Bits Bucket for October 4, 2015
Post off-topic ideas, links, and Craigslist finds here. Please visit my Youtube channel which you can also find here:
Examining the home price boom and its effect on owners, lenders, regulators, realtors and the economy as a whole.
Post off-topic ideas, links, and Craigslist finds here. Please visit my Youtube channel which you can also find here:
If you have to borrow for 15 to 30 years, it’s not affordable nor can you afford it.
I have so much money left after “throwing money away on rent” every month that I don’t know where to throw it.
You can get another mattress.
Or you can buy fertile, irrigated farmland and lease it to growers. Nebraska comes to mind.
Owner occupied single family housing is the only conformist lifescript that many will ever know. I’m thinking about buying a house in Gunnison to rent to students (Western State) for the fall and spring semesters and having a summer house for myself and guests, while keeping my affordable rental in unaffordable, overcrowded, polluted Denver, and then move down to Gunnison when I have enough money saved and I’ve had enough of this place…
buying a house in Gunnison to rent to students (Western State) for the fall and spring semesters ??
I have some experience with student rentals….Here is your key to success….Huge, massive, damage deposit combined with a lease that says that they are collectively responsible…One person does damage, everyone is responsible…Ever since I implemented this strategy, I have had zero problems…
You’ll spend all summer repairing the place. I’d work on another strategy.
Parental cosigners if under age 21, and photo walk-thru at move in with the tenants signing and dating each pic documenting conditions at time of move in.
Salida or Buena Vista would be nice too but there’s no student population.
Is that a viable business model with such inflated prices? It ain’t 2010.
It doesn’t cash flow at 2010 prices either.
I am not buying a $500,000 “starter home” in Denver. Get 200+ miles away from this place and cheap housing is out there.
Hope it works. My experience with college towns is that the town fathers/interests have them long sewn up for economic opportunity.
Black Canyon. Rafting. Trout on the fly rod. One of my favorite places.
Get 200+ miles away from this place and cheap housing is out there.
So Flyover has buying opportunities at today’s prices? What prices are we talking about?
“Cheap” is relative Lola. Housing is still priced 250% higher than long term trend irrespective of location.
Housing is still priced 250% higher than long term trend irrespective of location.
That’s why I was curious about his prices.
How refreshing to know that some Americans stubbornly refuse to be sheep.
Prohibition didn’t work with alcohol but somehow it’s going to work with guns. Meanwhile the mentally ill roam our streets and their families shelter the to keep getting the checks, until they explode.
“Meanwhile the mentally ill roam our streets and their families shelter the to keep getting the checks, until they explode.”
There’s a larger number of these zombies than the general public cares to acknowledge. In their youth some are arsonists, but most become a menace when they become physically strong and end up on the streets because their parents are no longer able to cope. The police are sometimes killed with their own weapon when wrestling with these outcasts. Castration was frequently employed to dampen the aggressive nature.
The vast vast majority of mentally ill roaming the streets are more a danger to themselves than others. But there’s enough of the dangerous type to make every urban center a very dangerous place.
The mentally ill should be taken care of in mental institutions, not left to fend for themselves on the street. And yes, that means involuntarily committed if they pose a danger to themselves or others.
…until people are declared mentally ill for believing in bubbles.
I knew a couple zombies when I worked in the metro areas, and they were fine while medicated, but they really hated their drugs. However, failing to ingest their prescribed drugs meant lock-up time.
95% of our electorate are zombies. They’re fine until they step into a voting box, and then they’re a menace to democracy.
I’b be OK with the Presidential contest coming down to Trump and Sanders, as both offer the potential for reforms we’ll never get with Oligopoly-captured candidates like HillaryJeb or the GOP clown car occupants. Especially like Sanders’ willingness to tackle issues like militarized rogue police and our prison-industrial complex. And he’s right in saying people who are mentally unbalanced should be denied access to weapons insofar as possible.
how about Rand vs Webb ?
the sane are over looked
I’d prefer Webb over all of them, but he’s not getting any traction. Rand’s proclivity to sell out has soured me on him, even if he says and does a lot of the right things and I have great respect for his dad.
but neither have the guts yet to discuss why people are in jail……its because they are functionally illiterate going in and then coming out…
that’s why my war on ebonics is so important let prisoners have choice of how long they want to be behind bars. Read the NY Times in front of a parole broad and ask for a 2nd chance.
+1 dj….I agree….Part of being able to get out should be proficiency in academics minimum through K-12….Maybe even 2 years of JC…
Every facility has educational opportunities to give them something to do. Many earn their GED before they get out. Then they get out, go back to drugs and crime because they won’t get up and work and have little impulse control.
“…they won’t get up and work…”
Now that you mention it, there is considerable effort involved in hauling your arse out of bed in the morning, getting prepared to go out into the world, then driving your car in the thick of rush hour traffic to arrive at work stressed out and tired, only to do it again the next day. Having done this for several decades running, I can understand why it isn’t for everyone.
“…and have little impulse control.”
Being raised on television, 2-liter root beer and 16pc buckets of KFC doesn’t go far toward cognitive development. Besides it’s more fun to “hang wid yo homies.”
BUT, every prison is run by prisoners doing the jobs for maintenance, cooking, laundry, cleaning, etc. they all get up and go to work when heavily supervised and when it is seen as a benefit versus staying in the boring old cell block.
“denied access to weapons”
Magical thinking. Carnage can easily be wrought with things readily (other than guns) available if a person is at all imaginative, and most psychopaths are indeed imaginative.
Good luck outlawing box cutters, for example.
trucks, zippo lighters, cans of gas, propane, Elmer’s Glue. The list is endless. The Rebs made gunpowder from urine.
I’d rather be attacked by someone wielding Elmer’s glue than an AK.
What about a banana, raspberries or some other form of fresh fruit?
I’d go with the raspberries.
It’s idiotic to use the claim that perps could obtain alternate weapons. Sure, they could, but a semi-auto firearm with a large-capacity magazine, or even a revolver, is a far more lethal instrument of death in the hands of a madman. I can outrun most dudes with a knife. I can’t outrun a gun.
You’re not gonna get these kind of kill scores with a box cutter.
I had the misfortune of watching some CNN coverage of the Oregon shooting on Friday. The narrative being scripted was that young men are dangerous and should be put on medication, as prescribed by Doctor Big Government.
Very little mention of the shooter being raised by a single mom. Take away fathers and this is what you get.
Take away fathers and this is what you get.
Darn those feminists for making men do mass shootings at our schools and public places!
There were no confederate flags involved, so the SJW narrative must be re-scripted. Watching Don Lemon on TeeVee sounded like he was reading from a progressive playbook.
It wasn’t the feminists that took Daddy away. It was Big Daddy Progressive government that provided food clothing and shelter for no work. Just get knocked up. Dad’s irrelevant.
It’s part of the liberal Democratic mindset that handing out food, clothing and shelter to single-parent families has no effect whatever to increase the number of American households in this undesirable living configuration.
In fact, a large part of the politically correct narrative on this subject aims to elevate single-parent families to an equal footing with traditional families. Never mind that somebody else has to pay for the food, clothing and shelter…
Sometimes ending up as a single parent is just a case of pure misfortune.
“Sometimes ending up as a single parent is just a case of pure misfortune.”
I get that.
But two out of three times?! It’s hard to believe that a rate that high is not systemic. (I’m referring to the black single parent family share…)
“Very little mention of the shooter being raised by a single mom. Take away fathers and this is what you get.”
That’s racis’
Coincidently, Asian families’ kids do best, and they also have the lowest percentage of single-parent families. Go figure…
Children in single-parent families by race
Data Provided by: National KIDS COUNT
The narrative being scripted was that young men are dangerous and should be put on medication, as prescribed by Doctor Big Government.
If anything can make young men reconsider immigrating, legally or illegally, to the USA; this would do it.
Well this is an interesting development - a public labor union, instead of reflexively voting for the corrupt, Oligopoly-annointed Democrat, are pressured by rank and file aversion to said deeply unpopular crony capitalist to withhold their support and hope for a better alternative to emerge. More trouble for Hillary indeed, as you can serve .1% sociopaths for so long before the sheeple start waking up and getting wise to you.
So they’ll save their money to support Biden? Ahahahahahahaha. Sitting VP and former Senator. Who is more bought and paid for him or Hillary?
In my city we spent $1.6 billion on a new ticketing system for the trains. We replaced paper tickets with smart cards and now they can tell where people get on and off. So the question: how is that worth $1.6 billion?
People say it’s the government being incompetent, and ok. But this is happening all over. All the transit networks are getting smart cards, the grocery stores are taking your name, the airports are getting face recognition cameras. Those cameras, they don’t work when people try to avoid them. Like,mother can be fooled by glasses. We KNOW they’re ineffective as anti-terrorism devices, but we still keep installing them.
All of this stuff–the smart cards, the ID systems, the “anti-congestion” car tracking tech–all of it is terrible at what it is officially supposed to do. It’s only good for tracking the rest of us, the 99.9% who just use the smart card or whatever and let ourselves be tracked because it is easier.
I’m not a privacy nut, and I don’t care that much if these organizations want to know where I go and what I buy. But what bothers me is how HARD they’re working for that data, how much money they’re spending, and how they never admit that’s what they want. It means that information must be really valuable for some reason, and I just wonder to who and why.
it was easy to catch murders in nyc…..
By Clemente Lisi
June 1, 2002 | 4:00am
A Staten Island transit worker was convicted of stabbing his ex-girlfriend yesterday after prosecutors proved him the killer by tracing his whereabouts with his MetroCard.
It’s the first murder case where a MetroCard was key evidence, prosecutors say.
Christopher Stewart, 36, a subway motorman, was convicted of second-degree murder and criminal possession of a weapon for murdering Angelique Williams, 29, on March 8, 2001.
Williams was killed as she got off a bus along Schmidts Lane, across the street from her house in the Castleton Corners section.
Stewart said that at the time of the murder, he was on the S46 bus to the Staten Island ferry. He claimed he was going to Manhattan to catch an Atlantic City-bound bus.
But the Transit Authority’s computerized records of Stewart’s MetroCard – which also doubled as an employee ID card – told a different story.
They showed Stewart was at the murder scene and that he had boarded a southbound S54 bus, which runs past the Schmidts Lane stop, about an hour before the slaying.
Prosecutors said the same card was used on a northbound S54 bus about 12 minutes after the murder.
Stewart faces 25 years to life in prison at his sentencing, now set for June 14.
So they spent billions to be able to catch a murderer here and there? He stabbed his ex-girlfriend. I’d bet he was the prime suspect anyway.
I’m not a privacy nut, and I don’t care that much if these organizations want to know where I go and what I buy.
Bleated like a true sheep. Has it ever occurred to you why governments at all levels are so intent on tracking your every move and purchase? Did you ever read Orwell? The surveillance society should concern more than “privacy nuts.”
Yeah, I have plenty of privacy. There are incredible incryption technologies out there that safeguard you plenty if you want. The government always always always has been able to figure out anything you are up to if it wants to devote the resources. These days they are being drowned in a mountain of data, with fewer and fewer people to look at it, and your stuff is more private than ever because of that. Silk Road and its clones prove this. The government does not care about you or any other small fish.
1984 and Brave New World were unrealistic fairy tales, read them more critically.
Corporations vs. nation-states: who will win?
Epic flooding on the East Coast.
Do you mean that the floods are a long poem?
“I consider the constitutional power of the General Government as the chief source of stability to our political system, whereas the consolidation of the states into one vast republic, sure to be aggressive abroad and despotic at home, will be the certain precursor of that ruin which has overwhelmed all those that have preceded it.”–Robert E. Lee
Well, that ship has long ago sailed. Might as well get your free sh!t from the Feds while you can.
The first “fundamental transformation of America” - Ted Kennedy’s immigration “reforms” that threw open the doors to turn America into an overflow tank for every Third World cesspool.
Here’s a rather beautiful graphic showing US immigration over the last 200 years, where the immigrants came from and in what numbers. Note the squeeze after the Great Depression (and during the golden years of the American middle class), and the reopening of the floodgates in the 60s.
this is at least the second time you’ve posted this. The squeeze doesn’t look lie it is after the Depression, it looks to be before and during it, and then let’s up after WWII once travel routes and normalcy are restored.
There were plenty of Mexican workers coming here in the 50s, no one considered giving them and their families 30K a year in benefits like now.
It looks like the squeeze is tightest from around 1930 to the mid 50s to me.
There were plenty of Mexican workers coming here in the 50s,
You sure about that? Here’s wikipedia’s version:
Yes, operation wetback was because they were not just coming to work, but also staying. The bracero program throughout the 50s had many coming TO WORK. You are talking about immigrating. I’m talking about working then going back. Hundreds of thousands were doing this just fine.
and they wont aim at the evil doers in the mosques…
Nobel piece prize at work. What do you expect?
It’s Bush’s fault.
Yes it is…The whole friggen mess…
This one was the good war.
We had to Bomb a hospital now because of Bush? True delusion.
“It’s Bush’s fault.”
Dubya and his born-again crusade; phuc the middle-east!
No surprise that the Oligopoly is exploiting every mass shooting to reveal its ultimate objective: disarming the populace. Only then can the true “fundamental transformation” begin without resistance.
Let them waste their time and money on this prohibition. It is doomed to fail and only sells more guns.
It’s campaign season. Gotta rile up the useful idiots with tales of abortion and gun confiscation.
“A bigger problem, however, is that gangs have evolved in ways that make them harder to rein in — and the aging corps of gang workers hasn’t kept pace.”
Off-shoring of low-skilled jobs hasn’t helped either.
+1. A lot of these young guys, even if they wanted to go the responsible route, have no means of supporting themselves or their dependents in our Oligopoly-looted economy.
LA gangbangers shooting each other over social media posts as violent crime, at historically low rates, is spiking higher. Sad watching all these once-great cities becoming corrupt, broke Democrat-run dystopias.
With Jeb polling just 4%, the Oligopoly appears to be shifting its support to their stand-in stooge, Rubio.
Better Russia than us, despite the neo-con histrionics.
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
The replacement Speaker after a deposed Speaker is traditionally out himself very quickly also.
It’s about time that a sociopathic Oligopoly criminal faces actual criminal charges.
how many stocks will central banks buy this week?
As much as needed to avoid the water cooler conversations about the dwindling 401k.
The Zimbabwe stock market soared even as the country printed One Trillion Dollar banknotes.
See the connection, ‘Muricans?
This looks like another fine mess we should maybe stay out of.
Six corporations control virtually every word you read or hear. No wonder ‘Muricans who count on the mainstream media for their news and information are so ignorant and dumbed-down.
maybe ohbahma support for sex changes is because moochelle had one…..strange the only 2 wimmen with no pregnancy pictures are moochelle and wendy williams
Which one controls Zero hedge? The Internet shows there is no such control. You can swallow down and indulge in as much crazy as you can stomach. Infowars, Mother Jones, illuminati, lizard faced alien masters, whatever.
You want crazy, check out 4chan. Whew! Talk about an internet insane asylum.
now that’s a true Thunderdome. This here is the nicest of the Internet forums I patronize. By far the nicest.
nicest = progressive?
Nicest as in not being called awful names and told to eff off and worse! Also there is much outing of people’s personal information and hacking of accounts if possible. God forbid you ever post any personal information there.
There is a degree of civility in here, and breaches generally aren’t tolerated by regular posters or Ben. I stay away from loon sites with a bunch of ignorant, angry basement dwellers railing out of self-loathing for their pathetic lives. Life is too short to deal with that nonsense.
Ben works really hard to keep things fairly civil here without quashing different opinions. We have him to thank.
It got alot more civil when AlbqDan left the virtual room. Alot!
That said, I miss the persistent opportunity he provided to undercut his propaganda with factual data.
You want crazy, check out 4chan. Whew! Talk about an internet insane asylum.
Oh yeah. I look at Politically Incorrect - occasionally. It’s - different. Images I wish I could unsee. No filter, to say the least.
An echo chamber for crazies. I’ll pass.
On to!
“The Internet shows there is no such control.”
FWIW, the Internet is exclusive to those who can read and comprehend; below that level it’s television.
Somehow the neo-cons will find new and creative ways to bungle this crisis, too.
A rare funny SNL Trump lampoon.
Sunday political cartoons from TBP.
I like the one that says WHAT BOEHNER HAD TO WORK WITH:
“She runs an operation that sells baby parts!”
“Yet we managed to make ourselves look bad.”
GOP’s public support trails Planned Parenthood’s popularity
09/29/15 11:20 AM
By Steve Benen
Over the summer, Republican policymakers crafted a plan they were very excited about. Taking advantage of highly edited, controversial videos, GOP officials would create a Planned Parenthood “scandal,” tear down the health care organization’s reputation, strip its public funding, and launch investigations to uncover Planned Parenthood wrongdoing.
Republicans were quite confident the whole gambit would be awesome.
Clearly, however, things have not gone according to plan. Congress is poised to pass a spending bill that leaves Planned Parenthood funding intact. States keep launching investigations into the health organization’s operations, and those investigations keep coming up empty.
Adding insult to injury, the latest NBC News poll shows public support for Planned Parenthood going up, not down, over the summer – to the point that the group is now far more popular than both of the major political parties. Other recent polling has offered similar results.
Who owns (or is leasing) your Republicrat candidate?
Looks like Yellen will be hitting Ctrl-P shortly.
“Markets are back at panic levels, says Credit Suisse”
That’s crazy talk. If markets were truly panicked, U.S. stock market indexes would drop by well over 20%, just like in past panics, not to mention the Chinese stock market panic currently underway.
Wake up my homeless ‘migos.
Cratercans or CollapsoCrats. A distinction without a difference.
You wanted it, you wagered on it at your own economic peril.
Now that’s just too funny right there, I don’t care who y’are!
Lest you forget, 1990 was the defining year, the opportunity for the U.S. government to decide on whether the American public should get the peace dividend or whether to become an empire. It chose the latter.
We woke to the beautiful sound of raindrops hitting the roof. I can’t remember it ever raining in early October. My optimism is swelling that the drought is ending and that drought fear mongers will soon have to either STFU or eat crow.
Light Rain Falling in San Diego as Temperatures Drop
Posted by Chris Jennewein on October 4, 2015 in Life
Travelers arrive at San Diego International Airport in light rain on Sunday morning. Photo by Chris Jennewein
Light rain was falling in San Diego on Sunday morning as a cold, low-pressure system moved south through Southern California.
The National Weather Service office in San Diego predicted “widespread showers and gusty winds” with a chance of snow in the mountains.
Rainfall amounts are expected to range from half an inch along the coast to an inch or more on the western slopes of the mountains.
Yeah it also rained a good amount in Phoenix this morning. I am hoping to get most of my moving done by noon Monday. That is when there is more likely rain.
Doesn’t it need to snow and rain heavily in N. Ca, for our water sources to replenish?
S. Ca’s rain might water landscaping, and that’s great, but I was under the impression it will not fix the drought.
Why are there so many mass murders under Obama?
UN drones.
The social fabric is becoming frayed, and we’ve got far too many alienated, hateful people murderously angry at others for their shortcomings and failures.
It would appear the one common denominator among all these guys is that they couldn’t get laid.
Real Estate
New Mortgage Rules May Spark Delays, Frustration
Effective Oct. 3, regulations aim to protect consumers, but they prompt concerns in industry
David Stevens, president and CEO of the Mortgage Bankers Association, says the changes coming Oct. 3 will affect every person involved in the mortgage industry.
Photo: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg
By Joe Light
Updated Sept. 29, 2015 9:25 p.m. ET
Mortgage lenders and real-estate agents are bracing for the Oct. 3 implementation of a five-year-old law that has forced them to overhaul the way they process sales.
The changes, prompted by the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial law, are meant to help consumers better understand the terms of their mortgages before they sign the dotted line.
But some in the real-estate industry worry that the rest of the year could be marked by delayed closings, frustrated borrowers and confused real-estate professionals as they adjust to the new rules.
At heart, the changes simplify forms long required by the federal government that disclose loan terms, such as a mortgage’s interest rate and prepayment penalties. The rules also require that consumers see the final terms at least three business days before closing, a change meant to ensure they have time to understand what they’re agreeing to.
The reform is meant to prevent what occurred during the housing boom, when some borrowers agreed to loan terms they later found they didn’t understand, such as low initial interest rates known as teasers, loan balances that could increase over time and balloon payments due after a certain number of years.
Few lenders now make loans with the most exotic loan terms, but the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which is enforcing the changes, says the new forms will ensure borrowers have a chance to understand what they’re getting into before they sign.
Lenders have spent billions of dollars in technology-system changes and training to get ready for the changeover, said David Stevens, president of the Mortgage Bankers Association, a lender trade group.
“It is without question the single largest implementation challenge that the broad industry has faced since Dodd-Frank,” said Mr. Stevens. “It’s massive. It involves every real-estate agent, settlement-service provider, every consumer, mortgage originator, everyone.”
Talk about a situation rife with miscalculation. My crystal ball says the Saudis and Gulf Arabs will soon be singing their collective national anthem: Onward Christian Soldiers. If Russia and Iran get into it with Saudi Arabia, ABQ Dan’s frequent prediction of $80/bbl oil may well come to pass, if not $200/bbl oil. Of course he would then put in a guest appearance to claim victory, even as China circles the drain.
The whole planet gets vaporized if that happens. Whether most people on all sides just want to trade peacefully. It is the psychotic rulers of the nation’s who risk the survival of humanity.
We must get rid of rulers if we want humanity to survive.
Good for Bernie for collection small donations from the 99%, rather than pimping himself out for multimillion dollar donations to the Oligopoly like Clinton, Bush, and the GOP clown car occupants, exempting Trump, Carson, and Rand Paul.
Democrat SuperPacs are funding Bernie to make Hills look less leftist and less socialist.
Maybe they’re funding Bernie because Hillary doesn’t have a hope in hell of winning.
They’ll keep it up for Biden to make it look like there’s actually a race.
There are apparently no Democratic SuperPACs supporting Bernie. Where are you getting your data, Shrimp?
Did you learn that on the Internet? Hahahaha.
Posterior outlet data.
Uncanny how Leo Strauss nailed the Obama Zombies, McCain Mutants, and Romney Retards years before their time.
The Vulgar Many, are lovers of wealth and pleasure. They are selfish, slothful, and indolent. They can be inspired to rise above their brutish existence only by fear of impending death or catastrophe.
“Zimbabwe Ben” Bernanke now says more banksters should’ve been locked up for causing the 2008 financial crisis. Yeah, starting with Bernanke, TurboTax Timmy Geithner, and Hank Paulson.
Why didn’t we?
Oh yeah, we had Omaba and the Holderman. Freaking frauds!
More manipulation of the gold market.
More manipulation of the gold market.
Everything is manipulated in our “free market.”
President Obama signs law targeting boycotts of Israel
Wednesday, 01 July 2015 10:51
US President Barack Obama on Monday signed legislation targeting anti-Israel boycotts worldwide.
The Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), which was passed through the Senate last Wednesday, includes roughly 150 trade objectives to raise specific US priorities in its negotiations. One of these objectives is to push back against efforts within the EU to sponsor the growing Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel.
A group of congressmen and the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) worked on the wording of the legislation.
The new US-Israel Trade and Commercial Enhancement Act is specifically targeted “to discourage politically motivated actions to boycott, divest from, or sanction Israel by states, non-member states of the United Nations, international organisations, or affiliated agencies of international organisations that are politically motivated and are intended to penalise or otherwise limit commercial relations specifically with Israel or persons doing business in Israel or in Israeli- controlled territories.”
In a statement, AIPAC commented that: “The Congress’s decision and the adoption of this language in the law would curb the actions of foreign governments to boycott, divest from or sanction Israel.”
Peter Roskam (Republican representative for Illinois), Juan Vargas (Democrat representative for California), and senators Ben Cardin (Democrat representative for Maryland) and Rob Portman (Republican representative for Ohio) all supported the law in Congress.
Paul Ryan (Republican representative for Wisconsin) said when introducing the provision as an amendment to TPA that: “the goal was to enshrine a principal negotiating objective that reinforces our opposition to official actions that boycott, penalise, or otherwise limit commercial relations with the State of Israel.”
President Obama signed the law despite warnings from officials in his administration that it could harm commercial dealings with members of the European Union who prohibit trading with Israeli companies that operate in the occupied territories.
Lou Reed - Sally Can’t Dance:
Lou can’t sing.
Realtors Are Liars®
Define irony: Union workers whose jobs are going to get off-shored to Mexico or Asia voting for Hillary and other corporate statists.–finance.html
Despite the fact that 95% of ‘Muricans voted for the Oligopoly in 2008 and 2012, it is encouraging that more and more members of the thinking 5% are becoming more vocal in their resistance to the schemes and scams of oligarch enablers and accomplices like the Federal Reserve. This usually shows up in the comments sections of MSM articles fawning over the likes of Zimbabwe Ben.
I sure wish AlbqDan were here so we could ask him to report on the magnitude of his Chinese stock market investment losses.
China’s stock markets world’s worst performers in Q3
Staff Reporter 2015-10-04 09:23 (GMT+8)
A trading venter in Nanjing. (File photo/CNS)
The stock exchanges in Shanghai and Shenzhen posted the worst performance in the global market during the third quarter of the year, with 22 trillion yuan (US$3.46 trillion) in value wiped out in selloffs.
The Shenzhen Component Index’s 30% plummet was the steepest decline around the world between July and September, followed by the Shanghai Composites Index’s 28.63% drop.
The declines were in sharp contrast to the indexes’ performance earlier this year, when the Shanghai index and Shenzhen’s ChiNext were among the top three biggest gainers in the world during the first half.
After hitting a seven-and-a-half-year high in mid-June, the market began suffering a series of selloffs with 1,000 stocks plunging by the daily trading limit of 10% on 17 different occasions. This wiped out 22 trillion yuan (US$3.45 trillion) from the market during the quarter, or the equivalent of an average loss of nearly 240,000 yuan (US$37,740) for each investor.
However, the data released by China’s State Administration of Foreign Exchange showed many foreign investors cashed out when share prices were at multi-year highs during the first half. The total equity investment by qualified foreign institutional investors and renminbi qualified foreign institutional investors posted a drop of US$8.8 billion between January and June, the data showed.
In a recent research report, the world’s largest bond investment firm, Pimco, said the stock selloffs are expected to erase 1 percentage point from China’s economic growth for the year.
Pimco forecast the Chinese economy to grow between 5.5% and 6.5% during the next four quarters, and the renminbi to drop against the US dollar by 7%, while the Chinese government is expected to introduce stimulus packages and interest rate cuts.
Ron Paul was our last best hope to avoid a financial collapse. Now it’s pretty much baked in. But he’s still speaking truth to power, and the lemmings still aren’t listening.
It’s already collapsing. Demand for all items and commodities is cratering.
Are you braced for the worst year on Wall Street since 2008?
Stock Market Lookahead
Brace for worst year on Wall Street since 2008
By Matt Egan
It’s shaping up to be the crummiest year for U.S. stocks since the implosion of Lehman Brothers.
The bull market on Wall Street has run into a wall of alarming news: turbulence in China, vague Federal Reserve policy, a crash in oil prices, and a slowdown in earnings growth.
Those shockwaves have wiped out 6% of the value from the S&P 500 so far this year.
“Right now you’ve got a lot of pessimism driving prices. This is going to be a very uninspiring year for U.S. stocks,” said Russ Koesterich, global chief investment strategist at BlackRock.
Quarterly review: Grexit and China fears drain investor confidence
Chris Flood
21 Hours Ago
Financial Times
The threat of a Greek exit from the eurozone drained investors’ confidence in the second quarter of this year, causing fund sales in Europe and the US to falter.
Investors’ appetite for new fund allocations was also blunted by a sharp correction in China’s stock market and uncertainty about the timing of a US interest rate rise.
Nick Nelson, head of European equity strategy at UBS, the bank, says: “Greece undoubtedly sapped confidence and it was not resolved before the troubles in China’s stock market started. Investors have been questioning whether the slowdown in China and other emerging markets will derail the recovery in the US and Europe.”
The US stock market hit an all-time high in May but equity prices eased back as the second quarter progressed amid concerns about high company valuations.
Mr Nelson says: “US company profit margins are close to record highs and it will be more challenging for companies to deliver strong earnings growth from here as the economic cycle matures.”