“…no mention of the debt taken on to buyback shares.”
Is that something companies are supposed to report? Because I keep reading that share buybacks are a primary reason for the never-ending stock market rally…
Is it safe to assume the stock market has another 15%+ upside before the next big crash?
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Comment by Whac-A-Bubble™
2014-07-22 05:49:00
July 22, 2014, 6:01 a.m. EDT For stocks, Dow 20,000—then a crash?
A forecaster sees short-term gain and long-term pain
By Brett Arends, MarketWatch
Jeremy Grantham says markets could rise another 10% to 15% from here—followed by a sharp tumble.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average soars to 20,000. The cheers echo around Wall Street. As the economy recovers, unemployment tumbles. A wave of mergers sweeps Wall Street as big companies bet on a continuing economic boom. The bears and naysayers are routed, humiliated and consigned to oblivion. Mom-and-Pop investors, terrified of getting left behind, pour money into stocks.
And then, horrifyingly, it all starts to go sour, yet again. As the economy recovers, costs begin to rise. As unemployment tumbles, wages follow suit. The Fed begins hiking interest rates to stop inflation. Meanwhile companies have to slash prices to gain or keep market share against brutal competition. Earnings plunge. Stocks begin to slide. and then tumble into a terrifying smash, the third in a generation.
Far-fetched? Not necessarily.
Comment by azdude
2014-07-22 05:55:59
Do u think there are enough sheep still left to get that kind of gain?
I’m not buying into this scheme.
I wonder how many of those 50k trucks chevy is selling?
10 yr loans coming?
Comment by oxide
2014-07-22 06:27:54
Talked to a friend the other day. His financial advisor expects a DOW “correction” to about 14,000. How do people feel about this? I have some cash just sitting, and I’m wondering if I should go ahead with consumer staples or something.
Comment by Housing Analyst
2014-07-22 06:46:35
Pay off some of that crushing debt of yours donk.
Comment by oxide
2014-07-22 07:20:04
I’m referring to tax-advantaged 59.5 funds, HA. And, yes, I’ve been paying off debt.
“Talked to a friend the other day. His financial advisor expects a DOW “correction” to about 14,000. How do people feel about this? I have some cash just sitting, and I’m wondering if I should go ahead with consumer staples or something.”
Define “go ahead with consumer staples”.
The market will correct, eventually, hard to predict when. I would just pay off anything you owe money on (that includes house), have a nice safety net fund, and see where you could spend some money to day to create efficiencies or future cost savings.
Other than that, I would just continue to fund retirement accounts to take advantages of tax savings which do not depend on market returns. If you’re savin
Comment by Housing Analyst
2014-07-22 07:49:22
Dump that debt Donkey.
Comment by oxide
2014-07-22 11:23:25
I mean convert some 59.9 from cash fund to a consumer staples fund.
I’m not in a position to pay off the house in 3-5 years, but I’m doing okay in that I’m solvent.
IMO there are times when a company should buy back their own stock and this is when the price is low, not high (and this fits in with the thinking of most logical people).
But if the incentive is to keep the stock price high -and the incentive is there if the people who are running the company get much of their pay via stock options - then it makers sense from the point of view of these people to buy at high prices so as they can make some very big bucks, but it doesn’t make sense from the point of view of the company itself.
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Comment by Rental Watch
2014-07-22 09:16:46
During the worst of the crash, a lot of REITs were battered and bruised because of BK fear, but were still generating lots of cash flow (plenty to service the debt).
Some REITs that I own were paying off their debt…at a discount. A brilliant strategy.
Those same REITs are now targeting debt levels that are quite low (30-40% LTV).
They won’t provide the same “juice” on an upswing again, but the probability of a similar crash in values with a market crash is much lower.
“The stock prices are at their highs because somebody (the companies themselves) are buying it.”
It’s not this^^. Companies don’t buy enough volume and they don’t buy slowly over long periods of time to sustain price.
A stock buy back concentrates more control in people who hold onto stock. It also consolidates (opposite of dilution) the shares for the purpose of future dividends.
Lastly, it depends if the shares are retired, but if the shares are bought and retired, it makes all the company’s metrics look better. Future earnings per share (EPS) and other measures will look better. It makes management look better, basically.
“I keep seeing companies posting bogus earnings numbers and no one calling them out on it.”
Start a class action, brother. There are some really successful firms that do that type of work.
The funny thing about earnings in 2009 and 2010 is they were sketchy. You never really know when the bottom is until maybe a year or two later. Quarterly earnings reports being below the year before are regarded as a sign not to buy that company stock. This is why I mostly dollar cost average into stock index funds. Individual stocks are more dumb luck than smart observation.
“’…no mention of the debt taken on to buyback shares.’”
“Is that something companies are supposed to report? Because I keep reading that share buybacks are a primary reason for the never-ending stock market rally…”
Last year Coke borrowed $4,711,000,000 and spent $3,504,000,000 buying up its own stock.
Tried to post up above and nothing will post but China’s external debt is 7% of it GDP and the U.S. has an external debt of 100%. We are 14 times in worse shape than China.
I wish we could collapse up like them. Our businesses go in debt buying their own stock while their companies buy the latest equipment. I think China has the better long term strategy.
If you hold mega dollars and you believe that those dollars are going to be worth a lot less, then you would spend them at today’s value acquiring equipment, goods and services.
If you believe dollars will be worth a lot less in the near term you acquire more debt to perform buybacks or acquire good and services in the knowledge that your debts will essentially be washed away because the debt is denominated in dollars.
Which one points to inflation and which one points to deflation…..Do they both point to inflation?
China’s debt has soared to two and a half times its economy, Standard Chartered estimates, highlighting the difficulties Beijing faces in balancing growth with the risk of bubbles forming in its economy.
Total financial credit has surged to 251 percent of gross domestic product from 147 percent at the end of 2008, the bank said.
“The economy will continue to leverage up, and the market will remain concerned,” said Stephen Green, chief China economist at Standard Chartered.
We have been starting that China’s debt is 25 trillion for months, this would actually be slightly less than 25 trillion since China’s GDP is not quite 10 trillion but will it will be soon. So essentially the China bashers are recycling the same information over and over and just saying it slightly different.
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Comment by Blue Skye
2014-07-22 09:25:26
Those bubble bashers are a mean crowd. They ought to go get their own blog. All China has to do to get to $10 million GDP is borrow another $2 Billion a year.
The UK doesn’t have anything left but momentum behind it, but you’d never know it looking at William and his thigh-gap wife as they frolic on the global beach-party scene.
Poor Ireland can you imagine have an external debt ten times your GDP. I remember when we were talking about garages in Ireland going for a million dollars on this board so it is not surprising. The socialist Europeans are dead men walking.
Today, Joe helps everyone make a little money… if you submit a claim for this class action (no receipt req’d) the avg payout is projected at $100. It literally takes 2 minutes to submit online.
Basically, if you bought a computer between 98 and 02, there was price fixing in the memory chip market, so you overpaid slightly. Depending on how many items you bought, your rebate will be computer by the claims admin hired by the lawyers.
I know some of you are wondering, “Joe, does this work?”
Yes, it does. I tap a few of these settlement claims out once a month while using my tablet on the commuter train. I think you could even do them on smart phone if you want. And every so often I open my mail box and there’s a random check for $20, $30, sometimes more.
A lot of the rebates are for items virtually everyone has purchased at one time or another (e.g. batteries, cough drops, kale juice–OK maybe not kale juice for you meat-eaters).
“In case you missed it, Stephen Elop, the executive VP of Microsoft’s Devices & Services business unit, recently buried the announcement of a 12,000-person layoff in an embarrassingly jargon-filled memo which began with a cheery “Hello there.” “
drudge link reports on the media-academia race hustlers industrial complex
‘the new diversity requirements seem to say that campus commitment to diversity is so important that the grading system itself must be sacrificed. this would mean … an environment now exists where academic performance no longer matters. that for the diversity crowd, all that seems to be of value would be that ‘historically underrepresented racial/ethnic’ students would be awarded ‘equitable’ grades to their counterparts, regardless.’
The article is an opinion piece opining about an opinion piece which opines about a proposal 4 states away. That said, the plan refers to “high-demand” majors, which I assume to be STEM.
I am not surprised that somebody wants to push more diversity for STEM. One STEM outfit hiring manager told me: “If there were more minority STEM grads, then I wouldn’t catch so much flack for hiring a STEM outfit full of white guys.” (Asians count as white, especially if they have no accent.)
At the same time, STEMs will NOT accept sub-par engineers in the name of diversity. Gravity and electricity and diff eq will not politely step aside because great great grandaddy was a minority. The same applies to exams. Admissions is one thing, but grades distribution will go to the Supreme Court, and lose.
Yeah, I saw this article linked on another forum. When I read the article, it became obvious that it’s way off base. That said, I DO see legitimate news stories on a regular basis talking about admissions being too tough for poor and minorities. There was a post in the NY Post the other day about NYC’s HS admissions process and how DiBlasio says it’s classist. The thing is, it’s not like whites are the majority at the top NYC HSs… Asians are more than 50% at all of them. And most of them are from poor backgrounds.
The inability of us to call a cultural problem a cultural problem is mindboggling. It’s not the _schools_ that are not up to the task. Rather, it’s that the kids from certain backgrounds show up at schools completely unprepared to learn, to work with other kids, to follow rules, etc. Oftentimes because they’re hungry or they don’t have a proper bed to sleep in, they don’t have home structure, they don’t have any adults who can explain basic math let alone covalent bonding… but supposedly it’s the schools that are failing. LOL. America is done here.
Less than 50% of K-12 students are white now. We literally can’t go back to a majority-white nation of we wanted to. Thanks, Boomers. At least you got cheap labor out of the bargain.
Years ago, I read a story where a small school — junior high, I think — had a glitch in the scheduler program. The scheduler somehow assigned the classes to be all girls or all boys, except for four boys who were stuck with the girls. The school didn’t have time to rerun the scheduler, and not wanting to single out those four boys, they manually rescheduled them to be in the boy classes. So all year, everyone mixed in the hall and at lunch, but the classes were unisex. Teachers reported easier teaching, higher grades, and fewer discipline problems. I don’t think they were allowed to run that experiment again, but it’s an intriguing result.
I’m in tech and I’m one of about 5 white guys in a fully-technical office of some 200 people. It’s very rare anyone whose name sounds white even makes it through the pre-screening process. I’m beginning to suspect discrimination.
Billionaires are literally buying their own congresspeople. Thanks, SCOTUS!
——————— (excerpt)
“Must-have accessory for House candidates in 2014: The personalized super PAC”
“Daniel Innis, a former business school dean running a long-shot campaign for the House in New Hampshire, faced a big financial disadvantage until a wealthy friend put hundreds of thousands of dollars into a super PAC backing his candidacy.”
A similar assist from a billionaire hedge fund chief helped Lee Zeldin, a state senator from New York, secure the GOP nomination for a Long Island congressional seat.
Both men hit upon the must-have ingredient in this year’s midterm elections: Along with a driven campaign manager and a sophisticated social-media strategy, candidates need a rich friend or relative.
For the first time, the kinds of super PACs that became prominent in the 2012 presidential campaign also are a basic requirement in competitive, down-ballot House races.
As one of their first to-do items, congressional hopefuls are asked to identify wealthy family members, friends or business associates willing to spend on their candidacies. As a result, deep-pocketed political patrons and special interests have a greater ability to influence the outcome of individual races with a relatively modest investment of funds. ”
hey lying realtors, there is no ‘pent-up demand’ for your rotting shacks
‘college grads are getting the same kind of jobs they did before the great recession. but the problem is that these graduates aren’t seeing the same kind of pay.
This pissed me off, because I wouldn’t want to live within a 50 mile radius of the guy, and I am considering Western NC as my toe tag area.
What I’m hoping is that the first rumor I heard is true: Penny Pritzker of the Chicago Pritzkers is planning an estate for him in Hawaii. I’d breathe a whole lot easier knowing he’s off the mainland.
Were you a thugernment type all those years that you were working for the government?
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Comment by Selfish Hoarder
2014-07-22 10:36:57
You voted for work for me you a$$hat. I voted libertarian.
Comment by Housing Analyst
2014-07-22 11:16:49
Bill delivers another KO punch.
Comment by MightyMike
2014-07-22 13:27:45
It’s not a KO punch at all. It’s also not an answer to the question. Bill has no idea how I voted. People may have voted for parties that gave him work, but he accepted that work. According to him, that made him a minor actor in a giant criminal conspiracy.
Comment by Selfish Hoarder
2014-07-22 13:47:23
No unmighty midget. You always favor collectivism from your posts. I know how you voted. For the same Demopublican Presidents and congress critters that vote for larger government spending programs.
Stop being a bull $hitter.
Comment by Selfish Hoarder
2014-07-22 13:50:17
The same retards posting against tax cuts and against capitalism are the ones who complain I got paid by the taxpayers.
WTF. YOU MM are a retard.
Comment by MightyMike
2014-07-22 14:06:34
First of all, you need to give an example of something that I’ve written that show what I favor. There aren’t many of those. I rarely simply state my preferences because that make for interesting discussions.
Also, read what I wrote. I did not complain about your work for the government. I simply asked you if it made you a thug or a criminal, a question that you did not answer.
Comment by MightyMike
2014-07-22 14:12:57
meant to write:
First of all, you need to give an example of something that I’ve written that shows what I favor. There aren’t many of those. I rarely simply state my preferences because that doesn’t make for interesting discussions.
Comment by Selfish Hoarder
2014-07-22 14:42:58
“I simply asked you if it made you a thug or a criminal,”
By asking a libertarian that question, it is obvious you are no libertarian, hence you are a statist. Murray Rothbard worked as a professor for SUNY. Paid by taxpayers. That did not make him a thug. I knew a bunch of libertarian government employees while I was a government employee.
Last time I checked, defense is a monopoly - run by government. Libertarians want defense to be privatized. In any case people in that industry do not work for free. They get paid. Only a retard would expect people to work for no pay.
You are an idiot.
Comment by MightyMike
2014-07-22 15:09:06
Thanks for some more nonsense. You call me an idiot, yet you can’t answer the question without using phrases like “you are no libertarian” and “Libertarians want”.
Then you say the following, “Murray Rothbard worked as a professor for SUNY. Paid by taxpayers. That did not make him a thug.” Why do you need to mention this guy’s name to answer the question?
This is why I say that it’s interesting that so you’re hostile to religion. You talk about these people as if they’re prophets.
You’ve stated previously that taxes are theft, yet you apparently also think that there’s nothing ethically objectionable in working for government and getting paid with that stolen money. That’s inconsistent.
Comment by mathguy
2014-07-22 15:50:58
If that’s inconsistent, you should be quick to point out to those in favor of raising taxes that they aren’t personally contributing extra to social security funds or medical relief funds in the amount that their taxes would be under their proposed laws…
Comment by MightyMike
2014-07-22 16:00:09
It’s not the same, mathguy. To say that taxes are theft is to say that every government is a criminal gang.
Comment by Housing Analyst
2014-07-22 16:18:22
Every government is a criminal gang.
Your point?
Comment by MightyMike
2014-07-22 16:31:13
I guess that I need to state my point more explicitly. If every government is a criminal gang, working for a government and accepting stolen funds as pay should be considered to be unethical.
Did he work the hours? Did he break the law during those hours?
Comment by Selfish Hoarder
2014-07-22 19:33:17
Discussion of Libertarians Working for the government (And why Mighty Mike is an a$$hole:)
By the late Murray Rothbard
“Working for Government
The criterion we should use in the Nozick case is, I believe, an easy one. There are far more difficult questions. What about working as a government employee? It is true that, other things being equal, it is far better, on libertarian as well as pragmatic grounds, to work for a private employer rather than government. But suppose that the government has monopolized, or virtually monopolized, your occupation, so that there is no practical alternative to working for the government?
Take, for example, the Soviet Union, where the government has, in effect, nationalized all occupations, and where there are no, or virtually no, private employers. Are we to condemn all Russians whatsoever as “criminals” because they are government employees? Is it the only moral act of every Russian to commit suicide? But that would be idiotic. Surely there are no moral systems that require people to be martyrs.
But the United States, while scarcely as far gone as Russia, has had many occupations virtually monopolized by the government. It is impossible to practice medicine without becoming part of a highly regulated and cartelized profession. If one’s vocation is university teaching, it is almost impossible to find a university that is not owned, economically if not legally, by the government. If one’s criterion of government ownership is the receipt of over 50% of one’s income from the government, then there are virtually no universities, and only one or two small colleges, that can be called “private.” During the riots of the late 1960’s, students at Columbia discovered that far more than 50% of the income of that allegedly “private” university came from the government. In such a situation, it is foolish and sectarian to condemn teachers for being located in a government university.
There is nothing wrong, and everything rational, then, about accepting the matrix in one’s daily life. What’s wrong is working to aggravate, to add to, the statist matrix. To give an example from my own career. For many years I taught at a “private” university (although I would not be surprised to find that more than half its income came from the government). The university has long teetered on the edge of bankruptcy, and years ago it tried to correct that condition by getting itself “statized” through merging with the State University of New York system, in those halcyon days rolling in dough. For a while, it looked as if this merger would occur, and there was a great deal of pressure on every member of the faculty to show up in Albany and lobby for merger into the State system. This I refused to do, since I believed it to be immoral to agitate to add to the statism around me.
Does that mean that all libertarians can cheerfully work for the government, apart from not lobbying for statism, and forget about conscience in this area? Certainly not. For here it is vital to distinguish between two kinds of State activities: (a) those actions that would be perfectly legitimate if performed by private firms on the market; and (b) those actions that are per se immoral and criminal, and that would be illicit in a libertarian society. The latter must not be performed by libertarians in any circumstances. Thus, a libertarian must not be: a concentration camp director or guard; an official of the IRS; an official of the Selective Service System; or a controller or regulator of society or the economy.
Let us take a concrete case, and see how our proffered criterion works. An old friend of mine, an anarcholibertarian and Austrian economist, accepted an important post as an economist in the Federal Reserve System. Licit or illicit? Moral or immoral? Well, what are the functions of the Fed? It is the monopoly counterfeiter, the creator of State money; it cartelizes, privileges and bails out banks; it regulates – or attempts to regulate – money and credit, price levels, and the economy itself. It should be abolished not simply because it is governmental, but also because its functions are per se immoral. It is not surprising, of course, that this fellow did not see the moral problem the same way.
It seems to me, then, that the criterion, the ground on which we must stand, to be moral and rational in a state-run world, is to: (1) work and agitate as best we can, in behalf of liberty; (2) while working in the matrix of our given world, to refuse to add to its statism; and (3) to refuse absolutely to participate in State activities that are immoral and criminal per se.”
Comment by Selfish Hoarder
2014-07-22 19:39:54
“It seems to me, then, that the criterion, the ground on which we must stand, to be moral and rational in a state-run world, is to: (1) work and agitate as best we can, in behalf of liberty; (2) while working in the matrix of our given world, to refuse to add to its statism; and (3) to refuse absolutely to participate in State activities that are immoral and criminal per se.”
- Murray Rothbard, anarchist libertarian, who was a pubic employee at SUNY, and other public colleges.
Living in the MATRIX OF OUR GIVEN WORLD - Agitate for liberty
Comment by MightyMike
2014-07-22 20:16:36
Did he work the hours? Did he break the law during those hours?
That’s irrelevant to my point. Bill would probably also say that it’s irrelevant. If taxation is theft, than the money that Bill was paid doesn’t properly belong to him. If you work in the private sector, Housing Analyst, money is regularly stolen from people like you and transferred to people like Bill.
Comment by MightyMike
2014-07-22 20:21:55
Also, the long quote from Rothbard supports what I wrote above about your attitude being religious. It a lot like stuff written by theologians regarding what how Christians should live.
I think that I read somewhere that you can find racist claptrap in some of this Rothbard guy’s writings, which is typical of many of these “anti-government” types. I still remember your declaration, Bill, that racism is statism. It was around 2½ years ago, but it’s a great tidbit to use on this blog.
Comment by Selfish Hoarder
2014-07-22 20:22:14
Housing Analyst asked “Did he break the law during those hours?”
Nope. I did not. I worked with the assurance that what I was doing was protecting American lives. While the retarded MightyMike will postulate that I must have been some executioner of some sort, well the disappointment is that I was not an executioner.
It is a legitimate function in any society, whether anarcho capitalist, minarchist, or very statist, to have a defense against armies that would want to crush in our communities. “The Market For Liberty” had in depth analysis of what competing defense firms would be like and refute some of the misconceptions statists have for private defense. But we are in a statist society. Defense has to be provided one way or another.
I was skilled in defense work. I work in the matrix of a statist society. The only game in town for my skills was to be paid by government. In fact, the U.S. constitution itself cites “provide for the common defense” as justification.
Only a fricking retard would assume defense is for free. Nothing is free. And it is true your freedom is not free.
If retarded MightyMike does not like defense, my recommendation is for him to move to Syria and have a sign around him saying “I am an American”.
Comment by Housing Analyst
2014-07-22 20:27:07
I execute construction contracts with fraudsters all the time. I perform the work and I’m paid for it.
I didn’t earn it? Really?
You’ve got a thinking problem.
Comment by MightyMike
2014-07-22 20:35:45
Only a fricking retard would assume defense is for free. Nothing is free. And it is true your freedom is not free.
That’s really clever using terms like fricking retard. You keep avoiding the issue. If taxation is theft, the money that you were paid didn’t belong to the people who paid you. It was stolen. None of your references to Murray Rothbard and wacky “anti-government” books address that issue.
And I can’t believe that you’re referencing the law. The law says that taxes are legal, so they can’t be theft. All the “thuggerment” programs that you hate, like food stamps, were created through the enactment of laws.
Comment by Housing Analyst
2014-07-22 20:35:57
I don’t like defense either but that’s not the point. The point is you received money for dollars earned and you weren’t asked to violate the law. MikeyTard has a thinking proble!m.
Comment by MightyMike
2014-07-22 20:46:36
I execute construction contracts with fraudsters all the time. I perform the work and I’m paid for it.
I didn’t earn it? Really?
You’ve got a thinking problem.
You can’t understand what I’m saying, HA? If someone steals money, it doesn’t belong to him. Do you understand that? It that person then hires you and pays you with that stolen money, it doesn’t belong to you. How could it?
Look at this way. Imagine that it wasn’t money. Imagine if someone stole a car and then hired you to do some work and gave you the car as payment. If the person from whom the car was stolen was able to track you down, show you the title and registration documenting his ownership of the car, and then demand that you give it back, would it be reasonable for you to say that the car actually belongs to you?
Comment by Guillotine Renovator
2014-07-22 20:48:39
Such anger. Is the hoarding not working for you? You should be happy as a clam, I would think.
Comment by MightyMike
2014-07-22 20:56:21
I don’t like defense either but that’s not the point. The point is you received money for dollars earned and you weren’t asked to violate the law. MikeyTard has a thinking proble!m.
Now you’re descending to Bill’s level with these silly nicknames. I told you that the law is irrelevant to this discussion. Laws are things made by politicians. There are a couple of who participate on this blog who love to state “morality trumps law”. Don’t you agree with them?
Comment by Housing Analyst
2014-07-22 20:59:41
Answer the question Knucklehead.
I sign a contract to perform work for a fraudster and I perform the work according to the terms of the construction contract.
The money I earned I really didn’t earn according to you. Right?
You need mental help.
Comment by Housing Analyst
2014-07-22 21:01:18
You’ve got a thinking problem.
Comment by MightyMike
2014-07-22 21:07:57
If you look at that Rothbard quote above, it’s rather odd. Consider this:
But the United States, while scarcely as far gone as Russia, has had many occupations virtually monopolized by the government. It is impossible to practice medicine without becoming part of a highly regulated and cartelized profession. If one’s vocation is university teaching, it is almost impossible to find a university that is not owned, economically if not legally, by the government.
If it’s somewhat immoral to work in a sector of the economy that’s partially controlled by the government, why not change jobs. Wouldn’t it conscience be clearer working in whatever sector of the economy is least influenced by government.
Then he goes on to say this:
Thus, a libertarian must not be: a concentration camp director or guard; an official of the IRS; an official of the Selective Service System; or a controller or regulator of society or the economy.
First, this is another example of theological writing, specifying what must not be. He should have used the words “thou shalt not”.
More importantly, he states that it would be immoral to work for the IRS, but apparently there are other parts of the federal government that it would be OK to work for. That doesn’t make sense. It would be hypocrisy to work in defense, claim that that was perfectly moral and say that the people at the IRS do a job that is immoral.
Comment by MightyMike
2014-07-22 21:12:04
You need mental help.
Just keep repeating that. It’s such a persuasive argument.
I’ll answer your question. If worked, then you deserve to be paid. You just don’t deserve money that doesn’t belong to the payer. Do you disagree with that?
Comment by Housing Analyst
2014-07-22 21:16:22
Lolz. Such twisted illogic. I’m owned the money legally and ethically. And so is Bill. Case closed.
Get your act together.
Comment by MightyMike
2014-07-22 21:20:51
Now you refuse to answer my question.
Comment by Housing Analyst
2014-07-22 21:25:43
Hard of hearing still? I’m owed the money. And so is Bill.
‘There are a couple of who participate on this blog who love to state “morality trumps law”
This is an odd argument. We have someone who thinks the government is wonderful saying those who disagree with him are wrong to do work for the government. Why is one income source OK and the other not?
As for the morality issue; I used to do tax returns. It was hard work and one of the reasons I stopped was I found myself carrying water for the IRS. Warning the clients, “oh don’t that you’ll get fined.” I got sick of it so I left the business, not just for that reason. Do I think that people who prepare taxes are immoral? Of course not. It’s just not for me. Edward Snowden decided the tell the world about what the NSA was doing. Has Snowden come out and said he thinks all NSA workers are immoral? I haven’t heard that. We’re all individuals. If I drive on a government road to work, am I violating some sacred libertarian oath? Or do I have a choice? basically, this is all just silly.
Comment by MightyMike
2014-07-22 22:34:56
First of all, I’ve never stated that I think that the government is wonderful. Second, I also never wrote that it’s wrong for people to work for the government. What I wrote is that any person who believes that taxation is theft should also believe that it’s wrong to work for the government. That’s all that this little debate is about. If you believe a then you should believe b. Since I don’t go around saying that taxation is theft, that doesn’t apply to me.
I work hourly for known fraudsters. They don’t ask me to break the law. I don’t break the law. They’re still fraudsters and they owe me money for every hour I work.
“The New York Post reported yesterday that New York City has approved developer Extell’s plans to build a separate entrance for its affordable-housing tenants at an Upper West Side condo.
Dubbed the “poor door,” the controversial approval was a blow to New Yorkers who believe the separate entrance to be classist and distasteful.
The low-income units will be located on floors two through six with a studio going for $845 a month … Market-rate buyers, on the other hand, would be paying more than $1,000 a square foot.”
Because you’re not a real rugged individualist, American exceptionalist, unless you have ten pounds of undigested red meat in your colon
“Our research, which was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the US, found that raising beef cattle is far more environmentally costly than poultry, pork, dairy or eggs. Per calorie, cattle requires on average 28 times more land and 11 times more water to farm. Farming cattle releases five times more greenhouse gases and uses six times as much nitrogen as the average of other animal products.
When compared with staple plant foods, these ratios roughly double. So, a beef calorie requires about 50 times more land than a wheat calorie. By comparison, pork, poultry and eggs are all roughly on the same level of environmental cost.”
One of the worst jobs I ever worked was at a gay-owned business with all gay senior management. There was no advancement opportunity whatsoever for straight people so I left after a few months.
One court ruled for ACA 2-1
One court ruled against ACA 2-1 (The two judges being Bush appointees)
In the DC court that ruled against ACA, it could next go to the full court of appeals which has 7 Dem appointees and 4 Repub appointees. IMO that DC court of appeals would probably rule for the ACA there.
If it goes to the SCOTUS, Roberts will be the tie breaker. He voted for ACA before it insured millions. I would be surprised if he voted against it and throw 6 million or so people off insurance now that its up and running. (Can you imagine the politics?)
If it goes to the SCOTUS, I doubt they could have a decision on it by Nov-Dec 2014 (Polly?) which is when it’s estimated another 10 million will sign up for ACA. So if the SCOTUS were to vote against it after that Nov-Dec 2014 enrollment period, the Gutting of ACA would then throw maybe 10 million people off health insurance.
And you think Repubs have a bad rap now? Repubs should be careful what they are wishing for.
(Comments wont nest below this level)
Comment by Albuquerquedan
2014-07-22 10:31:03
With the increased premiums people will be happy that the law is being struck down.
Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2014-07-22 10:37:36
which is when it’s estimated another 10 million will sign up for ACA….would then throw maybe 10 million people off health insurance.
These are all rough-as-a-cob numbers and a lot of those would be Medicaid based numbers. I’m not sure how today’s ruling if upheld would affect the Medicaid factors in the states that expanded Medicaid but did not set up a state exchange. Are there any? That would be interesting.
My biggest question is, could the SCOTUS strike down the ACA mandates in states relying on the federal exchanges before the 2015 signup period ends. Anyone?
Comment by Albuquerquedan
2014-07-22 10:41:33
With the increased premiums people will be happy that the law is being struck down.
More accurately they will be happy when as a result of the subsidies being struck down the whole law needs to be repealed since it is no longer viable.
With the lost of the subsidies and the double digit increase due to the low sign-ups of healthy people we are talking about a doubling of premiums throughout the country. Unless the Democrats vote for repeal they will be able to caucus in a phone booth. Check mate.
Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2014-07-22 10:52:05
With the increased premiums people will be happy that the law is being struck down.
Let’s look at the math and not erroneous talking points.
There have been no historically-higher increasing premiums for apples to apples comparison. That is a right-wing myth. Sure a new good policy costs more than a crap policy but if you can’t afford it, there subsidies so you can afford it.
The fact is, the curve has been bent downward on health care inflation for the first time in many many years. All this since 2012 Partly because of the lingering Recession and partly because the ACA has injected much more competition amongst private insurers. Look at the chart above.
“US Health Care Inflation Rate is at 2.61%, compared to 2.85% last month and 2.15% last year. This is lower than the long term average of 5.49%.”
Comment by Rental Watch
2014-07-22 11:00:28
Isn’t the problem that the law is clearly worded in a way that is inconsistent with the implementation?
From the NY Times article on the matter:
‘”Under the Affordable Care Act, the appeals court here said, subsidies are available only to people who obtained insurance through exchanges established by states.
The law “does not authorize the Internal Revenue Service to provide tax credits for insurance purchased on federal exchanges,” said the ruling, by a three-judge panel in Washington. The law, it said, “plainly makes subsidies available only on exchanges established by states.”’
And I understand the “spirit of the law” argument that will be made by the ACA supporters. However, when the words of the law are so clearly different than the argued “spirit” of the law, it seems to be a tough argument.
This is a big problem with shoving a massive law through without reading it or having any buy-in from the minority party. There will be resistance for poorly worded provisions to be fixed.
And your SCOTUS line of questioning is clearly a hope that the administration can provide more illegal subsidies before SCOTUS stops them–so that there is more political pressure brought to bear on Republicans to go along with a change to the law.
These kinds of actions are how a democracy dies.
And now you want to blame this on Republicans? I blame this on a President who has no ability to bring two sides together…from WEEK ONE on the job (read the account of the first stimulus bill from early in Obama’s Presidency).
This mess is entirely made from Democrat sh*t.
Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2014-07-22 11:02:31
More accurately they will be happy when as a result of the subsidies being struck down the whole law needs to be repealed since it is no longer viable.
I don’t think so. By the time I think ACA subsidies could be struck down, it would throw a rough estimate 10 million people off any kind of insurance.
Can you imagine the soundbites, the PR the commercials? Before the 2016 elections where currently the Dems are not motivated? This is 10 million people thrown out of their insurance at the same time - mostly women and children. These 10 million have maybe 30-40 million related family members. Do the math. It’s horrendous.
Remember the affect of the bogus 10 or 12 cherry picked people who “lost their insurance” because of Obamacare that the KochBrothers put out? The ones that proved bogus?
Well here we would actually have 10 million people really and truly actually losing health insurance at the same time….after they had it!
“Isn’t it funny that you don’t know what you got until it’s gone?”
IMO, this could be the greatest public health crisis and public relations nightmare for the Republicans for the past 50 years.
Repubs, be careful what you wish for.
Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2014-07-22 11:09:05
With the lost of the subsidies and the double digit increase due to the low sign-ups of healthy people we are talking about a doubling of premiums throughout the country.
Written like a conniving lawyer to sell a lie with half truths. (Or someone just ignorant of the math and reality) I have a feeling which is the case. You do such a poor job with your Propaganda.
The “doubling of premiums throughout the country” only applies to the people losing their subsidy - not the roughly 90% of Americans NOT receiving an ACA subsidy.
Comment by goon squad
2014-07-22 11:13:33
Obamacare = FAIL
So 10 million people who have preexisting conditions or are poors get insurance under Obamacare. And 80 million with employer provided health insurance get hit with double digit premium increases year after year.
This isn’t NPR, this isn’t the New York Times, this is reality.
Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2014-07-22 11:15:13
These kinds of actions are how a democracy dies.
Totally wrong in the big picture of democracy. Here’s how democracy dies.
Fact: Americans have polled for years with vast majority wanting some kind of universal coverage - maybe decades.
In about 2009 polls were showing up to 70% of Americans wanting all Americans to have access to universal coverage.
Repubs have voted against the majority views for decades on health-care. Why? For money. For donations. For people like the Koch Brothers. Now they are trying to kill a bill on a technicality.
And you have a Supreme Court stacked by the KochBrothers wing who voted that unlimited cash is free speech. That is how democracy dies.
Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2014-07-22 11:25:42
And 80 million with employer provided health insurance get hit with double digit premium increases year after year.
Hint: Your subsidized by “socialized” employer health insurance too. What makes you so special?
There 10’s of millions with employer based insurance that have pre-existing conditions too. Run the math. What makes you more special than a guy running his own business? What?
“The HHS analysis found that “anywhere from 50 to 129 million (19 to 50 percent) of Americans under age 65 have some type of pre-existing condition. “Examples of what may be considered a pre-existing condition” (emphasis added) include heart disease, cancer, asthma, high blood pressure, and arthritis, HHS said.
According to HHS, older Americans ages 55-64 are at particular risk because 48 to 86 percent of them live with a pre-existing condition.”
Comment by Rental Watch
2014-07-22 11:33:01
BTW, people are already trying to pin this on Republican appointed judges vs. Democrat appointed judges.
Let’s call it what it is:
Judges who deem the words of legal documents as more important than the spirit of the documents vs. the opposite.
There is a reason that LLCs in CA are often formed in Delaware–Delaware courts have a history of following the letter of contracts…CA courts are worse in this regard.
I prefer to live in a world where words of a contract/law mean stand alone and are not subject to continual reinterpretation.
If words meant more, we would not have legislators passing massive laws only to read them later. They would be passing shorter laws with better thought-out language.
Comment by oxide
2014-07-22 11:40:41
With the increased premiums people will be happy that the law is being struck down.
A-dan, nobody is being forced to pay for the high premiums. All they are required to pay is the John Roberts Emergency Room Tax, but that’s comparatively very low.
And Rio, this ruling would fall even harder on Republicans than it seems. The states that will lose the Obamacare subsidies will be red states whose Republican governors refused to set up state exchanges, while blue states will not be affected. In other words, in general it will be Republican voters who lose their health insurance.
Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2014-07-22 12:25:43
people are already trying to pin this on Republican appointed judges vs. Democrat appointed judges.
Let’s call it what it is:
In this case, as in the case of Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98 (2000)…………I think you just did.
Comment by Albuquerquedan
2014-07-22 12:41:34
For Obamacare to work two things had to occur, enough young people had to sign up to subsidize the older sicker people and emergency room visits to drop saving money in the system for other care. Neither one of these occurred. Any loss of subsidies whether in Red states or Blue states will result in even fewer young healthy people signing up. The death spiral will certainly occur when young people have their rates increase by 60% due to a lack of subsidies. Add in the rate increases due to the poor sign-up of young and there is no way this is sustainable. Finally, there is really blue counties and red counties not blue or red states. The Democratic representatives in red states will not survive if their constituents lose their subsidies and they don’t vote for repeal.
Comment by goon squad
2014-07-22 12:41:48
I’d like to hear this blog owner’s opinion about Obamacare again.
Care to chime in, Mr. Jones?
Comment by RioAmericanInBrasil
2014-07-22 13:00:18
For Obamacare to work two things had to occur……
So you say wrong again.
In reality, everything that actually needed to have occurred must have happened because ObamaCare is working better than anyone thought.
None of your predictions on OCare have come to pass Adan. None. The “not getting enough sign-ups”, The “death-spiral”, “Dem’s wanting to repeal it by the next election” etc etc. Your predictions were all bunk. All.
BTW. I just read it might be a couple years for a final SCOTUS decision. Good luck with kicking maybe 12-15 million people off their insurance in mostly all Red States.
Good to see the Repubs thought this one out.
Comment by Albuquerquedan
2014-07-22 13:23:53
ObamaCare is working better than anyone thought
As the judge asked in My Cousin Vinny, “Are you on drugs”.
Comment by Albuquerquedan
2014-07-22 13:30:37
Monday, July 21, 2014
Voters still expect Republicans to repeal Obamacare if they take control of Congress in November, but they’re slightly more sympathetic now to a piece-by-piece approach to changing the law rather than a total overhaul.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 20% of Likely U.S. Voters now rate the new national health care law as a success, while 42% view it as a failure. Thirty-four percent (34%) see it as somewhere in between the two. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
Any loss of subsidies whether in Red states or Blue states will result in even fewer young healthy people signing up.
Since it was the sick expensive people disproprotionately signing up, then it will be the sick expensive people who disproportionally lose subsidies and be thrown off. By that reasoning, the non-subsidy Obamacare would need even FEWER young people signing up, not more.
The Democratic representatives in red states will not survive if their constituents lose their subsidies and they don’t vote for repeal.
This is more wishful thinking on your part. The Dems who lose coverage in a red state will blame it on the R governor who refused the state exchange, not the D representitive who vote FOR their Obamacare in the first place. And why would a Dem vote for repeal? Repealing the law is not going to get people their health insurance back. Repealing the law entirely will bring back pre-existing conditions, remember?
Comment by Albuquerquedan
2014-07-22 14:17:56
No Oxide if you are really sick you will pay the higher rates. It is the healthy young where the purchase of insurance is more discretionary with the major consideration the amount of the fine. This decision if upheld makes it much more likely they will take the fine but be upset and vote against the Democrats.
Comment by Albuquerquedan
2014-07-22 14:46:19
The Dems who lose coverage in a red state will blame it on the R governor who refused the state exchange, not the D representitive who vote FOR their Obamacare in the first place.
They will blame it on the Rube Goldberg design of the law which has not delivered affordable health care even with the subsidies. And the more young people that drop out the higher that premiums will be even for the people that must buy the insurance since they have medical problems.
Comment by Albuquerquedan
2014-07-22 14:51:52
The “doubling of premiums throughout the country” only applies to the people losing their subsidy - not the roughly 90% of Americans NOT receiving an ACA subsidy
With the high cost of the ACA insurance receiving some subsidy was the norm not the exception. Once again it is you that show that you do not understand math, law or politics. Young people will be dropping out in droves since without the subsidy they can claim that know affordable insurance is available freeing them from the mandate.
Comment by Albuquerquedan
2014-07-22 14:54:50
Now if you are talking about people receiving insurance through their employer then we have the separate issue of Obama illegally extending when employers must provide insurance.
Comment by Albuquerquedan
2014-07-22 15:04:58
No affordable insurance is available is a defense to the fine.
My brother in the BP says they aren’t seeing many kids in their area.
What they have been seeing in the past year and a half is a bunch of Romanians.
They literally cross the border, and surrender to the first BP agent they see. They are held long enough to go before a judge, who sets a hearing date on whether they can stay (and this time is getting longer and longer, because of the flood).
In the meantime, they are turned loose in the US. They aren’t considered fugitives, until they don’t show for their court date (and only a fraction of them do).
Because of uncontrolled immigration, ethnic communities are getting large enough for people to fly under the radar for a long time. The “12 million undocumented immigrants” meme is a freaking joke. You might as well say 25-30 million. Nobody wants to admit the real number. This country can only employ so many workers in Mexican restaurants, landscaping, meat packing, and fast food before they start underbidding the locals. Your cost of living is pretty low when you work in the cash economy, and have 15 members of the extended family living under one roof.
Nobody wants to take the action that would have a real effect. That action? Throw a $**tload of people in jail/fining the crap out of them for hiring them.
The anti immigrant people are bitching, because this “path to legal immigration” BS was sold to them before. In 1986, a bunch of illegals were given amnesty, in exchange for “toughening the laws”.
What happened was that illegals got amnesty, but nobody ever bothered to actually enforce the laws that were passed. So the 2014 deal will be to make the next generation of immigrants “legal”, while passing even more laws that will never be enforced.
My suggestion? Start packing your crap, and get ready to move. Preferably someplace surrounded by a lot of ocean. Maybe New Zealand, Iceland, or the Falklands. Maybe Nova Scotia. It used to be that people came here and made an attempt to fit in. Now they are coming, and bringing their crazy-azz old country ways with them.
I’m not leaving. I’m looking forward to living the next few decades watching the cultural relativist diversity pimps turn this country into a multicultural sh*thole.
When poverty in this country is the same as in their countries. Without a dike water will seek its own level. An enforced border is the only way to keep our standard of living different from the poor countries south of the U.S.
“In other words [the government is] assisting in the downfall of America..”
Former Border Agent: Gov’t Using Immigrant Children for ‘asymmetrical warfare’ Operation
By leaving strategic areas along the southern U.S. border unprotected, and by using children as the face of the illegal immigrant surge to elicit public sympathy, the federal government is engaging in a sophisticated military tactic known as “asymmetrical warfare” against the American people, a former U.S. Border Patrol agent is warning.
As the government allocates resources to South Texas, it is systematically leaving areas within the U.S., as well as vast swaths of land along the border, unguarded, outspoken former Tucson Sector Border Patrol agent Zach Taylor says in an excerpted clip taken from an upcoming documentary entitled, “Back to the Border.”
“This gives people that are trying to get their infrastructure, their personnel, their drugs, their dirty bombs, their biological weapons, their chemical weapons into the United States without being noticed” the opportunity to do so, “because this part of the border is open, it is not being controlled,” the 26-year Border Patrol veteran outlines in the extensive interview.
“If asymmetrical warfare is going to be successful, the first thing that has to be done is to compromise America’s defenses against invasion,” Taylor says, “because they have to have their personnel inside the United States to affect the infrastructure.. they have to affect the degeneration from inside the United States.”
The retired federal agent claims that by magnifying the mere ten percent of the influx that is apprehended, and by mostly centering on the one percent who are immigrant minors, the government is deliberately drawing attention away from the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens who evade capture – who may or may not be harboring communicable diseases, or may or may not have gang affiliations.
In Central America, children as young as 10 join violent gangs, like MS-13, an intelligence report notes, and according to FBI statistics, many are initiated by having to commit murder.
“What the people don’t realize is that it is putting their own children at risk, because these children are going to be put in schools with their children,” Taylor says.
Taylor, who also serves as Chairman of the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers, had previously made headlines for slamming the recent immigrant wave as an Obama administration-manufactured crisis.
“This is not a humanitarian crisis,” Taylor wrote in a press release last month. “It is a predictable, orchestrated and contrived assault on the compassionate side of Americans by her political leaders that knowingly puts minor Illegal Alien children at risk for purely political purposes. Certainly, we are not gullible enough to believe that thousands of unaccompanied minor Central American children came to America without the encouragement, aid and assistance of the United States Government.”
Below is a transcript of the portion of the video where Taylor explains how the immigration crisis is covert asymmetrical warfare aimed at the US public.
The whole idea of asymmetrical warfare is to defeat your enemy from within. It is not to attack him from without. Of course the threat comes from without, but they have to be inside of the US to effect a successful warfare strategy.
If asymmetrical warfare is going to be successful, the first thing that has to be done is to compromise America’s defenses against invasion, because they have to have their personnel inside the United States to affect the infrastructure: our hospitals, our schools, our electric grid, our power supplies our water supply – basically what we call “infrastructure.” All of those things create our infrastructure – but they have to affect the degeneration from inside the United States.
The markers that we’re seeing that indicate this is “asymmetrical warfare” is because the reaction that the United States is taking is they’re taking the opportunity of inviting these illegal aliens to come here, they’re concentrating them in one place in the United States, the Rio Grande Valley, and they’re drawing the resources that are protecting the rest of the US border to care for the illegal alien children, to help with the overflow of the minors, to transport, to take care of the needs of these people while they’re in Homeland Security custody.
All this takes the resources that are protecting America at the border, off of the border. So now the borders are wide open. This gives people that are trying to get their infrastructure, their personnel, their drugs, their dirty bombs, their biological weapons, their chemical weapons into the United States without being noticed because this part of the border is open, it is not being controlled.
It is a perfect military strategy. It doesn’t raise any eyebrows because we’re focused on the children, but we need to focus on our children, because this is asymmetrical warfare. Everything says it is. And the way the United States government is responding to it is concealing that fact from the American people.
In other words they’re assisting in the downfall of America, and you need to understand that.
H/T: allenbwest.com
The Fed and its debasement of the currency are facilitating the downfall of America far more comprehensively than a horde of destitute, disease-ridden Central Americans ever could.
Just got my lease renewal letter, and my rent is increasing by BIG FAT $0 this year.
The rent has gone up a total of 10% in the 4-1/2 years I’ve lived there, during which time I got a new fridge, new kitchen fixtures, and a second reserved parking spot.
Well yes. I just got an email for VIP buyers to come to the dealership to see the new models at slashed prices and 0% financing for 60 months. What would Mr. Banker say about that?
(Comments wont nest below this level)
Comment by Housing Analyst
2014-07-22 16:17:19
Car prices are higher than ever but that didn’t stop you from committing financial suicide on that shack of yours.
well i guess they wont be selling anymore drywall here. they have probably moved on a long time ago. Go out of business and start up a new company and continue on?
How would you really get money out of them if they dont show up to court?
The cosmetics industry has kept Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner alive enough for the occasional inflation podium speech. When she retires and stops coloring hair, clothes, jewelery, etc., she’ll be completely unrecognizable.
Name:Ben Jones Location:Northern Arizona, United States To donate by mail, or to otherwise contact this blogger, please send emails to: thehousingbubble@gmail.com
PayPal is a secure online payment method which accepts ALL major credit cards.
I keep seeing companies posting bogus earnings numbers and no one calling them out on it.
Like coke says it beat by a penny but revenue slides. no mention of the debt taken on to buyback shares.
Stock buybacks seem to be masking the fact that companies are not growing earnings. The buybacks help to mask the inflation that is slowing business.
“…no mention of the debt taken on to buyback shares.”
Is that something companies are supposed to report? Because I keep reading that share buybacks are a primary reason for the never-ending stock market rally…
its out there but you have to dig a little. corporate america is pulling the wool over the eyes of the retail investor again.
I wonder if the subprime auto business is ramping up due to all the leased car returns having to be unloaded?
Is it safe to assume the stock market has another 15%+ upside before the next big crash?
July 22, 2014, 6:01 a.m. EDT
For stocks, Dow 20,000—then a crash?
A forecaster sees short-term gain and long-term pain
By Brett Arends, MarketWatch
Jeremy Grantham says markets could rise another 10% to 15% from here—followed by a sharp tumble.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average soars to 20,000. The cheers echo around Wall Street. As the economy recovers, unemployment tumbles. A wave of mergers sweeps Wall Street as big companies bet on a continuing economic boom. The bears and naysayers are routed, humiliated and consigned to oblivion. Mom-and-Pop investors, terrified of getting left behind, pour money into stocks.
And then, horrifyingly, it all starts to go sour, yet again. As the economy recovers, costs begin to rise. As unemployment tumbles, wages follow suit. The Fed begins hiking interest rates to stop inflation. Meanwhile companies have to slash prices to gain or keep market share against brutal competition. Earnings plunge. Stocks begin to slide. and then tumble into a terrifying smash, the third in a generation.
Far-fetched? Not necessarily.
Do u think there are enough sheep still left to get that kind of gain?
I’m not buying into this scheme.
I wonder how many of those 50k trucks chevy is selling?
10 yr loans coming?
Talked to a friend the other day. His financial advisor expects a DOW “correction” to about 14,000. How do people feel about this? I have some cash just sitting, and I’m wondering if I should go ahead with consumer staples or something.
Pay off some of that crushing debt of yours donk.
I’m referring to tax-advantaged 59.5 funds, HA. And, yes, I’ve been paying off debt.
Regarding 10 year car loans, we’re getting there: “Terms of 73 to 84 months accounted for 24.9 percent of all sales in the first quarter…” http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-07-21/leases-entice-drivers-to-upgrade-cars-as-often-as-iphones.html
“Talked to a friend the other day. His financial advisor expects a DOW “correction” to about 14,000. How do people feel about this? I have some cash just sitting, and I’m wondering if I should go ahead with consumer staples or something.”
Define “go ahead with consumer staples”.
The market will correct, eventually, hard to predict when. I would just pay off anything you owe money on (that includes house), have a nice safety net fund, and see where you could spend some money to day to create efficiencies or future cost savings.
Other than that, I would just continue to fund retirement accounts to take advantages of tax savings which do not depend on market returns. If you’re savin
Dump that debt Donkey.
I mean convert some 59.9 from cash fund to a consumer staples fund.
I’m not in a position to pay off the house in 3-5 years, but I’m doing okay in that I’m solvent.
Youre not solvent Donk.
Isn’t it pretty front and center on the Balance Sheet? An increase in debt over the last quarter, and a decrease in share count?
Some time ago on this message board the question was asked:
“Why do companies buy back their own stock at market highs?”
The answer may be:
The stock prices are at their highs because somebody (the companies themselves) are buying it.
IMO there are times when a company should buy back their own stock and this is when the price is low, not high (and this fits in with the thinking of most logical people).
But if the incentive is to keep the stock price high -and the incentive is there if the people who are running the company get much of their pay via stock options - then it makers sense from the point of view of these people to buy at high prices so as they can make some very big bucks, but it doesn’t make sense from the point of view of the company itself.
During the worst of the crash, a lot of REITs were battered and bruised because of BK fear, but were still generating lots of cash flow (plenty to service the debt).
Some REITs that I own were paying off their debt…at a discount. A brilliant strategy.
Those same REITs are now targeting debt levels that are quite low (30-40% LTV).
They won’t provide the same “juice” on an upswing again, but the probability of a similar crash in values with a market crash is much lower.
“The stock prices are at their highs because somebody (the companies themselves) are buying it.”
It’s not this^^. Companies don’t buy enough volume and they don’t buy slowly over long periods of time to sustain price.
A stock buy back concentrates more control in people who hold onto stock. It also consolidates (opposite of dilution) the shares for the purpose of future dividends.
Lastly, it depends if the shares are retired, but if the shares are bought and retired, it makes all the company’s metrics look better. Future earnings per share (EPS) and other measures will look better. It makes management look better, basically.
That’s not inflation my friend. Learn the difference.
can we get the official inflation definition from mr natty light?
Escondido, CA Housing Prices Crater 9% YoY At Peak Of Selling Season; Inventory Doubles As Sellers Stampede For Exit
“I keep seeing companies posting bogus earnings numbers and no one calling them out on it.”
Start a class action, brother. There are some really successful firms that do that type of work.
The funny thing about earnings in 2009 and 2010 is they were sketchy. You never really know when the bottom is until maybe a year or two later. Quarterly earnings reports being below the year before are regarded as a sign not to buy that company stock. This is why I mostly dollar cost average into stock index funds. Individual stocks are more dumb luck than smart observation.
But of course! That is what stock buybacks are for!
“’…no mention of the debt taken on to buyback shares.’”
“Is that something companies are supposed to report? Because I keep reading that share buybacks are a primary reason for the never-ending stock market rally…”
Last year Coke borrowed $4,711,000,000 and spent $3,504,000,000 buying up its own stock.
Go here …
Whatever you do, stay out of debt and hold onto every penny you’ve got. You’re going to need it.
Read it and weep, boys!
Herndon VA Housing Prices Plummet 15% YoY; Demand Craters, Excess Housing Inventory Balloons 78%
Alexandria, VA Housing Prices Dive 7% YoY At Peak Of Season As Housing Demand Crumbles Nationally.
Tried to post up above and nothing will post but China’s external debt is 7% of it GDP and the U.S. has an external debt of 100%. We are 14 times in worse shape than China.
And China is collapsing into a deflationary spiral.
I wish we could collapse up like them. Our businesses go in debt buying their own stock while their companies buy the latest equipment. I think China has the better long term strategy.
“And China is collapsing into a deflationary spiral.”
And in such a spiral the value of equity vanishes into thin air and the debt remains - it even grows.
If you hold mega dollars and you believe that those dollars are going to be worth a lot less, then you would spend them at today’s value acquiring equipment, goods and services.
If you believe dollars will be worth a lot less in the near term you acquire more debt to perform buybacks or acquire good and services in the knowledge that your debts will essentially be washed away because the debt is denominated in dollars.
Which one points to inflation and which one points to deflation…..Do they both point to inflation?
When you got nothing but debt, those dollars become pretty valuable eh?
Phoenix, AZ Housing Demand Plummets 24% YoY; Sellers Begin Slashing Prices As Inventory Balloons
seen it a 1000 times before, same old bs. prices still have went up.
Encinitas, CA Housing Prices Crumble 8% YoY; Price Slashing Accelerates As Demand Evaporates
Asia-Pacific News
China’s debt soars to 250% of GDP
Katie Holliday
10 Hours Ago
China’s debt has soared to two and a half times its economy, Standard Chartered estimates, highlighting the difficulties Beijing faces in balancing growth with the risk of bubbles forming in its economy.
Total financial credit has surged to 251 percent of gross domestic product from 147 percent at the end of 2008, the bank said.
“The economy will continue to leverage up, and the market will remain concerned,” said Stephen Green, chief China economist at Standard Chartered.
They have long since passed the Rubicon of negative return on GDP vs credit expansion, it would appear.
We have been starting that China’s debt is 25 trillion for months, this would actually be slightly less than 25 trillion since China’s GDP is not quite 10 trillion but will it will be soon. So essentially the China bashers are recycling the same information over and over and just saying it slightly different.
Those bubble bashers are a mean crowd. They ought to go get their own blog. All China has to do to get to $10 million GDP is borrow another $2 Billion a year.
GO CHINA! To the moon!
China PIMP.
The UK doesn’t have anything left but momentum behind it, but you’d never know it looking at William and his thigh-gap wife as they frolic on the global beach-party scene.
So true, they have been run by the banksters for longer than we have.
Poor Ireland can you imagine have an external debt ten times your GDP. I remember when we were talking about garages in Ireland going for a million dollars on this board so it is not surprising. The socialist Europeans are dead men walking.
Today, Joe helps everyone make a little money… if you submit a claim for this class action (no receipt req’d) the avg payout is projected at $100. It literally takes 2 minutes to submit online.
Basically, if you bought a computer between 98 and 02, there was price fixing in the memory chip market, so you overpaid slightly. Depending on how many items you bought, your rebate will be computer by the claims admin hired by the lawyers.
I know some of you are wondering, “Joe, does this work?”
Yes, it does. I tap a few of these settlement claims out once a month while using my tablet on the commuter train. I think you could even do them on smart phone if you want. And every so often I open my mail box and there’s a random check for $20, $30, sometimes more.
A lot of the rebates are for items virtually everyone has purchased at one time or another (e.g. batteries, cough drops, kale juice–OK maybe not kale juice for you meat-eaters).
Thanks Joe!
Thanks much!
How MSFT laid off 12,000… with a botched layoff announcement.
“In case you missed it, Stephen Elop, the executive VP of Microsoft’s Devices & Services business unit, recently buried the announcement of a 12,000-person layoff in an embarrassingly jargon-filled memo which began with a cheery “Hello there.” “
drudge link reports on the media-academia race hustlers industrial complex
‘the new diversity requirements seem to say that campus commitment to diversity is so important that the grading system itself must be sacrificed. this would mean … an environment now exists where academic performance no longer matters. that for the diversity crowd, all that seems to be of value would be that ‘historically underrepresented racial/ethnic’ students would be awarded ‘equitable’ grades to their counterparts, regardless.’
The article is an opinion piece opining about an opinion piece which opines about a proposal 4 states away. That said, the plan refers to “high-demand” majors, which I assume to be STEM.
I am not surprised that somebody wants to push more diversity for STEM. One STEM outfit hiring manager told me: “If there were more minority STEM grads, then I wouldn’t catch so much flack for hiring a STEM outfit full of white guys.” (Asians count as white, especially if they have no accent.)
At the same time, STEMs will NOT accept sub-par engineers in the name of diversity. Gravity and electricity and diff eq will not politely step aside because great great grandaddy was a minority. The same applies to exams. Admissions is one thing, but grades distribution will go to the Supreme Court, and lose.
“Gravity and electricity and diff eq will not politely step aside because great great grandaddy was a minority”
Because math is racist, LOLZ
Yeah, I saw this article linked on another forum. When I read the article, it became obvious that it’s way off base. That said, I DO see legitimate news stories on a regular basis talking about admissions being too tough for poor and minorities. There was a post in the NY Post the other day about NYC’s HS admissions process and how DiBlasio says it’s classist. The thing is, it’s not like whites are the majority at the top NYC HSs… Asians are more than 50% at all of them. And most of them are from poor backgrounds.
The inability of us to call a cultural problem a cultural problem is mindboggling. It’s not the _schools_ that are not up to the task. Rather, it’s that the kids from certain backgrounds show up at schools completely unprepared to learn, to work with other kids, to follow rules, etc. Oftentimes because they’re hungry or they don’t have a proper bed to sleep in, they don’t have home structure, they don’t have any adults who can explain basic math let alone covalent bonding… but supposedly it’s the schools that are failing. LOL. America is done here.
Less than 50% of K-12 students are white now. We literally can’t go back to a majority-white nation of we wanted to. Thanks, Boomers. At least you got cheap labor out of the bargain.
Years ago, I read a story where a small school — junior high, I think — had a glitch in the scheduler program. The scheduler somehow assigned the classes to be all girls or all boys, except for four boys who were stuck with the girls. The school didn’t have time to rerun the scheduler, and not wanting to single out those four boys, they manually rescheduled them to be in the boy classes. So all year, everyone mixed in the hall and at lunch, but the classes were unisex. Teachers reported easier teaching, higher grades, and fewer discipline problems. I don’t think they were allowed to run that experiment again, but it’s an intriguing result.
I’m in tech and I’m one of about 5 white guys in a fully-technical office of some 200 people. It’s very rare anyone whose name sounds white even makes it through the pre-screening process. I’m beginning to suspect discrimination.
It’s very rare anyone whose name sounds white even makes it through the pre-screening process. I’m beginning to suspect discrimination.”
I’ve gone over this already u R right and for many reasons.
Respect… American Engineers don’t give old World respect to foreign born managers even if said manager is an idiot.
Welcome to the future
Billionaires are literally buying their own congresspeople. Thanks, SCOTUS!
——————— (excerpt)
“Must-have accessory for House candidates in 2014: The personalized super PAC”
“Daniel Innis, a former business school dean running a long-shot campaign for the House in New Hampshire, faced a big financial disadvantage until a wealthy friend put hundreds of thousands of dollars into a super PAC backing his candidacy.”
A similar assist from a billionaire hedge fund chief helped Lee Zeldin, a state senator from New York, secure the GOP nomination for a Long Island congressional seat.
Both men hit upon the must-have ingredient in this year’s midterm elections: Along with a driven campaign manager and a sophisticated social-media strategy, candidates need a rich friend or relative.
For the first time, the kinds of super PACs that became prominent in the 2012 presidential campaign also are a basic requirement in competitive, down-ballot House races.
As one of their first to-do items, congressional hopefuls are asked to identify wealthy family members, friends or business associates willing to spend on their candidacies. As a result, deep-pocketed political patrons and special interests have a greater ability to influence the outcome of individual races with a relatively modest investment of funds. ”
I liked palmetto’s post the other day saying that if the Republicans call him asking for donations he’ll tell them to go ask Sheldon Adelson.
There’s a reason that Occupy Wall Street was maced.
Sheldon Adelson buys congresspeople like we buy eggs at the supermarket.
In the 2012 GOP primaries, Adelson purchased several candidates — Gingrich, Santorum, and finally Mittens.
hey lying realtors, there is no ‘pent-up demand’ for your rotting shacks
‘college grads are getting the same kind of jobs they did before the great recession. but the problem is that these graduates aren’t seeing the same kind of pay.
If Obama is buying, people should be selling:
That house is sweet.
(Even though, yes, RAL could build them a better house for $50/sq ft)
Contemporary doesn’t seem to be Obama’s style.
Would you move next door to a thugernment type?
He’s also rumored to have bought a property in Asheville, NC:
This pissed me off, because I wouldn’t want to live within a 50 mile radius of the guy, and I am considering Western NC as my toe tag area.
What I’m hoping is that the first rumor I heard is true: Penny Pritzker of the Chicago Pritzkers is planning an estate for him in Hawaii. I’d breathe a whole lot easier knowing he’s off the mainland.
Wow. He’s really in your head, isn’t he?
thugernment type
Were you a thugernment type all those years that you were working for the government?
You voted for work for me you a$$hat. I voted libertarian.
Bill delivers another KO punch.
It’s not a KO punch at all. It’s also not an answer to the question. Bill has no idea how I voted. People may have voted for parties that gave him work, but he accepted that work. According to him, that made him a minor actor in a giant criminal conspiracy.
No unmighty midget. You always favor collectivism from your posts. I know how you voted. For the same Demopublican Presidents and congress critters that vote for larger government spending programs.
Stop being a bull $hitter.
The same retards posting against tax cuts and against capitalism are the ones who complain I got paid by the taxpayers.
WTF. YOU MM are a retard.
First of all, you need to give an example of something that I’ve written that show what I favor. There aren’t many of those. I rarely simply state my preferences because that make for interesting discussions.
Also, read what I wrote. I did not complain about your work for the government. I simply asked you if it made you a thug or a criminal, a question that you did not answer.
meant to write:
First of all, you need to give an example of something that I’ve written that shows what I favor. There aren’t many of those. I rarely simply state my preferences because that doesn’t make for interesting discussions.
“I simply asked you if it made you a thug or a criminal,”
By asking a libertarian that question, it is obvious you are no libertarian, hence you are a statist. Murray Rothbard worked as a professor for SUNY. Paid by taxpayers. That did not make him a thug. I knew a bunch of libertarian government employees while I was a government employee.
Last time I checked, defense is a monopoly - run by government. Libertarians want defense to be privatized. In any case people in that industry do not work for free. They get paid. Only a retard would expect people to work for no pay.
You are an idiot.
Thanks for some more nonsense. You call me an idiot, yet you can’t answer the question without using phrases like “you are no libertarian” and “Libertarians want”.
Then you say the following, “Murray Rothbard worked as a professor for SUNY. Paid by taxpayers. That did not make him a thug.” Why do you need to mention this guy’s name to answer the question?
This is why I say that it’s interesting that so you’re hostile to religion. You talk about these people as if they’re prophets.
You’ve stated previously that taxes are theft, yet you apparently also think that there’s nothing ethically objectionable in working for government and getting paid with that stolen money. That’s inconsistent.
If that’s inconsistent, you should be quick to point out to those in favor of raising taxes that they aren’t personally contributing extra to social security funds or medical relief funds in the amount that their taxes would be under their proposed laws…
It’s not the same, mathguy. To say that taxes are theft is to say that every government is a criminal gang.
Every government is a criminal gang.
Your point?
I guess that I need to state my point more explicitly. If every government is a criminal gang, working for a government and accepting stolen funds as pay should be considered to be unethical.
Did he work the hours? Did he break the law during those hours?
Discussion of Libertarians Working for the government (And why Mighty Mike is an a$$hole:)
By the late Murray Rothbard
“Working for Government
The criterion we should use in the Nozick case is, I believe, an easy one. There are far more difficult questions. What about working as a government employee? It is true that, other things being equal, it is far better, on libertarian as well as pragmatic grounds, to work for a private employer rather than government. But suppose that the government has monopolized, or virtually monopolized, your occupation, so that there is no practical alternative to working for the government?
Take, for example, the Soviet Union, where the government has, in effect, nationalized all occupations, and where there are no, or virtually no, private employers. Are we to condemn all Russians whatsoever as “criminals” because they are government employees? Is it the only moral act of every Russian to commit suicide? But that would be idiotic. Surely there are no moral systems that require people to be martyrs.
But the United States, while scarcely as far gone as Russia, has had many occupations virtually monopolized by the government. It is impossible to practice medicine without becoming part of a highly regulated and cartelized profession. If one’s vocation is university teaching, it is almost impossible to find a university that is not owned, economically if not legally, by the government. If one’s criterion of government ownership is the receipt of over 50% of one’s income from the government, then there are virtually no universities, and only one or two small colleges, that can be called “private.” During the riots of the late 1960’s, students at Columbia discovered that far more than 50% of the income of that allegedly “private” university came from the government. In such a situation, it is foolish and sectarian to condemn teachers for being located in a government university.
There is nothing wrong, and everything rational, then, about accepting the matrix in one’s daily life. What’s wrong is working to aggravate, to add to, the statist matrix. To give an example from my own career. For many years I taught at a “private” university (although I would not be surprised to find that more than half its income came from the government). The university has long teetered on the edge of bankruptcy, and years ago it tried to correct that condition by getting itself “statized” through merging with the State University of New York system, in those halcyon days rolling in dough. For a while, it looked as if this merger would occur, and there was a great deal of pressure on every member of the faculty to show up in Albany and lobby for merger into the State system. This I refused to do, since I believed it to be immoral to agitate to add to the statism around me.
Does that mean that all libertarians can cheerfully work for the government, apart from not lobbying for statism, and forget about conscience in this area? Certainly not. For here it is vital to distinguish between two kinds of State activities: (a) those actions that would be perfectly legitimate if performed by private firms on the market; and (b) those actions that are per se immoral and criminal, and that would be illicit in a libertarian society. The latter must not be performed by libertarians in any circumstances. Thus, a libertarian must not be: a concentration camp director or guard; an official of the IRS; an official of the Selective Service System; or a controller or regulator of society or the economy.
Let us take a concrete case, and see how our proffered criterion works. An old friend of mine, an anarcholibertarian and Austrian economist, accepted an important post as an economist in the Federal Reserve System. Licit or illicit? Moral or immoral? Well, what are the functions of the Fed? It is the monopoly counterfeiter, the creator of State money; it cartelizes, privileges and bails out banks; it regulates – or attempts to regulate – money and credit, price levels, and the economy itself. It should be abolished not simply because it is governmental, but also because its functions are per se immoral. It is not surprising, of course, that this fellow did not see the moral problem the same way.
It seems to me, then, that the criterion, the ground on which we must stand, to be moral and rational in a state-run world, is to: (1) work and agitate as best we can, in behalf of liberty; (2) while working in the matrix of our given world, to refuse to add to its statism; and (3) to refuse absolutely to participate in State activities that are immoral and criminal per se.”
“It seems to me, then, that the criterion, the ground on which we must stand, to be moral and rational in a state-run world, is to: (1) work and agitate as best we can, in behalf of liberty; (2) while working in the matrix of our given world, to refuse to add to its statism; and (3) to refuse absolutely to participate in State activities that are immoral and criminal per se.”
- Murray Rothbard, anarchist libertarian, who was a pubic employee at SUNY, and other public colleges.
Living in the MATRIX OF OUR GIVEN WORLD - Agitate for liberty
Did he work the hours? Did he break the law during those hours?
That’s irrelevant to my point. Bill would probably also say that it’s irrelevant. If taxation is theft, than the money that Bill was paid doesn’t properly belong to him. If you work in the private sector, Housing Analyst, money is regularly stolen from people like you and transferred to people like Bill.
Also, the long quote from Rothbard supports what I wrote above about your attitude being religious. It a lot like stuff written by theologians regarding what how Christians should live.
I think that I read somewhere that you can find racist claptrap in some of this Rothbard guy’s writings, which is typical of many of these “anti-government” types. I still remember your declaration, Bill, that racism is statism. It was around 2½ years ago, but it’s a great tidbit to use on this blog.
Housing Analyst asked “Did he break the law during those hours?”
Nope. I did not. I worked with the assurance that what I was doing was protecting American lives. While the retarded MightyMike will postulate that I must have been some executioner of some sort, well the disappointment is that I was not an executioner.
It is a legitimate function in any society, whether anarcho capitalist, minarchist, or very statist, to have a defense against armies that would want to crush in our communities. “The Market For Liberty” had in depth analysis of what competing defense firms would be like and refute some of the misconceptions statists have for private defense. But we are in a statist society. Defense has to be provided one way or another.
I was skilled in defense work. I work in the matrix of a statist society. The only game in town for my skills was to be paid by government. In fact, the U.S. constitution itself cites “provide for the common defense” as justification.
Only a fricking retard would assume defense is for free. Nothing is free. And it is true your freedom is not free.
If retarded MightyMike does not like defense, my recommendation is for him to move to Syria and have a sign around him saying “I am an American”.
I execute construction contracts with fraudsters all the time. I perform the work and I’m paid for it.
I didn’t earn it? Really?
You’ve got a thinking problem.
Only a fricking retard would assume defense is for free. Nothing is free. And it is true your freedom is not free.
That’s really clever using terms like fricking retard. You keep avoiding the issue. If taxation is theft, the money that you were paid didn’t belong to the people who paid you. It was stolen. None of your references to Murray Rothbard and wacky “anti-government” books address that issue.
And I can’t believe that you’re referencing the law. The law says that taxes are legal, so they can’t be theft. All the “thuggerment” programs that you hate, like food stamps, were created through the enactment of laws.
I don’t like defense either but that’s not the point. The point is you received money for dollars earned and you weren’t asked to violate the law. MikeyTard has a thinking proble!m.
I execute construction contracts with fraudsters all the time. I perform the work and I’m paid for it.
I didn’t earn it? Really?
You’ve got a thinking problem.
You can’t understand what I’m saying, HA? If someone steals money, it doesn’t belong to him. Do you understand that? It that person then hires you and pays you with that stolen money, it doesn’t belong to you. How could it?
Look at this way. Imagine that it wasn’t money. Imagine if someone stole a car and then hired you to do some work and gave you the car as payment. If the person from whom the car was stolen was able to track you down, show you the title and registration documenting his ownership of the car, and then demand that you give it back, would it be reasonable for you to say that the car actually belongs to you?
Such anger. Is the hoarding not working for you? You should be happy as a clam, I would think.
I don’t like defense either but that’s not the point. The point is you received money for dollars earned and you weren’t asked to violate the law. MikeyTard has a thinking proble!m.
Now you’re descending to Bill’s level with these silly nicknames. I told you that the law is irrelevant to this discussion. Laws are things made by politicians. There are a couple of who participate on this blog who love to state “morality trumps law”. Don’t you agree with them?
Answer the question Knucklehead.
I sign a contract to perform work for a fraudster and I perform the work according to the terms of the construction contract.
The money I earned I really didn’t earn according to you. Right?
You need mental help.
You’ve got a thinking problem.
If you look at that Rothbard quote above, it’s rather odd. Consider this:
But the United States, while scarcely as far gone as Russia, has had many occupations virtually monopolized by the government. It is impossible to practice medicine without becoming part of a highly regulated and cartelized profession. If one’s vocation is university teaching, it is almost impossible to find a university that is not owned, economically if not legally, by the government.
If it’s somewhat immoral to work in a sector of the economy that’s partially controlled by the government, why not change jobs. Wouldn’t it conscience be clearer working in whatever sector of the economy is least influenced by government.
Then he goes on to say this:
Thus, a libertarian must not be: a concentration camp director or guard; an official of the IRS; an official of the Selective Service System; or a controller or regulator of society or the economy.
First, this is another example of theological writing, specifying what must not be. He should have used the words “thou shalt not”.
More importantly, he states that it would be immoral to work for the IRS, but apparently there are other parts of the federal government that it would be OK to work for. That doesn’t make sense. It would be hypocrisy to work in defense, claim that that was perfectly moral and say that the people at the IRS do a job that is immoral.
You need mental help.
Just keep repeating that. It’s such a persuasive argument.
I’ll answer your question. If worked, then you deserve to be paid. You just don’t deserve money that doesn’t belong to the payer. Do you disagree with that?
Lolz. Such twisted illogic. I’m owned the money legally and ethically. And so is Bill. Case closed.
Get your act together.
Now you refuse to answer my question.
Hard of hearing still? I’m owed the money. And so is Bill.
‘There are a couple of who participate on this blog who love to state “morality trumps law”
This is an odd argument. We have someone who thinks the government is wonderful saying those who disagree with him are wrong to do work for the government. Why is one income source OK and the other not?
As for the morality issue; I used to do tax returns. It was hard work and one of the reasons I stopped was I found myself carrying water for the IRS. Warning the clients, “oh don’t that you’ll get fined.” I got sick of it so I left the business, not just for that reason. Do I think that people who prepare taxes are immoral? Of course not. It’s just not for me. Edward Snowden decided the tell the world about what the NSA was doing. Has Snowden come out and said he thinks all NSA workers are immoral? I haven’t heard that. We’re all individuals. If I drive on a government road to work, am I violating some sacred libertarian oath? Or do I have a choice? basically, this is all just silly.
First of all, I’ve never stated that I think that the government is wonderful. Second, I also never wrote that it’s wrong for people to work for the government. What I wrote is that any person who believes that taxation is theft should also believe that it’s wrong to work for the government. That’s all that this little debate is about. If you believe a then you should believe b. Since I don’t go around saying that taxation is theft, that doesn’t apply to me.
I work hourly for known fraudsters. They don’t ask me to break the law. I don’t break the law. They’re still fraudsters and they owe me money for every hour I work.
Get over it and get on with your life.
“The New York Post reported yesterday that New York City has approved developer Extell’s plans to build a separate entrance for its affordable-housing tenants at an Upper West Side condo.
Dubbed the “poor door,” the controversial approval was a blow to New Yorkers who believe the separate entrance to be classist and distasteful.
The low-income units will be located on floors two through six with a studio going for $845 a month … Market-rate buyers, on the other hand, would be paying more than $1,000 a square foot.”
Because you’re not a real rugged individualist, American exceptionalist, unless you have ten pounds of undigested red meat in your colon
“Our research, which was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the US, found that raising beef cattle is far more environmentally costly than poultry, pork, dairy or eggs. Per calorie, cattle requires on average 28 times more land and 11 times more water to farm. Farming cattle releases five times more greenhouse gases and uses six times as much nitrogen as the average of other animal products.
When compared with staple plant foods, these ratios roughly double. So, a beef calorie requires about 50 times more land than a wheat calorie. By comparison, pork, poultry and eggs are all roughly on the same level of environmental cost.”
Humans do need to eat less beef. MUCH less.
Article for j-j-j-joe
How many years did liberals use a made up figure to claim that it was 10%?
One of the worst jobs I ever worked was at a gay-owned business with all gay senior management. There was no advancement opportunity whatsoever for straight people so I left after a few months.
Shadow inventory?
There’s plenty of that on craigslist m4m, LOLZ
They only think it’s 10. It’s actually 5 and the other 5 are just kids experimenting.
Sum ting wong with Obamacare, appeals court has just gutted it, we will see if the Supreme Court upholds the decision.
Obamacare is toast
One court ruled for ACA 2-1
One court ruled against ACA 2-1 (The two judges being Bush appointees)
In the DC court that ruled against ACA, it could next go to the full court of appeals which has 7 Dem appointees and 4 Repub appointees. IMO that DC court of appeals would probably rule for the ACA there.
If it goes to the SCOTUS, Roberts will be the tie breaker. He voted for ACA before it insured millions. I would be surprised if he voted against it and throw 6 million or so people off insurance now that its up and running. (Can you imagine the politics?)
If it goes to the SCOTUS, I doubt they could have a decision on it by Nov-Dec 2014 (Polly?) which is when it’s estimated another 10 million will sign up for ACA. So if the SCOTUS were to vote against it after that Nov-Dec 2014 enrollment period, the Gutting of ACA would then throw maybe 10 million people off health insurance.
And you think Repubs have a bad rap now? Repubs should be careful what they are wishing for.
With the increased premiums people will be happy that the law is being struck down.
which is when it’s estimated another 10 million will sign up for ACA….would then throw maybe 10 million people off health insurance.
These are all rough-as-a-cob numbers and a lot of those would be Medicaid based numbers. I’m not sure how today’s ruling if upheld would affect the Medicaid factors in the states that expanded Medicaid but did not set up a state exchange. Are there any? That would be interesting.
My biggest question is, could the SCOTUS strike down the ACA mandates in states relying on the federal exchanges before the 2015 signup period ends. Anyone?
With the increased premiums people will be happy that the law is being struck down.
More accurately they will be happy when as a result of the subsidies being struck down the whole law needs to be repealed since it is no longer viable.
With the lost of the subsidies and the double digit increase due to the low sign-ups of healthy people we are talking about a doubling of premiums throughout the country. Unless the Democrats vote for repeal they will be able to caucus in a phone booth. Check mate.
With the increased premiums people will be happy that the law is being struck down.
Let’s look at the math and not erroneous talking points.
There have been no historically-higher increasing premiums for apples to apples comparison. That is a right-wing myth. Sure a new good policy costs more than a crap policy but if you can’t afford it, there subsidies so you can afford it.
The fact is, the curve has been bent downward on health care inflation for the first time in many many years. All this since 2012 Partly because of the lingering Recession and partly because the ACA has injected much more competition amongst private insurers. Look at the chart above.
“US Health Care Inflation Rate is at 2.61%, compared to 2.85% last month and 2.15% last year. This is lower than the long term average of 5.49%.”
Isn’t the problem that the law is clearly worded in a way that is inconsistent with the implementation?
From the NY Times article on the matter:
‘”Under the Affordable Care Act, the appeals court here said, subsidies are available only to people who obtained insurance through exchanges established by states.
The law “does not authorize the Internal Revenue Service to provide tax credits for insurance purchased on federal exchanges,” said the ruling, by a three-judge panel in Washington. The law, it said, “plainly makes subsidies available only on exchanges established by states.”’
And I understand the “spirit of the law” argument that will be made by the ACA supporters. However, when the words of the law are so clearly different than the argued “spirit” of the law, it seems to be a tough argument.
This is a big problem with shoving a massive law through without reading it or having any buy-in from the minority party. There will be resistance for poorly worded provisions to be fixed.
And your SCOTUS line of questioning is clearly a hope that the administration can provide more illegal subsidies before SCOTUS stops them–so that there is more political pressure brought to bear on Republicans to go along with a change to the law.
These kinds of actions are how a democracy dies.
And now you want to blame this on Republicans? I blame this on a President who has no ability to bring two sides together…from WEEK ONE on the job (read the account of the first stimulus bill from early in Obama’s Presidency).
This mess is entirely made from Democrat sh*t.
More accurately they will be happy when as a result of the subsidies being struck down the whole law needs to be repealed since it is no longer viable.
I don’t think so. By the time I think ACA subsidies could be struck down, it would throw a rough estimate 10 million people off any kind of insurance.
Can you imagine the soundbites, the PR the commercials? Before the 2016 elections where currently the Dems are not motivated? This is 10 million people thrown out of their insurance at the same time - mostly women and children. These 10 million have maybe 30-40 million related family members. Do the math. It’s horrendous.
Remember the affect of the bogus 10 or 12 cherry picked people who “lost their insurance” because of Obamacare that the KochBrothers put out? The ones that proved bogus?
Well here we would actually have 10 million people really and truly actually losing health insurance at the same time….after they had it!
“Isn’t it funny that you don’t know what you got until it’s gone?”
IMO, this could be the greatest public health crisis and public relations nightmare for the Republicans for the past 50 years.
Repubs, be careful what you wish for.
With the lost of the subsidies and the double digit increase due to the low sign-ups of healthy people we are talking about a doubling of premiums throughout the country.
Written like a conniving lawyer to sell a lie with half truths. (Or someone just ignorant of the math and reality) I have a feeling which is the case. You do such a poor job with your Propaganda.
The “doubling of premiums throughout the country” only applies to the people losing their subsidy - not the roughly 90% of Americans NOT receiving an ACA subsidy.
Obamacare = FAIL
So 10 million people who have preexisting conditions or are poors get insurance under Obamacare. And 80 million with employer provided health insurance get hit with double digit premium increases year after year.
This isn’t NPR, this isn’t the New York Times, this is reality.
These kinds of actions are how a democracy dies.
Totally wrong in the big picture of democracy. Here’s how democracy dies.
Fact: Americans have polled for years with vast majority wanting some kind of universal coverage - maybe decades.
In about 2009 polls were showing up to 70% of Americans wanting all Americans to have access to universal coverage.
Repubs have voted against the majority views for decades on health-care. Why? For money. For donations. For people like the Koch Brothers. Now they are trying to kill a bill on a technicality.
And you have a Supreme Court stacked by the KochBrothers wing who voted that unlimited cash is free speech. That is how democracy dies.
And 80 million with employer provided health insurance get hit with double digit premium increases year after year.
Hint: Your subsidized by “socialized” employer health insurance too. What makes you so special?
There 10’s of millions with employer based insurance that have pre-existing conditions too. Run the math. What makes you more special than a guy running his own business? What?
“The HHS analysis found that “anywhere from 50 to 129 million (19 to 50 percent) of Americans under age 65 have some type of pre-existing condition. “Examples of what may be considered a pre-existing condition” (emphasis added) include heart disease, cancer, asthma, high blood pressure, and arthritis, HHS said.
According to HHS, older Americans ages 55-64 are at particular risk because 48 to 86 percent of them live with a pre-existing condition.”
BTW, people are already trying to pin this on Republican appointed judges vs. Democrat appointed judges.
Let’s call it what it is:
Judges who deem the words of legal documents as more important than the spirit of the documents vs. the opposite.
There is a reason that LLCs in CA are often formed in Delaware–Delaware courts have a history of following the letter of contracts…CA courts are worse in this regard.
I prefer to live in a world where words of a contract/law mean stand alone and are not subject to continual reinterpretation.
If words meant more, we would not have legislators passing massive laws only to read them later. They would be passing shorter laws with better thought-out language.
With the increased premiums people will be happy that the law is being struck down.
A-dan, nobody is being forced to pay for the high premiums. All they are required to pay is the John Roberts Emergency Room Tax, but that’s comparatively very low.
And Rio, this ruling would fall even harder on Republicans than it seems. The states that will lose the Obamacare subsidies will be red states whose Republican governors refused to set up state exchanges, while blue states will not be affected. In other words, in general it will be Republican voters who lose their health insurance.
people are already trying to pin this on Republican appointed judges vs. Democrat appointed judges.
Let’s call it what it is:
In this case, as in the case of Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98 (2000)…………I think you just did.
For Obamacare to work two things had to occur, enough young people had to sign up to subsidize the older sicker people and emergency room visits to drop saving money in the system for other care. Neither one of these occurred. Any loss of subsidies whether in Red states or Blue states will result in even fewer young healthy people signing up. The death spiral will certainly occur when young people have their rates increase by 60% due to a lack of subsidies. Add in the rate increases due to the poor sign-up of young and there is no way this is sustainable. Finally, there is really blue counties and red counties not blue or red states. The Democratic representatives in red states will not survive if their constituents lose their subsidies and they don’t vote for repeal.
I’d like to hear this blog owner’s opinion about Obamacare again.
Care to chime in, Mr. Jones?
For Obamacare to work two things had to occur……
So you say wrong again.
In reality, everything that actually needed to have occurred must have happened because ObamaCare is working better than anyone thought.
None of your predictions on OCare have come to pass Adan. None. The “not getting enough sign-ups”, The “death-spiral”, “Dem’s wanting to repeal it by the next election” etc etc. Your predictions were all bunk. All.
BTW. I just read it might be a couple years for a final SCOTUS decision. Good luck with kicking maybe 12-15 million people off their insurance in mostly all Red States.
Good to see the Repubs thought this one out.
ObamaCare is working better than anyone thought
As the judge asked in My Cousin Vinny, “Are you on drugs”.
Monday, July 21, 2014
Voters still expect Republicans to repeal Obamacare if they take control of Congress in November, but they’re slightly more sympathetic now to a piece-by-piece approach to changing the law rather than a total overhaul.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 20% of Likely U.S. Voters now rate the new national health care law as a success, while 42% view it as a failure. Thirty-four percent (34%) see it as somewhere in between the two. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
So much for cost savings.
Any loss of subsidies whether in Red states or Blue states will result in even fewer young healthy people signing up.
Since it was the sick expensive people disproprotionately signing up, then it will be the sick expensive people who disproportionally lose subsidies and be thrown off. By that reasoning, the non-subsidy Obamacare would need even FEWER young people signing up, not more.
The Democratic representatives in red states will not survive if their constituents lose their subsidies and they don’t vote for repeal.
This is more wishful thinking on your part. The Dems who lose coverage in a red state will blame it on the R governor who refused the state exchange, not the D representitive who vote FOR their Obamacare in the first place. And why would a Dem vote for repeal? Repealing the law is not going to get people their health insurance back. Repealing the law entirely will bring back pre-existing conditions, remember?
No Oxide if you are really sick you will pay the higher rates. It is the healthy young where the purchase of insurance is more discretionary with the major consideration the amount of the fine. This decision if upheld makes it much more likely they will take the fine but be upset and vote against the Democrats.
The Dems who lose coverage in a red state will blame it on the R governor who refused the state exchange, not the D representitive who vote FOR their Obamacare in the first place.
They will blame it on the Rube Goldberg design of the law which has not delivered affordable health care even with the subsidies. And the more young people that drop out the higher that premiums will be even for the people that must buy the insurance since they have medical problems.
The “doubling of premiums throughout the country” only applies to the people losing their subsidy - not the roughly 90% of Americans NOT receiving an ACA subsidy
With the high cost of the ACA insurance receiving some subsidy was the norm not the exception. Once again it is you that show that you do not understand math, law or politics. Young people will be dropping out in droves since without the subsidy they can claim that know affordable insurance is available freeing them from the mandate.
Now if you are talking about people receiving insurance through their employer then we have the separate issue of Obama illegally extending when employers must provide insurance.
No affordable insurance is available is a defense to the fine.
Not good for clown cars:
1/4 of the inmates released illegals, so I wonder if that number holds true for the entire population:
My brother in the BP says they aren’t seeing many kids in their area.
What they have been seeing in the past year and a half is a bunch of Romanians.
They literally cross the border, and surrender to the first BP agent they see. They are held long enough to go before a judge, who sets a hearing date on whether they can stay (and this time is getting longer and longer, because of the flood).
In the meantime, they are turned loose in the US. They aren’t considered fugitives, until they don’t show for their court date (and only a fraction of them do).
Because of uncontrolled immigration, ethnic communities are getting large enough for people to fly under the radar for a long time. The “12 million undocumented immigrants” meme is a freaking joke. You might as well say 25-30 million. Nobody wants to admit the real number. This country can only employ so many workers in Mexican restaurants, landscaping, meat packing, and fast food before they start underbidding the locals. Your cost of living is pretty low when you work in the cash economy, and have 15 members of the extended family living under one roof.
Nobody wants to take the action that would have a real effect. That action? Throw a $**tload of people in jail/fining the crap out of them for hiring them.
The anti immigrant people are bitching, because this “path to legal immigration” BS was sold to them before. In 1986, a bunch of illegals were given amnesty, in exchange for “toughening the laws”.
What happened was that illegals got amnesty, but nobody ever bothered to actually enforce the laws that were passed. So the 2014 deal will be to make the next generation of immigrants “legal”, while passing even more laws that will never be enforced.
My suggestion? Start packing your crap, and get ready to move. Preferably someplace surrounded by a lot of ocean. Maybe New Zealand, Iceland, or the Falklands. Maybe Nova Scotia. It used to be that people came here and made an attempt to fit in. Now they are coming, and bringing their crazy-azz old country ways with them.
“Start packing your crap, and get ready to move”
I’m not leaving. I’m looking forward to living the next few decades watching the cultural relativist diversity pimps turn this country into a multicultural sh*thole.
“The “12 million undocumented immigrants” meme is a freaking joke. You might as well say 25-30 million.”
+1 That’s my impression.
My question is where does it stop?
When poverty in this country is the same as in their countries. Without a dike water will seek its own level. An enforced border is the only way to keep our standard of living different from the poor countries south of the U.S.
Where you been, buddy?
“In other words [the government is] assisting in the downfall of America..”
Former Border Agent: Gov’t Using Immigrant Children for ‘asymmetrical warfare’ Operation
By leaving strategic areas along the southern U.S. border unprotected, and by using children as the face of the illegal immigrant surge to elicit public sympathy, the federal government is engaging in a sophisticated military tactic known as “asymmetrical warfare” against the American people, a former U.S. Border Patrol agent is warning.
As the government allocates resources to South Texas, it is systematically leaving areas within the U.S., as well as vast swaths of land along the border, unguarded, outspoken former Tucson Sector Border Patrol agent Zach Taylor says in an excerpted clip taken from an upcoming documentary entitled, “Back to the Border.”
“This gives people that are trying to get their infrastructure, their personnel, their drugs, their dirty bombs, their biological weapons, their chemical weapons into the United States without being noticed” the opportunity to do so, “because this part of the border is open, it is not being controlled,” the 26-year Border Patrol veteran outlines in the extensive interview.
“If asymmetrical warfare is going to be successful, the first thing that has to be done is to compromise America’s defenses against invasion,” Taylor says, “because they have to have their personnel inside the United States to affect the infrastructure.. they have to affect the degeneration from inside the United States.”
The retired federal agent claims that by magnifying the mere ten percent of the influx that is apprehended, and by mostly centering on the one percent who are immigrant minors, the government is deliberately drawing attention away from the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens who evade capture – who may or may not be harboring communicable diseases, or may or may not have gang affiliations.
In Central America, children as young as 10 join violent gangs, like MS-13, an intelligence report notes, and according to FBI statistics, many are initiated by having to commit murder.
“What the people don’t realize is that it is putting their own children at risk, because these children are going to be put in schools with their children,” Taylor says.
Taylor, who also serves as Chairman of the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers, had previously made headlines for slamming the recent immigrant wave as an Obama administration-manufactured crisis.
“This is not a humanitarian crisis,” Taylor wrote in a press release last month. “It is a predictable, orchestrated and contrived assault on the compassionate side of Americans by her political leaders that knowingly puts minor Illegal Alien children at risk for purely political purposes. Certainly, we are not gullible enough to believe that thousands of unaccompanied minor Central American children came to America without the encouragement, aid and assistance of the United States Government.”
Below is a transcript of the portion of the video where Taylor explains how the immigration crisis is covert asymmetrical warfare aimed at the US public.
The whole idea of asymmetrical warfare is to defeat your enemy from within. It is not to attack him from without. Of course the threat comes from without, but they have to be inside of the US to effect a successful warfare strategy.
If asymmetrical warfare is going to be successful, the first thing that has to be done is to compromise America’s defenses against invasion, because they have to have their personnel inside the United States to affect the infrastructure: our hospitals, our schools, our electric grid, our power supplies our water supply – basically what we call “infrastructure.” All of those things create our infrastructure – but they have to affect the degeneration from inside the United States.
The markers that we’re seeing that indicate this is “asymmetrical warfare” is because the reaction that the United States is taking is they’re taking the opportunity of inviting these illegal aliens to come here, they’re concentrating them in one place in the United States, the Rio Grande Valley, and they’re drawing the resources that are protecting the rest of the US border to care for the illegal alien children, to help with the overflow of the minors, to transport, to take care of the needs of these people while they’re in Homeland Security custody.
All this takes the resources that are protecting America at the border, off of the border. So now the borders are wide open. This gives people that are trying to get their infrastructure, their personnel, their drugs, their dirty bombs, their biological weapons, their chemical weapons into the United States without being noticed because this part of the border is open, it is not being controlled.
It is a perfect military strategy. It doesn’t raise any eyebrows because we’re focused on the children, but we need to focus on our children, because this is asymmetrical warfare. Everything says it is. And the way the United States government is responding to it is concealing that fact from the American people.
In other words they’re assisting in the downfall of America, and you need to understand that.
H/T: allenbwest.com
+1 from Region VIII
The Fed and its debasement of the currency are facilitating the downfall of America far more comprehensively than a horde of destitute, disease-ridden Central Americans ever could.
“Houses represent massive debt and losses. Shed that debt as quickly as possible to limit your losses.”
You better believe it.
Just got my lease renewal letter, and my rent is increasing by BIG FAT $0 this year.
The rent has gone up a total of 10% in the 4-1/2 years I’ve lived there, during which time I got a new fridge, new kitchen fixtures, and a second reserved parking spot.
And Bill, just south of Irvine = WIN.
Sleeping with your landlord is working out quite well for you.
It’s working out better than sleeping with Dannyboy’s girlfriend:
Your landlord is he experimenting or is he part of Oxide’s five percent?
SubPrime Auto Finance At Peak; Mirrors Height Of SubPrime Housing
they should do another cash for clunkers to liquidate the huge inventory of overpriced cars.
Wait, we know the only way they unload them is to provide financing cause no one has any money to buy cash.
So the price slashing begins.
Remember….. Stay out of debt, do not borrow and hold onto to every penny you can. You’re going to need it.
Well yes. I just got an email for VIP buyers to come to the dealership to see the new models at slashed prices and 0% financing for 60 months. What would Mr. Banker say about that?
Car prices are higher than ever but that didn’t stop you from committing financial suicide on that shack of yours.
why cant these car companies figure it out? there is nothing price cant fix.
These people roam into the dealership and all they think about is payment.
Lower the price or lose.
they cant lower the price cause they say the unions r hosing them.
We need some cheap affordable cars in america. I’m talking 5-6000 bucks.
Give it time. They’ll be 5-6k before you know it.
“SubPrime Auto Finance At Peak; Mirrors Height Of SubPrime Housing”
Wow, talk about blue eyes; real or contacts?
Remember the Chinese drywall problem? Recent development:
well i guess they wont be selling anymore drywall here. they have probably moved on a long time ago. Go out of business and start up a new company and continue on?
How would you really get money out of them if they dont show up to court?
aapl misses on revenues but beat on eps thx to buybacks. same old bs.
Yes. Not even the sales in China were able to save them.
I know a couple people infatuated with their products. I have never bought an aapl product.
Seems like a big fad.
We have a generation of followers. Like permanent high school students, they must have the “cool” items.
I have much less problem with a company buying back stock with cash generated than I do with them buying back stock with borrowings.
With the former, I’d love to own the last share left to be repurchased.
With the latter…not so much.
Accuracy of Chinese data:
The Rot Within, Part I: Our Ponzi Economy
Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMind blog,
http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-07-22/rot-within-part-i-our-ponzi-economy - 121k -
And as the rot expands as it surely has in the past, you best not owe a single dime to anyone, anywhere. It will be a living nightmare for most.
Argentina running out of wiggle room to evade the vulture funds - what happens on July 30th?
The cosmetics industry has kept Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner alive enough for the occasional inflation podium speech. When she retires and stops coloring hair, clothes, jewelery, etc., she’ll be completely unrecognizable.
heh heh…. lying dave stevens…. Ceo of MBA.
The height of hypocrisy: the NY Fed slams Deutsche Bank for financial recklessness.
Barack Hussein Obama
and he will be for the next two years, LOLZ
How much more can it climb?
Free Sh!t Army members waiting in line for free ice cream
I thought the FSA had mobility scooters?
phony scandals