November 10, 2013

Bits Bucket for November 10, 2013

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Comment by goon squad
2013-11-10 07:26:35

Lengthy (and depressing) article about fats in South Texas:

“El Futuro” is what some residents had begun calling the area, and here the future was unfolding in a cycle of cascading extremes:

Hidalgo County has one of the highest poverty rates in the nation . . . which has led almost 40 percent of residents to enroll in the food-stamp program . . . which means a widespread reliance on cheap, processed foods . . . which results in rates of diabetes and obesity that double the national average . . . which fuels the country’s highest per-capita spending on health care.

This is what El Futuro looks like in the Rio Grande Valley: The country’s hungriest region is also its most overweight, with 38.5 percent of the people obese. For one of the first times anywhere in the United States, children in South Texas have a projected life span that is a few years shorter than that of their parents.

Comment by Strawberrypicker
2013-11-10 07:38:07

Little Ethiopian Kid: Let me get this straight … In your country poor people are fat?

Comment by In Colorado
2013-11-10 10:24:32

They are in Mexico, and they don’t have food stamps.

Comment by Combotechie
2013-11-10 07:39:00

So if people are enrolled in the food stamp program they are forced to rely on cheap processed foods? Is this the message I am supposed to be getting from this article?

With food stamps one cannot buy, say, an unprocessed sack of potatoes? Or a sack of rice? Or a sack of beans? Or anything else that is cheap and available and healthy to eat?

Comment by Strawberrypicker
2013-11-10 07:47:38

It’s the lieberal myth again. Poor ignorant minorities don’t know enough to buy healthy food. Quick, another billion dollars in education programs to teach them to buy locally grown sustainable French fries only.

We have a great model of success on where this all leads: the Indian reservations.

Comment by Prime_Is_Contained
2013-11-10 08:31:18

another billion dollars in education programs to teach them to buy locally grown sustainable French fries only.

LOL… Awesome.

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Comment by Ben Jones
2013-11-10 07:48:56

I lived in Hidalgo county for years. From the article:

‘Salas family hurried into their kitchen for another breakfast paid for by the federal government.’

In about 2002, 89% of the health care in that county was provided by the government. El Futuro indeed.

By all means, lets legalize 20 million illegals and give them free health insurance! Maybe we should call this country El Stupido.

Comment by goon squad
2013-11-10 07:53:20

the people in this article are america’s future demographic majority.

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Comment by Bill, just South of Irvine, CA
2013-11-10 09:50:25

Makes you want to go out and buy a house to be then turned into a barrio when they become majority.

Comment by rms
2013-11-10 10:04:34

“the people in this article are america’s future demographic majority.”

+1 Obedient Christians too.

Comment by Skroodle
2013-11-10 09:40:44

If you go to any county hospital in Texas you will see that we are already giving them free medical care.

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Comment by Ben Jones
2013-11-10 09:50:07

‘you will see that we are already giving them free medical care’

I understand. That’s how they got it in Hidalgo county. And visit a Phoenix emergency room. So if people can already get free medical care, why is the government forcing everyone into the ACA?

Comment by Prime_Is_Contained
2013-11-10 09:58:11

So if people can already get free medical care, why is the government forcing everyone into the ACA?

Just so you don’t mistake my response as an endorsement of the ACA, let me state up-front that I consider the ACA to be a heinous, unconstitutional charade, and basically the WORST of the options that could have been pursued.

But let’s not pretend that ER visits are the same thing as access to health care. If you are dying, the ER is a great place to be. If you are not dying, the ER is a terrible place to be.

The ER is not the place to get any preventative care, nor for reasonable followup care.

Comment by Ben Jones
2013-11-10 10:07:50

I’ve related this story before. I read in the Phoenix paper about this young guy and his pregnant wife who showed up at an ER. The staff said, she’s not in labor; you need to go see a doctor. The couple went out to the parking lot, waited until she was in labor, and the ER handled it.

Comment by Prime_Is_Contained
2013-11-10 10:11:44

The couple went out to the parking lot, waited until she was in labor, and the ER handled it.

Yep, that works fine for anything emergent; it doesn’t work at all for preventive or followup care, though.

Comment by Skroodle
2013-11-10 14:37:40

Insurance companies make more money from ACA.

They make nothing from a visit to a county hospital.

Comment by Blue Skye
2013-11-10 15:57:29

The ACA is not a health care law, it is an insurance law. It is (for now) the best example of how the monied interests have captured our legislature.

Comment by United States of Crooked Politicians and Bankers
2013-11-10 21:05:08

“And visit a Phoenix emergency room.”

I spent a most unfortunate Christmas Eve there, with a burst appendix. The only white people were the workers.

Comment by spook
2013-11-10 08:06:56

Comment by Combotechie

With food stamps one cannot buy, say, an unprocessed sack of potatoes? Or a sack of rice? Or a sack of beans? Or anything else that is cheap and available and healthy to eat?

Thank you for making the comment that connects hunger with housing.

The healthy foods you describe require a KITCHEN; and a kitchen is part of a house where you store and cook food. My point is, everybody does not have access to a kitchen. I know its difficult for someone like you to understand but its true.

When I lived in my car to save up money for a place to live, my “no kitchen diet” was very unhealthy; in addition to being unsanitary. Most of the “heat-n-eat” foods are full of salt, sugar and various preservatives.

Food stamps are $200 a month for a single person. I think that comes out to about 7 dollars a day. How much is your monthly food budget?

Now, try living off that without a kitchen?

Comment by Combotechie
2013-11-10 08:11:41

So the answer is kitchens? Giving these people kitchens will solve their dietary problems?

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Comment by Combotechie
2013-11-10 08:14:50

In the article it talked of people reaching into their refrigerators for either junk food or insulin, which suggest that they have kitchens.

Comment by jose canusi
2013-11-10 08:18:02

“which suggest that they have kitchens”

Not necessarily. Some folks just have small refrigerators and a hot plate. Or microwave.

Comment by Combotechie
2013-11-10 08:21:33

Which means they can cook healthy food is they choose to do so.

Comment by jose canusi
2013-11-10 08:38:19

Salads. I really like salads. Fresh greens, tomatoes, celery, carrots, onions, etc. Whatever you can shred and chop and throw into it. Doesn’t require cooking. Does require refrigeration, though.

Comment by Skroodle
2013-11-10 09:45:21

You are seeing genetics in effect here.

Comment by rms
2013-11-10 10:09:00

“Salads. I really like salads.”

Does your salad come with an action figure?

Comment by Strawberrypicker
2013-11-10 08:12:20

A kitchen in every pot!

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Comment by Michael Viking
2013-11-10 10:06:04

Food stamps are $200 a month for a single person. I think that comes out to about 7 dollars a day. How much is your monthly food budget?

Last 12 months: $375
2012: $423
2011: $360
2010: $383
2009: $370
2008: $250
2007: $189
2006: $144
2005: $134
2004: $160
2003: $150
2002: $160

I get tired of hearing how $200 for a person isn’t enough to live on and they have to eat garbage.

That’s our average monthly food budget for the past 10 years. Numbers are conflated by kids and whether my wife was a homemaker spending a ton of time looking for coupons or in the workforce. I guess with food stamps we would be getting $600+/month. Sign me up for the food stamps since it looks like there’s money to be made!

We eat nice dinners at home every night with meat, salads, fruits, vegetables, etc. We each make our own lunches (typically sandwiches, fruit, milk) and we eat cereal for breakfast. In other words: every single bit of the food we eat in a month typically comes out of that monthly number.

We don’t eat cheap, either. For example we use “Dave’s Killer Bread” for the sandwiches, not some cheap, generic garbage. (Awesome bread by the way - shout out to Dave!) We aren’t overweight.

Of course, we do have a kitchen and a refrigerator, but if you gave me $600/month for food then I could live frugally enough to buy an oven and a refrigerator pretty quickly.

I heard it said once that if money were redistributed evenly that it wouldn’t take long for the poor to be poor again and the rich to be rich again. I believe it. A post today is the first I’ve heard it put that some humans are being domesticated. Boy howdy Friday that seems to fit.

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Comment by Housing Analyst
2013-11-10 11:46:22

How’s the housing selling going lately Mike Mc?

Comment by Albuquerquedan
2013-11-10 12:41:34

“heard it said once that if money were redistributed evenly that it wouldn’t take long for the poor to be poor again and the rich to be rich again. I believe it. A post today is the first I’ve heard it put that some humans are being domesticated. Boy howdy Friday that seems to fit.”

I think that with the poor, it would be very true. However, with many of the rich they are only rich because they inherited money and have smart people managing their money. These trust fund babies, often, demonstrate all the worse behaviors of the poor.

Comment by NH Hick
2013-11-10 09:08:18

Yea, we need more “food banks”. If you build it they will come.

Comment by Al Jazeera
2013-11-10 07:47:48

This is what happens when you take a feral population of humans and domesticate them. Domestication results in a complete change in phenotype.

Take the domestic pig for example. If you let them go feral where they have to live like a wild bore and fend for themselves after two generations they grow a thick coat of hair, a razorback, long legs, a larger head and larger brain and a straight tail. They look like wild bores. If you domesticate them after two generations they lose all their hair, turn pink, their legs shrink, their tails curl and their heads and brains shrink. They look like porky pig. Completely different phenotypes based on animals with the exact same genotype simply because of domestication.

Domesticating humans has been going on for centuries but nowhere do you see the effects as acutely as human populations raised in socialist systems. We are doing these people no favors in my opinion. I would personally rather perish than become domesticated on the farm of socialism.

Comment by jose canusi
2013-11-10 07:52:06

“I would personally rather perish than become domesticated on the farm of socialism.”

Which is why Orwell’s masterpiece is titled “Animal Farm”.

Comment by Ben Jones
2013-11-10 08:02:20

‘Domestication results in a complete change in phenotype’

OK, I can give you the situation down there because I lived it for years. This area is inside the zone where people from both countries can come and go legally. It’s about 50-150 miles depending on the highways. It’s a hybrid of nations. So many Mexican nationals chose to work and/or live on the US side. They can stay indefinitely, really. Have children. I know families that are not citizens that have been there for generations.

The health habits are bad. I was working with a guy who was straight from the Mexican interior one time. We had time to talk. At one point I asked him about alcoholism awareness in Mexico. He had no idea what I was talking about.

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Comment by In Colorado
2013-11-10 08:29:53

I know families that are not citizens that have been there for generations.

Uh … if they have been there for “generations” doesn’t that imply they were born in the US and are thus citizens?

“At one point I asked him about alcoholism awareness in Mexico. He had no idea what I was talking about.”

Interesting, as I remember such programs from 30+ years ago (don’t drink & drive, etc.). Your problem might simply have been your wording. They won’t call such a program “awareness”. They would call it “prevention”.

Comment by Ben Jones
2013-11-10 08:49:57

‘doesn’t that imply they were born in the US and are thus citizens’

I don’t know, I never asked them about their status. One guy I worked with was in his 50’s. He was originally from way south. He told me about coming over, and his family doing so as well. In all, 150 members of his family had settled in this zone. He told me about the injustice, etc. I asked him, ‘why didn’t you stay there and fight it?’ He laughed.

‘They would call it “prevention”

No, this guy had no concept of alcoholism. Didn’t even know what it was. These people are Indios. And I admired them for many things. They live for the day. Are generally happy; smiling, laughing, very upbeat. They don’t worry a lot, at least outwardly. It’s a mindset. One time I was on a street in Matamoros. A woman had just bought her child a toy that was in a big plastic package. Together they removed the package, and tossed it on the street. With no more thought than taking a breath of air. There were trashcans around, but it didn’t enter their minds to put the package in the trash.

Comment by In Colorado
2013-11-10 09:29:11

No, this guy had no concept of alcoholism. Didn’t even know what it was.

He must have been from the boondocks. Something you need to understand, the illegals who come to the US are Mexico’s “bottom of the barrel”. Few have more than a third grade education and most are semi-illiterate, even in Spanish. They are not the typical Mexican citizen. So it’s not surprising that he’s never heard of alcoholism.

I clearly remember the alcoholism PSA’s on TV when I lived there. And right now the big fight in Mexico is against obesity. I’ll bet he’s never heard of the obesity problem either, even though it’s front page news in the papers in Mexico City.

In reading your response, I think you meant that generations had migrated. That I could believe.

Comment by Skroodle
2013-11-10 09:44:09

Russia is the exact same was. Alcoholism is so normal, the only time anyone realizes it’s a problem is when their liver fails at age 50.

Comment by Ben Jones
2013-11-10 09:54:54

‘He must have been from the boondocks.’

Yeah, he was. He came in one day and told me he’d gotten a job in Houston. I said good luck and asked him how he was going to get there. He said, the bus.

Comment by Combotechie
2013-11-10 12:10:45

If you are rich then you should love the bus.

You may not ever ride the bus but as long as your hired help can ride the bus to get to you the bus will end up serving you, serving you indirectly.

Comment by Combotechie
2013-11-10 12:50:52

Plus, if the poor are located somewhere else and are bused in to work for you then whatever problems that are associated with being poor are to be coped with and dealt with and suffered by those people who live with these bussed in poor, which is in a place that is somewhere else.

Nifty, huh?

Comment by Carl Morris
2013-11-10 13:27:50

If you are rich then you should love the bus.

You may not ever ride the bus but as long as your hired help can ride the bus to get to you the bus will end up serving you, serving you indirectly.

You just described Boulder in a nutshell. No wonder they like public transportation so much…

Comment by spook
2013-11-10 17:21:11

You just described Boulder in a nutshell. No wonder they like public transportation so much…

True story

When I moved to Vienna Va in the 1980s I thought it was an all white town until my white friends told me there was a black section of Vienna they called “LA” which they said stood for “little Africa”.

For all the racism white people in the south get accused of by people in the north, their interaction level may have been higher due to practicality.

Comment by Combotechie
2013-11-10 11:57:27

Interesting comment about pigs, curly tails and such.

Something similar happens to wolves; Breed domestic wolves and after a couple of generations their tails go from being straight to acquiring a curl - like a dog’s tail. I understand the same thing happens with foxes.

Interesting stuff, IMO, as in “Why is that?”.

Comment by spook
2013-11-10 12:32:10

Its called evolution.

Evolution is the reason fish crawled out the water and turned into bears, and then the bears turned into whales.

In other words, fish came out of the ocean in order to become mammals.

And then some mammals decided they liked it better in the water so they changed back into whales.

Everybody knows that; don’t you watch tee-vee?

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Comment by Albuquerquedan
2013-11-10 12:44:46

I think what he is asking is how do animals that have identical genes change so quickly since it is not their genes that have changed. More and more we are learning about how the environment can switch on and off genes so species can make drastic changes within a short period without really changing genetically.

Comment by Combotechie
2013-11-10 13:00:16

Yeah, that basicly what I am wondering about. I like your comment about genes switching on and off. That fits.

It’s not as if the gene goes away or evolves or changes in some way - this is shown not to happen because the tamed will go back to the wild just as readily as the wild will become tamed, but it does suggest that dormant genes become activated and activated genes become dormant.

Again, interesting stuff.

Comment by spook
2013-11-10 13:16:52

environment can switch on and off genes so species can make drastic changes within a short period without really changing genetically.

OK, but during the time Im “evolving” from Micheal Jordan into Micheal Phelps, Im going to suck at both swimming AND basketball?

how do I eat during that “short” time period?

Comment by Carl Morris
2013-11-10 13:29:43

OK, but during the time Im “evolving” from Micheal Jordan into Micheal Phelps, Im going to suck at both swimming AND basketball?

Yeah, there’s an intermediate phase where you play baseball. Micheal Jordan tried but couldn’t get through that part.

Comment by Happy2bHeard
2013-11-10 14:04:42

As I recall the study of fox domestication in Russia, when they were bred for tameness, their phenotype became much more variable. Droopy ears, curly tails, piebald coats showed up. I suspect that in the wild, there were selective pressures for conformity of appearance.

Selective breeding programs can cause rapid genetic change. You can interbreed those individuals that carry the traits you desire. As long as you are willing to cull out undesirable traits, you can end up with a healthy breed. It is more difficult to breed for 2 traits at the same time.

The speed with which you can induce genetic change is dependent on the length of generations. Dogs can produce several litters per year and are of reproductive age in a year. Humans are able to reproduce in about 13 years, although females are at risk at that age. Genetic change can happen 13 times faster in dogs than in humans.

Species with a reproductive strategy of many offspring and short generations are able to respond to changing environments better than those that have fewer offspring and longer generations. It remains to be seen if human intelligence can continue to compensate for longer generations or if it is an evolutionary dead end.

Comment by spook
2013-11-10 13:46:57

Breed domestic wolves and after a couple of generations their tails go from being straight to acquiring a curl

How many generations would it take to replace the tail with a fluke?

Or does playing basketball make you taller?

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Comment by Happy2bHeard
2013-11-10 14:12:25

“How many generations would it take to replace the tail with a fluke?”

That partly depends on how severe the selective pressure is. If the selective pressure is severe enough to reduce the population by 99%, it will happen rapidly - possibly within one or two generations (if the species survives). If the selective pressure only reduces the population by 1%, it may never happen. At 1%, you might only get more buoyancy or webbed toes.

Comment by spook
2013-11-10 14:34:08

That partly depends on how severe the selective pressure is. If the selective pressure is severe enough to reduce the population by 99%, it will happen rapidly - possibly within one or two generations (if the species survives). If the selective pressure only reduces the population by 1%, it may never happen. At 1%, you might only get more buoyancy or webbed toes.


So if you force dogs to swim, they will turn into whales?

Because of the pressure they are under to swim?

Comment by Albuquerquedan
2013-11-10 14:37:50

This is a good explanation of genes switching on and off.

Comment by spook
2013-11-10 15:11:21

you mean theres no Ted Talk?

Comment by Happy2bHeard
2013-11-10 22:51:04

“So if you force dogs to swim, they will turn into whales?”

Not necessarily. But with the right selective pressures, they will become air breathing water mammals like dolphins and whales.

If dogs are in an environment where the better swimmers breed more, at first you will get dogs that swim like beavers, then seals, and eventually whales. Seals breed on land and eat in the water. They are about half way to whales.

If dogs are in an environment where they can still get a lot of their food on land, they may never evolve into a water mammal. The selective pressure to retain land advantaged characteristics may be too great for the water advantaged ones to take over.

The selective pressure may not be a negative pressure like a dearth of food on land. It may be a positive pressure like an abundance of food in water.

It does not even have to be a killing pressure. It can simply be a breeding pressure, like the feathers of a peacock. The peahens apply the selective pressure.

Comment by spook
2013-11-11 07:01:29

Not necessarily. But with the right selective pressures, they will become air breathing water mammals like dolphins and whales.

So what is the mechanism for adaption that results in a change of morphology instead of extinction?

How can BOTH the “selective pressures” that drive a fish out of the water to become a mammal; and then turns that mammal around to drive it back into the ocean…

both be “right?”

This sounds like the Apollo moon landings.

Comment by goon squad
2013-11-10 08:01:28

Meanwhile, how the 1% live:

“Farley resides in Clarksville, Md., a bedroom community midway between Washington and Baltimore where the median household income tops $181,000, more than triple the national average.

An astonishing 98 percent of River Hill High School’s graduates head to college. Volvos, Mercedes-Benzes and BMWs are scattered throughout the student parking lot. Even pets get in on the refined tastes of their owners; in a small shopping center near the school, a shop specializing in organic dog food is next door to the organic grocery store.

Clarksville sits in one of the nation’s “Super Zips” — a term coined by American Enterprise Institute scholar and author Charles Murray to describe the country’s most prosperous, highly educated demographic clusters. On average, they have a median household income of $120,000, and 7 in 10 adults have college degrees.

Although these areas would be considered rare in much of the country, they’re fairly ordinary by Washington standards.

A Washington Post analysis of the latest census data shows that more than a third of Zip codes in the D.C. metro area rank in the top 5 percent nationally for income and education. But what makes the region truly unusual is that so many of the high-end Zip codes are contiguous. They form a vast land mass that bounds across 717 square miles. It stretches 60 miles from its northern tip in Woodstock, Md., to the southern end in Fairfax Station, and runs 30 miles wide from Haymarket in Prince William County to the heart of the District up to Rock Creek Parkway.

One in four households in the region are in a Super Zip, according to the Post analysis. Since the 2000 Census on which Murray based his analysis, Washington’s Super Zips have grown to encompass 100,000 more residents. Only the New York City area has more Super Zips, but they are a much smaller share of the total of that region’s Zip codes and are more scattered.

Zip codes are large swaths of territory, and people from many different walks of life live in them. But many Washington neighborhoods are becoming more economically homogenous as longtime homeowners move out and increasing housing prices prevent the less affluent from moving in. The eventual result, in many cases, is a Super Zip. And because the contiguous Super Zips are surrounded by areas that are almost as well-off, it’s possible to live in a Super Zip and rarely encounter others without college degrees or professional jobs.

“It’s a megalopolis of eggheads,” said William H. Frey, a demographer with the Brookings Institution. Frey said Washington is an example of how the country is compartmentalizing itself into clusters of people with different backgrounds and world views.

Comment by shendi
2013-11-10 08:11:47

So where are the slums next to these “super zips”? The place where the maids, groundskeepers etc. that need to be bused in from.

Comment by Combotechie
2013-11-10 08:15:55

Next to the bus station?

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Comment by Combotechie
2013-11-10 09:18:03

Not trying to be sarcastic but, really, if one’s access to a job is dependent on public transportation then the closer ones lives to public transportation the closer he lives to his access to a job.

One does not have to live near where he works he only has to have access to get to where he works - as thousands (millions) of commuters demonstrate every workday.

Comment by In Colorado
2013-11-10 08:33:50

it’s possible to live in a Super Zip and rarely encounter others without college degrees or professional jobs

I guess all of their maids, landscapers, retail clerks, restaurant workers, plumbers, electricians, etc, have college degrees.

Comment by Carl Morris
2013-11-10 13:31:45

By “encounter” I think they meant “actually interface with as a fellow citizen”. I don’t think getting served by counts.

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Comment by United States of Crooked Politicians and Bankers
2013-11-10 21:23:27

You mean you are not interfacing with somebody when you are paying for their service? Huh?

Comment by Carl Morris
2013-11-10 21:41:25

Sort of. Big difference between interfacing as equals and getting served, though. Your servers aren’t allowed to tell you their problems.

Comment by steadykat
2013-11-10 13:09:16

Personally, I see only one difference between the people of Hildago County and the individuals who live in the Clarksville “Super Zip” (most of whom are probably working in D.C.).

The Clarksville parasites are doing better just because they are attached to a larger taxpayer artery.

Comment by United States of Crooked Politicians and Bankers
2013-11-10 21:21:27

“Super Zips”

I just threw up in my mouth.

Comment by SUGuy
2013-11-10 08:19:43

There is a lot of money and cash floating around this poor village in NY. Having intimate knowledge I can assure you that this village is cash rich. It is only poor on paper.

A Village With the Numbers, Not the Image, of the Poorest Place

Comment by Housing Analyst
2013-11-10 11:41:52

Oh the things I know about Kiryas….. ;)

Comment by goon squad
2013-11-10 12:18:54


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Comment by SUGuy
2013-11-10 12:49:38

“Oh the things I know about Kiryas”

Me too and in real depth including Munsey NY. I guess you know how contractors feel about doing business in those communities.

Btw I have a business associate and a friend who build the largest house on Lake Louise Marie for 1.2 million. It is the largest pos on that little pond. Any way he is building 7 homes about 1800 sq.ft in Orange County. For the lots he paid 35K each and his building cost is around $45 per sq ft.

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Comment by Housing Analyst
2013-11-10 12:59:53

heh…. My counterparts have seen $hit go down there that would curl your toenails.

Fundamentalism isn’t confined to any one faith.

Comment by ibbots
2013-11-10 08:38:44

Cheese covered Cheetos?

It seems like being to buy sugary, processed, fattening foods with a SNAP card just facilitates poor decision making. When the congressman from there tries to change that, he gets shot down by big industry, Coke/Snapple. Is it really just big companies feeding at the public trough (again) and the fat people are merely a side effect?

Comment by In Colorado
2013-11-10 09:36:24

How much does a bag of cheetos cost? $3? $4?

How much is the typical food stamp benefit per day? A: about $5

When I see the EBT crowd at walmart, they typically have their carts loaded up with cheap starchy stuff: potatoes, pasta, generic soda pop in 2 liter bottles, etc.

Comment by AbsoluteBeginner
2013-11-10 16:30:08

‘When I see the EBT crowd at walmart, they typically have their carts loaded up with cheap starchy stuff: potatoes, pasta, generic soda pop in 2 liter bottles, etc.’

The People of Walmart is a sure thing.

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Comment by Prime_Is_Contained
2013-11-10 08:59:35

Their “Exhibit A” has been on food-stamps for almost a decade–and yet somehow manages to drive a car nicer than any of mine.


Comment by inchbyinch
2013-11-10 11:28:03

Hidalgo County’s sob story is BS. You don’t need to fill yourself up on empty carbs when you’re living on food stamps. The 99C only Stores and other major discount chains (like Wal-Mart) have lots of reasonably priced produce and meats n bulk. A bag of apples can be had for a couple dollars, and a huge bag of chicken breasts can be consumed creatively to stretch the buck. I’ve done it. They are too damn lazy to eat right. They like their junk food. Changing bad behaviors takes work. Work ethic is in short supply in Hidalgo County.

(I just bought a 24 oz bag (1 ea) of unsalted shelled walnuts and pecan halves at Wal-Mart for $10/ea yesterday. Nuts fill you up and are healthy.) These people are worthless.

Comment by Albuquerquedan
2013-11-10 12:07:13

It is all about IQ. Countries rise and fall based on their IQs. Unfortunately, history has shown that successful countries will bring in slaves and cheap labor only to be overwhelmed by them demographically. Neither Rome nor Greece will ever obtain their former glory because the genetics of the regions changed. Germany and Japan came back from total devastation after WWII because the genetics of the country had not changed.

Comment by spook
2013-11-10 12:36:59

history has shown that successful countries will bring in slaves and cheap labor only to be overwhelmed by them demographically

I keep hearing this “high IQ argument” But if you really have a high IQ, shouldn’t you be smart enough to know what bringing in slaves will do?

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Comment by Albuquerquedan
2013-11-10 12:49:50

How many people care beyond their own generation? We tend to be short-term thinking creations even when we have a high IQ. That said, some countries and Japan is one of them, have not fallen into the trap and have not allow massive immigration. Within a few years when robots will be doing all menial labor, they will rebound like a rocket, while we try to figure out what do with people that are incapable of doing anything but a menial job.

Comment by spook
2013-11-10 13:32:05

Within a few years when robots will be doing all menial labor, they will rebound like a rocket,

Is that before or after they land on the moon?

Without nonwhite people the United States would have never survived to become a superpower because white people would have cut each other to pieces.

What country you from?

Comment by Albuquerquedan
2013-11-10 14:30:13

You make the assumption that I believe that only white people can have a high IQ and there are no white people with a low IQ, I do not. I would like to know how non-white kept whites from cutting each other to pieces. The worse war we ever had was the Civil War in which all the wealth created by the institution of slavery was wiped out. What happened to the South should be an example of why cheap labor is never cheap, unfortunately we do not seem to learn from it.

Comment by spook
2013-11-10 14:50:38

I would like to know how non-white kept whites from cutting each other to pieces.

Are you a white person?

Because if you are, it means you know what a white person is.

I can’t tell a white person anything about race that they don’t already know.

(nice try anyway though)

Comment by Al Jazeera
2013-11-10 16:15:33

I keep hearing this “high IQ argument” But if you really have a high IQ, shouldn’t you be smart enough to know what bringing in slaves will do?


That’s a trick question, clearly the Greek and Roman slaves had the higher IQ. It’s the old Trojan House Trick.

Comment by Al Jazeera
2013-11-10 16:38:38

I would like to know how non-white kept whites from cutting each other to pieces.

Consider Otto von Bismarck 12/5/1888:

„Ihre Karte von Afrika ist ja sehr schön, aber meine Karte von Afrika liegt in Europa. Hier liegt Rußland, und hier” - nach links deutend - “liegt Frankreich, und wir sind in der Mitte; das ist meine Karte von Afrika.”


Your map of Africa is really quite nice. But my map of Africa lies in Europe. Here is Russia, and here… is France, and we’re in the middle — that’s my map of Africa.

If building pressures in Europe were allowed to play out on the European continent then World War I would have happened 20 - 30 years earlier. Instead they played out in Africa and beyond postponing massive destruction in Europe for at least two to three decades.

Comment by Al Jazeera
2013-11-10 17:01:03

It is all about IQ. Countries rise and fall based on their IQs. Unfortunately, history has shown that successful countries will bring in slaves and cheap labor only to be overwhelmed by them demographically. Neither Rome nor Greece will ever obtain their former glory because the genetics of the regions changed.


Once upon a time Rome was an insignificant city-state of little note and of abysmal fighting ability. They were consistently crushed at sea. No observer then would have thought that these people had a high I.Q. at the time.

So how did they become a great military power? They unleashed the rage of one North African, Hamilcar Barca and his son Hannibal. Hamilcar Barca and Hannibal were far wiser than the Romans and beat them at almost every turn. See the monument of the Battle of Cannae where lay at rest the fruit of Rome.

Only a fight for their very survival taught the Romans to be what we remember them to be. Without the superior forces of Hannibal Romans never would have developed into the force.

Comment by United States of Crooked Politicians and Bankers
2013-11-10 21:27:36

“I keep hearing this “high IQ argument” But if you really have a high IQ, shouldn’t you be smart enough to know what bringing in slaves will do?”

Never underestimate the power of greed.

Comment by Happy2bHeard
2013-11-10 23:11:11

IQ is not only affected by DNA. There are environmental conditions, like lead and malnutrition, that can detrimentally affect intelligence.

Some of the differences in IQ that you key in on are related to poverty and not to DNA. Some of the differences are related to the test itself because the test favors some kinds of knowledge and ability over others.

And if we ever decide to breed for intelligence, we may find ourselves with a less robust population in the future. We may end up with a thin-boned, smaller or immunologically weaker population that is less able to adapt.

In genetics, diversity in a population is a strength. My ancestors adapted to a lack of sunlight in northern latitudes. This is a disadvantage in equatorial latitudes. If we lose the ozone layer, my descendants will be at a disadvantage relative to darker skinned people.

Regarding Rome and Greece, it may have been technological loss and not genetics that caused them to be unable to recover. Both Japan and Germany existed in a world that retained technological capability.

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Comment by Housing Analyst
2013-11-11 07:05:57

It was karma that doomed them.

Comment by spook
2013-11-11 07:09:53

If we lose the ozone layer, my descendants will be at a disadvantage relative to darker skinned people.

Thats nonsense.

1. You can invent suntan lotion.

2. You can enslave the darker people and force them to go outside and work while you stay on the front porch and drink mint julip and play checkers.

3. You can rape the darker women and have offspring with more melanin.

In other words, as long as your fist stay balled up; you got nothing to worry about.

Can you deliver a good beatdown?

Comment by Ben Jones
2013-11-10 12:09:38

I wouldn’t say they are worthless. It’s difficult to explain, because it’s like an alternative dimension. It is like Mexico, but with the food stamps, etc, they don’t have the poverty they used to. I have read that Mexico is the most obese nation now.

I knew a gringo who had a wife and little house about 30 miles into Mexico south of Matamoros. He had some crazy stories. One thing he confirmed from travel books is don’t drive at night. The big reason for him was the number of cars that don’t have any lights. And when trucks break down on a hill, the drivers put rocks behind the tires. Then when they get the truck going again, they leave the rocks in the road. So you can be driving along at night and hit a 20 pound rock. Of course, this was just as the Zeta’s were forming, so it’s all different now.

This area has some of the cheapest fruit and veg you will find in the US. Sometimes a Safeway will sell mango’s 10 for a dollar, for example.

‘Mexican authorities freed 61 kidnapping victims in the northern border city of Reynosa, the government said on Friday, liberating a mix of foreign nationals that included at least nine minors and one American. The raid, which took place on Thursday in four separate buildings in Reynosa, freed captives from Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Mexico and the United States, government spokesman Eduardo Sanchez said. He said the captives, many of whom had been trying to cross the border into the United States, had been held there for at least a week in “inhuman conditions,” although he did not go into details. Reynosa is across the border from McAllen, Texas. The captives included children ages 2, 7 and 11, he added.’

‘A recent Pew Research Center report found that as of March 2012, 11.7 million illegal immigrants were living in the United States, according to a preliminary estimate based on U.S. government data. The number of such immigrants in the country peaked at 12.2 million in 2007 and fell to 11.3 million in 2009, bucking an upward trend that had held for decades, the study found. Immigration reform is one of U.S. President Barack Obama’s main objectives following his re-election last year. The White House hopes to push through a broad bill to reform immigration rules and provide a pathway to citizenship for the undocumented, but the effort has stalled in the House of Representatives after passing with bipartisan support in the Senate.’

Comment by inchbyinch
2013-11-10 15:56:10

“I wouldn’t say they are worthless.”

You’re right and I apologize. That wasn’t very nice of me.

Corn has got be one of the worst cultural norms of Mexicans. Talk about blowing out your pancreas and sending blood sugars to the moon, and adding pounds. Big Pharma is salivating.

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Comment by aNYCdj
2013-11-10 12:14:54

They cook everything in FAT.. not sure how they can afford buying potato chips cheetos and sugared sodas

Oh wait i tried some mexican sugared soda it was very sweet at least 70% more calories the say Dr Pepper….

They have a poor or no public transportation system so they drive and there are probably a lot of 7-11 mini mart with in walking distance….

Comment by United States of Crooked Politicians and Bankers
2013-11-10 21:30:17

Mexican soda at least uses sugar and not “High Fu*ktose Corn Syrup.”

Comment by Housing Analyst
2013-11-10 07:31:36

“Remember what I told you? Debt is bondage”~Suze Orman, November 09, 2013

Comment by goon squad
2013-11-10 07:44:04

Realtors are financial terrorists.

Comment by azdude02
2013-11-10 07:36:01

so when the markets crash, will the powers that be say they never saw it coming and use it as an excuse to print more money to save the economy?

Comment by Whac-A-Bubble™
2013-11-10 07:51:42

Does the sun rise in the east?

Comment by azdude02
2013-11-10 08:35:37

exactly dude, you know what will happen next time around. the current system is not sustainable. wages keep going down and prices keep going up. Its the little things too.

I was in autozone the other day. 5 bucks for a quart of oil, bs on that. ground beef at 4 bucks a pound?

the dollar stores are really expanding around here. dollar tree , .99 cents stores etc. I think walmart is feeling the pinch.

If they keep raising rates on this satelite tv deal I’m calling it quits.

Comment by In Colorado
2013-11-10 09:32:45

If they keep raising rates on this satelite tv deal I’m calling it quits.

You can get an indoor HD antenna for $80 or less.

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Comment by Steve W
2013-11-10 10:47:04

You don’t even need an 80 dollar one (well, unless you’re 20+ miles from the source, but then you might need an outdoor). My 15 dollar rabbit ear RCA antenna gets all the local HD channels.

Really want to get rid of my dish but hockey is impossible to watch without the local sports network. And the darn playoffs now aren’t even on the local sports network, I had to “upgrade” to get NBC sports network to watch the Cup. Probably not worth the money I spend but ya gotta spend it on something.

Comment by ibbots
2013-11-10 13:40:56

Heh, I bought an HD antenna for $3 or so and believe it not, it actually worked pretty well.

Comment by Bill, just South of Irvine, CA
2013-11-10 09:56:31

I hardly ever watch TV. But when I do, it’s the Dos Equis advertisements I watch.

Stay thirsty my friends.

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Comment by Whac-A-Bubble™
2013-11-10 12:03:13

Two-buck-Chuck now sells at Trader Joe’s for $2.50 a bottle — a 25% increase over what it cost when I was in graduate school ($2.00 a bottle).

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Comment by rms
2013-11-10 10:25:06

Does the sun rise in the east?

Comment by In Colorado
2013-11-10 08:34:50

ZIRP forever!

Comment by tj
2013-11-10 07:41:34

Comment by Ben Jones
2013-11-09 12:05:27

There are two debates here. What the central bankers are doing is wrong-headed and creating bubbles. That there shouldn’t be a central bank.

but if there’s no central bank, how do we stop bank runs? bank runs devastated customers as well as banks.

Comment by Ben Jones
2013-11-10 07:54:07

‘if there’s no central bank, how do we stop bank runs’

The FDIC is what stops that.

Comment by tj
2013-11-10 07:59:15

the FDIC won’t prevent this disaster. it’s a sham. when these banks start to fail, there won’t be enough money in the FDIC to pay even a tiny percentage of they promise.

Comment by tj
2013-11-10 08:10:15

and when the FDIC can’t pay, we’ll be forced into even more bailouts.

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Comment by tj
2013-11-10 08:16:14

also, let me anticipate the big government answer.

“then the banks need more regulation”..

but then the banks become more expensive to run. dodd-frank has already ruined most free checking. it has sent banks scrambling to find money in other ways.

if we turn to more regs, the banking system could become even more inaccessible to more people. everyone would be paying even more.

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Comment by In Colorado
2013-11-10 08:36:30

also, let me anticipate the big government answer.

“then the banks need more regulation”..

Well, it was when we deregulated the banks that all of this cr@p started happening.

Comment by tj
2013-11-10 08:41:33

Well, it was when we deregulated the banks that all of this cr@p started happening.

it was the FDIC that made the banking system unstable by insuring accounts. then the banks didn’t have to be careful about their loans and other activities.

the FDIC made glass-steagall a necessity. it was a big mistake to repeal it. but without the FDIC, glass-steagall would have never been necessary.

Comment by Prime_Is_Contained
2013-11-10 08:53:05

it was the FDIC that made the banking system unstable by insuring accounts.

LOL—too funny.

So the banking system was “stable” in your view during the Great Depression, when all of the banks were failing left and right?

It would have been hard for the FDIC to have caused that little bout of instability, as it didn’t exist at the time—e.g. it was created in response to that instability.

You crack me up.

Comment by tj
2013-11-10 08:57:22

You crack me up.

you crack me up too.

Comment by Ben Jones
2013-11-10 09:06:10

‘when all of the banks were failing left and right’

In the 80’s, every major bank in Texas failed. Nobody sat around crying for them, even though the pain was sharp.

It’s funny how posters here will talk about crony capitalism, and moral hazard. But when it comes to letting the chips fall, we hear, ‘oh. the great depression!’ You can’t have it both ways.

Here’s an idea; don’t put your money in a risky bank. If your bank takes risks and fails, too bad.

Comment by tj
2013-11-10 09:12:55

Here’s an idea; don’t put your money in a risky bank. If your bank takes risks and fails, too bad.

eggszackly. don’t put the taxpayers on the hook. end the FDIC and return the FED to its original mission.. prevent bank runs. but let them eat their losses for their bad loans and bad decisions. LET THEM FAIL! that way, both they and their customers will be more careful.

Comment by Prime_Is_Contained
2013-11-10 09:25:58

Facts crack you up, eh?

The FDIC was created in 1933 in response to the thousands of bank failures that occurred in the 1920s and early 1930s.


During the 1930s, the U.S. and the rest of the world experienced a severe economic contraction known as the Great Depression. In the U.S. during the height of the Great Depression, the official unemployment rate was 25% and the stock market had declined 75% since 1929. Bank runs were common because there was not insurance on deposits at banks, banks kept only a fraction of deposits in reserve, and customers ran the risk of losing the money that they had deposited if their bank failed.[7]

On June 16, 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Banking Act of 1933. This legislation:[7] [...]

Comment by MightyMike
2013-11-10 09:27:55

but let them eat their losses for their bad loans and bad decisions. LET THEM FAIL! that way, both they and their customers will be more careful.

That sounds quite challenging. An ordinary person who opens a savings account or a checking account would need to monitor the loans that the bank is making. How would that work exactly? I suppose the bank could be audited annually with the reports distributed to the public, but how many would know how to read those reports?

Comment by Prime_Is_Contained
2013-11-10 09:32:53

It’s funny how posters here will talk about crony capitalism, and moral hazard. But when it comes to letting the chips fall, we hear, ‘oh. the great depression!’ You can’t have it both ways.

To be clear, I’d be fine with such a banking system; I wish the losses had been allowed to fall where they would have, and by avoiding that, I think that we missed out on the one up-side (learning) that should have occurred during this GFC.

But that’s not the same as saying that the FDIC is the cause of all bank instability. There was plenty of instability before it was created.

Let’s attribute the instability where it really lies: banks lend short (e.g. demand accounts), and lend long (uncallable loans). That’s the fundamental problem, and a recipe for instability.

Comment by Prime_Is_Contained
2013-11-10 09:35:46

In the 80’s, every major bank in Texas failed. Nobody sat around crying for them, even though the pain was sharp.

The Savings-and-Loan Crisis was handled WAY better than this one. And even back then, I remember feeling really angry that my tax dollars were going to pay for the harm caused by a bunch of fraudsters. At least there were perp-walks in that go-around.

Comment by Ben Jones
2013-11-10 09:43:07

One time I interviewed with some people who were trying to start a bank outside of the Federal Reserve system. The thing was, they couldn’t do fractional reserve lending. And no FDIC. So it didn’t get off the ground. They couldn’t get enough deposits because they had no government guarantee. And they would have been limited to loaning out what they actually had. Gasp!

‘Fractional-reserve banking is the practice whereby a bank retains only a portion of its customers’ deposits as readily available reserves from which to satisfy demands for withdrawals. Reserves are held at the bank as currency or held as deposits in the bank’s accounts at the central bank. The remainder of customer-deposited funds is used to fund investments or loans that the bank makes to other customers. Most of these loaned funds are later redeposited into other banks, allowing further lending. Because bank deposits are usually considered money in their own right, fractional-reserve banking permits the money supply to grow to a multiple (called the money multiplier) of the underlying reserves of base money originally created by the central bank.’

‘To mitigate the risks of bank runs (when a large proportion of depositors seek withdrawal of their demand deposits at the same time) or, when problems are extreme and widespread, systemic crises, the governments of most countries regulate and oversee commercial banks, provide deposit insurance and act as lender of last resort to commercial banks.[1][2] In most countries, the central bank (or other monetary authority) regulates bank credit creation, imposing reserve requirements and other capital adequacy ratios. This limits the amount of money creation that occurs in the commercial banking system, and helps ensure that banks have enough funds to meet the demand for withdrawals.’

‘Fractional-reserve banking is the current form of banking in all countries worldwide.’

‘The table below displays the relending model of how loans are funded and how the money supply is affected. It also shows how central bank money is used to create commercial bank money from an initial deposit of $100 of central bank money. In the example, the initial deposit is lent out 10 times with a fractional-reserve rate of 20% to ultimately create $500 of commercial bank money (it is important to note that the 20% reserve rate used here is for ease of illustration, actual reserve requirements are usually a lot lower, for example around 3% in the USA and UK).’

Then throw in banks using derivatives for even more leverage. Very few understand just how juiced our financial system really is.

Comment by tj
2013-11-10 10:00:51

Facts crack you up, eh?

evidently you can’t read. i said YOU crack me up, not facts.

Comment by tj
2013-11-10 10:08:50

An ordinary person who opens a savings account or a checking account would need to monitor the loans that the bank is making.

yes, but private services would spring up to help you.

How would that work exactly?

banks that offered low interest rates would bend over backwards to show how safe they were. banks that offered higher interest rates would probably be watched more closely. everyone and everything would be watching them.

Comment by Prime_Is_Contained
2013-11-10 10:17:45

yes, but private services would spring up to help you.

banks that offered low interest rates would bend over backwards to show how safe they were. banks that offered higher interest rates would probably be watched more closely. everyone and everything would be watching them.

That reminds me of all of the private-market services that perform the same function for bond ratings. They did a bang-up job of sounding the alarm and pointing out the risks in all of that AAA-rated MBS, didn’t they?!?

I’ll sleep soundly with my money in a AAA-rated bank…

Comment by MightyMike
2013-11-10 12:09:16

yes, but private services would spring up to help you.

banks that offered low interest rates would bend over backwards to show how safe they were. banks that offered higher interest rates would probably be watched more closely. everyone and everything would be watching them.

Did that happen before the FDIC?

Comment by tj
2013-11-10 12:34:01

Did that happen before the FDIC?

yes, but keep in mind that as information technology advanced, it became easier and easier to watch banks. they would have become more proficient as time went by because without the FDIC, they would have been needed and relied upon.

of course CRAs aren’t much good when they’re being pressured by governments to keep ratings falsely high. and if there were no FDIC, there’d be much less reason for government to want high bank ratings, although the pressure wouldn’t go away altogether.

Comment by MightyMike
2013-11-10 13:28:20

Did that happen before the FDIC?

yes, but keep in mind that as information technology advanced, it became easier and easier to watch banks. they would have become more proficient as time went by because without the FDIC, they would have been needed and relied upon.

Do you actually know this for a fact, or are you just making an assumption? I haven’t read a lot about bank runs, but I think that they were sometimes caused by a sudden concern that a bank wouldn’t be able to pay back its depositors. In some cases, it wouldn’t matter whether the bank had made a lot of bad loans. If enough people were worried about the bank, the concern would become a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy. All that was needed was for 10% or 20% of the depositors to show up and demand their balances, and the bank wouldn’t be able to pay out those balances. The purpose of the FDIC was to assure depositors that they would get paid, so that the bank runs wouldn’t get started in the first place.

Comment by tj
2013-11-10 13:47:07

Do you actually know this for a fact, or are you just making an assumption?

if you don’t believe me it’s a easy matter to google it and find out for yourself.

If enough people were worried about the bank, the concern would become a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy.

sometimes a rumor could start a bank run. that was the original reason for the FED. but then the FED became politicized as it was given a series mandates. the fools didn’t know it wasn’t possible to do what they were demanding. prosperity can’t be mandated. it has to be earned. always. FED’s mandate for steady prices through the market out of equilibrium. the FED can’t engineer steady prices even though just about everyone believes it can. these are the errors and disasters the politicians have heaped on us.

All that was needed was for 10% or 20% of the depositors to show up and demand their balances, and the bank wouldn’t be able to pay out those balances.

central banking ended bank runs. that should have remained its only purpose. there never should have been any mandates. the mandates have all been destructive to the economy.

The purpose of the FDIC was to assure depositors that they would get paid,

yes, by putting taxpayers on the hook. you won’t like it when these banks begin to fail. the FDIC doesn’t have enough money to cover depositors. you will see the mother of all bailouts then. it might literally end the dollar.

Comment by Housing Analyst
2013-11-10 14:10:09

They’ve already failed. The only reason collapse has been avoided is the Frauderal Reserve.

Comment by Prime_Is_Contained
2013-11-10 14:26:46

if you don’t believe me it’s a easy matter to google it and find out for yourself.

As you’re the one asserting it as a fact, shouldn’t you provide the supporting evidence?

Link, please.

Or if you can’t point to any supporting evidence, please stop making stuff up.

Comment by Prime_Is_Contained
2013-11-10 14:29:46

central banking ended bank runs.

How would it possibly do that??

Having a central bank does not help you when the bank that used to have your money is insolvent, and can’t give you your money back.

Only the existence of the FDIC made depositors less concerned about the health of their individual institution, as it removed the risk from them. Your assertion that having a central bank would serve that same function is nonsense.

Comment by tj
2013-11-10 14:29:49

Link, please.

jam it.

Comment by tj
2013-11-10 14:47:28

They’ve already failed.

yes, in the sense that most are already insolvent.

Comment by Prime_Is_Contained
2013-11-11 00:18:35

jam it.

My, what a compelling argument you have.

Comment by Bill, just south of Irvine
2013-11-10 07:48:15

I am home in Phoenix for the weekend. Love my apartment I am renting. In a few years I will get a job in Chandler or Gilbert, a short distance. Will have enough room to park a second car, a car for fun or luxury, and the older I get the more likely I will do luxury. My entire rent paid by my municipal bond income and savings bond interest!

Comment by goon squad
2013-11-10 08:13:45

Stop being so rich and having so much fun! You need a wife and a mortgage to suck up some of that disposable income.

Repost of this link from a few days ago, this book is excellent.

Men on Strike: Why Men Are Boycotting Marriage, Fatherhood, and the American Dream - and Why It Matters by Helen Smith, PhD

“American society has become anti-male. Men are sensing the backlash and are consciously and unconsciously going “on strike.” They are dropping out of college, leaving the workforce and avoiding marriage and fatherhood at alarming rates. The trend is so pronounced that a number of books have been written about this “man-child” phenomenon, concluding that men have taken a vacation from responsibility simply because they can. But why should men participate in a system that seems to be increasingly stacked against them?

As Men on Strike demonstrates, men aren’t dropping out because they are stuck in arrested development. They are instead acting rationally in response to the lack of incentives society offers them to be responsible fathers, husbands and providers. In addition, men are going on strike, either consciously or unconsciously, because they do not want to be injured by the myriad of laws, attitudes and hostility against them for the crime of happening to be male in the twenty-first century. Men are starting to fight back against the backlash. Men on Strike explains their battle cry.

Comment by In Colorado
2013-11-10 08:39:48

They are instead acting rationally in response to the lack of incentives society offers them to be responsible fathers, husbands and providers.


Plus many women are more than happy to put out. Why buy the loaf when you can have friends with benefits?

Comment by MightyMike
2013-11-10 09:21:54

That might explain the decline in marriage rates. I can’t see how it would cause males to drop out of college and leave the workforce.

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Comment by Bill, just South of Irvine, CA
2013-11-10 10:23:20

It is not necessarily true that single men who’ve sworn off marriage are dropping out of college or declining to work for the big bucks. Where is that comIng from? I am financially secure BECAUSE I am single. Most married people pay for too large a roof over their heads. It’s a myth that when you buy real estate and pool with others, you will have more money left over to invest.

The title of her book implies single men are giving up the American Dream. What’s the American Dream? To be a good father? To own a house and depend on that for your retirement

having kids is a roll of the dice. One guy this morning was talking to a gal about one of his sons, in a halfway house. I stayed quiet of course.

Comment by rms
2013-11-10 10:29:20

“I stayed quiet of course.”

No Jim Carrey laughing outburst?

Comment by In Colorado
2013-11-10 10:34:02

I can’t see how it would cause males to drop out of college and leave the workforce.

Well, if one is young, has some savings and no obligations I could see the young pup dropping and going backpacking for a year.

Or maybe they are content with playing X-Box with their buds, while working a low stress lucky ducky job and getting some occasional friends with benefits nookie?

Why aim higher when they saw dad get laid off and have to take a menial job or two when his unemployment ran out, while mom scrambled working three jobs so they wouldn’t lose the house?

Comment by MightyMike
2013-11-10 12:03:46

Where is that coming form?

Up above at 2013-11-10 08:13:45, Goon Squad has this quote form the book that we’re talking about:

“American society has become anti-male. Men are sensing the backlash and are consciously and unconsciously going “on strike.” They are dropping out of college, leaving the workforce and avoiding marriage and fatherhood at alarming rates”

I Googled this book and found an interview with the author. It was with Lou Dobbs on good old Fox News. She said that a lot of boys don’t do well in school because it involves sitting still for long periods reading books. To the extent that that is true, I can’t see how it could be a new phenomenon caused by a rise in anti-male sentiment.

Comment by MightyMike
2013-11-10 12:15:18

having kids is a roll of the dice. One guy this morning was talking to a gal about one of his sons, in a halfway house. I stayed quiet of course.

You’ve definitely got a good point there. You see it in a lot families where there’s a guy who’s a respectable, law-abiding person with a good job, etc. who has a brother who is in prison.

Comment by MightyMike
2013-11-10 13:20:19

Well, if one is young, has some savings and no obligations I could see the young pup dropping and going backpacking for a year.

Or maybe they are content with playing X-Box with their buds, while working a low stress lucky ducky job and getting some occasional friends with benefits nookie?

You might have a point there. Woman may give up the nookie to this type of guy, but they won’t marry him.

But the issue may be driven by some other trends in society. For a guy to impress a given woman with his job, it has to be more than just a good job. It has to pay significantly more than her job. As women have been achieving more in the worlds of education and work, they become more difficult to impress.

Of course, something else is required to explain why boys are falling behind girls in the early grades. That may have to do with the large number of kids growing up without fathers, which appears to affect boys more than girls.

Comment by Bill, just South of Irvine, CA
2013-11-10 14:29:22

“I stayed quiet of course.”

No Jim Carrey laughing outburst?

Cruel but I get your black humor. I’m a big fan of Jim Carrey (my favorite stars go across all sorts of political colors).

Comment by spook
2013-11-10 15:18:47

Woman may give up the nookie to this type of guy, but they won’t marry him.

Thats where the phrase “Alpha fcuks, beta bucks” came from.

Who do you think ends up marrying all these single moms?

Woman may give up the nookie to this type of guy, but they won’t marry him.

Thats where the phrase “Alpha f**ks, beta bucks” came from?

Who do you think ends up marrying all these single moms?

Thats right, the girl who would never give you the time of day is all “into you” now that she got that f**k trophy” from “Billybad*ss” that you get to help raise.

Comment by Bill, just South of Irvine, CA
2013-11-10 15:26:07

Agreed But that’s the unmarried guy who never fathered a kid does not care if he’s passed up while the single mom’s knocked up. He does not have to pay for child support.

Comment by SUGuy
2013-11-10 10:45:21

I have heard Single men in NYS make comments such as “the Government has become the husband” to the single women with multiple kids with different fathers.

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Comment by spook
2013-11-10 12:50:17

They are instead acting rationally in response to the lack of incentives society offers them to be responsible fathers, husbands and providers.

Translation: They are white.

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Comment by goon squad
2013-11-10 14:05:57

That’s racis.

Comment by spook
2013-11-10 15:09:21

“They are instead acting rationally in response to the lack of incentives society offers them to be responsible fathers, husbands and providers.”

Also, more males know that non payment of child support is a felony; you can lose your gun rights, and voting rights,driving privileges all because you lost your job.

But the key is; a married man cannot be put on child support; so there is almost an incentive for the woman to refuse marriage or divorce him.

*be advised bros*

Comment by Bill, just South of Irvine, CA
2013-11-10 16:20:31

Hey Spook, older guys who have been through the minefield talk to younger guys. I suppose femi-nazis will try to get government to classify talk about being ruined by divorce as “hate crimes” some day. In attempts to not get the word spread around that there is no good reason for most men to marry. I heard the divorce talk in the 90s from older colleagues at work. They warned me. I am thankful.

But most of the guys at my company in OC drank the kool aid. Theme: Marriage is good. $500,000+ house is good. It’s a Lieberal that is spreading that. Seems like a social conservative, but I think he’s Roman Catholic LIEberal. Many of them like the idea of marriage and McMansions.

Former colleagues of mine who know my boss and the people I work with keep saying “you have to attend church and get married now that you are working there.”

Comment by spook
2013-11-10 17:11:14

Former colleagues of mine who know my boss and the people I work with keep saying “you have to attend church and get married now that you are working there.”

Its an interesting dynamic. I suspect some of the pro marriage older guys who got married young may not understand how women have changed since they got married?

I challenge them but I don’t attack them because though their wives may be liberal, they grew up in a traditional household where dad was the “man of the house” and the feminist nonsense was kept to a minimum.

Part of me wonders if their “concern” is based around their perception of married mens “reliability” vs single men “when it comes to a fight?”

“hmmm.. that Bill?

dont know about him?

if the germans bomb pearl harbour again, will he just grab his gold coins and run to switzerland?

Not sure if he should be trusted?


Comment by Bill, just South of Irvine, CA
2013-11-10 19:44:01

That Bill will be in old Mehico, not really near the border, but somewhere lost in Mexico City by that time.

By the way, my former colleagues are half-joking, half serious. They ridicule the whole conformity thing at my new place. Although they themselves conform to the notion that a non-white person cannot ever have an Asian girlfriend. We discussed this before.

You want to see someone “more racist than a white person?” Asian male.

Comment by jose canusi
2013-11-10 09:03:15

Just saw the musical comedy “Company” on PBS last night. When I was a pup, it was all the rage when I lived in the suburban NY area. (it opened in 1970) And I never saw it and didn’t have a clue what it was about. But it deals with this theme in sort of a back-handed way.

In this version, Neil Patrick Harris in the lead, Steve Colbert and John Cryer in a couple of the supporting roles. Really? I wouldn’t blame women for going on strike, either. Don’t get me wrong, it was a good production and really nailed the New York marriage scene of the times. But I mean, the effete, bloodless metrosexual thing is nothing new.

I had to laugh during the scene where Neil Patrick Harris is approached by a long time male friend who asks if he’s ever had a “homosekshul” encounter, since Harris was playing a more or less confirmed hetero NY bachelor. Best double entrendre reaction ever.

Anyway, goon & Bill, you might enjoy the show and the themes it deals with.

Comment by Bill, just South of Irvine, CA
2013-11-10 14:41:53

I will have to jot that one down, being that I do not get cable TV (bored with most of what’s on TV).

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Comment by AbsoluteBeginner
2013-11-10 09:04:47

‘Stop being so rich and having so much fun! You need a wife and a mortgage to suck up some of that disposable income.’

We need a Bill infographic.

Comment by Skroodle
2013-11-10 09:49:33

Yeah, no.

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Comment by Bill, just South of Irvine, CA
2013-11-10 10:15:53

“we need a Bill Infographic.”

Just read any of Joey’s or Colorado’s or Rio’s posts. They think they know exactly where I get my paycheck. Ask them my street address in Orange County. They are so smart, so they know.

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Comment by In Colorado
2013-11-10 10:42:43

You’ve told us more than once:

You used to get it from the military industrial complex.

Now you get it from the medical industrial complex.

Both of which are beneficiaries of the big government you so vehemently profess to hate.

You say that socialists suck.

Look in a mirror, pal.

You are a socialist.

Comment by Ben Jones
2013-11-10 10:48:58

‘Thousands of Venezuelans lined up outside the country’s equivalent of Best Buy, a chain of electronics stores known as Daka, hoping for a bargain after the socialist government forced the company to charge customers “fair” prices.’

“I want a Sony plasma television for the house,” said Amanda Lisboa, 34, a business administrator, who had waited seven hours already outside one Caracas store. “It’s going to be so cheap!”

“I have no love for this government,” said Gabriela Campo, 33, a businesswoman, hoping to take home a cut-price television and fridge. “They’re doing this for nothing but political reasons, in time for December’s elections.”

‘The president, who took over from Hugo Chávez in April 2013, appeared on state television Friday calling for the “occupation” of the chain, which employs some 500 staff.’

“This is for the good of the nation,” Maduro said. “Leave nothing on the shelves, nothing in the warehouses … Let nothing remain in stock!”

Comment by tj
2013-11-10 10:49:08

Look in a mirror, pal.

You are a socialist.

you can work for the government and not be a socialist. if things keep going like they are, we may all have to work for the government. bill isn’t a socialist.

Comment by Bill, just south of Irvine
2013-11-10 11:02:19

Same argument by the nutters. You drive on the roads therefore you are a socialist. You get a tax rrfund. Therefore you are a socialist.

Comment by Housing Analyst
2013-11-10 11:51:32

The nattering of know nothing nutters…… silly LIEberals.

Comment by Albuquerquedan
2013-11-10 12:18:16

We can argue about the correct amount of military spending but the federal government’s role in providing a military is a constitutional function. The founding fathers and Adam Smith would see nothing wrong with the government providing for the common defense. There is nothing socialistic about Bill’s job. Now transfer payments would makes the founding fathers roll over in their graves and the federal government mandating the purchase of health care insurance is both socialistic and contrary to their intent.

Comment by In Colorado
2013-11-10 12:18:39

you can work for the government and not be a socialist

If you have any integrity whatsoever, you would refuse to work for the government. Yet, somehow, it’s OK to confiscate other people’s income and wealth to pay Bill (while he buys gold coins and hides them).

It’s only cheese/welfare/socialism when it benefits someone else.

Comment by Housing Analyst
2013-11-10 12:29:48

“We can argue about the correct amount of military spending but the federal government’s role in providing a military is a constitutional function.”

And waging terrorism on the rest of the world isn’t.

Comment by tj
2013-11-10 12:52:19

If you have any integrity whatsoever, you would refuse to work for the government.

as long as no one is breaking the law it’s just a matter of preference, not integrity. if he can get more pay and benefits working for the government, there’s nothing wrong with it. he could vote against expanding government while still working for it. he could vote against it knowing the vote will go against his interests. that would be great integrity while still working for a government.

Comment by Bill, just South of Irvine, CA
2013-11-10 14:16:58

If you ever set foot in a public school, BAM! You are s socialist. If you ever drank from a public water fountain, BAM! You are a socialist. If you ever used the services of the US military to defend you or had parents who used the services of the US military to defend you (against Hitler and Hirohito), BAM! You are a socialist. If you ever drank milk, subsidized by the US Government (any dairy is), BAM! You are a socialist. If you ever called the police for anything, BAM! You are a socialist! If you ever traveled on a commercial jet in FAA-Controlled airspace, BAM! You are a socialist. If you ever used the internet for anything, even if your website is http::// or, BAM! You are a STATIST and SOCIALIST.

Nutter reasoning.

That’s a LIEberal way or reasoning.

Comment by Strawberrypicker
2013-11-10 16:07:18

And the solution to every problem is more money and more government. Nothing ever gets fixed and more and more people are condemned to the hellholes of the inner cities or welfare reservations the LIEberal mindset created.

Comment by Bill, just South of Irvine, CA
2013-11-10 14:55:55

You know the funny thing in Reddit, which discussed that Phd gal’s book, some of them actually were talking about how their wives could not stand their video games. In one case, a guy recounted how a colleague at work had his Playstation disappear while he was gone. His wife did it.

There was one guy who basically is a world traveler and does odd jobs to pay for his way. He has very few possessions. No car, no house, does not even have stuff in storage. He’s the one who cohabited with a gal for 6 years and was just about to marry her when he found out she has been cheating on him (LOL). He said he was bummed for two weeks and then realized how lucky he was not to marry her. He lifted himself up and decided to just travel all over. He does not have much money but is working on trying to capitalize it. Probably write a book.

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Comment by Bill, just South of Irvine, CA
2013-11-10 10:08:48

I read many posts about her book. A lot of them are interesting. Read about her on Reddit too. She was a feminist in her 20s and 30s but then noticed how the pendulum swung too far.

One man’s post hit home. He says he hardly watches TV anymore because men on shows are portrayed as buffoons. Bingo. Reality TV at best for me. The culture on commercials still makes me cringe. When will they accept single childless financially secure people who are living alone? It’s A culture of freedom.

Yesterday in my neighborhood in Phoenix there was a walk charity to raise funds for breast cancer research. I occassionally donate to that. But I try to balance it o by donating to prostate cancer research. You never see prostate cancer awareness month. Men are expendable.

Mortgages are for slaves.
How do you turn a young confidant man into a slump shouldered middle aged homeless? Divorce.

Comment by In Colorado
2013-11-10 10:49:59

You never see prostate cancer awareness month. Men are expendable.

On this I fully agree with you.

But men have been expendable for a long time. We drafted our young men and sent them to fight in WW2, Korea and Vietnam. Ever wonder why women are victims more often than men in horror movies? Because since they are NOT expendable seeing a monster kill a woman causes more shock than if it kills a man. We have been cannon fodder for a very long time.

As for men being idiots on TV shows, I once read an article that summed it up well. It basically said that we’ve gone from “Father Knows Best” to “Dad is a drunken, oafish idiot”.

I don’t blame the young pups for avoiding marriage like the plague.

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Comment by m2p
2013-11-10 12:39:41

You never see prostate cancer awareness month.

You just missed it,
Prostate Awareness Month

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Comment by Bill, just South of Irvine, CA
2013-11-10 15:22:11

Okay but I mean breast cancer awareness is all year. Not just one month.

Comment by Strawberrypicker
2013-11-10 16:29:07

November is Movember, (mustache-November). Grow a mustache for prostate cancer awareness. If you can’t grow one, ride one.

Comment by m2p
2013-11-10 18:35:17

Okay but I mean breast cancer awareness is all year. Not just one month.

Actually Breast Cancer Awareness month is in October.
You’re probably just aware of breasts all year. :wink:

Comment by Bill, just South of Irvine, CA
2013-11-10 20:44:10

“You’re probably just aware of breasts all year. ”

Ain’t that the truth!

Comment by Bill, just South of Irvine, CA
2013-11-10 14:39:16

Stop being so rich and having so much fun! You need a wife and a mortgage to suck up some of that disposable income.

Like those here who posted - they know me better than I know myself, I was told I’m not rich. I’m financially well-diversified to be able to retire in Arizona.

Retirement winter: Singletrack mountain biking with the mountain bike club through the Saguaros on a weekend. Bondurant racing school. Target shooting with the boyz from my hood at the gun range (AR-15s down to handguns). Spring Training spectating (starts before the end of Winter). Roadbiking with the boyz from the hood.

Retirement Summer: Flagstaff cabin or Mendocino rental or Big Sur Rental.

Retirement will actually be time working, but on my own terms and my office where I want my office to be. Sometimes Mendocino. Sometimes at a high elevation lake in the Central Sierras where I could go sailing, sometimes Flagstaff, sometimes Big Sur.

Comment by Prime_Is_Contained
2013-11-10 10:10:16

In a few years I will get a job in Chandler or Gilbert, a short distance.

Better hope your boss doesn’t figure out which blogs you read, considering how often you say this!

Comment by Bill, just south of Irvine
2013-11-10 10:34:27

My current boss is a raving lib. He drank the RE Kool aid and will never care to check out the HBB.

Comment by Housing Analyst
2013-11-10 12:01:08

“My current boss is a raving lib. He drank the RE Kool aid and will never care to check out the HBB.”

Isn’t it strange how LIEberals seem to ignore truth and reality in favor of the housing lie?

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Comment by Skroodle
2013-11-10 14:47:40


Comment by Strawberrypicker
2013-11-10 16:33:25

I’m not sure how partisan an issue it is. I think there are plenty on both sides who have drank the Kool Aid. But there doesn’t seem to be a major component of the Democratic Party or of the Liebs that are against all of this housing pump and dump stuff. The part of the OWS movement that was anti-bank seems to me to have fallen silent.

BTW, my autocorrect just tried to replace Liebs with “aliens”.

Comment by Whac-A-Bubble™
2013-11-10 07:54:13

“…favoritism toward nonwhites…”

That’s racis’

Senate Republicans Block Mel Watt FHFA Nomination; White House to Try Again
Submitted by Carl Horowitz on Fri, 11/08/2013 - 18:25

Rep. Melvin WattNorth Carolina Democratic Congressman Melvin Watt has a dream job: running a federal agency that controls around $5 trillion in financial assets. For now, he’ll have to keep dreaming about it. On October 31, the Senate, by a 57-41 margin, fell three votes shy of the 60 votes needed to invoke cloture (i.e., end debate) over President Obama’s nomination of Watt as director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency, which for over five years has been conservator for mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Republicans, with two exceptions, voted to filibuster, believing he wasn’t qualified to run the agency. Yet the main problem with Watt is less his qualifications than his view that FHFA should be a permanent agency, and one with favoritism toward nonwhites. The upside of the vote: Edward DeMarco will remain in charge of the agency for at least a little longer.

Comment by Prime_Is_Contained
2013-11-10 10:20:34

Edward DeMarco will remain in charge of the agency for at least a little longer.


Comment by Whac-A-Bubble™
2013-11-10 18:32:02

DeMarco is a rare and endangered species: A nonpartisan Washington DC bureaucrat who follows a principle-centered approach. You can see why politicians can’t stand him.

Comment by Whac-A-Bubble™
2013-11-10 07:56:32

At what point do stopped-clock predictions come to pass?

Comment by Strawberrypicker
2013-11-10 08:02:28

Once the fed starts tapering? (Never)

Comment by Whac-A-Bubble™
2013-11-10 08:09:17

Their taper delay has created an even more precarious position than before, as there have to be a large share of Wall Street traders at this point who believe the taper is a sham. And the inevitability of a selloff at the onset of tapering increases the pressure for the Fed to endlessly delay. Watch out below if the taper ever actually begins.

Comment by Strawberrypicker
2013-11-10 08:17:13

It will only happen in name. They will announce something else to prop it up, under a different name, then back off the current scheme and be able to claim “see we did taper.” Even that won’t occur for quite a while.

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Comment by Whac-A-Bubble™
2013-11-10 08:31:53

I’ve noticed a tendency for the government to announce the end of some large-scale program, while furtively replacing it with a less-publicized equivalent. I don’t see why this couldn’t be done with respect to the QE3 taper.

Comment by In Colorado
2013-11-10 08:41:22

I’ve noticed a tendency for the government to announce the end of some large-scale program, while furtively replacing it with a less-publicized equivalent. I don’t see why this couldn’t be done with respect to the QE3 taper.

FWIW, it’s the FedRes who would “taper”, not the FedGov.

Comment by Mr. Federal Reserve Chairman
2013-11-10 08:47:36

They will announce something else to prop it up, under a different name, then back off the current scheme

Not a bad idea, my helpful vassal! I’ll bring that suggestion forward at the next committee meeting. The others are sure to love it.

Comment by Whac-A-Bubble™
2013-11-10 12:05:52

FedRes = FedGov

Check out: www dot federealreserve dot gov

Comment by In Colorado
2013-11-10 12:14:28

FedRes = FedGov

No, the Federal Reserve is not a branch of the government. Iit has a special relationship with it, but it is owned by the banking clan. Having a .gov internet address doesn’t change that.

Comment by Albuquerquedan
2013-11-10 12:21:39

“No, the Federal Reserve is not a branch of the government”

No, it is more like the federal government is a branch of the Federal Reserve, at least the people that own the Federal Reserve.

Comment by Strawberrypicker
2013-11-10 16:37:53

Federal Reserve Chairman,

All I ask is for 1% of what it makes you. Or name it the Rio plan and we can call it even.

Comment by Whac-A-Bubble™
2013-11-10 08:05:30

Here is some sweet irony: After cheerleading the stock market for year after year, 2013 has been an exceptionally gloomy year for MarketWatch dot com. Many of their permabulls have predicted a market crash since early this year, and the market has persistently failed to cooperate.

Nov. 8, 2013, 3:40 p.m. EST
What to buy as the market tops
Commentary: Is it time to bring back the blue chips?
By Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch

You don’t necessarily have to sell all your stocks if you are worried that a major market decline is imminent.

Instead, you can begin to shift your holdings toward stocks that historically have held their own during such declines. These tend to be the highest-quality blue chips — large and well-established companies that are burdened with little debt, pay a dividend, have a long and consistent history of earnings growth and have below-market price/earnings ratios, calculated by dividing price by earnings per share.

To be sure, a major decline was nowhere in evidence this past week, as the bull market took the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA +1.08%) to yet more all-time highs. But the market has gone up so far, and for so long, that many have begun to worry that a big decline can’t be too far away.

Comment by azdude02
2013-11-10 08:47:47

are CAT and MCD considered blue chips?

I guess by a blue chip you mean slow, consistent growth?

I read something the other day the JCP was a value stock now, lmao.

Stocks are not on sale.

Comment by jose canusi
2013-11-10 07:56:41

New York, New York, the wonderful town…

Bryant Park. I knew it well back in the day. That this happened there is a testament to how low the city has sunk.

Comment by goon squad
2013-11-10 08:21:09

Incidents like this will be more frequent in Bill de Blasio’s communist utopia NYC.

Comment by jose canusi
2013-11-10 08:40:30

LOL, he just got elected and the fireworks have already started. Didn’t take long.

Comment by Strawberrypicker
2013-11-10 08:01:18

Which real estate website do you think provides the most complete listings of what is for sale ? I normally just look at zillow but driving around it seems that there are a lot more with signs up than show up on zillow.

Comment by azdude02
2013-11-10 08:43:18, trulia, redfin, zillow, local mls site via an agents website or local newspaper, even craigslist has some listings

Comment by Strawberrypicker
2013-11-10 16:39:08

Thanks, but that was kind of my problem. I don’t want to check them all. I was hoping for input on which one covered the most listing on the market.

Comment by Rental Watch
2013-11-11 04:34:11

Why don’t pick one zip code, and check all sources once to find out which one has the most number of listings? Then use that one going forward.

Won’t be perfect, but will be a reasonable way forward.

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Comment by Blackhawk
2013-11-10 08:12:44

Putting Lipstick on this Pig

This half white man talks with a forked tongue. Have any friends told him we know he lies?

Comment by Ben Jones
2013-11-10 08:26:34

‘a classic example of government overreach and inefficiency’

I’ve been trying to make this point. What’s congress’ approval rating? Yet somehow it’s just assumed these people can huddle for a few months and recreate an entire industry. They can’t even keep a panda cam operating.

On the over-reach; why not try a pilot program? Make it three states or cities. Give it a few years to make sure it’s working. Oh no! That would deny the deciders their glory! It would fall outside their terms of office, and might be changed or eliminated.

It only makes sense to sweep in and make this untried policy mandatory, everywhere, all at once, if it is a socialist power grab. They have to destroy the existing system so we can’t go back. We’ve had posters on this blog say that exact thing.

Enjoy the crash people; it is going according to plan.

Comment by azdude02
2013-11-10 08:39:03

is it really about getting more free stuff for constituents?

Comment by jose canusi
2013-11-10 08:52:21

“They have to destroy the existing system so we can’t go back. We’ve had posters on this blog say that exact thing.”

I’m one of those posters. That’s what it looks like to me.

Comment by Ben Jones
2013-11-10 09:00:37

What I’m saying is that posters say that like it’s a good thing. Kinda like when people used to admit that invading Iraq was to take their oil, like it was a clever plan.

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Comment by jose canusi
2013-11-10 09:10:00

“What I’m saying is that posters say that like it’s a good thing”

Oh. I don’t think it’s a good thing at all.

“On the over-reach; why not try a pilot program? Make it three states or cities. Give it a few years to make sure it’s working.”

^^^THIS. I was thinking the exact same thing yesterday. But that was my point about Romneycare in Mass. It gave them the cover not to have to do this. “Lookie, lookie, a REPUBLICAN carried it off in Mass!” Game on!

Comment by Strawberrypicker
2013-11-10 16:45:54

And planned just in time for the demographic explosion that is mushroom clouding with 3 million more turning 65 every year!

Where is that going to leave us? There is simply no money to cover that cohort into old age, not for medical, not for food frankly.

There will need to be a radical restructuring of society into something that looks very different than we have now.

Comment by Carl Morris
2013-11-10 18:26:00

There will need to be a radical restructuring of society into something that looks very different than we have now.

And it’s already happening. It’s just not what J6P wanted…

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Comment by Bill, just South of Irvine, CA
2013-11-10 19:50:18

Meanwhile the young ones who are tasked to change our diapers when we are in the severely old folks home are the same young people who for years were taking prescription drugs to control them in school. I’m an atheist but…”lawd help us.”

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Comment by Albuquerquedan
2013-11-10 11:45:50

Obama: “You can keep your doctor” and “seniors are not getting their medicare cut” Truth:

Comment by Albuquerquedan
2013-11-10 12:26:37

BTW, expect a number of hospitals to start closing particularly rural and inner city. Obama care cuts payments to the hospitals for unpaid hospital bills. The rationale was that with more people insured there would be less need for the payments. Since it appears there will be nowhere need the increase on coverage anticipated, the hospitals will go bankrupt.

Comment by Whac-A-Bubble™
2013-11-10 11:57:18

A closely-watched pot never boils.

Comment by Whac-A-Bubble™
2013-11-10 11:58:50

By U-T San Diego 12:01 a.m.
Nov. 10, 2013

Total value of home equity credit lines dating to 2004 and due for resets next year

Could the real estate market be heading for a new — and as yet little publicized — financial storm? Maybe.

Some mortgage and credit experts worry that billions of dollars of home equity credit lines that were extended a decade ago during the housing boom could be heading for big trouble soon, creating a new wave of defaults for banks and homeowners.

That’s because these credit lines, which are second mortgages with floating rates and flexible withdrawal terms, carry mandatory “resets” requiring borrowers to begin paying both principal and interest on their balances after 10 years. During the initial 10-year draw period, only interest payments are required.

But the difference between the interest-only and reset payments on these credit lines can be substantial — $500 to $600 or more per month in some cases. If borrowers cannot afford or choose not to make the fully amortizing payments that reduce the principal debt, the bank that owns the note can demand full payment and foreclose on the house if there is sufficient equity.

According to federal financial regulators, about $30 billion in home equity lines dating to 2004 are due for resets next year, $53 billion the following year and a staggering $111 billion in 2018. Amy Crews Cutts, chief economist for Equifax, one of the three national credit bureaus, calls this a looming “wave of disaster” because large numbers of borrowers will be unable to handle the higher payments. This will force banks to either foreclose, refinance the borrower or modify their loans.

But refinancings often will not be possible, says Cutts, because the homeowners won’t qualify under the tougher mortgage rules taking effect in January, or the combined first and second mortgages may exceed the value of the house. Complicating matters further, interest rates are likely to rise from their current low levels as the Federal Reserve tapers its purchases of Treasury and mortgage-backed securities. Higher base rates would make the payment shocks even worse. Plus, according to Cutts, many of the owners with high-balance credit lines already have low credit scores — legacies of the housing bust and recession — and have an elevated statistical risk of default after the reset.

Financial regulators, including the comptroller of the currency, are aware of the coming bulge in high-risk resets and have been urging the biggest banks to set aside extra reserves for possible losses. Last month, Citigroup said it is increasing reserves on its nearly $20 billion in home equity lines and acknowledged that the reset payment shocks for borrowers could be a major challenge.

Rating agency Fitch has also sounded the alarm, warning that banks face “increasing credit risk” in 2014 and beyond as borrowers who took advantage of easy terms and fast-rising home values during the boom now confront much tougher credit conditions and could default.

Comment by goon squad
2013-11-10 13:05:38

home equity credit lines dating to 2004

I sold some of those, back in the day when I was a debt pusher at TARP bank.

Comment by Housing Analyst
2013-11-10 13:09:30

This isn’t news. It’s a small part of the current housing collapse now underway.

Comment by Housing Analyst
2013-11-10 12:34:40

“Police devices capable of tracking residents installed in Seattle”

Comment by Combotechie
2013-11-10 13:21:27

Hey, it’s just WiFi. It’s just mini cell-sites and it’s the future.

Because the are local and have short ranges there can be a lot of these mini cell-sites put up everwhere and this means more channels will be made available to users.

The concept has been forcasted to come into being a long time ago.

Comment by Combotechie
2013-11-10 13:31:51

And tracking via cell sites is still a bit harder than tracking by land lines because cell sites will tell anyone who cares ABOUT where you are while tracking via land lines will tell anyone who cares EXACTLY where you are, but nobody pays much attention to this because apparantly somebody somewhere decided it’s not newsworthy.

Comment by Patrick
2013-11-10 14:26:31

The FDIC will always be able to pay using free Fed dollars - just print the insurance proceeds. Banking system this way is capable of handling any losses. And these type of losses are factual.

But don’t insure 95% of all mortgages because you are insuring the “hope premium” - you are insuring more than what the current or perceived value is.

F&F insurance should only exist when a jumbo is needed - ie 95%, and that insurance should only be on the last 20% beyond a standard 75% mortgage.

I think the housing market collapsed because almost every mortgage was a “hope” one. Ben’s cheap interest saved the day on a further “hope” type collapse.

But mortgagees who refused to sell even when knowingly underwater also saved the day by refusing to sell at what they thought were either too low a price or at too much of a loss for themselves.

The inevitable interest increase will shake everyone up and the ability to withstand further shocks will knock out the underwater types.

We should all recognize that we have two bubbles right now (in housing and in stocks) being held up with gimmicks (false purchases and low interest).

The Fed has painted us all into a weird corner where no economy has gone before - a powerful economic unit that cannot seem to find it’s fiat inflation point.

It is best said that we hope the “brains” are capable of more than they have demonstrated to date. For all our financial benefit.

(Comments wont nest below this level)
Comment by rms
2013-11-10 15:54:41

Yo slim…hope someone is taking you to dinner tonight. :)

Comment by inchbyinch
2013-11-10 17:45:19

I missed something evidently…Is today your Birthday?

OT, but fascinating… “War Of The Worlds” Documentary (52 minutes) This was a great watch.

Orson Wells was like Alec Baldwin, good looking dude in their youth.

Comment by Whac-A-Bubble™
2013-11-10 18:24:20

Q. What is Canada’s national bird?

A. The crane.

Comment by Whac-A-Bubble™
2013-11-10 18:28:51

ft dot com
November 10, 2013 8:37 pm
Canada’s housing market teeters precariously
By Anjli Raval in New York

Robert MacFarlane, a long-time crane operator, surveys his empire from the top of one of Toronto’s flashy new apartment buildings.

I can see more than 50 tower cranes,” said Mr MacFarlane, whose bird’s-eye photography from the country’s tallest crane has gained him online notoriety as interest in Toronto’s property sector escalates.

These cranes – which can offer clues to bubble-like conditions – emerged in response to lofty demand for condominiums from investors and homebuyers taking advantage of Canada’s ultra-low interest rates.

I’m even considering a condo investment myself,” Mr MacFarlane added.

But as home prices rally and construction projects proliferate – particularly in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver – industry analysts say the country’s property sector is perched precariously at its peak.

David Madani, economist at Capital Economics, believes the nation is on the verge “of what will prove to be a prolonged correction”.

“Canada’s housing market exhibits many of the symptoms that preceded disruptive housing downturns in other developed economies, namely overbuilding, overvaluation and excessive household debt,” he adds.

Mr Madani’s comments chime with a chorus of policy makers, rating agencies and hedge fund managers who have warned of the risks posed by Canada’s overheated housing market.

Alongside Norway and New Zealand, Canada’s overvalued property sector is most vulnerable to a price correction, according to a recent OECD report. It is especially at risk if borrowing costs rise or income growth slows.

In its latest monetary policy report, the Bank of Canada, the nation’s central bank, noted: “The elevated level of household debt and stretched valuations in some segments of the housing market remain an important downside risk to the Canadian economy.”

The riskiest mortgages are guaranteed by taxpayers through the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, somewhat insulating the financial sector from the sort of meltdown endured by Wall Street in 2007 and 2008. But a collapse in home sales and prices would be a serious blow to consumer spending and the construction industry that employs 7 per cent of Canada’s workforce.

Under the watch of Mark Carney, the former Bank of Canada governor who now holds the same job at the Bank of England, the country weathered the global financial crisis better than many industrialised peers. It was helped by a resilient housing sector, a strong banking system and tighter lending standards.

But the flipside of a low interest rate policy designed to buttress the economy has meant that household debt levels have hit record highs as homebuyers stretched themselves to jump into the housing market. That in turn propelled demand and prices.

The government tightened mortgage rules last year in an attempt to cool demand, but while momentum slowed a little, debt accumulation did not.

Household debt has risen to 163 per cent of disposable income, according to Statistics Canada, while separate data show a quarter of Canadian households spend at least 30 per cent of their income on housing. This is close to the 1996 record when mortgage rates were substantially higher.

On a price-to-rent basis, which measures the profitability of owning a house, Canada’s house prices are more than 60 per cent higher than their long-term average, the OECD says.

Although Canada has so far defied a US-style property crash, recent surveys have raised alarm about parts of the market.

Comment by Housing Analyst
2013-11-10 18:47:36

What happened to the Brazilian Tranny?? She-He finally get hauled off to the laughing academy?

Comment by Strawberrypicker
2013-11-10 22:09:43

The skeletons got him, tracked him down by live webcam, buried in a bed of mangoes.

Comment by AbsoluteBeginner
Comment by Bill, just South of Irvine, CA
2013-11-10 20:34:49

Silver’s a good deal. The Dane has a good idea, silver monthly and gold annually.

Gold $1900 November 2011. Gold now $1287. This is 33% lower than the peak.

If you think gold is not insurance, pass this up. But stocks are near peak. Bonds are near the end of their cycle. Houses are way overvalued. Where does that leave you besides T-bills?

Comment by AbsoluteBeginner
2013-11-10 20:58:52

I might have confirmation bias ( in fact I know I do, everything looks like a nail to me now) but I think people are starting to sense that our fiscal fan has stuff heading its way and are nervously trying to get out of dodge somehow. Perhaps I am a nut as I think there is a nascent collapse brewing and need to cope. Of course, this could take decades or things could go wrong real quick and the ones in the know already had an escape plan hatched. So, how does one play it? One plays it cool and watch things and realize that tying yourself to a 30 year loan is maybe not a sweet spot situation right now. For some it might be. This fellow in Holland reminds us about the follies of the Dutch and their priced for perfection system. Remember I think NHZ and his/her posts about gov backstops to real estate prices? The Netherlands have only so much asset and they are getting squeezed for it.

Comment by Bill, just South of Irvine, CA
2013-11-10 21:11:51

Been awhile but I forgot about NHZ until you mentioned.

I think a balance of T bills and precious metals and some exotic tangibles (ammo, guns, wine, whiskey, spare oil filters and other auto parts for Honda Civics or Toyota Corollas) are the ways to get you insurance. I would not count on one type of insurance. If you can brew a good stein of beer, you can market that in exchange for quality meats, for example. You don’t have to live out in the country to survive any bad times. In fact, much of the welfare types have moved out to the small towns. There are no marketable skills in those small towns anyway.

Waiting for the collapse could take a decade. Those survivalists out in the boonies would then lose the personal growth opportunities and be much further behind their urban counterparts. I do not recommend less than 50% of your assets in stock and stock mutual funds. But the more net worth you have, the more your insurance part of the assets will certainly get you through the bad times and fund your dollar cost averaging into stocks.

(Comments wont nest below this level)
Comment by Carl Morris
2013-11-10 21:46:40

spare oil filters and other auto parts for Honda Civics or Toyota Corollas

Timing belts and the idler pulleys and water pumps that they touch. In a long term no-parts situation (think Cuba for the last 50+ years) those will be unobtanium I think. A lot of other stuff can be jury rigged, but not those and they don’t last forever.

Comment by Happy2bHeard
2013-11-10 23:52:30

“Timing belts and the idler pulleys “

Are these made of substances that don’t degrade? I have been told that older, unused tires will not last as long as newly manufactured ones.

Comment by Carl Morris
2013-11-11 07:21:54

I would think the belts would be OK for a long time if you sealed them and kept them out of the sun. But I’m no expert in trying to keep those materials “fresh” for a really long time. They are probably similar to tires. But tires normally are not sealed up while stored from what I’ve seen.

Comment by Housing Analyst
2013-11-11 07:51:03

Bearing’ed assemblies and arrangements and even bare bearings are typically wrapped in butcher paper….

Comment by Bill, just South of Irvine, CA
2013-11-10 21:02:55

This is a great time to go to Yahoo Finance, type in the symbol GLD. Select the Basic chart, select 2 years, then click the check box to compare to S&P 500.

Market cycles.

Which is a better deal? Gold or stocks? I don’t advise GLD. But it’s a good tool for comparison. I advise mining stocks, but mostly physical ownership of bullion.

Comment by AbsoluteBeginner
2013-11-10 21:18:14

I am eying the Vanguard fund VGPMX for a down the road IRA purchase. Waiting to see it get a really bad day in the market and then allocate. Honestly though, this is like musical chairs with fiat. I am really not happy with where I think things are going unless they decide to build a really big f****ing thing.

(Comments wont nest below this level)
Comment by Bill, just South of Irvine, CA
2013-11-10 20:31:18

HA, I answered your question on November 9’s Bits Bucket post at
2013-11-09 19:59:43

Comment by Housing Analyst
2013-11-11 06:10:10

Check in. TY

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