focused on pointing out the foolishness of rushing to buy unaffordable homes on credit, then a lot fewer American households would be hundreds of thousands of dollars under water on their mortgages.
House hunters are too scared to buy despite low prices
The Johansons were afraid to buy despite affordable prices and low interest rates.
By Les Christie, staff writer
December 2, 2010: 10:46 AM ET
NEW YORK ( — Despite some of the best home-buying conditions in years — affordable prices, low interest rates and lots of choices — fear of buying has infected the market.
It has paralyzed house hunters, making them unable to pull the trigger even on attractive deals. Some are worried about making the payments, while others are convinced they’ll save even more if they wait.
It’s perfectly natural that they should feel that way in the wake of the housing bust, said Lawrence Yun, the chief economist for the National Association of Realtors. “It’s like when the stock market is crashing,” he said. “People are waiting to see if deals will get better.”
In fact, home sales are down by about 25% from last year, which means a lot of people are sitting on the sidelines. And real estate agents are having to get used to the fear of buying trend.
Anne Williams, an agent with Wallace & Wallace in Knoxville, Tenn., said, “I have several buyers that fit this category. I have learned not to be too pushy. Buying a home is a big decision and if they aren’t convinced that now is the time, I back off.”
“Anne Williams, an agent with Wallace & Wallace in Knoxville, Tenn., said, “I have several buyers that fit this category. I have learned not to be too pushy. Buying a home is a big decision and if they aren’t convinced that now is the time, I back off.”
NAR: “Get your balls out of your wife’s purse, NOW!”
There are many important omissions from the article below:
1. By artificially propping up demand, low interest rates also serve to prop up the purchase prices of homes.
2. For the same monthly payment, a relatively higher purchase price and lower interest rate implies a smaller mortgage interest deduction; so long as the Congress is keeping the mortgage interest deduction around, it therefore might be wise to wait for higher interest rates and lower prices.
3. Other costs of ownership, such as taxes and insurance, are also tied to market value, which is presumably a function of purchase price. Buying when purchase prices are high (due to low interest rates) therefore inflates the other three components of PITI (payment, interest, taxes and insurance).
4. You can refinance into a lower rate mortgage if interest rates fall, but you cannot refinance into lower principle if market values (comps) decline — just ask all the FB’s out there right now wondering why they can’t get a loan mod if you don’t want to take my word for it. Buy now, and lock in high principle forever!
* December 4, 2010, 8:53 AM ET
Number or the Week: Tiny Benefit of QE2 for Mortgage Holders
By Mark Whitehouse
$20: The typical mortgage holder’s potential monthly savings as a result of the Federal Reserve’s latest effort to bring down long-term interest rates.
The country’s 53 million mortgage holders shouldn’t expect too much from the Fed’s latest bond-buying spree.
Interest rates on mortgages are one of the channels through which the Fed’s second round of quantitative easing — in which the central bank aims to spend some $600 billion on Treasury bonds — is supposed to boost the economy. By pushing down rates, the stimulus makes buying a home more attractive, and also allows homeowners to improve their finances by replacing their existing mortgages with new, cheaper loans.
But while $600 billion sounds like a lot of money, the added benefit for mortgage holders will likely be tiny. That’s in part because many of them can’t or won’t take advantage of the lower rates, and in part because the savings for those who do will be minimal.
Most people who are able to refinance their mortgages have long had the opportunity to do so. In the three months before the Fed first signaled its latest round of stimulus, the interest rate on a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage averaged 4.61%. That’s one percentage point below the rate about 56% of the nation’s mortgage holders are currently paying, according to mortgage-data provider LPS Applied Analytics.
The Fed’s efforts won’t do much to expand the pool of people able to refinance. Economists at Goldman Sachs estimate that the bond buying will keep long-term interest rates, including mortgage rates, about 0.15 percentage point lower than they otherwise would be. All else equal, that would make refinancing attractive to an additional population of about 3 million homeowners, or 6% of all mortgage holders.
Like millions of other homeowners, many of those will not take advantage of the lower rates. Some simply aren’t paying attention. Others can’t get a new loan because they’re out of a job, have poor credit or owe more than their homes are worth.
To be sure, the lower rates still provide an added incentive for people looking to buy a home. But even there it’s pretty small. A 0.15-percentage-point difference in long-term interest rates would knock about $20 off the monthly payment on a typical new mortgage. That’s a welcome break, but not a game-changer.
JPMorgan, Ratings Firms Must Face Mortgage-Bonds Suits
December 03, 2010, 8:34 PM EST
By David McLaughlin
(Updates with claims in 10th and 11th paragraphs.)
Dec. 3 (Bloomberg) — JPMorgan Chase & Co. and credit- ratings companies lost a bid to throw out lawsuits over the sale of $2.8 billion of mortgage-backed securities to the Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh.
Pennsylvania state Judge R. Stanton Wettick Jr. in Pittsburgh said some claims could proceed against JPMorgan and ratings companies Moody’s Corp., Fitch Group Inc. and McGraw- Hill Cos., which owns Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC, according to a Nov. 29 court order. The judge dismissed other claims against the companies.
“We are very pleased with the judge’s ruling and we look forward to stating our viewpoints as the case goes forward in court,” Neil Cotiaux, a spokesman for the Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh, said today in a phone interview.
I’m confused by this article; it says there are 3 types of mortgage lenders, then only mentions one: Big Banks.
Beyond Fannie Mae And Freddie Mac: The 3 Types Of Mortgage Lenders
It’s said that a home is one of the biggest purchases that you’ll ever make–and there’s a corollary to that, which is that a mortgage loan is probably one of the biggest loans you’ll ever take out. It’s one of the most confusing too, with phrases like “secondary market” and “portfolio lender” suddenly showing up on the scene. One way to think about it may be to think of three different types of lenders you can go to for your loan:
Big Banks.
The trend has been towards consolidation in the mortgage industry. In 2007, three banks–Wells Fargo, Bank of America, and J.P. Morgan Chase–did about one-third of the new mortgage lending in the country; for the first half of 2010, they did more than one-half, according to industry statistics quoted in the Wall Street Journal. Together with the #4 and #5 lenders, GMAC and Citigroup, you’ve got a group of “big banks.”
The Dream Coming To An End: Record Low Mortgage Rates Are On The Rise
By Susan Thompson on December 4, 2010, 4:16 pm
Mortgage rates are rising even though the housing market remains weak. Typically, rates rise as home prices and borrowing activity increases.Sixty per cent of those buying a property said they would have to make sacrifices to do so – 84 per cent said they would cut back on spending, 50 per cent would miss out on an overseas trip and 35 per cent would purchase a less expensive property than desired.
Maybe the FED should try quantitative easing. I heard that can lower rates.
“quantitative easing” equals more Orwellian double-speak.
Sounds more like a bowel movement than what it really is…printing more money.
Who makes this sh1t up?
“Who makes this sh1t up?”
The corporatist elites.
Times when rates are low are the ABSOLUTE WORST time to buy. This is all based on the “how much a month” mentality, and prices will be maxed out like they have been in the last few years since rates dropped.
I actually had an experience trying to buy a car a few years back where the sales person would not give me a price quote until he had run my credit - all he could go on about was how much I wanted my payments to be a month and not how much the car would actually cost. I told him to get lost and bought a car elsewhere. I was not interested in how much a month, but how much the darn car was!
The story is that the strengthening economy explains rising mortgage rates. But doesn’t yesterday’s unemployment figure suggest otherwise? What about the alternative explanation that the Fed stepping up to help bail out EU sovereign debtors is driving up rates, by diverting supply in the market for loanable funds? Because monies used to help bail out European countries are clearly not going to be loaned to U.S. home buyers or owners, are they?
* DECEMBER 3, 2010
Mortgage Rates Rise for 3rd Week
Rates on fixed-rate home mortgages rose for the third week in a row, following bond yields higher after economic data suggested that the economy might be stronger this quarter, Freddie Mac said.
The rate on the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage averaged 4.46% for the week ended Dec. 2, up from 4.40% last week, according to Freddie Mac’s weekly survey of conforming mortgage rates. The mortgage averaged 4.71% a year ago.
Fifteen-year fixed-rate mortgages averaged 3.81%, up from 3.77% last week. The mortgage averaged 4.27% a year ago.
Adjustable-rate mortgages also rose, with the five-year Treasury-indexed hybrid ARM averaging 3.49%, up from last week’s 3.45%. The ARM averaged 4.19% a year ago. One-year Treasury-indexed ARMs averaged 3.25%, up from 3.23% last week; it was 4.25% a year ago.
To obtain the rates, the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage required payment of an average 0.8 point, the 15-year fixed-rate mortgage required an average 0.7 point and both ARMs required an average 0.6 point. A point is 1% of the mortgage amount, charged as prepaid interest.
“Mortgage rates followed bond yields higher this week as recently released economic data suggest the economy may be stronger this quarter than the previous,” said Frank Nothaft, vice president and chief economist of Freddie Mac, in a news release.
3 reasons why the mortgage tax break isn’t a break
Posted by Nin-Hai Tseng, writer-reporter
December 3, 2010 12:13 pm
The plan to eliminate the mortgage tax deduction was widely criticized, but the industry overreacted to the proposal. Turns out it’s not that great for most of us.
mortgage deductionPresident Obama’s deficit commission came up short of votes to command quick action in Congress of a bipartisan plan that recommended eliminating or reducing long-standing credits, including the popular home mortgage interest deduction. This isn’t much of a surprise. While lawmakers acknowledge that the nation faces an incredibly worrisome debt problem and that a dramatic slash in spending needs to happen, the plan was politically unpopular from the start.
Real estate and mortgage industry experts argued the elimination of the mortgage deduction would put more pressure on an already fragile housing market. That might be the case, but if we look deeper, many of their arguments are exaggerated. If anything, once the housing market gains some strength three or so years from now, slimming the deduction down some might actually not be such a bad thing and it could save the US government billions of dollars. Here are three reasons why:
It doesn’t benefit the vast majority of American homeowners anyway.
End the unfair tax break for homeowners
By Dorothy A. Brown, Special to CNN
December 3, 2010 11:57 a.m. EST
* Dorothy Brown: It’s unusual to get a tax break for a personal choice such as buying a home
* Renting is not deductible, she says, even though about one-third of Americans are renters
* Brown: Tax break meant to “encourage homeownership,” but people buy homes anyway
* Tax break is a $200 billion subsidy every year for those with higher incomes, she says
Editor’s note: Dorothy Brown is a professor of law at Emory University. She is the author of numerous law review articles about the race and class implications of federal tax policy.
(CNN) — The National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform did not go far enough when it proposed the repeal of certain provisions of the mortgage interest deduction. The deduction for mortgage interest should be repealed in its entirety.
Most people know that owning a home comes with tax advantages such as the deduction for mortgage interest, but they don’t know how much of an anomaly that is. Most personal, family or living expenses are not tax deductible. They are the result of choices.
Your decisions on what to wear to work or whether to pay cash or credit are your personal choices. You don’t get a tax deduction. That’s why rent is not deductible, even though roughly one-third of Americans are renters — which includes the majority of blacks and Latinos. Where you live is considered to be the result of a personal choice.
The deduction for mortgage interest is a huge exception to the general rule, because what could be more personal than the decision to buy a home?
In 1986, an exception was made for home mortgage interest as a way to “encourage homeownership.” That’s the good news for homeowners.
The bad news for renters is that the 2010 estimated revenue loss of the tax subsidy for homeownership is greater than $200 billion. By comparison, the entire Housing and Urban Development budget is less than $50 billion. That is a pretty high price to pay to “encourage homeownership.” But as long as it actually encourages people to buy homes, it could be money well spent.
Yet economists generally believe that the mortgage interest deduction does virtually nothing to encourage people to buy homes. During the past 40 years, while tax rates have changed dramatically (making the value of the tax benefits fluctuate), the homeownership rate has been quite stable. The biggest increase in homeownership rates happened after World War II and came after innovations in mortgage financing.
In the Region | New Jersey
For Home Buyers, a Season for Deep Discounts
Suzanne DeChillo/The New York Times
A foreclosed six-bedroom house on Highwood Avenue in Leonia was on the market for $535,000 last year.
Published: December 2, 2010
LOOKING for a deal in a down market? As winter sets in, the fruits of desperation — foreclosure sales, short sales, auction sales and deep discounts — are appearing in bountiful number, if anyone out there is hungry for a bargain.
Consider one example, a spacious six-bedroom colonial at 203 Highwood Avenue in Leonia, now on the market for $390,000.
The 90-year-old house, which has two and a half baths, has the obvious drawbacks of normal wear and tear, and an annual tax bill over $11,000. But it is in a community known for fine schools; last year it was on the market for $535,000. A potential buyer’s offer of $490,000 was rejected as too low, according to Reetesh Sood of Exit Platinum Realty, who is now handling the bank sale of the house.
Last summer, before foreclosure, the house became available as a short sale, in which a lender allows the owner to sell the house for less than the amount owed on the mortgage. The asking price then was $460,000. In September, after the bank took over and the owners departed, Mr. Sood listed the property at $420,000; last month he reduced the price twice more.
Mr. Sood said he was still getting calls. One was from the buyer who last offered $490,000; another was from a neighbor down the street, who actually made an offer the bank accepted, but then withdrew it out of “guilt” over taking advantage of a former friend’s misfortune.
The house on Highwood is one of 61 bank-owned properties for sale for less than $500,000 in Bergen County, according to multiple listing figures cited by Sharon Gill of Prudential New Jersey Properties. There are also 11 listed for more than $500,000.
“True, true bargains are available at every price level,” said Ms. Gill, who is based in Montclair, and is marketing several bank-owned properties in Essex County. One is 3 Brentwood Drive in North Caldwell, a custom-built five-bedroom six-bath French provincial listed at $949,000. (It was sold for $1.9 million in August 2006.) The backyard has a free-form pool with its own island.
A House of Cards, Part 1
An Interview With Nye Lavalle
“Sixteen years ago, he began investigating mortgage fraud when a bank attempted to wrongfully foreclose on a family property. Many of the issues he uncovered more than a decade ago, like robosigning, are just being recognized today…
…EMC Mortgage, which was a unit of Bear Stearns. EMC initiated foreclosure, and we initiated a defense to that, and over the years they spent $2.5 million and 7 years in litigation on a $100,000 loan…
I was the first to unravel what you’re seeing now. The emperor had no clothes. They didn’t own the note, they churned these properties, they double-pledged their notes sometimes. They had no right to the note, they had no right to foreclose, and they were cooking the books, all those things…
To me, the most important thing that nobody has really covered is how much of this junk was sold to our respective mutual, trusts, insurance, and pension funds, the institutional investors…”