This being the Bits Bucket, I thought I’d share that I’m posting while the wife is asleep; yep, I said “wife”—I’m posting from my honeymoon!
For those who don’t recall, I was nominally single but in a long-term relationship until recently, and decided to take the plunge and make it official. Bill may shake his head, thinking that I am giving up my mobility, but I know that if mobility were ever important (and it hasn’t seemed so in the last 17yrs of my career), she would support me in moving wherever needed. At least I don’t have an underwater mortgage anchoring me down!
Congratulations! There are nice things about either lifestyle. I just am pure voluntaryist and at most will live with a girlfriend. I am at the point in my career that I can greatly alter my path, but can’t make government third partner in my intimate relationship. Ever.
I am at the point in my career that I can greatly alter my path, but can’t make government third partner in my intimate relationship.
I, too, am at the point in my career where I could choose to greatly alter my path, though I am sure that my recent life-change will impact whether I choose to do so or not, or the timing in which I do so. At the moment, I’m fairly happen with what I’m doing, so I don’t feel a pressing need make any immediate changes.
Also, I certainly understand the desire to avoid government interference in your life; in my best-of-all worlds, I would do so as well. But sometimes we have to make decisions based upon the world-views of others in our lives as well…
For me I work hard to get government out of any relationship I have, whether romantic, friendship, family, or business as much as possible. The entanglements by having government as third partner in a relationship is not worth any benefit. The only value of government is mediator. But these days private arbitration is very common so who needs the thugernment anyway? By avoiding marriage, it is an easy move to snip one potential tie to government. The easy and uncostly ways to get government out of my life are obvious.
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Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2014-06-18 19:19:39
I work hard to get government out of any relationship I have, whether romantic, friendship, family,
Interesting. I work much harder on my relationships, romantic, friendship and family than I work on “getting government out of such”.
sometimes we have to make decisions based upon the world-views of others in our lives as well…
I understand that. And Harry Browne, the one who wrote “How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World” also gave in to the world view of the woman in his life - and went against his philosophy of “non-marriage.”
In my case I do not get into any situations where I meet potentials. I don’t go out at night, for one thing. And at the gym at 5am I’m there to work out, just like everyone else and not be social. Then at work, I am in engineering, so it’s all guys and one woman - and she’s married.
Finally I’m an atheist and not a LIEberal so that really lowers my potential relationships quite a bit. For instance I certainly would not go to church to meet women. I suppose maybe I should, then buy one of them a $500,000 house.
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Comment by drumminj
2014-06-18 11:36:17
I understand that. And Harry Browne, the one who wrote “How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World” also gave in to the world view of the woman in his life - and went against his philosophy of “non-marriage.”
Bill and Prime, I’ve generally got the same viewpoint as y’all on this one, but the twist of irony is that my girlfriend is the one more greatly opposed to getting legally entangled. We’re on a lease and car title together, but marriage is out of the question.
I’m trying to convince her to at least go through the motions and do the nuptials (minus any kind of license/legal agreement) with Elvis down in Vegas So far no luck…
Comment by "Auntie Fed, why won't you love ME?"
2014-06-18 14:32:32
Bill is afraid of girls.
Comment by Bill, just south of Irvine
2014-06-18 17:13:04
Been ripped off for $20,000 from a broad.
Comment by Bill, just south of Irvine
2014-06-18 17:20:49
That was also the last time I had any romantic relationship. A few years ago. Dr. Auntie what should I do? Or Dr. Guillotine Renovator maybe you would say I have no problem at all!
Comment by FavelaTouro
2014-06-18 18:26:12
I would say that life is about being happy and the most precious commodity you have is time.
Comment by Bill, just South of Irvine, CA
2014-06-18 19:04:35
Yeah and time is what I have a major lack of. 3 hours between the time I get home and the time I have to sleep so that I can start the day on the elliptical when the gym opens the next morning! Then one hour after workout to eat breakfast and get ready to go to work.
Robert A. Heinlein wrote a book called “Time Enough For Love” and although the book is great, the title half says it all. The main characters go through “rejuvenation” when they are in their 80s and become 20 again, over and over and over. They hence have time.
Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2014-06-18 19:22:02
Been ripped off for $20,000 from a broad.
Chicken feed in the big picture imo.
Comment by Bill, just South of Irvine, CA
2014-06-18 20:09:38
It was chicken feed only because I did not tell her my actual income or my net worth. I had to post an income on some document to vouch for her to the government and I basically cut my real income in half. - After I found out she stole my money I helped an LA County sheriff track her down. She was jailed.
Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2014-06-18 20:18:24
It was chicken feed only because it seems to have jaded you to something special.
Because of money.
Comment by Prime_Is_Contained
2014-06-18 20:22:47
Been ripped off for $20,000 from a broad.
Sounds like you got off cheap!
Comment by Bill, just South of Irvine, CA
2014-06-18 21:07:47
Prime, yeah, I laugh as I look back. It could have been half my wealth, which in those days was around $450,000 or so. $225,000 versus $20,000 - and I learned the lesson.
Hence these days I drive an 11 year old Toyota, I’m one of the only two people at work who rents instead of own a house, and wear blue jeans.
Even the guys at work drive better cars and they make mortgage payments (I doubt if anyone owns a house outright). They look down on me for not being a materialist.
Comment by Prime_Is_Contained
2014-06-19 04:23:29
They look down on me for not being a materialist.
Funny—I don’t feel looked down on by my co-workers for not being a materialist; but I do sometimes feel that I am looked on as something of a novelty, something not entirely understood.
I’ve been CRYSTAL clear since we first met about how I feel about buying into a manipulated market or a mania; she has seemed to accept this, though four or five months ago, I did hear the first query of “are you ever going to be willing to buy?”
The answer is that I’d be happy to buy in a market supported by fundamentals, if I though I would be content to live in that location for the next 7-10yrs.
I’m guessing if you can keep her at bay until the next recession, you will find an entry point to the market that works for both of you. Good luck holding on!
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Comment by MightyMike
2014-06-18 10:45:04
Of course, you’re assuming that neither Prime nor his wife will lose their jobs during the next recession.
Comment by Prime_Is_Contained
2014-06-18 11:23:24
I am sufficiently fiscally conservative that the prospect of either of us losing our jobs does not really concern me. We have very few commitments at the moment—no car payments, no CC debt, no student loans, no mortgage, very affordable rent. Heck, at my last company, I was rather hoping that I would be one of the ones to get the layoff axe, as the severance package combined with the time off sounded rather appealing!
Comment by MightyMike
2014-06-18 11:27:00
That’s a pretty nice situation to be in. It doesn’t sound, though, like you’re the sort of person who would take that severance package, use it as a down payment and start house hunting in the midst of a recession.
I think it’s great if people want to get married, I just happen to know that with a more than 50% failure rate, mine would be definitely be one of them. I mean, no woman could live with me for the rest of her life. If she could, there’s something seriously wrong with her and I would run away!
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Comment by Bill, just South of Irvine, CA
2014-06-18 19:06:47
G.R. I figure mine would be failed too. Although I did share a roof, bedroom, and bed with a wonderful woman for a few years it was not official. She and I would have ended up divorced for sure.
Congrats, Prime! Hope things are still going well for you at the new gig! (and with the new ‘gig’ as husband
Thanks, drummin!
BTW, I went by the company open-house to visit a couple of friends shortly before leaving town, and hoped to see you there—but either didn’t spot you or you weren’t around. Been a long time!
I went by the company open-house to visit a couple of friends shortly before leaving town, and hoped to see you there—but either didn’t spot you or you weren’t around.
Ahh, bummer. I assume this was on your side of the lake/in Fremont? I’m a deeply-entrenched eastsider at this point, living and working in Kirkland (with a 5 minute commute to work…oh how lovely!)
If you want to grab a beer sometime when you’re back in town, hit me up. I’m over that way every now and again.
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Comment by Prime_Is_Contained
2014-06-18 20:33:32
Yep—it was the Fremont office. I’d definitely be up for that beer sometime after I’m back!
Judicial Watch Smoking Gun Busts Open IRS Scandal, Again - Breitbart
Now according to a release from House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, Lerner had a database of tax exempt organizations sent to the FBI just before the 2010 midterm elections. That database included legally protected taxpayer information. Emails show Lerner and DOJ Election Crimes Branch official Richard Pilger discussing what format the FBI prefers when it comes to receiving information for their investigation.
“Thanks Lois – FBI says Raw format is best because they can put it into their systems like excel,” Pilger wrote in an October 6, 2010 email to Lerner.
This revelation that the IRS sent 1.1 million pages of nonprofit tax-return data — including confidential taxpayer information — to the FBI confirms suspicions that the IRS worked with the Justice Department to facilitate the potential investigation of nonprofit groups engaged in lawful political speech.”
“[T]his revelation likely means that the IRS — including possibly Lois Lerner — violated federal tax law by transmitting this information to the Justice Department in 2010.”
More lawlessness by the team in power. This thing, the actual abuse of power by the Admin, will be far worse than anything Nixon did. The MSM is slowly coming around to the fact that they’ve allowed it to happen and I wonder how long it’ll take for them to start asking some tough questions.
Think how the electronic cloud would actually protect Lerner and the rest if they didn’t do anything wrong. But she was apparently stupid enough to send emails. Probably didnt even consider she was doing anything wrong cause it felt right to her.
“More lawlessness by the team in power. This thing, the actual abuse of power by the Admin, will be far worse than anything Nixon did.”
Impeachment should have been on the table a long time ago. This regime does whatever it wants. The problem is, you have this triumvirate of Obama, Holder and Johnson. Unfortunately, the way things are set up, Congress doesn’t dare impeach because the media would start screaming about racism.
Remember the scandal that took Alberto Gonzales down? Where he was deliberately going after attorneys general in select states? This IRS thing is equal to or greater than that, and where is Congress? Where is the MSM? They were all over Gonzales.
The hobby over at the Great Orange Lib Site is Chris Christie’s Bridgegate, and something with the governor of Wisconsin. I don’t think either will get anywhere, but, that’s what they told Woodward and Bernstein, right?
Even if she was convicted of the worst federal crime possible she would still get any pension she had already earned. Guys who get convicted of taking bribes to corruptly use their positions and sentenced to prison still get it.
It is the wealth effect. Housing and stocks need to appear high so all those FBs don’t freak out that they are broke and quit spending. Watch Eddie Murphy in Trading Places. It is and always has been always about the GI Joe with the Kung Fu grip.
I ran across this article touting American Homes 4 Rent and thought I would share:
“Home Prices Are Going Up: Here’s How to Profit With American Homes 4 Rent and Silver Bay Realty
“By Reuben Brewer, June 13, 2014
“The opportunity to buy in the single-family home market is going away.
“That doesn’t mean that there aren’t undervalued assets floating around ripe for the picking, however. For example, American Homes 4 Rent (NYSE: AMH ) is offering dividend-paying, exchange-traded securities that give you a piece of the future price appreciation of homes it owns.”
“Dividend-paying”: It’s interesting that since there are no earnings but instead there are lots of losses these dividends must be coming from somewhere else, and since the company has borrowed a lot of money and has sold a lot of shares in itself it’s a good guess where this somewhere-else place is located.
“Silver Bay and competitors like American Homes 4 Rent have been aggressively building their portfolios by buying up properties. Silver Bay, for example, started life with around 2,500 properties. A little over a year later, the portfolio held over 5,700 homes.”
Gee, maybe this may help explain the reasoning behind the statement above that states “Home Prices Are Going Up”. A more accurate statement would have been “Home Prices Have Gone Up”, and the reason they have gone up is because investment companies such as American Homes 4 Rent PUSHED them up.
And they pushed them up by their process of bidding them up and they did this bidding up by using Other People’s Money. However, they have slowed down a bit in their buying and hence it is reasonable to assume that the bidding up of prices will be slowing and (the horror) may even go into reverse and even end up DECLINING!
Plus, it is interesting that while the company touts the idea that it is going to be profitable due to renting out its properties this article suggests that they way for the company to best make its money is to sell off its holdings. It’s either the one or its the other since you can’t rent out what you have sold out.
Which is another way of saying that if you are thinking in terms of a going concern of a company - a company that pays dividends, which is part of what the article touts - then you will have to keep the properties as rentals which means that if you are going to keep them as rentals then you won’t be making any money by selling them.
If a company is going to forever be in the business of making money by buying low and selling high then it will have to forever - FOREVER - be able to buy low.
But if the very act of the company’s buying pushes up the prices then it is reasonable to expect that the company cannot forever do this - cannot forever buy low in order to sell high - which means the company will at some time reach the point whereby it is no longer making money.
That’s assuming the company ever made money if the first place.
A more accurate statement would have been “Home Prices Have Gone Up”, and the reason they have gone up is because investment companies such as American Homes 4 Rent PUSHED them up.”
A dividend of a negative number is negative, unless you bought negative shares. In other words, the person who sells the shares will make money, while the person who buys the shares will lose money.
“The minimum wage is in effect a tax on business, making it more expensive to hire workers….That means substantially increasing the earned-income tax credit so anyone working 40 hours a week has a decent household income.”
In other words, the author wants to get rid of the minimum wage, while filling in the rest of that “decent household income” with EITC. That’s every republican’s wet dream. Hire workers for practically nothing, and then let the taxpayers pay the actual wages. All the while screaming against “government intervention.”
Privatize the profits and socialize the losses. Always. From government contracting to Obamacare, ALWAYS.
In other words, the author wants to get rid of the minimum wage, while filling in the rest of that “decent household income” with EITC. That’s every republican’s wet dream. Hire workers for practically nothing, and then let the taxpayers pay the actual wages. All the while screaming against “government intervention.”
It would be most preferable if those workers were citizens of another country, too. That way, after they have expended their useful lives as workers (and sent half of their paycheck back home the entire time), they will leave and cease to collect any taxpayer-funded benefits.
The only thing the Repubs can’t figure out is where the illegal immigrants will come from once the unemployment is so high and wages so low in the US, that Mexico is actually better off. I guess they wager the 1% will come to the rescue at that point, or maybe they’re just all so old that they will be dead when it happens.
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Comment by FavelaTouro
2014-06-18 19:31:41
There you go again. No one here properly answered the question explaining the theory of why Repubs supposedly are for shamnesty. The best I got was a claim that the same 1 percenter plutocrats in both D and R want it, which ain’t the same.
This claim that Rs and Ds are both in favor doesn’t seem to hold up. All Ds want and some few Rs with leadership spots. Business wants illegal labor to exploit not shamnesty and legalization which drives the wages they have to pay up.
Comment by "Auntie Fed, why won't you love ME?"
2014-06-18 20:38:14
Republican shamnesty comes with decriminalization, but not legalization. Democrat shamnesty comes with legalization.
China is likely to release a national plan for the development of the petrochemical industry as early as this month, Shanghai Securities News reported on Thursday.
The plan will come after the State Council pledged safe and green development of the petrochemical industry at an executive meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang on Wednesday.
Citing anonymous sources, the newspaper said the plan will lay down rules mainly for oil refining and production of ethylene and aromatic hydrocarbon.
The petrochemical industry is one of the pillars of China’s economy and affects people’s daily lives. But there is a shortfall in domestic supply and China relies on imports for a large portion of the high-end petrochemical products it needs.
At the same time, the domestic industry is under high pressure amid rising public awareness of environmental protection.
A number of petrochemical projects, most typically para-xylene plants, have encountered violent rejections over pollution concerns in Chinese cities in recent years.
To address public concerns, Wednesday’s executive meeting stressed that petrochemical projects must be safe and environmentally friendly.
New projects must go through strict environmental impact assessment and their locations must be chosen in a scientific way, according to a statement issued after the meeting.
In addition to petrochemistry, Shanghai Securities News reported that the upcoming plan will also support the development of coal chemistry in West China.
Sources said that modern coal-based chemical production including coal-to-olefins and coal-to-aromatic hydrocarbon will be supported as the cost of coal chemistry is lower than that of petrochemistry
It’s technically in Chelsea, but not really. It’s way over on like 10th or 11th avenue, near long term parking lots, the Lincoln Tunnel exits, and FIT. It’s nearly 2 miles south and west of Times Sq., much less busy, but just as gritty. Not the kind of place where anyone is going to live long term.
Not the kind of place where anyone is going to live long term.
People were probably making disparaging remarks like that about Brooklyn 20 years ago. Isn’t Chelsea near the newly fashionable metpacking district?
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Comment by j-j-j-joe
2014-06-18 13:07:38
Meatpacking is just south and west of there. But a few blocks make a big difference in NYC. Parts of Chelsea and MP are very nice. Trendy isn’t a new thing, it goes back to early 00s, when Manhattan got really safe in general. (Manhattan is still ridiculously safe. One of the safest places in the US.)
It’s more a function of that particularly part of Chelsea, how it’s zoned, how close it is to the Lincoln Tunnel (not something you can change), and by the way did you see the rent on those places?
BTW parts of Brooklyn are still crappy, there are only so many young white people to colonize and gentrify at any given time. They’re still working their way north and east from DUMBO/Williamsburg but haven’t gotten all that far yet in the big scheme of things. Brooklyn has 2 million + people.
Shades of Battlestar Galactica… Looks like robots will be replacing human security officers.
Remember, when surveillance becomes cheap, it will become more and more widespread and invasive. And when it becomes an even more profitable industry, expect private sector, invisible-hand-of-the-free-market companies to make sure these things are seen as “needed”.
Privacy isn’t always privacy from the gov’t or from police officers. That’s what I mean when I say that our Constitution/Bill of Rights are not going to protect us from this stuff. We’d actually need some limits laid down by Congress, but LOL if anyone expects that to happen.
Meet Bob, Britain’s first ROBOTIC security guard: Droid roams offices looking for suspicious behaviour - and calls for backup
-Bob rolls from room to room at G4S offices in Gloucestershire
-If something looks suspicous, Bob analyses it and informs human security
-Bob is on a three-week trial with scientists assessing his performance
-The machine is part of a £7.2 million ($12.2 million) project by the University of Birmingham to get droids into offices worldwide
I like that show a lot. I’m in the middle of watching all 7 seasons on Netflix at a steady pace of 1/day.
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Comment by In Colorado
2014-06-18 10:21:46
He’s a cool guy. At Comic Con the celebs charge big bucks for autographs, as much as $80.
One of my daughters made a little origami unicorn (from Bladerunner) and presented it to him as a gift. Instead of keeping it, he autographed it for free (and it was tricky as the unicorn was tiny) and gave it back to her. His standard fee was $60.
Comment by j-j-j-joe
2014-06-18 10:48:00
I’ve never understood the autograph market at all. Are you getting it autographed for yourself? Or for the chance to sell it? If the former, I really don’t understand it, I’d rather just meet the guy. If the latter, how do you authenticate the autograph as real when it comes time to sell it, to ensure you get the best price?
Comment by j-j-j-joe
2014-06-18 10:50:20
Also, IMO, Battlestar Galactica was _very_ timely for more than just the tech angle. There’s the whole angle of terrorism, how to figure out who exactly the terror suspects are, how to treat them/get information, and how to manage in a time of crisis. Since the show was post-Afghan and Iraq invasions and made at the time of the Abu Ghraib and similar issues, it had to take those things into account on some level.
Resource scarcity is also an obvious issue.
Comment by In Colorado
2014-06-18 11:06:59
I’ve never understood the autograph market at all.
I don’t get it either. You can meet the celebs for free (no photo, that’s extra). IIRC, Bruce Campbell (Evil Dead, Burn Notice) was charging $40 just to say hi to him. Which is why I was surprised that Olmos autographed the unicorn for free.
Comment by oxide
2014-06-18 11:21:37
You keep the $60 receipt? Seriously, it just doesn’t sound worth it anymore.
Comment by In Colorado
2014-06-18 11:56:55
You keep the $60 receipt? Seriously, it just doesn’t sound worth it anymore.
He didn’t charge us. There’s no way we would have paid for an autograph.
Comment by oxide
2014-06-18 12:36:37
I was answering Joe’s question about authentication. Why not just have the star sign the receipt itself that says “I paid 60 bucks for this on X date.” It would save a lot of grief on Antiques Roadshow 30 years from now.
I dunno, buying autographs just cheapens the whole thing. And $40 just to say “o, hai” to a has-been — a B-level has-been at that.. no thanks.
Comment by j-j-j-joe
2014-06-18 13:09:44
A receipt can’t be enough, those could be faked. And without some central database type of thing where someone could go to look up receipts, how do you prove it’s not just a copy.
Also, you could always have a receipt, but just make a 2nd or 3rd copy of the signature, while keeping the original for yourself.
But overall, I don’t get the whole concept.
Comment by In Colorado
2014-06-18 13:36:31
We actually have a picture of Olmos holding the Unicorn. I doubt anyone will care 50 years from now.
“And $40 just to say “o, hai” to a has-been — a B-level has-been at that.. no thanks.”
Campbell’s meet and greet line was by far the longest. Way longer than Shatner’s or Adam West’s meet and greet. I guess the Evil Dead crowd is quite fanatical. I was like “That’s the dude from Burn Notice, what’s the big deal?” Judging by the lines I’m guestimating that he made over 30 grand that 3 day weekend. I have no idea how much the convention organizers pay him, if anything.
He also packed over 2000 people into the convention center’s main ballroom for his panel.
Not this month. Wore the colors and went to USA/Ghana game here. This town/Copacabana Beach is off-the-hook and in an international love fest. (For our own country’s team.) USA! USA! USA!
This excerpt is from Real Journalist a May 2, 2011 New Yorker article when they were trying to do a puff piece on the President and his role in the Arab Spring, it is important for people to understand that Obama has acted against his military and many foreign policy experts that told him that stability in the Middle East was more important than promoting the Arab Spring, we are reaping the results of his ignoring their advice at the pump and in the poor showing of the economy in general:
In 2009 and early 2010, Obama was sometimes criticized for not acting at all. He was cautious during Iran’s Green Revolution and deferential to his generals during the review of Afghanistan strategy. But his response to the Arab Spring has been bolder. He broke with Mubarak at a point when some of the older establishment advised against it. In Libya, he overruled Gates and his military advisers and pushed our allies to adopt a broad and risky intervention. It is too early to know the consequences of these decisions. Libya appears to be entering a protracted civil war; American policy toward Mubarak frightened—and irritated—Saudi Arabia, where instability could send oil prices soaring. The U.S. keeps getting stuck in the Middle East.
Another excerpt which shows why the Middle East is in flames under this administration:
The review was led by three N.S.C. staffers: Samantha Power, Gayle Smith, who works on development issues, and Dennis Ross, a Middle East expert with a broad portfolio in the White House. Soon, they and officials from other agencies were sitting in the White House, debating the costs and benefits of supporting autocrats. A White House official involved said the group studied “the taboos, all the questions you’re not supposed to ask.” For example, they tested the assumption that the President could not publicly criticize President Hosni Mubarak because it would jeopardize Egypt’s coöperation on issues related to Israel or its assistance in tracking terrorists. Not true, they concluded: the Egyptians pursued peace with Israel and crushed terrorists because it was in their interest to do so, not because the U.S. asked them to.
They tested the idea that countries with impoverished populations needed to develop economically before they were prepared for open political systems—a common argument that democracy promoters often run up against. Again, they concluded that the conventional wisdom was wrong. “All roads led to political reform,” the White House official said.
why the Middle East is in flames under this administration
Study the history of Iraq. The Middle East is “in flames” because USA/world does not want to pay for the very expensive fire extinguisher to put out the flames from breaking Iraq under false pretenses over 10 years ago.
What happened to the Repub “responsibility” thing? Is it just all talk?
No one ever seems to consider how, just like DNA, the electric cloud you now live in protects you also. There is a flipside to the privacy issue. If they can pry into the things you are doing, then you can also show that you aren’t doing something you are falsely accused of.
You have to get accused before you need to show an alibi. There is a reason why lawyers advise you not to say anything. Prosecutors do nothing all day but figure out ways to pin things on people. One iota of information in the hands of a deranged prosecutor can do 10 times more harm than the same information in the hands of an accused person.
Then you also get the political intimidation against opponents to incumbents, cops who want their ex-girlfriends to go to jail (for revenge), and indefinite storage of data that can be sprung upon you at any unprepared time.
Maybe I will write in John Quincy Adams on the ballot if I cannot vote for Rand or Cruz:
From the same article
One reaction among liberals to the Bush years and to Iraq was to retreat from “idealism” toward “realism,” in which the United States would act cautiously and, above all, according to national interests rather than moral imperatives. The debate is rooted in the country’s early history. America, John Quincy Adams argued, “does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to freedom and independence of all,” but the “champion and vindicator only of her own.”
In 1966, Adams’s words were repeated by George Kennan, perhaps the most articulate realist of the twentieth century, in opposing the Vietnam War. To Kennan and his intellectual followers, foreign-policy problems are always more complicated than Americans, in their native idealism, usually allow. The use of force to stop human-rights abuses or to promote democracy, they argue, usually ends poorly. In the fall of 2002, six months before the invasion of Iraq, Kennan said, “Today, if we went into Iraq, as the President would like us to do, you know where you begin. You never know where you are going to end.”
While that may be true, I’m beginning to think she won’t run.
She’s got many issues, she’s not a polished politician like her hubby and the elite MSM is beginning to ask her tough questions. If she runs all of the old Bill Clinton stories are gonna come out and you know that has to hurt.
Why not retire, rake in millions traveling around the world making speeches and just enjoy the rest of her life???
Hilary’s not getting much traction with the libs either. The libs don’t much care about the Bill stories. They are angrier at her more recent stuff: the vote for the Iraq war and general hawkishness as SoS.
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Comment by FavelaTouro
2014-06-18 19:37:54
The deal Barry cut with her in 08 is being renegged on.
A Chinese consumer shops in a Walmart supercenter in Qingdao city, eastern China’s Shandong province in May. (Wu Hong/European Pressphoto Agency)
Wal-Mart plans to triple spending on food safety in China, where fox meat was found in packages labelled as “Five Spice” donkey meat in January.
The masquerading meat came from a local supplier. After the discovery, the company said it would increase checks on vendors to ensure they have the necessary permits and do DNA testing of meat sold in China.
Wal-Mart is increasing spending on food safety to $48.2 million between 2013 and 2015, three times the $16 million it had previously committed to spending during that period.
The funding will go to additional food testing and supplier audits, Wal-Mart’s China Chief Compliance Officer Paul Gallemore said in a press briefing on Tuesday, adding that Wal-Mart will double its DNA testing on meat products.
“We see this as our future home market,” said Mr. Gallemore. The discount retailer based in Bentonville, Ark., plans to add 110 more stores by 2016 to the roughly 400 currently in China.
The donkey disaster followed other Wal-Mart scandals including the mislabeling of regular pork as organic in 2011 and the discovery of hazardous chemicals in sesame oil and squid in 2012.
MIAMI (MarketWatch) — I recently contacted Alexander Elder, a noted trader and author of several stock market books, including the bestseller, “Come Into My Trading Room.” I wanted to know what he thought of the current market.
“People who are bullish are having a wonderful time,” he said. “The market is making a new high every day.” As it turned out, Elder turned bearish several months ago.
He told me a story about one of his friends, Manning, a brilliant stock analyst. After five years of a bull market, in 1987 Manny turned bearish. He began buying put options on the S&P 500 beginning in March of that year. After a month, his puts expired worthless. So he bought June puts, which also expired. He bought September puts and when those also expired, Manning gave up. The next month, in October, the market crashed, shedding more than 25% in two days.
The moral of the story, Elder says, is you must have a strong disposition and very good risk management if you are going to bet against the market.
Which brings us to the current market. Elder, who also wrote a book on short-selling, “Sell and Sell Short,” said, “This market is running on hot air and inertia. The party is still going on but there are police lights flashing down the block and the party is about to get busted up. The longer it goes, the nastier it will fall.”
BAGHDAD — Parts of Iraq’s main oil refinery were in flames Wednesday as government forces fought to repel militants who gained partial control of the oil facility, Iraqi security officials said.
Sunni militant fighters behind a week-old offensive that has claimed several major cities and towns in northern Iraq attacked the refinery in the northern city of Baiji overnight and seized part of the installation, an oil ministry official in the country’s north said.
The official said employees fled the refinery as it came under attack, the latest in a weeklong siege of the oil hub.
BAGHDAD — Parts of Iraq’s main oil refinery were in flames Wednesday as government forces fought to repel militants who gained partial control of the oil facility, Iraqi security officials said.”
The Humungus: There has been too much violence. Too much pain. But I have an honorable compromise. Just walk away. Give me your pump, the oil, the gasoline, and the whole compound, and I’ll spare your lives. Just walk away and we’ll give you a safe passageway in the wastelands. Just walk away and there will be an end to the horror.
The United States Patent and Trademark Office has cancelled six of the Washington Redskins’ trademark registrations, because they “were disparaging to Native Americans at the respective times they were registered.”
The agency ruled Wednesday in a case brought by five Native Americans, who sought cancellation of the team’s registrations by arguing that the trademarks violated the prohibition of the “registration of marks that may disparage persons or bring them into contempt or disrepute,” as the agency wrote in its ruling.
“We decide, based on the evidence properly before us, that these registrations must be cancelled because they were disparaging to Native Americans at the respective times they were registered,” the agency wrote.
In statements to The Washington Post, the plaintiffs’ attorneys lauded the ruling as “historic.”
“We are extraordinarily gratified to have prevailed in this case,” attorney Alfred Putnam Jr. said. “The dedication and professionalism of our attorneys and the determination of our clients have resulted in a milestone victory that will serve as an historic precedent.”
Jesse Witten, the plaintiff’s lead attorney, said the ruling was “a long time coming and reflects the hard work of many attorneys at our firm.”
Simple lawlessness. How can they take that person’s property without due process?
I have friends that are American Indian and I asked them about this. My friend said mist of his Indian friends rooted for the Redskins because they liked the logo.
There was due process. The trademark law prohibits defamatory words/images. The defamed parties filed to remove the trademark waaaaay back in 2006, and the due process judges found in favor of the defamed parties.
Your trademark is only your property if the government gives it to you. It’s sorta one of those government-created things that helps businesses make more profit.
US Patent Office Rules Redskins Name Is Offensive, Cancels Trademarks
All over the news today. I scrolled through the ruling but couldn’t figure out if it was only the Redskins words, or the actual image, which was cancelled. (I think the image was cancelled too.)
The comments on Yahoo are pretty funny. They think it’s all an Obama plot to take away our free speech. Heh. If anything, speech is freer than it was before. Now everybody has the right to use the “disparaging” words and imagery, not just Dan Snyder.
Good on the Natives who filed this suit. They aimed at ol’ Danny where it would hurt him the most. Couldn’t happen to nicer NFL owner.
Yeah, sorry, I actually took the time to scroll through the ruling and maybe provide some additional insight, rather than cut and paste under a shill one-liner.
And if I wanted to post a one-liner of advice to Deadskin fans? Just become a Ravens fan: no a-hole owner, no carpetbaggers buying up your home game tickets, and your team will actually win big games.
(Comments wont nest below this level)
Comment by oxide
2014-06-18 11:31:21
I was a Peyton fan until that embarassing game this winter. And now I can’t watch football at all. Contracts, commercials, concussions. Not worth it.
Comment by In Colorado
2014-06-18 11:52:57
And now I can’t watch football at all.
You could always watch the other football, the one where they actually handle the ball with their feet and not with their hands.
Comment by Housing Analyst
2014-06-18 12:50:33
The effeminate version of football.
Comment by j-j-j-joe
2014-06-18 13:14:20
I don’t watch much football either (couldn’t even if I wanted to, as I don’t have cable and don’t care enough to set up Aereo)
My point still holds, I don’t see why people give money to the Redskins/Dan Snyder. There are 2 teams that play in MD and I can’t imagine voluntarily supporting the crappy one.
Comment by In Colorado
2014-06-18 13:39:50
The effeminate version of football.
Only in America are big fat guys with guts considered masculine.
Comment by Housing Analyst
2014-06-18 16:52:12
Comment by FavelaTouro
2014-06-18 19:42:21
Americans like combat contact sports not jogging around a ball for 90 minutes.
Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2014-06-18 20:03:59
You could always watch the other football
I’m relatively new to Futebol but I’ve been into the World Cup for over 20 years. I went to Brazil/Sweden semi-final in 94 in Pasadena. We almost went to the final but didn’t want to spend $1,000 from scalpers an hour before the game. I remember watching the USA/Brazil game that 4th of July on TV. We didn’t do bad at all.
I always knew Futebol/Soccer was huge on an international level, but this is totally off-the-hook with emotion, fun and joy down here. These people spend bank to come from all around the world and they go crazy! Copacabana Beach is the epicenter of the whole deal they’re saying and is as packed as Carnival but the feeling is all sports, national hope and pride.
“US Patent Office Rules Redskins Name Is Offensive, Cancels Trademarks”
Progressive totalitarianism. Anyone who gets some kind of personal joy at this kind of decision, does not deserve the privilege of living under what’s left of our constitution.
Yeah, Dan Snyder being an idiot shouldn’t be a reason to be happy about this. If you want to force the team to change its name, that’s your right, but vote with your dollars and your feet. The PC police are really running amok.
Yeah, I heard people talking about this at work today. I wondered how so many people knew about it. I hadn’t seen it mentioned on any of the news sites I read during breakfast this morning. The I heard Rush talking about it when I listened to him in the car for a few minutes at lunchtime. It must be a big story in the right wing media - PC run amok or some such nonsense.
Another clickbait, slide show (to maximize page load ad views) from MarketWatch, one that surprisingly tells the truth that home remodeling projects are guaranteed money loosers:
Minor? For 20k? Decent (not Viking/subzero) appliances for a kitchen can be had for 2k-ish if you shop Sears/HD for a sale. Granite costs much less than it did 5-10 yrs ago (oversupply, I’m guessing, plus competition from newer surfaces like Staron). Tiles, cabinets… decent new stuff is not THAT expensive.
It’s a few “high end” touches that drive those costs way up. Like if you’re going to reframe the kitchen, rewire it, add a pot filler over the stove, etc., it adds thousands to the job.
A decade from now, the tray ceilings and pendant lights will be out of style and the homedebtors will have used their stacked double oven about 3 times. Meanwhile, they could’ve paid their kids’ college tuitions for the cost of their $50k kitchen remodel.
(Comments wont nest below this level)
Comment by Housing Analyst
2014-06-18 12:46:38
Liberace…. you’re so clueless.
Comment by j-j-j-joe
2014-06-18 14:22:58
What did I say that was wrong? Sure you could quibble about exact numbers of features, but these people spending 20k on their kitchens are idiots if they think it will add anything significant to resale. OTOH, if you’re going to own the house 20+ years and you really enjoy cooking, OK, set a budget that works for you and have at it. Just keep in mind that what you want in 2014 might end up looking very dated in 2034 (probably even in 2024).
Comment by azdude
2014-06-18 15:40:12
your pissing in the wind trying to get anything rational out of this poser.
Out: Pot fillers and oil-rubbed bronze finishes
Instead: Pullout faucets and polished chrome finishes
I’ll stick to the nickel finish before polished chrome. Water spots anyone?
Comment by MightyMike
2014-06-18 17:43:15
When I first saw one of those pot fillers in a magazine I thought it was a crazy idea. Is it for people who don’t want to fill a pot in the kitchen sink and carry it over to the stove? Who would pay extra for that?
It makes me think that there must a secret facility in the basement of the Home Depot headquarters where crazy “home improvement” ideas are dreamed up to get people to spend money on nonsense. Or maybe HD and Lowe’s do it in conjunction with Toll Brothers and other builders.
I still think that the whole notion that certain kinds of counters or faucets go in and out of style every year is something that only one percenters can afford to care about.
A pullout faucet at HD is $200. Big whoop, I got one.
A pot-filler in the wall is its own piping and costs thousands. Yeah, so you don’t have to carry water from the sink when you start cooking. What do you do when you’re done cooking… now you have to carry the darn thing back to the sink anyway. And this time it’s boiling hot.
Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2014-06-18 20:25:21
A pot-filler in the wall is its own piping and costs thousands.
But not if you’re building new or totally gutting I imagine - or using some imagination and innovation. Heck if I would have thought of a pot-filler 6 years ago I would have put one in for about $300 or so down here. It’s just water pipe and vales and stuff.
But I can totally live without one too.
Comment by "Auntie Fed, why won't you love ME?"
2014-06-18 20:50:45
Well clearly, there is going to need to be a pot drainer next to the stove. It would be better if they could make pot siphons.
Comment by Housing Analyst
2014-06-19 03:58:02
Lol .look at the junkies piling on the housing fetish.
Along with bidding wars and “snatching up properties”, which are hallmarks of a mania, I wonder how many people could once again afford the houses they’re living in?
U.S. Border Patrol Paying To Ship Illegals Deep Into U.S. - YouTube - 133k - Cached - Similar pages
9 hours ago … U.S. Border Patrol Paying To Ship Illegals Deep Into U.S. … Paying To Ship Illegals Deep Into U.S.
I hate drones. I want to be in control of my transportation as well - I don’t trust self driving cars. It would take me 25 years to trust the technology but by that time I will be dead or maybe too old to be going anywhere for ten minutes without wanting to pee.
Fortunately I observed in an uncle that the older you get the more sensitive to cold you get. So he was happy in Tucson. I remember when I was in my early 30s visiting in January and his furnace was up to 90 in his house and he enjoyed it. Doh! So maybe I will enjoy Phoenix all year around as long as I have a walking (or make that doddering) path nearby, like midtown Scottsdale.
Higher mortgage rates is what I want. BTW, you can wait until after the recrash to buy me that house. I want rose-colored granite counter tops and honey-oak wood floors and cabinets. It will look great with my new blue reclining sofa with one of those fold-down tables in the middle. That will make it easier for me to put my feet up and drink wine in the middle of day.
The Duke student-cum-porn-actress wrote a piece in Time magazine about why education is so expensive. And why she went into porn to pay for that education. She says something which rings true - when government wades into an industry to make the product cheaper/affordable, or they move to protect an industry, the prices in that industry skyrocket. Be it medicine, education, or housing.
‘Duke Porn Star’: I Lost My Financial Aid
by Miriam Weeks
June 16, 2014
Time Magazine
Instead of focusing on my decision to perform in porn to pay my tuition, let’s start paying attention to what got me here: artificially inflated demand for college that pushes tuitions sky high
But my porn work pays the exorbitant tab for one simple reason: Demand for porn actresses, especially extremely young ones like myself, far exceeds supply. How interesting that the same basic principle explains why my tuition bill is so high in the first place.
Sheldon Richman, vice president of the Future of Freedom Foundation and author of Separating School: Liberating America’s Families agrees:
‘What drives the inflation of tuitions are the various forms of government financing. This is basic economics. If the government stimulates demand through grants and loans, other things equal, prices (tuitions) will rise. It’s supply and demand. It is unsurprising that much of the money goes to administrative bloat. That’s how bureaucracies usually behave.’
I’m hardly the only student who’s struggling with these sky-high bills. Experts predict a massive student loan default on the horizon, on par with the last major mortgage crisis. And, like the mortgage crisis, it’s likely the banks and lenders will be bailed out, while the students will be saddled with wage garnishments and ruined credit.
Government must stop the flow of money to schools in order to get tuition rates under control again.
Name:Ben Jones Location:Northern Arizona, United States To donate by mail, or to otherwise contact this blogger, please send emails to:
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Living in a rental will never feel like a real home.
Woman…. Fetch me a beer.
poser you cant fool us here
LOL, nice try.
The $hithouse Poet fumbles again. Lolz
Grow up. You renters sound like a bunch of children.
Cheetos. NOW> Get a move on woman!
1. Busted az
2. Two sandwiches now, still
3. Hurry, clip clop
This being the Bits Bucket, I thought I’d share that I’m posting while the wife is asleep; yep, I said “wife”—I’m posting from my honeymoon!
For those who don’t recall, I was nominally single but in a long-term relationship until recently, and decided to take the plunge and make it official. Bill may shake his head, thinking that I am giving up my mobility, but I know that if mobility were ever important (and it hasn’t seemed so in the last 17yrs of my career), she would support me in moving wherever needed. At least I don’t have an underwater mortgage anchoring me down!
Congratulations! There are nice things about either lifestyle. I just am pure voluntaryist and at most will live with a girlfriend. I am at the point in my career that I can greatly alter my path, but can’t make government third partner in my intimate relationship. Ever.
Thanks, Bill! I thought you might disapprove…
I am at the point in my career that I can greatly alter my path, but can’t make government third partner in my intimate relationship.
I, too, am at the point in my career where I could choose to greatly alter my path, though I am sure that my recent life-change will impact whether I choose to do so or not, or the timing in which I do so. At the moment, I’m fairly happen with what I’m doing, so I don’t feel a pressing need make any immediate changes.
Also, I certainly understand the desire to avoid government interference in your life; in my best-of-all worlds, I would do so as well. But sometimes we have to make decisions based upon the world-views of others in our lives as well…
For me I work hard to get government out of any relationship I have, whether romantic, friendship, family, or business as much as possible. The entanglements by having government as third partner in a relationship is not worth any benefit. The only value of government is mediator. But these days private arbitration is very common so who needs the thugernment anyway? By avoiding marriage, it is an easy move to snip one potential tie to government. The easy and uncostly ways to get government out of my life are obvious.
I work hard to get government out of any relationship I have, whether romantic, friendship, family,
Interesting. I work much harder on my relationships, romantic, friendship and family than I work on “getting government out of such”.
sometimes we have to make decisions based upon the world-views of others in our lives as well…
I understand that. And Harry Browne, the one who wrote “How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World” also gave in to the world view of the woman in his life - and went against his philosophy of “non-marriage.”
In my case I do not get into any situations where I meet potentials. I don’t go out at night, for one thing. And at the gym at 5am I’m there to work out, just like everyone else and not be social. Then at work, I am in engineering, so it’s all guys and one woman - and she’s married.
Finally I’m an atheist and not a LIEberal so that really lowers my potential relationships quite a bit. For instance I certainly would not go to church to meet women. I suppose maybe I should, then buy one of them a $500,000 house.
I understand that. And Harry Browne, the one who wrote “How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World” also gave in to the world view of the woman in his life - and went against his philosophy of “non-marriage.”
Bill and Prime, I’ve generally got the same viewpoint as y’all on this one, but the twist of irony is that my girlfriend is the one more greatly opposed to getting legally entangled. We’re on a lease and car title together, but marriage is out of the question.
I’m trying to convince her to at least go through the motions and do the nuptials (minus any kind of license/legal agreement) with Elvis down in Vegas So far no luck…
Bill is afraid of girls.
Been ripped off for $20,000 from a broad.
That was also the last time I had any romantic relationship. A few years ago. Dr. Auntie what should I do? Or Dr. Guillotine Renovator maybe you would say I have no problem at all!
I would say that life is about being happy and the most precious commodity you have is time.
Yeah and time is what I have a major lack of. 3 hours between the time I get home and the time I have to sleep so that I can start the day on the elliptical when the gym opens the next morning! Then one hour after workout to eat breakfast and get ready to go to work.
Robert A. Heinlein wrote a book called “Time Enough For Love” and although the book is great, the title half says it all. The main characters go through “rejuvenation” when they are in their 80s and become 20 again, over and over and over. They hence have time.
Been ripped off for $20,000 from a broad.
Chicken feed in the big picture imo.
It was chicken feed only because I did not tell her my actual income or my net worth. I had to post an income on some document to vouch for her to the government and I basically cut my real income in half. - After I found out she stole my money I helped an LA County sheriff track her down. She was jailed.
It was chicken feed only because it seems to have jaded you to something special.
Because of money.
Been ripped off for $20,000 from a broad.
Sounds like you got off cheap!
Prime, yeah, I laugh as I look back. It could have been half my wealth, which in those days was around $450,000 or so. $225,000 versus $20,000 - and I learned the lesson.
Hence these days I drive an 11 year old Toyota, I’m one of the only two people at work who rents instead of own a house, and wear blue jeans.
Even the guys at work drive better cars and they make mortgage payments (I doubt if anyone owns a house outright). They look down on me for not being a materialist.
They look down on me for not being a materialist.
Funny—I don’t feel looked down on by my co-workers for not being a materialist; but I do sometimes feel that I am looked on as something of a novelty, something not entirely understood.
Congratulations! Wishing you many happy years!
Congratulations and may the tax code treat you kindly.
LOL… I suppose there may be some small benefit there. That was definitely NOT one of my reasons for going forward with it, though!
What that wife needs is a $500,000 starter home!
Dont fight the FED!!! Leverage that dollar 30 times and buy some stocks and homes.
Debt will lead you to wealth. The more debt you take on the better your chance of making money.
Credit money will get us out of the hole.
Deficit spending and the shuffling of treasury bonds between the FED, primary dealers and the treasury will keep interest rates low for years to come.
Whys sit around and miss a great opportunity?
With a granite countertop and an office.
Congrats, Prime. Many happy days ahead!
What that wife needs is a $500,000 starter home!
LOL… Not!
I’ve been CRYSTAL clear since we first met about how I feel about buying into a manipulated market or a mania; she has seemed to accept this, though four or five months ago, I did hear the first query of “are you ever going to be willing to buy?”
The answer is that I’d be happy to buy in a market supported by fundamentals, if I though I would be content to live in that location for the next 7-10yrs.
In today’s manipulated echo-mania? No thanks!
I’m guessing if you can keep her at bay until the next recession, you will find an entry point to the market that works for both of you. Good luck holding on!
Of course, you’re assuming that neither Prime nor his wife will lose their jobs during the next recession.
I am sufficiently fiscally conservative that the prospect of either of us losing our jobs does not really concern me. We have very few commitments at the moment—no car payments, no CC debt, no student loans, no mortgage, very affordable rent. Heck, at my last company, I was rather hoping that I would be one of the ones to get the layoff axe, as the severance package combined with the time off sounded rather appealing!
That’s a pretty nice situation to be in. It doesn’t sound, though, like you’re the sort of person who would take that severance package, use it as a down payment and start house hunting in the midst of a recession.
Let’s try this again:
What that wife needs is a $750,000 starter home!
“What that wife needs is a $750,000 starter home!”
And a screaming, pooping bundle of joy!
Strangely enough, I find the lifetime commitment of a pooping bundle of joy less scary than the prospect of the $750K starter home!
They’ll cost you about the same after all is said and done, maybe more. I just paid the annual fees for my daughter’s club soccer team: $1500.
I just paid the annual fees for my daughter’s club soccer team: $1500.
Congratulation Prime!
It can be an adventure and really great.
Thanks, Rio!
Personally I would cut to the chase and buy some woman I detest a $500,000 home.
LOL—that’s awesome. Save yourself time and heart-ache, eh?!
I think it’s great if people want to get married, I just happen to know that with a more than 50% failure rate, mine would be definitely be one of them. I mean, no woman could live with me for the rest of her life. If she could, there’s something seriously wrong with her and I would run away!
G.R. I figure mine would be failed too. Although I did share a roof, bedroom, and bed with a wonderful woman for a few years it was not official. She and I would have ended up divorced for sure.
OK, buy me a house Bill. It’s perfect.
I rest my case.
“I’m posting from my honeymoon!”
Sweet! Enjoy your temporary rental housing in a (hopefully) lovely location.
Thanks! Yep, we’re happily renting at a weekly rate in the lovely USVI—and happily renting month-to-month at home as well.
Wait, am I paying TWO separately owners’ mortgages??? 8-/
Sounds idyllic — reminding me of a honeymoon in HI a couple of decades ago.
she would support me in moving wherever needed.
Even if you posted to HBB on your HONEYMOON?
(asleep or not.)
(insert compliment as to WHY new bride is very asleep. )
Hope to not see you for a few days.
Thanks, oxy—I’ll do my best to make sure she needs and gets lots of extra sleep.
What’s wrong with posting when I’m not needed?
“I’m posting from my honeymoon!”
So who’s going to name the baby?
So who’s going to name the baby?
Weekend topic suggestion?
Congrats, Prime! Hope things are still going well for you at the new gig! (and with the new ‘gig’ as husband
Congrats, Prime! Hope things are still going well for you at the new gig! (and with the new ‘gig’ as husband
Thanks, drummin!
BTW, I went by the company open-house to visit a couple of friends shortly before leaving town, and hoped to see you there—but either didn’t spot you or you weren’t around. Been a long time!
I went by the company open-house to visit a couple of friends shortly before leaving town, and hoped to see you there—but either didn’t spot you or you weren’t around.
Ahh, bummer. I assume this was on your side of the lake/in Fremont? I’m a deeply-entrenched eastsider at this point, living and working in Kirkland (with a 5 minute commute to work…oh how lovely!)
If you want to grab a beer sometime when you’re back in town, hit me up. I’m over that way every now and again.
Yep—it was the Fremont office. I’d definitely be up for that beer sometime after I’m back!
Judicial Watch Smoking Gun Busts Open IRS Scandal, Again - Breitbart
Now according to a release from House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, Lerner had a database of tax exempt organizations sent to the FBI just before the 2010 midterm elections. That database included legally protected taxpayer information. Emails show Lerner and DOJ Election Crimes Branch official Richard Pilger discussing what format the FBI prefers when it comes to receiving information for their investigation.
“Thanks Lois – FBI says Raw format is best because they can put it into their systems like excel,” Pilger wrote in an October 6, 2010 email to Lerner.
This revelation that the IRS sent 1.1 million pages of nonprofit tax-return data — including confidential taxpayer information — to the FBI confirms suspicions that the IRS worked with the Justice Department to facilitate the potential investigation of nonprofit groups engaged in lawful political speech.”
“[T]his revelation likely means that the IRS — including possibly Lois Lerner — violated federal tax law by transmitting this information to the Justice Department in 2010.”
More lawlessness by the team in power. This thing, the actual abuse of power by the Admin, will be far worse than anything Nixon did. The MSM is slowly coming around to the fact that they’ve allowed it to happen and I wonder how long it’ll take for them to start asking some tough questions.
“I wonder how long it’ll take for them to start asking some tough questions.”
I hope you’re not holding your breath.
Think how the electronic cloud would actually protect Lerner and the rest if they didn’t do anything wrong. But she was apparently stupid enough to send emails. Probably didnt even consider she was doing anything wrong cause it felt right to her.
“More lawlessness by the team in power. This thing, the actual abuse of power by the Admin, will be far worse than anything Nixon did.”
Impeachment should have been on the table a long time ago. This regime does whatever it wants. The problem is, you have this triumvirate of Obama, Holder and Johnson. Unfortunately, the way things are set up, Congress doesn’t dare impeach because the media would start screaming about racism.
Remember the scandal that took Alberto Gonzales down? Where he was deliberately going after attorneys general in select states? This IRS thing is equal to or greater than that, and where is Congress? Where is the MSM? They were all over Gonzales.
Might as well be wishing for another civil war.
“More lawlessness by the team in power. This thing, the actual abuse of power by the Admin, will be far worse than anything Nixon did.”
Can’t wait to see how much more the next Admin will raise that bar.
The hobby over at the Great Orange Lib Site is Chris Christie’s Bridgegate, and something with the governor of Wisconsin. I don’t think either will get anywhere, but, that’s what they told Woodward and Bernstein, right?
Much worse than drone strikes.
lerner will be sentenced to a pension w hc
Even if she was convicted of the worst federal crime possible she would still get any pension she had already earned. Guys who get convicted of taking bribes to corruptly use their positions and sentenced to prison still get it.
how many more trillions will be printed for stock holders? Why are these folks so entitled?
It is the wealth effect. Housing and stocks need to appear high so all those FBs don’t freak out that they are broke and quit spending. Watch Eddie Murphy in Trading Places. It is and always has been always about the GI Joe with the Kung Fu grip.
so rising asset prices are more important than jobs?
These people have jobs. Yes, it is more important. Jobs are for robots.
“Jobs are for robots.”
+1 Good point.
I ran across this article touting American Homes 4 Rent and thought I would share:
“Home Prices Are Going Up: Here’s How to Profit With American Homes 4 Rent and Silver Bay Realty
“By Reuben Brewer, June 13, 2014
“The opportunity to buy in the single-family home market is going away.
“That doesn’t mean that there aren’t undervalued assets floating around ripe for the picking, however. For example, American Homes 4 Rent (NYSE: AMH ) is offering dividend-paying, exchange-traded securities that give you a piece of the future price appreciation of homes it owns.”
“Dividend-paying”: It’s interesting that since there are no earnings but instead there are lots of losses these dividends must be coming from somewhere else, and since the company has borrowed a lot of money and has sold a lot of shares in itself it’s a good guess where this somewhere-else place is located.
“Silver Bay and competitors like American Homes 4 Rent have been aggressively building their portfolios by buying up properties. Silver Bay, for example, started life with around 2,500 properties. A little over a year later, the portfolio held over 5,700 homes.”
Gee, maybe this may help explain the reasoning behind the statement above that states “Home Prices Are Going Up”. A more accurate statement would have been “Home Prices Have Gone Up”, and the reason they have gone up is because investment companies such as American Homes 4 Rent PUSHED them up.
And they pushed them up by their process of bidding them up and they did this bidding up by using Other People’s Money. However, they have slowed down a bit in their buying and hence it is reasonable to assume that the bidding up of prices will be slowing and (the horror) may even go into reverse and even end up DECLINING!
Plus, it is interesting that while the company touts the idea that it is going to be profitable due to renting out its properties this article suggests that they way for the company to best make its money is to sell off its holdings. It’s either the one or its the other since you can’t rent out what you have sold out.
Which is another way of saying that if you are thinking in terms of a going concern of a company - a company that pays dividends, which is part of what the article touts - then you will have to keep the properties as rentals which means that if you are going to keep them as rentals then you won’t be making any money by selling them.
If a company is going to forever be in the business of making money by buying low and selling high then it will have to forever - FOREVER - be able to buy low.
But if the very act of the company’s buying pushes up the prices then it is reasonable to expect that the company cannot forever do this - cannot forever buy low in order to sell high - which means the company will at some time reach the point whereby it is no longer making money.
That’s assuming the company ever made money if the first place.
You’re just being a negative Nelly.
A more accurate statement would have been “Home Prices Have Gone Up”, and the reason they have gone up is because investment companies such as American Homes 4 Rent PUSHED them up.”
you got that right
A dividend of a negative number is negative, unless you bought negative shares. In other words, the person who sells the shares will make money, while the person who buys the shares will lose money.
Here is a good article on work and any of you that think I am a LibAll, I fully support what is suggested;
Rising asset prices are way more important than jobs in this new economy.
People wont work for 10 bucks an hr. Even 20 bucks an hr isnt that great.
The only specific suggested is expanding the EITC. Everything else is vague fluff. And it is horsehockey becuase it says this:
“we need to increase incentives for work as did welfare reform, one of the most successful pieces of legislation in the last few decades”
Welfare is going stronger than ever. Just rebranded.
Here is the real horsehockey:
“The minimum wage is in effect a tax on business, making it more expensive to hire workers….That means substantially increasing the earned-income tax credit so anyone working 40 hours a week has a decent household income.”
In other words, the author wants to get rid of the minimum wage, while filling in the rest of that “decent household income” with EITC. That’s every republican’s wet dream. Hire workers for practically nothing, and then let the taxpayers pay the actual wages. All the while screaming against “government intervention.”
Privatize the profits and socialize the losses. Always. From government contracting to Obamacare, ALWAYS.
In other words, the author wants to get rid of the minimum wage, while filling in the rest of that “decent household income” with EITC. That’s every republican’s wet dream. Hire workers for practically nothing, and then let the taxpayers pay the actual wages. All the while screaming against “government intervention.”
Works great until you run out of taxpayers.
It would be most preferable if those workers were citizens of another country, too. That way, after they have expended their useful lives as workers (and sent half of their paycheck back home the entire time), they will leave and cease to collect any taxpayer-funded benefits.
The only thing the Repubs can’t figure out is where the illegal immigrants will come from once the unemployment is so high and wages so low in the US, that Mexico is actually better off. I guess they wager the 1% will come to the rescue at that point, or maybe they’re just all so old that they will be dead when it happens.
There you go again. No one here properly answered the question explaining the theory of why Repubs supposedly are for shamnesty. The best I got was a claim that the same 1 percenter plutocrats in both D and R want it, which ain’t the same.
This claim that Rs and Ds are both in favor doesn’t seem to hold up. All Ds want and some few Rs with leadership spots. Business wants illegal labor to exploit not shamnesty and legalization which drives the wages they have to pay up.
Republican shamnesty comes with decriminalization, but not legalization. Democrat shamnesty comes with legalization.
Updated: 2014-06-06 10:28
China is likely to release a national plan for the development of the petrochemical industry as early as this month, Shanghai Securities News reported on Thursday.
The plan will come after the State Council pledged safe and green development of the petrochemical industry at an executive meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang on Wednesday.
Citing anonymous sources, the newspaper said the plan will lay down rules mainly for oil refining and production of ethylene and aromatic hydrocarbon.
The petrochemical industry is one of the pillars of China’s economy and affects people’s daily lives. But there is a shortfall in domestic supply and China relies on imports for a large portion of the high-end petrochemical products it needs.
At the same time, the domestic industry is under high pressure amid rising public awareness of environmental protection.
A number of petrochemical projects, most typically para-xylene plants, have encountered violent rejections over pollution concerns in Chinese cities in recent years.
To address public concerns, Wednesday’s executive meeting stressed that petrochemical projects must be safe and environmentally friendly.
New projects must go through strict environmental impact assessment and their locations must be chosen in a scientific way, according to a statement issued after the meeting.
In addition to petrochemistry, Shanghai Securities News reported that the upcoming plan will also support the development of coal chemistry in West China.
Sources said that modern coal-based chemical production including coal-to-olefins and coal-to-aromatic hydrocarbon will be supported as the cost of coal chemistry is lower than that of petrochemistry
Warmists gonna warm, Dannyboy
Can we change the name of this segment to the Global Warming Bucket?
“To address public concerns, Wednesday’s executive meeting stressed that petrochemical projects must be safe and environmentally friendly.”
If any country can insure that bribes and corruption do not circumvent environmental safety regulations that country is China!
RAL, your thoughts on these new apartments in a gritty Manhattan neighborhood?
Why looking at NYC? Close to Time Square. What a nightmare. Better bring Kurt Russell cause you’ll wanna be escaping soon.
It’s technically in Chelsea, but not really. It’s way over on like 10th or 11th avenue, near long term parking lots, the Lincoln Tunnel exits, and FIT. It’s nearly 2 miles south and west of Times Sq., much less busy, but just as gritty. Not the kind of place where anyone is going to live long term.
Not the kind of place where anyone is going to live long term.
People were probably making disparaging remarks like that about Brooklyn 20 years ago. Isn’t Chelsea near the newly fashionable metpacking district?
Meatpacking is just south and west of there. But a few blocks make a big difference in NYC. Parts of Chelsea and MP are very nice. Trendy isn’t a new thing, it goes back to early 00s, when Manhattan got really safe in general. (Manhattan is still ridiculously safe. One of the safest places in the US.)
It’s more a function of that particularly part of Chelsea, how it’s zoned, how close it is to the Lincoln Tunnel (not something you can change), and by the way did you see the rent on those places?
BTW parts of Brooklyn are still crappy, there are only so many young white people to colonize and gentrify at any given time. They’re still working their way north and east from DUMBO/Williamsburg but haven’t gotten all that far yet in the big scheme of things. Brooklyn has 2 million + people.
All 5 boroughs are a seething $hit pot Liberace.
Shades of Battlestar Galactica… Looks like robots will be replacing human security officers.
Remember, when surveillance becomes cheap, it will become more and more widespread and invasive. And when it becomes an even more profitable industry, expect private sector, invisible-hand-of-the-free-market companies to make sure these things are seen as “needed”.
Privacy isn’t always privacy from the gov’t or from police officers. That’s what I mean when I say that our Constitution/Bill of Rights are not going to protect us from this stuff. We’d actually need some limits laid down by Congress, but LOL if anyone expects that to happen.
Meet Bob, Britain’s first ROBOTIC security guard: Droid roams offices looking for suspicious behaviour - and calls for backup
-Bob rolls from room to room at G4S offices in Gloucestershire
-If something looks suspicous, Bob analyses it and informs human security
-Bob is on a three-week trial with scientists assessing his performance
-The machine is part of a £7.2 million ($12.2 million) project by the University of Birmingham to get droids into offices worldwide
I was a security guard back in the very early 90s, they had these then. It would roam the offices with fire and motion sensors. Nothing new.
I believe that “Bob” has a lot more processing power and better AI software that those machines did in the 90’s.
Speaking of Battlestar Galactica, I met Edward James Olmos over the weekend.
I like that show a lot. I’m in the middle of watching all 7 seasons on Netflix at a steady pace of 1/day.
He’s a cool guy. At Comic Con the celebs charge big bucks for autographs, as much as $80.
One of my daughters made a little origami unicorn (from Bladerunner) and presented it to him as a gift. Instead of keeping it, he autographed it for free (and it was tricky as the unicorn was tiny) and gave it back to her. His standard fee was $60.
I’ve never understood the autograph market at all. Are you getting it autographed for yourself? Or for the chance to sell it? If the former, I really don’t understand it, I’d rather just meet the guy. If the latter, how do you authenticate the autograph as real when it comes time to sell it, to ensure you get the best price?
Also, IMO, Battlestar Galactica was _very_ timely for more than just the tech angle. There’s the whole angle of terrorism, how to figure out who exactly the terror suspects are, how to treat them/get information, and how to manage in a time of crisis. Since the show was post-Afghan and Iraq invasions and made at the time of the Abu Ghraib and similar issues, it had to take those things into account on some level.
Resource scarcity is also an obvious issue.
I’ve never understood the autograph market at all.
I don’t get it either. You can meet the celebs for free (no photo, that’s extra). IIRC, Bruce Campbell (Evil Dead, Burn Notice) was charging $40 just to say hi to him. Which is why I was surprised that Olmos autographed the unicorn for free.
You keep the $60 receipt? Seriously, it just doesn’t sound worth it anymore.
You keep the $60 receipt? Seriously, it just doesn’t sound worth it anymore.
He didn’t charge us. There’s no way we would have paid for an autograph.
I was answering Joe’s question about authentication. Why not just have the star sign the receipt itself that says “I paid 60 bucks for this on X date.” It would save a lot of grief on Antiques Roadshow 30 years from now.
I dunno, buying autographs just cheapens the whole thing. And $40 just to say “o, hai” to a has-been — a B-level has-been at that.. no thanks.
A receipt can’t be enough, those could be faked. And without some central database type of thing where someone could go to look up receipts, how do you prove it’s not just a copy.
Also, you could always have a receipt, but just make a 2nd or 3rd copy of the signature, while keeping the original for yourself.
But overall, I don’t get the whole concept.
We actually have a picture of Olmos holding the Unicorn. I doubt anyone will care 50 years from now.
“And $40 just to say “o, hai” to a has-been — a B-level has-been at that.. no thanks.”
Campbell’s meet and greet line was by far the longest. Way longer than Shatner’s or Adam West’s meet and greet. I guess the Evil Dead crowd is quite fanatical. I was like “That’s the dude from Burn Notice, what’s the big deal?” Judging by the lines I’m guestimating that he made over 30 grand that 3 day weekend. I have no idea how much the convention organizers pay him, if anything.
He also packed over 2000 people into the convention center’s main ballroom for his panel.
Remember 9/11
Freedom isn’t free
Support our troops
Power of pride
Let’s roll
These colors don’t run
Mission accomplished
et cetera
mom’s apple pie, bald eagles, my favorite: “Marines don’t cut and run” (God bless Jean Shaheen)
These colors don’t run
Not this month. Wore the colors and went to USA/Ghana game here. This town/Copacabana Beach is off-the-hook and in an international love fest. (For our own country’s team.) USA! USA! USA!
This excerpt is from Real Journalist a May 2, 2011 New Yorker article when they were trying to do a puff piece on the President and his role in the Arab Spring, it is important for people to understand that Obama has acted against his military and many foreign policy experts that told him that stability in the Middle East was more important than promoting the Arab Spring, we are reaping the results of his ignoring their advice at the pump and in the poor showing of the economy in general:
In 2009 and early 2010, Obama was sometimes criticized for not acting at all. He was cautious during Iran’s Green Revolution and deferential to his generals during the review of Afghanistan strategy. But his response to the Arab Spring has been bolder. He broke with Mubarak at a point when some of the older establishment advised against it. In Libya, he overruled Gates and his military advisers and pushed our allies to adopt a broad and risky intervention. It is too early to know the consequences of these decisions. Libya appears to be entering a protracted civil war; American policy toward Mubarak frightened—and irritated—Saudi Arabia, where instability could send oil prices soaring. The U.S. keeps getting stuck in the Middle East.
Another excerpt which shows why the Middle East is in flames under this administration:
The review was led by three N.S.C. staffers: Samantha Power, Gayle Smith, who works on development issues, and Dennis Ross, a Middle East expert with a broad portfolio in the White House. Soon, they and officials from other agencies were sitting in the White House, debating the costs and benefits of supporting autocrats. A White House official involved said the group studied “the taboos, all the questions you’re not supposed to ask.” For example, they tested the assumption that the President could not publicly criticize President Hosni Mubarak because it would jeopardize Egypt’s coöperation on issues related to Israel or its assistance in tracking terrorists. Not true, they concluded: the Egyptians pursued peace with Israel and crushed terrorists because it was in their interest to do so, not because the U.S. asked them to.
They tested the idea that countries with impoverished populations needed to develop economically before they were prepared for open political systems—a common argument that democracy promoters often run up against. Again, they concluded that the conventional wisdom was wrong. “All roads led to political reform,” the White House official said.
you might like this although you may already know it. Had a discussion at work someone didn’t believe it was illegal for the US to export crude oil
I fear oil prices may go much higher in the months ahead
President and his role in the Arab Spring,
Al Qaeda is happy Bush made possible Iraq’s Arab Spring. It was predicted 10 years ago.
why the Middle East is in flames under this administration
Study the history of Iraq. The Middle East is “in flames” because USA/world does not want to pay for the very expensive fire extinguisher to put out the flames from breaking Iraq under false pretenses over 10 years ago.
What happened to the Repub “responsibility” thing? Is it just all talk?
No one ever seems to consider how, just like DNA, the electric cloud you now live in protects you also. There is a flipside to the privacy issue. If they can pry into the things you are doing, then you can also show that you aren’t doing something you are falsely accused of.
“then you can also show that you aren’t doing something you are falsely accused of.
Unless, given their access, they plant it there.
Moot point. The burden of proof is on the accuser.
Not a moot point if you can easily show an alibi through the ecloud info so you never actually get accused.
You have to get accused before you need to show an alibi. There is a reason why lawyers advise you not to say anything. Prosecutors do nothing all day but figure out ways to pin things on people. One iota of information in the hands of a deranged prosecutor can do 10 times more harm than the same information in the hands of an accused person.
Then you also get the political intimidation against opponents to incumbents, cops who want their ex-girlfriends to go to jail (for revenge), and indefinite storage of data that can be sprung upon you at any unprepared time.
Maybe I will write in John Quincy Adams on the ballot if I cannot vote for Rand or Cruz:
From the same article
One reaction among liberals to the Bush years and to Iraq was to retreat from “idealism” toward “realism,” in which the United States would act cautiously and, above all, according to national interests rather than moral imperatives. The debate is rooted in the country’s early history. America, John Quincy Adams argued, “does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to freedom and independence of all,” but the “champion and vindicator only of her own.”
In 1966, Adams’s words were repeated by George Kennan, perhaps the most articulate realist of the twentieth century, in opposing the Vietnam War. To Kennan and his intellectual followers, foreign-policy problems are always more complicated than Americans, in their native idealism, usually allow. The use of force to stop human-rights abuses or to promote democracy, they argue, usually ends poorly. In the fall of 2002, six months before the invasion of Iraq, Kennan said, “Today, if we went into Iraq, as the President would like us to do, you know where you begin. You never know where you are going to end.”
The ants have no vote to elect the Queen. Hillary has been fed the royal jelly her whole life and now you will do what she says. And like it!
While that may be true, I’m beginning to think she won’t run.
She’s got many issues, she’s not a polished politician like her hubby and the elite MSM is beginning to ask her tough questions. If she runs all of the old Bill Clinton stories are gonna come out and you know that has to hurt.
Why not retire, rake in millions traveling around the world making speeches and just enjoy the rest of her life???
Hilary’s not getting much traction with the libs either. The libs don’t much care about the Bill stories. They are angrier at her more recent stuff: the vote for the Iraq war and general hawkishness as SoS.
The deal Barry cut with her in 08 is being renegged on.
A nation of broke azz loosers:
Don’t be a debt donkey
Don’t eat debt donkey sausage.
Morning Mix
Wal-Mart to triple food safety spending in China after donkey meat disaster
By Gail Sullivan June 17
A Chinese consumer shops in a Walmart supercenter in Qingdao city, eastern China’s Shandong province in May. (Wu Hong/European Pressphoto Agency)
Wal-Mart plans to triple spending on food safety in China, where fox meat was found in packages labelled as “Five Spice” donkey meat in January.
The masquerading meat came from a local supplier. After the discovery, the company said it would increase checks on vendors to ensure they have the necessary permits and do DNA testing of meat sold in China.
Wal-Mart is increasing spending on food safety to $48.2 million between 2013 and 2015, three times the $16 million it had previously committed to spending during that period.
The funding will go to additional food testing and supplier audits, Wal-Mart’s China Chief Compliance Officer Paul Gallemore said in a press briefing on Tuesday, adding that Wal-Mart will double its DNA testing on meat products.
“We see this as our future home market,” said Mr. Gallemore. The discount retailer based in Bentonville, Ark., plans to add 110 more stores by 2016 to the roughly 400 currently in China.
The donkey disaster followed other Wal-Mart scandals including the mislabeling of regular pork as organic in 2011 and the discovery of hazardous chemicals in sesame oil and squid in 2012.
Don’t eat debt donkey sausage.
Must …. Not …. Type ….. Lola …. Reference …..
The donkey meat was tainted with fox meat and therefore bad? Seems like that should increase the price.
Technically Lola’s not the donkey.
Can the U.S. stock market run up forever on hot air and inertia?
June 18, 2014, 6:02 a.m. EDT
This stock trading pro sees bearish parallels to 2007
Insight: U.S. market running on ‘hot air and inertia,’ Elder says
By Michael Sincere
MIAMI (MarketWatch) — I recently contacted Alexander Elder, a noted trader and author of several stock market books, including the bestseller, “Come Into My Trading Room.” I wanted to know what he thought of the current market.
“People who are bullish are having a wonderful time,” he said. “The market is making a new high every day.” As it turned out, Elder turned bearish several months ago.
He told me a story about one of his friends, Manning, a brilliant stock analyst. After five years of a bull market, in 1987 Manny turned bearish. He began buying put options on the S&P 500 beginning in March of that year. After a month, his puts expired worthless. So he bought June puts, which also expired. He bought September puts and when those also expired, Manning gave up. The next month, in October, the market crashed, shedding more than 25% in two days.
The moral of the story, Elder says, is you must have a strong disposition and very good risk management if you are going to bet against the market.
Which brings us to the current market. Elder, who also wrote a book on short-selling, “Sell and Sell Short,” said, “This market is running on hot air and inertia. The party is still going on but there are police lights flashing down the block and the party is about to get busted up. The longer it goes, the nastier it will fall.”
DOW 20,000,000 by 2015.
I’m guessing this news may not do much for keeping oil prices contained?
June 18, 2014, 5:14 a.m. EDT
Iraq’s main oil refinery on fire after militant attack
Rebels gain partial control of Baiji facility in overnight raid
By Ali A. Nabhan
BAGHDAD — Parts of Iraq’s main oil refinery were in flames Wednesday as government forces fought to repel militants who gained partial control of the oil facility, Iraqi security officials said.
Sunni militant fighters behind a week-old offensive that has claimed several major cities and towns in northern Iraq attacked the refinery in the northern city of Baiji overnight and seized part of the installation, an oil ministry official in the country’s north said.
The official said employees fled the refinery as it came under attack, the latest in a weeklong siege of the oil hub.
Saw a few articles about this, the refinery supplies gasoline for Iraq’s domestic market.
Not that that matters to the pigmen, they’ll pig for any reason.
At least I’ll be getting 37.5 mpg when I go on vacation in Telluride in 2 weeks
BAGHDAD — Parts of Iraq’s main oil refinery were in flames Wednesday as government forces fought to repel militants who gained partial control of the oil facility, Iraqi security officials said.”
The Humungus: There has been too much violence. Too much pain. But I have an honorable compromise. Just walk away. Give me your pump, the oil, the gasoline, and the whole compound, and I’ll spare your lives. Just walk away and we’ll give you a safe passageway in the wastelands. Just walk away and there will be an end to the horror.
Nice Humungus reference.
You want outta here, you talk to Lola.
Political correctness has reached record levels.
The United States Patent and Trademark Office has cancelled six of the Washington Redskins’ trademark registrations, because they “were disparaging to Native Americans at the respective times they were registered.”
The agency ruled Wednesday in a case brought by five Native Americans, who sought cancellation of the team’s registrations by arguing that the trademarks violated the prohibition of the “registration of marks that may disparage persons or bring them into contempt or disrepute,” as the agency wrote in its ruling.
“We decide, based on the evidence properly before us, that these registrations must be cancelled because they were disparaging to Native Americans at the respective times they were registered,” the agency wrote.
In statements to The Washington Post, the plaintiffs’ attorneys lauded the ruling as “historic.”
“We are extraordinarily gratified to have prevailed in this case,” attorney Alfred Putnam Jr. said. “The dedication and professionalism of our attorneys and the determination of our clients have resulted in a milestone victory that will serve as an historic precedent.”
Jesse Witten, the plaintiff’s lead attorney, said the ruling was “a long time coming and reflects the hard work of many attorneys at our firm.”
They should relocate the team to LA and call them the MS-13’s.
Simple lawlessness. How can they take that person’s property without due process?
I have friends that are American Indian and I asked them about this. My friend said mist of his Indian friends rooted for the Redskins because they liked the logo.
There was due process. The trademark law prohibits defamatory words/images. The defamed parties filed to remove the trademark waaaaay back in 2006, and the due process judges found in favor of the defamed parties.
Your trademark is only your property if the government gives it to you. It’s sorta one of those government-created things that helps businesses make more profit.
US Patent Office Rules Redskins Name Is Offensive, Cancels Trademarks
All over the news today. I scrolled through the ruling but couldn’t figure out if it was only the Redskins words, or the actual image, which was cancelled. (I think the image was cancelled too.)
The comments on Yahoo are pretty funny. They think it’s all an Obama plot to take away our free speech. Heh. If anything, speech is freer than it was before. Now everybody has the right to use the “disparaging” words and imagery, not just Dan Snyder.
Good on the Natives who filed this suit. They aimed at ol’ Danny where it would hurt him the most. Couldn’t happen to nicer NFL owner.
beat you to it, oxy
Yeah, sorry, I actually took the time to scroll through the ruling and maybe provide some additional insight, rather than cut and paste under a shill one-liner.
I think you mean shrill, cupcake.
And if I wanted to post a one-liner of advice to Deadskin fans? Just become a Ravens fan: no a-hole owner, no carpetbaggers buying up your home game tickets, and your team will actually win big games.
I was a Peyton fan until that embarassing game this winter. And now I can’t watch football at all. Contracts, commercials, concussions. Not worth it.
And now I can’t watch football at all.
You could always watch the other football, the one where they actually handle the ball with their feet and not with their hands.
The effeminate version of football.
I don’t watch much football either (couldn’t even if I wanted to, as I don’t have cable and don’t care enough to set up Aereo)
My point still holds, I don’t see why people give money to the Redskins/Dan Snyder. There are 2 teams that play in MD and I can’t imagine voluntarily supporting the crappy one.
The effeminate version of football.
Only in America are big fat guys with guts considered masculine.
Americans like combat contact sports not jogging around a ball for 90 minutes.
You could always watch the other football
I’m relatively new to Futebol but I’ve been into the World Cup for over 20 years. I went to Brazil/Sweden semi-final in 94 in Pasadena. We almost went to the final but didn’t want to spend $1,000 from scalpers an hour before the game. I remember watching the USA/Brazil game that 4th of July on TV. We didn’t do bad at all.
I always knew Futebol/Soccer was huge on an international level, but this is totally off-the-hook with emotion, fun and joy down here. These people spend bank to come from all around the world and they go crazy! Copacabana Beach is the epicenter of the whole deal they’re saying and is as packed as Carnival but the feeling is all sports, national hope and pride.
“US Patent Office Rules Redskins Name Is Offensive, Cancels Trademarks”
Progressive totalitarianism. Anyone who gets some kind of personal joy at this kind of decision, does not deserve the privilege of living under what’s left of our constitution.
Yeah, Dan Snyder being an idiot shouldn’t be a reason to be happy about this. If you want to force the team to change its name, that’s your right, but vote with your dollars and your feet. The PC police are really running amok.
Yeah, I heard people talking about this at work today. I wondered how so many people knew about it. I hadn’t seen it mentioned on any of the news sites I read during breakfast this morning. The I heard Rush talking about it when I listened to him in the car for a few minutes at lunchtime. It must be a big story in the right wing media - PC run amok or some such nonsense.
Then I heard Rush talking about it when I listened to him in the car for a few minutes at lunchtime.
So full of lies.
Another clickbait, slide show (to maximize page load ad views) from MarketWatch, one that surprisingly tells the truth that home remodeling projects are guaranteed money loosers:
From the article:
“Minor kitchen remodel
Average national cost: $18,856 ”
Minor? For 20k? Decent (not Viking/subzero) appliances for a kitchen can be had for 2k-ish if you shop Sears/HD for a sale. Granite costs much less than it did 5-10 yrs ago (oversupply, I’m guessing, plus competition from newer surfaces like Staron). Tiles, cabinets… decent new stuff is not THAT expensive.
I know a few tradesmen out here. You’d think they were surgeons, given the labor rates they charge.
It’s a few “high end” touches that drive those costs way up. Like if you’re going to reframe the kitchen, rewire it, add a pot filler over the stove, etc., it adds thousands to the job.
A decade from now, the tray ceilings and pendant lights will be out of style and the homedebtors will have used their stacked double oven about 3 times. Meanwhile, they could’ve paid their kids’ college tuitions for the cost of their $50k kitchen remodel.
Liberace…. you’re so clueless.
What did I say that was wrong? Sure you could quibble about exact numbers of features, but these people spending 20k on their kitchens are idiots if they think it will add anything significant to resale. OTOH, if you’re going to own the house 20+ years and you really enjoy cooking, OK, set a budget that works for you and have at it. Just keep in mind that what you want in 2014 might end up looking very dated in 2034 (probably even in 2024).
your pissing in the wind trying to get anything rational out of this poser.
Amy The $hitHouse Poet. lolz
add a pot filler over the stove, etc.
Pot fillers are so 2013. From ConsumerReports,
What’s in, what’s out in kitchen design
Out: Pot fillers and oil-rubbed bronze finishes
Instead: Pullout faucets and polished chrome finishes
I’ll stick to the nickel finish before polished chrome. Water spots anyone?
When I first saw one of those pot fillers in a magazine I thought it was a crazy idea. Is it for people who don’t want to fill a pot in the kitchen sink and carry it over to the stove? Who would pay extra for that?
It makes me think that there must a secret facility in the basement of the Home Depot headquarters where crazy “home improvement” ideas are dreamed up to get people to spend money on nonsense. Or maybe HD and Lowe’s do it in conjunction with Toll Brothers and other builders.
I still think that the whole notion that certain kinds of counters or faucets go in and out of style every year is something that only one percenters can afford to care about.
A pullout faucet at HD is $200. Big whoop, I got one.
A pot-filler in the wall is its own piping and costs thousands. Yeah, so you don’t have to carry water from the sink when you start cooking. What do you do when you’re done cooking… now you have to carry the darn thing back to the sink anyway. And this time it’s boiling hot.
A pot-filler in the wall is its own piping and costs thousands.
But not if you’re building new or totally gutting I imagine - or using some imagination and innovation. Heck if I would have thought of a pot-filler 6 years ago I would have put one in for about $300 or so down here. It’s just water pipe and vales and stuff.
But I can totally live without one too.
Well clearly, there is going to need to be a pot drainer next to the stove. It would be better if they could make pot siphons.
Lol .look at the junkies piling on the housing fetish.
Along with bidding wars and “snatching up properties”, which are hallmarks of a mania, I wonder how many people could once again afford the houses they’re living in?
how many people could once again afford the houses they’re living in?
I couldn’t, unless I sold it next year and re-bought it after the Olympics maybe.
U.S. Border Patrol Paying To Ship Illegals Deep Into U.S. - YouTube - 133k - Cached - Similar pages
9 hours ago … U.S. Border Patrol Paying To Ship Illegals Deep Into U.S. … Paying To Ship Illegals Deep Into U.S.
The Dog Ate My E-Mails
Ice Cube - What They Hittin’ Foe?
Ice Cube - The Bomb:
Ice Cube - The Product:
Not even a smidgeon of those E-Mails can be found.
Bull snot.
The NSA has ALL of them.
Self-driving cars and peer-to-peer ride-shares? I’d love it if I could find a road to safely ride my bicycle. I am underwhelmed by technology.
I hate drones. I want to be in control of my transportation as well - I don’t trust self driving cars. It would take me 25 years to trust the technology but by that time I will be dead or maybe too old to be going anywhere for ten minutes without wanting to pee.
Fortunately I observed in an uncle that the older you get the more sensitive to cold you get. So he was happy in Tucson. I remember when I was in my early 30s visiting in January and his furnace was up to 90 in his house and he enjoyed it. Doh! So maybe I will enjoy Phoenix all year around as long as I have a walking (or make that doddering) path nearby, like midtown Scottsdale.
Fed tapering again. Last year they were buying $85 billion in bonds a month. And now it’s down to $35 billion or $45 billion.
When will that translate into higher rates for T bills? So far the T bill rates have gone down over the year.
Higher mortgage rates is what I want. BTW, you can wait until after the recrash to buy me that house. I want rose-colored granite counter tops and honey-oak wood floors and cabinets. It will look great with my new blue reclining sofa with one of those fold-down tables in the middle. That will make it easier for me to put my feet up and drink wine in the middle of day.
I’ll buy you that house, but you will have to be able to shrink to the size of it. Proportionally, you would be about 4 inches tall.
The 8% interest rates would be perfect. That way I could really afford to put you in the doll house.
The Duke student-cum-porn-actress wrote a piece in Time magazine about why education is so expensive. And why she went into porn to pay for that education. She says something which rings true - when government wades into an industry to make the product cheaper/affordable, or they move to protect an industry, the prices in that industry skyrocket. Be it medicine, education, or housing.
‘Duke Porn Star’: I Lost My Financial Aid
by Miriam Weeks
June 16, 2014
Time Magazine
Instead of focusing on my decision to perform in porn to pay my tuition, let’s start paying attention to what got me here: artificially inflated demand for college that pushes tuitions sky high
But my porn work pays the exorbitant tab for one simple reason: Demand for porn actresses, especially extremely young ones like myself, far exceeds supply. How interesting that the same basic principle explains why my tuition bill is so high in the first place.
Sheldon Richman, vice president of the Future of Freedom Foundation and author of Separating School: Liberating America’s Families agrees:
‘What drives the inflation of tuitions are the various forms of government financing. This is basic economics. If the government stimulates demand through grants and loans, other things equal, prices (tuitions) will rise. It’s supply and demand. It is unsurprising that much of the money goes to administrative bloat. That’s how bureaucracies usually behave.’
I’m hardly the only student who’s struggling with these sky-high bills. Experts predict a massive student loan default on the horizon, on par with the last major mortgage crisis. And, like the mortgage crisis, it’s likely the banks and lenders will be bailed out, while the students will be saddled with wage garnishments and ruined credit.
Government must stop the flow of money to schools in order to get tuition rates under control again.