August 24, 2012

Bits Bucket for August 24, 2012

Post off-topic ideas, links, and Craigslist finds here.

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Comment by Albuquerquedan
2012-08-24 01:31:26

Buy your gas early Isaac will miss Tampa but hit the center of the oil industry. Should only be a Cat 1 or weak Cat 2. My typing is not too bad this morning, I don’t want to set off a spelling Nazi.

Comment by Ryan
2012-08-24 05:44:50

Unfortunately, I am stuck at Ft Benning all week next week doing acceptance testing. The way I know the terrain at the base, the chances of flooding will be 110% Not. Cool.

Comment by oxide
2012-08-24 05:55:02

Thanks for the tip! I’ll gas up this weekend.

Comment by GrizzlyBear
2012-08-24 08:01:08

Looks like 2008 was just a warmup.

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) — With oil approaching $100 a barrel and the U.S. refinery market recovering from a spate of outages this year, gasoline is on track to reach its highest-ever price for Labor Day — and consumers may have to wait longer than usual to see those prices retreat.

Comment by Cantankerous Intellectual Bomb Thrower©
2012-08-24 08:34:27

“Buy your gas early Isaac will miss Tampa but hit the center of the oil industry.”

That is a run-on sentence.

Comment by Albuquerquedan
2012-08-24 09:04:15

So? I am a poor typist too. I do not have time to proof read blog posts. Have you run out of substantive points?

Comment by GrizzlyBear
2012-08-24 09:28:34

Given the number of posts authored by you, it would appear you have ample time on your hands.

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Comment by Happy2bHeard
2012-08-24 09:56:03

If gas is going up for more than a couple of days, I will still have to buy it at prices inflated by Isaac.

Would I be better served to miss the gas lines caused by this kind of thinking?

Comment by ahansen
2012-08-24 13:31:27

Why not just plan not to drive anywhere for a few days (or double up) instead of playing into oiligarchy’s efforts to create a false sense of urgency (Shortages! Higher Prices! OMG!)?

Comment by Happy2bHeard
2012-08-24 13:55:46

Not driving is a good plan if the higher prices last only a few days. My knees argue against it being a permanent state of affairs.

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Comment by Bill in Los Angeles
2012-08-24 20:35:18

Unleaded at my nearest gas station to my Phoenix apartment: $3.35. Unleaded in Torrance: north of $4.00. Capital gains tax in Arizona: around 4.5% max for long term and being cut to less than 4% for 2013 tax year. In California: up to 10% for long term gain. Low gas costs, low taxes, plenty of sun and a balanced budget!

Comment by Bill in Los Angeles
2012-08-25 19:10:35

Correction. Current rate is 4.54% and will be gradually reduced to 3.4% by 2016 rather than all at once. New Mexico cut its capital gains tax In half to 2.4%.

Comment by Realtors Are Liars®
2012-08-24 01:34:22

Realtors Are Liars®

Comment by Awaiting
2012-08-24 06:26:10

True, RAL, but our Broker has a relationship w/ the Listing Broker.
Under Contract 4+2+pool. Not overpaying much. OMG, We’re so HAPPY, we’re crying.

Comment by Awaiting
2012-08-24 06:38:36

I must say, I had given up hope. The auction options were drying up, and the prices (north of opening bids by far) that trickled out, were MLS+, and all the “good” homes in nice neighborhoods are two-story in the MLS or insanely priced for a one-story. Monthly housing nut reasonable (property taxes).


Comment by Rental Watch
2012-08-24 07:10:52

Congrats Awaiting. That’s awesome. I hope your investigations turn up NOTHING and your closing goes smoothly.

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Comment by Awaiting
2012-08-24 07:44:11

Rental Watch
Thank you. Mensch like reply!
We have hired a GC for the inspection, and already know about the caveats (more to come we know). Great bones.

The house and pool survived both the 1971 & 1994 earthquake. Actually did pretty good.Cut lot, reasonably newer roof, terrific floor plan, and an affordable price in this engineered nightmare micro bubble in So Ca. COE under 30 days.

Come on guys, even if you would not buy now, be happy for us. Hubby has Glaucoma. This is financial security for us.

Comment by Cantankerous Intellectual Bomb Thrower©
2012-08-24 07:45:37

“This is financial security for us.”

Sorry to seem dense and insensitive, but I just don’t get that.

Comment by Blue Skye
2012-08-24 08:05:58

Security is knowing what you will pay.

Comment by Awaiting
2012-08-24 08:10:35

We just reduced our monthly nut by $1,700/mo. The LL just sold this complex. Rent increases are coming. Storage ain’t cheap either.

We will have the “pink slip”in 30 days, so to speak. It’s our toe-tag home.

Comment by Cantankerous Intellectual Bomb Thrower©
2012-08-24 08:36:38

“We just reduced our monthly nut by $1,700/mo.”

Sounds good. I was confused by your ‘money pit’ comment yesterday, but it sounds like you are locking in savings compared to your current rent. Congrats!

Comment by polly
2012-08-24 09:23:55

What is the current “opportunity cost” of the cash you are paying plus any expected extras? I suspect it is well below $1700 a month, but I would be curious to know.

Comment by sfrenter
2012-08-24 09:54:34

Come on guys, even if you would not buy now, be happy for us. This is financial security for us.

I’m happy for you! Congrats.

We locked in our interest rate yesterday. Saved $2700 in closing costs and $20. month by waiting 24 hours until after the Fed minutes posted and rates went down overnight.

Now just waiting on the bank and the city to ok the loans. Jeez, this waiting is killing me. 20 days into escrow and it feels like 6 months have already gone by.

Our landlord has never returned a deposit (I’ve spoken with both previous tenants) and I am hoping to use our deposit for our last month’s rent. $3,000. ‘aint chicken scratch and we’re owed interest on that money since 1999. That’ll be a small claims deal, I’m sure.

Trying not to get too excited about this until I have the actual keys in my hand, but this is a toe-tag home for us, too.

Did I mention that the monthly PITI will be less than our rent? Looking forward to saying soyanara to the greedy bee-atchy LL and her nosy nose.

Comment by polly
2012-08-24 10:37:48

Be sure to document EVERYTHING about the condition of your rental as you leave. You should take dozens if not hundreds of pictures. You never know what she is going to claim was damaged/dirty.

Comment by sfrenter
2012-08-24 11:54:28

Be sure to document EVERYTHING about the condition of your rental as you leave. You should take dozens if not hundreds of pictures. You never know what she is going to claim was damaged/dirty.

Good advice, Polly.

The rental is in better condition now than when we first moved in 14 years ago. But 14 years is a lot of daily wear and tear, especially on a bathroom and kitchen that haven’t been renovated since the early 70’s. The last inside paint job was done (by us) in 2002.

The overall shabbiness of living in a rental has taken its toll. If that had been my own house I would’ve knocked out a wall or two, gotten rid of the godawful pink 70’s bathroom tile, kicked the electric stove to the curb, and bought a dishwasher that didn’t break down every 6 months.

Our LL is a cheapskate and I don’t trust her further than I can spit to return even a dime of our 3K deposit.

Comment by sleepless_near_seattle
2012-08-24 12:25:55

$3,000. ‘aint chicken scratch and we’re owed interest on that money since 1999.

Why would she owe you interest? Not sure about CA, but I thought it was illegal for landlords to invest your deposit, and if they do (and you can prove it), the recourse is that THEN they owe you any interest earned.

At least that’s how I believe it to be in OR. For this reason, many investors use escrow accounts to hold the deposit.

Comment by sleepless_near_seattle
2012-08-24 14:07:11

Correction…I don’t think it’s illegal, but I think that unless they invest it, they don’t owe you any interest on it…

Comment by polly
2012-08-24 15:04:45

Different states have different requirements. In New Jersey there was a special type of account they had to put it in and I got a check every year. They weren’t even allowed to hold back the check to offset any new amount of deposit I was required to have in the account because of a rent increase.

In MD there doesn’t seem to be any such requirement, though I’m pretty sure my current deposit is miniscule. Or zero. There was something, but it may have been a move in or application fee.

Comment by SV guy
2012-08-24 18:39:56

Awaiting, congrats on the house!

Comment by Jinglemale
2012-08-24 12:32:31

Nice work Awaiting. Getting into a SF Bay Area property for all cash is something to crow about.

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2012-08-24 17:31:50


I hope you have many happy years in your new home.

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Comment by Pimp Watch
2012-08-24 06:43:10

Yeah…. the tears are just beginning.

Comment by Cantankerous Intellectual Bomb Thrower©
2012-08-24 07:27:14

[Golf claps]

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Comment by nickpapageorgio
2012-08-24 18:43:52


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Comment by Salinasron
2012-08-24 06:59:58

Happy for you; may all your plans with the house turn out as you anticipate.

Comment by Awaiting
2012-08-24 07:50:58

Cantankerous & Salinasron
Thank you for the good wishes. Very mensch like. I’m in tears from joy. It’s been a long strange horrible multiple years, and we will be reunited with our belongings finally. I only wish my late father could share the joy. While he was dying, he worried out our future and lack of some security. Life is re-beginning for us. We can pay back friends for all their invites, while we lived in a tenement.

A glorious day, yesterday!

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Comment by Pimp Watch
2012-08-24 07:58:00

Ya know….. this drama is over the top. It really is.

Comment by Blue Skye
2012-08-24 08:08:12

It’s the American Dream.

Comment by butters
2012-08-24 08:41:38


Least I say the best. Hope it works out for you.

Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2012-08-24 09:43:02

Congratulations! I think I remember you’ll even get to see your nice piano again.

Comment by sfrenter
2012-08-24 09:56:37

Ya know….. this drama is over the top. It really is.

Pimp watch,

Quit being a miserable wretch. Try watching some sunsets or rainbows or something like that.

Comment by polly
2012-08-24 13:07:41

There was a giant rainbow in the eastern sky as I left work on Tuesday. I’m not sure I’d seen a real one since my last trip to Hawaii.

Comment by MissMouseAZ
2012-08-24 14:58:48

((double rainbow))

“It’s so beautiful!!!”


Comment by oxide
2012-08-24 16:10:36

When I lived in the Midwest I saw an entire rainbow. The whole curve from ground to ground. Wow.

Good luck Awaiting. At least you don’t have to worry about rents going up anymore. It was amazing how quickly I forgot about LL’s.

2012-08-24 16:13:48

Quit being a miserable wretch. Try watching some sunsets or rainbows or something like that.

Personally, I like to kick some squirrels for fun.

Also decapitate puppies.

Pimpy, let’s watch a rainbow together and slit a puppy. :P

Comment by Pimp Watch
2012-08-24 17:03:26

…… let’s!

2012-08-24 18:37:33

I’m ol’-fashioned, Pimpy, I am!

You need to put a ring on the decapitated puppy’s tail and buy me a house before I put out! :D

Comment by Pimp Watch
2012-08-24 18:50:04

U got it.


2012-08-24 19:08:27

Darling Pimpy,

How do the sunsets and rainbows pay next month’s bills?

And you don’t own the house either. You just rent it from the bank.

– Vaguely-Dissapointed

Comment by Cantankerous Intellectual Bomb Thrower©
2012-08-24 22:43:49

“How do the sunsets and rainbows pay next month’s bills?”

Dude — stop harshing on the HBB’s newest Ownership Society member’s mellow.

Comment by GrizzlyBear
2012-08-24 08:02:41

Wanting to buy a house that bad cannot be healthy, or lead to sound financial decision making.

Comment by Pimp Watch
2012-08-24 08:05:23

Well…. yeah….. if you actually believe this soap opera.

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Comment by Blue Skye
2012-08-24 08:18:37

Of course it is believable. It requires a mania to lock into a mortgage. Euphoria follows.

Comment by Rental Watch
2012-08-24 09:25:13

You haven’t been following. They are cash buyers. There is no mortgage.

Comment by Pimp Watch
2012-08-24 09:31:40

You haven’t been following. Nobody here except you pimps buy into this charade.

Comment by Blue Skye
2012-08-24 09:55:21

cash…the “monthly nut” comment threw me of of that.

Comment by polly
2012-08-24 10:41:03

Taxes and homeowners insurance are a monthly nut too, though, of course, you may be paying them annually or quarterly or whatever.

Comment by San Diego RE Bear
2012-08-24 15:50:26

” We can pay back friends for all their invites, while we lived in a tenement.”

Know the feeling. It’s been 10 years since I had a guest room and a nice enough home to invite anyone over. Now I can’t invite very many people over (it’s small) but at least I can have a few over and enjoy it.

It was really hard for me to pull the trigger and I have little doubt that prices still have a ways to fall in my wee town in flyover country. And I’ll admit to a few sleepless nights before closing. But the last 27 nights I’ve slept fine with no gunshots, no motorcycles, no drunken bully neighbors threatening my dogs, and no murders one block away.

I am not at all pimping real estate, and there are places I wouldn’t touch it yet - San Diego being a big one. And I have little doubt there is another big economic downturn coming soon. And there’s a good chance I’ll lose money unless I retire here. (But hey, can’t lose more than 93k :D) And retiring here is a possibility. Or, if I have my mom’s life expectancy I have 7 years left and won’t care in 8 anyway. In the meantime I have a friend coming in from GA in October, and friends from TX and OH and hopefully CA coming in December. And I’m looking forward to sharing my dollhouse with them.

Buying right now is not the right decision for everyone, and there are places that are still massively overpriced. And some that are slightly overpriced. And all will be affected when interest rates rise. But if HBBer’s are aware of the risks and aren’t buying thinking their house is going to appreciate 35% a year, I don’t think we’re in the same place we were in 2005.

I’m not sure why there’s so much venom against those of us who have recently bought. Yes, there is some pimping going on - I don’t understand the people who think the worst is over and come here to pimp real estate. Clearly doom and gloom are close by. But it always will be. Each of us has to evaluate our situation and determine the right choice for us. I agree absolutely with PB not to buy in SD right now. It’s still crazy high. But that’s why I moved somewhere where I could buy a very nice place for under $100k and less than 2x’s income.

And yes, I know I have debt now and I didn’t before. And I know I am not nearly as financially safe and mobile as I was. And I understand my neighbor could get as bad as the one I left and I could be screwed. But I can’t move easily and finding a decent rental is a no-go with 5 [now four :( - just lost my 16y-o lab] dogs. (And please don’t say get rid of the dogs - those are your values, not mine. I keep a pet for life and stand beside her when it’s time for the last trip to the vet’s.) So I bought. And yes, financially I am worse off. But physically I am much, much safer in my new neighborhood than I was in my old one and that has a value. And I’m much happier. Things could go very wrong, but even in a rental I could face major medical bills, a job loss, a severe disability, or even a tornado. Fortunately the new place has a basement. ;)

Comment by nickpapageorgio
2012-08-24 18:50:13

“They are cash buyers. There is no mortgage.”

No better way to watch you cash go poof than to put it all into an overpriced 40 year old home.

Comment by aNYCdj
2012-08-24 19:10:17

So what ??? they will be dead and the only losers will be the kids and grandkids inheritances…

2012-08-24 19:16:14

Especially if it’s your “last home”.

How many rent checks can there be at that point?

Comment by ahansen
2012-08-24 13:35:58

Oh, Sweetie, you’ve waited so long on this one, I’m really happy for you guys. I truly hope this will make your lives easier and less stressful;having a stable, familiar environment makes all the difference when you’re battling your eyeballs.

Big hug.

Comment by Combotechie
2012-08-24 04:14:38

A few worthwhile quotes that are, IMO, all related and interconnected:

“Those who don’t read have no advantage over those who can’t.” - Mark Twain

“Books are the treasured wealth of the world and the fit inheritance of generations and nations.” - Henry David Thoreau

“Get wisdom, get understanding; forget it not: neither decline from the words of my mouth.
Forsake her not, and she shall preserve thee: love her, and she shall keep thee.
Wisdom is the principal thing: therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.” - Proverbs 4: 5-7

“When wisdom entereth into thine heart, and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul,
Discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee:
To deliver thee from the way of the evil man, from the man that speaketh froward things.” - Proverbs 2: 10-12

Comment by goon squad
2012-08-24 04:28:24

“The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter” - Winston Churchill

Comment by Combotechie
2012-08-24 04:49:37

Some lemmings choose not to go over the cliff.

Comment by palmetto
2012-08-24 05:08:12

Standing near the edge, watching the others rush by, saying “Hey, where’s everyone going?”

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Comment by Cantankerous Intellectual Bomb Thrower©
2012-08-24 07:31:25

And the Wall Street shills standing near the edge reassure the bovine herd, “Jumping is great fun!”

Comment by oxide
2012-08-24 05:39:16
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Comment by michael
2012-08-24 06:15:41

being a contrarion takes a lot of effort.

i am easily annoyed by people who argue with me; that have not put forth any additional effort beyond the 24 hour news media.

i have learned to just let them be, remain silent, and calmly sip my bud light.

Comment by GrizzlyBear
2012-08-24 08:11:12

“i am easily annoyed by people who argue with me; that have not put forth any additional effort beyond the 24 hour news media.

i have learned to just let them be, remain silent, and calmly sip my bud light.”

“Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.”

Comment by sleepless_near_seattle
2012-08-24 12:46:05

This is my fave Far Side ever:

As with the lemmings, it’s also an appropriate metaphor for our times…

Comment by alpha-sloth
2012-08-24 16:05:10

remain silent, and calmly sip my bud light.

You should try bud light lime with a cucumber spear! :razz:

2012-08-24 05:00:58

Lady Astor: “Mr. Churchill, you’re drunk!” Winston Churchill: “Yes, and you, Madam, are ugly. But tomorrow, I shall be sober.”

2012-08-24 18:53:21

sfrenter: “Pimpy, you rent!”

Pimpy: “Yes, and you, Madam, got a city wh0re loan. But I’m debt free.”

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2012-08-24 04:58:57

Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday.

Author Unknown

Comment by samk
2012-08-24 05:18:24

Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. Inside of a dog it’s too dark to read. -Marx

Comment by michael
2012-08-24 06:19:25

“God’s greatest mistake was to not make the dog’s lifespan the same as a man” - not sure

Comment by Housing Wizard
2012-08-24 06:41:20

“Ain’t but three things in this world that’s worth a solitary dime,
But old dog and children and watermelom wine .”

( From a song along the way )

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Comment by Arizona Slim
2012-08-24 05:18:31

A quote by Mark Twain about reading? Mmmm-mmm-mmmmmmm!

Thanks for starting my day on the right foot, Combotechie.

Comment by goon squad
2012-08-24 06:17:48

See also:’s_Dictionary

Comment by Rental Watch
2012-08-24 07:23:08

Unrelated, but meaningful:

“Investors should remember that excitement and expenses are their enemies. And if they insist on trying to time their participation in equities, they should try to be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful.”

Warren Buffett

Comment by butters
2012-08-24 07:43:12

Presidents, politicians and policy makers call me for advise. I invest based on the likelihood of my advise being carried out.

–Warren “The Oracle” Buffett

Comment by butters
2012-08-24 07:49:26

me for advice &
advices being…

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Comment by rms
2012-08-24 08:05:54

“Presidents, politicians and policy makers call me for advise.”

These peeps are still unhappy…got to have more!

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Comment by Cantankerous Intellectual Bomb Thrower©
2012-08-24 07:29:44

With school turning out more runners, jumpers, racers, tinkerers, grabbers, snatchers, fliers, and swimmers instead of examiners, critics, knowers, and imaginative creators, the word ‘intellectual,’ of course, became the swear word it deserved to be.

― Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451

Comment by Ben Jones
2012-08-24 07:48:57

Mr. Merriweather: Men will believe anything, the more preposterous the better. Whales speak French at the bottom of the sea. The horses of Arabia have silver wings. Pygmies mate with elephants in darkest Africa. I have sold all those propositions. Well, maybe we’re all fools and none of it matters.

Jack Crabb: [after Gen Custer shoots Shadow] There was no describing how I felt. And enemy had saved my life from the violent murder of one of my best friends… The world was too ridiculous to even bother to live in.

Comment by Montana
2012-08-24 08:41:32

“Those who don’t read have no advantage over those who can’t.” - Mark Twain

Yeah, but then it’s “Read the books I read - not the books you read.”

Lotta books out there.

Comment by turkey lurkey
2012-08-24 12:55:48

“This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we’ll be lucky to live through it.”

- Hunt for Red October

Comment by Martin
2012-08-24 04:45:41

Would there be a civil war as per the Texas Judge?
How should I prepare for it?

Comment by palmetto
2012-08-24 05:06:55

“Would there be a civil war as per the Texas Judge?”

No, that’s just silly. The judge’s comments were sort of garbled and confused. Saying that Obama would bring in UN troops and tanks if not re-elected would not be hinting at civil war anyway. It would be a president with a belief in divine right bringing in foreign agents to conquer the country.

However, if Obama is not re-elected, I believe he’ll “fail upward” into some sort of UN or NGO type post.

Comment by Combotechie
2012-08-24 05:13:52

Lol, Texas.

Davy Crockett had it right: “You can go to hell, I’m going to Texas.”

Comment by polly
2012-08-24 13:30:27

Ridiculous. There isn’t an NGO on the planet that is “enough” for any ex-US president to run never mind an organization needing or wanting someone that big for the job. When the attention is all on your CEO, not on your cause, you have already lost.

He doesn’t fit in with the UN particularly well either. The prestige of an ex-US president is too big for a org that is largely about the voices of the smaller places and the power of the security council permanent members.

He’ll do speaking, lend his name to causes and perhaps go a little Jimmy Carter, but he’ll have a home base at a university.

Comment by samk
2012-08-24 05:08:55

I doubt it.

Comment by palmetto
2012-08-24 05:21:01

Me, too. From what I’ve been reading here and there, many Dems are just as disillusioned over Obama as many Reps were disillusioned by shrub. If not re-elected, they want him to go and go quietly, as shrub did. They’re trying to put a good face on it, but all is not well in Demland.

As far as any UN action, not gonna happen without Hillary’s say-so, and I don’t think she’ll be saying so. More like she’ll be saying “I told you so”.

Comment by goon squad
2012-08-24 06:39:22

Wouldn’t it be fun LOL if Romney wins the popular vote and Obama wins the electoral college? Major LULZ if that happens LOL!

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Comment by Blue Skye
2012-08-24 07:18:23

Sure, about as fun as watching Studio Wrestling.

Comment by Northeastener
2012-08-24 08:38:06

Ask yourself why the militarization of local police departments throughout the country? Palm Beach Gardens, FL just bought a 9-ton armored tactical vehicle. That is playing out in towns and cities throughout the country.

Ask yourself why the Social Security Administration, NOAA, and the Department of Homeland Security have ordered 1.5 billion rounds of ammunition? This is not Pentagon/Military ammunition procurement, rather for departments under the purvey of Homeland Security.

Is civil war coming? The government is preparing for something, what that is, I don’t know, but it doesn’t look good.

How should you prepare? Stock up on shelf-stabilized food and potable water, at least 3 months, more if you can. Hold some precious metals in case there are currency issues. If you plan on being able to defend yourself and your family, firearms and ammunition would be helpful. Note that I think all private ownership of firearms would be halted in a case of civil war… martial law and men with automatic guns trumps the Constitution unfortunately. Having said that, I for one will not allow what is happening to families in Syria to happen to me and mine… enough said.

Comment by Overtaxed
2012-08-24 09:39:30

Direct result (military style police enforcement) of the drug way. When a huge percentage of the population is composed of “law breakers” you need to gear up for some serious battles.

Think about it, from the time you wake up until you go to sleep, how many laws do you break? 10? 100? There are so many laws that, at almost all times, you’re doing something illegal (particularly if you’re in the car).

If there’s no victim, there’s no crime. Until we return to ethos, government will continue to gear up for WWIII..

Comment by Northeastener
2012-08-24 09:54:10

There is something more going on than just spillover from the “War on Drugs” and being at war for 11 years:

Everything from a recent War College scenario of civil revolt in a Southern city for officers to train up on to the stationing of 20,000 Active Military personal, including Combat Arms, under the direction of NorthCom (North American Command).

The recent ammunition orders are for hollow point .40cal rounds… no one trains with hollow points. Everyone from the military (who can’t use HP bullets due to Geneva Convention), to Police, to civilian shooters train with FMJ due to cost…

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Comment by Happy2bHeard
2012-08-24 11:01:08

“There is something more going on than just spillover from the “War on Drugs” and being at war for 11 years”

Maybe some of those spouting second amendment solutions are doing more than just spouting. I knew a guy who worked for the FBI who was tracking militia groups. Perhaps there has been an uptick recently.

There are certainly more civilians trained in war than there were 10 years ago. News reports of the recent Sikh shooting noted that white supremacist organizations had encouraged members to join the army and get military training. They also noted that there was recruitment going on in the military itself.

This is not to say that only far right groups are planning for insurrection. The recent shooting at the Family Research Council shows that people of all stripes are willing to take up arms. Still, most militia groups seem to be on the far right now.

I recall there being speculation about dentention camps during the Bush years and rumors that he would not step down at the end of his term. I expect Obama to honor the outcome of the election if it goes against him.

Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2012-08-24 12:48:27

There is something more going on than just spillover from the “War on Drugs”


Local Republican Party Newsletter Suggests ‘Armed Revolution’ If President Obama Is Reelected

The Greene County Republican Committee’s March 2012 Newsletter
The Republican Party of Greene County in Virginia published their monthly newsletter in March and in it, the editor suggested an “armed revolution” will be necessary if President Obama is reelected in November:

We have before us a challenge to remove an ideologue unlike anything world history has ever witnessed or recognized. . . . The ultimate task for the people is to remain vigilant and aware ~ that the government, their government is out of control, and this moment, this opportunity, must not be forsaken, must not escape us, for we shall not have any coarse[sic] but armed revolution should we fail with the power of the vote in November.

Comment by sleepless_near_seattle
2012-08-24 14:11:55

unlike anything world history has ever witnessed or recognized

Wow, wow, wow. Well, wait. No. Not wow. Now that I think about it, I know several people that believe this. I’m more afraid of their brains than I am of this “idealogue.”

Comment by Darrell in Phoenix
2012-08-24 15:54:50

I can assure you that I have not broken a single law toady.

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Comment by Overtaxed
2012-08-24 17:20:38

If you drove a car, I can assure you that you did. :)

Yes, if you stay in your house and don’t venture outside, you can probably stay totally on the right side of the law. But.. If you go into public… Very little chance of making it an entire day without breaking at least a few laws (J-walking, traffic laws, etc).

Comment by Bill in Los Angeles
2012-08-24 20:43:31

Darrell is lying unless he does not drive.

We’ve too many laws, too many lawmakers, and too many lawyers.

Comment by Bill in Los Angeles
2012-08-24 20:42:03

Careful Overtaxed, schoolmarm will not go out of her home at all anymore after realizing she probably breaks several laws a day. I know I break several laws per day. Most of them, if not all are traffic laws.

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Comment by Martin
Comment by Arizona Slim
2012-08-24 05:41:11

Aren’t we already IN a global recession?

Comment by Combotechie
2012-08-24 05:54:52

“It would take ‘massive easing, a huge balance sheet expansion’, to boost economic activity in the U.S., according to Faber.”

“Massive easing”, that should do the trick. It’s worked well so far.


These economist-types: Taking on more debt is their answer to all problems, it’s all they know.

Comment by michael
2012-08-24 06:21:45

when the only tool you have is a hammer; every problem becomes a nail.

they will print…until the bond markets make them stop.

Comment by Pimp Watch
2012-08-24 06:28:07

“until the bond markets make them stop.”

I wish but it’s not going to happen. The Fed will continue buying down the rate indefinitely.

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Comment by Cantankerous Intellectual Bomb Thrower©
2012-08-24 07:36:26

Your post presumes the Fed has the means to continue buying down the rate indefinitely.

If something cannot go on forever, it will stop.

– Herbert Stein

Comment by Albuquerquedan
2012-08-24 07:59:52

There is a big difference between “forever” and indefinitely. The Fed can hold down the rates indefinitely, but we will risk losing reserve currency status or even worse we may set off inflation such as the type which was recently seen in Zimbabwe where money did become worthless.

Comment by Blue Skye
2012-08-24 08:23:55

Dan, if you believe that you should load up on debt as fast as possible.

Comment by Albuquerquedan
2012-08-24 08:30:15

It is the reason I have a mortgage. That said, I do not advocate that anyone take on more debt than they can pay back with their available cash flow.

Comment by Happy2bHeard
2012-08-24 10:49:58

“I do not advocate that anyone take on more debt than they can pay back with their available cash flow.”

In a global recession, cash flow can slow to a trickle pretty quickly. Many found that out after the housing bubble popped.

Is a mortgage a hyper-inflationary hedge? Given the uncertainty between hyper-inflation and depression, might the best play be to get a mortgage and have cash on hand to pay it off? Hedge your bets in both directions.

Comment by sfrenter
2012-08-24 11:57:16

might the best play be to get a mortgage and have cash on hand to pay it off

The number of people that can do this is very limited. This requires having a decent job and good credit to get a mortgage AND a pile of cash on hand.

I would follow your plan, if I could, but without a pile of cash, it’s not an option.

Comment by michael
2012-08-24 12:46:34

“Is a mortgage a hyper-inflationary hedge? Given the uncertainty between hyper-inflation and depression, might the best play be to get a mortgage and have cash on hand to pay it off? Hedge your bets in both directions.”

very interesting…would love to hear others comments regarding this…hypothetically speaking of course.

Comment by polly
2012-08-24 13:36:45

“Hedge your bets in both directions”

So if it is hyperinflation your money is worthless but you can pay off the loan with that worthless money and have your house.

If depression, you lose your job but you can lower your monthly living expenses by using the very valuable money (money is valuable when jobs are scarce) to pay off the loan and have your house.

How is this a hedge? Having a paid off place to live is a good thing whether jobs are scarce or rents are sky rocketing. The mechanics of it are identical in both situations - you use the money to pay off the loan. Why rent from the bank in the first place?

Comment by Happy2bHeard
2012-08-24 13:38:40

“I would follow your plan, if I could, but without a pile of cash, it’s not an option.”

This is my problem as well.

Comment by Happy2bHeard
2012-08-24 13:49:41

“If depression, you lose your job but you can lower your monthly living expenses by using the very valuable money (money is valuable when jobs are scarce) to pay off the loan and have your house.”

Theoretically, in a depression, all prices fall. You still have the option of paying off the mortgage over time, if you need to preserve cash or if you want to buy deflated assets.

Having a paid off place to live is a good thing when jobs are scarce all over, but not so good if jobs are plentiful elsewhere and scarce where you live.

Having cash on hand gives you options. People get stucco when the cost of moving exceeds cash on hand. This is also true for renters, although at a lower amount.

Comment by polly
2012-08-24 15:16:20

It is only a winning strategy if you can abandon the loan and keep the money in the depression scenario. Some of you may live in nonrecourse states, but I don’t so I don’t think that way. I assume the bank will be able to sue me for the cash and since getting sued is expensive, paying up is the only option. Actually I would assume that even if I did live in a nonrecourse state. Things can change in a financial crisis.

Comment by Darrell on Vacation
2012-08-24 06:26:00

“These economist-types: Taking on more debt is their answer to all problems, it’s all they know.”

How else are the imbalances to be funded? And, no one wants to talk about ending the imbalances. If you suggest it, people act as if you have totally lost your mind.

Imbalances good.
Imbalances create debt.
Debt bad.

No one sees the logical problems with this?

Comment by cactus
2012-08-24 13:28:58

No one sees the logical problems with this?”

if you get more than you give you live large. you expect a politician to end this ?

It will end itself one way or another all politicians will claim they are blameless

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Comment by pdmseatac
2012-08-24 08:59:24

A least one of the candidates is giving a little thought to the idea that the Fed policy needs re-thinking. Although I am not a strong supporter of either party, if Romney develops further along these lines I may become a supporter.

Comment by GrizzlyBear
2012-08-24 09:15:43

This is the same hack who complains about government spending, but is running on a platform of opposing military spending cuts.

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Comment by pdmseatac
2012-08-24 09:26:25

Well, you’re right about that and there are plenty of other negatives. But the thought of four more years of Obama is equally disquieting.

Comment by GrizzlyBear
2012-08-24 09:40:58

I welcome four more years of Obama if the alternative is Romney. I’ll never vote for that phony, narcissistic windbag.

Comment by Happy2bHeard
2012-08-24 13:36:40

“I welcome four more years of Obama if the alternative is Romney. I’ll never vote for that phony, narcissistic windbag.”

If Obama is a phony, narcissistc windbag, at least he is also a good actor. Romney is not able to hide it.

Is this a good criteria for choosing a President? Should our President be able to hold his cards close to his chest in meetings with other countries’ leaders?

Comment by Northeastener
2012-08-24 08:50:33

ZeroHedge is reporting this from the durable goods order number released today:

“Nondefense capital goods excluding aircraft tumbled in July, and imploded to -3.4%, crashing below expectations of a -0.2% print, with the previous print revised from -1.4% to -2.7%). This means that indeed the brief blip higher in economic activity in the summer was largely transitory and was purely a byproduct of seasonal adjustment.”

Supposedly the top-line beat was due solely to Boeing Aircraft orders, which were up, but also likely to change due to order cancellations… excluding aircraft, the data points to a major slowdown.

Comment by pdmseatac
2012-08-24 09:48:45

Boeing is in serious trouble, and may not be able to develop a competitor to the currently-in-development Airbus A-350. Boeing attempted to offshore almost all of it’s engineering and aircraft assembly during the 787 project. Boeing found out that 10 cents-a-day child labor in Bangladesh is not the best workforce for designing and building modern airliners, but has had difficulty replacing the laid off and retired US workers. Since Boeing vigorously pushed the idea that these jobs were gone forever, people stopped preparing for careers in aerospace. The resulting huge time and cost overruns in the 787 project have severely damaged the company’s ability to compete with Airbus in the near future.

Comment by turkey lurkey
2012-08-24 13:00:14


Screw Boeing.

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Comment by BetterRenter
2012-08-25 00:04:44

And why exactly would Boeing care about any sort of consequences? The company knows full well that the First National Bailout Bank will always be there to help. The Congress won’t fail to give Boeing tens of billions if necessary. Look what they did for GM.

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Comment by Arizona Slim
2012-08-24 05:40:11

Tucson’s housing bulls are stomping around. Again. From our leading local fishwrap:

Arizona was US leader in 2Q rise in home prices

But the article does its best to take the punchbowl away. The money quote:

Much of the market is being driven by investors anxious for a bargain, said Michael Orr, director of the Center for Real Estate Theory and Practice at the W.P. Carey School of Business at ASU. As the inventory of affordable homes put up for auction dries up, the investors find themselves bidding against each other.

Methinks we have a whole lotta market manipulation goin’ on here in the Grand Canyon State.

Comment by Darrell on Vacation
2012-08-24 06:36:32

“Much of the market is being driven by investors anxious for a bargain”

This really is the key to understanding the AZ housing market. With prices 60-75% off peak, and even 15-25% below rent equivalents, everyone is a bottom feeder. $70K in 2000, $150K at the peak? Sure, I’ll buy that for $45K-$50K. My carrying costs will be $450 a month, and I can rent it out for $600-700.

However, if those below rent prices go away, the market will be back to no volume. Segments of the local market are not under rent equivalent, and are not moving. Houses under $100K sell. Condos under $50K sell. Places on the market closer to fundamental value? Not selling, and not going to be selling.

People are not buying those “dream” $250K+ McMansions 50 miles from downtown, on the golf course, for the prestige factor. Those houses are not moving. People are buying the crappy old houses that are selling for below fundamental value as determined by rent equivilant value.

Comment by Combotechie
2012-08-24 06:49:04

“… investors anxious for a bargain.”

Or desperate for a return.

Comment by Combotechie
2012-08-24 06:54:41

It is one thing to be attracted to an investment and it is quite another thing to be driven to one.

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Comment by I blame progressives
2012-08-24 19:57:37

“People are not buying those “dream” $250K+ McMansions 50 miles from downtown”

Don’t tell that to the builders pimping houses in Maricopa, San Tan and East Mesa.

Comment by michael
2012-08-24 06:30:37

I knew…that in the end…human nature would prevail.

Comment by Darrell on Vacation
2012-08-24 06:58:18

During the Olympics, records continue to fall and fall and fall. Does anyone really believe that it is all based on better training techniques? Really?

Of course athletes are doping.

Comment by michael
2012-08-24 07:51:21

prove it.

Comment by rms
2012-08-24 08:03:43

But there’s still no solid test-result evidence is there?

Comment by ahansen
2012-08-24 23:14:35

Apparently USADA has ten people (including former team mates and physicians) are willing to testify to Armstrong’s drug use at various times during his career. My guess is that he’d not capitulate unless the evidence was overwhelming.

But the tests they use to determine usage now are more algorithmic than biologic. They monitor performance and blood O2 levels over a continuum and compare them to previous baseline measurements to ascertain anomalies.

Nonetheless, what they’ve done to Armstrong is nothing short of a witch hunt. Professional cycling is as “dirty” as any professional sport; if you’re going to be competitive, you pretty much have to follow the pack, as it were. A good measure of whether or not an elite-level athlete is using is asking them “do you have a corporate sponsor?”

Comment by Montana
2012-08-24 08:53:28

I suspect everyone is juicing now, at every level. Even Joe Blow at the local gym… It doesn’t matter to me but I think some of the PEDs increase the guys’ the aggression and stupidity levels.

Comment by Darrell in Phoenix
2012-08-24 09:42:09

I’m juicing testosterone on a daily basis. $300 a month if my insurance didn’t cover it, and $80 is my co-pay even with insurance.

Can everyone afford this? Or am I just paying more because I get mine legally from big pharma?

Comment by Overtaxed
2012-08-24 09:49:48

If you look at a guy in the gym and think “Wow, he’s got a great body”, in almost all cases, he’s juicing. A “natural” athlete in the gym isn’t going to turn any heads, because, we as a society, have become desensitized to what “steroid users” look like.

Let’s put it this way..This is NOT what normal people are supposed to look like.

If they figured out a “perfect” test tomorrow, I would hazard a guess that 50-90% of the competitors in many sports would be barred from playing. Yes, it’s that prevalent. I used to work with a lot of folks on the “cusp” of going pro. I never met a single one who wasn’t on some kind of “gear” (steroids). Most of them were using HGH, which, until very recently was totally undetectable. But there were some that were like walking lab experiments. IGF, HGH, insulin, transfusions, etc. All designed to beat the “tests” (which they always did). Problem was (and is) that the regimens that beat the tests are dangerous. We should just drop the pretense and let them do whatever they want; the drugs they would use are much safer and there would be much less overall harm.

Comment by Happy2bHeard
2012-08-24 14:09:49

“the drugs they would use are much safer and there would be much less overall harm.”

Could the same thing be said about the War on Drugs? Would people use safer drugs if all of them were legal? Why bother with manufacturing meth if growing marijuana is legal? Isn’t this Ron Paul’s position?

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Comment by Montana
2012-08-24 14:40:53

Two totally different highs. Pot could be licit but illicit meth would still sell.

Comment by Happy2bHeard
2012-08-24 16:01:08

“Two totally different highs. Pot could be licit but illicit meth would still sell.”

Too true. Legal alcohol does not eliminate the use of other drugs

Comment by aNYCdj
2012-08-24 15:49:09

Isn’t it fantastic we have guys like that coming out of JAIL everyday…..dont you all feel safer?

I would love to see the day we grow some ***s in this country and demand prisoners gain 50-75 lbs of fat before release…slow their fat azz down if they think of committing a crime

Call it the Donuts to freedom diet…

What …the ACLU will sue because we overfeed the convicts?

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Comment by Pete
2012-08-24 16:33:00

“and demand prisoners gain 50-75 lbs of fat before release…slow their fat azz down if they think of committing a crime”

Just in case you aren’t kidding, this would affect their job prospects (such as they are) once getting out, so in that sense, yes, I expect the ACLU would be on it.

Comment by aNYCdj
2012-08-24 19:16:42

Pete they say if you dont commit a crime in the first 6-9 months you have a very good chance of staying out of jail for a long time…so maybe 50lbs of fat will help lower the recidivism rate… can be fat at a car wash or a janitor…

Comment by Bill in Los Angeles
2012-08-24 20:56:25

I am juicing by a drug I have to take for an inherited thyroid issue. Just started a year ago. I go to an endocrinologist every four months (and get blood tested a week before each visit) to keep tabs on my biochemistry. My thyroid levels are normal now. But what is really remarkable is that I am more ripped than ever. I dropped my weight down some and have been working on body weight exercises in addition to my two mile swims and cardio machine training. The drug I used is also used in body building. I don’t really want to be massive. I am well under 170 lbs, sort of embarrassing. I know a gal who has been taking the same medicine since she was young. I know a guy in his 70s taking the medicine. He is still working as an engineer, has the energy level of someone far younger. While I don’t want to get so muscular that it makes me want to swim far less, I do want to get back the upper arm muscle girth I had 20 years ago.

Comment by Darrell on Vacation
2012-08-24 06:47:29

My local election is such a mess.

The last batch of long-term city council people and our 20+ year mayor have spent hundreds of million building the Cardinals football stadium, the Coyotes hockey arena, and a minor league ballpark. The revenue to pay that debt was supposed to come from all the hotels, resorts, tens of thousands of condos, massive shopping complex that only got 1/3rd built, and industrial complexes that were supposed to bring in tens of thousands of jobs.

Well, the revenue is not there, so the city council raised sales tax, raised property tax, then didn’t bother to run for reelection. Only 2 of the 5 are running for reelection, and the mayor also is also retiring.

On the surface, the battle looks to be the typical “We need to roll back the tax increases and cut spending” vs. the “Spending is already cut to the bone and we need to maintain basic services so we need more revenue”.

In reality, the race is more a battle between the native tribes. Tahano-o’odam tribe bought a chunk of land right next to the stadium/arena complex and got it redesignated reservation land. They are locked in a court battle with the city trying to build a casino on the new reservation land.

Many of the new challengers running under the cut taxes and expenses are heavily funded by this tribe and one of the big expenses to be cut is the opposition to the casino.

The other side is being heavily funded by… yep… the other tribes that already have casinos in the area that do not want additional competition in the market.

It always comes back to businesses with lots of future profits riding on the outcome, that battle each other with campaign spending, with the “conservative” vs. “progressive” really being shell labels to hide the true loyalties to the special interests that paid for the election.

Politics sucks.

Comment by butters
2012-08-24 07:07:02

have spent hundreds of million building the Cardinals football stadium, the Coyotes hockey arena, and a minor league ballpark.

Did the owners threaten to move to another city if not for new stadiums?

Well, the revenue is not there

Did the CBO make the original revenue projections?

Every city, every town & every country…same it ever was…..

Comment by turkey lurkey
2012-08-24 08:37:59

“The last batch of long-term city council people and our 20+ year mayor have spent hundreds of million building the Cardinals football stadium, the Coyotes hockey arena, and a minor league ballpark. The revenue to pay that debt was supposed to come from all the hotels, resorts, tens of thousands of condos, massive shopping complex that only got 1/3rd built, and industrial complexes that were supposed to bring in tens of thousands of jobs.

Well, the revenue is not there”

Damn public unions!

Oh wait…

Comment by X-GSfixr
2012-08-24 09:40:38

Amazing on how all of these grandiose plans are based on having customers with disposable income.

Comment by Darrell in Phoenix
2012-08-24 09:43:34


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Comment by turkey lurkey
2012-08-24 13:10:47

If you make $12hr and can’t buy a condo and go out on town shopping every week, you’re living beyond your means!


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Comment by WT Economist
2012-08-24 10:42:43

Where is the bankruptcy faction?

Comment by turkey lurkey
2012-08-24 13:12:18

“Pay my bills?! I can’t even afford to go bankrupt!!”

- old law office TV commercial

Comment by Montana
2012-08-24 14:42:00

Lawyer: “No problem. Just get a cash advance on your credit card and bring it to me.”

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Comment by Bill in Los Angeles
2012-08-24 21:00:05

Arizona cut the capital gains and corporate taxes though.

Comment by measton
2012-08-24 07:05:03

HOPKINS, Minn. - Mitt Romney has offered a new explanation for his resistance to releasing more than two years of tax returns, telling Parade Magazine that he never intended for the amount of money he gives to the Mormon church to be made public.

“Our church doesn’t publish how much people have given,” Romney told Parade Magazine in an interview that will appear in the August 26 issue of the magazine

“This is done entirely privately,” he said. “One of the downsides of releasing one’s financial information is that this is now all public, but we had never intended our contributions to be known. It’s a very personal thing between ourselves and our commitment to our God and to our church.”

Wow, I suspect God has to get up and shower after he is used like that by his supposed followers and those that claim to represent him.

Comment by measton
2012-08-24 07:12:09

My guess is that he has not been paying the church 10% either. I’m sure he has some devine loophole, that only the middle class has to pay 10%.

Comment by Albuquerquedan
2012-08-24 07:23:42

I have suspected for a while that the tithe is the problem Some Mormons take the position that the tithe should be on the gross income while some say it should be on the net. He may not want to walk into the middle of that fight. That said, there is nothing illegal about not paying the full tithe and giving even close to 10% to charity is not anything to be ashamed of. I come close to a tithe if I count what I give to my church and other charities that help the poor, DV and animal rescue but I still full short on a gross calculation even counting other charities. But compared to Biden, I am quite generous.

Comment by Rental Watch
2012-08-24 07:34:52

Can we talk about the tax code that is allowing his low tax rates?

We all know what the problem is, can figure out a solution?

Comment by Darrell in Phoenix
2012-08-24 09:49:19

Top marginal rate is too low, and there are not enough deductions for spending money in ways that employees Americans.

A tax code should work o ensure a long-term stable economy, and that means actively fighting wealth disparity by preventing too much money from ending up in the hands of too few.

The rich-getting-richer is a drain of money from circulation that can only be replaced through unsustainable debt growth. Just look at the growth of total debt since we embraced free trade and low top tax rates.

Rich getting richer = good.

Rich getting ricer requires everyone else to go into debt to borrow into existence the money the rich are accumulating.

More debt = bad.

And no one seems to see the logical problem here.

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Comment by measton
2012-08-24 07:42:48

Look we already know that he has been able to keep massive amounts of money off shore and away from the tax man. We know that he has been able to put away 100 million in his IRA that isn’t taxed. Thus his effective tax rate may be in the low single digits. I suspect he doesn’t tithe on income earned in his IRA scam or overseas as well.

Comment by Blue Skye
2012-08-24 08:30:57

You suspect. Then you are a gossip.

An act of charity done in secret is rewarded. One you tell about is not. Something like that IIRC. Brag on.

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Comment by turkey lurkey
2012-08-24 08:40:15

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…

… then it must be Occam’s razor.

(yeah, I mixed ‘em. so sue me :lol: )

Comment by ahansen
2012-08-24 13:59:26

If it was truly an act of charity, it wouldn’t be claimed as a tax deduction, now would it? And therein is the problem Rental suggested we address.

Churches operate as corporations and de facto PAC’s, but get taxed as non-profit and charitable entities.

Comment by measton
2012-08-24 10:08:18

I didn’t suspect the IRA theft or off shore tax dodge those are documented.

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Comment by ahansen
2012-08-24 13:52:36

Wow, that one gives “smarminess” a virtue.

Comment by Bronco
2012-08-24 17:55:05

“My guess is that he has not been paying the church 10% either. I’m sure he has some devine loophole, that only the middle class has to pay 10%.”

I agree. And I hope he is not paying 10%; 10% is oppressive.

Comment by polly
2012-08-24 09:40:49

Well, that should be very easy to confirm (the reason). When the McCain campaign got 23 years of his returns, did his people request that none of the donations to the Mormon Church be disclosed or at least express concern about the possibility? If they did, it is plausible. If not, then I have some serious doubts.

Comment by WT Economist
2012-08-24 10:44:11

Why does he need to disclose his donations to the Mormon Church? Just lump it in with all his other charity. Most Mormons I’ve met are thrifty and generous.

Comment by polly
2012-08-24 13:22:24

Because it is on the tax forms.

He could disclose them with the names of the charities redacted if he wanted to, but you can’t see if it was done properly without the total amount donated to charity disclosed.

Comment by Albuquerquedan
2012-08-24 07:15:45

Yes, we have seen this play before. Abrams made a lot of money from tribes to fight other tribe’s casinos and to keep the Feds from taking land into trust so it could be used for a casino.

Comment by 2banana
2012-08-24 07:23:14

Wow - now this is hope and change!

Something that we all here on the HBB could support.

Waiting for
“It is all Bush’s fault”
“Who cares what he says, he is probably not going to keep his campaign promises anyways”
“All politician are the same so let’s just keep obama”

arguments in 3….2….1…


Romney Reiterates He Would Replace Bernanke
By Colleen McCain Nelson - The Wall Street Journal - August 23, 2012

Mitt Romney said Thursday that he would replace Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, dismissing the advice of a top adviser who suggested this week that the chairman should be considered for a third term.

The presumptive Republican nominee told the Fox Business Network that as president, he would want to install someone new in the Federal Reserve post. Mr. Bernanke’s term ends in January 2014.

Comment by Cantankerous Intellectual Bomb Thrower©
2012-08-24 07:39:32

“Mr. Bernanke’s term ends in January 2014.”

The etch-a-sketch option will be available as of January 2014 in case of a change of heart.

Comment by Northeastener
2012-08-24 08:44:39

The etch-a-sketch option will be available as of January 2014 in case of a change of heart.

Not likely. Romney and Ryan, as well as the Republican party are starting to cater to the fiscal conservative/Tea Party types who favor “Audit the Fed”, a gold-backed dollar, and an end to loose monetary policy-induced inflation.

The Republican Party platform is due Monday and there is much talk about the inclusion of a gold-backed dollar review, “Audit the Fed” policy. Getting rid of Bernanke is just the next step in shoring up the dollar reserve currency hegemony…

Comment by Cantankerous Intellectual Bomb Thrower©
2012-08-24 08:49:25

“…a gold-backed dollar,…”

I doubt it. Why not post a shard of evidence; otherwise some readers will suspect you made that up.

Why Paul Ryan Is A Crank On Monetary Policy
By Jeff Spross on Aug 14, 2012 at 5:50 pm

Ryan is a hard-money crank. In 2009, Ryan called for the U.S. dollar to be benchmarked to a commodity standard. This is essentially a gold standard, except the gold is replaced by an alternative basket of commodities. It would also carry all of the same problems. It would shackle the Fed’s ability to assist the economy in a recession or depression. It would also drive interest rates up or down depending on how prices of those benchmarked commodities behave, regardless of whether such rate changes make sense in the context of the overall economy.

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Comment by Northeastener
2012-08-24 09:07:40

Google Republican Party platform 2012, you’ll get a number of links with the platform’s content.

Here’s what had to say:

“Audit the Federal Reserve. The pet cause of Rep. Ron Paul has now been embraced by GOP leaders. For the first time, the platform calls for an annual audit of the Federal Reserve.”

Comment by Northeastener
2012-08-24 09:09:27

Here’s another link from Reuters on the Republican review for a gold-backed dollar as part of the party platform:

US Republican platform said to eye return to gold standard

Comment by Northeastener
2012-08-24 09:10:37

Also posted a Reuters link to a “Review of gold-backed dollar part of Republican platform”… hasn’t shown up yet.

Comment by Albuquerquedan
2012-08-24 09:12:02

All the founding fathers were hard money cranks. They understood what “not worth a continental” meant. They knew that sound money was essential to prosperity.

Comment by Northeastener
2012-08-24 09:15:14

They all learned from hard experience when the scrip issued during the revolutionary war was worthless…

You can’t print gold, and as the recent violence in South Africa shows, digging it out of the ground is not as easy as it sounds.

Comment by X-GSfixr
2012-08-24 09:43:08

This is why starting a new war is so important.

All of those inconvenient campaign promises can be put on the back burner.

Comment by polly
2012-08-24 09:44:09

Any information about how they would handle the transition? Do my current dollars become “commodity basket” backed dollars, or is there some other process involved?

Comment by Northeastener
2012-08-24 10:05:18

While I’m no expert, Bretton Woods dictated that currency debts would be convertible into gold, so foreign debts denominated in dollars could be repaid in gold. I would expect something similar.

From a valuation perspective, I would suspect given the amount of government debt outstanding, the gold conversion rate would be quite a bit higher than what the market currently prices gold at. I would expect to see a 3-4X increase in gold vs dollars to make that happen: $4-6,000/oz from the current spot price around $1,600.

You won’t lose dollars per say, but dollars would be devalued as compared to gold.

Comment by Northeastener
2012-08-24 13:04:34

All of those inconvenient campaign promises can be put on the back burner.

Now that you mention it, part of the 2012 Republican platform is “No new taxes with the exception of a new war”.

I’m sure war with Iran would count as a “new war”… and you know damn well that Israel will be let off their leash after November.

Comment by Cantankerous Intellectual Bomb Thrower©
2012-08-24 14:18:37

“US Republican platform said to eye return to gold standard
WASHINGTON | Fri Aug 24, 2012 6:06am IST”

Forty years and 98 percent in relative dollar devaluation too late…

Barn door left open
All the horses ran away
Hurry, shut the door!

Comment by Housing Wizard
2012-08-24 07:40:34

I would be happy to see Mr Bernanke gone . He has always been
“Wall Streets Bitch” .

Comment by Cantankerous Intellectual Bomb Thrower©
2012-08-24 07:46:38

Can you give a single reason that a Romney-appointed successor wouldn’t continue the proud tradition?

Comment by butters
2012-08-24 08:00:22

Romney’s pick - Glenn Hubbard.

Makes me appreciate the bearded fool.

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Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2012-08-24 09:59:27


Comment by Blue Skye
2012-08-24 09:42:29

It’s a charade. Bernanke is the spokesmodel.

Comment by GrizzlyBear
2012-08-24 19:42:28

He must feel so proud when he looks in the mirror. Perhaps that’s why he has a beard- to distract him from the shame.

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Comment by Albuquerquedan
2012-08-24 08:14:00

My two main issues have been the Fed and immigration which combined have destroyed the middle class. I throw trade in with the Fed because if we were on some type of gold standard you cannot run a trade deficit for long.

Thus, Romney’s stated positions on the Fed audit and BB please me very much. Especially, compared to Obama re-appointing and not supporting the audit. And the Republican platform by looking at going back on a gold standard is icing on the cake. His stated immigration policy also pleases me compared to Obama.

But this is why I still intend to vote third party: I still do not trust him to keep to those positions.

Comment by Darrell in Phoenix
2012-08-24 10:27:49

Without illegal immigration since the 1970s (and assuming no increase in legal immigration), the population of the USA would be something like…

2.8 million that got amnesty in 1986. 5 million children born to those illegals(counting both before and after they got amnesty). Another 5 million grand children and counting….12.8 million.

11.2 million illegals here now.

5.5 million children born to illegals (4 million of whom are still minors). half a million of their children.

Total = 12.8 + 11.2 + 5.5 + 0.5 = 30 million.

That is 10% lower population, 10% fewer households, 10% fewer consumers, 10% fewer houses needed….

10% fewer future workers to pay Baby Boomer retirement.

If it were not for the illegals, we’d already be at flat population growth, and facing a massive population decline in about 10 years as the boomers die off.

Illegals were pawns in the government’s war on the Baby Bust. A war we won, but only because of illegals.

As for the Fed. Yeah, if we were on the gold standard, we could not sustain trade deficits. All the gold in fort knox is worth, what? $200Billion? 1/3rd of our annual trade deficit?

And once all the gold was gone, we’d be left with what? No economy?

Not the first time….

Our solution the last time all the gold had flowed out of the country via trade imbalances? Right. Fiat, debt based money where the debt, and the need to get the money to repay it, gives the money the value.

Being on the gold standard does not prevent you from destroying your economy by shipping all your gold overseas, it just ensures that your economy is destroyed after you’ve shipped all your gold overseas.

Comment by Northeastener
2012-08-24 13:14:50

Being on the gold standard does not prevent you from destroying your economy by shipping all your gold overseas, it just ensures that your economy is destroyed after you’ve shipped all your gold overseas.

A gold-backed monetary system ensures economic and fiscal discipline are in line with National interests. It provides financial discipline for exactly the reason you stated above.

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Comment by Darrell in Phoenix
2012-08-24 15:08:44

So, before we go on a gold standard….

Tariffs to eliminate international trade deficit? End free trade?

Much steeper income tax to double tax revenues to plug the hole called the national deficit?

We could have just kept the debt monster in the bottle and done those things back in 1981. Regan put us on a different path.

Comment by Bill in Los Angeles
2012-08-24 21:03:58

No. Just implement tariffs at the pre-1913 level and abolish the income tax, corporate ax, capital gains tax, and dividend taxes. They did not exist before 1913 (except the one-time income ax during the civil war and abolished in 1870). Taxes are anti-American.

Comment by I blame progressives
2012-08-24 20:56:05

“If it were not for the illegals, we’d already be at flat population growth, and facing a massive population decline in about 10 years as the boomers die off.”

You’ll argue for anything that keeps the housing pump primed. How sad.

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Comment by sfrenter
2012-08-24 12:01:29

100 Years of Immigration in Two Graphs

Immigrants make up roughly the same share of the U.S. population today as they did a century ago. But changes in the global economy, and in U.S. immigration law, have dramatically shifted where U.S. immigrants are coming from.

A century ago, U.S. immigrants were overwhelmingly European. Today, Latin America and Asia are the big drivers of U.S. immigration, and Europe accounts for just a small fraction of the whole.

Comment by Wolf
2012-08-24 15:26:27

While the pecentage of immigrants compared to the total population is the same now as a century ago, the number of immigrants was greatly reduced in 1921 by law, but was changed by the disastrous 1965 Immigration spearheaded by Ted Kennedy. If mass immigation was allowed to continue, the population of the US would resemble China and India in terms of numbers. Which leads me to the point that we need to greatly reduce legal immigration (along with illegal immigration of course) and implement a replacement policy to keep the US population stable. That level would be about 300,000 annually. Currently we’re headed for severe overpopulation if our current extremist immigration policies remain in place.

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Comment by Wolf
2012-08-24 15:33:19

Here’s Roy Beck from NumbersUSA illustrating the immigration situation today compared to our traditional levels.

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Comment by Darrell in Phoenix
2012-08-24 09:50:47

Bush did appoint Bernanke… so in this case…

Comment by Darrell in Phoenix
2012-08-24 09:52:36

What will be the litmus test for a replacement nominee?

Is Romney saying that whomever he replaces Bernanke with will stop QE, roll it back, raise interest rates?

Real easy to run against the other guy. Hella harder to run on what you would do differently.

Comment by WT Economist
2012-08-24 10:46:12

Now all we need is for Obama to say that the next Fed Chairman should be a Democrat.

Comment by Cantankerous Intellectual Bomb Thrower©
2012-08-24 07:44:37

America is a hurricane, and the only people who do not hear the sound are those fortunate if incredibly stupid and smug White Protestants who live in the center, in the serene eye of the big wind.

– Norman Mailer

Posted at 10:15 AM ET, 08/24/2012
As Isaac threatens the RNC, a look at how far hurricane forecasting has come
By Robert Henson

The stage and podium for the 2012 Republican National Convention are unveiled earlier this week in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/Scott Iskowitz) (Scott Iskowitz - AP)

The last time a major political party held its convention in Florida, the art of hurricane prediction was far more limited than today. Luckily for the Republicans and Democrats—who both held their conventions in Miami Beach in 1972—no hurricanes crashed the parties. In fact, there were only four named storms that year.

Today, we’re in a multidecade stretch of increased hurricane activity, and the GOP convention in Tampa next week faces a wide spectrum of possible disruptions from a strengthening Tropical Storm Isaac.

Comment by turkey lurkey
2012-08-24 09:42:21

Norman was wrong. It’s only the RICH white Protestants or the dumb redneck ones.

Even the ones in the middle now have a clue.

Comment by Cantankerous Intellectual Bomb Thrower©
2012-08-24 10:02:20

Looks like the RNC may have dodged Mother Nature’s (or should I say God’s) bullet this time:

Tropical Storm Isaac Veers West but Republican Convention Not ‘Out of the Woods’
PHOTO: The latest projection of the path of Tropical storm Isaac is seen here, Aug. 24, 2012.
Mitt Romney Says Tropical Storm Isaac Won’t Hinder RNC
Aug. 24, 2012

Republican delegates can breathe a slight sigh of relief today as Tropical Storm Isaac, which was originally projected to slam into the GOP convention in Tampa, Fla., Tuesday, veers to the west and might now make landfall more than 200 miles away from the convention zone.

The convention’s 50,000 expected delegates, journalists, protesters and guests will still need to pack a sturdy umbrella and prepare for heavy rain and winds of up to 50 mph, but will likely be spared the hurricane-force wind, rain and flooding that was originally predicted.

“Not by any stretch of the imagination are they out of the woods with this thing,” National Hurricane Center spokesman Dennis Feltgen said.

From Sunday afternoon through Tuesday, Tampa will likely see heavy rain that could flood streets, gusts of tropical-force winds that could close bridges and a possible storm surge that could flood low-lying areas such as beachfront hotels and the Tampa Bay Times Forum, the hub of the convention.

Bryan Koon, the state’s emergency management director, said if winds exceed 40 mph, some of the bridges spanning Tampa bay will likely have to be closed. That would cut 27 state delegations that are booked at hotels across the bay off from the convention center, forcing hundreds of delegates to drive around the bay to make it to the convention. That’s if the roads don’t flood, Koon said.

“It’s not going to be one single thing that we are looking at,” Koon said. “We’ve had a lot of rainfall in the Tampa Bay area in the past few months, so flooding is a potential. If it comes down in large amounts of rain in a short time period, it would make some roads impassable.”

Comment by turkey lurkey
2012-08-24 13:18:14

“Close only counts with horseshoes and hand-grenades… and hurricanes.”

They are still going to get the edge of it.

Comment by alpha-sloth
2012-08-24 18:08:59

Far enough away that they can’t cancel, close enough that it will be miserable. *chuckle*

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Comment by GrizzlyBear
2012-08-24 09:47:08

***Black Swan warning***

Comment by Cantankerous Intellectual Bomb Thrower©
2012-08-24 09:59:58

Details, please?

Comment by Muggy
2012-08-24 18:39:23

***Black Swan warning***

If we were having an HBB meetup, and you said this, and then ripped a huge fart 3 seconds later, that would top shelf.

(*been spending way too much time with a 4 year old)

Comment by measton
2012-08-24 10:03:17

Wow someone gets it

Annual incomes in the United States have dropped sharply in recent years, and near-retirees are getting hit the worst.

That’s the conclusion of a new study by Sentier Research, which looked at the trend in median U.S. household incomes since 2000.

Twelve years ago, after adjusting for inflation, the median household in the United States earned about $55,000 per year, reports Catherine Rampell of the New York Times, citing Sentier’s data.

Now, the median income has fallen to about $51,000.

The two age-groups that have been hit the worst in this period are households led by those in the 55-64 age group and those in the 25-34 age group. The incomes of the near-retirees have fallen by nearly 10% in the past three years.

This data explains why our economic recovery is so sluggish.

Of course they forgot to mention that we have higher food and fuel costs and medical costs and insurance has been cut, and more fees from local gov so the picture is really much worse.

How to solve this problem

Easy - More tax cuts for the elite. The Mitt Romneys should really be exempt from taxes and then we can all sit back and let the trickle down wash over us.

Comment by Darrell in Phoenix
2012-08-24 10:43:21

Again, they are leaving out “inflation adjusted” from the body of the article. If you look at the charts with the actual data you see comments like “in 2012 dollars” and “real median income”.

Nominal incomes are up, but are just not keeping up with inflation, so “inflation adjusted”, “real” income is down.

Comment by WT Economist
2012-08-24 10:47:38

And income has risen for those over 65, the data says.

“Perhaps they are working more.” Sure, they are employable, because Uncle Sam provides health insurance. Aging people not eligible for Medicare, not so much.

Comment by Northeastener
2012-08-24 11:46:35

Mitt Romneys should really be exempt from taxes and then we can all sit back and let the trickle down wash over us.

You know, with the exception of scuba divers and surfers wearing wet suits and some kinky fetish types, letting “the trickle down wash over us” doesn’t sound very appealing, no offense to those with a predilection for the above mentioned activities.

Comment by measton
2012-08-24 13:04:33

That was the point, for those who believe in trickle down economics.

Trickle down economics = the emperors new clothes

Comment by Cantankerous Intellectual Bomb Thrower©
2012-08-24 15:22:18

You’d think the 1% could come up with some newfangled high-fallutin’ economic theories to justify the fleecing of the sheeple, instead of always recycling the same tired old ones.

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Comment by Combotechie
2012-08-24 20:04:37

Why change a winning formula?

Each one of the sheeple have within them the power to stop the shearing; They have always had the power but they choose not to exercise it.

They might start by just saying “no” now and then.

The One-Percenters spend millions of dollars persuading the sheeple to bleat out a “yes” on command and invariably a “yes” is what the One-Percenters end up with.

Spend millions, get billions. Like chumming for fish.

Comment by 2babana
2012-08-24 10:16:27

Name ONE THING obama has done to turn this around…

but let’s give him four more years.

BTW - except for kool-aid drinking liberals - “more fees from local gov” is called INCREASING TAXES.

Comment by Northeastener
2012-08-24 12:07:04

Name ONE THING obama has done to turn this around…

but let’s give him four more years.

Don’t worry about it… we’re near the end of the big, bad 70’s Redux and Obama is playing Jimmy Carter sans sideburns. Hot pants are out and prep is in, given everyone under 25 now wears boat shoes and aviator sunglasses. Putin is clamoring for a resurgence of the Red Bear and Romney will play Ronny “Raygun” Regan in the next installment of “History likes to repeat itself!”

Comment by Darrell in Phoenix
2012-08-24 13:37:21

When Regan took office:

Total debt was: $4T
Number of households: 82 million
Median household Income: $18,000
4T/82M/18K = 2.7
Each household’s share of total debt was 2.7x median household income.

Total debt: $39T
Number of households: 118 million
Median household income: $50K
39T/118M/50K = 6.6
Each household’s share of total debt is 6.6x median household income.

It is going to be a lot harder to release the debt monster now than it was in 1980.

1980 was the beginning of morning in America, and 2008 was the beginning of mourning in America.

Comment by Darrell in Phoenix
2012-08-24 13:13:20

When making a decision between options, we need data on both option.

What has Obama done? Nothing much other than more of the same that got us here.

What is Romney going to do? Nothing but more, more of the stuff that got us here.

Great. Some choice….

Comment by turkey lurkey
2012-08-24 13:22:27

He wasn’t Bush.

This has been another in a series of “Simple Answers to Simple Questions From Simple Minds” brought to you by the Free$hit Army: “In business to give you the business the Wall St Way”

Comment by Happy2bHeard
2012-08-24 14:46:22

He hasn’t gotten us into another never-ending war.

Comment by butters
2012-08-24 16:57:26




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Comment by Happy2bHeard
2012-08-24 19:50:08

Libya is done.

He did not start Afghanistan.

Do we have troops in Pakistan?

Comment by aNYCdj
2012-08-24 20:56:00

Ohbewanna has sparked a huge increase in Black on white crime and real violent ones too….does that count as an achievement?

Comment by Pete
2012-08-24 21:37:17

“Oh mommy
I ain’t no commie
I’m just doing what I can to live the good all American…Way
It says right there in the constitution
It’s really A ok to have a revolution
When the leaders that you choose
Really don’t fit the shoes

Oh mister
I ain’t no sister
I believe in the bill of rights come on don’t you start a fight…Please
I like to wear my hair long
How can there be anything wrong
When you already ‘cused me twice
Of looking like Jesus Christ Hallelujah

(Brewer & Shipley, “Oh Mommy”)

Comment by Pete
2012-08-24 21:40:51

Apologies, lyrics above were meant as a response to “I blame progressives’ ” post down at the bottom.

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Comment by calurker
2012-08-25 07:25:33

Would you mind providing some links and supporting evidence for this statement? Something more than a couple anecdotes about a couple fights people have gotten into on a bus . . .

Comment by calurker
2012-08-25 07:30:47

I mean . . . proof of widespread uprising of violence against whites by blacks over the last three years. It is possible to filter and interpret any individual news you may read, but have others reached the same conclusion? Are there reputable journalists without tinfoil hats demonstrating this through an objective comparison of types of crime and numbers of people involved, and their ethnicities, over time?

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2012-08-24 17:34:33

Does anyone besides me think this political dogfight is boring and unproductive?

I know Ben does.

Anyone else?

Comment by Pimp Watch
2012-08-24 17:37:22


2012-08-24 18:31:10

You could argue endlessly about parties and banks but it’s all kinda well understood at this point.

However, something as simple as forcing a 10% down requirement would shut down this entire sh1tshow. (10x leverage.)

Probably, 5% would do it too. (20x leverage.)

The brute blunt fact is that Americans are brainwashed into thinking something that is not true (RE goes up and the Fed is “helping”), and they have no appreciation for what’s really happening.

Comment by Muggy
2012-08-24 18:35:40

“they have no appreciation for what’s really happening.”

What’s really happening?

(Comments wont nest below this level)
2012-08-24 18:48:05

Dead-cat bounce.

Because of official policy, ironically. The latter part should be p00-inducingly scary.

There are very very few that understand all the brilliant and horrible consequences of “mv = pq” but I assure you the Fed is definitely playing that game to the very edge.

Simple micro will win. Debt that can’t be paid won’t be paid. No salaries, no payment.

It’s really as simple as that.

Comment by Cantankerous Intellectual Bomb Thrower©
2012-08-24 22:59:37

“Dead-cat bounce.

Because of official policy, ironically. The latter part should be p00-inducingly scary.”

That has been my assumption all along, too, though I have doubted my own judgment at points, due to the glacial pace of adjustment.

That said, what makes you think that extraordinary intervention won’t be attempted again and again to thwart anything that resembles adjustment to fundamentals? Or do you surmise that serial housing stimulus will eventually self-destruct? I have a hard time imagining how the artificial price supports will eventually crumble in the face of an overwhelming fundamental gravitational force, even though we saw it on Wall Street after the Lehman Brothers collapse.

2012-08-25 02:56:59

I wrote the answer above. You just failed to read it. :)

Comment by Bronco
2012-08-24 18:03:21

completely agree.

Comment by Patrick
2012-08-24 19:52:18

Agree; and the latter part is the most worrisome.

Comment by Robin
2012-08-24 22:40:49


Comment by Cantankerous Intellectual Bomb Thrower©
2012-08-24 22:53:37

“…boring and unproductive?”

You could learn to find the humorous silver lining.

Comment by ahansen
2012-08-24 23:44:38

Tedious in the extreme, Sir Puss. I saw more drama and intrigue in my seventh grade gym class. Helluva political season THIS is turning out to be….

Comment by Muggy
2012-08-24 18:36:49

Isaac…. ugh.

I can’t do two floods in one season.

Comment by Cantankerous Intellectual Bomb Thrower©
2012-08-24 23:02:15

Just join me in prayer for a direct hit on Tampa. Wouldn’t that more than offset all possible undesirable impacts of Isaac?

Comment by I blame progressives
2012-08-24 20:50:14

Former union boss at Occupy event: Our goal is to ‘overthrow the capitalist system and build communism

Former Amalgamated Transit Union local 689 president Mike Golash, now an “Occupy” movement organizer, was caught on tape Sunday revealing his political goals: overthrowing capitalism in the United States and instituting a communist government.

““Progressive labor is a revolutionary communist organization,” Golash said during an Occupy DC “People’s Assembly” on August 19.”

““Its objective,” he added, “is to make revolution in the United States, overthrow the capitalist system and build communism.””

Is this the answer to Washington and wall street greed? Perhaps the resident progressives can answer the question.

Comment by Pete
2012-08-24 21:38:42

“Oh mommy
I ain’t no commie
I’m just doing what I can to live the good all American…Way
It says right there in the constitution
It’s really A ok to have a revolution
When the leaders that you choose
Really don’t fit the shoes

Oh mister
I ain’t no sister
I believe in the bill of rights come on don’t you start a fight…Please
I like to wear my hair long
How can there be anything wrong
When you already ‘cused me twice
Of looking like Jesus Christ Hallelujah

(Brewer & Shipley, “Oh Mommy”)

Comment by I blame progressives
2012-08-24 22:49:01

Can’t the douchebags just move to cuba and leave the rest of us alone?

Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2012-08-25 03:04:54

““Its objective,” he added, “is to make revolution in the United States, overthrow the capitalist system and build communism.””

See? This is the kind of crap that can happen when wealth inequality goes parabolic. I’m telling you, it is bad for capitalism.

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