Now I’m starting to think Amy the Hoaxster is sarcastic all this time, based on the level of ridiculous posts he/she has been doing.
I’m celebrating freedom today. Freedom from the banksters. Freedom from the level of property taxes my neighbors are paying. With all the money I have left over renting I load up on T-bills, 2 year notes, precious metals, and $100 bottles of French wine.
Happy Independence Day! Arguably a libertarian ‘ s favorite day. It is essentially about breaking government territory into smaller government. The meaning is lost to 99.999% of the people.
This is the day, after the sun begins to go down, that, collectively, thousands of dollars a minute - tens of thousands of dollars a minute - of millions of people’s hard-earned money literally go up in smoke.
SC fireworks business booming with Fourth on a Friday
“Customer Mike Davis said he’s spent four grand on fireworks before. This year, he’s keeping it to $1,000. For Davis and his son, Brandon, 9, celebrating Independence Day with a bang is a father-son affair. “It’s a guy thing,” Davis said.”
Link www (.) thestate(.) com/2014/06/29/3538742/sc-fireworks-business-booming.html
aNYCdj, if you can choose between open borders i.e. open citizenship or just the welfare system as it is, which would you choose? Would you choose both? Would you choose neither?
I want to see who wants both: automatic citizenship for just setting a foot inside the border, plus taxpayer aid.
I want automatic citizenship and completely open borders and no redistribution of wealth.
There are absolutes. You are either against aggression or for aggression. There is no in between.
Good points My stand is my grandmother had to wait to get to Ellis Island she had to speak English as well……That should be the standard.
I think anchor babies should be American citizens because of the way our Constitution was written, but that doesn’t mean their Illegal parents can stay here.
Have the anchor baby claim US citizenship when they turn 18 and sponsor their parents.
As you can tell English is my common theme here, I would love never to hear for English press 1.
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Comment by Prime_Is_Contained
2014-07-04 08:23:47
I think anchor babies should be American citizens because of the way our Constitution was written, but that doesn’t mean their Illegal parents can stay here.
Have the anchor baby claim US citizenship when they turn 18 and sponsor their parents.
So you are perfectly fine with the industry catering to Chinese folks who fly in just to deliver a baby, and then fly home with citizenship, in order to bring the whole family 18yrs later?
Comment by aNYCdj
2014-07-04 08:39:31
Prime I’m not happy with it but the Constitution was written way before airplanes were invented…..
So until we demand it be changed by say some residency requirements then like you have a legal visa and live in America for a year then go back, and 18 years later you have to read write and speak English before you can claim citizenship and the parents do too..
Comment by Albuquerquedan
2014-07-04 09:35:58
I think anchor babies should be American citizens because of the way our Constitution was written, but that doesn’t mean their Illegal parents can stay here.
Really than why did it take a law passed in the 1920s to give Native Americans citizenship? Once again the MSM has convinced people of a fact not in evidence.
Comment by Albuquerquedan
2014-07-04 09:45:16
Form Wikipedia:
The Indian Citizenship Act of 1924, also known as the Snyder Act, was proposed by Representative Homer P. Snyder (R) of New York and granted full U.S. citizenship to America’s indigenous peoples, called “Indians” in this Act. (The Fourteenth Amendment already defined as citizens any person born in the U.S., but only if “subject to the jurisdiction thereof”; this latter clause was thought to exclude certain indigenous peoples.) The act was signed into law by President Calvin Coolidge on June 2, 1924.[1][2][3] It was enacted partially in recognition of the thousands of Indians who served in the armed forces in WWI.
The term phrase “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” means that if you were still a citizen of another jurisdiction, your child would not automatically be a citizen of this country.
Comment by tj
2014-07-04 09:57:04
why did it take a law passed in the 1920s to give Native Americans citizenship?
good point Dan. i suspect you’re an excellent lawyer.
The “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” phrase was settled by the Supreme Court in United States v. Wong Kim Ark in 1898.
Comment by Albuquerquedan
2014-07-04 11:47:53
Then why was the 1920’s legislation needed? It does not mean that a person illegally in this country whose loyalty is to another country but is seeking employment who happens to have a child gets citizenship, at least as the founder’s met it.
Comment by Albuquerquedan
2014-07-04 11:54:04
Oxide from your own link about the 14th amendment interpreted by the supreme court which did not involve an illegal immigrant:
The heated debate on the proposed new language in the Senate focused on whether Howard’s proposed language would apply more broadly than the wording of the 1866 Civil Rights Act.[27]
Howard said that the clause “is simply declaratory of what I regard as the law of the land already, that every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States.”[26] He added that citizenship “will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons”—a comment which would later raise questions as to whether Congress had originally intended that U.S.-born children of foreign parents were to be included as citizens.
Comment by Albuquerquedan
2014-07-04 12:19:22
And this from the case itself, see the key phase “so long as they are permitted by the United States to reside here” really illegals are permitted to be here? Even if you believe that the dicta in the case would allow anyone vacationing here that has a child to be a citizen, this sentence clearly questions whether the children of illegals would be citizens. While we still have a few people on the Sct. that believe in the constitution we should pass a law denying citizenship to illegals’ children:
Chinese persons, born out of the United States, remaining subjects of the Emperor of China, and not having become citizens of the United States, are entitled to the protection of, and owe allegiance to, the United States so long as they are permitted by the United States to reside here, and are ” subject to the jurisdiction thereof” in the same sense as all other aliens residing in the United States. Yick Wo v. Hopkins (1886),
Comment by Albuquerquedan
2014-07-04 12:28:51
Notice he said not even children born of aliens would not be citizens, the thought that citizenship would even apply to illegal aliens would not even occurred to him. Also, the word domicile in law means much more than residence, so anyone that intends to move back to their own country at the time that the baby was born would not be a citizen. No, we have been brainwashed to believe that the founders and the drafter’s of the 14th amendment, would give citizenship to a child born to a mother that just crossed the border illegally and that is not the truth.
I disagree, when the SHTF and you are an atheist or non believer churches are not a good place to go…so whats left?
Some people are born blind retarded missing limbs they should not be helped?
We need to differential between the truly needed who did nothing to cause their predicament and those that did.
Those that did we should expect an exchange of services. You want section 8 well go back to school and get job training and have metal detectors at all Public housing projects after all the PUBLIC paid for it!….. same with everything else….
Im also in favor of elimination the corporate income tax, and that also eliminates all the corporate tax breaks since you wont be paying any so no corporation will ever get a tax refund…or credit against taxes…..that should make business decisions more interesting.
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Comment by Bill, just South of Irvine, CA
2014-07-04 08:51:54
So government should come to your door and threaten your life if you do not give some of your wealth to a neighbor with missing limbs right?
Comment by tj
2014-07-04 08:57:00
I disagree, when the SHTF and you are an atheist or non believer churches are not a good place to go…so whats left?
smart people prepare for emergencies.
Some people are born blind retarded missing limbs they should not be helped?
better help comes from the private sector when everyone is prospering.
We need to differential between the truly needed who did nothing to cause their predicament and those that did.
again, much better done in the private sector.
Im also in favor of elimination the corporate income tax
correct. it would help. we need to eliminate all taxes and bring a national sales tax as the only tax.
Those that did we should expect an exchange of services. You want section 8 well go back to school and get job training and have metal detectors at all Public housing projects after all the PUBLIC paid for it!….. same with everything else….
policies that bring ’section 8′ hurt the economy. much better to eliminate those types of policies to get more jobs and with higher wages.
that should make business decisions more interesting.
and will bring more prosperity for everyone, which would especially help the lower income people.
Comment by aNYCdj
2014-07-04 09:09:59
Thats what taxation is for…..or supposedly ohbewanna care to cover those expenses.
Comment by aNYCdj
2014-07-04 10:08:54
But isn’t that the catch 22 what if it doesn’t then what?
At least this way everyone will be doing something…there is so much that needs fixing and we have millions of fully capable people doing nothing.
policies that bring ’section 8′ hurt the economy. much better to eliminate those types of policies to get more jobs and with higher wages.
Comment by tj
2014-07-04 11:22:37
But isn’t that the catch 22 what if it doesn’t
there is no ‘what if it doesn’t’. good economic policy always brings prosperity.
Comment by jane
2014-07-04 16:56:42
DJ, right now, breeding to produce offspring with disabilities is a cash business. You can see where it has gotten us. A regression to idiocracy.
Where do you draw the line? Withdraw the economic incentives to promote ‘disability’. Replace with economic incentives to promote self-reliance.
It would put half the nation’s idiot public education system out of work, forced to rely on innate skills and abilities to compete for sustenance in the market.
This is what we need to bring back trades and general know-how, IMHO.
Comment by aNYCdj
2014-07-05 07:12:08
Jane I fully agree i had drafting print shop electronics and was assistant photographer of my yearbook…..everyone i knew fixed things …..and this was a normal high school……we had very little shirt and tie IBM guys on our street in southern CT growing up..
I think you take it too far…people are born with disabilities and need help..
Maybe if I put it another way….the government as a last resort Angel investor. when you are down and out, we invest in your housing, education and life and you have to repay us in some way, or you get cut off and then fend for yourself.
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Comment by Bill, just South of Irvine, CA
2014-07-04 11:02:05
” government as a last resort Angel investor. when you are down and out, we invest in your housing, education and life and you have to repay us in some way, or you get cut off and then fend for yourself.”
Ha ha! I still am not buying that. That goes in line with a liberal seeking glorification in being generous with other people’s money. I absolutely use the term I hate - and this term I hate is “hate.” But I have to use it on those people - liberals who bask in the glory from stealing other people’s money to give to others. Your term “angel investor” sparked that outrage from me. Sorry.
You should not threaten harm to anyone if they do not donate to your charity. That is the bottom line. There is NO morality in the use of force for charity.
Second: “repay in some way.” That is subjective. Such repayment cannot be measured. So I don’t buy it either.
Comment by Bill, just South of Irvine, CA
2014-07-04 11:08:10
“people are born with disabilities and need help”
Some people are born with metabolism that they are obese and then ostracized for obesity while a kid. Or for being to skinny and ostracized. Then they have to play catchup for many years because of lack of opportunities in the early days caused by ostracism, - but those people never asked for a handout. So such people should be required to donate their earnings to people born with disabilities?
I don’t think so. Many of us have had problems of one sort or another we had to overcome, and we overcame them ourselves without the help from others. Very few people were born with a silver spoon.
Myself I came from a lower middle class background. Mexican gang fights were on our front lawn when I was a teen. Stabbings and shootings and killings on my street and in my neighborhood.
Don’t wish on a group of thugs to threaten my life if I do not donate to the disabled.
Comment by Bill, just South of Irvine, CA
2014-07-04 11:13:03
I just thought of another question.
How come you are concerned with borderline cases that are rare?
If the existence of disabled people is the very reason for government to initiate force against another, I think that is a lame concern.
It reminds me of the drowning person argument. A man walks along the riverbank of a swift river and suddenly sees another man struggling in the current. Should the man risk his own life to save that of another? Statists always bring up borderline cases to justify statism, but it’s fallacious.
Comment by aNYCdj
2014-07-04 14:21:21
Your all or nothing approach is not realistic….at least my way would offer one last chance to do right, and be a productive citizen
Right now mostly repubs want to cut off things and it makes them look like monsters…..If you read my writings I want to offer people one last chance to do right then cut them off… the blame goes squarely on them not you, not me, not the politicians but the individual.
Comment by Bill, just South of Irvine, CA
2014-07-04 17:52:03
Okay I’ll bite. I now ask you what types of initiation of force do you favor? Bear in mind, “all or nothing” is either N.A.P. or initiation of force.
Taxes? - If slavery is when 100% of your income is taken, at what percentage of income theft is it when it is not slavery?
Shooting and killing U.S. citizens from drones?
Forcing ranchers off the grazeland their families have used for generations by whimsically changing rules?
Comment by aNYCdj
2014-07-05 07:21:29
Ok Bill Just some common sense before you throw everyone to the wolves
I think people deserve one last chance not the repetition of chances we have today.
Thats why I focus on English, i see tons of problems related to the lack of English and communication skills
Why do business flock to Austin, because there are lots of smart people there, if Detroit had that business would move there too I think taxes are overplayed by both sides, its the quality of the employment pool i think is more important.
We need leadership that states Zero Tolerance does not mean Zero common sense, and call out these idiot moron people who whimsically change the rules to the worst possible scenario, on people without any warning.
Conscription…why not? If 18-20 year olds had to choose between the military college or Jail like the viet vets did…I think a lot of inner city violence would stop overnight…….so would that be a bad thing?
To make a sure-fire killing in the stock market one should seek out a company that is borrowing lots of cheap money and then uses this borrowed money to wade into the market so as to buy back shares of itself as the stock price reaches new, all-time highs.
As the stock is bought up fewer shares are available to be sold. Fewer shares available to be sold will generate a shortage. A shortage of shares will skew the supply/demand relationship and this skewing will push up prices even further.
As prices are pushed up further and further demand is increased more and more because, in the crazy world of the stock market, a rise in price translates to a rise in value, and this rise in value attracts more and more buyers who, because of their buying, work to endlessly push up prices (and thus push up values) and this endless pushing up of prices and values will never - NEVER - come to an end!
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Comment by Combotechie
2014-07-04 06:12:58
Some people may argue that borrowing to buy at higher and higher prices will screw up the fundamentals of a company’s balance sheet and I can only say to such ignorant people that FUNDAMENTALS DO NOT MATTER!
Taxpayers and savers. The Fed will print new trillions in “stimulus” money to pay off the .01%’s speculative losses, ripping off the 99% through the stealth tax of inflation, loss of purchasing power due to trillions of new printing-press dollars sloshing around, and transferring Wall Streets liabilities onto taxpayers as they did with TARP and taking $2.4 trillion in toxic mortgage-backed securities off the banksters hands and making taxpayers liable for those “assets.”
Old Yellen says full steam ahead for asset bubbles and ZIRP gambling money for speculators.
i always said she could very well be worse than ‘the bernank’. like almost all keynsians, she thinks inflation is beneficial. as your costs go up for everything, one of the first people you should thank is ‘Old Yellin’, the ruth buzzi of the FED.
American Military Bases Turned Into Chaotic Refugee Camps
Marcus Cicero
Daily Stormer
July 4, 2014
In an attempt to accommodate tens of thousands of primitive migrants, the crumbling edifice of the United States has been forced to transform several military bases near the Mexican border into temporary refugee centers.
Resembling something out of the Middle East or Sub-Saharan Africa, these camps are reported to be rapidly deteriorating, with violent incidents an almost daily occurrence. Illnesses such as tuberculosis, scabies, H1N1 “swine flu,” and various tropical fevers have also been described by those who have visited the sites.
“Our military bases are turning into refugee camps. I never thought I’d see this in the United States of America,” House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Michael McCaul, R-Texas, said.
Gee’s, I did not know illegals were allowed to vote…
When states are not allowed to require photo ID to vote, how can you be so sure that they are not voting?
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Comment by scdave
2014-07-04 09:58:58
how can you be so sure that they are not voting ??
No way I can determine what other juristictions policy is but we must bring are registration cards or mail them in…
Even if a illegal did vote, isn’t that Illegal ??
Comment by Prime_Is_Contained
2014-07-04 10:11:28
No way I can determine what other juristictions policy is but we must bring are registration cards or mail them in…
And what do you have to provide to prove citizenship when you signed up for that voter-registration card?
In my city, I had to show a utility bill mailed to my address as proof of residency—but nothing to show proof of citizenship.
Comment by scdave
2014-07-04 12:00:44
And what do you have to provide to prove citizenship when you signed up for that voter-registration card ??
Did not mean registration card…Meant to say ballot…We are mailed our ballots based on already being registered…As far as registration, I registered 44 years ago so I just don’t remember how I registered…
Comment by phony scandals
2014-07-04 12:15:55
Alarming Evidence Shows How Easy Illegal Aliens Can Vote in the USA
Washington, DC – A new undercover video has just been released by James O’keefe that shows us just how easy anyone, including illegal aliens, can vote in the USA.
The Obama administration claims that the new voter ID laws are simply an attempt by conservatives to disenfranchise poorer voters who do not have ID and tend to vote for Democrats. They claim there is no proof of voter fraud in the US to justify the laws.
For example, in many states that do not require voter ID—like Texas—all one must do to prove they can vote is show a home utility bill. That means an illegal alien who can easily register to vote online without ID, only needs to show up to the polls with a utility bill that has their name on it in order to cast a vote in a US election. Moreover, this action would not trigger any red flag because the voter complied with existing law.
Just recently, the Obama administration blocked voter ID laws in both South Carolina and Texas under a provision in the 1965 Voting Rights Act that requires any changes to the voting laws of 13 southern states with a history of discrimination to be approved by the federal
government. In both these decisions, Thomas Perez, the head of the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division, uses the lack of proof that a problem exists to support his claim that the laws are discriminatory, thus justifying their blockage.
It is worth noting that Thomas Perez was the former President of the Board of Directors for Casa de Maryland, the far left pro-illegal immigration organization who has been indirectly funded by the likes of liberal billionaire George Soros and the socialist leader of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez.
The Attorney General, Eric Holder, has also used the same argument in a number of interviews as highlighted in O’keefe’s video.
This video verifies the existence of the voting loophole in this country that will allow virtually anyone to vote in our elections. Whether Americans are willing to listen to the Obama administration and ignore its existence because it does not draw attention to itself, is yet to be determined.
Is it such a surprise that housing demand is at 19 year lows when current asking prices of resale housing is multiples of construction cost(lot, labor, materials and profit)?
Posted 3:03 PM, July 1, 2014,
by Ashley Soley-Cerro, Jim Nash and Sara Welch
Three buses holding 140 undocumented who were being taken to Murrieta Tuesday afternoon were greeted by angry protesters and turned away from its intended destination.
The immigrants were supposed to be transported from a Texas Border Patrol Station to the Murrieta Border Patrol Station, according to Murrieta Mayor Alan Long.
Upon arrival the buses turned around for unknown reasons and drove to the Chula Vista border patrol facility in San Diego County.
Authorities planned to bring the immigrants to Murrieta later Tuesday night, KSWB stated.
About 100 protesters held signs stating “return to sender,” “STOP illegal immigration” and “support U.S. Border Patrol” during the immigrants arrival.
Initial plans to transport 500 undocumented immigrants to the city were lowered, but Long said Murrieta may receive an additional 140 immigrants every 72 hours for several weeks.
Freedom is something that is based on ethics and morality, not law.
Governments and law are not the source of our freedom as individuals. Neither bestows us with our freedom any more than either bestows us with our intellect, our sense of fair play, our sense of dignity. Neither determines what we hope for our loved ones, our progeny, our neighbors.
We do all of that. As individuals
Happy July 4 to all who appreciate self-determination and the Golden Rule.
‘If any other party can legally compel you to do or not do anything, are you free’
Asked another way, what portion of the freedom you enjoyed in the past are you willing to deem acceptable now?
You’re missing the point. What’s being taken from us now was considered the bare minimum of protections. These are vital freedoms. For instance, are you aware of the use of the Espionage Act to charge reporters and whistle-blowers? Using wiretaps on electronic communications, leaks on government wrongdoing are being shut down. Could the Pentagon Papers be exposed today? What cost to freedom is that?
Dissent is being eliminated. There are secret courts under the Patriot Act in which a person charged can’t even reveal this to their spouse. How many are in that situation? How many are on a no-fly list, not told what for or how to challenge it? One very telling thing; every technological advance has been seized by the government. If they can do it, they have done it. So what advance will come next, and will the government take that liberty too?
The NSA has admitted stealing millions of private video chats. Recording every phone call and email. Following us with devices we pay for and are promised constitutional protections on. Anyone else would go to jail for doing this. And now we learn that local police (being loaded up with military gear by “Homeland Security”) are getting into the spy action. At what stage of a police state does one become concerned?
Ah, but our safety is a stake. Yet we also know the FBI has infiltrated groups like OWS dozens of times. They have talked some people involved into plotting bombings, even providing what turned out to be phony bombs. Manufacturing fake terrorism is a danger to our freedom, given that it will only take an incident here or there as an excuse for the government to slam the door shut on otherwise innocent citizens.
This country is a good place to live precisely because of these freedoms. How easily we’ve let them slip away.
I agree with much of what you said, but youŕe offering a negative definition of freedom, specific things that it isn’t. I was wondering what people think it is, at its most basic. If any other party can compel you to do something you don’t wish to do, are you free?
Does any loss of the freedom to do or not do as you choose, mean you are not free?
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Comment by tj
2014-07-04 08:11:40
Does any loss of the freedom to do or not do as you choose, mean you are not free?
yes it does. but your question has to go further. standard morality says that your freedom ends when it infringes on another’s rights. in other words, you should be free to do as you choose as long as you’re not hurting or needlessly bothering anyone else. freedom constrained by respect for others.
Comment by Oddfellow
2014-07-04 08:28:35
¨ freedom constrained by respect for others¨
So freedom requires constraints on freedom?
Comment by tj
2014-07-04 09:02:24
So freedom requires constraints on freedom?
of course.
it’s not the contradiction that you imply with your question. one’s freedom can’t exist in disorder. there is little freedom in anarchy. freedom in anarchy is constrained by living in fear. one can’t do many things in anarchy that one can easily do in freedom.
Comment by Oddfellow
2014-07-04 10:11:14
Who decides which freedoms get constrained?
Comment by tj
2014-07-04 11:25:52
Who decides which freedoms get constrained?
learn and rely on standard morality derived from the golden rule, and the question is fully answered. the answer? everyone, including those laws that are derived from standard morality.
Comment by Oddfellow
2014-07-04 12:35:59
¨the answer? everyone¨
Everyone decides which freedoms get constrained? How?
Bill, I was hoping to get more of an answer to my freedom question from you. You seem to be the poster here maybe the most concerned with his own personal freedom. What do you think freedom is? Do you recognize the right of any other party to compel you to do or not do something?
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Comment by Bill, just South of Irvine, CA
2014-07-04 09:14:10
“Do you recognize the right of any other party to compel you to do or not do something?”
Comment by Bill, just South of Irvine, CA
2014-07-04 09:25:05
I gave a curt answer because I know there will be a lot of questions popping up, “but what if?”
I can go into a discussion about contracts (which do not require government), ostracism, invisible hand, Ancient Ireland tribal decisions in their anarchist society, and so forth, but it will take up lots of space.
In brief the non-aggression principle (NAP) is that no one has the right to initiate force, threaten to initiate force or fraud against another. This does not preclude retaliatory force. In a free society there unfortunately be occasions when someone thinks he is retaliating, but instead is initiating. I cannot think of any. This is where private arbitration comes in.
In several states right now, such as Arizona, the “castle doctrine” law is honored. That is if you absolutely believe your life is threatened and you can convince a jury if you have to stand trial, you can use lethal force to shoot someone on your property, and that even includes house and car, if said force is against an individual who you think would kill you or intend to kill you if you do not use lethal force.
Comment by Oddfellow
2014-07-04 09:27:42
Do you recognize that others should not be compelled to do or not do something?
Comment by Oddfellow
2014-07-04 10:23:05
¨no one has the right to initiate force, threaten to initiate force or fraud against another¨
If you own land on a river, and you use that river water to irrigate your crops, can someone who owns property upstream dam off the river and keep the water for themselves?
Comment by Bill, just South of Irvine, CA
2014-07-04 10:57:40
If you ever go onto Reddit, questions like yours go on for several pages of threads. For now, no one owns the rivers. That is a sad thing because it destroys the very same resource - the river - from pollution. I refer you to scholars such as Walter Block for roads for example. If you asked me about roads like W-A-B would have, I could have discussed it with 494 pages or so here. Instead there is 494-page book
If you own land on a river, and you use that river water to irrigate your crops, can someone who owns property upstream dam off the river and keep the water for themselves?
you ask these questions like they are antithetical to freedom. they are not. riparian rights have been here for a very long time and most of them are there to answer the question you raise. these rights are also based on the golden rule, combined with ownership rights. damming a stream that other people use, isn’t ‘freedom’.
Comment by Oddfellow
2014-07-04 12:32:12
That guy’s paper on waterways is actually rather short, its mostly footnotes. Here’s an interesting part,
¨No, the interconnectedness of even all bodies of water constitutes no overwhelming
objection to privatization. The reason we have no “fences” to place in the water is not because
this is an impossible idea: it is rather due to the fact that absent aqueous property rights, there has
been no financial incentive to engage in research to this end. But imagine the opposite.
Suppose, that is, that property rights in bodies of water were recognized by law. It takes no great
leap of imagination to suppose that scientists and engineers would soon be able to offer new
technology which could distinguish between “mine and thine.”
Nor need these water fences be used only to demarcate the property holdings of one firm
from that of another. They can also be used to corral fish, whales and other ocean livestock. For
all too long these creatures have been free to roam the range of the oceans. It is time, it is past
time, for we humans to do for them what we have done for land based animals20: to tame and domesticate them21, and to bring them within the purview of economic rationality.22¨
Fence in the oceans, corral and domesticate the fish and the whales? That’s freedom?
Comment by Oddfellow
2014-07-04 12:39:45
¨ damming a stream that other people use, isn’t ‘freedom’ ¨
Why not?
Comment by MightyMike
2014-07-04 12:57:06
Can you find anyone on the internet who actually read all of that 494-page book?
Comment by Bill, just South of Irvine, CA
2014-07-04 13:11:21
“Can you find anyone on the internet who actually read all of that 494-page book?”
I’m not worried whether or not I can find any.
It’s the statists who don’t want to read that book I’m worried about.
Comment by Bill, just South of Irvine, CA
2014-07-04 13:41:15
Comment by MightyMike
2014-07-04 13:49:28
It’s likely that very, very few people read the whole thing, maybe nobody at all. What’s the point of writing such a book?
Comment by Bill, just South of Irvine, CA
2014-07-04 13:54:00
“What’s the point of writing such a book?”
LOLZ, What a silly question. Since you are not in favor of freedom maybe it’s not really silly.
Comment by Oddfellow
2014-07-04 14:41:18
“What’s the point of writing such a book?”
It gives others a response to difficult questions. ¨Go read this huge book, the answer to your difficult question is somewhere in there.¨
Comment by MightyMike
2014-07-04 16:34:07
Someone wrote a long book knowing that possibly no one would read it. It’s not silly to ask why a person would do such a thing. It also nothing to do with freedom to that question.
Comment by tj
2014-07-04 16:43:55
damming stream isn’t freedom..
Why not?
why isn’t killing someone freedom?
Comment by Oddfellow
2014-07-04 17:06:37
¨why isn’t killing someone freedom?¨
I don’t know. Why isn’t it?
Comment by tj
2014-07-04 17:26:43
for the reasons i’ve already explained to you above.
do you know the reason you ask these kinds of dumb questions oddalpha?
you’re afraid that someone will get something that you don’t have. you want to stop them if you can. i know you will never see this and certainly don’t believe it. but it’s true.
you want to learn what freedom is, but you wouldn’t recognize what it is if someone laid it out before you. i’ll prove it to you, and i promise you’ll NEVER get it.
freedom is found in serving others.
i’m 99% certain you’ll never understand. explaining it to you would be fruitless. just say i’m crazy and be done with it. never think about it again. after all, if you don’t know why killing someone isn’t freedom, you don’t have any idea where to begin the journey.
U.S. Congressman Blocked From Entering Child Immigrant Facility
11:54 AM 07/02/2014
An Oklahoma Congressman who visited an Army base being used to house illegal immigrant children now wonders what the federal government is hiding after he was denied access to the facility.
“There is no excuse for denying a Federal Representative from Oklahoma access to a federal facility in Oklahoma where unaccompanied children are being held,” Rep. Jim Bridenstine said in a statement following his visit Tuesday to Ft. Sill Army base near Lawton.
The Department of Health and Human Services has set up housing at Ft. Sill and two other military bases – Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio and Ventura County Naval Base in Oxnard, Cali. – to house thousands of unaccompanied alien children, or UACs, who were apprehended at the southern U.S. border.
Bridenstine went to Ft. Sill to observe the conditions under which the 1,200 UACs there are living and to find out to whom they would be released.
But when he showed up at the facility, Bridenstine says he was told by a guard with a security unit which calls itself the “Brown Shirts” that he could not observe the children or their living conditions.
When the congressman spoke to a manager and HHS official, he was told he would have to schedule a formal visit for July 21.
“Any Member of Congress should have the legal authority to visit a federal youth detention facility without waiting three weeks,” Bridenstine said in his statement.
Though unable to get inside the facility, Bridenstine described its exterior.
“A new fence has been erected by HHS, completely surrounding the barracks and covered with material to totally obscure the view,” he said, adding that “every gate is chained closed.”
“What are they trying to hide?” Bridenstine asked. “Do they not want the children to speak with Members of Congress?”
“Any Member of Congress should have the legal authority to visit a federal youth detention facility without waiting three weeks,” Bridenstine said in his statement.
Why doesn’t Bridenstine just mind his own business and go back to making money the old fashion way, congressional insider stock trading? What did he expect to get other than his 15-minutes?
Interesting personal anecdote on the stifling of dissent:
Here in Florida, my two Senators are Bill Nelson (D) and Marco Rubio (R-Havana). I have a Republican House Rep.
I don’t consider that Rubio represents me in any way, shape or form, as he is a quisling and part of the Gangbanger 8. So I never call his office.
I do call my rep and I do call Nelson’s office, to express concerns, but my phone calls are strategically placed, now that I’m onto the game that Nelson’s office is playing. For example, I contact Nelson mainly about issues related to war and military actions and some other things. What I learned is, the staffers that answer the phones are carefully selected to stifle dissent by the nature of who they are. One time when I called, my call was taken by an over-the-top screaming queen. I thought he was going to break into a Broadway show tune any minute. I was calling regarding the Syria, but there was some sort of political activity going on at the time regarding gay marriage.
More recently, as the border “surge” issue was getting cranked up, I called the local office regarding Iraq and the staffer had a very thick, heavy Spanish accent. It was sort of upper crusty Spanish, with a touch of the Castilian dialect to it and the guy was very bright and literate. When I asked where he was from, he said Mexico. I did not discuss the immigration issue with him as I was focused on Iraq and that’s what we went over, but I realized he had been deliberately placed in that office to prevent people from commenting on immigration. It’s like an occupation government.
I suspect Bill is now pretty much detached from any real legislative work, and I suspect he’s in his usual go-along to get-along mode which has adopted for years. Someone else in his office calls the shots, and I suppose it’s even possible he’s got a mild form of dementia or age related forgetfulness. One staffer told me he reads the Bible a lot.
Private equity firms are the ultimate smart money on Wall Street; they know how to wring out the last dime from their own clients, such as pension funds and rich individuals, through hidden fees, obscure expenses, elaborate expense shifting, lackadaisical disclosure, and “zombie advisers,” to the point where SEC Inspection Chief Andrew Bowden singled them out in a speech in May. Now the lawyers are circling.
And these PE firms invented a whole new business: buying vacant homes out of foreclosure and from banks and renting them out. Flush with the Fed’s nearly free money, Blackstone Group ended up spending $8.6 billion in two years on 45,000 homes, spread helter-skelter across 14 cities. Another PE product, American Homes 4 Rent, which went public last summer as a highly leveraged REIT, bought 25,000 homes. Firms sprouted like mushrooms, spending $50 billion to acquire 386,000 homes.
And home prices soared. Year-over-year increases of over 20% suddenly appeared in the data. Housing Bubble 2 was born. That’s how the Fed “healed” the housing market. Yet numerous economists claimed that buying 386,000 homes over two years in a market where about 5 million existing homes change owners every year could not possibly have had much impact on price. Turns out, that meme is awfully close to propaganda.
Nancy Pelosi at Illegal Immigrant Holding Facility “We’re All Americans” (Video)
Posted by Jim Hoft on Saturday, June 28, 2014, 1:30 PM
Minority leader Nancy Pelosi visited the border on Saturday. The former Speaker made a statement to reporters,
“I wish I could take all those children home with me… We’re all Americans in this hemisphere, North and South Amrerica.”
KGBT reported
Breitbart reported:
Saturday at a press conference from the Rio Grande Valley, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) discussed her tour of a border holding facility and addressed the humanitarian crisis of thousands unaccompanied minors flooding across the U.S.-Mexico border, which she called a “humanitarian opportunity.”
Pelosi explained, “We are all Americans — north and south in this hemisphere,” and urged America to see this as not a crisis but an opportunity “to be helpful.” She also said she wished she could simply “take home” the thousands of children temporarily housed in the overburden facilities.
Registered Democrats (and RINOS who support amnesty and the DREAM Act) should be forced to assume all the financial and social costs of the DNC’s open-borders/Democrat-on-Arrival/entitlements-for-votes schemes. Since Nancy Pelosi is so eager to be “helpful,” place Section 8 housing next to her (and the DNC’s) primary contributors’ residences.
Imagine there’s no heaven
It’s easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today…
Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace…
You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world…
You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will live as one
(Comments wont nest below this level)
Comment by phony scandals
2014-07-04 08:39:50
Like Pelosi, I didn’t see John Lennon sharing his home with any “Dreamers” either.
Comment by Prime_Is_Contained
2014-07-04 08:53:42
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
I wonder whether even Lennon could imagine what no possessions would be like. Imagine that I took a liking to the guitar that he was using while writing the song Imagine—and asked for equal access to this communal property. It doesn’t belong to either of us, see…
Comment by aNYCdj
2014-07-04 09:17:05
Not easy getting into the Dakota (lennons aprtment)….lots of security and you have to be escorted by the tenant to their apartment. anyone staying more then a week or apartment sitting, has to have a background check…some coops are very strict who they let in the front door
Like Pelosi, I didn’t see John Lennon sharing his home with any “Dreamers” either.
Comment by Michael Viking
2014-07-04 09:20:43
I dislike the 5 Man Electrical Band song “Signs”. I’ve long dreamed of camping out on the writer’s lawn and going into his house to shower, etc. - heck, I should just plain live in his house and use his car. If he didn’t like it, he’s obviously a hypocritical sinner…
And the sign said anybody caught trespassin’ would be shot on sight. So I jumped on the fence and I yelled at the house, “Hey! What gives you the right to put up a fence to keep me out or to keep mother nature in? If God was here he’d tell you to your face, Man, you’re some kinda sinner”
Apparently it’s also terrible to have a club that requires membership.
Comment by Prime_Is_Contained
2014-07-04 09:41:27
I’ve long dreamed of camping out on the writer’s lawn and going into his house to shower, etc.
I love it. Please do give us a report here after you do so…
Comment by phony scandals
2014-07-04 19:28:37
American Pie
And while Lenin read a book on Marx
The quartet practiced in the park
And we sang dirges in the dark
The day the music died
And while Lenin read a book on Marx
A play on words, specifically John Lennon’s utopian (and some would say communist) ideals, which would tie into the ones espoused by the founders of Socialism, Karl Marx and V.I. Lenin.
It does not matter. I started college in 1977. That was the first time I heard strangers talking with each other in a language other than English or Spanish.
You are a statist if you require everyone in a geographical area to speak a certain language. What are you going to do, start a posse and open carry and go around your community and the first time you hear someone speak a language other than English, make a citizens’s arrest?
Voting rights? It does not matter. I’m not afraid of voters as long as there is no wealth redistribution and as long as the individual rights of minorities are sacrosanct.
Diseases? Last time I checked they do not obey nationality and leave American citizens from starting their own. Ever hear of STDs?
Criminals? Our very own government is criminal.
(Comments wont nest below this level)
Comment by Raymond K Hessel
2014-07-04 08:57:42
This will be the governing class in California and the other border states in the not too distant future.
Bill Its like here where i live almost no jobs lately for English only people, but we have very little crime too. Romanians new Thai places we are so close to Manhattan a lot of Asians have been moving in the last few years, but the signage is still in English.
Remember the kids today are quite mobile they have a lot less bulky possessions then i have….so they can live in 1/3 to 1/2 less space.
Comment by tj
2014-07-04 09:30:03
You are a statist if you require everyone in a geographical area to speak a certain language.
that isn’t what i was requiring. you are jumping to bad conclusions which indicates poor thinking.
i want people from other countries to learn english if they don’t already know it. you can speak any language to you wish. but english is what the country was founded on and works in. it is needed. refuse to learn it? fine, don’t bother coming here.
Voting rights? It does not matter. I’m not afraid of voters as long as there is no wealth redistribution
but ‘voters’ already have brought redistribution. and through the ballot box you’re going to see more of your freedom and rights disappear.
as long as the individual rights of minorities are sacrosanct.
why should the rights of minorities be different than anyone else’s? your’s is a statist view.
Diseases? Last time I checked they do not obey nationality and leave American citizens from starting their own.
unbelievable. so you don’t care if people come into this country with highly infectious diseases that start epidemics. i can hardly believe you wrote the above.
Criminals? Our very own government is criminal.
now there’s a piece of brilliant logic. so because our government acts criminally, we should not care if we let criminals into the country? your logic is astoundingly bad.
Comment by Bill, just South of Irvine
2014-07-04 09:41:05
Relax. I practice the nonaggression principle. I won’t rob you. . I won’t order thugs from Washington to force you to fight a war.
Comment by Albuquerquedan
2014-07-04 10:09:37
I am not worried about you, I am worried about the people you would let in without screening.
Comment by reedalberger
2014-07-05 03:28:14
“Voting rights? It does not matter. I’m not afraid of voters as long as there is no wealth redistribution and as long as the individual rights of minorities are sacrosanct.”
Those voters will bring about redistribution the likes of which the world has never seen. Let’s keep it real.
Apparently, even George Soros knows that Obama’s policies will lead to inflation and will be good for gold. BTW, I own two of the five and use options to maximize my returns:
Hungary sticks it to the banksters who were gouging Hungarians with various fees. If some of these EU countries start throwing out their “technocrat” leaders and ECB overlords - invariably Goldman Sachs alumni - and standing up for their sovereign interests and citizens, more banks might be in trouble.
Hungary becomes the second sovereign country (after Iceland) to stand up for its citizens against the banksters. The rigged EU “markets” will not like this.
We’re all Americans in this hemisphere, murder suspects, multiple sex offenders, coyotes, Mexican cartels and an MS-13 gang members.
Minority leader Nancy Pelosi visited the border on Saturday. The former Speaker made a statement to reporters,
“I wish I could take all those children home with me… We’re all Americans in this hemisphere, North and South Amrerica.”
KGBT reported:
Cartels Exploit Immigration Crisis To Smuggle More Drugs Across Border
By Frank Diez, Bill Vourvoulias /
Published July 03, 2014 / Fox News Latino
Experts say the surge in immigrants has created gaps in coverage that traffickers can, and do, exploit.
Sylvia Longmire, a retired Air Force captain and federal agent who wrote the book “Border Insecurity,” told Fox News Latino that Border Patrol agents are extremely overworked now, having to work multiple shifts.
“The incidents are more concentrated,” she added. “Those are the routes that the coyotes usually take.”
Chris Cabrera, the U.S. Border Patrol union representative in the Rio Grande Valley region, told the Washington Post recently that there is a coordinated effort by the cartels to send large groups of migrants across the river, then a number of individuals—hoping that many of them will get caught.
“After that,” Cabrera said, “they send over the dope.”
The area of Mexico across the Rio Grande Valley is under the control of the Zetas, a drug cartel that began as the paramilitary arm of the Gulf Cartel, which it has supplanted in many regions after a long, bloody struggle.
Of the Mexican cartels, the Zetas are known as the most violent and one of the most diversified, regularly supplementing drug trade income with kidnapping, extortion, control of prisons (inmates can be extorted or killed unless families pay up) and, in the last decade or so, human trafficking.
According to The Daily Beast, the cartels have turned “what was once a relatively informal and somewhat familial underground operation [coyotes] into a highly sophisticated human trafficking network.”
One, experts say, that would be very willing to sacrifice a large group of migrants to the Border Patrol in order to be able to get across more lucrative cargo.…/ - 64k -
Murder Suspects, Sex Offenders, and MS-13 Gangster Caught at Texas Border
MCALLEN, Texas—In one weekend, the U.S. Border Patrol prevented murder suspects, multiple sex offenders, and an MS-13 gang member from entering the interior of Texas after they illegally entered into the U.S. from Mexico. The arrests occurred in the Rio Grande Valley sector, ground zero of the current border crisis.
The murder suspect was caught approximately 85 miles from the border in Texas, near the town of Falfurrias. He is a Guatemalan who is wanted for alleged murder in the State of Florida.
Another of the arrests occurred near McAllen, Texas as a man from El Salvador who crossed the porous U.S.-Mexico border was determined to be an MS-13 gang member who had previously served ten years in prison for rape.
Another man who was caught is a convicted sex offender from El Salvador. A Mexican man was also caught and determined to be wanted for second-degree murder.
The U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency reports that 2014 has seen more than 40 previously convicted sex offenders who have been arrested attempting to illegally enter the Rio Grande Valley sector of Texas.
Breitbart Texas previously reported that another sector in Texas has seen a 100% increase in the number of previously convicted sex offenders crossing into Texas from Mexico from the previous year.
Another recent Breitbart Texas report revealed that more than 7,000 sex offenders were deported from the State of Texas in the past three years.
An additional report from Breitbart Texas revealed that the U.S. was intending to allow a convicted rapist to simply return to Mexico after he was caught illegally entering. In that instance, the man had a long history of illegally entering the United States. He served prison time for illegal reentry during the Bush Administration years, was deported, illegally returned to the U.S. and raped a woman in Houston, served prison time, and was then deported. When he again attempted reentry, the U.S. government arrested him and then stated the intention to allow him to voluntarily return to Mexico without consequence.
“One, experts say, that would be very willing to sacrifice a large group of migrants to the Border Patrol in order to be able to get across more lucrative cargo.”
Now this is some first-class thinking!
Reminds me of the story about the Designated Drunk.
The DNC is willing to sacrifice its ever-dwindling pool of blue-collar, productively employed, taxpaying supporters to gain an unassailable supermajority. That means open borders and ever-expanding entitlement programs. Meet your new neighbors.
Gangsters Masquerading as Politicians – Mayor Richard M. Daley
Posted on April 30, 2010 by Bridgette | 26 Comments
By Bridgette
Chicago’s “Illustrious” Mayor
Our Illinois Rogue Gallery of Gangsters is presenting those who masquerade as honest politicians. Today’s Illinois politician, Richard Michael Daley, deserves a serious look because of the family’s historical significance in Chicago.
Richard M. Daley, born in 1942, is the oldest of 7 children born to Former Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley and his wife Eleanor. He was brought up in the Irish Catholic neighborhood of Bridgeport that is on the southwest side of Chicago. He received his law degree from DePaul University.
Richard and his wife Margaret had four children, Nora, Patrick, Elizabeth and Kevin who is deceased. He started his career with the help of his father’s machine’s backing. He was in the Illinois Senate for 8 years. After that he won the election to become Cook County’s State’s Attorney where he remained for 9 years from 1980 – 1989. Daley ran for mayor and won in 1989. The previously elected mayor, Harold Washington, died in 1987 of a heart attack. (He was allegedly one of Obama’s mentors).
Richard’s brother, William M. Daley, served under Former Pres. Bill Clinton as US Secretary of Commerce. Then he worked in a paid “advisory” capacity on Obama’s presidential campaign. Their other brother, John P. Daley, is the finance chairman on the Cook County Board of Commissioners.
The family is best known as the “Daley Machine.” The negative social, financial and economic impact and influence of the Daley Machine on Chicago politics is well documented, yet both father and son kept getting elected. Is it name recognition, ACORN and union intimidation and thuggery, broken kneecaps, twisted arms, or rigged voting machines that has kept this family in power for almost 50 years?
One scandal in 2005 was Daley explaining $48 million in overruns for the renovation of a terminal at O’Hare International Airport. Representative Jesse L. Jackson Jr., (D) stated “You can fool some of the people for 16 years – the question is whether the people want to be fooled for 20 years.”
In 2006, A federal investigation of “pervasive fraud” in hiring and contracts at Daley’s City Hall led to 30 indictments, including two senior administrators closely tied to the mayor, and a dozen cabinet-level resignations. The Mayor was also interrogated. About the same time, it was revealed through court records that one of Daley’s allies, the head of the Hispanic Democratic Organization, “helped arrange promotions for politically active city employees and orchestrated campaign work by administration officials.”
In a New York Times article on January 6, 2006, they stated:
Gone is the 38,000-strong patronage army of city workers Richard J. controlled, but it has been replaced by what John Callaway, a political analyst and former host of a Chicago public affairs television program, described as “special forces units,” like the Hispanic Democratic Organization, now under federal scrutiny.
“The main trouble he’s in is with the federal government,” Mr. Callaway said of the mayor. “What are the highest people who have been indicted so far, or subpoenaed, what are they going to say about what Daley knew about what he says he didn’t know?”
On January 22, 2007, Senator Barack Obama endorsed Richard M. Daley for another term. From a CBS report, Obama said,
“As long as he has passion for the job, then I think he’s gonna be one of the best mayors, if not the best mayor in the country.” He also addressed the corruption investigation involving Daley’s administration, saying “I continue to be concerned.” But he said Daley had taken crucial steps to root out corruption, including improving procurement rules. “As a consequence, you’re gonna see the kind of leaner, cleaner government that Chicagoans expect and, I know, the mayor expects,” Obama said, speaking with the 64-year-old Daley at his side.
While Barack Obama said he’s inclined to keep U.S. Atty. Patrick Fitzgerald in that job, Obama added Fitzgerald’s federal investigations of corruption at City Hall have not shaken his confidence in Daley.
Daley won his sixth term by receiving 70% of the vote for reelection in 2007. Richard J. and Richard M. Daley built a multi-ethnic, multi-racial coalition that has kept them and the Democrats in control and power throughout Illinois.
If anyone achieves any power in Chicago, they have been supported by Mayors Richard Joseph Daley and his son Richard M. Daley. Nothing got done unless their dictates were followed. Richard M. Daley has “reigned” over the city for about 21 years.
Richard M. Daley’s continuing sphere of influence is seen in the Windy City as well as in Washington, D.C. Following are some of the ties that bind these people together. One who worked closely with the mayor and has intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the machine is Valerie Jarrett. She was Daley’s Deputy Chief of Staff and now serves as Obama’s confidant and Senior WH Advisor. Valerie was responsible for hiring Michelle Obama as Daley’s assistant. Michelle worked in that capacity for about 18 months.
Another Machine operative was David Alexrod. Not only was he Daley’s first political campaign manager, he is a major SEIU supporter, and a Marxist. He totally orchestrated Obama’s successful “Hope and Change” election campaign and now serves We the Lucky People in the corrupted White House as Obama’s Senior Advisor.
In 1989, Rahm Emanuel served as Daley’s assistant and principle fundraiser; badgering, bullying, and guilt-tripping people into supporting Daley’s mayoral campaign. His nickname, Rahmbo, was assigned to him at the time for his ability to get things done. With Daley’s help, Rahm moved on to serve as President Bill Clinton’s fundraiser and then became part of his White House staff. He now serves as Obama’s right arm and chief intimidator. In 2002, Daley endorsed Rahm for Blago’s congressional seat in Illinois and he won. (Blago had left his seat to run as Governor.). Interestingly, Rahm has his eye on Daly’s leather chair and recently voiced his ambition to run for Mayor of Chicago. Richard M. Daly is up for reelection next year.
Daley took over control of the Chicago School System hiring Arne Duncan as the CEO over the Chicago Public Schools. Arne served from 2001 – 2008. He was to preside over the educational system and fix the mediocre public schools. Arne Duncan, whose achievements are questionable related to improving the educational system in Chicago, was hired by Obama as the U.S. Secretary of Education. Would you be surprised to learn that Duncan was raised in Hyde Park? He was just another guy in the neighborhood! Oh, and he went to Harvard too. How close were Arne Duncan and Bill Ayres?
Border Patrol Agents Worry About Contagious Diseases
07/01/2014 06:48 PM
WESLACO - The spread of scabies, chicken pox and other diseases within Rio Grande Valley Border Patrol facilities may be getting out of control, a leader with the agents’ union said.
National Border Patrol Council Local 3307 Vice President Christopher Cabrera said the federal government is not serious about solving the problem.
Cabrera said agents have to deal with health issues affecting the immigrants. He said agents are encountering many sick immigrants, including women and… Click to Read More
Last month, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service listed the meadow jumping mouse as an endangered species
by Rob Nikolewski | New Mexico | July 4, 2014
For more than a century, the Lucero family has grazed livestock in the majestic landscape near Fenton Lake in the Santa Fe National Forest. They started with sheep and, in the 1920s, switched to cattle. But that may all come to an end because of an endangered mouse.
“You’re taking a lot of heritage away,” said Mike Lucero, as he looks over the creek that cuts through the meadow. He was accompanied by his brother Manuel and cousin Orlando, who have brought their family’s cattle to this spot since they were children.
Last month, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service listed the meadow jumping mouse as an endangered species. Now, the U.S. Forest Service, which oversees the Santa Fe National Forest, is considering erecting a series of 8-foot high fences to protect the mouse’s habitat.
The Luceros, members of the San Diego Cattleman’s Association and holders of grazing permits with the federal government, say the fences will lock out their cattle — as well as those of other permit holders — from ever returning to the meadow where the livestock graze for 20 days in the spring and up to 40 days in the fall.
“We’re not insensitive to protecting the mouse,” Orlando Lucero said. “But let’s work on something that keeps everyone’s interests in mind.”
Forest Service officials in Albuquerque say no final decision has been made but, at the same time, they are required by law to comply with the Endangered Species Act. Since the meadow jumping mouse is now listed as endangered, the Forest Service is bound to take steps to protect its habitat.
Grazing was listed as one of the “a primary threats” to the mouse, said Robert Trujillo, the acting director of Wildlife, Fish and Rare Plants for the Southwest Region of the U.S. Forest Service.
“It’s been our experience that a fence like that to protect that occupied habitat seems to be the best way we can do our affirmative duty and protect that habitat,” Trujillo said.
But the Luceros say putting up a fence is an example of federal government overkill.
“At first, they were talking about a 300-yard fence on eight feet of either side (of the Rio Cebolla, a creek that feeds the meadow),” Manuel Lucero said. “But you look at the (Forest Service) map now and it goes on for three and a half miles – and that’s just for this allotment.”
In fact, the Forest Service proposal could potentially put up fencing over large swaths of the forest, including the San Antonio Campground, a popular destination for families and outdoors enthusiasts in northern New Mexico.
“The San Antonio area, from what I’ve seen, is in the upper portion of that occupied habitat,” Trujillo said. “It possibly could (be affected) but no decision has been made on that.”
“I don’t think the public realizes the San Antonio Campground is being considered,” Mike Lucero said. “If they did, I think there would be a lot upset people.”
The Luceros complain the Forest Service has not done enough to inform the public about the proposed fencing.
“Let’s protect the mouse but we don’t need to take the whole valley,” Orlando Lucero said.
Trujillo said the Forest Service has just started what it calls its “scoping process” to elicit comments. “No decision will be made without gathering input from affected individuals,” he said.
The meadow jumping mouse has plenty of support among environmentalists.
“Saving the New Mexico meadow jumping mouse and the streamside habitat it needs to survive is long overdue,” said Jay Lininger, a senior scientist at the Center for Biological Diversity when the mouse received endangered status. “When we protect this tiny animal, we’re also helping people, because we all rely on clean water for survival.”
Trujillo says the mouse is active three to four months out of the year and spends the rest of its time hibernating.
This is the second time in the space of two months that the meadow jumping mouse has raised hackles among people with grazing permits in the state.
Some 275 miles south, in Otero County, the Forest Service reinforced locked gates to keep out cattle from a creek called the Agua Chiquita to protect the mouse’s habitat. The move angered ranchers who tend over herds thirsty from a prolonged drought.
An attorney for Otero County says the state of New Mexico – not the federal government – has the right to access to the water to the creek and a lawsuit may be in the offing.
While the locked gate in the Otero County controversy keeps out only cattle, the Luceros complain 8-foot fencing in the Forest Service proposal in the Santa Fe Forest would keep out just about all forms of wildlife, including elk.
But the difference, Trujillo said, is that “the elk and deer get in there, get water and get out. They don’t tend to lounge around and graze heavily. Cows will sit in there and graze.”
So when will the feds make a decision? Trujillo said it could range anywhere from 30 days to 8 months, depending on how long the assessments take.
“I want to reiterate, we’re committed to working with our permitees and all other stakeholders to really find where that sweet spot is,” Trujillo said.
But the Lucero family is skeptical.
“I think they’re afraid of getting sued” by environmental organizations, Mike Lucero said.
And if the fence is erected, will the Luceros stop ranching?
“Why would we give it up after four generations?” Orlando Lucero said. “We were here before the (Forest Service), back during land grants. We’re not going to go nowhere.”
“Saving the New Mexico meadow jumping mouse and the streamside habitat it needs to survive is long overdue,” said Jay Lininger, a senior scientist at the Center for Biological Diversity when the mouse received endangered status.”
Center for Biological Diversity is about power and control
November 13, 2012
Center for Biological Diversity, Chilton Ranch, Clapper Rail, Franciscan manzanita, Spartina.We try to give people the benefit of the doubt. We assume that native plant advocates believe what they say even when we know what they’re saying isn’t true. We assume they share our commitment to protecting the environment even though we don’t agree about how to achieve that goal.
When the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) was required by the Arizona Supreme Court to pay $600,000 in punitive damages for fabricating fraudulent evidence to support their unsuccessful effort to take federal grazing rights from a rancher in Arizona, we assumed it was just an example of over-zealous environmentalism. People who believe they are on an important mission sometimes think the means they use to achieve their goals are justified by the righteous ends of their cause.
However, recent events have forced us to reconsider our generous interpretation of CBD’s motives. In particular, we find the Center for Biological Diversity’s action and inaction on these two local issues contradictory:
We don’t think the leadership of CBD is motivated by money.
It’s about power and control
We turn to the New Yorker magazine (3) to understand and explain the motivation of Center for Biological Diversity and its local ally, Wild Equity. In 1999, the New Yorker published an in-depth study of the leadership of CBD entitled, “No People Allowed.”
The article reports the creation of CBD and its early history in the southwest where it was founded and is still headquartered. Their initial efforts were direct-action, typical of traditional environmental organizations; then they discovered the power of the law: “’We’re crazy to sit in trees when there’s this incredible law where we can make people do whatever we want,;” said Robin Silver, one of the founders of CBD.
Using federal environmental laws, they apparently brought the timber industry in the southwest to a virtual halt and they were making similar progress in eliminating all grazing in the southwest when the article was published. Perhaps there was some benefit to the environment, but there was also significant economic loss to the human community in the southwest, according to the New Yorker.
So, what does CBD want? The New Yorker tells us that the founder’s deconstructionist philosophy is “a decentering and disempowering of the human.” Their goal is described: “…the center is endeavoring to undo the dominion of man over animals and plants…the only way to get to the desired state is to deconstruct stuff that exists in the world: legal arrangements, social and economic forms, and even physical structures.” CBD’s Executive Director tells us his motivation in the New Yorker article as well as the long term goal of CBD: “[Kieran] Suckling cheerfully admitted that he’s ‘using one side of industrial society against itself,’ but only temporarily; in the long run, he says, there will be a new order in which plants and animals are part of the polity. For example, legal proceedings could be conducted outdoors—in which case ‘the trees will make themselves felt.’”
“Good” tree may stay
We find the reference to the desires of trees particularly interesting. Apparently Mr. Suckling believes he speaks for the trees. What about the non-native trees which CBD demands we destroy on behalf of other plants and animals which it prefers? Mr. Suckling apparently considers himself the spokesperson for just particular trees of his choosing. Apparently the rights of trees will be limited to native trees when CBD has successfully established this new order.
“Bad” tree must go.
Mr. Suckling also implies that CBD’s control of the environment is only temporary until the new order is established in which plants and animals are in control. This reminds us of a similar fantasy about a new social and economic model which was originally proposed by Karl Marx. In creating the concept of communism, he envisioned a temporary dictatorship of elites which would eventually be ceded to a “dictatorship of the proletariat.” The world has now witnessed many attempts to install communism as the governing economic model, but we have not seen the dictatorship of elites willingly cede their power to the people.
This quote of CBD’s Executive Director from Ted Williams’ article, also helps us to understand why CBD sues the federal government to achieve their goals: “’They [employees of federal agencies] feel like their careers are being mocked and destroyed—and they are,’ he told the High Country News. ‘So they become much more willing to play by our rules.’” In other words, suing—and the threat of suit—is CBD’s means of controlling the federal agencies that are responsible for protecting the environment, i.e., forcing them to do what CBD wants.
Humans will always be in control of land-use decisions. It’s only a question of which humans are in control and CBD intends to be the humans in control. If we hand them that power, we will find it difficult to wrest it from them if we decide they are not using that power wisely or fairly.
We can’t defend all of the activities of humans when we damage the environment to suit our purposes. However, we don’t think the Center for Biological Diversity would be a better steward of our land. Even if they were capable of wise land-use decisions, we are unwilling to suspend democratic methods of making those decisions. As human society repeatedly demonstrates, absolute power corrupts absolutely. We are no more willing to hand our fate to Center for Biological Diversity than to any other despot, benevolent or not.
Sheila Jackson Lee Brings Lollipops to Illegals, Says Border Crisis Not National Security Threat
Jackson Lee: “This is not a national security crisis”
by Tony Lee
Breitbart | July 4, 2014
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) believes the border crisis is not a national security threat, despite gangsters having already been apprehended along the United States-Mexico border.
In fact, Jackson Lee waved a bag of lollipops during a Thursday House Homeland Security Field Hearing in McAllen, Texas, and said she took bags of such lollipops to the illegal immigrant children in detention centers during recent visits.
“This is not a national security crisis,” Jackson Lee emphasized, noting that she was not armed and did not fear for her life when visiting the children. Jackson Lee said Border Patrol agents claimed the children were some of the most “orderly” and “behaved” children they have encountered.
“National security crisis?” Is that what the issue is about? I did not know. I thought the controversy is about John Q Taxpayer worried that his 28 year old daughter who graduated from state college six years ago is working well below her ability and living at home on his dime, while the politicians on both sides of the political spectrum are wanting to grant all the taxpayer money as appropriate to 12 million more people, and some of that taxpayer money is from John Q Taxpayer of course.
Which is why I claim we either must say no to those 12 million and seal the borders or we abolish ALL taxpayer welfare to anyone including US citizens.
You don’t see this “either or” plea out on Main Street USA yet.
Subsistence farmers in Mexico and Central America can’t compete with NAFTA (agri-business) crops dumped on their markets, so now guess where they’re headed?
Look for an outflow of locust-like Californians who, having turned their own state into a DNC socialist paradise, are now going to be bringing their plague and pestilence into whatever new locales they infest. And as the drought worsens, home values - which have artificially propped up the People’s Republic of CA tax base - are going to start collapsing along with the quality of life.
It was another overcast morning in my part of Orange County. Finished a 75 minute swim workout and got a good dose of breakfast sodium / artery clogger plus coffee at Starbucks.
Nothing looks different than a year ago.
Arizona is in its 14th (?) year of drought. And life goes on there too.
If they keep on printin’ bubble’s goin to break,
If they keep on printin’ bubble’s going to break,
when the bubble breaks I’ll have no eq-ui-tay.
Mean ol yellen taught me to weep and moan
Mean ol yellen taught me to weep and moan
Got what it takes to make me spend my cash on a home,
Oh, well, oh well, oh well,
Don’t it make you feel bad
when you see a NOD on your door,
You don’t know whey way to go?
If you’re headed to Market St
They got no work to do,
If you don’t know about Mc-Don-alds.
Cryin’ won’t help you, Prayin’ won’t do you no good.
Now Cryin’ won’t help you, Prayin’ won’t do you no good.
When the bubble breaks, mama you got to move.
All last night sat on the curb and moaned,
All last night sat on the curb and moaned,
You see that house behind me that was my deadbeat home…
Going, going to Mc-Don-alds…Going to Mc-Don-alds.
Sorry but I can’t take you.
Going down…Going down now…Going down…
“What happens to systems that ignore symptoms? They break. Whatever is causing the pain continues unaddressed, and so it gets worse. Making the symptoms go away doesn’t fix the underlying causes; in a terrible irony, it enables the problem to spread and grow even more destructive.”
True. At some point the whole system is going to break. What’s left: cash, precious metals, crypto currency, ammo, liquor, spare parts for Hondas, farmland with plenty o’ rainwater. In the meantimes dividends are dandy.
Name:Ben Jones Location:Northern Arizona, United States To donate by mail, or to otherwise contact this blogger, please send emails to:
PayPal is a secure online payment method which accepts ALL major credit cards.
Has the whereabouts of these speculator-carcasses been disclosed yet?
I asked the other day and never got a response.
Arlington, VA Housing Prices Crater 19% YoY As Inventory Skyrockets 36%
Be a patriotic American and buy a home today!
Now I’m starting to think Amy the Hoaxster is sarcastic all this time, based on the level of ridiculous posts he/she has been doing.
I’m celebrating freedom today. Freedom from the banksters. Freedom from the level of property taxes my neighbors are paying. With all the money I have left over renting I load up on T-bills, 2 year notes, precious metals, and $100 bottles of French wine.
“Now I’m starting to think Amy the Hoaxster is sarcastic all this time”
My gosh, the woman has the guts to come on here and tell the truth every day and you write her off as a funny person? Rude.
Beer. Fetch. NOW.
Salinas, CA Housing Prices Sink 5% YoY As Demand Collapses 20%
Happy Independence Day! Arguably a libertarian ‘ s favorite day. It is essentially about breaking government territory into smaller government. The meaning is lost to 99.999% of the people.
This is the day, after the sun begins to go down, that, collectively, thousands of dollars a minute - tens of thousands of dollars a minute - of millions of people’s hard-earned money literally go up in smoke.
SC fireworks business booming with Fourth on a Friday
“Customer Mike Davis said he’s spent four grand on fireworks before. This year, he’s keeping it to $1,000. For Davis and his son, Brandon, 9, celebrating Independence Day with a bang is a father-son affair. “It’s a guy thing,” Davis said.”
Link www (.) thestate(.) com/2014/06/29/3538742/sc-fireworks-business-booming.html
Watching fireworks go off is something one can do even if he doesn’t spend one cent of his own; All he has to do is be there.
The only part he doesn’t get to do is light the fuses, so it boils down to paying out some very big bucks for the privilege of lighting fuses.
I hate fireworks.
Bill we all are Libertarians to a degree.. and governments role should be a hand up not a handout. People should never expect something for nothing.
Extend Unemployment but you have to be in school or at least an Interns job to upgrade your skills.
Welfare ok sit in class and learn to speak English for your EBT card….speaking English will make your job prospect increase exponentially.
Same with Jail they are functionally illiterate going in and coming out….and back in again
Ill bet even if you gave land away for Free in Detroit businesses will not come because the locals are so Illiterate
aNYCdj, if you can choose between open borders i.e. open citizenship or just the welfare system as it is, which would you choose? Would you choose both? Would you choose neither?
I want to see who wants both: automatic citizenship for just setting a foot inside the border, plus taxpayer aid.
I want automatic citizenship and completely open borders and no redistribution of wealth.
There are absolutes. You are either against aggression or for aggression. There is no in between.
Good points My stand is my grandmother had to wait to get to Ellis Island she had to speak English as well……That should be the standard.
I think anchor babies should be American citizens because of the way our Constitution was written, but that doesn’t mean their Illegal parents can stay here.
Have the anchor baby claim US citizenship when they turn 18 and sponsor their parents.
As you can tell English is my common theme here, I would love never to hear for English press 1.
I think anchor babies should be American citizens because of the way our Constitution was written, but that doesn’t mean their Illegal parents can stay here.
Have the anchor baby claim US citizenship when they turn 18 and sponsor their parents.
So you are perfectly fine with the industry catering to Chinese folks who fly in just to deliver a baby, and then fly home with citizenship, in order to bring the whole family 18yrs later?
Prime I’m not happy with it but the Constitution was written way before airplanes were invented…..
So until we demand it be changed by say some residency requirements then like you have a legal visa and live in America for a year then go back, and 18 years later you have to read write and speak English before you can claim citizenship and the parents do too..
I think anchor babies should be American citizens because of the way our Constitution was written, but that doesn’t mean their Illegal parents can stay here.
Really than why did it take a law passed in the 1920s to give Native Americans citizenship? Once again the MSM has convinced people of a fact not in evidence.
Form Wikipedia:
The Indian Citizenship Act of 1924, also known as the Snyder Act, was proposed by Representative Homer P. Snyder (R) of New York and granted full U.S. citizenship to America’s indigenous peoples, called “Indians” in this Act. (The Fourteenth Amendment already defined as citizens any person born in the U.S., but only if “subject to the jurisdiction thereof”; this latter clause was thought to exclude certain indigenous peoples.) The act was signed into law by President Calvin Coolidge on June 2, 1924.[1][2][3] It was enacted partially in recognition of the thousands of Indians who served in the armed forces in WWI.
The term phrase “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” means that if you were still a citizen of another jurisdiction, your child would not automatically be a citizen of this country.
why did it take a law passed in the 1920s to give Native Americans citizenship?
good point Dan. i suspect you’re an excellent lawyer.
The “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” phrase was settled by the Supreme Court in United States v. Wong Kim Ark in 1898.
Then why was the 1920’s legislation needed? It does not mean that a person illegally in this country whose loyalty is to another country but is seeking employment who happens to have a child gets citizenship, at least as the founder’s met it.
Oxide from your own link about the 14th amendment interpreted by the supreme court which did not involve an illegal immigrant:
The heated debate on the proposed new language in the Senate focused on whether Howard’s proposed language would apply more broadly than the wording of the 1866 Civil Rights Act.[27]
Howard said that the clause “is simply declaratory of what I regard as the law of the land already, that every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States.”[26] He added that citizenship “will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons”—a comment which would later raise questions as to whether Congress had originally intended that U.S.-born children of foreign parents were to be included as citizens.
And this from the case itself, see the key phase “so long as they are permitted by the United States to reside here” really illegals are permitted to be here? Even if you believe that the dicta in the case would allow anyone vacationing here that has a child to be a citizen, this sentence clearly questions whether the children of illegals would be citizens. While we still have a few people on the Sct. that believe in the constitution we should pass a law denying citizenship to illegals’ children:
Chinese persons, born out of the United States, remaining subjects of the Emperor of China, and not having become citizens of the United States, are entitled to the protection of, and owe allegiance to, the United States so long as they are permitted by the United States to reside here, and are ” subject to the jurisdiction thereof” in the same sense as all other aliens residing in the United States. Yick Wo v. Hopkins (1886),
Notice he said not even children born of aliens would not be citizens, the thought that citizenship would even apply to illegal aliens would not even occurred to him. Also, the word domicile in law means much more than residence, so anyone that intends to move back to their own country at the time that the baby was born would not be a citizen. No, we have been brainwashed to believe that the founders and the drafter’s of the 14th amendment, would give citizenship to a child born to a mother that just crossed the border illegally and that is not the truth.
and governments role should be a hand up not a handout.
government’s only role should be the protection of its citizens in specific areas.
I disagree, when the SHTF and you are an atheist or non believer churches are not a good place to go…so whats left?
Some people are born blind retarded missing limbs they should not be helped?
We need to differential between the truly needed who did nothing to cause their predicament and those that did.
Those that did we should expect an exchange of services. You want section 8 well go back to school and get job training and have metal detectors at all Public housing projects after all the PUBLIC paid for it!….. same with everything else….
Im also in favor of elimination the corporate income tax, and that also eliminates all the corporate tax breaks since you wont be paying any so no corporation will ever get a tax refund…or credit against taxes…..that should make business decisions more interesting.
So government should come to your door and threaten your life if you do not give some of your wealth to a neighbor with missing limbs right?
I disagree, when the SHTF and you are an atheist or non believer churches are not a good place to go…so whats left?
smart people prepare for emergencies.
Some people are born blind retarded missing limbs they should not be helped?
better help comes from the private sector when everyone is prospering.
We need to differential between the truly needed who did nothing to cause their predicament and those that did.
again, much better done in the private sector.
Im also in favor of elimination the corporate income tax
correct. it would help. we need to eliminate all taxes and bring a national sales tax as the only tax.
Those that did we should expect an exchange of services. You want section 8 well go back to school and get job training and have metal detectors at all Public housing projects after all the PUBLIC paid for it!….. same with everything else….
policies that bring ’section 8′ hurt the economy. much better to eliminate those types of policies to get more jobs and with higher wages.
that should make business decisions more interesting.
and will bring more prosperity for everyone, which would especially help the lower income people.
Thats what taxation is for…..or supposedly ohbewanna care to cover those expenses.
But isn’t that the catch 22 what if it doesn’t then what?
At least this way everyone will be doing something…there is so much that needs fixing and we have millions of fully capable people doing nothing.
policies that bring ’section 8′ hurt the economy. much better to eliminate those types of policies to get more jobs and with higher wages.
But isn’t that the catch 22 what if it doesn’t
there is no ‘what if it doesn’t’. good economic policy always brings prosperity.
DJ, right now, breeding to produce offspring with disabilities is a cash business. You can see where it has gotten us. A regression to idiocracy.
Where do you draw the line? Withdraw the economic incentives to promote ‘disability’. Replace with economic incentives to promote self-reliance.
It would put half the nation’s idiot public education system out of work, forced to rely on innate skills and abilities to compete for sustenance in the market.
This is what we need to bring back trades and general know-how, IMHO.
Jane I fully agree i had drafting print shop electronics and was assistant photographer of my yearbook…..everyone i knew fixed things …..and this was a normal high school……we had very little shirt and tie IBM guys on our street in southern CT growing up..
Here is a good line about “libertarian to a degree.” There is no such thing as “to a degree.” You either are or you are not:
I think you take it too far…people are born with disabilities and need help..
Maybe if I put it another way….the government as a last resort Angel investor. when you are down and out, we invest in your housing, education and life and you have to repay us in some way, or you get cut off and then fend for yourself.
” government as a last resort Angel investor. when you are down and out, we invest in your housing, education and life and you have to repay us in some way, or you get cut off and then fend for yourself.”
Ha ha! I still am not buying that. That goes in line with a liberal seeking glorification in being generous with other people’s money. I absolutely use the term I hate - and this term I hate is “hate.” But I have to use it on those people - liberals who bask in the glory from stealing other people’s money to give to others. Your term “angel investor” sparked that outrage from me. Sorry.
You should not threaten harm to anyone if they do not donate to your charity. That is the bottom line. There is NO morality in the use of force for charity.
Second: “repay in some way.” That is subjective. Such repayment cannot be measured. So I don’t buy it either.
“people are born with disabilities and need help”
Some people are born with metabolism that they are obese and then ostracized for obesity while a kid. Or for being to skinny and ostracized. Then they have to play catchup for many years because of lack of opportunities in the early days caused by ostracism, - but those people never asked for a handout. So such people should be required to donate their earnings to people born with disabilities?
I don’t think so. Many of us have had problems of one sort or another we had to overcome, and we overcame them ourselves without the help from others. Very few people were born with a silver spoon.
Myself I came from a lower middle class background. Mexican gang fights were on our front lawn when I was a teen. Stabbings and shootings and killings on my street and in my neighborhood.
Don’t wish on a group of thugs to threaten my life if I do not donate to the disabled.
I just thought of another question.
How come you are concerned with borderline cases that are rare?
If the existence of disabled people is the very reason for government to initiate force against another, I think that is a lame concern.
It reminds me of the drowning person argument. A man walks along the riverbank of a swift river and suddenly sees another man struggling in the current. Should the man risk his own life to save that of another? Statists always bring up borderline cases to justify statism, but it’s fallacious.
Your all or nothing approach is not realistic….at least my way would offer one last chance to do right, and be a productive citizen
Right now mostly repubs want to cut off things and it makes them look like monsters…..If you read my writings I want to offer people one last chance to do right then cut them off… the blame goes squarely on them not you, not me, not the politicians but the individual.
Okay I’ll bite. I now ask you what types of initiation of force do you favor? Bear in mind, “all or nothing” is either N.A.P. or initiation of force.
Taxes? - If slavery is when 100% of your income is taken, at what percentage of income theft is it when it is not slavery?
Shooting and killing U.S. citizens from drones?
Forcing ranchers off the grazeland their families have used for generations by whimsically changing rules?
Ok Bill Just some common sense before you throw everyone to the wolves
I think people deserve one last chance not the repetition of chances we have today.
Thats why I focus on English, i see tons of problems related to the lack of English and communication skills
Why do business flock to Austin, because there are lots of smart people there, if Detroit had that business would move there too I think taxes are overplayed by both sides, its the quality of the employment pool i think is more important.
We need leadership that states Zero Tolerance does not mean Zero common sense, and call out these idiot moron people who whimsically change the rules to the worst possible scenario, on people without any warning.
Conscription…why not? If 18-20 year olds had to choose between the military college or Jail like the viet vets did…I think a lot of inner city violence would stop overnight…….so would that be a bad thing?
The meaning is lost to 99.999% of the people.
It must feel really wonderful to be part of a tiny elite.
The 0.0001% is tiny indeed!
Boulder, CO Housing Prices Dive 5% YoY; Demand Plunges 14%
housing and stocks seem to be fairly valued at these levels.
To make a sure-fire killing in the stock market one should seek out a company that is borrowing lots of cheap money and then uses this borrowed money to wade into the market so as to buy back shares of itself as the stock price reaches new, all-time highs.
your right who will pay the price when those stocks collapse?
The price will never collapse and here’s why:
As the stock is bought up fewer shares are available to be sold. Fewer shares available to be sold will generate a shortage. A shortage of shares will skew the supply/demand relationship and this skewing will push up prices even further.
As prices are pushed up further and further demand is increased more and more because, in the crazy world of the stock market, a rise in price translates to a rise in value, and this rise in value attracts more and more buyers who, because of their buying, work to endlessly push up prices (and thus push up values) and this endless pushing up of prices and values will never - NEVER - come to an end!
Some people may argue that borrowing to buy at higher and higher prices will screw up the fundamentals of a company’s balance sheet and I can only say to such ignorant people that FUNDAMENTALS DO NOT MATTER!
Only price matters.
2009 is calling.
Taxpayers and savers. The Fed will print new trillions in “stimulus” money to pay off the .01%’s speculative losses, ripping off the 99% through the stealth tax of inflation, loss of purchasing power due to trillions of new printing-press dollars sloshing around, and transferring Wall Streets liabilities onto taxpayers as they did with TARP and taking $2.4 trillion in toxic mortgage-backed securities off the banksters hands and making taxpayers liable for those “assets.”
Old Yellen says full steam ahead for asset bubbles and ZIRP gambling money for speculators.
Old Yellen says full steam ahead for asset bubbles and ZIRP gambling money for speculators.
i always said she could very well be worse than ‘the bernank’. like almost all keynsians, she thinks inflation is beneficial. as your costs go up for everything, one of the first people you should thank is ‘Old Yellin’, the ruth buzzi of the FED.
ruth’re showing you age hahaha!
ruth’re showing you age hahaha!
hey, i watch old ‘laugh-in’ videos!
listen to yellen and she sounds a lot like buzzi!
American Military Bases Turned Into Chaotic Refugee Camps
Marcus Cicero
Daily Stormer
July 4, 2014
In an attempt to accommodate tens of thousands of primitive migrants, the crumbling edifice of the United States has been forced to transform several military bases near the Mexican border into temporary refugee centers.
Resembling something out of the Middle East or Sub-Saharan Africa, these camps are reported to be rapidly deteriorating, with violent incidents an almost daily occurrence. Illnesses such as tuberculosis, scabies, H1N1 “swine flu,” and various tropical fevers have also been described by those who have visited the sites.
“Our military bases are turning into refugee camps. I never thought I’d see this in the United States of America,” House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Michael McCaul, R-Texas, said. - 49k -
The military does not vote democrat.
Every illegal is a solid democrat vote.
Next question…
Every illegal is a solid democrat vote ??
The land of 2-fruit enlightenment…Gee’s, I did not know illegals were allowed to vote…Thanks for the info fruit-eee…
Gee’s, I did not know illegals were allowed to vote…
When states are not allowed to require photo ID to vote, how can you be so sure that they are not voting?
how can you be so sure that they are not voting ??
No way I can determine what other juristictions policy is but we must bring are registration cards or mail them in…
Even if a illegal did vote, isn’t that Illegal ??
No way I can determine what other juristictions policy is but we must bring are registration cards or mail them in…
And what do you have to provide to prove citizenship when you signed up for that voter-registration card?
In my city, I had to show a utility bill mailed to my address as proof of residency—but nothing to show proof of citizenship.
And what do you have to provide to prove citizenship when you signed up for that voter-registration card ??
Did not mean registration card…Meant to say ballot…We are mailed our ballots based on already being registered…As far as registration, I registered 44 years ago so I just don’t remember how I registered…
Alarming Evidence Shows How Easy Illegal Aliens Can Vote in the USA
Washington, DC – A new undercover video has just been released by James O’keefe that shows us just how easy anyone, including illegal aliens, can vote in the USA.
The Obama administration claims that the new voter ID laws are simply an attempt by conservatives to disenfranchise poorer voters who do not have ID and tend to vote for Democrats. They claim there is no proof of voter fraud in the US to justify the laws.
For example, in many states that do not require voter ID—like Texas—all one must do to prove they can vote is show a home utility bill. That means an illegal alien who can easily register to vote online without ID, only needs to show up to the polls with a utility bill that has their name on it in order to cast a vote in a US election. Moreover, this action would not trigger any red flag because the voter complied with existing law.
Just recently, the Obama administration blocked voter ID laws in both South Carolina and Texas under a provision in the 1965 Voting Rights Act that requires any changes to the voting laws of 13 southern states with a history of discrimination to be approved by the federal
government. In both these decisions, Thomas Perez, the head of the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division, uses the lack of proof that a problem exists to support his claim that the laws are discriminatory, thus justifying their blockage.
It is worth noting that Thomas Perez was the former President of the Board of Directors for Casa de Maryland, the far left pro-illegal immigration organization who has been indirectly funded by the likes of liberal billionaire George Soros and the socialist leader of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez.
The Attorney General, Eric Holder, has also used the same argument in a number of interviews as highlighted in O’keefe’s video.
This video verifies the existence of the voting loophole in this country that will allow virtually anyone to vote in our elections. Whether Americans are willing to listen to the Obama administration and ignore its existence because it does not draw attention to itself, is yet to be determined.
Is it such a surprise that housing demand is at 19 year lows when current asking prices of resale housing is multiples of construction cost(lot, labor, materials and profit)?
Can you afford beans and wieners for the 4th after your bankruptcy proceedings?
Your depreciating shanty is eating you alive.
how much do you owe your bankruptcy attorney? Got equity?
Go see an bankruptcy attorney quickly. Free yourself.
Angry Protesters Greet 140 Undocumented Immigrants; Buses Turn Away From Murrieta
Posted 3:03 PM, July 1, 2014,
by Ashley Soley-Cerro, Jim Nash and Sara Welch
Three buses holding 140 undocumented who were being taken to Murrieta Tuesday afternoon were greeted by angry protesters and turned away from its intended destination.
The immigrants were supposed to be transported from a Texas Border Patrol Station to the Murrieta Border Patrol Station, according to Murrieta Mayor Alan Long.
Upon arrival the buses turned around for unknown reasons and drove to the Chula Vista border patrol facility in San Diego County.
Authorities planned to bring the immigrants to Murrieta later Tuesday night, KSWB stated.
About 100 protesters held signs stating “return to sender,” “STOP illegal immigration” and “support U.S. Border Patrol” during the immigrants arrival.
Initial plans to transport 500 undocumented immigrants to the city were lowered, but Long said Murrieta may receive an additional 140 immigrants every 72 hours for several weeks.…/01/murrieta-residents-protest-arrival-of-140-undocumented-immigrants/ - 140k - Cached -
Independence Day question for the board: What is freedom? If any other party can legally compel you to do or not do anything, are you free?
At what point between 0 and 100 percent taxes do you become a slave?
Does being compelled to pay any taxes make you a slave?
How would you go about determining the number that answers that question?
“What is freedom?”
Not getting caught?
Janis Joplin said “Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose” so I view my job as a banker is to make my clients as free as possible.
Freedom is something that is based on ethics and morality, not law.
Governments and law are not the source of our freedom as individuals. Neither bestows us with our freedom any more than either bestows us with our intellect, our sense of fair play, our sense of dignity. Neither determines what we hope for our loved ones, our progeny, our neighbors.
We do all of that. As individuals
Happy July 4 to all who appreciate self-determination and the Golden Rule.
and the Golden Rule ??
‘If any other party can legally compel you to do or not do anything, are you free’
Asked another way, what portion of the freedom you enjoyed in the past are you willing to deem acceptable now?
You’re missing the point. What’s being taken from us now was considered the bare minimum of protections. These are vital freedoms. For instance, are you aware of the use of the Espionage Act to charge reporters and whistle-blowers? Using wiretaps on electronic communications, leaks on government wrongdoing are being shut down. Could the Pentagon Papers be exposed today? What cost to freedom is that?
Dissent is being eliminated. There are secret courts under the Patriot Act in which a person charged can’t even reveal this to their spouse. How many are in that situation? How many are on a no-fly list, not told what for or how to challenge it? One very telling thing; every technological advance has been seized by the government. If they can do it, they have done it. So what advance will come next, and will the government take that liberty too?
The NSA has admitted stealing millions of private video chats. Recording every phone call and email. Following us with devices we pay for and are promised constitutional protections on. Anyone else would go to jail for doing this. And now we learn that local police (being loaded up with military gear by “Homeland Security”) are getting into the spy action. At what stage of a police state does one become concerned?
Ah, but our safety is a stake. Yet we also know the FBI has infiltrated groups like OWS dozens of times. They have talked some people involved into plotting bombings, even providing what turned out to be phony bombs. Manufacturing fake terrorism is a danger to our freedom, given that it will only take an incident here or there as an excuse for the government to slam the door shut on otherwise innocent citizens.
This country is a good place to live precisely because of these freedoms. How easily we’ve let them slip away.
I agree with much of what you said, but youŕe offering a negative definition of freedom, specific things that it isn’t. I was wondering what people think it is, at its most basic. If any other party can compel you to do something you don’t wish to do, are you free?
‘what people think it is, at its most basic’
Well, at its most basic I would say the right to stand when the judge enters the room.
Are you free if others can judge you, and take your property or your freedom if they find you guilty?
Are you free if others can judge you, and take your property or your freedom if they find you guilty ??
And, guilty of minuscule acts….
Those who would give up a little freedom for more security (which really is the illusion of security) deserve neither freedom nor security.
Does any loss of the freedom to do or not do as you choose, mean you are not free?
Does any loss of the freedom to do or not do as you choose, mean you are not free?
yes it does. but your question has to go further. standard morality says that your freedom ends when it infringes on another’s rights. in other words, you should be free to do as you choose as long as you’re not hurting or needlessly bothering anyone else. freedom constrained by respect for others.
¨ freedom constrained by respect for others¨
So freedom requires constraints on freedom?
So freedom requires constraints on freedom?
of course.
it’s not the contradiction that you imply with your question. one’s freedom can’t exist in disorder. there is little freedom in anarchy. freedom in anarchy is constrained by living in fear. one can’t do many things in anarchy that one can easily do in freedom.
Who decides which freedoms get constrained?
Who decides which freedoms get constrained?
learn and rely on standard morality derived from the golden rule, and the question is fully answered. the answer? everyone, including those laws that are derived from standard morality.
¨the answer? everyone¨
Everyone decides which freedoms get constrained? How?
Bill, I was hoping to get more of an answer to my freedom question from you. You seem to be the poster here maybe the most concerned with his own personal freedom. What do you think freedom is? Do you recognize the right of any other party to compel you to do or not do something?
“Do you recognize the right of any other party to compel you to do or not do something?”
I gave a curt answer because I know there will be a lot of questions popping up, “but what if?”
I can go into a discussion about contracts (which do not require government), ostracism, invisible hand, Ancient Ireland tribal decisions in their anarchist society, and so forth, but it will take up lots of space.
In brief the non-aggression principle (NAP) is that no one has the right to initiate force, threaten to initiate force or fraud against another. This does not preclude retaliatory force. In a free society there unfortunately be occasions when someone thinks he is retaliating, but instead is initiating. I cannot think of any. This is where private arbitration comes in.
In several states right now, such as Arizona, the “castle doctrine” law is honored. That is if you absolutely believe your life is threatened and you can convince a jury if you have to stand trial, you can use lethal force to shoot someone on your property, and that even includes house and car, if said force is against an individual who you think would kill you or intend to kill you if you do not use lethal force.
Do you recognize that others should not be compelled to do or not do something?
¨no one has the right to initiate force, threaten to initiate force or fraud against another¨
If you own land on a river, and you use that river water to irrigate your crops, can someone who owns property upstream dam off the river and keep the water for themselves?
If you ever go onto Reddit, questions like yours go on for several pages of threads. For now, no one owns the rivers. That is a sad thing because it destroys the very same resource - the river - from pollution. I refer you to scholars such as Walter Block for roads for example. If you asked me about roads like W-A-B would have, I could have discussed it with 494 pages or so here. Instead there is 494-page book
As for rivers and waterways, Walter Block has a 19-page paper:
If you own land on a river, and you use that river water to irrigate your crops, can someone who owns property upstream dam off the river and keep the water for themselves?
you ask these questions like they are antithetical to freedom. they are not. riparian rights have been here for a very long time and most of them are there to answer the question you raise. these rights are also based on the golden rule, combined with ownership rights. damming a stream that other people use, isn’t ‘freedom’.
That guy’s paper on waterways is actually rather short, its mostly footnotes. Here’s an interesting part,
¨No, the interconnectedness of even all bodies of water constitutes no overwhelming
objection to privatization. The reason we have no “fences” to place in the water is not because
this is an impossible idea: it is rather due to the fact that absent aqueous property rights, there has
been no financial incentive to engage in research to this end. But imagine the opposite.
Suppose, that is, that property rights in bodies of water were recognized by law. It takes no great
leap of imagination to suppose that scientists and engineers would soon be able to offer new
technology which could distinguish between “mine and thine.”
Nor need these water fences be used only to demarcate the property holdings of one firm
from that of another. They can also be used to corral fish, whales and other ocean livestock. For
all too long these creatures have been free to roam the range of the oceans. It is time, it is past
time, for we humans to do for them what we have done for land based animals20: to tame and domesticate them21, and to bring them within the purview of economic rationality.22¨
Fence in the oceans, corral and domesticate the fish and the whales? That’s freedom?
¨ damming a stream that other people use, isn’t ‘freedom’ ¨
Why not?
Can you find anyone on the internet who actually read all of that 494-page book?
“Can you find anyone on the internet who actually read all of that 494-page book?”
I’m not worried whether or not I can find any.
It’s the statists who don’t want to read that book I’m worried about.
It’s likely that very, very few people read the whole thing, maybe nobody at all. What’s the point of writing such a book?
“What’s the point of writing such a book?”
LOLZ, What a silly question. Since you are not in favor of freedom maybe it’s not really silly.
“What’s the point of writing such a book?”
It gives others a response to difficult questions. ¨Go read this huge book, the answer to your difficult question is somewhere in there.¨
Someone wrote a long book knowing that possibly no one would read it. It’s not silly to ask why a person would do such a thing. It also nothing to do with freedom to that question.
damming stream isn’t freedom..
Why not?
why isn’t killing someone freedom?
¨why isn’t killing someone freedom?¨
I don’t know. Why isn’t it?
for the reasons i’ve already explained to you above.
do you know the reason you ask these kinds of dumb questions oddalpha?
you’re afraid that someone will get something that you don’t have. you want to stop them if you can. i know you will never see this and certainly don’t believe it. but it’s true.
you want to learn what freedom is, but you wouldn’t recognize what it is if someone laid it out before you. i’ll prove it to you, and i promise you’ll NEVER get it.
freedom is found in serving others.
i’m 99% certain you’ll never understand. explaining it to you would be fruitless. just say i’m crazy and be done with it. never think about it again. after all, if you don’t know why killing someone isn’t freedom, you don’t have any idea where to begin the journey.
¨freedom is found in serving others¨
Work makes you free.
freedom is found in serving others.
I got it. I will become a waiter. Freedom!
How easily we’ve let them slip away ??
Slipped away in the last 10-20 years I might add…What happened ? What changed ??
Nixon won, in the long run.
U.S. Congressman Blocked From Entering Child Immigrant Facility
11:54 AM 07/02/2014
An Oklahoma Congressman who visited an Army base being used to house illegal immigrant children now wonders what the federal government is hiding after he was denied access to the facility.
“There is no excuse for denying a Federal Representative from Oklahoma access to a federal facility in Oklahoma where unaccompanied children are being held,” Rep. Jim Bridenstine said in a statement following his visit Tuesday to Ft. Sill Army base near Lawton.
The Department of Health and Human Services has set up housing at Ft. Sill and two other military bases – Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio and Ventura County Naval Base in Oxnard, Cali. – to house thousands of unaccompanied alien children, or UACs, who were apprehended at the southern U.S. border.
Bridenstine went to Ft. Sill to observe the conditions under which the 1,200 UACs there are living and to find out to whom they would be released.
But when he showed up at the facility, Bridenstine says he was told by a guard with a security unit which calls itself the “Brown Shirts” that he could not observe the children or their living conditions.
When the congressman spoke to a manager and HHS official, he was told he would have to schedule a formal visit for July 21.
“Any Member of Congress should have the legal authority to visit a federal youth detention facility without waiting three weeks,” Bridenstine said in his statement.
Though unable to get inside the facility, Bridenstine described its exterior.
“A new fence has been erected by HHS, completely surrounding the barracks and covered with material to totally obscure the view,” he said, adding that “every gate is chained closed.”
“What are they trying to hide?” Bridenstine asked. “Do they not want the children to speak with Members of Congress?”
Read more:
“Any Member of Congress should have the legal authority to visit a federal youth detention facility without waiting three weeks,” Bridenstine said in his statement.
Why doesn’t Bridenstine just mind his own business and go back to making money the old fashion way, congressional insider stock trading? What did he expect to get other than his 15-minutes?
Interesting personal anecdote on the stifling of dissent:
Here in Florida, my two Senators are Bill Nelson (D) and Marco Rubio (R-Havana). I have a Republican House Rep.
I don’t consider that Rubio represents me in any way, shape or form, as he is a quisling and part of the Gangbanger 8. So I never call his office.
I do call my rep and I do call Nelson’s office, to express concerns, but my phone calls are strategically placed, now that I’m onto the game that Nelson’s office is playing. For example, I contact Nelson mainly about issues related to war and military actions and some other things. What I learned is, the staffers that answer the phones are carefully selected to stifle dissent by the nature of who they are. One time when I called, my call was taken by an over-the-top screaming queen. I thought he was going to break into a Broadway show tune any minute. I was calling regarding the Syria, but there was some sort of political activity going on at the time regarding gay marriage.
More recently, as the border “surge” issue was getting cranked up, I called the local office regarding Iraq and the staffer had a very thick, heavy Spanish accent. It was sort of upper crusty Spanish, with a touch of the Castilian dialect to it and the guy was very bright and literate. When I asked where he was from, he said Mexico. I did not discuss the immigration issue with him as I was focused on Iraq and that’s what we went over, but I realized he had been deliberately placed in that office to prevent people from commenting on immigration. It’s like an occupation government.
I suspect Bill is now pretty much detached from any real legislative work, and I suspect he’s in his usual go-along to get-along mode which has adopted for years. Someone else in his office calls the shots, and I suppose it’s even possible he’s got a mild form of dementia or age related forgetfulness. One staffer told me he reads the Bible a lot.
Is “the Syria” kind of like “the Iraq?”
The “caliphate” covers areas in both countries.
Speaking of which, how many of these are crossing our southern border:
And when we finally get around to giving those kids maps, they’ll see that The Syria and The Iraq are next to each other!
Private equity firms are the ultimate smart money on Wall Street; they know how to wring out the last dime from their own clients, such as pension funds and rich individuals, through hidden fees, obscure expenses, elaborate expense shifting, lackadaisical disclosure, and “zombie advisers,” to the point where SEC Inspection Chief Andrew Bowden singled them out in a speech in May. Now the lawyers are circling.
And these PE firms invented a whole new business: buying vacant homes out of foreclosure and from banks and renting them out. Flush with the Fed’s nearly free money, Blackstone Group ended up spending $8.6 billion in two years on 45,000 homes, spread helter-skelter across 14 cities. Another PE product, American Homes 4 Rent, which went public last summer as a highly leveraged REIT, bought 25,000 homes. Firms sprouted like mushrooms, spending $50 billion to acquire 386,000 homes.
And home prices soared. Year-over-year increases of over 20% suddenly appeared in the data. Housing Bubble 2 was born. That’s how the Fed “healed” the housing market. Yet numerous economists claimed that buying 386,000 homes over two years in a market where about 5 million existing homes change owners every year could not possibly have had much impact on price. Turns out, that meme is awfully close to propaganda.
Like I said before the Fed can’t sell a few Million homes to the Chinese But hedge funds can…..
We need them to bring their US dollars back to America.
“We” need the Fed to be audited, then abolished, and its money-printers to be held accountable for their debasement of the currency.
Nancy Pelosi at Illegal Immigrant Holding Facility “We’re All Americans” (Video)
Posted by Jim Hoft on Saturday, June 28, 2014, 1:30 PM
Minority leader Nancy Pelosi visited the border on Saturday. The former Speaker made a statement to reporters,
“I wish I could take all those children home with me… We’re all Americans in this hemisphere, North and South Amrerica.”
KGBT reported
Breitbart reported:
Saturday at a press conference from the Rio Grande Valley, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) discussed her tour of a border holding facility and addressed the humanitarian crisis of thousands unaccompanied minors flooding across the U.S.-Mexico border, which she called a “humanitarian opportunity.”
Pelosi explained, “We are all Americans — north and south in this hemisphere,” and urged America to see this as not a crisis but an opportunity “to be helpful.” She also said she wished she could simply “take home” the thousands of children temporarily housed in the overburden facilities.…/ - 73k -
Registered Democrats (and RINOS who support amnesty and the DREAM Act) should be forced to assume all the financial and social costs of the DNC’s open-borders/Democrat-on-Arrival/entitlements-for-votes schemes. Since Nancy Pelosi is so eager to be “helpful,” place Section 8 housing next to her (and the DNC’s) primary contributors’ residences.
Why not grant the whole world U.S. citizenship?
On only one condition: eliminate all forced wealth redistribution.
“Why not grant the whole world U.S. citizenship?”
Or make everyone Citizens of the World!
A world run by A Chosen Few who knows what is best for all.
Imagine there’s no heaven
It’s easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today…
Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace…
You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world…
You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will live as one
Like Pelosi, I didn’t see John Lennon sharing his home with any “Dreamers” either.
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
I wonder whether even Lennon could imagine what no possessions would be like. Imagine that I took a liking to the guitar that he was using while writing the song Imagine—and asked for equal access to this communal property. It doesn’t belong to either of us, see…
Not easy getting into the Dakota (lennons aprtment)….lots of security and you have to be escorted by the tenant to their apartment. anyone staying more then a week or apartment sitting, has to have a background check…some coops are very strict who they let in the front door
Like Pelosi, I didn’t see John Lennon sharing his home with any “Dreamers” either.
I dislike the 5 Man Electrical Band song “Signs”. I’ve long dreamed of camping out on the writer’s lawn and going into his house to shower, etc. - heck, I should just plain live in his house and use his car. If he didn’t like it, he’s obviously a hypocritical sinner…
And the sign said anybody caught trespassin’ would be shot on sight. So I jumped on the fence and I yelled at the house, “Hey! What gives you the right to put up a fence to keep me out or to keep mother nature in? If God was here he’d tell you to your face, Man, you’re some kinda sinner”
Apparently it’s also terrible to have a club that requires membership.
I’ve long dreamed of camping out on the writer’s lawn and going into his house to shower, etc.
I love it. Please do give us a report here after you do so…
American Pie
And while Lenin read a book on Marx
The quartet practiced in the park
And we sang dirges in the dark
The day the music died
And while Lenin read a book on Marx
A play on words, specifically John Lennon’s utopian (and some would say communist) ideals, which would tie into the ones espoused by the founders of Socialism, Karl Marx and V.I. Lenin. - 42k -
Why not grant the whole world U.S. citizenship?
what about diseases.. criminals.. voting rights.. speaking english (a common quality that binds us as a country)..?
It does not matter. I started college in 1977. That was the first time I heard strangers talking with each other in a language other than English or Spanish.
You are a statist if you require everyone in a geographical area to speak a certain language. What are you going to do, start a posse and open carry and go around your community and the first time you hear someone speak a language other than English, make a citizens’s arrest?
Voting rights? It does not matter. I’m not afraid of voters as long as there is no wealth redistribution and as long as the individual rights of minorities are sacrosanct.
Diseases? Last time I checked they do not obey nationality and leave American citizens from starting their own. Ever hear of STDs?
Criminals? Our very own government is criminal.
This will be the governing class in California and the other border states in the not too distant future.
Bill Its like here where i live almost no jobs lately for English only people, but we have very little crime too. Romanians new Thai places we are so close to Manhattan a lot of Asians have been moving in the last few years, but the signage is still in English.
Remember the kids today are quite mobile they have a lot less bulky possessions then i have….so they can live in 1/3 to 1/2 less space.
You are a statist if you require everyone in a geographical area to speak a certain language.
that isn’t what i was requiring. you are jumping to bad conclusions which indicates poor thinking.
i want people from other countries to learn english if they don’t already know it. you can speak any language to you wish. but english is what the country was founded on and works in. it is needed. refuse to learn it? fine, don’t bother coming here.
Voting rights? It does not matter. I’m not afraid of voters as long as there is no wealth redistribution
but ‘voters’ already have brought redistribution. and through the ballot box you’re going to see more of your freedom and rights disappear.
as long as the individual rights of minorities are sacrosanct.
why should the rights of minorities be different than anyone else’s? your’s is a statist view.
Diseases? Last time I checked they do not obey nationality and leave American citizens from starting their own.
unbelievable. so you don’t care if people come into this country with highly infectious diseases that start epidemics. i can hardly believe you wrote the above.
Criminals? Our very own government is criminal.
now there’s a piece of brilliant logic. so because our government acts criminally, we should not care if we let criminals into the country? your logic is astoundingly bad.
Relax. I practice the nonaggression principle. I won’t rob you. . I won’t order thugs from Washington to force you to fight a war.
I am not worried about you, I am worried about the people you would let in without screening.
“Voting rights? It does not matter. I’m not afraid of voters as long as there is no wealth redistribution and as long as the individual rights of minorities are sacrosanct.”
Those voters will bring about redistribution the likes of which the world has never seen. Let’s keep it real.
Apparently, even George Soros knows that Obama’s policies will lead to inflation and will be good for gold. BTW, I own two of the five and use options to maximize my returns:
I prefer accumulating it in movable and hidable and stackable form.
Isn’t this the de facto policy, provided someone can figure out how to get here?
Hungary sticks it to the banksters who were gouging Hungarians with various fees. If some of these EU countries start throwing out their “technocrat” leaders and ECB overlords - invariably Goldman Sachs alumni - and standing up for their sovereign interests and citizens, more banks might be in trouble.
And the first cockroach makes its appearance….
Hungary becomes the second sovereign country (after Iceland) to stand up for its citizens against the banksters. The rigged EU “markets” will not like this.
Eurozone not quite “fixed” despite triumphant ECB pronouncements to the contrary.
We’re all Americans in this hemisphere, murder suspects, multiple sex offenders, coyotes, Mexican cartels and an MS-13 gang members.
Minority leader Nancy Pelosi visited the border on Saturday. The former Speaker made a statement to reporters,
“I wish I could take all those children home with me… We’re all Americans in this hemisphere, North and South Amrerica.”
KGBT reported:
Cartels Exploit Immigration Crisis To Smuggle More Drugs Across Border
By Frank Diez, Bill Vourvoulias /
Published July 03, 2014 / Fox News Latino
Experts say the surge in immigrants has created gaps in coverage that traffickers can, and do, exploit.
Sylvia Longmire, a retired Air Force captain and federal agent who wrote the book “Border Insecurity,” told Fox News Latino that Border Patrol agents are extremely overworked now, having to work multiple shifts.
“The incidents are more concentrated,” she added. “Those are the routes that the coyotes usually take.”
Chris Cabrera, the U.S. Border Patrol union representative in the Rio Grande Valley region, told the Washington Post recently that there is a coordinated effort by the cartels to send large groups of migrants across the river, then a number of individuals—hoping that many of them will get caught.
“After that,” Cabrera said, “they send over the dope.”
The area of Mexico across the Rio Grande Valley is under the control of the Zetas, a drug cartel that began as the paramilitary arm of the Gulf Cartel, which it has supplanted in many regions after a long, bloody struggle.
Of the Mexican cartels, the Zetas are known as the most violent and one of the most diversified, regularly supplementing drug trade income with kidnapping, extortion, control of prisons (inmates can be extorted or killed unless families pay up) and, in the last decade or so, human trafficking.
According to The Daily Beast, the cartels have turned “what was once a relatively informal and somewhat familial underground operation [coyotes] into a highly sophisticated human trafficking network.”
One, experts say, that would be very willing to sacrifice a large group of migrants to the Border Patrol in order to be able to get across more lucrative cargo.…/ - 64k -
Murder Suspects, Sex Offenders, and MS-13 Gangster Caught at Texas Border
MCALLEN, Texas—In one weekend, the U.S. Border Patrol prevented murder suspects, multiple sex offenders, and an MS-13 gang member from entering the interior of Texas after they illegally entered into the U.S. from Mexico. The arrests occurred in the Rio Grande Valley sector, ground zero of the current border crisis.
The murder suspect was caught approximately 85 miles from the border in Texas, near the town of Falfurrias. He is a Guatemalan who is wanted for alleged murder in the State of Florida.
Another of the arrests occurred near McAllen, Texas as a man from El Salvador who crossed the porous U.S.-Mexico border was determined to be an MS-13 gang member who had previously served ten years in prison for rape.
Another man who was caught is a convicted sex offender from El Salvador. A Mexican man was also caught and determined to be wanted for second-degree murder.
The U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency reports that 2014 has seen more than 40 previously convicted sex offenders who have been arrested attempting to illegally enter the Rio Grande Valley sector of Texas.
Breitbart Texas previously reported that another sector in Texas has seen a 100% increase in the number of previously convicted sex offenders crossing into Texas from Mexico from the previous year.
Another recent Breitbart Texas report revealed that more than 7,000 sex offenders were deported from the State of Texas in the past three years.
An additional report from Breitbart Texas revealed that the U.S. was intending to allow a convicted rapist to simply return to Mexico after he was caught illegally entering. In that instance, the man had a long history of illegally entering the United States. He served prison time for illegal reentry during the Bush Administration years, was deported, illegally returned to the U.S. and raped a woman in Houston, served prison time, and was then deported. When he again attempted reentry, the U.S. government arrested him and then stated the intention to allow him to voluntarily return to Mexico without consequence.…/2014/06/24/Murder-Suspects-Sex-Offenders-and-MS-13-gangster - 72k
I think the FED is going to print 2 billion more and buy some bonds so they can help these people on the border.
Meaning, of course, the hordes of Central American illegal aliens, not Americans in border communities or ranches who are left to fend for themselves.
“not Americans in border communities or ranches who are left to fend for themselves.”
Smugglers Threaten Landowners in Cameron County
07/01/2014 07:07 PM
BROWNSVILLE - Ranchers along the Rio Grande say immigrant smugglers threaten them constantly.
One Cameron County rancher said smugglers ordered him to look the other way or face the consequences.
The landowner said smugglers are using trails on his property to bring illegal immigrants into the country.
The rancher said he fears for his safety.
“You don’t see anything; you don’t talk to anybody,” he said.
He said smugglers stop at nothing to get the immi… Click to Read More - 47k - Cached -
Meet Pelosi’s new BFFs. Coming soon to a community near you.
“One, experts say, that would be very willing to sacrifice a large group of migrants to the Border Patrol in order to be able to get across more lucrative cargo.”
Now this is some first-class thinking!
Reminds me of the story about the Designated Drunk.
The DNC is willing to sacrifice its ever-dwindling pool of blue-collar, productively employed, taxpaying supporters to gain an unassailable supermajority. That means open borders and ever-expanding entitlement programs. Meet your new neighbors.
Gangsters Masquerading as Politicians – Mayor Richard M. Daley
Posted on April 30, 2010 by Bridgette | 26 Comments
By Bridgette
Chicago’s “Illustrious” Mayor
Our Illinois Rogue Gallery of Gangsters is presenting those who masquerade as honest politicians. Today’s Illinois politician, Richard Michael Daley, deserves a serious look because of the family’s historical significance in Chicago.
Richard M. Daley, born in 1942, is the oldest of 7 children born to Former Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley and his wife Eleanor. He was brought up in the Irish Catholic neighborhood of Bridgeport that is on the southwest side of Chicago. He received his law degree from DePaul University.
Richard and his wife Margaret had four children, Nora, Patrick, Elizabeth and Kevin who is deceased. He started his career with the help of his father’s machine’s backing. He was in the Illinois Senate for 8 years. After that he won the election to become Cook County’s State’s Attorney where he remained for 9 years from 1980 – 1989. Daley ran for mayor and won in 1989. The previously elected mayor, Harold Washington, died in 1987 of a heart attack. (He was allegedly one of Obama’s mentors).
Richard’s brother, William M. Daley, served under Former Pres. Bill Clinton as US Secretary of Commerce. Then he worked in a paid “advisory” capacity on Obama’s presidential campaign. Their other brother, John P. Daley, is the finance chairman on the Cook County Board of Commissioners.
The family is best known as the “Daley Machine.” The negative social, financial and economic impact and influence of the Daley Machine on Chicago politics is well documented, yet both father and son kept getting elected. Is it name recognition, ACORN and union intimidation and thuggery, broken kneecaps, twisted arms, or rigged voting machines that has kept this family in power for almost 50 years?
One scandal in 2005 was Daley explaining $48 million in overruns for the renovation of a terminal at O’Hare International Airport. Representative Jesse L. Jackson Jr., (D) stated “You can fool some of the people for 16 years – the question is whether the people want to be fooled for 20 years.”
In 2006, A federal investigation of “pervasive fraud” in hiring and contracts at Daley’s City Hall led to 30 indictments, including two senior administrators closely tied to the mayor, and a dozen cabinet-level resignations. The Mayor was also interrogated. About the same time, it was revealed through court records that one of Daley’s allies, the head of the Hispanic Democratic Organization, “helped arrange promotions for politically active city employees and orchestrated campaign work by administration officials.”
In a New York Times article on January 6, 2006, they stated:
Gone is the 38,000-strong patronage army of city workers Richard J. controlled, but it has been replaced by what John Callaway, a political analyst and former host of a Chicago public affairs television program, described as “special forces units,” like the Hispanic Democratic Organization, now under federal scrutiny.
“The main trouble he’s in is with the federal government,” Mr. Callaway said of the mayor. “What are the highest people who have been indicted so far, or subpoenaed, what are they going to say about what Daley knew about what he says he didn’t know?”
On January 22, 2007, Senator Barack Obama endorsed Richard M. Daley for another term. From a CBS report, Obama said,
“As long as he has passion for the job, then I think he’s gonna be one of the best mayors, if not the best mayor in the country.” He also addressed the corruption investigation involving Daley’s administration, saying “I continue to be concerned.” But he said Daley had taken crucial steps to root out corruption, including improving procurement rules. “As a consequence, you’re gonna see the kind of leaner, cleaner government that Chicagoans expect and, I know, the mayor expects,” Obama said, speaking with the 64-year-old Daley at his side.
While Barack Obama said he’s inclined to keep U.S. Atty. Patrick Fitzgerald in that job, Obama added Fitzgerald’s federal investigations of corruption at City Hall have not shaken his confidence in Daley.
Daley won his sixth term by receiving 70% of the vote for reelection in 2007. Richard J. and Richard M. Daley built a multi-ethnic, multi-racial coalition that has kept them and the Democrats in control and power throughout Illinois.
If anyone achieves any power in Chicago, they have been supported by Mayors Richard Joseph Daley and his son Richard M. Daley. Nothing got done unless their dictates were followed. Richard M. Daley has “reigned” over the city for about 21 years.
Richard M. Daley’s continuing sphere of influence is seen in the Windy City as well as in Washington, D.C. Following are some of the ties that bind these people together. One who worked closely with the mayor and has intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the machine is Valerie Jarrett. She was Daley’s Deputy Chief of Staff and now serves as Obama’s confidant and Senior WH Advisor. Valerie was responsible for hiring Michelle Obama as Daley’s assistant. Michelle worked in that capacity for about 18 months.
Another Machine operative was David Alexrod. Not only was he Daley’s first political campaign manager, he is a major SEIU supporter, and a Marxist. He totally orchestrated Obama’s successful “Hope and Change” election campaign and now serves We the Lucky People in the corrupted White House as Obama’s Senior Advisor.
In 1989, Rahm Emanuel served as Daley’s assistant and principle fundraiser; badgering, bullying, and guilt-tripping people into supporting Daley’s mayoral campaign. His nickname, Rahmbo, was assigned to him at the time for his ability to get things done. With Daley’s help, Rahm moved on to serve as President Bill Clinton’s fundraiser and then became part of his White House staff. He now serves as Obama’s right arm and chief intimidator. In 2002, Daley endorsed Rahm for Blago’s congressional seat in Illinois and he won. (Blago had left his seat to run as Governor.). Interestingly, Rahm has his eye on Daly’s leather chair and recently voiced his ambition to run for Mayor of Chicago. Richard M. Daly is up for reelection next year.
Daley took over control of the Chicago School System hiring Arne Duncan as the CEO over the Chicago Public Schools. Arne served from 2001 – 2008. He was to preside over the educational system and fix the mediocre public schools. Arne Duncan, whose achievements are questionable related to improving the educational system in Chicago, was hired by Obama as the U.S. Secretary of Education. Would you be surprised to learn that Duncan was raised in Hyde Park? He was just another guy in the neighborhood! Oh, and he went to Harvard too. How close were Arne Duncan and Bill Ayres?…/ - 152k -
Border Patrol Agents Worry About Contagious Diseases
07/01/2014 06:48 PM
WESLACO - The spread of scabies, chicken pox and other diseases within Rio Grande Valley Border Patrol facilities may be getting out of control, a leader with the agents’ union said.
National Border Patrol Council Local 3307 Vice President Christopher Cabrera said the federal government is not serious about solving the problem.
Cabrera said agents have to deal with health issues affecting the immigrants. He said agents are encountering many sick immigrants, including women and… Click to Read More - 47k - Cached -
NM Ranching Family’s Future Rests on a Mouse
Last month, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service listed the meadow jumping mouse as an endangered species
by Rob Nikolewski | New Mexico | July 4, 2014
For more than a century, the Lucero family has grazed livestock in the majestic landscape near Fenton Lake in the Santa Fe National Forest. They started with sheep and, in the 1920s, switched to cattle. But that may all come to an end because of an endangered mouse.
“You’re taking a lot of heritage away,” said Mike Lucero, as he looks over the creek that cuts through the meadow. He was accompanied by his brother Manuel and cousin Orlando, who have brought their family’s cattle to this spot since they were children.
Last month, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service listed the meadow jumping mouse as an endangered species. Now, the U.S. Forest Service, which oversees the Santa Fe National Forest, is considering erecting a series of 8-foot high fences to protect the mouse’s habitat.
The Luceros, members of the San Diego Cattleman’s Association and holders of grazing permits with the federal government, say the fences will lock out their cattle — as well as those of other permit holders — from ever returning to the meadow where the livestock graze for 20 days in the spring and up to 40 days in the fall.
“We’re not insensitive to protecting the mouse,” Orlando Lucero said. “But let’s work on something that keeps everyone’s interests in mind.”
Forest Service officials in Albuquerque say no final decision has been made but, at the same time, they are required by law to comply with the Endangered Species Act. Since the meadow jumping mouse is now listed as endangered, the Forest Service is bound to take steps to protect its habitat.
Grazing was listed as one of the “a primary threats” to the mouse, said Robert Trujillo, the acting director of Wildlife, Fish and Rare Plants for the Southwest Region of the U.S. Forest Service.
“It’s been our experience that a fence like that to protect that occupied habitat seems to be the best way we can do our affirmative duty and protect that habitat,” Trujillo said.
But the Luceros say putting up a fence is an example of federal government overkill.
“At first, they were talking about a 300-yard fence on eight feet of either side (of the Rio Cebolla, a creek that feeds the meadow),” Manuel Lucero said. “But you look at the (Forest Service) map now and it goes on for three and a half miles – and that’s just for this allotment.”
In fact, the Forest Service proposal could potentially put up fencing over large swaths of the forest, including the San Antonio Campground, a popular destination for families and outdoors enthusiasts in northern New Mexico.
“The San Antonio area, from what I’ve seen, is in the upper portion of that occupied habitat,” Trujillo said. “It possibly could (be affected) but no decision has been made on that.”
“I don’t think the public realizes the San Antonio Campground is being considered,” Mike Lucero said. “If they did, I think there would be a lot upset people.”
The Luceros complain the Forest Service has not done enough to inform the public about the proposed fencing.
“Let’s protect the mouse but we don’t need to take the whole valley,” Orlando Lucero said.
Trujillo said the Forest Service has just started what it calls its “scoping process” to elicit comments. “No decision will be made without gathering input from affected individuals,” he said.
The meadow jumping mouse has plenty of support among environmentalists.
“Saving the New Mexico meadow jumping mouse and the streamside habitat it needs to survive is long overdue,” said Jay Lininger, a senior scientist at the Center for Biological Diversity when the mouse received endangered status. “When we protect this tiny animal, we’re also helping people, because we all rely on clean water for survival.”
Trujillo says the mouse is active three to four months out of the year and spends the rest of its time hibernating.
This is the second time in the space of two months that the meadow jumping mouse has raised hackles among people with grazing permits in the state.
Some 275 miles south, in Otero County, the Forest Service reinforced locked gates to keep out cattle from a creek called the Agua Chiquita to protect the mouse’s habitat. The move angered ranchers who tend over herds thirsty from a prolonged drought.
An attorney for Otero County says the state of New Mexico – not the federal government – has the right to access to the water to the creek and a lawsuit may be in the offing.
While the locked gate in the Otero County controversy keeps out only cattle, the Luceros complain 8-foot fencing in the Forest Service proposal in the Santa Fe Forest would keep out just about all forms of wildlife, including elk.
But the difference, Trujillo said, is that “the elk and deer get in there, get water and get out. They don’t tend to lounge around and graze heavily. Cows will sit in there and graze.”
So when will the feds make a decision? Trujillo said it could range anywhere from 30 days to 8 months, depending on how long the assessments take.
“I want to reiterate, we’re committed to working with our permitees and all other stakeholders to really find where that sweet spot is,” Trujillo said.
But the Lucero family is skeptical.
“I think they’re afraid of getting sued” by environmental organizations, Mike Lucero said.
And if the fence is erected, will the Luceros stop ranching?
“Why would we give it up after four generations?” Orlando Lucero said. “We were here before the (Forest Service), back during land grants. We’re not going to go nowhere.”
Here’s New Mexico Watchdog video of Mike Lucero:
“Saving the New Mexico meadow jumping mouse and the streamside habitat it needs to survive is long overdue,” said Jay Lininger, a senior scientist at the Center for Biological Diversity when the mouse received endangered status.”
Center for Biological Diversity is about power and control
November 13, 2012
Center for Biological Diversity, Chilton Ranch, Clapper Rail, Franciscan manzanita, Spartina.We try to give people the benefit of the doubt. We assume that native plant advocates believe what they say even when we know what they’re saying isn’t true. We assume they share our commitment to protecting the environment even though we don’t agree about how to achieve that goal.
When the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) was required by the Arizona Supreme Court to pay $600,000 in punitive damages for fabricating fraudulent evidence to support their unsuccessful effort to take federal grazing rights from a rancher in Arizona, we assumed it was just an example of over-zealous environmentalism. People who believe they are on an important mission sometimes think the means they use to achieve their goals are justified by the righteous ends of their cause.
However, recent events have forced us to reconsider our generous interpretation of CBD’s motives. In particular, we find the Center for Biological Diversity’s action and inaction on these two local issues contradictory:
We don’t think the leadership of CBD is motivated by money.
It’s about power and control
We turn to the New Yorker magazine (3) to understand and explain the motivation of Center for Biological Diversity and its local ally, Wild Equity. In 1999, the New Yorker published an in-depth study of the leadership of CBD entitled, “No People Allowed.”
The article reports the creation of CBD and its early history in the southwest where it was founded and is still headquartered. Their initial efforts were direct-action, typical of traditional environmental organizations; then they discovered the power of the law: “’We’re crazy to sit in trees when there’s this incredible law where we can make people do whatever we want,;” said Robin Silver, one of the founders of CBD.
Using federal environmental laws, they apparently brought the timber industry in the southwest to a virtual halt and they were making similar progress in eliminating all grazing in the southwest when the article was published. Perhaps there was some benefit to the environment, but there was also significant economic loss to the human community in the southwest, according to the New Yorker.
So, what does CBD want? The New Yorker tells us that the founder’s deconstructionist philosophy is “a decentering and disempowering of the human.” Their goal is described: “…the center is endeavoring to undo the dominion of man over animals and plants…the only way to get to the desired state is to deconstruct stuff that exists in the world: legal arrangements, social and economic forms, and even physical structures.” CBD’s Executive Director tells us his motivation in the New Yorker article as well as the long term goal of CBD: “[Kieran] Suckling cheerfully admitted that he’s ‘using one side of industrial society against itself,’ but only temporarily; in the long run, he says, there will be a new order in which plants and animals are part of the polity. For example, legal proceedings could be conducted outdoors—in which case ‘the trees will make themselves felt.’”
“Good” tree may stay
We find the reference to the desires of trees particularly interesting. Apparently Mr. Suckling believes he speaks for the trees. What about the non-native trees which CBD demands we destroy on behalf of other plants and animals which it prefers? Mr. Suckling apparently considers himself the spokesperson for just particular trees of his choosing. Apparently the rights of trees will be limited to native trees when CBD has successfully established this new order.
“Bad” tree must go.
Mr. Suckling also implies that CBD’s control of the environment is only temporary until the new order is established in which plants and animals are in control. This reminds us of a similar fantasy about a new social and economic model which was originally proposed by Karl Marx. In creating the concept of communism, he envisioned a temporary dictatorship of elites which would eventually be ceded to a “dictatorship of the proletariat.” The world has now witnessed many attempts to install communism as the governing economic model, but we have not seen the dictatorship of elites willingly cede their power to the people.
This quote of CBD’s Executive Director from Ted Williams’ article, also helps us to understand why CBD sues the federal government to achieve their goals: “’They [employees of federal agencies] feel like their careers are being mocked and destroyed—and they are,’ he told the High Country News. ‘So they become much more willing to play by our rules.’” In other words, suing—and the threat of suit—is CBD’s means of controlling the federal agencies that are responsible for protecting the environment, i.e., forcing them to do what CBD wants.
Humans will always be in control of land-use decisions. It’s only a question of which humans are in control and CBD intends to be the humans in control. If we hand them that power, we will find it difficult to wrest it from them if we decide they are not using that power wisely or fairly.
We can’t defend all of the activities of humans when we damage the environment to suit our purposes. However, we don’t think the Center for Biological Diversity would be a better steward of our land. Even if they were capable of wise land-use decisions, we are unwilling to suspend democratic methods of making those decisions. As human society repeatedly demonstrates, absolute power corrupts absolutely. We are no more willing to hand our fate to Center for Biological Diversity than to any other despot, benevolent or not.…/13/center-for-biological-diversity-is-about-power-and-control/ - 73k -
Maybe the “New Mexico Meadow Jumping Mouse” needs to harden the f*** up.
harden the f*** up.
Rule #5!
And on a side note, CNN is stuck on the kid-in-the-hot-car story. Geez CNN, don’t you have a plane to look for?
You still watch CNN? Pathetic.
Sheila Jackson Lee Brings Lollipops to Illegals, Says Border Crisis Not National Security Threat
Jackson Lee: “This is not a national security crisis”
by Tony Lee
Breitbart | July 4, 2014
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) believes the border crisis is not a national security threat, despite gangsters having already been apprehended along the United States-Mexico border.
In fact, Jackson Lee waved a bag of lollipops during a Thursday House Homeland Security Field Hearing in McAllen, Texas, and said she took bags of such lollipops to the illegal immigrant children in detention centers during recent visits.
“This is not a national security crisis,” Jackson Lee emphasized, noting that she was not armed and did not fear for her life when visiting the children. Jackson Lee said Border Patrol agents claimed the children were some of the most “orderly” and “behaved” children they have encountered.
“National security crisis?” Is that what the issue is about? I did not know. I thought the controversy is about John Q Taxpayer worried that his 28 year old daughter who graduated from state college six years ago is working well below her ability and living at home on his dime, while the politicians on both sides of the political spectrum are wanting to grant all the taxpayer money as appropriate to 12 million more people, and some of that taxpayer money is from John Q Taxpayer of course.
Which is why I claim we either must say no to those 12 million and seal the borders or we abolish ALL taxpayer welfare to anyone including US citizens.
You don’t see this “either or” plea out on Main Street USA yet.
You will see it though.
Danes celebrating 4th of July - very cool. Though I’ll overlook their fondness for the revolting scumbag Bill Clinton.
Subsistence farmers in Mexico and Central America can’t compete with NAFTA (agri-business) crops dumped on their markets, so now guess where they’re headed?
Look for an outflow of locust-like Californians who, having turned their own state into a DNC socialist paradise, are now going to be bringing their plague and pestilence into whatever new locales they infest. And as the drought worsens, home values - which have artificially propped up the People’s Republic of CA tax base - are going to start collapsing along with the quality of life.–on
It was another overcast morning in my part of Orange County. Finished a 75 minute swim workout and got a good dose of breakfast sodium / artery clogger plus coffee at Starbucks.
Nothing looks different than a year ago.
Arizona is in its 14th (?) year of drought. And life goes on there too.
An underwater Garage Mahal goes up in flames - a tragic accident, no doubt, and fully insured.
Something to meditate on this 4th of July.
If they keep on printin’ bubble’s goin to break,
If they keep on printin’ bubble’s going to break,
when the bubble breaks I’ll have no eq-ui-tay.
Mean ol yellen taught me to weep and moan
Mean ol yellen taught me to weep and moan
Got what it takes to make me spend my cash on a home,
Oh, well, oh well, oh well,
Don’t it make you feel bad
when you see a NOD on your door,
You don’t know whey way to go?
If you’re headed to Market St
They got no work to do,
If you don’t know about Mc-Don-alds.
Cryin’ won’t help you, Prayin’ won’t do you no good.
Now Cryin’ won’t help you, Prayin’ won’t do you no good.
When the bubble breaks, mama you got to move.
All last night sat on the curb and moaned,
All last night sat on the curb and moaned,
You see that house behind me that was my deadbeat home…
Going, going to Mc-Don-alds…Going to Mc-Don-alds.
Sorry but I can’t take you.
Going down…Going down now…Going down…
“What happens to systems that ignore symptoms? They break. Whatever is causing the pain continues unaddressed, and so it gets worse. Making the symptoms go away doesn’t fix the underlying causes; in a terrible irony, it enables the problem to spread and grow even more destructive.”
True. At some point the whole system is going to break. What’s left: cash, precious metals, crypto currency, ammo, liquor, spare parts for Hondas, farmland with plenty o’ rainwater. In the meantimes dividends are dandy.
I don’t see how “cash” is left when the system breaks, given that cash is normally denominated in fiat currency.