American homes are worth $1.7 trillion less. ~ cnnmoney
December 9, 2010
Can’t sell your home for a decent price? You’re not alone.
American homes are expected to be worth $1.7 trillion less in 2010 than they were worth last year, according to a report released Thursday by real estate website Zillow.
This year’s drop in home values is 63% bigger than the $1 trillion dip in 2009, and brings the total value lost since the housing market’s peak in 2006 to a whopping $9 trillion.
While the homebuyer tax credit helped prop up the housing market in the second half of 2009 and the first half of 2010, home values continued their slide in the second half of the year. Almost $700 billion in value was lost in the first half of the year, compared to Zillow’s estimates of $1 trillion in the second half of 2010.
“It’s a testament to the nearly irresistible force of the overall market correction that government incentives can only temporarily hold back the tide, and that the market will ultimately find its natural equilibrium of supply and demand,” said Zillow Chief Economist Dr. Stan Humphries.
For years our economy had a lot of “puff” (aka as borrowed money) driving it to puff-driven “prosperity”.
Now the puff is turning to pooof and is taking the puff-driven prosperity along with it.
Comment by Blue Skye
2010-12-09 07:14:53
This “poof” thing, it translates roughly into “pop”. Not the kind of “pop” you get in Boston, which would be a shot of whiskey, it’s the kind of “pop” you get in Louisianna.
The really sad thing in all of this is not that the homeowner is getting popped, but that our beloved banks are catching the STDs.
Comment by polly
2010-12-09 07:32:26
“beloved banks”
Beloved? Really?
Comment by pressboardbox
2010-12-09 07:40:47
Beloved, yes. The banks are the equivalent of the pyramids in Egypt. Spectacularly overbuilt on the backs of the peasants. Serving no real pupose whatsoever.
Comment by Bill in Carolina
2010-12-09 08:00:50
Blue, it’s too early for disguised sarcasm. The caffeine hasn’t kicked in yet for some of our readers/posters.
Comment by whyoung
2010-12-09 08:13:15
“Can’t sell your home for a decent price?”
So bubble prices are “decent” and realistic ones aren’t?
Down here, “pop” is “drink.” Up north “drink” is something that contains alcohol and “pop” is what they call their daddy.
Comment by pressboardbox
2010-12-09 09:51:24
Monuments to human greed and stupidity. Hermit crabs are smarter than humans, they have always been renters.
Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2010-12-09 10:13:44
That “soda pop” map is right on. I’ve lived in “pop” “soda” and “coke” areas of the country and the map accurately reflects those areas.
Comment by Hwy50ina49Dodge
2010-12-09 10:28:44
Ha, the “no data” areas out West are compelling for exploring…
Comment by zeus matuze
2010-12-09 15:14:04
Actually it’s more like a “poosh!” …Very much like the sound of an escaping balloon just as you try to tie the knot at the bottom. In this instance, the bubble balloon has escaped the real estate regime’s grasp and is now randomly streaking around the financial room smacking one FB after the other and sending swarmy mortgage brokers and bankers scurrying for cover. With so many protruding Joshua Trees evident, the situation can only end in chaos and despair.
Comment by bill in Tampa
2010-12-09 16:34:21
In the part of California I am from, I heard “soft drink” to refer to any carbonated sweetened non-alcohol beverage. When I started work at the navy base in the Mojave Desert at age 26, I was amused to hear people commonly referred it as soda.
Comment by zeus matuze
2010-12-09 17:14:13
“When I started work at the navy base in the Mojave Desert..”
Bernanke’s printer can “unpoof” $1.7 trillion before breakfast. Why is anybody even slightly worried?”
Our biggest export Inflation
because Banks don’t seem to want to loan money to broke Americans but instead are drawn to the fast growing Economies of the 3rd world. See if they don’t walk away when thier bubble is over.
“See if they don’t walk away when thier bubble is over.”
That’s why I wouldn’t advise buying a home in the U.S. until after the (current) emerging markets bubble pops. At that point, there should be at least enough money available to lend to broke Americans to enable formerly frothy markets to discover post-bubble-collapse comp prices.
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Comment by Blue Skye
2010-12-09 11:50:38
Interesting thought PB. I would also like to wait until the whole ZIRP thing is over, but I will probably only live another 30 years.
Comment by Professor Bear
2010-12-09 12:54:00
“…but I will probably only live another 30 years…”
Same here. I guess you have to decide how important it is for you to own a home, either now or later. One option available to some (which we may pursue) is to just keep on renting through the child-rearing years, but buy something that works for you in your retirement years. In the meanwhile, invest in something which hedges against increases in the kind of housing you might want to buy when you finally get around to it (e.g. REITs which invest in retirement housing or stock in companies which provide assisted living arrangements might work).
The good part of the news is that the house-owners realizing huge losses don’t have to pay for them out-of-pocket; hence these losses entail no effect on current consumption spending.
um…except that recent consumption spending has been based on MEW. The end of the HELOC train to Hell means that not are people less able to spend more than they make, but the have to start paying for previous consumption. So consumption is taking a double hit.
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Comment by Professor Bear
2010-12-09 12:57:03
“…recent consumption spending has been based on MEW.”
That channel is already deader than a doornail, no?
Comment by cactus
2010-12-09 14:33:49
“…recent consumption spending has been based on MEW.”
That channel is already deader than a doornail, no?
I was a would-be first time buyer back in the late-1980s, a period of similarly-great housing market turmoil to the one we are in now, due to the unfolding S&L crisis. I was qualified to buy, but had a severe case of cold feet, which I cured by investing elsewhere (long-term Treasurys were yielding 9% or so at the time). After the housing market’s fever broke and inventory was very plentiful (1992), my finance’ and I sold the (now-appreciated) Treasurys to raise money for a down payment on the first home we owned.
I suggest a similar strategy to anyone who is currently watching and waiting; i.e.
1) Keep your powder dry while home prices continue to correct back down towards affordable levels.
2) Invest in something you can sell when the time is ripe to raise funds for a downpayment .
3) Make sure the returns on your downpayment investment fund have zero (good) or negatively correlation (better) with housing prices.
Interesting point. When prices just go up, people gripe, but they gripe at the company that is raising prices. When prices go up and the government sends out a check that is supposed to help with that expense, at least some of the ire is aimed at the government that didn’t cover all of the price increase.
Pathetic… Doing away with the evil Bush tax cuts for the evil rich is what got so many of Barry’s followers to vote for him. Now he says if they are not extended it will cause a recession. Now that is some hope and change for ya!
WH warns tax defeat could trigger new recession
WASHINGTON (AP) — Raising the direst alarm yet, the Obama administration warned fellow Democrats on Wednesday that if they defeat the big tax-cut compromise detested by many liberals, they could jolt the nation back into recession.
President Barack Obama appealed anew for Congress to “get this done” and insisted that more congressional Democrats would climb aboard as they studied details of the $900 billion year-end measure. Several did announce support on Wednesday, but at least one said there still was “a mood to resist.”
World stock markets mostly advanced Thursday as investors enjoyed the positive momentum from the extension of U.S. tax cuts, which boosted expectations of stronger economic growth in the short-term.
Unhappy Democrats Say Tax Cut Bill Is Likely to Pass.
(AP) Despite harsh criticism from Dems, Obama’s compromise extending the Bush-era tax cuts is likely to be approved, pushed through Congress by extensive GOP support.
Maybe because trend of WMBZ’s posts have an underlying tone to them?
being critical of obama makes one a racist? who knew.
Nothing in wbmz’s editorial says anything about color, creed, gender, heritage, political affiliation. It’s focused squarely on the issue - taxes and campaign promises.
AFAICT it’s PBear (and now you) that’s making it a race issue.
Comment by Professor Bear
2010-12-09 11:14:36
“Please stop playing stupid.”
Why would you assume he is playing? Not everyone is capable of doing subtle…
Comment by exeter
2010-12-09 13:13:42
Subtlety isn’t a characteristic of one dimensional (non)thinkers.
I think the silence is because most are stunned that you’re such an a$$hole.
Who’re you gonna attack tomorrow big man? Should I start a list?
Muggy around? Aladinsane? Eddie? All those who think gold is a good hedge against govt’s fiscal insanity? I don’t keep up on this board but I’m sure there are plenty of others.
Grow up and get a life.
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Comment by exeter
2010-12-09 10:37:03
The collapse of gold will be breathtaking.
Comment by lint
2010-12-09 10:56:33
I , along with the asians, are waiting to buy anything remotely resembling a gold crash.
Give the racist crap a rest azzhole or at least come up with something a little smarter.
Although I rarely care for your editorializing, that’s only because we have different opinions. I appreciate your commitment to providing news snippets to this blog.
I cannot recall reading anything from you that was even remotely racist.
They are celebrating the tax cuts, but whining that they still have to pay taxes of any stripe — taking a new hostage before they even let the old one go. They are tipping their next hand before they collect the poker chips, and Obama stands by.
Greed is bad enough, Bear; no need to play the race card.
that’s the issue that is very difficult for me to explain to my “conservative” friends.
it pisses me off that earned income is taxed so much more than unearned.
but as a libertarianesque minded person…it’s not that i think unearend income should be taxed more…it’s that earned income should be taxed much much less.
While I encourage bringing more troops home, I do not give elected officials props for following their party platforms. That is what they are expected to do. I actually gave him props for going against many in his own party. Perhaps hell has frozen over.
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Comment by potential buyer
2010-12-09 15:54:37
Seems to me he’s damned if he does and he’s damned if he don’t. Gives new meaning to ‘get win for losing.
Like what the US “pushes” for has any influence on Israel’s policies these days. I think the last time that worked was when Bush 1 asked them not to respond to the scuds that were aimed their way during Iraq War 1. And even then I’m fairly sure they were on board with it (as a way to avoid a hot war with Syria) and used the US urging as an excuse to appease internal dissent.
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Comment by Steve J
2010-12-09 09:20:33
The 2 billion in aid we send them every year has a lot of influence.
Comment by butters
2010-12-09 10:05:33
Exactly. I think it’s more than 2 bil. The chosen people can do whatever they want because they know most US politicians (left and right) have been bought and paid for.
Comment by polly
2010-12-09 10:26:39
Not really. They are required to spend it (more like $3.5 billion, I think) on weapons systems from US military contractors. They’d probably be better off refusing the money and boosting their own weapons manufacturing, maybe in joint ventures with India. I expect they will as India’s value as an ally becomes even more important to them. It would probably overheat their economy and cause inflation right now. Next downturn in the Israeli economy, look out.
Comment by rms
2010-12-09 16:01:59
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sought Jonathan Pollard’s release as part of a US incentive package in return for a temporary freeze on illegal settlement building. Organizations such as the Zionist Organization of America and B’nai B’rith International have gathered the signatures of 39 members of Congress on a letter to President Obama pressuring for Pollard’s release.
Among the thousands of documents released by WikiLeaks are several U.S. diplomatic cables describing how U.S. ambassadors were helping Spain in their cause — partly to help broker a deal to bring a famous painting in Spain to a U.S. citizen who claimed it was looted by the Nazis in World War II.
Bush’s Signing Statement Dictatorship:
by James Bovard, October 9, 2006
“President Bush has once again decreed that his personal pen is the highest law of the land. In a statement issued on October 4, 2006, he announced that he would ignore many provisions of the Homeland Security appropriations act he signed earlier in the day. His action vivifies that the rule of law now means little more than the enforcement of the secret thoughts of the commander in chief.
Bush’s postsigning statement declared that he would interpret many sections of the new law “in a manner consistent with the president’s constitutional authority to supervise the unitary executive branch.” In plain English, this means that many of the limits that Congress imposed on Bush’s power — and that he accepted when he took the money Congress appropriated — are null and void. Why? Because the president says so.
The new law declared that only the Homeland Security Department’s privacy officer could alter or delay the department’s mandatory report on how its actions and policies affected Americans’ privacy. Congress included this safeguard because of the Bush administration’s long record of intruding into Americans’ lives — from the Total Information Awareness system, to vacuuming up information on airline passengers, to stockpiling phone records of millions of citizens.
After he signed the bill, Bush announced that he is effectively entitled to edit the report as he pleases. But his “right to edit” means that he is entitled to delete information and thereby prevent Congress from learning of how the feds continue to shred privacy.
Bush pulled the same trick in March after he inked a renewal of the USA PATRIOT Act, announcing that he would scorn notifying Congress on how the feds are using PATRIOT Act powers. Bush declared that he would interpret the law “in a manner consistent with the president’s constitutional authority to … withhold information.” Bush is apparently convinced that he is entitled to govern in secrecy, and any provision of a law to the contrary violates his imperial prerogatives.
George W. Bush has added more than 800 “signing statements” to new laws since he took office. Earlier presidents occasionally appended such comments to new statutes, but Bush is the first to use signing statements routinely to nullify key provisions of new laws.
The “unitary executive” doctrine assumes that all power rests in the president and that checks and balances are an archaic relic. This is the same “principle” the Bush administration invoked to deny Congress everything from Iraqi war plans to the records of the Cheney Energy Task Force. Bush has invoked the “unitary executive” doctrine almost 100 times since taking office, according to Miami University professor Christopher Kelley.
The American Bar Association recently declared that Bush’s signing statements are “contrary to the rule of law and our constitutional separation of powers.” The Congressional Research Service reported last month that Bush is using such statements as part of his “comprehensive strategy to … expand executive power.”
Apparently, the government is no longer obliged to obey any law that Bush does not personally approve. At a June congressional hearing, Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) asked Justice Department lawyer Michelle Boardman for a list of all the laws that Bush has declared will no longer be enforced. Boardman replied, “I cannot give you that list.”
How can we know which laws Bush approves of? It’s a secret. Bush’s personal thoughts thus become the ultimate law of the land. No one can know whether the government is violating the “law” because Bush has not publicly declared what the law is.
Americans may have to wait many years to learn what the rule of law meant in 2006. The truth may be suppressed until Bush’s aides begin publishing their memoirs or until the Supreme Court has a change of mood and decides that the executive branch is not entitled to boundless secrecy.”
Of course if one is to believe in a “unitary executive” than one should also believe in a “unitary legislature,” which would mean that the President has NO authority to go to war without an express declaration of war from the legislature. Under that theory, Congress has no authority to pass a “war powers act” or any other act authorizing warlike actions short of a declaration of war. And the last time we had one of those was in June of 1942.
Intelligent? What adding another $900 billion to the debt? We’re in worse financial shape than Greece. Only differences are that we have the reserve currency and a printing press and they don’t.
Both buy us some time and extra credit. Those things typically go on longer than anybody thinks possible. Eventually they crash and burn faster than anybody thought possible.
With no willingness of either party to show any fiscal constraint it is only a matter of when, not if.
What happens when the bond market shuts its doors and we solely rely on the printing press? A quick look at any banana republic will give you a good idea. I just spend some time in Venezuela, very educational. A once prosperous country now in utter economic chaos, decaying infrastructure, corruption, lawlessness and a 30% inflation for good measure. The income for an average worker is about $300/month while prices are similar to ours. Americans have no idea what poverty is, none whatsoever! My in-laws can’t afford to run the AC, ‘cos its too expensive. Running hot water? Be lucky if you have running water 2 or 3 times a week. Medical care?…wishful thinking. Can’t happen here? We are well on our way.
Why not focus on spending more intelligently rather than asking for more? I wouldnt mind increased taxes if I thought the money would be spent effectively. I have no doubt it wont be. Job creation requires capitalism.
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Comment by Spokaneman
2010-12-09 09:07:31
Capitalism long ago came to mean replacing as many lower and mid level jobs as possible, as quickly as possible through either technological changes (replacing people with machines or computers) and offshoring manual labor if that is more economicly advantageous. Very few job classes are exempt from this.
The massive loss of jobs has been masked by several “bubbles”; credit, and housing. But, alas, it appears that there are no more bubbles to exploit. The long and short of it is, the US is now left with a new employment reality that means ongoing unemployment/underemployment levels not too much different than we have today. The political class will attempt to assauge the masses by pretending that there will be job creation and a reduction of the unemployment levels “in the future”. The old “kick the can down the road” routine.
I think realists know that significant new job creation in the US just isn’t going to happen. The unemployment “rate” may decline over time as UI benefits expire and the long term unemployed drop off the radar screen, but the actual numbers of un/underemployed will continue to rise.
Comment by Mike in Miami
2010-12-09 09:11:28
” spending more intelligently”
Not going to happen with either of those clowns in charge. Short term vote buying and special interest pandering is on the agenda.
We needed to raise taxes and cut spending to the bare bone. Significant cuts in military, social security, medicare, tax loopholes and even bailouts for wealthy Wall Street bankers. The consequences we’re facing by continuing on the current path are disasterous and way beyond of falling back into a recession and having 10% unemployment. A recession and 10% unemployment are the land of milk and honey when compared to what awaits us in case “this sucker goes down”. As I mentioned above, in Venezuela that sucker went down. It’s something out of a nightmare, way beyond what I thought possible. I spend much time in communist East Germany back in the 80s so I have some comparison. Neither was fun, but Venezuela is worse.
Comment by In Montana
2010-12-09 09:46:19
‘The massive loss of jobs has been masked by several “bubbles”; credit, and housing.’
Hmm, I seem to remember lotsa people starting home-based businesses about that mean it wasn’t a coinkydink?
Comment by exeter
2010-12-09 10:34:10
“Job creation requires capitalism”
Ok…. More coded language that panders to the wealthy elite. It’s quite clear who you’re cheerleading for “Natalie”.
It is OPPORTUNITY for the average worker that is required. That opportunity has been non-existent for a very long time. It is social structures that *create opportunity* and forking over more money to the wealthy elite from OUR pockets isn’t going to create the social structure necessary for workers to thrive.
Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2010-12-09 10:50:34
Job creation requires capitalism.
I wish you would tell that to the corrupt, crony-capitalist, protected, bailed-out, fraudulent, criminal, hypocritical, monopolistic sociopaths I think you work for.
Comment by ecofeco
2010-12-09 19:07:31
Job creation requires capitalism.
Is that why the GOP successfully voted against ending tax breaks for offshoring jobs?
Running hot water? Be lucky if you have running water 2 or 3 times a week. Medical care?…wishful thinking. Can’t happen here? We are well on our way.
I believe the country will fracture as this happens with some areas much better off than others and like old CA in the dust bowl days guards at state lines preventing big influxs into the relativly better off areas
crash the dollar and lose control of the currency and this will happen
Only differences are that we have the reserve currency and a printing press USS Enterprise / Grand Canyon / Navajo code-talkers / cornfieldsaplenty / CSA & Sarah The “TrueRogue™” / ecol i spinach salads w/oliveoil and they don’t.
There’s truth in your post but a big difference between USA and banana republics is the gross wealth per capita of the USA and them. USA’s wealth per capita is HUGE compared to Venezuela’s.
The problem is that in the past 40 years the USA’s wealth has been redistributed to only the very rich. So the wealth is there. We got it. It just needs to be redistributed back in line with American historical averages.
(I said “redistributed” twice”)
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Comment by Mike in Miami
2010-12-09 13:01:47
There used to be wealth in Venezuela, back in the 50s - 70s. Never to the level of the US, but still people were doing all right. Decades of around 30% inflation have destroyed/confiscated any monetary wealth. Currency/gold controls make sure you can’t accumulate any monetary wealth via exchanging into another currency or gold. The people that paid off a house still have a place to live.
The wealth within the US is largely confined to about 1% of the population. You know, the guys that control Wall Street and our politics. They certainly won’t let go of it voluntarily. They stole that money fair and square and are not giving it back. The source of wealth for most people used to be a well paying job. That’s pretty much history. Look at Russia, they have more gazillionaires than the US. Still the vast majority of people are not doing too hot.
Lots of banana republics have lots of wealth, it just tends to be confined to the top 1% of the population.
Income distribution in selected countries + explantion of the Gini coefficient. Have a look:
President Barack Obama appealed anew for Congress to “get this done” and insisted that more congressional Democrats would climb aboard as they studied details of the $900 billion year-end measure. Several did announce support on Wednesday, but at least one said there still was “a mood to resist.”
Methinks that this is the official beginning of the end of the Obama presidency.
Methinks that this is the official beginning of the end of the Obama presidency ??
Methinks it was a way of eliminating one of the arrows in the Rep. quiver that they would no doubt use on him in 2012…”Obama raised taxes thats why we are in the $h!!ter”…….
Won’t help. If the tax deal passes, those cuts are up to expire AGAIN in 2012, right during election season. Then the Repubs will have the arrow AGAIN to say that Obama is about to raise taxes AGAIN.
Somehow this seems like a calculated move on Obama’s part. He must have realized how angry his party was going to be. I am curious to see how he is able to use this tax stance later on come election time or when he wants the Republicans to cave in on some other issue.
I think that Obama was sobered by the bad unemployment news of the last couple of weeks. The Democratic answer to bad economic news is more Keynesian stimulus. Since no outright spending bill has a chance of passing in either house, the alternative is tax stimulus.
Disagree. The decision to extend the tax cuts was made long ago, before that recent patch of unemployment numbers. DC is currently doing what it does best - the dog and pony show.
But he added hundreds of billions of dollars of extra tax breaks: temporary business expense writeoff of 100% for one year, two-year extension of earned income tax credit, child credit, college credit, and the one-year cut of SS payroll tax from 6.2% to 4.2%, not to mention taking the estate tax down to 35% on $5mill (it would have been $1mill in 2011) and extending UE benefits by 13 months. These were all a surprise. Obviously he sees this as stimulus.
Because it was scheduled to expire. And it isn’t really the rich person marginal rates that are the stimulus. They don’t spend that much of their money. The stimulus is the payroll tax partial holiday, the extension of a few credits, and, mostly, the extension of unemployment benefits.
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Comment by LehighValleyGuy
2010-12-09 09:51:36
I’d actually be fine with letting the tax cuts expire, as long as the rest of the tax code expired along with it.
In fact, all Federal laws should automatically expire after 10 years. Any representative wishing to re-enact any of them should have to read the relevant laws out loud and justify each one of them individually.
Comment by Hwy50ina49Dodge
2010-12-09 10:54:11
They don’t spend that much of their money.
(Especially if they can keep their wee lil children’s,… up to age 26, on their Corpoornations provided health coverage plan.)
Comment by GrizzlyBear
2010-12-09 14:27:24
I heard that taxes on those making between $20k and $40k are actually going to increase due to the expiration of some credit. That is NOT good. That’s a huge percentage of the population, and exactly the people who are hurt by tax increase. Obama has really disappointed me on this particular subject. Further, there is absolutely zero proof that extending the Bush tax cuts will do anything for the economy.
Comment by cactus
2010-12-09 14:45:52
there is absolutely zero proof that extending the Bush tax cuts will do anything for the economy.”
If the President thinks we will Double Dip and he wants to get re-elected he will not want to be blamed because he let the tax cuts expire.
“…when he said that he is playing a “long game” where tactical feints and retreats advance the ball.”
Ol’ Abe didn’t end the war with all same General’s he started with, some of ‘em became “casualties” of “friendly-fire” …of course, Mr. General Lee might’ve help influence some of Mr. Lincoln’s decisions a tad…
Now he says if they are not extended it will cause a recession.
That seems disingenuous. I think he is saying that he must compromise with the Republicans on extending the tax cuts in order to get an extension on unemployment benefits.
As I understand it, he feels It is the loss of the UE benefits which could lead to a “double-dip” because UE money goes immediately into the economy, unlike the extra billions the rich are going to get to hold on to.
I keep hearing this - we have to be sure that job creators get the money. It seems to me that every one of us is a job creator when we spend money. If the unemployed don’t spend, more jobs will disappear.
Just like out of a Bond film: Inside the astonishing subterranean WikiLeaks bunker
With his eccentric personal life and air of mystery, the flamboyant WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange seems to be doing his best to impersonate a James Bond villain.
How appropriate, then, that he has chosen what looks like an 007 film set as the back-up store for the thousands of confidential emails and documents that have shaken the world.
These pictures show the Pionen data centre, 100ft below ground in a former Cold War nuclear bunker, where all the WikiLeaks files are being kept.
That data center is beautiful, but it’s just a commercial facility. Also, there aren’t many server racks in those pictures, the density is pretty low. America has some impressive facilities in terms of bandwidth and who’s there, but no underground bunker. Instead some of our more important ones (Equinix Ashburn) are in the flight path of busy airports.
“The sharp downturn in housing markets across the country, which undermined the solvency of major financial institutions and severely disrupted the functioning of financial markets, has led the United States into a recession that will probably be the longest and the deepest since World War II.”
~ 2009 Budget and Economic Outlook, Congressional Budget Office, March 2009
I seem to recall that the poop was already hitting the fan pretty hard during W’s last year as prez.
A quick looksie at the BLS charts show that it was already 7.7% when Obama was inaugurated and hit 8.9% three months later. To not blame the previous administration is disingeneous, especially when we all know that the previous “low” unemployment was fueled by the housing bubble.
That said, I’m disappointed with the lack of progress made in the past 2 years, but with the mass offshoring unabated we a re living in the new “normal”.
Surely these were on x1 of your spelling tests, never bothered to look up the definitions?
2. Treacherous action to defeat or hinder a cause or an endeavor; deliberate subversion.
tr.v. sab·o·taged, sab·o·tag·ing, sab·o·tag·es: “To commit sabotage against lil Opie the (Non-Hawiian) Muslim Islamist destroyer of America!”.
1. The systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause or of information reflecting the views and interests of those advocating such a doctrine or cause.
Agree things are in some ways worse than “when they left” but considering the size of the mess, it gained some momentum as the S#!t rolled downhill.
When elected people publicly state they want to make the administration fail, it does have something to do with him.
But to me that intent says something really frightening about those who are more or less not doing the job they were elected to do.
I don’t know about you, but if I chose to not do my job I’d be out of work pretty quick.
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Comment by In Montana
2010-12-09 10:19:40
“When elected people publicly state they want to make the administration fail, ”
I guess I missed that one. Bush said that??
Comment by Blue Skye
2010-12-09 10:42:41
I think it is ascribed to him, though my recollection was it was in the context of hoping that the agenda fails. What kind of crime is that? I personally wish that the admin had some different agendas. I wish the last admin had different agendas. I wish the next admin to have different agendas. Wish in one hand……
Comment by whyoung
2010-12-09 11:03:04
“Some have said it was indelicate of me to suggest that our top political priority over the next two years should be to deny President Obama a second term in office.” Mitch O’Connell
Comment by Blue Skye
2010-12-09 11:52:38
Not as indelicate as that Shut up and sit in the back of the bus now thing.
LONDON — In a campaign that had some declaring the start of a “cyberwar,” hundreds of Internet activists mounted retaliatory attacks on Wednesday on the Web sites of multinational companies and other organizations they deemed hostile to the WikiLeaks antisecrecy organization and its jailed founder, Julian Assange.
On Thursday, a man identifying himself as one of the activists from a group called Anonymous, who used the pseudonym Coldblood in an interview with BBC radio, said: “This campaign is not over from what I’ve seen. It’s still going strong.” The speaker had an English accent and said he was a 22-year-old software engineer with no specific political loyalty.
Why don’t the hackers focus their efforts on Wall Street’s trading computers and cause another “flash-crash”. That would certainly draw more attention to their cause and it would just plain amuse the hell out of all of us.
Furious Amazon users have accused the online retail giant of double standards after it was found to be selling the WikiLeaks embassy cables – just days it cut off the whistleblowing website from its hosting servers.
I tend to view the wikileak hackers as cyberanarchists much as the anarchists in the beginning of the 20th century. Similar times, similar foes. Their tactics of harassment/vandalism are much more civilized though. I also find myself rooting for them. Please go after the banks. Is that wrong?????
Profiles in Tax Cuts: Presidents in Tough Times Today’s Political Debate Versus History’s Biggest Slashers
Dec. 9, 2010
The great historical tax cuts belong to just a trio of presidents: Kennedy, Reagan and Bush.
Progressive tax rates in the United States date back to the 19th century, when Congress enacted the nation’s first income tax law – The Revenue Act of 1862 – to support the Civil War effort. Like today’s modern tax structure, the Civil War taxes were graduated: a person earning more than $600 per year was taxed 3 percent, those earning more than $10,000 were taxed 5 percent.
Fast forward to the biggest presidential tax acts in recent history: John F. Kennedy’s Revenue Act of 1964, Ronald Reagan’s Economic Recovery Act of 1981 and Tax Revenue Act of 1986, and George W. Bush’s Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 and Job Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003.
Kennedy: The First Cut Is the Deepest
Before Kennedy stepped in, the tax rate for the wealthiest Americans was a staggering 91 percent – a number that would send today’s top earners fleeing for Switzerland in droves. Rate reductions, also known as the Kennedy Tax Cuts drove that number down to 70 percent.
Bank of America Muni Bid Rigging Payments May Be
`Tip of the Iceberg’
By Martin Z. Braun and Jeff Bliss - Dec 8, 2010 12:01 AM ET
Bank of America Corp.’s agreement to pay $137 million in restitution for taking part in a nationwide bid-rigging conspiracy for municipal-investment contracts may soon be followed by more settlements to repay the scheme’s victims, the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division head said.
Bank of America’s settlement is “likely the tip of the iceberg,” Andrew Gavil, a law professor at Howard University in Washington, D.C., said in an e-mail. He said other conspirators may pay much higher penalties.
The government has identified more than a dozen firms, including JPMorgan Chase & Co., UBS AG, and Societe Generale as unindicted co-conspirators in a criminal case brought by the Justice Department against a Los Angeles investment broker.
… U.K. house prices fell on an annual basis in November for the first time in 12 months, as demand for the increasing number of available properties slipped further.
House prices fell 0.1% on a monthly basis and were 0.7% lower compared with November 2009, according to the Halifax house-price index. The annual drop was the first since a 1.6% annual fall in November 2009. In October, house prices rose 1.8% from September and were 1.2% higher on a yearly basis.
“Higher numbers of properties for sale, combined with reduced demand, have caused the recent decrease in prices,” said Martin Ellis, Halifax housing economist. Mr. Ellis added that the mixed picture of rising and falling house prices “is consistent with a relatively flat underlying trend for house prices.”
The index also reported a 2.1% drop in prices in the three months to November compared with the previous three-month period. In the three months to October house prices fell 1.2%.
Tax Appeals Swamp U.S. Cities, Towns as Property Prices Plunge
By Jeff Green and Tim Jones
Dec 8, 2010 10:34 AM ET
A fiscal flood that threatens to swamp local government budgets across the U.S. overflows from file cabinets in the office of Patty Halm, chair of the Michigan Tax Tribunal.
The backlog of cases from taxpayers seeking to lower property-tax bills of more than $100,000 shot up to 14,236 this year from an annual average of about 6,000 during the past decade. The backlog of smaller claims was at 28,558 at the end of September, eight times higher than a decade ago, according to records at the tribunal, a Lansing-based administrative court.
From Los Angeles to Atlantic City, the New Jersey gambling resort whose credit rating Moody’s Investors Service cut by three levels last month, property owners are demanding lower taxes after real-estate values plunged. The disputes over billions in dollars come as municipalities are already slashing services such as police and fire protection and may depress revenue further as communities try to recover from the longest recession since the 1930s. In Michigan, Governor-elect Rick Snyder has warned that hundreds of towns face financial crises.
The last few years, we’re told, were an aberration. The end of the credit and housing booms ended in a once-in-a-century bust. Governments rushed to the rescue, and central bankers pushed short-term interest rates very low. Investors rushed to the safety of U.S. Treasurys, helping keep long-term interest rates down even as the U.S. borrowed heavily and, now, the Fed is keeping them from rising.
What next? What will happen when the U.S. economy recovers, as it surely will some day? One likely outcome: a reversal of the global saving glut and an end to the abundance of cheap capital.
Looking beyond the next few years, McKinsey Global Institute, the think-tank arm of the consultancy, foresees a surge in investment by emerging markets, particularly China and India, at the same time as those countries begin to save less. Business, banks, consumers, investors and governments “all will have to adapt to a world in which capital is more costly and less plentiful, and where over half the world’s saving and investment occurs in emerging markets,” McKinsey says in a new report, “Farewell to Cheap Capital.”
As a whole, the world economy can invest only as much as it saves. A farmer in the old days divided his crop between corn that he’d eat or sell (consume) and corn that he set aside (save) to plant next year (invest). The same goes for the output of the global economy. Turning history on its head, much of the increased saving over 25 years has come from China and other poorer countries and flowed to richer countries, particularly the U.S.
Thrifty Chinese workers and peasants put money in the bank. The banks lent to the government which lent to the U.S. Treasury and mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. And it ended up financing cheap mortgages in the U.S. before the crash and the big Obama fiscal stimulus after the crash. Government, companies and households in China accounted for a remarkable $1 in every $4 of global saving in 2008.
McKinsey says all this is bound to wane in the next several years, as China and India pick up the pace of investment. “China,” it says, “plans to build new subway systems, highways and high-speed trains in its top 170 cities.”
170! To keep pace with urban population growth, China needs to add one New York City’s worth of residential and commercial space every two years; India, one Chicago’s worth every year. With so many Asian factories producing close to capacity, predicts Hong Kong-based HSBC economist Frederic Neumann, a surge in business capital spending is likely. Based on the consensus forecasts for global growth, McKinsey projects global investment—which amounted to a bit more than 22% of world output before the financial crisis—could reach nearly 25% by the end of this decade, a level not seen since the early 1970s.
Military finds another way to kill / damage US soldiers
Navy Secretary Ray Mabus is pushing all members of America’s armed service to buy and eat as much gulf seafood as possible.
This is as sinister as it gets! BP has destroyed the gulf and is now working with the U.S. military to get it in the homes of American troops(already poisoned by continued exposure to depleted uranium) throughout the country! Multiple scientists have declared gulf seafood toxic and for good reason. Over 2 million gallons of toxic dispersant has been sprayed in and around the gulf. The facts are so heavily documented that there is no logical way that any literate human being not pushing an agenda could believe otherwise.
Where? I went through six pages of Google search results and could only find govt web sites essentially saying they see no problem, and news and other sites questioning the safety. But not one site where someone has posted results of testing of the seafood that show contamination by the dispersants or their byproducts. Can you post links to any such site?
I have a buddy who works at a large seafood processing plant near Tampa. He told me the other day about his “Troop Feeding” contracts that have become his bread and butter. Get this: The troops abroad by law are entitled to either LOBSTER or KING CRAB no less than ONCE A WEEK. Are you f-ing kidding me! How many of you eat lobster once a week? He mostly sells breaded fish fillets by the millions of pounds in these contracts but does the buying for the lobster and crab and that stuff is about $20 a pound wholesale! Nothing is too good for our heros, apparently.
I believe him. This is the man’s job we are talking about. What’s your job?
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Comment by Al
2010-12-09 10:40:58
I served in Afghanistan and ate at the US messes. Friday was always steak and lobster night.
Comment by lint
2010-12-09 11:00:04
Who did you serve in that place where empires go to die?
Comment by Carl Morris
2010-12-09 15:15:40
Nothing is too good for our heros, apparently.
Probably no point in spending the money to serve it to them until they don’t even like it any more. BUT, if you were over there for 4 of the last 8 years at my request, I’d give it to you if it made life a little better for you. Rather than complaining that we’re spending too much on them I’d rather focus on whether they should be there so much. If they really need to be there and they like seafood, send them the seafood.
Comment by bill in Tampa
2010-12-09 16:55:09
I never served in the military. My dad was service-disabled and forbid me to join up. I was in that window in the mid-70s where I didn’t have to register.regardless, war is hell. If a soldier enjoys steak and crab on a Friday and is bludgeoned on Saturday, I wonder if anyone still is upset that soldier enjoyed what he ate the night before?
Lobsters were considered “trash” food in Colonial New England. Indentured servants successfully petitioned the leaders of the Massachusetts Bay Colony to make a rule preventing their “employers” from forcing them to eat lobster more than twice (I think) a week. To be very fair, I doubt they were given special utensils to cracK the shells and people didn’t have perfect teeth, so getting the food out may have been part of the issue. If I had to hit the shell with a rock to get the meat out, I wouldn’t want to eat lobster either. That being said, the $18.95 special at Clyde’s in October was lovely.
Comment by In Colorado
2010-12-09 14:08:20
Every lobster I’ve ever had was rubbery. Maybe it was bad luck. Anyway, I don’t particularly care for it.
Comment by Rancher
2010-12-09 15:57:39
I believe that the Maine lobster is the only true lobster; all others, Australia for example, are salt water crayfish. Right?
One recalls with distaste a poster to this board who recently described the steak and lobster feast awaiting him after a hard day’s work pushing the buttons that send explosive missiles careening into remote mountain villages full of half-starved women and little kids.
“Muh fellow Murkins…” Young, disaffected, and stoned, it never failed to send us all into fits of hysterical laughter.
Comment by Arizona Slim
2010-12-09 14:55:32
“Muh fellow Murkins…” Young, disaffected, and stoned, it never failed to send us all into fits of hysterical laughter.
I can recall doing an imitation of him while he was giving a speech. My mother reprimanded me for it. Reason: I was showing disrespect for the President of the United States.
That’s what being a soldier is all about. Your job is to kill people, and you are trained to do it quickly and efficiently.
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Comment by scdave
2010-12-09 15:22:02
and you are trained to do it quickly and efficiently ??
And then they are suppose to come home and morph back into a regular human beings…Thats why a guy like Bush, or even worse Cheney, makes me sick to my stomach…The systemic fallout from their decisions both war & policy will last for many decades…
They have already talked about the notion of reducing FB loan balances for years now with no action. If they succeeded at this point, would they have to retroactively award compensation to all the foreclosed former FBs who would have qualified for the program if only it had been in force back in 2006 or so? And wouldn’t success on this idea require screwing over either the investors on the other side of the lending contracts, or other people who were nonparties to the contracts? And isn’t there a risk that a program which is loudly announced but which only applies to a small fraction of FBs will enrage the people who don’t qualify more than it will mollify those who do?
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are in talks with Obama administration officials to join fledgling government programs aimed at reducing loan balances of mortgages where borrowers owe more than their homes are worth, according to people familiar with the situation.
An agreement with the two government-owned mortgage giants to write down so-called underwater loans could reduce the threat to the U.S. housing market from the glut of homeowners believed at risk of default should their personal finances or home prices worsen. A deal would deepen losses at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which already have cost taxpayers about $134 billion.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which own or guarantee about half of all first-lien mortgages in the U.S., have been highly reluctant to reduce loan balances, especially for borrowers who are still making payments.
The Obama administration is pressuring Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, through their primary regulator, the Federal Housing Finance Agency. The administration wants the firms to join a program run by the Federal Housing Administration that allows banks and other creditors, which agree to write down mortgages, to essentially hand off the reduced loans to the FHA.
Federal officials estimate that 500,000 to 1.5 million homeowners could benefit from the program—a fraction of the estimated 11 million borrowers who were underwater as of June 30, according to CoreLogic Inc. That figure represents about 23% of all U.S. households with a mortgage.
Trying to predict what will happen with Fannie and Freddie before the new Congress is seated and has a chance to figure out what it wants to do first is a very speculative activity. I don’t necessarily disagree with you, but newbie Congress Critters are unpredicatable.
As for Bear’s question, the law firm where I first practiced pays its first year associates around $160K per year now (or did a few years ago). I got half that. Do I get to sue them for giving people who now do the job I used to do more money? No, of course not. Laws and policies change. If your situation got handled under a different policy, you are out of luck.
Polly — thanks for clarification. My question was intended to be rhetorical (I know the law does not apply retroactively to situations that got handled under a different policy), but I nonetheless maintain that if cramdowns are actually implemented at this late stage of the unraveling, there will be plenty of Americans who already lost their homes to foreclosure who will feel aggrieved.
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Comment by Professor Bear
2010-12-09 11:11:16
I also think it is important to differentiate between the limited number of individuals impacted by the compensation practices of a private law firm versus the national scope of the impacts on various classes of individuals under federal law.
Comment by sfbubblebuyer
2010-12-09 11:37:45
There will also be large numbers of homeowners who will be aggrieved. What about people current on their mortgage and not underwater? Why shouldn’t they get a cram down? Why shouldn’t the person who owns his house outright get a cash grant equivalent of a cram down?
It’s reprehensible to give f’d borrowers cramdowns.
Hey, I PROMISE if they reduce my mortgage by half, I’ll spend more money! I’ll pick up a coffee for my wife every Saturday AND Sunday. The rest of the savings go into the matress.
Six of 10 Americans don’t think the housing market will start to recover until at least two years from now and more would consider letting their mortgages lapse, a survey found.
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) - The number of U.S. workers filing new applications for unemployment benefits fell by 17,000 last week to 421,000, the Labor Department reported Thursday. Economists polled by MarketWatch had expected initial claims in the week of Dec. 4 to fall to a seasonally adjusted 425,000. Last week’s number was revised up by 2,000 to 438,000. Continuing claims, which reflect people already receiving unemployment checks, declined 191,000 to a seasonally adjusted 4.1 million. Some 8.3 million people received a form of state or federal benefits in the week of Nov. 20, down 611,944 on an unadjusted basis
Stocks Head for Higher Start as Jobless Claims Fall- AP
A greater than expected decrease in new jobless claims and high-level efforts to get more Democrats to support the compromise on extending tax cuts gave Wall Street a boost ahead of the market opening.
It is not surprising. I still remember how much I got blasted for even suggesting you should start investing in the market at levels 15% below current levels in response to so many on here complaining there were no decent returns. I am up 40% last year, and around 20% this year. I do not know what Prof Bear does with his money, but if he did actually buy on the dips as he apparently sarcastically claimed (no jabs to Prof Bear, it is just a reoccuring theme that I am picking as an example), his ROR would be well into the double digits. Sometimes you just have to live with being right even if it makes you hated, whether its predicting the housing bubble burst, or stock market gains. I am not saying this to brag about the accuracy of my predictions compared to others on this board, but to remind people how important it is have an open mind and not attack everyone that different views. They just may be right.
What is the difference between investing and gambleing?
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Comment by Natalie
2010-12-09 08:11:05
My definition would hinge on the the reasonableness of your expectation that you will make a profit. If you have a reasonable expection (say greater than 50%) that you will make a profit as opposed to a loss, it could be viewed as an investment. Obviously some investing is more riskier than others, and not all expectations are reasonable. Under my view some professional “gamblers” may actually be “investing” in their own business, and some self proclaimed “investors” are actually “gamblers.”
Comment by In Colorado
2010-12-09 09:10:52
But on what can we ground these “expectations?”
Comment by scdave
2010-12-09 09:13:06
My definition would hinge on the the reasonableness of your expectation that you will make a profit. If you have a reasonable expection (say greater than 50%) ??
Aren’t you very, very close to 50% on a roulette wheel ??
Comment by arizonadude
2010-12-09 09:18:35
Great article on why the market is not the place to be:
You never made any specific predictions. Just saying stocks might go up from here leaves a LOT of wiggle room.
As long as you stay vague, and don’t make Eddie’s mistake of confidently throwing out specific numbers and dates, you should be good.
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Comment by pressboardbox
2010-12-09 09:59:13
I’d rather be dead wrong than have everybody think I’m a complete jerk. You can even be right and not be a jerk. Eddie never got that.
Comment by Natalie
2010-12-09 12:40:59
“You never made any specific predictions.” That is not true. I specifically stated that I expected the S&P 500 to break 1200 following the elections at the bottom, and at the bottom for the year told ppl exactly which funds I would invest in. How can you be more specific? I went through it expressly on over a dozen occasions. The record is all here if you would like to check it.
Comment by LehighValleyGuy
2010-12-09 14:11:15
If you say so. I don’t recall them and don’t have time right now to sift through your old posts to check.
Maybe in the future you could use a special screen handle for these prophesies, like NataliesSpecificPredictions or something. That way we can track your overall record, and see if you’re really that good, or just lucky once in a while.
Comment by Michael Viking
2010-12-09 14:48:31
I also say so. I recall Natalie’s predictions and they were quite specific, including which stocks she was going to purcahse. I’m also sure she’s done a lot better than the “cash is king” crowd that sits with cash in the bank.
man this market really feels rigged right now.It seems like the fed is buying stock and keeping the market up.they want to inflate the market so they can sell all the shares of bogus companies they bought.Citi , gm and now aig.Aig is going to issue more stock so it can repay the govt.Seems like a common theme here.Must be nice to run your company itno the ground and then issue more stock to stooopid retail investors.This will end badly once again.
I think you are right….Housing has benefited from the lower rates but I believe the focus was really on the stock market and re-inflating it…That was the real Elephant in the room…They have been successful so far…Apple has 51 Bil. in cash…Think about that for a moment….
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Comment by arizonadude
2010-12-09 09:39:39
bubble to means of creating high paying jobs you can make a living on.
“Weekly U.S. jobless claims drop 17,000 to 421,000″
Isn’t this like saying we reduced this year’s deficit by $60M? It’s a step in the right direction, but you’re still running a huge deficit! The mind boggles as to why this is perceived as such good news…
China Car Sales Jump 29% to Record as End Looms for Government Incentives ~ Bloomberg News
China November Passenger Car Sales Rise 29% to Record
Sales of passenger cars increased to 1.34 million in the month, higher than the previous record of 1.32 million in January, according to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers.
China’s passenger-car deliveries to dealers rose to a record in November as customers rushed to take advantage of government incentives supporting vehicle-buying that may expire at the end of the year.
Sales of passenger cars including multipurpose and sport- utility vehicles increased 29.3 percent to 1.34 million in the month, higher than the previous record of 1.32 million in January, according to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers. The pace of growth was the fastest since April.
You know how some people in the USofA get really pissed off with towing companies & impound yards…what do you think the “angry” might do to a longhaired “roundeye” towing their bmw’s & spoutin’ off ’bout paying bribes to the Gov’t party of “TrueBambooLiar’s™”
LONDON (Dow Jones)–The cost of insuring debt issued by European sovereigns was broadly higher Thursday.
The five-year credit default swap spread on Ireland was three basis points wider at 535 basis points, according to data provider Markit.
CDS are derivatives that function like a default insurance contract for debt. If a borrower defaults, sellers compensate buyers.
The five-year CDS spreads on Spain and Portugal were five basis points wider at 310 basis points and 440 basis points, respectively, while Belgium and France were both two basis points wider at 191 basis points and 100 basis points.
Dec. 8 (Bloomberg) — The creation of common government bonds or bills for the euro area may help bring an end to the region’s fiscal crisis by deepening market liquidity, according to the Association for Financial Markets in Europe.
“There are significant advantages and it could be a possible solution for the sovereign debt crisis,” Sander Schol, a director of the association in London, said in a phone interview. “The decision to come up with a common bond is a political decision. It’s very important that they stay in touch with market participants when formulating the proposals.”
China stood up by winner of “Confucius peace prize”:
Reuters News
“…When pressed by journalists on claims in a press release that the prize had been chosen by “democratic voting by Internet users,” Tan admitted that no Internet voting had occurred, swiftly adding next year’s prize would incorporate voting.
Mainstream Chinese media have not reported on the prize, and Tan refused to answer questions on the merits of pro-democracy activist Liu Xiaobo’s Nobel award.
But the awarding of the prize bore at least one resemblance to what will transpire at Friday’s Nobel ceremony — its recipient was not in attendance.”
I finally got the ‘official’ renewal letter for my apartment in downtown Austin, TX.
My rent will go up from 1350 to 1590+81 in parking… a whooping 24% increment in housing expenses. (901 sq ft)
I am a good friend with the apartment manager, and he pretty much told me he is just a middle man… he sets no prices… I can call the regional director for the company, and she will listen, but prices are non-negotiable
Why are rents going up?
Construction at The Austonian and The W Hotel, both which are adjacent buildings, is completed. Having units with multi-million dollar condos has increased property values; therefore, taxes went up and they’re passing the costs to customers.
Occupancy is at 97%, and new clients are paying 1700 to 1800 for similar units, which you can check at amli dot com
I do not want to move, but the increment translates to roughly 4k a year in housing… I am not sure what to do
I called a locator yesterday, and she was not surprised by the increase… She said there is not way I would be able to find a 1-bedroom unit in the heart of downtown with a 1400 budget… I would have to move to the outskirts of downtown or possible out of the area.
But they think they have him because he probably can’t find a cheaper deal in that same area and won’t want to move to a cheaper/less convenient neighborhood.
Using what leverage they have while they still have it. Obviously they think they can quickly re-rent at same or higher price.
I know Austin is nice, but wonder how sustainable a $1700-1800/mo one bedroom rental market can be.
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Comment by scdave
2010-12-09 09:26:49
but wonder how sustainable a $1700-1800/mo one bedroom rental market can be ??
It is until it isn’t….Its obvious the job market in Austin is very strong…
Comment by Steve J
2010-12-09 09:50:14
There are also a lot of students with student loans populating the downtown area.
The prices to live on campus at UT are not really any cheaper per month then what they want to charge Brett:
But the student housing is only close in price if you take the highest end accommodation AND that includes dining privileges.
Anyone in college who is willing to add on expense/debt so they don’t have to share a dorm room is not the brightest.
Comment by Brett
2010-12-09 11:27:32
There are many college kids moving downtown… they are sharing 2 bedrooms units so they can be close to bars, etc.
Many of them are taking of debt to keep up with the lifestyle.
I am torn… $1670 in rent would be about a third of my take home paycheck…. I am not sure if that’s the brighest thing to do.
I really enjoy traveling and saving some money too… I would either have to cut expenses or not save as much $$$
Comment by whyoung
2010-12-09 12:43:03
It’s a tough priority/lifestyle question.
The feeling you’re being driven out of a location you like by college students that want to be (I’m assuming) within walking distance to the bars is unfortunate.
Also, if your building fills up with crowded student shares will that also become an issue? (In my experience they don’t make the most considerate neighbors.)
I’d research some alternative locations so you’ll know which is the best compromise. You’ll either find something new that suits or become more comfortable with the cost staying put.
Comment by Bret
2010-12-09 12:46:36
It’s not just students… there are many people from Cali and the NE who are moving to Texas looking for jobs
They are used to paying a lot higher rates in those areas, and feel like 1700-1800 a month is a steal… They are driving Texans out of Texas.. lol
Comment by scdave
2010-12-09 12:55:13
I am not sure if that’s the brighest thing to do?
Well, it depends on where your priorities lay…In your head or in your pants ??
(are many college kids moving they can be close to bars)
Comment by Arizona Slim
2010-12-09 13:15:14
The feeling you’re being driven out of a location you like by college students that want to be (I’m assuming) within walking distance to the bars is unfortunate.
Also, if your building fills up with crowded student shares will that also become an issue? (In my experience they don’t make the most considerate neighbors.)
Hear, hear on their lack of consideration. I live across the street from some University of Arizona student vermin. For the second time this week, I’ve had to go over there to tell them to turn their thunderous stereo down.
Mind you, it’s a bit chilly here. So, I’ve been keeping doors and windows closed until it’s warm enough to open them in the afternoon. And these kids also have their doors and windows closed.
Which means that their thunder-bass is pretty darn loud.
Vermin; small animals or insects that harm people, livestock, property, or crops and are difficult to control, e.g. rats, weasels, fleas, or cockroaches
Brett, where are some of these cheaper areas where you are being told to move? I am planning on moving with oldest son to Austin — definitely not downtown — in June of next year (I know, literally not the coolest month to choose.) I am looking for a 2 BR condo style apartment with top tier amenities; I have seen many such online north and south of Austin for about 1200. Which nabes should I choose and which should I avoid?
You’re definitely not going to stay somewhere central if you want a top-tier apartment with $1200…
What places were you looking at?
I have friends who are paying 1k for 1-bedroom in nice communities outside downtown austin… I am not sure if 1200 will get you top-notch quality right now in Austin
Anti-foreclosure activists plan rally at the Palm Beach County Courthouse today
By Kimberly Miller Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
Posted: 5:25 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 9, 2010
Homeowner advocates will gather today at the Palm Beach County Courthouse to protest foreclosures.
The rally, called “Homeless for the Holidays,” is scheduled to begin at 2 p.m. It is being organized by Foreclosure Hamlet and Foreclosure Fraud — local groups dedicated to helping homeowners in foreclosure and drawing attention to foreclosure irregularities.
The rally will be followed by the monthly foreclosure happy hour gathering held at E.R. Bradley’s in downtown West Palm Beach. The happy hour begins at 5:30.
Michael Redman, who runs the website called Foreclosure Fraud, said a group from an international media outlet is expected to attend the rally and happy hour.
In Maryland here … been looking at real estate listings in my neighborhood (all attached homes/rowhomes, common in the Baltimore area) …. Lately there have been a few rowhomes listed that are $30K higher or so than any others … and then I look deeper and see that they seem to be all purchased in 2006/2007/2008 and have had upgrades. Looks like a situation of people having to sell at that higher price to break even. They are nice homes in a great school district, but not when you can get one 30K, 40K, 50K cheaper that is in decent (if not ultra-updated) shape (270k or 280K vs 320K) and do updates yourself for less.
So what’s with people wanting to move so quickly after they bought a house? I don’t get it - unless it’s a move for a job.
Another note - we bought a house and actually got that $8K tax credit (saved up tons, and it’s a neighborhood where our mortgage is actually equal to rent, so we felt it was the right time for us … and hey, if someone wants to give us $8K too, we’ll take it) and we just got a nice reminder letter from the IRS that if we leave that house before 3 years, or rent it out, or anything that would make it not be a primary residence, that we will owe all the money back. So it looks like the IRS is on the lookout for fraud or ways to get that money back.
I would posit that you are getting a better deal if you can avoid some of the most recent updates. Stainless steel appliances show smudges like crazy and those vessel sinks are nasty, especially if they are glass - show all the soap and toothpaste scum.
As for your question, they are selling because they are finally realizing that the “market” isn’t coming back any time soon. The houses will be worth less in a few months than they are now. The realization could be triggered by any number of things, but a slight uptick in mortgage rates is one possibility if you assume that the people involved are numerate.
…we just got a nice reminder letter from the IRS that if we leave that house before 3 years, or rent it out, or anything that would make it not be a primary residence, that we will owe all the money back. So it looks like the IRS is on the lookout for fraud or ways to get that money back.
And, if you’re the neighbor of someone who got this credit but isn’t playing by the rules set out in the above letter, here’s how to report them, courtesy of the IRS. Have fun!
“So what’s with people wanting to move so quickly after they bought a house? I don’t get it - unless it’s a move for a job.”
Many people over-extended themselves on the belief that housing always goes up in value. Given the recession and evidence that housing prices can decline sharply, perhaps they finally began to realistically focus on ability to pay monthy debt service rather than unrealistic appreciation expections. In addition, for those with money and still drinking the koolaid, they may see this as a perfect opportunity to move up and snatch a “bargain.”
So what’s with people wanting to move so quickly after they bought a house? I don’t get it - unless it’s a move for a job.
One factor is that people that want to start families generally don’t want to stay in Baltimore city. Newlyweds who just had to buy, and the city was the only option available to them, now may realize that the environment is not the best for children. Jenna Bush and Ted Hagar just bailed out. There was also the attitude of houses being investment vehicles, and that they could cash out after a few years, with a healthy profit.
Top Spending Forecaster Greenlaw Sees U.S. Consumer Pickup
American consumers will again be the drivers of the economic expansion in 2011 as employment picks up and wages grow, said David Greenlaw , Morgan Stanley’s chief fixed-income economist.
“American consumers will again be the drivers of debt expansion in 2011 as employment remains abysmal and real wages contract, said David Greenlaw , Morgan Stanley’s chief fixed-income deceiver.”
See anyone can tell the truth yet said truth will never come from the likes of Morgan(s).
lint, I owe you an apology for calling you cukoo yesterday when you said that the CIA was behind Wikileaks. I’m sorry. I should have said that the idea was cukoo, not you. You are not crazy, just conspiracy-minded. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Correct you are..I am a conspiracy theorist. Been called all the names in the book describing my “condition”. Being conspiracy minded….works.
Conspiracy to deceive has never been more popular, widespread, and skillfully done than today. It is a great time to be ultra critical of all that is presented.
Recent example:
My own clients have accused me of being nuts just recently when I advised them to withdraw up to 100% of their monies from IRA’s that I manage for them. All of said money is in precious metals IRAS that I believe (75% probability today) do not exist in actual hard silver. One client agreed to take a small distribution via silver liquidation. This distribution confirmed my and the client’s fear that there are major problems with allocated silver accounts.
Said distribution had a very significant silver delivery delay of hard silver(several thousand ounces). This delay was caused by the metal not actually being there at the time of sale, in my opinion. This simple transaction of selling silver bars for cash took one month to complete which is three weeks too long. Four weeks to do a distribution is unheard of and ultra suspicious. Silver supply is awful tight.
Conspiracy? You bet. This client is now standing by to liquidate his entire precious metals IRA, take the cash, pay tax, and re-buy physical silver to be delivered to his possession so as to eliminate all counter party risk and fraud potential.
It is also quite possible that all IRAS will be confiscated by the feds the assets transferred to US bonds. We are one emergency away from this happening.
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Comment by Bill in Carolina
2010-12-09 09:30:47
It is also quite possible a large asteroid will strike the continental U.S. between now and the end of 2012.
Comment by Steve J
2010-12-09 09:58:15
I used to think the same thing Bill, but reading about what is happening in Ireland right now is leading me to believe the power of the Banksters to force the actions of national governments just might be possible in the US.
Comment by lint
2010-12-09 10:00:36
True that but what is important is how probable will this event be.
Possibility and probability are separate concepts that get united for some reason.
Broke government historically steal that which is easy to steal. Ira’s will be easy to steal.
“The news of Hungary effectively seizing private pension fund assets to pay for the debt obligations of the state last week should come as yet another reminder of the urgent need to get tax-sheltered retirement savings away from the clutches of the state before it’s too late. Hungary is just the latest country to decide that it’s citizens retirement savings are the property of the state.”
American Retirement Funds at Serious Risk of Being Seized
Your “retirement” assets have already been stolen. What’s left is just for show.
Just because it’s a theory doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not a conspiracy.
Comment by X-GSfixr
2010-12-09 11:18:32
lint sure reminds me of someone who used to post here, but packed his precious metals and moved to New Zealand (or so he said)
Could it be?????
Comment by REhobbyist
2010-12-09 12:20:45
No way. Aladdin was a songster and poet, prone to long, flight-of-fancy posts. He also didn’t work (or at least never mentioned it.) lint works as a financial advisor who helps his clients buy silver, and his posts are fairly succinct.
Comment by X-GSfixr
2010-12-09 13:21:45
Yeah, but maybe his girlfriend/wife/significant other broke up with him.
Comment by polly
2010-12-09 13:33:24
“It is also quite possible that all IRAS will be confiscated by the feds the assets transferred to US bonds. We are one emergency away from this happening.”
You keep talking like IRAs are particularly vulnerable to being confiscated. Why? They are just brokerage accounts like any other brokerage account but with slightly different tax and distribution rules. They are no more vulnerable to confiscation than anything else that can be accessed electronically. I admit that claiming they are particularly vulnerable makes good copy because it is supposed to be a person’t “next egg” but you need to get over it. The government knows or can find out about all your bank accounts too. That signature card has your SS number on it and they get a 1099-INT on any account that generates at least $10 (might be less by now) of insterest a year.
GF’s sister (most main-stream person ever) just decided to try to buy a new house because she is so far underwater on hers. She NEEDS a bigger house for her kids and can’t stand that her house (purchased four years ago at the tippy top) is worth less than 1/3 of what she owes on it. Frustrated by the lenders (she is current on the mortgage) who won’t allow her to re-fi, she has spoken to an attorney who assures her that a “strategic default” is the magic trick that will make everything good for her. She plans on buying the new larger home just prior to the strategic default on the old house that she just put a new granite kitchen in back in August. We tell her she is nuts, to which she gets angry. Its totally disgusting.
I hope you guys are right. The bullshits gotta stop. I think “the attorney” who made her all these promises is just trying to rip her off - she is buying into it hook line and sinker and is apparently immune to reason. She deserves to get fleeced.
oneoverspot . com appears to be attracting quite a bit of interest for you metal heads. Said site will be the low cost leader of precious metals brokers.
Comment by Watching and Waiting
2010-12-09 04:46:12
Record-low interest rates are what pushed renter William Jordan off the fence. Fending off pleas for a new home from his wife for years, the 38-year-old financial advisor jumped in October and locked in a 4.375 percent FHA mortgage on a $760,000 Capistrano Beach, California, house.
“I’d been stalling my wife and that low interest rate was the causal factor” for action, said Jordan, who believes home prices may see further declines. “If I wait for the actual bottom, I think the payments will be higher.”
Darn! They didn’t list his phone number. I really need a financial adviser who thinks like that.
This was posted in yesterdays bucket with no link but it sure is good evidence that idiocy and delusional thinking is alive and well in CA.
A foreclosed house I have been watching for a while had been listed at about 280k and dropped steadily to 220k over the past year. It never did sell for some reason. Me thinks the surrounding ghetto is just to oppressive, IMHO.
It DID finally go to auction last week and sold there for 176k. I get a note from Zillow this morning that the very same house is now available for the lovely price of 240!!!
Umm, did the buyer-now-seller not notice that the SAME house would NOT sell at 220 just a month or so ago?
176, plus 9% auction fees, plus other fees, puts it around 200k out of their pocket. Crazy.
Some people never learn. retail stock investors are going to get their @sses kicked again.NFLX seems to be the stock of choice for them.The big money is just sitting back licking their chops.It like leading the sheep towards slaughter.
Nflx insiders and institutional owners are vacated said stock in panic fashion….never seen anything like it yet the stock just keeps ascending to new highs with a three figure p/e.
Coulda/shoulda/woulda - I thought about buying when it hit 17, but wanted to be sure it wasn’t a fad stock like Crocs had been. Wish I had now, but who would know that Blockbuster would go under and walmart would back-out of the game in the meaintime.
The flippers that bought the home truly believe that real estate is a positive npv investment. Now the seller must find a retired person with lots of cash and very little intelligence / future orientation. Short of the retired there is no cash cow to milk.
If this makes it and the link works, scroll down to the comments, these squatters are turning into nasty delusional people.
Homeless for the Holidays rally to protest foreclosures
by Kim Miller
Local homeowner advocates are holding a “Homeless for the Holidays” rally on Thursday beginning at 2 p.m. in front of the Palm Beach County Courthouse.
Organized by Foreclosure Hamlet and Foreclosure Fraud, the rally will be followed by the monthly foreclosure happy hour at E.R. Bradley’s in downtown West Palm Beach.
Here’s a classic example of an “it’s different here” article. But after considering the article, could it not be? Brazil has 190 million people with only 400,000 currently existing mortgages.
Reuters) - Brazil might be an exception to the rule of thumb that says avoid the asset everyone’s piling into, according to the chief executive of Equity International, the international arm of real estate mogul Sam Zell.
The potential for Brazilian growth is still great because pent-up demand outstrips supply for the consumer in any number of areas, including housing and both durable and non-durable goods, just to name a few,
Another sign of potential gains, Garrabrant told the Reuters 2011 Investment Outlook Summit in New York on Wednesday, is that financing a shopping center or office building is difficult, and Brazilian banks still aren’t good lenders, he said.
“This is going to take some time for Brazil to create the financial infrastructure whereby capital is available in debt and equity form, intelligently, rationally,” Garrabrant said.
So, talk of an overheated market has to be taken in context, considering Brazil is a country of 190 million that has transformed from a mostly poor to majority middle-class nation.
“There’s a capital inefficiency that prevails, so the hype, the headlines, have to be tempered a bit by this inefficiency that’s going to continue to improve,” he said.
As an example, Garrabrant said, a year ago there were only 400,000 mortgages in Brazil, a number that likely is matched in Manhattan alone in the United States.
…”We feel there is more political risk in the United States than Brazil.”
Can the people afford the mortgages long term? Or are they banking on appreciation. 2banana
I would guess that 90% of Brazilians buying houses now can well afford their mortgages and are buying for a place to live long term. A lot of rich in Rio live in small 50 year old apartments with electric and plumbing to prove it. Many just want to live in a nicer Apt. Many live with their parents. No one speaks of “flipping”.
Australia, Canada, Brazil. Blue Sky
The Huge differences:
1. Brazil is grossly under-housed.
2. Unlike Australia and Canada, as the article says: Brazil is a country of 190 million that has transformed from a mostly poor to majority middle-class nation. Australia, Canada and the USA have not seen this massive change in its people’s wealth.
3. In Brazil mortgages are BRAND NEW. Brazil has 400,000 mortgages, (the same as Manhattan) Mortgages equal less than 4% of Brazilian GDP. American mortgages equal about 70% of US GDP.
4% vs 70%………… It could be a bubble however; These differences are astounding.
btw: I just made a huge batch of home-made chili and it’s great! They don’t have chili here because you know why? Because its different here. (just having some fun with that one)
I do read your comments with interest, but fail to find the arguments compelling. So, “mortgage” is a new word in Brazil. OK, good luck with that financial innovation. Perhaps there is good reason this type of lending was not so attractive a generation ago. It could be the greatest thing that ever happened to Brazil, the whole debt expansion thing, up to a point. “Underhoused”. Now that has a funny ring to it. It sounds to me that there are a bunch of neuvo riche in Brazil if all this moving on up is such a force. From what you say it is fueled by credit, a commodities bubble and pride. What happens in Brazil if the credit spigot gets shut off, interest rates go up (hmm already 10%) and the commodities bubble bursts?
Add $200K to every household’s balance sheet and credit line. In Canada it just moves the middle class up a rung, in Brazil it makes everybody middle class.
Australia, Canada, Ireland, Spain, Brazil.
Just wondering.
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Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2010-12-09 12:01:49
“Underhoused”. Now that has a funny ring to it……From what you say it is fueled by credit, a commodities bubble and pride.
Yes it could be a bubble but….
One big thing you are missing fueling Brazil’s real estate is the rise of the middle class- doctors, lawyers, accountants, store and restaurant owners, millions of small business owners too.
Sure Brazil has a commodity boom, but I’ve read that doesn’t really affect the middle class as much as people imagine because middle-class folks don’t own iron ore mines. Has the American middle-class been great beneficiaries from the commodity boom? USA produces a lot of commodities too but that doesn’t seem to trickle down to the middle-class. Why should Brazil be any different? The commodity boom in Brazil benefits mainly the very rich and the very poor. (through social programs now able to be funded)
Brazil needs 6-8 million new houses and is a buy according to the following Daily Reckoning article. The Daily Reckoning called the housing market, the stock market and the Gold market correctly the past 12 years.
…There is also an acute housing shortage, ….about 13% of (Brazilian) families live in substandard housing. …Brazil needs nearly 6 million new homes…Brazil needs to build about 1.6 million homes every year just to keep up with new families entering the market.
(Developers in Brazil launched on average 100,000 to 200,000 housing units a year in the 1990s and have grown to 800,000 now. By comparison, with a much smaller population, Mexico’s real estate market has between 700,000 and 1 million units a year, source:
Millions of (Brazilians) have become consumers in the last decade. Housing has not yet caught up with that demand.
Brazil’s home lending market is still only a fraction of that found in other Latin American countries, such as Mexico or Chile. Brazilians also have much more equity invested in their homes. Typically, loan-to-value is 70-75%.
Comment by Blue Skye
2010-12-09 13:45:51
“doctors, lawyers, accountants, store and restaurant owners”
Very nice, and they can all provide their services to each other and bid up each other’s houses. Sort of like the Pittsburgh model. The wealth increase in the pool that results in movin on ups comes from where?
Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2010-12-09 14:02:49
and they can all provide their services to each other and bid up each other’s houses. …. The wealth increase in the pool that results in movin on ups comes from where?
Brazilian wealth is coming from the same place wealth came from in America from 1776 until about 1971.
Do you know where America’s wealth came from? Do you know what “wealth” represents?
Do you think the USA is the only country capable of bettering its internal economy, its wealth and people?
If so, why?
Comment by Blue Skye
2010-12-09 14:27:21
No Rio, I am open to understanding how the rise of Brazil might not be depending upon the worldwide credit expansion. The US exploited a whole lot of natural resources during that period you point to. Is that the basis for brazil’s rise? I still think that the rise of a service providing middle class profession is a symptom of a richer country, not a cause.
Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2010-12-09 14:45:05
The US exploited a whole lot of natural resources during that period you point to. Is that the basis for brazil’s rise?
A big part of it I’m sure but not the whole reason. Many countries such as Japan have developed without a lot of natural resources. So I think in Brazil it is a mixture which is the reason I don’t just say “Brazil just got lucky solely because of the commodity boom.” Brazil showed signs of rising when commodity prices were much lower back in the 90s.
the rise of a service providing middle class profession is a symptom of a richer country, not a cause
I think it can be a mixture of both. And something we have not even mentioned is manufacturing. Because of very high duties, Brazil still makes much if not most of the stuff people buy here. Cars, washers, dryers, refrig, a/c’s, beds, trucks, tractors, Brazil even makes their own computers and monitors in factories in Amazonia. (Now is this not “different here?”)
They pay a price for this in high prices of stuff but I think it’s a price worth paying.
btw: I just made a huge batch of home-made chili and it’s great!
Hey Rio,…I was hoping you’d get around to saying something controversial that compels me to open a beer just about now…
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Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2010-12-09 12:45:03
Hey Rio,…I was hoping you’d get around to saying something controversial that compels me to open a beer just about now…
You know I try my best not to be controversial and today I was thinking about the wikileaks thing and what we can all take away from it no matter who’s side we’re on.
It seems to me that the big lesson to be learned here is that when a man publishes stolen information and directly takes on the most powerful country in the world by exposing their secrets, then it is imperative that the man publishing such secrets always uses a condom.
It is apparent that Julian Assange learned this lesson the hard way.
Comment by Blue Skye
2010-12-09 13:29:44
Leaks and condoms just don’t seem to go together well.
Chili is a Yankee American invention. The mountain men and other early travelers to the American west had no refrigeration, so they carried dried ingredients with them: beans, onions, dried tomatos, dried chili pods, and dried meats (e.g. beef jerky). They needed a way to rehydrate them into a savory stew, and thus invented chili as we know it today.
Chili has nothing to do with Spanish and Portugese America.
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Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2010-12-09 14:31:30
Chili is a Yankee American invention.
I believe it.
Brazil does have its own version of chili (feijoada) but different and without the chili. It’s made with black beans and meats and pig’s noses and pig fat and feet and beef and sausage and I guess whatever ya got.
It’s really good.
The Brazilian feijoada is prepared with black turtle beans, with a variety of salted pork and beef products, such as salted pork trimmings (ears, tail, feet), bacon, smoked pork ribs, at least two types of smoked sausage and jerked beef (loin and tongue).
This stew is best prepared over slow fire in a thick clay pot. The final dish has the beans and meat pieces barely covered by a dark purplish-brown broth. The taste is strong, moderately salty but not spicy, dominated by the flavors of black bean and meat stew.
[edit] Side dishes
In Brazil, feijoada is traditionally served with rice, and accompanied by chopped fried collard greens (couve mineira), lightly roasted coarse cassava flour (farofa) and peeled and sliced orange.[2] Other common side dishes are boiled or deep-fried cassava, deep-fried bananas, and pork rinds (torresmo). A pot of hot pepper sauce is often provided on the side. The meal is often washed down with cachaça, caipirinha, or beer. wiki
But … but … the streets in Dallas are supposed to be paved with gold and the economy is supposed to be kicking butt over there! That’s what the newpapers keep saying.
Yeah, Steve Brown’s been a RE cheerleader for years - too bad he can’t spin the numbers anymore.
This ship be sinking in Big “D”. Yet, they’re throwing up a new condo tower up the block from me with prices starting at 1 million dollars - financed by the police & firefighters pension fund.
I can’t wait to rent one of those places in a couple of years.
If you’re considering a career as either a real estate agent or a mortgage broker, this article is designed to help you make a logical choice between these two careers. Read on to find out which occupation best fits your education, experience, skills and personality.
Tax Appeals Swamp U.S. Cities, Towns as Property Prices Plunge
Jeff Green and Tim Jones
The backlog of cases from taxpayers seeking to lower property-tax bills of more than $100,000 shot up to 14,236 this year from an annual average of about 6,000 during the past decade . . .
WASHINGTON – Wanna hear a secret? The U.S. and Canada are probably going to remain friends. And the conservative and liberal party leaders in England? They don’t like each other.
But keep that under wraps. The U.S. doesn’t want that sort of sensitive information getting out for a decade or so.
While the recent leak of government documents onto the website WikiLeaks has revealed government secrets on such topics as Iran, North Korea and Yemen, the disclosure also unmasked another closely guarded fact: Much of what the government says is classified isn’t much of a secret at all.
Sometimes, classified documents contained little more than summaries of press reports. Political banter was treated as confidential government intelligence. Information that’s available to anyone with an Internet connection was ordered held under wraps for years.
Days after President Barack Obama’s inauguration, the White House received a classified message from the U.S. Embassy in Ottawa. It was a primer for the president’s upcoming trip to Canada and it included this sensitive bit of information, marked confidential:
“No matter which political party forms the Canadian government during your Administration, Canada will remain one of our staunchest and most like-minded of allies, our largest trading and energy partner, and our most reliable neighbor and friend.”
The document could not be made public until 2019, for national security reasons.
Such non-secrets have a cost. The more stuff the government classifies, the more money it takes to keep it all concealed. The government spent at least $9 billion keeping classified information under wraps last year, and that doesn’t include the CIA, Defense Intelligence Agency and others that keep their spending on classified information classified.
Most Americans can do little but take it on faith that those secrets are actually worth keeping. And advocates for open government say that when too much is classified, it makes it harder for the government to cry foul when legitimate secrets are leaked.
“The problem is, we’ve got a system that keeps way too much that is secret, and as a result we can’t protect the real secrets nearly as well,” said Thomas Blanton, the director of the National Security Archives, a private research institute at George Washington University. “And the stuff we really need to know is buried under a mass of trivia.”
Putting stuff that you might need to find again into the appropriate “bucket” is a real art form. I try to file e-mails that way under various folders in Outlook, but it isn’t the easiest thing in the world. Totally worth it, though, when a FOIA request comes across the desk or someone wants to know the answer to a question we might have considered 5 years ago.
LONDON – Police with riot shields held off angry student protesters marching to London’s Parliament Square on Thursday as lawmakers debated a controversial plan to triple university tuition fees in England
The people inside are just laughing.Protests like this do nothing.the only real protest is to stop using the service they not enroll in the classes they provide.This is what happenss when you have pricing power and no alternatives.
The women here are near to and over 30 and have international experience, some of it working in Swedish government embassies. There is no suggestion of drugs nor identity concealment. Far from it. Both women boasted of their celebrity connection to Assange after the events that they would now see him destroyed for.
Webmaster’s Commentary:
This is just cheap tabloid tactics to keep Assange’s face in the news and bolster his illusion of credibility even as his own volunteers blow the whistle on the secret Israeli deal Assange made.
Many North Carolina homeowners are struggling now to make their mortgage payments due to job loss or reduction of income through no fault of their own or because of an unforeseen temporary financial hardship, such as a divorce, serious illness or death of a co-signor. If you are searching for help, be assured that you are not alone. The N.C. Foreclosure Prevention Fund is here to help you avoid foreclosure.
The Mortgage Payment Program offers zero-interest loans of up to $24,000 to pay your mortgage and other related expenses for up to 24 months. If you live in one of 50 “hardest hit” counties with the highest 2009 unemployment rates, you may qualify for a loan of up to $36,000 for up to 36 months. The loan can also be used to bring mortgage payments current.
The Second Mortgage Refinance Program will be available in the 50 “hardest hit” counties in June 2011. It may help you refinance a high-cost second mortgage and reduce your monthly payments to an affordable level.
Avoid Scams: Foreclosure help is free through our counseling partners. The N.C. Attorney General’s Office provides information on how to recognize and avoid scams.
Obama: Tax Deal Could Yield ‘Millions of Jobs’- AP
(AP)President Barack Obama says a congressional vote on the tax-cut deal he negotiated with Republicans will determine whether the nation’s economy “moves forward or backward.”
~~ When Barry was on the campaign trail, he said he would raise taxes on the ‘rich’ “there is a point when some people make too much money”-BHO. Bankrupt big coal, create millions of ‘green’ jobs. Create ‘free’ universal health care, break up the lobbyists. Redistribute the wealth etc,etc..
Barry’s battalions of buffoons/followers must be sorely disappointed! Now he says we must keep the tax cuts for the rich and big bidness. Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.
lil’ Opie negotiated with Repubicans will determine whether the nation’s economy “moves forward or backward.” …for people’s with lil’-to-nones stores of wealth
still a pretty good deal if your a buyer of a home.I guess the fed had too many sellers to keep up with all it’s buying.guess they will have to get the printing press working overtime now?
Do any of you know how to become a primary dealer for the NY fed?
Yes.doesnt the fed tell all its buddies, pd’s, so they can stock up on treasuries before the actual sale and then sell them to the fed at a profit?Man I wish I could get in on that action.Nice to have friends at the fed.
In November, the unemployment rate for those post-college age (20-24) was almost 16%, compared to 9.8% for the nation. And according to a recent Pew Research Center study, nearly 40% of 18-29 year olds have been unemployed or underemployed since December 2007.
“…nearly 40% of 18-29 year olds have been unemployed or underemployed since December 2007…”
Is this the same group of savvy under-30s who were buying houses circa 2006 when over-30s who didn’t understand the New Era in housing price appreciation stayed out of the market?
I know more than a few who do want a job, who do want to move out on their own, pay their student loans and maybe buy a new car.
But you can’t do those things when all you have is a P/T minimum wage job.
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Comment by REhobbyist
2010-12-09 12:30:16
In happy news, my younger son (22, finished college in Sept) was just hired by a small business that had him working as an unpaid intern for a few weeks. He’s a happy camper, and mom is even happier. $12/hr, no benefits, but it’s a job!
Comment by scdave
2010-12-09 16:06:45
Thats super…Happy for him…@ $12. per hour down in Sac. might not be to bad that is, unless, he gets some high maintenance girlfriend…
Permit me to venture a guess on why this might be:
More than a few of these young ‘uns wouldn’t know the meaning of words like “persistence,” “work ethic,” “deferred gratification,” and “team play” if they came up and bopped them over their precious snowflake heads.
I don’t know how many of you have had the pleasure of dealing with these cute young things, but I live in a neighborhood near a university. The sense of entitlement among the current crop of students and recent grads is just appalling.
They thing that, just because they’re breathing collegiate oxygen, or if they’ve recently graduated, that they’re entitled to top jobs without having to do any work. As if we on the hiring side of the fence are supposed to be so dazzled by them that we’re just begging for the chance to have them around.
Well, more than a few of them are finding out that we in the employment world expect them to do things like:
1. Show up on time.
2. Do the work that they’ve been given to do.
No doubt there are people like this, but I know plenty who worked hard to put themselves through college, got good grades and can’t find a job in their field (and remain working at the menial jobs they put themselves through school with).
They’ve drunk the koolade and still believe that their degree is a ticket to a wonderful life, not a life of voluntary serfdom to student loans and the corporate “carrot” of a fulfilling career.
I’ve seen a mixed bag in this generation, some sensible some deluded.
Once had to sit down with a 20 something and show her the math that if she spent more than half of her take home pay on rent in Manhattan she would not have the disposable income to do anything but more or less subsist on ramen noodles.
If she moved to Brooklyn or Queens she would not only have some money left over, but could afford a cab home several times a month and not have to share a bedroom.
That’s always been the case, Slim. I remember when we graduated from Michigan 35 years ago - everybody expected a good job with full benefits - and we got them! Most kids now have no expectation of benefits and make the same amount that we did, 35 years later. I feel for them.
Of course, there are a few little sh!ts out there. My sister told me about a friend of her son’s who graduated in June and just turned down a job because it paid too little (he lives with his wealthy parents.) I hope that he ends up well behind the hard-working young people who are willing to work for peanuts to get experience. But he probably won’t - his parents will find something for him.
I remember when we graduated from Michigan 35 years ago - everybody expected a good job with full benefits - and we got them!
I didn’t.
Matter of fact, I never found anything that ever resembled a good job with full benefits. In my last job, I was paid so poorly that even my bosses were sympathetic.
Not that it helped. I was so thin — from not being able to afford anything other than vegetarian food that I had trouble digesting — that I considered it an accomplishment to gain 10 pounds. Which I did within a year after quitting that job.
hmmm…. seems USA has hit a few kids in A-stan and Iraq.
I call on the would-be-Palestinians (there being no actual Palestinians yet) to admit they lost a war they started and that this is why they have no state.
One cannot learn from mistakes if one does not admit ‘em.
But there is another category of demolisher: Snowbirds who expect someday to build their vacation home here, and rather than waiting until the market rebounds, they buy the property at today’s low prices, demolish the home. That way they do not pay taxes on the home, only the land, and there’s no structure to insure.
When taxes and insurance cost more than the mortgage - demolish the home and pay taxes only on vacant land and no insurance.
Makes sense in this insane world. When a government taxes everything to oblivion - eventually that is what you get.
Israel appears only in 77 out of 20,000 Wikileaks docs
On its website WikiLeaks says it has so far released “almost 20,000″ of the “251,287 leaked United States embassy cables.”
The release, however, raised questions as it doe not contain any incriminating or embarrassing document against Israel.
“No classified Israeli material was exposed by WikiLeaks,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in November, suggesting that Tel Aviv viewed the release as a positive.
An Israeli-born investigative journalist has found evidence that WikiLeaks “struck a deal with Israel,” based on which the websites founder Julian Assange would withhold cables incriminating Israel in exchange for money.
Among the recent crop of hedge fund stars, Pershing Square Capital’s Bill Ackman is notably absent from the parade of gold bulls. But he and Paulson do share a bullishness on another asset class: Housing.
Paulson, who recently bought a two-bedroom condo in NYC for a reported $2.85 million, has been quoted saying: “If you don’t own a home buy one. If you own one home, buy another one, and if you own two homes buy a third.”
Today’s Headline in the “TrueAnger™” PeeParty tea toadlers front page newspaper, “Reduce the Deficit NOW!” Southern Times:
Lil’ Opie throws US taxpayer money $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to Southern “Border-State”…workers promise not to REBEL over sub/non-UNION salary pay & minimum benefits. Goodbye Detriot,…Hello Louisville!
Ford Investing $600 Million, Hiring 1,800 at SUV Plant:
By Keith Naughton and Jeff Green / Bloomberg news
“Today’s $600 million investment in Louisville is financed in part by the $5.9 billion in U.S. Department of Energy loans it received last year to produce more fuel-efficient vehicles, Ford said.
Ford expects to hire about 1,000 employees to either work in Louisville or fill vacancies created by those moving to the Kentucky factory, she said. The new hires will be paid about $14.50 an hour, about half what veteran assembly workers make at Ford, she said. To stimulate hiring and lower costs, the United Auto Workers union agreed to create a second wage tier in the 2007 contracts with Ford, General Motors Corp. and Chrysler LLC.”
CHICAGO (MarketWatch) — Homes in the U.S. will have lost $1.7 trillion in value in 2010 by the time the year is through, according to estimates released Thursday by Zillow dot com, an online real-estate marketplace.
That’s 63% more than the $1 trillion in value that homes lost last year, the report said.
Would this not greatly increase shipping wheat by rail & truck? Gonna take a bunch more trucks and trains with the capability. The job Is bound to take longer than expected.
U.S. Closing Columbia River to Barges, May Affect Wheat Exports
Dec. 9 (Bloomberg) — Shipping on the Columbia-Snake River System, a major gateway to the Pacific Ocean for U.S. wheat and barley exports, will be halted until March as the Army Corps of Engineers replaces locks and dams built as long ago as 1957.
Barge traffic will be “effectively” stopped along a 365- mile (587-kilometer) stretch from tomorrow until March 18 as lock gates are replaced at the John Day, The Dalles and Lower Monumental dams, Army Corps spokesman Scott Clemans said. Five other dams will be repaired during the period, he said.
Traffic through the river-locking system is slowest during the winter, with five to 10 barges a day, Clemans said. Barges primarily carry grains, fuel and garbage. The four-month halt is unusual because shipping is normally closed for only two weeks a year for routine maintenance, he said. The U.S. is the world’s largest wheat exporter.
House Democrats vote to reject Obama’s tax cut compromise with the GOP unless modified ~The Associated Press
House Democrats voted Thursday to reject President Barack Obama’s tax deal with Republicans in its current form, but it was unclear how significantly the package might need to be changed.
By voice vote in a closed caucus meeting, Democrats passed a resolution saying the tax package should not come to the House floor for consideration as written, even though no formal House bill has been drafted. Rep. Peter DeFazio, D-Ore., introduced the resolution.
Said Rep. Lloyd Doggett, D-Texas: “If it’s take it or leave it, we’ll leave it.”
reject President Barack Obama’s tax deal with Republicans
How could they do that? Oh yeah…
Democrats control the house
Democrats control ALL committees in the house
Democrats can choose which bills come up for a vote in these committees
Democrats can choose which bills come up for a vote on the house floor
Democrats control the senate
Democrats control ALL committees in the senate
Democrats can choose which bills come up for a vote in these committees
Democrats can choose which bills come up for a vote on the senate floor
Plus they can filibuster it at any time (with 56+2 democrat senators)
BOSTON (MarketWatch) — Plenty of folks are aware of the best states for retirees. But what are the 10 worst states in which to spend your golden years?
People of Illinois, California, New York, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Ohio, Wisconsin, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Nevada — you probably already know the answer.
Topping his website’s list, Illinois’s fiscal health could be the worst of any state, observed Brady. “It even borrowed money to fund its pension obligations,”
It is interesting that nearly all of these states are great places to earn an insane pension in public union job but not a great place to stay when you retire.
When these public union workers retire - they go to places with LOW taxes - and these places have low taxes have them because they do not give their public workers insane salaries/benefits/pensions.
In the late 80s/ early 90s I remember hearing about airline retirees from CA discovering ID and MT. The system bids even allowed some to run out their time in the out stations - sweet gigs while they lasted.
Ford Investing $600 Million, Hiring 1,800 at SUV Plant ~ Bloomberg
Ford Motor Co ., the world’s most profitable automaker, is hiring 1,800 workers and spending $600 million to overhaul a factory in Louisville, Kentucky, to build small sport-utility vehicles.
Here I’ll help ya out wmbz, here’s your “ALL post, no read” stetson hat:
Lil’ Opie throws US taxpayer money $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to Southern “Border-State”…workers promise not to REBEL over sub/non-UNION salary pay & minimum benefits. Goodbye Detriot,…Hello Louisville!
Ford Investing $600 Million, Hiring 1,800 at SUV Plant:
By Keith Naughton and Jeff Green / Bloomberg news
“Today’s $600 million investment in Louisville is financed in part by the $5.9 billion in U.S. Department of Energy loans it received last year to produce more fuel-efficient vehicles, Ford said.
Ford expects to hire about 1,000 employees to either work in Louisville or fill vacancies created by those moving to the Kentucky factory, she said. The new hires will be paid about $14.50 an hour, about half what veteran assembly workers make at Ford, she said. To stimulate hiring and lower costs, the United Auto Workers union agreed to create a second wage tier in the 2007 contracts with Ford, General Motors Corp. and Chrysler LLC.”
“…The explosives were discovered after a gardener working in the home’s backyard stepped on one and triggered a blast on Nov. 18. He suffered burns and was hospitalized.”
legal or non-legal citizen leaf blower? / health insurance or no-health insurance? homeowners policy or renters insurance?
In a sharp rebuke to President Obama, Democrats who contend the tax-cut package is too generous to the rich say it should not come to the floor in its current form. Some Democrats started chanting ‘Just say no’ during the meeting, according to Rep. Brad Sherman.
Good! I guess Boner got bombarded by a bunch of people telling him to stop his stupid sh!t.
Dec. 9 (Bloomberg) — Representative Ron Paul, Texas Republican and author of “End the Fed,” will take control of the House subcommittee that oversees the Federal Reserve.
In his capacity as subcommittee chair Dr. Paul will focus on domestic monetary policy, currency, precious metals, valuation of the dollar, economic stabilization, defense production, commodity prices, financial aid to commerce and industry.
~ In other words…we finally have someone on that committee who really understands the subject!
Never mind the fact that if your connection goes down, you lose access to your data. And hardware fails at inopportune times.
Never mind the fact that your data is now at the tender mercies of a 3rd party with unfettered access to it (think of people who thought email was private, while a system administrator could see it with just a couple of clicks).
Never mind if there’s an administrative snafu or the company hits a rough financial patch.
Just remember - those who Know Better Than You say it’s a good idea despite these troubling data points. Pay no mind to the eyes staring at you from the edge of the dark forest. The path is safe. The fact that I stand to profit from you taking the path has no bearing on my recommendation.
President Obama is in hot water with many members of his own party for agreeing to a deal to sustain all the Bush-era tax cuts for high- income taxpayers in exchange for two more years of extending federal unemployment insurance for the long-term jobless, plus cutting the payroll tax by $120 billion for one year.
Most of us would like to have more money than we do. Many of us want rich people’s assets distributed among those who have less. Others of us are willing to scramble up the ladder toward riches on our own, and only ask that government not discourage us. Neither faction will get what they want.
No doubt, but when a private bank group runs the money system that’s the way it is. What can we do about it? Very little, when the people ‘we’ elect doing nothing but rubber stamp their system they are free to raid the treasury, and line their pockets.
Nothing will change that until the system crashes, in a very big way. One day it will, but I doubt I’ll live to see it.
Is it me or are the democrats just imploding today?
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell repeal blows up in Senate
sfgate | December 9, 2010 | Carolyn Lochhead
The Senate is voting now on party lines on a cloture motion that will probably kill efforts to repeal the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell ban on gays in the military.
Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine rushed to the Senate floor asking why majority leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., suddenly acted moments ago to move ahead on the defense authorization bill, despite their negotiations, ensuring it will fail to get the 60 votes to break a GOP filibuster. If the motion fails, so does repeal of the 17-year old ban.
By appointing Supremes who will, and they had their chance too.
(Comments wont nest below this level)
Comment by Arizona Slim
2010-12-09 15:58:48
They sure did have their chance.
And here’s my prediction: The two Reagan appointees, Kennedy and Scalia, are getting on in years. I think that they’ll be retiring before Obama leaves the White House.
Methinks that he’ll be nominating more women to the High Court. And, historically, the female Supremes have been pro-choice.
Comment by exeter
2010-12-09 17:19:53
It will never be overturned yet it could be very easily.
The American Bar Assoc released a white paper in 2005 stating, and I’m paraphrasing; Roe v. Wade is the weakest decision in the history of the Supreme Court.
Comment by Hwy50ina49Dodge
2010-12-09 22:56:44
Roe v. Wade is the weakest decision in the history of the Supreme Court.
Perhaps, but how many millions of women only (grandmothers, mothers, sisters, aunts, cousins etc.etc.etc.) will be posthumously labeled in the digital genealogical herstories as: “murderer-in-the-1st-degree”?… then add in selective religious judgment to their human contemplations and there by the grace of God doeth ALL mankind go…
Sorry couldn’t make it through the whole clip, can’t take it.
She is about as knowledgeable as the majority of so called economists though, and sadly knows more than most in congress. That shows just how bad it is.
she is a piece of work.I guess she pissed off PETA with her hunting trips on her reality show.If you eat meat you basically hire someone to do the dirty work.
(Comments wont nest below this level)
Comment by wmbz
2010-12-09 15:14:44
For all those who hate her there are plenty who admire her. I give her credit for putting it out there though, most folks don’t have the (balls). Love to throw stones but can’t take return fire. So all in all while not a Palin fan, I giver her, her due!
Comment by Carl Morris
2010-12-09 16:19:10
That’s how I see her, too. Probably not the best presidential candidate, but significantly tougher than most of the people who talk smack about her.
Comment by Rancher
2010-12-09 16:49:46
She has bigger balls than the rest of congress,
love her or not, she’s the real McCoy.
Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2010-12-09 21:48:01
She (Palin) has bigger balls than the rest of congress,
love her or not, she’s the real McCoy.
Damn right! burp… She had the balls to quit …when things looked well “complicated.”
She might be the real McToy.
I’d give her her. due too
Comment by AvOcadO
2010-12-09 22:33:09
I dont think it is a case of “balls.” I think it is “ignorance is bliss.”
Item: Irish Finance Minister Brian Lenihan said on Thursday he would impose a 90 per cent tax on bankers’ bonuses, in a move to try to silence critics who have said the banking sector drove Ireland into the ground.
> Why not a 100% tax on their bonuses and a 90% on their income? The banking sector DID drive it into the ground. Or better yet just hang the bastards, the people would not mind!
Item: Irish Finance Minister Brian Lenihan said on Thursday he would impose a 90 per cent tax on bankers’ bonuses, in a move to try to silence critics who have said the banking sector drove Ireland into the ground.
Just imagine the outcry if Tim Geithner (our equivalent of a finance minister) said the same thing.
Item: Irish Finance Minister Brian Lenihan said on Thursday he would impose a 90 per cent tax on bankers’ bonuses,
This could be very big symbolically. It sets a precedent of a modern, western nation acknowledging and addressing realities heretofore ignored. The Irish protested.
Videos like this speech went viral in Ireland on more outlets than just youtube.
He’s a pissed-off, bald folk rocker with a message.
“Part of the problem is that the Administration doesn’t want to spend any more money on housing, and it is particularly politically unpalatable to offer financial assistance to investors, who are widely blamed for causing the housing crisis in the first place.”
+1 Everyone in Washington knows what’s going on; the issue is how to stop them from gaining more ground.
To continue the above paragraph: “But we’re talking about a different kind of investor here. There is an awful lot of hedge fund capital just sitting on the sidelines, if and only if the banks would let them on the field.”
The “Qualified Buyers.” The sorry thing is that these financial termites are going to pay about $0.25 on the true dollar value, and they’ll put up only 20% with the taxpayers guaranteeing the rest, and they’ll quickly flip these places making yet more money.
From Tyler Durden: “One of the funniest lines in Bernanke’s speech last 60 Minutes speech is when he said that the currency in circulation has not increased despite his monetary easing - ergo there is no inflation. Of course, as even doorknobs know by now currency is merely one component of physical and binary money out there. But trust a pathological liar to expect 60 Minutes’ viewers to be dumb as a bag of hammers. Of course, a far more important metric of the moneyness of the system, is the M2 aggregate (technically M3 is far more important, but as per the Fed’s March 23, 2006 decision, M3 was discontinued as “M3 does not appear to convey any additional information about economic activity that is not already embodied in M2 and has not played a role in the monetary policy process for many years. Consequently, the Board judged that the costs of collecting the underlying data and publishing M3 outweigh the benefits.” Ah yes, the Fed is worried about costs…) Anyway, the M2 has just risen to a fresh all time record: in the week ended November 29, Seasonally Adjusted M2 was $8,812.2 billion, which is the 19th week of the last 21 in which this metric has increased. Is inflation about to prove just how much of a monetary phenomenon it really is? But not to worry - the Chairman is well ahead of everyone in withdrawing all of this excess money already percolating through the economy.”
Name:Ben Jones Location:Northern Arizona, United States To donate by mail, or to otherwise contact this blogger, please send emails to:
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American homes are worth $1.7 trillion less. ~ cnnmoney
December 9, 2010
Can’t sell your home for a decent price? You’re not alone.
American homes are expected to be worth $1.7 trillion less in 2010 than they were worth last year, according to a report released Thursday by real estate website Zillow.
This year’s drop in home values is 63% bigger than the $1 trillion dip in 2009, and brings the total value lost since the housing market’s peak in 2006 to a whopping $9 trillion.
While the homebuyer tax credit helped prop up the housing market in the second half of 2009 and the first half of 2010, home values continued their slide in the second half of the year. Almost $700 billion in value was lost in the first half of the year, compared to Zillow’s estimates of $1 trillion in the second half of 2010.
“It’s a testament to the nearly irresistible force of the overall market correction that government incentives can only temporarily hold back the tide, and that the market will ultimately find its natural equilibrium of supply and demand,” said Zillow Chief Economist Dr. Stan Humphries.
And it may not get much better.
Beware the unequivocal economist who speaks of ‘Pooof.’
The “pooof” speaks for itself.
For years our economy had a lot of “puff” (aka as borrowed money) driving it to puff-driven “prosperity”.
Now the puff is turning to pooof and is taking the puff-driven prosperity along with it.
This “poof” thing, it translates roughly into “pop”. Not the kind of “pop” you get in Boston, which would be a shot of whiskey, it’s the kind of “pop” you get in Louisianna.
The really sad thing in all of this is not that the homeowner is getting popped, but that our beloved banks are catching the STDs.
“beloved banks”
Beloved? Really?
Beloved, yes. The banks are the equivalent of the pyramids in Egypt. Spectacularly overbuilt on the backs of the peasants. Serving no real pupose whatsoever.
Blue, it’s too early for disguised sarcasm. The caffeine hasn’t kicked in yet for some of our readers/posters.
“Can’t sell your home for a decent price?”
So bubble prices are “decent” and realistic ones aren’t?
Res ipsa poofitur?
Gee, I always thought that “pop” was short for “soda-pop,” but it turns out that the dividing line is the Appalachains
Down here, “pop” is “drink.” Up north “drink” is something that contains alcohol and “pop” is what they call their daddy.
Monuments to human greed and stupidity. Hermit crabs are smarter than humans, they have always been renters.
That “soda pop” map is right on. I’ve lived in “pop” “soda” and “coke” areas of the country and the map accurately reflects those areas.
Ha, the “no data” areas out West are compelling for exploring…
Actually it’s more like a “poosh!” …Very much like the sound of an escaping balloon just as you try to tie the knot at the bottom. In this instance, the bubble balloon has escaped the real estate regime’s grasp and is now randomly streaking around the financial room smacking one FB after the other and sending swarmy mortgage brokers and bankers scurrying for cover. With so many protruding Joshua Trees evident, the situation can only end in chaos and despair.
In the part of California I am from, I heard “soft drink” to refer to any carbonated sweetened non-alcohol beverage. When I started work at the navy base in the Mojave Desert at age 26, I was amused to hear people commonly referred it as soda.
“When I started work at the navy base in the Mojave Desert..”
Gotta love military planning1
Bernanke’s printer can “unpoof” $1.7 trillion before breakfast. Why is anybody even slightly worried?
Bernanke’s printer can “unpoof” $1.7 trillion before breakfast. Why is anybody even slightly worried?”
Our biggest export Inflation
because Banks don’t seem to want to loan money to broke Americans but instead are drawn to the fast growing Economies of the 3rd world. See if they don’t walk away when thier bubble is over.
“See if they don’t walk away when thier bubble is over.”
That’s why I wouldn’t advise buying a home in the U.S. until after the (current) emerging markets bubble pops. At that point, there should be at least enough money available to lend to broke Americans to enable formerly frothy markets to discover post-bubble-collapse comp prices.
Interesting thought PB. I would also like to wait until the whole ZIRP thing is over, but I will probably only live another 30 years.
“…but I will probably only live another 30 years…”
Same here. I guess you have to decide how important it is for you to own a home, either now or later. One option available to some (which we may pursue) is to just keep on renting through the child-rearing years, but buy something that works for you in your retirement years. In the meanwhile, invest in something which hedges against increases in the kind of housing you might want to buy when you finally get around to it (e.g. REITs which invest in retirement housing or stock in companies which provide assisted living arrangements might work).
…against price increases…
This is very good news (not that we didn’t already know it.) But somebody has to acknowledge the huge losses, and it might as well be house-owners.
The good part of the news is that the house-owners realizing huge losses don’t have to pay for them out-of-pocket; hence these losses entail no effect on current consumption spending.
um…except that recent consumption spending has been based on MEW. The end of the HELOC train to Hell means that not are people less able to spend more than they make, but the have to start paying for previous consumption. So consumption is taking a double hit.
“…recent consumption spending has been based on MEW.”
That channel is already deader than a doornail, no?
“…recent consumption spending has been based on MEW.”
That channel is already deader than a doornail, no?
Cash back Cram downs ?
Cash Back Cram Downs
Good name for a band.
“Cash Back Cram Downs
Good name for a band.”
“Frommage d’Amour”
and that the market will ultimately find its natural equilibrium of supply and demand ??
If they will let it happen, yes…
Till they do, they’re not going to see any demand from this would-be first time homeowner.
Russ –
I was a would-be first time buyer back in the late-1980s, a period of similarly-great housing market turmoil to the one we are in now, due to the unfolding S&L crisis. I was qualified to buy, but had a severe case of cold feet, which I cured by investing elsewhere (long-term Treasurys were yielding 9% or so at the time). After the housing market’s fever broke and inventory was very plentiful (1992), my finance’ and I sold the (now-appreciated) Treasurys to raise money for a down payment on the first home we owned.
I suggest a similar strategy to anyone who is currently watching and waiting; i.e.
1) Keep your powder dry while home prices continue to correct back down towards affordable levels.
2) Invest in something you can sell when the time is ripe to raise funds for a downpayment .
3) Make sure the returns on your downpayment investment fund have zero (good) or negatively correlation (better) with housing prices.
Good luck!!!
lycorrelationNo $250 check for seniors
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — The House failed to pass a bill Wednesday that would have put a $250 check in the mail to 58 million Social Security recipients.
The measure was designed to provide a one-time payment to make up for another year without a cost-of-living adjustment to benefits.
The bill, which would cost about $14 billion, failed by a vote of 254 -153.
“…was blocked Wednesday by a Repubican-led opposition in the House and Senate.”
Democrapts: “So long Acorn,..hello AARP!”
Sounds like the congresscritters think the AARP hasn’t been making adequate campaign contributions.
I can just see my 84-year-old mother opening the envelope with that check. A very sarcastic “Whoopee!” would be her reaction.
And then she’d go on to grouse about how her health insurance has increased by much more than $250, and so on and so forth.
Interesting point. When prices just go up, people gripe, but they gripe at the company that is raising prices. When prices go up and the government sends out a check that is supposed to help with that expense, at least some of the ire is aimed at the government that didn’t cover all of the price increase.
Well when you’re as busy handing out goodies as they have been, you’re bound to miss something. Even Santa makes mistakes.
I am hoping to get an iCrap this year. Hope Santa doesn’t make a mistake in that front.
I’m glad the bill failed, even though it cost me $250.
But it saved $250 plus interest!
Pathetic… Doing away with the evil Bush tax cuts for the evil rich is what got so many of Barry’s followers to vote for him. Now he says if they are not extended it will cause a recession. Now that is some hope and change for ya!
WH warns tax defeat could trigger new recession
WASHINGTON (AP) — Raising the direst alarm yet, the Obama administration warned fellow Democrats on Wednesday that if they defeat the big tax-cut compromise detested by many liberals, they could jolt the nation back into recession.
President Barack Obama appealed anew for Congress to “get this done” and insisted that more congressional Democrats would climb aboard as they studied details of the $900 billion year-end measure. Several did announce support on Wednesday, but at least one said there still was “a mood to resist.”
World Stock Markets Higher on Growth Hopes- AP
World stock markets mostly advanced Thursday as investors enjoyed the positive momentum from the extension of U.S. tax cuts, which boosted expectations of stronger economic growth in the short-term.
Unhappy Democrats Say Tax Cut Bill Is Likely to Pass.
(AP) Despite harsh criticism from Dems, Obama’s compromise extending the Bush-era tax cuts is likely to be approved, pushed through Congress by extensive GOP support.
Obama’s compromise extending the Shrub-era tax cuts is likely to be approved, pushed through Congress by extensive GOP support
Lil Opie mimics Shadow Shrub: “Heheheeeheehe”
Are you complaining or are you celebrating?
Or is it just that you are a Southern racist who hates anything and everything Obama does?
* crickets *
why would you accuse someone of being a Southern racist? Back to personal attacks, PBear?
Maybe because trend of WMBZ’s posts have an underlying tone to them?
PS: Playing stupid about it is a tacit endorsement of that underlying tone. Please stop playing stupid.
Maybe because trend of WMBZ’s posts have an underlying tone to them?
being critical of obama makes one a racist? who knew.
Nothing in wbmz’s editorial says anything about color, creed, gender, heritage, political affiliation. It’s focused squarely on the issue - taxes and campaign promises.
AFAICT it’s PBear (and now you) that’s making it a race issue.
“Please stop playing stupid.”
Why would you assume he is playing? Not everyone is capable of doing subtle…
Subtlety isn’t a characteristic of one dimensional (non)thinkers.
From the pig’s mouth to the sow’s ear.
Speaking of non-thinkers…
I think the silence is because most are stunned that you’re such an a$$hole.
Who’re you gonna attack tomorrow big man? Should I start a list?
Muggy around? Aladinsane? Eddie? All those who think gold is a good hedge against govt’s fiscal insanity? I don’t keep up on this board but I’m sure there are plenty of others.
Grow up and get a life.
The collapse of gold will be breathtaking.
I , along with the asians, are waiting to buy anything remotely resembling a gold crash.
Sit tight. Your wish will be granted.
Give the racist crap a rest azzhole or at least come up with something a little smarter.
Give the racist crap a rest azzhole or at least come up with something a little smarter.
Although I rarely care for your editorializing, that’s only because we have different opinions. I appreciate your commitment to providing news snippets to this blog.
I cannot recall reading anything from you that was even remotely racist.
Did I miss something?
I like PB’s posts. I like wmbz’s posts. Peace.
I like PB’s posts. I like wmbz’s posts. Peace. ?
I agree…They both bring a wealth of information and opinion to the board…
PB, why are you assuming that all racists are Southerners? Other areas of the country have their share, also.
“PB, why are you assuming that all racists are Southerners?”
I didn’t say that; merely meant wmbz’s posts come off that way (similar to Eddie’s)…
why are you assuming that all racists are Southerners?
I’m not sure about the USA but most racists in Canada live in southern Canada.
Nobody lives in northern Canada!
Caribou are very equal opportunity.
Nobody lives in northern Canada!
(i kno)
2010-12-09 10:51:12
“PB, why are you assuming that all racists are Southerners? Other areas of the country have their share, also.”
Even Ghandi hated someone!
Keep posting. I don’t find anything racist about your posts.
Reply to this comment
They are celebrating the tax cuts, but whining that they still have to pay taxes of any stripe — taking a new hostage before they even let the old one go. They are tipping their next hand before they collect the poker chips, and Obama stands by.
Greed is bad enough, Bear; no need to play the race card.
I’m going to have to agree with you here. The race card destroys the conversation and was uncalled for.
Used to be someone with that handle here. Oly referred to him/her as “feeky.”
Thanks for the correction Rio. It has been a while.
O is a disappointment! You cant spend more (extend un-emp) and cut taxes!
The only thing pathetic is wage earners pandering for the wealthy elite.
that’s the issue that is very difficult for me to explain to my “conservative” friends.
it pisses me off that earned income is taxed so much more than unearned.
but as a libertarianesque minded person…it’s not that i think unearend income should be taxed more…it’s that earned income should be taxed much much less.
The first intelligent thing Obama has done since he became President.
What about all of those troops he brought home?
While I encourage bringing more troops home, I do not give elected officials props for following their party platforms. That is what they are expected to do. I actually gave him props for going against many in his own party. Perhaps hell has frozen over.
Seems to me he’s damned if he does and he’s damned if he don’t. Gives new meaning to ‘get win for losing.
How about a second gift:
“U.S. drops push for Israeli freeze on settlement construction”
Like what the US “pushes” for has any influence on Israel’s policies these days. I think the last time that worked was when Bush 1 asked them not to respond to the scuds that were aimed their way during Iraq War 1. And even then I’m fairly sure they were on board with it (as a way to avoid a hot war with Syria) and used the US urging as an excuse to appease internal dissent.
The 2 billion in aid we send them every year has a lot of influence.
Exactly. I think it’s more than 2 bil. The chosen people can do whatever they want because they know most US politicians (left and right) have been bought and paid for.
Not really. They are required to spend it (more like $3.5 billion, I think) on weapons systems from US military contractors. They’d probably be better off refusing the money and boosting their own weapons manufacturing, maybe in joint ventures with India. I expect they will as India’s value as an ally becomes even more important to them. It would probably overheat their economy and cause inflation right now. Next downturn in the Israeli economy, look out.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sought Jonathan Pollard’s release as part of a US incentive package in return for a temporary freeze on illegal settlement building. Organizations such as the Zionist Organization of America and B’nai B’rith International have gathered the signatures of 39 members of Congress on a letter to President Obama pressuring for Pollard’s release.
“U.S. secretly helped Spain fight treasure hunter”
Among the thousands of documents released by WikiLeaks are several U.S. diplomatic cables describing how U.S. ambassadors were helping Spain in their cause — partly to help broker a deal to bring a famous painting in Spain to a U.S. citizen who claimed it was looted by the Nazis in World War II.
Hey you didn’t like this one?…and lil Opie didn’t use any Shrub-type signing statement neither!
or this one?:
Signed on October 15, 2010
Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2010
Dig around in here, you might find a least x1 more to your liking Natalie!
Bush’s Signing Statement Dictatorship:
by James Bovard, October 9, 2006
“President Bush has once again decreed that his personal pen is the highest law of the land. In a statement issued on October 4, 2006, he announced that he would ignore many provisions of the Homeland Security appropriations act he signed earlier in the day. His action vivifies that the rule of law now means little more than the enforcement of the secret thoughts of the commander in chief.
Bush’s postsigning statement declared that he would interpret many sections of the new law “in a manner consistent with the president’s constitutional authority to supervise the unitary executive branch.” In plain English, this means that many of the limits that Congress imposed on Bush’s power — and that he accepted when he took the money Congress appropriated — are null and void. Why? Because the president says so.
The new law declared that only the Homeland Security Department’s privacy officer could alter or delay the department’s mandatory report on how its actions and policies affected Americans’ privacy. Congress included this safeguard because of the Bush administration’s long record of intruding into Americans’ lives — from the Total Information Awareness system, to vacuuming up information on airline passengers, to stockpiling phone records of millions of citizens.
After he signed the bill, Bush announced that he is effectively entitled to edit the report as he pleases. But his “right to edit” means that he is entitled to delete information and thereby prevent Congress from learning of how the feds continue to shred privacy.
Bush pulled the same trick in March after he inked a renewal of the USA PATRIOT Act, announcing that he would scorn notifying Congress on how the feds are using PATRIOT Act powers. Bush declared that he would interpret the law “in a manner consistent with the president’s constitutional authority to … withhold information.” Bush is apparently convinced that he is entitled to govern in secrecy, and any provision of a law to the contrary violates his imperial prerogatives.
George W. Bush has added more than 800 “signing statements” to new laws since he took office. Earlier presidents occasionally appended such comments to new statutes, but Bush is the first to use signing statements routinely to nullify key provisions of new laws.
The “unitary executive” doctrine assumes that all power rests in the president and that checks and balances are an archaic relic. This is the same “principle” the Bush administration invoked to deny Congress everything from Iraqi war plans to the records of the Cheney Energy Task Force. Bush has invoked the “unitary executive” doctrine almost 100 times since taking office, according to Miami University professor Christopher Kelley.
The American Bar Association recently declared that Bush’s signing statements are “contrary to the rule of law and our constitutional separation of powers.” The Congressional Research Service reported last month that Bush is using such statements as part of his “comprehensive strategy to … expand executive power.”
Apparently, the government is no longer obliged to obey any law that Bush does not personally approve. At a June congressional hearing, Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) asked Justice Department lawyer Michelle Boardman for a list of all the laws that Bush has declared will no longer be enforced. Boardman replied, “I cannot give you that list.”
How can we know which laws Bush approves of? It’s a secret. Bush’s personal thoughts thus become the ultimate law of the land. No one can know whether the government is violating the “law” because Bush has not publicly declared what the law is.
Americans may have to wait many years to learn what the rule of law meant in 2006. The truth may be suppressed until Bush’s aides begin publishing their memoirs or until the Supreme Court has a change of mood and decides that the executive branch is not entitled to boundless secrecy.”
Of course if one is to believe in a “unitary executive” than one should also believe in a “unitary legislature,” which would mean that the President has NO authority to go to war without an express declaration of war from the legislature. Under that theory, Congress has no authority to pass a “war powers act” or any other act authorizing warlike actions short of a declaration of war. And the last time we had one of those was in June of 1942.
And thus a very ugly precedent has been set.
Intelligent? What adding another $900 billion to the debt? We’re in worse financial shape than Greece. Only differences are that we have the reserve currency and a printing press and they don’t.
Both buy us some time and extra credit. Those things typically go on longer than anybody thinks possible. Eventually they crash and burn faster than anybody thought possible.
With no willingness of either party to show any fiscal constraint it is only a matter of when, not if.
What happens when the bond market shuts its doors and we solely rely on the printing press? A quick look at any banana republic will give you a good idea. I just spend some time in Venezuela, very educational. A once prosperous country now in utter economic chaos, decaying infrastructure, corruption, lawlessness and a 30% inflation for good measure. The income for an average worker is about $300/month while prices are similar to ours. Americans have no idea what poverty is, none whatsoever! My in-laws can’t afford to run the AC, ‘cos its too expensive. Running hot water? Be lucky if you have running water 2 or 3 times a week. Medical care?…wishful thinking. Can’t happen here? We are well on our way.
Why not focus on spending more intelligently rather than asking for more? I wouldnt mind increased taxes if I thought the money would be spent effectively. I have no doubt it wont be. Job creation requires capitalism.
Capitalism long ago came to mean replacing as many lower and mid level jobs as possible, as quickly as possible through either technological changes (replacing people with machines or computers) and offshoring manual labor if that is more economicly advantageous. Very few job classes are exempt from this.
The massive loss of jobs has been masked by several “bubbles”; credit, and housing. But, alas, it appears that there are no more bubbles to exploit. The long and short of it is, the US is now left with a new employment reality that means ongoing unemployment/underemployment levels not too much different than we have today. The political class will attempt to assauge the masses by pretending that there will be job creation and a reduction of the unemployment levels “in the future”. The old “kick the can down the road” routine.
I think realists know that significant new job creation in the US just isn’t going to happen. The unemployment “rate” may decline over time as UI benefits expire and the long term unemployed drop off the radar screen, but the actual numbers of un/underemployed will continue to rise.
” spending more intelligently”
Not going to happen with either of those clowns in charge. Short term vote buying and special interest pandering is on the agenda.
We needed to raise taxes and cut spending to the bare bone. Significant cuts in military, social security, medicare, tax loopholes and even bailouts for wealthy Wall Street bankers. The consequences we’re facing by continuing on the current path are disasterous and way beyond of falling back into a recession and having 10% unemployment. A recession and 10% unemployment are the land of milk and honey when compared to what awaits us in case “this sucker goes down”. As I mentioned above, in Venezuela that sucker went down. It’s something out of a nightmare, way beyond what I thought possible. I spend much time in communist East Germany back in the 80s so I have some comparison. Neither was fun, but Venezuela is worse.
‘The massive loss of jobs has been masked by several “bubbles”; credit, and housing.’
Hmm, I seem to remember lotsa people starting home-based businesses about that mean it wasn’t a coinkydink?
“Job creation requires capitalism”
Ok…. More coded language that panders to the wealthy elite. It’s quite clear who you’re cheerleading for “Natalie”.
It is OPPORTUNITY for the average worker that is required. That opportunity has been non-existent for a very long time. It is social structures that *create opportunity* and forking over more money to the wealthy elite from OUR pockets isn’t going to create the social structure necessary for workers to thrive.
Job creation requires capitalism.
I wish you would tell that to the corrupt, crony-capitalist, protected, bailed-out, fraudulent, criminal, hypocritical, monopolistic sociopaths I think you work for.
Job creation requires capitalism.
Is that why the GOP successfully voted against ending tax breaks for offshoring jobs?
Running hot water? Be lucky if you have running water 2 or 3 times a week. Medical care?…wishful thinking. Can’t happen here? We are well on our way.
I believe the country will fracture as this happens with some areas much better off than others and like old CA in the dust bowl days guards at state lines preventing big influxs into the relativly better off areas
crash the dollar and lose control of the currency and this will happen
Only differences are that we have the
reserve currency and a printing pressUSS Enterprise / Grand Canyon / Navajo code-talkers / cornfieldsaplenty / CSA & Sarah The “TrueRogue™” / ecol i spinach salads w/oliveoil and they don’t.Can’t happen here? We are well on our way.
There’s truth in your post but a big difference between USA and banana republics is the gross wealth per capita of the USA and them. USA’s wealth per capita is HUGE compared to Venezuela’s.
The problem is that in the past 40 years the USA’s wealth has been redistributed to only the very rich. So the wealth is there. We got it. It just needs to be redistributed back in line with American historical averages.
(I said “redistributed” twice”)
There used to be wealth in Venezuela, back in the 50s - 70s. Never to the level of the US, but still people were doing all right. Decades of around 30% inflation have destroyed/confiscated any monetary wealth. Currency/gold controls make sure you can’t accumulate any monetary wealth via exchanging into another currency or gold. The people that paid off a house still have a place to live.
The wealth within the US is largely confined to about 1% of the population. You know, the guys that control Wall Street and our politics. They certainly won’t let go of it voluntarily. They stole that money fair and square and are not giving it back. The source of wealth for most people used to be a well paying job. That’s pretty much history. Look at Russia, they have more gazillionaires than the US. Still the vast majority of people are not doing too hot.
Lots of banana republics have lots of wealth, it just tends to be confined to the top 1% of the population.
Income distribution in selected countries + explantion of the Gini coefficient. Have a look:
I agree.
spending more and cutting taxes is smart????? that is what Bush did for 8 +2 years and look what it got us??? Gotta stop spending!!
President Barack Obama appealed anew for Congress to “get this done” and insisted that more congressional Democrats would climb aboard as they studied details of the $900 billion year-end measure. Several did announce support on Wednesday, but at least one said there still was “a mood to resist.”
Methinks that this is the official beginning of the end of the Obama presidency.
25 months late
Methinks that this is the official beginning of the end of the Obama presidency ??
Methinks it was a way of eliminating one of the arrows in the Rep. quiver that they would no doubt use on him in 2012…”Obama raised taxes thats why we are in the $h!!ter”…….
Won’t help. If the tax deal passes, those cuts are up to expire AGAIN in 2012, right during election season. Then the Repubs will have the arrow AGAIN to say that Obama is about to raise taxes AGAIN.
He should take as many mega-expensive vacations as he can in the next two years and enjoy it while it lasts.
Methinks that this is the official beginning of the
end of the2nd Obama presidency.I’ll wait for Sarah The “TrueRogue™” / former “TrueMaverick’s2ndfiddle™” to comment on who she thinks ought to oppose lil Opie…Heheheeheee
Methinks that this is the official beginning of the end of the 2nd Obama presidency.
I have to agree with Captain Cryptic here (Hey, Hwy!).
Obama’s chance at a second term is more closely related to who the Republicans get to oppose him than to what he might do or has done so far.
Mike “Bible over Constitution” Huckabee, Rudy “Mr. 911″ Guiliani, Sarah “You Betcha” Palin, etc.
Somehow this seems like a calculated move on Obama’s part. He must have realized how angry his party was going to be. I am curious to see how he is able to use this tax stance later on come election time or when he wants the Republicans to cave in on some other issue.
I think that Obama was sobered by the bad unemployment news of the last couple of weeks. The Democratic answer to bad economic news is more Keynesian stimulus. Since no outright spending bill has a chance of passing in either house, the alternative is tax stimulus.
Disagree. The decision to extend the tax cuts was made long ago, before that recent patch of unemployment numbers. DC is currently doing what it does best - the dog and pony show.
But he added hundreds of billions of dollars of extra tax breaks: temporary business expense writeoff of 100% for one year, two-year extension of earned income tax credit, child credit, college credit, and the one-year cut of SS payroll tax from 6.2% to 4.2%, not to mention taking the estate tax down to 35% on $5mill (it would have been $1mill in 2011) and extending UE benefits by 13 months. These were all a surprise. Obviously he sees this as stimulus.
the alternative is tax stimulus ??
This confuses me….How is something that we already have a stimulus ??
Because it was scheduled to expire. And it isn’t really the rich person marginal rates that are the stimulus. They don’t spend that much of their money. The stimulus is the payroll tax partial holiday, the extension of a few credits, and, mostly, the extension of unemployment benefits.
I’d actually be fine with letting the tax cuts expire, as long as the rest of the tax code expired along with it.
In fact, all Federal laws should automatically expire after 10 years. Any representative wishing to re-enact any of them should have to read the relevant laws out loud and justify each one of them individually.
They don’t spend that much of their money.
(Especially if they can keep their wee lil children’s,… up to age 26, on their Corpoornations provided health coverage plan.)
I heard that taxes on those making between $20k and $40k are actually going to increase due to the expiration of some credit. That is NOT good. That’s a huge percentage of the population, and exactly the people who are hurt by tax increase. Obama has really disappointed me on this particular subject. Further, there is absolutely zero proof that extending the Bush tax cuts will do anything for the economy.
there is absolutely zero proof that extending the Bush tax cuts will do anything for the economy.”
If the President thinks we will Double Dip and he wants to get re-elected he will not want to be blamed because he let the tax cuts expire.
Now if he didn’t think we will double dip…..
Toles says it best.
Where is Rahm when Obama needs him most?
Funny. The left is as obsessed with Palin as the right was with Hillary in 2006.
“…when he said that he is playing a “long game” where tactical feints and retreats advance the ball.”
Ol’ Abe didn’t end the war with all same General’s he started with, some of ‘em became “casualties” of “friendly-fire” …of course, Mr. General Lee might’ve help influence some of Mr. Lincoln’s decisions a tad…
Obama is a liberal like Bush II was a conservative.
The true-blue of either ilk do not get far in politics.
do not get far in politics
8 years seems pretty far to ol’ Hwy…
Now he says if they are not extended it will cause a recession.
That seems disingenuous. I think he is saying that he must compromise with the Republicans on extending the tax cuts in order to get an extension on unemployment benefits.
As I understand it, he feels It is the loss of the UE benefits which could lead to a “double-dip” because UE money goes immediately into the economy, unlike the extra billions the rich are going to get to hold on to.
unlike the extra billions the rich are going to get to hold on to.
yea but the rich will give the unemployed jobs with the extended tax cuts
Especially Banks……….
Trickle down. (my leg is wet wet! it must be raining!)
“the rich will give the unemployed jobs”
I keep hearing this - we have to be sure that job creators get the money. It seems to me that every one of us is a job creator when we spend money. If the unemployed don’t spend, more jobs will disappear.
Just like out of a Bond film: Inside the astonishing subterranean WikiLeaks bunker
With his eccentric personal life and air of mystery, the flamboyant WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange seems to be doing his best to impersonate a James Bond villain.
How appropriate, then, that he has chosen what looks like an 007 film set as the back-up store for the thousands of confidential emails and documents that have shaken the world.
These pictures show the Pionen data centre, 100ft below ground in a former Cold War nuclear bunker, where all the WikiLeaks files are being kept.
Read more:
How big a bunker do you need to store a few, or even a few dozen, USB “thumb” drives?
That data center is beautiful, but it’s just a commercial facility. Also, there aren’t many server racks in those pictures, the density is pretty low. America has some impressive facilities in terms of bandwidth and who’s there, but no underground bunker. Instead some of our more important ones (Equinix Ashburn) are in the flight path of busy airports.
Heat actually becomes a big issue in those underground facilities.
…and some of them used to be in tall towers.
“The sharp downturn in housing markets across the country, which undermined the solvency of major financial institutions and severely disrupted the functioning of financial markets, has led the United States into a recession that will probably be the longest and the deepest since World War II.”
~ 2009 Budget and Economic Outlook, Congressional Budget Office, March 2009
Cheney-Shrub Legacy Effect #3: “We left y’all with the worst POS economy in 80 years…see ya!”
Yeah - unemployment at 5% and the deficit at $400 billion when Bush left office.
Now after two years of obama and the democrats in complete control of power we unemployment at near 10% and a $1.5 trillion deficit.
Who would have though after a few years of “hope and change” that the Bush days are now the “good old days?”
I seem to recall that the poop was already hitting the fan pretty hard during W’s last year as prez.
A quick looksie at the BLS charts show that it was already 7.7% when Obama was inaugurated and hit 8.9% three months later. To not blame the previous administration is disingeneous, especially when we all know that the previous “low” unemployment was fueled by the housing bubble.
That said, I’m disappointed with the lack of progress made in the past 2 years, but with the mass offshoring unabated we a re living in the new “normal”.
Yeah - unemployment at 5% and the deficit at $400 billion when Bush left office ??
Until it imploded in September of 2008…..
After eating a bag of chips, I am not hungry anymore.
Some wise guy just proved that the last chip gets me full.
After eating a bag of chips, I am not hungry anymore.
A wise man just proved that the last chip gets me full.
Surely these were on x1 of your spelling tests, never bothered to look up the definitions?
2. Treacherous action to defeat or hinder a cause or an endeavor; deliberate subversion.
tr.v. sab·o·taged, sab·o·tag·ing, sab·o·tag·es:
“To commit sabotage against lil Opie the (Non-Hawiian) Muslim Islamist destroyer of America!”.
1. The systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause or of information reflecting the views and interests of those advocating such a doctrine or cause.
Them’s some hard werds, Hwy!
Who signed TARP? And why did it have to exist?
What party authored the repeal of the Glass Stegall Act?
But hey! Don’t let facts get in the way of your reality-free life!
I’m thinking it is even worse than when they left, and headed south still. Ya think it might not be because of who is in front of the teleprompter?
Cheney-Shrub: “It’s all there,…ya just have to put it all BACK together, …oh, and use your own manual, rookie!”
(Lil Opie looks and sees that the “Homemoanership” revenue income $$$$$$$$$ section has been ripped from his manual…Uh-Oh…)
Agree things are in some ways worse than “when they left” but considering the size of the mess, it gained some momentum as the S#!t rolled downhill.
When elected people publicly state they want to make the administration fail, it does have something to do with him.
But to me that intent says something really frightening about those who are more or less not doing the job they were elected to do.
I don’t know about you, but if I chose to not do my job I’d be out of work pretty quick.
“When elected people publicly state they want to make the administration fail, ”
I guess I missed that one. Bush said that??
I think it is ascribed to him, though my recollection was it was in the context of hoping that the agenda fails. What kind of crime is that? I personally wish that the admin had some different agendas. I wish the last admin had different agendas. I wish the next admin to have different agendas. Wish in one hand……
“Some have said it was indelicate of me to suggest that our top political priority over the next two years should be to deny President Obama a second term in office.” Mitch O’Connell
Not as indelicate as that Shut up and sit in the back of the bus now thing.
I guess I missed that one. Bush said that??
No he didn’t.
Jul 23, 2009 … Republican Senator Jim De Mint proclaimed: “If we’re able to stop Obama on this, it will be his Waterloo. It will break him.” …
Jan 16, 2009 … I would be honored if the Drive-By Media headlined me all day long: “Limbaugh: I Hope Obama Fails.” Somebody’s gotta say it.
I can see how people could get confused, though.
It’s worse because the Repubs are throwing us ALL under the bus in order to make Obama look bad.
They successfully voted against ending tax breaks for offshoring jobs. In Sept. And were then given more power by the voters.
Yet people blame Obama for poor employment.
We don’t yet have the government we deserve, but we will soon.
Hacker Threatens More Attacks on Those Seen as WikiLeaks Foes
Published: December 9, 2010
LONDON — In a campaign that had some declaring the start of a “cyberwar,” hundreds of Internet activists mounted retaliatory attacks on Wednesday on the Web sites of multinational companies and other organizations they deemed hostile to the WikiLeaks antisecrecy organization and its jailed founder, Julian Assange.
On Thursday, a man identifying himself as one of the activists from a group called Anonymous, who used the pseudonym Coldblood in an interview with BBC radio, said: “This campaign is not over from what I’ve seen. It’s still going strong.” The speaker had an English accent and said he was a 22-year-old software engineer with no specific political loyalty.
There is now even a version of LOIC that can be run from a browser.
Panda Labs has been tracking the outages, targets and chat rooms:
And freaking idjit would be dumb enough to run such a thing?
Why don’t the hackers focus their efforts on Wall Street’s trading computers and cause another “flash-crash”. That would certainly draw more attention to their cause and it would just plain amuse the hell out of all of us.
Furious Amazon users have accused the online retail giant of double standards after it was found to be selling the WikiLeaks embassy cables – just days it cut off the whistleblowing website from its hosting servers.
Hacker Threatens More Attacks on Those Seen as WikiLeaks Foes
They should put down their keyboards and pick up their phones (if they’re in democracies) and call their elected representative.
What they’re doing is harassment and vandalism, pure and simple.
Disclaimer - I think Wikileaks is a good thing and inevitable, given the growth in human communication.
What they’re doing is harassment and vandalism, pure and simple.
One writer asked if it was like throwing Tea into Boston Harbor.
I tend to view the wikileak hackers as cyberanarchists much as the anarchists in the beginning of the 20th century. Similar times, similar foes. Their tactics of harassment/vandalism are much more civilized though. I also find myself rooting for them. Please go after the banks. Is that wrong?????
They should put down their keyboards and pick up their phones (if they’re in democracies) and call their elected representative.
How’d that work for TARP?
Profiles in Tax Cuts: Presidents in Tough Times
Today’s Political Debate Versus History’s Biggest Slashers
Dec. 9, 2010
The great historical tax cuts belong to just a trio of presidents: Kennedy, Reagan and Bush.
Progressive tax rates in the United States date back to the 19th century, when Congress enacted the nation’s first income tax law – The Revenue Act of 1862 – to support the Civil War effort. Like today’s modern tax structure, the Civil War taxes were graduated: a person earning more than $600 per year was taxed 3 percent, those earning more than $10,000 were taxed 5 percent.
Fast forward to the biggest presidential tax acts in recent history: John F. Kennedy’s Revenue Act of 1964, Ronald Reagan’s Economic Recovery Act of 1981 and Tax Revenue Act of 1986, and George W. Bush’s Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 and Job Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003.
Kennedy: The First Cut Is the Deepest
Before Kennedy stepped in, the tax rate for the wealthiest Americans was a staggering 91 percent – a number that would send today’s top earners fleeing for Switzerland in droves. Rate reductions, also known as the Kennedy Tax Cuts drove that number down to 70 percent.
Bank of America Muni Bid Rigging Payments May Be
`Tip of the Iceberg’
By Martin Z. Braun and Jeff Bliss - Dec 8, 2010 12:01 AM ET
Bank of America Corp.’s agreement to pay $137 million in restitution for taking part in a nationwide bid-rigging conspiracy for municipal-investment contracts may soon be followed by more settlements to repay the scheme’s victims, the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division head said.
Bank of America’s settlement is “likely the tip of the iceberg,” Andrew Gavil, a law professor at Howard University in Washington, D.C., said in an e-mail. He said other conspirators may pay much higher penalties.
The government has identified more than a dozen firms, including JPMorgan Chase & Co., UBS AG, and Societe Generale as unindicted co-conspirators in a criminal case brought by the Justice Department against a Los Angeles investment broker. - 61k
I’m shocked I tell. Just… shocked.
But more regulation and enforcement is not the answer!
Across the bond, a bubble is still leaking air.
* DECEMBER 9, 2010, 6:19 A.M. ET
… U.K. house prices fell on an annual basis in November for the first time in 12 months, as demand for the increasing number of available properties slipped further.
House prices fell 0.1% on a monthly basis and were 0.7% lower compared with November 2009, according to the Halifax house-price index. The annual drop was the first since a 1.6% annual fall in November 2009. In October, house prices rose 1.8% from September and were 1.2% higher on a yearly basis.
“Higher numbers of properties for sale, combined with reduced demand, have caused the recent decrease in prices,” said Martin Ellis, Halifax housing economist. Mr. Ellis added that the mixed picture of rising and falling house prices “is consistent with a relatively flat underlying trend for house prices.”
The index also reported a 2.1% drop in prices in the three months to November compared with the previous three-month period. In the three months to October house prices fell 1.2%.
Tax Appeals Swamp U.S. Cities, Towns as Property Prices Plunge
By Jeff Green and Tim Jones
Dec 8, 2010 10:34 AM ET
A fiscal flood that threatens to swamp local government budgets across the U.S. overflows from file cabinets in the office of Patty Halm, chair of the Michigan Tax Tribunal.
The backlog of cases from taxpayers seeking to lower property-tax bills of more than $100,000 shot up to 14,236 this year from an annual average of about 6,000 during the past decade. The backlog of smaller claims was at 28,558 at the end of September, eight times higher than a decade ago, according to records at the tribunal, a Lansing-based administrative court.
From Los Angeles to Atlantic City, the New Jersey gambling resort whose credit rating Moody’s Investors Service cut by three levels last month, property owners are demanding lower taxes after real-estate values plunged. The disputes over billions in dollars come as municipalities are already slashing services such as police and fire protection and may depress revenue further as communities try to recover from the longest recession since the 1930s. In Michigan, Governor-elect Rick Snyder has warned that hundreds of towns face financial crises. - 61k
All they have to do is raise the millage rate to compensate.
Some already are.
Is it OK if I just bury my head in the sand? This scenario is too scary to contemplate.
* DECEMBER 9, 2010
Beware the End of Savings Glut
The last few years, we’re told, were an aberration. The end of the credit and housing booms ended in a once-in-a-century bust. Governments rushed to the rescue, and central bankers pushed short-term interest rates very low. Investors rushed to the safety of U.S. Treasurys, helping keep long-term interest rates down even as the U.S. borrowed heavily and, now, the Fed is keeping them from rising.
What next? What will happen when the U.S. economy recovers, as it surely will some day? One likely outcome: a reversal of the global saving glut and an end to the abundance of cheap capital.
Looking beyond the next few years, McKinsey Global Institute, the think-tank arm of the consultancy, foresees a surge in investment by emerging markets, particularly China and India, at the same time as those countries begin to save less. Business, banks, consumers, investors and governments “all will have to adapt to a world in which capital is more costly and less plentiful, and where over half the world’s saving and investment occurs in emerging markets,” McKinsey says in a new report, “Farewell to Cheap Capital.”
As a whole, the world economy can invest only as much as it saves. A farmer in the old days divided his crop between corn that he’d eat or sell (consume) and corn that he set aside (save) to plant next year (invest). The same goes for the output of the global economy. Turning history on its head, much of the increased saving over 25 years has come from China and other poorer countries and flowed to richer countries, particularly the U.S.
Thrifty Chinese workers and peasants put money in the bank. The banks lent to the government which lent to the U.S. Treasury and mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. And it ended up financing cheap mortgages in the U.S. before the crash and the big Obama fiscal stimulus after the crash. Government, companies and households in China accounted for a remarkable $1 in every $4 of global saving in 2008.
McKinsey says all this is bound to wane in the next several years, as China and India pick up the pace of investment. “China,” it says, “plans to build new subway systems, highways and high-speed trains in its top 170 cities.”
170! To keep pace with urban population growth, China needs to add one New York City’s worth of residential and commercial space every two years; India, one Chicago’s worth every year. With so many Asian factories producing close to capacity, predicts Hong Kong-based HSBC economist Frederic Neumann, a surge in business capital spending is likely. Based on the consensus forecasts for global growth, McKinsey projects global investment—which amounted to a bit more than 22% of world output before the financial crisis—could reach nearly 25% by the end of this decade, a level not seen since the early 1970s.
Is this a really wordy way of saying “cash is king”? Or that in the war on savers, the savers will pull a Churchill and end up victorious?
Military finds another way to kill / damage US soldiers
Navy Secretary Ray Mabus is pushing all members of America’s armed service to buy and eat as much gulf seafood as possible.
This is as sinister as it gets! BP has destroyed the gulf and is now working with the U.S. military to get it in the homes of American troops(already poisoned by continued exposure to depleted uranium) throughout the country! Multiple scientists have declared gulf seafood toxic and for good reason. Over 2 million gallons of toxic dispersant has been sprayed in and around the gulf. The facts are so heavily documented that there is no logical way that any literate human being not pushing an agenda could believe otherwise.
This is common sense.
theintelhub dot com
“The facts are so heavily documented…”
Where? I went through six pages of Google search results and could only find govt web sites essentially saying they see no problem, and news and other sites questioning the safety. But not one site where someone has posted results of testing of the seafood that show contamination by the dispersants or their byproducts. Can you post links to any such site?
Any government assertion: the opposite is most likely the truth.
I have a buddy who works at a large seafood processing plant near Tampa. He told me the other day about his “Troop Feeding” contracts that have become his bread and butter. Get this: The troops abroad by law are entitled to either LOBSTER or KING CRAB no less than ONCE A WEEK. Are you f-ing kidding me! How many of you eat lobster once a week? He mostly sells breaded fish fillets by the millions of pounds in these contracts but does the buying for the lobster and crab and that stuff is about $20 a pound wholesale! Nothing is too good for our heros, apparently.
“The troops abroad by law are entitled to either LOBSTER or KING CRAB no less than ONCE A WEEK”
It must be so, your buddy said it, right?
I believe him. This is the man’s job we are talking about. What’s your job?
I served in Afghanistan and ate at the US messes. Friday was always steak and lobster night.
Who did you serve in that place where empires go to die?
Nothing is too good for our heros, apparently.
Probably no point in spending the money to serve it to them until they don’t even like it any more. BUT, if you were over there for 4 of the last 8 years at my request, I’d give it to you if it made life a little better for you. Rather than complaining that we’re spending too much on them I’d rather focus on whether they should be there so much. If they really need to be there and they like seafood, send them the seafood.
I never served in the military. My dad was service-disabled and forbid me to join up. I was in that window in the mid-70s where I didn’t have to register.regardless, war is hell. If a soldier enjoys steak and crab on a Friday and is bludgeoned on Saturday, I wonder if anyone still is upset that soldier enjoyed what he ate the night before?
The last time I ate lobster was in 1991.
I’d just finished bicycling across the state of Maine in the rain, and I was greeted at the coast by a couple of my aunt’s good friends.
They took me out to dinner. Lobster, of course. And it was good. Very good.
Ew. A giant poop eating aquatic bug. Eeeeew.
My wife loves ‘em.
Bugs have 6 legs. Lobsters have 8. Plus 2 arms.
Lobsters were considered “trash” food in Colonial New England. Indentured servants successfully petitioned the leaders of the Massachusetts Bay Colony to make a rule preventing their “employers” from forcing them to eat lobster more than twice (I think) a week. To be very fair, I doubt they were given special utensils to cracK the shells and people didn’t have perfect teeth, so getting the food out may have been part of the issue. If I had to hit the shell with a rock to get the meat out, I wouldn’t want to eat lobster either. That being said, the $18.95 special at Clyde’s in October was lovely.
Every lobster I’ve ever had was rubbery. Maybe it was bad luck. Anyway, I don’t particularly care for it.
I believe that the Maine lobster is the only true lobster; all others, Australia for example, are salt water crayfish. Right?
One recalls with distaste a poster to this board who recently described the steak and lobster feast awaiting him after a hard day’s work pushing the buttons that send explosive missiles careening into remote mountain villages full of half-starved women and little kids.
Proud to be a Murkin.
Proud to be a Murkin.
Uh… oh?
Yikes! gives a whole new meaning to Shrub…
In homage to LBJ’s classic prelude:
“Muh fellow Murkins…” Young, disaffected, and stoned, it never failed to send us all into fits of hysterical laughter.
“Muh fellow Murkins…” Young, disaffected, and stoned, it never failed to send us all into fits of hysterical laughter.
I can recall doing an imitation of him while he was giving a speech. My mother reprimanded me for it. Reason: I was showing disrespect for the President of the United States.
That’s what being a soldier is all about. Your job is to kill people, and you are trained to do it quickly and efficiently.
and you are trained to do it quickly and efficiently ??
And then they are suppose to come home and morph back into a regular human beings…Thats why a guy like Bush, or even worse Cheney, makes me sick to my stomach…The systemic fallout from their decisions both war & policy will last for many decades…
are entitled to either LOBSTER or KING CRAB no less than ONCE A WEEK.
Although they are very rich and tasty, I lost my appetite for lobster after finding out that they are closely related to the cockroach.
King crabs look like giant spiders. I can’t eat them if I have to remove the exoskeleton myself (shiver)
(Like that god-awful thing Oly used to go on about, mud-tentacle or whatever.)
Oly used to go on about, mud-tentacle or whatever.) ??
“Nothing is too good for our heros, apparently.”
Could be your last meal too.
When you fry gulf shrimp nowadays do you still have to use cooking oil?
They have already talked about the notion of reducing FB loan balances for years now with no action. If they succeeded at this point, would they have to retroactively award compensation to all the foreclosed former FBs who would have qualified for the program if only it had been in force back in 2006 or so? And wouldn’t success on this idea require screwing over either the investors on the other side of the lending contracts, or other people who were nonparties to the contracts? And isn’t there a risk that a program which is loudly announced but which only applies to a small fraction of FBs will enrage the people who don’t qualify more than it will mollify those who do?
* DECEMBER 8, 2010
Fannie, Freddie Pressed on Mortgages
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are in talks with Obama administration officials to join fledgling government programs aimed at reducing loan balances of mortgages where borrowers owe more than their homes are worth, according to people familiar with the situation.
An agreement with the two government-owned mortgage giants to write down so-called underwater loans could reduce the threat to the U.S. housing market from the glut of homeowners believed at risk of default should their personal finances or home prices worsen. A deal would deepen losses at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which already have cost taxpayers about $134 billion.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which own or guarantee about half of all first-lien mortgages in the U.S., have been highly reluctant to reduce loan balances, especially for borrowers who are still making payments.
The Obama administration is pressuring Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, through their primary regulator, the Federal Housing Finance Agency. The administration wants the firms to join a program run by the Federal Housing Administration that allows banks and other creditors, which agree to write down mortgages, to essentially hand off the reduced loans to the FHA.
Federal officials estimate that 500,000 to 1.5 million homeowners could benefit from the program—a fraction of the estimated 11 million borrowers who were underwater as of June 30, according to CoreLogic Inc. That figure represents about 23% of all U.S. households with a mortgage.
It’s just posturing. It won’t happen.
That was my thought; to complete it, encouraging FBs to wallow in cargo cult cramdown fantasies helps to reduce the number strategic defaults.
Trying to predict what will happen with Fannie and Freddie before the new Congress is seated and has a chance to figure out what it wants to do first is a very speculative activity. I don’t necessarily disagree with you, but newbie Congress Critters are unpredicatable.
As for Bear’s question, the law firm where I first practiced pays its first year associates around $160K per year now (or did a few years ago). I got half that. Do I get to sue them for giving people who now do the job I used to do more money? No, of course not. Laws and policies change. If your situation got handled under a different policy, you are out of luck.
Polly — thanks for clarification. My question was intended to be rhetorical (I know the law does not apply retroactively to situations that got handled under a different policy), but I nonetheless maintain that if cramdowns are actually implemented at this late stage of the unraveling, there will be plenty of Americans who already lost their homes to foreclosure who will feel aggrieved.
I also think it is important to differentiate between the limited number of individuals impacted by the compensation practices of a private law firm versus the national scope of the impacts on various classes of individuals under federal law.
There will also be large numbers of homeowners who will be aggrieved. What about people current on their mortgage and not underwater? Why shouldn’t they get a cram down? Why shouldn’t the person who owns his house outright get a cash grant equivalent of a cram down?
It’s reprehensible to give f’d borrowers cramdowns.
Hey, I PROMISE if they reduce my mortgage by half, I’ll spend more money! I’ll pick up a coffee for my wife every Saturday AND Sunday. The rest of the savings go into the matress.
Six of 10 Americans don’t think the housing market will start to recover until at least two years from now and more would consider letting their mortgages lapse, a survey found.
The survey found that about 70 percent of renters said it would be at least two years before they would buy a property.
More than 2.8 million homes received foreclosure notices last year, Sharga said, a record number that is likely to be topped by the end of 2010.
Read more:
Six of 10 Americans don’t think the housing market will start to recover until at least two years from now
What did Popcorn Neil used to say? 2012?
Beer & popcorn & the Celtics on TNT, thanks for the reminder lavi d!
Weekly U.S. jobless claims drop 17,000 to 421,000
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) - The number of U.S. workers filing new applications for unemployment benefits fell by 17,000 last week to 421,000, the Labor Department reported Thursday. Economists polled by MarketWatch had expected initial claims in the week of Dec. 4 to fall to a seasonally adjusted 425,000. Last week’s number was revised up by 2,000 to 438,000. Continuing claims, which reflect people already receiving unemployment checks, declined 191,000 to a seasonally adjusted 4.1 million. Some 8.3 million people received a form of state or federal benefits in the week of Nov. 20, down 611,944 on an unadjusted basis
Go DOW 12,000!
Stocks Head for Higher Start as Jobless Claims Fall- AP
A greater than expected decrease in new jobless claims and high-level efforts to get more Democrats to support the compromise on extending tax cuts gave Wall Street a boost ahead of the market opening.
It is not surprising. I still remember how much I got blasted for even suggesting you should start investing in the market at levels 15% below current levels in response to so many on here complaining there were no decent returns. I am up 40% last year, and around 20% this year. I do not know what Prof Bear does with his money, but if he did actually buy on the dips as he apparently sarcastically claimed (no jabs to Prof Bear, it is just a reoccuring theme that I am picking as an example), his ROR would be well into the double digits. Sometimes you just have to live with being right even if it makes you hated, whether its predicting the housing bubble burst, or stock market gains. I am not saying this to brag about the accuracy of my predictions compared to others on this board, but to remind people how important it is have an open mind and not attack everyone that different views. They just may be right.
What is the difference between investing and gambleing?
My definition would hinge on the the reasonableness of your expectation that you will make a profit. If you have a reasonable expection (say greater than 50%) that you will make a profit as opposed to a loss, it could be viewed as an investment. Obviously some investing is more riskier than others, and not all expectations are reasonable. Under my view some professional “gamblers” may actually be “investing” in their own business, and some self proclaimed “investors” are actually “gamblers.”
But on what can we ground these “expectations?”
My definition would hinge on the the reasonableness of your expectation that you will make a profit. If you have a reasonable expection (say greater than 50%) ??
Aren’t you very, very close to 50% on a roulette wheel ??
Great article on why the market is not the place to be:
Sometimes you just have to live with being right
You never made any specific predictions. Just saying stocks might go up from here leaves a LOT of wiggle room.
As long as you stay vague, and don’t make Eddie’s mistake of confidently throwing out specific numbers and dates, you should be good.
I’d rather be dead wrong than have everybody think I’m a complete jerk. You can even be right and not be a jerk. Eddie never got that.
“You never made any specific predictions.” That is not true. I specifically stated that I expected the S&P 500 to break 1200 following the elections at the bottom, and at the bottom for the year told ppl exactly which funds I would invest in. How can you be more specific? I went through it expressly on over a dozen occasions. The record is all here if you would like to check it.
If you say so. I don’t recall them and don’t have time right now to sift through your old posts to check.
Maybe in the future you could use a special screen handle for these prophesies, like NataliesSpecificPredictions or something. That way we can track your overall record, and see if you’re really that good, or just lucky once in a while.
I also say so. I recall Natalie’s predictions and they were quite specific, including which stocks she was going to purcahse. I’m also sure she’s done a lot better than the “cash is king” crowd that sits with cash in the bank.
You made a good call betting on the bank robbers. Good for you!
As for that making you “right”, I’m not so sure.
“…but if he did actually buy on the dips as he apparently sarcastically claimed…”
I dollar cost average. The dips buying thing is merely to fun the day traders a bit…
man this market really feels rigged right now.It seems like the fed is buying stock and keeping the market up.they want to inflate the market so they can sell all the shares of bogus companies they bought.Citi , gm and now aig.Aig is going to issue more stock so it can repay the govt.Seems like a common theme here.Must be nice to run your company itno the ground and then issue more stock to stooopid retail investors.This will end badly once again.
man this market really feels rigged right now.
What’s you “Long-Term” reference point?…or…”How many ace’s/King’s/Queen’s/Jack’s can the Fed pull from it’s sleeve?”
I believe there are reels upon reels of fiscal rope remaining and it seems competitive devaluation is the name of the game for now.
The war will end some day.
man this market really feels rigged right now ??
I think you are right….Housing has benefited from the lower rates but I believe the focus was really on the stock market and re-inflating it…That was the real Elephant in the room…They have been successful so far…Apple has 51 Bil. in cash…Think about that for a moment….
bubble to means of creating high paying jobs you can make a living on.
“new jobless claims”
who is left to lay off?
govt workers?
“Weekly U.S. jobless claims drop 17,000 to 421,000″
Isn’t this like saying we reduced this year’s deficit by $60M? It’s a step in the right direction, but you’re still running a huge deficit! The mind boggles as to why this is perceived as such good news…
Not to worry, the numbers will be revised later.
Go Chicoms! Chug that oil.
China Car Sales Jump 29% to Record as End Looms for Government Incentives ~ Bloomberg News
China November Passenger Car Sales Rise 29% to Record
Sales of passenger cars increased to 1.34 million in the month, higher than the previous record of 1.32 million in January, according to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers.
China’s passenger-car deliveries to dealers rose to a record in November as customers rushed to take advantage of government incentives supporting vehicle-buying that may expire at the end of the year.
Sales of passenger cars including multipurpose and sport- utility vehicles increased 29.3 percent to 1.34 million in the month, higher than the previous record of 1.32 million in January, according to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers. The pace of growth was the fastest since April.
All vehicle sales & no AAA insurance, what kinda Nation is that?
Sounds like a great business opportunity to me. Go learn Chinese and buy a couple of tow trucks.
You know how some people in the USofA get really pissed off with towing companies & impound yards…what do you think the “angry” might do to a longhaired “roundeye” towing their bmw’s & spoutin’ off ’bout paying bribes to the Gov’t party of “TrueBambooLiar’s™”
(Talk ’bout yer “short-term” profits…)
* DECEMBER 9, 2010, 4:40 A.M. ET
Cost Of Insuring European Sovereign Debt Rises - Markit
LONDON (Dow Jones)–The cost of insuring debt issued by European sovereigns was broadly higher Thursday.
The five-year credit default swap spread on Ireland was three basis points wider at 535 basis points, according to data provider Markit.
CDS are derivatives that function like a default insurance contract for debt. If a borrower defaults, sellers compensate buyers.
The five-year CDS spreads on Spain and Portugal were five basis points wider at 310 basis points and 440 basis points, respectively, while Belgium and France were both two basis points wider at 191 basis points and 100 basis points.
Didn’t Germany already strongly nix this idea?
Euro Area Common Bonds Would Help End Debt Crisis, AFME Says
December 08, 2010, 5:09 AM EST
By Paul Dobson
Dec. 8 (Bloomberg) — The creation of common government bonds or bills for the euro area may help bring an end to the region’s fiscal crisis by deepening market liquidity, according to the Association for Financial Markets in Europe.
“There are significant advantages and it could be a possible solution for the sovereign debt crisis,” Sander Schol, a director of the association in London, said in a phone interview. “The decision to come up with a common bond is a political decision. It’s very important that they stay in touch with market participants when formulating the proposals.”
China stood up by winner of “Confucius peace prize”:
Reuters News
“…When pressed by journalists on claims in a press release that the prize had been chosen by “democratic voting by Internet users,” Tan admitted that no Internet voting had occurred, swiftly adding next year’s prize would incorporate voting.
Mainstream Chinese media have not reported on the prize, and Tan refused to answer questions on the merits of pro-democracy activist Liu Xiaobo’s Nobel award.
But the awarding of the prize bore at least one resemblance to what will transpire at Friday’s Nobel ceremony — its recipient was not in attendance.”
What is the address again for your Mrs. Miller?
Bless your heart, Skye. This is exactly the right time to help, too. Coooold under the freeways, and windy in the back alleys. Thank you so much.
Mrs. Diane Miller
Sand Canyon
C/O General Delivery
Caliente, CA. 93518
Tankxs for the reminder Blue Skye…& Kudo’s to you ahansen
I finally got the ‘official’ renewal letter for my apartment in downtown Austin, TX.
My rent will go up from 1350 to 1590+81 in parking… a whooping 24% increment in housing expenses. (901 sq ft)
I am a good friend with the apartment manager, and he pretty much told me he is just a middle man… he sets no prices… I can call the regional director for the company, and she will listen, but prices are non-negotiable
Why are rents going up?
Construction at The Austonian and The W Hotel, both which are adjacent buildings, is completed. Having units with multi-million dollar condos has increased property values; therefore, taxes went up and they’re passing the costs to customers.
Occupancy is at 97%, and new clients are paying 1700 to 1800 for similar units, which you can check at amli dot com
I do not want to move, but the increment translates to roughly 4k a year in housing… I am not sure what to do
I called a locator yesterday, and she was not surprised by the increase… She said there is not way I would be able to find a 1-bedroom unit in the heart of downtown with a 1400 budget… I would have to move to the outskirts of downtown or possible out of the area.
How is this even possible during a recession?
Because they think that the the additional $4K will be less than the cost and hassle factor of moving, especially if you are in a desirable location.
“Whatever the traffic will bear” - Upton Sinclair
It would be a hassle, but 4k is a little steep.. don’t you think? 24% increase in housing expenses over night is a bit steep…
Yes, steep even excessive.
But they think they have him because he probably can’t find a cheaper deal in that same area and won’t want to move to a cheaper/less convenient neighborhood.
Using what leverage they have while they still have it. Obviously they think they can quickly re-rent at same or higher price.
I know Austin is nice, but wonder how sustainable a $1700-1800/mo one bedroom rental market can be.
but wonder how sustainable a $1700-1800/mo one bedroom rental market can be ??
It is until it isn’t….Its obvious the job market in Austin is very strong…
There are also a lot of students with student loans populating the downtown area.
The prices to live on campus at UT are not really any cheaper per month then what they want to charge Brett:
But the student housing is only close in price if you take the highest end accommodation AND that includes dining privileges.
Anyone in college who is willing to add on expense/debt so they don’t have to share a dorm room is not the brightest.
There are many college kids moving downtown… they are sharing 2 bedrooms units so they can be close to bars, etc.
Many of them are taking of debt to keep up with the lifestyle.
I am torn… $1670 in rent would be about a third of my take home paycheck…. I am not sure if that’s the brighest thing to do.
I really enjoy traveling and saving some money too… I would either have to cut expenses or not save as much $$$
It’s a tough priority/lifestyle question.
The feeling you’re being driven out of a location you like by college students that want to be (I’m assuming) within walking distance to the bars is unfortunate.
Also, if your building fills up with crowded student shares will that also become an issue? (In my experience they don’t make the most considerate neighbors.)
I’d research some alternative locations so you’ll know which is the best compromise. You’ll either find something new that suits or become more comfortable with the cost staying put.
It’s not just students… there are many people from Cali and the NE who are moving to Texas looking for jobs
They are used to paying a lot higher rates in those areas, and feel like 1700-1800 a month is a steal… They are driving Texans out of Texas.. lol
I am not sure if that’s the brighest thing to do?
Well, it depends on where your priorities lay…In your head or in your pants ??
(are many college kids moving they can be close to bars)
The feeling you’re being driven out of a location you like by college students that want to be (I’m assuming) within walking distance to the bars is unfortunate.
Also, if your building fills up with crowded student shares will that also become an issue? (In my experience they don’t make the most considerate neighbors.)
Hear, hear on their lack of consideration. I live across the street from some University of Arizona student vermin. For the second time this week, I’ve had to go over there to tell them to turn their thunderous stereo down.
Mind you, it’s a bit chilly here. So, I’ve been keeping doors and windows closed until it’s warm enough to open them in the afternoon. And these kids also have their doors and windows closed.
Which means that their thunder-bass is pretty darn loud.
I’m tempted to build a website like this Georgetown University neighbor did.
Arizona student vermin ??
Vermin; small animals or insects that harm people, livestock, property, or crops and are difficult to control, e.g. rats, weasels, fleas, or cockroaches
Brett, where are some of these cheaper areas where you are being told to move? I am planning on moving with oldest son to Austin — definitely not downtown — in June of next year (I know, literally not the coolest month to choose.) I am looking for a 2 BR condo style apartment with top tier amenities; I have seen many such online north and south of Austin for about 1200. Which nabes should I choose and which should I avoid?
Go East
You’re definitely not going to stay somewhere central if you want a top-tier apartment with $1200…
What places were you looking at?
I have friends who are paying 1k for 1-bedroom in nice communities outside downtown austin… I am not sure if 1200 will get you top-notch quality right now in Austin
Anti-foreclosure activists plan rally at the Palm Beach County Courthouse today
By Kimberly Miller Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
Posted: 5:25 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 9, 2010
Homeowner advocates will gather today at the Palm Beach County Courthouse to protest foreclosures.
The rally, called “Homeless for the Holidays,” is scheduled to begin at 2 p.m. It is being organized by Foreclosure Hamlet and Foreclosure Fraud — local groups dedicated to helping homeowners in foreclosure and drawing attention to foreclosure irregularities.
The rally will be followed by the monthly foreclosure happy hour gathering held at E.R. Bradley’s in downtown West Palm Beach. The happy hour begins at 5:30.
Michael Redman, who runs the website called Foreclosure Fraud, said a group from an international media outlet is expected to attend the rally and happy hour.
In Maryland here … been looking at real estate listings in my neighborhood (all attached homes/rowhomes, common in the Baltimore area) …. Lately there have been a few rowhomes listed that are $30K higher or so than any others … and then I look deeper and see that they seem to be all purchased in 2006/2007/2008 and have had upgrades. Looks like a situation of people having to sell at that higher price to break even. They are nice homes in a great school district, but not when you can get one 30K, 40K, 50K cheaper that is in decent (if not ultra-updated) shape (270k or 280K vs 320K) and do updates yourself for less.
So what’s with people wanting to move so quickly after they bought a house? I don’t get it - unless it’s a move for a job.
Another note - we bought a house and actually got that $8K tax credit (saved up tons, and it’s a neighborhood where our mortgage is actually equal to rent, so we felt it was the right time for us … and hey, if someone wants to give us $8K too, we’ll take it) and we just got a nice reminder letter from the IRS that if we leave that house before 3 years, or rent it out, or anything that would make it not be a primary residence, that we will owe all the money back. So it looks like the IRS is on the lookout for fraud or ways to get that money back.
So are you looking for a house or did you just buy one?
I bought one 1.5 years ago, but still look at what’s going on … habit
I also bought and got the tax credit; I haven’t gotten the nasty-gram from the IRS yet, but I assume I’ll also get one.
mine came yesterday, so I’m sure yours is on its way
I would posit that you are getting a better deal if you can avoid some of the most recent updates. Stainless steel appliances show smudges like crazy and those vessel sinks are nasty, especially if they are glass - show all the soap and toothpaste scum.
As for your question, they are selling because they are finally realizing that the “market” isn’t coming back any time soon. The houses will be worth less in a few months than they are now. The realization could be triggered by any number of things, but a slight uptick in mortgage rates is one possibility if you assume that the people involved are numerate.
…we just got a nice reminder letter from the IRS that if we leave that house before 3 years, or rent it out, or anything that would make it not be a primary residence, that we will owe all the money back. So it looks like the IRS is on the lookout for fraud or ways to get that money back.
And, if you’re the neighbor of someone who got this credit but isn’t playing by the rules set out in the above letter, here’s how to report them, courtesy of the IRS. Have fun!
“So what’s with people wanting to move so quickly after they bought a house? I don’t get it - unless it’s a move for a job.”
Many people over-extended themselves on the belief that housing always goes up in value. Given the recession and evidence that housing prices can decline sharply, perhaps they finally began to realistically focus on ability to pay monthy debt service rather than unrealistic appreciation expections. In addition, for those with money and still drinking the koolaid, they may see this as a perfect opportunity to move up and snatch a “bargain.”
One factor is that people that want to start families generally don’t want to stay in Baltimore city. Newlyweds who just had to buy, and the city was the only option available to them, now may realize that the environment is not the best for children. Jenna Bush and Ted Hagar just bailed out. There was also the attitude of houses being investment vehicles, and that they could cash out after a few years, with a healthy profit.
My $0.02.
It’s all good…
Top Spending Forecaster Greenlaw Sees U.S. Consumer Pickup
American consumers will again be the drivers of the economic expansion in 2011 as employment picks up and wages grow, said David Greenlaw , Morgan Stanley’s chief fixed-income economist.
uh huh. We’ll see what Howard Davidowitz says.
Howard Davidowitz -
I like that man. He’s smart, honest, and doesn’t mince words.
Not this consumer.Not sure where all these consumers flush with cash are coming from.
They will do it statistically.
100 million dollar bonus = $100K/yr job x 1,000. Guess which one would help the economy more?
I’d like to see what the numbers would look like with the top and bottom 10% removed from the equation.
“American consumers will again be the drivers of debt expansion in 2011 as employment remains abysmal and real wages contract, said David Greenlaw , Morgan Stanley’s chief fixed-income deceiver.”
See anyone can tell the truth yet said truth will never come from the likes of Morgan(s).
Got silver / gold?
Buy the deep dips…if there is one.
lint, I owe you an apology for calling you cukoo yesterday when you said that the CIA was behind Wikileaks. I’m sorry. I should have said that the idea was cukoo, not you. You are not crazy, just conspiracy-minded. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Correct you are..I am a conspiracy theorist. Been called all the names in the book describing my “condition”. Being conspiracy minded….works.
Conspiracy to deceive has never been more popular, widespread, and skillfully done than today. It is a great time to be ultra critical of all that is presented.
Recent example:
My own clients have accused me of being nuts just recently when I advised them to withdraw up to 100% of their monies from IRA’s that I manage for them. All of said money is in precious metals IRAS that I believe (75% probability today) do not exist in actual hard silver. One client agreed to take a small distribution via silver liquidation. This distribution confirmed my and the client’s fear that there are major problems with allocated silver accounts.
Said distribution had a very significant silver delivery delay of hard silver(several thousand ounces). This delay was caused by the metal not actually being there at the time of sale, in my opinion. This simple transaction of selling silver bars for cash took one month to complete which is three weeks too long. Four weeks to do a distribution is unheard of and ultra suspicious. Silver supply is awful tight.
Conspiracy? You bet. This client is now standing by to liquidate his entire precious metals IRA, take the cash, pay tax, and re-buy physical silver to be delivered to his possession so as to eliminate all counter party risk and fraud potential.
It is also quite possible that all IRAS will be confiscated by the feds the assets transferred to US bonds. We are one emergency away from this happening.
It is also quite possible a large asteroid will strike the continental U.S. between now and the end of 2012.
I used to think the same thing Bill, but reading about what is happening in Ireland right now is leading me to believe the power of the Banksters to force the actions of national governments just might be possible in the US.
True that but what is important is how probable will this event be.
Possibility and probability are separate concepts that get united for some reason.
Broke government historically steal that which is easy to steal. Ira’s will be easy to steal.
“The news of Hungary effectively seizing private pension fund assets to pay for the debt obligations of the state last week should come as yet another reminder of the urgent need to get tax-sheltered retirement savings away from the clutches of the state before it’s too late. Hungary is just the latest country to decide that it’s citizens retirement savings are the property of the state.”
American Retirement Funds at Serious Risk of Being Seized
News 4U guys–
Your “retirement” assets have already been stolen. What’s left is just for show.
Just because it’s a theory doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not a conspiracy.
lint sure reminds me of someone who used to post here, but packed his precious metals and moved to New Zealand (or so he said)
Could it be?????
No way. Aladdin was a songster and poet, prone to long, flight-of-fancy posts. He also didn’t work (or at least never mentioned it.) lint works as a financial advisor who helps his clients buy silver, and his posts are fairly succinct.
Yeah, but maybe his girlfriend/wife/significant other broke up with him.
“It is also quite possible that all IRAS will be confiscated by the feds the assets transferred to US bonds. We are one emergency away from this happening.”
You keep talking like IRAs are particularly vulnerable to being confiscated. Why? They are just brokerage accounts like any other brokerage account but with slightly different tax and distribution rules. They are no more vulnerable to confiscation than anything else that can be accessed electronically. I admit that claiming they are particularly vulnerable makes good copy because it is supposed to be a person’t “next egg” but you need to get over it. The government knows or can find out about all your bank accounts too. That signature card has your SS number on it and they get a 1099-INT on any account that generates at least $10 (might be less by now) of insterest a year.
GF’s sister (most main-stream person ever) just decided to try to buy a new house because she is so far underwater on hers. She NEEDS a bigger house for her kids and can’t stand that her house (purchased four years ago at the tippy top) is worth less than 1/3 of what she owes on it. Frustrated by the lenders (she is current on the mortgage) who won’t allow her to re-fi, she has spoken to an attorney who assures her that a “strategic default” is the magic trick that will make everything good for her. She plans on buying the new larger home just prior to the strategic default on the old house that she just put a new granite kitchen in back in August. We tell her she is nuts, to which she gets angry. Its totally disgusting.
No bank will lend her the money nowadays…
It is not like it used to be in 2005 (where the “for mirror” test was all you needed). Things have radically changed.
You actually need proof you can pay back the loan and they look at all debts/income/etc.
And the lenders want a downpayment.
good luck qualifying for new loan.
good luck qualifying for new loan ??
Exactly….Lenders are got savvy on this scam long ago….
you better have the income and debt/income ratios to own both the houses at once.
I hope you guys are right. The bullshits gotta stop. I think “the attorney” who made her all these promises is just trying to rip her off - she is buying into it hook line and sinker and is apparently immune to reason. She deserves to get fleeced.
these attorneys out ther are nothing but a bunch of vultures.The will suck every last dime out of you on bogus promises.
oneoverspot . com appears to be attracting quite a bit of interest for you metal heads. Said site will be the low cost leader of precious metals brokers.
Comment by Watching and Waiting
2010-12-09 04:46:12
Record-low interest rates are what pushed renter William Jordan off the fence. Fending off pleas for a new home from his wife for years, the 38-year-old financial advisor jumped in October and locked in a 4.375 percent FHA mortgage on a $760,000 Capistrano Beach, California, house.
“I’d been stalling my wife and that low interest rate was the causal factor” for action, said Jordan, who believes home prices may see further declines. “If I wait for the actual bottom, I think the payments will be higher.”
Darn! They didn’t list his phone number. I really need a financial adviser who thinks like that.
This was posted in yesterdays bucket with no link but it sure is good evidence that idiocy and delusional thinking is alive and well in CA.
Exeter, I have to agree, but I try to think of these folks as helping to lower the comps for those of us still waiting.
Hahaha the flip dream continues.
A foreclosed house I have been watching for a while had been listed at about 280k and dropped steadily to 220k over the past year. It never did sell for some reason. Me thinks the surrounding ghetto is just to oppressive, IMHO.
It DID finally go to auction last week and sold there for 176k. I get a note from Zillow this morning that the very same house is now available for the lovely price of 240!!!
Umm, did the buyer-now-seller not notice that the SAME house would NOT sell at 220 just a month or so ago?
176, plus 9% auction fees, plus other fees, puts it around 200k out of their pocket. Crazy.
Some people never learn. retail stock investors are going to get their @sses kicked again.NFLX seems to be the stock of choice for them.The big money is just sitting back licking their chops.It like leading the sheep towards slaughter.
Nflx insiders and institutional owners are vacated said stock in panic fashion….never seen anything like it yet the stock just keeps ascending to new highs with a three figure p/e.
is there anything these have in common?
Coulda/shoulda/woulda - I thought about buying when it hit 17, but wanted to be sure it wasn’t a fad stock like Crocs had been. Wish I had now, but who would know that Blockbuster would go under and walmart would back-out of the game in the meaintime.
Offer $150. Or $100 if that is your preference. See if you can be in the room. It might be fun to see the smoke detector go off.
The flippers that bought the home truly believe that real estate is a positive npv investment. Now the seller must find a retired person with lots of cash and very little intelligence / future orientation. Short of the retired there is no cash cow to milk.
Truly astounding behavior.
Get someone at wal-mart to buy your house. I hear they have a pretty steady job.
When are realtors going to set up shop at walmart?
But i watched a show - “Flip and get Rich”
It must be true…
The Vanilla Ice path to prosperity. Word to your mutha’.
If this makes it and the link works, scroll down to the comments, these squatters are turning into nasty delusional people.
Homeless for the Holidays rally to protest foreclosures
by Kim Miller
Local homeowner advocates are holding a “Homeless for the Holidays” rally on Thursday beginning at 2 p.m. in front of the Palm Beach County Courthouse.
Organized by Foreclosure Hamlet and Foreclosure Fraud, the rally will be followed by the monthly foreclosure happy hour at E.R. Bradley’s in downtown West Palm Beach. - -
New day, better comments -
Here’s a classic example of an “it’s different here” article. But after considering the article, could it not be? Brazil has 190 million people with only 400,000 currently existing mortgages.
EI’s Garrabrant: Brazil demand outweighs fears
Reuters) - Brazil might be an exception to the rule of thumb that says avoid the asset everyone’s piling into, according to the chief executive of Equity International, the international arm of real estate mogul Sam Zell.
The potential for Brazilian growth is still great because pent-up demand outstrips supply for the consumer in any number of areas, including housing and both durable and non-durable goods, just to name a few,
Another sign of potential gains, Garrabrant told the Reuters 2011 Investment Outlook Summit in New York on Wednesday, is that financing a shopping center or office building is difficult, and Brazilian banks still aren’t good lenders, he said.
“This is going to take some time for Brazil to create the financial infrastructure whereby capital is available in debt and equity form, intelligently, rationally,” Garrabrant said.
So, talk of an overheated market has to be taken in context, considering Brazil is a country of 190 million that has transformed from a mostly poor to majority middle-class nation.
“There’s a capital inefficiency that prevails, so the hype, the headlines, have to be tempered a bit by this inefficiency that’s going to continue to improve,” he said.
As an example, Garrabrant said, a year ago there were only 400,000 mortgages in Brazil, a number that likely is matched in Manhattan alone in the United States.
…”We feel there is more political risk in the United States than Brazil.”
Bottom line.
Can the people afford the mortgages long term?
Or are they banking on appreciation.
Australia, Canada, Brazil.
Can the people afford the mortgages long term? Or are they banking on appreciation. 2banana
I would guess that 90% of Brazilians buying houses now can well afford their mortgages and are buying for a place to live long term. A lot of rich in Rio live in small 50 year old apartments with electric and plumbing to prove it. Many just want to live in a nicer Apt. Many live with their parents. No one speaks of “flipping”.
Australia, Canada, Brazil. Blue Sky
The Huge differences:
1. Brazil is grossly under-housed.
2. Unlike Australia and Canada, as the article says: Brazil is a country of 190 million that has transformed from a mostly poor to majority middle-class nation. Australia, Canada and the USA have not seen this massive change in its people’s wealth.
3. In Brazil mortgages are BRAND NEW. Brazil has 400,000 mortgages, (the same as Manhattan) Mortgages equal less than 4% of Brazilian GDP. American mortgages equal about 70% of US GDP.
4% vs 70%………… It could be a bubble however; These differences are astounding.
btw: I just made a huge batch of home-made chili and it’s great! They don’t have chili here because you know why? Because its different here. (just having some fun with that one)
I do read your comments with interest, but fail to find the arguments compelling. So, “mortgage” is a new word in Brazil. OK, good luck with that financial innovation. Perhaps there is good reason this type of lending was not so attractive a generation ago. It could be the greatest thing that ever happened to Brazil, the whole debt expansion thing, up to a point. “Underhoused”. Now that has a funny ring to it. It sounds to me that there are a bunch of neuvo riche in Brazil if all this moving on up is such a force. From what you say it is fueled by credit, a commodities bubble and pride. What happens in Brazil if the credit spigot gets shut off, interest rates go up (hmm already 10%) and the commodities bubble bursts?
Add $200K to every household’s balance sheet and credit line. In Canada it just moves the middle class up a rung, in Brazil it makes everybody middle class.
Australia, Canada, Ireland, Spain, Brazil.
Just wondering.
“Underhoused”. Now that has a funny ring to it……From what you say it is fueled by credit, a commodities bubble and pride.
Yes it could be a bubble but….
One big thing you are missing fueling Brazil’s real estate is the rise of the middle class- doctors, lawyers, accountants, store and restaurant owners, millions of small business owners too.
Sure Brazil has a commodity boom, but I’ve read that doesn’t really affect the middle class as much as people imagine because middle-class folks don’t own iron ore mines. Has the American middle-class been great beneficiaries from the commodity boom? USA produces a lot of commodities too but that doesn’t seem to trickle down to the middle-class. Why should Brazil be any different? The commodity boom in Brazil benefits mainly the very rich and the very poor. (through social programs now able to be funded)
Brazil needs 6-8 million new houses and is a buy according to the following Daily Reckoning article. The Daily Reckoning called the housing market, the stock market and the Gold market correctly the past 12 years.
Brazilian Real Estate is a Buy
…There is also an acute housing shortage, ….about 13% of (Brazilian) families live in substandard housing. …Brazil needs nearly 6 million new homes…Brazil needs to build about 1.6 million homes every year just to keep up with new families entering the market.
(Developers in Brazil launched on average 100,000 to 200,000 housing units a year in the 1990s and have grown to 800,000 now. By comparison, with a much smaller population, Mexico’s real estate market has between 700,000 and 1 million units a year, source:
Millions of (Brazilians) have become consumers in the last decade. Housing has not yet caught up with that demand.
Brazil’s home lending market is still only a fraction of that found in other Latin American countries, such as Mexico or Chile. Brazilians also have much more equity invested in their homes. Typically, loan-to-value is 70-75%.
“doctors, lawyers, accountants, store and restaurant owners”
Very nice, and they can all provide their services to each other and bid up each other’s houses. Sort of like the Pittsburgh model. The wealth increase in the pool that results in movin on ups comes from where?
and they can all provide their services to each other and bid up each other’s houses. …. The wealth increase in the pool that results in movin on ups comes from where?
Brazilian wealth is coming from the same place wealth came from in America from 1776 until about 1971.
Do you know where America’s wealth came from? Do you know what “wealth” represents?
Do you think the USA is the only country capable of bettering its internal economy, its wealth and people?
If so, why?
No Rio, I am open to understanding how the rise of Brazil might not be depending upon the worldwide credit expansion. The US exploited a whole lot of natural resources during that period you point to. Is that the basis for brazil’s rise? I still think that the rise of a service providing middle class profession is a symptom of a richer country, not a cause.
The US exploited a whole lot of natural resources during that period you point to. Is that the basis for brazil’s rise?
A big part of it I’m sure but not the whole reason. Many countries such as Japan have developed without a lot of natural resources. So I think in Brazil it is a mixture which is the reason I don’t just say “Brazil just got lucky solely because of the commodity boom.” Brazil showed signs of rising when commodity prices were much lower back in the 90s.
the rise of a service providing middle class profession is a symptom of a richer country, not a cause
I think it can be a mixture of both. And something we have not even mentioned is manufacturing. Because of very high duties, Brazil still makes much if not most of the stuff people buy here. Cars, washers, dryers, refrig, a/c’s, beds, trucks, tractors, Brazil even makes their own computers and monitors in factories in Amazonia. (Now is this not “different here?”)
They pay a price for this in high prices of stuff but I think it’s a price worth paying.
btw: I just made a huge batch of home-made chili and it’s great!
Hey Rio,…I was hoping you’d get around to saying something controversial that compels me to open a beer just about now…
Hey Rio,…I was hoping you’d get around to saying something controversial that compels me to open a beer just about now…
You know I try my best not to be controversial and today I was thinking about the wikileaks thing and what we can all take away from it no matter who’s side we’re on.
It seems to me that the big lesson to be learned here is that when a man publishes stolen information and directly takes on the most powerful country in the world by exposing their secrets, then it is imperative that the man publishing such secrets always uses a condom.
It is apparent that Julian Assange learned this lesson the hard way.
Leaks and condoms just don’t seem to go together well.
Chili is a Yankee American invention. The mountain men and other early travelers to the American west had no refrigeration, so they carried dried ingredients with them: beans, onions, dried tomatos, dried chili pods, and dried meats (e.g. beef jerky). They needed a way to rehydrate them into a savory stew, and thus invented chili as we know it today.
Chili has nothing to do with Spanish and Portugese America.
Chili is a Yankee American invention.
I believe it.
Brazil does have its own version of chili (feijoada) but different and without the chili. It’s made with black beans and meats and pig’s noses and pig fat and feet and beef and sausage and I guess whatever ya got.
It’s really good.
The Brazilian feijoada is prepared with black turtle beans, with a variety of salted pork and beef products, such as salted pork trimmings (ears, tail, feet), bacon, smoked pork ribs, at least two types of smoked sausage and jerked beef (loin and tongue).
This stew is best prepared over slow fire in a thick clay pot. The final dish has the beans and meat pieces barely covered by a dark purplish-brown broth. The taste is strong, moderately salty but not spicy, dominated by the flavors of black bean and meat stew.
[edit] Side dishes
In Brazil, feijoada is traditionally served with rice, and accompanied by chopped fried collard greens (couve mineira), lightly roasted coarse cassava flour (farofa) and peeled and sliced orange.[2] Other common side dishes are boiled or deep-fried cassava, deep-fried bananas, and pork rinds (torresmo). A pot of hot pepper sauce is often provided on the side. The meal is often washed down with cachaça, caipirinha, or beer. wiki
Well Brazil thats were Bernakes’ QE2 will find a home
a little Inflation heading your way Rio
Dallas-Fort Worth pre-owned home sales fell 25 percent in November
December 8, 2010
By STEVE BROWN / The Dallas Morning News
November marked the sixth month of declining home sales in North Texas, and the outlook for December is for further declines.
Real estate agents sold 4,250 single-family homes through their Multiple Listing Service, down 25 percent from a year earlier.
November had the lowest monthly sales total since February
But … but … the streets in Dallas are supposed to be paved with gold and the economy is supposed to be kicking butt over there! That’s what the newpapers keep saying.
Yeah, Steve Brown’s been a RE cheerleader for years - too bad he can’t spin the numbers anymore.
This ship be sinking in Big “D”. Yet, they’re throwing up a new condo tower up the block from me with prices starting at 1 million dollars - financed by the police & firefighters pension fund.
I can’t wait to rent one of those places in a couple of years.
“Hot” careers…
Career Comparison: Real Estate Agent Or Mortgage Broker
If you’re considering a career as either a real estate agent or a mortgage broker, this article is designed to help you make a logical choice between these two careers. Read on to find out which occupation best fits your education, experience, skills and personality.
Tax Appeals Swamp U.S. Cities, Towns as Property Prices Plunge
Jeff Green and Tim Jones
The backlog of cases from taxpayers seeking to lower property-tax bills of more than $100,000 shot up to 14,236 this year from an annual average of about 6,000 during the past decade . . .
from whatreallyhappened com
WASHINGTON – Wanna hear a secret? The U.S. and Canada are probably going to remain friends. And the conservative and liberal party leaders in England? They don’t like each other.
But keep that under wraps. The U.S. doesn’t want that sort of sensitive information getting out for a decade or so.
While the recent leak of government documents onto the website WikiLeaks has revealed government secrets on such topics as Iran, North Korea and Yemen, the disclosure also unmasked another closely guarded fact: Much of what the government says is classified isn’t much of a secret at all.
Sometimes, classified documents contained little more than summaries of press reports. Political banter was treated as confidential government intelligence. Information that’s available to anyone with an Internet connection was ordered held under wraps for years.
Days after President Barack Obama’s inauguration, the White House received a classified message from the U.S. Embassy in Ottawa. It was a primer for the president’s upcoming trip to Canada and it included this sensitive bit of information, marked confidential:
“No matter which political party forms the Canadian government during your Administration, Canada will remain one of our staunchest and most like-minded of allies, our largest trading and energy partner, and our most reliable neighbor and friend.”
The document could not be made public until 2019, for national security reasons.
Such non-secrets have a cost. The more stuff the government classifies, the more money it takes to keep it all concealed. The government spent at least $9 billion keeping classified information under wraps last year, and that doesn’t include the CIA, Defense Intelligence Agency and others that keep their spending on classified information classified.
Most Americans can do little but take it on faith that those secrets are actually worth keeping. And advocates for open government say that when too much is classified, it makes it harder for the government to cry foul when legitimate secrets are leaked.
“The problem is, we’ve got a system that keeps way too much that is secret, and as a result we can’t protect the real secrets nearly as well,” said Thomas Blanton, the director of the National Security Archives, a private research institute at George Washington University. “And the stuff we really need to know is buried under a mass of trivia.”
Putting stuff that you might need to find again into the appropriate “bucket” is a real art form. I try to file e-mails that way under various folders in Outlook, but it isn’t the easiest thing in the world. Totally worth it, though, when a FOIA request comes across the desk or someone wants to know the answer to a question we might have considered 5 years ago.
LONDON – Police with riot shields held off angry student protesters marching to London’s Parliament Square on Thursday as lawmakers debated a controversial plan to triple university tuition fees in England
The people inside are just laughing.Protests like this do nothing.the only real protest is to stop using the service they not enroll in the classes they provide.This is what happenss when you have pricing power and no alternatives.
This is called cutting off your nose to spite your face.
Wanna bet it will still be way cheaper than here?
I bet the European banksters are salivating over the prospects of arranging student loans.
They already do in the UK.
Public protests/uprising against the Megabank schemers? They have tasers for that.
Let them eat 20k volts.
WikiRape just a cheap publicity stunt.
The women here are near to and over 30 and have international experience, some of it working in Swedish government embassies. There is no suggestion of drugs nor identity concealment. Far from it. Both women boasted of their celebrity connection to Assange after the events that they would now see him destroyed for.
Webmaster’s Commentary:
This is just cheap tabloid tactics to keep Assange’s face in the news and bolster his illusion of credibility even as his own volunteers blow the whistle on the secret Israeli deal Assange made.
N.C. Foreclosure Prevention Fund
Many North Carolina homeowners are struggling now to make their mortgage payments due to job loss or reduction of income through no fault of their own or because of an unforeseen temporary financial hardship, such as a divorce, serious illness or death of a co-signor. If you are searching for help, be assured that you are not alone. The N.C. Foreclosure Prevention Fund is here to help you avoid foreclosure.
The Mortgage Payment Program offers zero-interest loans of up to $24,000 to pay your mortgage and other related expenses for up to 24 months. If you live in one of 50 “hardest hit” counties with the highest 2009 unemployment rates, you may qualify for a loan of up to $36,000 for up to 36 months. The loan can also be used to bring mortgage payments current.
The Second Mortgage Refinance Program will be available in the 50 “hardest hit” counties in June 2011. It may help you refinance a high-cost second mortgage and reduce your monthly payments to an affordable level.
Avoid Scams: Foreclosure help is free through our counseling partners. The N.C. Attorney General’s Office provides information on how to recognize and avoid scams. - 10k
Obama: Tax Deal Could Yield ‘Millions of Jobs’- AP
(AP)President Barack Obama says a congressional vote on the tax-cut deal he negotiated with Republicans will determine whether the nation’s economy “moves forward or backward.”
~~ When Barry was on the campaign trail, he said he would raise taxes on the ‘rich’ “there is a point when some people make too much money”-BHO. Bankrupt big coal, create millions of ‘green’ jobs. Create ‘free’ universal health care, break up the lobbyists. Redistribute the wealth etc,etc..
Barry’s battalions of buffoons/followers must be sorely disappointed! Now he says we must keep the tax cuts for the rich and big bidness. Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.
Obama: Tax Deal Could Yield ‘Millions of Jobs’
-Are those jobs created, or just saved?
what a joke.
lil’ Opie negotiated with Repubicans will determine whether the nation’s economy “moves forward or backward.” …for people’s with lil’-to-nones stores of wealth
“TruePurity’s™” eCONomic plan “B”:
“TrueDoNothing™ / “TrueObstructionists™ / TrueGridLokers™”
Continuing Bushes increased spending and lower taxes is what got us here, now O wants to continue it? wtf? they all suuuck!
Mortgages hit 6-mo. highs
Benchmark home-loan rates surge along with Treasury yields. Typical 30-year rate tops 4.6%.
still a pretty good deal if your a buyer of a home.I guess the fed had too many sellers to keep up with all it’s buying.guess they will have to get the printing press working overtime now?
Do any of you know how to become a primary dealer for the NY fed?
Well, this headline was applicable for about fifteen minutes:
Huge story here being basically ignored by the MSM.
Treasuries really went up on front running QE2
Makes sense the yeild will drift back up and the price will go down.
Question were will it be by Summer 2011 ?
Yes.doesnt the fed tell all its buddies, pd’s, so they can stock up on treasuries before the actual sale and then sell them to the fed at a profit?Man I wish I could get in on that action.Nice to have friends at the fed.
Which is precisely why many people are invested in bonds and will be deservedly fleeced for buying government debt.
Bond wipe-out imminent!
CNN Money:
In November, the unemployment rate for those post-college age (20-24) was almost 16%, compared to 9.8% for the nation. And according to a recent Pew Research Center study, nearly 40% of 18-29 year olds have been unemployed or underemployed since December 2007.
“…nearly 40% of 18-29 year olds have been unemployed or underemployed since December 2007…”
Is this the same group of savvy under-30s who were buying houses circa 2006 when over-30s who didn’t understand the New Era in housing price appreciation stayed out of the market?
I wonder what % of them really want a job?
I know more than a few who do want a job, who do want to move out on their own, pay their student loans and maybe buy a new car.
But you can’t do those things when all you have is a P/T minimum wage job.
In happy news, my younger son (22, finished college in Sept) was just hired by a small business that had him working as an unpaid intern for a few weeks. He’s a happy camper, and mom is even happier. $12/hr, no benefits, but it’s a job!
Thats super…Happy for him…@ $12. per hour down in Sac. might not be to bad that is, unless, he gets some high maintenance girlfriend…
Is this the same group of savvy under-30s who were buying houses…based on their “long-term” employment guarantee’s & 0% down? :-/
Hope and Change - they young supported obama in great numbers.
Wonder if they make the connection…
Wait until they figure out who will be REALLY paying for obamacare, the bailouts and obamamotors
Lest you forget:
Bush signed into law an unfunded Medicare prescription program, and the bail outs began under his watch.
There is virtually no difference between Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum.
I’m surprised that you aren’t loving Bammy now, he’s backing tax cuts for the rich.
Permit me to venture a guess on why this might be:
More than a few of these young ‘uns wouldn’t know the meaning of words like “persistence,” “work ethic,” “deferred gratification,” and “team play” if they came up and bopped them over their precious snowflake heads.
I don’t know how many of you have had the pleasure of dealing with these cute young things, but I live in a neighborhood near a university. The sense of entitlement among the current crop of students and recent grads is just appalling.
They thing that, just because they’re breathing collegiate oxygen, or if they’ve recently graduated, that they’re entitled to top jobs without having to do any work. As if we on the hiring side of the fence are supposed to be so dazzled by them that we’re just begging for the chance to have them around.
Well, more than a few of them are finding out that we in the employment world expect them to do things like:
1. Show up on time.
2. Do the work that they’ve been given to do.
No doubt there are people like this, but I know plenty who worked hard to put themselves through college, got good grades and can’t find a job in their field (and remain working at the menial jobs they put themselves through school with).
And its sad to see that Colorado…Empty promises and broken dreams…
That is because the 40 years olds need those jobs now too.
They’ve drunk the koolade and still believe that their degree is a ticket to a wonderful life, not a life of voluntary serfdom to student loans and the corporate “carrot” of a fulfilling career.
I’ve seen a mixed bag in this generation, some sensible some deluded.
Once had to sit down with a 20 something and show her the math that if she spent more than half of her take home pay on rent in Manhattan she would not have the disposable income to do anything but more or less subsist on ramen noodles.
If she moved to Brooklyn or Queens she would not only have some money left over, but could afford a cab home several times a month and not have to share a bedroom.
That’s always been the case, Slim. I remember when we graduated from Michigan 35 years ago - everybody expected a good job with full benefits - and we got them! Most kids now have no expectation of benefits and make the same amount that we did, 35 years later. I feel for them.
Of course, there are a few little sh!ts out there. My sister told me about a friend of her son’s who graduated in June and just turned down a job because it paid too little (he lives with his wealthy parents.) I hope that he ends up well behind the hard-working young people who are willing to work for peanuts to get experience. But he probably won’t - his parents will find something for him.
I remember when we graduated from Michigan 35 years ago - everybody expected a good job with full benefits - and we got them!
I didn’t.
Matter of fact, I never found anything that ever resembled a good job with full benefits. In my last job, I was paid so poorly that even my bosses were sympathetic.
Not that it helped. I was so thin — from not being able to afford anything other than vegetarian food that I had trouble digesting — that I considered it an accomplishment to gain 10 pounds. Which I did within a year after quitting that job.
1. Show up on time.
2. Do the work that they’ve been given to do.
I’ve noticed differences between West Coast college kids and Midwestern college kids.
East coast? Well they are a
Of all real estate stories this one is the most sad and Americans fund this atrocity:
“Let Us Call On Israel To STOP SHOOTING CHILDREN!” Congressman Brian Baird
“Let Us Call On Israel To STOP SHOOTING CHILDREN!” Congressman Brian Baird
But that’s not the whole deal. Here’s the deal. Both cultures like to cut deals. They should just cut a deal.
I know both sides are really good at haggling but they should just say
“You stop blowin’ up our kids and we’ll stop shootin’ yours”.
“Deal? hmmmmm….well…….OK, deal.”
hmmm…. seems USA has hit a few kids in A-stan and Iraq.
I call on the would-be-Palestinians (there being no actual Palestinians yet) to admit they lost a war they started and that this is why they have no state.
One cannot learn from mistakes if one does not admit ‘em.
“Four or five years ago, it was the perfect time to sell, but times have changed. Now is the time to demolish your home”
But there is another category of demolisher: Snowbirds who expect someday to build their vacation home here, and rather than waiting until the market rebounds, they buy the property at today’s low prices, demolish the home. That way they do not pay taxes on the home, only the land, and there’s no structure to insure.
When taxes and insurance cost more than the mortgage - demolish the home and pay taxes only on vacant land and no insurance.
Makes sense in this insane world. When a government taxes everything to oblivion - eventually that is what you get.
Perhaps they’ve heard of a city called Detroit?
“Now is the time to demolish your home”
This is my new fav quote, BTW. What a great T-Shirt this would make!
Israel appears only in 77 out of 20,000 Wikileaks docs
On its website WikiLeaks says it has so far released “almost 20,000″ of the “251,287 leaked United States embassy cables.”
The release, however, raised questions as it doe not contain any incriminating or embarrassing document against Israel.
“No classified Israeli material was exposed by WikiLeaks,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in November, suggesting that Tel Aviv viewed the release as a positive.
An Israeli-born investigative journalist has found evidence that WikiLeaks “struck a deal with Israel,” based on which the websites founder Julian Assange would withhold cables incriminating Israel in exchange for money.
There are still 230,000 more to go.
Maybe they are just being releases in alphabetical order?
Among the recent crop of hedge fund stars, Pershing Square Capital’s Bill Ackman is notably absent from the parade of gold bulls. But he and Paulson do share a bullishness on another asset class: Housing.
Paulson, who recently bought a two-bedroom condo in NYC for a reported $2.85 million, has been quoted saying: “If you don’t own a home buy one. If you own one home, buy another one, and if you own two homes buy a third.”
Wow I better get started.
They are clearly using their MSM bully pulpit to talk their book.
Also good to bear in mind how Paulson made billions: Got together with Gollum to set up a portfolio they marketed to greater fools.
Maybe he is now trying to set up some more greater fools to bet long on housing while he is (secretly) taking the short side of the bet?
Not that there is anything wrong with that…
Today’s Headline in the “TrueAnger™” PeeParty tea toadlers front page newspaper, “Reduce the Deficit NOW!” Southern Times:
Lil’ Opie throws US taxpayer money $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to Southern “Border-State”…workers promise not to REBEL over sub/non-UNION salary pay & minimum benefits. Goodbye Detriot,…Hello Louisville!
Ford Investing $600 Million, Hiring 1,800 at SUV Plant:
By Keith Naughton and Jeff Green / Bloomberg news
“Today’s $600 million investment in Louisville is financed in part by the $5.9 billion in U.S. Department of Energy loans it received last year to produce more fuel-efficient vehicles, Ford said.
Ford expects to hire about 1,000 employees to either work in Louisville or fill vacancies created by those moving to the Kentucky factory, she said. The new hires will be paid about $14.50 an hour, about half what veteran assembly workers make at Ford, she said. To stimulate hiring and lower costs, the United Auto Workers union agreed to create a second wage tier in the 2007 contracts with Ford, General Motors Corp. and Chrysler LLC.”
I rescind previous comments I may have made suggesting systematic upward bias in Zestimates™.
Dec. 9, 2010, 12:10 p.m. EST
U.S. homes to lose $1.7 trillion in value this year: Zillow
About $9 trillion has been lost since June 2006, report estimates
By Amy Hoak, MarketWatch
CHICAGO (MarketWatch) — Homes in the U.S. will have lost $1.7 trillion in value in 2010 by the time the year is through, according to estimates released Thursday by Zillow dot com, an online real-estate marketplace.
That’s 63% more than the $1 trillion in value that homes lost last year, the report said.
Would this not greatly increase shipping wheat by rail & truck? Gonna take a bunch more trucks and trains with the capability. The job Is bound to take longer than expected.
U.S. Closing Columbia River to Barges, May Affect Wheat Exports
Dec. 9 (Bloomberg) — Shipping on the Columbia-Snake River System, a major gateway to the Pacific Ocean for U.S. wheat and barley exports, will be halted until March as the Army Corps of Engineers replaces locks and dams built as long ago as 1957.
Barge traffic will be “effectively” stopped along a 365- mile (587-kilometer) stretch from tomorrow until March 18 as lock gates are replaced at the John Day, The Dalles and Lower Monumental dams, Army Corps spokesman Scott Clemans said. Five other dams will be repaired during the period, he said.
Traffic through the river-locking system is slowest during the winter, with five to 10 barges a day, Clemans said. Barges primarily carry grains, fuel and garbage. The four-month halt is unusual because shipping is normally closed for only two weeks a year for routine maintenance, he said. The U.S. is the world’s largest wheat exporter.
The U.S. is the world’s largest wheat exporter.
Geez, methinks Buffett’s 34 Billion dollar $$$$$$$$$$ train set runs on those Washington State tracks parallel to that river…
(Don’t trains carry semi-trailers?)
Yeah, but the trailers only carry UPS/time sensitive packages.
Grain is moved in “Unit trains” of 100 plus cars (covered hoppers).
Team Polosi sez…No!
House Democrats vote to reject Obama’s tax cut compromise with the GOP unless modified ~The Associated Press
House Democrats voted Thursday to reject President Barack Obama’s tax deal with Republicans in its current form, but it was unclear how significantly the package might need to be changed.
By voice vote in a closed caucus meeting, Democrats passed a resolution saying the tax package should not come to the House floor for consideration as written, even though no formal House bill has been drafted. Rep. Peter DeFazio, D-Ore., introduced the resolution.
Said Rep. Lloyd Doggett, D-Texas: “If it’s take it or leave it, we’ll leave it.”
reject President Barack Obama’s tax deal with Republicans
How could they do that? Oh yeah…
Democrats control the house
Democrats control ALL committees in the house
Democrats can choose which bills come up for a vote in these committees
Democrats can choose which bills come up for a vote on the house floor
Democrats control the senate
Democrats control ALL committees in the senate
Democrats can choose which bills come up for a vote in these committees
Democrats can choose which bills come up for a vote on the senate floor
Plus they can filibuster it at any time (with 56+2 democrat senators)
Dec. 9, 2010, 12:01 p.m. EST
The 10 worst states for retirees
Commentary: Taxes, weather take glitter off golden years
By Robert Powell, MarketWatch
BOSTON (MarketWatch) — Plenty of folks are aware of the best states for retirees. But what are the 10 worst states in which to spend your golden years?
People of Illinois, California, New York, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Ohio, Wisconsin, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Nevada — you probably already know the answer.
Topping his website’s list, Illinois’s fiscal health could be the worst of any state, observed Brady. “It even borrowed money to fund its pension obligations,”
It is interesting that nearly all of these states are great places to earn an insane pension in public union job but not a great place to stay when you retire.
When these public union workers retire - they go to places with LOW taxes - and these places have low taxes have them because they do not give their public workers insane salaries/benefits/pensions.
Rather ironic.
The top place for California cops to retire is….Idaho.
But that’s not just for economic reasons. In the case of most cops it’s also the politics.
Idaho should change it’s name to “Cop-land”.
In the late 80s/ early 90s I remember hearing about airline retirees from CA discovering ID and MT. The system bids even allowed some to run out their time in the out stations - sweet gigs while they lasted.
Household Worth in U.S. Rose by $1.2 Trillion in 3rd Quarter
~ Bloomberg
Household wealth in the U.S. rose by $1.2 trillion in the third quarter as share prices jumped in response to an improving economy.
“1. Household wealth in the U.S. rose by $1.2 trillion in the third quarter as share prices jumped in response to an improving economy.
2. U.S. homes to lose $1.7 trillion in value this year: Zillow”
3. The massive wealth transfer from middle-class U.S. homeowners to super-rich corporate owners continues unabated.
“The massive wealth transfer…continues
unabatedunabaited.” (edited by anonymous Federal Reserve secretary.)Ford Investing $600 Million, Hiring 1,800 at SUV Plant ~ Bloomberg
Ford Motor Co ., the world’s most profitable automaker, is hiring 1,800 workers and spending $600 million to overhaul a factory in Louisville, Kentucky, to build small sport-utility vehicles.
Here I’ll help ya out wmbz, here’s your “ALL post, no read” stetson hat:
Lil’ Opie throws US taxpayer money $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to Southern “Border-State”…workers promise not to REBEL over sub/non-UNION salary pay & minimum benefits. Goodbye Detriot,…Hello Louisville!
Ford Investing $600 Million, Hiring 1,800 at SUV Plant:
By Keith Naughton and Jeff Green / Bloomberg news
“Today’s $600 million investment in Louisville is financed in part by the $5.9 billion in U.S. Department of Energy loans it received last year to produce more fuel-efficient vehicles, Ford said.
Ford expects to hire about 1,000 employees to either work in Louisville or fill vacancies created by those moving to the Kentucky factory, she said. The new hires will be paid about $14.50 an hour, about half what veteran assembly workers make at Ford, she said. To stimulate hiring and lower costs, the United Auto Workers union agreed to create a second wage tier in the 2007 contracts with Ford, General Motors Corp. and Chrysler LLC.”
Yearly salary @ $14.50/hr = $30K or thereabouts.
Average new car price in 2010……$29K or thereabouts.
And these are the “good” jobs.
What does a typical 3/2/2 go for in Louisville?
That 29K car would run about $600 per month. About 1.5 weeks of pay. I guess that would work if you could live in it.
Oh well, at least they didn’t build it in Hermosillo or Cuautitlan, Mexico
Anyone in San Diego see the smoke from this fire?
I’m too far away, but my wife may be able to see it (5 miles north of home)…
“…The explosives were discovered after a gardener working in the home’s backyard stepped on one and triggered a blast on Nov. 18. He suffered burns and was hospitalized.”
legal or non-legal citizen leaf blower? / health insurance or no-health insurance? homeowners policy or renters insurance?
“…legal or non-legal citizen leaf blower?”
It’s customary in San Diego County to neither ask nor tell on that question…
That helps explain why there are so many Cadillac Escalades in the hospital emergency parking lots… ;-/
Closed out one of my savings accounts today, and found out that it had earned a whopping $30 in interest. I’m rich!
sorry - you still need to send from it 35% to the feds and 5% to the state and…
and found out that it had earned a whopping $30 in interest.
Doug, you’ll have to wait until the AFTER Halloween sales next year to get the elastic Ben Bernake “One-size-fits-all” mask for less than $30.00.
Political whiplash warning: Read ahead only if you have a strong neck.
House Democratic caucus angrily objects to tax-cut package
In a sharp rebuke to President Obama, Democrats who contend the tax-cut package is too generous to the rich say it should not come to the floor in its current form. Some Democrats started chanting ‘Just say no’ during the meeting, according to Rep. Brad Sherman.
‘Just say no’
I’m as cornfused as a baby in a topless bar…
MarketWatch First Take
Dec. 9, 2010, 1:51 p.m. EST
House Democrats acting like angry drunks at bar
Commentary: Maneuver by Democrats unlikely to end well
Good! I guess Boner got bombarded by a bunch of people telling him to stop his stupid sh!t.
Dec. 9 (Bloomberg) — Representative Ron Paul, Texas Republican and author of “End the Fed,” will take control of the House subcommittee that oversees the Federal Reserve.
In his capacity as subcommittee chair Dr. Paul will focus on domestic monetary policy, currency, precious metals, valuation of the dollar, economic stabilization, defense production, commodity prices, financial aid to commerce and industry.
~ In other words…we finally have someone on that committee who really understands the subject!
Don’t be a fool: Keep your hard drive private.
The Death of the Hard Drive
By Jeremy A. Kaplan
Published December 09, 2010 |
Uh, yeah, do they think we’re that stupid?
Never mind the fact that if your connection goes down, you lose access to your data. And hardware fails at inopportune times.
Never mind the fact that your data is now at the tender mercies of a 3rd party with unfettered access to it (think of people who thought email was private, while a system administrator could see it with just a couple of clicks).
Never mind if there’s an administrative snafu or the company hits a rough financial patch.
Just remember - those who Know Better Than You say it’s a good idea despite these troubling data points. Pay no mind to the eyes staring at you from the edge of the dark forest. The path is safe. The fact that I stand to profit from you taking the path has no bearing on my recommendation.
President Obama is in hot water with many members of his own party for agreeing to a deal to sustain all the Bush-era tax cuts for high- income taxpayers in exchange for two more years of extending federal unemployment insurance for the long-term jobless, plus cutting the payroll tax by $120 billion for one year.
Most of us would like to have more money than we do. Many of us want rich people’s assets distributed among those who have less. Others of us are willing to scramble up the ladder toward riches on our own, and only ask that government not discourage us. Neither faction will get what they want.
Have no fear. The banksters and CEOs will get their oversized bonuses. They will be very happy. As for the rest of us …
No doubt, but when a private bank group runs the money system that’s the way it is. What can we do about it? Very little, when the people ‘we’ elect doing nothing but rubber stamp their system they are free to raid the treasury, and line their pockets.
Nothing will change that until the system crashes, in a very big way. One day it will, but I doubt I’ll live to see it.
Is it me or are the democrats just imploding today?
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell repeal blows up in Senate
sfgate | December 9, 2010 | Carolyn Lochhead
The Senate is voting now on party lines on a cloture motion that will probably kill efforts to repeal the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell ban on gays in the military.
Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine rushed to the Senate floor asking why majority leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., suddenly acted moments ago to move ahead on the defense authorization bill, despite their negotiations, ensuring it will fail to get the 60 votes to break a GOP filibuster. If the motion fails, so does repeal of the 17-year old ban.
The same reason gop can never seem to overturn Roe V Wade.
It’s just too good to keep the issue alive for the next election.
The same reason gop can never seem to overturn Roe V Wade.
How do republicans in congress get to overturn a Supreme Court decision???
Then why do the blind vote for GOP candidates based on Roe v. Wade?
BananaBread, I know of nobody else who puts their foot in their mouth more than you. Nobody.
By appointing Supremes who will, and they had their chance too.
They sure did have their chance.
And here’s my prediction: The two Reagan appointees, Kennedy and Scalia, are getting on in years. I think that they’ll be retiring before Obama leaves the White House.
Methinks that he’ll be nominating more women to the High Court. And, historically, the female Supremes have been pro-choice.
It will never be overturned yet it could be very easily.
The American Bar Assoc released a white paper in 2005 stating, and I’m paraphrasing; Roe v. Wade is the weakest decision in the history of the Supreme Court.
Roe v. Wade is the weakest decision in the history of the Supreme Court.
Perhaps, but how many millions of women only (grandmothers, mothers, sisters, aunts, cousins etc.etc.etc.) will be posthumously labeled in the digital genealogical herstories as: “murderer-in-the-1st-degree”?… then add in selective religious judgment to their human contemplations and there by the grace of God doeth ALL mankind go…
Ten Infamous Islands of Exile
Established to banish dissidents and criminals, these islands are known for their one-time prisoners, from Napoleon to Nelson Mandela
Read more:
Sara palin is now an economist, enjoy:!
ben has nothing on her.
Sorry couldn’t make it through the whole clip, can’t take it.
She is about as knowledgeable as the majority of so called economists though, and sadly knows more than most in congress. That shows just how bad it is.
she is a piece of work.I guess she pissed off PETA with her hunting trips on her reality show.If you eat meat you basically hire someone to do the dirty work.
For all those who hate her there are plenty who admire her. I give her credit for putting it out there though, most folks don’t have the (balls). Love to throw stones but can’t take return fire. So all in all while not a Palin fan, I giver her, her due!
That’s how I see her, too. Probably not the best presidential candidate, but significantly tougher than most of the people who talk smack about her.
She has bigger balls than the rest of congress,
love her or not, she’s the real McCoy.
She (Palin) has bigger balls than the rest of congress,
love her or not, she’s the real McCoy.
Damn right! burp… She had the balls to quit …when things looked well “complicated.”
She might be the real McToy.
I’d give her her. due too
I dont think it is a case of “balls.” I think it is “ignorance is bliss.”
with her hunting trips on her reality show.If you eat meat you basically hire someone to do the dirty work ??
Yeah, I am sure the Palin family enjoyed eating that Wolf that she shot from a $600. per hour helicopter…Hunter my ass….
Come on now it is pretty hard to hit a wolf from a helicopter with a Gatling gun.
Sara palin is now an economist, enjoy:
This is what I get trying to access it:
This video is not available in your country.
Maybe Brazil has an ignorance import quota.
Didn’t Brazil just elect a Palin like as its new president?
Didn’t Brazil just elect a Palin like as its new president?
Yea they did. Good catch. The new president elect is just like Palin.
Just like her.
She even spent time in prison during the military dictatorship back 40 years ago and was tortured and was labeled a marxist rebel.
Just like sufferin’, sacrificin’ beauty queen Palin. I forgot that about palin.
Item: Irish Finance Minister Brian Lenihan said on Thursday he would impose a 90 per cent tax on bankers’ bonuses, in a move to try to silence critics who have said the banking sector drove Ireland into the ground.
> Why not a 100% tax on their bonuses and a 90% on their income? The banking sector DID drive it into the ground. Or better yet just hang the bastards, the people would not mind!
Item: Irish Finance Minister Brian Lenihan said on Thursday he would impose a 90 per cent tax on bankers’ bonuses, in a move to try to silence critics who have said the banking sector drove Ireland into the ground.
Just imagine the outcry if Tim Geithner (our equivalent of a finance minister) said the same thing.
No way. And jeapordize losing all that top talent?
They could have all gone and got jobs in Ireland…
Item: Irish Finance Minister Brian Lenihan said on Thursday he would impose a 90 per cent tax on bankers’ bonuses,
This could be very big symbolically. It sets a precedent of a modern, western nation acknowledging and addressing realities heretofore ignored. The Irish protested.
Videos like this speech went viral in Ireland on more outlets than just youtube.
He’s a pissed-off, bald folk rocker with a message.
Read this link and weep:
They just will not stop.
all we need is more flippers in the market.
Not sure if link posted:
OTOH, this passage gives me hope:
“Part of the problem is that the Administration doesn’t want to spend any more money on housing, and it is particularly politically unpalatable to offer financial assistance to investors, who are widely blamed for causing the housing crisis in the first place.”
+1 Everyone in Washington knows what’s going on; the issue is how to stop them from gaining more ground.
To continue the above paragraph: “But we’re talking about a different kind of investor here. There is an awful lot of hedge fund capital just sitting on the sidelines, if and only if the banks would let them on the field.”
The “Qualified Buyers.” The sorry thing is that these financial termites are going to pay about $0.25 on the true dollar value, and they’ll put up only 20% with the taxpayers guaranteeing the rest, and they’ll quickly flip these places making yet more money.
In the end Obama won’t accomplish anything.
From Tyler Durden: “One of the funniest lines in Bernanke’s speech last 60 Minutes speech is when he said that the currency in circulation has not increased despite his monetary easing - ergo there is no inflation. Of course, as even doorknobs know by now currency is merely one component of physical and binary money out there. But trust a pathological liar to expect 60 Minutes’ viewers to be dumb as a bag of hammers. Of course, a far more important metric of the moneyness of the system, is the M2 aggregate (technically M3 is far more important, but as per the Fed’s March 23, 2006 decision, M3 was discontinued as “M3 does not appear to convey any additional information about economic activity that is not already embodied in M2 and has not played a role in the monetary policy process for many years. Consequently, the Board judged that the costs of collecting the underlying data and publishing M3 outweigh the benefits.” Ah yes, the Fed is worried about costs…) Anyway, the M2 has just risen to a fresh all time record: in the week ended November 29, Seasonally Adjusted M2 was $8,812.2 billion, which is the 19th week of the last 21 in which this metric has increased. Is inflation about to prove just how much of a monetary phenomenon it really is? But not to worry - the Chairman is well ahead of everyone in withdrawing all of this excess money already percolating through the economy.”
China fears spook markets
Robust Chinese trade data heighten concerns of an imminent rate hike from Beijing, weighing down on most Asian markets.