Bits Bucket for October 8, 2015
Post off-topic ideas, links, and Craigslist finds here. Please visit my Youtube channel which you can also find here:
Examining the home price boom and its effect on owners, lenders, regulators, realtors and the economy as a whole.
Post off-topic ideas, links, and Craigslist finds here. Please visit my Youtube channel which you can also find here:
can the markets rally without the shorts covering? Who keeps flushing the shorts?
The tolerance of the left.
No diversity of thought - go after your political enemies with the brute force of the government.
Should We Designate the NRA a Terrorist Group?
Patriot News Daily | 10/5/2015 | Staff
Each time one of these mass shootings happen, the gun-control freaks inch a little bit closer to outright insanity.
Since we decided as a country that the big story from the Charleston murders (somehow?) centered around the Confederate flag, these liberals have been chomping at the bit to get back to their favorite cause. The shooting in Oregon gave them their opportunity.
This time around, they are making some very strange suggestions. One of the strangest came from Linda Stasi at the New York Daily News. She doesn’t just want to crusade for gun control; she wants the U.S. State Department to list the National Rifle Association as a state sponsored terrorist group. It is the National Rifle Association and for their unending lobbying that’s kept a lid on gun control we now have 428 times more American deaths by gun than deaths by foreign terrorists.
Stasi, like most of the liberal media, was only too happy to follow President Obama’s suggestion to make that particular comparison. As though one thing has anything to do with the other. Is it a major NRA platform to claim that terrorists kill more Americans than guns? No one is disputing the president’s claim.
Be prepared for an onslaught, the Social Justice Warriors™ (who are paid employees of the criminal terrorist organization masquerading as a civil rights advocacy group, the Southern Poverty Law Center) have been clocking in for their shifts early this week.
Remember when the ATF gassed and burned the women and children alive at Waco? That is what Social Justice™ looks like.
Remember when the FBI shot Vickie Weaver’s face off while she was standing in the doorway holding a baby (and shot the Weaver family’s dog) at Ruby Ridge? That is what Social Justice™ looks like.
No way can Lola be getting up early 3-4 days in a row. Eventually he’ll be sleeping it off.
It’s very possible his drug of choice changed from heroin to methamphetamine.
^Now thats disgusting… but fitting for Lola.
They’re coming for your guns! Sheldon Adelson/goon says so!
Sheldon Goonelson?
How are we to shoot escaping shoplifters if we don’t have our guns?
How are we to protect the assets of our corporate masters?
“She was released pending an investigation.”
I bet they took away her gun first. Now that poor woman is defenseless!
Should We Designate the NRA a Terrorist Group?
Next question.
Should we spay and neuter all lib-tards? (They’re already eunuchs, but what the hell, let’s take their hamster-sized balls anyway).
Should we spay and neuter all lib-tards?
Because your women like us better?
Aging Liberals Have the Best Sex Life According to Harvard ……/harvard-study-shows-that-aging-liberals-have-the-…
Nov 11, 2013 - One of the more fascinating (and arguably most important) findings of the study is that aging liberal men have way more sex than their …
Why Conservative Men Stop Having Sex Sooner Than ……/2014-07-conservative-men-stop-sex-sooner-li...
Jul 22, 2014 - Lynn Beisner says that’s because most conservative men make sex … having sex in their late 60’s, liberal men continued having active sex … I would expect that psychologists, feminists, and sociologists might have a lot more …
My dad was a womaniser in his late 70s still. He even went out with a gal in her 20s. I was in my mid 30s and proud of my dad.
He was a staunch Reagan Republican.
Aha - A liberal per many definitions.
He was a staunch Reagan Republican.
There is probably a very strong correlation between shrieking tree monkey conservatism and prostate problems.
America’s highest corporate tax rate (39%) in the industrialized world = companies not bringing profits back to America.
Bigger government and higher taxes can solve this!
Big U.S. firms hold $2.1 trillion overseas to avoid taxes: study
Reuters | Tue Oct 6, 2015 6:37pm
WASHINGTON—The 500 largest American companies hold more than $2.1 trillion in accumulated profits offshore to avoid U.S. taxes and would collectively owe an estimated $620 billion in U.S. taxes if they repatriated the funds, according to a study released on Tuesday.
The study, by two left-leaning non-profit groups, found that nearly three-quarters of the firms on the Fortune 500 list of biggest American companies by gross revenue operate tax haven subsidiaries in countries like Bermuda, Ireland, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.
Citizens for Tax Justice and the U.S. Public Interest Research Group Education Fund used the companies’ own financial filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission to reach their conclusions.
Technology firm Apple was holding $181.1 billion offshore, more than any other U.S. company, and would owe an estimated $59.2 billion in U.S. taxes if it tried to bring the money back to the United States from its three overseas tax havens, the study said.
Very few corporations pay that rate. The rates actually paid put the US in the middle of the G7 countries.
They don’t pay the rate because they structure around it. That’s the point.
No, I think that there are deductions and exemptions and whatnot just like in personal income taxes.
Deductions and exemptions and whatnot? Is that technical terminology?
2banana noted industrialized countries, not the G7.
This gets what you are talking about…the “effective tax rate”.
In these studies, it doesn’t show the US as being the highest, but it does show the US as being pretty high.
On page 4, it shows the results of lots of different studies, and the aggregate average shows the US effective tax rate at 27.9%, with the simple average of the other nations being 20.3%.
In each study, it shows how many countries were looked at, and how the US ranked.
6 of 59
3 of 15
2 of 15
8 of 70
2 of 19
2 of 28
4 of 10
23 of 183
3 of 19
4 of 19
5 of 28
5 of 84
5 of 19
Sorry, not middle of the road. In ALL studies, above the median, and in most, in the top quartile (or higher). And in the studies with the smaller sample sizes (presumably including the G7), they were frequently number 2 or 3.
The US corporate tax rate is high. The debate is simply “how high”.
and the aggregate average shows the US effective tax rate at 27.9%, ….The debate is simply “how high”.
Or how low. If the USA puts corporations over people why should not corporations pay a meaningful tax for their favorable treatment? Especially huge companies. Many USA multinationals don’t pay near the cited 27%. I don’t think the USA cares much about the small businesses anymore which is a shame.
Does the U.S. have the highest corporate tax rate in the free world?
“Another 2011 study by the Congressional Research Service put the U.S. effective rate at 27.1 percent, slightly lower than the OECD average of 27.7 percent.”
Nice cherry picking of the one outlier study, you seemed to have glossed over most of the data:
“The most recent estimate comes from the World Bank and International Finance Commission, which put the United States’ effective rate for 2014 at 27.9 percent. That’s second-highest behind New Zealand among OECD countries and 15th-highest among the 189 countries measured.
In 2011, the Tax Foundation published a survey of 13 prior estimates of the United States’ effective tax rate from 2005 to 2011. All 13 studies pegged the U.S.’s rate as above average, but none had the U.S. rate first overall.”
“Many USA multinationals don’t pay near the cited 27%.”
Yes, because of inversions, etc., which no one has really made an effort to change, and is perfectly in line with the law. Hell, Google got IRS approval for their structure. Simpson Bowles had a plan to change this, but for political expediency, that ended up in the circular file.
“If the USA puts corporations over people why should not corporations pay a meaningful tax for their favorable treatment?”
Nice talking point. In what ways does the US put corporations “over people”?
In any event:
The effective tax rate for corporations is approximately 27%. The effective tax rate for households is approximately 17%.
“I don’t think the USA cares much about the small businesses anymore which is a shame.”
Many of which are structured as partnerships with sweat equity partners, who will get hammered if carried interest rules change for partnership taxation. And at the same time, for the salaries they DO take, they pay self employment tax.
It’s all about political point scoring, and not about good policy anymore. And that’s the shame of it all.
Nice cherry picking of the one outlier study, you seemed to have glossed over most of the data:
No. My point is valid. Gloss over this:
“These findings refute the prevailing view inside the Washington, D.C. Beltway that America’s corporate income tax is more burdensome than the corporate income taxes levied by other countries, and that this purported (but false) excess burden somehow makes the U.S. “uncompetitive.”
The Sorry State of Corporate Taxes
Profitable corporations are supposed to pay a 35 percent federal income tax rate on their U.S. profits. But many corporations pay far less, or nothing at all,
The report looks at the profits and U.S. federal income taxes of the 288 Fortune 500 companies that have been consistently profitable in each of the five years between 2008 and 2012,
Some Key Findings:
• As a group, the 288 corporations examined paid an effective federal income tax rate of just 19.4 percent over the five-year period — far less than the statutory 35 percent tax rate.
• Twenty-six of the corporations, including Boeing, General Electric, and Verizon, paid no federal income tax at all over the five year period. A third of the corporations (93) paid an effective tax rate of less than ten percent over that period.
• Of those corporations in our sample with significant offshore profits, two thirds paid higher corporate tax rates to foreign governments where they operate than they paid in the U.S. on their U.S. profits.
These findings refute the prevailing view inside the Washington, D.C. Beltway that America’s corporate income tax is more burdensome than the corporate income taxes levied by other countries, and that this purported (but false) excess burden somehow makes the U.S. “uncompetitive.”
“…collectively owe an estimated $620 billion in U.S. taxes…”
That’s a down payment Victoria Nuland could use toward nation building, or think of how many 2-liter bottles of Root Beer and 16-piece buckets of KFC that would buy?
“…collectively owe an estimated $620 billion in U.S. taxes…”
In the bad old days of President Bush - that would have been the entire deficit for 4+ years…
Now it does not even cover the average deficit for one year under obama.
What is the Obama deficit if you take out the: Bush Wars, Bush Tax Cut, Bush Medicare D?
go ahead and leave in the Bush Recession.
What is the Obama deficit if you take out the: Bush Wars, Bush Tax Cut, Bush Medicare D?
Here it is. In a chart. Obama’s deficit taking out BushWarsTaxCuts etc. Obama’s “deficit” without policies that came before him isn’t much at all.
These are facts that the right will ignore-because of delusion. Delusion: a persistent false psychotic belief…maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary;
You forgot the demographics. You also need to subtract 8 years from everybody’s current age, which will bring many people below the age threshold for SS and Medicare. Instead of making payouts to them, make them pay taxes IN, at the rate they were paying under Bush. Then let’s recalculate deficit.
or just turn up the volume on Fox News and blame O.
2Banamamama still believes in the neo-cons.
Its the Obamapocolypse people! He wont be in office much longer, so he has to start it now.
Cue weeping Jesus sniping liberals from a clock tower while avenging angels swarm down from the sky handing out holy assault weapons to the believers.
America’s highest corporate tax rate (39%) in the industrialized world = companies not bringing profits back to America.
GAO: U.S. corporations pay average effective tax rate of 12.6%
Next myth to debunk!
It would be awesome to start up a company with a phone app that assisted normal citizens in offshoring to avoid taxes.
Hey everybody, it’s Warmist Warming Thursday!
B-b-but Drudge posted a link about unseasonably cold weather somewhere, so that means the oceans aren’t dying, right?
Breitbart dot com (Andrew Breitbart was murdered under direct orders from King Obama, and Sharyl Attkisson is next) reports on warmist warmism:
Bad news for Cruz and the other neocon oil-mongers.
Solar and Wind Just Passed Another Big Turning Point
Wind power is now the cheapest electricity to produce in both Germany and the U.K., even without government subsidies, according to a new analysis by Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF). It’s the first time that threshold has been crossed by a G7 economy.1
For the first time, widespread adoption of renewables is effectively lowering the capacity factor for fossil fuels. That’s because once a solar or wind project is built, the marginal cost of the electricity it produces is pretty much zero—free electricity—while coal and gas plants require more fuel for every new watt produced. If you’re a power company with a choice, you choose the free stuff every time.
It’s a self-reinforcing cycle. As more renewables are installed, coal and natural gas plants are used less. As coal and gas are used less, the cost of using them to generate electricity goes up. As the cost of coal and gas power rises, more renewables will be installed.
The virtuous cycle has begun.
I am for anything that cuts the flow of money to the muslim terror states.
But coal and gas and diesel fired electric plants are never going away.
Especially in cold and rainy places like northern Europe.
Consider a solar project. The sun doesn’t shine at night and, even during the day, varies in brightness with the weather and the seasons. So a project that can crank out 100 megawatt hours of electricity during the sunniest part of the day might produce just 20 percent of that when averaged out over a year. That gives it a 20 percent capacity factor.
One of the major strengths of fossil fuel power plants is that they can command very high and predictable capacity factors. The average U.S. natural gas plant, for example, might produce about 70 percent of its potential (falling short of 100 percent because of seasonal demand and maintenance). But that’s what’s changing, and it’s a big deal.
Especially in cold and rainy places like northern Europe.
That’s where wind power is now the cheapest form of energy, without subsidies.
Does this remain true even with the crash in oil prices?
I can believe it in England. Cornwall is WINDY, and the place was covered with windmills, many were next to the highway
and their KWH rate is???????
high w denmark and germ approaching 38 cents
12 cents here
We just picked up a few contracts worth of propane. 23 cents/gal. That’s right. 0.23 dollars a gallon.
I LOVE falling prices to dramatically lower and more affordable levels.
and their KWH rate is???????
Why didn’t you just look it up?
It’s 12p, about 18 cents.
It’s 8 cents where I live, and 20% of our juice is wind generated.
OK everybody, do your homework. Solar and wind ARE NOT BASELOAD POWER sources!
This means that you cannot command them to be on when needed.
This then means that you have to have an alternate power plant at-the-ready that CAN provide the power when the sun goes behind a cloud, or the wind dies down.
This is the inconvenient truth of these power sources.
Before, we only needed one baseload power source - running 24/7. Plus a few peaking plants (natural gas fired turbines) that would be on for a few hours in the morning and again in the evening.
NOW, we still need all of that, PLUS we have to pay for, install, operate, and maintain these new alternative power plants. Which means that the baseload plant still has to be there, in operation, but it NOW has to constantly adjust its power output to the grid, to balance out the wind and solar power that comes and goes at a whim.
The grid cannot store power. The supply has to constantly be tweaked to meet the demand. Solar and wind add new variability to the supply side, and this complicates the balancing act.
There is no free lunch.
Do your homework.
Power can be stored. It’s just expensive.
Hydroelectric can be used to store power.
To be more precise, it’s energy that is stored.
Cptn obvious is here:
This then means that you have to have an alternate power plant at-the-ready that CAN provide the power when the sun goes behind a cloud, or the wind dies down.
No one said we shut down the grid. No one said we want a free lunch!!
We are fiscal conservatives! Looking for efficiency!!!!
“Hydroelectric can be used to store power.”
True, but you also need reservoir water.
Resistance losses are given up as heat in transmission lines, so it makes sense to position the generation closer to the end user. This is why Phoenix neighborhoods are dotted with these unsightly natural gas power generating stations; mild weather cities can position their generation further away.
Isnt it odd that Fox News (Saudi owned) is against solar and wind energy?
Who cares when oil is far less costly.
lol!! LESS COSTLY?? yikes!!
Got Bush Wars for Oil?
neo-cons are not fiscally conservative.
c’mon lola
Math is not your strong suit my friend.
How many democrats would trust Hillary enough to watch their children for an afternoon? Or to pay back a $1000 loan? Or even put gas in a car?
Yet they will blindly vote for her for president.
45 times Secretary Clinton pushed the trade bill she now opposes
CNN - 10/7/2015
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, as a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, seems reluctant to take a firm position on an issue dividing her party: whether President Obama should have fast-track trading authority for the immense trade deal he has been negotiating, the Trans-Pacific Partnership. With some progressive voters eyeing her with some skepticism, and facing a challenge (such as it is) from candidates on her left, she is being advised to tack in that direction.
President Obama has been pushing hard for the deal, while Democrats in the House of Representatives on Friday revolted and voted against a key part of the legislation. One told me, “there was a very strong concern about the lost jobs and growing income inequality,” adding, pointedly: “Ms. Clinton should take notice.”
Democrats have no problem voting for corruption and crony capitalism. They prove it every election.
People get the government they deserve.
With massive democrat voter fraud, obama importing illegals/legals and refugees that will vote democrat for generations and with the massive FSA…
The People get the government that has been chosen for them.
The shape-shifting lizard is trying to move left to fool the 99%. Sadly, the same rubes who fell for a certain Soros-backed Chicago pol peddling “hope ‘n change” snake oil will also buy the “Hillary as middle class champion” meme.
I wonder if the 3 million illegals that Reagan gave amnesty to will vote DEM, will their kids and their kids?
Jeb 2016!! Make America Great Again.
Democrats have no problem voting for corruption and crony capitalism.
“corruption and crony capitalism”? Democrats vs Repubs?
Do you know your country? Which party’s justices passed Citizens United?
Thank You Supremes—For All The Crony Capitalism ...…Traduzir esta página
2 de abr de 2014 - The Citizens United ruling helped fuel an explosion of campaign spending, with spending from candidates, parties and outside groups topping …
U.S. on path to corporate oligarchy and crony capitalism ...…/u-s-on-path-to-corporate-olig…Traduzir esta página
29 de out de 2013 - U.S. on path to corporate oligarchy and crony capitalism … In 1988 a non-profit organization, Citizens United, was established to promote …
Citizens United: Corruption Disguised as Capitalism | Sense ……/citizens-united-corruption…Traduzir esta página
1 de ago de 2013 - The Citizens United decision allowing for corporate and union funding for the … 2013 at 10:04 AM and is filed under crony capitalism, General.
How Is ‘Citizens United’ Ruining Democracy and How Can ……/five-years-citizens-unite…Traduzir esta página
21 de jan de 2015 - Five years after Citizens United, outside spending on elections is totally out of … If you watched the segment on Crony Capitalism with David …
How we fuel crony capitalism; Dialogue with Kevin Gutzman ……/how-we-fuel-crony-…Traduzir esta página
6 de nov de 2014 - Historian and conservative Constitutional scholar Kevin Gutzman posted a comment on his Facebook wall on the Citizens United decision that I …
Crony capitalism | Magazine | IPE
How many democrats would trust Hillary enough to watch their children for an afternoon? Or to pay back a $1000 loan? Or even put gas in a car?
Why wouldn’t someone trust her to do any of those things? Maybe the last one is relevant. It’s possible that she hasn’t put gas in a car any time in the last 30 years. You could probably say that about Trump and Bush, etc.
Not about Romney…
I (not a Democrat) would trust her to do any of those things. I would not rust the Clinton Foundation with one cent.
In my opinion, Benghazi/email server are pure BS. The Clinton Foundation is the scandal, but that is probably an indictment of our whole non-profit system, like churches getting non-profit status.
Who is going to buy all those $500,000 homes?
Don’t worry! Liar loans and NINJA loans guaranteed by the federal government still exist. It is only fair.
Most Americans have less than $1,000 in savings
MarketWatch - 10/7/2015
Americans are living right on the edge — at least when it comes to financial planning.
Approximately 62% of Americans have less than $1,000 in their savings accounts and 21% don’t even have a savings account, according to a new survey of more than 5,000 adults conducted this month by Google Consumer Survey for personal finance website “It’s worrisome that such a large percentage of Americans have so little set aside in a savings account,” says Cameron Huddleston, a personal finance analyst for the site. “They likely don’t have cash reserves to cover an emergency and will have to rely on credit, friends and family, or even their retirement accounts to cover unexpected expenses.”
Why save when you have a generous open line of credit? Saving is hard to do.
How do you like your Trickle Down Economics now?
62% of Americans have less than $1,000 in their savings accounts after 35 years deregulation, union busting and cutting taxes for the rich.
Wha’ Happened??
A Mighty Wind (3/10) Movie CLIP - Wha’ Happened?
How many of those 62% have more than one television in their house, cable television charges, and $400 iPhones with $100 monthly charges?
Not all of the 62% are destitute due to “the man” keeping them down. Many of them simply don’t have the discipline to save.
Many of them simply don’t have the discipline to save the money they’ll never have.
How many of those 62% have more than one television in their house,
Ahh, the right-wing “the poor have more stuff” argument. Hint: TV’s and cellphones are cheap. Good jobs and a good life are not.
And yes “the man” is keeping many Americans down.
Give me a friggin’ break.
Of the 62%, there are plenty that are screwed working poor (2 or 3 jobs per person, etc.). I never said there wasn’t. There was a large number of working poor 20 years ago, and it hasn’t gotten better.
But there is a not insignificant number of the 62% that are simply undisciplined and for whatever reason, don’t feel a need to save.
I just don’t know if it’s only 10% of the 62%, or whether it’s half (or more).
A close family friend I’m almost certain falls into the less than $1,000 in savings (because whenever she has a car repair, etc., she is looking for help).
But, she has more new clothes than me and an iPhone 6. When going on vacation, she travels overseas.
Is she poor? Certainly not based on her salary (she makes over $70k per year). But she doesn’t have any savings. Is “the man” keeping her down?
Give me a friggin’ break.
No, give me a break. Do the math.
Fact: Productivity has risen markedly the past 35 years, but middle class and the poor’s pay has stagnated or fallen compared to the cost of living while the rich have benefited from the rising productivity. No more pensions raises etc. So save what?
But, she has more new clothes than me and an iPhone 6
Although it’s a stereotypical argument put forth by many apologists for the American decline, your anecdotes are meaningless to the plight of the American worker.
(I know….she has a nice TV too.)
This country is a mess isn’t it Lola.
New York Times (the realest real journalists on Dianne Feinstein’s designated list of real journalists) report on Amerikwans drinking less sugary fizz:
Imagine the MSM on this if a republican was president. It would be 24/7.
Now it is almost forgotten. Just like the black Oregon mass shooter who singled out Christians for execution.
Doctors Without Borders airstrike: US alters story for fourth time in four days
The Guardian - 10/7/2015
The US account has now shifted four times in four days. On Saturday, the US military said it did not know for certain that it had struck the hospital but that US forces were taking fire in Kunduz.
On Sunday, it said that the strike took place in the “vicinity” of the hospital and suggested it had been accidentally struck. On Monday, Campbell said that the Afghans requested the strike and said US forces in the area were not “threatened”.
The NEXT President has his work cut out for him/her!
Oh well, they can always blame obama for eight years and acquire more debt than all the previous administrations combined and accounting for inflation.
And ignore the laws they don’t like. And just make up laws they wished they had.
And use the power of the Federal government to go after political enemies.
Obama Prepares Give-Away of White-Collar Jobs And Citizenship To Foreign Graduates
Breitbart | September 28, 2015 | Neil Munro
President Barack Obama’s deputies are quietly hacking a gap through immigration regulations to allow them to import hundreds of thousands of university-trained foreign workers for jobs sought by American college grads.
“They’re bending immigration law until it almost breaks,” says Ian Smith, a lawyer at the Immigration Reform Law Institute. The Obama-hack, he added, should be fixed by Congress or a judge
The regulatory hack is part of Obama’s broad immigration-boosting alliance with Fortune 500 Companies. In 2013 and 2014, most — but not all — of his prior amnesty and immigration plans were blocked by voters and judges.
If Obama succeeds, he would make life tougher for young and middle-aged American graduates, who are already facing wage-cutting competition from the roughly 1 million white-collar guest-workers that the U.S. government allows to live in the United States. The extra foreign graduates would also deter young Americans from high-tech careers, and provide the Democratic Party with more donations and more voters.
But Obama’s hack would also spotlight a large opportunity for any GOP 2016 candidate eager to win votes from America’s young college-grads, their parents and the hard-pressed professional sector. So far, only Donald Trump has seized the opportunity by promising to make foreign guest-workers more expensive to hire. If he is elected, and reforms the H-1B program, he’d likely transfer roughly 600,000 guest-worker jobs to American graduates.
That’s almost equal to the number of Americans who graduate each year from college with skilled degrees.
they can always blame obama for eight years and acquire more debt than all the previous administrations combined
Obama might double the debt. Reagan tripled it.
The difference is that Obama inherited a 30 year rising debt/gdp. Reagan inherited a 30 year falling debt/gdp.
Reagan set the USA on the path of Obama’s debt. Fact.
It’s more than ironic that you invoke the word ‘fact’ so frequently yet your posts are entirely devoid of them.
+1 for the facts and history
Don’t be a Lola.
The extra foreign graduates would also deter young Americans from high-tech careers, and provide the Democratic Party with more donations and more voters.’
they can’t vote
Huffington Post (as far as real journalists go, they’re pretty real) reports that Chelsea Manning was forced against zher will to get zher hair cut:
This probably won’t go as viral as Cecil the Lion, but it should warrant at least 5 minutes of Social Justice Warrior™ outrage before they click away to the next Buzzfeed article.
Yeah, these figures are totally credible.
Looks like dumping of US Treasuries has begun in earnest. Yellen the Felon is going to HAVE to raise rates if UST yields shoot up because buyers lose faith in the basic soundness of the currency, thanks to Fed debasement.
They need the cash. Has nothing to do with confidence.
Which is why they purchased low yield USTs. They knew that on a rainy day they would be able to unload them, say unlike Argentinian or Greek bonds.
This selling has been going on for more than a year and yields have not increased.
‘yields have not increased’
‘Back in July 2014, the credit markets were quite strong, with bond investors willing to accept little extra yield over government rates. For triple-B rated corporate debt – the lower end of high-grade credit – the prevailing yield in July 2014 was 3.43%. Today, that yield is 4.07.’
‘For riskier credits found in the junk-bond indexes, things look more challenging, to say the least. The effective yield on the junk index in July 2014 was 5.52%. It’s now just under 8%.’
Sounds like the Fed has less control of interest rates than the MSM would lead us to believe.
Guessing Mike meant T-bond yields? Clearly junk yields have spiraled upwards.
I was referring to US Treasuries.
Until the stock market sheds 25 percent on the way down to 50 percent no one cares. Maybe not even then because we know all losses are now back stopped.;range=my
And another cockroach makes its appearance (and no, I’m not talking about our resident HBB progressives - too early for them to be up).
HBB progressives - too early for them to be up
“Too early” for what?
What kind of life do you lead? Do you wake up in the morning and run to your computer to “change the world”?
You need a hobby. Or a beach.
No. I post for the express purpose of annoying you before starting my day.
I post for the express purpose of annoying you before starting my day.
As if both parties are “the same”.
You actually make me chuckle with your one dimensionality.
“Get off my lawn”!
Big Reasons Not to Buy a House
US News and World Report - Geoff Williams - 10/7/2015
Living in your own house is the American dream. At least, that’s what everyone is told — by the government, by Hollywood, by our friends and family. It’s an idea a lot of people buy into, and it’s understandable. You get the wrong landlord and some lousy neighbors in an apartment building, and anyone might quickly want their own house.
Houses are time-consuming. If you feel time is money, you could wind up utterly broke once you factor in all the time it takes to keep up the maintenance.
Boles says she isn’t a do-it-yourself type of person. “The sheer upkeep is exhausting and expensive,” she says. “Every time an appliance breaks, I have to call a repairman.”
It gets expensive, especially the $400 a month for a yard service.
“I’ve seen endless tasks that come with the house,” Shakhmurova says. “From outdoor problems of lawn, patio and structural defects to indoor problems of plumbing, electrical and possible mold and lead issues. Now, I’m not saying that you don’t have these headaches in an apartment,” Shakhmurova adds, “but the price you pay … provides someone to take care of this work for you. If the roof leaks, you don’t worry about it because the superintendent will take care of it.”
Houses are expensive. Even if you don’t feel time is money, or not in this case, and you love being DIYer, maintenance projects are expensive. Shakhmurova mentioned a leak in a roof.
But the costs go far beyond the monthly mortgage payment, says Ron Throupe, associate professor at the Franklin R. Burns School of Real Estate and Construction Management at the University of Denver. “There are many additional fees,” he says, including: “The principal interest, property taxes, property insurance, homeowners association fees and home-maintenance costs.”
B-b-but there are no minus signs in realtor math?
I have so much money after “throwing money away on rent” every month that I don’t know where to throw it. Electricity is the only variable expense in my budget. I never find myself making an emergency trip to Loan Depot or Blowe’s because something needs fixed.
What’s even worse about loanownership, is that it anchors you to a commute. I know someone starting a new job next week who will be commuting from Southeast Aurora to Golden. That’s at least an hour of traffic now, add bad weather and it’s an hour and a half to two hours.
Mortgaging your life away, staring at brake lights and sucking exhaust fumes.
But at least you can paint the walls any color you want, that makes it all worth it…
Both worlds have advantages and disadvantages. And I have lived in both worlds for significant periods of time.
Your rent will always go up. Always. Unless you are renting from a sweet grandmother who really likes you.
With a 30 year fixed - only your property taxes will always go up.
When housing was sanely priced - both worlds were about 50/50 in advantages/disadvantages.
The one thing I love about my current house (and being an engineer) is that I have made many “improvements” you could never do in an apartment.
Wood stove, electrical back-up, high tech insulation/windows, enhanced security features, etc.
Maybe more of hobby…
“both worlds were about 50/50 in advantages/disadvantages.”
Only when the fact that rental rates are half the cost of buying is ignored.
I can remember when renting was more expensive than owning…
Then we got bigger and bigger government with more and more regulations and higher and higher taxes to make things fair…
and grossly inflated housing prices thanks to GovLove.
Taxes are lower now then they where in the 1950’s.
2 bananana - seriously, you have EVERYTHING wrong. frikn everything. just Google it.
Yeah hubby is an EE. Did our pool equipment repair (saved $2K), electrical upgrades, and loves to create new technological projects for himself as well. He hates being a handyman, but likes the challenge of figuring “chit” out. Must be the R&D blood that runs through his veins, and yours.
He spent a few minutes teaching me about basic electricity and I got it. LOL
What’s even worse about loanownership, is that it anchors you to a commute.
What’s even worse about tunnel vision is that it anchors you to limited options of possibilities.
Why would owing vs renting have to anchor one to a commute?
An entrepeueur would find your analysis simplistic.
2 bananana - seriously, you have EVERYTHING wrong.
It’s the classic definition of delusion. It’s actually mind boggling how prevalent delusion is amongst the far-right. Facts don’t matter. Facts are just speed bumps on the way to delusion.
Full Definition of DELUSION
: the act of deluding : the state of being deluded
a : something that is falsely or delusively believed or propagated
b : a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary; also : the abnormal state marked by such beliefs
“$400 a month for yard service’?
She must have one heck of a yard. She should xerascape or whatever it’s called.
Then we got bigger and bigger government with more and more regulations and higher and higher taxes to make things fair…
Gee. That didn’t take long for you to revert to your banality.
I was going to say the same thing. A cheapo lawn mower is $150 at the box store. Add a rake, shovel, pruners, and a few other tools and you’re up to $250 and that will hold you over for years (plus a few bucks here and there for mower maintenance).
Or you can get a Ryobi lithium battery lawnmower and life becomes easier. My EE husband got sick of sprinkler head problems with our mow and blow and bought a quality lawnmower and does it himself. It comes w/ a spare battery. Very cool and hassle free. He figures 5 year life minimum.
I had a Black & Decker cordless electric that I bought at a thrift store (it was essentially new; somebody bought it and didn’t like it). I used it for almost 7 years before the sealed lead-acid batteries died. It was almost $100 for replacement batteries and I had started mowing my elderly neighbor’s lawn as well, so I gave it away.
Cordless electric mowers work well for smaller yards. No gas, no oil, no stinky exhaust on your clothes, much quieter to use. One downside is you have to keep on top of the mowing - there isn’t enough HP there to chow down 10″ tall grass.
I sent your post to my husband as a data point, w/ his geek lunch buddies. Thanks
Blah…….. Blah blah blah.
Your engagement with an enragement is causing your derangement.
An interesting character trying to keep both Bush and Clinton out of the White House.
Have our Ponzi markets entered their terminal phase?
Hillary, the epitome of a crony capitalist, is now laying out her plan to “rein in Wall Street.” I don’t even think our resident SJWs are stupid enough not to see right through this. Gee, Hillary, you’ve only had since 2008 to “rein in Wall Street” and instead you joined your fellow .1% in screwing over the middle and working classes at every opportunity.
Since 1993. Instead NAFTA and Glass-Steagall repeal.
NAFTAF - took Gorge Bush 1, 3 yrs to negotiate it with Canada and Mex.
Glass-Steagall repeal - written by 3 (R)’s
but you knew that
No neo-cons, no problems.
Glass-Steagall repeal - worst repeal ever
“Glass-Steagall repeal - written by 3 (R)’s”
The Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act (GLBA), also known as the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 and commonly pronounced ″glibba″, (Pub.L. 106–102, 113 Stat. 1338, enacted November 12, 1999) is an act of the 106th United States Congress (1999–2001).
During that time he [Phil Gramm] spearheaded efforts to pass banking deregulation laws, including the landmark Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act in 1999, which removed Depression-era laws separating banking, insurance and brokerage activities.
Insurance policy has finally paid out, as long as I can prevent the wife spending it I’m death pledge free, now off to get drunk. Oh happy day.
CraterRage® Photo Of The Day
Nothin’ left…… but the cryin’.
Why We’re Never Moving Away from Income Inequality: A few thoughts on a futile project
National Review | 10/08/2015 | Kevin D. Williamson
One of the weird little facts of life that we don’t think about or talk about very much — and really should when we’re talking about taxes, the minimum wage, welfare spending, and other things related to inequality of income and wealth — is that we pay for everything (really, everything) collectively.
Let me show you what I mean.
Housing is famously expensive in New York City, especially in Manhattan and the parts of Brooklyn where college-educated young white people live, a fact about which people in Muleshoe, Tex., don’t much care. But they should, because they pay for it. You might think that the people who pay for those $5,000-a-month apartments are all Wall Street jerks or highly paid publishing executives (all the highly paid publishing executives in New York put together wouldn’t fill one medium-sized apartment building) or celebrities who are too cool to live in Los Angeles, but you — you, sucker — you pay for them.
It goes like this: Say you have a software engineer who is really very good at what he does, and he’s living happily in Austin making $200,000 a year and eating delicious tacos, and he can afford all the delicious tacos he wants because $200,000 a year is a fair chunk of change in Austin. So when Company X in New York decides that it wants to hire him, and that it really needs him in its Manhattan office, it can’t get him for $200,000. This guy is a numbers guy, and he takes a look at the housing prices in New York, and the state and local income taxes — of which he pays a grand total of $0.00 per annum in Austin — and he knows from his last visit that nobody in New York knows how to make a decent taco, which is going to lower his standard of living still further, so he doesn’t want $220,000 or $245,832 — no, he wants $300,000, and a paid move, and an annual taco airlift.
So, who cares? Company X is a gazillion-dollar-a-year technology company, and if the Sand Hill Road guys who own all the equity have to shell out an extra $100,000 a year to get Super Software Pimp on their payroll, all that means is that they’re not going to be able to get a custom Hermès ostrich-hide interior for their third Tesla. Ah, but most of these guys didn’t get to be rich by accident. And they’re nerds, so they have a thing about competition and efficiency. They do not like to feel like they’re being had, and they aren’t taking it in the shorts. Not if they can help it. Which. They. Can.
The textbook American case of this happened when President Franklin “The Hyde Park Hammer” Roosevelt decided he was so smart that he knew what every American should be paid and what everything should cost, which he decided to enforce under color of law through federal controls on wages and prices. The Hammer actually wasn’t half as clever as he thought he was, and when he started threatening to throw newspaper editors in jail for giving their staffers raises, people kind of looked askance, and businesses started giving their best employees raises without giving them raises: company health insurance, the company car, the other “fringe benefits.” The people with lots of market power, because their products or labor were more highly valued on the underlying hierarchy of real values, got paid more. It’s just that we had to waste a lot of resources figuring out a way to pay them more while creating an enormously destructive and deeply stupid health-insurance system, which we’re still trying to sort out.
So, Super Software Pimp pushes those Manhattan rental prices and taxes off on his employer, which pushes them off on little vendors that really can’t afford to lose the Company X contract, who push them off onto other customers, and so on and so forth, in an enormously complex web of nickel-and-diming, until some kid working at a Sonic in Muleshoe can’t get a 25-cent raise because Bill de Blasio and Andrew Cuomo are taking a big cut of some nerd’s paycheck. As Milton Friedman once put it, “Corporations aren’t taxpayers; corporations are tax-collectors.”
You know who doesn’t have a lot of market power? Poor people. People who make the minimum wage. Small businesses. Which is to say, all the people politicians always say they’re trying to help with regulations or a higher minimum wage or taxes on rich bastards and corporations — who don’t pay ’em. Poor people bear these costs in obvious ways, such as higher prices or lower wages, but also in non-obvious ways, such as improvements in their standard of living that would have happened under different conditions but just never materialize. Low-income people have low incomes because people don’t value their labor very much and so aren’t willing to pay very much for it. Forcing employers to pay more isn’t going to make them value that labor more highly. You could set the minimum wage at $400 an hour, and you probably wouldn’t improve the real standard of living of low-earning people at all, at least not for very long. The amount of real goods and services available is the same — sloshing money around does not magically call Honda Civics or neurosurgeons into existence — and people will still desire what they desire. Cost-shifting may take a little time to work, but the best bet is that it ends up setting the board back to more or less where things started, because little green pieces of paper aren’t what people value — they value what they can trade them for.
And who pays for all of that? Everybody. It’s a kind of inverted Marxism. It isn’t “From each according to his means,” it’s “From each according to how little power he has to pass the cost on to some other poor bastard.” There’s no such thing as “raising taxes, but only on the rich” or “passing regulations that only cost Big Business.” Everybody is always and forever on the same hook.
That’s too long. You should have copied and pasted a shorter excerpt. The part about the wage and price controls probably occurred during the war and was probably supported by the Republicans. While he was mentioning it, he could have mentioned the rationing of groceries and many other things that ordinary households has to deal with.
And, of course, we should always keep in mind the fact that the software industry generating such high profits in places like Austin and Sand Hill Road was built on corporate welfare.
Who cares? Price ceilings are as economically devastating as price floors.
You’re a communist
Well, I didn’t say that I approved of those wage and price controls during World War 2. But they probably had similar things in the UK. So that would make Winston Churchill a communist, according to you.
Mafia looked for the cheapest place to live and breathe. He is in WV, Cuba would not take him.
While I read your article I was comparing “Super Software” with a 21 year old blond making $750 a night ($200,000 a year) as a food server in an upscale roadhouse in backwoods Ontario.
So she said. So have others.
I wonder if our value system reflects worth.
Dems: We must do everything we can to get a permanent super majority.
Laws and taxes are for the little people.
We can’t round up 11 million illegals but we can get 200 million gun owners to comply with gun control and gun bans.
Outgoing Education Secretary: Provide Financial Aid for Illegal Immigrants
PJ Media | 10/08/2015 | Nicholas Ballasy
Outgoing Education Secretary Arne Duncan called on Congress to provide financial aid to illegal immigrant children.
“We have to invest more heavily in early childhood education. We have to make sure we give financial aid to our undocumented students and the fact that as a nation we have yet to do that is a travesty,” Duncan said at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute conference in Washington.
Duncan also called on Congress to tackle the issue of gun control given the recent shooting in Oregon.
Democratic presidential candidate Martin O’Malley said the federal government must take care of the minors who cross the border illegally.
“We must not turn our backs. We must not turn them away,” he said.
O’Malley denounced Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s position on illegal immigration.
Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson told the audience that DHS does not have the resources to prosecute “every single person who is apprehended” at the southwest border.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) gave an extensive address, noting that “what we are trying very, very hard to do - you are going to see us moving very aggressively in that area – is introduce myself to the Latino community.”
“I will fight for every vote I can get in the Latino community,” the presidential candidate vowed.
“I think the Latino community is obviously deeply concerned about comprehensive immigration reform and a path toward citizenship is something I strongly support,” Sanders said. “I think the Latino community is outraged over some of the racist attacks that have been made against some Latino groups and that is unacceptable.”
Repubs: We must do everything we can to get a permanent Democratic super majority.
Current headline on CNN:
House GOP votes on Boehner replacement
Send ole smoky breath weepy eyes back to Cincinnati. I lived in Jean Schmidt’s (”marines don’t cut and run”) Congressional district there ten years ago, and met her and shook her hand at a constituent town hall. She was like Michelle Bachmann without the crazy eyes, tight MILF runner bod for her age, but very evasive on being asked about the mistake of the illegal war in Iraq.
House GOP votes on Boehner replacement
What a show. What a party.
House Republicans Govern Like It’s 1998, Worrying Many
New York Times - 58 minutes ago
WASHINGTON — Republicans expanded their numbers in the House and won the Senate in 2014 by asking voters to give them control of Congress and let them prove that they could govern the country. Right now they appear unable to govern themselves.
Sheeple will give them another chance, and another….
Is the Republican side of the House in a state of political disarray?
The extremist wing of the Republican party had to destroy it in order to save it.
The extremist wing of the Republican party had to destroy it in order to save it.
Repubs are unable to govern. A largely mentally ill party which I’ve been saying for years.
“People are crying”
The GOP sinks deeper into chaos. Can it still function as a party?
Less than a year after a sweeping electoral triumph, Republicans are on the verge of ceasing to function as a national political party.
The most powerful and crippling force at work in the once-hierarchical GOP is anger, directed as much at its own leaders as anywhere else.
First, a contingent of several dozen conservative House members effectively forced Speaker John A. Boehner (Ohio) to resign rather than face a possibly losing battle to hold on to his job. Now they have claimed House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (Calif.), who had been considered the favorite to replace Boehner until he announced Thursday that he is dropping out of the race.
With no obvious replacement for Boehner in sight, “it is total confusion — a banana republic,” said Rep. Peter T. King (R-N.Y.). “Any plan, anything you anticipate — who knows what’ll happen? People are crying,
King is a nut-job neocon. If he’s crying it’s a good thing.
News Analysis
House, and a Republican Party, Divided Against Itself
Representative Kevin McCarthy, with his wife, Judy, left, and his daughter, Meghan, announced Thursday that he was dropping out of the race for speaker.
Doug Mills / The New York Times
October 8, 2015
WASHINGTON — Republicans expanded their numbers in the House and won the Senate in 2014 by asking voters to give them control of Congress and let them prove they could govern the country. Right now, they appear unable to govern themselves.
Representative Kevin McCarthy’s abrupt withdrawal Thursday from a speaker’s race he had been favored to win threw the House into tumult and left open the question of who would lead the chamber as Congress faces a series of deadlines to fund the government and keep the nation’s credit intact. It also threatened the party’s credibility with a presidential election just a year away.
The chaos was the latest illustration that hard-right, Tea Party-influenced conservatives who have broken from the Republican establishment have made good on their promise to upend the traditional order in Washington. Other Republicans, blindsided, were assessing their options Thursday, even as Speaker John A. Boehner sought to calm nerves by saying that he would stay on the job until a replacement was found.
Just as they had celebrated Mr. Boehner’s decision last month to offer himself as a sacrifice to keep the government operating via a short-term funding bill, conservative activists cheered Mr. McCarthy’s decision, despite the uncertainty it sowed throughout the capital.
Can We All Just Get Along? For the Kids & Old People?
The South Central Savior!
Is there any surprise to the revelation that the anti-government wing of the Republican party is incapable of governance?
The Wall Street Journal
Capital Journal
Republican Party’s Big Question: To Fight or Govern?
Unresolved issue explains turbulence swirling around presidential campaign trail and House speaker
Reps. Eric Cantor, left, Kevin McCarthy and Paul Ryan in Washington in 2011. Of the three Republican “Young Guns” after the party’s 2010 election victory, Mr. Cantor was defeated in a primary and Mr. McCarthy dropped his bid for speaker.
Photo: Alex Wong/Getty Images
By Gerald F. Seib
Oct. 8, 2015 7:47 p.m. ET
The turbulence that is rocking the Republican Party today—turbulence that has turned the presidential campaign upside down, compelled a House speaker to retire and persuaded both of his logical replacements to step away—can be traced to one giant, unresolved question.
Is the party’s mission to crusade passionately and even angrily for unadulterated conservative principles right now, or is it to more calmly convince voters that conservatives can govern effectively for the long run?
That question has been cast in sharp relief by the shocking decision of Rep. Kevin McCarthy to decline a chance to become the next Republican speaker of the House. That decision came less than two weeks after the equally shocking decision by the current speaker, John Boehner, to step aside.
James Hankle, a 50-something software engineer sporting blue jeans and a Green Party T-shirt, is explaining his fix for Vancouver’s runaway property prices when he’s interrupted by an eavesdropping passerby: “Stop allowing people from China to buy our houses and leave them vacant,” she says and walks away.
What if all the unwashed just up and left Vancouver? Who would wait on the tables, pick up the trash or any of the other unsung tasks that make a modern city go around?
I have a nephew who lives in Vancouver. He has a non menial job and lives in a teensy flat with his wife (who also works) and a roommate. Even in overpriced Denver their standard of living would be much higher; but there is no way they will ever leave Vancouver, not if they can help it.
What if all the unwashed just up and left Vancouver? Who would wait on the tables, pick up the trash or any of the other unsung tasks that make a modern city go around?”
The Chinese would import worker drones after all there are over a billion of them
The Chinese would import worker drones after all there are over a billion of them
Wouldn’t they have to buy a million dollar house to get a work visa?
Is Moorpark starting to let some air out of the prices as fall awaits?
I did some redfin snooping, and my goodness, prices were insane. Granted, your micro climate is terrific, and your demographics are well educated, but it made Simi look sane.
Have you started the front yard yet? Are you doing a lot of hardscape to lessen water usage?
We’re putting in a seating area of stepping stones for our Adirondack chairs to decrease the lawn area and add some interest to our curb appeal. Laying the stones myself. Hope I don’t break a nail. LOL
Throwing good money after bad=MT Pockets
Almost 1,000 jobs were lost on Wednesday night as one of the UK’s leading solar-panel installers went into administration, blaming government changes in energy policy for its downfall. The Mark Group said it had been to bring in insolvency specialists because it was unviable due to ongoing losses at the Leicester-based business. So far the administrator, Deloitte, has made 939 redundancies, but a further 200 jobs are at risk unless a buyer can be found.
“The turnaround plan, which was already under way, focuses on solar PV, but the government’s recent policy announcements mean this is no longer viable,” said a statement from the company.
The company was only recently sold by a much larger US firm, SunEdison, which has a separate operation in Britain that is also under threat. The company said it could not confirm that dozens of jobs were being cut at its London offices, but admitted that 15% of its global staff were being cut back for a variety of reasons.
I thought you went drinking. Are you done working after this settlement or are you just debt-free?
Many a slip between cup and lip; wife came home early before I could lace up my boots to escape to the pub, I’m now sat drinking tea. As to done working alas not, I’ve 9 years till I can pull my pension thankfully I don’t need the state one that’s a full 16 plus years away.
Hatfield and the North.
I fear have the same musical tastes as my brother in law goon; personally I think I’ll stick to Dowland suits my mood better.
Worse than you think. Alot worse. No “pent up demand” for $500,000 starter homes happening here:
News flash: If you don’t pay your property taxes, you can’t keep your home (reason #4,783 not to live in Detroit):
Yeah, it’s much better to live in a city without property taxes. The challenge is finding one.
You are missing the point.
The tax rates in the city of Detroit are some of the highest in the entire nation. Are Detroitites getting good value for their tax dollars spent?
who would live in Detroit?
Ever been to San Antonio, TX? Gotta be just as cheap if that is your thing. Can still support BB.
Id rather live in the Philippines makes $500 a mo.
Henry Ford lived there, along with many other productive people.
What do you know, we’re all still here.
Why buy it when you can rent it for half the monthly cost?
Why rent and be at the mercy of a LL, when you can own at a reasonable cost (timing, region, area) and have some control over your life.
Have you ever owned a home? Curious.
More Lola-isms.
Once again. Why buy it when you can rent it for half the monthly cost?
houses are the best protection against inflation.
We have always made a net profit on our homes, azdude. (1984 1st purchase)
Although mafia might wish us ill will, we’ll make $ on this one as well. Our sense of value, and our excel spreadsheet analysis, is the key to watching our costs.
Plus life is too short, not to live in a nice home. (or on a great boat like blue)
‘we’ll make $ on this one as well’
Toe tag home eh? Lying through your teeth the whole time.
Your MT Pockets are yours and yours alone.
My parents enjoyed wage inflation during their mortgage years while I endured a flat wage and an increasing share of benefit expenses during my mortgage purgatory. Looking back I’m glad I didn’t buy a larger place.
Here in my area South of Irvine, I pay about half of what I would if I rented a SFH. and a third of what I would pay if I had PITI.
More acts of love.