March 9, 2012

Weekend Topic Sugestions

Please post topic ideas here!

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Comment by WT Economist
2012-03-09 04:39:20

How about this: regulations cause high housing prices in the most affluent parts of the U.S.

The flip side — New York City might have the most liberal zoning rules in the developed world, but prices are still high. The fact that high rise construction is more expensive than low rise construction, and you need to tear down existing buildings and fund whatever their value was until they are replaced, explains this.

Also, NYC has many approved, abandoned development projects right now. They could probably move forward and be rented or sold profitably. But we are waiting for the banks to take their losses.

Comment by jinglemale
2012-03-09 04:58:31

Signs of Recovery. Sure, it is spotty and rough, but I think many HBB’rs don’t want, will not, or aren’t ready to see the signs….

Comment by Ben Jones
2012-03-09 05:37:53

Recovery of what? What’s your definition of a recovery of what it is you are talking about.

BTW, we had a whole WE topic on this last weekend.


Comment by BetterRenter
2012-03-09 21:11:02

From my definition, we’re recovering to the previous levels of economic activity that were sustainable, with an added layer of adjustment downward for the imposition of globalism (which destroys domestic wages).

Alas, other people call this a “collapse”. That’s because to them, a recovery would involve returning to the ways and means of that short period of hyperspeculation. Obviously they are delusional, but their attitudes have long dominated the public mind.

Comment by Pressboardbox
2012-03-09 06:20:09

I can only speak for my area. There are zero signs of anything that might be confused for a recovery here (central FL). Jobs picture is the same bleak one of the last few years.

Tell us about your recovery in your area, I could use the cheering up.

ps. I don’t want to hear how long the wait is at Applebees.

Comment by WT Economist
2012-03-09 06:28:01

For those of you familiar with the re-benchmarking process, the employment survey data is undated based on more accurate but lagging tax returns once a year. New York City just had a huge upward revision. And I mean huge. It came out yesterday.

At the same time, the city and state have an ongoing fiscal crisis. And, of course, no one can afford the housing prices.

So it appears we are moving gradually toward a “more jobs at lower inflation-adjusted wages” phase, one that will really bite the standard of living if the boomers stop working. Since we can’t borrow and import indefinately. An economic recovery of a sort, without a housing recovery.

Comment by WT Economist
2012-03-09 06:33:13

Article covering the re-benchmarked data.

Remember, the employment survey has trouble calling a turn in the economy, because of the need to guesstimate the number of jobs in new businesses outside the sampling frame. There are big revisions every time there is a big change in direction — the last time was 2008 and early 2009.

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Comment by goon squad
2012-03-09 09:19:52

Starting my own hedge fund trading Applebee’s wait time futures and candle and pirate shop back securities.

Comment by GrizzlyBear
2012-03-09 21:42:37

“jinglemale” went all in on houses, and a “recovery” is in his financial interests. What’s that saying about the difficulty in getting a man to understand something his financial well-being depends upon him not understanding?

Comment by oxide
2012-03-10 05:40:53

And the other half of HBB went all in on waiting and renting, and a “crash” is in their financial interests. The saying about getting a man to understand something… cuts both ways.

Comment by JingleMale
2012-03-10 06:22:10

GrizzelyBear, what you say it true, I am invested in housing.

Oxide, good point.

I just added a long post on the topic and my ideas, but it didn’t show up. I will wait a while and see if it does show up, and if not, I will repost it…..

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Comment by JingleMale
2012-03-10 06:28:49

Hmmm, so now my third comment posted and my second long post did not post. Perhaps it is because I mentioned a blog (sacrealstats.blogspot….google it). Let’s see if this posts….

Comment by JingleMale
2012-03-10 06:31:18

Wow, now my second and fourth posts are gone. Both referenced other web sites……hmmmmm. Let’s see if this posts!

Comment by JingleMale
2012-03-10 06:34:09

OK, here is my second post with a referenced web site deleted…..take if from here…

I should not put such a volatile topic suggestion up, unless I can stay with it…..and I got really buried yesterday. So now I will commit to come back here periodically all weekend to respond and comment on the topic suggestion: The Recovery.

In 2007, 08, & 09 I would spend whole weekends tracking mortgage fraudsters, posting stuff here on HBB, submitting reports to the FBI, wondering when the world did not see the coming doom. When the weekend was over, I realized I put in about 30 hours time. My fiancé was not always happy, but the economy was down and my business was off 90%, so this was something fun to do in the downturn.

So lots of the comments here on this Recovery topic are on point. GrizzlyBear is correct; I have purchased a bunch of foreclosures and short sales. We are not “all in”, as we have a prudent reserve, but if the world tanks deeper, it will be very challenging. But if the world tanks deeper, it would be challenging without owning houses. I am not subject to Upton Sinclair’s “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!” FIrst, I don’t get a salary…..secondly, my well being does not depend on anything changing. We have a pretty strong set up based on a 2010 economy.

BetterRenter and WT Economist have very important points to make, basically that there is a new standard of living and it is lower….and it will grow at a much slower rate. I agree, the “Cheese has Moved”. So now, I have picked myself up, dusted myself off and am in pursuit of the cheese in its new location. Life is not easy….and I am not looking for an easy life. I got plenty of sitting around watching Flipper reruns in 2009. I prefer productivity….

So let me respond to PressBoardBox in central Florida, since I am in Central Califronia. Unemployment is 11% here. In fact we just celebrated hitting 10.9%. Some people might say 10.9% is not sign of a recovery. Well, it is a lot better than 12.8% we had 3 years ago! What else looks better? Housing inventory is down substantially. As GrizzleyBear pointed out, I know housing in this market. Inventory is down substantially. Go look at this site: (reference deleted to allow auto posting.) We had 18,000 houses for sale in 2006 & 2007, we now have under 6,000. In the markets I track it is even tighter…..

In one small town around Sacramento, 4,500 housing units were built from 2004-2007. It all sold at bubble prices. And guess what? It is 90% foreclosed. I know, I track it. These are boots on the ground observations. Sure, some is still foreclosing a second time, but less than 3%. I am trying to help my daughter by a house and we are getting beat out with multiple offers on everything we like.

A few years ago, “Aladinsane” posted here that all housing should not be “marked to market”, but rather “Marked to Modesto”. I thought that was very funny, as Modesto was the “foreclosure capital of the world” according to the MSM. Well guess what, I just saw a news story about how they are building new houses in Manteca again, because the SF Bay Area employees like the affordability and will drive an hour to get housing for 50% less. Manteca is 20 miles north of Modesto. So if you want today’s true housing picture…….”Mark to Manteca”!

There are many, many other signs of recovery. Ben may not see them yet in Flagstaff, because the tertiary markets are the last to recover. Markets like the San Francisco region are doing very well. I find it curious they produce time wasting crap like Facebook and Zynga (I LOVE WwFs), but they are hauling in the prosperity for their area.

Is it a bifurcated market? Yes, some people see and feel nothing improving. But if you all think back to 2009, you will probably remember how deep and dark that time was. I remember posting early in the bubble about the coming correction/meltdown and took a lot of heat from people in denial of the bubble. Now I am telling you every economy recovers: always have, always will. This one is recovering. Get on board, or stay at the station. Your choice. I will come back later this afternoon…..

Comment by JingleMale
2012-03-10 06:35:46

Well, reposting my second post is not working. Let’s see if this fifth post makes it. Evidently, something in my diatribe is trigering the censorship….

Comment by JingleMale
2012-03-10 06:37:32

trying a third time for the second post….

I should not put such a volatile topic suggestion up, unless I can stay with it…..and I got really buried yesterday. So now I will commit to come back here periodically all weekend to respond and comment on the topic suggestion: The Recovery.

In 2007, 08, & 09 I would spend whole weekends tracking mortgage fraudsters, posting stuff here on HBB, submitting reports to the FBI, wondering when the world did not see the coming doom. When the weekend was over, I realized I put in about 30 hours time. My fiancé was not always happy, but the economy was down and my business was off 90%, so this was something fun to do in the downturn.

So lots of the comments here on this Recovery topic are on point. GrizzlyBear is correct; I have purchased a bunch of foreclosures and short sales. We are not “all in”, as we have a prudent reserve, but if the world tanks deeper, it will be very challenging. But if the world tanks deeper, it would be challenging without owning houses. I am not subject to Upton Sinclair’s “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!” FIrst, I don’t get a salary…..secondly, my well being does not depend on anything changing. We have a pretty strong set up based on a 2010 economy.

BetterRenter and WT Economist have very important points to make, basically that there is a new standard of living and it is lower….and it will grow at a much slower rate. I agree, the “Cheese has Moved”. So now, I have picked myself up, dusted myself off and am in pursuit of the cheese in its new location. Life is not easy….and I am not looking for an easy life. I got plenty of sitting around watching Flipper reruns in 2009. I prefer productivity….

So let me respond to PressBoardBox in central Florida, since I am in Central Califronia. Unemployment is 11% here. In fact we just celebrated hitting 10.9%. Some people might say 10.9% is not sign of a recovery. Well, it is a lot better than 12.8% we had 3 years ago! What else looks better? Housing inventory is down substantially. As GrizzleyBear pointed out, I know housing in this market. Inventory is down substantially. We had 18,000 houses for sale in 2006 & 2007, we now have under 6,000. In the markets I track it is even tighter…..

In one small town around Sacramento, 4,500 housing units were built from 2004-2007. It all sold at bubble prices. And guess what? It is 90% foreclosed. I know, I track it. These are boots on the ground observations. Sure, some is still foreclosing a second time, but less than 3%. I am trying to help my daughter by a house and we are getting beat out with multiple offers on everything we like.

A few years ago, “Aladinsane” posted here that all housing should not be “marked to market”, but rather “Marked to Modesto”. I thought that was very funny, as Modesto was the “foreclosure capital of the world” according to the MSM. Well guess what, I just saw a news story about how they are building new houses in Manteca again, because the SF Bay Area employees like the affordability and will drive an hour to get housing for 50% less. Manteca is 20 miles north of Modesto. So if you want today’s true housing picture…….”Mark to Manteca”!

There are many, many other signs of recovery. Ben may not see them yet in Flagstaff, because the tertiary markets are the last to recover. Markets like the San Francisco region are doing very well. I find it curious they produce time wasting crap like Facebook and Zynga (I LOVE WwFs), but they are hauling in the prosperity for their area.

Is it a bifurcated market? Yes, some people see and feel nothing improving. But if you all think back to 2009, you will probably remember how deep and dark that time was. I remember posting early in the bubble about the coming correction/meltdown and took a lot of heat from people in denial of the bubble. Now I am telling you every economy recovers: always have, always will. This one is recovering. Get on board, or stay at the station. Your choice. I will come back later this afternoon…..

Comment by JingleMale
2012-03-10 06:40:37

I don’t know what to say. My second post cannot get thru, even without a reference to a web site. It has been 20 minutes. If it shows up 3 times later in the day, I appologize. If it never shows up, I am hiring Jacoby & Meyers to file suit against Ben for censorship!!! I will come back in a few hours and see where we are!

Thanks, Jinglemale

Comment by JingleMale
2012-03-10 06:18:21

I should not put such a volatile topic suggestion up, unless I can stay with it…..and I got really buried yesterday. So now I will commit to come back here periodically all weekend to respond and comment on the topic suggestion: The Recovery.

In 2007, 08, & 09 I would spend whole weekends tracking mortgage fraudsters, posting stuff here on HBB, submitting reports to the FBI, wondering when the world did not see the coming doom. When the weekend was over, I realized I put in about 30 hours time. My fiancé was not always happy, but the economy was down and my business was off 90%, so this was something fun to do in the downturn.

So lots of the comments here on this Recovery topic are on point. GrizzlyBear is correct; I have purchased a bunch of foreclosures and short sales. We are not “all in”, as we have a prudent reserve, but if the world tanks deeper, it will be very challenging. But if the world tanks deeper, it would be challenging without owning houses. I am not subject to Upton Sinclair’s “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!” FIrst, I don’t get a salary…..secondly, my well being does not depend on anything changing. We have a pretty strong set up based on a 2010 economy.

BetterRenter and WT Economist have very important points to make, basically that there is a new standard of living and it is lower….and it will grow at a much slower rate. I agree, the “Cheese has Moved”. So now, I have picked myself up, dusted myself off and am in pursuit of the cheese in its new location. Life is not easy….and I am not looking for an easy life. I got plenty of sitting around watching Flipper reruns in 2009. I prefer productivity….

So let me respond to PressBoardBox in central Florida, since I am in Central Califronia. Unemployment is 11% here. In fact we just celebrated hitting 10.9%. Some people might say 10.9% is not sign of a recovery. Well, it is a lot better than 12.8% we had 3 years ago! What else looks better? Housing inventory is down substantially. As GrizzleyBear pointed out, I know housing in this market. Inventory is down substantially. Go look at this site: sacrealstats.blogspot dot com. We had 18,000 houses for sale in 2006 & 2007, we now have under 6,000. In the markets I track it is even tighter…..

In one small town around Sacramento, 4,500 housing units were built from 2004-2007. It all sold at bubble prices. And guess what? It is 90% foreclosed. I know, I track it. These are boots on the ground observations. Sure, some is still foreclosing a second time, but less than 3%. I am trying to help my daughter by a house and we are getting beat out with multiple offers on everything we like.

A few years ago, “Aladinsane” posted here that all housing should not be “marked to market”, but rather “Marked to Modesto”. I thought that was very funny, as Modesto was the “foreclosure capital of the world” according to the MSM. Well guess what, I just saw a news story about how they are building new houses in Manteca again, because the SF Bay Area employees like the affordability and will drive an hour to get housing for 50% less. Manteca is 20 miles north of Modesto. So if you want today’s true housing picture…….”Mark to Manteca”!

There are many, many other signs of recovery. Ben may not see them yet in Flagstaff, because the tertiary markets are the last to recover. Markets like the San Francisco region are doing very well. I find it curious they produce time wasting crap like Facebook and Zynga (I LOVE WwFs), but they are hauling in the prosperity for their area.

Is it a bifurcated market? Yes, some people see and feel nothing improving. But if you all think back to 2009, you will probably remember how deep and dark that time was. I remember posting early in the bubble about the coming correction/meltdown and took a lot of heat from people in denial of the bubble. Now I am telling you every economy recovers: always have, always will. This one is recovering. Get on board, or stay at the station. Your choice. I will come back later this afternoon…..and again on Sunday…..

Comment by JingleMale
2012-03-10 06:50:53

OK. I messed up…..the second post now shows up three different times. I am so sorry…..

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Comment by poormancometh
2012-03-09 06:19:14

If I were in charge….

I think it would be interesting to see what fellow hbb’s would do if they were in charge. Specifically, if they were appointed to run one of the large mega-banks after the bubble burst. The morning after the housing bubble burst.

How as the head of the bank past due mortgages are handled, foreclosures, allocation of resources to loan modifications, new loan standards all while making a profit for the bank and keeping your job.

Tell us how us of the 99% would do jobs of the 1%. Best entry will be forwarded to HR of the Mega Bank of your choice.

Comment by Diogenes (Tampa, Fl)
2012-03-09 08:01:12

You are deluded into believing that “megabanks” should be operating, at all, as though they have some “right” to exist. All these banks should have been liquidated, their assets seized and their managers fired. There should be NO “to big to fail” banks.
This was all handled as an inside job by the President, the FED, and the Treasury dept, who was appointed by the President. Congress was sold a bill of goods by the Treasury and handed a story of impending world-wide doom and collapse unless Banksters were rescued. It was all a lie. The banks should be taken over and liquidated.
Foreclosures should be handled the way foreclosures are always handled. You don’t pay, the house is foreclosed and SOLD.
RE-finances and Loan modifications..forget about them. Liquidate these underwater properties.
I don’t care how many people are “thrown out of their homes”. They don’t belong in these houses in the first place and have been freeloading for 2 years or longer, awaiting an “easy payment plan”.
The solution is not to save the banks, or save the borrowers, but to liquidate all the losses to establish market equilibrium and get back to price discovery that is not manipulated by government stooges for the benefit of the Banksters.
The world will not end. The sun will still rise, and many people will find they can live just fine in a smaller, less expensive house, or an apartment. It’s just that simple.
Don’t buy into the “mainstream” stories about the “economy” and how the world will end if 10 banks don’t hold all the nation’s debt in their vaults. Kill the FED. NOW.
And let’s get on with our lives. No more ‘managing’ the ‘crisis’.
End the crisis by immediate liquidations. Say goodbye to Goldman-Sachs…And CITI and Wells Fargo, and JP Morgan Chase. Break them all up and make small regional banks that serve their customers as BANKS, not speculation houses for traders. That is the solution.
The same applies to Europe, where they have been trying to “manage” the bad debts of the southern region for quite some time now, only to come up with another new plan every week.
You think someone there should “manage” the insolvency??
I don’t. Kill the deadbeats…. and let slip the dogs of war.

Comment by Blue Skye
2012-03-09 08:11:30

Yes Dio. What should an individual do about that?

Comment by Diogenes (Tampa, Fl)
2012-03-09 08:34:24

First, STOP DOING BUSINESS with them.
I see the banks flowing with customers at all their new branches which they bought out with “bailout” funds.
The general public, stupid as they are, don’t even understand that they have been robbed by the FED and their money transferred to the Megabanks.
Find a local S and L and get your funds OUT. I realize the government will continue to support them and they work hand in glove with the entrenched government supported businesses, but it would be a start.

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Comment by In Colorado
2012-03-09 11:44:50

Tell me about it. Chase branches seem to pop out of the ground like weeds out here.

Comment by poormancometh
2012-03-09 09:00:41

Deluded, wow. Someone wake up on the wrong side this morning. I was just making a suggestion. There are many things I think should not exist today but while awake I try to deal with reality.

Comment by oxide
2012-03-09 09:25:02

It’s not just today, or any particular poster. I’ve been having meta thoughts on HBB, and it saddens me.

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Comment by Blue Skye
2012-03-09 10:54:24

Do you mean doubt about things you are sure of???

Comment by oxide
2012-03-09 10:59:52

Are you referring to the definition of “meta?” In Internet speak, meta is when posters talk about their fellow posters, or about the site itself, instead of about the topic at hand. Online navel-gazing so to speak.

Comment by Blue Skye
2012-03-09 13:03:58


Comment by Blue Skye
2012-03-09 17:25:52

It is hard to sit quietly and watch a glacier melt.

Comment by ahansen
2012-03-09 21:28:55

Excellent query, poorman. Will ponder….

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Comment by WT Economist
2012-03-09 08:04:12

I’d expand the board and the executive staff to include a large number of sensible people.

I’d be looking for executives willing to do a good job for less. Not less than you and me, more than you and me, but less than before. The savings would be used for higher dividends.

Then I’d break up the bank into still large but independent and competing organizations, headed by different executives and boards. Each would have national scope and the full range of financial services, but lower market share.

And I’d rely on competition to provide the best deal for investors and customers, with the parts expected to become worth more than the whole.

Our oligopolistic financial industry is going the way our oligopolistic auto industry did in the 1960s and 1970s. Over paid, worse and worse.

Comment by oxide
2012-03-09 09:37:35

And how would your sensible people collect mortgage payments on the large numbers of lousy liar loans that your predecessors handed out like unicorn crap?

Comment by WT Economist
2012-03-09 11:49:56

My guess is the megabanks just service them, not hold them. So they’ll do whatever the holders decide.

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Comment by GrizzlyBear
2012-03-09 22:09:43

I would completely dissolve the corporation, and forward all pertinent information to the Dept. of Justice.

Comment by Sammy Schadenfreude
2012-03-09 07:29:16

Greek 1-year bond soaring past 1100%. Buy now or be priced out forever!

/sarc off.

Comment by Diogenes (Tampa, Fl)
2012-03-09 08:05:51

I think that’s 11%, but in a ZERO interest rate environment, with Big economies controlled by Central Bank price manipulation, it’s a really high rate. And it’s not really what is should be. Lot’s of folks betting on a default, which is the best solution, but then the traders who want to trigger a CDS will have won a victory. We’ll see how this plays out.

Comment by goon squad
2012-03-09 08:26:25

Here’s a topic suggestion on inflation and the “new normal” way of living:

What products/services do you NOT spend money on anymore?

Orange juice
Coffee (now substituting tea)
Cable TV (library DVDs only)
Movie tickets (see above)

Comment by WT Economist
2012-03-09 08:33:46

Basically, we’ve lived the new normal right along.

If anything we (or at least she) is spending more, though she would deny it. That’s the problem with the internet. Since she has no time for shopping, we’d save money without it.

One item of current consumption likely to get the axe is our 15 year-old Saturn wagon. When it dies, we’ll probably to Zipcar/rental car and see if we miss it.

Comment by BlueStar
2012-03-09 09:43:00

Live music has about disappeared in my area and I used to be able to see two or three bands a week but all that’s left now are the high dollar shows at large venues that costs 5X what I used to spend. There are still cultural centers like Austin, New Orleans and Memphis but every where else it’s a waste land.

Comment by Cantankerous Intellectual Bomb Thrower©
2012-03-10 03:17:58

Personal solution: I play my own live music…have fiddle, will play.

Comment by polly
2012-03-09 10:10:48

Design a “fair” way to undo a bad loan made by a bank.

Here’s my shot. And, for the record, I’m not talking law here, or not exclusively. I’m talking fair within a framework of a contract. And lets assume for the exercise that the bank actually owns the loan. It will just make writing this all out a lot easier.

If the person cannot reasonably pay the loan, then it has to be undone somehow. However, being approved for more loan than they could reasonably pay, doesn’t change the fact that they borrowed money. Here is a place where I can see a fairness arguement coming into play. If the person was steered into a rate much higher than the rate they actually qualified for, that is a place where the bank should take a hit. If changing that rate to the rate they should have had in the first place is enough to make the loan affordable to them now, then we are done. That should happen, no closing costs, not credit ding, nothing. Remember we are talking about the fixed rate, fully amortizing loan they should have gotten with their real data and the market rates at the time the loan was taken.

What if the rate they should have been offered back then isn’t enough? A mortgage is secured debt, so if you can’t pay, the item securing the loan has to be taken and sold to pay off the debt. If the loan was recourse, then you are responsible for any amount of the loan over and above the amount that was received for selling the house. So, you lose the house (once the bank finds the proper documents or goes through the state’s onerous requirements for foreclosing when the documents can’t be located - they all have them).

If you have a lot of money and a recourse loan, you have to pay any difference - people who have a lot of money (still) should have known better. If you have a lot of money and a non-recourse loan, you don’t have to pay the difference, but you do lose the house.

If you are broke and you have a recourse loan, I could see that fairness might dictate a slightly easier form of bankruptcy just for the purpose of dealing with the excess house loan. Do it the real way if you want to get rid of your credit card debt too. If you are broke and have a non-recourse loan, you don’t need a special bankruptcy to get rid of the excess house loan, so nothing special is required.

Now, what about the people who lived in the house for free for time well in excess of the expected time between defaulting and foreclosure. I’m inclined to dump most of this responsibility on the banks, but I can see an argument that the defaulter should have to pay rent on the time that they were living there and not paying the mortgage. I think this could use a lot more discussion.

And, finally, what should the borrowers “get” for being the “vicitms” of the banks. There are plenty of documented instances of the people helping with application inflating job titles, salaries, assets, etc. Perhaps they would not have gotten loans and gotten in trouble without that. Perhaps they would have. And if you signed the papers it is still your responsibility, but the problems were almost everywhere and I can see the need for something other than lose the house, go bankrupt if you need to, pay the back rent. What about this? They can get a new loan for the amount they would have qualified for using their original, documented information without closing costs and assuming they can still afford it. So the strawberry pickers with $35K combined income? They can qualify for a $70K mortgage, not a $700K one. Couple with $70K household income? They can get about $170K. Let them use a credit score calculated by excluding the mortgage payments they didn’t make. And maybe let them finance the back rent they owe as part of the new loan, so that even if they qualify for $x they would only get $x less the “rent” they owe the bank.

So that is where I come out. You don’t get the house for free. You don’t get the loan cancelled. You lose the house. You maybe have to pay rent for the years you lived for free. And you qualify for a good loan at the level you would have qualified for using traditional metrics on the loan to income ratio back then assuming that you can still afford it.

Hmmm…I’m still not sure about this. I’ll have to think some more. Any other ideas?

Comment by X-GSfixr
2012-03-09 10:25:47

All of these plans reward the idjits who participated.

But if you were smart enough to walk away from the whole mess? No government cheese for you.

The whole mess was enabled by government laws/policies at all levels. Until that gets unwound, and government start handing out carrots, while beating the crap out of some people with whup-azz sticks, nothing will have been gained, and the cycle will be repeated.

Comment by BetterRenter
2012-03-09 23:23:31

“All of these plans reward the idjits who participated.”

That’s why I greatly oppose all such plans. All such plans undermine the foundation of our legal system: Contracts. A contract already exists in each and every deadbeat case: The mortgage.

Once again, if these deadbeats had flipped their houses for even more sweet cash, they would have kept those gains or sunk them into even more outrageous risks (i.e. a bigger Garage Mahal), and nobody would have claimed anything was wrong or that some policy needed to change or anything like that (except us, the “doomsayers” in the blogs). Fortunately for my sense of completion and justice, all of this became so huge that it was too big to bail without creating serious social consequences for the nation. All choices at this juncture will producing screaming agony for some sector, even the widest possible sector (the taxpayers).

A certain inevitability has entered the social future of the United States, and I welcome it. Bad behavior on this level deserves punishment.

Comment by aNYCdj
2012-03-09 22:18:30


Whats the NY law on this? If i remember the landlords can only ask for a max of 3 months back rent, and anymore a judge could rule and call it “use and occupancy”….say at 1/2 rent.

But i agree those who lived rent free should be force to pay back something…yes it rewards the idjits and screws people like me…but 1/2 is better then nothing. And if they don’t have 1/2 well either file for BK or have them attach your pay… I would be screaming mad if they played the “victim” again and said we don’t have any money to move….well you spent it all…didn’t same a dime…..go to the homeless shelter….

Now, what about the people who lived in the house for free for time well in excess of the expected time between defaulting and foreclosure. I’m inclined to dump most of this responsibility on the banks, but I can see an argument that the defaulter should have to pay rent on the time that they were living there and not paying the mortgage. I think this could use a lot more discussion.

Comment by Moman
2012-03-09 10:17:00

We should have a discussion on the recent MSM articles about a new wave of “victims”, like the lady who was featured yesterday in the bits’ bucket. There have been some difficult times but there are many who are simply living above their own ability, who are suddenly victims when the music stops.

IMO, if there are any victims they are the financially responsible savers and U.S. Taxpayer for funding the fleecing of the US Treasury.

Comment by CarrieAnn
2012-03-09 16:34:43

This might not be worthy of an entire thread but how about the ramifications of Greece’s triggered credit default swaps.

Comment by Cantankerous Intellectual Bomb Thrower©
2012-03-10 03:19:17

How long until everyone realizes that renting is better than owning?

Comment by Cantankerous Intellectual Bomb Thrower©
2012-03-10 03:20:17

Is It Better to Buy or Rent?

Whether renting is better than buying depends on many factors, particularly how fast prices and rents rise and how long you stay in your home. Compare the costs of buying and renting a home in the calculator below. Click the advanced settings button to change inputs such as your rate of return on investments, condo/common fees and your tax bracket.

Comment by Cantankerous Intellectual Bomb Thrower©
2012-03-10 03:22:29

Is Owning or Renting Best?

There was a time when owning the roof over your head was considered an attainable and wholesome mark of prosperity for American families. See, for example, the higher calling for which George Bailey gives up his youth in It’s a Wonderful Life. (In retrospect, George was making sub-prime loans from a dangerously over-leveraged and illiquid bank. It was a simpler time.) Over the decades conventional wisdom on home ownership morphed from Victorian House wholesome goal to sound idea, then to great idea, and finally to such a great idea that it was practically free money.

Then it all went kablooey, and conventional wisdom started denying that it ever said any such thing. It’s really not clear what mainstream advice on home ownership is right now. Big time gurus like Suze Orman and David Bach (author of, among other bestselling titles, The Automatic Millionaire Homeowner) now spend time cautioning people about the dangerous waters of home buying and contradict, without apology or even acknowledgement, advice they gave a few years back to jump in with both feet. (See excellent article on this at the Wall Street Journal here, and my discussion of Orman’s latest book here.)

So perhaps now is as good a time as any to step back, push aside the headlines of the day, and reconsider if owning the place you live in is a good idea in principle or if maybe renting has gotten a bum rap all these years. Moreover, it’s worth asking if owning vs. renting is a question that should have a general one-size-fits-all answer.

Comment by Cantankerous Intellectual Bomb Thrower©
2012-03-10 03:25:23

Own-ward Bound?
By Barbara Kiviat Monday, Aug. 31, 2009
Illustration by Kyle T. Webster for TIME

Four years ago, Michael Choe appeared in the pages of this magazine for doing something spectacular: choosing to be a renter. At a time when real estate riches were Topic A (”Home $weet Home,” read the TIME cover line), the engineer, from Sacramento, Calif., decided to sell his house and move with his wife and baby boy into a rental. “Compared to owning, rent is cheap,” he said back then.

Exceedingly smart move. Since the summer of 2005, house prices in Sacramento have plummeted by half. Choe and his family — which now includes a second son — watched from the sidelines until the end of last year. That’s when the Choes moved back into a home of their own, a four-bedroom they plucked out of foreclosure at a 35% discount from what it had sold for two years earlier. (See pictures of Americans in their homes.)

Is this smart move No. 2? In other words: Is it really time to buy?

Comment by Cantankerous Intellectual Bomb Thrower©
2012-03-10 03:40:23

One potential drawback to renting: A failure to qualify for $100,000 or so to reimburse you for money lost when the housing bubble popped. Is there any other investment class where losses are reimbursed in similar amounts?

P.S. I am not sure how this BoA program might apply to families like our friends who were foreclosed on their Countrywide/BoA loan years ago. Perhaps a class action suit against BoA could sort out monies potentially owed to those on whom they foreclosed before this settlement finally was in place?

P.P.S. How do you determine “current market value” for homes that are deliberately kept off the market to avoid price discovery?

P.P.P.S. 200,000 borrowers at “$100,000 or more” a piece equals $20,000,000,000 ($20 bn) or more. I didn’t realize BoA planned to fork out $20 bn or more all by itself, but perhaps with a class action lawsuit to ensure those who were previously foreclosed also get their fair share, they could push their liability up to this level.

BofA to slash mortgage balances by $100,000 or more
By Les Christie @CNNMoney March 9, 2012: 3:09 PM ET

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — Bank of America will significantly slash mortgage balances for as many as 200,000 borrowers.

As part of the $26 billion settlement reached between the five major mortgage servicers, the federal government and the attorneys general of 49 states and District of Columbia last month, Bank of America (BAC, Fortune 500) customers who qualify could see their mortgages reduced by an average of $100,000 or more, according to bank spokesman Rick Simon.

Those principal reductions are much deeper than the ones originally announced as part of the robo-signing settlement deal.

When the settlement was first announced, the average principal reduction was expected to reduce mortgage balances by an average of about $20,000. Among the five biggest lenders, the reductions are expected to help roughly 1 million homeowners who owe more on their homes than they are worth.

Multi-million dollar foreclosures

The other four banks, JPMorgan Chase (JPM, Fortune 500), Citigroup (C, Fortune 500), Wells Fargo (WFC, Fortune 500) and Ally Financial, are expected to reduce qualified borrowers’ principal to between 115% and 125% of the value of their homes. Bank of America, meanwhile, is aiming to reduce the amount owed on a home to 100% match the current market value.

Bank of America’s deal only applies to the mortgages it owns and some that it services for private investors. Loans backed by government-controlled agencies like Fannie and Freddie or insured by the Federal Housing Administration are not eligible for the program.

Comment by Cantankerous Intellectual Bomb Thrower©
2012-03-10 03:44:07

How can it possibly pencil out to offer $20bn+ in principle reductions in order to avoid a fine of $0.85bn? I simply never will “get” DC maths.

Bank of America to reduce mortgage principal for 200,000 ‘underwater’ homeowners

By Associated Press, Published: March 9

NEW YORK — Bank of America is providing mortgage relief to about 200,000 homeowners.

Homeowners that qualify are those whose home values have fallen below what they owe on their mortgages. Bank of America will reduce the amount owed by the homeowners by as much as $100,000 in some cases. Only mortgages that are currently owned by Bank of America will qualify. Those that are owned by government entities Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, or backed by the Federal Housing Administration will not be eligible.

The move will help the bank reduce the amount of penalties it owes to the government’s Housing & Urban Development agency by $850 million.

Comment by Cantankerous Intellectual Bomb Thrower©
2012-03-10 03:48:58

Potential drawback to ownership: You may end up owing taxes on the (implicit) extra income you received by failing to repay part of your mortgage.

If Congress doesn’t act, distressed homeowners could take another hit

Sun File Photo
Nevada continues to be plagued by high foreclosure rates.
By Karoun Demirjian (contact)
Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2012 | 2 a.m.

Take note, Southern Nevadans: If you own one of the estimated 100,000 homes that experts predict will be lost to foreclosure before the protracted housing crisis comes to an end, you may see a massive tax hike this time next year.

A law that has waived homeowners’ tax liability for any mortgage debt that was forgiven through modified loans, short sales or foreclosures is expiring at the end of 2012. If Congress doesn’t vote for an extension this year, forgiven debt will again be taxed as regular income — just as it was before 2007, when the provision was passed after the housing bubble burst.

Comment by Cantankerous Intellectual Bomb Thrower©
2012-03-10 04:14:31

Meyer Sees Shift From Home Ownership to Rentals

March 6 (Bloomberg) — Michelle Meyer, senior U.S. economist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, talks about the outlook for the U.S. housing market and economy. Meyer speaks with Tom Keene on Bloomberg Television’s “Surveillance Midday.” (Source: Bloomberg)

Comment by Cantankerous Intellectual Bomb Thrower©
2012-03-10 04:22:19

Buying Real Estate Not `Clever Move,’ Says Shiller

Jan. 31 (Bloomberg) — Robert Shiller, an economics professor at Yale University and co-creator of the S&P/Case-Shiller home-price index, talks about the U.S. housing market. He speaks with Tom Keene on Bloomberg Television’s “Surveillance Midday.” (Source: Bloomberg)

Comment by Cantankerous Intellectual Bomb Thrower©
2012-03-10 04:28:48

Home Prices to Fall Further in 2012, Wetenhall Says

Jan. 4 (Bloomberg) — Robert Wetenhall, an analyst with RBC Capital Markets, talks about the outlook for the U.S. housing market and homebuilder stocks. He speaks with Tom Keene on Bloomberg Television’s “Surveillance Midday.” (Source: Bloomberg)

Comment by Cantankerous Intellectual Bomb Thrower©
2012-03-10 04:34:14

Why would anyone who lived in an expensive area and believed prices were going to fall another 5% this year buy currently? For instance, if homes which interest you sell currently for $500,000, you could wait until next year and only pay 95% X $500,000 = $475,000, and spend the extra $25,000 some day on a long future European vacation or two. I fail to understand the logic that impels people to buy before prices bottom out.

Wetenhall Sees Home Prices Falling Another 5% in 2012 (Video)
Jan 4, 2012 11:06 AM PT
Home Prices to Fall Further in 2012, Wetenhall Says

Jan. 4 (Bloomberg) — Robert Wetenhall, an analyst with RBC Capital Markets, talks about the outlook for the U.S. housing market and homebuilder stocks. He speaks with Tom Keene on Bloomberg Television’s “Surveillance Midday.” (Source: Bloomberg)

Robert Wetenhall, an analyst with RBC Capital Markets, talks about the outlook for the U.S. housing market and homebuilder stocks.

He speaks with Tom Keene on Bloomberg Television’s “Surveillance Midday.” (Source: Bloomberg)

Running Time: 07:50

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