“bring a tent and live in the redwoods and save up a big down payment!”
Live in the redwoods - or live in one redwood - just like Butterfly did.
“Julia Lorraine Hill (known as Julia “Butterfly” Hill, born February 18, 1974) is an American environmental activist and tax redirection advocate. She is best known for having lived in a 180-foot (55 m)-tall, roughly 1500-year-old California Redwood tree (age based on first-hand ring count of a slightly smaller neighboring ancient redwood that had been cut down) for 738 days between December 10, 1997 and December 18, 1999. Hill lived in the tree, affectionately known as “Luna”, to prevent Pacific Lumber Company loggers from cutting it down. She is the author of the book The Legacy of Luna and co-author of One Makes the Difference. She is a vegan.”
Looking at the realty listings I saw a lot that was going for 69K
“Retreat in the Redwoods. This appears to be a paper lot in the Redwood Park Subdivision created in the early 1900s. The lot is zoned RM (Resource Management). It is close by the Purisima Creek Redwood Open Space Preserve. This is a great investment in nature.”
I was going to email the realtor and ask if I could put a tent up on it!
The job is at a 3 or 4 year old web company that offers online inventory management to a certain segment of industry. In order to generate cashflow, the company charges suppliers a fee to have their products advertised to the site users.
A couple of issues:
1) If I am a manager in the segment the site serves, I want my inventory handled locally. I want it secured locally. I want it backed up locally.
2) Better hope those suppliers make some good money off of your site or they won’t be paying you for access for very long.
And everyone’s got amnesia about what a bad thing it was said to be only a few short years ago.
For example, Oxide was on here bleating a day or two ago about how sure the standards have been loosened and the loans are all 5 percent or less down, but not interest only stated income for strawberry pickers. So it really is just fine.
The reality is just because you don’t read about strawberry pickers and the excesses of the immediate past in the papers doesn’t mean that same stuff and worse isn’t going on. If you don’t work at a lender or the like you really have no idea what is going on.
Nothing more entertaining than a few honks from the SpaceDonk.
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Comment by Prime_Is_Contained
2015-05-20 10:53:34
For example, Oxide was on here bleating a day or two ago about how sure the standards have been loosened and the loans are all 5 percent or less down, but not interest only stated income for strawberry pickers. So it really is just fine.
What everyone seems to forget is that Prime loans (e.g. documented income) went bad at numbers way higher than Alt-A and Subprime. Just cause they were/are really A-rated doesn’t mean they won’t walk away when their investment has clearly gone south. Heck, with all of the moral hazard instruction from the Fed, they might well go south at much HIGHER rates the next time around—after all, there is no downside, right?
Comment by Rental Watch
2015-05-20 12:00:53
History usually doesn’t repeat, but it does rhyme.
There are a number of things that so far, are different this time–the two big ones.
1. A lot less construction than the bubble years–especially for-sale product;
2. While there are low down payment loans available, no-doc and Option ARMs are still nowhere to be seen;
#1 and #2 combined led to lots of people buying homes as investments with money they had no dream of repaying. That was a big source of the distress that caused a lot of the wreckage.
Without #1 and #2, this cycle will look a lot less like the prior one, and a lot more like cycles experienced before.
Comment by Prime_Is_Contained
2015-05-20 12:35:23
#1 and #2 combined led to lots of people buying homes as investments with money they had no dream of repaying.
#1 and #2 fail entirely to explain why so many LLs were deciding not to pay their mortgages while still pocketing the rent money. It wasn’t that they couldn’t afford to pay the mortgage—after all, they had the rental income available to pay it with! They chose not to, because their “investment” was no longer performing in terms of asset price appreciation.
Comment by Rental Watch
2015-05-20 13:09:43
“They chose not to, because their “investment” was no longer performing in terms of asset price appreciation.”
If asset prices were flat, or slightly down, most would have continued to pay.
They chose not to pay because they were SO FAR underwater that they couldn’t see how they would ever be above water again.
#1 plus #2 combined to give us much higher prices than today and a much greater number of empty houses, which led to the formation and popping of the bubble. People walking away once they were 25-50% underwater was a byproduct.
If you look at the Case Shiller values over time nationally, you’ll see that this price peak looks a lot like a more traditional cycle, but with a lot less homebuilding.
Comment by Housing Analyst
2015-05-20 15:34:02
There is no reason to build anymore more houses given housing demand is at 20 year low and 25 million excess empty and defaulted houses out ther.
This fraud-ridden scheme was created under an obscure section of the 1990 Immigration Act, signed by Bush’s father. Known as the EB-5 law, it allows wealthy foreigners to purchase green cards by investing between $500,000 and $1 million into new commercial enterprises or troubled businesses. After two years, foreign investors, their spouses, and children all receive permanent resident status – which allows them to contribute to U.S. political campaigns and provides a speedy gateway to citizenship.
A buyout is already underway. In 2013, Chinese buyers snapped up $11 billion worth of properties in the United States, capturing second place (at 12 percent of all foreign buying) behind Canadians for the first time, according to the National Association of Realtors’ Profile of International Home Buying Activity.
We almost invested alongside EB-5 money. It required a certain number of jobs to be created, and for the immigrants to get permanent status (unrevokeable), the jobs needed to be over a 5-year period. After 2 years they can come here, but in order to stay, all the metrics needed to be met.
Too much red tape. We passed.
BTW, just buying a home doesn’t qualify. EB-5 requires that you invest in some sort of ongoing operation, which is why EB-5 is popular with hotels, etc.
“‘Before today’s decline, the stock had surged more than sixfold in the past year despite questions from analysts and investors about the company’s revenue sources.”
Look with momentum investing you ignore warnings and analysts you buy because it is going up, it is not like the system was not working and people had no idea this was going to happen. People that did due diligence avoided this stock, I cannot feel too bad for the people that did not. Some of these idiots may even had made money since it went up six times if they sold even half their shares on the way up they probably did well.
‘The decline of Hanergy Thin Film Solar Group Ltd. was as spectacular and inexplicable as its ascent.’
‘Just 24 minutes of Hong Kong trading erased $18.6 billion of market value and wiped out almost four months of gains that made it more valuable than Sony Corp. of Japan. Those increases came as analysts and investors questioned why, exactly, this stock was increasing in the first place.’
‘Before today’s decline, the stock had surged more than sixfold in the past year despite questions from analysts and investors about the company’s revenue sources. About 61 percent of Hanergy Thin Film’s sales come from Beijing-based parent Hanergy Holding Group, the listed company said in March.’
‘Li, the chairman, owns more than half of Hanergy Thin Film and has been outspoken in defending the company. He says critics fail to understand his strategy and the potential of the thin-film market.’
“Hanergy is very cautious in thin-film investment,” Li said earlier this year during a brief interview in Beijing. “Outsiders said Hanergy’s investment is a bet, but I am absolutely not gambling.”
The biggest credit expansion in history resulted in excess and waste. Lots of things are going on sale as the debts and surplus are wrung out. Spend that saved cash very carefully.
But why are solar prices dropping? We have no real idea why if the panels are made in China. There is no way to know what the REAL cost of making those panels is.
Same deal when you go into a Walmart and see a pair of shoes for $7. There is no way that you can make that pair of shoes anywhere in the world for $7. So how can they be priced as such?
Consider that the panels are made in plants with zero environmental, safety, and health standards. How is that sustainable? And if they (like we have) eventually do clean up their act, what will this do to the cost of production?
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Comment by Dman
2015-05-20 09:22:33
China’s industries are getting to the point where they have to start dumping their products on the world market just to keep up cash flow. This will lead to cheaper prices for a while. But eventually all the debt they’ve accumulated is going to catch up with them.
Comment by Prime_Is_Contained
2015-05-20 10:58:44
There is no way that you can make that pair of shoes anywhere in the world for $7. So how can they be priced as such?
Sure you can, by making use of slave labor and similar “competitive advantages”.
Comment by MightyMike
2015-05-20 13:13:54
Consider that the panels are made in plants with zero environmental, safety, and health standards.
That may explain why the prices are low, but not why they continue to fall.
Comment by Blue Skye
2015-05-20 16:39:38
I think it like so many things in this global bubble boom. Demand was projected to go up to infinity and capacity to produce followed. Excess capacity isn’t taken offline until everyone literally chokes on the production.
Comment by MightyMike
2015-05-20 17:52:05
It’s also possible that some of that money was spent on R & D or factory automation.
Comment by Blue Skye
2015-05-20 20:30:46
Well sure, but if most of the players were on the skim, it is a very inefficient way of funding research.
Garbage numbers if you look how much fossil fuels pay in net taxes what they call subsidies is a joke.
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Comment by Albuquerquedan
2015-05-20 09:44:40
Only if you believe AGW scam numbers is this number even remotely viable.
Comment by Albuquerquedan
2015-05-20 09:56:30
NASA keeps having to back track. Actually, we probably owe the fossil fuel industries much more in “subsidies” since the increased co2 levels have increased crop and timber yields throughout the world.
That war has been going on for a decade. Credit card marketers worked very hard to break into the under-$20 transaction market and finally succeeded. I don’t see any CC minimums now.
They know full well that if you’re swiping instead of counting out change, you’ll be less money-conscious.
“One-quarter of people with healthcare coverage are paying so much for deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses that they are considered underinsured, according to a new study.
An estimated 31 million insured people are not adequately protected against high medical costs, a figure that has doubled since 2003, according to the 2014 national health insurance survey by the Commonwealth Fund.
The survey found that millions of people are paying into healthcare but are largely unable to reap the benefits./I>
“One-quarter of people with healthcare coverage are paying so much for deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses that they are considered underinsured, according to a new study.”
Ding! Ding! Ding! Someone somewhere deserves a cookie. (Perhaps that person is me since I’ve been writing about how ObamaCare would be a massive hit to tens of millions of people’s wallets).
A double and tripling of deductibles - and after a doubling or tripling in monthly premiums. Such a deal!
Gee. One wonders why the WalMarts of the world are seeing poor results.
But hey, as long as it isn’t me that suffers under ObamaCare, it’s not going to matter. Right? Right.
HD plans were becoming the norm before the ACA was passed. I’ve actually turned down job offers before ACA because the only health plan they offered was a crappy HD plan with a big azz deductible.
But hey, as long as it isn’t me that suffers under ObamaCare, it’s not going to matter. Right? Right.
But hey, as long as it isn’t me that suffers (say because of preexisting conditions or because I’m a lucky ducky who can’t afford insurance) after ObamaCare is repealed, it’s not going to matter. Right? Right.
I say repeal Obamacare and let’s go back to the old status quo, with it’s annual 10%+ premium increases, growing deductibles, denied coverage, etc. Eventually, it will collapse under it’s own weight. Then we can start all over and do it right.
Do it right? As in what? More government and less freedom?
How about we start with tort reform?
I know, silly me. To think that lessening the impact of what is counter-productive, counter-wealth is anything more than asinine…
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Comment by Cracker Bob
2015-05-20 07:37:32
Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose.
Comment by In Colorado
2015-05-20 07:41:26
How about we start with tort reform?
We can start with a lot of things, which will be easier to do once the current system collapses. Otherwise every single special interest group will fight tooth and nail to keep their snout in the the trough.
Comment by In Colorado
2015-05-20 08:03:28
Do it right? As in what? More government and less freedom?
My European relatives NEVER worry about how to pay for their healthcare, whereas I always wonder how much it’s going to cost me.
Here’s a “for instance”: I just went to see a specialist because I thought I might have acid reflux. In addition to the $30 copay (which my European relatives don’t pay) I was informed that there is an extra “fee” for the procedure where he stuck a fibre optic thing down my nose to examine my throat. That will be subject to my $400 deductible and 10% “co-insurance”. So I will be paying a few hundred bucks for that, no doubt. Being aware that I was going to have to crack my wallet open, and wide, I debated whether or not to have it done. Since I can afford it, I had it done. And I do have acid reflux.
So tell me, who is more “free”?
Comment by MacBeth
2015-05-20 08:27:34
Yeah, I figured you’d be all-in where single payer is concerned.
You mean like Medicare and Medicaid? How are those working out? What were the projections for Medicare back in 1967 and what are the real costs now?
You mean like Sweden? You might want to read up on what’s happening in Sweden nowadays. People there are pretty upset about their financial futures. The natives are leaving.
You mean like Greece? Like Brazil? Like South Africa? Americans aren’t going to be screaming, “Fix it with a government plan!” Obamacare torpedoed that prospect, too.
The window for single-payer has already passed. Millennials are turning 30 in large numbers now…old enough to have experienced firsthand what government programs do.
Comment by Dman
2015-05-20 09:00:24
It’s no argument against Medicare to talk about budget projections. Or Social Security for that matter. As I’ve said before, anyone who’s against slightly raising taxes on the 1% in order to fully fund those programs deserves to live on cat food after retiring.
Comment by Albuquerquedan
2015-05-20 09:33:27
Medicare already had the cap removed and it was suppose to keep Medicare from going bankrupt but guess what it did not. Social Security needs to take into consideration that people are living longer and adjust retirement ages accordingly, of course any fair compromise does include more taxes on the 1% but alone it is not enough. They will reduce their pay and take stock options if you try to put all the burden on them.
Comment by In Colorado
2015-05-20 09:53:59
Yeah, I figured you’d be all-in where single payer is concerned.
How much are you paying for your private sector, for profit health insurance?
When I told an Irish colleague (same company where I work) that our insurance costs $18,000 a year, he thought I was joking. He told us that the combined healthcare tax (employee and employer shares) over there (for a family) is 3000 Euros per year. I love telling Euros how much my insurance costs, it’s fun watching their eyes pop out of their heads.
But yeah, our system works so well, why change it? My employer paying the lion’s share of of the $18,000 that my plan costs has to be a competitive advantage, right? We’ll be even more competitive when it cost $28,000
Comment by MightyMike
2015-05-20 10:22:51
Medicare already had the cap removed and it was suppose to keep Medicare from going bankrupt but guess what it did not
The cost of private health insurance has also rising rapidly. And MacBeth, please provide us with a link about people leaving Sweden.
Comment by cactus
2015-05-20 13:01:50
that our insurance costs $18,000 a year,’
that’s about right for the company’s share, I pay another 5K but hey its pre tax.
I say repeal Obamacare and let’s go back to the old status quo, with it’s annual 10%+ premium increases, growing deductibles, denied coverage, etc. Eventually, it will collapse under it’s own weight.
This problem was identified decades ago, long before any of us heard of Barack Obama. You’d probably be on Medicare before any collapse happens.
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Comment by In Colorado
2015-05-20 07:50:23
You’d probably be on Medicare before any collapse happens.
Agreed, but because of our American Exceptionalism, there is no other way to accomplish true reform.
And it doesn’t have to be a total collapse. All it will take is for Medicare to become insolvent. We just need to reach the point where only the wealthy or those with “Cadillac” insurance plans will be able to afford healthcare.
Comment by MacBeth
2015-05-20 08:55:22
“We just need to reach the point where only the wealthy or those with “Cadillac” insurance plans will be able to afford healthcare.”
Like you.
In other words, you have yours and you think you’re smart enough to tell the ‘have-nots” what to do - like allow themselves to be sucked into a single-payer system,
Does that system also mean that all Cadillac plans (such as yours) would disappear? Does that mean you, yourself, are willing to subject you and yours to socialized medicine? Forever?
If so, why are you in a Cadillac plan now?
Why aren’t you in ObamaCare right now? (I mean, if you’re in favor of single-payer, you would willingly subject yourself to ObamaCare to hasten introduction of socialized medicine. Apparently, it’s good enough for you that others suffer for the cause, but not you.)
‘Medicaid enrollment under Obamacare is skyrocketing past expectations, giving some GOP governors who oppose the program’s expansion under the health law an “I told you so” moment.’
‘More than 12 million people have signed up for Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act since January 2014, and in some states that embraced that piece of the law, enrollment is hundreds of thousands beyond initial projections. Seven states have seen particularly big surges, with their overruns totaling nearly 1.4 million low-income adults.’
‘The federal government is picking up 100 percent of the expansion costs through 2016, and then will gradually cut back to 90 percent. But some conservatives say the costs that will fall on the states are just too big a burden, and they see vindication in the signup numbers, proof that costs will be more than projected as they have warned all along.’
In other words, you have yours and you think you’re smart enough to tell the ‘have-nots” what to do - like allow themselves to be sucked into a single-payer system
I want them to have insurance so that when they wind up in the hospital that you and I WON’T have to pay their bill.
As I said before, let’s repeal it. And I’m not being facetious. Obamacare sucks, it’s a bad solution. Let’s go back to the status quo and wait for it to collapse, then start over.
I does make me proud as an American that we are the only first world country where people worry about how to pay their medical bills medical expenses can bankrupt most citizens. I don’t have to worry because I have kick azz insurance.
Comment by MightyMike
2015-05-20 10:12:03
The answer, MacBeth, is that he has insurance provided by his employer. If it’s very good insurance, that means that a large portion of his total compensation is not taxed. Many Americans have jobs with no insurance at all and have to pay taxes on all of their compensation. This is one way that some taxpayers pay for the insurance of other Americans.
Comment by Dman
2015-05-20 10:42:49
The prices that hospitals can charge for even basic procedures is taking a bigger and bigger chunk out of our economy, and is probably the main reason that insurance is so expensive. But that’s what happens when what should be a social service is treated as a “free market.” The government can negotiate cheaper prices, but patients can’t.
Comment by measton
2015-05-20 11:37:17
All we have to do is
1. Cut out the middle man- 25% of insurance money goes for management CEO pay of 100,000,000 a year, financial management, advertising, marketing, dividends, etc. That’s a massive amount of money.
2. Allow medicare or national equivalent the ability to negotiate for lower costs on drugs. They push down doctors wages my brother makes less every year per procedure, but medicare prescription drug plan forbids medicare from negotiating lower prices. All part of the centralize wealth movement that is going on the globe over.
We are moving toward a system that is worse than either completely private pay or single party payer and that’s a system that privatizes the gains and socializes the losses. Most of those Medicare Medicaid folk are getting moved to plans managed not by the state but by for profit insurance companies. Despite the fact that they cost more (Medicare Advantage plans cost 10-15% more then Medicare)
And Walmart and retailers wonder where all their customers are going. We’re all going to be equivalent to Walmart employees in another generation. Good luck getting a business going with no middle class and entrenched oligopolies that control the government.
Comment by measton
2015-05-20 11:39:21
I should point out that the other gem of Obamacare is the tax on Cadillac plans - This of course hits upper middle income earners but certainly does not affect the elite. Tax policy is aimed at milking the last group of people with money that aren’t politically connected.
Comment by Albuquerquedan
2015-05-20 12:31:44
Agree with that point. The .1% wants to throw the rest of the 1% under the bus. Since the future competition for billionaires is millionaires, it actually works in their favor.
Comment by Prime_Is_Contained
2015-05-20 12:40:30
tax on Cadillac plans
The very name that everyone uses for good health coverage offends the bejeezus out of me. Cadillac is a brand long associated with luxurious pampering—a soft, gentle ride, generously appointed with high-end features and trim. The last two companies that I have worked for both decreased the quality of their health coverage in order to avoid this forthcoming “Cadillac tax”.
Since when is having decent health coverage considered a luxury good??
Comment by measton
2015-05-20 12:48:30
Agree 100%
It’s all marketing, they want the masses to believe that they are sticking it to the elite, but in reality they are sticking it to engineers, scientists, mid level businessmen, skilled craftsman, and a lot of other middle and upper middle class Americans.
Comment by Prime_Is_Contained
2015-05-20 12:52:42
Precisely. But the vast majority of people don’t realize that by controlling the language used in the debate, they are controlling the debate itself. Every time someone hears “Cadillac tax”, that false impression that they are sticking it to the elites is reinforced.
There is a word for this: propaganda. Welcome to 1984.
Marketwatch dot com
Need to Know
Why it might pay to listen to a Fed old timer’s tantrum warning
By Barbara Kollmeyer
Published: May 20, 2015 8:11 a.m. ET
Critical information ahead of the market’s open
Lucasfilm Ltd./Courtesy Everett/Everett Collection
Wise guys?
Unless the name is Ben Bernanke or Alan Greenspan, ex-Fed guys don’t always grab your attention.
But Lawrence Lindsey, who was at the Fed in the 1990s, made a few people sit up and take notice after firing off some spicy comments at a panel discussion yesterday. He blasted away at the current Fed, saying it’s pushing its luck when it comes to normalizing interest rates. And rates at zero, with unemployment at 5.4%? Madness!
“At some point we’re going to get a series of bad numbers, showing a little higher inflation, and the market is going to say, ‘My god, we’re so far behind the curve’ and force an adjustment that is going to be wrenching,” Lindsey said.
Wolf Richter on his Wolf Street blog points out that this is the same Lindsey who, as George W. Bush’s economic adviser, said out loud that an Iraq invasion could cost more than expected. He got fired for predicting a $200 billion price tag, which turned out to be too low by a factor of at least 10, says Richter.
Fast-forward to present, and Lindsey predicts a taper tantrum that’s a “seven or eight” on a scale of one to 10 (10 being the worst). How much is he underestimating now? “Maybe we’re better off not knowing the answer,” says Richter.
“The median forecasts in Bloomberg surveys for industrial production, fixed-assets investment and retail sales have all overshot the reality so far in 2015.”
“In some cases — such as industrial output in March or investment in April — the reported figure was weaker than every survey estimate.”
Funny the Chinese data is only considered accurate on this board when it is bearish. April was a very weak month which caused the government to cut both interest rates and tweak fiscal policy to generate more growth. They will continue to do it until they get the results that they want. If they were just faking it they would not have to do anything. But it is impossible to deviate from world norms for reporting without being called out so they don’t just fake it. They report the way every other country reports and since governments set the standards they all show more growth and less inflation then reality but 7% growth means the same thing in China as here and the same thing as ten years ago and China is well on their way to meeting that goal and they exceeded it last year.
Oil is in the 60s and China has already grown in 2014 over 7% and is at about a 7% number this year, I think the people predicting oil in the twenties and a collapse in China that should be eating the crow right now.
On a day when these brainiacs lost $19 billion in 24 minutes!
Comment by Albuquerquedan
2015-05-20 09:37:45
On a day when the EIA showed that storage of oil is falling and the yoy increase in oil production has gone from being up 1.2 million to being up just over 800,000 barrels a lost of 400,000 barrels in just two months. The Saudis are killing shale oil just like I predicted while many on this board said the shale oil industry could produce with oil in the twenties.
Comment by Albuquerquedan
2015-05-20 09:49:03
On a day when these brainiacs lost $19 billion in 24 minutes!
Sounds like one person lost most of it, and he was responsible for inflating the stock in the first place.
Comment by Double Flip Triple Gainer
2015-05-20 10:02:29
Dan, China is collapsing, in the case of many data points well below even the lowest estimates. It is what it is.
As for oil, we are down 40% YoY. Sure, the DXY is up almost 20% YoY, so we can explain away part of the move on the strength of the currency in which it is priced…but we are left with more than half of the move that needs to be explained another way.
This leads to the next discussion. Nothing sways oil prices like geopolitical risk. The world’s two top oil producing nations, Saudi Arabia and Russia, have spent the last year moving at breakneck speed down the line from ally to foe. The former is now in the market for enriched uranium and the latter is more at odds with every western power than any time in the last 25 years. Throw on top of that an entire region experiencing seismic shifts in power and you see geopolitical risk is at a decade’s high.
Why then, Danny boy, is oil still so relatively inexpensive? It isn’t complex. There is no engine of global growth anywhere, most especially not in that economic miracle you call China.
Comment by Albuquerquedan
2015-05-20 10:08:15
Why then, Danny boy, is oil still so relatively inexpensive? It isn’t complex.
Because the Saudis are working to keep it down with the help of the U.S. Obama to punish Russia and the Saudis to punish both Iran and Russia and to crush the shale oil producers. The demand figures are increasing by a 100,000 barrels a day a month hardly a collapse in demand by China since at a third of that increased demand is coming from China.
Comment by Double Flip Triple Gainer
2015-05-20 10:30:36
The funny thing is, I kind of agree with much of your thesis on this one. That was the initial intent in my eyes as well. But moving forward, we should not see any further material price gains…I suppose this is where our theses diverge. Stockpiles aren’t being depleted for any reason outside of the fact that it is just too darn expensive to store the stuff. There will be no long term increase in demand. Price will be sticky in the $50-$70 range for a long while, until at least geopolitical concerns or currency fluctuations give price a reason to recenter. None of this, however, changes the fact that what was previously $100 is now $60.
Comment by Califoh20
2015-05-20 10:37:05
Big oil spill in Santa Barbara yesterday. 21000 gls into the ocean.
‘The Saudis are killing shale oil just like I predicted’
You said the Saudi’s were running out of oil.
Comment by Albuquerquedan
2015-05-20 12:34:08
You said the Saudi’s were running out of oil.
They are, horizontal drilling and production from fields that they mothballed years ago can hide the decline for a few years but “Twilight in the Desert” was correct.
Comment by Albuquerquedan
2015-05-20 12:47:16
It makes perfect economic sense to knock down shale oil in the short term if you believe that you will have declining production very soon. If you actually believe you have a long life, it actually does not make sense to knock down shale oil since it will eventually recover. Combine that with the political needs to hurt Iran and Russia, it makes perfect sense for the Saudis to do what they are doing.
That’s the question many were asking when the founder, chairman and principal owner of Hanergy Thin Film Power Group Ltd. failed to show up at his company’s annual meeting Wednesday — the same day the company’s stock price tanked 47 percent, wiping out $19 billion in market value in 24 minutes.
Li’s absence was all the more noteworthy because over the past year he has tirelessly championed his vision of a new era of mobile energy: thin, flexible solar cells. They would soon, he promised, be plastered on just about everything: cars, backpacks, phones, tents, satellites, flashlights, buildings, lamps, drones and clothing.
Under his stewardship, the company’s stock had surged more than sixfold in the past year, making it the world’s most valuable solar company worth more than HK$300 billion ($38.7 billion). That’s larger than Sony Corp. and seven times the size of First Solar Inc., the biggest U.S. solar manufacturer.
Then on Wednesday, trading was suspended after the shares spectacularly plunged amid speculation of market manipulation and questions about the viability of the company’s core technology.
The debt expansion in China has cost the rest of the world dearly in the prices of everything. Seeing a reversal of that pustule of waste is very positive, except to parasitic speculators.
Bingo. They ‘pulled forward’ demand by a decade or so, and now we’ve got to unwind all of that.
Look at what scrap steel rates have plummeted to. My friend lives on 5 acres of junk. Up until a few months ago, scrappers were out there every night. Now, they don’t even bother.
China. Collapsing demand, back to nominal levels. It’s like when you go 100mph in your car for awhile - when you back off to 60, it feels like you are going really, really slow.
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Comment by Albuquerquedan
2015-05-20 09:17:32
It’s like when you go 100mph in your car for awhile - when you back off to 60, it feels like you are going really, really slow.
But it is an allusion 60 is really fast when the rest of the cars around you are going 20. Compare China’s present growth rate to the rest of the world they are moving fast.
Comment by Blue Skye
2015-05-20 10:50:33
China is more like a water bottle rocket. You pump it up with a tremendous charge of debt and let ‘er rip. Goes up really fast and then…
Comment by Professor Bear
2015-05-20 22:14:42
“Compare China’s present growth rate to…”
The present growth rate is not the relevant data point. It’s the deceleration due to the rocky road the economy is traveling.
Sheldon Adelson, who wants to buy the 2016 U.S. election, is one of Benjamin Netanyahu and the Likud Party’s biggest supporters
“Responding to intense criticism, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel abruptly shelved a contentious pilot project introduced this week that prohibited Palestinians returning to the West Bank from riding on the same bus as Israelis.
Opposition politicians had denounced the plan as immoral and racist, and said it smacked of apartheid.
Marco Rubio appears to be the current favorite in Sheldon Adelson’s harem of GOP political prostitutes. Wonder how many neo-con wars he had to sign up to in order to earn such an honor.
Let me end the suspense: Yellen and the FED will NEVER end ZIRP unless/until a full-blown collapse of the dollar is iminent or inflation soars. ZIRP is too central to the rip-off of the 99% to benefit the Fed’s .1% accomplices in the financial sector.
This applies to other countries as well. Raise interest rates and your currency will appreciate, which puts you at a disadvantage as an exporter; and as we all know, everyone (except for the USA) wants to be a net exporter.
Then there is the issue of worldwide sovereign debt. Raise interest rates and defaults will pop up like dandelions in an unkempt lawn.
ZIRP will be the rule until global hyperinflation cannot be staved off.
ZIRP will be the rule until global hyperinflation cannot be staved off.
This appears to have been the rule almost all of the time since the Paul Volcker crushed inflation. Interest rates usually as low as they can be without causing inflation over 2% or 3%.
It’s interest rates that are as low as possible without causing inflation over 3% that have the policy for a long time. Currently, that bring rates close to zero, probably due to the global savings glut.
Comment by Albuquerquedan
2015-05-20 10:35:11
But it was not zero, the reason we did QE is it is very hard to go below zero.
China continues to lock up natural resources while the prices are cheap, it knows where they are headed:
Updated: 2015-05-20 13:59
Brazil’s mining giant Vale, the world’s leading iron ore producer, signed memorandums of understanding (MoUs) Tuesday with the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), the Export-Import Bank of China (China EximBank) and two leading Chinese shipping firms.
According to Vale, the deal with ICBC is for cooperation on global financing arrangements.
Under the terms of the memorandum, ICBC will provide Vale with up to $4 billion in “syndicated loans, bilateral loans, export credit, trade finance, among other potential financing arrangements and services.”
The document was signed by Murilo Ferreira, president and CEO of Vale, and Yi Huiman, president of the ICBC, during Chinese Premier Li Keqiang’s official visit to Brazil. It takes effect immediately for a three-year period.
In addition, Vale signed two three-party MoUs for potential financing and loans with China EximBank and shipping giants China Ocean Shipping Company (Cosco) and China Merchants Group.
Vale said both memorandums call for financing cooperation on iron ore shipping and “define the basis for future cooperation between Vale and its Chinese partners.”
“According to each memorandum, China EximBank will consider providing a loan of up to $1.2 billion to both Cosco and China Merchants respectively to facilitate the two shipping companies’ provision of iron ore shipping services to Vale,” the mining company said.
Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff and Premier Li Keqiang presided over the signing of the agreements, part of many business deals struck between Brazilian and Chinese companies during Li’s visit.
Rousseff and the Chinese premier also announced the Joint Action Plan for the 2015-2021 period, which is expected to expand Brazil-China ties.
China is Brazil’s leading trade partner, with their total trade volume amounting to nearly $87 billion in 2014.
Markets Commodities Commodities Rally Hit by Stronger Dollar U.S. currency’s reversal has battered markets from crude oil, copper and gold to corn
An oil refinery in California. U.S. oil prices were among the hardest-hit commodities Tuesday, hurt as the dollar reversed course and surged the first two days of this week. Photo: LUCY NICHOLSON/REUTERS
By Ira Losebashvili
May 19, 2015 7:29 p.m. ET
Commodity prices tumbled on Tuesday, as a resurgent dollar and concerns about weakness in China’s economy pushed investors out of everything from crude oil to copper and corn.
The S&P GSCI index, which tracks prices of 24 commodities, recorded its biggest one-day drop in more than a month and ended at its lowest since April 28.
Before that, commodities markets, led by a recent rebound in crude oil, staged a surprising two-month rally that had pushed the index to its highs for the year. Driving the gains was a faltering greenback, which many short-term investors took as a signal to scoop up raw materials.
But the dollar has abruptly reversed course in the past two days, battering commodities markets in the latest show of volatility that has kept investors across financial markets on edge in recent weeks. Many investors had been skeptical the commodities rally would last, arguing that supplies were robust and demand was still soft amid economic weakness in Europe and Asia.
“We have come to a pause in the commodities rally,” said George Gero, a senior vice president with RBC Capital Markets Global Futures. “Some people are taking the opportunity now to lock in profits.”
… Oil Prices Extend Longest Decline Since March Stronger dollar a key driver of recent oil market, analysts say
By Nicole Friedman
Updated May 19, 2015 5:47 p.m. ET
Oil prices slumped Tuesday in the latest sign that the recent rally in crude prices may have peaked.
The U.S. oil benchmark has declined for five straight sessions, the longest losing streak since mid-March.
China and its citizens continue to purchase foreign properties and resources at massively inflated prices. China is cornering a market in iron ore that it can’t use once the ghost cities stop being built.
Watch and learn, Comrad Pelosi and the DNC. America under a permanent Democrat Supermajority is headed down the same route as Greece once Other People’s Money starts to run out and the productive get tired of subsidizing the parasites and throw in the towel.
Former Fed official who got fired from the Bush Administration for truth-telling on the true costs of the Iraq war (that neo-con Wolfowitz said would be self-financing) calls out the Fed on ZIRP and its enrichment of the crony capitalist elites.
When reality imposes itself on these Fed-driven markets, it’s going to be epic. Even former Fed officials are calling out Yellen & Co. on their recklessness and slavishness to Wall Street.
Markets Credit Markets U.S. Government Bonds Hit by Surge in Housing Starts Data brightens economic outlook as investors closely watch Fed for rate moves
By Min Zeng
Updated May 19, 2015 3:45 p.m. ET
Construction on an apartment complex in Pittsburgh. A report showing a jump in construction in April came after disappointing readings on retail sales and industrial production.
A surge in a gauge of U.S. housing activities on Tuesday brightened the economic outlook and pushed down prices of ultrasafe Treasury bonds.
Fresh corporate bond sales added to selling pressure in Treasurys, extending the market’s price loss into a second consecutive session.
In late-afternoon trading, the yield on the benchmark 10-year note was 2.262%, compared with 2.228% on Monday. Bond prices fall as their yields rise.
Government debt in the U.S. had strengthened earlier, along with a broad rally in European government bonds. A senior European Central Bank official said the central bank would ramp up bond purchases this month and next to cope with thinner liquidity during the summer time.
The comments from ECB board member Benoît Coeuré reminded investors that the central bank remains a big buyer in the bond market, which may keep a lid on the rise in bond yields that had jumped sharply from record lows over the past few weeks.
In the U.S., housing starts jumped by 20.2% in April, the biggest percentage increase last month since February 1991 and a positive sign for the housing market.
Crude Oil - Electronic (NYMEX) Jun 2015
Market open $57.30 Change -$2.13 -3.58%
Volume 24,691
May 19, 2015, 2:29 p.m.
Previous close $59.43
Day low $57.09
Day high $59.63
Open: $59.54
‘Iraqi troops abandoned dozens of U.S military vehicles, including tanks, armored personnel carriers and artillery pieces when they fled Islamic State fighters in Ramadi on Sunday, the Pentagon said Tuesday.’
‘A Pentagon spokesman, Col. Steve Warren, estimated that a half dozen tanks were abandoned, a similar number of artillery pieces, a larger number of armored personnel carriers and about 100 wheeled vehicles like Humvees. He said some of the vehicles were in working condition; others were not because they had not been moved for months.’
‘This repeats a pattern in which defeated Iraq security forces have, over the past year, left behind U.S.-supplied military equipment, prompting the U.S. to destroy them in subsequent airstrikes against Islamic State forces.’
‘others were not because they had not been moved for months’
That’s probably the humvees. Biggest paperweight in the world.
‘Iraqi troops abandoned dozens of U.S military vehicles, including tanks, armored personnel carriers and artillery pieces when they fled Islamic State fighters in Ramadi on Sunday, the Pentagon said Tuesday.’
Defense contractors hear “Ka-ching!” Maybe that was the whole point….
Rebound in housing starts expected to boost economy
The U.S. housing market has given a sudden jolt to what appeared to be a slumping economy.
Builders broke ground on homes last month at the fastest pace in more than seven years. The stepped-up construction is helping boost sales at stores such as Home Depot and Lowe’s and improving the likelihood that the U.S. economy will accelerate after probably shrinking early this year.
On Tuesday, the government reported a surprising 20.2 percent jump in residential construction to a seasonally adjusted annual pace of 1.14 million. As a result, analysts at Barclays slightly raised their forecast for economic growth in the April-to-June quarter to 2.7 percent from 2.6 percent, and Macroeconomic Advisers boosted its estimate to 2 percent from 1.9 percent.
By region, house and apartment building starts surged last month in the Northeast, Midwest and West, while slipping slightly in the South. All four regions saw increased construction of single-family houses. The sharpest gain by far was in the Northeast, where the pace of construction soared nearly 86 percent.
The rebound in housing has bolstered building-supply stores. Households with homes worth more than $200,000 have seen their property values rise, emboldening them to buy more big-ticket items, Carol Tome, Home Depot’s chief financial officer, said in a conference call with analysts Tuesday.
Home Depot reported that it earned $1.58 billion for the three months ended May 3. That compared with $1.38 billion a year earlier.
Obama frames global warming as national security threat
May 20, 6:03 AM (ET)
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WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama is framing the challenges of climate change as a matter of national security that threatens to aggravate poverty and political instability around the globe and jeopardize the readiness of U.S. forces.
“Make no mistake, it will impact how our military defends our country,” the president says in excerpts of a commencement address prepared for delivery Wednesday at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut. “And so we need to act and we need to act now.”
even better!! He is the POTUS, there is no higher position on the planet!
RJ - what did you do with your time on earth?
(Comments wont nest below this level)
Comment by Albuquerquedan
2015-05-20 12:38:24
He is the POTUS, there is no higher position on the planet!
So was Bush II and liberals had no problem calling even an idiot. I had no trouble attacking him either. We have had a legacy and an affirmative action president the last two times.
Comment by Prime_Is_Contained
2015-05-20 12:55:22
He is the POTUS, there is no higher position on the planet!
Uuhhhhhmmm… False.
The higher position is the one who pulls the strings connected to the POTUS mannequin.
Comment by rj chicago
2015-05-20 14:25:35
That is it - the oligarchs who pull Otrauma’s you know what - Soros, Kristol - who -
Rally might be able to chime in here.
Comment by Califoh20
2015-05-20 18:51:33
We all know by now, Bush is an idiot and people died, it is in the history books now. More harm then good.
Obama - 1 big failure and that is ACA. Done more good then harm.
By the way there Cali - put the pipe down - You have no clue what Otrauma is about until you have the privilege of living in the state from which this two bit community organizer and race baiter emerged from.
You have to live here to believe what this guy is capable of.
Don’t move here you won’t like it.
‘Little, if anything, has been heard from the workers at the Twin Peaks restaurant in Waco, Texas, where a lunch-hour shootout and melee killed nine people and injured more than a dozen Sunday. They may not be talking publicly, but stories of their fear, frustrations and uncertain futures are coming through loud and clear in social media posts.’
‘Alicia, 20, did not respond to Yahoo News’ request for an interview. Since the shooting, waitresses from Twin Peaks — a national chain with mountain lodge décor and female servers in revealing plaid tops, shorts and boots — have fought off jokes while dealing with the all-too-real memories of the deadly rampage.’
“I’ve been biting my tongue and I can’t take it anymore,” Veronica, a waitress, wrote on Facebook. “…everyone is entitled to their opinion, but FOR THE LOVE OF GOD THIS IS NOT ABOUT IF THE GIRLS ARE TRASHY OR NOT!”
Hooters had the trashiest girls. TP not so much. Been to couple of those, I was pleasantly surprised about the girls there. Sure they had enhanced body parts but didn’t have the tattoos and piercing and other general trashiness you saw at the Hooters.
‘We believe that consumer price index statistics from around the world, including the United States, indicate that a deflationary cycle has already started. On a year-over-year basis, 20 of the 40 largest countries report a declining CPI, suggesting that half the world has been deflating for a year.’
‘These countries include France, Germany, and most of the rest of Europe. In the latest reporting month, 30 of the largest 40 countries, including the United States, reported a declining CPI. And few Americans know that our CPI has now declined in six of the last seven months (see graph above).’
‘If we are correct, this pattern of declining prices will expand and accelerate. If it does both, a global and U.S. deflation cycle will be confirmed, and we believe the Fed will pull back from its interest rate plans. We should know by this summer.’
A Ponzi-like variation on the “submit an essay” hoax, in Houston:
“A complete offer has two parts: Filling out the form at the link and submitting a $150 offer fee. We cannot review offers without the offer fee. ”
“Each submitted offer must include a 200 word (or less) essay about why you would like to buy our home. Essays must not have identifying information—such as names—contained within. All essays are looked at anonymously by the owners of the property in order to remain impartial.”
They’re not making any more offers like this one. You have until 13 June to send your money and essay in!.
The potential market is massive. In January, the Hurun Chinese Luxury Consumer Survey — a Web site that tracks the lifestyles and attitudes of its wealthiest citizens — said that some 64 percent of main land Chinese households with personal wealth of at least $1.6 million had emigrated, or planned to do so, with the United States being their favored destination.
Two million Chinese will be worth more than $1.6 million (not including their homes) by 2020, according to Credit Suisse’s 2013 wealth report, and there are hundreds of thousands more in Hong Kong.
Another house behind me, 2300SF 3BR, asking $749K, just went pending in four days, for at least $40K over asking.
This area is still crazy hot, despite what your zillovo data shows . . .
The Chinese will be investing in Bellevue for some time, now that it has reached critical (racial) mass and is still much cheaper than Vancouver BC or SFO.
(Comments wont nest below this level)
Comment by Housing Analyst
2015-05-21 03:42:15
Refute the data. Prove your assertion.
You can’t do either.
Comment by Prime_Is_Contained
2015-05-21 10:53:02
How about this theory: list price is down 11% YoY, primarily because people are listing smaller houses. Turns out that the SIZE of houses listed has CRATERED 17% YoY!! It has plunged from 2440 sq-ft a year ago all the way down to 2030 sq-ft today.
It’s real data, right there on the link that HA provided; HA just likes to ignore the big picture and imply that some cherry-picked data-point means something that it doesn’t.
Comment by Prime_Is_Contained
2015-05-21 11:01:02
p.s. For a better comparison that is not so noisy due to mix-shift, consider that Median $/Sq. Ft is up very slightly YoY, to $339/Sq. Ft from $338/Sq. Ft a year earlier. Quite a CRATER!!
Comment by Housing Analyst
2015-05-21 20:42:47
You need to refute it.
Comment by Prime_Is_Contained
2015-05-22 14:21:12
I’m not refuting anything; I’m referencing the data-source that YOU selected. Deal with it. That’s just the data. You apparently don’t like the data.
Get out your checkbooks, middle class taxpayers: after billions in Federal loan guarantees to shady for-profit universities (but follow the money to see where their political donations went), Free Sh*tters who graduated from this rip-off schools with useless degrees have decided they shouldn’t have to pay back their student loans.
The Obama-Boehner-McConnell ‘Fast Track’ to a Poorer America
by Terence P. Jeffrey | CNS News | May 20, 2015
President Barack Obama is negotiating a multilateral trade agreement with the governments of 11 nations. These include Malaysia and Vietnam — as well as Japan, Brunei, Australia, Singapore, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico, Chile and Peru. This so-called Trans-Pacific Partnership would govern most of the commercial relations between the nations that sign it.
“With over 20 chapters under negotiation,” explains a Congressional Research Service report published in March, “the TPP partners envision the agreement to be ‘comprehensive and high-standard,’ in that they seek to eliminate tariffs and nontariff barriers to trade in goods, services, and agriculture, and to establish or expand rules on a wide range of issues including intellectual property rights, foreign direct investment and other trade-related issues.”
The Obama administration has granted the draft of this massive deal more secrecy than a Hillary Clinton email. Documents related to it are classified, and members of Congress can review them in a secured room.
When 95% of the electorate bend over and let the .1% screw them every election, they pretty much have a free hand to order their water carriers to do whatever they need them to do to maximize profits. It’s not like the sheeple are going to suddenly stop being docile and stupid.
The 1986 Chernobyl disaster in Ukraine remains one of the worst nuclear incidents in history and highlighted the risks of generating power by splitting atoms. But it’s not the only nuclear waste the Soviet Union left behind. Scattered across the ocean floor in the cold waters of the Arctic are nuclear submarines and reactors dumped by the Soviets up until the early 1990s.
Now, as energy companies are seeking to drill in those same waters, the Russian government has shown an interest in cleaning up its nuclear waste. But after decades of sitting on the ocean floor, some of the most dangerous pieces may be too unstable to remove, leaving the potential for radioactive material to leak, which could disrupt commercial fisheries and destroy aquatic ecosystems.
I visited Kiev in 1987; probably ate a fair amount of stuff that glowed, so I’m not worried - I’m immune!
25K feet deep in the ocean is probably one of the best places on earth for old nuclear reactor cores. It doesn’t say that they dumped the fuel with them, and that’s what you really have to worry about. The cores themselves aren’t that hot - they bury all kinds of old naval reactor cores out in the desert in eastern WA.
Wow! These guys are serious about fishing regulation!!
Indonesia sinks 41 illegal fishing boats, including one from China
The Indonesian Navy destroys foreign fishing vessels caught fishing illegally in waters near North Sulawesi yesterday.
Published: 4:16 AM, May 21, 2015
(Page 1 of 2) - NEXT PAGE | SINGLE PAGE
JAKARTA — Indonesia yesterday sank a large Chinese vessel as well as 40 other foreign boats that had been caught fishing illegally in the country’s waters, a move likely to spark a strong reaction from Beijing and other regional capitals.
The 300 gross tonne Chinese vessel was destroyed with a low-explosive device on its hull in West Kalimantan, said Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti.
“This is not a show of force. This is just merely (us) enforcing our laws,” Ms Susi was quoted as saying by The Jakarta Post.
Elizabeth “Fauxahontus” Warren, who the MSM would have us believe is a champion of the middle class (like Hillary) and scourge of Wall Street, is a bit coy about her own borrowing habits.
Name:Ben Jones Location:Northern Arizona, United States To donate by mail, or to otherwise contact this blogger, please send emails to: thehousingbubble@gmail.com
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Barack Hussein Obama
Coworker’s daughter just took a job in Palo Alto. Looking for an apartment in Redwood City. She’s moving from SW PA. The lulz are amazing!
bring a tent and live in the redwoods and save up a big down payment!
“bring a tent and live in the redwoods and save up a big down payment!”
Live in the redwoods - or live in one redwood - just like Butterfly did.
“Julia Lorraine Hill (known as Julia “Butterfly” Hill, born February 18, 1974) is an American environmental activist and tax redirection advocate. She is best known for having lived in a 180-foot (55 m)-tall, roughly 1500-year-old California Redwood tree (age based on first-hand ring count of a slightly smaller neighboring ancient redwood that had been cut down) for 738 days between December 10, 1997 and December 18, 1999. Hill lived in the tree, affectionately known as “Luna”, to prevent Pacific Lumber Company loggers from cutting it down. She is the author of the book The Legacy of Luna and co-author of One Makes the Difference. She is a vegan.”
Is that the word root of lunatic?
we needs more Luna’s! I’ll take a Luna over a toothless, fat meth-addict Texan any day.
fat meth-addict
You do not find many of those, now toothless is common.
you are right, I presumed even the meth addicts are “bigger” in TX.
Looking at the realty listings I saw a lot that was going for 69K
“Retreat in the Redwoods. This appears to be a paper lot in the Redwood Park Subdivision created in the early 1900s. The lot is zoned RM (Resource Management). It is close by the Purisima Creek Redwood Open Space Preserve. This is a great investment in nature.”
I was going to email the realtor and ask if I could put a tent up on it!
lost of jobs in the Silicon Valley. But people are not excited about having to have roommates while making $75k. HB 1 Indians like it though.
She will move back after a few years. Only foreigners stay in CA.
Might be sooner than a couple of years.
The job is at a 3 or 4 year old web company that offers online inventory management to a certain segment of industry. In order to generate cashflow, the company charges suppliers a fee to have their products advertised to the site users.
A couple of issues:
1) If I am a manager in the segment the site serves, I want my inventory handled locally. I want it secured locally. I want it backed up locally.
2) Better hope those suppliers make some good money off of your site or they won’t be paying you for access for very long.
“Coworker’s daughter just took a job in Palo Alto.”
She’d love having a bicycle there with all the urban bike trails and the great weather. Hope she’s able to settle down there.
Bikes rule in the bay area. Public transit and driving are a joke.
Article for 2brony
Related article from William Kristol’s Weekly Standard
What the Fed hath wrought: San Francisco’s insane housing bubble.
I just don’t get the ridiculous prices down there. Makes no sense at all.
We sure went back to the well of higher asset prices fast.
And everyone’s got amnesia about what a bad thing it was said to be only a few short years ago.
For example, Oxide was on here bleating a day or two ago about how sure the standards have been loosened and the loans are all 5 percent or less down, but not interest only stated income for strawberry pickers. So it really is just fine.
The reality is just because you don’t read about strawberry pickers and the excesses of the immediate past in the papers doesn’t mean that same stuff and worse isn’t going on. If you don’t work at a lender or the like you really have no idea what is going on.
Nothing more entertaining than a few honks from the SpaceDonk.
For example, Oxide was on here bleating a day or two ago about how sure the standards have been loosened and the loans are all 5 percent or less down, but not interest only stated income for strawberry pickers. So it really is just fine.
What everyone seems to forget is that Prime loans (e.g. documented income) went bad at numbers way higher than Alt-A and Subprime. Just cause they were/are really A-rated doesn’t mean they won’t walk away when their investment has clearly gone south. Heck, with all of the moral hazard instruction from the Fed, they might well go south at much HIGHER rates the next time around—after all, there is no downside, right?
History usually doesn’t repeat, but it does rhyme.
There are a number of things that so far, are different this time–the two big ones.
1. A lot less construction than the bubble years–especially for-sale product;
2. While there are low down payment loans available, no-doc and Option ARMs are still nowhere to be seen;
#1 and #2 combined led to lots of people buying homes as investments with money they had no dream of repaying. That was a big source of the distress that caused a lot of the wreckage.
Without #1 and #2, this cycle will look a lot less like the prior one, and a lot more like cycles experienced before.
#1 and #2 combined led to lots of people buying homes as investments with money they had no dream of repaying.
#1 and #2 fail entirely to explain why so many LLs were deciding not to pay their mortgages while still pocketing the rent money. It wasn’t that they couldn’t afford to pay the mortgage—after all, they had the rental income available to pay it with! They chose not to, because their “investment” was no longer performing in terms of asset price appreciation.
“They chose not to, because their “investment” was no longer performing in terms of asset price appreciation.”
If asset prices were flat, or slightly down, most would have continued to pay.
They chose not to pay because they were SO FAR underwater that they couldn’t see how they would ever be above water again.
#1 plus #2 combined to give us much higher prices than today and a much greater number of empty houses, which led to the formation and popping of the bubble. People walking away once they were 25-50% underwater was a byproduct.
If you look at the Case Shiller values over time nationally, you’ll see that this price peak looks a lot like a more traditional cycle, but with a lot less homebuilding.
There is no reason to build anymore more houses given housing demand is at 20 year low and 25 million excess empty and defaulted houses out ther.
the EB-5 program (BUSH2)
This fraud-ridden scheme was created under an obscure section of the 1990 Immigration Act, signed by Bush’s father. Known as the EB-5 law, it allows wealthy foreigners to purchase green cards by investing between $500,000 and $1 million into new commercial enterprises or troubled businesses. After two years, foreign investors, their spouses, and children all receive permanent resident status – which allows them to contribute to U.S. political campaigns and provides a speedy gateway to citizenship.
A buyout is already underway. In 2013, Chinese buyers snapped up $11 billion worth of properties in the United States, capturing second place (at 12 percent of all foreign buying) behind Canadians for the first time, according to the National Association of Realtors’ Profile of International Home Buying Activity.
We almost invested alongside EB-5 money. It required a certain number of jobs to be created, and for the immigrants to get permanent status (unrevokeable), the jobs needed to be over a 5-year period. After 2 years they can come here, but in order to stay, all the metrics needed to be met.
Too much red tape. We passed.
BTW, just buying a home doesn’t qualify. EB-5 requires that you invest in some sort of ongoing operation, which is why EB-5 is popular with hotels, etc.
Another slap-on-the-wrist fine for yet another bank caught rigging the FOREX market. Some animals are more equal than others.
Explain this away, AB Dan.
Solar is not competitive and when the subsidies start to dry up the companies die.
P.S. Do you think I would be surprised by a 50% fall in say Tesla? Yes, the Chinese have momentum stocks too.
From Fitch:
Um, yeah. And the rigged and manipulated Chinese stock market is an even bigger Ponzi than our own.
Meanwhile while we talk about China we ignore the places that are really collapsing much closer to home, Illinois and Puerto Rico.
Oh, the humanity! What’s the best way to become a Chinese millionaire? Start off as a billionaire!
From Ben’s article:
“‘Before today’s decline, the stock had surged more than sixfold in the past year despite questions from analysts and investors about the company’s revenue sources.”
Look with momentum investing you ignore warnings and analysts you buy because it is going up, it is not like the system was not working and people had no idea this was going to happen. People that did due diligence avoided this stock, I cannot feel too bad for the people that did not. Some of these idiots may even had made money since it went up six times if they sold even half their shares on the way up they probably did well.
The article says the crap the company makes doesn’t work.
Since when does it matter if the products work?
Social engineering cares not.
‘The decline of Hanergy Thin Film Solar Group Ltd. was as spectacular and inexplicable as its ascent.’
‘Just 24 minutes of Hong Kong trading erased $18.6 billion of market value and wiped out almost four months of gains that made it more valuable than Sony Corp. of Japan. Those increases came as analysts and investors questioned why, exactly, this stock was increasing in the first place.’
‘Before today’s decline, the stock had surged more than sixfold in the past year despite questions from analysts and investors about the company’s revenue sources. About 61 percent of Hanergy Thin Film’s sales come from Beijing-based parent Hanergy Holding Group, the listed company said in March.’
‘Li, the chairman, owns more than half of Hanergy Thin Film and has been outspoken in defending the company. He says critics fail to understand his strategy and the potential of the thin-film market.’
“Hanergy is very cautious in thin-film investment,” Li said earlier this year during a brief interview in Beijing. “Outsiders said Hanergy’s investment is a bet, but I am absolutely not gambling.”
More valuable than Sony? I heard the other day Uber’s “value” went from $10 billion to $50 billion based on a private funding round.
‘Those increases came as analysts and investors questioned why, exactly, this stock was increasing in the first place.’
Soon to become one of the most oft-repeated statements in the history of mankind…
Solar is not competitive and when the subsidies start to dry up the companies die.
I saw somewhere that the price of solar panels is dropping by 10% a year now. You’re going to have to stop making this statement at some point.
The biggest credit expansion in history resulted in excess and waste. Lots of things are going on sale as the debts and surplus are wrung out. Spend that saved cash very carefully.
Yes, at some point but not this year.
But why are solar prices dropping? We have no real idea why if the panels are made in China. There is no way to know what the REAL cost of making those panels is.
Same deal when you go into a Walmart and see a pair of shoes for $7. There is no way that you can make that pair of shoes anywhere in the world for $7. So how can they be priced as such?
Consider that the panels are made in plants with zero environmental, safety, and health standards. How is that sustainable? And if they (like we have) eventually do clean up their act, what will this do to the cost of production?
China’s industries are getting to the point where they have to start dumping their products on the world market just to keep up cash flow. This will lead to cheaper prices for a while. But eventually all the debt they’ve accumulated is going to catch up with them.
There is no way that you can make that pair of shoes anywhere in the world for $7. So how can they be priced as such?
Sure you can, by making use of slave labor and similar “competitive advantages”.
Consider that the panels are made in plants with zero environmental, safety, and health standards.
That may explain why the prices are low, but not why they continue to fall.
I think it like so many things in this global bubble boom. Demand was projected to go up to infinity and capacity to produce followed. Excess capacity isn’t taken offline until everyone literally chokes on the production.
It’s also possible that some of that money was spent on R & D or factory automation.
Well sure, but if most of the players were on the skim, it is a very inefficient way of funding research.
“Solar is not competitive and when the subsidies start to dry up the companies die.”
Talking about subsidies for solar, it’s funny how you never mention how the fossil fuel industries are suckling at the public teet:
Garbage numbers if you look how much fossil fuels pay in net taxes what they call subsidies is a joke.
Only if you believe AGW scam numbers is this number even remotely viable.
NASA keeps having to back track. Actually, we probably owe the fossil fuel industries much more in “subsidies” since the increased co2 levels have increased crop and timber yields throughout the world.
I sequestered a Ribeye steak yesterday. I hope this helps.
Can’t hurt, you save the world from bovine farts.
Because if you’re going to rally the base, you shouldn’t be half-assed about it
World Net Daily - Glenn Beck: ‘Prepare For All-Out War’
No “smaller government” or “lower taxes” happening here, LOLZ
I think Glenn Beck would have been much better in the role played by Ned Beatty in “Deliverance.”
He definitely has a better boo boo face than Ned.
The war on cash is really a war on freedom. Still the sheeple graze on.
That war has been going on for a decade. Credit card marketers worked very hard to break into the under-$20 transaction market and finally succeeded. I don’t see any CC minimums now.
They know full well that if you’re swiping instead of counting out change, you’ll be less money-conscious.
The misadventures of HillaryJeb continue. If 95% of the electorate weren’t morons, this a$$hat would have zero chance of ending up in the White House.
Your HillaryJeb bumber stickers are in, sheeple.
I sent an email to Hrod17@clintonemail.com asking for mine, but it hasn’t shown up yet.
Southern Europeans are getting restive under bankster-imposed austerity. How long before the Greek contagion spreads to the other PIIGS?
American Exceptionalism
“One-quarter of people with healthcare coverage are paying so much for deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses that they are considered underinsured, according to a new study.
An estimated 31 million insured people are not adequately protected against high medical costs, a figure that has doubled since 2003, according to the 2014 national health insurance survey by the Commonwealth Fund.
The survey found that millions of people are paying into healthcare but are largely unable to reap the benefits./I>
Sounds like NAR affordability math though. Redefine the problem to suit your agenda. Fix the glitch.
Paying a $5000 deductible is indeed “exceptional”. No one, except for us, pays such deductibles.
Ever Italy has a better system then the USA. They pay less for more.
The ACA is a joke on us written by the big insurance co’s. All it did is add more customers for Blue Cross and raise prices.
I am the fat finger typo king. sorry
Not even close. That is my title.
yea just look at health care stocks
“One-quarter of people with healthcare coverage are paying so much for deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses that they are considered underinsured, according to a new study.”
Ding! Ding! Ding! Someone somewhere deserves a cookie. (Perhaps that person is me since I’ve been writing about how ObamaCare would be a massive hit to tens of millions of people’s wallets).
A double and tripling of deductibles - and after a doubling or tripling in monthly premiums. Such a deal!
Gee. One wonders why the WalMarts of the world are seeing poor results.
But hey, as long as it isn’t me that suffers under ObamaCare, it’s not going to matter. Right? Right.
HD plans were becoming the norm before the ACA was passed. I’ve actually turned down job offers before ACA because the only health plan they offered was a crappy HD plan with a big azz deductible.
But hey, as long as it isn’t me that suffers (say because of preexisting conditions or because I’m a lucky ducky who can’t afford insurance) after ObamaCare is repealed, it’s not going to matter. Right? Right.
I say repeal Obamacare and let’s go back to the old status quo, with it’s annual 10%+ premium increases, growing deductibles, denied coverage, etc. Eventually, it will collapse under it’s own weight. Then we can start all over and do it right.
‘I say repeal Obamacare’
Don’t say that two more times. It’s rios beetle-juice.
Ronald Reagan was a saint.
Do it right? As in what? More government and less freedom?
How about we start with tort reform?
I know, silly me. To think that lessening the impact of what is counter-productive, counter-wealth is anything more than asinine…
Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose.
How about we start with tort reform?
We can start with a lot of things, which will be easier to do once the current system collapses. Otherwise every single special interest group will fight tooth and nail to keep their snout in the the trough.
Do it right? As in what? More government and less freedom?
My European relatives NEVER worry about how to pay for their healthcare, whereas I always wonder how much it’s going to cost me.
Here’s a “for instance”: I just went to see a specialist because I thought I might have acid reflux. In addition to the $30 copay (which my European relatives don’t pay) I was informed that there is an extra “fee” for the procedure where he stuck a fibre optic thing down my nose to examine my throat. That will be subject to my $400 deductible and 10% “co-insurance”. So I will be paying a few hundred bucks for that, no doubt. Being aware that I was going to have to crack my wallet open, and wide, I debated whether or not to have it done. Since I can afford it, I had it done. And I do have acid reflux.
So tell me, who is more “free”?
Yeah, I figured you’d be all-in where single payer is concerned.
You mean like Medicare and Medicaid? How are those working out? What were the projections for Medicare back in 1967 and what are the real costs now?
You mean like Sweden? You might want to read up on what’s happening in Sweden nowadays. People there are pretty upset about their financial futures. The natives are leaving.
You mean like Greece? Like Brazil? Like South Africa? Americans aren’t going to be screaming, “Fix it with a government plan!” Obamacare torpedoed that prospect, too.
The window for single-payer has already passed. Millennials are turning 30 in large numbers now…old enough to have experienced firsthand what government programs do.
It’s no argument against Medicare to talk about budget projections. Or Social Security for that matter. As I’ve said before, anyone who’s against slightly raising taxes on the 1% in order to fully fund those programs deserves to live on cat food after retiring.
Medicare already had the cap removed and it was suppose to keep Medicare from going bankrupt but guess what it did not. Social Security needs to take into consideration that people are living longer and adjust retirement ages accordingly, of course any fair compromise does include more taxes on the 1% but alone it is not enough. They will reduce their pay and take stock options if you try to put all the burden on them.
Yeah, I figured you’d be all-in where single payer is concerned.
How much are you paying for your private sector, for profit health insurance?
When I told an Irish colleague (same company where I work) that our insurance costs $18,000 a year, he thought I was joking. He told us that the combined healthcare tax (employee and employer shares) over there (for a family) is 3000 Euros per year. I love telling Euros how much my insurance costs, it’s fun watching their eyes pop out of their heads.
But yeah, our system works so well, why change it? My employer paying the lion’s share of of the $18,000 that my plan costs has to be a competitive advantage, right? We’ll be even more competitive when it cost $28,000
Medicare already had the cap removed and it was suppose to keep Medicare from going bankrupt but guess what it did not
The cost of private health insurance has also rising rapidly. And MacBeth, please provide us with a link about people leaving Sweden.
that our insurance costs $18,000 a year,’
that’s about right for the company’s share, I pay another 5K but hey its pre tax.
scary expensive
I say repeal Obamacare and let’s go back to the old status quo, with it’s annual 10%+ premium increases, growing deductibles, denied coverage, etc. Eventually, it will collapse under it’s own weight.
This problem was identified decades ago, long before any of us heard of Barack Obama. You’d probably be on Medicare before any collapse happens.
You’d probably be on Medicare before any collapse happens.
Agreed, but because of our American Exceptionalism, there is no other way to accomplish true reform.
And it doesn’t have to be a total collapse. All it will take is for Medicare to become insolvent. We just need to reach the point where only the wealthy or those with “Cadillac” insurance plans will be able to afford healthcare.
“We just need to reach the point where only the wealthy or those with “Cadillac” insurance plans will be able to afford healthcare.”
Like you.
In other words, you have yours and you think you’re smart enough to tell the ‘have-nots” what to do - like allow themselves to be sucked into a single-payer system,
Does that system also mean that all Cadillac plans (such as yours) would disappear? Does that mean you, yourself, are willing to subject you and yours to socialized medicine? Forever?
If so, why are you in a Cadillac plan now?
Why aren’t you in ObamaCare right now? (I mean, if you’re in favor of single-payer, you would willingly subject yourself to ObamaCare to hasten introduction of socialized medicine. Apparently, it’s good enough for you that others suffer for the cause, but not you.)
Because it sucks?
Because it’s beneath you?
‘Medicaid enrollment under Obamacare is skyrocketing past expectations, giving some GOP governors who oppose the program’s expansion under the health law an “I told you so” moment.’
‘More than 12 million people have signed up for Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act since January 2014, and in some states that embraced that piece of the law, enrollment is hundreds of thousands beyond initial projections. Seven states have seen particularly big surges, with their overruns totaling nearly 1.4 million low-income adults.’
‘The federal government is picking up 100 percent of the expansion costs through 2016, and then will gradually cut back to 90 percent. But some conservatives say the costs that will fall on the states are just too big a burden, and they see vindication in the signup numbers, proof that costs will be more than projected as they have warned all along.’
In other words, you have yours and you think you’re smart enough to tell the ‘have-nots” what to do - like allow themselves to be sucked into a single-payer system
I want them to have insurance so that when they wind up in the hospital that you and I WON’T have to pay their bill.
As I said before, let’s repeal it. And I’m not being facetious. Obamacare sucks, it’s a bad solution. Let’s go back to the status quo and wait for it to collapse, then start over.
I does make me proud as an American that we are the only first world country where people worry about how to pay their medical bills medical expenses can bankrupt most citizens. I don’t have to worry because I have kick azz insurance.
The answer, MacBeth, is that he has insurance provided by his employer. If it’s very good insurance, that means that a large portion of his total compensation is not taxed. Many Americans have jobs with no insurance at all and have to pay taxes on all of their compensation. This is one way that some taxpayers pay for the insurance of other Americans.
The prices that hospitals can charge for even basic procedures is taking a bigger and bigger chunk out of our economy, and is probably the main reason that insurance is so expensive. But that’s what happens when what should be a social service is treated as a “free market.” The government can negotiate cheaper prices, but patients can’t.
All we have to do is
1. Cut out the middle man- 25% of insurance money goes for management CEO pay of 100,000,000 a year, financial management, advertising, marketing, dividends, etc. That’s a massive amount of money.
2. Allow medicare or national equivalent the ability to negotiate for lower costs on drugs. They push down doctors wages my brother makes less every year per procedure, but medicare prescription drug plan forbids medicare from negotiating lower prices. All part of the centralize wealth movement that is going on the globe over.
We are moving toward a system that is worse than either completely private pay or single party payer and that’s a system that privatizes the gains and socializes the losses. Most of those Medicare Medicaid folk are getting moved to plans managed not by the state but by for profit insurance companies. Despite the fact that they cost more (Medicare Advantage plans cost 10-15% more then Medicare)
And Walmart and retailers wonder where all their customers are going. We’re all going to be equivalent to Walmart employees in another generation. Good luck getting a business going with no middle class and entrenched oligopolies that control the government.
I should point out that the other gem of Obamacare is the tax on Cadillac plans - This of course hits upper middle income earners but certainly does not affect the elite. Tax policy is aimed at milking the last group of people with money that aren’t politically connected.
Agree with that point. The .1% wants to throw the rest of the 1% under the bus. Since the future competition for billionaires is millionaires, it actually works in their favor.
tax on Cadillac plans
The very name that everyone uses for good health coverage offends the bejeezus out of me. Cadillac is a brand long associated with luxurious pampering—a soft, gentle ride, generously appointed with high-end features and trim. The last two companies that I have worked for both decreased the quality of their health coverage in order to avoid this forthcoming “Cadillac tax”.
Since when is having decent health coverage considered a luxury good??
Agree 100%
It’s all marketing, they want the masses to believe that they are sticking it to the elite, but in reality they are sticking it to engineers, scientists, mid level businessmen, skilled craftsman, and a lot of other middle and upper middle class Americans.
Precisely. But the vast majority of people don’t realize that by controlling the language used in the debate, they are controlling the debate itself. Every time someone hears “Cadillac tax”, that false impression that they are sticking it to the elites is reinforced.
There is a word for this: propaganda. Welcome to 1984.
It’s almost as if this legislation was written by the insurance industry and signed by people who neither read nor understood it!
Marketwatch dot com
Need to Know
Why it might pay to listen to a Fed old timer’s tantrum warning
By Barbara Kollmeyer
Published: May 20, 2015 8:11 a.m. ET
Critical information ahead of the market’s open
Lucasfilm Ltd./Courtesy Everett/Everett Collection
Wise guys?
Unless the name is Ben Bernanke or Alan Greenspan, ex-Fed guys don’t always grab your attention.
But Lawrence Lindsey, who was at the Fed in the 1990s, made a few people sit up and take notice after firing off some spicy comments at a panel discussion yesterday. He blasted away at the current Fed, saying it’s pushing its luck when it comes to normalizing interest rates. And rates at zero, with unemployment at 5.4%? Madness!
“At some point we’re going to get a series of bad numbers, showing a little higher inflation, and the market is going to say, ‘My god, we’re so far behind the curve’ and force an adjustment that is going to be wrenching,” Lindsey said.
Wolf Richter on his Wolf Street blog points out that this is the same Lindsey who, as George W. Bush’s economic adviser, said out loud that an Iraq invasion could cost more than expected. He got fired for predicting a $200 billion price tag, which turned out to be too low by a factor of at least 10, says Richter.
Fast-forward to present, and Lindsey predicts a taper tantrum that’s a “seven or eight” on a scale of one to 10 (10 being the worst). How much is he underestimating now? “Maybe we’re better off not knowing the answer,” says Richter.
Ignore Fed old timers at your peril!
Why it may pay to heed Fed old timer’s tantrum warning
Heed Japan’s history.
The FED needs people on the FENCE, so that it can move markets with speeches instead of action.
It’s deflation all the way down until they start pumping money into the middle class and that will involve government spending on projects.
See Walmart and other recent Retail sales data.
Seriously rising rates would crush housing, retail, global demand, and the gov ability to pay it’s debt. It’s not going to happen anytime soon.
Everyone at the Fed knows that rising rates would crush demand.
So why all the nonstop jawboning about rising rates? Do they think anyone who is paying attention is stupid enough to buy into the deception?
“The median forecasts in Bloomberg surveys for industrial production, fixed-assets investment and retail sales have all overshot the reality so far in 2015.”
“In some cases — such as industrial output in March or investment in April — the reported figure was weaker than every survey estimate.”
Funny the Chinese data is only considered accurate on this board when it is bearish. April was a very weak month which caused the government to cut both interest rates and tweak fiscal policy to generate more growth. They will continue to do it until they get the results that they want. If they were just faking it they would not have to do anything. But it is impossible to deviate from world norms for reporting without being called out so they don’t just fake it. They report the way every other country reports and since governments set the standards they all show more growth and less inflation then reality but 7% growth means the same thing in China as here and the same thing as ten years ago and China is well on their way to meeting that goal and they exceeded it last year.
‘Chinese data is only considered accurate on this board when it is bearish’
China, oil.
How can you have any pudding if you won’t eat your crow?
Oil is in the 60s and China has already grown in 2014 over 7% and is at about a 7% number this year, I think the people predicting oil in the twenties and a collapse in China that should be eating the crow right now.
On a day when these brainiacs lost $19 billion in 24 minutes!
On a day when the EIA showed that storage of oil is falling and the yoy increase in oil production has gone from being up 1.2 million to being up just over 800,000 barrels a lost of 400,000 barrels in just two months. The Saudis are killing shale oil just like I predicted while many on this board said the shale oil industry could produce with oil in the twenties.
On a day when these brainiacs lost $19 billion in 24 minutes!
Sounds like one person lost most of it, and he was responsible for inflating the stock in the first place.
Dan, China is collapsing, in the case of many data points well below even the lowest estimates. It is what it is.
As for oil, we are down 40% YoY. Sure, the DXY is up almost 20% YoY, so we can explain away part of the move on the strength of the currency in which it is priced…but we are left with more than half of the move that needs to be explained another way.
This leads to the next discussion. Nothing sways oil prices like geopolitical risk. The world’s two top oil producing nations, Saudi Arabia and Russia, have spent the last year moving at breakneck speed down the line from ally to foe. The former is now in the market for enriched uranium and the latter is more at odds with every western power than any time in the last 25 years. Throw on top of that an entire region experiencing seismic shifts in power and you see geopolitical risk is at a decade’s high.
Why then, Danny boy, is oil still so relatively inexpensive? It isn’t complex. There is no engine of global growth anywhere, most especially not in that economic miracle you call China.
Why then, Danny boy, is oil still so relatively inexpensive? It isn’t complex.
Because the Saudis are working to keep it down with the help of the U.S. Obama to punish Russia and the Saudis to punish both Iran and Russia and to crush the shale oil producers. The demand figures are increasing by a 100,000 barrels a day a month hardly a collapse in demand by China since at a third of that increased demand is coming from China.
The funny thing is, I kind of agree with much of your thesis on this one. That was the initial intent in my eyes as well. But moving forward, we should not see any further material price gains…I suppose this is where our theses diverge. Stockpiles aren’t being depleted for any reason outside of the fact that it is just too darn expensive to store the stuff. There will be no long term increase in demand. Price will be sticky in the $50-$70 range for a long while, until at least geopolitical concerns or currency fluctuations give price a reason to recenter. None of this, however, changes the fact that what was previously $100 is now $60.
Big oil spill in Santa Barbara yesterday. 21000 gls into the ocean.
‘The Saudis are killing shale oil just like I predicted’
You said the Saudi’s were running out of oil.
You said the Saudi’s were running out of oil.
They are, horizontal drilling and production from fields that they mothballed years ago can hide the decline for a few years but “Twilight in the Desert” was correct.
It makes perfect economic sense to knock down shale oil in the short term if you believe that you will have declining production very soon. If you actually believe you have a long life, it actually does not make sense to knock down shale oil since it will eventually recover. Combine that with the political needs to hurt Iran and Russia, it makes perfect sense for the Saudis to do what they are doing.
“…braniacs lost $19 billion in 24 minutes…”
Hard broiled crow for dinner again!
A 24-Minute, $19 Billion Wipeout Threatens a Chinese Company’s Solar Dream
A disastrous day
10:31 AM PST
May 20, 2015
Where’s Li Hejun?
That’s the question many were asking when the founder, chairman and principal owner of Hanergy Thin Film Power Group Ltd. failed to show up at his company’s annual meeting Wednesday — the same day the company’s stock price tanked 47 percent, wiping out $19 billion in market value in 24 minutes.
Li’s absence was all the more noteworthy because over the past year he has tirelessly championed his vision of a new era of mobile energy: thin, flexible solar cells. They would soon, he promised, be plastered on just about everything: cars, backpacks, phones, tents, satellites, flashlights, buildings, lamps, drones and clothing.
Under his stewardship, the company’s stock had surged more than sixfold in the past year, making it the world’s most valuable solar company worth more than HK$300 billion ($38.7 billion). That’s larger than Sony Corp. and seven times the size of First Solar Inc., the biggest U.S. solar manufacturer.
Then on Wednesday, trading was suspended after the shares spectacularly plunged amid speculation of market manipulation and questions about the viability of the company’s core technology.
“Funny the Chinese data is only considered accurate on this board when it is bearish.”
It could be in part due to your constant pimping of the bullish data from propaganda outlets.
China, copper.
The debt expansion in China has cost the rest of the world dearly in the prices of everything. Seeing a reversal of that pustule of waste is very positive, except to parasitic speculators.
Bingo. They ‘pulled forward’ demand by a decade or so, and now we’ve got to unwind all of that.
Look at what scrap steel rates have plummeted to. My friend lives on 5 acres of junk. Up until a few months ago, scrappers were out there every night. Now, they don’t even bother.
China. Collapsing demand, back to nominal levels. It’s like when you go 100mph in your car for awhile - when you back off to 60, it feels like you are going really, really slow.
It’s like when you go 100mph in your car for awhile - when you back off to 60, it feels like you are going really, really slow.
But it is an allusion 60 is really fast when the rest of the cars around you are going 20. Compare China’s present growth rate to the rest of the world they are moving fast.
China is more like a water bottle rocket. You pump it up with a tremendous charge of debt and let ‘er rip. Goes up really fast and then…
“Compare China’s present growth rate to…”
The present growth rate is not the relevant data point. It’s the deceleration due to the rocky road the economy is traveling.
Sheldon Adelson, who wants to buy the 2016 U.S. election, is one of Benjamin Netanyahu and the Likud Party’s biggest supporters
“Responding to intense criticism, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel abruptly shelved a contentious pilot project introduced this week that prohibited Palestinians returning to the West Bank from riding on the same bus as Israelis.
Opposition politicians had denounced the plan as immoral and racist, and said it smacked of apartheid.
Marco Rubio appears to be the current favorite in Sheldon Adelson’s harem of GOP political prostitutes. Wonder how many neo-con wars he had to sign up to in order to earn such an honor.
Rubio backed McCain I promoting scamnesty nuff said.
Isn’t Adelson famously outspoken as Pro-Choice?
Ignoring the rest of his positions on policy, doesn’t that one thing make him quite a bit different than the rest?
Let me end the suspense: Yellen and the FED will NEVER end ZIRP unless/until a full-blown collapse of the dollar is iminent or inflation soars. ZIRP is too central to the rip-off of the 99% to benefit the Fed’s .1% accomplices in the financial sector.
This applies to other countries as well. Raise interest rates and your currency will appreciate, which puts you at a disadvantage as an exporter; and as we all know, everyone (except for the USA) wants to be a net exporter.
Then there is the issue of worldwide sovereign debt. Raise interest rates and defaults will pop up like dandelions in an unkempt lawn.
ZIRP will be the rule until global hyperinflation cannot be staved off.
ZIRP will be the rule until global hyperinflation cannot be staved off.
This appears to have been the rule almost all of the time since the Paul Volcker crushed inflation. Interest rates usually as low as they can be without causing inflation over 2% or 3%.
ZIRP since Volker? Huh?
Huh, indeed.
It’s interest rates that are as low as possible without causing inflation over 3% that have the policy for a long time. Currently, that bring rates close to zero, probably due to the global savings glut.
But it was not zero, the reason we did QE is it is very hard to go below zero.
so, how do we (the little guy), invest to benefit?
Isn’t that obvious? Long treasuries, long commodities, short dollars, or long fx.
so, how do we (the little guy), invest to benefit?”
The Boogle heads web site has some good ideas. Boring but good.
You might think about diversifying out of the dollar while it is still the king of currencies.
But into what—a currency that is more likely to diminish in value?
China continues to lock up natural resources while the prices are cheap, it knows where they are headed:
Updated: 2015-05-20 13:59
Brazil’s mining giant Vale, the world’s leading iron ore producer, signed memorandums of understanding (MoUs) Tuesday with the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), the Export-Import Bank of China (China EximBank) and two leading Chinese shipping firms.
According to Vale, the deal with ICBC is for cooperation on global financing arrangements.
Under the terms of the memorandum, ICBC will provide Vale with up to $4 billion in “syndicated loans, bilateral loans, export credit, trade finance, among other potential financing arrangements and services.”
The document was signed by Murilo Ferreira, president and CEO of Vale, and Yi Huiman, president of the ICBC, during Chinese Premier Li Keqiang’s official visit to Brazil. It takes effect immediately for a three-year period.
In addition, Vale signed two three-party MoUs for potential financing and loans with China EximBank and shipping giants China Ocean Shipping Company (Cosco) and China Merchants Group.
Vale said both memorandums call for financing cooperation on iron ore shipping and “define the basis for future cooperation between Vale and its Chinese partners.”
“According to each memorandum, China EximBank will consider providing a loan of up to $1.2 billion to both Cosco and China Merchants respectively to facilitate the two shipping companies’ provision of iron ore shipping services to Vale,” the mining company said.
Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff and Premier Li Keqiang presided over the signing of the agreements, part of many business deals struck between Brazilian and Chinese companies during Li’s visit.
Rousseff and the Chinese premier also announced the Joint Action Plan for the 2015-2021 period, which is expected to expand Brazil-China ties.
China is Brazil’s leading trade partner, with their total trade volume amounting to nearly $87 billion in 2014.
“…it knows where they are headed:”
Markets Commodities
Commodities Rally Hit by Stronger Dollar
U.S. currency’s reversal has battered markets from crude oil, copper and gold to corn
An oil refinery in California. U.S. oil prices were among the hardest-hit commodities Tuesday, hurt as the dollar reversed course and surged the first two days of this week. Photo: LUCY NICHOLSON/REUTERS
By Ira Losebashvili
May 19, 2015 7:29 p.m. ET
Commodity prices tumbled on Tuesday, as a resurgent dollar and concerns about weakness in China’s economy pushed investors out of everything from crude oil to copper and corn.
The S&P GSCI index, which tracks prices of 24 commodities, recorded its biggest one-day drop in more than a month and ended at its lowest since April 28.
Before that, commodities markets, led by a recent rebound in crude oil, staged a surprising two-month rally that had pushed the index to its highs for the year. Driving the gains was a faltering greenback, which many short-term investors took as a signal to scoop up raw materials.
But the dollar has abruptly reversed course in the past two days, battering commodities markets in the latest show of volatility that has kept investors across financial markets on edge in recent weeks. Many investors had been skeptical the commodities rally would last, arguing that supplies were robust and demand was still soft amid economic weakness in Europe and Asia.
“We have come to a pause in the commodities rally,” said George Gero, a senior vice president with RBC Capital Markets Global Futures. “Some people are taking the opportunity now to lock in profits.”
Oil Prices Extend Longest Decline Since March
Stronger dollar a key driver of recent oil market, analysts say
By Nicole Friedman
Updated May 19, 2015 5:47 p.m. ET
Oil prices slumped Tuesday in the latest sign that the recent rally in crude prices may have peaked.
The U.S. oil benchmark has declined for five straight sessions, the longest losing streak since mid-March.
China and its citizens continue to purchase foreign properties and resources at massively inflated prices. China is cornering a market in iron ore that it can’t use once the ghost cities stop being built.
Seems like they are loading up on falling-price commodities which they may eventually have to sell in order to pay off their massive external debt.
Watch and learn, Comrad Pelosi and the DNC. America under a permanent Democrat Supermajority is headed down the same route as Greece once Other People’s Money starts to run out and the productive get tired of subsidizing the parasites and throw in the towel.
Now I thought it was Kansas that was going broke
The problem of course is that most of the elite view anyone who works for a living as a muppet peon or parasite.
Former Fed official who got fired from the Bush Administration for truth-telling on the true costs of the Iraq war (that neo-con Wolfowitz said would be self-financing) calls out the Fed on ZIRP and its enrichment of the crony capitalist elites.
Biker blog article linked from a Breitbart piece calls Waco a police riot:
Didn’t you receive the MSM talking points memo?
Some dude rode over another dude’s foot which started it all off.
When reality imposes itself on these Fed-driven markets, it’s going to be epic. Even former Fed officials are calling out Yellen & Co. on their recklessness and slavishness to Wall Street.
Markets Credit Markets
U.S. Government Bonds Hit by Surge in Housing Starts
Data brightens economic outlook as investors closely watch Fed for rate moves
By Min Zeng
Updated May 19, 2015 3:45 p.m. ET
Construction on an apartment complex in Pittsburgh. A report showing a jump in construction in April came after disappointing readings on retail sales and industrial production.
A surge in a gauge of U.S. housing activities on Tuesday brightened the economic outlook and pushed down prices of ultrasafe Treasury bonds.
Fresh corporate bond sales added to selling pressure in Treasurys, extending the market’s price loss into a second consecutive session.
In late-afternoon trading, the yield on the benchmark 10-year note was 2.262%, compared with 2.228% on Monday. Bond prices fall as their yields rise.
Government debt in the U.S. had strengthened earlier, along with a broad rally in European government bonds. A senior European Central Bank official said the central bank would ramp up bond purchases this month and next to cope with thinner liquidity during the summer time.
The comments from ECB board member Benoît Coeuré reminded investors that the central bank remains a big buyer in the bond market, which may keep a lid on the rise in bond yields that had jumped sharply from record lows over the past few weeks.
In the U.S., housing starts jumped by 20.2% in April, the biggest percentage increase last month since February 1991 and a positive sign for the housing market.
Another day, another 3%+ drop in oil…
Oh, the humanity!
Crude Oil - Electronic (NYMEX) Jun 2015
Market open $57.30
Change -$2.13 -3.58%
Volume 24,691
May 19, 2015, 2:29 p.m.
Previous close $59.43
Day low $57.09
Day high $59.63
Open: $59.54
That is yesterday, you pimped that one yesterday, today we are up.
Update: Crude Oil Plunges 42% YoY
One day does not a trend make, particularly if yesterday’s loss was larger than today’s dead cat bounce.
‘Iraqi troops abandoned dozens of U.S military vehicles, including tanks, armored personnel carriers and artillery pieces when they fled Islamic State fighters in Ramadi on Sunday, the Pentagon said Tuesday.’
‘A Pentagon spokesman, Col. Steve Warren, estimated that a half dozen tanks were abandoned, a similar number of artillery pieces, a larger number of armored personnel carriers and about 100 wheeled vehicles like Humvees. He said some of the vehicles were in working condition; others were not because they had not been moved for months.’
‘This repeats a pattern in which defeated Iraq security forces have, over the past year, left behind U.S.-supplied military equipment, prompting the U.S. to destroy them in subsequent airstrikes against Islamic State forces.’
‘others were not because they had not been moved for months’
That’s probably the humvees. Biggest paperweight in the world.
Ben Jones will the U.S. national debt surpass $20 trillion under Obama, or do we have to wait for the next Republican president to make it happen?
Who pays for a multi-front war in Iraq, Syria, Iran, Ukraine, and North Korea?
I don’t know. The US government still hasn’t paid for WW2.
‘Iraqi troops abandoned dozens of U.S military vehicles, including tanks, armored personnel carriers and artillery pieces when they fled Islamic State fighters in Ramadi on Sunday, the Pentagon said Tuesday.’
Defense contractors hear “Ka-ching!” Maybe that was the whole point….
Defense contractors hear “Ka-ching!”
+1. And then we send in air-strikes to destroy our own equipment because we can’t have it in their possession: that’s a Raytheon Double Ka-ching!!
The ultimate self-licking ice cream cone.
If this technique had been used earlier there never would have been an Iran Contra controversy.
Plant weapons supply with inept military guard and let the un savory people take it over. wink wink nod nod
Rebound in housing starts expected to boost economy
The U.S. housing market has given a sudden jolt to what appeared to be a slumping economy.
Builders broke ground on homes last month at the fastest pace in more than seven years. The stepped-up construction is helping boost sales at stores such as Home Depot and Lowe’s and improving the likelihood that the U.S. economy will accelerate after probably shrinking early this year.
On Tuesday, the government reported a surprising 20.2 percent jump in residential construction to a seasonally adjusted annual pace of 1.14 million. As a result, analysts at Barclays slightly raised their forecast for economic growth in the April-to-June quarter to 2.7 percent from 2.6 percent, and Macroeconomic Advisers boosted its estimate to 2 percent from 1.9 percent.
By region, house and apartment building starts surged last month in the Northeast, Midwest and West, while slipping slightly in the South. All four regions saw increased construction of single-family houses. The sharpest gain by far was in the Northeast, where the pace of construction soared nearly 86 percent.
The rebound in housing has bolstered building-supply stores. Households with homes worth more than $200,000 have seen their property values rise, emboldening them to buy more big-ticket items, Carol Tome, Home Depot’s chief financial officer, said in a conference call with analysts Tuesday.
Home Depot reported that it earned $1.58 billion for the three months ended May 3. That compared with $1.38 billion a year earlier.
— Associated Press
One month does not an economy make.
A housing start is as simple as putting a shovel in soil and turning the dirt.
Builders will mint FB’s (last months buyer) by the thousands.
Now all banks do Gods work.
5 Banks to Pay Billions and Plead Guilty in Currency and Interest Rate Cases
Cockroach theory variant:
If they manipulated currency and interest rates, how about prices in other markets (e.g. oil, aluminum, etc.)?
Has Mr Hessel says
When will these productive billionaire banks get tired of the poor unemployed leaches and leave this country.
God’s work is never done.
Is quantitative easing the most destructive policy in the history of modern finance?
Yes. Next question?
When will it end?
When it cannot be borne any longer.
Will the central bankers end it voluntarily or involuntarily?
Both. They will make a great appearance of choosing to end it, right when it is becoming clear that they cannot afford to continue it any longer.
Obama frames global warming as national security threat
May 20, 6:03 AM (ET)
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WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama is framing the challenges of climate change as a matter of national security that threatens to aggravate poverty and political instability around the globe and jeopardize the readiness of U.S. forces.
“Make no mistake, it will impact how our military defends our country,” the president says in excerpts of a commencement address prepared for delivery Wednesday at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut. “And so we need to act and we need to act now.”
Linky here:
My question for Otrauma - “Have you ever thought there Mr. POTUS that it might be YOU that is a national security threat?”
Oh how I pine for the day I can give this dolt a piece of my mind!!!
LOL! RJ thinks he is wiser then the guy who grew up with a single mom, worked his tail off and ended up as POTUS! Seriously!
RJ - what did you do with your time on earth?
Hung out with the Choom Gang and smoked baby!!!
even better!! He is the POTUS, there is no higher position on the planet!
RJ - what did you do with your time on earth?
He is the POTUS, there is no higher position on the planet!
So was Bush II and liberals had no problem calling even an idiot. I had no trouble attacking him either. We have had a legacy and an affirmative action president the last two times.
He is the POTUS, there is no higher position on the planet!
Uuhhhhhmmm… False.
The higher position is the one who pulls the strings connected to the POTUS mannequin.
That is it - the oligarchs who pull Otrauma’s you know what - Soros, Kristol - who -
Rally might be able to chime in here.
We all know by now, Bush is an idiot and people died, it is in the history books now. More harm then good.
Obama - 1 big failure and that is ACA. Done more good then harm.
I know, this is remedial for this crowd.
By the way there Cali - put the pipe down - You have no clue what Otrauma is about until you have the privilege of living in the state from which this two bit community organizer and race baiter emerged from.
You have to live here to believe what this guy is capable of.
Don’t move here you won’t like it.
You are free to move about the country, stop playing the “victim.”
You control your destiny, don’t blame others for your poor choices.
‘Little, if anything, has been heard from the workers at the Twin Peaks restaurant in Waco, Texas, where a lunch-hour shootout and melee killed nine people and injured more than a dozen Sunday. They may not be talking publicly, but stories of their fear, frustrations and uncertain futures are coming through loud and clear in social media posts.’
‘Alicia, 20, did not respond to Yahoo News’ request for an interview. Since the shooting, waitresses from Twin Peaks — a national chain with mountain lodge décor and female servers in revealing plaid tops, shorts and boots — have fought off jokes while dealing with the all-too-real memories of the deadly rampage.’
“I’ve been biting my tongue and I can’t take it anymore,” Veronica, a waitress, wrote on Facebook. “…everyone is entitled to their opinion, but FOR THE LOVE OF GOD THIS IS NOT ABOUT IF THE GIRLS ARE TRASHY OR NOT!”
That all-caps is probably difficult on a smartphone.
That all-caps is probably difficult on a smartphone.
Hit the “caps” key on the screen twice, quickly, and you often get a “caps lock” situation. YMMV.
Hooters had the trashiest girls. TP not so much. Been to couple of those, I was pleasantly surprised about the girls there. Sure they had enhanced body parts but didn’t have the tattoos and piercing and other general trashiness you saw at the Hooters.
The orangie/red hair is a nice touch:
Oddissie Garza, 18, a hostess at Waco’s Twin Peaks restaurant, finds herself out of work and eight months pregnant.
Klassy with a K.
Still no tats, piercings and weight issues. These girls are probably already in top 20% among their peers….I know it’s pretty sad out there.
Yes, you probably couldn’t find that many girls without tattoo’s in all of Arizona.
Girls with tats are good for a Tinder hookup pump & dump
But no man with any self-respect will put a ring on that inked trash
Girls with tats = your future is cats
Unless you are an actress or rock star.
Tatoos on the outside, STDs on the inside. No thanks.
Girls with tats = your future is cats
Some of those tattoos make people look like they would prefer pit bulls or Rottweilers.
Lolas and Liberaces.
At least Oddissie was smart enough to be pregnant when she would otherwise have been at the shootout location.
Who knew that bikers like beer, burgers and babes?
“A Cycle of Falling Prices”
We need falling prices. Falling prices are what will accelerate the economy.
‘We believe that consumer price index statistics from around the world, including the United States, indicate that a deflationary cycle has already started. On a year-over-year basis, 20 of the 40 largest countries report a declining CPI, suggesting that half the world has been deflating for a year.’
‘These countries include France, Germany, and most of the rest of Europe. In the latest reporting month, 30 of the largest 40 countries, including the United States, reported a declining CPI. And few Americans know that our CPI has now declined in six of the last seven months (see graph above).’
‘If we are correct, this pattern of declining prices will expand and accelerate. If it does both, a global and U.S. deflation cycle will be confirmed, and we believe the Fed will pull back from its interest rate plans. We should know by this summer.’
“…a deflationary cycle has already started.”
What chance do deflationary fundamentals have in the face of concerted collusion among central banks to thwart them?
Sale Prices Plunge 10% YoY In Santa Clara, CA As Housing Correction Gains Speed
A Ponzi-like variation on the “submit an essay” hoax, in Houston:
“A complete offer has two parts: Filling out the form at the link and submitting a $150 offer fee. We cannot review offers without the offer fee. ”
“Each submitted offer must include a 200 word (or less) essay about why you would like to buy our home. Essays must not have identifying information—such as names—contained within. All essays are looked at anonymously by the owners of the property in order to remain impartial.”
They’re not making any more offers like this one. You have until 13 June to send your money and essay in!.
Driverless cars may cut auto sales by 40%, analyst says Implications here explicated.
Colorado, have you heard anything about this:
“Home Prices Fall Again In China”
that place is set up for one heck of a free fall. They are bring all their equity to so cal now.
Capital is fleeing the country in a race to the exits!
WTO rules against US law requiring meat to be labeled with where it was produced.
Globalists win again.
Consumer can’t be informed where something is made that would impact profits? TPP will push this to include all manufactured goods.
Any law that impacts profits can be overturned.
San Ramon, CA List Prices Plummet 5% YoY
“The term quantitative refers to a type of information or data that is based on quantities obtained using a quantifiable measurement process.”
Are 25 million excess, empty and defaulted houses enough quantity for you Poet?
That’s precisely what is necessary for the economy to recover. Falling prices.
That’s right Poet. Hold onto every dollar you’ve got. You’re going to need them.
….trailer for sale or rent….sing along
The potential market is massive. In January, the Hurun Chinese Luxury Consumer Survey — a Web site that tracks the lifestyles and attitudes of its wealthiest citizens — said that some 64 percent of main land Chinese households with personal wealth of at least $1.6 million had emigrated, or planned to do so, with the United States being their favored destination.
Two million Chinese will be worth more than $1.6 million (not including their homes) by 2020, according to Credit Suisse’s 2013 wealth report, and there are hundreds of thousands more in Hong Kong.
That’s why I’m going to start calling my neighbor city Bellevue, R.O.C.
the equity locusts are growing in numbers and travelling further.
Bellevue, WA List Prices Plunge 11% YoY; Inventory Expoldes 191%
Another house behind me, 2300SF 3BR, asking $749K, just went pending in four days, for at least $40K over asking.
This area is still crazy hot, despite what your zillovo data shows . . .
The Chinese will be investing in Bellevue for some time, now that it has reached critical (racial) mass and is still much cheaper than Vancouver BC or SFO.
Refute the data. Prove your assertion.
You can’t do either.
How about this theory: list price is down 11% YoY, primarily because people are listing smaller houses. Turns out that the SIZE of houses listed has CRATERED 17% YoY!! It has plunged from 2440 sq-ft a year ago all the way down to 2030 sq-ft today.
It’s real data, right there on the link that HA provided; HA just likes to ignore the big picture and imply that some cherry-picked data-point means something that it doesn’t.
p.s. For a better comparison that is not so noisy due to mix-shift, consider that Median $/Sq. Ft is up very slightly YoY, to $339/Sq. Ft from $338/Sq. Ft a year earlier. Quite a CRATER!!
You need to refute it.
I’m not refuting anything; I’m referencing the data-source that YOU selected. Deal with it. That’s just the data. You apparently don’t like the data.
Mortgage applications fell 3.5% last week as rates rose.
But we have ZIRP??
ZIRP is here to stay my friend, Go long FACEBOOK and TWITTER bro!
You want to earn some money on your savings right? Stocks and homes will get your some cash in your pockets.
Its the new economy. sit back and watch your risk assets go up in value and import the stuff you need.
Stock buy backs and ZIRP homy!!!!!!
Falling prices Poet. Falling prices.
Get out your checkbooks, middle class taxpayers: after billions in Federal loan guarantees to shady for-profit universities (but follow the money to see where their political donations went), Free Sh*tters who graduated from this rip-off schools with useless degrees have decided they shouldn’t have to pay back their student loans.
Look up Wisconsin economic development corporation this sht goes on everywhere
More confirmation, as if any more were needed, that Hillary supporters are imbeciles.
None needed.
The Obama-Boehner-McConnell ‘Fast Track’ to a Poorer America
by Terence P. Jeffrey | CNS News | May 20, 2015
President Barack Obama is negotiating a multilateral trade agreement with the governments of 11 nations. These include Malaysia and Vietnam — as well as Japan, Brunei, Australia, Singapore, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico, Chile and Peru. This so-called Trans-Pacific Partnership would govern most of the commercial relations between the nations that sign it.
“With over 20 chapters under negotiation,” explains a Congressional Research Service report published in March, “the TPP partners envision the agreement to be ‘comprehensive and high-standard,’ in that they seek to eliminate tariffs and nontariff barriers to trade in goods, services, and agriculture, and to establish or expand rules on a wide range of issues including intellectual property rights, foreign direct investment and other trade-related issues.”
The Obama administration has granted the draft of this massive deal more secrecy than a Hillary Clinton email. Documents related to it are classified, and members of Congress can review them in a secured room.
When 95% of the electorate bend over and let the .1% screw them every election, they pretty much have a free hand to order their water carriers to do whatever they need them to do to maximize profits. It’s not like the sheeple are going to suddenly stop being docile and stupid.
I’m tired worrying about the usual things - the economy, the drought, where we’re going to live, so this is refreshing in its total madness:
The Soviet Union Dumped A Bunch of Nuclear Submarines, Reactors, and Containers into the Ocean
I visited Kiev in 1987; probably ate a fair amount of stuff that glowed, so I’m not worried - I’m immune!
Maybe Godzilla will show up soon.
25K feet deep in the ocean is probably one of the best places on earth for old nuclear reactor cores. It doesn’t say that they dumped the fuel with them, and that’s what you really have to worry about. The cores themselves aren’t that hot - they bury all kinds of old naval reactor cores out in the desert in eastern WA.
Uh-oh, AB Dan. Indonesian naval forces just sunk some Chinese ships in a disputed part of the South China Sea. What can this mean?
Wow! These guys are serious about fishing regulation!!
Indonesia sinks 41 illegal fishing boats, including one from China
The Indonesian Navy destroys foreign fishing vessels caught fishing illegally in waters near North Sulawesi yesterday.
Published: 4:16 AM, May 21, 2015
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JAKARTA — Indonesia yesterday sank a large Chinese vessel as well as 40 other foreign boats that had been caught fishing illegally in the country’s waters, a move likely to spark a strong reaction from Beijing and other regional capitals.
The 300 gross tonne Chinese vessel was destroyed with a low-explosive device on its hull in West Kalimantan, said Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti.
“This is not a show of force. This is just merely (us) enforcing our laws,” Ms Susi was quoted as saying by The Jakarta Post.
Elizabeth “Fauxahontus” Warren, who the MSM would have us believe is a champion of the middle class (like Hillary) and scourge of Wall Street, is a bit coy about her own borrowing habits.
phony scandals