December 22, 2010

Bits Bucket for December 22, 2010

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Comment by rms
2010-12-22 01:14:17

State Budgets: Day of Reckoning
December 19, 2010

Comment by combotechie
2010-12-22 05:50:57

Okay, you HBB financial geniuses who see nothing but rampant unrestrained hyperinflation in our future, how many of the problems displayed in this video is due to too much unbacked worthless fiat dollars in circulation?

Comment by oxide
2010-12-22 06:35:15

“how many of the problems displayed in this video,* is due to too much unbacked worthless fiat dollars in circulation, are a hardship for the rich?”

Fixed that for you, combo. Deflation would sink the banks and their precious execs and stockholders, which is why deflation will never be allowed by the Fed. (Deflation may, however, happen despite the wishes of the Fed, the Admin, and the PTB.)

If the banks went down, would that hurt the little guy? I suspect, not that much. FDIC will give him his meager checking account back. So he loses a few thousand in his 401K. The drop in house prices would more than offset that. Underwater? Declare BK to dump the mortgage, and rent. The resulting deflation would immediately drop prices of everything and make his paycheck worth that much more.

*Pet peeve: mainstream media that simply posts their TV video on the website, which I don’t want to access at work. Is it really so much trouble to post a transcript? I guess so. After all, I can read through transcript in 1/4 the time of the video, and i don’t have to watch the bubble-headed-bleach-blonde-on-the-evening-news, AND I can skip advertisement before the video. (hats off to PBS Newshour, which DOES post a transcript.)

Comment by combotechie
2010-12-22 06:55:29

Oh, so you made a post - corrected my post - about a video that you haven’t even seen?

Lol. Well, let me sum the video up for you: There is not enough money floating about in the economy to make good on all the promises made that need to be backed-up by the missing money.

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Comment by oxide
2010-12-22 07:29:08

I assumed that the “promises” were government help to the little guy… because believe me there is plenty of money for the government to help out the likes of AIG…

Comment by ecofeco
2010-12-22 16:26:24

It’s not about current money, combo, but future earnings and values.

We’ve been sold down the river for AT LEAST the next 50 years.

Comment by CharlieTango
2010-12-22 08:08:47

wow, i agree with oxide :D ( pet peeve )

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Comment by ecofeco
2010-12-22 16:24:32

Transcripts cost money.

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Comment by bulwark
2010-12-22 20:18:06

I dropped it after the second commercial started. If I want to watch commercials I’ll turn on the TV (which I never do).

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Comment by mariner22
2010-12-22 07:28:48

Combotechie - can you give me an example of items that are needed by the average American that have gone down in price? As I posted last week in response to your deflation arguments -

Salmon at Costco is now $8.99 a pound up from $7.99 a couple of months ago

Gasoline at Costco is now >$3.00

A half gallon of ice cream is now 1.5 quarts to keep prices stable.

Milk, eggs, sugar, wheat, etc…. you get the picture.

The Fed is “QEing” bonds as fast as the Treasury sells them. The Fed raised their limit so they can buy 60% of any one issue. We have been getting away with it because the Eurozone and Japan are arguably in worse shape than we are / China refuses to give up their peg.

So what if McMansion prices are deflating daily. Prices of anything we need (that other nations also need) are going up. Next time you can buy gasoline for $2.50 a gallon by telling the vendor you are doing him a favor by giving him dollars which are becoming scarce, will you let me know?

Comment by oxide
2010-12-22 07:34:04

Slim Fast is 11 ounces instead of 12. Capri-Sun juice bags are 6.75 ounces instead of 8. I don’t know if they’re saving money on product or the packaging.

My grocery store has a salad bar. On Sunday I saw a new printed sheet pasted over the old sign. The new sheet said “Salad Bar $4.99 a pound.” I carefully lifted the sheet to see the old sign: “Salad Bar $3.99 a pound.”

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Comment by OcBystander
2010-12-22 08:09:48

How much of this can be traced higher energy/fuel prices?

Comment by Arizona Slim
2010-12-22 08:34:08

My grocery store has a salad bar. On Sunday I saw a new printed sheet pasted over the old sign. The new sheet said “Salad Bar $4.99 a pound.” I carefully lifted the sheet to see the old sign: “Salad Bar $3.99 a pound.”

It would have been fun to carefully remove the new sheet to reveal the old sign. Then watch all Hades break loose at the checkouts…

Comment by FB wants a do over
2010-12-22 08:58:10

Slim Fast is 11 ounces instead of 12. Capri-Sun juice bags are 6.75 ounces instead of 8. I don’t know if they’re saving money on product or the packaging.

They’re helping the government with lowering the CPI numbers.

Comment by DennisN
2010-12-22 09:55:21

Slim Fast is 11 ounces instead of 12.

Since this is a “diet product”, wouldn’t this move make the product more effective?

Comment by bluto
2010-12-22 10:54:33

Hedonic improvement!

Comment by GrizzlyBear
2010-12-22 11:09:43

“How much of this can be traced higher energy/fuel prices?”

A lot. We’re back over $90 per barrel, but this time in the midst of a depression. The Wall St. pigs are having another grand ol’ time at the expense of the economy, the greater population, and the greater good of the people. Banker bailout = epic FAIL. It’s goodnight sweetheart.

Comment by sleepless_near_seattle
2010-12-22 11:24:17

“It would have been fun to carefully remove the new sheet to reveal the old sign. Then watch all Hades break loose at the checkouts…”

I was buying jeans a few weeks ago. Sign near them said 60% off. Took them to the cashier who said, “These are supposed to be 40% off. Someone put the wrong sign out and now I have to sell them for $24?” (another guy before me had actually taken the sign to her, since she didn’t believe him)

In the back of my head I’m thinking there’s no way I’m paying $36 for these if she wants to hold firm. So, I tested the negotiation tactic of shutting up after presenting my offer. Got new jeans for $24.

Comment by Captain Credit Crunch
2010-12-22 11:56:49

Changing the amount of product does not change the CPI, “FB Wants a Do Over.” The CPI controls for that by looking at price per unit, like $/fluid oz.

Comment by aNYCdj
2010-12-22 12:41:21

Or so they say…….i just don’t believe it……not with the big inflation in items you use daily

Comment by lavi d
2010-12-22 13:40:27

Slim Fast is 11 ounces instead of 12.

That just proves that it works.

Comment by Steve J
2010-12-22 14:13:08

Peeling price labels is a crime in some states.

Comment by alpha-sloth
2010-12-22 07:38:14

New methods for tracking inflation seem to be supporting the CPI
from Slate:

“The first comes from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 2007, economists Roberto Rigobon and Alberto Cavallo started tracking prices online and inputting them into a massive database. Then, last month, they unveiled the Billion Prices Project, an inflation measure based on 5 million items sold by 300 online retailers in 70 countries. (For the United States, the BPP collects about 500,000 prices.)

The BPP’s inflation measure is markedly different from the government’s. The economists just average all the prices culled online, meaning the basket of goods is whatever you can buy on the Web. (Some things, like books, are most often bought online. Some items, like cats, are not.) Plus, the researchers do not weight certain items’ prices, even if they tend to make up a bigger proportion of household spending.

Still, thus far, the BPP has tracked the CPI closely.

A second inflation measure comes from Web behemoth Google and is a pet project of the company’s chief economist, Hal Varian. As reported by the Financial Times, earlier this year, Varian decided to use Google’s vast database of Web prices to construct the “Google Price Index,” a constantly updated measure of price changes and inflation. (The idea came to him when he was searching for a pepper grinder online.) Google has not yet decided whether it will publish the price index, and has not released its methodology. But Varian said that his preliminary index tracked CPI closely, though it did show periods of deflation—the worrisome incidence of prices actually falling—where the CPI did not.

….somewhat remarkably, the Google and Billion Prices Project indices actually seem to confirm the accuracy of the old-fashioned CPI, tracking it closely rather than showing it to be off-base.”

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Comment by Professor Bear
2010-12-22 08:44:58

“Plus, the researchers do not weight certain items’ prices, even if they tend to make up a bigger proportion of household spending.”

Is the Loosey-Goosie Ad Hoc Price Index more credible than the CPI?

Comment by alpha-sloth
2010-12-22 10:04:39

“Is the Loosey-Goosie Ad Hoc Price Index more credible than the CPI?”

Not necessarily, but the more measures you have, the more accurately you can measure something. I thought it was interesting these three different indices tended to agree.

Comment by oxide
2010-12-22 11:49:41

Can you buy gas on Or “real” food that actually goes bad? Or kWh of e-? No wonder BPP and Google track CPI.

Families are spending more and more of each dollar on food and energy. Taken to its logical conclusion, a person could spend almost ALL of his money on food and energy, of all he does is drive to work and the grocery store and watch TV (a one-time purchase) or read library books when he gets home at night. In that case CPI would be irrelevant.

Comment by X-GSfixr
2010-12-22 12:12:38

“Some things, like books are most often bought online. Some items, like cats, are not”

Like cats. And gasoline. And milk. And bread. And fruits and vegetables. And meat, unless you buy your stuff at Omaha Steaks all the time.

Using online prices to calculate inflation is about as useful as using the Nordstrom’s or Neiman-Marcus catalog to calculate inflation.

Comment by Overtaxed
2010-12-22 12:56:43

“Using online prices to calculate inflation”..

Is about as useful as removing house prices from inflation, because, as we all know, housing isn’t really something that we need.

Riddle me this batman. Housing makes up 20-30% of most average household’s budgets. Housing prices were going up 10-40% YOY (depending on the specific area) during the bubble. Other things, of course, were also going up in price (electricity, gasoline.. You know, other non-essentials)..

So, we have house prices going up 20% YOY and inflation of 2%? How, on earth, can that inflation measure be considered useful. The biggest expense in almost everyone’s budget was skyrocketing, and yet, inflation was tame?

That showed me how useless our current CPI calculation is. It should have been flashing “bright red” during the housing bubble.. Instead it was indicating that inflation was tame when; as we all know, that was NOT at all the case. It’s beyond useless, it’s actually dangerous (see Greenie’s reliance on CPI to produce interest rate changes, directly exacerbating the situation in the housing sector).

Comment by alpha-sloth
2010-12-22 15:57:52

But then there’s this…
(from Ozark natural foods coop)

“Here’s a quote from a USDA report: “In 1929, the first year data of this type were recorded, 23.9% of disposable income was spent for food. This percentage has since tapered off fractionally almost every year. By 1970, the percentage had dropped to 13.8 percent. During the 1970s, the percentage held fairly constant because of high food-price inflation. By 1980, food spending was still 13.4 percent of disposable income, but has since declined steadily to reach a low of 10.7 percent in 1997.”

That’s pretty impressive, but that was more than 10 years ago, and newer figures have dropped the percentage of income Americans spend on food even lower. The most recent USDA Economic Research Service study I could find lowered that figure to 5.7% of disposable income; a Euromonitor market research company estimate put the figure a little higher at 6.9%. Even with the organic premium added in, that is really inexpensive compared to food prices in other nations.

In fact, we have the least expensive food in the world. At 8.2% and 8.3% of income spent, Ireland and Singapore have the next cheapest food. Canadians, right next door, spend 9.2% of disposable income on food. Even in industrialized European countries who share our high standard of living, people pay a lot more than we do. And in developing countries, those percentages jump drastically to more than 20%, more than 30%, even more than 40%.

As of 2007, it cost families in Azerbaijan more than half of their income for food alone.”

Comment by alpha-sloth
2010-12-22 16:12:52

Here’s an chart showing we’re currently paying, in inflation-adjusted dollars, about the same per gallon of gas now as we were in the early and mid-eighties. Gas was cheaper through the late eighties and early nineties, though- about a third less than we’re paying now. So maybe we got spoiled?

Comment by Carl Morris
2010-12-22 16:31:08

So maybe we got spoiled?

Or our wages didn’t go up with inflation this time.

Comment by ecofeco
2010-12-22 16:32:23

We may be paying about the same for gas in “adjusted inflated dollar” but we’re making a lot less in those same adjusted dollar, so in reality, we really are paying more.

Comment by ecofeco
2010-12-22 16:34:07

Oh, and housing costs are more like +/-50% of income.

20-30% was 20 years ago.

Comment by combotechie
2010-12-22 07:43:52

“Combotechie - can you give me an example of items that are needed by the average American that have gone down in price?”

Er, how about wages? Have wages gone down in price? I’d say so; In some cases - many cases - wages have gone down to ZERO because the jobs that paid these wages have gone to job heaven.

Salmon? You’re paying big bucks for salmon? Do you think the guy that is having his hours cut back or his wages cut back is going to spend big bucks for salmon? Take a look at the salmon supply: Is there not a cut back on the amount of salmon that is allowed to be fished?

Gasoline is made from oil, correct? The Chineese are buying up all the world’s oil that they can get their hands on, correct? Is it not reasonable to think that the price of gasoline would rise as a result?

Milk eggs sugar wheat … all these are items bought enmass by the Chineese, either directly or as a buy product of other buying (i.e. food for dairy cows is going up hence the products produced by dairy cows is going up.)
Do you not think it reasonable that prices related to massive global buying by the Chineese should rise?

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Comment by combotechie
2010-12-22 07:50:56

So, you might ask: If there is such a shortage of money in the U.S. how is it that the Chineese can buy up all this stuff?


Comment by michael
2010-12-22 08:03:41

because the chinese have an asston of dollars?

dollars that don’t exist?

Comment by mariner22
2010-12-22 08:07:37

So I ask again, what necessary goods to Americans have gone down in price over the past 2 years in your deflationary economy?

Comment by Jim A.
2010-12-22 08:11:34

Well gas prices ARE cheaper than they were in 2008. And RE prices.

Comment by polly
2010-12-22 08:12:27


Deflation pressures are not measured by the items that you want to buy. There is deflationary pressure in this economy. People have been promised payments in the form of bond interest and salaries (largely state and local government) and pensions and there isn’t enough money to pay for all of it. How that plays out with a particular basket of items over the next few months is irrelevant.

Comment by mariner22
2010-12-22 08:35:31

Polly -

Most people care about the price of things they need. Chicken, beef, eggs, milk, sugar, gasoline, etc is more expensive. Salaries are not going up/unemployment is high. People who ate beef now eat chicken. People who ate chicken now eat more cereal and ramen (I haven’t noticed an increase in the price of Top Ramen which can be purchased at Safeway on sale at 10 cents a pack).

And then there is health care - the government wants to regulate increases above 10% a year, as if price increases less than 10% are not inflationary.

I say going from Beef to ramen is inflation, the government says this is an example of deflation.

I know the deflationists look at asset price destruction to prove their case. The fact that houses sell for $500 in Detroit is not important to someone living in their car with less and less ability to buy gasoline due to rising prices.

Comment by polly
2010-12-22 09:09:12

Again, the fact that it is not important to you doesn’t mean that there isn’t a deflationary pressure. I agree with your assessment of what people care about. My dad was saying that just last night when he pointed out that the despite the 0% COLA for Medicare, the basket of goods that senior actually buy - energy, prescription drugs and food - is going up. And microeconomic pressures of supply and demand still have a significant impact on prices of the goods you are buying. But there is deflationary pressure long term. When retirees in Illinois, Califonia, Rhode Island, etc. get their pensions cut (however long that takes) there will be an impact on prices. Same thing with the businesses that won’t have work because of street repairs that won’t happen. That doesn’t mean that prices will go down. But if they go up, they will go up less than they otherwise would have. Not very comforting. Not very helpful. But still true.

Comment by ecofeco
2010-12-22 16:39:16

Over the long term, we’re all dead.

Over the long term, I’ve seen nothing but prices going up for 40 years while wages have not kept up.

I, like most people, cannot give credit to a theory that is not consistent with daily reality.

Especially after having lived through stagflation in 1970s, which negated any wishful thinking that prices can’t go up if people don’t have money.

Comment by Professor Bear
2010-12-22 08:27:04

“So what if McMansion prices are deflating daily.”

So here is a simple strategy: Buy inflation hedges today, and (if you want one) a McMansion in 2015.

Meanwhile, don’t worry, be happy, don’t worry, be happy,…

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Comment by edgewaterjohn
2010-12-22 09:21:48

Inflation, deflation bah humbug.

What we do know is that J6P’s purchasing power is being decimated. What the REIC, retail, etc. can’t fathom is that every dollar going to food and fuel is one less dollar for them.

The perfect trap has sprung on the consumer-based economy. And at this point it looks as if everything they are doing to “fix” it is only making it worse.

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Comment by sleepless_near_seattle
2010-12-22 12:21:49

“…every dollar going to food and fuel is one less dollar for them.”

Some are making the case that folks should buy housing now due to inflation concerns, as a hedge. I’m making your argument, that if it comes to that, end-users won’t be making that purchase. Investors might, but lending restrictions being what they are…

Comment by measton
2010-12-22 10:45:43

There are places where prices are falling

flat screen TV’s, computers
Cash for Clunkers hid deflation in cars
Labor - I suspect you can hire contractors for a lot less than in 2006. Plenty of out of work hungry carpenters.
Motel rates
I’m guessing construction equipment and tools
electric cars - kit built

The bottom line is housing is a major expense and it will fall. If food and fuel and interest rates rise. If health care costs rise. You can bet housing is heading for another drop.

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Comment by Arizona Slim
2010-12-22 10:54:57

If health care costs rise.

I’m of the mind that health care costs are going to get a major smackdown. Why? Because there’s a lot of waste in the system that’s easy to spot. And squash like a bug.

Comment by Rancher
2010-12-22 11:13:55

I’m guessing construction equipment and tools

I frequent the pawn shops and like to dicker
if a nice rifle or some good tools show up.

All the “good” construction tools were pawned
well over a year ago and snapped up at good
prices. All you see now is junk. Now I’m seeing the better rifles coming in, people
are getting rid of their prized toys.

Comment by ecofeco
2010-12-22 16:43:11

IF health care costs rise?

What do you mean “if?”

That’s like saying” if the sun doesn’t rise. :lol:

Again, it appears many of you didn’t live through the stagflation of the 1970s and seem to think it isn’t happening right now despite the evidence right in front of you.

Comment by In Colorado
2010-12-22 11:49:04

“Combotechie - can you give me an example of items that are needed by the average American that have gone down in price? As I posted last week in response to your deflation arguments -”

I was at Sams Club yesterday - Holy Crap! Everything is going up.

Also stopped by the liquor store to pick up some holiday cheer - same story - prices are up, up and away! I even shopped around - same story - if it cost $12 last year, it costs $16 this year.

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Comment by Carl Morris
2010-12-22 13:43:08

It has been years since I bought motor oil, mostly because it’s been a long time since I had a motor that burned a lot of oil and because I got tired of climbing under cars any time it wasn’t absolutely necessary so I paid other people to do oil changes. Stopped in at Checker the other day for an extra quart for the trunk/storage area of the wife’s Mercedes. Synthetic was $8.50 a quart!?!?!?! When did that happen? Last I looked it was between 4 and 5.

Comment by ecofeco
2010-12-22 16:45:51

Motor oil has quadrupled over the last 10 years.

Anyone care to figure the percent of inflation that would be?

Yeah. That’s reality.

Comment by mariner22
2010-12-22 07:55:40

Combotechie -

Under the Cash is king strategy, in Dec 2008 you had $1000. In Dec 2009 you may have $1010. In Dec 2010 you may have $1021.

$1000 in an S&P 500 index fund goes to $1147 in Dec 2009 and $1280 today

$1000 in GLD goes to $1289 in Dec 2009 and $1632 today.

I’m sure if we put together a list of “necessary” consumer goods you would find most of them did go up in price so your $1021 wouldn’t buy as much today as $1000 did in 2008. What is interesting is the .dxy (dollar index) was not all that much different in late 2008 as it is today. With QE3, 4, 5…. and 1.5 trillion budget deficits as far as they eye can see I don’t think betting the .dxy will be stable is a good idea going forward.

Comment by combotechie
2010-12-22 08:04:02

“… and 1.5 trillion budget deficits as far as the eye can see…”

There it is! Proof for anyone that cares to look: THERE IS NOT ENOUGH MONEY TO SUPPORT SPENDING.

Something has to give. This “something” - in part - is going to be unfufilled financial promises. Those who depend on being paid on these unfunded promises are going to find out that they are screwed.

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Comment by Professor Bear
2010-12-22 08:47:01

But isn’t the quintessence of QE to ensure there is enough cash on hand to fulfill as many promises as possible?

Comment by michael
2010-12-22 08:55:43

i think combo’s point is that the Fed is not really “printing” money. they are creating it with debt…debt that will never be paid back…and when that debt gets written down…Poof!


Comment by Professor Bear
2010-12-22 09:08:02

“…and when that debt gets written down…Poof!”

Why would there ever be a need to write down debt if there was enough money on hand to repay it (at least in nominal terms)?

Comment by mariner22
2010-12-22 09:42:58

Why must we default on our debt?

The US dollar is the world’s reserve currency, well, with the possible exception of gold. So what if we pay off our 13 trillion dollar debt with dollars worth a fraction of current value - who is going to stop us?

Ben Bernanke will stop at nothing to fight deflation. He will buy every Treasury, Mortgage Bond, and eventually Muni bond to make sure that does not happen. Furthermore, in his latest pronouncement he has said he will QE to insure the stock market does not crash.

Assuming there is any rationality left in the stock market (which is fair to question), stock prices should be based on corporate profits which might have a bit of a problem going forward - higher commodity prices, broke consumers.

Will precious metals become the world’s reserve currency. I believe they will, but only time will tell…

Comment by In Colorado
2010-12-22 11:56:03

“i think combo’s point is that the Fed is not really “printing” money. they are creating it with debt”

Isn’t that how ALL central banks create money? “Print it”. then “loan it” to the gov’t.

Comment by Professor Bear
2010-12-22 08:25:29

Gotta say I suffered a bit of sticker shock at the pump last night, noting that my customary $30 charge to fill my gas tank had increased to $37 over the past month or so. (I fondly recall ten or so years back, when $12 would have got ‘er filled; and I drove a larger car back then.)

Luckily, the volatile food-and-energy sectors are not part of consumer price inflation the Fed worries about, or I would be worried.

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Comment by In Colorado
2010-12-22 12:01:22

I once had a full size Ford Bronco. It cost about $30 to fill it up back in the day, which seemed like a lot back then. It would cost close to $90 to fill up today.

Comment by Blue Skye
2010-12-22 08:26:31

“$1000 in an S&P 500 index fund goes to $1147 in Dec 2009 and $1280 today”

So true. Yet navigating by the water behind is dangerous. Mocking the guy that suggests there is a waterfall ahead will not soften the fall.

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Comment by Professor Bear
2010-12-22 08:48:51

As regards waterfalls, couldn’t the QE process help make sure that enough deep-pocketed investors have enough cash to keep Mr Market afloat through thick and thin?

It’s God’s work, ya know…

Comment by Blue Skye
2010-12-22 09:33:34

Having grown up by the Niagra River, I do wonder at times if pissing a big firehose upstream really will alter the course of events in the overall. Good distraction though.

Comment by oxide
2010-12-22 08:57:00

After thinking about it a while, I think that the rising prices on necessities like salmon :-D are NOT due to inflation — not by the technical definition of too many dollars chasing too few goods. I think the prices are represent a decrease in our standard of living.

For example, in the US we spend something like 15% of our pre-tax income on food. Compared to some parts of the world, 15% is ridiculously low. If American consumers stop buying expensive cars and refrain from spending $90 on jeans at the mall, they now have the money to (and have to) spend on food. The grocer sees this, and raises prices to what the market will bear. So now the consumer has to spend, say, 22% of his income on food.

This isn’t really price inflation. The middle class paycheck is stagnant, and food is simply taking a bigger percentage of it. The consumer has less paycheck to spend on luxury goods, which indicates a decrease in the standard of living. Meanwhile, demand for luxury goods decreases, and luxury prices respond by dropping to what the market will bear.

The result is pseudo-inflation on necessities and pseudo-deflation on luxuries…. which, btw, was predicted on HBB years ago.

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Comment by Professor Bear
2010-12-22 09:06:35

“I think the prices are represent a decrease in our standard of living.”

That’s a normal and predictable consequence of currency devaluation.

Comment by Housing Wizard
2010-12-22 09:18:41

It’s just like how the Medical Monopoly started taking a greater share of the monthly nut because they could .

Comment by Arizona Slim
2010-12-22 09:20:50

It’s just like how the Medical Monopoly started taking a greater share of the monthly nut because they could .

And didn’t In Colorado just report a visit to the doctor’s office in which the waiting room census was way down? Sounds like “because they could” is properly written in the past tense.

Comment by CoSpgs4
2010-12-22 09:30:46

Agreed, oxide.

And you can see the results by looking at which retail companies are seeing greater profits as of late.

Those retailers peddling higher-end, luxury goods are seeing much greater profits these days than the Wal-Marts of the world. Could it be that deflation now is helping the high-enders? Could it be that inflation is hurting those selling what are seen as necessities?

Yeah, it could be.

Of course, this cycle won’t last forever, either.

Comment by Blue Skye
2010-12-22 09:39:11

Taking your thought another step Oxide; food is an embodiment of energy, as are houses. As we bid up houses, and built too many of them, we also bid up energy. The house building has turned down all over, yet the energy continues to climb, and with it food slingshots up as well.

Comment by In Colorado
2010-12-22 12:03:23

“That’s a normal and predictable consequence of currency devaluation.”

I experienced that first hand in Mexico. It was sobering to see formerly middle class folks suddenly adjust their lifestyles to being poor.

Comment by In Colorado
2010-12-22 12:09:10

“And didn’t In Colorado just report a visit to the doctor’s office in which the waiting room census was way down? Sounds like “because they could” is properly written in the past tense.”

Like I’ve said, just 5 years ago if I called to make an appt I might have had to wait a week or more to get in, now I can often get in the same day. I guess that’s what happens when it goes from a $10-$20 copay to a $1500 deductible. Plus I’m sure that the number of uninsured has gone up as well (we have a lot of very small employers in our burg, and I’ve heard through the grapvine that few are providing insurance as a subsidized bennie.

Comment by Arizona Slim
2010-12-22 12:14:07

I guess that’s what happens when it goes from a $10-$20 copay to a $1500 deductible.

And, if I were in the doctoring or dentisting business, I’d start cutting my costs like crazy. I’ve seen way too much overstaffing in these offices. And don’t tell me that they’re all nonstop busy, because I just don’t see that.

And the waiting rooms? Well, they don’t *have* to look like something out of Architectural Digest. Really, they don’t.

I can recall going to one doctor’s office in my childhood, and that place looked like a bus station. His rates were really reasonable too.

That’s just two examples of where costs can be cut. I’m sure that others can name additional examples.

Comment by oxide
2010-12-22 12:15:19

I think oil is entering another bubble. That’s what happens when wealth concentrates in the hands of a few wealthy. Their needs — basic and luxury — were met millions of dollars ago; now they’re looking for someplace to put their extra monies, including those tax cuts that they supposedly “spend” and “trickle down.” Meanwhile, millions go without their basic needs being met.

It’s ironic that the tax cut money, paid for by future taxpayers, is being used to bid up the price of oil and commodities, raising prices for…future taxpayers.

Comment by cactus
2010-12-22 10:19:27

I think the fear of Inflation comes from a central Banking cure to deflation the central bank will try and replace all losses.
It will have to replace all losses and then more to cause Inflation but whatever. It may cause distortions though look at gold prices .

Peter Schiff thinks the Central bank will at least try very hard.

So an Inflationist thinks the cure for this housing bubble bust is a cheaper dollar and all who work for dollars will pay.

So they buy Gold

Myself I still think Deflation as the result of too much debt because I don’t think its as simple as printing money by the Central Bank. look at Japan.

BTW there is Inflation in most 3rd world countries right now. The Central Bank is causing inflation its just not were they want it.

Some say Japan caused the US inflation of the 1990’s and first half of the 2000’s trying to reinflate their own collasped bubble.
Yen carry trade.

Comment by measton
2010-12-22 11:55:50

The problem comes in that
When the formerly middle class starts spending most of their pay check on food and fuel there will be less for manufactured goods and services. This will greatly increase unemployment. This will happen across the globe. The wealth is being concentrated in a very small number of hands. The foundation is going to collapse.

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Comment by cactus
2010-12-22 14:04:23

When the formerly middle class starts spending most of their pay check on food and fuel there will be less for manufactured goods and services.”

So if a poorer America can’t pay for it non-essential manufactured goods and services will go away.

Be like Mexico work all day for peso’s which can’t buy much.

This could be the price we all pay for a bubble collaspe and a government that spends too much ?

important people will get made whole though with big pay raises.

Comment by In Montana
2010-12-22 09:21:18

Gah…does Big Media have the worst, slowest and most cluttered web sites or what..

Comment by Arizona Slim
2010-12-22 09:42:46

Tell me about it!

I’ve been in the website-makin’ field for, oh, 15 years. (Geez, it’s really been that long? I’m getting old!)

And, during that entire time, media sites have been held up as examples of what not to do when designing a site.

Comment by In Montana
2010-12-22 11:30:41

How about the big headlines and pull-quotes at, this is not a magazine, you fools, it’s the magazine’s web site.

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Comment by SaladSD
2010-12-22 15:58:37

The ads are getting really sticky, too. Used to be you could easily spot the Close X and be done with them. Now they ignore you, if you try to ignore them.

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Comment by ecofeco
2010-12-22 16:52:12

“Gah…does Big Media have the worst, slowest and most cluttered web sites or what..”

Yes. And they wonder why people are going elsewhere. :roll:

Comment by Doug in Boone, NC
2010-12-22 09:53:16

My prediction: All those new “fiscal conservative” congresscritters will talk on and on about how they don’t want to add to the deficit and how they are against bailouts, but in the end they will just about all cave and vote to bail out the states.

Comment by GrizzlyBear
2010-12-22 11:48:50

Grandstanding in public, then sinning in private, is their forte.

Comment by measton
2010-12-22 11:59:31

Just like Obama and the dems will wax on about wanting to tax the elite who pay a lower effective tax rate than most in the upper middle and even some in the middle class. Then they will vote against said tax increases.

The game plan
Tax or steal from the few middle and upper middle class who still have money to feed the poor and keep them from rioting and to bail out the top 0.5%.

Comment by Zeus Matuze
2010-12-22 01:27:10

Can you, legally, hysterically scream “Allah Akbar” in a dark and crowded theater?

Comment by Jim A.
2010-12-22 06:14:21

Well there’s a special Hell, reserved for child mollestors …and people who talk in movie theaters.

Comment by polly
2010-12-22 06:44:28

Fortunately, the government is not responsible for deciding who goes to Hell and which parts they occupy.

Comment by CrackerJim
2010-12-22 07:14:41


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Comment by Professor Bear
2010-12-22 08:07:32

Is this where people who don’t turn off their cell phones in the concert hall are also headed?

Comment by sfbubblebuyer
2010-12-22 10:36:47

And one level above those who bring kids to inappropriate movies.

I had to watch Iron Man 2 with a sobbing infant and a three year old yelling “Mommy, I’m scared!” sitting behind me.

I have kids, and I get a sitter when I want to see a movie.

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Comment by Arizona Slim
2010-12-22 10:41:45

Or, more generally, people who bring kids to inappropriate places, period.

Like one of my former bosses. Who brought her toddler son to an office party. Not the proper venue for a whiny kid.

Or couples who insist on taking their kids to restaurants. Where they proceed to ruin everyone else’s meal.

Parents, it’s called discretion. Which means that you don’t take your kids places that they’re not mature enough to handle.

Comment by sfbubblebuyer
2010-12-22 11:00:15

There are parties that are acceptable to take kids to, and generally the invitation will mention it specifically. And there are plenty of ‘family’ restaurants to go to with your kids. I can’t imagine my annoyance if I had booked a table and Chez Pretentious and hired a sitter only to be sitting next to yelling kids.

Comment by oxide
2010-12-22 12:38:54

IMO, families should never buy a stroller. If the kid needs a stroller, then he’s at exactly the wrong age to be in public; that is, too young or too old. Kids don’t like strollers anyway. In the end, the parents use the stoller as a pushcart while Mommy carries the kid anyway.

Comment by Happy2bHeard
2010-12-22 12:43:50

I remember taking my kids to a diner when my youngest was in pre-school. By the time I finished helping him eat (and hadn’t had a more than a couple of bites myself), he was ready to get up and run around. It was expensive and I didn’t get to enjoy it. After that, we just did take out. If every family has to learn from a similar experience, there will be a small percentage of littleuns in every restaurant.

I am not big on movies. I saw Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with my then 5 yo (1989) and didn’t see another until my teenager insisted I see Episode 1 of Star Wars.

Comment by Carl Morris
2010-12-22 13:47:57

We got lucky with my son. For whatever reason he’s acted like a little adult pretty much since he was an infant (touch of Aspergers perhaps?). We could go all the places we always went before and everybody marveled at him and thought we were great parents. I knew better, but there was no arguing with them :-).

Comment by Arizona Slim
2010-12-22 14:21:14

IMO, families should never buy a stroller.

I don’t recall that my family ever did.

Speaking of strolling, one of my favorite childhood memories involves the paving of the street we lived on. This would have been in the late 1950s/early 1960s.

Any-hoo, since no one would be able to drive in or out, the families on this street had to park in a strip shopping center’s lot. Mom told me that we’d have to take a little walk in order to get in our venerable old 1950 Ford and get anywhere.

What she didn’t say was that it was almost a mile to the car.

So, we took our time and allowed for plenty of stops for me to admire this, that, or the other thing. Didn’t matter if it was a twig or a bug. We stopped. I checked it out. And commented on it.

These days, if I were a little kid, Mom would probably be accused of child abuse if she didn’t strap me into a stroller and power-walk us over to that parking lot.

Comment by sleepless_near_seattle
2010-12-22 15:06:41

“Which means that you don’t take your kids places that they’re not mature enough to handle.”

This brings to mind my former boss. Neighboring patrons at a fine dining establishment had a wandering child come near us.

As another colleague smiled at the kid, my boss called over the waiter and says, and I quote, “Is this a f@cking Denny’s? I don’t want somebody’s kid crawling under our table, got it?” (I’ll always remember that line)

Comment by lavi d
2010-12-22 15:16:06

As another colleague smiled at the kid, my boss called over the waiter and says, and I quote, “Is this a f@cking Denny’s? I don’t want somebody’s kid crawling under our table, got it?” (I’ll always remember that line)

Not only that, but this is true genius, and probably why the guy was a “boss” - smart move to put the waiter in the middle!

Comment by sleepless_near_seattle
2010-12-22 15:38:41

Well, he DID do his fair share of glaring at the shocked parents, too. And as an admirer of social train wrecks, I was a little disappointed at how well the waiter handled it. I was hoping for some fireworks.

While I thought his delivery was a little rash, it was an important meeting and I wholeheartedly agreed with what his point was, which is that many parents just assume that society will just love their darlings as much as they do and have the expectation that others adjust THEIR behavior.

Comment by SaladSD
2010-12-22 16:04:14

Strollers seem to have become mini-SUVs. Last trip to Disneyland was stroller hell, many parents pushing around 7 year olds who should have been walking. If they’re tired, it’s time to head home. That was my parent’s philosophy…

Comment by sfbubblebuyer
2010-12-22 17:04:48

Strollers do provide convenient snoozing locations for wee ones. We have a stroller that fits our car-seat. That way we can go to the zoo/etc and have the 3 month old napping while I chase the toddler around.

Comment by Lola
2010-12-22 18:13:20

My son was very colicky as a baby and the only time he would sleep was when he was being pushed around in a stroller. That stroller was a life saver for me … and for him! I’m sure it was instrumental in preserving my sanity! :D

Comment by Doug in Boone, NC
2010-12-22 11:05:52

And drivers who almost run you over while they are yakking on their cell phones, even though you are in the crosswalk and have the light.

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Comment by In Montana
2010-12-22 11:22:18

Oh, but I’m sure the call was very important!

Comment by aNYCdj
2010-12-22 18:41:14

Doug I have the opposite problem in NYC

stupid moron mothers walking and taking on their phones against a don’t walk sign…..what is so important that you put your kid in harms way to get killed?

Comment by yensoy
2010-12-22 08:51:10

Sure you can, as long as you are in Pakistan. Maybe Saudi too (if they have movie theaters, that is).

Reminds me of an old joke, an American and Soviet were each extolling the virtues of their countries and governments. The American says, “In America, it is possible for me to go to the White House and say out loud ‘Ronald Reagan is an idiot’”.

The Soviet guy, without blinking, says “In USSR too it is possible for me to go the Red Square and say out loud ‘Ronald Reagan is an idiot’”.

Comment by oxide
2010-12-22 09:00:01

If I go to an airport and say “TSA agents are idiots” and I’m detained, what kind of government is that?

Comment by lavi d
2010-12-22 13:47:12

what kind of government is that?

My checklist

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Comment by wmbz
2010-12-22 03:32:51

U.S. Population: 308,745,538

U.S. Debt: $13,868,461,000,000

Comment by wmbz
2010-12-22 04:30:59

Government liabilities rose $2 trillion in FY 2010: Treasury

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. government fell deeper into the red in fiscal 2010 with net liabilities swelling more than $2 trillion as commitments on government debt and federal benefits rose, a U.S. Treasury report showed on Tuesday.

The Financial Report of the United States, which applies corporate-style accrual accounting methods to Washington, showed the government’s liabilities exceeded assets by $13.473 trillion. That compared with a $11.456 trillion gap a year earlier.

Comment by Muggy
2010-12-22 04:37:49

We’re good for it.

Comment by sleepless_near_seattle
2010-12-22 05:08:34

“Do I look like Mrs. Obama?”

Comment by Hwy50ina49Dodge
2010-12-22 05:55:37

U.S. Population: 308,745,538

U.S. Debt: $13,868,461,000,000


U.S. Population 1941: 133,402,471

U.S. Debt (WWII costs only): $3,000,000,000,001+

It’s been ALL downhill in America since…remote control tv’s with mute / frozen waffles / Google data searches / streaming Netflix / used books on Amazon / eBay garage sales / Automobiles that go 100,000+ miles with only tires, oil & air cleaner changes / complete box sets of the Beverly Hillbillies-Andy Griffith-Looney Toons / wiffle ball / frizbees / 2010 Dodge Challenger…eyes got to make some coffee, someone keep the America-is-Doomed!-I’m-locking-my-entire-family-in-the-bunker list going ’till I return… :-)

Comment by sfbubblebuyer
2010-12-22 10:39:11

That’s only 45k per man/woman/child. Chump change!

Comment by In Colorado
2010-12-22 12:15:37

Indeed, pretty soon that’s what the average new car will cost.

As I was exiting Sam’s Club yesterday there was one of the “look at me” cars from a car dealer. It was a Toyota RAV-4. Sticker price was $33K. This is for their “entry level” SUV.

Comment by Carl Morris
2010-12-22 13:50:29

Indeed, pretty soon that’s what the average new car will cost.

Anything that can’t go on forever won’t. Either cars will get cheaper or the working class will stop buying new cars. I think it has to mean cheaper cars eventually because the upper classes won’t buy enough cars to keep the lower classes in cheap used ones once the bubble generation or cars is gone.

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Comment by Overtaxed
2010-12-22 14:26:47

Couldn’t agree more.

Most financial pros say that you shouldn’t spend more than 1/3rd of your yearly income on a car. So a 33K RAV4 requires a salary of ~100K to purchase. About 10% of the population. Not a very big slice!

Now look at median household income; ~40-50K/yr (which is 2 incomes in many cases, but we’ll let that slide). That means the median car price should be ~15K (to be affordable to the median income earner)?

Yeah, huge credit bubble in cars too. People like their cars more than houses though; and it’s not nearly as easy to get into “disaster” situations with cars. Even an expensive car at the worst point in the financing, you’re probably no more than 20% underwater. And that equates to 1000s or 10s of thousands of dollars (for a really expensive car). Not 100s of thousands like many a J6P is under their house!

Comment by Carl Morris
2010-12-22 14:41:06

So a 33K RAV4 requires a salary of ~100K to purchase. About 10% of the population.

Interesting that you’d mention the RAV4. Originally I was sitting out the bubble in a rented townhome but when the owner decided to sell and it appeared this was going to take a while we decided to get even cheaper and just pay cash for a double-wide within walking distance of work. One thing I’ve noticed is that in our Boulder trailer park the RAV4 is probably the most popular vehicle. Perhaps most were purchased used? I’m pretty confident that the median income (even in Boulder) is under 100k. Everybody here seems to see them (and the CRV) as a cheap, disposable AWD/SUV but they’re not that cheap IMO.

Comment by ecofeco
2010-12-22 16:59:42


I’ve lived through it. Prices DO NOT HAVE to go down just because most people don’t have money.

Apparently, some of you are going to have to see it to believe it.

Comment by In Colorado
2010-12-22 17:49:20

“Either cars will get cheaper or the working class will stop buying new cars.”

My money is on the latter. Or I should say “NICE new cars”. The middle class is going to learn to love 4 cylinder Korean (and later Chinese) hatchbacks.

“I’ve lived through it. Prices DO NOT HAVE to go down just because most people don’t have money.”

Heck, new car prices have skyrocketed as demand collapsed. Just go to any new car dealer and anything that is decent costs close to 30K. I’m talking Fords and Chevys here, not fancy imports. Even compacts are running around 20K these days. We bought a MINI Cooper 2 years ago. New ones are already 3 K more expensive.

Comment by Carl Morris
2010-12-22 19:00:14

The middle class is going to learn to love 4 cylinder Korean (and later Chinese) hatchbacks.

Base models I guess. I was checking out the new Hyundai/Kia turbo 4 models for next year and they won’t be cheap. Maybe Tata will come here…

Comment by lavi d
2010-12-22 13:49:23

U.S. Population: 308,745,538

U.S. Debt: $13,868,461,000,000

Crap. Maybe I better work later.

Comment by Overtaxed
2010-12-22 15:10:30

~45K for every man/woman/child in the US? Hmm.. Tis but a flesh wound!

We could do it (pay it down), but it would require higher taxes on many, and decreased spending by all government agencies. In other words, it’s not something that we have the political will to do.

Amazing that, even with those kinds of numbers, the bank bailout is not swallowed up in there. 800 billion, believe it or not, is still a LOT of money.

Comment by wmbz
2010-12-22 04:32:21

~ Crude Oil 90.33 +0.51

Comment by aNYCdj
2010-12-22 07:11:53

Dang….Its getting expensive to drive 100 mi roundtrip and pay the got-dam tollls which are going up 18% jan 1st…just to visit my mom

Comment by oxide
2010-12-22 09:38:03

They would never get away with this is you had to pull an extra 18 cents out of your pocket. But with SmarTag and EasyPass, it’s the same single zap. You don’t feel the increase until you get the bill a month later; even less if they take it direct from your checking account. This is one reason coporations are eager to do things all electronic. They are psychologically separating the nickel-and diming from the nickels and dimes.

Comment by aNYCdj
2010-12-22 12:48:40

so true….ox

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Comment by Blue Skye
2010-12-22 14:38:08

Paying cash is the best diet I’ve ever been on.

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Comment by edgewaterjohn
2010-12-22 09:24:58

And where does that money spent of higher gasoline prices go?

It sure isn’t going to reflate house prices or bring back 2005. With friends like Bernanke, who needs enemies?

Comment by measton
2010-12-22 12:07:47

Yep fewer trips to the restaurant - poof go the jobs
more do it yourself - poof go the jobs
One pare of jeans and one pare of shoes - poof go the jobs
No vacations - poof go the jobs
stop the cable- poof go the jobs

Comment by Ol'Bubba
2010-12-22 05:22:52

Ol’ Bubba closed his mortgage refinance yesterday.

On a day when the yield on the 10 year treasury was at 3.36%, I closed on a 3.5% 15 year fixed rate mortgage.

14 basis points over treasury… I can live with that.


Comment by oxide
2010-12-22 06:40:06

I’m likin’ that 15-year. :grin: I hope to do that myself. Well actually, I’ll probably get a 30 and pay it like a 15. I am dead set on retiring with a paid off house, even if I need to go on the Oil City plan and buy cash in podunk when I’m 60.

Comment by Muggy
2010-12-22 07:39:48

“the Oil City plan”

We may all need a backup for that plan now that natty gas companies have fracked the chit out of that region. Dan, you still around here? Dan (poster here) and I discussed Marcellus shale and leasing the land to frackers. A few years have passed, and that doesn’t seem like such a good idea now.

But, when you have all of that gorgeous, abundant, fresh water it only makes sense to endanger it for some short-term financial gains.

Comment by Professor Bear
2010-12-22 08:50:30

“Well actually, I’ll probably get a 30 and pay it like a 15.”

If you can afford to pay like a 15, wouldn’t you do better getting one, due to a lower interest rate?

Comment by oxide
2010-12-22 09:04:39

Yes, I would, but then I would be locked into a higher monthly payment. I like the security of knowing that if ran into financial trouble, I could make the lower 30-year payment for a few months if I had to. That security might be worth the slightly higher interest rate.

But I would seriously run the numbers before making that decision.

As for the Oil City plan, I don’t mean the actual Oil City. It could be any small town with cheap housing and a Wal-mart nearby. There are thousands of such towns in the US.

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Comment by In Montana
2010-12-22 09:24:21

Make sure you’re near a hospital. I had to use one Monday. I came down with a horrible bug Sunday night and they had to put 5 liters in me to replace the lost fluids.

Comment by Rancher
2010-12-22 09:38:50

You need a minimum of 25k population for
decent medical.

Comment by Muggy
2010-12-22 11:11:38

“I don’t mean the actual Oil City.”

Got it, but many rural areas have been environmentally brutalized one way or another.

Comment by Ol'Bubba
2010-12-22 10:48:10

^If you can afford to pay like a 15, wouldn’t you do better getting one, due to a lower interest rate?^

I ran many iterations of the numbers comparing a 15 year term and a 20 or 30 year time for the refinance.

On the day I locked the rate I saw the 3.5% rate and figured I couldn’t go wrong with that. At the time the 15 was 3.5%, the 20 year was 4% and the 30 was a little higher than the 20.

In the final analysis I wanted to pay off the loan as quickly as possible so I went with the 15 year term.

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Comment by oxide
2010-12-22 12:50:20

And depending on numbers like my income, emergency fund and nest egg, it may be better for me to lock that low 15 year rate and depend on the credit card for emergencies, even at a high rate.

Also, if I score a low price, the mortgage payment would be low enough that I could pay either the 15 or the 30 with ease. Then it would make sense to lock the 15. It will be a gametime decision.

Comment by Blue Skye
2010-12-22 14:40:37

Juggle all you like. Debt is slavery. Mileage may vary.

Comment by Jim A.
2010-12-22 07:25:44

I went 15yr in 2003. Heck, I thought that 4.875% would never bee seen again. Of course by now I owe so little, for so short a time that refinancing doesn’t make sense. But if I sent an extra 15k to Wells Fargo, it WOULD cut about 2 years off my mortgage.

Comment by HottyToddy
2010-12-22 08:20:04

Like you Bubba, I also recently refinanced. My rate for my 15 yr is higher at 4%, but I paid no points and no out of pocket costs at all to do it (I understand they just build into the rates).

I had just over 10 years left on my old 15 year. I’m going to pay the old payments and will save about $6,000 in interest over the next 8 years if I don’t make any additional lump sum paydowns. So, for no cash out of pocket - I save $6,000 over 8 years. Works for me.

The other advantage in my mind is that the required payment is over $600 per month less. If I did lose my job, I could pay the lower contractual amount until I found other work and it would help cash flow during that time. Hope that never becomes a concern, but who knows?

Comment by Max Power
2010-12-22 11:20:32

Hard to choose between the 15 year and 30 year. I’ve always done the 30 because I think the payment flexibility is worth the cost, but if I would have had 3.5% dangled in front of me I might have gone with 15.

But in my mind, the most important factor is your interest rate expectations for the future. If you see significantly higher rates coming, might as well lock in the 30, pile up more cash, and have more options available to take advantage of higher rates.

Comment by alpha-sloth
2010-12-22 06:18:25

Great Recession stories of moving back home.

“They moved in with Mitchell’s grandmother-in-law, an Armenian émigré who had lived under Soviet rule and who ruled her house Soviet-style, too. “She owned a dishwasher, but used it to store her tinfoil and wax paper; owned an oven, but kept her pots and pans in it, preferring to use the stove top alone for cooking; and owned a dryer, but used a clothesline religiously. Consequently, hubby and I were not allowed to use these items, either.”

Comment by Arizona Slim
2010-12-22 08:55:48

Grandma-in-law sounds like my kinda gal.

She’s a stove top alone cooker — so am I. Oven cooking uses too much time and energy, thereby running up my slender gas bill.

As for the dryer, I can top ya, granny. I got rid of the old washer/dryer shortly after I moved in here. Just have a front loader washer and God’s dryer (the sun) now.

And the only dishwasher here is me.

Comment by alpha-sloth
2010-12-22 11:02:13

Up here in four-season land, I tend to use the oven more in the winter, when its heat is a bonus, and the outdoor grill or stovetop in the warmer months.

Comment by Happy2bHeard
2010-12-22 12:57:26

God’s dryer works better in a dry climate than a wet one. :)

Comment by Happy2bHeard
2010-12-22 12:59:58

I have fond memories of hanging the wash out to dry with my mother when we would visit my grandmother. It wasn’t my favorite thing to do then, but it did stick with me.

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Comment by Arizona Slim
2010-12-22 14:24:01

When I was growing up, my mother and the next-door neighbor were big on hanging clothes out to dry. Which involved a great deal of visiting with each other as the clothes were put on the line.

When I go back to that nabe nowadays, there are no clotheslines. People are too, ahem, upscale around there. Which never ceases to amuse my folks, who think that a lot of their current neighbors have more money than sense.

Comment by Carl Morris
2010-12-22 15:00:30

IIRC any place with covenants or HOAs probably doesn’t allow them.

Comment by redmondjp
2010-12-22 16:05:08

My grandmother and mother also used the outdoor clotheslines, and my mom got over 40 years out of her original GE dryer due to its light use.

Only problem with outdoor clothes drying was the occasional bird droppings, as the birds didn’t seem to mind perching right on top of the white sheets!

Comment by Hwy50ina49Dodge
2010-12-22 06:51:20

Hwy50 (loud whistle): “Yo, China dudes with all that cash falling out of yer pockets, …here boys have a drink (hands ‘em all a Kamikaze with a handmade-in-Vietnam umbrella) on ol’ Hwy, …so, how’s that military build-up coming along anywho?” ;-)

“…boosted by a news report that China was ready to buy significant amounts of Portuguese sovereign debt.”

By Anirban Nag /LONDON | Wed Dec 22, 2010 / (Reuters)

Comment by WT Economist
2010-12-22 07:30:02

Now that we are broke and the world is working to their advantage, the world is apparently their problem.

Comment by Hwy50ina49Dodge
2010-12-22 07:55:38

and the world is working to their advantage

Ha, “TrueBambooLie™” ;-)

As China Rises, So Does Vietnam:
WAYNE ARNOLD, On Wednesday December 22, 2010 / NYT

“…Vietnam seemed destined to become a pantry for a rapidly developing China.

Then China stumbled. Rampant technological piracy, nationalist demonstrations and shortages of skilled labor prompted many foreign companies, particularly Japanese, to move some production back to Southeast Asia. Worse, wages in China were rising fast. “In the late 1990s and early 2000s, you could hire as much labor as you wanted in China. People now talk about rising labor costs,” said Mr. Anderson.

Waiting with its own well-educated, disciplined but much cheaper work force was Vietnam. The minimum wage in Vietnam’s two largest cities is still about $75 a month, as little as half what it costs to hire a worker in China’s factory province of Guangdong…”

Comment by Arizona Slim
2010-12-22 08:38:17

This past Saturday, I spent some time with a Vietnamese-born lady who’s been living in the USA for many years. To hear her talk about Vietnam, you’d think that the place should be called Stupidville.

Essentially, the communist takeover served as a giant “GTH out of this country!” for anyone with brains or ability. And leave they did. A lot of them are in this country now, and boy, are they proud to be here. And to be Americans.

Any-hoo, my acquaintance has no plans to go back to Vietnam. Not even for a visit.

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Comment by yensoy
2010-12-22 09:22:22

True, true but
1. self-selection: those who left will certainly present their side of the story which will portray the situation in the country in a poor light.
2. change: ideologies change even if regimes don’t. The China of the cultural revolution is diametrically opposite to the China of today. Vietnam has also come a long way from the 60s/70s

One acquaintance who has worked both in Vietnam and China felt that the Vietnamese were even more enterprising and driven than the Chinese. Part of their “can do” attitude came from the feeling that since they took on the Americans and drove them out, they can take on anything.

Not to say that Vietnam is suddenly the land of milk and honey, but the truth is probably somewhere in between Hell and Utopia.

Comment by X-GSfixr
2010-12-22 12:37:05

Which is what is so sad about the Korean and Vietnam Wars

During WWII, we were helping Ho Chi Minh and Mao….of course, by fighting the Japanese, they were helping us out.

After the war, all kinds of State Department and DOD observers on scene could see that backing the corrupt/stupid Nationalist Chinese government, and French re-Colonization was a losing proposition. But we ended up backing the wrong/losing side anyway, because we were worried about falling dominos. No thought was ever given to the possibility that Ho and Mao might have enough issues to keep them busy running their own countries after they gained power.

So, instead of just sitting back to see what developed, we end up sticking our noses into other people’s business.

If nothing else, it has the effect of pi$$ing off half your potential customers.

Comment by edgewaterjohn
2010-12-22 13:40:29

Yeah, and the “reds” fought the Japanese with more zeal than the nationalists. There are documented reports from U.S. officers that verify this.

Ho Chi Minh’s story is interesting in that it stretches back to Versailles! It seems all that “fighting for democracy” jingoism of WW I gave many colonial peoples the idea that they too were to be liberated. They were quite disillusioned when told that they weren’t included - only their masters were.

Comment by DennisN
2010-12-22 16:35:23

After WWII Ho Chi Minh approached the US to use our leverage to tell the French to FO. After all, the French owed us big time. But we didn’t do that - one of the biggest blunders in US foreign policy of all time. Instead we blindly backed the French and even got them a permanent membership on the UN security council.

Since we wouldn’t help, Ho then turned to the Russians.

Comment by palmetto
2010-12-22 06:52:28

Mutant spawn of the Great Recession. Excellent read.

Comment by ecofeco
2010-12-22 17:30:50

Pretty much dead on. I’m surprised at the quality of writing of some of the comments. Those aren’t some lefty wackos, but some once solid J6Ps.

Comment by jane
2010-12-23 00:11:05

ay-up. Noticed some really great comments there!

Comment by wmbz
2010-12-22 07:56:04

Santa Clara County Housing Authority approves layoff package for some of 90 workers being let go ~

The Santa Clara County Housing Authority board on Monday approved a package of benefits for the last 30 of 90 employees it has recently notified will be laid off.

The cuts are the result of the agency’s decision this fall to exit the business of managing low-income rental properties. Those let go include 60 housing authority workers — mostly maintenance and utility workers and gardeners — and 30 managers who oversaw the authority’s properties.

Housing Authority Executive Director Alex Sanchez said all of the laid off workers will receive one week of pay for every year of service, not to exceed 16 weeks; full COBRA health insurance for six months, and up to $1,500 per person for retraining classes. Sanchez said the layoffs will save the agency $1.2 million annually.

The authority has put out a request for proposals from property management companies to manage and operate its 1,490 units. Proposals are due Jan. 10.

The last day of work for all 90 employees is Jan. 31, said Sanchez.

Comment by rms
2010-12-22 12:56:30

“The last day of work for all 90 employees is Jan. 31, said Sanchez.”

The Lawrence Summers’ economic recovery is breathtaking.

Comment by cactus
2010-12-22 13:46:36

The authority has put out a request for proposals from property management companies to manage and operate its 1,490 units. Proposals are due Jan. 10.”

And new workers will be making much less money and benifits

kind of a outsourcing work with insourced ( imported ) workers

Comment by ecofeco
2010-12-22 17:33:35

Firing your employees and then rehiring them back through a staffing agency has been the norm for 20 years.

Comment by ecofeco
2010-12-22 17:36:27

That should have read “…back through a TEMP staffing agency…”

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Comment by wmbz
2010-12-22 08:04:16

Unemployed get another jobless benefit _ free yoga

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — The women snuggle into nests of pillows and blankets.

A light breeze, like a mother blowing on a baby’s boo-boo, falls from ceiling fans and tickles their backs. The room is dark, silent, until they crawl out of child’s pose and chant, “Omm.”

This is free yoga for the unemployed: a different kind of jobless benefit where former managers, laid-off limo drivers and others can turn to the grown-up version of nap time to ease the stress of being out of work.

With national unemployment just below 10 percent, $20 yoga classes don’t qualify as necessities for many out-of-work people who’ve pruned luxuries from their budgets. So in a gesture that’s part send-good-vibes-to-the-universe and part community outreach, a handful of yoga studios have decided to cut the unemployed a break.

“We didn’t want them to have to choose, ‘Should I eat today or go take this class?’ We wanted to give them the ability to do both,” said Zack Lynn, a computer techie by day who teaches a free yoga class for people out of work in Columbus.

The Integral Yoga Institute in New York started offering free weekly classes last year when some students lost their jobs and couldn’t afford to pay $17 per course. Now, a dozen or two jobseekers drop in for free sun salutations and other stretches every week.

“It helps to quiet the mind and helps people realize that this is a temporary situation,” said Jo Sgammato, the studio’s general manager.

Comment by Arizona Slim
2010-12-22 08:59:34

Back when I was long-term unemployed, my roommates refused to let me back into the apartment until I told them what I’d done to find work that day.

And their tough love worked. I found a job shortly after I moved into that apartment.

Yes, it was part-time, minimum wage, and sure didn’t require my college degree. But it was a J-O-B.

Six months later, I found a better one. And 2.5 years after I took the better job, I found one that was an order of magnitude better.

So, count me as one who needed tough love, not yoga, to get my arse in gear. And this was in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in the early 1980s. Where unemployment was up near 20%.

Comment by ecofeco
2010-12-22 17:39:54

The job situation is a little different these days.

If you can even find a part time job (Wal Mart wasn’t even hiring in my area this year) it doesn’t pay enough to buy the gas to get there. (okay, I’ll admit that’s an exaggeration… but not by much)

Comment by Hwy50ina49Dodge
2010-12-22 08:05:41

China Stock Fraud: SEC Probes “Reverse Merger” Network:
Dec 22, 2010 \ by Aaron Task in Investing, China / Yahoo

“The SEC is focusing on stock promoters, investment bankers, auditors and law firms that have been active in recruiting Chinese companies to U.S. stock exchanges and raising capital for those companies by selling new shares,” reports Scott Eden, staff reporter at

In a reverse merger, a publicly traded U.S.-based “shell” company is acquired by a smaller Chinese-based firm, which then enjoy the benefits of being listed on a U.S. exchange.

“In so doing, some regulatory scrutiny that would be more rigorous…is circumvented,” Eden says in the accompanying video…

“One of the key points is that the accounting standards in China vs. the accounting standards here and general lack of transparency when it comes to what these companies are actually earning.”

Ho ho, hah hah, hehehehehehe, BwaHaHaAhHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! (Cantankerous Intellectual Bomb-thrower™) ;-)

Comment by ecofeco
2010-12-22 17:42:02

And what are they going to do about it? Complain to the PLA?

Comment by Professor Bear
2010-12-22 08:13:00

Single-family home construction permits are currently running at 110 a month (1,320 a year) in San Diego County; by contrast, the population is 3 million or so. I wouldn’t argue with anyone who claimed a bottom in San Diego home construction was reached in 2009, which was the worst year on record going back to 1954.

Housing permits top 3,000 mark through November

Overall construction ahead 9.6 percent of 2009 levels
By Roger Showley, UNION-TRIBUNE
Tuesday, December 21, 2010 at 1:28 p.m.

Housing permits issued last month in San Diego County pushed the 2010 total above the 3,000 mark for the year, meaning that 2009’s record lows won’t be breached. However, 2010 is headed toward setting the second worst year on record.

November 2010 building permit report
San Diego County building permits, Nov. 2010
Residential Nov. 2009 Oct. 2010 Nov. 2010 Change, 2009-10
Single-family 97 109 110 13.4%
Multifamily 10 25 62 520.0%
Total 149 134 172 15.4%
Nonresidential valuation (in millions)
Commercial $6.3 $0.0 $1.1 -82.5%
Industrial $3.1 $0.0 $0.0 -
Other $34.1 $64.2 $55.2 61.9%
Total $43.5 $64.2 $56.3 29.4%
Source: Construction Industry Research Board

Comment by CharlieTango
2010-12-22 08:36:33

Ca Storm

storm total is 16′ and here it comes again
there should be 300″ of snowfall by christmas easy

[mammoth lakes]

Comment by Professor Bear
2010-12-22 08:53:16

What are the climate change Cassandras going to scare us with, now that the drought fear mongering seems hopeless? California flooding?

Comment by evildoc
2010-12-22 09:27:49

—-What are the climate change Cassandras going to scare us with—-

Cassandra was correct, simply not believed until too late.

Perhaps you mean Chicken Little. He was- whether believed or not- incorrect, perpetually.

Comment by Professor Bear
2010-12-22 11:37:49

Good point.

HBB warners on housing = Cassandras.

Climate change alarmists = Chickens Little.

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Comment by evildoc
2010-12-22 12:53:20


Comment by ecofeco
2010-12-22 17:43:45

Just because you have rain doesn’t mean the drought is over.

Unless this rain is going to make up for the entire year’s shortage?

Comment by ecofeco
2010-12-22 17:45:08

…for the entire state. (I just noticed you had only mentioned Mammoth Lakes)

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Comment by cactus
2010-12-22 13:41:41

I had almost 8 ” in my rain bucket this am its been out since friday 17th Moorpark CA

Comment by DennisN
2010-12-22 08:45:33

Here’s an interesting map, showing how rural America is hollowing out. Using the recent census data, it give data on counties where the population is less than 20,000. It’s color coded to show such counties with population declines or increases.

If I had to describe the map in one quip, I’d say the Great Plains are emptying out fast.,0,6435295.graphic

I once heard some commentator state that settling the Great Plains was an historical mistake.

Certainly this shows the many locations where buying that neat rural place may be a bad idea unless you are certain of never moving.

Comment by Arizona Slim
2010-12-22 09:02:01

If I had to describe the map in one quip, I’d say the Great Plains are emptying out fast.

When I bicycled from Mexico to Canada back in 1987, I noticed the same thing. Much of my trip was through the American High Plains.

I can recall more than one time when I *thought* I spotted a town up ahead. And, if you’re bicycling through sparsely populated country, you’re very happy to see a town.

Then, when I rolled into said town, I’d find that it was a ghost town.

Comment by yensoy
2010-12-22 11:31:58

You … what? Wow! Truly amazing.

Comment by Professor Bear
2010-12-22 09:03:30

“I once heard some commentator state that settling the Great Plains was an historical mistake.”

One made by my ancestors… ;-)

Comment by Carl Morris
2010-12-22 09:21:10

Farming used to require people. If oil gets expensive enough, it may again someday.

Comment by DennisN
2010-12-22 09:36:31

It looks like the guy who most famously said “settling the Great Plains was a mistake” was a professor named Frank Popper. He and his wife wrote a seminal article on the subject back in 1987.

The Poppers note that periodic disasters such as the Dust Bowl and continuing significant population loss over the last 80 years show the area is not sustainable for small-scale farming. They note that the rural Plains has lost a third of its population since 1920. Several hundred thousand square miles of the Great Plains have fewer than 6 persons per square mile. This was the population density standard of settlement which historian Frederick Jackson Turner used in his “Frontier Thesis” to declare the American Frontier “closed” in 1893.

Comment by Arizona Slim
2010-12-22 10:27:19

I don’t recall hearing about this article during my 1987 bicycle journey, which happened between late March and late June of that year.

However, I do recall hearing something that struck me. And the experience has stayed with me.

What was that sound? Well, it was no sound. Absolute silence.

Happened one afternoon while I was pedaling north through the Sandhills of Nebraska. I stopped to take a break on a long hill and there it was. It went “Whoom!” in my ears. I felt very uncomfortable.

Finally, a transcontinental jetliner flew overhead and broke the silence. I felt relieved.

Comment by X-GSfixr
2010-12-22 12:45:34

You know you are on the High Plains when you can hear your neighbors dog barking at night.

And is house is two miles away.

Actually, it’s not totally silent. The wind is always blowing the grass.

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Comment by LehighValleyGuy
2010-12-22 11:28:30

The Poppers note that periodic disasters such as the Dust Bowl and continuing significant population loss over the last 80 years show the area is not sustainable for small-scale farming.

That’s right up there with North Korea blaming the weather for food shortages. The real culprit, of course, is government meddling: bailouts and favors for big cities and megacorps, none (or much smaller ones) for individual farmers.

Comment by WT Economist
2010-12-22 12:55:49

You don’t see much loss in New York, right? That’s because NY rural counties have NYC to support them with government jobs.

Comment by frankie
2010-12-22 08:50:18

A former contestant on BBC’s The Apprentice altered mortgage applications to boost his monthly earnings, a court has heard.

He was given a two-year conditional discharge and was ordered to pay £847 costs.

Comment by ecofeco
2010-12-22 17:48:18


Comment by Professor Bear
2010-12-22 09:02:28

Food for thought:

- The onset of the Great Depression was 1929; by contrast, the Great Recession began in December 2007.

- Given the much larger overlap of the Great Depression with the 1930s decade (10 years?) than the Great Recession with the 2000s decade (3 years?), what does this bode for the retrospective 1-decade U.S. growth rate as of the 2020 census?

- Where will future McMansion demand come from if U.S. households are consolidating and avoiding pregnancies?

Census: 308.7 million people live here
By Les Christie, staff writer
December 21, 2010: 4:34 PM ET

NEW YORK ( — The population of the United States grew 9.7% to 308.7 million people over the past decade — the slowest rate of growth since the Great Depression — the Census Bureau reported on Tuesday.

Comment by Hwy50ina49Dodge
2010-12-22 12:05:51

Filed under: “This too will pass…”

Fossils / real estate recovery / millions of people / not making any more land…it’s all there! ;-)

Cache in Chinese Mountain Reveals 20,000 Prehistoric Fossils:
Charles Q. Choi LiveScience Contributor / livescience / com – Wed Dec 22

“…This extraordinarily detailed snapshot of a diverse bygone ecosystem reveals that life took a long time to heal from the massive damage it received - 10 million years, which is even more than it took life to recover after the K-T event that claimed the dinosaurs.

“Recovery after most mass extinctions, including the K-T, seems to have taken 1 million to 4 million years,” Benton said.

“The end-Permian event was so profound, killing perhaps 90 percent of species, that ecosystems had nothing left to hang their structure on.”

“The importance of the discovery that ecosystems took 10 million years to recover completely reflects the unequalled severity of the event,” Benton said.”

Comment by wmbz
2010-12-22 09:17:53

Banks accused of illegally looting homes
‘When a burglar goes in, they don’t take your photos and your husband’s ashes,’ says alleged victim of wrongful foreclosure
The New York Times

TRUCKEE, Calif. — When Mimi Ash arrived at her mountain chalet here for a weekend ski trip, she discovered that someone had broken into the home and changed the locks.

When she finally got into the house, it was empty. All of her possessions were gone: furniture, her son’s ski medals, winter clothes and family photos.

Also missing was a wooden box, its top inscribed with the words “Together Forever,” that contained the ashes of her late husband, Robert.

The culprit, Ms. Ash soon learned, was not a burglar but her bank. According to a federal lawsuit filed in October by Ms. Ash, Bank of America had wrongfully foreclosed on her house and thrown out her belongings, without alerting Ms. Ash beforehand.

Comment by Professor Bear
2010-12-22 09:30:50

“Banks accused of illegally looting homes”

Bank-robbers on the rampage…

Comment by sfbubblebuyer
2010-12-22 10:54:05

I hope they get hit with a massive lawsuit for this kind of crap.

Comment by Arizona Slim
2010-12-22 10:58:26

The lady whose parrot got filched did file suit. And the parrot-filching financial instigator was…

…Bank of America.

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Comment by sfbubblebuyer
2010-12-22 11:33:59

BoA appears to have the worst track record with wrongful foreclosures. But that could be because they have a massive number of foreclosures to process.

Comment by X-GSfixr
2010-12-22 13:02:43

In the real world, people that fook up and crap on their customers as bad as BoA go out of business.

Not in the Bizarro States of America. Here, your customers pay you to beat them like a broke-down mule.

Comment by stewie
2010-12-22 13:40:08

I suspect it has more to do with that red-headed stepchild formerly known as Countrywide they were “forced” to adopt.

Comment by wmbz
2010-12-22 15:24:17

Would not matter, sue away, their pockets are very deep. They are gubmint backed!

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Comment by measton
2010-12-22 12:12:57

Banks can’t do anything illegal this story is rediculous. They are the law so they can’t do anything illegal.

Comment by neuromance
2010-12-22 19:46:59

That’s what they want you to believe.

A tyranny of sorts.

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Comment by alpha-sloth
2010-12-22 11:21:35

Gosh, maybe there are legitimate reasons that some states make banks follow the law when they foreclose.

Comment by Professor Bear
2010-12-22 09:21:35

Economic Report

Dec. 22, 2010, 10:16 a.m. EST
Existing-home sales climb 5.6% in November
By Steve Goldstein, MarketWatch

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — The modest recovery in the housing market continued in November, as sales of existing homes rose 5.6%, according to a report released Wednesday.

The National Association of Realtors said sales increased to a seasonally adjusted annualized rate of 4.68 million, close to the 4.66 million expected by economists polled by MarketWatch.

There were some clues to the upward swing: In October, pending home sales jumped 10%, the biggest-ever single-month increase in the short history of that gauge.

Even so, November existing-home sales were still 27.9% below prior-year levels and below the 5.26 million in June, when a homebuyer tax credit existed.

In November 2009, activity was sparked by anticipation — incorrect, as it turned out — that the tax credit was due to expire.

Comment by sfbubblebuyer
2010-12-22 10:55:27

You almost need to compare it against data 2 years ago to try and get rid of the tax-credit influence, or compare it against peak and 10 year median/average.

Comment by wmbz
2010-12-22 09:27:33

U.S. home loan demand at lowest in nearly year
Six-week-long rise in interest rates taking a significant toll on demand

NEW YORK — Mortgage applications tumbled to their lowest level in nearly a year as a six-week-long rise in interest rates took a significant toll on demand, an industry group said on Wednesday.

The Mortgage Bankers Association on Wednesday said its seasonally adjusted index of mortgage applications, which includes both purchase and refinance loans, for the week ended December 17 decreased 18.6 percent, reaching its lowest level since the week ended January 1.

The four-week moving average of mortgage applications, which smooths the volatile weekly figures, was down 9.8 percent.

Comment by Professor Bear
2010-12-22 09:29:45

I guess there aren’t many folks out there at the moment who are interested in catching themselves a falling knife? Must be time for more housing demand stimulus ($20K tax credit, anyone?)…

Comment by Muggy
2010-12-22 10:55:41

“($20K tax credit, anyone?)”

Please don’t joke like that. I’d have to be restrained and detained.

Comment by butters
2010-12-22 09:35:01

This is news to me. Just last week, I heard few talking heads on tv saying that higher MI will drive up the sales.

Comment by sfbubblebuyer
2010-12-22 10:57:44

Given that 4 out of 5 mortgage were refinances last month, rising rates would have a large impact on the number of new mortgages. They need to report about the numbers of refis vs. new mortgages in order to be of any use.

Comment by Arizona Slim
2010-12-22 11:14:32

Which brings me to a hot HBB business idea. Call it Honestats or something like that. It would be in the business of providing honest statistics from unbiased sources.

Yes, I know. I have the dreamer’s disease.

Comment by Professor Bear
2010-12-22 12:24:02

So do I — join the club. :-)

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Comment by ecofeco
2010-12-22 17:52:14

All it takes is… money.

The sources are now readily available.

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Comment by seen it all
Comment by Arizona Slim
2010-12-22 14:32:47

Key point from the article:

“I have long been a proponent of Charles Murray’s thesis that an increasing number of people attending college do not have the cognitive abilities or other attributes usually necessary for success at higher levels of learning. As more and more try to attend colleges, either college degrees will be watered down (something already happening I suspect) or drop-out rates will rise.”

Speaking as someone who’s lived in the vicinity of a university for almost a quarter century, I can’t help but agree. I’ve also worked on the campus of this institution and found that, for the most part, the students fit Charles Murray’s description to a tee.

OTOH, our county has a community college system that draws from the same student pool. I’ve known of several cases of kids who couldn’t handle the university and dropped out, and then they went over to the community college. Where they did beautifully.

Comment by DennisN
2010-12-22 16:16:14

Charles Murray’s classic book The Bell Curve is a thought provoking read. He and his co-author Herrnstein use the government’s own set of statistical data to derive many shocking statistical results.

The Bell Curve’s thesis is that we as a society are concentrating those with high IQ into a few elite schools and professions, leaving a large number of people with little guidance as to what to do with themselves in terms of jobs. Formerly there were always a few high IQ types scattered throughout society, so that were some gifted plumbers and carpenters who could supervise and lead by example. Similarly, there were lots of “George Bush” types at Yale and Harvard who got “gentlemen’s Cs”. This isn’t true anymore, and it’s a great challenge to our society to make this segregation by IQ work.

Comment by butters
2010-12-22 18:19:00

Not sure if I want them near me. There’s probably no greater concentration of ivy leaguers than DC and NYC. The result coming out of these 2 cities is not something I want rest of the world or US to strive for.

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Comment by ecofeco
2010-12-22 17:55:20

Many who went to college that really weren’t qualified, did so because you can’t get a decent job without a college degree.

And even then it’s chancy.

But without one? You’re boned. The blue collar, decent living jobs are gone for most. There is no track from poor/lower middle class to middle class without a college degree for most people.

Comment by Bub Diddley
2010-12-22 11:18:19

(On NPR this morning - oh noes!)

After Record-Lows, Mortgage Rates Are Rising

For much of this year, banks have been offering mortgages at historically low rates — at least to those people who qualify. But in recent weeks, rates have been climbing. To find out why, Steve Inskeep talks to David Wessel, economics editor at The Wall Street Journal.

(link at sig)

Comment by Professor Bear
2010-12-22 11:39:40

It’s a perfect storm of 8-13 million expected foreclosures through 2012 coupled with rising mortgage interest rates, that even the almighty Fed can’t contain, killing off any remaining shards of home purchase demand. A bottom in the volume of used home sales transactions can’t be far off (though a price bottom may take several years to form).

Comment by DennisN
2010-12-22 11:57:13

Dumbest quote of the day, from wet Los Angeles.

“This is not good,” he said, shaking his head in dismay. “We cannot get flood insurance in town because it is on a flood plain.”

Comment by Arizona Slim
2010-12-22 12:10:02

And, in Tucson, it’s starting to rain. Expect enforcement of the Stupid Motorist Law* to follow shortly.


*This is a real Arizona law. In essence, it says that if you’re dumb enough to drive into a flooded wash, then the cost of your rescue is on your dime.

Comment by DennisN
2010-12-22 12:42:55

We have a stupid motorist law in Idaho too. It’s called the “Open Range Law”.

In California, if you run into a cow that got loose on the roadway, you can sue the cow’s owner for damaging your car.

In Idaho, if you run into a cow that got loose on the roadway, the cow’s owner can sue the driver for damaging his livestock!

The presumption in Idaho is that the driver is supposed to be smarter than the cow, and therefore the burden of avoiding an accident rests with the driver.

The presumption in California is not so clear.

Comment by sleepless_near_seattle
2010-12-22 13:56:46


One time, attempting hurriedly to get back to Billings, MT in the thick of night after an ill-advised detour through Yellowstone NP, I was doing I’d say 50-60 mph when I thought I saw something in the road about .25 miles ahead. At first I thought my eyes deceived me, until I slammed on the brakes to stop about 5 feet short of a male bison right in the middle of the road.

Only after I stopped did he half-heartedly look over at me, as if to say, “meh…” I backed up slowly and it was at least another 5 minutes before he and his friends behind him decided they’d move across the road and let me pass. Was wide awake doing 35 the rest of the way…

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Comment by Carl Morris
2010-12-22 14:13:42

It’s pretty exciting on a snowmobile, too.

Comment by sfbubblebuyer
2010-12-22 14:14:22

I did that with a deer and a motorcycle around 2 a.m. in Idaho heading towards Bozeman. Didn’t hit the deer, but needed a new pair of leather pants.

Comment by Arizona Slim
2010-12-22 14:35:35

Only after I stopped did he half-heartedly look over at me, as if to say, “meh…” I backed up slowly and it was at least another 5 minutes before he and his friends behind him decided they’d move across the road and let me pass. Was wide awake doing 35 the rest of the way…

Bison gangbangers — I love it!

Comment by 2banana
2010-12-22 12:19:49

“This is not good,” he said, shaking his head in dismay. “We cannot get flood insurance in town because it is on a flood plain.”

Maybe what he means is that he can’t get subsidized flood insurance from the government and private insurance is too expensive???

Comment by X-GSfixr
2010-12-22 13:35:39

Sounds like my problem with health insurance.

Believe me, I’d move out of my body, if I could…..

Comment by Carl Morris
2010-12-22 13:54:57

Moving out is easy, it’s finding another one that’s hard.

Comment by wmbz
2010-12-22 13:05:32

Another blow to state budgets: Build America Bonds end

NEW YORK ( — States and localities are about to kiss a vital source of funds goodbye.

The Build America Bonds program, a hugely popular Recovery Act initiative that allowed many state and municipal agencies to support infrastructure projects, is coming to an end on Dec. 31.

State and local officials had hoped Congress would extend the program by a year or two, but federal lawmakers have not been feeling very generous to states recently. They did not include the bonds in the $858 billion tax-deal, as some had hoped.

Comment by wmbz
2010-12-22 13:09:13

In a Tight Holiday Season, Some Turn to Barter. ~ NY Times

This holiday season, Mellissa Spitzer is doing what was once unthinkable for her: presenting used toys to her children, niece and young sister as gifts.

“I’ve talked to relatives and asked if they would mind, and they said no,” said Mrs. Spitzer, 31, a stay-at-home mother of three in Mitchell, S.D., whose husband lost his computer engineering job last year and found another at half the salary. “Some people are not so accepting of secondhand items, and I wouldn’t want them to get offended.”

She rounded up the items — monster toy trucks for her sons, a tutu for her daughter, toy horses for a niece — at, a Web site for swaps of children’s clothing and toys that she joined after she and her husband declared bankruptcy.

Bartering, an age-old mode of commerce, has taken hold with a vengeance this year as the recession draws a broader spectrum of people trading everything from designer clothes to guitar lessons.

Comment by Professor Bear
2010-12-22 13:10:36


Home Sales Show ‘Subdued’ Growth
Heather Struck, 12.22.10, 12:40 PM EST

NAR reports 5.6% monthly rise in November, but figure is almost 30% lower than a year ago when tax credit bolstered numbers.

Existing home sales climbed by a seasonally adjusted 5.6% in November, according to a report released Wednesday by the National Association of Realtors. The rate reached the highest point since a plunge in July, and reversed the 2.2% decline in October.

Sales are still 27.9% below November of 2009, when the market was propelled by the anticipated expiration of the federal tax credit for home buyers.

Barbara Byrne Denham, chief economist for real estate investment firm Eastern Consolidated, calls the results evidence of “subdued” growth in housing. “I think these results are consistent with the general overall economic momentum,” she said. The 5.6% increase is “lower than expectations, but only modestly. With the tax deal that was just passed, I think people feel more confident that job growth will remain on the upswing which will help the housing market.”

Lawrence Yun, the chief economist for NAR, said optimism is in order. “The relationship recently between mortgage interest rates, home prices and family income has been the most favorable on record for buying a home since we started measuring in 1970,” he said. “Therefore, the market is recovering and we should trend up to a healthy, sustainable level in 2011.”

Comment by sfbubblebuyer
2010-12-22 14:11:20

Holy cow, is Yun’s gall breathtaking or what?

Comment by sleepless_near_seattle
2010-12-22 14:22:36

What I find breathtaking is how he/they make such sweeping generalizations such as this while confronting the usual objections with swept-under-the-rug statements like “well, all real estate is local.”

His comments might ring true for Kansas City or Memphis. Not so much around here…

Comment by neuromance
2010-12-22 19:53:31

Yun is the chief spokesperson for a sales organization. He is not in the business of debating academic ideas. He is a salesperson. They call him an “economist” to help fool the marks, by making him sound like a disinterested party in press reports.

(Comments wont nest below this level)
Comment by lavi d
2010-12-22 14:14:45

“Therefore, the market is recovering and we should trend up to a healthy, sustainable level in 2011.”

Well, it’s about time.

I wonder if Ben will shut down the blog next year after the housing market recovers?

Comment by salinasron
2010-12-22 16:07:15

““Therefore, the market is recovering and we should trend up to a healthy, sustainable level in 2011.”

Yep, this winter weather should sure help in cranking and ramping up them numbers. And in those areas of flooding, well I imagine buyers will be camped out for a week trying to buy one of those underwater pieces of property too!

Comment by wmbz
2010-12-22 13:11:14

Faneuil to lay off 270 workers
Orlando Business Journal

The Orlando division of Faneuil Inc., a Hampton, Va.-based toll collecting firm, is closing 10 locations on Florida’s Turnpike and laying off 270 personnel.

According to a Worker Adjustment & Retraining Notification filing, the layoffs will be effective Feb. 19, 2011, and are due to the transition to all-electronic tolling facilities on the turnpike’s Homestead extension.

A majority of the positions — 197 — include toll collectors. The remaining positions include supervisors, custodians and administrative.

Comment by Arizona Slim
2010-12-22 14:36:51

Wait a minute! They still have *people* collecting tolls? I thought this was done electronically now.

Comment by wmbz
2010-12-22 15:18:07

Yea, just wait until anyone tries to do away with *people* collecting tolls up north! Some rake in 80k++ a year along with perks…Or so I have been told.

Comment by va beyatch in virginia beach
2010-12-22 17:20:00

Hampton Virginia? I didn’t know about this company. (Writing from Orlando Florida, but live near Hampton VA)

Comment by wmbz
2010-12-22 13:13:44

Come on now, I thought team Barry had it all figured out…

More people fell out of Obama mortgage-aid program
More at-risk homeowners failed to lock in lower monthly payments

WASHINGTON(AP) — More troubled homeowners are dropping out of the Obama administration’s main foreclosure-relief program, which has been widely criticized for failing to help more people keep their homes.

The Treasury department said Wednesday that about 774,000 homeowners have dropped out as of last month. That’s about 54 percent of the more than 1.4 million people who applied. And it’s up from October, when approximately 756,000 had fallen out.

The program is intended to help those at risk of foreclosure by lowering their monthly payments. Borrowers start with lower payments on a trial basis. The program has struggled to convert them into permanent loan modifications.

Comment by measton
2010-12-22 13:19:04

By now, you’ve certainly heard that PayPal, Visa, and Mastercard have cut ties with Julian Assange and Wikileaks.

But Charles Arthur, technology editor of the Guardian, reports:

“…while MasterCard and Visa have cut WikiLeaks off you can still use those cards to donate to overtly racist organizations such as the Knights Party, which is supported by the Ku Klux Klan.

Comment by sfbubblebuyer
2010-12-22 14:03:48

I saw that on the Colbert Report rerun last night. Way to stand up for what’s right, Big Banks!

Comment by lavi d
2010-12-22 14:19:01

…while MasterCard and Visa have cut WikiLeaks off you can still use those cards to donate to overtly racist organizations such as the Knights Party, which is supported by the Ku Klux Klan.


Why aren’t Visa, MasterCard, Paypal, their web hosting company and various banks terminating their relationships with The New York Times, the way they all did with WikiLeaks: not only for the NYT’s publication of many of the same diplomatic and war cables published by WikiLeaks, but also for this much more serious leak today in which WikiLeaks was completely uninvolved?


Comment by Arizona Slim
2010-12-22 14:37:59

By now, you’ve certainly heard that PayPal, Visa, and Mastercard have cut ties with Julian Assange and Wikileaks.

Oh, well. There’s still hawala.

Comment by DennisN
2010-12-22 16:06:05

I saw that story elsewhere, and was moved to look up that “Knights” site. They have the coolest mouse pad for $12, showing a photo of a group of guys in white sheets posing under a burning cross!

Comment by va beyatch in virginia beach
2010-12-22 17:22:02

Are the guys in sheets all posing g style throwing gang signs?

Comment by DennisN
2010-12-22 17:46:51

Not really.

A sick present for “the man who has everything”. :roll:

(Comments wont nest below this level)
Comment by AbsoluteBeginner
2010-12-23 00:03:50

Rachel Pendergraft is on facebook. Go figure.

Comment by ecofeco
2010-12-22 18:02:47

Thanks god we can count on the big corps to do the right thing and to not trust them is just dang socialeest/commie thinking and class envy. :roll:

Comment by cactus
2010-12-22 13:20:57

As you’ll see in part two of this interview, Brusuelas’ overall outlook for 2011 is fairly upbeat - he’s looking for growth in the 3% rage. Still, the forecast for housing is “still very bearish,” he says. “I just don’t see how we avoid a fall in prices.”

Brusuelas is predicting a 5-10% decline in national home prices next year as the inventory of homes for sales rises to 10 months or more. He predicts distressed sales will approach 40% of the total, up from 33% in the November report when the national moratorium provided a temporary reprieve of new foreclosed homes on the market.

Comment by lavi d
2010-12-22 14:23:29

he’s looking for growth in the 3% rage.

Somehow, I don’t doubt that there will be a growth in rage.

Comment by wmbz
2010-12-22 13:49:58

I can not imagine why low taxes would draw people to S.C.

SC one of fastest growing states ~ The State
Weather, low taxes contribute to fast growth

South Carolina ranked 10th among the fastest-growing states in the country during the past 10 years, gaining an extra congressional seat along the way and further strengthening Republican control of state politics.

Officials cheered the 15.3 percent population growth, which added 613,352 more people to the Palmetto State. That’s almost the same number of people living in Richland and Lexington counties.

“It’s made my whole damn year,” said Bobby Bowers, director of the S.C. Office of Research and Statistics, which helped organized this year’s count of state residents.

Comment by DennisN
2010-12-22 16:20:55

Low tax Idaho grew by about 21% over the last decade. Somehow groups of people drawn to red states (e.g. Mormons, Catholics, evangelical Protestants) tend to have lots of kids. Liberals tend to have no kids. Hence support for Karl Rove’s thesis that the US is and will remain a center-right country.

Comment by Professor Bear
2010-12-22 13:57:10

Beware of prognostications by independent analysts with a reputation for honesty.

Wave of Muni Defaults to Spur Layoffs, Social Unrest: Whitney
Published: Tuesday, 21 Dec 2010 | 5:03 PM ET
CNBC dot com

A wave of defaults by state and local governments in the coming months will spark a selloff in the municipal bond market, hurting US economic growth and stocks and causing social unrest as governments are forced to lay off workers and cut back on services, well known financial analyst Meredith Whitney told CNBC Tuesday.

Responding to the uproar over her “60 Minutes” interview broadcast on CBS Sunday night, Whitney defended her prediction that at least 50 to 100 cities and towns could default on their debt as states and the federal government cut back on financial support.

Muni experts, including an analyst from Standard & Poor’s, dismissed her predictions, saying the numbers don’t add up.

Comment by Carl Morris
2010-12-22 15:02:58

Muni experts, including an analyst from Standard & Poor’s, dismissed her predictions, saying the numbers don’t add up.

I assume they meant there’s no way the number could be that small.

Comment by ecofeco
2010-12-22 18:05:15

They dismissed Meridith?

Well there goes any respect I still had for S&P, which was no longer much these days.

Comment by rms
2010-12-22 23:47:57

“Muni experts, including an analyst from Standard & Poor’s, dismissed her predictions, saying the numbers don’t add up.”

Standard & Poor’s and the other two rating agencies have little credibility after their total failure in gauging the MBS markets.

Comment by Professor Bear
2010-12-22 14:13:41

This sort of volunteer work is commonplace in the Mississippi Valley; not so much in San Diego County.

Poway volunteers fill sandbags
By Jonathan Horn, UNION-TRIBUNE
Nathan Scharn, UNION-TRIBUNE

Originally published December 22, 2010 at 10:17 a.m., updated December 22, 2010 at 11:52 a.m.

POWAY — About 60 volunteers had arrived by noon Wednesday to fill sandbags, Councilwoman Merrilee Boyack said.

The work was being done by city employees in the morning, but volunteers began showing up around 10:30 a.m., allowing the employees to attend to other needs prompted by last night’s deluge.

Comment by Professor Bear
2010-12-22 17:05:26

Is the drought over yet?

Published: Dec. 22, 2010 Updated: 3:32 p.m.
Floodwater, mud damage homes

Flooding and mudslides from a heavy storm that hit Orange County early Wednesday severely damaged at least five homes and even left the Postal Service unable to deliver mail to more than 1,000 customers.

The storm that churned in from the north after five previous days of rain pounded already saturated hillsides and further flooded roadways, prompting several evacuations and swift-water rescues.

Comment by wmbz
2010-12-22 14:22:20

Economist survey: Growth improving but not jobs, housing

Economists are getting more bullish on U.S. economic growth. But the benefits of the stronger economy are going to take a while to reach job seekers and homeowners.’s survey of 23 leading economists forecasts a 3.1% annual growth rate for the final three months of the year.

That estimate is up from the 2.5% growth rate economists were predicting just three months ago. It’s also an improvement over the third quarter, when the economy grew by 2.6%, according to the government’s final reading released Wednesday.

And economists now expect 2011 growth to be stronger as well — 3.3%, up from their earlier estimate of 2.8%. And they expect to continue that trajectory into 2012, predicting growth of 3.4%.

But the recovery will continue to be painful for job seekers and homeowners.

Comment by ecofeco
2010-12-22 18:38:21

It will be another “jobless recovery” just like it’s been for the last 30 years.

You can take that to the bank.

Comment by wmbz
2010-12-22 15:20:12

Barry sez…

Obama pledges economic focus during next 2 years

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama says the economy will be his “singular focus” over the next two years.

He says the nation is past the “crisis point” in the economy, and that he’ll now be working to bring down the jobless rate and equip the nation to compete with the rest of the world.

Obama told reporters at a Wednesday news conference that the government needs to be a “good partner” with the private sector, in getting rid of regulations that stand in the way of innovation. But he says the government also needs to make sure consumers, workers and the environment are protected.

Comment by arizonadude
2010-12-22 16:09:38

best time to buy stocks in decades:

Wouldnt have been better to buy in 2008 and sell now? Am I missing something here folks?

Comment by Sammy Schadenfreude
2010-12-22 16:18:05

From Tyler Durden: “Stocks are up which means another fundamental data indicator must have missed expectations (following the earlier GDP miss). Sure enough, the NAR just reported November existing home sales, which came at 4.68 million units, a slight improvement to the almost all time lowest number posted in October (4.43 million), a miss to expectations of 4.75 million, and 27.9% off the cyclical peak of 6.49 million from November 2009, when the first-time buyer tax credit expired, and was shockingly not extended. The data follows this morning atrocious MBA numbers which showed a plunge of 18.6% in mortgage applications, and 24.6% drop in refinancings. But if you listen to Goldman, the recent surge in mortgage rates is actually beneficial for everyone involved and just buy the f#&$ing dips! Sure enough, the ever cheerful Larry Yun had this to say: “Continuing gains in home sales are encouraging, and the positive impact of steady job creation will more than trump some negative impact from a modest rise in mortgage interest rates, which remain historically favorable.” Um, continuing gains from all time record low levels? Also, the part-time job creation which is the only thing that is being created on steady basis is sure to be the ground for a fertile surge in home prices. And with that the sarcasm is off.”

Comment by sfbubblebuyer
2010-12-22 17:30:46

Before you get all excited about the mortgage application rate, purchase contracts are down a whopping 2.5% It makes sense to see a massive decrease in refinancing when interest rates go up a half point.

Comment by lavi d
2010-12-22 16:26:45

Today (12/22) is Christmas Eve eve.

Which means yesterday was Christmas Eve eve eve.

I did the math. Turns out December 26th is the worst - it’s Christmas Eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve.

Comment by Blue Skye
2010-12-22 16:39:17

Merry effen Christmas lavi…

Comment by sleepless_near_seattle
2010-12-22 18:20:34

If 12/24 = Christmas Eve and 12/22 = Christmas Eve eve, what does that make 12/23? Christmas Eve.five?

Comment by ecofeco
2010-12-22 18:40:55


Comment by Professor Bear
2010-12-22 18:19:34

The Daily Reckoning
The unwavering and inimitable Ron Paul

Once dismissed by left and right, Rep. Ron Paul is suddenly liked.

A few years ago, everyone hated Ron. The left hated him because he wanted to withdraw funding for its pet projects. The right hated him because he wanted to rein in the US military.

Now, things have turned around. The left likes Ron because he wants to bring the troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan. The right likes Ron because he is a consistent opponent of deficit spending.

The young are fascinated by him. What sort of Congressman votes no on his colleagues’ boondoggles? What sort of conservative opposes the Pentagon and calls for an audit of the Fed? What sort of politician sticks to his principles, even when they are out of favor?

Comment by sleepless_near_seattle
2010-12-22 21:18:27

+1. It’s about d@mn time.

Comment by michael
2010-12-22 19:10:28

with regard to the discussion yesterday about audit firms.

i am a tax professional…i started out in accounting because i wanted to be an FBI agent. i really wanted nothing to do with accounting but i new they hired lawyers and accountants (back then). anyway…that dream never panned out…but as far as accounting goes…tax is probably the coolest.

anyway…in college…i was a long haired carefree hippy want a be bass playing cool ass dude. during the first day of my auditing class…when my professor was discussing the virtues of “independence” with respect to financial statement opinions…i rose my hand. he looked at me almost stunned that i had a question…and was acutally taking interest. (i had him before for other accounting classes). i asked him “why or how in the world…could anyone be independent from someone who is paying them a fee?

that was 1990…to this day…no satisfactory answer has been given.

the answer is…they can’t.

Comment by michael
2010-12-22 19:16:00

incidently…looking back…that may have been the day an HBBer was born.

Comment by Professor Bear
2010-12-22 23:45:52

Wow, Michael — that must have been a shocking moment. I was a financial services professional at the time you sat in that class, enjoying similar revelations in Benjamin Franklin’s real world “dear school for fools.”

Comment by Professor Bear
2010-12-22 23:43:04

Inside Job

Must see movie.

One might argue it is somewhat unfair to the banks, as it does not even touch on FB complicity in signing the loan documents which led to their own financial undoing, but it nonetheless sheds a shocking light on the endemic corruption at the top of our financial system. The featured cast of characters includes many of our favorite subjects here over the past six years:

- Alan Greenspan
- Lawrence Summers
- Dick Fuld
- Hank Paulson
- Ben Bernanke
- Timothy Geithner
- Jamie Dimon
- Lloyd Blankfein
- Angelo Mozillo
- Charles Prince
- Franklin Raines
- Robert Rubin

Matt Damon does an outstanding job of making some big name economists look like financial prostitutes who don’t realize how transparently foolish they look on camera. The banksters come out looking a little, not a lot, better than Hitler.

Here’s to hoping Matt Damon and Charles Ferguson win an Academy Award for this outstanding and timely documentary.

P.S. We saw the movie in La Jolla, just off the campus of UCSD. Since the movie prominently featured several interviews with a UCSD professor, one might have expected a full theater. Sadly, there were fewer than ten in attendance (ourselves included). I guess everyone in La Jolla is too broke now to spring for movie tickets?

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