Bits Bucket for October 20, 2015
Post off-topic ideas, links, and Craigslist finds here. Please visit my Youtube channel which you can also find here:
Examining the home price boom and its effect on owners, lenders, regulators, realtors and the economy as a whole.
Post off-topic ideas, links, and Craigslist finds here. Please visit my Youtube channel which you can also find here:
What happened to dry bulk shipping in 2015?
JP Morgan: Dry bulk market will be even worse in 2016
In a new report, investment bank JP Morgan points to bleak prospects for the dry bulk sector in 2016. Read on to learn what the bulk carriers are up against next year.
Published 16.10.15 at 14:08
JP Morgan projects an even worse dry bulk market in 2016 than in 2015, notes the investment bank in a new report on the dry bulk market, just published.
“We expect that 2016 could become an even worse year than the historically low 2015,” writes the bank in the introduction its report International Dry Bulk Shipping - Initiating Coverage of the Dry Bulk Shipping Industry.
The primary reason for the dry bulk downturn is the slowdown of the Chinese economy, as previously reported by ShippingWatch.
Plunge in China’s coal imports signal a new reality
The bank estimates that China, going forward, will have a more consumer-driven economy rather than the investment-heavy economy that has resulted in high growth rates for the past many years. This transition means less steel production, coal consumption and iron ore consumption.
The dry bulk market has for years been highly dependent on the large-scale Chinese import of commodities such as coal and iron ore, and JP Morgan stresses that there is cause for concern for companies dealing in iron ore imports to China, where there will be a structural change in scope.
the recovery is around the corner like it has been for like 6 years. They have to keep u believing that uncle FED will turn things around.
It’s happened already. Stock market back up. Housing prices back up. The grasshoppers love it.
Like George Washington is quoted as saying on many many occasions, “The government is a scam.”
yep, we recovered, now we roll downhill again.
get used to it.
Article for the Social Justice Warriors™ reports that the new Star Wars movie promotes the extermination of white people:
LOL, maybe JEB! was right when he said people need to work longer hours. Might keep the SJWs from posting garbage on the internet, and others from getting all caught up in it.
I wonder what Social Justice Warriors™ expect life in the future will be like after the extermination of white people, when their descendents are ruled by Islamic State and/or the Chinese?
The “microaggressions” of the year 2015 are nothing compared to what they’ve got coming. They should go try being female in Saudi Arabia or gay in Uganda and learn what oppression really is.
It also promotes poor firearm safety and disrespect of authority figures.
and most likely reckless flying and driving.
Regarding RKH’s post about Breitbart, here a twofer Tuesday neocon promotion:
The U.S. is negotiating a ten year $3 billion a year military aid package to assist this racist apartheid state with undisclosed and uninspected nuclear facilities, because neocon hypocrisy.
And on the topic of neocon, here SJW Huffington Post reports on Marco Rubio and Sheldon Adelson:
Adelson is a vile and nasty creature, but the majority of Christian Zionists probably have no idea who he is.
Go live in Gaza or the West Bank. How long would you last?
For that matter go live in any Islamist controlled country, put your money and your body where your mouth is.
I am sure the poor oppressed “freedom fighters” will welcome you with open arms.
This is where the Goon will mention Rachel Corrie and how long she lasted in the occupied territories.
Article for the Social Justice Warriors™ as reported by real journalists:
“Comment by Goon
2015-10-19 09:00:12
Now that Scott Walker has been sent back to Wisconsin, Marco Rubio is Sheldon Adelson’s new buttboy.
I have yet to hear any explanation from the “conservative” posters on this blog of how they justify voting for candidates purchased by people whose primary allegiance is not to the United States, but to Israel.
Ted Cruz, Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee spoke to an audience of thousands yesterday at the Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, Texas to “rally the base.”
This “base” is who William Kristol affectionately calls the “stupid f*ing goyim.”
Neocons gonna neocon.”
Sorry goon but Obama’s been carrying the neocon water quite enthusiastically the last 7 years, and the dems heir apparent has shown a willingness to go along as well. If you’re gonna demand explanations for votes this is definitely a case where if you’re not putting a pox on both houses you’re not going to have much credibility.
Obama has been dropping plenty of bombs on brown people, I never denied that.
But the neocon argument is that he isn’t dropping enough bombs on brown people. And if Hillary wins the presidency, there will be alot of bombs dropped on brown people. Half a million Iraqi civilians dies under Madeleine Albright’s helm at the State Department, so expect more of that under Empress Hillary.
The only one that’s going to let up on the brown people is Bernie.
“The only one that’s going to let up on the brown people is Bernie.”
Supported the attack on Afghanistan after sept 11…. so did I. We were both wrong.
Supported funding the wars that were already started…. we had guys over there that needed supplies.
He’s pretty easy on brown people compared to the rest.
Real journalists at the New York Times report on Baltimore:
Barack Obama and Eric Holder own this. Baltimore has had 270 murders so far this year, compared to 281 in New York City. And regarding increased background checks for gunz, remember what Ice Cube said:
“What they do, gonna ban the AK?
My sh*t wasn’t registered any f*ing way”
Related article - Gun control groups forging alliance with Black Lives Matter:
Own it? Did they shoot all those people? Did the guns shoot all those people? The murderers don’t own it?
A new liberal PM comes to power in Canada promising “hope and change” after defeating their version of George W Bush. Bwhahahahaha…assume the position, Canadian taxpayers.
Presumably any party that’s out of power is going to make change part of their argument.
Another rejection of the crony capitalist status quo, though voting for a youthful candidate promising “hope ‘n change” can’t possibly end well.
How long before the Masters of the Universe impose similar free-speech bans here? It’s already happening in our schools and universities.
“Freedom of Speech, Just watch what you say” - Ice T.
yo, Ice T is my hero too. Word.
In 2008 and 2012, 95% of the electorate bent over and grabbed their ankles for the crony capitalist status quo, assuring the Powers that Be of the docility and complacency of the sheeple. Then Trump crashed the party, and now the shocked Masters of the Universe realize they’ve got a political insurrection on their hands against more of the same…so naturally they’re going all out against The Donald.
This is then fight we need.
I hope he stomps those crooked bastards into pulp.
Me too.
Everything seems to be going fine. It’s almost Halloween and then stock market is still over 17000, interest rates have not been raised, house prices are inflated again and the government spigot is open full blast.
No one wants to shut down government in an effort to force some cutbacks. Party on Garth. And throw open the borders.
Meanwhile, we run out of money on November 3rd.
Is there no more ink?
60 percent of Rs say they can now support Trump. Look out Hillary Jeb.
60% of 40% is only 24% of voters. $1 says Trump will not be elected.
Gambling is illegal at Bushwood, Sir. And I never slice.
$1 says Trump will not be elected ??
I guess I am on record that Trump will be gone by Thanksgiving…I will stay with that…You see the spending numbers for all the candidates ?? Trump is minuscule compared to the others…I believe his biggest expense was for operating his private jet…
I will stand by my earlier prediction…He “will not” spend his own money to run a competitive presidential campaign…He is a sham-man…He spends other peoples money and since he has vowed to not take donors money in any significant way he has trapped himself in a corner…
Honestly, I hope I am wrong…I hope he gets the nomination…Its the GOP’s nightmare…Good…You reep-what-you-sow…
A Trump nomination would grease the skids for a Clinton victory.
Awesome cherry picking. Now let’s take a sober look at the data:
“The NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey found Trump with 25% support among Republican voters.”
That means 75%, or 3 out 4 Repub voters, do not support Trump.
I’m no political analyst, but I’m pretty sure it’s much more likely that the 75% will hold their nose and vote for the republican candidate that makes it through “the process” than flip and vote democrat or 3rd party. The vast majority of self proclaimed republicans or democrats will vote for whoever their party trots out in front of them come election time.
The Donald lives in the empty skulls of degenerate gamblers, rent-free.
Trump Is Right About 9/11
George W. Bush didn’t do all he could to prevent the attack—and it’s time Republicans confronted that fact.
it’s time Republicans confronted that fact ??
Exactly !!
Hmm, something is not adding up in the list below:
“U.S. Metro areas where single family rental rates rose the most in year ending September, 2015, according to a report published today by RentRange……..”
Fort Meyers, FL = 24%
Sacramento, CA = 18%
Sarasota, FL = 17%
San Francisco, CA = 17%
Charleston, SC =17%
Los Angeles, CA = 16%
San Jose, CA = 16%
Denver, CA = 15%
Dallas, TX = 14%
San Diego, CA = 14%
Nashville, TN = 13%
Portland, OR = 13%
Augusta, GA = 12%
Stockton, CA = 12%
Seattle, WA = 12%
This doesn’t make sense, based on my observations in Sacramento. Here is what I do know:
2006: I rented a house for $2,000/month (thank you HBB for suggesting I not buy it for $750,000!)
2010: That same house sold for $285,000.
2015: That same house rents today for $2,350/month (and sells for $425,000)
So in 9 years, the monthly rental rate went from $2,000 to $2,350, an increase of under 2%/year over 9 years. Where does RentRange get an 18% annual rent bump. It is just not true.
“It is just not true.”
Neither is your claim that at grossly overpriced $285k shack would magically sell for more today.
Degenerate Gambler.
HA, you are so funny!!!!! It’s laughable.
503 Heathmore, Lincoln, CA
Sold 2011 $237,000
Sold 2015 $435,000 ($10,000 over asking BTW)
Go away.
Here is the listing:
Here is the Zillow link:,-Lincoln,-ca_rb/?fromHomePage=true&shouldFireSellPageImplicitClaimGA=false
Go away HA! Come back when you can analyse data for real. HA!
HA does go away. But then he comes back seconds later with another user name. I don’t know why Ben tolerates it.
‘why Ben tolerates’
See, it’s not enough that people can post here and not have to sign up or pay; I’m supposed to shape the comments, cull the unacceptable, decide on the fly who can post and who can’t. OK, here’s a start; for today, anything you post that I don’t agree with is getting deleted. And I’ll have to read your posts carefully and consider if I agree with the content, so there may be long delays.
I’m confused. My comment was about multiple user names, not content.
I have read your comment and approved it. So, you are proposing a ban on multiple user names? Is that all, no racial slurs or cursing? Because there is a whole bunch of moderating to do here, so let’s get the list exactly right to your specifications. I’ll award you the head of the HBB censorship committee. Please put your recommendations together, get the appropriate votes necessary and submit them to the posters by 9:00 AM tomorrow.
Or we could just let everybody have a say, how they want to say it as long as they aren’t too offensive.
Sorry if I touched a nerve. It’s your blog. If you’re OK with multiple user names then so be it.
“Or we could just let everybody have a say, how they want to say it as long as they aren’t too offensive.”
I find that statement intolerably offensive.
Please censor everyone while I hide behind a proxy server. But don’t ask me why I’m hiding.
And how was this accomplished?
Fraud. Appraiser fraud.
And how was this accomplished?
Buy low, sell high…. spend the winnings on toys.
spend the winnings on toys ??
What about slow horses and fast woman ??
something is not adding up
Add $0.00 to $0.00 and that’s more than the net worth of the average loanowner.
A liar complaining about lies? You’re broke.
I don’t understand why Sarasota rent is up 17% but the real estate in Sarasota was down 17%
I was in and around Tampa last month, but after seeing the whole coast I’m thinking of getting a beach house in st augustine near my brother In PVB. Let me know when i should buy.
McMansions entering the rental market, renting for more than the apartments?
Metro areas where single family rental rates rose the most ??
Seems like Pbears Orange county is over the top….
I’d be interested in seeing these numbers overlaid with overcrowding numbers.
I had a conversation with a guy a few years back, and he noted that in the 70’s, despite a pretty crappy economy, rents rose quickly in large part because people doubled up–more people paying the rent allowed them to pay more for any given unit.
because people doubled up–more ??
Not by choice…More because of necessity…
“Not by choice…More because of necessity…”
By choice.
Everyone understands intuitively the housing market is rife with fraud and housing is grotesquely overpriced. They act accordingly.
“rents rose quickly in large part because people doubled up”
Not sure how large a part that played as people doubling-up would leave a vacancy elsewhere. Inventory, wage increases, etc, must also be considered.
would leave a vacancy elsewhere
Sometimes that vacancy is their old bedroom at mom and dad’s house (as was the case with my neighbor).
Vacancy rates and inventory are the big ones.
“Buildings are full, and rents are on the rise,” Dunlap said. “It’s a very good time to be a property owner.”
With 25 million excess, empty and defaulted houses, Mr. Dunlap must not be paying attention.
Data, my friend, data. Quit pulling that 25M number out as it stinks up the place every time you do it.
If even you can’t gin up a Zillovoto link on this, well that’s saying something.
Refute the data my friend.
Seattle, WA Housing Prices Plummet 19%
You not only get to pay a lot of rent, you get to sit in traffic on the 405 and share your beaches with the masses.
Gotta love the 167 south ramp at the 405… traffic backed-up on the 405 for half a mile. Can’t imagine fighting my way home to Auburn every day.
Establishment GOP gives us open borders and unrestricted immigration.
canaDUH goes left
mo free sht on they way as they share 46$ oil
RIP, Irwin Schiff.
If you oppose “fundamental transformation” and uncontrolled Third World migration imposed by globalist oligarchs, you must be a “far-right radical” and “xenophobe.”
The whole thing is a sham and the Rs and Ds just pretty much take turns. Historically this is a fact of the modern era.
Who was the last D elected after a D was in office for 8 years?
Harry Truman?
Well, technically, Truman won after FDR was in office for 12 years, so that answer is wrong :).
The real answer is Martin Van Buren.
Thank you Wikipedia.
I disagree with this guy from the first line. It should be…
Just like Barack Obama, the Democrats and the Republicans,
America Looks A Lot Like Nazi Germany Did Just Prior To World War II
By Michael Snyder, on October 18th, 2015
Just like Barack Obama and the Democrats, the Nazis loved to give out free stuff. Kitty Werthmann was a child in Austria at the time the Nazis took over, and her description of the freebies the Nazis were handing out sounds very much like what the Democrats want to do today…
Newlyweds immediately received a $1,000 loan from the government to establish a household. We had big programs for families. All day care and education were free. High schools were taken over by the government and college tuition was subsidized. Everyone was entitled to free handouts, such as food stamps, clothing, and housing.
I like free stuff too, but in the end someone always has to pay for all of that free stuff. According to Kitty Werthmann, “our tax rates went up to 80% of our income“, and in America we are moving in the same direction.
In the United States today, when you add up all federal taxes, all state taxes, all local taxes, all property taxes and all sales taxes, there are some Americans that actually pay more than 50 percent of their incomes in taxes.
Somehow we still have the audacity to claim that we are not socialists even though that is exactly what we have become.
And the Germans had their own version of Obamacare too. The following is more eyewitness testimony from Kitty Werthmann…
Before Hitler, we had very good medical care. Many American doctors trained at the University of Vienna . After Hitler, health care was socialized, free for everyone. Doctors were salaried by the government. The problem was, since it was free, the people were going to the doctors for everything. When the good doctor arrived at his office at 8 a.m., 40 people were already waiting and, at the same time, the hospitals were full. If you needed elective surgery, you had to wait a year or two for your turn. There was no money for research as it was poured into socialized medicine. Research at the medical schools literally stopped, so the best doctors left Austria and emigrated to other countries.
Just prior to World War II, the Germans probably had the most powerful military on the entire planet, and they loved to use that military to push other countries around. They stunned the entire world when they swept through Poland, and the lightning speed with which they defeated France changed the way war is waged forever.
But just like the leftists in our own nation, the Nazis definitely did not want the general population to be armed. Kitty Werthmann remembers very well what happened in Austria under the Nazis…
Next came gun registration. People were getting injured by guns. Hitler said that the real way to catch criminals (we still had a few) was by matching serial numbers on guns. Most citizens were law abiding and dutifully marched to the police station to register their firearms. Not long after-wards, the police said that it was best for everyone to turn in their guns. The authorities already knew who had them, so it was futile not to comply voluntarily.
And just like the leftists of today, the Germans were extremely suspicious of individual liberty and freedom. The secret police were everywhere, and anyone that was even suspected of anti-government activity was monitored very closely.
Sadly, we are becoming just like the Nazis in this regard, only now we have the technological capability to take things so much farther. Government control freaks are systematically watching us, tracking us, recording our phone calls and monitoring our emails. It has gotten so bad that even 64 percent of all reporters believe that the government is spying on them. We spy on our enemies, we spy on our friends (just ask the French and the Germans about this) and we even spy on the little old lady down the street.
We have been sold the lie that we have to give up our privacy and our liberty in exchange for security.
It is the same lie that the Nazis told.…ooks-a-lot-like-nazi-germany-just-prior-to-world-war-ii - 192k -
My attitude about life is always better on the days I stop pretending this country has a future. Sigh, forward.
This article isn’t about how Hitler ruled Germany, it was how Germany ruled a vassal state (Austria). Which, when you think about it, is how DC sees the rest of the country.
Hitler was also a vegetarian who loved dogs. Keep that in mind if you hear about a vegetarian restaurant or see someone walking a dog.
You should demand a raise.
I have been working with builders, GC and many subs specializing in residential construction from coast to coast. One thing I am noticing that it’s very common for these business men to have filed bankruptcy and that to most of the time since 08. Their market condition confidence level is very low. They have not been able to recover financially and are only financially stable until the construction project at hand comes to an end. They do not have many projects lined up. On the other hand the small business owners in trades other than construction have begun to suffer this year. Each passing year their sales volume is down. Contractors even in Counties such as New Haven, Rockland, Bergen, and Westchester which are considered to be populated with higher income people are feeling the pain this year. When I speak to these guys most of time they are white males (35 to 60) who were used to a middle class life style blame the politicians and they usually start cursing Obama. Also in about more than 50 percent of the cases their wives do not work.
Our loading dock index is up slightly. The trucks are at least half full which should be the case as October is usually the busiest month for the trucking companies.
One thing that has been absent (in my neck of the woods) vs. the last bubble are the hordes of illegals working on houses. For example, I recall roofing crews being exclusively illegals. Now when I see a crew reroofing a house, they are mostly locals.
06 was tragic for hispos
Now they are fsa sjw
Interesting info SUGuy….Thanks…
What is it about Obama that they curse? Just curious. I certainly have my reasons for dislike, but those reasons are things that most people pay no attention to.
“What is it about Obama that they curse?”
My observation is that most of these Guys are republicans. They need to blame someone and Obama is an excuse to get their anger out. I don’t think they understand clearly how things work like some posters here on the blog.
When I speak to these guys most of time they are white males (35 to 60) who were used to a middle class life style blame the politicians and they usually start cursing Obama. Also in about more than 50 percent of the cases their wives do not work.
That’s a quite high rate of non-participation in the workforce by those wives. These guys are in a very cyclical industry. It would make sense for the wives to have jobs that bring in steady paychecks every couple of weeks.
very cyclical industry.
It can also be a very transient industry. The workers need to be where building is occurring–which can change quickly.
These Guys are not workers. They are the owners of Construction companies. They live in the same town that they have established their business over decades. Their kids go to schools or colleges. They have established lives in the communities they live in and it’s not very easy for them to get up and move. Some do it but most do not due to family and business ties.
“That’s a quite high rate of non-participation in the workforce by those wives. These guys are in a very cyclical industry”
In the go go days prior to 2006 and for the past 20 some years, the recessions came to an end and they were short lived. The good business people in construction had projects lines up for the spring before the winter arrived and some were working thru the winters and only taking a few weeks off. Now that surety is all gone.
“Also in about more than 50 percent of the cases their wives do not work.”
Most of the gubmint offices where I do computer work are stacked with non-professional (low pay grade) ladies who supply their family with medical benefits and have generous leave policies that allow time away for sick kids, etc., way beyond what the private sector could afford. FWIW, my wife stayed home with our kids during their formative years.
RICO, Climate Change and 1st Amendment
“Conservative media are defending the “right” of fossil fuel companies to knowingly deceive the public about climate change, after a group of climate scientists and members of Congress called for an investigation of such companies under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO). Contrary to claims by conservative media that these advocates are seeking to “shut down free speech,” RICO would only apply to those who purposefully misled the public about climate change”
“ExxonMobil’s own research had confirmed by 1982 that fossil fuel emissions were responsible for climate change, but that the company subsequently funded efforts to “amplify doubt about the state of climate science.”"
When corporate profits are at stake, conservatives whip out the “1st Amendment” card to excuse racketeering and fraud. (link) The 1st Amendment gives you the right to say anything but it does not protect you from the consequences of what you say.
Warmists gonna warm.
I believe that we have passed the tipping point on warmism, so we may as well go all in on the capitalist model of infinite growth in a finite ecosystem.
My carbon footprint always gets alot of likes on Instagram.
I suspect it was already too late when Exxon did their study.
Yup, that’s the next stage of climate denialism. Once a large majority of the public accepts climate change as human caused and real (we’re almost there), the denier lobby will pivot to “this problem is too big to solve, we can’t do anything about it, so let’s just be happy and roll some coal.”
Warmists gonna warm.
My Honda Civic gets 37mpg. I don’t drive it because I care about warmism, but because I like spening less money on gas. I filled up for $1.89 a gallon this morning, and as long as it stays that low I’ll be burning alot of it.
The last skier in North America
“(we’re almost there)”
Maybe at a Bernie Sanders rally.
As discussed on commie talk website Counterpunch:
“RICO, Climate Change and 1st Amendment”
Right up a tyrant’s alley.
Using government power to enforce thought crimes from your basement is fun.
States with the widest gaps between the rich and poor:
An interesting mix: The south, the north east and California.
Interesting that CA is there.
You might be able to brush it off if it were a small state, but as well over 10% of US GDP, it’s hard to ignore.
Texas too. It’s one thing for Rhode Island to be on the list, but Texas and California are close to 20% of the nation’s population.
What is interesting to me is that many have stated that if we only had more progressive taxation (wealth transfers to the poor, programs, etc.), that it would help wealth inequality.
Texas and CA couldn’t be different in terms of tax policy and government assistance. With such big economies (either could be countries in their own right), there is a pretty strong implication that there is something more to wealth inequality than simply government policy.
if we only had more progressive taxation (wealth transfers to the poor, programs, etc.), that it would help wealth inequality.
No, it will take far more than just increased welfare, EITC, and SNAP to fix this problem. Over the years corporate lobbyists and interests have accumulated numerous changes to laws, regulations, Sup Court rulings, tax policies, tax shelters and corporate subsidies that in aggregate the whole game is no longer a level playing field and is tilted heavily in favor of the top dogs at the expense of the middle class.
What is interesting to me is that many have stated that if we only had more progressive taxation (wealth transfers to the poor, programs, etc.), that it would help wealth inequality.
Texas and CA couldn’t be different in terms of tax policy and government assistance. With such big economies (either could be countries in their own right), there is a pretty strong implication that there is something more to wealth inequality than simply government policy.
You’d really have to look at post-tax, post-transfer incomes to see the effects of progressive taxation and welfare. The statistics on don’t appear to do that.
You have to look at the cost of incarceration too. CA build 22 jails in the same amount of time they built 1 Univ.
Food Stamps a lot cheaper than jail. There are people out there who have no skills, education or endurance. They will never have a job.
There are people out there who have no skills, education or endurance. They will never have a job ??
Got to give them the education & Skills first…Then they can build on the endurance…
“Got to give them the education & Skills first…”
Not going to “give them ” anything; they can borrow with student loans like everyone else.
CA has Carmel, Santa Barbara, Napa, La Jolla…etc
Stockton, Bakersfield, Fresno, Santa Ana, Compton, Watts, Salinas
two worlds
I noticed many La Jolla houses don’t even have driveways. Parking on the street = ghetto.
I saw a lot of that in the UK. Not only no driveway, no front yard. Your front door opens onto the sidewalk. And good luck finding a place to park your new car.
$1.3 m, no garage. 2482 sq ft lot
10/08/15 Listed for sale $1,350,000+51.5%
06/04/14 Sold: Foreclosed to lender $890,835+95.8%
02/04/14 Listing removed $455,000
Last sold: Jul 1994 for $326,000
Don’t be a sucker.
My old house was larger then that lot.
You were the sucker.
two worlds
Yeah, two worlds is just another way of saying that there’s a big gap between the rich and the poor.
“Yeah, two worlds is just another way of saying that there’s a big gap between the rich and the poor.”
Wasn’t Obama supposed to fix that?
What, using a trillion $ Porkulus package to pay back your wealthy campaign donors, $30k a plate fundraisers, endless rounds of golf, vacations at Martha’s Vineyard where the only other black people are waiters and maids along with your wife, mother in law and kids opening Paris on Sunday and the rest of the worlds finest shops for the rest of her 7 year 1/10 of 1% world tour at tax payer expense doesn’t close the “big gap between the rich and the poor”?
Well I’m shocked.
I guess that’s why they are saying WTF down on MLK USA.
I don’t recall him claiming that he would eliminate income inequality during the 2008 campaign. Also, there’s a community called Oak Bluffs on Martha’s Vineyard where a lot of rich black people have been going for summer vacations for something like 100 years. Though I don’t know how that or his vacations or anything having to do with his wife are relevant to anything.
“I don’t recall him claiming that he would eliminate income inequality during the 2008 campaign.”
“My attitude is that if the economy’s good for folks from the bottom up, it’s going be good for everybody. If you’ve got a plumbing business, you’re gonna be better off if you’ve got a whole bunch of customers who can afford to hire you, and right now everybody’s so pinched that business is bad for everybody, and I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.”
This aint Oak Bluffs
Obama stays at private equity guru’s $7.6 million Martha’s Vineyard house
Patrick Howley
Political Reporter
8:37 PM 08/1
Schulte, whose private equity firm specializes in mergers and acquisitions and corporate “restructuring,” was one of Obama’s 2013 inaugural donors. Before founding the Chicago-based Chilmark Partners in 1984, Schulte, a Yale Law School graduate, directed the Wall Street investment bank Salomon Brothers’ “Corporate Reorganization Group.”
Obama Books $12M Martha’s Vineyard Mansion for Penultimate Presidential Summer Vacation
BY: Morgan Chalfant
July 7, 2015 2:49 pm
President Obama can look forward to two weeks of sunshine and golf on Martha’s Vineyard when he and his family travel to the Massachusetts island next month.
The first family rented the same $12 million estate in Chilmark they stayed in last year for the planned Aug. 8-23 sojourn, the Boston Herald reported.
Positioned on 10 acres of land on the small island, the 8,100-square-foot home houses seven bedrooms and nine bathrooms. The estate is enhanced by a dual basketball/tennis court and an infinity pool, though it offers no direct access to a beach.
Michelle and daughters Malia and Sasha have reportedly contracted a manicurist to tend to their nails at the house three times each week.
“Though I don’t know how that or his vacations or anything having to do with his wife are relevant to anything.”
“Yeah, two worlds is just another way of saying that there’s a big gap between the rich and the poor.”
R u gonna buy the dip in San Diego real estate prices?
Try about 75% off and I might put together an offer.
The recovery is close they say.
Did the bear go over the mountain once again in San Diego?
It doesn’t look like the Echo Bubble peak is destined to surpass the first bubble peak of a $517,000 median.
San Diego home prices dip slightly in September
By Phillip Molnar | 11:55 a.m. Oct. 19, 2015 | Updated, 12:05 p.m.
(K.C. Alfred/ San Diego Union-Tribune
(K.C. Alfred/ San Diego Union-Tribune — K.C. Alfred
San Diego County home prices dipped slightly in September, continuing a modest decline since June, CoreLogic reported Monday.
The median home price was $460,000, down 1 percent from last month, but $15,000 more than this time last year.
There were 3,633 home sales in September with the majority — 2,238 — coming from home resales. A lack of newly built homes has increased rental prices as buyers go for older homes typically used for rentals, experts say.
The highest median home prices were in Rancho Santa Fe at $2.3 million, Coronado at $1.4 million, Del Mar at $1.3 million and Cardiff at $1.15 million.
The biggest year-over-year increase took place in El Cajon in the 92020 ZIP code where the median home price rose 57 percent from $315,500 last September to $495,000 this year.
El Cajon Realtor Nancy Dennison said the area was popular with house flippers and it includes the pricier Fletcher Hills area.
However, she said the number of distressed properties has been greatly reduced, prompting fewer investors to buy homes.
“At this point, it is mostly single families (buying),” she said. “A lot of the investors aren’t necessarily jumping on things the way they were a year or two ago.”
Investors are the ones selling to the sheeple.
buy low sell high!
Well, well, well, what have we here?
For the second time since bubble 1.0., this mammoth rental property in Manhattan has changed hands. And for the second time, I’m sick to my stomach. This was where I spent the first few years of my life, a great place for middle class New Yorkers post WW2. The great Robert Moses, New York’s master builder and urban planner of the mid 20th century, persuaded MetLife to build Peter Stuyvesant Town/Peter Cooper Village in order to provide affordable housing for the middle class. Imagine that. Someone actually gave a dang about the middle class in NY.
I was nauseated when Tishman Speyer purchased it for $5.4 billion.
They walked away from the mortgage after the bubble burst and real estate took a dive. Now, Blackstone is buying it for $5.3 billion. And again I’m feeling queasy. Well, they’ll make hash of it. And maybe this is the harbinger of the next bust.
A friend’s wife used to work for a property management office at a large apartment building. She said it was part of her weekly duties to call the competing properties and share with them all of their upcoming price changes and specials, and the other properties all shared their specials. This way they never really undercut each other.
I noticed a storage unit I rented from doing the same thing.
This is illegal I believe? I wish there was a way to gather evidence of it.
Our local gas station here do it too. (we have the highest prices in CA) $3.09 still
Filled up yesterday for $2.05/gallon
To the racist white liberals in places like Madison Wisconsin and Dumbo N.Y.
I personally know many good hard working black people including some that are my neighbors. However the young man in this video is not one of them.
Atlantic City man arrested after posting Facebook video of him … - 141k - Cached - Similar pages
1 day ago
Some of my your friends are black people, right?
What tangled knots the mind can get itself into…
So Russ, how do you like living in Madison?
You may be having a stroke. Seek help.
Keep it coming globalist progressives. White countries have been targeted for destruction. The world will eventually turn chaotic and the progressives behind this destruction will be the first ones eliminated.
Are you referring to Syria? Who targeted them for destruction?
Jihadists and your globalist progressive leaders like Obama, Clinton, McCain, Power and Jarrett…Oh, also the UN. You can thank them all for the so called “Arab Spring” as well. How did that work out for world stability.
I don’t want any part of your suicidal white guilt. The world is dangerous and the leaders of primarily white countries have the duty and obligation to protect our culture and our civilized society.
I am sorry you and other brainwashed cultists vote, though I wholeheartedly support your right.
Well, that’s one white country targeted for destruction. I don’t know of any others. I’m not suffering from suicidal white guilt. But this emotion that you’re experiencing is interesting. You feel some sort of racial solidarity with all “primarily white countries.” You’re all angry because you think that they’re threatened by something. And you derive a lot of satisfaction from this anger. That’s nice for you.
Another neo-con “mission accomplished” and another country turned into an uninhabitable wasteland that will produce millions of embittered, radicalized people who “hate us for our freedom.”
This is such an unbelievably bad idea. It won’t take those countries down immediately, but that bunch will isolate themselves and breed like rabbits. They have two generations, max, before their modern, civilized countries are islamic hell holes.
Meet the new (would-be) boss, same as the old boss (RINO, corporate statist, open borders proponent, crony capitalist, same-old same old):–politics.html
Hillary calls for no-fly zone in Syria (while the new Canadian leader tells Obama he’s pulling out Canada’s planes).
Everybody look somewhere else while Russia does the dirty work.
Let Russia bring peace to the people of Syria. They can have the job all to themselves. Then, China can buy their oil.
They can rebuild the place, too.
When peace is achieved in the middle east, the only thing that will need to be built is cemeteries.
“Let Russia bring peace to the people of Syria.”
What about King David’s borders?