November 22, 2016

A Stampede Of Flippers Got Overconfident

A report from the Arizona Republic. “The commercial real-estate industry remains in an expansion cycle, helped by a steady economy and few signs of overbuilding. Rising interest rates are a concern, but few other signs are flashing warnings, said Calvin Schnure, senior economist for the National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts during a talk in Phoenix last week. Two critical signs that have pointed to past recessions aren’t visible currently, Schnure said. One is an overheated economy in which inflation is rising. The other is overproduction in buildings, automobiles and other key manufacturing measures. ‘We’re still a long way from having overbuilt anything in the economy,’ he said.”

The Columbia Missourian. “Developers seeking to build apartment complexes downtown will have to keep waiting. The Columbia City Council extended its moratorium Monday on new downtown residential housing. The joint university and city survey represents data from 4,414, or 16.5 percent, of the city’s total registered rental units. The survey found an average vacancy rate of 9.78 percent among all participants, and a vacancy rate of downtown and off-campus units of 7.07 percent and 12.79 percent, respectively.”

“Both surveys and the report to council come at the concern of a potential student housing bubble in Columbia.”

The Pittsburgh Post Gazette in Pennsylvania. “Since the end of the recession six years ago, the rental market has been red hot in the city’s East End communities. A stampede of real estate flippers rushed in to buy and renovate old buildings. Developers also built one apartment building after another in anticipation of more demand from young professionals who prefer upscale living. But there are signs that rental rates in the East End have begun to cool off.”

“‘We have property owners in Lawrenceville who are renting their apartments for less this year than last year and wondering why,’ said Steven Welles, owner of Ikos, an East Liberty-based company that finds tenants for landlords. The company’s clients range from landlords with only one unit to those with 300 units. Some clients haven’t been able to find renters at all, Mr. Welles said, adding that many people got overconfident about how much they could extract from the market.”

“John Petrack, executive vice president of the Realtors Association of Metro Pittsburgh, said permits have been issued for about 5,600 new and rehabbed apartment units in the Pittsburgh area in the past five years and only about 60 percent have been absorbed by the market so far. ‘Especially in the high-end apartments,’ he said. ‘The market has been saturated. The market got strong and everybody ran out and said, ‘Hey let’s develop high-end apartment units,’ he said. ‘And the market got saturated. Now in the high-end market places there is an oversupply. Developers will have to make a decision.’”

From Syracuse Post Standard in New York. “Syracuse has suddenly become a magnet for developers of expensive student apartments loaded with amenities. Four off-campus, student apartment buildings with a capacity for 690 tenants have been built in the city by private developers in the past couple of years. Four more, with a total capacity for 2,024 tenants, are under construction or have been proposed. That has city officials and a University Hill planning and development organization worried that the student housing market in Syracuse could quickly become saturated, leading to a rise in vacancy rates in the neighborhoods surrounding Syracuse University.”

“They don’t come cheap, at least not by Syracuse standards. Rents average around $1,000 to $1,200 a month — per bedroom. (In contrast, rents in apartment homes in the university area typically range from $500 to $600 a month per bedroom.) David Mankiewicz, president of the University Hill Corp., said national firms that specialize in building and managing student apartment projects have already filled up larger markets — those with 50,000 or more students — and are just now focusing on second-tier markets like Syracuse.”

“He said the organization now worries that the construction of lots more off-campus housing could hurt the residential neighborhoods surrounding Syracuse University. ‘We’re fine with the idea there would be some movement of students, but if you have this cataclysmic move, you could see vacant, boarded up homes,’ he said.”

The Voice of San Diego in California. “National City is trying to make it as easy as possible to build downtown, but developers are still hesitant. Now National City is trying to up the incentives for new development even more. Nancy Estolano, a business owner who owns property in downtown National City, said she’s been having trouble selling and leasing her properties. One property took her months to rent out and she still hasn’t been able to sell another that could be developed into a high-rise.”

“‘Nothing is here to support the rents for high-rises,’ Estolano said. Part of the problem, she said, is that there are vacant lots everywhere. If a developer built something on her property, ‘there are two empty buildings across the street.’”

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Comment by Ben Jones
2016-11-22 08:37:39

‘national firms that specialize in building and managing student apartment projects have already filled up larger markets — those with 50,000 or more students — and are just now focusing on second-tier markets like Syracuse’

This is what’s been happening with the luxury apartment bubble too. Fill up the cities and spread out to little burgs in places like Wichita Kansas.

‘Building permits issued by the city of Houston have dropped 27 percent from the same time last year and 14 percent year-to-date. Both residential and commercial construction has experienced the dip. The value of non-residential building permits fell 26 percent in October, compared to the same time last year. Residential permits fell 29 percent, during the same time period.’

‘However, permits for single-family homes rose 8.6 percent from October last year to last month. Multifamily permits dropped 69 percent in the same time period.’

But the industry is still telling us there’s a shortage of construction workers.

Comment by Blue Skye
2016-11-22 09:25:45

“if you have this cataclysmic move, you could see vacant, boarded up homes”

Cheap easy credit leaves a wide trail of destruction.

Comment by Ben Jones
2016-11-22 09:35:48

‘We’re still a long way from having overbuilt anything in the economy’

This article mentions a lot of apartments are being built in Phoenix. Thousands. Recently I posted an article mentioning Phoenix senior complexes are going up like crazy and the majority were aimed at the the top 5% of incomes.

Comment by redmondjp
2016-11-22 09:41:59

I can see it now . . . Section 8 housing, now with granite countertops!

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Comment by Larry Littlefield
2016-11-22 12:05:41

The private sector affordable housing plan. Financed by taxpayer bailouts of developer lenders.

Comment by oxide
2016-11-22 17:32:20

That’s what I’m afraid of too, redmond. The leftover units go to the poor using government money, while people like me have to pay with earned money. And the seniors avoid the apts altogether and go live on the golf course.

Comment by Mafia Blocks
2016-11-23 07:35:59

Sounds like you all prefer to be poor.

Comment by new attitude
2016-11-22 13:02:05

People live a lot longer these day, then there are the boomers. follow the boomers

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Comment by palmetto
2016-11-22 08:48:06

“Since the end of the recession six years ago,”

No need to read any further.

Comment by phony scandals
2016-11-22 09:15:54

OT but

I don’t remember seeing any Humpback whales from Tod’s Point Point.

Humpback whales spotted off New York City

By Jim Shay Updated 7:25 am, Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The U.S. Coast Guard is giving a heads up to mariners in New York Harbor and the Hudson River: “Thar she blows!”

The whale sightings do not come a surprise. In the last two summers, whales have been spotted in Long Island Sound and are believed to have migrated to the waters around New York City. In late July, humpback whales were spotted in Long Island Sound, following schools of menhaden fish. The whales were sighted on at least three occasions this week along the Connecticut coastline from Norwalk to Greenwich.

Comment by palmetto
2016-11-22 09:56:59

Heh, and I never saw a seal the during all the summers I spent time on the Cape, into the 1980s. Now, the Cape’s Atlantic shoreline is lousy with seals. And the more there are, the less cute and charming people find them. For one thing, they have a most unpleasant stench. For another, they consume tons of fish and the fisherman are having a hard time of it. And they attract sharks like mad, so people can’t enjoy the water like they used to. Sharks are even getting into the inlets.

OTOH, if we go into another ice age, all bets are off and seals might become quite welcome.

Comment by phony scandals
2016-11-22 10:45:40


Stench and sharks, that can’t be good for property values.

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Comment by taxpayer
2016-11-22 08:48:29

the 3% accelerator clause in com re contracts has beaten appreciation rate here for 15 years

Comment by taxpayer
2016-11-22 08:51:36

mort rates 30 yr
4.5 = dive
5% = submerge

Comment by dandroidz
2016-11-22 09:20:32

Woohoo, Super Home Sales records!!

More and more Americans piled into 30 yr loans @ historic low rates to become loan owners in the month of October. All is well, recovery accelerate! A “stable job market” has been the factor, of course, stable is a subjective term when you exclude manufacturing job losses negated by bartenders and wait staff…

Comment by ZH
2016-11-22 09:35:13

Existing Home Sales Surge To Feb 2007 Highs Before Yuuge Spike In Mortgage Rates

We’ve heard this story before. More fake news?

Comment by Ben Jones
2016-11-22 09:46:14

‘Housing starts in the United States spiked 25.5% to 1.32 million, marking the fastest jump since August 2007, the Commerce Department reported on Thursday (Nov. 17). The increase from September was the largest since July 1982. Multifamily-home building rose an impressive 68.8%.’

I was out west of Phoenix yesterday. They are getting ready to build thousands upon thousands of houses.

Comment by Larry Littlefield
2016-11-22 12:08:39

Recall, however, that historically 1 million homes was a recession year for housing, 1.5 million was average, and 2 million was a big year.

Having all those 2 million-plus years wasn’t sustainable. Having all those 1 million or less years isn’t either.

Unless there is massive subdivision legalized, and new units created within existing excess-sized buildings.

Comment by rms
2016-11-22 23:29:52

“I was out west of Phoenix yesterday. They are getting ready to build thousands upon thousands of houses.”

They must have discovered more water.

Comment by new attitude
2016-11-22 15:21:02

Let’s take a moment to thank Team Obama for this amazing turn-a-round!

Comment by Rental Watch
2016-11-22 18:35:52


Obama may be the first president since Hoover to not see real economic growth of more than 3% at least once in his tenure…and he had 8 years, AND he had a recovery out of a recession that usually gives a nice growth pop off the bottom.

How fast would the turnaround have been if:

1. Team Obama didn’t cripple the American household by completely screwing up the healthcare market?
2. Team Obama didn’t dump 100,000 pages of regulations on the financial sector immediately after a financial sector meltdown?

Let’s thank Team America for trudging forward in recovery despite the gale-force headwinds provided by Team Obama.

Comment by Ben Jones
2016-11-22 18:50:47

The plan was very simple. Foam the runway for the banks. Provide a wealth effect via houses and stocks. It didn’t work. See California: the poorest state in the country.

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Comment by Neuromance
2016-11-22 19:40:12

I was reading about a communist economy’s conversion to capitalism. The article lauded the destruction of ‘ponderous, corrupt, inefficient companies which couldn’t survive without government support.’ I thought, that sounds like a description of the financial sector here.

Comment by Ben Jones
2016-11-22 19:57:08

Note the abandonment of moral hazard discussion by the, well practically every body.

Comment by Prime_Is_Contained
2016-11-22 20:19:25

It didn’t work.

What do you mean, Ben??!? It’s worked great—for the banks, it’s intended beneficiaries.

Comment by new attitude
2016-11-22 22:06:28

CA has a $2.8 billion surplus this year. Who is 49th and their score?

All my friends are happy and buying stuff–team America!

Comment by MightyMike
2016-11-22 19:57:34

How fast would the turnaround have been if:

1. Team Obama didn’t cripple the American household by completely screwing up the healthcare market?

I doubt that it would have made much difference. Obamacare probably reduced healthcare inflation while also reducing the number of uninsured by 40%

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Comment by Ben Jones
2016-11-22 19:59:45

‘reduced healthcare inflation’


Comment by Prime_Is_Contained
2016-11-22 20:18:25

2. Team Obama didn’t dump 100,000 pages of regulations on the financial sector immediately after a financial sector meltdown?

Wasn’t Glass-Steagall only something like 20pgs? Would have been far simpler just to reverse it’s repeal.

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Comment by Professor Bear
2016-11-23 00:04:43

And then there is the Too Big To Fail — Too Big To Exist bill…four pages long!

Comment by Rental Watch
2016-11-23 10:27:00

The problem with the ACA and Dodd Frank were two fold:

1. The laws were extraordinarily complex (lots of varying provisions); and
2. The laws took a LONG time to fully enact. In the case of Dodd Frank, many years to actually write the laws. With such a long period of time, the uncertainty in the business community was long-lived. And uncertainty is bad if you are trying to make hiring and investment decisions.

Comment by new attitude
2016-11-22 22:04:22

Who’s on watch? Score this one to O.

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Comment by Ben Jones
2016-11-22 09:36:52

‘One property took her months to rent out and she still hasn’t been able to sell another that could be developed into a high-rise. ‘Nothing is here to support the rents for high-rises,’ Estolano said.’

You could lower your price Nancy.

Comment by 2banana
2016-11-22 13:29:47

What??? And give it away?

That is peddling fiction right there…

Comment by Ben Jones
2016-11-22 09:39:23

Remember when Rio and others would tell us over and over how the GOP was going away?

‘Still sifting through the wreckage of the Nov. 8 election, Democratic leaders nationwide are struggling to find a new message to claw back support and avoid years in the political wilderness. Not only do Republicans control the White House and both the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives, they now hold 33 governor’s offices.’

‘New England, long considered reliably Democratic, is a prime example of the party’s demise. Republican Phil Scott won in Vermont over Democrat Sue Minter who was criticized, like presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, for failing to develop an economic message that resonated with voters worried about good-paying jobs.’

“We lost the governorship of freaking Vermont,” lamented Washington-based Democratic strategist Chris Kofinis. “We didn’t just lose an election. This was a national rebuke. This was biblical.”

Comment by Rental Watch
2016-11-22 10:05:20

I love the panic and fear.

The reality is that elections are won and lost by a few percentage points just about every time.

Did the Democrats get smoked this time? Sure. And they got worked in lots of places that they historically have won. But the GOP should not be complacent–if they take this majority and screw it up, the victory will be short-lived, as those swing voters swing back.

All that said, after 8 years of more and more regulation and taxes, I’m looking forward to a little swing back.

Comment by Ben Jones
2016-11-22 10:24:15

So much for that permanent Democratic super majority stuff. The truth is these parties are constantly evolving. Groups/ideas get purged, reborn, mutate. I keep going back to the guy who said both parties used to have liberal/conservative factions and grid-lock came when they settled into dogma. And in my opinion when the establishment(s) coalesced around globalism. We need opposition on all things.

Comment by Blue Skye
2016-11-22 10:45:27

Opposition of ideas, yes. The strategy of getting everyone in the country hating everyone else didn’t work out very well.

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Comment by jerzdebil
2016-11-22 10:13:58

And without illegals + “dead” people voting and voting machine “glitches” It would have been even worse. But the ((media)) will never report all the voting fraud. They didnt even want to report much on the bus driver that killed those kids in Tennessee. Name was Johnthony - and thats not a typo. Colin Flaherty has a great youtube channel exposing the media coverups that occur on a daily basis

And of course ((youtube)) tries to suppress anyone reporting the truth so truth tellers like Colin and Tommy Sotomayor have to keep creating new channels and moving their content around.

Comment by palmetto
2016-11-22 10:14:01

“Remember when Rio and others would tell us over and over how the GOP was going away?”

Frankly, it should have gone away and it might, yet, unless it purges itself of the neocons. Bush almost consigned it to the dustbin of history. It was just dumb luck that what followed was worse.

I hope we have a new movement afoot, a bi-partisan group dedicated to eliminating the destructive, expansionist policies of decades. I was encouraged to see that Trump received Tulsi Gabbard yesterday.

Comment by Anonymous
2016-11-22 12:05:24

“I hope we have a new movement afoot, a bi-partisan group dedicated to eliminating the destructive, expansionist policies of decades.”

THIS !!!!!

Comment by Apartment 401
2016-11-22 12:22:55

My Fakebook is full of Bernouts and Hillbots who have nothing to say about The Donald except how racist he and all of his deplorable supporters are.

I’ve never heard any of them mention globalism once, not one time.

Comment by MightyMike
2016-11-22 13:41:39

I bet none of them have heard of pizzagate either.


Comment by oxide
2016-11-23 05:37:52

FWIW, their talk of tolerance and racism *is* their form of globalism. They want to take in the whole world because we’re all such a global family, y’all. Back in the day that used to be called an “invasion.”

Comment by Mafia Blocks
2016-11-22 16:25:37

Lola wouldn’t even post a picture of the Brazilian slums to substantiate his claim of living in Brazil. Pathetic.

Comment by palmetto
2016-11-22 17:10:31

I just thank jeebus he didn’t post a picture of his Brazilian wax.

Comment by Mafia Blocks
2016-11-22 17:23:25

At this very moment Lola is having a meltdown. :mrgreen:

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Comment by Raymond K Hessel
2016-11-22 17:31:15

The Democrats are incapable of being anything other than what they are: a corrupt party based on buying votes with patronage and graft. They will go on being exactly who and what they are: corrupt.

Comment by Palm Beach County
2016-11-22 09:54:41

Broward home sales slide in October, but prices are still rising: realtors report
Broward’s realtors association feels a seller’s market is coming in 2017
November 21, 2016 05:30PM

Comment by Avg Joe
2016-11-22 11:02:44
Comment by Anonymous
2016-11-22 12:14:17

Wow, u mean this stuff also happens in places that AREN’T run by Democrats?! lol

I wonder how many hidden pension fund time bombs are out there…

Comment by Rental Watch
2016-11-22 12:16:42

“I wonder how many hidden pension fund time bombs are out there…”

How many places have pension funds? That is the precise number of pension fund time bombs.

Comment by Prime_Is_Contained
2016-11-22 20:29:52

You nailed it, RW—I was about to answer “ALL OF THEM!” when I saw that you already had, in subtler terms.

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Comment by palmetto
2016-11-22 12:40:20

I believe the mayor of Dallas is a Democrat. But he didn’t start the fire.

Comment by Ben Jones
2016-11-22 12:49:14

Dallas: A Blue City in a Red State

‘Despite being in a vastly Republican state, Dallas County has been primarily Democrat for almost 10 years.’

“Dallas County started turning Democrat in 2006,” said Wade Emmert, chairman of the Dallas County Republican Party. “That was the midterm of President Bush’s second term. Historically, the party in office during a second term presidency does worse in national and local races. That was certainly the case in Dallas.”

‘A contributing factor to Dallas being chiefly Democrat are the demographics. Today, Dallas is primarily Democrat due to the growing African American population that votes overwhelmingly Democrat.’

‘Republicans and Democrats differ in the way that they vote, which also contributes to why Dallas is exceedingly Democrat.’

“Dallas Democrats tend to vote overwhelmingly straight ticket, meaning they vote for every Democrat on the ballot, regardless,” said Cal Jillson, professor of political science at SMU. “They do so more than Republicans do, and helps them in down ballot races.”

Comment by Avg Joe
2016-11-22 13:28:28

Uh, read the article. Dallas itself has very little control over pension legislation, that’s all controlled by the state government. Which is decidedly Republican.

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Comment by Ben Jones
2016-11-22 15:05:59

I’ve read and posted a lot about this pension. It had a board that wasted the money on real estate investments. Stuff like raw land in Arizona. I bet they saw these yahoos coming from Pecos. And they paid themselves well I believe.

Comment by Avg Joe
2016-11-23 09:15:07

Right, my point is that it’s happened in a Republican-controlled enivronment where the pension legislation is actually written.

Comment by Mafia Blocks
2016-11-23 09:33:27


Comment by txchick57
2016-11-22 13:39:36

It’s a hellhole here. Why am I here? DH works here. I’d like to see the city nuked

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Comment by Prime_Is_Contained
2016-11-22 20:31:31

LOL!! How do you _really_ feel, txchick??

Comment by new attitude
2016-11-22 13:06:59

neo-cons love to spend money they dont have.

Comment by 2banana
2016-11-22 13:33:56

Here is a hint.

It is kinda like deep blue Philadelphia in deep red “the rest of” Pennsylvania…

Except for Scranton. They, like Philly, have been run by democrats and public union goons for the last 50 years.

And they are both beyond bankrupt and have sky high taxes…

And they both expect the state to bail them out of 50 years of buying the public union goon votes. They don’t come cheap.

And if they don’t - they are bitter clinger racists.

And it’s for the children…

Comment by phony scandals
2016-11-22 11:21:40

Family of slain SAPD officer says Donald Trump called to offer condolences


SAN ANTONIO — The family of slain San Antonio Police Department Detective Benjamin Marconi says President-Elect Donald Trump contacted them Monday to offer his condolences.

Annie Patterson Campos, who identifies herself as a “CSI (Crime Scene Investigator) at San Antonio Police Department” on her Facebook page, shared a post from Detective Benjamin Marconi’s “son” Dane Gregory Marconi. Marconi’s message states “Just got off the phone with the future president Trump, he sends his condolences to our family.” The Facebook post was later removed.

Comment by taxpayer
2016-11-22 11:49:57

any call from bama booty?

new centurions needed

Comment by 2banana
2016-11-22 13:35:33

not an obama son…

So obama could care less.

Comment by MightyMike
2016-11-22 14:07:44

Yeah, that’s it.

logic fail - LOL

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Comment by Apartment 401
2016-11-22 14:29:08

This sponsored message posted by Correct The Record.

Comment by palmetto
2016-11-22 16:27:31

And Comet Pizza. It’s for the children!

Comment by new attitude
2016-11-22 12:41:10

Trickle Down….? Do we still believe in it?

0.7% Control $116.6 Trillion in Wealth…

Comment by Price Discovery
2016-11-22 13:00:36

You mean 100% are responsible for $80 trillion in debt and unfunded liability.

The US is dead broke.

Comment by new attitude
2016-11-22 13:33:48

The 1% does not care if the USA is broke, they are fine.

Comment by new attitude
2016-11-22 13:44:30

Warren Buffett sees $11 billion boom on Donald Trump win! USA!!!

Comment by MightyMike
2016-11-22 14:09:34

It’s just dumb luck on his part. He supported that pantsuit-wearing communist.

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Comment by new attitude
2016-11-22 14:24:57

dont worry, he is giving it all away, like Gates.

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Comment by Rental Watch
2016-11-22 14:51:50

Of course he’s giving it away:

1. He knows that capital is allocated more efficiently privately; and
2. He doesn’t want the government to have 40%+ of his wealth to squander.

Comment by new attitude
2016-11-22 15:47:14

wise man, and he has more than he could ever spend.

Comment by taxpayers
2016-11-22 13:06:44

25% were ready for pure socialism
They got a governmentarian
Call your reps and say no to spending

Comment by new attitude
2016-11-22 13:09:05

with pure socialism, everyone would be middle class, of course ou can see this appeals to 25%. lots of unskilled zombies in the USA. Visit your local Waffle House.

Comment by 2banana
2016-11-22 14:16:03

with pure socialism, everyone would be middle class



you mean it would turn out completely different than EVERY OTHER TIME it was tried?

Maybe you should give us the tired excuses that “pure” socialism has never been implemented, they never had the right people in charge or the entire world needs to be socialist for it to work…

Funny how NOT ONE spoiled celebrity wants to escape Trump by moving to Cuba or Venezuela…

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Comment by Rental Watch
2016-11-22 14:53:42

… or North Korea

Comment by MightyMike
2016-11-22 14:16:53

The highly skilled prefer that mix of “capitalism” and “socialism”. Wall Street likes the formula: privatize the profits, socialize the losses. Similar mixtures are found in Silicon Valley, the oil industry, aerospace, private universities and other sectors.

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Comment by mcbain!
2016-11-22 15:14:10

Forget the isms, everybody wants the deck stacked in their favor - heads I win, tails you lose. Doesnt matter what industry. Its human nature, something your kind dont seem to grasp. Best way to mitigate it is a fair set of minimal and comprehensible laws and strict enforcement of them. We passed that threshold years ago, and are passing more and more laws that address symptoms rather than causes.

Comment by MightyMike
2016-11-22 16:47:58

Forget the isms

+ 100 on that one

Comment by MightyMike
2016-11-22 16:53:48

Of course, ditching the isms requires you to make arguments with some details in them. You can no longer say, don’t do x, that’s socialism!

Comment by Blue Skye
2016-11-22 18:29:17

That’s a winner.

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Comment by Ben Jones
2016-11-22 19:44:26

Mike has a problem with being a socialist, which in other countries is the name of the affiliation, or basic description. It must be uniquely a US aversion, because a more honest description of policy is evident everywhere else.

Comment by 2banana
2016-11-22 13:28:17

Anyone miss the obama making promises on the campaign trail?

Shall I remind?

“I will sign a universal health care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family’s premium by up to $2,500 a year.”
— obama 2007

“The problem is, is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from $5 trillion dollars for the first 42 presidents — number 43 added $4 trillion dollars by his lonesome, so that we now have over $9 trillion dollars of debt that we are going to have to pay back — $30,000 for every man, woman and child. That’s irresponsible. It’s unpatriotic.”
— obama 2008 (the obama debt in now at $20T)

“I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage.”
— obama 2008

Comment by MightyMike
2016-11-22 14:04:51

Only one of those is a promise. You should be more cheerful. You’re guy won the election two weeks ago.

Comment by 2banana
2016-11-22 14:20:29

Is that you Hillary?

Are you trolling now with all your free time and drastic drop of donations to the Clinton Foundation???

What were they paying for if you are not in power?

Comment by MightyMike
2016-11-22 14:41:44

I’m the voice of truth and reason, that’s who I am.

Besides, Hillary is history now. Hasn’t the right wing media chosen some new villains for you to hate?

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Comment by phony scandals
2016-11-22 15:19:56

“right wing media”

Trumps Wins Media Cries

Comment by In Colorado
2016-11-22 16:52:40

“I’m the voice of truth and reason, that’s who I am.”

Someone thinks he’s special.

Comment by MightyMike
2016-11-22 17:01:32

It’s a little joke.

Comment by mcbain!
2016-11-22 15:21:46

George Sorass gotta be hurting with those big put positions on the s&p500, russell 2K and high yield that have gone against him. 2018 gonna be another slaughter for the dems with no ((soros)) money. Media - ((ny times)) and espn will be filing BK at that point, who wants to advertise with fake news and boring sports games that whine about the greatness of Karl Marx?

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Comment by palmetto
2016-11-22 18:57:47

There’s a rumor, started by Benjamin Fulford, that Soros is dead. Snopes has debunked it.

Comment by new attitude
2016-11-22 14:12:32

‘Be a leader, not a tweeter.’

Comment by MightyMike
2016-11-22 14:57:50

Don’t follow leaders. Watch the parkin’ meters.

Comment by Professor Bear
Comment by rms
2016-11-23 08:19:41

“I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage.” — obama 2008

Obama’s OPM has stuffed the Interior bureaus with LGBT victims.

Comment by MightyMike
2016-11-22 13:29:48

Bernie Sanders
Sen. Bernie Sanders is the longest serving independent in congressional history.

Let’s Rebuild our Infrastructure, Not Provide Tax Breaks to Big Corporations and Wall Street

Our infrastructure is collapsing, and the American people know it. Every day, they drive on roads with unforgiving potholes and over bridges that are in disrepair. They wait in traffic jams and ride in overcrowded subways. They see airports bursting at the seams. They see the need for a modern rail system. They worry that a local levee or dam could fail in a storm.

During the presidential campaign, Donald Trump correctly talked about rebuilding our country’s infrastructure. But the plan he offered is a scam that gives massive tax breaks to large companies and billionaires on Wall Street who are already doing phenomenally well. Trump would allow corporations that have stashed their profits overseas to pay just a fraction of what the companies owe in federal taxes. And then he would allow the companies to “invest” in infrastructure projects in exchange for even more tax breaks. Trump’s plan is corporate welfare coming and going.

Comment by 2banana
2016-11-22 14:18:25

Also the most deeply humiliated independent…

Comment by Raymond K Hessel
2016-11-22 17:35:38

Bernie was always the controlled opposition, and a sellout.

Comment by Senior Housing Analyst
2016-11-22 13:33:35

Kenmore, WA Housing Prices Crater 14% YoY

Comment by MightyMike
2016-11-22 13:47:20

Business Booms at N.Y. Times, WSJ as Showdown With Trump Looms

The nonprofit news organization ProPublica typically receives about 10 donations a day. On Monday, its website was deluged with about three every minute.

ProPublica is one of several outlets, including the New York Times and Wall Street Journal, witnessing a swell in donations or subscriptions since Donald Trump’s victory in the Nov. 8 election. ProPublica, the Times and the Washington Post got a boost Sunday from HBO comic John Oliver, who lamented “fake facts” that circulated on social media during the campaign and urged viewers to “support actual journalism.”

“A lot of people after the election feel compelled to respond in one civic way or another, and journalism is an important part of that,” said Richard Tofel, ProPublica’s president.

The support is a hopeful sign for an industry looking to answer how so many journalists missed the Trump surge. Hurt by the loss of readers and advertisers over many years, newspaper publishers have had to cut their staffs and pare their coverage. The Wall Street Journal cut at least 50 positions this month.

At the Times, new print and digital subscriptions have risen at four times their normal rate since election day, according to spokeswoman Eileen Murphy. The company saw record traffic on its website Nov. 8 through Nov. 10, the newspaper said in a statement Monday.

Comment by Apartment 401
2016-11-22 14:30:59

“support actual journalism”


Comment by MightyMike
2016-11-22 14:11:16

That the two men have spoken again in the days since their first meeting was first reported Monday by multiple outlets, including POLITICO, when Trump said as much during an off-the-record meeting with multiple TV news executives and anchors. The president-elect was effusive in his praise of Obama, according to a source in the room, adding that he had spoken to the president at least twice since their White House meeting.

According to the source Trump was effusive in his praise of Obama. He said he’d never met him before the White House meeting and that he didn’t think he would like him. Trump said that he ended up liking Obama ‘so much,’ and that he had so much respect for him.

“The feeling is mutual because it takes two to tango” Trump said, according to the source.

Comment by Blue Skye
2016-11-22 18:32:07

No hard feelings. Pack your bags.

Comment by new attitude
2016-11-22 14:21:17

afraid this would happen, he does not want the job.

“In theory I could run my business perfectly and then run the country perfectly,” Trump said, according to tweets from New York Times reporters interviewing the president-elect Tuesday. “There’s never been a case like this.”

Comment by Mafia Blocks
2016-11-22 14:52:14

Remember… Nothing accelerates the economy and creates jobs like falling prices to dramatically lower and more affordable levels. Nothing.

Comment by new attitude
2016-11-22 15:22:38

Yep, just ask all the people in Houston and Dallas how they love low oil prices! And how great the Obama economy is since the drop from $105 to $40.

Comment by Mafia Blocks
2016-11-22 15:45:04

The only winner here is me. And I’m living in your head rent-free.

Comment by new attitude
2016-11-22 16:53:12

more like Sec 8

(Comments wont nest below this level)
Comment by Mafia Blocks
2016-11-22 16:59:17

Your rage is showing.

Comment by Mafia Blocks
2016-11-22 17:04:12


Comment by Karen
2016-11-24 14:06:06

I live in Dallas and I feel great. Never been better.

Comment by Blue Skye
2016-11-22 18:34:16

The only shame in the loss of bubble jobs is that they were ever created in the first place. Massive waste of resources.

Ask them how they feel? Really?

Comment by new attitude
2016-11-22 15:17:50

Looks like 2021-3 will be the year to buy a home. If you need shelter.

Comment by oxide
2016-11-23 05:52:45

2012 wasn’t so bad either.

Comment by Mafia Blocks
2016-11-23 06:56:07

Depends how much you paid.

Comment by new attitude
2016-11-22 15:26:46

but he said so….

Trump Won’t Pursue Charges Against Hillary: “She’s Been Through Enough”

will any of his promises stick?

Comment by Ben Jones
2016-11-22 15:36:32

Rent free.

Comment by new attitude
2016-11-22 15:52:55

why do you care?

Comment by phony scandals
2016-11-22 19:00:07

Damn new, Trump gave you Bruxism.

Now you’re gonna have to sleep with a mouth guard so you don’t chew your tongue off.

Night guards are also available through your dentist. Guards of this type tend to be of a higher quality and superior fit, as they are made in a special laboratory from an impression of your mouth carefully taken by a dental professional. This is generally a more expensive device than one purchased over-the-counter, but can be more comfortable to wear.

If a night guard is uncomfortable, there are other possible treatments listed below that you can ask your dentist about.

Stress prevention: One of the main causes of bruxism is anxiety, so your dentist might advise you to utilize one or more at-home methods of relaxation, like meditation, or in some cases professional counseling, to get you to relax and stop clenching your jaw.

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Comment by Mafia Blocks
2016-11-22 20:38:36

Bruxy got himself a brandy new RageCage. :mrgreen:

Comment by 2banana
2016-11-22 15:51:44

The Trump card for obama not to pardon Hillary…

And then after January 21st….

New evidence was recently found….

Comment by Ben Jones
2016-11-22 15:55:05

She’s been schlonged twice. Last photo I saw looked like she’s aged 10 years since the election.

Comment by Obama Goons
2016-11-22 16:03:10

Hillaryous is unelectable. Everyone heard it here first over a year ago. But then again we’ve had many many facts here on the blog that are rejected violently and then ultimately accept it as the truth.

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Comment by palmetto
2016-11-22 16:31:27

I think I said a couple of times that Hillary would never, ever, ever be president of the US. Although I thought it would be because of health or crimes or both.

I could see Trump becoming president, I just couldn’t envision her in the position.

Comment by In Colorado
2016-11-22 16:44:58

” Last photo I saw looked like she’s aged 10 years since the election.”

No need for the Hollywood Studio caliber cosmetologist to make her look “acceptable” anymore. Now she can let it all hang out and look the way she really is.

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Comment by rms
2016-11-23 08:33:35

Hehe… yes.

Comment by redmondjp
2016-11-23 10:38:57

You got it. Two hours in the makeup chair can really transform a person, as we have seen. Then another half-hour to take it all off at night. No point in going through that any longer.

Comment by new attitude
2016-11-22 16:49:21

keep drinking trumps kool aid

Comment by Blue Skye
2016-11-22 18:39:49

What bothers you most, the shape of the hammer, the metal, the finish or the trajectory?

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Comment by Rental Watch
2016-11-22 18:40:02

Obama replied: “I can’t pardon somebody who hasn’t gone before a court and presented themselves, so that’s not something that I would comment on at this point.”


Of course that had to do with cries to pardon Snowden, but I wonder if Obama is just pulling that out of his nether region, or if he has had an actual legal review of his powers to pardon.

Comment by rms
2016-11-23 08:35:54

There’s likely a Jon Corzine pardon being discussed.

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Comment by Professor Bear
2016-11-23 00:09:45

You’re fantasizing. Trump has bigger worries now than satisfying those who voted for him because he said he would put her “in jail.”

Comment by new attitude
2016-11-22 15:37:54

I hope Trump ends welfare:

According to Oil Change International (OCI), the U.S. government spends anywhere between $10 billion and $52 billion per year on corporate welfare for the fossil fuel industry — one of the wealthiest industries in the world. OCI estimated that total combined subsidies to big oil approached $37.5 billion in 2014, which includes $21 billion on production and exploration subsidies.

Comment by phony scandals
2016-11-22 15:58:31

Do you wake up in like this screaming Trump?

Comment by 2banana
2016-11-22 16:04:18

Me too.

Fraud solar
Fraud electric vehicles
Illegals receiving benefits
Muslim moochers
Public unions

Comment by new attitude
2016-11-22 16:08:42

Me too! Tell me when you get even close to $100 mill

$37.5 BILLION/YEAR!! and it is NOT FRAUD

Comment by new attitude
2016-11-22 16:12:45

The biggest banks have grown even bigger than they were just before the 2008 financial meltdown. And due to their size, these banks are perceived as “too big to fail,” as their demise would spell doom for the US financial sector as a whole. So as these big banks grow bigger, the Federal Reserve allows them to borrow at lower interest rates than other big banks — essentially subsidizing the continued growth of the big banks. In 2013, Bloomberg estimated the ten biggest TBTF banks suck up $83 billion per year in corporate welfare.

Comment by MightyMike
2016-11-22 16:55:48

Non-Muslim moochers are OK

Comment by 2banana
2016-11-22 17:53:27

How about we don’t import moochers and take care of the moochers already here?

Especially if the new imported moochers feel they have the duty to imitate their prophet and rape and kill infidels for their tickets to heaven.

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Comment by Ben Jones
2016-11-22 16:53:07

I think new attitude is having a meltdown.

Comment by Blue Skye
2016-11-22 18:42:19

He has a concussion.

Comment by phony scandals
2016-11-22 19:03:01

He has Bruxism.

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Comment by Rental Watch
2016-11-22 18:51:05

“Now 36, Provost helps run US Uncut, a left-leaning Facebook page and website with more than 1.5 million followers, about as many as MSNBC has, from his apartment in Philadelphia.”

Why not post the source of your tripe?

Comment by new attitude
2016-11-22 16:13:47

As US Uncut has previously reported, the pharmaceutical industry costs taxpayers roughly $270 billion a year when accounting for the cost we pay for life-saving drugs whose patents have been bought up by Big Pharma. This is over $1,914 per household in corporate welfare. This is partly due to the Medicare Part D bill that George W. Bush signed into law in 2003, which prevents Medicare from negotiating drug prices with pharmaceutical companies. But the biggest drug companies also make a pretty penny (a combined $711 billion in profits between 2003 and 2012) by buying patents for drugs that were largely developed with taxpayer-funded research, then jacking up the price by absurd amounts after cornering the market.

Comment by Mafia Blocks
2016-11-22 16:39:31

Remember nothing destroys the economy and creates record joblessness like fixed markets and rigged prices at grossly inflated levels. Nothing.

Comment by azdude
2016-11-22 17:07:48

rich are getting richer! They dont give a sh@t about people like u.

Comment by Mafia Blocks
2016-11-22 17:50:17

Yes we are Poet….. Yes we are.

Comment by new attitude
2016-11-22 18:12:06

He did not say shut-ins are getting richer.

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Comment by Mafia Blocks
2016-11-22 19:08:06

A RageCage is being prepared for you. And you’re gonna love it.

Comment by new attitude
2016-11-22 16:48:19

Remember Trump is a fan of revenge. Romney as sec of State is great revenge.

Comment by palmetto
2016-11-22 17:07:16

Romney is Secretary of State???

Comment by Raymond K Hessel
2016-11-22 17:36:57

Get lost on your way to HuffPo, little fella?

Comment by Professor Bear
2016-11-23 00:17:46

It looks like a setup for Trump to lead Romney on, then choose someone else at the last minute as payback.

The SNL skit captured it…shows Romney and Trump shaking hands for an uncomfortably long period of time, then Romney says, “This isn’t going to work, is it?”

“I don’t think so,” says Trump.

Comment by Raymond K Hessel
2016-11-22 17:41:00

What’s this world coming to when the wives of the super-rich can’t flaunt their obstentious wealth before the proles without being targeted by criminal gangs?

Comment by palmetto
2016-11-22 18:06:10

Heh. When I read that story, I couldn’t help thinking that Mexico is probably safer and in better shape than France.

Comment by 2banana
2016-11-22 18:13:35

Not so many imported muslim moochers in Mexico…

Comment by Raymond K Hessel
2016-11-22 19:37:02

I’ve spent a fair amount of time in Mexico. They actually have a thriving entreprenerial class made up largely of second-generation Syrians and Lebanese. Carlos Slim, the richest guy in Mexico, is of Syrian ancestry. So is Selma Hayek. Most Muslims do very well for themselves in Latin America, and most view the problems of the Middle East as unrelated to them in their new lives.

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Comment by 2banana
2016-11-22 20:22:49

Carlos Slim is a Catholic.

Many Christians from Lebanon and Syria, who have been ethnically cleansed by muslims in their home countries , do very well in the west.

A way to tell.

Are they moochers with a FSA attitude…?

Comment by palmetto
2016-11-23 06:17:10

Danny Thomas did well for himself in the US.

Comment by In Colorado
2016-11-23 08:46:55

Carlos Slim is a Catholic.

Ditto with Hayek.

I encountered more than a few Lebanese-Mexicans during my time south of the border. Without exception, every single one I met was Catholic.

Comment by In Colorado
2016-11-23 08:49:08

And both Slim and Hayek are Lebanese, not Syrian.

Comment by Raymond K Hessel
2016-11-22 19:38:23

I feel safer in Mexico City than in any major US city.

Comment by Mafia Blocks
2016-11-22 20:23:24

Roll through old Mexico City and you’ll change your tune in a hurry.

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Comment by In Colorado
2016-11-23 08:50:34

Maybe vs. the Detroit ghettos, and even then I’m not so sure.

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Comment by new attitude
2016-11-22 18:14:22

Hello South America.

Comment by Raymond K Hessel
Comment by Raymond K Hessel
2016-11-22 17:48:27

Germans voted for globalism. Germans got globalism. Germans who complain about what they voted for are stupid.

Comment by In Colorado
2016-11-23 08:43:25

However, many Germans perhaps don’t see their feelings of being a stranger as a bad thing, as 86.1 percent of respondents agreed that “(p)eople who flee from wars should be taken into Germany.”

They’re toast.

There is a silver lining: we’ll be able to cherry pick Germany’s best and brightest as they will eventually be clamoring to leave Gerabia.

Comment by Raymond K Hessel
Comment by Raymond K Hessel
Comment by 2banana
2016-11-22 19:05:23

How come the Hollywood liberal elites who promised to leave America if Trump won the election NEVER want to go to Venezuela???

Even thought they want all the policies of Venezuela instituted in America?

Comment by Raymond K Hessel
2016-11-22 19:34:14

Not one of them will leave the country. They’ll announce they’re going to bravely stay here and fight…for the children.

Comment by new attitude
2016-11-22 22:10:29

Why do you care about Hollywood?


Comment by redmondjp
2016-11-23 10:42:41

Hey, they were all at the white house last night, getting the presidential medals of honor!

Comment by Senior Housing Analyst
2016-11-22 18:55:55

Chevy Chase, MD Housing Prices Meltdown 16% YoY

Comment by azdude
2016-11-22 19:06:23

the next election will include chelsea clinton and jeb bush’s son.

Comment by 2banana
2016-11-22 19:09:21

After 8 years of President Pence?

Comment by Ben Jones
2016-11-22 19:17:28

‘the next election will include chelsea clinton and jeb bush’s son’

I’ll take 5 bucks against that.

Comment by Senior Housing Analyst
Comment by 2banana
2016-11-22 20:25:33

Keep stacking.

The insane printing of fiat monies and massive government debt is not going away.

All across the mundo.

Comment by Senior Housing Analyst
2016-11-22 20:40:16

I’ll add-to when it gets down to $600 or so.

Comment by Blue Skye
2016-11-22 21:07:44

Real assets are controlled by those without real wealth. When it is credit crunch time, they will be liquidated.

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Comment by Professor Bear
2016-11-23 00:19:14

Lower gold prices and bond prices go hand-in-hand with higher bond yields.

Comment by new attitude
2016-11-22 23:33:14

Whoever seeks to set one religion against another seeks to destroy all religion.
Franklin D. Roosevelt

Comment by taxpayers
2016-11-23 04:41:12

Is there a silver miner that’s worth a sht ?

Comment by Raymond K Hessel
2016-11-23 05:37:36

The definition of insanity: (Keynesian lunatics and “former” Goldmanites at the central banks) doing the same thing over and over and expecting different outcomes.

Comment by Raymond K Hessel
Comment by Raymond K Hessel
2016-11-23 05:49:56

Auto debt is hitting new highs while subprime delinquencies are soaring and auto sales have “plateaued.” Get ready for a new bailout, taxpayers.

Comment by taxpayers
2016-11-23 06:38:11

Already bailed
Cash for clunkers and the auto bailout

Comment by rms
2016-11-23 08:58:57

That’s a great piece. Thanks!

Comment by In Colorado
2016-11-23 11:11:10

Auto debt is soaring. Given higher transaction prices, ever longer loan terms, and higher loan-to-value ratios, total auto loans and leases outstanding have shot up $30 billion in the third quarter, the largest quarterly increase ever, even as sales have been flat.

So they aren’t selling more cars, but they are selling much more expensive cars. Not surprising, when you see “entry level” cars like Civics, Corollas, Focuses, Cruzes, etc. priced in the 20K’s. Gotta have all those gadgets, I mean, wouldn’t you be embarrassed if your car didn’t have a “hot spot” built in or power seats with memory settings?

It will indeed be interesting to see what happens when interest rates go up and HELOCS dry up. Selling all those $50K+ pickups and SUVs could become challenging, to say the least.

Comment by Raymond K Hessel
2016-11-23 05:56:04

How many times as all the “collateral” keeping the monetary system afloat been pledged?

Comment by phony scandals
2016-11-23 06:22:12

This Stage 2 Liberal shows his hand at 2:05

Liberal CNN Guest Says N-Word On Air LIVE

Published on Nov 22, 2016

Comment by palmetto
2016-11-23 07:05:17

I saw that clip and realized that CNN is having a full-on, collective mental breakdown, for real. The clip was so over the top I was surprised the guy didn’t have spittle flying out of his mouth.

Not only is CNN not news in any way, shape or form, it’s not even entertainment, unless you like to see a bunch of shrieking lunatics mess themselves. It’s actually painful to watch.

Comment by phony scandals
2016-11-23 07:42:33


There are so many White Supremacists in this country a CNN anchor can’t even pronounce White Supremacists.

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