You can do a lot.
Refuse to be a “sheeple”
Openly Share your opinion when you see government screwing up.
Live within your means and keep it local.
When you see a business doing wrong do not go there.
Live within your means and keep it local.
Share ??
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Comment by combotechie
2010-12-30 08:58:13
“When you see a business doing wrong do not go there.”
Plus one.
It bewilders me why people allow themselves to be regularly screwed by banks and a bank’s credit card policies but keep on going back for more.
Comment by GrizzlyBear
2010-12-30 09:53:40
Even some of my own family members groan about the bank bailouts, then hit up Megabank, Inc. for business.
Comment by combotechie
2010-12-30 10:13:55
Professor Milton Freidman used to ask his students if any of them had voted that day.
Their reasponse would be a “No” because the was no election.
Then he would ask them if any of them had BOUGHT anything that day, and it began to dawn on the students what he was talking about when he used the word “vote” when deciding whether or not to spend money on a product or a service.
Comment by Carl Morris
2010-12-30 10:28:12
Everybody votes with their dollars. Women get an extra vote, though.
Comment by Bill in Carolina
2010-12-30 16:21:52
And a lot of people vote with their feet. Witness the new congressional seat apportionment among the states.
“And then there were the black swans. Early 20th- century Germany was savaged by a flock, including defeat in what was then the world’s most destructive war, revolution, civil unrest, territorial loss, the imposition of punitive reparations, a fresh occupation of its industrial heartland and, as if these woes were not enough, a Reichsbank presided over by Rudolf Havenstein. Even in the era of Zimbabwe’s Gideon Gono, Havenstein must be considered a strong contender for the title of worst central banker of all time. There seemed to be no limit to the amount of currency he was willing to print. Yes, America has its problems today, but by comparison …”
Stock prices result from collective opinions. They can go anywhere collective opinions drive them.
“Higher capacity utilization rates (closer to normal)”
November’s capacity utiilization rate was 75.2 percent. This means nearly 25 percent of capacity was not utilized.
“Improved corporate earnings”
Maybe. In these days of creative accounting I am very suspicious or reported earnings, especially of the financials, which make up a big chunk of our corporations.
“Better productivity”
When you get rid of the workforce the productivity numbers rise because productivity is a measurement of the number work units divided by the number of man-hours spent to produce them.
“Slightly better employment”
When workers get their hours cut back then they have to take on a second job to make up the difference in income. Getting a second job juices up the employment numbers.
“Increasing interest rates.”
Interest rates is the price one pays to rent cash. If there is a shortage of cash then the price of renting cash will go up.
“Slower stock market.”
Again, there is a shortage of cash. Joe Six Pack is not interested in buying stocks, he’s more interested in paying his bills. One of the things he is doing, for example, is sucking money out of his 401ks.
“Lower house prices.”
The end of one of the largest manias in history has peaked and we are experiencing the downside effects of this mania.
Since stocks (companies) are owned in shares, rather than by individuals (as in owner-occupied housing), their prices are relatively less credit-constrained. For instance, one of my sons was telling me last night how much he loves Disney and how he wishes he could own the company; I actually thought of buying him a share of Disney stock, just so he could understand the idea of publicly-held companies.
By contrast, owner-occupied residential real estate is owned by individual households, and the sales prices are generally constrained by the purchase budgets of the households in the current pool of prospective buyers. If too much Wall Street money floods in to the residential real estate market, you get a price bubble with a huge supply overhang, as the typical Main Street household subject to prudential lending standards can’t compete with the Fed’s easy terms* to Wall Street banks.
Karl Denninger (writer of the Market-Ticker blog), stated on a local radio show yesterday that there is an index of stock price to (value of tangible corporate assets - debt). Basically, how many shares of stock does one have to buy to get a dollar of “some thing” - which I fill in the blank and hazily interpret as tangible asset value as of now.
Denninger stated that prior to the tech runup, from 195X to pre-tech runup, the index stood at 2. During the tech bubble, it went to 7. Currently it stands at 15. Which means you’d have to buy 15 dollars of stock to get 1 dollar of “some thing”.
I wish I had more info on the index, but just wanted to throw the observation out there.
House Appraisals Under Fire ~ The Wall Street Journal
Computerized Models Are Assailed as Inaccurate; There Goes the Credit Line
Home appraisals, which were blamed for being too generous during the housing boom, are now being criticized by some homeowners for being too stingy, preventing them from refinancing or borrowing against their houses.
The criticism is being leveled at computerized real-estate appraisals, which depend on models that use prices from home sales and other data to determine the value of a house. Because of the volatility in the housing market, they are underestimating prices, some homeowners, real-estate agents and fee appraisers say.
Lenders use computerized appraisals primarily for home-equity loans, pre-approvals for mortgage refinancing, loan modifications and mortgage origination’s of less than $250,000. Automated appraisals are cheaper and faster than in-person appraisals. They run as little as $20, whereas appraisals done by people can cost hundreds of dollars.
Amazing! Some people still haven’t learned. And even if their intention is to get as much money out of the house as possible and then default, they’re forgetting that 2nd mortgages are always recourse loans.
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Comment by Jim A.
2010-12-30 09:00:19
Of course in MD ALL mortgages are full recourse, but that doesn’t seem to have any impact. Although close to the bubble peak, I did explain that to my brother-in-law, which went a ways towards persuading him to NOT buy an investment property which he had no business buying.
Comment by Prime_Is_Contained
2010-12-30 09:58:42
“they’re forgetting that 2nd mortgages are always recourse loans.”
My impression is that not all seconds are recourse loans. I believe that some states treat “purchase money seconds” very similarly to firsts. In other words, the loan taken out at initial closing to purchase the house, be it structured as a first, or first/second combination, is non-recourse.
YMMV, of course, since this is a state-law issue.
Comment by AbsoluteBeginner
2010-12-30 19:26:07
Stupid question here, but what pressing needs do require people to borrow against their house equity for? I could see medical bills and possibly a school bill for the kids, but other than that, what possibly could be a need to borrow on your house for? Credit card? If so, why?
Appraisals …Because it’s a published fact that maybe
50% of the homeowners are underwater, I tend to think that the appraisals are liberal ,if anything .
I get so sick and tired of this la la land thinking where people try to
make the facts conform to the rah rah cheer-leading of markets .
Today I’m going to see my Nephew from San Diego that’s going to college and I can’t wait to give him a dose of my opinions on the real World.
This Nephew has always been really productive,so I’m hoping that continues . Both my Nephews parents died by the time he was 10 years old . This kid had bad breaks in life but he isn’t letting it hold him back . Actually I’m pretty proud of him .
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Comment by ecofeco
2010-12-30 16:19:58
What do you expect in a land where facing reality is considered to be negative and defeatist thinking?
Comment by CoSpgs4
2010-12-30 19:42:00
I hear you, Wizard. I’m sick of it, too.
This is one of the consequences of reliance upon data to make any and all decisions. Data whores use numbers at will for business, politics, romance, etc. Slice and dice to your own advantage.
are now being criticized by some homeowners for being too stingy, preventing them from refinancing or borrowing against their houses ?
No question about it around here….I would not frame it as incompetence, its more like “if I come in 5%-10% under I can’t get in trouble…Lenders will scream, homeowners will scream but as far as my job is concerned I am safe…..
I will tell you another thing about this “new normal” on appraisals…They are real expensive…I just had a appraisal done on a rental property…$795….
“The criticism is being leveled at computerized real-estate appraisals, which depend on models that use prices from home sales and other data to determine the value of a house. ”
And where were all the complaints when housing was riding a 20% increase per year rise.
I closed on the refinance of my mortgage about a week ago and the house was appraised in October.
The value that the appraiser turned in as it was about 7% to 10% higher than I was expecting based on the asking price of a similar house in the neighborhood that’s been on the market since May 2010.
Thanks to the generous appraised value I didn’t have to kick in too much cash to keep the loan-to-value ratio at 80%.
When realtors, banksters, corporatists and their minions and other unsavory thugs of various types are called out for what they are, a very small minority of of reactionary non-thinking blog contributors immediately respond by;
1) Defending them
2) Accuse other of being angry
It happens here every day. Watch, read and observe. Then ask yourself this simple question….. Why would a peon publicly embarrass himself by making excuses for the very thugs that oppresses him?
Yep. Distract the folks with social engineering legislation and get ‘em all fired up about emotional issues, so they don’t notice their pockets being picked. Neat-oooooooooo!
Half Moon Bay Faces Financial Brink ~ WSJ
New City Manager Leads Effort to Prepare Residents for Likelihood of Steep Budget Cuts; Policing Could Be Outsourced
HALF MOON BAY—This coastal city next month will begin an aggressive campaign to warn residents of severe budget cuts that lie ahead, as the cash-strapped town tries to avert insolvency.
Laura Snideman, appointed earlier this month as Half Moon Bay’s city manager, says she and the five-member city council and top managers will meet in the next few weeks with residents to alert them about impending changes, such as potentially outsourcing the town’s 15-person police department to an outside agency.
The financial troubles of Half Moon Bay have made the coastal city a poster child for the problems plaguing Bay Area municipalities.
The city has planned as many as a dozen meetings and will have a town hall gathering at the end of January, says Ms. Snideman. She adds that Half Moon Bay hasn’t embarked on such an aggressive public outreach before and plans to walk residents through the city budget to show where cuts need to come from.
“The choices are no longer hard, they’re painful,” says Ms. Snideman, formerly an economic development manager in the city of San Mateo. She adds that she hopes by making the case for cuts, some residents will offer ideas or even volunteer to save some services and programs.
“How do volunteers feel when their paid predecessors are collecting pensions and such?”
This is interesting as I have given this a lot of thought. I think this is how scary people make power grabs. Since things will require lots of people to actually “do work,’ the most powerful people will be those that have rhetoric to guide the masses, so to speak.
In other words, when the money is gone, the leaders become the people who whip up the most fear.
They feel fine when they’re retired and collecting bennies. In fact, they think they’re the cat’s meow. I see it all the time around here. Gonna be a real shocker for some of these folks collecting pensions and SS when the hammer drops.
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Comment by combotechie
2010-12-30 06:58:11
It’s also gonna be a real shocker for the businesses that depend on the spending of those pension and SS folks when the hammer drops.
Comment by palmetto
2010-12-30 06:59:28
You betcha! I can think of a number of businesses around here that will be cryin’ the blues. Especially the golf cart dealers.
Insert “INTERNS” which is just about the same as volunteers.
Must have experience and work for free food, or bus fare
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Comment by whyoung
2010-12-30 08:45:05
Volunteers motivations are probably different from interns. (Staying busy, helping their community, etc.)
Interns are probably more easily exploited as they think the “experience” will lead somewhere.
Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2010-12-30 09:02:10
Interns are probably more easily exploited as they think the “experience” will lead somewhere.
And it very well could. Many companies looking for new interns look favorably upon candidates with prior intern experience.
Comment by In Colorado
2010-12-30 09:45:47
“And it very well could. Many companies looking for new interns look favorably upon candidates with prior intern experience.”
I remember when HP used to be VERY generous with their summer interns. They paid a very genrous stipend at the time (abour $2500 a month).
If course its now cheaper to hire people in Bangalore and the HP intern (AKA the S.E.E.D.) has all but vanished.
Comment by krazy bill
2010-12-30 13:09:31
“We told the investors, ‘We have this amazing idea, and everyone will want to take part and we’re not going to pay them,’” Goldberg recalls. Besides having contributors who would style photo shoots or write articles in exchange for promoting their name or product, “we were going to have an army of interns.” ”
I’ve learned the hard way: don’t do any damn thing for free except for friends or family, and even then, only if you can afford it.
Organizations of any kind? Money talks, bullcrap walks.
Comment by Happy2bHeard
2010-12-30 20:28:49
“Anything I want to put on my resume,” says Kaila Simpson, one of three full-time interns for Janine Driver, a motivational speaker based in Washington, D.C., “she can find a way for me to get that experience.”
impending changes, such as potentially outsourcing the town’s 15-person police department to an outside agency ??
Lots of 2nd homes in Half Moon Bay….Its the “in thing” you know….Kind of a poor mans Carmel….There are people that have 2nd homes in Half Moon Bay that could pay for the entire police department out of “petty change”….Don’t hold your breath….
Florida is No. 3 in nation for slow pace of foreclosing on delinquent homeowners
By Kimberly Miller Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
Posted: 6:49 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 29, 2010
The average Florida homeowner who went into foreclosure in November hadn’t paid his mortgage in 10 months.
The 307-day delay between the first late payment and a foreclosure referral, reported in a study released this week, was called “flabbergasting” by one financial expert who said mortgages typically go to foreclosure by the third delinquent payment.
The average Maryland home doesn’t go to foreclosure until 358 days following the first late payment. New York is at 344 days. California tops the list at 367 days.
“I am absolutely, utterly flabbergasted that this could be true,” said Skip McDonough, a broker with Family Mortgage in Jupiter. “It flies in the face of prudent management and due diligence on the part of the lender.”
Herb Blecher, senior vice president of LPS Applied Analytics, said it’s the first time the company has done a state-by-state measure of pre-foreclosure loan delinquency.
The data include homes that are in foreclosure for a second time, possibly following a loan modification or short-sale attempt. Those loans, which Blecher said are not a majority, would extend the time to foreclosure because the report measures from the first late payment to the most recent foreclosure referral.
The report also found that 18 percent of loans nationwide with 24 or more missed payments are not in foreclosure. About 15 percent of loans with 18 months of no payments remain out of foreclosure.
“We are looking at a very large pool of very delinquent loans,” Blecher said.
Many struggling homeowners undoubtedly see delays in the foreclosure process as a benefit. But for homeowner associations trying to collect late fees and neighbors of vacant properties, foreclosure postponements can mean lower home values and a reduction in property maintenance.
Bob Clinton, president-elect of the Florida Association of Mortgage Professionals, Palm Beaches chapter, said the federal loan modification plan and the sheer volume of bad loans are contributing to the foreclosure delay.
About 505,000 homeowners nationwide have received permanent lower monthly payments through the Making Home Affordable program, according to a Treasury Department report this month.
But 774,000 homeowners have dropped out of the $30 billion plan. That’s about 54 percent of the more than 1.4 million who have applied.
“It’s pretty restrictive and a huge failure,” Clinton said of the federal program. “Many homeowners who end up in foreclosure had made an attempt to modify.”
Clinton said the banks are “notoriously” unprepared to handle the millions of foreclosures nationwide, as well as the loan modifications.
“They don’t have the staff or depth of talent that this economy calls for,” Clinton said. “It used to be foreclosure was a big, big deal. Nowadays, it’s like someone turned on a faucet and they can’t stop it.”
Perhaps the fact that we’re a full-recourse state means that lenders are seeing whether the FBs have any assets worth seizing. —Naah, that would be a RATIONAL response, so I don’t think that’s it.
It certainly would help the balance sheet to prioritze going after the borrowers that have enough other assets to be seized to pay off the entire loan. However, I suspect that the delay is, like most states, due to the difficulty of the real owners, the bond holders, to force the loan services to do anything that stops the stream of servicing payments.
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Comment by Jim A.
2010-12-30 10:23:21
But if the stream of payments was still comming in, they wouldn’t BE foreclosing. Its my understanding that once the borrower stops paying, the servicers don’t GET any money until the house is auctioned off, although once it is, they get to rake their foreclosure costs off the top.
December 29, 2010, 2:18 PM ET.
Four Housing Issues To Watch in 2011.
1. Jobs: Call it a cop out because it’s so obvious, but without more tax credits to juice sales, the housing market needs job growth.
First, who’s going to buy a house when they’re not certain they’ll have a job in six months and when it looks like home prices are likely to fall another 5%? Mortgage rates spent much of 2010 at a level that hadn’t been seen since the Eisenhower administration, but it didn’t do to increase buyer demand.
2. Foreclosure delays: In September, some of the nation’s largest banks, including units of Bank of America Corp. and J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., suspended foreclosures due to potentially fraudulent document-handling procedures. Foreclosure filings were down sharply in November, a sign that the foreclosure machinery is proving to be slower to restart than the banks’ initial folks-there’s-nothing-to-see-here guidance.
3. Washington: Next month, the Obama administration is set to issue an initial set of recommendations for how to remake Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the broader mortgage market. Deficit hawks also have their sights set on scaling back the mortgage-interest deduction, though immediate action isn’t expected.
Meanwhile, regulators are also writing new rules on provisions outlined in the Dodd-Frank Act that will clarify how banks must retain some of the risk on loans that are bundled and sold off as securities and define what constitutes a “qualified residential mortgage” that is exempt from such rules.
4. Lending standards and rates: The government continues to dominate the mortgage-lending landscape, with more than nine in 10 new loans backed by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac or government agencies such as the Federal Housing Administration. Policymakers might try to create more room for private lenders to return by allowing expanded conforming loan limits to fall in September. If mortgage rates continue to rise, that could lead buyers to scale back their purchases, putting pressure on home prices.
Why would decreasing “expanded conforming loan limits” allow for more private lending? And why does this article use biased words like “allow?” Is making a private loan now somehow illegal?
Yeah, cause people are lining up to get subsidized loans of more than 417k. They’ll double their borrowing if they have to pay market interest rate. (Say, around 7%)
If you can qualify for a subsidized loan of $729,000, including government guaranteed principle and government(Fed)-subsidized below-private-market interest rate, why would a borrower want to pay whatever rates private lenders charge, and purchase private mortgage insurance? Government subsidies are the way to go, as that way other people’s money helps you pay for your house.
CHICAGO (AP) — Through a combination of procrastination and bad timing, many baby boomers are facing a personal finance disaster just as they’re hoping to retire. Starting in January, more than 10,000 baby boomers a day will turn 65, a pattern that will continue for the next 19 years.
< Heard this on radio yesterday. 10,000 people a day turning 65 - - for the next 19 years! Not all will sign up for Social Security, however. A few will wait ’til they’re 70 because the monthly checks are substantially higher for those able (and willing) to hold off.
Bottom line - a big surge in the Social Security rolls starting next month. How long will the trust fund last?
I wonder if the problem will really be that bad. I am a boomer myself, and I work in a shop full of boomers. The youngest is >50 years old out of roughly a dozen people. These are some seriously unhealthy people, almost all of them suffering from morbid obesity, heart disease, diabetes, smoking-induced lung disease, high blood pressure, or in some cases a combination of the these ailments or others. Granted, they will be using a lot of medical care for a while, but I can’t see a lot of my co-workers lasting much beyond their late 60s-early 70s. The pension/SS/medicare squeeze may turn out to be self-correcting.
“Bottom line - a big surge in the Social Security rolls starting next month. How long will the trust fund last?”
I suspect that we will never see another SS COLA increase, and probably will see decreased payouts in nominal terms by the end of the he decade unless they increase the payroll tax. Another possibility are direct subsidies from the federal budget (as long as the printing presses keep humming).
“Another possibility are direct subsidies from the federal budget (as long as the printing presses keep humming).”
Why should there need to be direct subsidies of SS from the federal budget? It’s been SS that’s been subsidizing the federal budget since the 1980’s. With minor adjustments to the income cap for SS taxes, SS is fully funded.
… but I can’t see a lot of my co-workers lasting much beyond their late 60s-early 70s.
From what I’ve seen, one result of the miracles of modern medicine is that it’s possible to keep unhealthy people alive for a long time. However, it seems to work better for women than men. Both of my grandmothers had weird health problems that started in their 40s. One lived to be 91 and the other 88.
I’m a 62 Y/O boomer myself. Fortunately, I’ve saved enough and kept the lifestyle modest enough to have a comfortable retirement. In fact, I am giving serious consideration to checking out next year (in 2011).
Rationing of health services under Medicare is a given, not if, just when, and to what degree. It has to happen, and should happen. If a 70 year old wants a hip replacement or bypass surgery, then he should be required to foot the bill.
Unlike a lot of my fellow boomers, I am quite fit. I run a couple of thousand miles and a couple of marathons a year. But that’s not to say I am healthy. I have a heart condition that could kill me at any time and almost certainly will within the next 10 years if something else doesn’t get me first. That is the reality of advancing age. The condition I have is treatable with open-heart surgery but I have opted not to have the surgery due to the very long recovery period. As medical care is rationed, both under Medicare and under private health plans as well, longevity will inevitably decline.
“Housing busts have historically been about three years from peak to trough, I’m told by the people who analyze these things.”
So says the journalist who wrote the piece posted below. Here are a couple of anecdotes, a citation, and a few comments which may help shed light on what these ‘people who analyze these things’ told this young lady:
1) The Japanese housing bubble started collapsing around 1990, two full decades ago, with no end in sight as I type; hence there is no assurance a given housing bust will end within a three year time frame.
2) The early-1990s California real estate bust lasted from approximately 1990-1996, before the tech stock bubble began to noticeably replace the omnipresent gloom with that old euphoric feeling.
3) From time to time, on an as-needed basis, I have cited this authoritative piece from the IMF, published in April 2003, entitled When Bubbles Burst, which uses empirical evidence from a cross section of developed nation economies over a thirty-year period to distinguish between “bear markets” (e.g. ordinary recessions) and serious busts (e.g. banking crises like the one we are currently experiencing).
Table 2.1 summarizes the recent history of housing and stock market “busts” across all countries in the study. The median duration of a stock market bust was 2 1/2 years (ten quarters) and of a housing market bust was four years (16 quarters). By this timing, the U.S. stock market would not bottom out until some time next year (Q4.2008-Q1.2011 = 10 quarters), and assuming the onset of the housing bust in Q2.2006, a housing trough would have occurred earlier this year (Q2.2006-Q1.2010 = 16 quarters).
However, given the myriad market-distorting interventions which the government undertook in a futile effort to soften the impact of the housing bust, plus the fact that the housing bubble was by far the biggest boom in the history of modern real estate, there is a great likelihood the collapse phase will play out for far longer than the recent historic norm.
Dec 29 2010, 2:24 PM ET 39
Words to strike terror in the heart of any homeowner: “And Now House Prices Will Now Drop Another 20%”. That’s what Garry Shilling argues in a rather exhaustive piece for Business Insider, in which he lays out a whole bunch of reasons to think that home values still have a little farther to fall. Most of those reasons come back to three factors that have considerable interplay: unemployment; tighter underwriting standards; and a huge unsold inventory. In essence, demand remains depressed because too many people can’t get mortgages; while inventory is building up, not only the conventional inventory but the “shadow inventory” of houses that need to be sold in the near future, but which aren’t on the market yet: defaults that haven’t yet been foreclosed, foreclosures that haven’t been put on the market, and homes owned by people who ought to sell, for one reason or another, but can’t quite bring themselves to take the loss yet.
Housing busts have historically been about three years from peak to trough, I’m told by the people who analyze these things. But housing busts have never before seen the sort of government interventions we’ve had to prop up the housing market. So it’s entirely plausible that the market will fall still further–indeed, likely, looking at the Case-Shiller index, which remains above its historical level.
Professor Bear, you make a great deal of sense here. I want to thank you for your tireless commitment to truth amid this caxophony of lies and unending red herrings that comprise the collective wisdom of media pundits. I’m interested in knowing when the juice stops flowing from Papa Bernanke into the markets. What a surprising day it will be!
WASHINGTON—A panel of top business leaders testified before Congress about the worsening recession Monday, demanding the government provide Americans with a new irresponsible and largely illusory economic bubble in which to invest.
“What America needs right now is not more talk and long-term strategy, but a concrete way to create more imaginary wealth in the very immediate future,” said Thomas Jenkins, CFO of the Boston-area Jenkins Financial Group, a bubble-based investment firm. “We are in a crisis, and that crisis demands an unviable short-term solution.”
The current economic woes, brought on by the collapse of the so-called “housing bubble,” are considered the worst to hit investors since the equally untenable dot-com bubble burst in 2001. According to investment experts, now that the option of making millions of dollars in a short time with imaginary profits from bad real-estate deals has disappeared, the need for another spontaneous make-believe source of wealth has never been more urgent.
“Perhaps the new bubble could have something to do with watching movies on cell phones,” said investment banker Greg Carlisle of the New York firm Carlisle, Shaloe & Graves. “Or, say,
medicine, or shipping. Or clouds. The manner of bubble isn’t important—just as long as it creates a hugely overvalued market based on nothing more than whimsical fantasy and saddled with the potential for a long-term accrual of debts that will never be paid back, thereby unleashing a ripple effect that will take nearly a decade to correct.”
I have some friends who are retired that have a rental house bleeding at a rate of $1300/month for the last several years. They didn’t sell because all their property always went back up. I told them three years ago to dump it, but they held on because of past personal history with RE. They just saw an attorney who told them to stop paying and pocket the rent until the bank takes ownership; waiting to see the outcome.
Be glad it’s not family members.
No one in my family listened to me when I told them to sell or stay out of real estate. 2 are OK because they bought their properties years ago. My mom is in deep doo doo. Condos, Town homes and a beutiful home. So far they are above water but I wonder for how long.
“Housing busts have historically been about three years from peak to trough, I’m told by the people who analyze these things.”
But this wasn’t just any housing bubble, it was the largest in history with considerable intervention to try to stop/delay the bust. There would have had to be intervention to accelerate this bust to have had any hope of it being done in three years.
There can be no realistic end date for this bust until issues with the economy are resolved. There are so many unresolved issues, there’s no realistic date for when that might occur.
One of the most common Republican battle cries over the past year has been to wind down government sponsored mortgage companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (F&F). They played a major role in creating the housing bubble that led to the financial crisis. The taxpayers’ loss on their rescue will exceed $150 billion, which is several times the cost of the rescue for the rest of the financial industry. Yet a new report indicates that Republicans might not be so eager to tear down F&F after all.
What has changed?
Actually, let’s take a step back. What are Republicans actually saying now? The report comes from Alan Zibel from the Wall Street Journal. Here’s an excerpt that helps to explain:
“We recognize that some things can be done overnight and other things can’t be,” said Rep. Scott Garrett (R., N.J.), incoming chairman of the House Financial Services subcommittee, which oversees Fannie and Freddie. “You have to recognize what the impact would be on the fragile housing market as it stands right now.”
Contrast that attitude with this:
Republicans were backing a bill by Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R., Texas) to start cutting the government’s ties to the mortgage giants or begin winding them down in two years; if they were deemed financially viable, they would become fully private within five years.
Essentially, they’ve gone from trying to quickly eliminate F&F to saying that a slower, more prudent approach is necessary. Clearly, something has happened to soften their once aggressive attitude.
They won the House in 2010, that’s why. Much easier to trash talk while you’re running, than it is to actually produce results.* And Republicans are realizing that voters will them out just as quickly.
And what is this malarky about “privatizing” Fannie and Freddie in five years? They WERE privated five years ago.
And pursuing a course of action that it likely to lower house prices even more than they would otherwise will piss off both a large number of homeowning constituents and their banker/Wall Street masters who lent the money in the first place.
“Essentially, they’ve gone from trying to quickly eliminate F&F to saying that a slower, more prudent approach is necessary. Clearly, something has happened to soften their once aggressive attitude.”
Mu guess would be that they found out their personal investments would be affected by some type of domino effect.
In a letter sent today to Ohio judges, State Attorney General Richard Cordray has requested that the state courts continue to pay close attention to foreclosure cases that may have affidavits signed by robo-signers. In support of continued vigilance, Cordray highlights several courts that have taken action to address the situation.
“In tracking these cases throughout the state, we have found that judges are finding different ways to handle them,” said Attorney General Cordray. “Judges from Cuyahoga to Trumbull to Butler Counties have all found ways to deal with affidavits that may be fraudulent. I strongly urge other courts to consider options that will work best for them as our office decides how to handle the individual cases.”
CHICAGO (UPI) — Announced job layoffs at U.S. firms rose 28 percent in November over October, employment research firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas said Wednesday.
The number of announced job cuts was the highest since March, but the year’s total through November remain 60 percent below the number for the first 11 months of 2009, the firm said.
In November, U.S. firms announced they were eliminating 48,711 jobs.
In November, 79 chief executive officers left their jobs, the lowest number of CEO departures since April.
To date, 1,227 CEOs have left their jobs this year, Challenger, Gray & Christmas said.
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — The number of U.S. workers filing new applications for jobless benefits fell 34,000 to a seasonally adjusted 388,000 in the week ended Dec. 25, hitting the lowest level since July of 2008, the Labor Department reported Thursday.
Wall street has retail investors right in their hands.They want the market to go higher and suck the retail gambler in via the etrade accounts. I think retail has finally caught on to the game.
Buy low and sell high. Right now you will be buying high than wall street will plunge the market forcing you to sell out.Game is rigged folks.
Shouldn’t that number have gone down 20% since the agencies were closed on Christmas Eve? Can you do the entire application process on-line? If so, wouldn’t some people who do get laid off put off doing the application until after the holiday?
My experience is that most employers, being only human, are reluctant to lay people off during the Christmas/New Years holiday. Some of it is empathy for the workers to be canned, some of it is that no one is around to deal with the blizzard of paperwork that mass terminations create.
I’m thinking that the 388K is an abberation and we will see a return to the new normal after the first week or so of the new year.
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Comment by In Colorado
2010-12-30 13:48:43
I agree
Comment by Prime_Is_Contained
2010-12-30 15:11:26
“Some of it is empathy for the workers to be canned”
And some of them don’t want the negative PR of laying people off right before the holiday.
Comment by ecofeco
2010-12-30 17:00:04
“My experience is that most employers, being only human, are reluctant to lay people off during the Christmas/New Years holiday.”
We asked for your input in nominating the biggest business screw-ups of the year and you responded. Now is your chance to vote for a loser from the final five nominees.
In no particular order, the most nominated debacles are:
Foreclosure Fracas, aka Robosigners Revealed:
2010 saw Bank of America and other lenders putting a temporary halt to foreclosures after it was revealed that, among other idiotic actions, banks had hired so-called “robosigners,” untrained rubber-stampers, to process mortgage paperwork. BofA was also the source of numerous stories of improper foreclosures and seizures.
Catching up with yesterday’s insightful comments. Oxide argued that wishing prices may be budging here in DCVAMD, but that it would be a horse race between two duelling variables, house affordability and house deterioration. Grim prospect. It’s not like anything around here in Northern VA was ever built to last, and the building codes permit really crappy construction. At the same time, rent prices ARE rising precipitously. Maybe the Repubs coming in in January will finally get something going with chasing the illegals out.
On the erstwhile home front. I have previously noted that I was fortunate to have escaped the Northeast, CT in particular, some time before the bubble burst. It was clear that something very, very bad was going to happen, what with the tweeked up hustling and such. People may have sensed that the CT e-CON-omy had switched from private sector to public over the previous fifteen years. If so, it was never expressed aloud, only with the general desuetude and grim set of shoulder. CT was stagnant then, and it is rotting now.
One of my friends - really - is a realtor, and her husband was a builder. There were so many couples with this configuration that it’s sort of like macaroni and cheez. He built ‘high end’ houses - he actually has taste - and she sold ‘em. Both had been doing this since after the 80s bust. When the bubble burst, they got stucco holding several of said houses. Which they lost. There are things you don’t talk about when you’ve known people for a long time, and when you have genuine fondness for them. When I went to visit them, I was in a celebratory mood, having paid off all of my debt (about which I crowed here, quite immodestly and at great length) without dipping into my assets. The old je ne sais quois flashed, briefly - “we don’t have any debt either!”
She is now doing foreclosures and short sales, and says they are like pulling teeth, they take a year to close. She says she retired, and is drawing Social Security. She has found hedonic substitutes, although she has become subdued. She follows the stock and financial instrument market, and has permitted
herself a round number that she places into positions on the basis of discussions and research with her investment club. It is a productive way to fill time, and you do learn something from it. He retooled in his 50s, learned a new industry - securing, bundling and reselling bandwidth - and spends most of his time at a desk, the only greybeard among 20 somethings. The only employee who can talk to the site services managers comprising their core customers. I figured he’d wind up OK - he has humor and cynicism as well as practicality, and is the son of an old world craftsman. His father taught him a thing or two, and he took the training to heart.
That area of CT has become damped down and muffled. The apologists are strident. This is THE Chosen Land, beyond whose borders there is no known civilization. Nobody actually leaves other than the kids who couldn’t make it into an out of state college and get left behind.
The discussion that proved fruitful was, “wages are flat and declining. Heating oil price has gone steadily up. How comfortable are you with staying warm, given one of the highest electricity costs in the country (thanks for the graph, DennisN!) , and given that you have to fill up your heating oil tank a minimum of every two weeks from October 1st to March 30th?”
My long time friend cloaks herself with the trappings of dignity, as occasion demands. Nevertheless, after two days, we were talking reasonable criteria, and decision rules, for Plan B. For when life DOES get worse, heaven forbid. For when heating oil DOES go to $4/gal again, and stays there forever or gets even more expensive. For when there have been no closings whatsoever for a year, when he is faced with a salary cut, or a precipitous increase in co-pays, or…or…etc.
I told ‘em my Plan B. The Oil City Plan, with the additional twist of 40 acres, running water, a woodlot and a mule. In view of my observation that we as a society may be in in a post industrial decline. That our grid control systems are susceptible to incursions and exogenous disruptions. We agreed that water, garden space and a woodlot would be key. She then said we all ought to buy up a couple of hundred acres of farmland in depopulating upstate New York - and we left that as a reasonable stalemate until next time.
I would, in fact, find it pleasant to be around both of my old friends, in some kind of proximity, during the Plan B scenario. Our senses of humor play off of one another nicely. At the moment, though, until the Medicare kicks in, they need health insurance (which the
private sector job provides).
“She then said we all ought to buy up a couple of hundred acres of farmland in depopulating upstate New York - and we left that as a reasonable stalemate until next time.”
Then you better have a Plan C because this one has bankrupted more NYC/NJ/CT fools than I can count. And most of them fell out during the good times.
Exeter, I was hoping you would weigh in. I agree with you completely, but don’t quite understand the mechanism for going broke UNLESS those folks had taken out loans for the land and couldn’t afford the taxes. Please tell me how they could go broke doing this, unless they had debt or went hog wild on ‘improvements’.
Or unless they embarked on ‘rehabbing’ a ‘historic’ crapshack and got eaten alive.
OR unless they were counting on selling bales of hay and tomatoes to their neighbors to pay the taxes. And their neighbors’ business plan, unexpectedly, was to sell functionally equivalent tomatoes and bales of hay to THEM for the same reason.
I get it that farming is not a profitable business because you need economies of scale in distribution systems, as well as a great deal of practical know how in how to fix things. While subsistence gardening and smallholding to ensure food security in the event of a currency collapse, hyperinflation, confiscation of 401Ks, or SS termination is, IMHO, an eminently sensible approach to living.
I still suck at fixing things, but I figure I’ll pare down to an environment that requires no moving parts other than my corn broom, hand whisk and mortar and pestle. My idea of the high life is having enough time to read, walk my prospective dog, and hang around of an evening drinking homebrew and playing Tiddly Winks with the likes of my two old friends anyways.
Oh, Exeter, and I did mean to say that I agree with you. Needing a Plan C rather than the Upstate NY Plan B.
But my reason was because keeping things fixed, animals alive, yourself from freezing, and growing enough surplus to last through a six month killing winter every year is not a practical plan unless you hit the ground running with all systems in place and in balance from Day One. My little coterie is not in that position.
The reason I want 40 acres is to have space for family, room to hide the still/pasture the mule/contain the chicken coop/till the rotating garden plots, a clear field of fire on any ingress points, and several alternative evacuation routes if needed.
A problem with upstate NY is the tax rate. There may be better places.
There seems to be a choice you have to make: do you want a place with nice weather, or do you want a place with lots of water? At the risk of oversimplification, the western US is less water-endowed than the eastern US. The SW is particuarly vulnerable, whereas the NW less so, to water shortages going into the future.
I hunted up a friend from Silicon Valley defense days, and amazingly enough he has become a farmer in western Michigan (IIRC near Traverse City). That’s not a complete surprize since his family farms there.
I get the feeling that there’s a great divide between western CT (metro NYC) and eastern CT. IIRC Rhode Island is one of the most poverty stricken areas in the US right now, and perhaps eastern CT is “western RI”.
They don’t call North Carolina, Tennesee, Kentucky, or southern Virginia “half-backer”* states for nothing. Lower taxes, lots of cheap open land, plentiful Wal-Marts.
James Kunstler, of peak oil fame, has predicted for years that northerners will flee to these states to set up their own back-40 Oil City plan — only to be met by gun-totin’ rednecks who don’t like being invaded by damn librul Yanks.
*half-backer: a northerner who retires to Florida only to find the hot weather and bugs worse than the cold, so they move “halfway back” north to the middle-south states.
Most of the Yankees who moved to this county over the last 30+ years have political views that are right of center. There’s even an active tea party group in the county, consisting of both locals and transplants. No, I’m not a member. What’s fun is hearing the transplants complain how the locals still run the county council, turn down zoning initiatives, and otherwise keep things the way they’ve been for the last century or more. Never mind that the locals outnumber the transplants by more than 5 to 1. The more delusional transplants do their best to ignore that fact as they complain that they can never get their way.
BTW, if anyone on this blog is considering moving to this region, don’t. It’s awful, the worst place in the U.S. Stay away!
When a bank wants to foreclose on your home - and that’s something that has happened to more than 225,000 New Jersey families in the last five years - an officer of the bank must prove in sworn statements that the bank, in fact, owns the mortgage and that the mortgage is, in fact, in default, with the amount owed clearly specified.
These are basic legal protections afforded to borrowers. But with record numbers of foreclosure cases these days, banks are cheating. They are hiring so-called “robo-signers” to process hundreds of foreclosure affidavits a day. These low-level workers are, in effect, attesting to what they cannot possibly attest to truthfully, considering the volume they are handling - that the banks’ claims against the borrowers are indeed accurate and documented.
It may sound rather petty - like one of those “legal technicalities” that so many people disparage. But these technicalities prevent people from errors and outright fraud. They prevent families from being thrown out of homes that they have a right to stay in.
It’s a national problem, but the New Jersey Supreme Court has taken it upon itself to address the issue and protect homeowners’ rights.
Last week, Chief Justice Stuart Rabner appointed Judge Mary C. Jacobson, of Mercer County, to oversee foreclosure matters in the state. She immediately signed an order requiring the six biggest lenders in the state (including some of the biggest banks in the country) to appear in her courtroom on Jan. 19 to show cause why the processing of residential foreclosures should not be suspended in New Jersey as a result of the robo-signing.
Oh, is there anyone in New Jersey whod could go to this one and report back? This is going to be fun. I’d love to see what happens when the banks come forward with these two arguments: 1) not that many people have objected so we can’t have made too many mistakes and 2) we have fixed all our procedures so we aren’t making mistakes anymore.
Math will be the judges friend on the new procedures. How many people who are really qualified (accountants or at least significant experience in book keeping) do you have on staff? How many forclosure notices are you filing? How many pages are in the files? How many items of data need to be confirmed by this person using research outside the file? If you have people reviewing and signing off on more than one or two files with many hundreds of pages and requiring additional research each day, you lose.
It’s “certainly possible” that the price of a barrel of oil will push above $100 a barrel, Daryl Guppy, CEO of, told CNBC Thursday. “Once you move above $100, then $110 is just clear freeway straight to that level,” Guppy added.
China May Throw Wrench Into Oil Market
Expected Build of Strategic Reserves Could Hasten Move to $100 Crude
NEW YORK—China is expected to resume building its strategic oil reserves next year, a development likely to quicken the march to triple-digit oil prices.
It is no secret that China is building an emergency stockpile of oil akin to the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve, though the Chinese government is secretive about the timing for filling its storage tanks. A chorus of oil analysts say the second phase of China’s reserve building—an addition of 168 million barrels—is likely to begin sometime in the first half of 2011.
That will translate into higher gasoline prices, taking more money out of U.S. consumers’ pockets that they will not be able to spend at the mall or on their mortgages.
But doesn’t it make you feel happier to know that oil traders are pocketing money on inflating prices, than it would make you feel if deflation were making Ben Bernanke ever more worried?
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Comment by combotechie
2010-12-30 07:17:01
It doesn’t matter if it makes me feel happier or not. This isn’t about me, I really do not have much say in the matter one way or another. Events will unfold as they must.
But it is interesting to watch, and it is interesting to see how surprised and bewildered everyone seems to be, as if all of this is coming out of the blue.
Comment by arizonadude
2010-12-30 08:00:01
One less trip to walmart.
Comment by Professor Bear
2010-12-30 08:00:33
“…as if all of this is coming out of the blue.”
Nobody could have seen it coming!
Comment by pdmseatac
2010-12-30 09:46:10
Didn’t Bernanke call this effect a “righteous circle” ?
Just back in from a rail tour of the east, the cheapest price for regular unleaded that I saw at a trackside gas station was $2.97 / gal. Every single other station we passed had their lowest grade above $ 3.
J6P’s purchasing power is being pounded.
Our conversations in the dining cars all touched on the economy, people are well aware of what’s going on - more so than I expected. Anyone looking for a return to bubble housing prices is in for a big hurt. People seem to have a lot more on their minds than trading houses.
Glad to see you’re back safe. Trains are such a great way to travel if time permits.
We ride the subway (above ground sections) in Los Angeles all the time, and we’ve enjoyed meeting people from all over the U S and the world, and have always had such fun adventures. LA has a modern, clean, safe subway system. It’s undiscovered by many that live there. We live north of LA. $6 buys you unlimited use of the subway & buses for the day.
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Comment by oxide
2010-12-30 07:57:36
That’s better than DC. The subway prices are skyrocketing here, mainly because the government subsidizes public transport for government workers up to $230 per month. So the subway feels comfortable raising the fares and screwing the civilian public. At least that money is going toward fixing the system…which has been neglected for years.
Comment by edgewaterjohn
2010-12-30 08:01:20
Thanks wipeout! They’re extending the Gold Line to LAX aren’t they? That would really help, but the rapid transit buses aren’t too bad - wish we had them here.
I’ve a friend in Los Feliz, and when visiting the subways are most useful. I even think she is the only car-less citizen in LA!
Comment by awaiting wipeout
2010-12-30 08:38:17
edgewaterjohn & oxide
National Train Day -it’s free (website) might be in your areas. Look into it. We always enjoy it.
I heard rumors about the Gold Line, but haven’t kept up on the LAX extension. Boy, is that needed! One thing I love about the Gold Line is the free shuttle bus to the Rose Parade Floats (Not free). What a great service and what a deal. Gotta go in the morning, or otherwise you’re a sardine.
Comment by oxide
2010-12-30 09:06:42
They are finally building the Silver Line out to Dulles airport. It will save a lot of transport headaches, but wow, it’s ripping up Northern Virginia so much that I’m afraid to venture in that direction. And it’s costing a fortune.
Comment by awaiting wipeout
2010-12-30 11:10:35
Thanks for the insight and info. I looked up the Silver Line, and it looked like above ground rail for the most part, in the picture I saw. I would assume it will be delivered late (not 2013) and be way north of the projected costs. What else is new.
Comment by Spokaneman
2010-12-30 12:22:02
We took our kids on a couple of train trips, one to Portland and the other to Seattle just so they could say they had ridden an inter-city train, when (or so I thought back in the 90’s) common sense doomed inter-city train travel. So far it hasn’t happened. I’m not sure how much subsidy Amtrak receives to maintain train service outside the NY-DC corridor, but it is a horrible waste of taxpayer money. Train travel is interesting and even enjoyable, but not something that should receive one penny of taxpayer funding.
Comment by denquiry
2010-12-30 12:38:11
Why should airlines receive taxpayer funding?
Comment by awaiting wipeout
2010-12-30 17:28:37
Metro inner-city trains are needed in areas of So Ca badly. Considering the cost of keeping up the automobile infrastructure, and the time wasted, I’d rather spend $ on trains. MagLev is way overdue in this country for long distance trips. I’m not sure if I subscribe to Peak Oil, but it’s time to think like other countries. We’re way too far behind. I find cars a p*i*t*a (and expensive).
Comment by SDGreg
2010-12-30 22:14:09
“Train travel is interesting and even enjoyable, but not something that should receive one penny of taxpayer funding.”
Most passenger transportation anywhere in the world, including the United States, is subsidized. Why should we not emphasize transportation that is the most fuel efficient? We should be moving much more aggressively to expand passenger rail in this country.
The non-partisan Institute for Truth in Accounting has released its latest report on California (PDF), and it makes grim reading indeed. Not only is California so deep in debt that default or bankruptcy might seem a blessed relief, it appears the accounting gnomes in Sacramento have been engaging in the MSU Method of Accounting. Yup, they’re Making Stuff Up again.
Among other such inabilities of these accountants to use their calculators and spreadsheets accurately, the report found $81 billion in off-balance sheet retirement liabilities in the 2009 financial report. That bears repeating. The official report neglected to include $81 billion in pension liabilities.
The unions will find anyway to keep the host alive ?
Eligible union employees are retiring left and right around here…Our local police Chief retired just a couple of weeks ago without “any” notice to the city manager…He flatly came out and said that he did it to protect his pension….
Point is, and the theory goes, get your pension now if you can because everyone else is going to get cut “big time”….
I say, hit the reset button with Bankruptcy so everyone must kick in, particularly the civil service pensioners who helped run up the pension liabilities with unrealistic and sometimes obscene salary & benefits…
This house was just listed today. It is in the same neighborhood that a gentleman who worked in Ft. Lauderdale purchased a home in a little over a year ago for $215k using the First Time HB Tax Credit. There was an article about the great deal he got and how happy he was that was posted and commented on here. That dude has lost over $100k in a little over a year. But at least he got his $8k for a down payment and a couch.
For sale today
9187 Reed Dr Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
3 Bed2 Bath1,308 Sq Ft
Last sale $83,500 Dec. 1996
Location Address: 9187 REED DR
Parcel Control Number: 52-42-42-13-03-046-0020
Dec-1996 09577/1550 $83,500 WARRANTY DEED
The vast majority of our population don’t even know what the federal reserve is, or how dollars come into play. As shown in poll after poll and man on the street interviews that have been done in the past. They remain ignorant of the very system that allows a small private group to systematically rob them of their purchasing power. While their elected “officials” aid and abet this blatant theft.
What can be done to change this?
My guess is nothing, the system will just keep right on until it can’t.
Enlighten everyone you know (very well), even at the risk of being branded a wingnut. I consider it my patriotic duty. I have even warned some to be very sure of their desire to know. It can be overwhelming to some.
$5 Gas Predicted Under Obama — What, No Pitchforks? ~ Larry Elder
Five dollars per gallon of gas by 2012! A former president of Shell Oil considers this likely. The average price on Christmas Day for a gallon of regular gas reached $3.28 in Los Angeles County, the highest price since October 2008. In one month, the price rose 13 cents, up 35 cents year to year.
Where are the calls to sic Obama’s Justice Department on Big Oil to hold the oil companies accountable for “market manipulation”? Why aren’t we hunting down the amoral “oil speculators” responsible for repealing the law of supply-and-demand in order to line their pockets?
Funny, the same pols/technocrats that so eagerly delve into pre-emptive wars, murky social engineering schemes, and dubious economic meddling - seem to be hogtied when it comes to presenting and implementing a workable intermodal transport plan that would materially reduce oil dependence.
What’s the cost of a gallon of Starbuck’s latte at four dollars a cup? What’s the cost of a gallon of bottled water at a buck a bottle?
Nobody seemed to bitch at these prices a few years ago but now people are bitching at the price of gasoline even though gasoline prices are priced way below the cost then of bottled water or a latte.
Yes but that latte is really discretionary.People have to buy gas to get to work in general.
All you can do is conserve.I took the back seats out of my pt cruiser to lighten the load.Trying to drive slower too.People flip me off as I drive 60 on freeway.Doing what I can to not use as much.
Was looking into a chevy aveo.I guess they have timing belt issues.Have to replace them every 60k.They get decent mileage.I guess the 2009 models went to a chain rather than a belt from what I hear.
In other words, more of consumer’s dollar is going toward necessities and less toward discretionary. Same as groceries and housing. At this rate, all we’ll be able to do is go to work, go to the grocery store, and then go home and watch TV. And that’s assuming that over-the-air HDTV somehow escapes the coming wave of privatization fever. The way things have been going lately, we’ll all be paying cable bills each month just to watch Brian Williams tell us how poor we are.
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Comment by combotechie
2010-12-30 09:29:05
“In other words, more of consumer’s dollar is going toward necessities and less toward discretionary.”
True that! But much of our debt-driven consumer-based economy is still being driven by discretionary spending and not by spending for necessities, which means many of the JOBS associated with discretionary spending are destined to go to poofville as the amount of discretionary money available for discretionary spending goes to poofville.
Does the term “Phase 2″ ring a bell?
Comment by ecofeco
2010-12-30 17:18:59
“At this rate, all we’ll be able to do is go to work, go to the grocery store, and then go home and watch TV. “
Million of people are already there and have been decades, except now they’re working 2 jobs… and still losing ground.
What I find amusing is that people will line up 7 cars deep to wait to buy the overpriced, fat-laden cup of coffee. I see it every morning on my way to work at several latte stands. (We are close enough to Seattle to have our share of independent road-side latte stands).
I figure at least 3 minutes per car, so the minimum wait time is going to be 21 minutes with the car idling the whole time. Even more amusing is when some bozo blows by me doing 15 over, only to wheel into the stand to wait his obligatory 21 minutes.
Thanks, but the free stuff at work is just fine by me.
“$5 Gas Predicted Under Obama — What, No Pitchforks? ~ Larry Elder”
J6P is in denial. Once we get there it will be an encore of 2008, with new and used pickups and SUVs being offered at fire sale prices, just like last time.
3.50 a gallon is where I predict the screaming will commence. It will reach a fevered pitch at 4-4.50. Chest pains will commence at 5 and a complete stroke at 5.50-6.
That electric car I purchased will come in mighty handy. It’s funny how a little change like this switches peoples perception of you from “you’re crazy” to “where did you get that car”. Same was true with housing.
Back in 07 when gas got really expensive, premium got to $4.78 in Bellingham Wa, where my kid was attending College. My Pontiac takes (prefers) premium, and a fill up was a tad over $75.00. That was a heart stopper.
The good news about gas prices, I guess, is that the hybrid and electric vehicles are getting good enough that we can now start replacing our regular vehicles with the electrics or hybrids as they come due for replacement. I’m going to miss my supercharged vehicle, but I guess thats where we are heading.
Does debt-influenced pricing lead to monopoly pricing?
Monopolies are considered bad because they extract every last ounce of value from the consumer. There is no net benefit for the consumer as it has paid everything that the good is worth to them. Under normal competition, companies make profits, and the consumer doesn’t pay the very most he can, leaving no net benefit.
When people take on debt to buy depreciating assets or consumer goods, the price is again bid up, since the immediate costs (the “howmuchamonth’ers”) seem affordable. But that drives up the cost of the good. Does it drive it up to monopoly pricing levels?
This country is becoming one of monnopolies/oligopolies.
The value of free markets really disappears in this setting as does democracy as the wealth is concentrated.
I’ve recently been hearing, in the DC metro area, about a lending service that advertises that if you have direct deposit and a job, they will lend to you. They say they are a replacement for payday loans, or “if you just need your paycheck now”.
I realized I have no problem with adults - ill-informed or unable to put off gratification as they might be - to enter into contracts and go into debt. My problem is that the current system is set up so that if they default, I get to pay the bill, either through taxes or a zero-interest-rate policy.
This is directly a result of too-big-to-fail (”We can’t let that institution fail, no matter how poorly it was operated”), and lenders not being forced to hold onto repayment risk (”What do we care if the loan defaults? We just sell it off after we make it.”)
How can the society prevent itself from being held hostage by existing financial institutions? I don’t believe government can set debt limit rules for private citizens. Politicians are feckless and venal, and ultimately it is at their feet that I lay the blame for the financial crisis and the bubbles, as they write the rules. I think the most effective steps that can be taken to stop society from being held hostage by the financial sector are 1) eliminate in all forms, too big to fail, and 2) Force lenders to be inextricably tied to repayment risk.
There are other follow on issues that the EU is pursuing - limiting executive pay, tying it to profitability - but that’s icing on the cake, IMHO.
(Getting my semi-daily posting out of my system in the morning rather than at 10 PM EST
Yeah, but whats the “interest rate” on a bunch of bounced checks at $30 each. The “fees” on a payday loan are substantially less than what it would cost to bounce a few checks or miss the minimum payment on a couple of credit cards. Either way its loan sharking at its worst.
It all boils down to the fact that the rich make their money off of the poor, always have always will. And, it reinforces the notion that it truely sucks to be poor.
I agree wholeheartedly with your plan, but…who is doing to do all this “eliminating” and “forcing” of which you speak? That would be our vaunted politicians, who are explicity paid NOT to eliminate or force anything — especially when said elimination and force would hurt the poor widdle richi folks who paid the politicians.
Montana just voted to limit the payday loan sharks to 36% interest. They are all closing operations because of it. I find myself torn a little bit on this issue. I generally like a free market but these company owners have all had their horns ground down below the hairline. IMO they are predatory POS. On the other hand we are all adults and should be able to make our own decisions.
In this particular case I am for their abolishment.
I have to wonder if this will improve the financial health of the population of Montana. It will force some forward thinking and some delaying of gratification, which, if not taken to extremes, can certainly help people’s overall standard of living.
Most people who use payday lenders don’t do so because they want to.
I’m sick and tired of the stereotype of “the irresponsible poor person.” Poor people get sick, have accidents, unexpected repair bills and other events beyond their control JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE.
Since I have been looking for a home to purchase since about 2004, a year before I sold my place. I have watched as over priced houses got snapped up in a week to languishing on the market for years, when they are not pulled and re listed as new. Some places have the “word of the day” I have decided to have the ” Hurry! It won`t last” Listing of the day.
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418
4 Bed2 Bath 1,870 Sq Ft 1.15 Acres
Couldn’t get to r e a l t o r dot com, but googlemaps has a nice (and probably more accurate) blurry picture. With some fixing up, it would be a great Oil City plan house: Flat, lots of sun, over an acre. But not for $200K!
What is the neighborhood like? My guess is ghetto, from the chain-link fence. (Why is it that ghetto housing always seems to have that rusty chain-link fence? It’s not as if the fence will keep somebody out.)
There is a condo a few miles from here that has been for sale for >5 years. I first spotted it when I had just met the woman who is now my wife. I would take the bus to her apartment, and this condo was right next to her bus stop, so I would see the sign every time I got off the bus or when I was waiting for it to go back home. The unit is a two bedroom, one bath street level condo with no yard - the door and the windows are right off the sidewalk, with a very busy arterial street and a busy bus stop only a few feet away. Back in ‘05 the owner wanted $899,900 for it. The last time I looked the asking price had gone to $289,000. Every time my wife and I go by this corner we look for the for-sale sign, laugh, and say “Yep, it’s still there!”
It`s not ghetto, just west of I95 some stuff like this built in the 80`s and some big much nicer homes. The county ran water out there but it cost about $3k to hook up but you get to pay taxes for it for another 15 years hooked up or not. Here is a neighbors house you can look up on googlemaps, lots of houses like this in Palm Beach Country Estates.
Mailing Address: 16545 74TH AVE N
Seriously, why are some “socialists” so much better at capitalism than the “capitalists? Because they eat saurkraut? Because they’re mostly “white”? Because of cheap labor? No. But I’d say laws, structures, social safety-nets, more equal pay, national investment in private sectors and higher pay have something to do with it. But we can learn nothing from others? Ever?
Germany’s private sector union membership is officially around 22% compared to USA’s around 7.4% (sources: EIRO/Eurostat, BLS) but due to German labor protection laws and structures including the German Works Constitution and Works Councils basically ALL German factory workers are unionized compared to the USA. Germans have some of the highest pay in the world, get universal healthcare and good pensions but they are the world’s leading exporter per-capita and the second leading exporter in the world. And:
German Q3 exports up by 21.5 pct on the year AP 12/30/10
BERLIN - (AP) — Germany’s export boom continued in the third quarter of the year, rising by 21.5 percent to €245 billion ($322 billion) from €202 billion a year earlier, official figures showed Thursday.
A more detailed look at the figures showed that trade with other European Union members rose by 16.5 percent and amounted to almost 60 percent of all exports between July and September, Germany’s Federal Statistical Office said. They totaled €144 billion.
But exports to countries outside the bloc recorded the strongest growth, with those to the U.S. up by 32 percent to €17 billion, and those to China rising 34 percent to €14 billion. Exports to Russia were up by 42 percent to €7 billion..
Germany is the world’s second-biggest exporter after China. Growing exports this year have been accompanied by signs of improving domestic demand at home.
Government workers get better deals — paid for by taxpayers
You can also find out that pension’s present value — how much cash you would need on hand to buy an annuity making payments equal to the pension. But sit down before you read it — in many cases, that’s an amount well into the seven figures.
What the calculator will show you is that New York pension benefits can be extremely rich for typical employees. Consider a teacher in Albany County, retiring at 59 after a 37-year career, with a final average salary of $89,000. That teacher is eligible for a pension benefit starting at $62,745 (70.5% of final average salary) with an annual cost-of-living adjustment.
Is your 401(k) as rich as that? Consider that a private-sector worker seeking an equivalent annuity would need a whopping $1.25 million on hand at retirement to buy it.
The richness of benefits is even more astounding in some downstate communities. A Yonkers teacher with a master’s degree and some additional coursework could expect a final average salary just over $110,000 after 37 years worked. That translates into an annual pension of $78,255 — exempt from state and local income tax — with a present value of more than $1.5 million, assuming retirement at 59. Police and firefighters, famously, get to retire earlier with even more generous benefits.
So, the average government worker is receiving retirement benefits several times richer than his or her counterparts in the private sector. This fact — not abusive practices like “pension spiking” and “double-dipping” — is the reason that public pension costs have become unsustainable.
Over the next five years, state and local governments’ payments to New York state pension systems will nearly triple. For school districts, they will more than quadruple, driving an 18% increase in school property taxes just to pay for rising pension costs. New York City has already seen this explosion — pension costs have grown tenfold in the last decade — and pension costs in the city will continue to rise going forward.
State lawmakers will only get a handle on this problem when they admit that public employee pensions have not simply been mismanaged and abused. The root driver of exploding costs is legislators’ willingness to make unsustainable promises to be paid by future taxpayers — a proclivity as fundamental to a legislator’s brain as the will to breathe is to yours or mine.
The only way to protect New York taxpayers is to make it impossible for the legislature to give away the farm. That will require abandoning the defined benefit model and adopting 401(k) — and bringing the value of public sector retirement benefits closer into line with the private sector.
Are pensions guaranteed? I had a choice between a pension and a 401k and I chose the 401k because I can’t guarantee the pension would be there 30 years from now. At least with a 401k you can rebalance it and monitor it and it is your own money. No one tells you, you have to invest 100% of your 401k in the stock market. In fact, many pensions invest their funds in stock markets too (or in the stability of the company/government they represent), which is just as scary of a proposition.
(Comments wont nest below this level)
Comment by measton
2010-12-30 12:41:24
Read up on Argentina.
Even a 401k can be manipulated.
I would replace “can” with “will” particularly over the investment horizion needed to create enough wealth for retirement.
It took me about 20 years to figure out that the whole 401-K thing was custom designed to allow the Wall Streeters to relieve the Main Streeters of most of thier retirement money. There are a few Main Streeters who have the knowledge and the time to actively manage an investment portfolio, but the operative word is few. For most, its a matter of throw the money out there and periodicly let the Wall Streeters take it, rinse, repeat. Unfortunately, there are few options available to private sector workers.
“Seriously, why are some “socialists” so much better at capitalism than the “capitalists? ”
Perhaps because the “capitalist” sheeple spend more time worrying “hot button” issues such as about reproductive rights, gay marriage, and that someone they deem “undeserving” has food stamps?
It’s so much easier for pick pockets to operate in a distracted crowd.
Question for you who champion corporate “capitalism”;
Why do your cheerlead for the system to take something from your peers and contemporaries ( your fellow peasants and peons) instead of demanding the system return the opportunity that they stole from you?
I don’t think most have a problem with capitalism it’s corporatism that’s the problem and that’s what’s happening in America. We are moving from a capitalist country to a corporatist country run by and for corporations.
“I don’t think most have a problem with capitalism it’s corporatism that’s the problem and that’s what’s happening in America. We are moving from a capitalist country to a corporatist country run by and for corporations.”
Seriously, why are some “socialists” so much better at capitalism than the “capitalists? Because they eat saurkraut? Because they’re mostly “white”? Because of cheap labor? No.
Because they have a tariff on imported goods aka VAT TAX. The USA seems to be the only country that drinks the “free trade” kool aid. Jim Jones would be laughing that we drink it so readily.
The standard value added tax rate in Germany is 19%.
There is a reduced rate of 7% that relates mainly to food and agricultural products.
Value added tax is imposed on assets and services in Germany as well as on imports into Germany.
Overseas exports are exempt from value added tax.
Value added tax reports must be submitted monthly or quarterly, depending on the annual turnover.
There are special provisions for small businesses.
“Seriously, why are some “socialists” so much better at capitalism than the “capitalists?”
Because they don’t have to pay for a military capable of defending against credible enemies. We pay for their safety and slowly crumble into third world status while they “prosper”. I say eFF them and eFF the progressives who set up these Socialist European economies as the model for all to follow.
Question: “Seriously, why are some “socialists” so much better at capitalism than the “capitalists?”
Answer: Because they don’t have to pay for a military capable of defending against credible enemies.
Our big military does cost money but this is not a main reason for Germany’s ability to provide social safety nets, higher pay and be a dominant exporter.
Most of it is the system:
For example: Germany spends almost half as much per person as the USA does on health-care, insures everyone and does a good job.
Therefore less military spending in Germany does not mean they now are now freed to and need to spend more on health-care. Proof? Because they don’t.
Most Europe spends 10% of GDP on Health-care while USA spends 18% on it. So it’s pretty obvious USA is not cutting back healthcare spending because of it’s huge military spending. Proof? Because we’re not.
If our system were changed, USA could spend LESS on health-care and do a better job. It’s the system.
Thousands without fresh water in N. Ireland
Water crisis stretches into ninth day after frozen pipes burst following cold spell.
A big winter freeze followed by a swift thaw left burst mains and pipes across the province, affecting 40,000 homes and businesses in Belfast as well as 77 other towns and villages, NI Water said.
Some people have been left without water for more than a week and others have had sewage flooding their homes.
Council-run leisure centers offered free washing and showering facilities across the province, freestanding pipes were erected in streets to provide supplies and Scotland will send 160,000 liters of drinking water. Farmers were also worried about getting water for their livestock.
Public health emergency
“There is now really a public health emergency. Young families have been left without drinking water and unable to flush toilets. This is unacceptable,” Peter Maguire, a general practitioner near Newry, told the BBC.
Average rate on 30-year mortgage up to 4.86 pct.
Rate on 30-year mortgage climbs to highest level since mid-May; rate on 15-year loan rises too
NEW YORK (AP) — The average rate on 30-year fixed mortgages rose this week to the highest level in seven months, reflecting higher yields on long-term Treasurys.
Freddie Mac says the rate increased to 4.86 percent from 4.81 percent in the previous week. It hit a 40-year low of 4.17 percent last month.
The average rate on the 15-year loan rose to 4.20 percent from 4.15 percent — the highest reading in six months. It fell to 3.57 percent in November, the lowest level on records starting in 1991.
Rates have been rising since November as investors shift money out of Treasurys and into stocks. Many expect the tax-cut plan will fuel economic growth and increase inflation. Yields tend to rise on fears of inflation. Mortgage rates track the yields on the 10-year Treasury note.
“Average rate on 30-year mortgage up to 4.86 pct.”
I thought the Fed was gonna use QE.2 to sit on those long-term rates (including mortgage rates) until the housing market recovered. Did they change the plan and not tell anyone?
The National Association of Realtors said its pending-home-sales index rose to 92.2 from a downwardly revised 89.1 in October.
The index is still 5% below November 2009 levels.
The data reflect contracts and not closings, which normally occur after a lag time of one to two months. The index is based on a large national sample, typically representing about 20% of transactions for existing-home sales.
The NAR said the figures suggest a “gradual” recovery into 2011, reflecting housing affordability and an improving economy.
Actually, if you’re not upside down it’s a great time to sell. The short sales and foreclosures have limited the supply of homes that can be purchased.
“With buyers coming back and the housing market in “gradual recovery” mode, there has never been a better time to sell!”
You got that right! Just try to sell that under flood water or mud covered property here in Cally. Some of that property you won’t even be able to give away. I think now is a great time for insurance companies to red-line flood and mud zone areas for higher premiums too.
It COULD BE (but I am not saying it is) due to the fresh water runoff from the melting Greenland ice cap that flows over the gulfstream (because fresh water is less dense than sea water) and thus sends cold air toward Europe via the westerly winds rather than the warm air that the gulfstream would normally provide Europe this time of year.
ScienceDaily (Sep. 7, 2010) — The Greenland and West Antarctic ice caps are melting at half the speed previously predicted, according to analysis of recent satellite data.
(Comments wont nest below this level)
Comment by In Colorado
2010-12-30 10:05:42
But they are melting and shrinking.
Comment by oxide
2010-12-30 10:16:37
Or maybe it was the volcano eruption in Iceland. From the wiki entry on Krakatoa:
“…a series of lesser eruptions beginning in mid-June 1883 led up to the disaster. The volcano released huge plumes of steam and ash lasting until late August.
On August 27, a series of four huge explosions almost entirely destroyed the island…Average global temperatures fell by as much as 1.2 degrees Celsius in the year following the eruption. Weather patterns continued to be chaotic for years and temperatures did not return to normal until 1888.”
Comment by Bill in Carolina
2010-12-30 17:17:02
Good one oxide. I don’t think anyone has put forth that theory.
Let me be the first to offer the conjecture that this (Britain’s freeze) is some how due to global warming.
It could be. Think about this or something like it but even more complicated because this is just an example of the complicated nature of MacroScience:
Britain lies much farther north than its climate reflects because of the warming influence of the Gulf-Stream. Yes our Gulf.
However so much Ice is melting from the poles that it could be disrupting the warm flow of the Gulf-Stream thereby making Britain colder.
Global warming is causing colder weather in certain spots.
True. IDK. Could it be? Yes. Time will tell.
(Now why the Poles are melting so much Ice, IDK, you’d have to ask Poland about that)
“Let me be the first to offer the conjecture that this is some how due to global warming.”
Whatever the reason, we need to raise taxes immediately to save the planet!
I recently returned from Africa, which had some of the worst air pollution I have ever seen. 1960’s diesel technology, open burning everywhere, etc. If you could see the amount of pollution generated elsewhere and the amount of open land & water in existence it may change your views on a carbon tax (if you are pro tax). Just to be clear, I don’t think pollution is a good thing. But when my Government wants to tax me when a bird farts, after seeing what I just saw, I find it more than ridiculous.
“It may seem odd that, with all the global warming taking place, the warmest year [1998] was actually in the last century, not this one. But that is not a proper concern. The temperature change is not smooth but bumpy, with peaks and dips that depart from the average. We don’t know what causes such fluctuations. The source may be natural variability in cloud cover. If you flip a coin 100 times, you don’t always get 50 heads and 50 tails. Likewise, if the climate is changing, some years will still be warmer and some cooler than the trend.”
Page 254, Physics for Future Presidents: The Science Behind the Headlines, by Richard A. Muller
Europe and East Asia have more severe winter storms:
“Observational evidence shows that the recent significant cold anomalies over the Far East in early winter and cold temperature anomalies from Europe to Far East in late winter are associated with the decrease of the Arctic sea-ice cover in the preceding summer-to-autumn seasons.”
“Results from numerical computer simulations using an atmospheric general circulation model support these notions.”
June 1683
The Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, England, opens as the world’s first university museum.
William Penn signs friendship treaty with Lenni Lenape Indians in Pennsylvania.
September 1683
Several European armies join forces to defeat the Ottoman Empire.
Germantown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. is founded by 13 immigrant families.
November 1683
The British crown colony of New York is subdivided into 12 counties.
Johann Conrad Brunner Publishes Work Linking the Pancreas and Diabetes Symptoms, but Without Establishing Link to the Disease
Brunner is remembered for his experiments and studies of the pancreas and the internal secretions associated with the organ. In 1683 he removed the pancreas from a dog and noticed that the animal experienced extreme thirst and polyuria. He was however, unable to provide the link between the role of the pancreas and diabetes.
I just put under contract a 640 acre parcel of land near Bar Harbor, ME that I plan on building a second home on eventually. I am paying under $160/acre, it is an estate sale where the heirs need money (they are both broke realtors in FL). Absolutely beautiful area about a mile from the water. Brutal winters (unless you snowshoe, cross-country ski, ice-fish, snowmobile etc.) but great summers/fall. I think I am getting a pretty decent deal overall, and amazingly the realtor has been great to deal with. I’m still very bearish on housing overall.
That is awesome.Do you have any timber? Seems like a good buy.It is hard to find a full section of land anymore.I watch a logging show about a family in maine that runs logs to canada I believe.
No need for charges, he is the son of a good Union Officer.
Son of Sanford cop caught on video in sneak attack on homeless man
By Rene Stutzman, Orlando Sentinel
8:01 p.m. EST, December 29, 2010
Prosecutors are expected to decide in the next several days whether to charge the 21-year-old son of a Sanford police lieutenant with a crime for sucker-punching a homeless man, leaving him sprawled on a sidewalk in downtown Sanford with a broken nose.
A video shot by a witness shows Justin Collison attacking the man then walking away and punching another man Dec. 4.
WFTV-Channel 9 broke the story Tuesday, reporting that Sanford officers that night had the video of the attack and interviewed Collison but did not arrest him. He is the son of Lt. Chris Collison of the department’s patrol division.
Acting Sanford police chief Capt. Jerry Hargrett said late Wednesday afternoon that his officers made “blatant” policy violations that night, including not handcuffing Collison or patting him down.
I think we all know that cops in general are bullies and consider themselves above the law. Not sure that a “Union” is required for that. AFAIK the Union’s job is to get them sweet pensions and other bennies, and to be honest they do a great job of that.
Palm Beach County, Treasure Coast to see prices fall again in 2011, Veros says
by Jeff Ostrowski
Home prices have pulled out of their free-fall, but property values in Palm Beach County and the Treasure Coast will keep falling in 2011, says Veros Real Estate Solutions of Santa Ana, Calif.
Veros expects Treasure Coast prices to drop by 6.3 percent in 2011, the fifth-weakest showing among 300 metro areas the company examined. Veros expects Palm Beach County prices to fall by 3.1 percent.
Supply still outpaces demand, a reality that will continue to push down prices, says Veros’ Eric Fox. But in a bit of good news, plunging prices mean that investors now can rent homes for more than it costs to own them, and that’s helping to stabilize prices.
“Now that prices have gotten to such an affordable level, investors swoop in and buy homes, and that sort of puts a bottom on the market,” Fox says.
Veros says San Diego home prices will post a 3.5 percent gain next year, best in the country, while Reno’s 7.2 percent decline will be the worst.
A big thank you to Lola and Professor Bear. On Tuesday I asked about a guy advising a diversified asset portfolio. Seems that not only is he trying to sell books but he is an investment manager, no advertising, who charges 1% of the money he manages as a fee. I asked for specifics and he replied that I was being suspicious and wouldn’t deal with me. Any one have a similar story? Thanks again.
I think everyone has a story like as fast as you can from this guy. Ask for a prospectus before you buy anything.some of the biggest sleezeballs are in financial services.they prey on people like vultures that can smell carrion from miles away.
The U.S. deficit reduction commission report won’t make it to Congress, and dying on the vine with it is the suggestion of a 15-cent increase in the federal per-gallon gas tax.
A gas tax increase was likely to rile the public, but we at believe that a gas tax can actually be beneficial … but only at a much higher rate than 15 cents per gallon, and only as part of a “grand bargain” that lightens the load for taxpayers in other areas and simplifies the tax code.
The deficit commission’s mandate was to reduce the deficit, hence the modest 15 cents per gallon increase. But thinking more broadly, increasing the gas tax is also an opportunity to finally align market demand with the need to lower gasoline usage and emissions.
What if the government announced a new tax on gasoline that stabilizes the price at, say, $5 per gallon beginning in 2013? The variable tax could act like a shock absorber, sheltering both consumers and the automakers from fluctuating gas prices.
It would be critical to announce an increase in the gas tax at least two years in advance so that Americans could prepare accordingly. And prepare they would. Looking at the car sales patterns of recent years, it is easy to see the correlation between rising gas prices and the purchase of more fuel efficient vehicles.
Consumers and automakers suffer when gas prices fluctuate wildly. Consumers regret purchase decisions and often scramble to replace their vehicles, getting a lower value for a vehicle in lesser demand. Automakers suffer from long-cycle product planning and production decisions that often result in them missing the market when gas prices drastically change.
But how could a gas tax increase possibly make it through Washington? To make it more palatable for voters, the tax increase could be revenue-neutral for low-income families and others who would qualify for relevant credits. And the grand bargain should minimize another tax, generating only the revenue the deficit reduction commission is already proposing and not burdening taxpayers further. This could actually simplify the tax code, which would provide welcome relief for all.
I’d add that instead of VAT they could have an energy content tax on all products. So shipping from China would automatically make your product more epensive.
We could slash payroll taxes with the revenue thus making labor in the US cheaper.
“But how could a gas tax increase possibly make it through Washington? To make it more palatable for voters, the tax increase could be reve… blah blah blah blah… ”
Does Ednumds honestly think that ANY significant segment of the population is going to read through that paragraph and do the “math?” All the sheeple are gonna see is rigged “debates” on Fox News and campaign commercials which say “Congressman X raised YOUR taxes on mom-and-apple-pie gas,” and it would be DOA.
And nobody is going to slap any energy taxes on products coming from China. The CEO’s wouldn’t be able to buy their annual yachts, not the mention what the Chinese would do.
I made the VAT for payroll tax substitution suggestion on my public policy blog some time ago.
The payroll tax is a tax on work done in the U.S. with imported goods exempt; a VAT would tax both. A VAT for income tax substitution gets rid of the one remaining progressive tax for yet another regressive tax; a VAT for payroll tax substitution substitutes one regressive tax for another. Value added is sales minus purchased materials, or labor income plus capital income. You tax the same businesses that pay the payroll tax or self employment tax, and require a couple of more numbers.
I called it “a policy that has never been proposed,” but I guess I can’t say that anymore. Just a policy that will never be enacted.
These days, I try to refrain from making public policy suggestions to limit frustration. Might as well just prepare for institutional collapse.
the property was heavily cut in 2001, but there are a lot of younger white and yellow birch and balsam fir on the parcel, so down the road it would be ripe for selective cutting. There are about 100 acres of streams and small ponds so the wildlife there is great. Raptors, deer, moose, and turkey frequent the area. I know of the show you mention, American Loggers or something like that, about the Pelletier family, tough way to make a living.
I’m sure the level headed Chavez is all shook up over this…
U.S. revokes Venezuelan ambassador’s visa
Move is apparent retaliation for rejection of U.S. envoy to Caracas
In a briefing earlier on Wednesday, another State Department spokesman repeated the U.S. position that Venezuela could suffer consequences because of its objection to President Barack Obama’s selection of Larry Palmer to serve as Washington’s ambassador to Caracas.
I’m sure the level headed Chavez is all shook up over this…
Brazilians in general are very wary of Chavez. They see him as an unstable, potential territorial threat. Brazilians are concerned about their very long borders some of which are still in minor disputes especially in remote jungle areas with resources.
I asked the question, I’m not its answer–especially given my politics on this particular issue.
Again, why should we care what Brazil thinks of Chavez or, even, what Chavez thinks of Brazil?
Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2010-12-30 17:10:33
Who made the overlords of the slums of Rio the final arbiter of who’s a good guy in South America?…..Again, why should we care what Brazil thinks of Chavez or, even, what Chavez thinks of Brazil?
You need not “should” think anything.
I would think though some would find a fellow American’s observations of their largest Latin neighbor’s opinion and attitudes regarding a thorn in America’s side interesting.
And why you would think you need to care about what “the overlords of the slums of Rio” would think escapes me.
Because one reason elites in the US oppose Chavez is he is pursuing what he deems to be in the best interests of the average people in his country (as opposed to multinational corporations owned in part by US elites) US elites cannot stomach a leader who won’t kowtow to the desires of the US and/or their multinational corporations.
I am not praising everything Chavez has done, but it is clear US policy is rarely based on human rights or such–it is based on what can be done for elites in the US. Indeed, domestic US policy is fast pushing most Americans into third-world status, so of course US elites don’t support someone who is trying to move their country in the opposite direction.
Given that Brazilian elites have the same incredibly nepotistic vision and the same desire to exploit the poor as US elites, coupled with massive inequality with horrendous slums whose equal cannot be found anywhere else in the world, yes, I think that they have a problem with Chavez is probably not a critical comment on Chavez.
Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2010-12-30 17:54:23
Given that Brazilian elites have the same incredibly nepotistic vision and the same desire to exploit the poor as US elites, coupled with massive inequality with horrendous slums whose equal cannot be found anywhere else in the world, yes, I think that they have a problem with Chavez is probably not a critical comment on Chavez.
There is some validity in your other paragraphs with the disclaimer that Chavez is dangerously dictatorial and un-democratic, but that paragraph above is pretty much wrong in the context of Brazil’s past 20 years real progress and especially the past 10.
In that period, Brazil (population 190 million) has raised 35 million out of poverty and into the lower middle-class and middle class while bolstering its upper middle-class as well.
A lot of Brazilian elites do have the same desire to exploit the poor as US elites do, but the fact is Brazilian policies suppressed this desire the past 15 years through the policies of “conservative” Cardoso and “socialist” Lula.
In my experience, economically, for the past 20 years, Brazil has put Brazil first more than America has put America first.
You cannot compare Chavez’s regime with the democratic experience of Brazil lately. They are not even on the same page of reality. Brazil is not a perfect country by any means but it is striving to balance money’s interest and it’s people’s interest more than any time in the past maybe. It has a long way to go but right now, it is no Venezuela.
Brazil went through its dark ages of right-wing dictatorship 30 years ago. Venezuela is going through its own left-wing dark age now.
See, that was easy. That was the answer I was trying to elicit with my first, short question. Why take that question as an attack, or dismissively respond?
Anyway, I’ll have to disagree with you on Brazil. Yes, things may be better than they were. But my operatives on the ground tell me even regular people are threatened with kidnapping constantly. The wealthy get driven around with armed protection, while the middle class can’t afford that and are at great risk. Further, the police are horribly corrupt. The icing on the cake is that the favelas are extremely dangerous. Given all these things, I don’t really think Brazilians have any legitimate reason to see their government as somehow less threatening to their safety than the Chavez government is to their safety.
Both Brazil and Venezuela may have politicians who focus more on helping their citizens than US politicians do. But, the US sets a pretty low bar in that regard, so, that’s nothing to write home about.
Take care.
Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2010-12-30 18:27:58
See, that was easy.
It was not. I had to write a lot of stuff.
Brazil is “dangerous”.
Maybe so but life is dangerous everywhere in different ways. I’d rather have no health insurance in Brazil than America. (Maybe because I have a little cash) Favelas are dangerous yes. They are 1/3 of Rio. Is 1/3 of L.A. or Caracas dangerous?
Not many average Brazilian people are being kidnapped. Maybe some rich but no more than average Americans are getting murdered.
Police are corrupt in Brazil, yes but so is Wall Street.
Take it from this operative on the ground in “dangerous” Rio. It has gotten better in Brazil. The thing Brazil has now is tangible improvement and great hope.
If you are counting keystrokes, you spent more by dismissing my original question than you would have had you simply answered it.
I wasn’t kidding about operatives on the ground. I have trained observers in Brazil, and they disagree with you, at least at last report.
If the claim is “life is dangerous everywhere” well, of course. Indeed, life is fatal–100% of people who live eventually die. So . . ..
But, some places are more dangerous than others. Brazil is dangerous, in the favelas and to the middle class non-US person (kidnappers have learned to avoid Americans because it isn’t worth the trouble they bring on their community).
Minimum wage earners in 7 states are getting New Year’s raises as the cost of goods goes up.
DENVER (AP) — It will be a happier New Year for nearly 650,000 workers earning minimum wage. They’re getting small raises in seven states that tie their salaries to the cost of living.
The minimum wages in those states will go up between 9 cents and 12 cents an hour Saturday because their consumer price indexes rose in 2010.
The extra pennies can’t come soon enough for Joe Martinez of Denver, who works odd jobs such as lawn maintenance for minimum wage. In Colorado, the wage is rising 11 cents, from the federal minimum of $7.25 an hour to $7.36 an hour.
“The prices of everything are going up — food, rent, electricity,” Martinez, 55, said on his lunch break Wednesday. “I know it’s not a lot of money, but any extra money will help, you know?”
Poverty advocates say the rising minimum wages shouldn’t be seen as raises, just adjustments to keep the working poor at the same level as prices of goods rise.
Unfortunately, the populations of most of the cities on this list continue to decline and the situation could get worse for years. This loss of residents has caused severe drops in the social services that many of these cities can provide. Property and other taxes have fallen so much that the support that residents of other cities take for granted is at risk in the municipalities on this list. There is no longer any guarantee that they can maintain police and fire departments at reasonable levels. Some of these cities cannot continue to manage large neighborhoods which have become almost deserted as residents have left unoccupied homes behind. Home vacancy rates tell a great deal about how much a city’s population has dropped.
7. Rochester, NY
6. Pittsburgh, PA
5. Dayton, OH
4. Buffalo, NY
3. Cleveland, OH
2. Flint, MI
1. New Orleans, LA
Holy Jeebus. I was born in Dayton, grew up in Rochester, went to college in Buffalo, and left — a rust belt hat trick!
This was the first year that my wife and her friends did not hold their holiday party outside of Syracuse. Also, many of my friends no longer live in Roch, but now they don’t go back for Christmas because their parents have moved, too, so they have no place to stay.
Yesterday my wife and I had a nice lunch date and we discussed many things, among which was the, “future.” We both agreed that the, “future” more likely belongs to Florida than it does NY. Of course I mean, “the rest of us NY” and not, “bankster NY.”
“Special rule that applies until DEC 31 2010 allows you to declare half of the taxable amount of the ROTH conversion in 2011 and half in 2012. Alternatively you can declare the entire amount on your 2010 tax return.”
2. If one converts say 30K of a regular IRA to a Roth is that 30K treated as regular income as far as taxes?
” you generally will pay taxes on some or all of the conversion amount” Well thats not helpful but its all I got from T. Rowe Price
For Q2, special rules apply in CY 2010. Your $30K is taxable. BUT you have a choice for this year only. You can either take pay taxes on the whole $30K for CY 2010 taxes or elect to pay taxes on equal shares in CY 2011 and CY 2012 (e.g. $15K in each of those years).
China is preparing for conflict ‘in every direction’, the defense minister said on Wednesday in remarks that threaten to overshadow a visit to Beijing by his US counterpart next month.
“In the coming five years, our military will push forward preparations for military conflict in every strategic direction,” said Liang Guanglie in an interview published by several state-backed newspapers in China. “We may be living in peaceful times, but we can never forget war, never send the horses south or put the bayonets and guns away,” Mr Liang added.
China repeatedly says it is planning a “peaceful rise” but the recent pace and scale of its military modernization has alarmed many of its neighbors in the Asia-Pacific, including Japan which described China’s military build-up as a “global concern” this month.
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The dollar weakened broadly on Thursday on expectations of low bond yields continuing into 2011, while U.S. and European stocks gave back part of the recent gains that had taken global equities close to September 2008 highs.
Former NYC Mayor Ed Koch intellegently puts the banksters and the state legislators who cut deals for public employee pension enhancements in the same category, and notes that they are both still in charge — while people blame the President. He’s got it right IMHO.
He is correct IMO but not damn thing will be done about. As to the guvmint being able to create jobs and lift the value of houses, we see how that’s working out…
“Many who ran Wall Street before and during the debacle are either still there making millions, if not billions, of dollars, or are in charge of our country’s economic policies which led to the debacle”.
“Yes, in the recent mid-term elections, the American people did replace 63 Democrats with a like number of Republicans, but will that really change things for the better? Time will tell, but I doubt it. Neither do I see the Obama administration, with all its good intentions, succeeding in the areas where the public has suffered the most: jobs and home values”.
Home Prices Are Still Too High They would have to decline another 20% just to get back to the historical trend line.
Most economists concede that a lasting general recovery is unlikely without a recovery in the housing market. A marked increase in defaults and foreclosures from today’s already elevated levels could produce losses that overwhelm banks and trigger another, deeper financial crisis. Study after study has shown that defaults go up when falling prices put mortgage holders “underwater.” As a result, the trajectory of home prices has tremendous economic significance.
Earlier this year market observers breathed easier when national prices stabilized. But the “robo-signing”-induced slowdown in the foreclosure market, the recent upward spike in home mortgage rates, and third quarter 2010 declines in the Standard & Poor’s Case–Shiller home-price index—including very bad October numbers reported this week—have sparked concerns that a “double dip” in home prices is probable. A longer-term view of home price trends should sharply magnify this fear.
Even those economists worried about renewed price dips would be unlikely to believe that the vicious contractions of 2007 and 2008 (where prices fell about 30% nationally in just two years) could return. But they underestimate how distorted the market had become and how little it has since normalized.
From my perspective, homes are still overvalued not just because of these long-term price trends, but from a sober analysis of the current economy. The country is overly indebted, savings-depleted and underemployed. Without government guarantees no private lenders would be active in the mortgage market, and without ridiculously low interest rates from the Federal Reserve any available credit would cost home buyers much more. These are not conditions that inspire confidence for a recovery in prices.
In trying to maintain artificial prices, government policies are keeping new buyers from entering the market, exposing taxpayers to untold trillions in liabilities and delaying a real recovery. We should recognize this reality and not pin our hopes on a return to price normalcy that never was that normal to begin with.
“HOLCOMB ROBERT wrote: The author is making a political statement, nothing more. He claims the the bubble was artificial and the arresting of home price declines is artificial as well. He assumes it is our government at the controls and he doesn’t like it. That is laughable. There is nothing artificial about the rise and fall of real estate prices in this or any other decade. It is a free market in action. Buyers and sellers doing their best to achieve their short term goals with the capital they have. Sure interest rates and access to long term credit are part of the real estate market, but the government doesn’t control that. The Fed is unable to influence the price of long term money, as we were so obviously reminded by QE2.”
“While the various real estate indexes created by the pundits seem like valuable tools, there is no proof that they fairly reflect reality. I don’t think the author knows anything about his topic. He just wants to complain about policies that limit his ability to rip off others.”
Rare hurricane-strength winds batter L.A. area; more snow and ice on way
A rare blast of hurricane-strength winds was topped by a 94 mph gust measured by the National Weather Service at 3:57 a.m. Thursday at Whitaker Peak.
Forecasters said the winds in valley and mountain areas will continue at least until noon Thursday. A wind warning for the San Fernando and San Gabriel valleys is in place until then.
Florida Doctor Strangled by Electronic Neck Massager, Authorities Say
A South Florida doctor has died after authorities say she was accidentally strangled by a electronic neck massager on Christmas Eve.
Kenneth Gegerson called 911 after finding his wife’s body on the bedroom floor next to the neck massager. Paramedics pronounced 37-year-old Michelle Ferrari-Gegerson dead at the scene. Authorities believe her necklace got caught in the massager and it quickly tightened around her neck.
According to Broward Sheriff’s authorities, Ferrari-Gegerson spent the evening wrapping gifts and getting ready for work while using the massager to relieve neck pain.
Ferrari-Gegerson, a radiologist at Jackson Memorial Hospital, was the mother of a 1-year-old, the Miami Herald reports.
I’ve been realizing that death can come in an instant.
I saw a news story about some 19 year old local girl who may have been texting, who slammed into a tree at high speed. One minute, it’s “OMG Britni, did u see-” and next, lights out.
Not something to get too wrapped around the axle about - it’s all a matter of when, not if. And a good reason to appreciate the moments of daily life as they happen.
If US consumers believe it difficult to borrow now, just wait! In the next few years credit conditions are likely to go back seventy years when private debt was difficult to obtain. Most Americans intuitively believe there is too much debt at every level of society. But the economic and political vested interests do not want them worried about that. They want to give them credit to infinity to keep this economic mess from imploding.
The US Federal Reserve’s new round of quantitative easing (QE2) is clear evidence of that. However, Americans are right about their inordinate debt load, and future economic conditions are likely to create a severe debt scarcity.
“The principle reasons for the coming debt scarcity are that ‘debt saturation’ - where total income cannot support total debt - has arrived, say some analyists; also, the growing understanding that adding new debt may not increase GDP - it could decrease it; and that banks and financial systems are a train wreck in waiting, eventually being forced to mark their assets to market, thus creating for them massive asset write-downs and strangling their lending ability.”
“If the Fed prints ever increasing amounts of new money to try to moderate the financial collapse, hyperinflation could be the result. If it does not print massive amounts of new money, a deflationary depression could be born.
“In high inflationary or hyperinflationary conditions, few will want to lend as they get paid back in dollars that are declining very rapidly in value. In a deflationary episode, lending is reduced due to huge loan losses. Therefore, during either, and/or after such events, debt scarcity will be in full force.”
also, the growing understanding that adding new debt may not increase GDP -
This is something that really needs to sink in. When all the savings are depleted, when there are no second jobs, when the wife already works or can’t find a job, when the banks won’t lend causing inflation does not increase GDP it just shifts spending from wants to needs. The middle class is toast, the lemon has been wrung dry and there is no more juice to squeeze.
“If the Fed prints ever increasing amounts of new money to try to moderate the financial collapse, hyperinflation could be the result (maybe for food and fuel but people will move into tents) housing and wants will collapse. If it does not print massive amounts of new money, a deflationary depression could be born.
“In high inflationary or hyperinflationary conditions, few will want to lend as they get paid back in dollars that are declining very rapidly in value. In a deflationary episode, lending is reduced due to huge loan losses. Therefore, during either, and/or after such events, debt scarcity will be in full force.”
This is why the FED is hoping for stagflation, they want to walk the tight rope and keep everyone guessing which side of the tightrope the US will fall. These games are fun when played 3ft off the ground but the US is hanging over the Grand Canyon now.
“The principle reasons for the coming debt scarcity are that ‘debt saturation’ - where total income cannot support total debt - has arrived, say some analyists; also, the growing understanding that adding new debt may not increase GDP - it could decrease it; and that banks and financial systems are a train wreck in waiting, eventually being forced to mark their assets to market, thus creating for them massive asset write-downs and strangling their lending ability.”
”Dissent is what rescues democracy from a quiet death behind closed doors.”
- Lewis H. Lapham
The year 2011 will bring Americans a larger and more intrusive police state, more unemployment and home foreclosures, no economic recovery, more disregard by the U.S. government of U.S. law, international law, the Constitution, and truth, more suspicion and distrust from allies, more hostility from the rest of the world, and new heights of media sycophancy.
2011 is shaping up as the terminal year for American democracy. The Republican Party has degenerated into a party of Brownshirts, and voter frustrations with the worsening economic crisis and military occupations gone awry are likely to bring Republicans to power in 2012. With them would come their doctrines of executive primacy over Congress, the judiciary, law, and the Constitution and America’s rightful hegemony over the world.
The Republican Party has degenerated into a party of Brownshirts, and voter frustrations with the worsening economic crisis and military occupations gone awry are likely to bring Republicans to power in 2012. With them would come their doctrines of executive primacy over Congress, the judiciary, law, and the Constitution and America’s rightful hegemony over the world. quote by Paul Craig Roberts
“Republicans” listen up! Hey! Over here……….
(thank you)
Please read carefully the above quote and the complete post above it wmbz posted.
These are quotes from Paul Craig Roberts formerly of the Reagan administration. Now this is how far Republicans have strayed from their once respected values, history and legacy. You have a Reagan man calling your Republican party “Brownshirts”. Good God people! Look what you are supporting and ask why.
Paul Craig Roberts (born April 3, 1939, in Atlanta, Georgia) is an American economist and a columnist for Creators Syndicate. He served as an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration…. He is a former editor and columnist for the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, and Scripps Howard News Service. wiki
Some people spend a lot of effort trying to explain what’s wrong with the Rs. IMO it would be a lot more effective for them to spend most of that energy explaining what’s better about the alternatives. That information seems to be much more scarce. And when the person explains why they can’t vote D, listen to them.
Great article on the coming Canadian crash. Here are a few snippets..
“Statistics Canada released data Monday showing that Canadian household debt has risen to 148 per cent of disposable income. The eye-popping figure is all the more alarming considering it’s the first time since the 1990s that Canada’s ratio has been higher than that of the U.S.
Alarm bells rang everywhere from the Bank of Canada to the Finance Department on Monday, and Canadians were urged to tighten their belts and prepare for a time of austerity.”
“”Cheap money is not a long-term growth strategy,” Carney said. “Low rates today do not necessarily mean low rates tomorrow. Risk reversals when they happen can be fierce: the greater the complacency, the more brutal the reckoning.”
In an interview with The Globe and Mail, Mr. Clark said that no bank wants to be the first to impose stricter requirements on borrowers out of fear that it will suffer a major loss of customers to rivals. Personal banking “is a highly competitive industry,” Mr. Clark said. “If we said ‘Look, we’re going to be heroes and save Canada from itself, and we’ll impose a whole new [mortgage] regime on everyone else,’ the other four [large] banks would say ‘Let’s carve them up.’ ”
Canada’s banks clearly don’t care what happens as long as they can pass the trash to the CMHC, the Canadian equivalent of Fannie Mae.
Clark’s statements, as well as statements made by the chief economists of BMO and Toronto-Dominion, put a spotlight on the decidedly stupid moral-hazard mess the Bank of Canada has gotten itself into by backstopping mortgages of Canadian borrowers.
But hey, look on the bright side. The music is still playing. In memory of Chuck Prince, Keep on Dancin’
The price of benchmark crude tumbled Thursday after the Energy Department’s Energy Information Administration weekly supply report. The EIA said oil supplies declined by 1.3 million barrels last week. A drop in supplies often supports higher prices, but analysts surveyed by Platts, the energy information arm of McGraw-Hill Cos., thought the drop would be bigger — around 3.2 million barrels.
Investors worried that the report showed demand for energy was not picking up, despite positive economic news.
As I stated above, gas will not go to $4, let alone $5, as $3 has already been proven to be the pain threshold and I also would bet that domestic demand is already dropping.
That photo certainly hits a couple of stereotypes on the head. What kind of UHS would you prefer: A female prostitute with silicon implants, or a male gay dandy?
LOL at the comment below the article that said the male UHS looked constipated.
I’m not sure who the female UHS was targeting, but the stay at home wife of a high income earner wouldn’t be interested, even if she herself was a hottie. I’m open minded, but that picture is in bad taste. Is she selling sex or housing? I’m unsure.
From the free-spending eat out twice-a-week orgy of the past, to pocketing the supermarket coupons today, we bring you comfort food making a comeback - pigeon
Trap ‘em with that army/navy thrift store netting you get on sale. bring back to your cave, I mean worth less house. Make sure your sink is empty and you have a garbage can nearby.
Bleed and gut. Pluck. Cut off head. Put in stew pot with cold tap water, scraps of tomato, onion, carrot, celery. Add 1/4 pound diced smoked ham hock. Stew for two hours on low skimming occasionally. Yummy.
We have terrible problems with geese in the parks here in Boise. They poop all over the lawns. Some days there may be hundreds of the damned birds wandering around.
Our newspaper ran a “what should we do with all the geese” article, but nobody liked my suggestion - let people take them with swords. You could walk up to one of these stupid birds, and with a quick “swish” cut off the head from that long neck. The neck is so long that it’s an easy target for a sword.
Actually a silenced air rifle is better. Gauge is
.117, 1,100 fps, scoped, can drop a squirrel at
a 100 feet. Very, very quiet and perfect for
pigeons in a city park.
While I disagree with the “worst” rating, I agree with the last sentence. On our way to seeing it, I predicted to milady that it was going to be Fight Club Part Deux. Nailed it.
Hawaii guv suddenly ‘mum’ on Obama birth ‘certificate’
After blizzard of attacks on ‘birthers,’ Abercrombie now avoids interviews.
Although Hawaii’s newly elected Democrat governor, Neil Abercrombie, has recently given a flurry of high-profile media interviews condemning “birthers” who question Barack Obama’s constitutional eligibility to occupy the Oval Office, suddenly he is declining to answer a few hard questions.
Abercrombie, 72, a former member of the U.S. House, may be trying to quell the surge of doubt among Americans – polls show nearly six in 10 doubt Obama’s own eligibility story – by promising he will try to release additional records on Obama from his state’s Department of Health vault.
He has, in just recent days, expressed his disdain toward “birthers” in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune, on CNN, as well as the local Star Advertiser and Hawaii News Now.
His startling remarks appear to be in response to the recent polling results as well as the rapidly growing list of high-profile personalities and leaders publicly raising questions about Obama’s eligibility.
“The F-M Community Sports Facility Association, a group of about 25 residents spearheading the drive to raise private donations for a new all-weather turf field, needs to raise $1.8 million by March 1. The group has raised about $1.1 million so far.”
“Alumni who have been contacted have stepped up to the plate including a 1975 graduate who lives in the Silicon Valley giving a “generous” contribution, he said.”
Private donations. The community came out and said no taxes for turf so these families put their money where their mouth was and came up w/it themselves w/in a matter of months.
I dunno. Given the Manlius real estate tax stats you sometimes post, it really makes me wonder where the bux are going. Oh, wait. To the benefits and bloated salaries of the bloated public sector workforce? Or what?
Here is the dirty secret. All crowing and shilling about ‘excellent schools’ is completely self referent, tautological, and meaningless UNLESS backed up by nationwide standardized test scores, and the measurements - school by school - are apples to apples. No state teacher’s union will permit its schools to be compared on a nationwide yardstick. There is a 50% chance it would be below average.
Questions would be shouted, whined, honked and brayed in all directions by the mouthbreathing breeders who demand our tax dollars to subsidize their litters, while being totally ignorant about meaningful indices of measurement.
Sorry. Got carried away there. A flashback to life in Fairfield County, CT. Provincial living amidst ignorant, strident, shrill, mouthbreathing breeders. The metaphorical precursors to the first film in the Alien series.
Name:Ben Jones Location:Northern Arizona, United States To donate by mail, or to otherwise contact this blogger, please send emails to:
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Review of When Money Dies by Adam Fergusson.
I don’t know what to do with this information. What can one man do in these scenarios?
1) Take the story with a grain of salt (it seems unlikely to get that bad here and now…).
2) Leave the country in case it does get that bad.
You can do a lot.
Refuse to be a “sheeple”
Openly Share your opinion when you see government screwing up.
Live within your means and keep it local.
When you see a business doing wrong do not go there.
Live within your means and keep it local.
Share ??
“When you see a business doing wrong do not go there.”
Plus one.
It bewilders me why people allow themselves to be regularly screwed by banks and a bank’s credit card policies but keep on going back for more.
Even some of my own family members groan about the bank bailouts, then hit up Megabank, Inc. for business.
Professor Milton Freidman used to ask his students if any of them had voted that day.
Their reasponse would be a “No” because the was no election.
Then he would ask them if any of them had BOUGHT anything that day, and it began to dawn on the students what he was talking about when he used the word “vote” when deciding whether or not to spend money on a product or a service.
Everybody votes with their dollars. Women get an extra vote, though.
And a lot of people vote with their feet. Witness the new congressional seat apportionment among the states.
Good review. I like this passage:
“And then there were the black swans. Early 20th- century Germany was savaged by a flock, including defeat in what was then the world’s most destructive war, revolution, civil unrest, territorial loss, the imposition of punitive reparations, a fresh occupation of its industrial heartland and, as if these woes were not enough, a Reichsbank presided over by Rudolf Havenstein. Even in the era of Zimbabwe’s Gideon Gono, Havenstein must be considered a strong contender for the title of worst central banker of all time. There seemed to be no limit to the amount of currency he was willing to print. Yes, America has its problems today, but by comparison …”
“There seemed to be no limit to the amount of currency he was willing to print.”
And is there any limit to the amount that The Bernank is willing to print?
Time will tell.
Improving stock market, higher capacity utilization rates (closer to normal), improved corporate earnings, better productivity, slightly better employment.
Increasing interest rates, slower stock market, lower house prices.
Can anyone make sense of this?
“Can anyone make sense of this?”
“Improving stock market”
Stock prices result from collective opinions. They can go anywhere collective opinions drive them.
“Higher capacity utilization rates (closer to normal)”
November’s capacity utiilization rate was 75.2 percent. This means nearly 25 percent of capacity was not utilized.
“Improved corporate earnings”
Maybe. In these days of creative accounting I am very suspicious or reported earnings, especially of the financials, which make up a big chunk of our corporations.
“Better productivity”
When you get rid of the workforce the productivity numbers rise because productivity is a measurement of the number work units divided by the number of man-hours spent to produce them.
“Slightly better employment”
When workers get their hours cut back then they have to take on a second job to make up the difference in income. Getting a second job juices up the employment numbers.
“Increasing interest rates.”
Interest rates is the price one pays to rent cash. If there is a shortage of cash then the price of renting cash will go up.
“Slower stock market.”
Again, there is a shortage of cash. Joe Six Pack is not interested in buying stocks, he’s more interested in paying his bills. One of the things he is doing, for example, is sucking money out of his 401ks.
“Lower house prices.”
The end of one of the largest manias in history has peaked and we are experiencing the downside effects of this mania.
Combo sees the cup as completely empty.l
No, I see the cup as filling up with opportunity.
Since stocks (companies) are owned in shares, rather than by individuals (as in owner-occupied housing), their prices are relatively less credit-constrained. For instance, one of my sons was telling me last night how much he loves Disney and how he wishes he could own the company; I actually thought of buying him a share of Disney stock, just so he could understand the idea of publicly-held companies.
By contrast, owner-occupied residential real estate is owned by individual households, and the sales prices are generally constrained by the purchase budgets of the households in the current pool of prospective buyers. If too much Wall Street money floods in to the residential real estate market, you get a price bubble with a huge supply overhang, as the typical Main Street household subject to prudential lending standards can’t compete with the Fed’s easy terms* to Wall Street banks.
*E.g. zero percent lending rate, no money down
Karl Denninger (writer of the Market-Ticker blog), stated on a local radio show yesterday that there is an index of stock price to (value of tangible corporate assets - debt). Basically, how many shares of stock does one have to buy to get a dollar of “some thing” - which I fill in the blank and hazily interpret as tangible asset value as of now.
Denninger stated that prior to the tech runup, from 195X to pre-tech runup, the index stood at 2. During the tech bubble, it went to 7. Currently it stands at 15. Which means you’d have to buy 15 dollars of stock to get 1 dollar of “some thing”.
I wish I had more info on the index, but just wanted to throw the observation out there.
Slightly better unemployment?
Have you not seen the latest report? Unemployment just rose… again.
Productivity is up only up BECAUSE of unemployment, not because of innovations in processes.
House Appraisals Under Fire ~ The Wall Street Journal
Computerized Models Are Assailed as Inaccurate; There Goes the Credit Line
Home appraisals, which were blamed for being too generous during the housing boom, are now being criticized by some homeowners for being too stingy, preventing them from refinancing or borrowing against their houses.
The criticism is being leveled at computerized real-estate appraisals, which depend on models that use prices from home sales and other data to determine the value of a house. Because of the volatility in the housing market, they are underestimating prices, some homeowners, real-estate agents and fee appraisers say.
Lenders use computerized appraisals primarily for home-equity loans, pre-approvals for mortgage refinancing, loan modifications and mortgage origination’s of less than $250,000. Automated appraisals are cheaper and faster than in-person appraisals. They run as little as $20, whereas appraisals done by people can cost hundreds of dollars.
What is this “other data?”
–’Cause human beings were doing SUCH a great job during the bubble.
“…criticized by some homeowners for being too stingy, preventing them from refinancing or borrowing against their houses.”
If they can’t borrow against their houses, then the appraisal must be wrong?
It’s their money…and they want it now!
Amazing! Some people still haven’t learned. And even if their intention is to get as much money out of the house as possible and then default, they’re forgetting that 2nd mortgages are always recourse loans.
Of course in MD ALL mortgages are full recourse, but that doesn’t seem to have any impact. Although close to the bubble peak, I did explain that to my brother-in-law, which went a ways towards persuading him to NOT buy an investment property which he had no business buying.
“they’re forgetting that 2nd mortgages are always recourse loans.”
My impression is that not all seconds are recourse loans. I believe that some states treat “purchase money seconds” very similarly to firsts. In other words, the loan taken out at initial closing to purchase the house, be it structured as a first, or first/second combination, is non-recourse.
YMMV, of course, since this is a state-law issue.
Stupid question here, but what pressing needs do require people to borrow against their house equity for? I could see medical bills and possibly a school bill for the kids, but other than that, what possibly could be a need to borrow on your house for? Credit card? If so, why?
Appraisals …Because it’s a published fact that maybe
50% of the homeowners are underwater, I tend to think that the appraisals are liberal ,if anything .
I get so sick and tired of this la la land thinking where people try to
make the facts conform to the rah rah cheer-leading of markets .
Today I’m going to see my Nephew from San Diego that’s going to college and I can’t wait to give him a dose of my opinions on the real World.
This Nephew has always been really productive,so I’m hoping that continues . Both my Nephews parents died by the time he was 10 years old . This kid had bad breaks in life but he isn’t letting it hold him back . Actually I’m pretty proud of him .
What do you expect in a land where facing reality is considered to be negative and defeatist thinking?
I hear you, Wizard. I’m sick of it, too.
This is one of the consequences of reliance upon data to make any and all decisions. Data whores use numbers at will for business, politics, romance, etc. Slice and dice to your own advantage.
Much of it is nonsense.
are now being criticized by some homeowners for being too stingy, preventing them from refinancing or borrowing against their houses ?
No question about it around here….I would not frame it as incompetence, its more like “if I come in 5%-10% under I can’t get in trouble…Lenders will scream, homeowners will scream but as far as my job is concerned I am safe…..
I will tell you another thing about this “new normal” on appraisals…They are real expensive…I just had a appraisal done on a rental property…$795….
Professional Liablility Insurance has probably gotten really expensive.
“The criticism is being leveled at computerized real-estate appraisals, which depend on models that use prices from home sales and other data to determine the value of a house. ”
And where were all the complaints when housing was riding a 20% increase per year rise.
I closed on the refinance of my mortgage about a week ago and the house was appraised in October.
The value that the appraiser turned in as it was about 7% to 10% higher than I was expecting based on the asking price of a similar house in the neighborhood that’s been on the market since May 2010.
Thanks to the generous appraised value I didn’t have to kick in too much cash to keep the loan-to-value ratio at 80%.
When realtors, banksters, corporatists and their minions and other unsavory thugs of various types are called out for what they are, a very small minority of of reactionary non-thinking blog contributors immediately respond by;
1) Defending them
2) Accuse other of being angry
It happens here every day. Watch, read and observe. Then ask yourself this simple question….. Why would a peon publicly embarrass himself by making excuses for the very thugs that oppresses him?
They love to lick the boot that kicks them.
Yep. Distract the folks with social engineering legislation and get ‘em all fired up about emotional issues, so they don’t notice their pockets being picked. Neat-oooooooooo!
They work for the Kochtopus?
Why would a peon publicly embarrass himself by making excuses for the very thugs that oppresses him?
because that way/ no one can call us a
collectionivistcollegivistacollagenivistsoloishta social list.Half Moon Bay Faces Financial Brink ~ WSJ
New City Manager Leads Effort to Prepare Residents for Likelihood of Steep Budget Cuts; Policing Could Be Outsourced
HALF MOON BAY—This coastal city next month will begin an aggressive campaign to warn residents of severe budget cuts that lie ahead, as the cash-strapped town tries to avert insolvency.
Laura Snideman, appointed earlier this month as Half Moon Bay’s city manager, says she and the five-member city council and top managers will meet in the next few weeks with residents to alert them about impending changes, such as potentially outsourcing the town’s 15-person police department to an outside agency.
The financial troubles of Half Moon Bay have made the coastal city a poster child for the problems plaguing Bay Area municipalities.
The city has planned as many as a dozen meetings and will have a town hall gathering at the end of January, says Ms. Snideman. She adds that Half Moon Bay hasn’t embarked on such an aggressive public outreach before and plans to walk residents through the city budget to show where cuts need to come from.
“The choices are no longer hard, they’re painful,” says Ms. Snideman, formerly an economic development manager in the city of San Mateo. She adds that she hopes by making the case for cuts, some residents will offer ideas or even volunteer to save some services and programs.
“volunteer to save some services and program”
How do volunteers feel when their paid predecessors are collecting pensions and such?
“How do volunteers feel when their paid predecessors are collecting pensions and such?”
This is interesting as I have given this a lot of thought. I think this is how scary people make power grabs. Since things will require lots of people to actually “do work,’ the most powerful people will be those that have rhetoric to guide the masses, so to speak.
In other words, when the money is gone, the leaders become the people who whip up the most fear.
I wish Alad was here to give me a hug.
I wish Alad was here to give me a hug
He’s easy enough to find..
“He’s easy enough to find..”
Huh? Care to fill me in?
He’s talking about Alladinsane, not Amanda Huggenkiss.
How do their predecessors feel being unemployed while volunteers work their jobs?
They feel fine when they’re retired and collecting bennies. In fact, they think they’re the cat’s meow. I see it all the time around here. Gonna be a real shocker for some of these folks collecting pensions and SS when the hammer drops.
It’s also gonna be a real shocker for the businesses that depend on the spending of those pension and SS folks when the hammer drops.
You betcha! I can think of a number of businesses around here that will be cryin’ the blues. Especially the golf cart dealers.
Insert “INTERNS” which is just about the same as volunteers.
Must have experience and work for free food, or bus fare
Volunteers motivations are probably different from interns. (Staying busy, helping their community, etc.)
Interns are probably more easily exploited as they think the “experience” will lead somewhere.
Interns are probably more easily exploited as they think the “experience” will lead somewhere.
And it very well could. Many companies looking for new interns look favorably upon candidates with prior intern experience.
“And it very well could. Many companies looking for new interns look favorably upon candidates with prior intern experience.”
I remember when HP used to be VERY generous with their summer interns. They paid a very genrous stipend at the time (abour $2500 a month).
If course its now cheaper to hire people in Bangalore and the HP intern (AKA the S.E.E.D.) has all but vanished.
“We told the investors, ‘We have this amazing idea, and everyone will want to take part and we’re not going to pay them,’” Goldberg recalls. Besides having contributors who would style photo shoots or write articles in exchange for promoting their name or product, “we were going to have an army of interns.” ”
I’ve learned the hard way: don’t do any damn thing for free except for friends or family, and even then, only if you can afford it.
Organizations of any kind? Money talks, bullcrap walks.
“Anything I want to put on my resume,” says Kaila Simpson, one of three full-time interns for Janine Driver, a motivational speaker based in Washington, D.C., “she can find a way for me to get that experience.”
I see resume inflation.
Every city employee laid off is immediately eligible to collect a pension and SS?
You know better than that.
impending changes, such as potentially outsourcing the town’s 15-person police department to an outside agency ??
Lots of 2nd homes in Half Moon Bay….Its the “in thing” you know….Kind of a poor mans Carmel….There are people that have 2nd homes in Half Moon Bay that could pay for the entire police department out of “petty change”….Don’t hold your breath….
Florida is No. 3 in nation for slow pace of foreclosing on delinquent homeowners
By Kimberly Miller Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
Posted: 6:49 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 29, 2010
The average Florida homeowner who went into foreclosure in November hadn’t paid his mortgage in 10 months.
The 307-day delay between the first late payment and a foreclosure referral, reported in a study released this week, was called “flabbergasting” by one financial expert who said mortgages typically go to foreclosure by the third delinquent payment.
The average Maryland home doesn’t go to foreclosure until 358 days following the first late payment. New York is at 344 days. California tops the list at 367 days.
“I am absolutely, utterly flabbergasted that this could be true,” said Skip McDonough, a broker with Family Mortgage in Jupiter. “It flies in the face of prudent management and due diligence on the part of the lender.”
Herb Blecher, senior vice president of LPS Applied Analytics, said it’s the first time the company has done a state-by-state measure of pre-foreclosure loan delinquency.
The data include homes that are in foreclosure for a second time, possibly following a loan modification or short-sale attempt. Those loans, which Blecher said are not a majority, would extend the time to foreclosure because the report measures from the first late payment to the most recent foreclosure referral.
The report also found that 18 percent of loans nationwide with 24 or more missed payments are not in foreclosure. About 15 percent of loans with 18 months of no payments remain out of foreclosure.
“We are looking at a very large pool of very delinquent loans,” Blecher said.
Many struggling homeowners undoubtedly see delays in the foreclosure process as a benefit. But for homeowner associations trying to collect late fees and neighbors of vacant properties, foreclosure postponements can mean lower home values and a reduction in property maintenance.
Bob Clinton, president-elect of the Florida Association of Mortgage Professionals, Palm Beaches chapter, said the federal loan modification plan and the sheer volume of bad loans are contributing to the foreclosure delay.
About 505,000 homeowners nationwide have received permanent lower monthly payments through the Making Home Affordable program, according to a Treasury Department report this month.
But 774,000 homeowners have dropped out of the $30 billion plan. That’s about 54 percent of the more than 1.4 million who have applied.
“It’s pretty restrictive and a huge failure,” Clinton said of the federal program. “Many homeowners who end up in foreclosure had made an attempt to modify.”
Clinton said the banks are “notoriously” unprepared to handle the millions of foreclosures nationwide, as well as the loan modifications.
“They don’t have the staff or depth of talent that this economy calls for,” Clinton said. “It used to be foreclosure was a big, big deal. Nowadays, it’s like someone turned on a faucet and they can’t stop it.”
Why such a delay for Maryland? I thought we all had secure high-paying government jobs.
Perhaps the fact that we’re a full-recourse state means that lenders are seeing whether the FBs have any assets worth seizing. —Naah, that would be a RATIONAL response, so I don’t think that’s it.
It certainly would help the balance sheet to prioritze going after the borrowers that have enough other assets to be seized to pay off the entire loan. However, I suspect that the delay is, like most states, due to the difficulty of the real owners, the bond holders, to force the loan services to do anything that stops the stream of servicing payments.
But if the stream of payments was still comming in, they wouldn’t BE foreclosing. Its my understanding that once the borrower stops paying, the servicers don’t GET any money until the house is auctioned off, although once it is, they get to rake their foreclosure costs off the top.
December 29, 2010, 2:18 PM ET.
Four Housing Issues To Watch in 2011.
1. Jobs: Call it a cop out because it’s so obvious, but without more tax credits to juice sales, the housing market needs job growth.
First, who’s going to buy a house when they’re not certain they’ll have a job in six months and when it looks like home prices are likely to fall another 5%? Mortgage rates spent much of 2010 at a level that hadn’t been seen since the Eisenhower administration, but it didn’t do to increase buyer demand.
2. Foreclosure delays: In September, some of the nation’s largest banks, including units of Bank of America Corp. and J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., suspended foreclosures due to potentially fraudulent document-handling procedures. Foreclosure filings were down sharply in November, a sign that the foreclosure machinery is proving to be slower to restart than the banks’ initial folks-there’s-nothing-to-see-here guidance.
3. Washington: Next month, the Obama administration is set to issue an initial set of recommendations for how to remake Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the broader mortgage market. Deficit hawks also have their sights set on scaling back the mortgage-interest deduction, though immediate action isn’t expected.
Meanwhile, regulators are also writing new rules on provisions outlined in the Dodd-Frank Act that will clarify how banks must retain some of the risk on loans that are bundled and sold off as securities and define what constitutes a “qualified residential mortgage” that is exempt from such rules.
4. Lending standards and rates: The government continues to dominate the mortgage-lending landscape, with more than nine in 10 new loans backed by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac or government agencies such as the Federal Housing Administration. Policymakers might try to create more room for private lenders to return by allowing expanded conforming loan limits to fall in September. If mortgage rates continue to rise, that could lead buyers to scale back their purchases, putting pressure on home prices. - -
Why would decreasing “expanded conforming loan limits” allow for more private lending? And why does this article use biased words like “allow?” Is making a private loan now somehow illegal?
Yeah, cause people are lining up to get subsidized loans of more than 417k. They’ll double their borrowing if they have to pay market interest rate. (Say, around 7%)
If you can qualify for a subsidized loan of $729,000, including government guaranteed principle and government(Fed)-subsidized below-private-market interest rate, why would a borrower want to pay whatever rates private lenders charge, and purchase private mortgage insurance? Government subsidies are the way to go, as that way other people’s money helps you pay for your house.
CHICAGO (AP) — Through a combination of procrastination and bad timing, many baby boomers are facing a personal finance disaster just as they’re hoping to retire. Starting in January, more than 10,000 baby boomers a day will turn 65, a pattern that will continue for the next 19 years.
< Heard this on radio yesterday. 10,000 people a day turning 65 - - for the next 19 years! Not all will sign up for Social Security, however. A few will wait ’til they’re 70 because the monthly checks are substantially higher for those able (and willing) to hold off.
Bottom line - a big surge in the Social Security rolls starting next month. How long will the trust fund last?
‘Starting in January, more than 10,000 baby boomers a day will turn 65, a pattern that will continue for the next 19 years.”
And many of them will soon be trying to downsize from their empty-nest McMansions into more suitable housing for seniors.
I wonder if the problem will really be that bad. I am a boomer myself, and I work in a shop full of boomers. The youngest is >50 years old out of roughly a dozen people. These are some seriously unhealthy people, almost all of them suffering from morbid obesity, heart disease, diabetes, smoking-induced lung disease, high blood pressure, or in some cases a combination of the these ailments or others. Granted, they will be using a lot of medical care for a while, but I can’t see a lot of my co-workers lasting much beyond their late 60s-early 70s. The pension/SS/medicare squeeze may turn out to be self-correcting.
“Bottom line - a big surge in the Social Security rolls starting next month. How long will the trust fund last?”
I suspect that we will never see another SS COLA increase, and probably will see decreased payouts in nominal terms by the end of the he decade unless they increase the payroll tax. Another possibility are direct subsidies from the federal budget (as long as the printing presses keep humming).
Bottom line - a big surge in the Social Security rolls starting next month. How long will the trust fund last?
Ask BB
“Another possibility are direct subsidies from the federal budget (as long as the printing presses keep humming).”
Why should there need to be direct subsidies of SS from the federal budget? It’s been SS that’s been subsidizing the federal budget since the 1980’s. With minor adjustments to the income cap for SS taxes, SS is fully funded.
I thought people in Seattle were all “health nuts”.
… but I can’t see a lot of my co-workers lasting much beyond their late 60s-early 70s.
From what I’ve seen, one result of the miracles of modern medicine is that it’s possible to keep unhealthy people alive for a long time. However, it seems to work better for women than men. Both of my grandmothers had weird health problems that started in their 40s. One lived to be 91 and the other 88.
I’m a 62 Y/O boomer myself. Fortunately, I’ve saved enough and kept the lifestyle modest enough to have a comfortable retirement. In fact, I am giving serious consideration to checking out next year (in 2011).
Rationing of health services under Medicare is a given, not if, just when, and to what degree. It has to happen, and should happen. If a 70 year old wants a hip replacement or bypass surgery, then he should be required to foot the bill.
Unlike a lot of my fellow boomers, I am quite fit. I run a couple of thousand miles and a couple of marathons a year. But that’s not to say I am healthy. I have a heart condition that could kill me at any time and almost certainly will within the next 10 years if something else doesn’t get me first. That is the reality of advancing age. The condition I have is treatable with open-heart surgery but I have opted not to have the surgery due to the very long recovery period. As medical care is rationed, both under Medicare and under private health plans as well, longevity will inevitably decline.
If a 70 year old wants a hip replacement or bypass surgery, then he should be required to foot the bill ??
Interesting coming from someone who is 62 and quite candid I might add….
What do you think about a 65 year old ??
60 ??
55 ??
50 ??
“Through a combination of procrastination and bad timing…”
Bullcrap. 30 years of offshoring millions of jobs and wage cuts for millions more are the ONLY cause.
“Housing busts have historically been about three years from peak to trough, I’m told by the people who analyze these things.”
So says the journalist who wrote the piece posted below. Here are a couple of anecdotes, a citation, and a few comments which may help shed light on what these ‘people who analyze these things’ told this young lady:
1) The Japanese housing bubble started collapsing around 1990, two full decades ago, with no end in sight as I type; hence there is no assurance a given housing bust will end within a three year time frame.
2) The early-1990s California real estate bust lasted from approximately 1990-1996, before the tech stock bubble began to noticeably replace the omnipresent gloom with that old euphoric feeling.
3) From time to time, on an as-needed basis, I have cited this authoritative piece from the IMF, published in April 2003, entitled When Bubbles Burst, which uses empirical evidence from a cross section of developed nation economies over a thirty-year period to distinguish between “bear markets” (e.g. ordinary recessions) and serious busts (e.g. banking crises like the one we are currently experiencing).
Table 2.1 summarizes the recent history of housing and stock market “busts” across all countries in the study. The median duration of a stock market bust was 2 1/2 years (ten quarters) and of a housing market bust was four years (16 quarters). By this timing, the U.S. stock market would not bottom out until some time next year (Q4.2008-Q1.2011 = 10 quarters), and assuming the onset of the housing bust in Q2.2006, a housing trough would have occurred earlier this year (Q2.2006-Q1.2010 = 16 quarters).
However, given the myriad market-distorting interventions which the government undertook in a futile effort to soften the impact of the housing bust, plus the fact that the housing bubble was by far the biggest boom in the history of modern real estate, there is a great likelihood the collapse phase will play out for far longer than the recent historic norm.
Housing Prices Headed Further Down?
Dec 29 2010, 2:24 PM ET 39
Words to strike terror in the heart of any homeowner: “And Now House Prices Will Now Drop Another 20%”. That’s what Garry Shilling argues in a rather exhaustive piece for Business Insider, in which he lays out a whole bunch of reasons to think that home values still have a little farther to fall. Most of those reasons come back to three factors that have considerable interplay: unemployment; tighter underwriting standards; and a huge unsold inventory. In essence, demand remains depressed because too many people can’t get mortgages; while inventory is building up, not only the conventional inventory but the “shadow inventory” of houses that need to be sold in the near future, but which aren’t on the market yet: defaults that haven’t yet been foreclosed, foreclosures that haven’t been put on the market, and homes owned by people who ought to sell, for one reason or another, but can’t quite bring themselves to take the loss yet.
Housing busts have historically been about three years from peak to trough, I’m told by the people who analyze these things. But housing busts have never before seen the sort of government interventions we’ve had to prop up the housing market. So it’s entirely plausible that the market will fall still further–indeed, likely, looking at the Case-Shiller index, which remains above its historical level.
Professor Bear, you make a great deal of sense here. I want to thank you for your tireless commitment to truth amid this caxophony of lies and unending red herrings that comprise the collective wisdom of media pundits. I’m interested in knowing when the juice stops flowing from Papa Bernanke into the markets. What a surprising day it will be!
What we need is another bubble in some asset.Cue the fed, and here we have another stock market rally and bubble.
What we need is another bubble in some asset. Cue the fed
They’ve been calling for that since 2008.
Recession-Plagued Nation Demands New Bubble To Invest In JULY 14, 2008,2486/
WASHINGTON—A panel of top business leaders testified before Congress about the worsening recession Monday, demanding the government provide Americans with a new irresponsible and largely illusory economic bubble in which to invest.
“What America needs right now is not more talk and long-term strategy, but a concrete way to create more imaginary wealth in the very immediate future,” said Thomas Jenkins, CFO of the Boston-area Jenkins Financial Group, a bubble-based investment firm. “We are in a crisis, and that crisis demands an unviable short-term solution.”
The current economic woes, brought on by the collapse of the so-called “housing bubble,” are considered the worst to hit investors since the equally untenable dot-com bubble burst in 2001. According to investment experts, now that the option of making millions of dollars in a short time with imaginary profits from bad real-estate deals has disappeared, the need for another spontaneous make-believe source of wealth has never been more urgent.
“Perhaps the new bubble could have something to do with watching movies on cell phones,” said investment banker Greg Carlisle of the New York firm Carlisle, Shaloe & Graves. “Or, say,
medicine, or shipping. Or clouds. The manner of bubble isn’t important—just as long as it creates a hugely overvalued market based on nothing more than whimsical fantasy and saddled with the potential for a long-term accrual of debts that will never be paid back, thereby unleashing a ripple effect that will take nearly a decade to correct.”
I have some friends who are retired that have a rental house bleeding at a rate of $1300/month for the last several years. They didn’t sell because all their property always went back up. I told them three years ago to dump it, but they held on because of past personal history with RE. They just saw an attorney who told them to stop paying and pocket the rent until the bank takes ownership; waiting to see the outcome.
Be glad it’s not family members.
No one in my family listened to me when I told them to sell or stay out of real estate. 2 are OK because they bought their properties years ago. My mom is in deep doo doo. Condos, Town homes and a beutiful home. So far they are above water but I wonder for how long.
“No one in my family listened to me when I told them to sell or stay out of real estate.”
Some of my family members listened to me, some didn’t. Guess which group now proudly owns underwater property?
I think the housing bust in Western NY lasted over 40 years.
“Housing busts have historically been about three years from peak to trough, I’m told by the people who analyze these things.”
But this wasn’t just any housing bubble, it was the largest in history with considerable intervention to try to stop/delay the bust. There would have had to be intervention to accelerate this bust to have had any hope of it being done in three years.
There can be no realistic end date for this bust until issues with the economy are resolved. There are so many unresolved issues, there’s no realistic date for when that might occur.
Can an elephant change its spots?
Why Are Republicans Changing Their Tune on Fannie and Freddie?
Dec 29 2010, 11:08 AM ET
One of the most common Republican battle cries over the past year has been to wind down government sponsored mortgage companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (F&F). They played a major role in creating the housing bubble that led to the financial crisis. The taxpayers’ loss on their rescue will exceed $150 billion, which is several times the cost of the rescue for the rest of the financial industry. Yet a new report indicates that Republicans might not be so eager to tear down F&F after all.
What has changed?
Actually, let’s take a step back. What are Republicans actually saying now? The report comes from Alan Zibel from the Wall Street Journal. Here’s an excerpt that helps to explain:
Contrast that attitude with this:
Essentially, they’ve gone from trying to quickly eliminate F&F to saying that a slower, more prudent approach is necessary. Clearly, something has happened to soften their once aggressive attitude.
They won the House in 2010, that’s why. Much easier to trash talk while you’re running, than it is to actually produce results.* And Republicans are realizing that voters will them out just as quickly.
And what is this malarky about “privatizing” Fannie and Freddie in five years? They WERE privated five years ago.
And pursuing a course of action that it likely to lower house prices even more than they would otherwise will piss off both a large number of homeowning constituents and their banker/Wall Street masters who lent the money in the first place.
They won and now the campaign contributions are flowing in.
Money talks, ideology and values walk in Washington.
The next election is over 18 months away.
Yet a new report indicates that Republicans might not be so eager to tear down F&F after all.
THIS IS AN OUTRAGE! AFTER I bought a 2 year supply of Earl Grey?!
(i feel like, IDK, betrayed or something)
As Gomer Pyle would say: “Surprise, surprise!”
Lots of RE money behind the GOP. Realtors are much more likely to run for office than lawyers, at least around here.
“Essentially, they’ve gone from trying to quickly eliminate F&F to saying that a slower, more prudent approach is necessary. Clearly, something has happened to soften their once aggressive attitude.”
Mu guess would be that they found out their personal investments would be affected by some type of domino effect.
Ohio AG Cordray Urges Courts to Take Action in Foreclosure Cases
Wed, 2010-12-29 16:57
In a letter sent today to Ohio judges, State Attorney General Richard Cordray has requested that the state courts continue to pay close attention to foreclosure cases that may have affidavits signed by robo-signers. In support of continued vigilance, Cordray highlights several courts that have taken action to address the situation.
“In tracking these cases throughout the state, we have found that judges are finding different ways to handle them,” said Attorney General Cordray. “Judges from Cuyahoga to Trumbull to Butler Counties have all found ways to deal with affidavits that may be fraudulent. I strongly urge other courts to consider options that will work best for them as our office decides how to handle the individual cases.”
Announced job cuts surged in November
CHICAGO (UPI) — Announced job layoffs at U.S. firms rose 28 percent in November over October, employment research firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas said Wednesday.
The number of announced job cuts was the highest since March, but the year’s total through November remain 60 percent below the number for the first 11 months of 2009, the firm said.
In November, U.S. firms announced they were eliminating 48,711 jobs.
In November, 79 chief executive officers left their jobs, the lowest number of CEO departures since April.
To date, 1,227 CEOs have left their jobs this year, Challenger, Gray & Christmas said.
I wonder how this reconciles with the drop in new UE claims? (see below).
And regarding the CEO’s, wonder how many were shown the door and how many are grabbing the golden parachute and bailing while the going is good.
“And regarding the CEO’s, wonder how many were shown the door”
They’re probably getting bonuses for “cutting costs and boosting profits”
I am so glad that I escaped from that hellhole called “Corporate America”.
Announced job layoffs at U.S. firms rose 28 percent in November over October, employment research firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas said Wednesday ?
You would not know it from all the happy talk on the tube this morning…
Yeah they’re really whipping it up into a fever pitch aren’t they..god what a farce.
U.S. weekly jobless claims drop 34,000 to 388,000
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — The number of U.S. workers filing new applications for jobless benefits fell 34,000 to a seasonally adjusted 388,000 in the week ended Dec. 25, hitting the lowest level since July of 2008, the Labor Department reported Thursday.
Mr Market will likely celebrate this news on the last trading day of 2010. Maybe Eddie will get his 400 pt DJIA breakout after all?
How come traders are looking past the good news on the labor market front?
Index Futures:
S&P 500 1,255 -0.90 -0.07%
DOW 11,524 -8.00 -0.07%
NASDAQ 2,227 -1.75 -0.08%
Sell on the news?
Wall street has retail investors right in their hands.They want the market to go higher and suck the retail gambler in via the etrade accounts. I think retail has finally caught on to the game.
Buy low and sell high. Right now you will be buying high than wall street will plunge the market forcing you to sell out.Game is rigged folks.
Shouldn’t that number have gone down 20% since the agencies were closed on Christmas Eve? Can you do the entire application process on-line? If so, wouldn’t some people who do get laid off put off doing the application until after the holiday?
Good questions all.
Plus I would expect fewer layoffs on the week before Christmas anyway, since so many firms shit down that week anyway.
My experience is that most employers, being only human, are reluctant to lay people off during the Christmas/New Years holiday. Some of it is empathy for the workers to be canned, some of it is that no one is around to deal with the blizzard of paperwork that mass terminations create.
I’m thinking that the 388K is an abberation and we will see a return to the new normal after the first week or so of the new year.
I agree
“Some of it is empathy for the workers to be canned”
And some of them don’t want the negative PR of laying people off right before the holiday.
“My experience is that most employers, being only human, are reluctant to lay people off during the Christmas/New Years holiday.”
My experience is just the opposite.
Once again we see the news being manipulated.
UE was up yet UEI claims are down.
How can this be? Obviously, it can’t.
the year that was
Vote Now For The Biggest Business Debacle Of 2010
By Chris Morran on December 29, 2010 12:30 PM
We asked for your input in nominating the biggest business screw-ups of the year and you responded. Now is your chance to vote for a loser from the final five nominees.
In no particular order, the most nominated debacles are:
Foreclosure Fracas, aka Robosigners Revealed:
2010 saw Bank of America and other lenders putting a temporary halt to foreclosures after it was revealed that, among other idiotic actions, banks had hired so-called “robosigners,” untrained rubber-stampers, to process mortgage paperwork. BofA was also the source of numerous stories of improper foreclosures and seizures.
As I posted yesterday, the BIGGEST business screw up was the Repubs voting down the bill that would have ended tax breaks for offshoring jobs.
But I’ve not emphasized the rest of that bill: it would have given the tax breaks to LOCAL BUSINESSES for hiring locally.
Oops. Did I forget to mention that part?
But I’ve not emphasized the rest of that bill: it would have given the tax breaks to LOCAL BUSINESSES for hiring locally.
Man, we are so messed up. But thanks for staying with that.
We’re effing screwed is what we are.
Catching up with yesterday’s insightful comments. Oxide argued that wishing prices may be budging here in DCVAMD, but that it would be a horse race between two duelling variables, house affordability and house deterioration. Grim prospect. It’s not like anything around here in Northern VA was ever built to last, and the building codes permit really crappy construction. At the same time, rent prices ARE rising precipitously. Maybe the Repubs coming in in January will finally get something going with chasing the illegals out.
On the erstwhile home front. I have previously noted that I was fortunate to have escaped the Northeast, CT in particular, some time before the bubble burst. It was clear that something very, very bad was going to happen, what with the tweeked up hustling and such. People may have sensed that the CT e-CON-omy had switched from private sector to public over the previous fifteen years. If so, it was never expressed aloud, only with the general desuetude and grim set of shoulder. CT was stagnant then, and it is rotting now.
One of my friends - really - is a realtor, and her husband was a builder. There were so many couples with this configuration that it’s sort of like macaroni and cheez. He built ‘high end’ houses - he actually has taste - and she sold ‘em. Both had been doing this since after the 80s bust. When the bubble burst, they got stucco holding several of said houses. Which they lost. There are things you don’t talk about when you’ve known people for a long time, and when you have genuine fondness for them. When I went to visit them, I was in a celebratory mood, having paid off all of my debt (about which I crowed here, quite immodestly and at great length) without dipping into my assets. The old je ne sais quois flashed, briefly - “we don’t have any debt either!”
She is now doing foreclosures and short sales, and says they are like pulling teeth, they take a year to close. She says she retired, and is drawing Social Security. She has found hedonic substitutes, although she has become subdued. She follows the stock and financial instrument market, and has permitted
herself a round number that she places into positions on the basis of discussions and research with her investment club. It is a productive way to fill time, and you do learn something from it. He retooled in his 50s, learned a new industry - securing, bundling and reselling bandwidth - and spends most of his time at a desk, the only greybeard among 20 somethings. The only employee who can talk to the site services managers comprising their core customers. I figured he’d wind up OK - he has humor and cynicism as well as practicality, and is the son of an old world craftsman. His father taught him a thing or two, and he took the training to heart.
That area of CT has become damped down and muffled. The apologists are strident. This is THE Chosen Land, beyond whose borders there is no known civilization. Nobody actually leaves other than the kids who couldn’t make it into an out of state college and get left behind.
The discussion that proved fruitful was, “wages are flat and declining. Heating oil price has gone steadily up. How comfortable are you with staying warm, given one of the highest electricity costs in the country (thanks for the graph, DennisN!) , and given that you have to fill up your heating oil tank a minimum of every two weeks from October 1st to March 30th?”
My long time friend cloaks herself with the trappings of dignity, as occasion demands. Nevertheless, after two days, we were talking reasonable criteria, and decision rules, for Plan B. For when life DOES get worse, heaven forbid. For when heating oil DOES go to $4/gal again, and stays there forever or gets even more expensive. For when there have been no closings whatsoever for a year, when he is faced with a salary cut, or a precipitous increase in co-pays, or…or…etc.
I told ‘em my Plan B. The Oil City Plan, with the additional twist of 40 acres, running water, a woodlot and a mule. In view of my observation that we as a society may be in in a post industrial decline. That our grid control systems are susceptible to incursions and exogenous disruptions. We agreed that water, garden space and a woodlot would be key. She then said we all ought to buy up a couple of hundred acres of farmland in depopulating upstate New York - and we left that as a reasonable stalemate until next time.
I would, in fact, find it pleasant to be around both of my old friends, in some kind of proximity, during the Plan B scenario. Our senses of humor play off of one another nicely. At the moment, though, until the Medicare kicks in, they need health insurance (which the
private sector job provides).
Thanks Jane for the post. We have similar friends.
“She then said we all ought to buy up a couple of hundred acres of farmland in depopulating upstate New York - and we left that as a reasonable stalemate until next time.”
Then you better have a Plan C because this one has bankrupted more NYC/NJ/CT fools than I can count. And most of them fell out during the good times.
Exeter, I was hoping you would weigh in. I agree with you completely, but don’t quite understand the mechanism for going broke UNLESS those folks had taken out loans for the land and couldn’t afford the taxes. Please tell me how they could go broke doing this, unless they had debt or went hog wild on ‘improvements’.
Or unless they embarked on ‘rehabbing’ a ‘historic’ crapshack and got eaten alive.
OR unless they were counting on selling bales of hay and tomatoes to their neighbors to pay the taxes. And their neighbors’ business plan, unexpectedly, was to sell functionally equivalent tomatoes and bales of hay to THEM for the same reason.
I get it that farming is not a profitable business because you need economies of scale in distribution systems, as well as a great deal of practical know how in how to fix things. While subsistence gardening and smallholding to ensure food security in the event of a currency collapse, hyperinflation, confiscation of 401Ks, or SS termination is, IMHO, an eminently sensible approach to living.
I still suck at fixing things, but I figure I’ll pare down to an environment that requires no moving parts other than my corn broom, hand whisk and mortar and pestle. My idea of the high life is having enough time to read, walk my prospective dog, and hang around of an evening drinking homebrew and playing Tiddly Winks with the likes of my two old friends anyways.
Oh, Exeter, and I did mean to say that I agree with you. Needing a Plan C rather than the Upstate NY Plan B.
But my reason was because keeping things fixed, animals alive, yourself from freezing, and growing enough surplus to last through a six month killing winter every year is not a practical plan unless you hit the ground running with all systems in place and in balance from Day One. My little coterie is not in that position.
The reason I want 40 acres is to have space for family, room to hide the still/pasture the mule/contain the chicken coop/till the rotating garden plots, a clear field of fire on any ingress points, and several alternative evacuation routes if needed.
NOT to make bank as a farmer.
A problem with upstate NY is the tax rate. There may be better places.
There seems to be a choice you have to make: do you want a place with nice weather, or do you want a place with lots of water? At the risk of oversimplification, the western US is less water-endowed than the eastern US. The SW is particuarly vulnerable, whereas the NW less so, to water shortages going into the future.
I hunted up a friend from Silicon Valley defense days, and amazingly enough he has become a farmer in western Michigan (IIRC near Traverse City). That’s not a complete surprize since his family farms there.
I get the feeling that there’s a great divide between western CT (metro NYC) and eastern CT. IIRC Rhode Island is one of the most poverty stricken areas in the US right now, and perhaps eastern CT is “western RI”.
They don’t call North Carolina, Tennesee, Kentucky, or southern Virginia “half-backer”* states for nothing. Lower taxes, lots of cheap open land, plentiful Wal-Marts.
James Kunstler, of peak oil fame, has predicted for years that northerners will flee to these states to set up their own back-40 Oil City plan — only to be met by gun-totin’ rednecks who don’t like being invaded by damn librul Yanks.
*half-backer: a northerner who retires to Florida only to find the hot weather and bugs worse than the cold, so they move “halfway back” north to the middle-south states.
Most of the Yankees who moved to this county over the last 30+ years have political views that are right of center. There’s even an active tea party group in the county, consisting of both locals and transplants. No, I’m not a member. What’s fun is hearing the transplants complain how the locals still run the county council, turn down zoning initiatives, and otherwise keep things the way they’ve been for the last century or more. Never mind that the locals outnumber the transplants by more than 5 to 1. The more delusional transplants do their best to ignore that fact as they complain that they can never get their way.
BTW, if anyone on this blog is considering moving to this region, don’t. It’s awful, the worst place in the U.S. Stay away!
“Maybe the Repubs coming in in January will finally get something going with chasing the illegals out.”
Keep dreaming. The party that is doing its best to destroy the middle class loves a labor force that is cheap, illiterate and won’t demand “rights.”
But then again, so does the other party.
“…six biggest lenders in the state (including some of the biggest banks in the country)…”
Any guesses as to the identities of these mystery lenders?
‘Robo-signing’ foreclosures / N.J. courts step in
Posted: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 12:01 am | Updated: 8:49 am, Tue Dec 28, 2010.
When a bank wants to foreclose on your home - and that’s something that has happened to more than 225,000 New Jersey families in the last five years - an officer of the bank must prove in sworn statements that the bank, in fact, owns the mortgage and that the mortgage is, in fact, in default, with the amount owed clearly specified.
These are basic legal protections afforded to borrowers. But with record numbers of foreclosure cases these days, banks are cheating. They are hiring so-called “robo-signers” to process hundreds of foreclosure affidavits a day. These low-level workers are, in effect, attesting to what they cannot possibly attest to truthfully, considering the volume they are handling - that the banks’ claims against the borrowers are indeed accurate and documented.
It may sound rather petty - like one of those “legal technicalities” that so many people disparage. But these technicalities prevent people from errors and outright fraud. They prevent families from being thrown out of homes that they have a right to stay in.
It’s a national problem, but the New Jersey Supreme Court has taken it upon itself to address the issue and protect homeowners’ rights.
Last week, Chief Justice Stuart Rabner appointed Judge Mary C. Jacobson, of Mercer County, to oversee foreclosure matters in the state. She immediately signed an order requiring the six biggest lenders in the state (including some of the biggest banks in the country) to appear in her courtroom on Jan. 19 to show cause why the processing of residential foreclosures should not be suspended in New Jersey as a result of the robo-signing.
Oh, is there anyone in New Jersey whod could go to this one and report back? This is going to be fun. I’d love to see what happens when the banks come forward with these two arguments: 1) not that many people have objected so we can’t have made too many mistakes and 2) we have fixed all our procedures so we aren’t making mistakes anymore.
Math will be the judges friend on the new procedures. How many people who are really qualified (accountants or at least significant experience in book keeping) do you have on staff? How many forclosure notices are you filing? How many pages are in the files? How many items of data need to be confirmed by this person using research outside the file? If you have people reviewing and signing off on more than one or two files with many hundreds of pages and requiring additional research each day, you lose.
Thanks for this and all the many other insights you share here, Polly.
“Any guesses as to the identities of these mystery lenders?”
Since nobody else has stepped up with any guesses, here are mine:
1. JP Morgan
2. Bank of America
4. Wells Fargo
5. ?
6. ?
These are just my guesses…
5. citi
6. quicken loans
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Do we really know how many foreclosures are out there?
A foreclosure sign in front of a home
Marketplace’s Alisa Roth looks into why foreclosure figures vary so widely from source to source.
Oil Could Push to $110: Charts
It’s “certainly possible” that the price of a barrel of oil will push above $100 a barrel, Daryl Guppy, CEO of, told CNBC Thursday. “Once you move above $100, then $110 is just clear freeway straight to that level,” Guppy added.
China May Throw Wrench Into Oil Market
Expected Build of Strategic Reserves Could Hasten Move to $100 Crude
NEW YORK—China is expected to resume building its strategic oil reserves next year, a development likely to quicken the march to triple-digit oil prices.
It is no secret that China is building an emergency stockpile of oil akin to the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve, though the Chinese government is secretive about the timing for filling its storage tanks. A chorus of oil analysts say the second phase of China’s reserve building—an addition of 168 million barrels—is likely to begin sometime in the first half of 2011.
That will translate into higher gasoline prices, taking more money out of U.S. consumers’ pockets that they will not be able to spend at the mall or on their mortgages.
Yep, the contraction rolls on …
But doesn’t it make you feel happier to know that oil traders are pocketing money on inflating prices, than it would make you feel if deflation were making Ben Bernanke ever more worried?
It doesn’t matter if it makes me feel happier or not. This isn’t about me, I really do not have much say in the matter one way or another. Events will unfold as they must.
But it is interesting to watch, and it is interesting to see how surprised and bewildered everyone seems to be, as if all of this is coming out of the blue.
One less trip to walmart.
“…as if all of this is coming out of the blue.”
Nobody could have seen it coming!
Didn’t Bernanke call this effect a “righteous circle” ?
Just back in from a rail tour of the east, the cheapest price for regular unleaded that I saw at a trackside gas station was $2.97 / gal. Every single other station we passed had their lowest grade above $ 3.
J6P’s purchasing power is being pounded.
Our conversations in the dining cars all touched on the economy, people are well aware of what’s going on - more so than I expected. Anyone looking for a return to bubble housing prices is in for a big hurt. People seem to have a lot more on their minds than trading houses.
Glad to see you’re back safe. Trains are such a great way to travel if time permits.
We ride the subway (above ground sections) in Los Angeles all the time, and we’ve enjoyed meeting people from all over the U S and the world, and have always had such fun adventures. LA has a modern, clean, safe subway system. It’s undiscovered by many that live there. We live north of LA. $6 buys you unlimited use of the subway & buses for the day.
That’s better than DC. The subway prices are skyrocketing here, mainly because the government subsidizes public transport for government workers up to $230 per month. So the subway feels comfortable raising the fares and screwing the civilian public. At least that money is going toward fixing the system…which has been neglected for years.
Thanks wipeout! They’re extending the Gold Line to LAX aren’t they? That would really help, but the rapid transit buses aren’t too bad - wish we had them here.
I’ve a friend in Los Feliz, and when visiting the subways are most useful. I even think she is the only car-less citizen in LA!
edgewaterjohn & oxide
National Train Day -it’s free (website) might be in your areas. Look into it. We always enjoy it.
I heard rumors about the Gold Line, but haven’t kept up on the LAX extension. Boy, is that needed! One thing I love about the Gold Line is the free shuttle bus to the Rose Parade Floats (Not free). What a great service and what a deal. Gotta go in the morning, or otherwise you’re a sardine.
They are finally building the Silver Line out to Dulles airport. It will save a lot of transport headaches, but wow, it’s ripping up Northern Virginia so much that I’m afraid to venture in that direction. And it’s costing a fortune.
Thanks for the insight and info. I looked up the Silver Line, and it looked like above ground rail for the most part, in the picture I saw. I would assume it will be delivered late (not 2013) and be way north of the projected costs. What else is new.
We took our kids on a couple of train trips, one to Portland and the other to Seattle just so they could say they had ridden an inter-city train, when (or so I thought back in the 90’s) common sense doomed inter-city train travel. So far it hasn’t happened. I’m not sure how much subsidy Amtrak receives to maintain train service outside the NY-DC corridor, but it is a horrible waste of taxpayer money. Train travel is interesting and even enjoyable, but not something that should receive one penny of taxpayer funding.
Why should airlines receive taxpayer funding?
Metro inner-city trains are needed in areas of So Ca badly. Considering the cost of keeping up the automobile infrastructure, and the time wasted, I’d rather spend $ on trains. MagLev is way overdue in this country for long distance trips. I’m not sure if I subscribe to Peak Oil, but it’s time to think like other countries. We’re way too far behind. I find cars a p*i*t*a (and expensive).
“Train travel is interesting and even enjoyable, but not something that should receive one penny of taxpayer funding.”
Most passenger transportation anywhere in the world, including the United States, is subsidized. Why should we not emphasize transportation that is the most fuel efficient? We should be moving much more aggressively to expand passenger rail in this country.
California faces gloomy New Year
by Bob Morris
Thu, Dec 30th 2010
The non-partisan Institute for Truth in Accounting has released its latest report on California (PDF), and it makes grim reading indeed. Not only is California so deep in debt that default or bankruptcy might seem a blessed relief, it appears the accounting gnomes in Sacramento have been engaging in the MSU Method of Accounting. Yup, they’re Making Stuff Up again.
Among other such inabilities of these accountants to use their calculators and spreadsheets accurately, the report found $81 billion in off-balance sheet retirement liabilities in the 2009 financial report. That bears repeating. The official report neglected to include $81 billion in pension liabilities.
The unions will find anyway to keep the host alive.
The unions will find anyway to keep the host alive ?
Eligible union employees are retiring left and right around here…Our local police Chief retired just a couple of weeks ago without “any” notice to the city manager…He flatly came out and said that he did it to protect his pension….
Point is, and the theory goes, get your pension now if you can because everyone else is going to get cut “big time”….
I say, hit the reset button with Bankruptcy so everyone must kick in, particularly the civil service pensioners who helped run up the pension liabilities with unrealistic and sometimes obscene salary & benefits…
I think that their ability to hide these liabilities will subside when companies refuse to do business with them.
Productive companies will soon figure out that there are cheaper states to do business and flee the state.
“Institute for Truth in Accounting”
We have no place for this sort of thought in our ‘new’ economy. Someone please alert Homeland Security.
Why Are Republicans Changing Their Tune on Fannie and Freddie?
(Just a link, not a political bias.I’m a Political Atheist)
Tough talk to get elected then business as usual.
Four Housing Issues To Watch in 2011
This house was just listed today. It is in the same neighborhood that a gentleman who worked in Ft. Lauderdale purchased a home in a little over a year ago for $215k using the First Time HB Tax Credit. There was an article about the great deal he got and how happy he was that was posted and commented on here. That dude has lost over $100k in a little over a year. But at least he got his $8k for a down payment and a couch.
For sale today
9187 Reed Dr Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
3 Bed2 Bath1,308 Sq Ft
Last sale $83,500 Dec. 1996
Location Address: 9187 REED DR
Parcel Control Number: 52-42-42-13-03-046-0020
Dec-1996 09577/1550 $83,500 WARRANTY DEED
If the Fed ought to exist, and if then it is best that it is not influenced by politicians, can’t we at least see what its operations are?
It is incredible to me that the taxpayer is not even allowed to fully view what The Fed is doing.
The vast majority of our population don’t even know what the federal reserve is, or how dollars come into play. As shown in poll after poll and man on the street interviews that have been done in the past. They remain ignorant of the very system that allows a small private group to systematically rob them of their purchasing power. While their elected “officials” aid and abet this blatant theft.
What can be done to change this?
My guess is nothing, the system will just keep right on until it can’t.
A banksters best friend?
“What can be done to change this?”
Enlighten everyone you know (very well), even at the risk of being branded a wingnut. I consider it my patriotic duty. I have even warned some to be very sure of their desire to know. It can be overwhelming to some.
$5 Gas Predicted Under Obama — What, No Pitchforks? ~ Larry Elder
Five dollars per gallon of gas by 2012! A former president of Shell Oil considers this likely. The average price on Christmas Day for a gallon of regular gas reached $3.28 in Los Angeles County, the highest price since October 2008. In one month, the price rose 13 cents, up 35 cents year to year.
Where are the calls to sic Obama’s Justice Department on Big Oil to hold the oil companies accountable for “market manipulation”? Why aren’t we hunting down the amoral “oil speculators” responsible for repealing the law of supply-and-demand in order to line their pockets?
Funny, the same pols/technocrats that so eagerly delve into pre-emptive wars, murky social engineering schemes, and dubious economic meddling - seem to be hogtied when it comes to presenting and implementing a workable intermodal transport plan that would materially reduce oil dependence.
Follow the money (and publicity).
What’s the cost of a gallon of Starbuck’s latte at four dollars a cup? What’s the cost of a gallon of bottled water at a buck a bottle?
Nobody seemed to bitch at these prices a few years ago but now people are bitching at the price of gasoline even though gasoline prices are priced way below the cost then of bottled water or a latte.
Anybody else find this amusing?
Yes but that latte is really discretionary.People have to buy gas to get to work in general.
All you can do is conserve.I took the back seats out of my pt cruiser to lighten the load.Trying to drive slower too.People flip me off as I drive 60 on freeway.Doing what I can to not use as much.
Was looking into a chevy aveo.I guess they have timing belt issues.Have to replace them every 60k.They get decent mileage.I guess the 2009 models went to a chain rather than a belt from what I hear.
In other words, more of consumer’s dollar is going toward necessities and less toward discretionary. Same as groceries and housing. At this rate, all we’ll be able to do is go to work, go to the grocery store, and then go home and watch TV. And that’s assuming that over-the-air HDTV somehow escapes the coming wave of privatization fever. The way things have been going lately, we’ll all be paying cable bills each month just to watch Brian Williams tell us how poor we are.
“In other words, more of consumer’s dollar is going toward necessities and less toward discretionary.”
True that! But much of our debt-driven consumer-based economy is still being driven by discretionary spending and not by spending for necessities, which means many of the JOBS associated with discretionary spending are destined to go to poofville as the amount of discretionary money available for discretionary spending goes to poofville.
Does the term “Phase 2″ ring a bell?
“At this rate, all we’ll be able to do is go to work, go to the grocery store, and then go home and watch TV. “
Million of people are already there and have been decades, except now they’re working 2 jobs… and still losing ground.
One also need not buy 16 gallons of water or latte.
What I find amusing is that people will line up 7 cars deep to wait to buy the overpriced, fat-laden cup of coffee. I see it every morning on my way to work at several latte stands. (We are close enough to Seattle to have our share of independent road-side latte stands).
I figure at least 3 minutes per car, so the minimum wait time is going to be 21 minutes with the car idling the whole time. Even more amusing is when some bozo blows by me doing 15 over, only to wheel into the stand to wait his obligatory 21 minutes.
Thanks, but the free stuff at work is just fine by me.
“$5 Gas Predicted Under Obama — What, No Pitchforks? ~ Larry Elder”
J6P is in denial. Once we get there it will be an encore of 2008, with new and used pickups and SUVs being offered at fire sale prices, just like last time.
3.50 a gallon is where I predict the screaming will commence. It will reach a fevered pitch at 4-4.50. Chest pains will commence at 5 and a complete stroke at 5.50-6.
That electric car I purchased will come in mighty handy. It’s funny how a little change like this switches peoples perception of you from “you’re crazy” to “where did you get that car”. Same was true with housing.
Saw $3.59.9 yesterday, southern Oregon.
Ditto here Silicon Valley…
2.80 in my neck of the woods.
I filled up on diesel about three weeks ago (60 gallon tank) and paid $3.58. The sad thing is that will be a fond memory in short order.
3.15 in central Ky
Once they get used to 5 nothing will phase them until it hits 10.
“SUV, Truck Sales Trumping Energy Efficient Cars”
$5 Gas Predicted ??
$100. fill up….A full days take home pay for many..
Back in 07 when gas got really expensive, premium got to $4.78 in Bellingham Wa, where my kid was attending College. My Pontiac takes (prefers) premium, and a fill up was a tad over $75.00. That was a heart stopper.
The good news about gas prices, I guess, is that the hybrid and electric vehicles are getting good enough that we can now start replacing our regular vehicles with the electrics or hybrids as they come due for replacement. I’m going to miss my supercharged vehicle, but I guess thats where we are heading.
Didn’t you help that kid move to lala land not long ago?
More expensive trips in the horizon I suppose…..
“$100. fill up….A full days take home pay for many..”
More than… for 10s of millions.
He’s dreaming.
When gas hits 3.50 or higher, you will see demand drop like a rock. In fact, I’ll bet demand is dropping right now.
Love the blame game.
Gas prices up 50 cents since the Republicans won the mid-term elections!!
Does debt-influenced pricing lead to monopoly pricing?
Monopolies are considered bad because they extract every last ounce of value from the consumer. There is no net benefit for the consumer as it has paid everything that the good is worth to them. Under normal competition, companies make profits, and the consumer doesn’t pay the very most he can, leaving no net benefit.
When people take on debt to buy depreciating assets or consumer goods, the price is again bid up, since the immediate costs (the “howmuchamonth’ers”) seem affordable. But that drives up the cost of the good. Does it drive it up to monopoly pricing levels?
This country is becoming one of monnopolies/oligopolies.
The value of free markets really disappears in this setting as does democracy as the wealth is concentrated.
I’ve recently been hearing, in the DC metro area, about a lending service that advertises that if you have direct deposit and a job, they will lend to you. They say they are a replacement for payday loans, or “if you just need your paycheck now”.
I realized I have no problem with adults - ill-informed or unable to put off gratification as they might be - to enter into contracts and go into debt. My problem is that the current system is set up so that if they default, I get to pay the bill, either through taxes or a zero-interest-rate policy.
This is directly a result of too-big-to-fail (”We can’t let that institution fail, no matter how poorly it was operated”), and lenders not being forced to hold onto repayment risk (”What do we care if the loan defaults? We just sell it off after we make it.”)
How can the society prevent itself from being held hostage by existing financial institutions? I don’t believe government can set debt limit rules for private citizens. Politicians are feckless and venal, and ultimately it is at their feet that I lay the blame for the financial crisis and the bubbles, as they write the rules. I think the most effective steps that can be taken to stop society from being held hostage by the financial sector are 1) eliminate in all forms, too big to fail, and 2) Force lenders to be inextricably tied to repayment risk.
There are other follow on issues that the EU is pursuing - limiting executive pay, tying it to profitability - but that’s icing on the cake, IMHO.
(Getting my semi-daily posting out of my system in the morning rather than at 10 PM EST
I think az sent the payday loan packing.Basically loan sharks for the poor.
It is amazing that most people still don’t understand interest.
One of these crooks were advertising a monthly interest rate to make it look low.They were saying like 2% but it was actually 24% annual rate.
Yeah, but whats the “interest rate” on a bunch of bounced checks at $30 each. The “fees” on a payday loan are substantially less than what it would cost to bounce a few checks or miss the minimum payment on a couple of credit cards. Either way its loan sharking at its worst.
It all boils down to the fact that the rich make their money off of the poor, always have always will. And, it reinforces the notion that it truely sucks to be poor.
Hi neuromance!
I agree wholeheartedly with your plan, but…who is doing to do all this “eliminating” and “forcing” of which you speak? That would be our vaunted politicians, who are explicity paid NOT to eliminate or force anything — especially when said elimination and force would hurt the poor widdle richi folks who paid the politicians.
Montana just voted to limit the payday loan sharks to 36% interest. They are all closing operations because of it. I find myself torn a little bit on this issue. I generally like a free market but these company owners have all had their horns ground down below the hairline. IMO they are predatory POS. On the other hand we are all adults and should be able to make our own decisions.
In this particular case I am for their abolishment.
I have to wonder if this will improve the financial health of the population of Montana. It will force some forward thinking and some delaying of gratification, which, if not taken to extremes, can certainly help people’s overall standard of living.
Most people who use payday lenders don’t do so because they want to.
I’m sick and tired of the stereotype of “the irresponsible poor person.” Poor people get sick, have accidents, unexpected repair bills and other events beyond their control JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE.
Except they don’t have money to “just fix it.”
Since I have been looking for a home to purchase since about 2004, a year before I sold my place. I have watched as over priced houses got snapped up in a week to languishing on the market for years, when they are not pulled and re listed as new. Some places have the “word of the day” I have decided to have the ” Hurry! It won`t last” Listing of the day.
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418
4 Bed2 Bath 1,870 Sq Ft 1.15 Acres
Drum Roll…………..
Days on site 779 days
“Days on site 779 days”
Well, they ain’t gonna give’r away now. Lol.
You can’t expect them to just give it away…
Wow, great minds bear and muggy.
Couldn’t get to r e a l t o r dot com, but googlemaps has a nice (and probably more accurate) blurry picture. With some fixing up, it would be a great Oil City plan house: Flat, lots of sun, over an acre. But not for $200K!
What is the neighborhood like? My guess is ghetto, from the chain-link fence. (Why is it that ghetto housing always seems to have that rusty chain-link fence? It’s not as if the fence will keep somebody out.)
There is a condo a few miles from here that has been for sale for >5 years. I first spotted it when I had just met the woman who is now my wife. I would take the bus to her apartment, and this condo was right next to her bus stop, so I would see the sign every time I got off the bus or when I was waiting for it to go back home. The unit is a two bedroom, one bath street level condo with no yard - the door and the windows are right off the sidewalk, with a very busy arterial street and a busy bus stop only a few feet away. Back in ‘05 the owner wanted $899,900 for it. The last time I looked the asking price had gone to $289,000. Every time my wife and I go by this corner we look for the for-sale sign, laugh, and say “Yep, it’s still there!”
It`s not ghetto, just west of I95 some stuff like this built in the 80`s and some big much nicer homes. The county ran water out there but it cost about $3k to hook up but you get to pay taxes for it for another 15 years hooked up or not. Here is a neighbors house you can look up on googlemaps, lots of houses like this in Palm Beach Country Estates.
Mailing Address: 16545 74TH AVE N
Tax Year:
Assessed Value:
2010 $458,911
2009 $502,210
2008 $571,349
Tax Year: 2010 2009 2008
Ad Valorem: $8,344 $8,870 $9,079
Non Ad Valorem: $2,089 $1,993 $1,940
Total Tax: $10,433 $10,863 $11,019
1. Exterior Wall 1 CB STUCCO
2. Year Built 2005
6. Bed Rooms 4
7. Full Baths 3
8. Half Baths 1
9. Exterior Wall 2 N/A
10. Roof Structure WOOD TRUSS
11. Roof Cover CONC. TILE
PATIO 2005
Total Square Footage : 6244
Total Area Under Air : 4586
“Wow, great minds bear and muggy.”
Let’s be fair: PB is a great mind. I am an above-average mind with off-the-charts skepticism and a dash of paranoia.
Seriously, why are some “socialists” so much better at capitalism than the “capitalists? Because they eat saurkraut? Because they’re mostly “white”? Because of cheap labor? No. But I’d say laws, structures, social safety-nets, more equal pay, national investment in private sectors and higher pay have something to do with it. But we can learn nothing from others? Ever?
Germany’s private sector union membership is officially around 22% compared to USA’s around 7.4% (sources: EIRO/Eurostat, BLS) but due to German labor protection laws and structures including the German Works Constitution and Works Councils basically ALL German factory workers are unionized compared to the USA. Germans have some of the highest pay in the world, get universal healthcare and good pensions but they are the world’s leading exporter per-capita and the second leading exporter in the world. And:
German Q3 exports up by 21.5 pct on the year AP 12/30/10
BERLIN - (AP) — Germany’s export boom continued in the third quarter of the year, rising by 21.5 percent to €245 billion ($322 billion) from €202 billion a year earlier, official figures showed Thursday.
A more detailed look at the figures showed that trade with other European Union members rose by 16.5 percent and amounted to almost 60 percent of all exports between July and September, Germany’s Federal Statistical Office said. They totaled €144 billion.
But exports to countries outside the bloc recorded the strongest growth, with those to the U.S. up by 32 percent to €17 billion, and those to China rising 34 percent to €14 billion. Exports to Russia were up by 42 percent to €7 billion..
Germany is the world’s second-biggest exporter after China. Growing exports this year have been accompanied by signs of improving domestic demand at home.
Public vs. Private Retirements
December 19, 2010
By Josh Barro, E. J. McMahon
Government workers get better deals — paid for by taxpayers
You can also find out that pension’s present value — how much cash you would need on hand to buy an annuity making payments equal to the pension. But sit down before you read it — in many cases, that’s an amount well into the seven figures.
What the calculator will show you is that New York pension benefits can be extremely rich for typical employees. Consider a teacher in Albany County, retiring at 59 after a 37-year career, with a final average salary of $89,000. That teacher is eligible for a pension benefit starting at $62,745 (70.5% of final average salary) with an annual cost-of-living adjustment.
Is your 401(k) as rich as that? Consider that a private-sector worker seeking an equivalent annuity would need a whopping $1.25 million on hand at retirement to buy it.
The richness of benefits is even more astounding in some downstate communities. A Yonkers teacher with a master’s degree and some additional coursework could expect a final average salary just over $110,000 after 37 years worked. That translates into an annual pension of $78,255 — exempt from state and local income tax — with a present value of more than $1.5 million, assuming retirement at 59. Police and firefighters, famously, get to retire earlier with even more generous benefits.
So, the average government worker is receiving retirement benefits several times richer than his or her counterparts in the private sector. This fact — not abusive practices like “pension spiking” and “double-dipping” — is the reason that public pension costs have become unsustainable.
Over the next five years, state and local governments’ payments to New York state pension systems will nearly triple. For school districts, they will more than quadruple, driving an 18% increase in school property taxes just to pay for rising pension costs. New York City has already seen this explosion — pension costs have grown tenfold in the last decade — and pension costs in the city will continue to rise going forward.
State lawmakers will only get a handle on this problem when they admit that public employee pensions have not simply been mismanaged and abused. The root driver of exploding costs is legislators’ willingness to make unsustainable promises to be paid by future taxpayers — a proclivity as fundamental to a legislator’s brain as the will to breathe is to yours or mine.
The only way to protect New York taxpayers is to make it impossible for the legislature to give away the farm. That will require abandoning the defined benefit model and adopting 401(k) — and bringing the value of public sector retirement benefits closer into line with the private sector. - 17k -
Nothing in the private sector is guaranteed.The stock market could freefall and you could end up broke at retirement.
Are pensions guaranteed? I had a choice between a pension and a 401k and I chose the 401k because I can’t guarantee the pension would be there 30 years from now. At least with a 401k you can rebalance it and monitor it and it is your own money. No one tells you, you have to invest 100% of your 401k in the stock market. In fact, many pensions invest their funds in stock markets too (or in the stability of the company/government they represent), which is just as scary of a proposition.
Read up on Argentina.
Even a 401k can be manipulated.
I would replace “can” with “will” particularly over the investment horizion needed to create enough wealth for retirement.
It took me about 20 years to figure out that the whole 401-K thing was custom designed to allow the Wall Streeters to relieve the Main Streeters of most of thier retirement money. There are a few Main Streeters who have the knowledge and the time to actively manage an investment portfolio, but the operative word is few. For most, its a matter of throw the money out there and periodicly let the Wall Streeters take it, rinse, repeat. Unfortunately, there are few options available to private sector workers.
We have a winner.
“Seriously, why are some “socialists” so much better at capitalism than the “capitalists? ”
Perhaps because the “capitalist” sheeple spend more time worrying “hot button” issues such as about reproductive rights, gay marriage, and that someone they deem “undeserving” has food stamps?
It’s so much easier for pick pockets to operate in a distracted crowd.
“Seriously, why are some “socialists” so much better at capitalism than the “capitalists? ”
Maybe because they can look past next quarter’s numbers?
Question for you who champion corporate “capitalism”;
Why do your cheerlead for the system to take something from your peers and contemporaries ( your fellow peasants and peons) instead of demanding the system return the opportunity that they stole from you?
I don’t think most have a problem with capitalism it’s corporatism that’s the problem and that’s what’s happening in America. We are moving from a capitalist country to a corporatist country run by and for corporations.
“I don’t think most have a problem with capitalism it’s corporatism that’s the problem and that’s what’s happening in America. We are moving from a capitalist country to a corporatist country run by and for corporations.”
So true, measton.
Seriously, why are some “socialists” so much better at capitalism than the “capitalists? Because they eat saurkraut? Because they’re mostly “white”? Because of cheap labor? No.
Because they have a tariff on imported goods aka VAT TAX. The USA seems to be the only country that drinks the “free trade” kool aid. Jim Jones would be laughing that we drink it so readily.
Germany Value Added Tax:
The standard value added tax rate in Germany is 19%.
There is a reduced rate of 7% that relates mainly to food and agricultural products.
Value added tax is imposed on assets and services in Germany as well as on imports into Germany.
Overseas exports are exempt from value added tax.
Value added tax reports must be submitted monthly or quarterly, depending on the annual turnover.
There are special provisions for small businesses.
“Seriously, why are some “socialists” so much better at capitalism than the “capitalists?”
Because they don’t have to pay for a military capable of defending against credible enemies. We pay for their safety and slowly crumble into third world status while they “prosper”. I say eFF them and eFF the progressives who set up these Socialist European economies as the model for all to follow.
You really need a new playbook. Scapegoating others to set up a strawman is what….. about 5th grade level?
Yep, about the same grade level as addressing someone using an offensive version of their name. I did that kind of stuff in elementary school myself.
You mean like this Bile?
Post idiotic blather, expect to be treated like a 5th grader. You of all people should be accustomed to that by now.
Question: “Seriously, why are some “socialists” so much better at capitalism than the “capitalists?”
Answer: Because they don’t have to pay for a military capable of defending against credible enemies.
Our big military does cost money but this is not a main reason for Germany’s ability to provide social safety nets, higher pay and be a dominant exporter.
Most of it is the system:
For example: Germany spends almost half as much per person as the USA does on health-care, insures everyone and does a good job.
Therefore less military spending in Germany does not mean they now are now freed to and need to spend more on health-care. Proof? Because they don’t.
Most Europe spends 10% of GDP on Health-care while USA spends 18% on it. So it’s pretty obvious USA is not cutting back healthcare spending because of it’s huge military spending. Proof? Because we’re not.
If our system were changed, USA could spend LESS on health-care and do a better job. It’s the system.
Thousands without fresh water in N. Ireland
Water crisis stretches into ninth day after frozen pipes burst following cold spell.
A big winter freeze followed by a swift thaw left burst mains and pipes across the province, affecting 40,000 homes and businesses in Belfast as well as 77 other towns and villages, NI Water said.
Some people have been left without water for more than a week and others have had sewage flooding their homes.
Council-run leisure centers offered free washing and showering facilities across the province, freestanding pipes were erected in streets to provide supplies and Scotland will send 160,000 liters of drinking water. Farmers were also worried about getting water for their livestock.
Public health emergency
“There is now really a public health emergency. Young families have been left without drinking water and unable to flush toilets. This is unacceptable,” Peter Maguire, a general practitioner near Newry, told the BBC.
Couldn’t they pour a little whiskey into the reservoir to lower the freeze point?
Sorry, Eddie, but your DJIA = 12K by year-end prediction has failed. Better luck next time.
Dow Jones Industrial Average
DJIA 11,566
Change -18.96 -0.16%
Volume 16.27m
Dec 30, 2010 10:20 a.m.
Good thing I didn’t jump in when Eddie made his forecast. Oh, wait.
Average rate on 30-year mortgage up to 4.86 pct.
Rate on 30-year mortgage climbs to highest level since mid-May; rate on 15-year loan rises too
NEW YORK (AP) — The average rate on 30-year fixed mortgages rose this week to the highest level in seven months, reflecting higher yields on long-term Treasurys.
Freddie Mac says the rate increased to 4.86 percent from 4.81 percent in the previous week. It hit a 40-year low of 4.17 percent last month.
The average rate on the 15-year loan rose to 4.20 percent from 4.15 percent — the highest reading in six months. It fell to 3.57 percent in November, the lowest level on records starting in 1991.
Rates have been rising since November as investors shift money out of Treasurys and into stocks. Many expect the tax-cut plan will fuel economic growth and increase inflation. Yields tend to rise on fears of inflation. Mortgage rates track the yields on the 10-year Treasury note.
“Average rate on 30-year mortgage up to 4.86 pct.”
I thought the Fed was gonna use QE.2 to sit on those long-term rates (including mortgage rates) until the housing market recovered. Did they change the plan and not tell anyone?
The primary dealers are selling hoping the fed will announce another qe and then they can sell back to them at higher prices.
I think china changed the plan for them.
Obama forgives Michael Vick but….. - 21k -
With buyers coming back and the housing market in “gradual recovery” mode, there has never been a better time to sell!
Economic Report
Dec. 30, 2010, 10:11 a.m. EST
Pending home sales up 3.5% in November
The National Association of Realtors said its pending-home-sales index rose to 92.2 from a downwardly revised 89.1 in October.
The index is still 5% below November 2009 levels.
The data reflect contracts and not closings, which normally occur after a lag time of one to two months. The index is based on a large national sample, typically representing about 20% of transactions for existing-home sales.
The NAR said the figures suggest a “gradual” recovery into 2011, reflecting housing affordability and an improving economy.
Actually, if you’re not upside down it’s a great time to sell. The short sales and foreclosures have limited the supply of homes that can be purchased.
“The short sales and foreclosures have limited the supply of homes that can be purchased.”
Clearly the window is limited. Sell now, or get priced in forever!
“With buyers coming back and the housing market in “gradual recovery” mode, there has never been a better time to sell!”
You got that right! Just try to sell that under flood water or mud covered property here in Cally. Some of that property you won’t even be able to give away. I think now is a great time for insurance companies to red-line flood and mud zone areas for higher premiums too.
Flood insurance is the Fed.
BRITAIN’S winter is the coldest since 1683 and close to being the chilliest in nearly 1,000 years.
Latest figures reveal that the average temperature since December 1 has been a perishing -1C.
That makes it the second coldest since records began in 1659.
The chilliest on record was 1683/84, when the average was -1.17C and the River Thames froze over for two months.
But with January and February to come, experts believe we could suffer the most freezing cold winter in the last 1,000 years.
The Met Office’s Charlie Powell said: “It’s rare to have cold this prolonged, with temperatures falling incredibly low.
“BRITAIN’S winter is the coldest since 1683 and close to being the chilliest in nearly 1,000 years.”
Let me be the first to offer the conjecture that this is some how due to global warming.
It COULD BE (but I am not saying it is) due to the fresh water runoff from the melting Greenland ice cap that flows over the gulfstream (because fresh water is less dense than sea water) and thus sends cold air toward Europe via the westerly winds rather than the warm air that the gulfstream would normally provide Europe this time of year.
ScienceDaily (Sep. 7, 2010) — The Greenland and West Antarctic ice caps are melting at half the speed previously predicted, according to analysis of recent satellite data.
But they are melting and shrinking.
Or maybe it was the volcano eruption in Iceland. From the wiki entry on Krakatoa:
“…a series of lesser eruptions beginning in mid-June 1883 led up to the disaster. The volcano released huge plumes of steam and ash lasting until late August.
On August 27, a series of four huge explosions almost entirely destroyed the island…Average global temperatures fell by as much as 1.2 degrees Celsius in the year following the eruption. Weather patterns continued to be chaotic for years and temperatures did not return to normal until 1888.”
Good one oxide. I don’t think anyone has put forth that theory.
It COULD BE (but I am not saying it is) due to the fresh water runoff from the melting Greenland ice cap that flows over the gulfstream
Dang Combo, you posted it while I was writing it.
Let me be the first to offer the conjecture that this (Britain’s freeze) is some how due to global warming.
It could be. Think about this or something like it but even more complicated because this is just an example of the complicated nature of MacroScience:
Britain lies much farther north than its climate reflects because of the warming influence of the Gulf-Stream. Yes our Gulf.
However so much Ice is melting from the poles that it could be disrupting the warm flow of the Gulf-Stream thereby making Britain colder.
Global warming is causing colder weather in certain spots.
True. IDK. Could it be? Yes. Time will tell.
(Now why the Poles are melting so much Ice, IDK, you’d have to ask Poland about that)
Let’s not forget the sun spot and solar flare activity. Some even suggesting a mini ice age.
“Let me be the first to offer the conjecture that this is some how due to global warming.”
Whatever the reason, we need to raise taxes immediately to save the planet!
I recently returned from Africa, which had some of the worst air pollution I have ever seen. 1960’s diesel technology, open burning everywhere, etc. If you could see the amount of pollution generated elsewhere and the amount of open land & water in existence it may change your views on a carbon tax (if you are pro tax). Just to be clear, I don’t think pollution is a good thing. But when my Government wants to tax me when a bird farts, after seeing what I just saw, I find it more than ridiculous.
“It may seem odd that, with all the global warming taking place, the warmest year [1998] was actually in the last century, not this one. But that is not a proper concern. The temperature change is not smooth but bumpy, with peaks and dips that depart from the average. We don’t know what causes such fluctuations. The source may be natural variability in cloud cover. If you flip a coin 100 times, you don’t always get 50 heads and 50 tails. Likewise, if the climate is changing, some years will still be warmer and some cooler than the trend.”
Page 254, Physics for Future Presidents: The Science Behind the Headlines, by Richard A. Muller
global warming is just another excuse to tax people.
Europe and East Asia have more severe winter storms:
“Observational evidence shows that the recent significant cold anomalies over the Far East in early winter and cold temperature anomalies from Europe to Far East in late winter are associated with the decrease of the Arctic sea-ice cover in the preceding summer-to-autumn seasons.”
“Results from numerical computer simulations using an atmospheric general circulation model support these notions.”
BRITAIN’S winter is the coldest since 1683
1683? Ahhh sweet memories………..
June 1683
The Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, England, opens as the world’s first university museum.
William Penn signs friendship treaty with Lenni Lenape Indians in Pennsylvania.
September 1683
Several European armies join forces to defeat the Ottoman Empire.
Germantown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. is founded by 13 immigrant families.
November 1683
The British crown colony of New York is subdivided into 12 counties.
Johann Conrad Brunner Publishes Work Linking the Pancreas and Diabetes Symptoms, but Without Establishing Link to the Disease
Brunner is remembered for his experiments and studies of the pancreas and the internal secretions associated with the organ. In 1683 he removed the pancreas from a dog and noticed that the animal experienced extreme thirst and polyuria. He was however, unable to provide the link between the role of the pancreas and diabetes.
Say it with me. Take your time. They ARE, after all, big words.
Asynchronous oscillation of a disturbed dynamic equilibrium.
See? That wasn’t so hard.
We now return you “Who’s Got No Talent With the Stars.”
Dr. Jeff Masters does a great job of explaining the strongly negative Arctic Oscillation at
I just put under contract a 640 acre parcel of land near Bar Harbor, ME that I plan on building a second home on eventually. I am paying under $160/acre, it is an estate sale where the heirs need money (they are both broke realtors in FL). Absolutely beautiful area about a mile from the water. Brutal winters (unless you snowshoe, cross-country ski, ice-fish, snowmobile etc.) but great summers/fall. I think I am getting a pretty decent deal overall, and amazingly the realtor has been great to deal with. I’m still very bearish on housing overall.
That is awesome.Do you have any timber? Seems like a good buy.It is hard to find a full section of land anymore.I watch a logging show about a family in maine that runs logs to canada I believe.
One square mile of land for $102,000….
Sheesh, a quarter acre lot in this berg will run $75K. Of course it has running water and sewer, but still.
Nice find Dan. What are the taxes like?
No need for charges, he is the son of a good Union Officer.
Son of Sanford cop caught on video in sneak attack on homeless man
By Rene Stutzman, Orlando Sentinel
8:01 p.m. EST, December 29, 2010
Prosecutors are expected to decide in the next several days whether to charge the 21-year-old son of a Sanford police lieutenant with a crime for sucker-punching a homeless man, leaving him sprawled on a sidewalk in downtown Sanford with a broken nose.
A video shot by a witness shows Justin Collison attacking the man then walking away and punching another man Dec. 4.
WFTV-Channel 9 broke the story Tuesday, reporting that Sanford officers that night had the video of the attack and interviewed Collison but did not arrest him. He is the son of Lt. Chris Collison of the department’s patrol division.
Acting Sanford police chief Capt. Jerry Hargrett said late Wednesday afternoon that his officers made “blatant” policy violations that night, including not handcuffing Collison or patting him down.,0,4989756.story - -
No need for charges, he is the son of a good Union Officer.
OK maybe… But if he was the son of a treasonous Confederate officer, I’d throw the book at him.
I think we all know that cops in general are bullies and consider themselves above the law. Not sure that a “Union” is required for that. AFAIK the Union’s job is to get them sweet pensions and other bennies, and to be honest they do a great job of that.
I have in the past generally gotten along with peace officers. I have noticed recently a more military feel though.
Feel This…..TSA logo.
“3.1 percent” LOl.
Palm Beach County, Treasure Coast to see prices fall again in 2011, Veros says
by Jeff Ostrowski
Home prices have pulled out of their free-fall, but property values in Palm Beach County and the Treasure Coast will keep falling in 2011, says Veros Real Estate Solutions of Santa Ana, Calif.
Veros expects Treasure Coast prices to drop by 6.3 percent in 2011, the fifth-weakest showing among 300 metro areas the company examined. Veros expects Palm Beach County prices to fall by 3.1 percent.
Supply still outpaces demand, a reality that will continue to push down prices, says Veros’ Eric Fox. But in a bit of good news, plunging prices mean that investors now can rent homes for more than it costs to own them, and that’s helping to stabilize prices.
“Now that prices have gotten to such an affordable level, investors swoop in and buy homes, and that sort of puts a bottom on the market,” Fox says.
Veros says San Diego home prices will post a 3.5 percent gain next year, best in the country, while Reno’s 7.2 percent decline will be the worst.
LOI? Laughing Out My Insides?
A big thank you to Lola and Professor Bear. On Tuesday I asked about a guy advising a diversified asset portfolio. Seems that not only is he trying to sell books but he is an investment manager, no advertising, who charges 1% of the money he manages as a fee. I asked for specifics and he replied that I was being suspicious and wouldn’t deal with me. Any one have a similar story? Thanks again.
I think everyone has a story like as fast as you can from this guy. Ask for a prospectus before you buy anything.some of the biggest sleezeballs are in financial services.they prey on people like vultures that can smell carrion from miles away.
who charges 1% of the money he manages as a fee.”
I assume this is on top of other expenses like trading fees or the fees of any mutual funds invested in.
“…he replied that I was being suspicious and wouldn’t deal with me”
He just told you he’s a con.
From Edmunds on Yahoo.
The U.S. deficit reduction commission report won’t make it to Congress, and dying on the vine with it is the suggestion of a 15-cent increase in the federal per-gallon gas tax.
A gas tax increase was likely to rile the public, but we at believe that a gas tax can actually be beneficial … but only at a much higher rate than 15 cents per gallon, and only as part of a “grand bargain” that lightens the load for taxpayers in other areas and simplifies the tax code.
The deficit commission’s mandate was to reduce the deficit, hence the modest 15 cents per gallon increase. But thinking more broadly, increasing the gas tax is also an opportunity to finally align market demand with the need to lower gasoline usage and emissions.
What if the government announced a new tax on gasoline that stabilizes the price at, say, $5 per gallon beginning in 2013? The variable tax could act like a shock absorber, sheltering both consumers and the automakers from fluctuating gas prices.
It would be critical to announce an increase in the gas tax at least two years in advance so that Americans could prepare accordingly. And prepare they would. Looking at the car sales patterns of recent years, it is easy to see the correlation between rising gas prices and the purchase of more fuel efficient vehicles.
Consumers and automakers suffer when gas prices fluctuate wildly. Consumers regret purchase decisions and often scramble to replace their vehicles, getting a lower value for a vehicle in lesser demand. Automakers suffer from long-cycle product planning and production decisions that often result in them missing the market when gas prices drastically change.
But how could a gas tax increase possibly make it through Washington? To make it more palatable for voters, the tax increase could be revenue-neutral for low-income families and others who would qualify for relevant credits. And the grand bargain should minimize another tax, generating only the revenue the deficit reduction commission is already proposing and not burdening taxpayers further. This could actually simplify the tax code, which would provide welcome relief for all.
I’d add that instead of VAT they could have an energy content tax on all products. So shipping from China would automatically make your product more epensive.
We could slash payroll taxes with the revenue thus making labor in the US cheaper.
“But how could a gas tax increase possibly make it through Washington? To make it more palatable for voters, the tax increase could be reve… blah blah blah blah… ”
Does Ednumds honestly think that ANY significant segment of the population is going to read through that paragraph and do the “math?” All the sheeple are gonna see is rigged “debates” on Fox News and campaign commercials which say “Congressman X raised YOUR taxes on mom-and-apple-pie gas,” and it would be DOA.
And nobody is going to slap any energy taxes on products coming from China. The CEO’s wouldn’t be able to buy their annual yachts, not the mention what the Chinese would do.
I made the VAT for payroll tax substitution suggestion on my public policy blog some time ago.
The payroll tax is a tax on work done in the U.S. with imported goods exempt; a VAT would tax both. A VAT for income tax substitution gets rid of the one remaining progressive tax for yet another regressive tax; a VAT for payroll tax substitution substitutes one regressive tax for another. Value added is sales minus purchased materials, or labor income plus capital income. You tax the same businesses that pay the payroll tax or self employment tax, and require a couple of more numbers.
I called it “a policy that has never been proposed,” but I guess I can’t say that anymore. Just a policy that will never be enacted.
These days, I try to refrain from making public policy suggestions to limit frustration. Might as well just prepare for institutional collapse.
the property was heavily cut in 2001, but there are a lot of younger white and yellow birch and balsam fir on the parcel, so down the road it would be ripe for selective cutting. There are about 100 acres of streams and small ponds so the wildlife there is great. Raptors, deer, moose, and turkey frequent the area. I know of the show you mention, American Loggers or something like that, about the Pelletier family, tough way to make a living.
Great.That was the show I was talking about.Good luck with it all.
Dan, the link under your name doesn’t work! Whatever it is, I wanna see it. Can you spell it out? Thanks.
I’m sure the level headed Chavez is all shook up over this…
U.S. revokes Venezuelan ambassador’s visa
Move is apparent retaliation for rejection of U.S. envoy to Caracas
In a briefing earlier on Wednesday, another State Department spokesman repeated the U.S. position that Venezuela could suffer consequences because of its objection to President Barack Obama’s selection of Larry Palmer to serve as Washington’s ambassador to Caracas.
I’m sure the level headed Chavez is all shook up over this…
Brazilians in general are very wary of Chavez. They see him as an unstable, potential territorial threat. Brazilians are concerned about their very long borders some of which are still in minor disputes especially in remote jungle areas with resources.
Plus he speaks Spanish.
Who made the overlords of the slums of Rio the final arbiter of who’s a good guy in South America?
Who made the overlords of the slums of Rio the final arbiter of who’s a good guy in South America?
I asked the question, I’m not its answer–especially given my politics on this particular issue.
Again, why should we care what Brazil thinks of Chavez or, even, what Chavez thinks of Brazil?
Who made the overlords of the slums of Rio the final arbiter of who’s a good guy in South America?…..Again, why should we care what Brazil thinks of Chavez or, even, what Chavez thinks of Brazil?
You need not “should” think anything.
I would think though some would find a fellow American’s observations of their largest Latin neighbor’s opinion and attitudes regarding a thorn in America’s side interesting.
And why you would think you need to care about what “the overlords of the slums of Rio” would think escapes me.
Because one reason elites in the US oppose Chavez is he is pursuing what he deems to be in the best interests of the average people in his country (as opposed to multinational corporations owned in part by US elites) US elites cannot stomach a leader who won’t kowtow to the desires of the US and/or their multinational corporations.
I am not praising everything Chavez has done, but it is clear US policy is rarely based on human rights or such–it is based on what can be done for elites in the US. Indeed, domestic US policy is fast pushing most Americans into third-world status, so of course US elites don’t support someone who is trying to move their country in the opposite direction.
Given that Brazilian elites have the same incredibly nepotistic vision and the same desire to exploit the poor as US elites, coupled with massive inequality with horrendous slums whose equal cannot be found anywhere else in the world, yes, I think that they have a problem with Chavez is probably not a critical comment on Chavez.
Given that Brazilian elites have the same incredibly nepotistic vision and the same desire to exploit the poor as US elites, coupled with massive inequality with horrendous slums whose equal cannot be found anywhere else in the world, yes, I think that they have a problem with Chavez is probably not a critical comment on Chavez.
There is some validity in your other paragraphs with the disclaimer that Chavez is dangerously dictatorial and un-democratic, but that paragraph above is pretty much wrong in the context of Brazil’s past 20 years real progress and especially the past 10.
In that period, Brazil (population 190 million) has raised 35 million out of poverty and into the lower middle-class and middle class while bolstering its upper middle-class as well.
A lot of Brazilian elites do have the same desire to exploit the poor as US elites do, but the fact is Brazilian policies suppressed this desire the past 15 years through the policies of “conservative” Cardoso and “socialist” Lula.
In my experience, economically, for the past 20 years, Brazil has put Brazil first more than America has put America first.
You cannot compare Chavez’s regime with the democratic experience of Brazil lately. They are not even on the same page of reality. Brazil is not a perfect country by any means but it is striving to balance money’s interest and it’s people’s interest more than any time in the past maybe. It has a long way to go but right now, it is no Venezuela.
Brazil went through its dark ages of right-wing dictatorship 30 years ago. Venezuela is going through its own left-wing dark age now.
See, that was easy. That was the answer I was trying to elicit with my first, short question. Why take that question as an attack, or dismissively respond?
Anyway, I’ll have to disagree with you on Brazil. Yes, things may be better than they were. But my operatives on the ground tell me even regular people are threatened with kidnapping constantly. The wealthy get driven around with armed protection, while the middle class can’t afford that and are at great risk. Further, the police are horribly corrupt. The icing on the cake is that the favelas are extremely dangerous. Given all these things, I don’t really think Brazilians have any legitimate reason to see their government as somehow less threatening to their safety than the Chavez government is to their safety.
Both Brazil and Venezuela may have politicians who focus more on helping their citizens than US politicians do. But, the US sets a pretty low bar in that regard, so, that’s nothing to write home about.
Take care.
See, that was easy.
It was not. I had to write a lot of stuff.
Brazil is “dangerous”.
Maybe so but life is dangerous everywhere in different ways. I’d rather have no health insurance in Brazil than America. (Maybe because I have a little cash) Favelas are dangerous yes. They are 1/3 of Rio. Is 1/3 of L.A. or Caracas dangerous?
Not many average Brazilian people are being kidnapped. Maybe some rich but no more than average Americans are getting murdered.
Police are corrupt in Brazil, yes but so is Wall Street.
Take it from this operative on the ground in “dangerous” Rio. It has gotten better in Brazil. The thing Brazil has now is tangible improvement and great hope.
If you are counting keystrokes, you spent more by dismissing my original question than you would have had you simply answered it.
I wasn’t kidding about operatives on the ground. I have trained observers in Brazil, and they disagree with you, at least at last report.
If the claim is “life is dangerous everywhere” well, of course. Indeed, life is fatal–100% of people who live eventually die. So . . ..
But, some places are more dangerous than others. Brazil is dangerous, in the favelas and to the middle class non-US person (kidnappers have learned to avoid Americans because it isn’t worth the trouble they bring on their community).
And, no, 1/3 of LA is not a dangerous slum.
Minimum wage earners in 7 states are getting New Year’s raises as the cost of goods goes up.
DENVER (AP) — It will be a happier New Year for nearly 650,000 workers earning minimum wage. They’re getting small raises in seven states that tie their salaries to the cost of living.
The minimum wages in those states will go up between 9 cents and 12 cents an hour Saturday because their consumer price indexes rose in 2010.
The extra pennies can’t come soon enough for Joe Martinez of Denver, who works odd jobs such as lawn maintenance for minimum wage. In Colorado, the wage is rising 11 cents, from the federal minimum of $7.25 an hour to $7.36 an hour.
“The prices of everything are going up — food, rent, electricity,” Martinez, 55, said on his lunch break Wednesday. “I know it’s not a lot of money, but any extra money will help, you know?”
Poverty advocates say the rising minimum wages shouldn’t be seen as raises, just adjustments to keep the working poor at the same level as prices of goods rise.
Whoop. De. Effing. Do.
Going by “official” inflation since 1981, min wage should be $9hr.
American Cities That Are Running Out Of People
Posted: December 27, 2010 at 11:11 pm
Unfortunately, the populations of most of the cities on this list continue to decline and the situation could get worse for years. This loss of residents has caused severe drops in the social services that many of these cities can provide. Property and other taxes have fallen so much that the support that residents of other cities take for granted is at risk in the municipalities on this list. There is no longer any guarantee that they can maintain police and fire departments at reasonable levels. Some of these cities cannot continue to manage large neighborhoods which have become almost deserted as residents have left unoccupied homes behind. Home vacancy rates tell a great deal about how much a city’s population has dropped.
7. Rochester, NY
6. Pittsburgh, PA
5. Dayton, OH
4. Buffalo, NY
3. Cleveland, OH
2. Flint, MI
1. New Orleans, LA - 75k -
Holy Jeebus. I was born in Dayton, grew up in Rochester, went to college in Buffalo, and left — a rust belt hat trick!
This was the first year that my wife and her friends did not hold their holiday party outside of Syracuse. Also, many of my friends no longer live in Roch, but now they don’t go back for Christmas because their parents have moved, too, so they have no place to stay.
Yesterday my wife and I had a nice lunch date and we discussed many things, among which was the, “future.” We both agreed that the, “future” more likely belongs to Florida than it does NY. Of course I mean, “the rest of us NY” and not, “bankster NY.”
2010 regular IRA conversion to Roth IRA. A couple questions please:
1. Is today the last day to convert for 2010 year or is it April 15?
2. If one converts say 30K of a regular IRA to a Roth is that 30K treated as regular income as far as taxes?
I was just reading this
“Special rule that applies until DEC 31 2010 allows you to declare half of the taxable amount of the ROTH conversion in 2011 and half in 2012. Alternatively you can declare the entire amount on your 2010 tax return.”
2. If one converts say 30K of a regular IRA to a Roth is that 30K treated as regular income as far as taxes?
” you generally will pay taxes on some or all of the conversion amount” Well thats not helpful but its all I got from T. Rowe Price
Beats me about Q1.
For Q2, special rules apply in CY 2010. Your $30K is taxable. BUT you have a choice for this year only. You can either take pay taxes on the whole $30K for CY 2010 taxes or elect to pay taxes on equal shares in CY 2011 and CY 2012 (e.g. $15K in each of those years).
See (1.78 MB pdf).
Thanks guys for the IRA/Roth info.
China is preparing for conflict ‘in every direction’, the defense minister said on Wednesday in remarks that threaten to overshadow a visit to Beijing by his US counterpart next month.
“In the coming five years, our military will push forward preparations for military conflict in every strategic direction,” said Liang Guanglie in an interview published by several state-backed newspapers in China. “We may be living in peaceful times, but we can never forget war, never send the horses south or put the bayonets and guns away,” Mr Liang added.
China repeatedly says it is planning a “peaceful rise” but the recent pace and scale of its military modernization has alarmed many of its neighbors in the Asia-Pacific, including Japan which described China’s military build-up as a “global concern” this month.
bought and paid for with free trade. Liang Guanglie was quoted and saying, ” I’m loving it.” I can’t wait to use my goldman sach’s hemp hanging rope.
Google their new J-20 fighter.
It looks eerily a lot like the F-22.
DJIA = 12K, we never knew thee.
Dollar weakens broadly, stocks lose ground
By Walter Brandimarte
NEW YORK | Thu Dec 30, 2010 12:38pm EST
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The dollar weakened broadly on Thursday on expectations of low bond yields continuing into 2011, while U.S. and European stocks gave back part of the recent gains that had taken global equities close to September 2008 highs.
Former NYC Mayor Ed Koch intellegently puts the banksters and the state legislators who cut deals for public employee pension enhancements in the same category, and notes that they are both still in charge — while people blame the President. He’s got it right IMHO.
Stocks edge lower as investors worry over mortgage rates, brush aside positive economic data.
NEW YORK (AP) — Investors are brushing aside some positive economic news on lingering concerns over the housing market.
He is correct IMO but not damn thing will be done about. As to the guvmint being able to create jobs and lift the value of houses, we see how that’s working out…
“Many who ran Wall Street before and during the debacle are either still there making millions, if not billions, of dollars, or are in charge of our country’s economic policies which led to the debacle”.
“Yes, in the recent mid-term elections, the American people did replace 63 Democrats with a like number of Republicans, but will that really change things for the better? Time will tell, but I doubt it. Neither do I see the Obama administration, with all its good intentions, succeeding in the areas where the public has suffered the most: jobs and home values”.
* DECEMBER 30, 2010
Home Prices Are Still Too High
They would have to decline another 20% just to get back to the historical trend line.
Most economists concede that a lasting general recovery is unlikely without a recovery in the housing market. A marked increase in defaults and foreclosures from today’s already elevated levels could produce losses that overwhelm banks and trigger another, deeper financial crisis. Study after study has shown that defaults go up when falling prices put mortgage holders “underwater.” As a result, the trajectory of home prices has tremendous economic significance.
Earlier this year market observers breathed easier when national prices stabilized. But the “robo-signing”-induced slowdown in the foreclosure market, the recent upward spike in home mortgage rates, and third quarter 2010 declines in the Standard & Poor’s Case–Shiller home-price index—including very bad October numbers reported this week—have sparked concerns that a “double dip” in home prices is probable. A longer-term view of home price trends should sharply magnify this fear.
Even those economists worried about renewed price dips would be unlikely to believe that the vicious contractions of 2007 and 2008 (where prices fell about 30% nationally in just two years) could return. But they underestimate how distorted the market had become and how little it has since normalized.
From my perspective, homes are still overvalued not just because of these long-term price trends, but from a sober analysis of the current economy. The country is overly indebted, savings-depleted and underemployed. Without government guarantees no private lenders would be active in the mortgage market, and without ridiculously low interest rates from the Federal Reserve any available credit would cost home buyers much more. These are not conditions that inspire confidence for a recovery in prices.
In trying to maintain artificial prices, government policies are keeping new buyers from entering the market, exposing taxpayers to untold trillions in liabilities and delaying a real recovery. We should recognize this reality and not pin our hopes on a return to price normalcy that never was that normal to begin with.
“The country is overly indebted, savings-depleted and underemployed.”
+1 Schiff
I would tend to disagree. Times have never been better for wall street barrons like me.
“The country is overly indebted…”
Another term for cash short.
“… savings-depleted…”
“… and underemployed.”
Another ditto.
“Home Prices Are Still Too High”
The rent……. is too damn high!- Jimmy McMillan
A comment from the WSJ piece:
“HOLCOMB ROBERT wrote: The author is making a political statement, nothing more. He claims the the bubble was artificial and the arresting of home price declines is artificial as well. He assumes it is our government at the controls and he doesn’t like it. That is laughable. There is nothing artificial about the rise and fall of real estate prices in this or any other decade. It is a free market in action. Buyers and sellers doing their best to achieve their short term goals with the capital they have. Sure interest rates and access to long term credit are part of the real estate market, but the government doesn’t control that. The Fed is unable to influence the price of long term money, as we were so obviously reminded by QE2.”
“While the various real estate indexes created by the pundits seem like valuable tools, there is no proof that they fairly reflect reality. I don’t think the author knows anything about his topic. He just wants to complain about policies that limit his ability to rip off others.”
The kool-aid is still strong; absolute denial?
Rare hurricane-strength winds batter L.A. area; more snow and ice on way
A rare blast of hurricane-strength winds was topped by a 94 mph gust measured by the National Weather Service at 3:57 a.m. Thursday at Whitaker Peak.
Forecasters said the winds in valley and mountain areas will continue at least until noon Thursday. A wind warning for the San Fernando and San Gabriel valleys is in place until then.
So now they have earthquakes AND hurricanes.
I wonder how some of those LA’ers I’ve met over the years who said they were more afraid of hurricanes, are feeling right now?
Florida Doctor Strangled by Electronic Neck Massager, Authorities Say
A South Florida doctor has died after authorities say she was accidentally strangled by a electronic neck massager on Christmas Eve.
Kenneth Gegerson called 911 after finding his wife’s body on the bedroom floor next to the neck massager. Paramedics pronounced 37-year-old Michelle Ferrari-Gegerson dead at the scene. Authorities believe her necklace got caught in the massager and it quickly tightened around her neck.
According to Broward Sheriff’s authorities, Ferrari-Gegerson spent the evening wrapping gifts and getting ready for work while using the massager to relieve neck pain.
Ferrari-Gegerson, a radiologist at Jackson Memorial Hospital, was the mother of a 1-year-old, the Miami Herald reports.
I’ve been realizing that death can come in an instant.
I saw a news story about some 19 year old local girl who may have been texting, who slammed into a tree at high speed. One minute, it’s “OMG Britni, did u see-” and next, lights out.
Not something to get too wrapped around the axle about - it’s all a matter of when, not if. And a good reason to appreciate the moments of daily life as they happen.
Severe Debt Scarcity Coming to US
If US consumers believe it difficult to borrow now, just wait! In the next few years credit conditions are likely to go back seventy years when private debt was difficult to obtain. Most Americans intuitively believe there is too much debt at every level of society. But the economic and political vested interests do not want them worried about that. They want to give them credit to infinity to keep this economic mess from imploding.
The US Federal Reserve’s new round of quantitative easing (QE2) is clear evidence of that. However, Americans are right about their inordinate debt load, and future economic conditions are likely to create a severe debt scarcity.
From the article:
“The principle reasons for the coming debt scarcity are that ‘debt saturation’ - where total income cannot support total debt - has arrived, say some analyists; also, the growing understanding that adding new debt may not increase GDP - it could decrease it; and that banks and financial systems are a train wreck in waiting, eventually being forced to mark their assets to market, thus creating for them massive asset write-downs and strangling their lending ability.”
“If the Fed prints ever increasing amounts of new money to try to moderate the financial collapse, hyperinflation could be the result. If it does not print massive amounts of new money, a deflationary depression could be born.
“In high inflationary or hyperinflationary conditions, few will want to lend as they get paid back in dollars that are declining very rapidly in value. In a deflationary episode, lending is reduced due to huge loan losses. Therefore, during either, and/or after such events, debt scarcity will be in full force.”
also, the growing understanding that adding new debt may not increase GDP -
This is something that really needs to sink in. When all the savings are depleted, when there are no second jobs, when the wife already works or can’t find a job, when the banks won’t lend causing inflation does not increase GDP it just shifts spending from wants to needs. The middle class is toast, the lemon has been wrung dry and there is no more juice to squeeze.
“If the Fed prints ever increasing amounts of new money to try to moderate the financial collapse, hyperinflation could be the result (maybe for food and fuel but people will move into tents) housing and wants will collapse. If it does not print massive amounts of new money, a deflationary depression could be born.
“In high inflationary or hyperinflationary conditions, few will want to lend as they get paid back in dollars that are declining very rapidly in value. In a deflationary episode, lending is reduced due to huge loan losses. Therefore, during either, and/or after such events, debt scarcity will be in full force.”
This is why the FED is hoping for stagflation, they want to walk the tight rope and keep everyone guessing which side of the tightrope the US will fall. These games are fun when played 3ft off the ground but the US is hanging over the Grand Canyon now.
“The principle reasons for the coming debt scarcity are that ‘debt saturation’ - where total income cannot support total debt - has arrived, say some analyists; also, the growing understanding that adding new debt may not increase GDP - it could decrease it; and that banks and financial systems are a train wreck in waiting, eventually being forced to mark their assets to market, thus creating for them massive asset write-downs and strangling their lending ability.”
No! Really?!
2011 by Paul Craig Roberts
”Dissent is what rescues democracy from a quiet death behind closed doors.”
- Lewis H. Lapham
The year 2011 will bring Americans a larger and more intrusive police state, more unemployment and home foreclosures, no economic recovery, more disregard by the U.S. government of U.S. law, international law, the Constitution, and truth, more suspicion and distrust from allies, more hostility from the rest of the world, and new heights of media sycophancy.
2011 is shaping up as the terminal year for American democracy. The Republican Party has degenerated into a party of Brownshirts, and voter frustrations with the worsening economic crisis and military occupations gone awry are likely to bring Republicans to power in 2012. With them would come their doctrines of executive primacy over Congress, the judiciary, law, and the Constitution and America’s rightful hegemony over the world.
American “democracy” died back in the 1980s with voodoo, er, I mean “supply side” economics.
The Republican Party has degenerated into a party of Brownshirts, and voter frustrations with the worsening economic crisis and military occupations gone awry are likely to bring Republicans to power in 2012. With them would come their doctrines of executive primacy over Congress, the judiciary, law, and the Constitution and America’s rightful hegemony over the world. quote by Paul Craig Roberts
“Republicans” listen up! Hey! Over here……….
(thank you)
Please read carefully the above quote and the complete post above it wmbz posted.
These are quotes from Paul Craig Roberts formerly of the Reagan administration. Now this is how far Republicans have strayed from their once respected values, history and legacy. You have a Reagan man calling your Republican party “Brownshirts”. Good God people! Look what you are supporting and ask why.
Paul Craig Roberts (born April 3, 1939, in Atlanta, Georgia) is an American economist and a columnist for Creators Syndicate. He served as an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration…. He is a former editor and columnist for the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, and Scripps Howard News Service. wiki
Some people spend a lot of effort trying to explain what’s wrong with the Rs. IMO it would be a lot more effective for them to spend most of that energy explaining what’s better about the alternatives. That information seems to be much more scarce. And when the person explains why they can’t vote D, listen to them.
Great article on the coming Canadian crash. Here are a few snippets..
“Statistics Canada released data Monday showing that Canadian household debt has risen to 148 per cent of disposable income. The eye-popping figure is all the more alarming considering it’s the first time since the 1990s that Canada’s ratio has been higher than that of the U.S.
Alarm bells rang everywhere from the Bank of Canada to the Finance Department on Monday, and Canadians were urged to tighten their belts and prepare for a time of austerity.”
“”Cheap money is not a long-term growth strategy,” Carney said. “Low rates today do not necessarily mean low rates tomorrow. Risk reversals when they happen can be fierce: the greater the complacency, the more brutal the reckoning.”
In an interview with The Globe and Mail, Mr. Clark said that no bank wants to be the first to impose stricter requirements on borrowers out of fear that it will suffer a major loss of customers to rivals. Personal banking “is a highly competitive industry,” Mr. Clark said. “If we said ‘Look, we’re going to be heroes and save Canada from itself, and we’ll impose a whole new [mortgage] regime on everyone else,’ the other four [large] banks would say ‘Let’s carve them up.’ ”
Canada’s banks clearly don’t care what happens as long as they can pass the trash to the CMHC, the Canadian equivalent of Fannie Mae.
Clark’s statements, as well as statements made by the chief economists of BMO and Toronto-Dominion, put a spotlight on the decidedly stupid moral-hazard mess the Bank of Canada has gotten itself into by backstopping mortgages of Canadian borrowers.
But hey, look on the bright side. The music is still playing. In memory of Chuck Prince, Keep on Dancin’
I thought the Canadians were better than this.
Scratch off one country to flee to when SHTF.
Rise in signed contracts gives housing market lift- AP
People are starting to buy homes again, lifting a battered industry that is bracing for its worst sales year in more than a decade.
“Rise in signed contracts gives housing market lift- AP”
Are these free-market qualified buyers, or are they FHA financed knife-catchers where the seller paid the down payment?
Who cares. the hard working realtards got their commissions. That’s the issue here. doncha know?
Realtors are liars.
Things that make you go hmmm??
The price of benchmark crude tumbled Thursday after the Energy Department’s Energy Information Administration weekly supply report. The EIA said oil supplies declined by 1.3 million barrels last week. A drop in supplies often supports higher prices, but analysts surveyed by Platts, the energy information arm of McGraw-Hill Cos., thought the drop would be bigger — around 3.2 million barrels.
Investors worried that the report showed demand for energy was not picking up, despite positive economic news.
As I stated above, gas will not go to $4, let alone $5, as $3 has already been proven to be the pain threshold and I also would bet that domestic demand is already dropping.
I have a bleg…
Does anyone know the story of this famous “glam realtor” shot? I could swear I’ve seen it all over as a source of ridicule of used home sellers.
Hard to believe that an MSM newspaper ran this article.
That photo certainly hits a couple of stereotypes on the head. What kind of UHS would you prefer: A female prostitute with silicon implants, or a male gay dandy?
What kind of UHS would you prefer: A female prostitute with silicon implants, or a male gay dandy?
The honest one. That’s all that matters.
(unless we’d both been drinking)
LOL at the comment below the article that said the male UHS looked constipated.
I’m not sure who the female UHS was targeting, but the stay at home wife of a high income earner wouldn’t be interested, even if she herself was a hottie. I’m open minded, but that picture is in bad taste. Is she selling sex or housing? I’m unsure.
The American Dental Association is beaming; look at all those sparkling white, perfectly aligned smiles!
From the free-spending eat out twice-a-week orgy of the past, to pocketing the supermarket coupons today, we bring you comfort food making a comeback - pigeon
Trap ‘em with that army/navy thrift store netting you get on sale. bring back to your cave, I mean worth less house. Make sure your sink is empty and you have a garbage can nearby.
Bleed and gut. Pluck. Cut off head. Put in stew pot with cold tap water, scraps of tomato, onion, carrot, celery. Add 1/4 pound diced smoked ham hock. Stew for two hours on low skimming occasionally. Yummy.
See you in the park soon with your net!
A .410 shotgun may be an easier solution….
We have terrible problems with geese in the parks here in Boise. They poop all over the lawns. Some days there may be hundreds of the damned birds wandering around.
Our newspaper ran a “what should we do with all the geese” article, but nobody liked my suggestion - let people take them with swords. You could walk up to one of these stupid birds, and with a quick “swish” cut off the head from that long neck. The neck is so long that it’s an easy target for a sword.
A goose is much bigger and tastier than a pigeon.
“… let people take them with swords.”
Or just slip a loop of twine around each of their necks. Do it quietly and one goose at a time and maybe you’ll be able to take out a whole gaggle.
Actually a silenced air rifle is better. Gauge is
.117, 1,100 fps, scoped, can drop a squirrel at
a 100 feet. Very, very quiet and perfect for
pigeons in a city park.
I saw Black Swan (not Taleb) today…
Total ripoff of Fight Club.
While I disagree with the “worst” rating, I agree with the last sentence. On our way to seeing it, I predicted to milady that it was going to be Fight Club Part Deux. Nailed it.
As an aside, how can the worst movie ever contain Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis making out? Those are mutually exclusive events!
Hawaii guv suddenly ‘mum’ on Obama birth ‘certificate’
After blizzard of attacks on ‘birthers,’ Abercrombie now avoids interviews.
Although Hawaii’s newly elected Democrat governor, Neil Abercrombie, has recently given a flurry of high-profile media interviews condemning “birthers” who question Barack Obama’s constitutional eligibility to occupy the Oval Office, suddenly he is declining to answer a few hard questions.
Abercrombie, 72, a former member of the U.S. House, may be trying to quell the surge of doubt among Americans – polls show nearly six in 10 doubt Obama’s own eligibility story – by promising he will try to release additional records on Obama from his state’s Department of Health vault.
He has, in just recent days, expressed his disdain toward “birthers” in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune, on CNN, as well as the local Star Advertiser and Hawaii News Now.
His startling remarks appear to be in response to the recent polling results as well as the rapidly growing list of high-profile personalities and leaders publicly raising questions about Obama’s eligibility.
Read more: Hawaii guv suddenly ‘mum’ on Obama birth ‘certificate’
Worldnet Daily?
Why bother posting this garbage here?
I wonder if this will help sell houses:
“The F-M Community Sports Facility Association, a group of about 25 residents spearheading the drive to raise private donations for a new all-weather turf field, needs to raise $1.8 million by March 1. The group has raised about $1.1 million so far.”
“Alumni who have been contacted have stepped up to the plate including a 1975 graduate who lives in the Silicon Valley giving a “generous” contribution, he said.”
Private donations. The community came out and said no taxes for turf so these families put their money where their mouth was and came up w/it themselves w/in a matter of months.
I dunno. Given the Manlius real estate tax stats you sometimes post, it really makes me wonder where the bux are going. Oh, wait. To the benefits and bloated salaries of the bloated public sector workforce? Or what?
Here is the dirty secret. All crowing and shilling about ‘excellent schools’ is completely self referent, tautological, and meaningless UNLESS backed up by nationwide standardized test scores, and the measurements - school by school - are apples to apples. No state teacher’s union will permit its schools to be compared on a nationwide yardstick. There is a 50% chance it would be below average.
Questions would be shouted, whined, honked and brayed in all directions by the mouthbreathing breeders who demand our tax dollars to subsidize their litters, while being totally ignorant about meaningful indices of measurement.
Sorry. Got carried away there. A flashback to life in Fairfield County, CT. Provincial living amidst ignorant, strident, shrill, mouthbreathing breeders. The metaphorical precursors to the first film in the Alien series.
You’re poetic and cannot refute a single word.