Bits Bucket for October 6, 2015
Post off-topic ideas, links, and Craigslist finds here. Please visit my Youtube channel which you can also find here:
Examining the home price boom and its effect on owners, lenders, regulators, realtors and the economy as a whole.
Post off-topic ideas, links, and Craigslist finds here. Please visit my Youtube channel which you can also find here:
Twofer Tuesday neocon Drudge Report links:
Bad scary ISIS inside Texas, must restore NSA police state and launch trillion dollar war.
Bad scary Iran point missiles at USA, must elect candidate that Sheldon Adelson purchased.
Has Sheldon Adelson actually purchased anyone as of yet?
Because all I’m hearing about are Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, neither of which are taking big donors (yet), Hillary who has her own donor network, and a basket of also-rans. Maybe Sheldon can influence the county councils?
Marco Rubio.
His immigrant parent, rags to riches story resonates with Sheldon Adelson, who despite being allegedly born in Boston to immigrant parents, has primary allegiance to a foreign nation, not the United States.
yeah ! for the proxy war!!! Welcome Russia, Turkey and others.
Gotta love how Republicans like McSame complains we left Iraq to soon, when their boy Bush signed the withdrawal treaty. Do they just hope we don’t look it up?
Matt Drudge Visits the Alex Jones Show: Full Interview
They can just lock them up in the Jade Helm internment camps.
Because SJWs gonna W:
And remember kidz, it always follows the same historical pattern, as it did under Stalin and under Hitler: registration, confiscation, extermination.
New York Times (real journalists) report on King Obama not visiting Chicago, not visiting Baltimore, because #SomeBlackLivesDontMatter and there’s no narrative to script:
Just another beta looser:
“Chris Harper Mercer opened fire on Thursday inside a classroom at Umpqua Community College and then killed himself when police arrived.
A police source told the Associated Press that Mercer complained in the document about not having a girlfriend.
He also wrote that everyone else was “crazy” and that he was the sane one.”
“A police source told the Associated Press that Mercer complained in the document about not having a girlfriend.”
There’s probably a good reason for this being the case.
Early-blooming beta looser:
US boy, 11, held for shooting dead eight-year-old neighbour
An 11-year-old boy in the US state of Tennessee has been held on suspicion of shooting dead an eight-year-old girl in a row over a puppy.
The boy has been charged with first-degree murder as a juvenile.
According to police, he shot neighbour McKayla Dyer on Saturday evening after she refused to let him see her puppy.
Read that story this morning, and thought of this article, “White
“Former Virginia senator Jim Webb is campaigning for president to bring low-income whites back to the Democratic Party, recently telling Yahoo News that “I think that [the Democrats] have kind of unwittingly used this group, white working males, as a whipping post for a lot of their policies.” So how’s that rhetoric resonating? He’s lucky to make it above 1% in many polling areas. Clearly, the party of identity and inclusiveness has no room for whites holding two jobs to keep a household afloat.”
“With victim narratives all the rage, why did it take a brutal shooting to bring attention to the squalid and meager living conditions of poor white Americans? After all, the poverty and hopelessness of America’s inner cities still gets plenty of limelight. There’s something else going on.
The racial privilege status of white trash makes them unattractive to the media because being penurious and pale-skinned is not respectable. While poor minorities are viewed with dignity and sympathy (as they should be), the same doesn’t apply to Caucasians. The white working class is, as Baptist minister Will Campbell put it, “the last, the only minority left that is fair game for ethnic slurs from people who would consider themselves good liberals.” Since the Progressive Era, the U.S. government has made it a goal to forcefully equalize society between races, classes, income scales, and gender. But to Campbell, “poor whites have seen government try to make peace between various warring factions but they have not been brought to the bargaining table.”
“It’s a lose-lose for poverty-stricken whites searching for solidarity. So instead they anchor their life to cigarettes and booze. They are taught to hate themselves, to think that life in a dirty, dented trailer is all they should expect, and to not have a stake in their future because the rest of the country doesn’t want them.”
The future would appear to belong to the jugalos.
“…the jugalos.”
Hmm, never heard of that cohort; enter Google… Yikes!
Whoop Whooop
James Webb is maybe the only candidate who is capable of forming a “unity government” that represents all sectors of society, not just the .1%.
“Former Virginia senator Jim Webb is campaigning for president to bring low-income whites back to the Democratic Party, recently telling Yahoo News that “I think that [the Democrats] have kind of unwittingly used this group, white working males, as a whipping post for a lot of their policies.” So how’s that rhetoric resonating? He’s lucky to make it above 1% in many polling areas. Clearly, the party of identity and inclusiveness has no room for whites holding two jobs to keep a household afloat.”
The white working class probably represents at least 25% of the American population. If Mr. Webb can only get 1% in the polls, I can’t see how “the party of identity…” is to blame. It might be reasonable to blame the MSM in this case. Not many white working class people outside of Virginia have ever heard of Webb.
05:50 and 05:53? The Social Justice Warriors™ are awake early today.
The desperation to control the narrative trumps them sleeping until noon, apparently.
Because without narrative, they have nothing…
At least our best/only friend isn’t our gun. And the girls seem to like us better than you gun nuts.
“Gun nuts”. Now there’s an idea! A set of plastic testicles to hang off your rifle as you shoot up the classroom. How absolutely perfect can symbolism get?
How much did you donate to the HBB fundraiser? Will your employer the Southern Poverty Law Center pay for that? I bought Ben Jones and his friend a few beers when they were in town. What’s your contribution?
Wow. Impressive defense mechanism display.
Without naming names, we had an engaging discussion of the motivations of some of the posters here. He would not confirm or deny that people get paid to post here, but I reserve my suspicions.
Alright, McCarthy. I didn’t know you had access to the secret list and could name names. I’ll back off. I won’t publish the photos of you dancing with your rifle ( the one you call “Lorelei”) while wearing a chiffon nightgown.
“How much did you donate to the HBB fundraiser?”
Fundraisers are good for $100.
Motivations of some of the posters here…
Man I’d like to have been a fly in that wall. Similarly, I have a mental image of what each regular poster looks like. I’m sure I am wildly off, especially about Lola.
They pay Indians 5 cents to post good things about shi$$y products so say my Indian friends as they travel home for vacation and see whats up in the old country.
And there are many sh$$ty products out there.
Speaking of SJWs:
Feminists on Twitter have fallen for a troll campaign created by 4chan which encouraged women to post photos of themselves peeing their pants in the name of “equality” under the hashtag #PissForEquality.
“What if we somehow get Tumblr tards to publicly piss/**** their pants in the name of “Equality,” wrote one 4chan member on October 2nd.
Within 24 hours, numerous feminists on Twitter were posting images of their stained and soiled pants in order to show support for “rape victims” who had defecated or urinated while being assaulted (another meme created by 4chan).
The stupidity, it burns. Not only are most feminists physically repulsive, they are also utterly lacking in class & refinement.
Any woman who is not a homemaker, teacher, nurse, cashier, secretary, or arm candy is a feminist. It’s actually rather tough on the women. They have to be princess like to please the men, but they have to bring home a man’s income to support the lifestyle that the man used to support himself. That is, they have to be both feminist and not feminist. There is no way to win this game.
There are probably many teachers and nurses and so forth who call themselves feminists. On the other hand I heard something about a woman in the Australian parliament who recently got a promotion to the cabinet who says that she’s not a feminist. It’s gotten to the point where the word is useless. It’s means different things to different people.
Is the antigun movement better off today than they were 7 years ago? I think we’ve sold a lot more guns. Tens of millions more. There’s a name for people who keep doing the same things but expect different results: crazy.
Keep up the good work Brownie.
Seems like a lot of the shootings in Baltimore and Chicago are done with illegally obtained guns. Can’t they send undercover cops into these towns and try to buy illegal guns?
There’s an idea. Legalize drugs and re-assign the cops who work in narcotics.
Corrupt Democrat mayors would rather make this about guns than thugs, and they almost never prosectute criminals caught with guns to the fullest extent of the law.
Is the antigun movement better off today than they were 7 years ago? I think we’ve sold a lot more guns. Tens of millions more. There’s a name for people who keep doing the same things but expect different results: crazy.
There have been a number of movements which did more or less the same thing for decades until they achieved their goals. The movement for women’s suffrage was one of them.
Leave Lola out of this zhe’s suffered enough.
And remember kidz, it always follows the same historical pattern, as it did under Stalin and under Hitler: registration, confiscation, extermination.
So when do they start exterminating in the UK?
Or Australia?
Australian Gun Ban Resulted in Higher Gun Crimes, Not Lower!
Posted on January 15, 2013 by Giacomo Filed under 2nd Amendment, Crime, Gun Control, Law, Law Enforcement, Liberalism
President Obama, Vice President Biden, New York Mayor Bloomberg, and all the other liberal Democrats want to ban guns from private ownership in order to reduce gun violence in the United States. But will it?
In 1996 newly elected Prime Minister John Howard of Australia pushed for stricter gun control. That year the Australian Parliament passed the National Firearms Agreement which banned the private ownership of all semiautomatic rifles and semiautomatic and pump action shotguns. The new law also established more restrictions in the licensing of other firearms.
According to the National Firearms Agreement private citizens were forced to turn over the banned weapons in a government buyback system. Beginning on October 1, 1966 through September 30, 1997, the Australian government spent $500 million in purchasing and destroying more than 631,000 banned guns. Howard and other politicians promised the citizens of Australia that they would be safer now that these horrible weapons had been taken off the streets.
However, that was not the case!
Since Australia banned semiautomatic rifles, shotguns and pump action shotguns the gun crime rates have skyrocketed throughout the country.
Murders committed with guns increased by 19%.
Home invasions increased by 21%.
Assaults committed with guns increased by 28%.
Armed robberies skyrocketed with an increase of 69%.
Many former gun owners blame the government and their gun control laws for the increases in crimes. They feel helpless in their own homes, unable to protect themselves. In fact, home invasions were so rare prior to the gun ban that the nation did not even have a legal definition for what a home invasion was.
That’s odd, because here’s an article that says just the opposite:
“In 2011, Harvard’s David Hemenway and Mary Vriniotis reviewed the research on Australia’s suicide and homicide rate after the NFA. Their conclusion was clear: “The NFA seems to have been incredibly successful in terms of lives saved.”
What they found is a decline in both suicide and homicide rates after the NFA. The average firearm suicide rate in Australia in the seven years after the bill declined by 57 percent compared with the seven years prior. The average firearm homicide rate went down by about 42 percent.”
My article is from Vox. Where is yours from?
Wait until Australia, with its disarmed population and small standing military, gets invaded and occupied by the Chinese.
It wouldn’t make much difference if a few thousand Australians had semi-automatic weapons.
“It wouldn’t make much difference if a few thousand Australians had semi-automatic weapons.”
It’s not about that anyway , you know that.
Well, it’s certainly possible that Raymond blew a dog whistle that you can hear, but I can’t.
It won’t have to be gulags and gas chambers. The Rotherham coverup of 1,400+ molested kidz that police refused to acknowledge out of fear of being called racist is the type of “collateral damage” from progressive apologist cultural relativism that will only increase after Jeremy Corbyn becomes prime minister.
And BTW Superstar, I notice you’ve been getting lots of thumbs up votes on that other website lately, you should bring some of that fire back to the HBB.
that will only increase after Jeremy Corbyn becomes prime minister
Like that will ever happen.
Pack heat ‘for the molested children’. That has to be about the lamest gun control defense I have ever seen. What’s next? Concealed carry for Jesus?
Goon Squad? More like Loon squad.
Washington Post (real journalists) report on Earthly paradise for women in the caliphate:
Related article from the FoxNewsHate:
TTP’s a$$-rape of American workers is provoking resistance, at long last, as at some ‘Muricans are balking about being herded into the globalists’ incorporated neoliberal plantation.
The other side of this is that the whole TPP is meant to be a check on China. Unfortunately, like other well meaning “deals”, it’s larded with some really bad stuff, essentially goodies to encourage corporations to do business in other places besides China. If it weren’t larded with that stuff, I’d be all for it. Anything to break the hold of the toxic kingdom.
TYT (The Young Turks) did a great segment explaining how multinational corporations wrote this trade agreement and its secrecy. The big pharma component was interesting.
The big pharma component was interesting.
So now impoverished nations are gonna have to pay American prices for pills?
I guess that’ll be one way to cull the global herd and deal with overpopulation.
Big Pharma curtailed generics by imposing an 8 year patent, pretending they wanted 12 years, so they look like good guys. Yeah, that isn’t good for getting drugs out there at a reasonable price.
One of my husband’s glaucoma drops retails for $400 a bottle. That’s insanity. The active ingredient has been out there for a while now. Luckily, his UCLA affiliated doc has helped us.
One of my husband’s glaucoma drops retails for $400 a bottle
One of many reasons why my family’s insurance plan costs $18,000 a year.
When I was in the UK I shared that fact ($18,000 a year) with everyone I met. It was fun watching their expressions of astonishment and utter shock and disbelief. Then I told them about all the deductibles and copays I still have to pay.
They just couldn’t believe it. They thought I was joking.
God Bless the American Medical Industrial Complex.
good thing u didn’t get sock in uk
=death trap
CO you missed the labor day end of CO housing bubble
my family’s insurance plan costs $18,000 a year ??
$18,480. for us to be exact….Goes up10-12% per year also….And thats with a $5,000. deductible each…
good thing u didn’t get sock in uk
FWIW, my UK relatives have no complaints about their healthcare. Some have even had surgery, all with positive experiences and outcomes. And no, they didn’t have to wait an eternity to be taken care of.
The whole notion that we pay 3x (or more) what others pay because we get better quality healthcare is bunk.
Healthcare has been a mess for decades. Take the CXOs of Big Pharma, Big Healthcare, and the damn Lobbyists, and throw their asses in jail already.
I follow Wendell Potter’s Blog, the former VP of Cigna. He is now a consumer advocate.
USA MIC is fubar.
FWIW, my UK relatives have no complaints about their healthcare. Some have even had surgery, all with positive experiences and outcomes. And no, they didn’t have to wait an eternity to be taken care of.
Don’t confuse him with the facts.
The American medical cartel will richly reward Obama for TTP and Obamacare.
How’s that hope ‘n change working out for you, Detroit?
well yes you had the place for 40 years and ran it into the ground , now someone else wants to spend money and upgrade it..
They want to get us out of Detroit,” says West, who, like many other city residents, believes the foreclosures target poor people and people of color. “That’s just the truth.”
3 month T-Bill yeilds 0%…First time EVER;
Yeah…about that…I smell fear.
anyone else notice that everytime the market is on the ropes a massive short covering rally is somehow created?
Massive rigging and manipulation on these fraudulent “markets.”
Short-covering rallies are an example of the free market at work. There is no conspiracy involved. Part of it occurs when price movement triggers buy and sell algorithms, causing more short covering, and the whole thing snowballs.
Yeah I noticed that.
I have enough 52 week t bills. Will just reinvest them. Need to build up more crypto currency. Paper wallets rock!
18 things you did that your grandkids can’t do without facing arrest.
Didn’t read past the first one: Snowball fights. Then see the article is about throwing a snowball at a cop. Disingenuous hype.
Disingenuous hype ??
I call BS….
The point you fail to want to recognize is that same event 40 years ago would have gotten you taken to the police station and have your parents come pick you up followed by some butt whipping…Now its a Lifetime Felony Record for this 13 year old…Employer does not give a rats ass that its was a snowball you through, You have a Felony dude…Your not employable in most parts…
The boy and a group of classmates were on their way home when a snowball was thrown which hit the officers arm as he sat in his patrol car. The kid, who denies throwing the snowball, said he saw it, and it actually hit the car not the officer. The boy was taken into custody and charged with aggravated battery to a ‘peace officer’, which is a felony.
The kid, who is due in court on March 12th, faces having a criminal record for a felony charge, something that will affect him for years to come over the throwing of a snowball.
Chicago police have confirmed that the boy has no gang affiliation and that he has no criminal record.
Been watching an anime on Netflix called “Psycho-Pass”
The setting is 100 years in the future in Japan. A technology to “read” people’s psychological profiles is used to assign a psycho-pass number to everyone. If your number is too high, you’re boned and will find yourself marginalized and on the dole as you will be unemployable.
The twist is that some criminals are not readable; but the population doesn’t know that.
So what actually happened to the snowball thrower? No one knows …
The point you fail to want to recognize is that same event 40 years ago would have gotten you taken to the police station and have your parents come pick you up followed by some butt whipping
Yeah, back in the ’50s the cop wouldn’t even bother taking the kid down to the station. He’d just give the kid a beating right in the street. Then when the kid’s father got home from work and heard what happened, the kid would get another beating and be sent to bed without dinner. Those were the good old days.
40 years ago the cop woulda give the kid an ass whippin. Is that what you want?
You use that word Freedom…I don’t think it means what you think it means.”
I wonder why he was singled out. When I returned from the UK and went through immigration at the airport they only thing I was asked was if went anywhere besides the UK. And I didn’t have to go through customs (I also skipped customs in Heathrow).
One thing immigration had in common at both ends: the immigration officers did not smile.
What you do is get a short term smart phone for overseas travel. Leave your regular phone with you only for home and road trips. Perhaps this had something with him being in China. Of course I am not defending DHS. But he should have known beforehand and used a short term phone.
With Jeb’s campaign floundering, the oligarchs have found a back-up Trojan Horse.
Fiorina is a black-widow…As time goes on we will hear more about just how vile she is…
Beneath that reactive armor there’s a woman with desire.
That should be her campaign slogan.
Her sole purpose in the campaign is to attack Hilary….But she is losing ammunition…The Benghazi revelation handed Hilary a gift…Whats left now, emails ??
How was it a revelation? BG was a Republican witch hunt from the start and everybody knew it. The emails are going to get more traction, at least with the voting public. Even if she gets off on a technicality, her pile of technicalities is getting a bit high.
How was it a revelation ??
Because the 1st in line speaker McCarthy stepped on his Pee-pee by admitting the purpose of the BG investigative committee…
Yes, “fiscal conservatives” who want “smaller government” had no trouble spending $14 million on Benghazi hearings, which resulted in no findings — which, as Mr. McCarthy revealed, were entirely political.
Sorry, but IMO Trump got it right.
In 2008 I was talking to a friend, and the grumpy old guy next to us said “I’m gonna vote Republican… [why?] … they got better lookin’ wimmin.” Translation: Repubs voted for Palin on her looks, they’ll fail to vote for Fiorina on her looks.
Even her own “Faces” campaign ad sinks her. It’s just faces of women, but it’s
close up close up close up
Carly from a distance
close up close up close up close up close up
Carly from a distance
Close up close up close up close up
Carly from a distance, complete with totally annoying sarcastic hip waggling.×0g
Repubs voted for Palin on her looks ??
It was not because of her intelligence thats for sure…
Republicans for McCain and Palin because they were Republicans. VP candidates usually have very little effect on voters.
usually have very little effect on voters ??
It does with me…Thinking that she could possibly sit in the oval office is downright frightening…
Sara Palin was and is an imbecile. The thought of her as VP was deeply terrifying to any thinking person. Unfortunately, only about 5% of the electorate fall into that category.
Every once in a while I’d get a automotive repo order for a high-powered lady, usually in the middle of a divorce. We’re talking about fancy peeps with $100k plus of outstanding credit card debt! Funny thing… they always had a doll or two in the car; not your cheap kid’s dolls either. Beneath that tough exterior there was still a young woman programmed by nature to be taken.
Agree about Palin, but that pinhead Biden is any better? Geesh. And his reaction to being caught in a lie? Yikes - extreme narcissism.
As time goes on we will hear more about just how vile she is…
Do you know something? Or just assuming she’s vile?
Or just assuming she’s vile ??
Well look up the definision of vile…Is she some of those ??Apparently so given some of statements that are leaking out like this one;
Joe Shumate, a pollster who worked on Fiorina’s 2010 bid for a Senate seat, was found dead in his home- struck by a heart attack as he poured over polling data late into the night. Fiorina praised him as the “the heart and soul” of her team, but somehow didn’t feel the need to give his widow his final $30,000 paycheck. The Washington Post reported that it was one of 30 invoices worth $500,000 that Carly’s campaign failed to pay out- even though she paid herself back the $1.3 million she lent her campaign.
Hear? All you have to do is LOOK at her. I didn’t think there could be a scarier looking woman than Hillary, but Carly nails it.
With Jeb’s campaign floundering, the oligarchs have found a back-up Trojan Horse.
Czarly is Rmoney 2.0
Unelectable. That said, she might get the VP spot, and attack Hillary non stop.
Unelectable for sure. Here in California when she ran for the Senate, she started off strong against the somewhat unpopular Sen. Boxer. Boxer ran this ad and Fiorina tanked:
What’s disturbing is that she had to run the ad to get Fiorina’s numbers to tank. How can’t you know her history?
Your average laid-back Californian doesn’t pay that much attention to politics on a day-to-day basis. They are more concerned with getting a table at the local gastropub and making sure the Lexus has been washed.
Czarly has been flying below the radar since she was fired from HP (prior to her run for Senate), so it isn’t that surprising that outside of Tech many had no idea of who she was.
so it isn’t that surprising that outside of Tech many had no idea of who she was ??
Thats exactly correct…..
The point is, there is no candidate with such negative info so easily available about him/her. With one search, you have all you need to see. I believe what you all are saying is true, which is what makes it so disturbing. It proves voters didn’t do ANY vetting of her.
It proves voters didn’t do ANY vetting of her ??
The Repubs didn’t care….They thought Boxer was vulnerable and ripe for defeat…
The Repubs didn’t care….They thought Boxer was vulnerable and ripe for defeat…
And Czarly was marketed as a dynamic, “can do” candidate who was “with it”.
But yeah, not too hard to dig up dirt on her. Perhaps she was the best the GOP could come up with to run against Boxer (who I also find odious)
who I also find odious ??
As do I…..
That said, she might get the VP spot, and attack Hillary non stop ??
That would not surprise me…If you can run Palin for VP that pretty much sets the precedence for anyone to qualify….
But, if there is no substance for the attacks it will be seen as just that…A personal spiteful attack by a unqualified woman…
repubs are going to need more dirt then they have on Hilary right now if they hope to take her down…Will see how the poll numbers move after McCarthy dropped the stink bomb on BG…
Sarah Palin lives in your empty skull, rent free.
The polls show that Fiorina at 10% in Iowa and 14% in New Hampshire. She probably won’t be the nominee.
I seem to recall that four years ago the GOP was hopping from leading candidate to another one every few weeks. Remember when Cain was the hot guy du jour with his 9-9-9?
Yeah, usually one guy would pop up in the polls and Romney would unleash some TV ads. Then that guy would lose support and some other guy would have his turn. Of course, that mostly happened after the caucuses and primaries got started. They’ve got more clowns in the car this time around, so they’re getting started earlier.
How are these broke-ass losers going to buy your house or hold onto their own once prices start dropping?
TTP locks in the Obama/Goldman Sachs agenda for 40% of the global economy.
TTP is anti-China. So the right wing loves commie China now? Just like they admire Putin?
TTP is anti-worker. Neoliberalism is neo-fuedalism, pure and simple. Screw over the many to benefit the already super-rich. Whether that worker is Chinese, Mexican, or American, knowing the people who wrote and pushed for this bill, nothing good will come out of it for the working class anywhere.
SJW gets a reality check.
And BTW, Andrew Breitbart was murdered under direct orders from King Obama, and Sharryl Attkisson is next!
Real Journalists for Oligopoly-owned propaganda outlets like the LA Times are getting real pink slips as more and more sheeple wake the flock up and cancel their subscriptions.
Does that mean they won’t be “real journalists” anymore?
Hope and Change:
That’s what makes raising kids unaffordable for the middle class. Not optional stuff like piano lessons or soccer team fees.
I watched Divorce Corp on Netflix last night Superstar. Not specifically a red pill narrative, but enlightening nevertheless.
That grad student I was FWB with told me she expects to graduate with $150,000 of student loans. Gonna take beaucoup BB to wife that up and make some babies with her. Pass, LOLZ.
She’s a dumbass. She could have attended UNC in Greeley for $5000 a year. Mesa State University in Grand Junction is FREE if you have good HS grades and SAT/ACT scores (say 90th percentile)
Heck, even CU is about $9000 a year. Let me guess, she went to DU or Regis and borrowed 30K a year to pay the tuition.
It amazes me that those two schools can attract students. There is also the Western Undergraduate Exchange program. You can attend UW in Laramie under the WUE program for about $6000 a year.
But you are right, good luck finding a Beta Bucks to pay off her loans, I’m sure her degree in “Studies” will land her a great paying job in Corporate America
Do you understand the pricing there? Why is one $9000, one $5000, and one free?
Without sharing too much at risk of doxxing, she went to one of the larger U California schools and paid out of state tuition, and is now going to Regis (coming from outside Colorado) in a program not offered at many schools.
She will probably make $60-75K coming out of school next year. And she just turned 30. AFAIK, her 20s were more focused on skiing 100+ days a year whilst working a McJob, than riding the fabled Carousel and snorting eightballs of cocaine, as is often the path of many Big Name™ ski resort town girls.
Do you understand the pricing there? Why is one $9000, one $5000, and one free?
UNC is a land grant school. It’s nursing school is considered one of the best and has a long waiting list. It’s education school is one of the best.
Mesa State is in podunky and far away from everything Grand Junction, so I’m guessing they are trying to lure better students there.
Without sharing too much at risk of doxxing, she went to one of the larger U California schools and paid out of state tuition
That explains a lot. So why didn’t she go to CSU, CU or (assuming she was studying something STEMmy) the School of Mines?
Graduating with $20K of debt seems bad enough to me. $150K? For a $60k job? That is just plain stupid.
Yep. Just as I’ve always surmised, the UN is nothing more than a global shakedown mechanism for highly placed officials. Withdraw and encourage it to move to China or Africa or some such place.
Our faked unemployment statistics do not capture the reality of the current economic malaise.
Notice how hard the oligarchy’s pitchmen are trying to lure the last of the retail bagholders into their rigged casino?
This one for Goon’s warmist file……
I acknowledge warmism but do not endorse the proposed collectivist solutions to it. I expect to be dead within half a century, but the warmism will continue. From the wikipedia entry for Jared Diamond’s book Collapse:
“The root problem in all but one of Diamond’s factors leading to collapse is overpopulation relative to the practicable (as opposed to the ideal theoretical) carrying capacity of the environment.”
The flooding and death in South Carolina is God’s way of sending a message to people who elect Lindsey Graham.
Goon :
Like you I have read Diamond’s stuff - Guns, (can’t remember) and Steel was a great read.
I have to say that his analysis in that book is in many ways good but I wonder where the data originates.
“I have to say that his analysis in that book is in many ways good but I wonder where the data originates.”
I was under the impression that his thesis argued that geography was responsible for shaping various rates of human development divided primarily by mountain ranges, east v. west spanning, and of course the incredible tropics.
That would be “Germs”.
First, my heartfelt sympathies to the victims of the massive flooding in and around South Carolina.
Unfortunately for all of us, these types of events (severe floods or droughts expected to occur once per 1,000 years) are occurring with greater frequency and severity. The event in South Carolina still would have occurred without global warming. Global warming, however, is a meteorological steroid, adding more punch to the event and worsening the severity.
The physics are undeniable. CO2 makes the planet warmer. Hotter temperatures increases evaporation rates, making droughts worse. Warmer air can carry more water, making floods worse. It really is that simple.
South Carolina floods show how global warming is altering our weather
Just as periodic school massacres are a small price to pay for “freedom”, the extra punch of a stronger hurricane is a small price to pay to for “prosperity”.
CO2 makes the planet warmer
There is the basis for all your assertions about what’s going to happen. You cannot logically explain how this works. The guy who invented your mantra could not logically explain how this works, because it’s false.
It’s basic physics. CO2 is transparent to sunlight but is relatively opaque to infrared. Sunlight warms the Earth; when things are warm, they radiate infrared. As CO2 goes up more infrared energy is trapped and can’t escape into space. It’s a feedback loop. The atmosphere of Venus is 96% CO2 and all of its incoming solar heat is trapped. The surface temperature there is 860 F.
I do appreciate your attempt to answer. Unfortunately practically all of what you say defies an understanding of what light is and how radiation works.
Along my line of thought; It is radiation from the sun that warms the earth. If CO2 were a radiation blocker it would reduce the radiation that gets to the earth in the first place. It is not a radiation blocker. Dust in the atmosphere is a radiation blocker because solid particles reflect radiation, not so much molecules of gas.
Is this the best that the smart guys could do to explain it to you?
Here’s a good quick explanation from wikipedia:
“The major atmospheric gases (oxygen and nitrogen) are transparent to incoming sunlight and are also transparent to outgoing thermal infrared. However, water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane and other trace gases are opaque to many wavelengths of thermal infrared energy. The Earth’s surface radiates the net equivalent of 17 percent of incoming solar energy as thermal infrared. However, the amount that directly escapes to space is only about 12 percent of incoming solar energy. The remaining fraction—a net 5-6 percent of incoming solar energy—is transferred to the atmosphere when greenhouse gas molecules absorb thermal infrared energy radiated by the surface.[14]
When greenhouse gas molecules absorb thermal infrared energy, their temperature rises. Like coals from a fire that are warm but not glowing, greenhouse gases then radiate an increased amount of thermal infrared energy in all directions. Heat radiated upward continues to encounter greenhouse gas molecules; those molecules absorb the heat, their temperature rises and the amount of heat they radiate increases. At an altitude of roughly 5–6 kilometres, the concentration of greenhouse gases in the overlying atmosphere is so small that heat can reach space.[14]
Because greenhouse gas molecules radiate infrared energy in all directions, some of it spreads downward and ultimately returns to Earth’s surface, where it is absorbed. Surface temperature is thus higher than it would be if it were heated only by direct solar heating. This supplemental heating is the natural greenhouse effect.[14]“
CO2 is a selective radiation blocker: it is transparent to visual and UV wavelengths, but blocks infrared. The Sun’s peak energy output is the frequency corresponding with the color yellow. CO2 is just like the glass window of a greenhouse. It lets the sunshine in but doesn’t allow heat to escape.
“Like coals from a fire that are warm but not glowing…”
I appreciate that maybe you are trying to understand something here and not just cutting a pasting Wiki editorials without comprehension.
“Because greenhouse gas molecules radiate infrared energy in all directions…”
There is a gaping logical failure. Let’s start with that one. Please see if you can figure out why radiation does not go “in all directions”.
“This…is the natural greenhouse effect” !
Blue, you should know better. Radiation doesn’t heat the earth, not directly. Radiation sends light energy to the earth. The earth absorbs some of the light energy, and what’s left over is the lower energy heat waves. Strictly speaking, the sun “lights” the earth and the earth “heats” itself. CO2 doesn’t block the light coming in, but it blocks the heat going out.
This was explained to me by the smart guys who wrote my 9th grade earth science textbook. They even drew me a picture to help.
That said, surface climate is dictated by deep ocean currents, which in turn are driven by differences in salinity.
No discussion of climate change can leave out the influence of the oceans.
Good grief.
lol…. The Dingbat Brigade is on the march today.
As I understand it, CO2 is a pretty weak greenhouse gas.
H20 is stronger.
Methane is really strong.
One of the issues with a lot of the models is that they predict that a lot of the warming is due NOT to the direct greenhouse effect associated with CO2, but with the knock-on effects of higher CO2 concentrations. Specifically, there are projections that there will be more water vapor will be in the air with higher concentrations of CO2–that H20 is the primary cause of projected warming.
However, just how much atmospheric H20 increases with higher CO2 concentrations is an educated guess at the moment. My understanding is that the higher end of the educated guess is looking less likely based on more recent measurements.
Please see if you can figure out why radiation does not go “in all directions”.
Oh, cool the TJ technique. You know the answer but I have to guess it. Why don’t you just tell us the simple logical fallacy that makes all of the scientific world wrong about global warming?
And yet a world full of scientists considers it to be true.
That kind of response is a logical failure.
What about believing you can release hundreds of millions of years of stored co2 into the atmosphere over a relatively short period of time and not have any detrimental effects? Is that logical?
I am sure I don’t know, but still that is not a logical response. I am pretty sure deforestation is a really bad idea, so is acid rain and mercury in the air. The Greenhouse Effect is a troublesome thing because it is based on a flawed idea from a certifiable crazy person, and isn’t logical. Working really hard to solve something that isn’t the problem might be a bad idea as well.
You beat the drum a lot. Sometimes crazy people have good ideas.
I kept peanuts away from my kids until they were two because a world full of scientists thought feeding them peanuts might contribute to the development of a peanut allergy.
Turns out they were all wrong.
Don’t mistake American nutrition fads for science.
Another for the Goon to file in his warmest folder…..
Can someone on this blog interpret the last sentence for me?
SunEdison - About 15% of Workforce
SunEdison Inc., the world’s biggest clean-energy developer, is planning to fire about 15 percent of its workforce.
The restructuring will lead to charges of $30 million to $40 million, which will be recorded in the third and fourth quarters of this year and first quarter of 2016, according to a filing Monday with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Maryland Heights, Missouri-based SunEdison said the cuts were “in response to current and expected market conditions and in order to remove duplicative activities created as a result of merger and acquisition activities and business growth.”
“business growth”
Apparently, growth is negative.
When you fire people profit often grows, even if only temporarily.
There was a merger or an acquisition and jobs were eliminated as a result. This happens all the time.
Is it just me or are we starting to see a announcement of layoffs occurring again ?? In other words, could we be rolling over on the employment trend line we have witnessed over the past several years ?? World pretty much in or on the brink of recession…Sooner or later its got to have some impact on our exports and multinationals…
It depends. Poorly run firms like HP will laying off, as other firms eat their lunch, especially since as of late HP does not invest during “tough times” and will continue to fall behind in enterprise computing.
I guess what I am wondering is if we will see the employment number start to tick back up…If we do, we could even more volatility in the markets…
Hmmm they don’t mention Juarez? probably kinda hard for scientist to cruse around down that way ..
Yesterday, someone mentioned that Trump was a Beta Bucks, because women are only attracted to him for his money. But Trump has more than money: he is powerful and is well known, even famous. He is an Alpha.
A Beta Bucks is typically a nerdy cubicle dweller who draws a decent paycheck. He will never be in the news (unless he goes on a shooting rampage) and won’t ever be a presidential contender. And he will NEVER date or marry (with an iron clad prenup) a supermodel. Beta Bucks marry women who can no longer get the attention of the hot guys.
Anecdote: At a comic con I saw Anthony Montgomery in a panel. He was the helmsman in Startrek: Enterprise. By his own admission he couldn’t date a girl to save his life when he was younger (presumably because he was too nice a guy and hadn’t landed a successful TV gig yet) but then told the small audience present that “once you turn 30, girls will want to marry you!”.
That, my friends, is a Beta Bucks
Beta bucks does not apply to billionaires. Beta bucks is just enough money to pay for alpha spawn and buy enough tools to take care of the honeydo list every weekend.
And he considers himself “lucky” to have her and her kids.
SJWs don’t get it. But they get to buy their Tinder dates meals on 7pm dates that end promptly after the restaurant check is paid and she leaves to go meet her 9pm AF date
And Goon hits it out of the ballpark!
Do BB’s get their dates on Tinder? That sounds more like AF territory.
They get dates alright, but they don’t get much p****. And as long as they keep paying for meals, giving rides, helping move furniture, et cetera, and being an emotional tampon, the blue pill boys will secure their role as beta orbiter.
Like it or not, that is today’s dating reality.
Meshes exactly with the philosophies of Tom Leykis
Leykis, lol. Thanks for the reminder.
A few weeks ago I was trying to explain to a colleague that he might be legally responsible for his live-in girlfriend and his step-daughter, both of whom he’s been living with for 15 years.
He swore up and down that there was no way but - and I couldn’t come up with Leykis’ name at the time and wasn’t sure if he was still on - I remember Leykis doing a show specifically about Oregon and Washington law that makes it so after about 5-7 years. I had a live-in GF at the time, and he scared me straight…
Common Law Marriage….
Common-law marriages can certainly be contracted in nine states (Alabama, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Montana, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, and Utah) and the District of Columbia.,d.cGU
yeah, I can’t remember the details, as neither OR nor WA have common law marriage, but there was some recourse loophole if they split that obligated the guy to pay support. I think there had to be mixed property for a certain period of time.
Never, never, never put any of the utility bills in both your names. Just sayin.
If he’s been living with them both for 15 years, that step-daughter must be near adulthood. No support then.
Smart guys like me meet for coffee, as everyone in the online dating pool is a fraud. If she is not a fatty, move to phase B. 75% lie about their age.
Don’t be a Lola…
I didn’t claim that Trump was a BB. I posed the question based on your definition. Now that you’ve elaborated, it’s clear that there are still a lot of problem with this whole theory.
it’s clear that there are still a lot of problem with this whole theory
Care to elaborate?
Apparently the theory is that there are a lot of young women out there whose goal is to get pregnant with one guy and then marry another guy to support to that kid. It’s hard to imagine that these woman could be more than few percent of the population. They must come from very effed up families.
I don’t think it’s a goal as much as it is a natural result when they let their hamster do their thinking for them.
It’s hard to imagine that these woman could be more than few percent of the population. They must come from very effed up families.
50% of all women under the age of 30 who give birth are unmarried. And the number is going up.
They don’t necessarily do it on purpose, but once they have the kid, the AF makes himself scarce, and since he might be a deadbeat, she knows that pursuing him for CS is waste of time. That’s when Captain BB puts on the spandex and swoops in to her rescue, because “A real man will raise another man’s kids”
50% of all women under the age of 30 who give birth are unmarried. And the number is going up.
These women mostly have low incomes and not much education. Marriages between such women and guys with good cubicle jobs are probably very rare. Do you know any such married couples?
I know of only one BB-type couple. Guy was mid-30’s and divorced (wife cheated), and kidless. Woman was single (don’t know how) but had a baby girl from somewhere. He married her and adopted the baby girl. No additional kids. Both white, happened 30 years ago.
But I agree with Mike. You can’t correlate the stats. The poor baby-daddy culture doesn’t mix with the more responsible cubicle dweller culture.
And I guess I’m being dense, but are there really BB’s out there who want to raise some other AF’s kids? If I were a BB, I would be scanning the lonely barren women with the cats and the boxed wine. With them, I’d be loved completely and treated like a king, instead of dealing with constant distraction from a screaming banshee moneysuck which isn’t even my DNA. The only way I see it working is if the BB thinks he’s an AF and the chick is a MILF.
These women mostly have low incomes and not much education.
It’s tempting to think that. But this behavior isn’t confined to trailer parks.
Do you know any such married couples?
More than a few. I remember one guy in particular who was going to marry one. I tried to talk him out of it. He instead chose to attend Ben Franklin’s school of hard knocks.
Heck, a nephew married one. She often complains that he favors his kids (who are also hers) over “her kid”
As octal77 mentioned above, this is becoming quite common.
“These women mostly have low incomes and not much education. Marriages between such women and guys with good cubicle jobs are probably very rare.”
FWIW, good paying cubicle jobs frequently demand an intense schedule, which doesn’t work-out well for the poor chap trying to keep up with a “slippery kitty” strumpet directing her own micro-soap.
It depends what kind of jobs we’re talking about. Plenty of low-paid people who do data entry and customer service work in cubicles.
‘ That’s when Captain BB puts on the spandex and swoops in to her rescue, because “A real man will raise another man’s kids” ‘
That, my friends, is a Beta Bucks”
haha thats right.
I still think letting billionaires marry as many hot women as they can afford is a good idea.
Then they won’t be billionaires for long. wealth inequality solved.
Money & Beauty. A formula that is great for the lady. She usually walks away with a plastic surgery package.
Elephant herd walking thru a hotel lobby every year to get to their mango tree. I love this!
Trying to convince an anti science, anti-warmer that he/he is wrong, is like trying to explain to a Catholic that their are other gods with the same virgin birth story.
It rocks their foundation, they wont listen.
Indeed. So now you are a science guy too!
since I graduated college
It didn’t do you any good Liberace.
Anyone have first hand knowledge? What city is better? Reno or Sacramento? Or less bad?
Anyone have first hand knowledge? What city is better? Reno or Sacramento? Or less bad ??
Cold, windy, hot…Transient population….Has some nice nightlife (not casino’s) in the area known as “mid-town”…Relatively cheap housing & rent….
Thats a big area you ask of….Only place I would go is downtown…But, the secret is out…There has been a lot of investment and movement towards the downtown so prices are up…Google “Railyard Development”…Also building the new Kings arena downtown…
My Answer; Go downtown Sac….
+1 for Mid-town. Seems to be the place to be.
+1 for Mid-town. Seems to be the place to be ??
Yep…Just spent three days there…Slept at the Peppermill but walked to and stayed in Mid-Town everyday and part of each evening…
Hard to get too excited about either. I am looking for the next move once the correction takes hold. I’d love to have a boat and hit Lake Tahoe.
That’s a good one.
The world is back on the brink of recession, the International Monetary Fund has warned in its latest assessment of the global economy.
The IMF cut its forecast for world economic growth this year from 3.3% to 3.1%.
That would be the lowest annual growth rate since 2009, and is only fractionally higher than the 3% level under which economists consider the world to be in recession.
The forecast change, contained in the Fund’s World Economic Outlook, will be seen as further evidence of the risk that the world could slide back into a slump in the coming months.
The fall was mainly triggered by weaker growth in emerging economies, including China, which suffered a sharp fall in its stock market in the summer. The Fund predicted that China would grow by 6.8% this year and 6.3% - below Beijing’s 7% targeted growth rate
I’m shocked, shocked I tell you, no one could have seen this coming.
Oct 6 The International Monetary Fund said Tuesday that it now expects Latin America’s economy to shrink 0.3 percent this year instead of growing 0.5 percent, largely due to a steep recession in Brazil and slumping commodity prices.
It would be the first recession for the Latin American and Caribbean region since 2009.
But the IMF, which is holding its annual meeting in Peru this week, said the region’s economy should recover in 2016 to expand by 0.8 percent.
Rather doubt 2016 will be better, but hey what do I know.
China’s slowdown and tumbling commodity prices will push global economic growth this year to the lowest level since the recession year 2009, the International Monetary Fund has predicted.
In a report in advance of the IMF-World Bank annual meetings in Lima, Peru, this week, the fund said the world economy will grow 3.1 per cent this year, down from a July forecast of 3.3 per cent and from 3.4 per cent growth last year.
“The risks seem more tilted to the downside than they did just a few months ago,” IMF chief economist Maurice Obstfeld told reporters…………………………….
Mr Obstfeld said any rate increase in the United States would be good news, reflecting the Fed’s vote of confidence in the American economy, the world’s largest.
Sunday, Monday, Crater Days,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Crater Days,
Thursday, Friday, Craters Days
Saturday, You slave away
A seven day week for you
Infrared energy is “HEAT”
Everything radiates infrared energy unless it is at absolute zero!
Infrared energy, Heat, always transfer to colder items, and will warm the colder item and make it emit more energy.
CO2 is very cold and will accept energy from any source of heat warmer than the CO2
The sun radiates a full spectrum of energy, of which one part is Infrared!
If the sun radiates more energy, the earth will warm , if it radiates less energy it will cool.
Not a damn thing we can do about it!
If the sun radiates more energy, the earth will warm , if it radiates less energy it will cool.
Not a damn thing we can do about it!
When I first read this, I thought it was interesting–science!
yeah! I’d rather burn coal to stay warm then move to clean energy. Progress is so overrated.
“I’d rather burn coal to stay warm then move to clean energy.”
Please… don’t say CalPoly. ReplaceString(then,than);
the lame police have arrived
Cypress Hill (self-titled) LP released 1991:
South Central Los Angeles meets East Los Angeles…
Boogie Down Productions (1987)
I now have all the reason I need to vote for Trump: the oligarchs who control the MSM are hissing like the vipers they are at the prospect of him becoming president, and vowing to leave the country if he does. That’s just fine by me.
It’s done. Dropped $1000 off my total housing costs as of today.
Just in time for El Niño.
The drive west of Phoenix today was interesting. Series of storm cells and broken clouds. Very crisp blue sky. It was all clear by Quartzite.
I will buy a house in the future. Just have too much sentimental value junk. I am in no hurry. Within five years there is very likely going to be a plunge in house prices all across the USA.
Enjoy your cheap oil while it lasts.
Because it’s time to “rally the base”
Sheldon Adelson has the answer to all of this, he owns you. That fat old piece of sh*t rolling around Vegas on a mobility scooter, he owns the Republican Party. The Drudge Report headlined with a Weekly Standard article a few days ago. Want more blood and death and debt ($18+ trillion) then click on that, and watch the ad-choked (just watch the cookies load on a public browser) Drudge Report reload itself, giving you more and more neocon clickbait.
Huffington Post is pretty cool too, Madeleine Albright indirectly killed 500,000 Iraqi civilians, but she gets a pass, because Democrat Party.
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more cray-cray please