Investors Will Have To Suck Up A Fall In Prices
The Daily Telegraph reports from Australia. “Sydney apartment buyers could be in for a shock, experts fear, as the huge number of high-rise flats coming on to the market puts downward pressure on prices. Industry insiders say there are too many inner-city apartments being built, with people buying off the plan at risk of purchasing properties that will be worth less than their sale prices. About 32,000 apartments are under construction and another 23,000 have development approval. BIS Shrapnel managing director Rob Mellor said people buying off the plan are most at risk. Developers often price properties at what they estimate they will be worth by the time they are built in two or three years, but those forecasts can be overly optimistic, Mr Mellor said. ‘These properties are often sold at a premium, based on the past pattern of high price growth, but that growth isn’t going to be there going ahead,’ he said.”
“A price drop won’t put off young investor Felicia Markos, 21, from Alfords Point. ‘I’m not worried too much (about the value dropping) because I don’t want to sell straight away,’ she said.”
The Sydney Morning Herald. “Sydneysiders looking to shelter them from the unseasonal heat could well find it in the shadow of one of the record number of cranes across towering over the city’s skylines. Property and construction group Rider Levett Bucknall’s latest Crane Index report shows there are 288 cranes looming over the greater Sydney region, stretching from the CBD to Parramatta in the west, Mascot in the south and even to the leafy lower north shore. The current boom is unprecedented, with more cranes looming over the city in any time since RLB launched its index in August 2012 and a 35 per cent increase in numbers in the past six months alone.”
“But with signs the housing market is cooling, will the construction boom last? February data on housing approvals indicates a continuing fall in NSW from June 2015, lobby group Urban Taskforce has reported. ‘While 5000 approvals in a month is still a healthy number, the fact that there has been a drop of 900 approvals indicates a worrying trend,’ Urban Taskforce chief executive Chris Johnson said.”
“But RLB NSW managing director Matthew Harris said he is yet to see signs of a slowdown. ‘Despite what you read, [it] refuses to cool down,’ he said. ‘There has been a rise of 44 per cent in residential work done to more than $10 billion in 2015 and the momentum does not seem to be slowing,’ he said.”
From News Limited. “Renters in Melbourne and Brisbane right now are like kids in a candy store, they can basically have whatever they want, almost for whatever price they want. Renters have the power in the apartment market right now because there’s a huge oversupply of dwellings and investors are forced to bring down prices to compete with others who are also trying to fill their empty properties.”
“BIS Shrapnel managing director Robert Mellor said there were record levels of apartment construction in the last 18 months. He said investors will just have to suck up a fall in rental prices over the next few years. Those with older apartments will feel the burden of the oversupply the worst and Mr Mellor said the price on those had to be dropped even more to compete with modern-style apartments. ‘Unless someone does some work on those apartments to do them up, they’ll be the ones to suffer the most,’ he said.”
The New Daily. “It’s good times for renters with annual rents across Australia falling for the first time in more than two decades, according to statistics collated by CoreLogic RP Data. The slide was the first since the company had begun collecting annual rent figures in 1995, said its Australian head of research Cameron Kusher. Angie Zigomanis, senior manager of residential property at BIS Shrapnel, said new building was beginning to outstrip population growth in some areas. He said some landlords were being forced to woo potential tenants by offering ‘a few items of furniture, a free refrigerator or even a Foxtel subscription.’”
“‘We’re getting to the point now in a lot of markets where vacancy rates have crept up,’ he said.”
The Sunday Times. “Perth’s tanking property market has hit the Barnett Government’s fire sale of publicly owned land, with some properties being sold for multimillion-dollar losses. An investigation by The Sunday Times found 12 of the 23 properties sold by the Department of Lands in the past year were either sold at a loss or under the asking price. A 161.7ha farming lot in Neergabby, near Gingin, sold for $300,000 last September — $50,000 less than what it was bought for 13 years ago.”
“The sales program was launched two years ago to reduce ballooning State Government debt, which is forecast to peak at $39 billion. Lands Minister Terry Redman conceded the recent land asset sales ‘reflect the current state of the real estate market in WA.’ He also insisted the program was not just about revenue raising, insisting it was also ‘a great opportunity to refresh and revitalise our city and state.’”
“Opposition treasury spokesman Ben Wyatt said he was concerned the losses signalled bigger sites up for grabs would also sell for reduced prices. ‘When you’re selling a significant amount of land for less than what it was purchased for you know there is a sense of desperation in the Government’s plan,’ he said.”
“Curtin economics and finance professor Steven Rowley said given the apartment oversupply, developers were unlikely to spend big on sites with complications around the CBD. ‘I think (the scheme) is to plug the hole in the Budget. It’s necessity rather than any thought about whether it’s a good time or bad time to sell,’ Dr Rowley said.”
The title of this thread should be “taxpayers will have to suck up another Wall Street bailout.” Will they bend over for the banksters with the same alacrity they showed in 2008?
‘When you’re selling a significant amount of land for less than what it was purchased for you know there is a sense of desperation in the Government’s plan’
In case you are wondering how it could get like this:
‘The rapid fall in WA’s population growth rate means Perth may face an oversupply of apartments, according to CoreLogic RP Data head of national research Cameron Kusher. “On a historic basis, the level of unit approvals is currently extremely high,” he said. “If they are all to go ahead, you would say that it does look like the Perth market will have a bit of an oversupply of units.”
‘But some analysts argued there was no risk of a glut of unsold stock, because banks would not lend money to developers unless enough apartments were sold to cover their debt prior to the start of construction. Others said the growing proportion of foreign buyers in the Perth market would provide a floor for demand.’
‘Nedlands-based Indo-Pacific Group started marketing Perth apartments to buyers in Asia about a year ago. Managing director Daniel-Paul Filippi said demand was strong from countries that had traditionally invested in Perth, such as Singapore and Malaysia, but interest from China was also growing.’
“Chinese buyers are now actually asking for Perth specifically,” Mr Filippi said. “Twelve months ago when we started, if we were talking about Perth, they often asked where it was in relation to Melbourne or Sydney.”
‘He said part of Perth’s appeal was its lower prices for apartments, compared to Sydney and Melbourne. “Perth is more attractive for being in the same time zone … particularly in the south of China.”
‘Property consultant company Urbis’s director David Cresp said overseas investors typically represented about 10 per cent of apartment buyers in Perth. “We’ve seen that jump up to about 20 percent in the last couple of quarters,” he said. “Now, whether it remains at that sort of level is yet to be seen over the course of this year.”
‘Mike Enslin, managing director of apartment developer Psaros, believed Perth might soon have an undersupply of apartments relative to demand. “We are calling a supply shortage to come into the market towards the end of the year as people realise the developments they thought they were buying into aren’t going to proceed,” he said. Psaros has about 450 apartments in its development pipeline, with almost half due to be completed this year.’
‘It has not lowered its prices, but Mr Enslin said the market was very competitive, with incentives - such as whitegoods and wooden floorboards - being offered by some developers to secure a sale. “All [our] margins have been taken down to the bare minimum,” he said. “Our product will sit at this price until such time as people realise the market’s not going anywhere further.”
‘Mr Enslin is also of the view that the bottom of the property cycle has been reached. “We’ve probably been there for the last three or four months. As developers, we certainly can’t produce our product any cheaper.”
Now here is investing genius:
‘Perth is more attractive for being in the same time zone … particularly in the south of China’
‘Our product will sit at this price until such time as people realise the market’s not going anywhere further’
As I said, you go girl.
Let go or be dragged.
‘Perth is more attractive for being in the same time zone … particularly in the south of China’
By what twisted logic could this possibly matter?
What happens when “the markets” (algos) no longer respond to central bank jawboning and get less juiced each time from central bank financial cocaine, aka “stimulus”? And what will happen to interest rates when Yellen the Felon finally is forced to defend the dollar she and the Fed have been so busy debasing with QE and ZIRP?
adjective: indecisive
not settling an issue.
“these experimental results are indecisive”
synonyms: inconclusive, proving nothing, settling nothing, open, indeterminate, undecided, unsettled, borderline, indefinite, unclear, ambiguous, vague; informal up in the air
“an indecisive result”
(of a person) not having or showing the ability to make decisions quickly and effectively.
synonyms: irresolute, hesitant, tentative, weak
She looks petrified in fear.
Stumbling over dust particles.
Gold is soaring as more and more of the sheeple are waking up to the long-term implications of the Fed’s debauchery of the currency and lunatic Keynesian monetary policies.
“Gold surged as the dollar fell and the yen, which is seen as a safe haven investment along with gold in times of global worries, surged across the board.”
Okay, help me out here: Why is the yen “seen as a safe haven investment along with gold in times of global worries”?
We’re talking about Japan here, right?
I ran across this on the net:
“The Japanese government, after the reelection of Shinzō Abe, embarked on an extensive monetary easing. It resulted in the Japanese yen following a depreciating trajectory since 2013. In April 2013, the Bank of Japan announced its QE (quantitative easing) program in which they will buy close to 60 trillion yen worth of bonds. This was enhanced to 80 trillion yen in October 2014.”
So, again, why is the yen seen as a safe haven investment along with gold in times of global worries?
A yen is worth less than a US penny. I have seen pennies at check-out counters given away for free to ease transactions.
I have seen pennies at check-out counters given away for free to ease transactions.
Almost routine at the check-out counters I patronize.
Combotechie - This article may help understand why Japanese Yen is considered a safe haven:
Basically, Japan is a yuge creditor to the world.
A Japanese yen chart that extends to 1996 …
I don’t see a lot of “safe haven” in this chart.
Check out the red and green trend lines on the chart at the bottom. What just happened?
That’s a great web site.
For a real mind blowing experience, click on the Metals button at the top. Got deflation?
The article that talks of the yen as being a safe haven was written in August 2011.
Take a peek at the chart at August 2011 and see what happened next.
Poor Mrs. Watanabe!
They are one of the few countries that haven’t committed cultural suicide by letting in the third world, so they have that going for them. I was there in the fall and they have a ton of make work projects, wages are low, the cities are overcrowded and ugly and many people seem depressed. But there are no ghetto types attacking and robbing them, no massive societal dysfunction from trying to integrate people who are stuck in the 15th century and all the associated stupid social programs administered by corrupt bureaucrats that take money from the productive class.
If they opened up immigration to a limited number of intelligent, hard working foreigners and let them create they could develop an economic powerhouse in southern Kyushu that could easily rival coastal california. That area is beautiful and lots of people would enjoy living there, me included (in the warmer months anyway).
What are the terms on the lease?
Is there a max deflator clause?
Per yr ,per quarter
Yields on PIIGS 10-year bonds, while still well below the danger zone of 5-6%, are surging higher. Spain and Italy, you’ll recall, are too big to be bailed out and are still economic basket cases despite Draghi’s trillions in QE and NIRP. I think the endgame to this central bank three-ring sh*t show since 2008 might be moving to its denouement.
At what point will the Fed be forced to defend the dollar (and its own demolished credibility) by raising interest rates?
Each injection of central bank heroin and cocaine seems to give the addicted markets a shorter-term, more mild buzz. So much for Draghi’s “bazooka” of a few weeks ago.
Venezuela: a cautionary tale for what happens when collectivist governments run out of other people’s money and punish the producers until they stop producing to deny the government and free sh*tters the fruits of their labor. Coming soon to a DNC People’s Republic near you.
‘In the past 20 years, copper producers around the world have opened new mines and increased production from existing ones because they knew that China would swallow just about any of the metal they could produce.’
‘This was particularly the case during the massive commercial and residential development boom from 2005-2015 as the Chinese government pushed more people to move from rural areas into the cities.’
‘But the faltering Chinese economy has changed all that. Many buildings, particularly in secondary cities remain empty, meaning demand for new housing projects has plummeted.’
‘A price drop won’t put off young investor Felicia Markos, 21, from Alfords Point. ‘I’m not worried too much (about the value dropping) because I don’t want to sell straight away,’ she said.’
I’m not sure why they threw her in. But you go girl.
Theres some Donkey Logic right there.
‘Interest only loans have grown by 80 per cent in a three-year period recently. The high share of interest-only loans on investment properties is a big reason the housing debt stock is a worry.’
‘Of course, private debt is not necessarily a bad thing. While debt is high, many Australians have been using this period of low interest rates to get ahead on their home loans. If all the debt can be paid for then we have literally nothing to worry about. Many experts think we’re going to be just fine, including the head of the banking association.’
‘But then again, that’s what people always think just before the worst happens.’
As I mentioned a few weeks back, I was in Australia in early-mid March and saw the madness up close. Its the typical “build it and they will come” attitude which I believe is running out of steam. Salaries are low there - I looked at applying for skilled migration over a decade ago and did the math - I could make significantly more in the US per hour worked and it was unlikely they would let me in anyway - they tend to only let in third world types with skills like nursing so they have their plantation workers with little probability that they can challenge the people in power.
Saw lots of brand new developments, expansion of highways for planned new developments but there aren’t a lot of jobs in those areas, so its mostly retirees and those that cater to them. I asked a friend about one area that I was staying at to see if it was a bedroom community of Sydney - no way because its too far and the traffic would be absurd. The economics of that (and other) area just didn’t add up to me, other than the country got rich from the commodities boom and that money went into living a lifestyle that is disconnected from reality long term. I’ve seen this movie before!
I should also add something else I noticed that was interesting. I did some surfing wherever I went, and before I left I checked surf reports including temperatures to figure out what kind of wetsuit(s) I should bring, if any. The reports around Sydney consistently overstated temperatures by a good 6-10 degrees F. Fortunately I saw on a beach camera a guy getting into the water in a full suit, so I brought one just in case. The water was like ice.
They report Sea Surface Temperatures derived from satellite data the validity of which is highly questionable - I know because this was my focus in a former life. The satellites themselves are japanese or chinese and have a large number of problems inherent in their design which affect measurements, in addition to errors that can be introduced in downstream processing.
Wherever I drove I would listen to music on the triple J radio station and every so often there would be a program about the dire consequences of global warming, climate change, etc. The chief scientist of the country was usually interviewed, leading the charge that the data indicated a dismal future if they didn’t act quickly to raise taxes or some such. You can take a wild guess as to what tribe he is a member of.
You can take a wild guess as to what tribe he is a member of.
Scientists are tribe now?
I am not sure why Australian property investors even try to find renters anymore. The bubble is so huge that gross rents are around 3% in any A or B neighborhood. When gross rents get that low, tenant maintenance may be higher than rents. Yet many locals still claim there is no bubble…