I overheard a conversation at work today. They were discussing using Zillow to find out background data about a job seeker. One guy said that a candidate lived in a fancy house, so he must be well off.
It’s weird, because when I see someone with fancy house or fancy car, I see a huge payment and large debt.
That would be a Craftsman style house. Those original Craftsmans, even the mass-produced Sears catalog variety, now fetch a pretty penny and justafiably so.
You could probably tell something if you generally know what range their salary is in their field, whether the spouse works, price of house and when bought. There are lots of variables but you can get some kind of rough idea.
My mom used the term “rat race” about the busy lifestyle and burdens people choose to take.
I can walk away from this and enjoy being a perpetual tourist of the Arizona, Nevada, and California regions. No debt and a diversified portfolio.
34 years ago all I wanted to do was live high up in the central Sierra Nevada, sail boating in the summer on my favorite lake and skiing in winter my favorite ski area. Taking odd jobs to live simply.
Knock on wood but occasional overdoing it with workouts cause leg pain or elbow pain and I am trying to workout smarter to be in shape for doing those things I wanted to do at age 20, but casually and paced for my age.
They’re a dime a dozen. Big FAT mortgage payment with huge carrying costs(all the while the thing is depreciating), a car payment(maybe 2), No savings(but I’m contributing 4% to my 401k!), throwing money away on absolutely worthless junk like lawn mowers, buckets of paint, fixtures, etc.
I’m surrounded by these guys…. they’re all hyped up in the beginning….. after about 3 years of no weekends, throwing good money after bad and looking on the horizon at another few decades of this, they want out. They’re exasperated.
In the end, what’s he going to end up with? 15% of what he has into it? Maybe 20%?
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Comment by rms
2013-11-08 08:34:55
“…after about 3 years of no weekends…”
Three years is just the beginning for the dads out there.
Comment by Housing Analyst
2013-11-08 09:16:44
I was referring to maintaining a depreciating asset but you’re right when it comes to kids.
Now stack on top of it the added pressure of acquiring the kitchen granite so you can irradiate yourself and family.
There are a few around here in their 40’s who look a lot (alot) closer to 60, mostly due to bad diet, too much sun, smoking, poor sleep habits, and lack of exercise.
Meanwhile, the squad eats its spinach and roast chicken salad brought from home to work each and every day, and goes home to grilled salmon and steamed broccoli at night.
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Comment by aNYCdj
2013-11-08 08:44:30
goon….i’ve always had a hard time eating anything green except peppers, pickles
I think my mom was very good at destroying vegetables and i still think broccoli spinach…..no no no no way…
Comment by samk
2013-11-08 08:53:44
Canned or frozen spinach is disgusting goop. Fresh spinach, though? Awesome!
Yet you know what theirs is by virtue of their attempt to deny their own poverty through housing and auto bling.’
You nailed it the Mental Illness that is coastal California Living
Get past that and you have some of the nicest year round weather on the planet.
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Comment by Housing Analyst
2013-11-08 10:03:36
I prefer the seasons but thanks anyways.
Comment by Bill, just South of Irvine, CA
2013-11-08 18:51:07
It’s just the progressivism of California that is the mental illness. The ones who wish to seem, including the $30k millionaires are all in the same camp as “progressives.” because it is stylish to be a wacko like Pelosi.
+1 But one would pay these expenses passed along by their landlord.
FWIW, there’s nothing wrong with a paid-off home if you didn’t pay too much for it. I really wanted a home with a shop, a man cave, but after looking at a few nice places that had some acreage too I realized that didn’t want to pay the hefty expenses either; seventies recession(s) scar tissue I suppose.
For me it depends on what kind of bling it is. You can’t fake the funk with a Bentley. You can with a Mercedes 500 series. With a house, depends on when they purchased. I know of folks living in currently 800-900K houses who purchased them when they were in the 200s. If it’s a recent purchase, they probably don’t have two nickels to rub together. However - if it’s a multi-million dollar legitimate mansion, then they probably are wealthy.
Summary of my impressions: Upper middle class bling - don’t have two nickels to rub together. Wealthy bling - many nickels to rub together.
1. People will have more freedom to change jobs and start their own businesses.
2. We won’t have to pay the healthcare for millions of deadbeats.
3. Deadbeats will learn about self-responsibility.
4. 10’s of millions of Americans will now have access to health-care as per other civilized countries do.
5. A nation’s health is a strategic interest: A healthier population strengthens America’s strategic position in the world.
6. Millions of Americans will become less ill due to preventative care.
7. USA will have far fewer bankruptcies due to heath care bills.
8. Insurance companies will not be able to cancel you when you get sick.
9. People who have been kicked off their insurance because they got sick will now be able to get coverage.
10. The USA has now become a more civilized country.
with all the people losing their jobs, they’ll need more freedom.
and start their own businesses.
except that obamacare is stifling business.
We won’t have to pay the healthcare for millions of deadbeats.
where is your compassion, comrade?
Deadbeats will learn about self-responsibility.
from the steel toed boot of big government.
10’s of millions of Americans will now have access to health-care as per other civilized countries do.
hahaha!! good one comrade!
A nation’s health is a strategic interest: A healthier population strengthens America’s strategic position in the world.
too bad obamacare works to the opposite ends.
Millions of Americans will become less ill due to preventative care.
just watch comrade. the population will become less healthy due to obamacare. don’t worry though, you socialists can blame it on lots of other things.
USA will have far fewer bankruptcies due to heath care bills.
bankruptcies will rise because of the economy killing effects of obamacare. plus, less people will be getting care due to the high deductibles. many will rather be sick than broke.
Insurance companies will not be able to cancel you when you get sick.
they won’t need to. they’ll still make money on the high deductibles while they broker deals with big pharma in secret to get their costs down.
People who have been kicked off their insurance because they got sick will now be able to get coverage.
but the care will still be unaffordable to them.
The USA has now become a more civilized country.
the USA will become a more tyrannical country with the big boot of government through obamacare on their necks.
I guess the answer to the question of whether or not the USA has become more “civilized” depends upon the definiton of “civilization” the questioner has accepted as true.
Strangely enough, the “10 Lessons of Obamacare” have little to do with Obamacare.
1. There’s no such thing as a free lunch.
2. Regulation stifles production.
3. The power to tax is the power to destroy.
4. No one is accountable.
5. Politicians lie.
6. The press lies, too.
7. The Law of Unintended Consequences.
8. The Law of Intended Consequences.
9. The nine most terrifying words in the English language are “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.”
10. Freedom is indivisible.
How are any of these unique to Obamacare? Looks like the author just dusted off his libertarian platform.
Next time, try an approach that might convince even the most casual passersby otherwise.
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Comment by oxide
2013-11-08 10:13:32
I don’t understand your comment. I wasn’t arguing in favor of Obamacare (this time ). I was just pointing out that the author could have applied those “10 lessons” — which I copied verbatim from the article — to anything “socialist” like funding the EPA or making someone pay for someone else’s social security, or nobody being accountable for Benghazi. Sure, he’s got an Obamacare example for each, albeit 2 3 and 9 are kind of a stretch.
Comment by Blackhawk
2013-11-08 15:30:08
Oxide. You are correct. Many socialistic goals bring the same results.
The following jumped out at me, among several other points, as it was basically pro-offered by an HBB’er to defend ObamaCare:
“Or consider the defense we’re now hearing about why so many people are having their existing health-insurance plans cancelled: that this was intended all along because those insurance policies don’t count as “real” insurance”.
Really? My old “junk policy” which can no longer get, covered more and was much less expensive. I never had a problem with my “junk policy”.
I selected it, I paid for it, I was reimbursed in a timely manner.
I think some of these obama supporters thought they were going to get another free ride until they finally figured out they are going to have to pay more so poor people can get free insurance.
Like I said, this debacle is ultimately owned by Republicans, and never forget it. Not only Mitt Romney, but “conservative” justice John Roberts. Burn that into your brain, because this debacle was very much a “bi-partisan” effort.
BTW, it was interesting to read that Roberts was in the process of writing an opinion AGAINST the pig when he suddenly had a “change of heart” at the last minute.
No republican votes necessary, and it gives them good cover.
Let’s call it a Republican sh*t sandwich, with Mitt being one piece of bread and Roberts the other. Cool.
This could never have happened without the Republicans.
Comment by MacBeth
2013-11-08 07:41:15
The NeoCon wing of the Republican party backed ObamaCare. All of the Democrat/Progresssive party did.
If anyone is going to stop this train wreck, it’ll be libertarians and/or Tea Partiers. Everyone else is too invested in the train wreck to be interested in stopping it. Your loss is their gain, both financially and politically.
No one from the NeoCon-Progressive Party is going to fix it. Don’t waste your time looking in that direction.
Bush Sr. was a Neocon. Reagan wasn’t. It’s why Bush didn’t like Reagan much. Romney, McCain and Graham also are NeoCons. So are both Bushes.
Comment by Bluestar
2013-11-08 07:50:38
If you go back and look at what’s in the ACA there were lot’s of republican amendments stuffed in there. The final vote was a political decision so take that with a grain of salt.
I think Obamacare is the worst piece of legislation since the Patriot Act.
Jack Smith AKA Bluestar
Comment by jose canusi
2013-11-08 08:19:12
“The NeoCon wing of the Republican party backed ObamaCare.”
“Bush Sr. was a Neocon. Reagan wasn’t. It’s why Bush didn’t like Reagan much. Romney, McCain and Graham also are NeoCons. So are both Bushes.”
Well, thank you. Somebody FINALLY got what I was driving at.
It has been interesting to read about the neocon consultants screwing over their own with their election “advice”. Cucinelli missed the governorship narrowly, which he could have won had he brought up the issue of illegal immigration. But the consultants wouldn’t let him, so he talked about everything else under the sun. Meanwhile Rove & Co. rake in the cash. Not for nothing do they call the Repubs the “stupid party”. They did the same for Romney, but I’m glad they soaked him good.
Comment by MacBeth
2013-11-08 09:03:03
When trying to back a point that has a political bent, use the phrase NeoCon when talking to conservatives. In using the word “Republican” you have much less a chance of getting your point across successfully. The term “Republican” is as extinct as “Democrat” to most people nowadays.
“NeoCon” is not synonymous with “conservative”. Today’s conservatives are the libertarians/paleoconservatives.
NeoCons, like Progressives, assume they know what is good for you. For NeoCons, what’s good for you is religious fundamentalism.
For Progressives, it’s governmental fundamentalism.
Both NeoCons and Progressives expect you to bow down to their respective God. Fundamentalism (really meaning “do as I say or else”) is their game.
NeoCons and Progressives have much in common.
Comment by jose canusi
2013-11-08 09:18:31
Here’s why I use the term “Republican”: because that party has been hi-jacked.
Then again, I read a Paul Craig Roberts column the other day that called Abraham Lincoln the Pol Pot of the US and I couldn’t agree more. It has been painful to me, who once had a serious case of Lincoln worship, to be stripped of my delusions about the man over the past few years. And it makes me wonder if he wasn’t the first Neo-con and the first to hijack the Republican party.
Now this is coming from the White House, so it’s the best they’ve got in terms of arguing that the Republicans had a hand in the ACA.
If you want to say that the Republican’s “own” the ACA because of these ideas, you really don’t understand the core of the problem with the bill.
It’s like blaming the structural flaws in a building on the interior designer.
Comment by oxide
2013-11-08 10:22:15
I use “Republican” because that’s the official designation after the Congressman’s name.
I’m pretty sure that the NeoCons were Cheney/Rumsfeld/Wolfowitz. Is this Rush’s new meme, equating Progressives with the invade-Iraq crowd? Really, Progressives are just liberals who are coattailing off of Teddy Roosevelt, a Republican who by godfrey luvved him some gummint regulations.
Comment by Happy2bHeard
2013-11-08 11:02:46
“If you want to say that the Republican’s “own” the ACA because of these ideas, you really don’t understand the core of the problem with the bill.”
So what is it that you perceive to be the core of the problem with the bill?
Obamacare was originally a Heritage idea, tested by a Republican in Massachusetts, whose final version included many Republican amendments. If Democrats had their druthers, we would have Medicare for all, but conservative Democrats wouldn’t support it.
If we had continued with the old health insurance, your health insurance would have continued to increase and coverage would have continued to decline. Eventually, most of us would have been on catastrophic plans and the health care bubble would painfully pop. And Medicare would either have become unacceptable to providers or its costs would have increased too much.
What was you preferred solution to this? Be in the 1% so that you could afford health care? That only works for 1% of us?
‘If Democrats had their druthers, we would have Medicare for all, but conservative Democrats wouldn’t support it’
‘Be in the 1% so that you could afford health care”
I believe more than 80% had health insurance previously. That’s a good deal more than 1%.
‘San Francisco architect Lee Hammack says he and his wife, JoEllen Brothers, are “cradle Democrats.” They have donated to the liberal group Organizing for America and worked the phone banks a year ago for President Obama’s re-election.’
‘Since 1995, Hammack and Brothers have received their health coverage from Kaiser Permanente, where Brothers worked until 2009 as a dietitian and diabetes educator. “We’ve both been in very good health all of our lives – exercise, don’t smoke, drink lightly, healthy weight, no health issues, and so on,” Hammack told me.’
‘The couple — Lee, 60, and JoEllen, 59 — have been paying $550 a month for their health coverage — a plan that offers solid coverage, not one of the skimpy plans Obama has criticized. But recently, Kaiser informed them the plan would be canceled at the end of the year because it did not meet the requirements of the Affordable Care Act. The couple would need to find another one. The cost would be around double what they pay now, but the benefits would be worse.’
“From all of the sob stories I’ve heard and read, ours is the most extreme,” Lee told me in an email last week.’
‘I’ve been skeptical about media stories featuring those who claimed they would be worse off because their insurance policies were being canceled on account of the ACA. In many cases, it turns out, the consumers could have found cheaper coverage through the new health insurance marketplaces, or their plans weren’t very good to begin with. Some didn’t know they could qualify for subsidies that would lower their insurance premiums.’
‘So I tried to find flaws in what Hammack told me. I couldn’t find any.’
‘The letters said the couple would be enrolled in new Kaiser plans that would cost nearly $1,300 a month for the two of them (more than $15,000 a year). And for that higher amount, what would they get? A higher deductible ($4,500), a higher out-of-pocket maximum ($6,350), higher hospital costs (40 percent of the cost) and possibly higher costs for doctor visits and drugs.’
‘When they shopped around and looked for a different plan on California’s new health insurance marketplace, Covered California, the cheapest one was $975, with hefty deductibles and copays.’
‘donated to the liberal group Organizing for America and worked the phone banks a year ago for President Obama’s re-election’
Boy, Lee and JoEllen, you kinda screwed up.
Comment by Rental Watch
2013-11-08 11:24:47
Other than the libertarian view that the government should be smaller, the two most likely solutions to the uninsured problem are a MA style system, or a single payer. That much is clear.
However, different states have different economies household incomes, demographics, etc., so a one-size fits all solution is problematic from the get-go. That said, a few problems that seem apparent with how the ACA is set up:
1. Too rigid a view as to what is “acceptable” health insurance (disallowing catastrophic coverage plans, requiring young men to pay for pregnancy coverage, and higher deductible plans, etc.);
2. Too narrow a gap between what the highest risk payers need to pay, and the lowest risk (only 3x), which leads to the plans being too expensive for “young invincibles” relative to the “penalties” that they need to pay. I read an article that on average, the young use 1/6th the health care than those who are older…the young folks have essentially with twice the cost burden than they should. Following that math, it makes their signing up less compelling despite the penalties, and if the “young invincibles” don’t sign up relatively early, the premiums for all will rise, making it even less likely that they will sign up;
3. No changes to the fundamental problem that has led to there being too few insurance companies providing policies…namely the compensation structure between insurance companies and healthcare providers. The way the current compensation schemes are set up, the large insurance companies have a HUGE advantage, which is why there isn’t more competition;
4. NOT requiring politicians to “eat their own cooking”, so they don’t even care to read the fine print of their own legislation to see how complex it is to implement.
According to Gallup, only 22% of uninsured plan to buy insurance…a byproduct of the math not making sense?
Can you guess the main composition of these 22%?
Do you think they are:
a) the “young and healthy” who would need to pay a multiple of the penalty cost to get coverage they don’t use?; or
b) those with health issues who previously could get coverage at all, or at prices that were way too expensive?
Comment by Rental Watch
2013-11-08 13:19:50
I disagree with the point…women’s coverage should include prenatal care, etc., just like only men’s coverage should protect against testicular cancer.
Different probabilities of different issues between the sexes should result in different costs.
That said, let’s address your point head on: Should a sterile man be required to pay for a policy that covers pregnancy?
Comment by Happy2bHeard
2013-11-08 14:07:24
“I believe more than 80% had health insurance previously. That’s a good deal more than 1%.”
I was projecting the trend. In less than 30 years, most of us would have been unable to afford any meaningful insurance. In less than 30 years, Medicare would have been rejected by most providers or it would have been bankrupt.
Whether you want to admit it or not, Obamacare was an attempt to preserve a declining health care system. It may or may not work. But doing nothing was guaranteed failure. When doing a course correction, it is less abrupt if you make it sooner rather than later.
Comment by Happy2bHeard
2013-11-08 16:03:23
“No changes to the fundamental problem that has led to there being too few insurance companies providing policies…namely the compensation structure between insurance companies and healthcare providers. The way the current compensation schemes are set up, the large insurance companies have a HUGE advantage, which is why there isn’t more competition;”
Perhaps a public option should have been available in states with 1 or 2 insurance companies. The insurance companies would wail and might even pull out of those states.
Comment by Rental Watch
2013-11-08 16:24:09
“Perhaps a public option should have been available in states with 1 or 2 insurance companies. The insurance companies would wail and might even pull out of those states.”
Perhaps monopolistic practices by large insurance companies should be banned.
Oh, wait, we can’t do that, because that would mean that Medicare wouldn’t be able to force pricing onto providers either.
Make it illegal for HC providers to charge different patients different rates for the same service (insurance companies included), and watch the competition come out of the woodwork, and insurance company profits shrink.
Keep shilling! If the shutdown did one thing, it cemented in the minds of the American people who was deadset against this pig!
With current trends unabated could it wont be Mittens’ party crying come November.
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Comment by jose canusi
2013-11-08 07:34:37
“it cemented in the minds of the American people who was deadset against this pig!”
Because nobody’s mentioning that the Republicans made it ALL possible. If Sh*ttens hadn’t instituted the program in Mass, this would NEVER have happened, not after the whole Hillarycare brou-ha-HAH! Mitty greased the wheels, Roberts gave it the force of law.
But thanks for playing!
Comment by Strawberrypicker
2013-11-08 07:39:22
Keep dreaming that somehow you can spin this to help your bosses. It won’t work no matter how many of these trial balloons you float. It’s named OBAMACARE!
Pride goeth before the fall.
Comment by jose canusi
2013-11-08 07:41:57
Wait, wait, now I’ve got it. The Republicans were FOR it before they were AGAINST it, right? No, wait, then they were FOR it.
Where do you think the Dems get their crappy ideas, anyway? I like to died watching Obama and Kerry with their Iraq redux over Syria. Now THERE was a moment.
Comment by Strawberrypicker
2013-11-08 07:55:22
Trial balloons. Fail. Try again
Comment by MacBeth
2013-11-08 07:56:32
“Because nobody’s mentioning that the Republicans made it ALL possible. If Sh*ttens hadn’t instituted the program in Mass, this would NEVER have happened…
What? It’s Romney’s fault at the federal level because he instituted it at the state level?
What about the other 49 governors, senators, house reps, the president, the rest of the Supreme Court?
Your spin is bizarre this time out, jose.
ObamaCare is the fault of NeoCon-Progressive Party members and their minions far-and-wide.
Comment by jose canusi
2013-11-08 08:02:15
It’s fun to watch the Dems go “Hey, it worked for the Republicans. Wha’ hoppen?”
Comment by jose canusi
2013-11-08 08:24:56
“Your spin is bizarre this time out, jose.”
Why? He provided the template. Period.
I’m just keepin’ it real here, Mac. People need to know how and where this began. The dems would NEVER have put this pig forth if Romney hadn’t had “success” with it in Mass, and you know it.
Comment by MacBeth
2013-11-08 09:30:32
What about HillaryCare?
Not the same as ObamaCare, granted, but do you really think that ObamaCare wasn’t already in the works decades before?
You don’t write 2,000 pages of crap and add thousands of pages of regulations to regulate that crap in 2-3 years.
Pus, the infamous “we need to pass it to see what’s in it” line. Likely, very few in the NeoCon-Progressive Party had a clue what was in ObamaCare.
What’s in ObamaCare has been on paper somewhere for many years. Likely as a Plan B way to enact statist healthcare en route to a full-blown socialist society.
Interestingly, ObamaCare is actually Fascist. For now, anyway. Somewhere along the line, the statists had to accept a Fascist document because they realized that at least in the USA, a socialist agenda would not take root unless corporations were first part of it.
Comment by MightyMike
2013-11-08 10:40:45
That’s really clever. Whover came up with that should be a professional comedian. Why don’t you just simplify it and call him Sh!t Romney?
Not the same as ObamaCare, granted, but do you really think that ObamaCare wasn’t already in the works decades before?
You don’t write 2,000 pages of crap and add thousands of pages of regulations to regulate that crap in 2-3 years.
Yes, the ideas behind Obamacare, most importantly the individual mandate, were initially developed by people at the conservative Heritage Foundation around 1990.
‘the ideas behind Obamacare, most importantly the individual mandate, were initially developed by…’
I’ve seen that posted several times. What does it mean? How does it matter?
I was paying very close attention when this thing was being debated in the senate. They went through 4 or 5 “plans” before they came up with something that would pass. Not something that would work, but would pass. I’m sure that a bunch of lobbyists and old fart politicians (who’ve never had a real job in their lives) have the wisdom to re-create a large segment of the economy in the course of a few months.
We hear people say, ‘oh, it works in Canada.’ This isn’t the same thing they have in Canada.
Comment by MightyMike
2013-11-08 11:18:15
I’ve seen that posted several times. What does it mean? How does it matter?
MacBeth wrote that Obamacare must have been in the works for decades. It turns out that he was correct. I just provided a little detail.
It doesn’t matter much, especially in terms of health care itself. What’s interesting is the politics of it, that the same people who promoted an idea in the past are no vehemently against it now. It shows the effect of Tea Party sentiment on the Republican Party.
Comment by Happy2bHeard
2013-11-08 11:19:22
The correct Pelosi quote is “‘We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it”.
“They went through 4 or 5 “plans” before they came up with something that would pass. Not something that would work, but would pass.”
This is the crux of the problem with our system of governance. Do you prefer the Chinese style?
Yeah, allowing the government to destroy entire sections of the economy is how things have always worked.
Comment by Housing Analyst
2013-11-08 11:59:13
One has to wonder what the motive is.
Comment by Happy2bHeard
2013-11-08 13:43:41
“Yeah, allowing the government to destroy entire sections of the economy is how things have always worked.”
Public option was rejected because it would have devastated the insurance sector. Is allowing bubbles to implode a sector any better? We saw the impact of the housing bubble popping. It almost took down the whole finance sector.
If Obamacare is the disaster that the Republicans are predicting, then we will try something else. The trajectory we were on was unsustainable. Would you have preferred ending Medicare? That would devastate the health care sector.
I’m not fond of Ponzi schemes. The demographics of our population is dooming a lot of these things like social security. This country can’t afford all this stuff.
But it’s typical of politicians; health care prices soar year after year; hey let’s create a new entitlement balanced on the back of young people! They are already paying for your retirement, why not your doctor bills too?
Comment by Happy2bHeard
2013-11-08 14:15:43
I still contend that if not for Medicare, we would not have had the advances in medicine that we have now. Much less money would have flowed into health care and much less research would have been done, at least in this country.
Comment by jose canusi
2013-11-08 14:18:15
“Comment by MightyMike
2013-11-08 10:40:45
That’s really clever. Whover came up with that should be a professional comedian. Why don’t you just simplify it and call him Sh!t Romney?”
I thought about it, and you’re absolutely right, Mike. That was a really stupid, tasteless, humorless corruption of the name. I apologize to you and any other members of the blog who were offended by it. I dunno what got into me. I just really can’t stand the guy, but there was no call for that.
Comment by Bill, just South of Irvine, CA
2013-11-08 19:20:57
You all just wait til the neocon progressives usher in the successor to Obamacare. It will make this current one look smooth and fair to the few taxpayers.
Exactly. Like I said before unlike Medicare and Social Security this is not a generational Ponzi scheme, where everyone that first uses it benefits. Thus, it will not be popular like them after it is implemented.
Money quote: “It is a timeless demonstration of the failure of central planning, government regulations, and the entitlement state.”
But yeah ease your cognitive dissonance believing it’s all a setup for single payer. Ignore that there will be no political will for that AT ALL if this government semi-takeover is seen as a disaster. It’ll be like proposing invading another middle eastern country after the Iraq disaster.
Also ignore that this was written by our Masters to make themselves money. All of you Messiah worshipers crowing about this somehow helping out the helpless have been played.
“But yeah ease your cognitive dissonance believing it’s all a setup for single payer. Ignore that there will be no political will for that AT ALL if this government semi-takeover is seen as a disaster. It’ll be like proposing invading another middle eastern country after the Iraq disaster.”
Never underestimate government’s ability to double down on a bad idea.
Interesting statement, Strawberrypicker. This very point has crossed my mind during the past few days.
I might have been very wrong in predicting that ObamaCare will lead directly to single payer. I was pretty convinced of it until this week.
ObamaCare is such a disaster already…and it hasn’t even been implemented on the street level.
Thus far, the populace is aware of a non-functioning website, cancellations of policies, and massive increases in out-of-pocket costs.
To say the population already isn’t incensed, consider the following…
That all this is BEFORE they have to actually use “government approved” medical services from “government approved” providers, file paperwork, pay taxes and find doctors.
It is BEFORE people learn of the marriage penalties (which I know nothing about myself), and BEFORE employer-specific mandates create additional and potentially massive cost increases for all in 2015. People think ObamaCare is hurting them financially now? Just wait.
Note that this also is BEFORE the government starts fining and arresting people for not complying. It is BEFORE the government forces IRS agents to track people down for non-compliance.
And big government NeoCon-Progressive types think we’ll all accept single-payer after this fiasco?
“And big government NeoCon-Progressive types think we’ll all accept single-payer after this fiasco?”
Indeed they do. That will be the “fix”. You’re giving the Neoprogs AND the sheeple WAYYY too much credick.
I hate to have to break it to ya, but we’re in a death spiral here. The momentum is down, down, down….and OUT!
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Comment by MacBeth
2013-11-08 08:04:45
“I hate to have to break it to ya, but we’re in a death spiral here. The momentum is down, down, down….and OUT!…”
A few months ago, I probably would have agreed with you.
But now, with the astonishing level of federal incompetence and evil intent once veiled by ObamaCare propagandists (but now on full display), I am seeing things differently.
ObamaCare just might be the thing that galvanizes the population toward saving The Constitution and freedom for individuals.
Sometimes the citizenry needs to suffer at the hands of elitists before stopping them.
Comment by Housing Analyst
2013-11-08 08:27:36
This really seems to be be the inflection point.
There’s going to be change but not what the Change crowd wagered on.
I’ve always said in our office that the ACA is SO far reaching that either a) there won’t be a stomach to stop it, even if it proves a terrible law; or b) there won’t be the stomach to try something else if it falls flat on its face.
I don’t think we’ll have single-payer in my lifetime.
“The essence of ObamaCare is summed up in the fact that millions of people are now being booted off of their existing health insurance plans–but the state and federal exchanges that are supposed to offer them new insurance aren’t even functioning. The Department of Health and Human Services has done an efficient job of destroying old insurance policies, but it has failed to provide new ones. That is the power of government summed up for you.”
And the most important section (paragraph breaks added by me)….
“There’s an even more horrifying implication that follows from this: once the system is broken, it’s going to take a long time to rebuild it. This is another lesson of the 20th century.
An Eastern European economist once explained the big challenge faced by his countrymen after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The old Communists justified their policies by declaring, “you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.” (By “eggs,” of course, they meant “skulls.”)
This economist retorted: “If you have eggs and you want an omelet, it’s very easy. If you have an omelet and you want the eggs back, it’s very difficult.” This is a good analogy for what’s happening to the market for health insurance, and we’re going to spend years trying to unscramble this omelet.
Oh look, an emergency! All these millions of people without health insurance because we screwed up and now the website doesn’t work. We must take drastic measures now to save them. It’s a crisis. People are hurting.
This is how the tanks roll in, eventually. Crisis after crisis.
totalitarianism can ONLY happen with big government. it is obvious left.
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Comment by sleepless_near_seattle
2013-11-08 10:54:06
Let’s take your comment as given that totalitarianism as defined as big government is leftist. How then do we get most “conservatives” to admit that people such as Romney and Christie are leftists?
As I see it, THAT is the problem politically right now. Many of my “conservative” friends ask my “liberal” friends why they are so ashamed to admit being “liberals.” I would ask my “conservative” friends why THEY are ashamed to admit that they are voting for leftists. Thoughts?
Comment by tj
2013-11-08 11:20:29
How then do we get most “conservatives” to admit that people such as Romney and Christie are leftists?
true conservatives already admit that. the problem is that many people think they were conservatives when they weren’t. many people think ‘republican’ is synonymous with ‘conservative’. it isn’t. ‘republican’ is just a name. anyone can say they are a republican. these days, most republicans are leftists. they have infiltrated the party. that’s why i’m a registered independent. most republicans aren’t conservative.
I would ask my “conservative” friends why THEY are ashamed to admit that they are voting for leftists. Thoughts?
that would be a good question and you’d be courageous to ask it. most of them probably don’t know that they, themselves, have leftist leanings. when i confront them with this, they get intensely angry and deny they lean left. the left has done a good job disguising itself.
consider.. olympia snowe was a republican. yet her voting record was more liberal than harry reid!! i don’t even know how it’s possible to be more left than harry reid. yet, she called herself a republican and probably called herself a conservative also. you have to look at what they do, not what they say.. they are a bunch of liars. at least the democrats aren’t hypocrites about being leftists (for the most part).
Comment by Happy2bHeard
2013-11-08 11:32:02
“olympia snowe was a republican. yet her voting record was more liberal than harry reid!! “
There are regional differences in outlook. A liberal Democrat in the south is a conservative Republican in the northeast. Snowe was Republican because her views are to the right end of the spectrum in Maine. Reid is a Democrat because his views are to the left end of the spectrum in Nevada.
Comment by (Neo-) Jetfixr
2013-11-08 11:32:17
You poor deluded souls…….Repubs/Tea Party types are going to get exactly what they want. But they aren’t going to like it.
In my business, it used to be that the FAA was the “world leader” when it came to aircraft safety regulation. Not any more. Now, because of a lack of funding/personnel/credibility, the FAA pretty much follows whatever the Euros/IATA/ICAO says. And the Chinese/Indians/etc. are following what the Euros are doing, not the USA.
The short version……if you plan on flying anywhere other than the lower 48, you will have to comply with Euro rules, or else you can’t fly, do business there.
The moral? “Free markets” and “deregulation” are a fantasy. A need for order/regulation will be filled by someone. In this case, the regulatory hat has been passed from someone that you might have some influence with (the FAA), to someone else you have zero influence with (the ICAO/IATA).
Good luck telling the French and Germans that they are full of crap.
Comment by tj
2013-11-08 11:58:25
There are regional differences in outlook.
which should make absolutely no difference on where you actually fall on the political spectrum.
if you want to know where you fall, take this test. it’s one of the most accurate out there if you answer the questions honestly.
the problem is that many people think they were conservatives when they weren’t.
Thanks TJ. I’ll admit over the past few years when I heard people on this board bash on leftists my first thought had been to wonder “what were your thoughts 2001-2008?” I now realize many here have the same perspective that you do above. As opposed to oxide (a few posts below), I do think MacBeth’s NeoCon/Progressive meme has legs. I also think in this context you and Rio probably agree more than you two realize on the fascism/socialism discussion.
On this board the context is important, but it’s tedious to have to explain it with each post. Maybe Ben can create a poster’s definitions page that we can refer to…
Comment by Happy2bHeard
2013-11-08 13:32:25
“which should make absolutely no difference on where you actually fall on the political spectrum.”
You missed my point. On a nationwide scale, Snowe is centrist. On a Maine scale, she is conservative. On a Nevada scale, she is liberal. She runs in Maine, so she runs as a Republican. This is because the more conservative voters congregate in the Republican party. If she lived in Nevada, she might run as a Democrat because she would have better success there in a primary as a Democrat than as a Republican.
You appear to be a black and white thinker. You expect the Republican and Democratic parties to have the same agenda in all 50 states. The reality is that the parties respond to local conditions.
Comment by Happy2bHeard
2013-11-08 14:26:13
“totalitarianism can ONLY happen with big government. it is obvious left.”
Dictators are big government?
The truth is that humans are social animals and the best organized cultures succeed the best. In Iraq, Syria, and Libya deposing strong leaders has led to chaos as new leaders attempt to establish themselves. Are the citizens of those countries better off now? Do they have better sanitation, medical care, food supply?
Comment by Happy2bHeard
2013-11-08 14:29:39
“The moral? “Free markets” and “deregulation” are a fantasy. A need for order/regulation will be filled by someone. In this case, the regulatory hat has been passed from someone that you might have some influence with (the FAA), to someone else you have zero influence with (the ICAO/IATA). “
This is a really good point.
Comment by MightyMike
2013-11-08 15:42:18
The truth is that humans are social animals and the best organized cultures succeed the best.
That’s a tautology, isn’t it?
Comment by Happy2bHeard
2013-11-08 17:08:40
“That’s a tautology, isn’t it?”
Perhaps so. In any case, not well stated and maybe not well thought out.
What I was getting at is that well organized societies tend to dominate less organized societies. This might lead to thinking that centrally controlled economies work better. That doesn’t seemed to have worked for the Soviet Union or communist China.
And it may be that technology is the determining factor and not social structure. The Hittites were able to dominate the ancient Middle East due to superior chariots.
I believe that you assume that “we” will roll over and play dead on this, Blue Skye.
I don’t necessarily think that’s the case…and neither does the government. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be stockpiling weapons.
The more twisted NeoCon-Progressive Party members will continue to try to force us to comply. The others might get eaten or jump ship.
As it stands, there are way too many NeoCon-Progressive Party members out there for most to flourish under statism. They’ll have to do something or lose big.
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Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2013-11-08 08:25:32
You can’t stop this train.
Comment by Blue Skye
2013-11-08 08:59:09
Careful, don’t assume for me.
Comment by MacBeth
2013-11-08 09:18:41
Yes, sir. Anything else?
BTW, you might want to be careful in your use of “us”. Don’t assume I’m part of the “us” you are referring to.
Comment by Housing Analyst
2013-11-08 09:22:29
Comment by oxide
2013-11-08 10:27:20
I don’t think that this “Neocon-Progressive” meme is gaining any traction, MacBeth. You’d have to use a tiny font to fit it onto a bumper sticker, it’s too hard to spell on a protest sign, and it’s too many syllables to remember or speak. But feel free to repeat it a few more times.
Well the big day is here.
I just want to let everyone know I have made it to the final round for the grand prize of the 2013 Texas “Biggest Energy Saver” contest! As part of the final selection the contestants had to make a 1 min. video of the energy saving ideas we used to save electricity. With the help of my solar panels, dozens of energy saving tools and net metering my electric bill this year is zero (actually a $205 credit). But to win the final phase of the contest I still need your help. Please visit the Biggest Energy Saver website http://www.biggestenergysaver.com/vote/ and vote for my video.
Voting starts today and you can vote once each day from November 8th through 14th
Ha! I didn’t see that (dec 2012). I just check the web site and it’s fixed now.
Zoned AC is fantastic. I cut my bill by over 30% and I run the room AC much cooler than I would have with just the central AC. I can keep the bedroom set to 65 degrees at night when the outside temp. is still 90 @ 10 PM. When I did my original energy audit I was amazed at how much juice it take to keep that water heater hot 24/7.
“SmartLight, a revolution in interior lighting”
This is really a cool idea. Imagine channeling sunlight through your house to exactly where you want it. It says it could even store the light energy for use at night or cloudy days but I think that would be really expensive.
If you are off the grid I think the biggest cost of solar are batteries these days. If you are using batteries you need to educate yourself on wiring them in series or parallel to get desired voltage.
If you are on the grid you need panels, racking, copper wire and an inverter. power from solar panels is dc. U need to convert to ac via the inverter.
Two types of inverters:
Whole house inverter
micro inverter on each panel
Then you need make sure you electrical box can handle the power from the panels. If you dont have room in your panel you will have to install a subpanel.
I would recommend an electrician for any wiring into the home panel.
The biggest draws of power are central ac and things with direct shorts such as a toaster and hair dryer, microwave.
Also when considering power use of items with a motor you have to consider start up power. For instance a washer might say it uses 500 watts but to get it started it might use 1500-2000 watts.
The final bill was $23,400 for 28 panels (6.7 kW system). I had a $1,500 overrun because the city zoning board made me build the rack 10′ inside the fence line. No tax rebates or credits were used so it’s 100% owner financed. I do have to wash off the panels 3 times a year but I spend way more than that just washing my car. My original calculation was comparing what I would get in a 10 fixed rate government bond vs. my 2011 electric bill projected out to 2021. My payback should be around 12 years and should save me $1,500 a year after that. If the panels perform to spec then they should still be generating 80% of the rated power in 2036. I expect I will swap out some of these panels in 10 years as the newer high efficiency stuff drops in price and I can put out the same power with half the space.
Jack Smith AKA Bluestar
was 23,400 just for the panels? 23,400/ 6700 = 3.49 / watt
Those are exspensive panels these days. You can pick up panels for a 1 / watt nowadays.
Also labor is a big cost of solar. If you have any kind of construction skills you can do the job yourself.
The hardest part is attaching the racking to your roof so the panels are not blown off in a heavy wind. This means attaching hardware to you roof rafters ( not the plywood or osb) that allow you to securely fasten the racking to the roof. do it wrong and you roof will leak forever!!!!
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Comment by Bluestar
2013-11-08 08:26:16
The $23,400 was the total. Parts, labor and permits. It’s costs me $300 extra for tree trimming when I had to move the array to the other side of my property too. I went with a ground mount system so I don’t have to mess with the roof and I could aim them for max power year round. I also went with microinverters since it gives me panel level monitoring. With a central or string inverter if you have a bad panel or partial shading it can degrade the whole system.
Oh my word….. You Debt Donkeys and Housing Hookers aren’t going to like this.
Per WBBR Bloomberg this morning…… 2014 is going to be the year of the banks. bank inventory of real estate is finally ready to go to the market. And there is so much of it. Too much of it. Alot of it.
More on yesterday’s discussion about the NYT rent v buy calculator:
“Comment by Ben Jones
2013-11-07 15:44:42
Most people are kicked out because they lost a job or lost income. Almost nothing about a foreclosure is related to what rents were when they bought the shack.
Again, if there is a bubble, a lot of people using this may lose a job or be forced to move. It’s the bubble that will change their circumstances, and you can’t punch a few keystrokes and see that risk.”
Ben, I don’t agree. I thought the bubble buyers were kicked out because their I/O ARM reset and they couldn’t afford to pay the full monthly PITI… even if they didn’t lose the job.
But can the rent v buy calculator predict the effect of job loss? Well, no it can’t, but it can’t predict job loss for either a bubble OR a non-bubble market. It’s a moot point anyway because someone unemployed can’t afford to buy OR rent, not for long.
But the calculator CAN predict the dangers of a popping bubble. Simply input a higher rent, a low down payment, and most importantly, a negative appreciation. -10% is the limit. Renting wins this equation very quickly.
As for those folks who bought during the bubble, the buy v rent calculator wouldn’t have helped them either. In 2005, you could honestly input a 15%/year appreciation and of course the calculator would spit back BUY BUY BUY. The trick is knowing that the +15% would turn to -10% within three years. The NYT didn’t predict that — YOU did.
Maryland is a recourse state. If I were underwater — which I’m not — and I had to move — which I don’t — then the bank could pursue me for the difference anyway. There is no sense in walking, and I see that quite clearly, thank you.
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Comment by Housing Analyst
2013-11-08 11:26:09
Yes. We see and read what you type.
Did you not pay $140 or more per square foot for a multidecade-old house?
Home prices keep rising—and not just in some markets. For the first time since 2005, each of the country’s 50 most populous cities are seeing higher prices. While that could be a good sign for the economy, the market is showing signs of overheating and the current pace is not sustainable, according to a new report by Fitch Ratings.
The report regards home prices across the country as overvalued by about 17 percent. Conditions are worrisome in several markets, most of them in coastal California, where homes are more than 20 percent overvalued. San Francisco and San Jose will set new home price records in the next six months, according to Fitch. While Bay Area tech companies are booming, the region’s economy isn’t growing nearly as fast as the “unprecedented” home price gains, making the market nearly 30 percent overvalued. Current conditions in the heart of Silicon Valley are akin to “the environment in 2003,” the report notes ominously, “three years into the formation of the previous home price bubble.”
I can ask $40k for my 10 year old Honda Civic but nobody is lining up with cash….
Same with housing. Look no further than the fact that housing demand has fallen to 16 year lows…. and that collapsing demand accelerated very recently.
If you don’t own housing, stay out. If you do, dump it soon as the banks are gearing up to dump very soon.
Home prices keep rising—and not just in some markets. For the first time since 2005, each of the country’s 50 most populous cities are seeing higher prices.
YMMV. Take metro Denver. Sure, on average it’s rising, but not every nabe is rising.
The cost to build a bridge in DC is no different than the cost to build a bridge in CT.
Comment by oxide
2013-11-08 13:33:36
That’s pretty funny. Many years ago someone in DC thought about funding a study to explore a good place for another bridge over the Potomac River from VA to MD, probably a little outside the currently American Legion Bridge (the Beltway). The value of everybody’s mansion in tony Potomac ($$$) instantly craaaatered a little. They hadn’t even built the bridge, or decided to build one. Just thinking about doing a study about it was enough to raise hackles.
My only memory of New York in the bad old days was riding a Greyhound to Port Authority in the mid 1990’s. We pulled in to Port Authority around 4:00am and the driver told us not to go outside. Which of course I did, to see the hookers and people openly smoking crack on Seventh Avenue.
I was born and raised in NYC, and as the neighborhood deteriorated and I was old enough to come and go from our fourth floor apartment by myself, the routine was - enter building, look left then right to see if anyone’s there, look under first flight of stairs to make sure no one was following you up, check each floor when you get there and when you get to your door, listen for any movement from the landing above.
My daughter is always chiding me for being paranoid and my colorful language (acquired as a teenage girl defending myself from verbal assaults by illegal aliens on the street.)
I had the pleasure of having to walk from Grand Central to Port Authority bus terminal as a teen with my mother and aunt in July 1979. It was a sight to behold.
I had the pleasure of walking downtown Newark in July ‘67. I arrived from Maine via Grand Central and the tubes, but no trains to the burbs were running. It was “interesting”. Figured I could hitch home. Got a ride from a state trooper, all the way to my front door.
My only memory of New York in the bad old days was riding a Greyhound to Port Authority in the mid 1990’s. We pulled in to Port Authority around 4:00am and the driver told us not to go outside. Which of course I did, to see the hookers and people openly smoking crack on Seventh Avenue.
Koch left office at the end of 1989. Some time in the early or middle ’90s crime began to fall dramatically in nearly all large American cities. Times Square, which once full of peep shows and drug dealers, is now a giant tourist magnet with chain stores like a Disney store and a Nike store. Some New Yorkers don’t consider that to be great improvement.
The really bad decade was the 70’s (Death Wish, 1974). Lindsay, Beame eras. We used to stand on the roof where we lived in northern Manhattan and watch the Bronx burn. Koch was 1978 - 1990.
“The really bad decade was the 70’s (Death Wish, 1974).”
+1 I thought of Charles Bronson too when read Koch NYC.
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Comment by Tarara Boomdea
2013-11-08 20:13:33
Living in NYC in those days was good training for never committing to a location (and it is the norm to rent there.) As the building went bad, we moved. Later on (mid-80’s) a lot of places went co-op, so I bought the small apartment I had (it was very cheap.) About four years in, after an invasion of waterbugs, I wanted out and hated not just being able to go. I sublet it to a series of friends until I finally got rid of it. Silver lining was it had tripled in value.
Yes but if you dig into the report you find wages rose 2 cents an hour and the work week for production and non-supervisory personnel dropped .1 hour. Lucky ducky economy. While people may try to spin it, Obama care has clearly led to more part time work. If there are only 200 hours of available work and ten workers available, you can give five workers 40 hours a week. Of course, that would mean 50% unemployment. Or if you give eight workers 25 hours a week, you only have 20% unemployment. Of course, how those workers are going to afford new cars and houses on the part time jobs is the mystery that has not been solved. Obama has done virtually nothing to expand the amount of work available, but Obama care has increased the trend to a lower number of hours for each worker, cutting the official unemployment rate.
If you have a surplus of workers from Mexico, you can fill positions with part time workers and reduce overtime. Great for company profits, horrible for the workers. Obama care has only provided another incentive to do what companies were doing due to the labor surplus caused by immigration both legal and illegal. But the Tea Party is the political organization dominated by corporate interests, I do not think so.
when you dig into it more full time jobs were lost and the labor force participation rate dropped to 1974 levels. Its the same old bogus numbers we have been getting for 5 years.
It’s a good thing the D.C. gun ban is working and keeping the streets safer
Washington Post - Man fatally shot in Southeast Washington:
“District police are investigating a fatal shooting that occurred in the pre-dawn hours Friday in front of an elementary school in Southeast Washington.
The victim was identified as Tyree Baysean Miller, 27, of no fixed address.
The shooting was reported about 3:20 a.m., in the 5000 block of Bass Place SE, in front of Nalle Elementary School in Marshall Heights. Officer Araz Alali, a D.C. police spokesman, said detectives recovered many shell casings from the site.”
The liberal media standard procedures of bedwetter journalism requires at least one quote from a victim’s fambly member how he was “an aspiring rapper” who was “turning his life around”.
RIP Tyree. But since Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson can’t pimp your corpse and make money off of you, nary a peep from them…
Rio rebutted this yesterday. Now when are the leaders of the white community going to speak out on the issue of white-on-white crime?
Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2013-11-07 11:08:14
if the crime is perpetrated by blacks, then you don’t hear anything from Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, or any of the other race baiters out there.
Column: Jesse Jackson rallies to stop black-on-black carnage
“Each year … about 7,000 African Americans are murdered, more than nine times out of 10 by other African Americans,” Jackson said in a painful acknowledgment of a crisis that for too long has received “drive-by” attention from most black leaders. “We’re going to march in 20 cities” hard hit by the gun violence that has made the streets of America a bigger killing field for young black men in the United States than the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have been for U.S. troops.
For Jackson, who turned 70 in October, ending the black-on-black carnage in this country could be his last big campaign.
We now return you to our regularly scheduled programming. After two individual stocks (that start with “T” and perhaps end with investor tears) dominated headlines in recent days, it’s right back to where we left off — market tops, jobs reports and divining the blather spewed forth from central bankers. Not much has changed.
Speaking of the warm embrace of familiarity, here’s Marc Faber waxing gloomy as ever and David Stockman talking up “the mother of all bubbles.”
The Twitter buzz isn’t over, of course, mainly because the ones controlling the news flow can’t get enough of it. We just love tweeting about Twitter. But it’s the drumbeat of economic news today that will ultimately decide where we go from here.
Did that opening seem rigged or what? basically the public had to pay like above 40 right out of the gates. some people made a lot of money flipping the stock yesterday.
Linked from Drudge: “CHILDERSBURG, Alabama — A man was shot during a “stop the violence” basketball tournament over the weekend in Childersburg, according to The Daily Home.
Donterius Riggins, 19, of Sylacauga, was shot in the neck around 6:35 p.m. Saturday at the Phyllis Wheatley Community Center during the basketball tournament, police told The Daily Home.”
Linked from Google News: “Two men and a woman were found shot dead in their Detroit apartment on Friday, police said, the latest in a series of shooting incidents in the city.
The killings came two days after a gunman opened fire on what police said was an illegal gambling den in a barber shop, killing three people and injuring six.
In 2012, Detroit’s homicide rate reached a 20-year high at 54.6 homicides per 100,000 people, according to statistics from the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
A rash of killings in Detroit has claimed several victims in the past week, including a pregnant woman, a law student and the brother of a local minister.”
“ya think maybe ohbewanna will get tough on people with Illegal guns?”
What policy constitutes getting tough on people with illegal guns? Gun registration does not fly with the NRA today. Extra tough sentencing laws for people who use a gun in the commission of a crime have been in place for a long time.
Would you favor random traffic stops to check for illegal guns? Or if stop and frisk turns up an illegal gun, go to jail for 20 years? Should stop and frisk include everyone and not predominantly young, male, blacks and Hispanics?
Most criminal law is legislated at the state or local level and enforced there. Do you want to have federal gun laws?
No age/asset restrictions? Reason I ask is I have a pending employment change in the works and likely new situation will not have company insurance plan. But that is a while away. USA, USA!
My employer just had their internal corporate quarterly update. One of the discussions going on is about a move out of downtown Boston to the 128 area west of Boston. Office space is cheaper 15 miles outside of the city. Anyway, one bit the CEO dropped on us was that health insurance costs were set to go up 15% next year. The company doesn’t want employees to shoulder that cost so they are looking at less expensive office space next year to offset the increased expense.
The CEO also mentioned that 4% of the increase in health insurance costs were due to a tax on employers implemented as part of Obamacare. Not sure what tax he is referring to, but this abomination of a law gets worse as time goes on.
The CEO also mentioned that 4% of the increase in health insurance costs were due to a tax on employers implemented as part of Obamacare. Not sure what tax he is referring to, but this abomination of a law gets worse as time goes on.
I’m not sure what the government considers “Cadillac” given they consider perfectly acceptable health plans “substandard”, hence the millions of people receiving cancellation letters. We pay about 20% of the cost of the plan and the employer picks up 8-% currently. We have co-pays and deductibles.
The CEO also mentioned that 4% of the increase in health insurance costs were due to a tax on employers implemented as part of Obamacare. Not sure what tax he is referring to, but this abomination of a law gets worse as time goes on.
My employer has also mentioned the tax as a reason why the deductible needs to be raise.
People, people, this is simply the crashing of the existing system so we’ll be forced to go into a single payer system. Isn’t crashing the health care system fun? No matter all the pain and suffering that we see. The central planners are playing with our lives like chess pieces.
I’d argue that any “free market” solution will leave half the country uninsured, another 40% under-insured, and do nothing about containing costs.
Like the Housing, too many people’s jobs/income depends on keeping health care prices inflated.
IOW, a lifetime of savings can be wiped out in a 2-3 day hospital visit.
What percentage of the population “cost more than their worth” 60%? 70%?
You know, I just don’t really care any more. I’ve exhusted myself trying to explain to the Repubs/Tea Partiers/NRA/bootstrapper types around here that what they are told Faux News isn’t necessarily the truth.
We’ll have Civil War or some kind of hybrid Christian/Banker/MNC/NSA-run Fascist state before any of this country’s problems get fixed.
If I could figure out a way to GTF out, I would. Unfortunately, it seems that most of the still civilized countries have high barriers to immigration
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Comment by my failure to respect is unacceptable
2013-11-08 11:56:19
Like the Housing, too many people’s jobs/income depends on keeping health care prices inflated.
And like housing and education, healthcare is more expesive more than it should be because of the government.
The system was already badly broken. The incentives were ridiculous. My employer takes HUGE tax write offs for gold-plated health insurance. (Similar to how Ted Cruz gets his insurance… via an i-bank.) I have no incentive to care about my health whatsoever. I could consume resources endlessly.
Meanwhile, health problems go untreated among kids, pregnant women, people with mental health issues, etc. Why? Bc lobbyists and lawyers write our tax laws and health insurance laws. And the AMA and PHARMA lobby the heck out of them.
Also, NEVER FORGET — medical device makers are one of a few scummy, scummy groups that the Tea Party elected reps protect. (Along with Comcast and Verizon, etc.) Why? Bc they all want preferential treatment.
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Comment by Happy2bHeard
2013-11-08 14:39:29
” I have no incentive to care about my health whatsoever.”
Feeling good is its own reward.
Comment by Suite Joey Blue Eyes
2013-11-08 14:42:54
I do care about my health, of course, but if I wanted to do high risk behaviors, I wouldn’t bear any of the huge financial costs it could place on the system.
I’m a vegetarian and I bike/run/walk everywhere, strength train a few days a wk, rarely drink more than 2 glasses of anything.
Maybe I should develop a meth habit and go to an expensive rehab. My insurance would pay for virtually the entire thing. And my work couldn’t and wouldn’t fire me; I wouldn’t even have to tell them I’m in drug rehab, I would just cite inpatient medical issues.
There are three main taxes that employers will pay for Obamacare in 2014. They are the PCORI fee, the HIT tax (health insurance tax) and the transition reinsurance fee….
Good investment for them. A high % of people who work in procurement for fed gov’t are military veterans. And they get the jobs because they get points for being veterans. It’s well known that these types tend to be rather impressionable and not that quick to identify lies or distortions in contractor proposals.
note 14,000 foot peak mt evans at center left background above the parking lot. the highest paved road in north america goes within a hundred feet of the summit. the squad went up there on our road bike three years ago, just because we are a badass.
I probably could not bike up that without stopping. My terrain is pretty flat, I ride about 13 miles/day, 6 days a week, and in an entire week I do maybe 1/4 that amount of climbing.
Not to mention the lower % of Oxygen at that elevation would probably bother me.
(Comments wont nest below this level)
Comment by Carl Morris
2013-11-08 15:08:28
Not to mention the lower % of Oxygen at that elevation would probably bother me.
It’s actually the density that changes…the composition not too much. But yeah…14k is HIGH.
Comment by goon squad
2013-11-08 15:17:53
That was really tough, I had to stop multiple times.
I have hiked/climbed 100+ peaks above 13,000′ since I moved here, but biking uphill taxes your muscles a lot (alot) differently. Most of my road biking experience is on the flats.
Here’s a heartwarming article about a gang in Fresno that has adopted the mascot of Fresno State and their assorted tomfoolery of murder, drug dealing, and pimping. Better slap a COEXIST sticker on that:
I read that article and it didn’t mention anything about disciplining students. It appears that you’re putting an effort into finding examples of sh!tlib attitudes, but not coming up with much.
The Obama administration began softening sanctions on Iran after the election of Iran’s new president in June, months before the current round of nuclear talks in Geneva or the historic phone call between the two leaders in September.
“For five months, since Rouhani’s election, the United States has offered Iran two major forms of sanctions relief,” Dubowitz said. “First there’s been a significant slowdown in the pace of designations while the Iranians are proliferating the number of front companies and cutouts to bust sanctions.”
The second kind of relief Dubowitz said the White House had offered Iran was through its opposition to new Iran sanctions legislation supported by both parties in Congress.
By Dubowitz’s estimates, Iran is now selling between 150,000 and 200,000 barrels of oil per day on the black market, meaning that Iran has profited from the illicit sale of over 35 million barrels of oil since Rouhani took office, with little additional measures taken by the United States to counter it.
“Sounds like Obama decided to enter the Persian nuclear bazaar to haggle with the masters of negotiation and has had his head handed to him,” Dubowitz said.
Ex-MSNBC Host’s Health Plan Soars 350% Thanks to Obamacare
ACA supporters say Ratigan should be thankful
Paul Joseph Watson
November 8, 2013
Former MSNBC host Dylan Ratigan took to Twitter to complain that his current health care plan is being cancelled and replaced with a new policy that will cost over 350% more thanks to Obamacare.
“I bought a catastrophic health policy for $170/mo when I left MSNBC,” Ratigan tweeted. “Obamacare cancelled the policy. New rate $600/mo. Thnx Mr. President!”
Obamacare supporters responded to Ratigan’s tweet by arguing that “he should welcome the elimination of his previous plan,” reports Mediaite.
Ratigan should consider himself lucky that his costs are only increasing by 350%. As Mike Adams reported last month, a couple in Texas revealed that the cost of their Humana policy was increasing by a whopping 539%, from $212.10 per month to $1,356.60 per month.
We also reported on a Texas man who told us that he would be forced to pay a 290% premium hike in order to avoid being fined under Obamacare.
A study by the Manhattan Institute found that Obamacare would increase health premiums by an average 99% for men and 62% for women, although many are being hit with hikes which amount to multiple times those figures.
The Obama administration is also reportedly threatening insurance companies, who are being bombarded with complaints from customers about soaring policy costs, to keep quiet about Obamacare.
During an appearance on NBC last night, Barack Obama was forced to apologize for claiming on multiple occasions that Americans could keep their health plans, when in reality tens of millions of Americans are having their policies cancelled as a result of insurance companies being forced to comply with Obamacare regulatory mandates.
Meanwhile, Infowars continues to receive correspondence from people across the country who are seeing their premiums skyrocket thanks to Obamacare. Here’s one we received today;
“I finally got onto the affordable care website. What happened next is appalling, I am 63 retired, only make $806/month retirement. I am in good health, I hike, camp, backpack, canoe. The only question that was health related was do I smoke (no). The Lowest Ins. Rate it brought back to me was $558/month over half of what I have coming in. Leaving me just a little over $200 to pay for housing and food, clothing. So I guess they want me to have Ins. So that I am covered when I get sick from the elements, because I am homeless, sick from malnutrition, because I can’t afford to eat so I can pay for Ins. Required by an illegal act. I have one question – is there any intelligent life in Washington at all?”
During an emotional appearance on Fox News last night, a man suffering from cancer who had his previous health plan cancelled as a result of the Affordable Care Act said that he could not afford his medical bills under Obamacare and for the financial future of his family said that he had chosen to “let nature take its course.”
At that income, he should qualify for a subsidy. What is his rate after the subsidy? How much does he pay for insurance now?
In 2 years, when he is eligible for Medicare, he will pay nothing for Part A (hospitalization). He will pay $110 per month for Medicare Part B (covers doctor visits, etc.) . If he declines Part B when first eligible and decides to sign up later, he will pay 10% extra for each 12 month period that he was eligible and did not sign up (1 year delay would mean his premium would be $121 instead of $110).
They do them with and without. But the headline CPI figure excludes “the volatile food and energy sector.” I.e., if food and energy inflation run rampant, month-in, month-out, the effect is systematically excluded from what the MSM reports as the CPI.
Bought at Costco in Poway for $3.419/gal today — 15% less than I was paying a few months ago. Hopefully the oil price crash underway is beyond the reach of monetary policy, as my budget doesn’t mind the reduction in weekly expenditures at all.
DeMarco: People Are Forgetting Why Fannie, Freddie Failed
November 8, 2013, 1:44 PM
By Nick Timiraos
[T]he regulator that oversees the companies isn’t terribly enthralled by some of the side-effects of this profitability. Namely, he has raised concerns that profits are allowing some interest groups to have amnesia about the failure of the mortgage-finance giants and their business model five years ago.
“I think some people are forgetting a little history,” said Edward DeMarco, the acting director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency, in a meeting with reporters two weeks ago.
Chief among those unaddressed problems: Fannie and Freddie long benefited from a fuzzy “implied” guarantee, which is a major reason the government was forced to rescue the firms during the crisis.
In his speech, Mr. DeMarco said it wasn’t clear how much of the benefit of those guarantees went to borrowers as opposed to the companies’ shareholders and executives. Moreover, he said, to the extent that those guarantees reduced borrowing costs for home buyers, they “surely resulted in higher house prices,” benefiting existing owners over prospective ones.
Eventually that bolded dynamic, plus the fact that politicians and Wall Street, working together, are helping themselves to consumer economic surplus wherever they can find it - education, health care, housing, food - will cause a reckoning. These are big underlying trends which cause social change.
“DeMarco: People Are Forgetting Why Fannie, Freddie Failed”
1. Too-big-to-fail wasn’t.
2. Extreme risk subsidies eventually lead to collapse.
3. Weakening of traditional lending standards to the point of insane neglect helped little.
4. How about that accounting?
5. Why not continuously ignore those who keep ringing the alarm bells from the sidelines, as they obviously have no clue?
Private markets should take over government-sponsored enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s role in guaranteeing against mortgage borrower defaults, Professor Dwight Jaffee told members of the House Financial Services Committee in Washington, D.C., Wednesday.
“Experience indicates new government mortgage guarantee program would again leave taxpayers at high risk, while creating little or no sustainable increase in American home ownership,” said Jaffee during hearings on reforming the U.S. housing finance system.
Jaffee provided details on how Fannie and Freddie have had little impact in expanding U.S. home ownership rates and suggested that their ability to offer a slightly lower interest rate on conforming loans because of their implicit government guarantee was simply “crowding out” the private markets from offering conforming loans.
Jaffee also drew a comparison to Western European countries, which are prohibited by European Union rules to create government sponsored entities like Freddie and Fannie.
“The results show the European countries outperforming the U.S. on virtually every measure of housing and mortgage market performance,” Jaffee said. “Perhaps the most stunning result is that the U.S. home ownership rate equals only the average of 15 major Western European countries.”
Find the government guarantee that allows this to be profitable.
Good Job Is Good Enough as Subprime Car Buyers Lift Sales
By Sarah Mulholland & Tim Higgins - Nov 8, 2013 12:01 AM ET
Alan Helfman, a car dealer in Houston, served a woman in his showroom last month with a credit score lower than 500 and a desire for a new Dodge Dart for her daily commute. She drove away with a new car.
A year ago, with a credit ranking in the bottom eighth percentile, “I would’ve told her don’t even bother coming in,” said Helfman, who owns River Oaks Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram, where sales rose about 20 percent this year. “But she had a good job, so I told her to bring a phone bill, a light bill, your last couple of paycheck stubs and bring me some down payment.”
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York, in an Aug. 14 report on its website, said it didn’t see evidence that a “disproportionate or unusual” volume of new loans are being given to riskier borrowers. [ed. Note: Same folks who couldn't see the housing bubble.]
Name:Ben Jones Location:Northern Arizona, United States To donate by mail, or to otherwise contact this blogger, please send emails to: thehousingbubble@gmail.com
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I overheard a conversation at work today. They were discussing using Zillow to find out background data about a job seeker. One guy said that a candidate lived in a fancy house, so he must be well off.
It’s weird, because when I see someone with fancy house or fancy car, I see a huge payment and large debt.
Hell…. even an unpretentious house with zero gingerbread represents huge massive payments at current inflated asking prices of resale housing.
Remember….current housing prices are at 2003 levels and prices and doubled and then some by 2003.
unpretentious house with zero gingerbread
That would be a Craftsman style house. Those original Craftsmans, even the mass-produced Sears catalog variety, now fetch a pretty penny and justafiably so.
Gingerbread is additional material and labor. No gingerbread is less.
Is it really that difficult to understand? Seriously?
You could probably tell something if you generally know what range their salary is in their field, whether the spouse works, price of house and when bought. There are lots of variables but you can get some kind of rough idea.
But they are wage slaves. Hate to say this, but my boss, father of three girls, looks my age. Problem is…he is ten years younger than me.
My mom used the term “rat race” about the busy lifestyle and burdens people choose to take.
I can walk away from this and enjoy being a perpetual tourist of the Arizona, Nevada, and California regions. No debt and a diversified portfolio.
34 years ago all I wanted to do was live high up in the central Sierra Nevada, sail boating in the summer on my favorite lake and skiing in winter my favorite ski area. Taking odd jobs to live simply.
Knock on wood but occasional overdoing it with workouts cause leg pain or elbow pain and I am trying to workout smarter to be in shape for doing those things I wanted to do at age 20, but casually and paced for my age.
They’re a dime a dozen. Big FAT mortgage payment with huge carrying costs(all the while the thing is depreciating), a car payment(maybe 2), No savings(but I’m contributing 4% to my 401k!), throwing money away on absolutely worthless junk like lawn mowers, buckets of paint, fixtures, etc.
I’m surrounded by these guys…. they’re all hyped up in the beginning….. after about 3 years of no weekends, throwing good money after bad and looking on the horizon at another few decades of this, they want out. They’re exasperated.
In the end, what’s he going to end up with? 15% of what he has into it? Maybe 20%?
“…after about 3 years of no weekends…”
Three years is just the beginning for the dads out there.
I was referring to maintaining a depreciating asset but you’re right when it comes to kids.
Now stack on top of it the added pressure of acquiring the kitchen granite so you can irradiate yourself and family.
There are a few around here in their 40’s who look a lot (alot) closer to 60, mostly due to bad diet, too much sun, smoking, poor sleep habits, and lack of exercise.
Meanwhile, the squad eats its spinach and roast chicken salad brought from home to work each and every day, and goes home to grilled salmon and steamed broccoli at night.
goon….i’ve always had a hard time eating anything green except peppers, pickles
I think my mom was very good at destroying vegetables and i still think broccoli spinach…..no no no no way…
Canned or frozen spinach is disgusting goop. Fresh spinach, though? Awesome!
Colleagues would be contentious if they knew my net worth.
Yet you know what theirs is by virtue of their attempt to deny their own poverty through housing and auto bling.
Strange world.
Yet you know what theirs is by virtue of their attempt to deny their own poverty through housing and auto bling.’
You nailed it the Mental Illness that is coastal California Living
Get past that and you have some of the nicest year round weather on the planet.
I prefer the seasons but thanks anyways.
It’s just the progressivism of California that is the mental illness. The ones who wish to seem, including the $30k millionaires are all in the same camp as “progressives.” because it is stylish to be a wacko like Pelosi.
The status symbol of choice is a paid off house with a 15 year old paid off car. Anything else and I have nothing but pity.
When you have to finance it for decades and dedicate 35%+ of your monthly income every month of those decades, it’s symbolic of stupidity.
Even if I paid cash at 1997 price???
And 15 years of taxes, maintenance, insurance….
“And 15 years of taxes, maintenance, insurance…”
+1 But one would pay these expenses passed along by their landlord.
FWIW, there’s nothing wrong with a paid-off home if you didn’t pay too much for it. I really wanted a home with a shop, a man cave, but after looking at a few nice places that had some acreage too I realized that didn’t want to pay the hefty expenses either; seventies recession(s) scar tissue I suppose.
“if you didn’t pay too much for it.”
But let’s be clear here….. if you bought a house from 1997 to current, you paid too much.
For me it depends on what kind of bling it is. You can’t fake the funk with a Bentley. You can with a Mercedes 500 series. With a house, depends on when they purchased. I know of folks living in currently 800-900K houses who purchased them when they were in the 200s. If it’s a recent purchase, they probably don’t have two nickels to rub together. However - if it’s a multi-million dollar legitimate mansion, then they probably are wealthy.
Summary of my impressions: Upper middle class bling - don’t have two nickels to rub together. Wealthy bling - many nickels to rub together.
It’s dimes brother… dimes!
realtors are liars
“Realtor Charged In Investment Fraud”
“Miss. realtor accused of poisoning, killing dogs”
Poisoning and killing dogs?
Now that’s National Association of Realtors family values.
Killing animals, raping children, snorting bath salts, just another day in the life of a Realtor®
“Bellaire Realtor Jon Holverson indicted in alleged Hurricane Ike fraud”
Realtors spread memes “lies” that are repeated so often, they are regarded truth. They must therefore be Theftocraps.
10 Lessons of Obamacare.
10 Lessons of Obamacare.
1. People will have more freedom to change jobs and start their own businesses.
2. We won’t have to pay the healthcare for millions of deadbeats.
3. Deadbeats will learn about self-responsibility.
4. 10’s of millions of Americans will now have access to health-care as per other civilized countries do.
5. A nation’s health is a strategic interest: A healthier population strengthens America’s strategic position in the world.
6. Millions of Americans will become less ill due to preventative care.
7. USA will have far fewer bankruptcies due to heath care bills.
8. Insurance companies will not be able to cancel you when you get sick.
9. People who have been kicked off their insurance because they got sick will now be able to get coverage.
10. The USA has now become a more civilized country.
u sure drank the kool aid didnt you?
More people will lose their teeth because its not covered under ohgeezbahmcare
People will have more freedom to change jobs
with all the people losing their jobs, they’ll need more freedom.
and start their own businesses.
except that obamacare is stifling business.
We won’t have to pay the healthcare for millions of deadbeats.
where is your compassion, comrade?
Deadbeats will learn about self-responsibility.
from the steel toed boot of big government.
10’s of millions of Americans will now have access to health-care as per other civilized countries do.
hahaha!! good one comrade!
A nation’s health is a strategic interest: A healthier population strengthens America’s strategic position in the world.
too bad obamacare works to the opposite ends.
Millions of Americans will become less ill due to preventative care.
just watch comrade. the population will become less healthy due to obamacare. don’t worry though, you socialists can blame it on lots of other things.
USA will have far fewer bankruptcies due to heath care bills.
bankruptcies will rise because of the economy killing effects of obamacare. plus, less people will be getting care due to the high deductibles. many will rather be sick than broke.
Insurance companies will not be able to cancel you when you get sick.
they won’t need to. they’ll still make money on the high deductibles while they broker deals with big pharma in secret to get their costs down.
People who have been kicked off their insurance because they got sick will now be able to get coverage.
but the care will still be unaffordable to them.
The USA has now become a more civilized country.
the USA will become a more tyrannical country with the big boot of government through obamacare on their necks.
I guess the answer to the question of whether or not the USA has become more “civilized” depends upon the definiton of “civilization” the questioner has accepted as true.
Strangely enough, the “10 Lessons of Obamacare” have little to do with Obamacare.
1. There’s no such thing as a free lunch.
2. Regulation stifles production.
3. The power to tax is the power to destroy.
4. No one is accountable.
5. Politicians lie.
6. The press lies, too.
7. The Law of Unintended Consequences.
8. The Law of Intended Consequences.
9. The nine most terrifying words in the English language are “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.”
10. Freedom is indivisible.
How are any of these unique to Obamacare? Looks like the author just dusted off his libertarian platform.
Next time, try an approach that might convince even the most casual passersby otherwise.
I don’t understand your comment. I wasn’t arguing in favor of Obamacare (this time ). I was just pointing out that the author could have applied those “10 lessons” — which I copied verbatim from the article — to anything “socialist” like funding the EPA or making someone pay for someone else’s social security, or nobody being accountable for Benghazi. Sure, he’s got an Obamacare example for each, albeit 2 3 and 9 are kind of a stretch.
Oxide. You are correct. Many socialistic goals bring the same results.
I’ve been pleading with my democratic Senator to at least delay this pig, but it looks like a set up for single payer to me.
Let us never forget that we have a Republican to thank for this debacle. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Mitt Romney!
Good piece. Thanks for providing the link.
The following jumped out at me, among several other points, as it was basically pro-offered by an HBB’er to defend ObamaCare:
“Or consider the defense we’re now hearing about why so many people are having their existing health-insurance plans cancelled: that this was intended all along because those insurance policies don’t count as “real” insurance”.
Really? My old “junk policy” which can no longer get, covered more and was much less expensive. I never had a problem with my “junk policy”.
I selected it, I paid for it, I was reimbursed in a timely manner.
I think some of these obama supporters thought they were going to get another free ride until they finally figured out they are going to have to pay more so poor people can get free insurance.
Like I said, this debacle is ultimately owned by Republicans, and never forget it. Not only Mitt Romney, but “conservative” justice John Roberts. Burn that into your brain, because this debacle was very much a “bi-partisan” effort.
BTW, it was interesting to read that Roberts was in the process of writing an opinion AGAINST the pig when he suddenly had a “change of heart” at the last minute.
Got blackmail?
Not one single republican vote.
No republican votes necessary, and it gives them good cover.
Let’s call it a Republican sh*t sandwich, with Mitt being one piece of bread and Roberts the other. Cool.
This could never have happened without the Republicans.
The NeoCon wing of the Republican party backed ObamaCare. All of the Democrat/Progresssive party did.
If anyone is going to stop this train wreck, it’ll be libertarians and/or Tea Partiers. Everyone else is too invested in the train wreck to be interested in stopping it. Your loss is their gain, both financially and politically.
No one from the NeoCon-Progressive Party is going to fix it. Don’t waste your time looking in that direction.
Bush Sr. was a Neocon. Reagan wasn’t. It’s why Bush didn’t like Reagan much. Romney, McCain and Graham also are NeoCons. So are both Bushes.
If you go back and look at what’s in the ACA there were lot’s of republican amendments stuffed in there. The final vote was a political decision so take that with a grain of salt.
I think Obamacare is the worst piece of legislation since the Patriot Act.
Jack Smith AKA Bluestar
“The NeoCon wing of the Republican party backed ObamaCare.”
“Bush Sr. was a Neocon. Reagan wasn’t. It’s why Bush didn’t like Reagan much. Romney, McCain and Graham also are NeoCons. So are both Bushes.”
Well, thank you. Somebody FINALLY got what I was driving at.
It has been interesting to read about the neocon consultants screwing over their own with their election “advice”. Cucinelli missed the governorship narrowly, which he could have won had he brought up the issue of illegal immigration. But the consultants wouldn’t let him, so he talked about everything else under the sun. Meanwhile Rove & Co. rake in the cash. Not for nothing do they call the Repubs the “stupid party”. They did the same for Romney, but I’m glad they soaked him good.
When trying to back a point that has a political bent, use the phrase NeoCon when talking to conservatives. In using the word “Republican” you have much less a chance of getting your point across successfully. The term “Republican” is as extinct as “Democrat” to most people nowadays.
“NeoCon” is not synonymous with “conservative”. Today’s conservatives are the libertarians/paleoconservatives.
NeoCons, like Progressives, assume they know what is good for you. For NeoCons, what’s good for you is religious fundamentalism.
For Progressives, it’s governmental fundamentalism.
Both NeoCons and Progressives expect you to bow down to their respective God. Fundamentalism (really meaning “do as I say or else”) is their game.
NeoCons and Progressives have much in common.
Here’s why I use the term “Republican”: because that party has been hi-jacked.
Then again, I read a Paul Craig Roberts column the other day that called Abraham Lincoln the Pol Pot of the US and I couldn’t agree more. It has been painful to me, who once had a serious case of Lincoln worship, to be stripped of my delusions about the man over the past few years. And it makes me wonder if he wasn’t the first Neo-con and the first to hijack the Republican party.
Now this is coming from the White House, so it’s the best they’ve got in terms of arguing that the Republicans had a hand in the ACA.
If you want to say that the Republican’s “own” the ACA because of these ideas, you really don’t understand the core of the problem with the bill.
It’s like blaming the structural flaws in a building on the interior designer.
I use “Republican” because that’s the official designation after the Congressman’s name.
I’m pretty sure that the NeoCons were Cheney/Rumsfeld/Wolfowitz. Is this Rush’s new meme, equating Progressives with the invade-Iraq crowd? Really, Progressives are just liberals who are coattailing off of Teddy Roosevelt, a Republican who by godfrey luvved him some gummint regulations.
“If you want to say that the Republican’s “own” the ACA because of these ideas, you really don’t understand the core of the problem with the bill.”
So what is it that you perceive to be the core of the problem with the bill?
Obamacare was originally a Heritage idea, tested by a Republican in Massachusetts, whose final version included many Republican amendments. If Democrats had their druthers, we would have Medicare for all, but conservative Democrats wouldn’t support it.
If we had continued with the old health insurance, your health insurance would have continued to increase and coverage would have continued to decline. Eventually, most of us would have been on catastrophic plans and the health care bubble would painfully pop. And Medicare would either have become unacceptable to providers or its costs would have increased too much.
What was you preferred solution to this? Be in the 1% so that you could afford health care? That only works for 1% of us?
‘If Democrats had their druthers, we would have Medicare for all, but conservative Democrats wouldn’t support it’
‘Be in the 1% so that you could afford health care”
I believe more than 80% had health insurance previously. That’s a good deal more than 1%.
‘San Francisco architect Lee Hammack says he and his wife, JoEllen Brothers, are “cradle Democrats.” They have donated to the liberal group Organizing for America and worked the phone banks a year ago for President Obama’s re-election.’
‘Since 1995, Hammack and Brothers have received their health coverage from Kaiser Permanente, where Brothers worked until 2009 as a dietitian and diabetes educator. “We’ve both been in very good health all of our lives – exercise, don’t smoke, drink lightly, healthy weight, no health issues, and so on,” Hammack told me.’
‘The couple — Lee, 60, and JoEllen, 59 — have been paying $550 a month for their health coverage — a plan that offers solid coverage, not one of the skimpy plans Obama has criticized. But recently, Kaiser informed them the plan would be canceled at the end of the year because it did not meet the requirements of the Affordable Care Act. The couple would need to find another one. The cost would be around double what they pay now, but the benefits would be worse.’
“From all of the sob stories I’ve heard and read, ours is the most extreme,” Lee told me in an email last week.’
‘I’ve been skeptical about media stories featuring those who claimed they would be worse off because their insurance policies were being canceled on account of the ACA. In many cases, it turns out, the consumers could have found cheaper coverage through the new health insurance marketplaces, or their plans weren’t very good to begin with. Some didn’t know they could qualify for subsidies that would lower their insurance premiums.’
‘So I tried to find flaws in what Hammack told me. I couldn’t find any.’
‘The letters said the couple would be enrolled in new Kaiser plans that would cost nearly $1,300 a month for the two of them (more than $15,000 a year). And for that higher amount, what would they get? A higher deductible ($4,500), a higher out-of-pocket maximum ($6,350), higher hospital costs (40 percent of the cost) and possibly higher costs for doctor visits and drugs.’
‘When they shopped around and looked for a different plan on California’s new health insurance marketplace, Covered California, the cheapest one was $975, with hefty deductibles and copays.’
‘donated to the liberal group Organizing for America and worked the phone banks a year ago for President Obama’s re-election’
Boy, Lee and JoEllen, you kinda screwed up.
Other than the libertarian view that the government should be smaller, the two most likely solutions to the uninsured problem are a MA style system, or a single payer. That much is clear.
However, different states have different economies household incomes, demographics, etc., so a one-size fits all solution is problematic from the get-go. That said, a few problems that seem apparent with how the ACA is set up:
1. Too rigid a view as to what is “acceptable” health insurance (disallowing catastrophic coverage plans, requiring young men to pay for pregnancy coverage, and higher deductible plans, etc.);
2. Too narrow a gap between what the highest risk payers need to pay, and the lowest risk (only 3x), which leads to the plans being too expensive for “young invincibles” relative to the “penalties” that they need to pay. I read an article that on average, the young use 1/6th the health care than those who are older…the young folks have essentially with twice the cost burden than they should. Following that math, it makes their signing up less compelling despite the penalties, and if the “young invincibles” don’t sign up relatively early, the premiums for all will rise, making it even less likely that they will sign up;
3. No changes to the fundamental problem that has led to there being too few insurance companies providing policies…namely the compensation structure between insurance companies and healthcare providers. The way the current compensation schemes are set up, the large insurance companies have a HUGE advantage, which is why there isn’t more competition;
4. NOT requiring politicians to “eat their own cooking”, so they don’t even care to read the fine print of their own legislation to see how complex it is to implement.
requiring young men to pay for pregnancy coverage
Because women get pregnant by themselves?
According to Gallup, only 22% of uninsured plan to buy insurance…a byproduct of the math not making sense?
Can you guess the main composition of these 22%?
Do you think they are:
a) the “young and healthy” who would need to pay a multiple of the penalty cost to get coverage they don’t use?; or
b) those with health issues who previously could get coverage at all, or at prices that were way too expensive?
I disagree with the point…women’s coverage should include prenatal care, etc., just like only men’s coverage should protect against testicular cancer.
Different probabilities of different issues between the sexes should result in different costs.
That said, let’s address your point head on: Should a sterile man be required to pay for a policy that covers pregnancy?
“I believe more than 80% had health insurance previously. That’s a good deal more than 1%.”
I was projecting the trend. In less than 30 years, most of us would have been unable to afford any meaningful insurance. In less than 30 years, Medicare would have been rejected by most providers or it would have been bankrupt.
Whether you want to admit it or not, Obamacare was an attempt to preserve a declining health care system. It may or may not work. But doing nothing was guaranteed failure. When doing a course correction, it is less abrupt if you make it sooner rather than later.
“No changes to the fundamental problem that has led to there being too few insurance companies providing policies…namely the compensation structure between insurance companies and healthcare providers. The way the current compensation schemes are set up, the large insurance companies have a HUGE advantage, which is why there isn’t more competition;”
Perhaps a public option should have been available in states with 1 or 2 insurance companies. The insurance companies would wail and might even pull out of those states.
“Perhaps a public option should have been available in states with 1 or 2 insurance companies. The insurance companies would wail and might even pull out of those states.”
Perhaps monopolistic practices by large insurance companies should be banned.
Oh, wait, we can’t do that, because that would mean that Medicare wouldn’t be able to force pricing onto providers either.
Make it illegal for HC providers to charge different patients different rates for the same service (insurance companies included), and watch the competition come out of the woodwork, and insurance company profits shrink.
Keep shilling! If the shutdown did one thing, it cemented in the minds of the American people who was deadset against this pig!
With current trends unabated could it wont be Mittens’ party crying come November.
“it cemented in the minds of the American people who was deadset against this pig!”
Because nobody’s mentioning that the Republicans made it ALL possible. If Sh*ttens hadn’t instituted the program in Mass, this would NEVER have happened, not after the whole Hillarycare brou-ha-HAH! Mitty greased the wheels, Roberts gave it the force of law.
But thanks for playing!
Keep dreaming that somehow you can spin this to help your bosses. It won’t work no matter how many of these trial balloons you float. It’s named OBAMACARE!
Pride goeth before the fall.
Wait, wait, now I’ve got it. The Republicans were FOR it before they were AGAINST it, right? No, wait, then they were FOR it.
Where do you think the Dems get their crappy ideas, anyway? I like to died watching Obama and Kerry with their Iraq redux over Syria. Now THERE was a moment.
Trial balloons. Fail. Try again
“Because nobody’s mentioning that the Republicans made it ALL possible. If Sh*ttens hadn’t instituted the program in Mass, this would NEVER have happened…
What? It’s Romney’s fault at the federal level because he instituted it at the state level?
What about the other 49 governors, senators, house reps, the president, the rest of the Supreme Court?
Your spin is bizarre this time out, jose.
ObamaCare is the fault of NeoCon-Progressive Party members and their minions far-and-wide.
It’s fun to watch the Dems go “Hey, it worked for the Republicans. Wha’ hoppen?”
“Your spin is bizarre this time out, jose.”
Why? He provided the template. Period.
I’m just keepin’ it real here, Mac. People need to know how and where this began. The dems would NEVER have put this pig forth if Romney hadn’t had “success” with it in Mass, and you know it.
What about HillaryCare?
Not the same as ObamaCare, granted, but do you really think that ObamaCare wasn’t already in the works decades before?
You don’t write 2,000 pages of crap and add thousands of pages of regulations to regulate that crap in 2-3 years.
Pus, the infamous “we need to pass it to see what’s in it” line. Likely, very few in the NeoCon-Progressive Party had a clue what was in ObamaCare.
What’s in ObamaCare has been on paper somewhere for many years. Likely as a Plan B way to enact statist healthcare en route to a full-blown socialist society.
Interestingly, ObamaCare is actually Fascist. For now, anyway. Somewhere along the line, the statists had to accept a Fascist document because they realized that at least in the USA, a socialist agenda would not take root unless corporations were first part of it.
That’s really clever. Whover came up with that should be a professional comedian. Why don’t you just simplify it and call him Sh!t Romney?
Not the same as ObamaCare, granted, but do you really think that ObamaCare wasn’t already in the works decades before?
You don’t write 2,000 pages of crap and add thousands of pages of regulations to regulate that crap in 2-3 years.
Yes, the ideas behind Obamacare, most importantly the individual mandate, were initially developed by people at the conservative Heritage Foundation around 1990.
‘the ideas behind Obamacare, most importantly the individual mandate, were initially developed by…’
I’ve seen that posted several times. What does it mean? How does it matter?
I was paying very close attention when this thing was being debated in the senate. They went through 4 or 5 “plans” before they came up with something that would pass. Not something that would work, but would pass. I’m sure that a bunch of lobbyists and old fart politicians (who’ve never had a real job in their lives) have the wisdom to re-create a large segment of the economy in the course of a few months.
We hear people say, ‘oh, it works in Canada.’ This isn’t the same thing they have in Canada.
I’ve seen that posted several times. What does it mean? How does it matter?
MacBeth wrote that Obamacare must have been in the works for decades. It turns out that he was correct. I just provided a little detail.
It doesn’t matter much, especially in terms of health care itself. What’s interesting is the politics of it, that the same people who promoted an idea in the past are no vehemently against it now. It shows the effect of Tea Party sentiment on the Republican Party.
The correct Pelosi quote is “‘We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it”.
“They went through 4 or 5 “plans” before they came up with something that would pass. Not something that would work, but would pass.”
This is the crux of the problem with our system of governance. Do you prefer the Chinese style?
‘our system of governance’
Yeah, allowing the government to destroy entire sections of the economy is how things have always worked.
One has to wonder what the motive is.
“Yeah, allowing the government to destroy entire sections of the economy is how things have always worked.”
Public option was rejected because it would have devastated the insurance sector. Is allowing bubbles to implode a sector any better? We saw the impact of the housing bubble popping. It almost took down the whole finance sector.
If Obamacare is the disaster that the Republicans are predicting, then we will try something else. The trajectory we were on was unsustainable. Would you have preferred ending Medicare? That would devastate the health care sector.
‘Would you have preferred ending Medicare?’
I’m not fond of Ponzi schemes. The demographics of our population is dooming a lot of these things like social security. This country can’t afford all this stuff.
But it’s typical of politicians; health care prices soar year after year; hey let’s create a new entitlement balanced on the back of young people! They are already paying for your retirement, why not your doctor bills too?
I still contend that if not for Medicare, we would not have had the advances in medicine that we have now. Much less money would have flowed into health care and much less research would have been done, at least in this country.
“Comment by MightyMike
2013-11-08 10:40:45
That’s really clever. Whover came up with that should be a professional comedian. Why don’t you just simplify it and call him Sh!t Romney?”
I thought about it, and you’re absolutely right, Mike. That was a really stupid, tasteless, humorless corruption of the name. I apologize to you and any other members of the blog who were offended by it. I dunno what got into me. I just really can’t stand the guy, but there was no call for that.
You all just wait til the neocon progressives usher in the successor to Obamacare. It will make this current one look smooth and fair to the few taxpayers.
Stick’em up… it’s a shakedown.
Exactly. Like I said before unlike Medicare and Social Security this is not a generational Ponzi scheme, where everyone that first uses it benefits. Thus, it will not be popular like them after it is implemented.
“after it is implemented”
Implemented? You think this will EVER be implemented? I guess it depends on what your definition of “implemented” is.
Money quote: “It is a timeless demonstration of the failure of central planning, government regulations, and the entitlement state.”
But yeah ease your cognitive dissonance believing it’s all a setup for single payer. Ignore that there will be no political will for that AT ALL if this government semi-takeover is seen as a disaster. It’ll be like proposing invading another middle eastern country after the Iraq disaster.
Also ignore that this was written by our Masters to make themselves money. All of you Messiah worshipers crowing about this somehow helping out the helpless have been played.
“But yeah ease your cognitive dissonance believing it’s all a setup for single payer. Ignore that there will be no political will for that AT ALL if this government semi-takeover is seen as a disaster. It’ll be like proposing invading another middle eastern country after the Iraq disaster.”
Never underestimate government’s ability to double down on a bad idea.
” It’ll be like proposing invading another middle eastern country after the Iraq disaster.”
We would have had boots on the ground in Libya and Syria if McCain had had his way.
Interesting statement, Strawberrypicker. This very point has crossed my mind during the past few days.
I might have been very wrong in predicting that ObamaCare will lead directly to single payer. I was pretty convinced of it until this week.
ObamaCare is such a disaster already…and it hasn’t even been implemented on the street level.
Thus far, the populace is aware of a non-functioning website, cancellations of policies, and massive increases in out-of-pocket costs.
To say the population already isn’t incensed, consider the following…
That all this is BEFORE they have to actually use “government approved” medical services from “government approved” providers, file paperwork, pay taxes and find doctors.
It is BEFORE people learn of the marriage penalties (which I know nothing about myself), and BEFORE employer-specific mandates create additional and potentially massive cost increases for all in 2015. People think ObamaCare is hurting them financially now? Just wait.
Note that this also is BEFORE the government starts fining and arresting people for not complying. It is BEFORE the government forces IRS agents to track people down for non-compliance.
And big government NeoCon-Progressive types think we’ll all accept single-payer after this fiasco?
“And big government NeoCon-Progressive types think we’ll all accept single-payer after this fiasco?”
Indeed they do. That will be the “fix”. You’re giving the Neoprogs AND the sheeple WAYYY too much credick.
I hate to have to break it to ya, but we’re in a death spiral here. The momentum is down, down, down….and OUT!
“I hate to have to break it to ya, but we’re in a death spiral here. The momentum is down, down, down….and OUT!…”
A few months ago, I probably would have agreed with you.
But now, with the astonishing level of federal incompetence and evil intent once veiled by ObamaCare propagandists (but now on full display), I am seeing things differently.
ObamaCare just might be the thing that galvanizes the population toward saving The Constitution and freedom for individuals.
Sometimes the citizenry needs to suffer at the hands of elitists before stopping them.
This really seems to be be the inflection point.
There’s going to be change but not what the Change crowd wagered on.
“To say the population already isn’t incensed, consider the following…”
Sorry…it should read: “To say the population already is incensed, consider the following…”
yeah but he said he was sorry so it’s all good.
Apology is always easier than permission.
I’ve always said in our office that the ACA is SO far reaching that either a) there won’t be a stomach to stop it, even if it proves a terrible law; or b) there won’t be the stomach to try something else if it falls flat on its face.
I don’t think we’ll have single-payer in my lifetime.
More from the article:
“The essence of ObamaCare is summed up in the fact that millions of people are now being booted off of their existing health insurance plans–but the state and federal exchanges that are supposed to offer them new insurance aren’t even functioning. The Department of Health and Human Services has done an efficient job of destroying old insurance policies, but it has failed to provide new ones. That is the power of government summed up for you.”
And the most important section (paragraph breaks added by me)….
“There’s an even more horrifying implication that follows from this: once the system is broken, it’s going to take a long time to rebuild it. This is another lesson of the 20th century.
An Eastern European economist once explained the big challenge faced by his countrymen after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The old Communists justified their policies by declaring, “you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.” (By “eggs,” of course, they meant “skulls.”)
This economist retorted: “If you have eggs and you want an omelet, it’s very easy. If you have an omelet and you want the eggs back, it’s very difficult.” This is a good analogy for what’s happening to the market for health insurance, and we’re going to spend years trying to unscramble this omelet.
Oh look, an emergency! All these millions of people without health insurance because we screwed up and now the website doesn’t work. We must take drastic measures now to save them. It’s a crisis. People are hurting.
This is how the tanks roll in, eventually. Crisis after crisis.
Is totalitarianism left or right?
I don’t see why it would be an emergency? Millions of Americans having no insurance has been the status quo for decades. It’s just business as usual.
Let me fix it for you then. Million MORE Americans. Thanks Obama!
Is totalitarianism left or right?
totalitarianism can ONLY happen with big government. it is obvious left.
Let’s take your comment as given that totalitarianism as defined as big government is leftist. How then do we get most “conservatives” to admit that people such as Romney and Christie are leftists?
As I see it, THAT is the problem politically right now. Many of my “conservative” friends ask my “liberal” friends why they are so ashamed to admit being “liberals.” I would ask my “conservative” friends why THEY are ashamed to admit that they are voting for leftists. Thoughts?
How then do we get most “conservatives” to admit that people such as Romney and Christie are leftists?
true conservatives already admit that. the problem is that many people think they were conservatives when they weren’t. many people think ‘republican’ is synonymous with ‘conservative’. it isn’t. ‘republican’ is just a name. anyone can say they are a republican. these days, most republicans are leftists. they have infiltrated the party. that’s why i’m a registered independent. most republicans aren’t conservative.
I would ask my “conservative” friends why THEY are ashamed to admit that they are voting for leftists. Thoughts?
that would be a good question and you’d be courageous to ask it. most of them probably don’t know that they, themselves, have leftist leanings. when i confront them with this, they get intensely angry and deny they lean left. the left has done a good job disguising itself.
consider.. olympia snowe was a republican. yet her voting record was more liberal than harry reid!! i don’t even know how it’s possible to be more left than harry reid. yet, she called herself a republican and probably called herself a conservative also. you have to look at what they do, not what they say.. they are a bunch of liars. at least the democrats aren’t hypocrites about being leftists (for the most part).
“olympia snowe was a republican. yet her voting record was more liberal than harry reid!! “
There are regional differences in outlook. A liberal Democrat in the south is a conservative Republican in the northeast. Snowe was Republican because her views are to the right end of the spectrum in Maine. Reid is a Democrat because his views are to the left end of the spectrum in Nevada.
You poor deluded souls…….Repubs/Tea Party types are going to get exactly what they want. But they aren’t going to like it.
In my business, it used to be that the FAA was the “world leader” when it came to aircraft safety regulation. Not any more. Now, because of a lack of funding/personnel/credibility, the FAA pretty much follows whatever the Euros/IATA/ICAO says. And the Chinese/Indians/etc. are following what the Euros are doing, not the USA.
The short version……if you plan on flying anywhere other than the lower 48, you will have to comply with Euro rules, or else you can’t fly, do business there.
The moral? “Free markets” and “deregulation” are a fantasy. A need for order/regulation will be filled by someone. In this case, the regulatory hat has been passed from someone that you might have some influence with (the FAA), to someone else you have zero influence with (the ICAO/IATA).
Good luck telling the French and Germans that they are full of crap.
There are regional differences in outlook.
which should make absolutely no difference on where you actually fall on the political spectrum.
if you want to know where you fall, take this test. it’s one of the most accurate out there if you answer the questions honestly.
the problem is that many people think they were conservatives when they weren’t.
Thanks TJ. I’ll admit over the past few years when I heard people on this board bash on leftists my first thought had been to wonder “what were your thoughts 2001-2008?” I now realize many here have the same perspective that you do above. As opposed to oxide (a few posts below), I do think MacBeth’s NeoCon/Progressive meme has legs. I also think in this context you and Rio probably agree more than you two realize on the fascism/socialism discussion.
On this board the context is important, but it’s tedious to have to explain it with each post. Maybe Ben can create a poster’s definitions page that we can refer to…
“which should make absolutely no difference on where you actually fall on the political spectrum.”
You missed my point. On a nationwide scale, Snowe is centrist. On a Maine scale, she is conservative. On a Nevada scale, she is liberal. She runs in Maine, so she runs as a Republican. This is because the more conservative voters congregate in the Republican party. If she lived in Nevada, she might run as a Democrat because she would have better success there in a primary as a Democrat than as a Republican.
You appear to be a black and white thinker. You expect the Republican and Democratic parties to have the same agenda in all 50 states. The reality is that the parties respond to local conditions.
“totalitarianism can ONLY happen with big government. it is obvious left.”
Dictators are big government?
The truth is that humans are social animals and the best organized cultures succeed the best. In Iraq, Syria, and Libya deposing strong leaders has led to chaos as new leaders attempt to establish themselves. Are the citizens of those countries better off now? Do they have better sanitation, medical care, food supply?
“The moral? “Free markets” and “deregulation” are a fantasy. A need for order/regulation will be filled by someone. In this case, the regulatory hat has been passed from someone that you might have some influence with (the FAA), to someone else you have zero influence with (the ICAO/IATA). “
This is a really good point.
The truth is that humans are social animals and the best organized cultures succeed the best.
That’s a tautology, isn’t it?
“That’s a tautology, isn’t it?”
Perhaps so. In any case, not well stated and maybe not well thought out.
What I was getting at is that well organized societies tend to dominate less organized societies. This might lead to thinking that centrally controlled economies work better. That doesn’t seemed to have worked for the Soviet Union or communist China.
And it may be that technology is the determining factor and not social structure. The Hittites were able to dominate the ancient Middle East due to superior chariots.
Who is “we” MacBeth? This is all about the powers in government deciding what is best for us.
I believe that you assume that “we” will roll over and play dead on this, Blue Skye.
I don’t necessarily think that’s the case…and neither does the government. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be stockpiling weapons.
The more twisted NeoCon-Progressive Party members will continue to try to force us to comply. The others might get eaten or jump ship.
As it stands, there are way too many NeoCon-Progressive Party members out there for most to flourish under statism. They’ll have to do something or lose big.
You can’t stop this train.
Careful, don’t assume for me.
Yes, sir. Anything else?
BTW, you might want to be careful in your use of “us”. Don’t assume I’m part of the “us” you are referring to.
I don’t think that this “Neocon-Progressive” meme is gaining any traction, MacBeth. You’d have to use a tiny font to fit it onto a bumper sticker, it’s too hard to spell on a protest sign, and it’s too many syllables to remember or speak. But feel free to repeat it a few more times.
Well the big day is here.
I just want to let everyone know I have made it to the final round for the grand prize of the 2013 Texas “Biggest Energy Saver” contest! As part of the final selection the contestants had to make a 1 min. video of the energy saving ideas we used to save electricity. With the help of my solar panels, dozens of energy saving tools and net metering my electric bill this year is zero (actually a $205 credit). But to win the final phase of the contest I still need your help. Please visit the Biggest Energy Saver website http://www.biggestenergysaver.com/vote/ and vote for my video.
Voting starts today and you can vote once each day from November 8th through 14th
And thanks to everybody on the blog for the excellent discussions.
Jack Smith AKA Bluestar
it says the voting ends dec 2012?
Zone ac saves us a ton of money too. I bought a couple window ac units and they have payed for themselves already.
If you’re zoned, why the window units?
Redneck zoning.
Ha! I didn’t see that (dec 2012). I just check the web site and it’s fixed now.
Zoned AC is fantastic. I cut my bill by over 30% and I run the room AC much cooler than I would have with just the central AC. I can keep the bedroom set to 65 degrees at night when the outside temp. is still 90 @ 10 PM. When I did my original energy audit I was amazed at how much juice it take to keep that water heater hot 24/7.
Everyone should consider adding an induction cooktop to their kitchen. Those things are super fast and generate almost zero residual heat.
“SmartLight, a revolution in interior lighting”
This is really a cool idea. Imagine channeling sunlight through your house to exactly where you want it. It says it could even store the light energy for use at night or cloudy days but I think that would be really expensive.
Jack Smith AKA Bluestar
And why were u surprised that moving heat in one room is less costly than an entire house?
I’ll cook on a Coleman camp stove before any non-gas burner.
Actually, I do cook on a Coleman camp stove. Best coffee ever on it as well.
An RV cooktop perks heavenly coffee that is Chock.
Will do, good luck.
How much did your solar system cost, all in?
If you are off the grid I think the biggest cost of solar are batteries these days. If you are using batteries you need to educate yourself on wiring them in series or parallel to get desired voltage.
If you are on the grid you need panels, racking, copper wire and an inverter. power from solar panels is dc. U need to convert to ac via the inverter.
Two types of inverters:
Whole house inverter
micro inverter on each panel
Then you need make sure you electrical box can handle the power from the panels. If you dont have room in your panel you will have to install a subpanel.
I would recommend an electrician for any wiring into the home panel.
The biggest draws of power are central ac and things with direct shorts such as a toaster and hair dryer, microwave.
Also when considering power use of items with a motor you have to consider start up power. For instance a washer might say it uses 500 watts but to get it started it might use 1500-2000 watts.
How much does it cost?
The final bill was $23,400 for 28 panels (6.7 kW system). I had a $1,500 overrun because the city zoning board made me build the rack 10′ inside the fence line. No tax rebates or credits were used so it’s 100% owner financed. I do have to wash off the panels 3 times a year but I spend way more than that just washing my car. My original calculation was comparing what I would get in a 10 fixed rate government bond vs. my 2011 electric bill projected out to 2021. My payback should be around 12 years and should save me $1,500 a year after that. If the panels perform to spec then they should still be generating 80% of the rated power in 2036. I expect I will swap out some of these panels in 10 years as the newer high efficiency stuff drops in price and I can put out the same power with half the space.
Jack Smith AKA Bluestar
was 23,400 just for the panels? 23,400/ 6700 = 3.49 / watt
Those are exspensive panels these days. You can pick up panels for a 1 / watt nowadays.
Also labor is a big cost of solar. If you have any kind of construction skills you can do the job yourself.
The hardest part is attaching the racking to your roof so the panels are not blown off in a heavy wind. This means attaching hardware to you roof rafters ( not the plywood or osb) that allow you to securely fasten the racking to the roof. do it wrong and you roof will leak forever!!!!
The $23,400 was the total. Parts, labor and permits. It’s costs me $300 extra for tree trimming when I had to move the array to the other side of my property too. I went with a ground mount system so I don’t have to mess with the roof and I could aim them for max power year round. I also went with microinverters since it gives me panel level monitoring. With a central or string inverter if you have a bad panel or partial shading it can degrade the whole system.
How much did your solar system cost, all in?
Depends. Did they include poor Pluto?
Good luck Bluestar.
Keep the lights turned off!
Oh my word….. You Debt Donkeys and Housing Hookers aren’t going to like this.
Per WBBR Bloomberg this morning…… 2014 is going to be the year of the banks. bank inventory of real estate is finally ready to go to the market. And there is so much of it. Too much of it. Alot of it.
More on yesterday’s discussion about the NYT rent v buy calculator:
“Comment by Ben Jones
2013-11-07 15:44:42
Most people are kicked out because they lost a job or lost income. Almost nothing about a foreclosure is related to what rents were when they bought the shack.
Again, if there is a bubble, a lot of people using this may lose a job or be forced to move. It’s the bubble that will change their circumstances, and you can’t punch a few keystrokes and see that risk.”
Ben, I don’t agree. I thought the bubble buyers were kicked out because their I/O ARM reset and they couldn’t afford to pay the full monthly PITI… even if they didn’t lose the job.
But can the rent v buy calculator predict the effect of job loss? Well, no it can’t, but it can’t predict job loss for either a bubble OR a non-bubble market. It’s a moot point anyway because someone unemployed can’t afford to buy OR rent, not for long.
But the calculator CAN predict the dangers of a popping bubble. Simply input a higher rent, a low down payment, and most importantly, a negative appreciation. -10% is the limit. Renting wins this equation very quickly.
As for those folks who bought during the bubble, the buy v rent calculator wouldn’t have helped them either. In 2005, you could honestly input a 15%/year appreciation and of course the calculator would spit back BUY BUY BUY. The trick is knowing that the +15% would turn to -10% within three years. The NYT didn’t predict that — YOU did.
“It’s a moot point anyway because someone unemployed can’t afford to buy OR rent, not for long.”
Donkey it’s not a “moot point” for as long as buying continues to be twice the amount of rent.
You seem to skim over that reality.
Most Bubble buyers I know just left voluntarily because they didn’t like being under water on a house.
Short sale or bankruptcy.
Our own bubble buyers don’t see the sense in that for some strange reason.
Maryland is a recourse state. If I were underwater — which I’m not — and I had to move — which I don’t — then the bank could pursue me for the difference anyway. There is no sense in walking, and I see that quite clearly, thank you.
Yes. We see and read what you type.
Did you not pay $140 or more per square foot for a multidecade-old house?
Happy Friday Debt Donkeys!
It’s long been established that Corrupticrats are LIEberals…. Now isn’t it fair to say the Corrupticans are LIEberals too?
“Realtor accused of $50 million fraud scheme, own parents allegedly victims”
This is the end….. my lying friends the end…….
This is the end….. of your elaborate plan the end….
Of every lie that stands… the end….
No safety, no more lies, the end….
We’ll never look into your lying eyes…again
It’s baaaack.
Are We Already Back in a Housing Bubble?
Home prices keep rising—and not just in some markets. For the first time since 2005, each of the country’s 50 most populous cities are seeing higher prices. While that could be a good sign for the economy, the market is showing signs of overheating and the current pace is not sustainable, according to a new report by Fitch Ratings.
The report regards home prices across the country as overvalued by about 17 percent. Conditions are worrisome in several markets, most of them in coastal California, where homes are more than 20 percent overvalued. San Francisco and San Jose will set new home price records in the next six months, according to Fitch. While Bay Area tech companies are booming, the region’s economy isn’t growing nearly as fast as the “unprecedented” home price gains, making the market nearly 30 percent overvalued. Current conditions in the heart of Silicon Valley are akin to “the environment in 2003,” the report notes ominously, “three years into the formation of the previous home price bubble.”
I can ask $40k for my 10 year old Honda Civic but nobody is lining up with cash….
Same with housing. Look no further than the fact that housing demand has fallen to 16 year lows…. and that collapsing demand accelerated very recently.
If you don’t own housing, stay out. If you do, dump it soon as the banks are gearing up to dump very soon.
Home prices keep rising—and not just in some markets. For the first time since 2005, each of the country’s 50 most populous cities are seeing higher prices.
YMMV. Take metro Denver. Sure, on average it’s rising, but not every nabe is rising.
Broad trends break the back of cherry picked exceptions.
Not if you want a sane commute it doesn’t.
The cost to build a bridge in DC is no different than the cost to build a bridge in CT.
That’s pretty funny. Many years ago someone in DC thought about funding a study to explore a good place for another bridge over the Potomac River from VA to MD, probably a little outside the currently American Legion Bridge (the Beltway). The value of everybody’s mansion in tony Potomac ($$$) instantly craaaatered a little. They hadn’t even built the bridge, or decided to build one. Just thinking about doing a study about it was enough to raise hackles.
Overpaying has nothing to do with commutes, knitting or Little house on the prairie.
Did you not pay $140 or more per square foot for a multidecade-old house?
Actually I think that figure covers just the land. Land is a lot cheaper in Oil City but I wanted a sane commute.
Just how badly did you get bamboozled?
Got Philippines customer service/tech support?
How bad was Koch NYC?
My only memory of New York in the bad old days was riding a Greyhound to Port Authority in the mid 1990’s. We pulled in to Port Authority around 4:00am and the driver told us not to go outside. Which of course I did, to see the hookers and people openly smoking crack on Seventh Avenue.
Back to the future!
Wonder how long it’ll take NY to get back to the good ole daze?
I was born and raised in NYC, and as the neighborhood deteriorated and I was old enough to come and go from our fourth floor apartment by myself, the routine was - enter building, look left then right to see if anyone’s there, look under first flight of stairs to make sure no one was following you up, check each floor when you get there and when you get to your door, listen for any movement from the landing above.
My daughter is always chiding me for being paranoid and my colorful language (acquired as a teenage girl defending myself from verbal assaults by illegal aliens on the street.)
Good times.
I had the pleasure of having to walk from Grand Central to Port Authority bus terminal as a teen with my mother and aunt in July 1979. It was a sight to behold.
I had the pleasure of walking downtown Newark in July ‘67. I arrived from Maine via Grand Central and the tubes, but no trains to the burbs were running. It was “interesting”. Figured I could hitch home. Got a ride from a state trooper, all the way to my front door.
I made a similar trip in the early 80’s and believe me it was a mess.
How bad was Koch NYC?
My only memory of New York in the bad old days was riding a Greyhound to Port Authority in the mid 1990’s. We pulled in to Port Authority around 4:00am and the driver told us not to go outside. Which of course I did, to see the hookers and people openly smoking crack on Seventh Avenue.
Koch left office at the end of 1989. Some time in the early or middle ’90s crime began to fall dramatically in nearly all large American cities. Times Square, which once full of peep shows and drug dealers, is now a giant tourist magnet with chain stores like a Disney store and a Nike store. Some New Yorkers don’t consider that to be great improvement.
The really bad decade was the 70’s (Death Wish, 1974). Lindsay, Beame eras. We used to stand on the roof where we lived in northern Manhattan and watch the Bronx burn. Koch was 1978 - 1990.
“The really bad decade was the 70’s (Death Wish, 1974).”
+1 I thought of Charles Bronson too when read Koch NYC.
Living in NYC in those days was good training for never committing to a location (and it is the norm to rent there.) As the building went bad, we moved. Later on (mid-80’s) a lot of places went co-op, so I bought the small apartment I had (it was very cheap.) About four years in, after an invasion of waterbugs, I wanted out and hated not just being able to go. I sublet it to a series of friends until I finally got rid of it. Silver lining was it had tripled in value.
Another day, another “Crash is Coming Any Moment Now” headline from MarketWatch dot com…
thats been going on for years hasnt it? always comes when no one expects it.
After stunning jobs report, ‘Dectaper’ is back on table
• Payroll gains of 204,000 blow away estimates
Yes but if you dig into the report you find wages rose 2 cents an hour and the work week for production and non-supervisory personnel dropped .1 hour. Lucky ducky economy. While people may try to spin it, Obama care has clearly led to more part time work. If there are only 200 hours of available work and ten workers available, you can give five workers 40 hours a week. Of course, that would mean 50% unemployment. Or if you give eight workers 25 hours a week, you only have 20% unemployment. Of course, how those workers are going to afford new cars and houses on the part time jobs is the mystery that has not been solved. Obama has done virtually nothing to expand the amount of work available, but Obama care has increased the trend to a lower number of hours for each worker, cutting the official unemployment rate.
If you have a surplus of workers from Mexico, you can fill positions with part time workers and reduce overtime. Great for company profits, horrible for the workers. Obama care has only provided another incentive to do what companies were doing due to the labor surplus caused by immigration both legal and illegal. But the Tea Party is the political organization dominated by corporate interests, I do not think so.
when you dig into it more full time jobs were lost and the labor force participation rate dropped to 1974 levels. Its the same old bogus numbers we have been getting for 5 years.
Really interesting how this was reported on the two DC area news radio stations:
1) Station 1: Exuberance, excited announcer could barely contain himself.
2) Station 2: Announcer more solemn, states that these were mostly low wage jobs and labor participation has fallen to 1977 levels.
Very stark difference.
It’s a good thing the D.C. gun ban is working and keeping the streets safer
Washington Post - Man fatally shot in Southeast Washington:
“District police are investigating a fatal shooting that occurred in the pre-dawn hours Friday in front of an elementary school in Southeast Washington.
The victim was identified as Tyree Baysean Miller, 27, of no fixed address.
The shooting was reported about 3:20 a.m., in the 5000 block of Bass Place SE, in front of Nalle Elementary School in Marshall Heights. Officer Araz Alali, a D.C. police spokesman, said detectives recovered many shell casings from the site.”
and in front a “gun free zone” to boot…maybe a “double secret” gun free zone is what they need to set up next…that should do the trick.
after thinking about it…i think it they should just go straight to the “super duper gun free zone”…for the children.
maybe a “double secret” gun free zone is what they need
naa, they just need to stomp their little feet harder and say, “we really mean it this time!”
“…detectives recovered many shell casings from the site.”
Another accidental shooting; Tyree was innocent.
The “of no fixed address” was unfortunate.
The liberal media standard procedures of bedwetter journalism requires at least one quote from a victim’s fambly member how he was “an aspiring rapper” who was “turning his life around”.
RIP Tyree. But since Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson can’t pimp your corpse and make money off of you, nary a peep from them…
Rio rebutted this yesterday. Now when are the leaders of the white community going to speak out on the issue of white-on-white crime?
Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2013-11-07 11:08:14
if the crime is perpetrated by blacks, then you don’t hear anything from Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, or any of the other race baiters out there.
Column: Jesse Jackson rallies to stop black-on-black carnage
“Each year … about 7,000 African Americans are murdered, more than nine times out of 10 by other African Americans,” Jackson said in a painful acknowledgment of a crisis that for too long has received “drive-by” attention from most black leaders. “We’re going to march in 20 cities” hard hit by the gun violence that has made the streets of America a bigger killing field for young black men in the United States than the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have been for U.S. troops.
For Jackson, who turned 70 in October, ending the black-on-black carnage in this country could be his last big campaign.
Goon, have you been to Baltimore?
dee-cee may seem bad, but you do not understand how far a people can sink until you see Baltimore.
Here is a typical Baltimore crime story:
Even if you make your own bootstraps and pull yourself up by them; somebody will crack your skull, kill you and steal your boots.
And just incase you think this kind of behavior is the exception, check out this list of “exceptions”:
Charm city?
More like harm city.
Are you a market crash caller or a bearded princess?
The jobs report, market-crash callers and bearded princesses
November 8, 2013, 6:58 AM
By Shawn Langlois
We now return you to our regularly scheduled programming. After two individual stocks (that start with “T” and perhaps end with investor tears) dominated headlines in recent days, it’s right back to where we left off — market tops, jobs reports and divining the blather spewed forth from central bankers. Not much has changed.
Speaking of the warm embrace of familiarity, here’s Marc Faber waxing gloomy as ever and David Stockman talking up “the mother of all bubbles.”
The Twitter buzz isn’t over, of course, mainly because the ones controlling the news flow can’t get enough of it. We just love tweeting about Twitter. But it’s the drumbeat of economic news today that will ultimately decide where we go from here.
how many shares did you buy?
Did that opening seem rigged or what? basically the public had to pay like above 40 right out of the gates. some people made a lot of money flipping the stock yesterday.
Hope and Change
Linked from Drudge: “CHILDERSBURG, Alabama — A man was shot during a “stop the violence” basketball tournament over the weekend in Childersburg, according to The Daily Home.
Donterius Riggins, 19, of Sylacauga, was shot in the neck around 6:35 p.m. Saturday at the Phyllis Wheatley Community Center during the basketball tournament, police told The Daily Home.”
Hope and Change
Linked from Google News: “Two men and a woman were found shot dead in their Detroit apartment on Friday, police said, the latest in a series of shooting incidents in the city.
The killings came two days after a gunman opened fire on what police said was an illegal gambling den in a barber shop, killing three people and injuring six.
In 2012, Detroit’s homicide rate reached a 20-year high at 54.6 homicides per 100,000 people, according to statistics from the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
A rash of killings in Detroit has claimed several victims in the past week, including a pregnant woman, a law student and the brother of a local minister.”
ya think maybe ohbewanna will get tough on people with Illegal guns? nah dat bee racis
“ya think maybe ohbewanna will get tough on people with Illegal guns?”
What policy constitutes getting tough on people with illegal guns? Gun registration does not fly with the NRA today. Extra tough sentencing laws for people who use a gun in the commission of a crime have been in place for a long time.
Would you favor random traffic stops to check for illegal guns? Or if stop and frisk turns up an illegal gun, go to jail for 20 years? Should stop and frisk include everyone and not predominantly young, male, blacks and Hispanics?
Most criminal law is legislated at the state or local level and enforced there. Do you want to have federal gun laws?
Detroit apartment
Nothing to do with hope and change. Only if they had bought a house, this would have never happened.
What happens to people out of work in the new year, 2014? What are they on the hook for as far as ObamaCare penalties/fees/tax/extortion?
I believe that they will qualify for Medicaid.
No age/asset restrictions? Reason I ask is I have a pending employment change in the works and likely new situation will not have company insurance plan. But that is a while away. USA, USA!
I would think that most people with “assets” have skills and will soon find a new job.
I was thinking more along the lines of older lucky duckies.
My employer just had their internal corporate quarterly update. One of the discussions going on is about a move out of downtown Boston to the 128 area west of Boston. Office space is cheaper 15 miles outside of the city. Anyway, one bit the CEO dropped on us was that health insurance costs were set to go up 15% next year. The company doesn’t want employees to shoulder that cost so they are looking at less expensive office space next year to offset the increased expense.
The CEO also mentioned that 4% of the increase in health insurance costs were due to a tax on employers implemented as part of Obamacare. Not sure what tax he is referring to, but this abomination of a law gets worse as time goes on.
The CEO also mentioned that 4% of the increase in health insurance costs were due to a tax on employers implemented as part of Obamacare. Not sure what tax he is referring to, but this abomination of a law gets worse as time goes on.
The “Cadillac Plan” Tax?
I’m not sure what the government considers “Cadillac” given they consider perfectly acceptable health plans “substandard”, hence the millions of people receiving cancellation letters. We pay about 20% of the cost of the plan and the employer picks up 8-% currently. We have co-pays and deductibles.
The CEO also mentioned that 4% of the increase in health insurance costs were due to a tax on employers implemented as part of Obamacare. Not sure what tax he is referring to, but this abomination of a law gets worse as time goes on.
My employer has also mentioned the tax as a reason why the deductible needs to be raise.
‘gets worse as time goes on’
People, people, this is simply the crashing of the existing system so we’ll be forced to go into a single payer system. Isn’t crashing the health care system fun? No matter all the pain and suffering that we see. The central planners are playing with our lives like chess pieces.
I’d argue that any “free market” solution will leave half the country uninsured, another 40% under-insured, and do nothing about containing costs.
Like the Housing, too many people’s jobs/income depends on keeping health care prices inflated.
IOW, a lifetime of savings can be wiped out in a 2-3 day hospital visit.
What percentage of the population “cost more than their worth” 60%? 70%?
You know, I just don’t really care any more. I’ve exhusted myself trying to explain to the Repubs/Tea Partiers/NRA/bootstrapper types around here that what they are told Faux News isn’t necessarily the truth.
We’ll have Civil War or some kind of hybrid Christian/Banker/MNC/NSA-run Fascist state before any of this country’s problems get fixed.
If I could figure out a way to GTF out, I would. Unfortunately, it seems that most of the still civilized countries have high barriers to immigration
Like the Housing, too many people’s jobs/income depends on keeping health care prices inflated.
And like housing and education, healthcare is more expesive more than it should be because of the government.
The system was already badly broken. The incentives were ridiculous. My employer takes HUGE tax write offs for gold-plated health insurance. (Similar to how Ted Cruz gets his insurance… via an i-bank.) I have no incentive to care about my health whatsoever. I could consume resources endlessly.
Meanwhile, health problems go untreated among kids, pregnant women, people with mental health issues, etc. Why? Bc lobbyists and lawyers write our tax laws and health insurance laws. And the AMA and PHARMA lobby the heck out of them.
Also, NEVER FORGET — medical device makers are one of a few scummy, scummy groups that the Tea Party elected reps protect. (Along with Comcast and Verizon, etc.) Why? Bc they all want preferential treatment.
” I have no incentive to care about my health whatsoever.”
Feeling good is its own reward.
I do care about my health, of course, but if I wanted to do high risk behaviors, I wouldn’t bear any of the huge financial costs it could place on the system.
I’m a vegetarian and I bike/run/walk everywhere, strength train a few days a wk, rarely drink more than 2 glasses of anything.
Maybe I should develop a meth habit and go to an expensive rehab. My insurance would pay for virtually the entire thing. And my work couldn’t and wouldn’t fire me; I wouldn’t even have to tell them I’m in drug rehab, I would just cite inpatient medical issues.
There are three main taxes that employers will pay for Obamacare in 2014. They are the PCORI fee, the HIT tax (health insurance tax) and the transition reinsurance fee….
Happy Veterans’ Day
Raytheon Supports Our Troops
Good investment for them. A high % of people who work in procurement for fed gov’t are military veterans. And they get the jobs because they get points for being veterans. It’s well known that these types tend to be rather impressionable and not that quick to identify lies or distortions in contractor proposals.
note 14,000 foot peak mt evans at center left background above the parking lot. the highest paved road in north america goes within a hundred feet of the summit. the squad went up there on our road bike three years ago, just because we are a badass.
I probably could not bike up that without stopping. My terrain is pretty flat, I ride about 13 miles/day, 6 days a week, and in an entire week I do maybe 1/4 that amount of climbing.
Not to mention the lower % of Oxygen at that elevation would probably bother me.
Not to mention the lower % of Oxygen at that elevation would probably bother me.
It’s actually the density that changes…the composition not too much. But yeah…14k is HIGH.
That was really tough, I had to stop multiple times.
I have hiked/climbed 100+ peaks above 13,000′ since I moved here, but biking uphill taxes your muscles a lot (alot) differently. Most of my road biking experience is on the flats.
Here’s a heartwarming article about a gang in Fresno that has adopted the mascot of Fresno State and their assorted tomfoolery of murder, drug dealing, and pimping. Better slap a COEXIST sticker on that:
Berkeley’s student gov’t LITERALLY banned the phrase “illegal immigrant”. Students who use it can be disciplined.
Berkeley is still an awesome place to go to college, but the shitlib attitude is off the charts.
I read that article and it didn’t mention anything about disciplining students. It appears that you’re putting an effort into finding examples of sh!tlib attitudes, but not coming up with much.
10 yr treasury yield up 14 basis points.. uh oh
Exclusive: Obama’s Secret Iran Détente
by Eli Lake, Josh Rogin Nov 8, 2013 5:45 AM EST
The Obama administration began softening sanctions on Iran after the election of Iran’s new president in June, months before the current round of nuclear talks in Geneva or the historic phone call between the two leaders in September.
“For five months, since Rouhani’s election, the United States has offered Iran two major forms of sanctions relief,” Dubowitz said. “First there’s been a significant slowdown in the pace of designations while the Iranians are proliferating the number of front companies and cutouts to bust sanctions.”
The second kind of relief Dubowitz said the White House had offered Iran was through its opposition to new Iran sanctions legislation supported by both parties in Congress.
By Dubowitz’s estimates, Iran is now selling between 150,000 and 200,000 barrels of oil per day on the black market, meaning that Iran has profited from the illicit sale of over 35 million barrels of oil since Rouhani took office, with little additional measures taken by the United States to counter it.
“Sounds like Obama decided to enter the Persian nuclear bazaar to haggle with the masters of negotiation and has had his head handed to him,” Dubowitz said.
http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/11/08/exclusive-obama-s-secret-iran-d-tente.html -
Ex-MSNBC Host’s Health Plan Soars 350% Thanks to Obamacare
ACA supporters say Ratigan should be thankful
Paul Joseph Watson
November 8, 2013
Former MSNBC host Dylan Ratigan took to Twitter to complain that his current health care plan is being cancelled and replaced with a new policy that will cost over 350% more thanks to Obamacare.
“I bought a catastrophic health policy for $170/mo when I left MSNBC,” Ratigan tweeted. “Obamacare cancelled the policy. New rate $600/mo. Thnx Mr. President!”
Obamacare supporters responded to Ratigan’s tweet by arguing that “he should welcome the elimination of his previous plan,” reports Mediaite.
Ratigan should consider himself lucky that his costs are only increasing by 350%. As Mike Adams reported last month, a couple in Texas revealed that the cost of their Humana policy was increasing by a whopping 539%, from $212.10 per month to $1,356.60 per month.
We also reported on a Texas man who told us that he would be forced to pay a 290% premium hike in order to avoid being fined under Obamacare.
A study by the Manhattan Institute found that Obamacare would increase health premiums by an average 99% for men and 62% for women, although many are being hit with hikes which amount to multiple times those figures.
The Obama administration is also reportedly threatening insurance companies, who are being bombarded with complaints from customers about soaring policy costs, to keep quiet about Obamacare.
During an appearance on NBC last night, Barack Obama was forced to apologize for claiming on multiple occasions that Americans could keep their health plans, when in reality tens of millions of Americans are having their policies cancelled as a result of insurance companies being forced to comply with Obamacare regulatory mandates.
Meanwhile, Infowars continues to receive correspondence from people across the country who are seeing their premiums skyrocket thanks to Obamacare. Here’s one we received today;
“I finally got onto the affordable care website. What happened next is appalling, I am 63 retired, only make $806/month retirement. I am in good health, I hike, camp, backpack, canoe. The only question that was health related was do I smoke (no). The Lowest Ins. Rate it brought back to me was $558/month over half of what I have coming in. Leaving me just a little over $200 to pay for housing and food, clothing. So I guess they want me to have Ins. So that I am covered when I get sick from the elements, because I am homeless, sick from malnutrition, because I can’t afford to eat so I can pay for Ins. Required by an illegal act. I have one question – is there any intelligent life in Washington at all?”
During an emotional appearance on Fox News last night, a man suffering from cancer who had his previous health plan cancelled as a result of the Affordable Care Act said that he could not afford his medical bills under Obamacare and for the financial future of his family said that he had chosen to “let nature take its course.”
“only make $806/month retirement”
At that income, he should qualify for a subsidy. What is his rate after the subsidy? How much does he pay for insurance now?
In 2 years, when he is eligible for Medicare, he will pay nothing for Part A (hospitalization). He will pay $110 per month for Medicare Part B (covers doctor visits, etc.) . If he declines Part B when first eligible and decides to sign up later, he will pay 10% extra for each 12 month period that he was eligible and did not sign up (1 year delay would mean his premium would be $121 instead of $110).
Wow, gasoline is $2.76 in DFW today. Late Aug. it was averaging $3.50 around here so that’s a huge drop in just over 2 months.
If this is happening nationwide then expect the CPI to come in low and the FED stays put on the short end of the yield curve.
I don’t think fuel prices are a component in CPI calculation.
They do them with and without. But the headline CPI figure excludes “the volatile food and energy sector.” I.e., if food and energy inflation run rampant, month-in, month-out, the effect is systematically excluded from what the MSM reports as the CPI.
Bought at Costco in Poway for $3.419/gal today — 15% less than I was paying a few months ago. Hopefully the oil price crash underway is beyond the reach of monetary policy, as my budget doesn’t mind the reduction in weekly expenditures at all.
DeMarco: People Are Forgetting Why Fannie, Freddie Failed
November 8, 2013, 1:44 PM
By Nick Timiraos
[T]he regulator that oversees the companies isn’t terribly enthralled by some of the side-effects of this profitability. Namely, he has raised concerns that profits are allowing some interest groups to have amnesia about the failure of the mortgage-finance giants and their business model five years ago.
“I think some people are forgetting a little history,” said Edward DeMarco, the acting director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency, in a meeting with reporters two weeks ago.
Chief among those unaddressed problems: Fannie and Freddie long benefited from a fuzzy “implied” guarantee, which is a major reason the government was forced to rescue the firms during the crisis.
In his speech, Mr. DeMarco said it wasn’t clear how much of the benefit of those guarantees went to borrowers as opposed to the companies’ shareholders and executives. Moreover, he said, to the extent that those guarantees reduced borrowing costs for home buyers, they “surely resulted in higher house prices,” benefiting existing owners over prospective ones.
Eventually that bolded dynamic, plus the fact that politicians and Wall Street, working together, are helping themselves to consumer economic surplus wherever they can find it - education, health care, housing, food - will cause a reckoning. These are big underlying trends which cause social change.
“DeMarco: People Are Forgetting Why Fannie, Freddie Failed”
1. Too-big-to-fail wasn’t.
2. Extreme risk subsidies eventually lead to collapse.
3. Weakening of traditional lending standards to the point of insane neglect helped little.
4. How about that accounting?
5. Why not continuously ignore those who keep ringing the alarm bells from the sidelines, as they obviously have no clue?
“…benefiting existing owners over prospective ones…”
There is the whole story of America’s abdication of capitalism in favor of the Ownership Society.
How about a little perspective from one of Janet Yellen’s Berkeley colleagues?
Prof. Dwight Jaffee Testifies in Congress on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
June 12, 2013
Private markets should take over government-sponsored enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s role in guaranteeing against mortgage borrower defaults, Professor Dwight Jaffee told members of the House Financial Services Committee in Washington, D.C., Wednesday.
“Experience indicates new government mortgage guarantee program would again leave taxpayers at high risk, while creating little or no sustainable increase in American home ownership,” said Jaffee during hearings on reforming the U.S. housing finance system.
Jaffee provided details on how Fannie and Freddie have had little impact in expanding U.S. home ownership rates and suggested that their ability to offer a slightly lower interest rate on conforming loans because of their implicit government guarantee was simply “crowding out” the private markets from offering conforming loans.
Jaffee also drew a comparison to Western European countries, which are prohibited by European Union rules to create government sponsored entities like Freddie and Fannie.
“The results show the European countries outperforming the U.S. on virtually every measure of housing and mortgage market performance,” Jaffee said. “Perhaps the most stunning result is that the U.S. home ownership rate equals only the average of 15 major Western European countries.”
Find the government guarantee that allows this to be profitable.
Good Job Is Good Enough as Subprime Car Buyers Lift Sales
By Sarah Mulholland & Tim Higgins - Nov 8, 2013 12:01 AM ET
Alan Helfman, a car dealer in Houston, served a woman in his showroom last month with a credit score lower than 500 and a desire for a new Dodge Dart for her daily commute. She drove away with a new car.
A year ago, with a credit ranking in the bottom eighth percentile, “I would’ve told her don’t even bother coming in,” said Helfman, who owns River Oaks Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram, where sales rose about 20 percent this year. “But she had a good job, so I told her to bring a phone bill, a light bill, your last couple of paycheck stubs and bring me some down payment.”
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York, in an Aug. 14 report on its website, said it didn’t see evidence that a “disproportionate or unusual” volume of new loans are being given to riskier borrowers. [ed. Note: Same folks who couldn't see the housing bubble.]
“Good Job Is Good Enough as Subprime Car Buyers Lift Sales”
Cool. Maybe in a few years I will pick up a Lexus in foreclosure the way my cousin did back in 2009.
Some actress named Reese stabbed her husband.
“Some actress named Reese stabbed her husband.”
+1 The stuff lawyer’s dreams are made of.
Your supposed to say….Witherspoon?
and then I get to say…. No, with her knife.