Bits Bucket For October 30, 2009
Post off-topic ideas, links and Craigslist finds here. Please visit the HBB Forum.
Examining the home price boom and its effect on owners, lenders, regulators, realtors and the economy as a whole.
Post off-topic ideas, links and Craigslist finds here. Please visit the HBB Forum.
So reading ole HBB yesterday it became apparent that it was another day of O care debate. Sigh. Again, I estimated it is a small percentage of the population effected. It would be a lot smaller if the job situation was better. Also, if we possibly looked at what things are driving the costs.
Anyhow, keep hearing the recession is over. Not hearing a lot of good things from the ground.
I can’t imagine that the financial sector is close to recovery, the government revenue streams are getting any closer to healthy or the bond sector has taken it’s lumps.
Then again, this might be the new normal. With creeping poverty and unemployment along with crippling debt.
Still seems we are in bubble chasing mode. Stocks, gold, commodities.
“Anyhow, I keep hearing the recession is over.”
Keep hope alive and you’ll keep people spending their money. Allow hope to die and the spending will slow to a crawl.
It’s not the supply of available money that matters the most, it’s the flow - the velocity - of available money that makes the difference.
Also, keeping interest rates artificially low discourages long-term savers and eventually many give up and say to hell with it, and take their money out of their cd’s and either pay down debt or go and spend their money on goods, both of which the gov’t. wants.
“… both of which the gov’t wants.”
And I want as well, at least that’s what I want EVERYONE ELSE to do.
ah, yes…that is an important qualification on that last statement.
They make money by moving money.
Here in N. Ohio the down leg of the W seems to have started. Metals business which had picked up markedly on Aug/Sept has again started to revert to its lows of this spring. Our biggest aluminum foundry customer has announced it has shut down “for the Holiday Season”, saying that they will resume work in January! Several customers announce factory closings; with 50 or so employees each, Im sure they never make the news on the coasts. Biden came to town touting 35,00 green jobs for Ohio; painfully laughable. 500,000 jobs have left in the last 20 years, thats why home prices continue to fall here, stimulus $$ notwithstanding. Brace yourself America. Flyover country will never contribute to your import dependent economy’s recovery. Ohio is fast becoming another West Virginia, but, without the good coal.
35,00 = 35,000
Sorry to hear that, Carlos. My employer (about 300 now in the local office) has been bleeding 2-4 people a week. You’re absolutely right, the layoffs at this stage are so small every time that they don’t trigger automatic government notice. Fridays are pretty stressful.
We have an alternate work schedule too - I do four - 10 hour days and take care of Mini-Chile on Friday. Some people on alternate work days have been let go on their friday away from the office. Instead of planning ahead and letting the person go on a Thrursday afternoon; management has been calling people at home on friday telling them to come get their stuff.
Fortunately, in New Future of Hope’n'Change, once people fall off Unemployment we can ignore them.
I can imagine the 20% solution: 20% unemployment, 20% increase in the stock market per year, and 20% inflation per year. Because that is the path to success - Yes, we can get there!
It would have not been different if McC was in office.
Thank you so much mrbush&dickclintonbushreagan. And all the Congresscritters since the 70s.
Your final resting home is on sale at walmart:
Buy now before prices go up.
Man, many of them are out of stock!
The model the Eu is using seems to be keeping money flowing and the econ from total spiral as ours is.
If the corps might be laying off, they are to reduce hrs, but keep everyone, instead of unemployment payments -like ours- everyone has jobs and money to buy necessities, and gov pays corps the diff.
Everyone has money to circulate the economy.
The Euro model is as dependent on exports as China. Five more years of “no more American consumers for you” and they will be more in the hole than us. You can do a lot of socialism when someone else is the policeman and you dont have to pay for him for 65 years. They better start learning Russian, or Arabic.
The health care debate *does* get a bit much, but…
I estimated it is a small percentage of the population effected.
You think a small percentage of the population will be affected by a $950 Billion program? I beg to differ.
Excuse me - $894 Billion plan.
Probably wont effect me, except maybe Blue Cross will be forced to lower my rates and increase my coverage.
The bill is supposed to save what it cost over a period of 200 yrs.
Hi James. The number affected by loss of health care continues to rise, James. Something has to be done. As a doctor who sees patients and does surgery, I can testify to it. I have lost quite a few patients from my practice due to lost jobs or having to cancel insurance because it’s too expensive, and others have asked me if they can cut back to every two years instead of every year to visit me. Just last week I saw two patients who request putting off their surgeries until next year because they can’t afford co-pays or deductibles. That’s unusual, because usually I do more surgery in the last quarter of the year because they’ve paid their deductibles and want to get everything done before the end of the year. I do surgeries on Saturdays, and several parents have said they are grateful for that because they can’t take off time during the week to bring their children to the hospital. My happiest patients turned 65 this year and are eligible for Medicare.
But let’s not talk about health care again today - the stock market is down which suits us bears fine!
I also put off a sinus surgery this year because of changes in deductibles, etc. My plan used to be fairly decent, but now we get hit for 20% of most elective surgeries, until that person has spent 3K during the year. A couple of trips to the ER with kids for 3 stitches each, something that might have cost $75 in the past, now is over $250. These things pile up in hurry.
Yes, let the Dow go down and suck a little air out of the recent mania.
Have since decided this chronic condition is improving enough with meds (hell, I ignored it for 40 years!) that’ll I’ll probably pass altogether on the surgical thing. Exactly what Aetna would prefer, no doubt. REH, I guess you may see this sort of effect, too? Depending on your field, I guess.
Any appt I have made was accommodated within no more than a few days. These days, there isn’t much wait either once there for appt. So, ppl are definitely not taking care of med needs as before. Ortho said as much the other day when asked, ‘you must be so busy’,he said no. Derm’s office was empty. Saw me the minute I walked in, spent 40 minutes-mostly talking-discussing halloween costumes
Md’s are losing biz right and left, on the other hand…
I just made an appointment with a specialist; first opining, April 1x, 2010. I elected to see her partner instead, January 6th, 2010.
Fine, let there be a bubble in stocks and gold … but commodities are another story. Bubble is contained? Seems we’re too impatient a “society” to have an economy that moves at a deliberate rate.
How about if we got a milk bubble? Buy now and get a giant freezer or you’ll be priced out forever? Or a ground beef or chicken bubble? Anything but a beer bubble! That’s what makes me sickest about the endless housing nightmare. This ain’t some luxury the free-money crowd is betting on.
“Anything but a beer bubble!”
Agreed! I hate iti when I get a beer bubble stuck in my throat–so uncomfortable! It happened to me just last night…
That’s a natural gas bubble we can live with!
There was a hops bubble a couple years ago, due to poor growing conditions all summer long in the PNW, high transportation costs, and culminating with a fire in a storage warehouse that torched something like 5% or 10% of the US production of hops for the year. It got pretty bad; at one point Samuel Adams was selling hops to small brewers at cost as Samuel Adams had locked in a price the previous fall.
Thankfully, hops returned to affordability before governmental intervention would have kept the price permanently high (yet provided employment for the IRS).
Keystone Light $6.99 per 12 pack!
I keep it on hand for my friends who are bums.
This is the new normal.
Working hard will keep you poor.
Scamming others will make you rich.
There will be no middle ground, and many will be think themselves “smart” by buying still overpriced houses, stocks, etc. in an effort to scam others later while instead becoming the mark themselves.
Welcome to the post-economy economy!
The new normal (in America) is:
You are a fool if you accept responsibility for your thoughts and actions.
I don’t like this, and some of the bloggers here don’t like it either. But we do not have the voting power. Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for lunch.
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for lunch.
No, it’s worse than that, because proposed laws are not put to a public vote. It’s actually a minority (the political class) preying on the majority.
So you’re saying it’s a wolf telling ten sheep who’s for lunch.
fava beans with a nice glass of chianti
“How to Serve Man”
(some of you will get it )
Professor Get off that ship….its a cookbook
one of the most interesting story lines and the scariest ending.
U.S. Home Vacancies Rise to 18.8 Million on Defaults.
Oct. 29 (Bloomberg) — About 18.8 million homes stood empty in the U.S. during the third quarter as banks seized properties from delinquent borrowers and new home sales fell in September.
The number of vacant properties, including foreclosures, residences for sale and vacation homes, rose from 18.4 million a year earlier and 18.7 million in the second quarter, the U.S. Census Bureau said in a report today. The record high was in the first quarter, when 18.95 million homes were vacant. The homeownership rate, meaning households that own their own residence, stood at 67.6 percent.
The worst U.S. housing crash since the Great Depression has led to a record number of foreclosures and shaved almost a third off property values. The S&P/Case-Shiller Index of 20 cities in August was 29 percent below its 2006 high, after rising for four consecutive months.
“We are bumping along the bottom of the housing market,” said James Lockhart, vice chairman of WL Ross & Co. and the former director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency. “There is the potential for another swing down.”
Sales of new U.S. homes fell 3.6 percent in September to an annual pace of 402,000, the Commerce Department said yesterday. That was lower than the 440,000 median forecast of 75 economists surveyed by Bloomberg News.
Two other pieces of data:
- The Homeowner Vacancy Rate, which had been falling from its 2008 record of 2.9 and was down to 2.5 in Q2, took an uptick back up to 2.6. This was surprising to me. (Normal rate is about 1.7)
- The Rental Vacancy is absolutely skyrocketing now - up to 11.1. It had been flat near 10.0 the past few years. This is surprising to me as well, since I would have thought that a large amount of people would be moving out of foreclosures and into rentals.
These say one thing to me - people are consolidating, big time. Moving in with family, getting roommates, etc.
Not a green shoots indicator.
Meant to add - this with a backdrop of record low housing starts - running at about 500k per year now, vs. normal rate of about 1M per year. Because of this, vacancy rates should be falling, not rising. Thus why it appears there is significant consolidation going on.
That and/or more of the bank-owned empty inventory is starting to show up in the data that hadn’t before. I’m not sure how those are normally counted.
One of my senior NCO’s was talking about his PCS move next year. He was saying how he needed to sell his house in Fayetteville N.C. next to Bragg. He said a recent appraisal came in up $30,000. He said he hopes to “pull a little equity”. I asked if he has it on the market now, he said no, he would put it on when we get back. Keep in mind, between duty stations we usually only get about four months before we have to leave. He quote was “We didnt feel the housing downturn like everywhere else”.
When I said “Your house is only worth what someone will pay”, He looked at me like I was crazy. It’s funny how people dont understand that someone doesnt have to buy your house at the stated value. I can tell he thinks he is going to name a price and someone is going to pay it. I think he is in for a rude awakening…
I’m beginning to understand why that mentality exists.
You see, we live in a society that constantly overcharges us for everything and we really don’t have any choice but to pay it or do without.
Utilities, food, shelter, clothing, transportation.
Sure you can look for and find deals, but that’s almost a full time job in itself. Not to mention relatively far and few between. And yes, there are price differences, but when you look at the range, it’s often not significant. Do you really want to drive across town to save $5-10? Of course not.
So in reality, what are your choices? Tweedle Dee or Tweedle Dum?
I mean, have to tried to bargain at Jack in the Box or the clothing store or the gas station or your utility company. How did that work?
Here in N Ohio, the local utility wants to give us all a pack of energy saving light bulbs so they can meet the state’s goal of reducing electricity consumption by some 3 percent. Not only will charge us $21.00 for the 4 pack, they want us to pay for the electricity that we wont use, plus their missing profit! Talk about overcharges. Outrageous!
the local utility wants to give us all a pack of energy saving light bulbs so they can meet the state’s goal of reducing electricity consumption by some 3 percent.
Wouldn’t it be easier & cheaper if your local electric utility just had rolling blackouts 3% of the time to meet the state’s artificial and rigid standard, then refer the outraged customers to their state reps & governor. Should take care of that issue real fast.
Or give customers those great bulbs that are toxic in the dumps.
At some level we really need to know exactly HOW they come up with these figures, because depending on the method, it could be thrown off by all the residency fraud. ISTR that Casey was listed as an owner/occupier on all of his mortgages. That sort of fraud multiplied many times means that I look at these figures with some skepticism.
It’s hard to see the election campaign signs in yards along the lake road, for all the FOR SALE signs in front of cottages.
500k still seems like a lot of starts…jeez..just stop, please.
Believe me - it’s not.
We hadn’t even gone below 800k in any post-WWII recession. So 500k is an incredibly low number actually.
Meant to add - this with a backdrop of record low housing starts -
Housing starts in Loveland are about 4% of what they were in 2004, lest than 30 so far, vs. 800+ during the bubble.
“The Rental Vacancy is absolutely skyrocketing now - up to 11.1.”
Our lease is up for renewal, and our landlord has not asked for a rent increase. Based on this information, I am wondering if we should request a reduction?
Our lease is up for renewal, and our landlord has not asked for a rent increase. Based on this information, I am wondering if we should request a reduction?
Depends on lots of factors - your area, your relationship with the landlord, etc. In general though - seems worthwhile.
Unfortunately it’s probably bad timing. The best time would be in a few months when it’s more obvious the economy *isn’t* really turning around.
In lieu of a rent decrease, perhaps you can get a concession?
A year ago for our renewal our landlord upgraded us from a parking spot out back (in the muck and snow) behind the Chinese Resturant so some Soccer Mom would always have her SUV in my spot when I came home from work to a below the building, in the underground garage spot. For free. We’ve lived here three years, just renewed for a fourth. Never a rent increase, but we pay early every month, tip the building superintendent well, be nice to the management.
Concessions are easier to slip by the owners, etc. Is there something you can ask for that comes through them that they could pay? Perhaps heat or hot water or something? Alternately, renew at the current rate, but throw an extra month on for free?
“Not a green shoots indicator.”
Depends upon who’s counting. After all, housing all the serfs in tenements or other overcrowded living arrangements has a long history of “success” and makes it easier to keep an eye on them.
“U.S. Home Vacancies Rise to 18.8 Million on Defaults.”
What share of the 18.8 million can be properly classified as ’shadow inventory’ — i.e., homes that will remain in desuetude* until they are sold?
*I include use by banksters as weekend party homes with the desuetude category.
“We are bumping along the bottom of the housing market,” said James Lockhart, vice chairman of WL Ross & Co. and the former director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency.
Wasn’t the the party line a year ago?
“There is the potential for another swing down.”
What? Do my eyes deceive me? Are they actually admitting the market might have a false bottom?
Do banks have something to hide?
Even experts have a hard time getting a handle on how bad losses might get as the commercial real estate market implodes.
NEW YORK (Fortune) — The banks have taken some lumps since the economy went bad. But some believe their biggest headaches are yet to come.
The pace at which U.S. commercial banks are adding to their loan loss reserves has slowed this year, while loans continue to go bad at a brisk pace.
Despite the optimism of lenders like Wells Fargo (WFC, Fortune 500), some observers warn that banks aren’t socking away enough for a rainier day.
The disconnect is particularly acute in commercial real estate, where lenders are facing a surge of defaults on commercial mortgages and construction loans made when prices were much higher and demand for space much stronger.
Banks have been recognizing commercial real estate losses slowly, even though the high season for defaults isn’t expected to arrive until next year.
That’s not the only problem. Ill-defined or inconsistently applied rules for valuing securities and handling loan modifications can make it hard to say how healthy banks really are, from Citigroup (C, Fortune 500) and Bank of America (BAC, Fortune 500) on down.
The risk is that this year’s recovery could turn out to be a false dawn, delivering another blow to investor trust — not to mention people’s 401(k)s.
Like this isn’t the next massive bailout coming? The big boys will never have to own up to their mistakes.
Obama doesn’t look like he’s cut out to play bad cop. I voted for him, but it looks like, deep down, he is how he described himself, “the dancing bear,” a guy who goes out there with some good lines and gets to bask in the applause. Then he goes out for a smoke and a run. Not seeing any deeply held principles. Deeply felt emotions maybe, but he can put those aside when necessary.
You are describing a chronic infectious condition known as politico-liosis.
Meanwhile, the foolish citizens who made bad bets will pay dearly. While the subject of executive compensation has been at the forefront of debate lately, I’ve yet to hear anyone talk about clawbacks. Hundreds of millions of dollars in bonus money paid to run a company into the ground, throw the worldwide economy on it’s ear, and yet there’s not so much as a whisper about those responsible paying the piper. This is nothing more than the greatest wealth transfer of all time.
Running a company into the ground for personal profit has been the modus operandi for the last 30 years. It is one of the main motivators for offshoring.
Corporate raiding ring a bell? Current LM&As? (I know you already know this Grizzly, just a gentle reminder for everyone)
The rich have been skimming for decades.
By Rebecca Christie and John McCormick
Geithner Says Commercial Real Estate Woes Won’t Spark Crisis
…“You can say now with confidence that the financial system is stable, the economy is stabilized,” Geithner said. “You can see the first signs of growth here and around the world.” …
“This is going to have to come from private demand, private investment, for it to work and be sustained over time,” Geithner said. …
The U.S. needs to bring its budget deficits down “dramatically” because they are too high in the medium term and “unsustainable” in the long run, Geithner said. Investors need confidence that the U.S. that is “going to have the will to do that as the economy recovers,” he said. …
…Geithner said congressional proposals for overseeing big financial firms would give the U.S. government “constrained power” to protect the economy without putting taxpayers at undue risk. The Treasury chief said Congress needs to pass legislation to make the economy less vulnerable to “catastrophic” damage from a major firm’s failure. …
Without comment -
Did he mention that commercial real estate is ‘contained’?
Well P’Bear - I don’t know.
You decide (my comprehension is high, it’s the talking out of both sides of the mouth that makes me giggle - nervously).
From the article:
Oct. 29 (Bloomberg) — U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said commercial real estate woes won’t set off a new banking crisis, in remarks to the Economic Club of Chicago.
“I don’t think so,” Geithner said, when asked whether commercial real estate could set off another banking meltdown. “That’s a problem the economy can manage through even though it’s going to be still exceptionally difficult.”
Ya just can’t make this stuff up -
I dunno. He has a point. What with charging individuals a %100 user fee when they breath within 50 yards of a bank branch or network ATM, maybe the banks will be able to cover their commercial real estate losses out of earnings?
More likely the commercial real estate losses are concentrated in the regional and local banks and therefore aren’t on his radar as the FDIC can handle them. It ain’t a crisis if Citi and Goldman aren’t at risk, don’t you know. Sigh.
Geithner Says Commercial Real Estate Woes Won’t Spark Crisis
I like to repeat their comments, just in case it looks different when I say it. Nope. I’d say he is giving us the clue…get out now,hurrry, run forester run.
Man in bed with woman, wife or husband comes home.. Oh honey it isn’t what it looks like.
Dead on DD. A phenomenon that I noticed and that has been consistent over the last 20 years: the PTB have always given out hidden warnings that they are about to screw you if you only know how to see it. Sometimes it’s not even hidden, just so outrageous you think they can’t possibly be that psychotic… but they are.
And it’s usually nothing elaborate. The above is a good example.
So yeah, adios CRE.
We are already seeing it here. Many, many strip centers still empty from last year and maybe even the year before that. Already seeing “free rent” signs on retail centers. You NEVER see that on CRE here unless it’s very, very bad.
I’d say you are right DD.
Theory/discussion. Bear with me here (no pun intended):
What if all of these losses really can be contained - simply by the Fed just continuing to buy all the bad MBS, at inflated values? Then the banks just never have to write down the bad debt - they just pass it off to the Fed. The Fed doesn’t have to write down jack, since it’s not a public entity and it’s not audited.
Seems to me then the only downside to this scenario then is inflation, right? Obviously - that’s a big downside. However we’re not talking about general inflation here. The bulk of the inflation is concentrated on the real estate sector itself - real estate prices simply remain higher than they should be - essentially forever, or at least for a long time - like decades. Don’t think it can’t happen. It’s happened with stocks, which for all but a brief time early this year have been overpriced, from a P/E standpoint, for 25 years now. From what nhz (where the heck has that guy been?) described - real estate prices in Amsterdam have been inflated for about 20-30 years now.
So then this new money created by the Fed and used to buy MBS isn’t really contributing to general inflation - what it’s doing is validating the housing bubble 1997-2006 inflation.
That is where I fear we are heading. From an economic standpoint all seems to be well - CPI remains relatively low, banks remain solvent (for the most part - aside from a bunch of small-bank failures happening now), GDP gets back on track, etc. The problem is that housing prices simply get “reset” to a new less-affordable level.
At least for a while - even 10-20 years though. Eventually these things have to equalize; e.g. people aren’t going to want to buy houses and rent them out if the rent:buy ratio is too high; so then rents have to come up to meet. However rents can’t come up, because the vacancy rate is too high (see other posts today). So eventually housing prices *do* have to come back to historic norms - one way or another - even if they’re not dragged down by MBS performance.
Guess what I’m saying is that it seems to me that the way things are playing out - we’re in for a really, really long period of moderate pain. Like on the order of 20 years.
So things aren’t really “contained” as much as they are “spread out” - really spread out.
I think this is how it will end.
The Fed and the crooks will win, and housing will remain unaffordable effectively forever. And the sheeple will love this since the housing market was “saved’ - never mind how insane this may be - and keep on electing the same crooks. Any desire to choke the bankers on their own bonuses will fad away since those “geniuses” and “bidness leaders of ‘merica” clearly helped us all by keeping living costs high and jobs hard to find.
So things aren’t really “contained” as much as they are “spread out” - really spread out.
Currently the economic policies are really spreading out the pain -
Over the past few months of “Wisconsin, it’s differnt here”, the boot on the ground are stomping.
Mikey has commented on the under/unemployment in these here parts in many posts.
On slow shopping days when the cashiers have the leisure to chat, I ask questions. How is business? I heard credit cards companies are reducing limits - have you noticed this? etc (HBB gave me courage to question as my gram would throw a laser look at me and fry me eyesocket clean our of me head for asking such questions in public).
Yes, retailers and their employees are noticing a shift in a very short time - I asked the same questions in May and ya would have thought I fell out from the turnip truck. Laughs into me face!
I don’t know what to make of this, but my eyes and ears are opened wider, sigh.
It seems to me at least, the more government er…helps us, the longer the pain.
Boo hoo, housing will remain high forever cause of gov policies and supports, boo hoo.
You are assuming the dynamics of economics and specifically assets bubbles are scientific and mathematic.
Asset bubbles are more physics/nature based. Nothing, not gov stimulus, first time buyer credits, artificially low interest rates on and on, has any effect on where, when and how things will progress. Don’t we really all believe that here? I do.
You’re free to believe whatever you wish to believe.
Hope Santa’s good to you this year.
My thoughts exactly!
But they know full way now that the only “punishment” for destroying the world economy is that they get to keep the loot and then some.
“Did he mention that commercial real estate is ‘contained’”
Like board up all the windows and doors…contained ?
“Geithner Says Commercial Real Estate Woes Won’t Spark Crisis”
so…it’s contained?
The economy isn’t fixed yet, say Wall Streeters
Weak financial regulation and a flood of money in the system pose hidden dangers, experts contend.
NEW YORK (Fortune) — The economy may be showing signs of life, but that doesn’t mean the financial system is fixed or healthy growth has returned, according to a panel of high-profile Wall Street figures who gathered the night before the latest GDP numbers were announced.
For one thing, the government is unlikely to pass regulation that effectively regulates the financial-services industry, short seller Jim Chanos said Wednesday.
While the new administration came in “guns blazing,” legislation has been too slow to emerge in the wake of the financial crisis, said Chanos, founder of the Kynikos Associates hedge fund, during a discussion on the future of markets hosted by the New York Historical Society. Chanos added that as more days ticked by, the urgency to regulate large financial institutions would pass.
“Ink will be spilled… but at the end of the day there will not be teeth in most of it,” Chanos said, adding that any laws passed will likely be watered down to a point of meaninglessness.
He also referred to the Senate as the place “where interesting things go to die.”
They’re worried about Washington’s stewardship of the economy, ranging from the Federal Reserve’s reluctance to draw down the flood of money it injected into the economy, coupled with legislative inaction on key issues including financial regulation.
“He referred to the Senate as the place ‘where interesting things go to die’.”
I love it! Reminds me of the myth of the Elephant Burial Ground.
I thought it was “Secret Elephant Aerial Ground”?
Interesting. Can you cite a ref? I’d be curious to see. They found Steve Fosset so I know anything is possible?
The “Elephant Burial Ground” is, for centuries, the secret place old and sick elephants wander off to when it is time for them to die, hence the ground is littered with tons of ivory. Anyone who discovers the wherebouts of this place is guaranteed to become filthy rich.
This place was once mentioned in a Tarzan movie and later was the focus of the 1937 serial “Tim Tyler’s Luck”.
Tim Tyler was involved with the Ivory Patrol and was pitted against the evil Spider Webb. Both were seaching for the ever-elusive Elephant Burial Ground.
I was recently contacted by a Nigerian anthropoligist who told me he knew of the location of the burial ground and asked me to partner up with him: I’d take care of the financing and he’d take care of the rest. He needed lots of cash up front to take care of bribes and such so I gave him free access to my bank account.
To some this may sound like a scam, but it isn’t. I know it isn’t because he told me I could trust him.
he told me I could trust him.
Nigerian? Does he have a sick nephew? Give him my phone # and acct # anything to help. LOL
What’s that lump and smell…under the carpet ?
Bankers Expect Rising Bonus Pay to Break Records in Global Poll.
Oct. 30 (Bloomberg) — In Washington and on Main Street, politicians and voters are railing against Wall Street’s multi- million-dollar pay packages. In the financial world, most executives expect their bonuses to match or exceed last year’s, with 1 in 10 predicting their best-ever payout.
Having shaken off the biggest economic decline since the 1930s, almost three in five traders, analysts and fund managers believe their 2009 bonuses will either increase or won’t change, according to a quarterly poll of Bloomberg customers. Only one in four see a decline. Asians are the most optimistic about pay and Americans and Europeans somewhat less so.
“The large banks are knocking the cover off the ball,” said Daniel Alpert, managing director of New York-based investment bank Westwood Capital LLC. The industry is “making money, though with government help.”
Worldwide, a majority of market professionals in the survey also turn thumbs down on government attempts to limit compensation, with 51 percent saying restrictions will stifle useful innovation. Only about 38 percent think pay limits will control excessive risk-taking.
In the U.S., where President Barack Obama has chided Wall Street for being “motivated only by the appetite for quick kills and bloated bonuses,” 65 percent say the restrictions will damp innovation.
“The large banks are knocking the cover off the ball,” said Daniel Alpert
The ball is wrapped like a titlist. The bat is corked. The center field fence has been moved in front of second base. And we are supposed to think that these guys are Babe Ruth. WTF?
“making money, though with government help.”
That might be the biggest understatement of the millennium.
Those banks would not even BE here if not for the TARP and about eleven other free-money-for-banks government programs. Those guys would be working at McDondalds.
Center-field fence has been moved behind home plate, by the way.
A foul ball is now a home run…
Don’t spank them, it’ll ruin their creativity.
Maybe we should give a special award this year to the entire banking industry. In recognition of the unique talents and services they have conspicuously displayed, let’s nominate them for the coveted Maggot and Termite Appreciation Award. “Little Guys Doing a Special Job”.
And they work day and night, just like compound interest.
National heroes.
Compost works day and night too.
And compost is much more useful.
NYCityBoy: are you a Yankees fan or a Twins fan? I’m rooting for the Phillies, since they seem to have fewer steroid-fueled athletes than the Yankees’ lineup.
I care very little about baseball anymore but I would definitely lean towards the Twins. I remember watching Joe Mauer as a junior in high school win the Minnesota state football championship. He was the starting QB for Cretin Derham-Hall. He looked like a man among boys. Coming out of high school he was the number one high school football prospect. The kid is all class. He keeps me interested in the Twins.
Should I root for Joe Mauer or Alex Rodriguez? That’s like asking if I should root for Mother Theresa or Timbabwe Geithner.
If I had to choose between Mother Teresa and Jayson Werth I’d go with Jayson
The banksters are ingesting large quantities of government stimulus steroids. Their stellar results will have to be asterisked.
The banksters must be laughing all the way to the bank.
Right, well.., that’s where they keep their printing press, right? Just the fact that there’s a ‘bonus’ at all should queer w/ the balance of us that -didn’t- get one.
What really needed to happen ( during the damage control assessment last fall ) was for ALL real estate transactions to Cease & Desist! Seriously. How is it possible to identify and isolate fraud while all this ‘looting’ was going on under the cover of darkness?
Should have been at -least- a 90 Day Moratorium on ALL transactions until we could get this sorted out. With provisions for extensions as needed. I mean, we pulled the plug on foreclosures?
Yes, I’m sure they are Professor Bear. It seems that CONgress is falling all over themselves to give the bankers anything and everything they’d ever want. These politicians are rotten to the core. It’s getting to the point where it’s not even prudent to blame the bankers anymore, as they’re just doing what most people would when handed the keys to the vault.
We need so much “innovation” at the banks?
For a moment there, I thought we were in a Recession, sliding into a Depression! But no - banker bonuses are up, so all is well!
I think these soulless shells should be sent into the bad part of the hood and explain to folks there how they made record bonuses while the locals can’t even find a job. Those that make it out alive get to keep 10% of the bonuses - the rest, well tough luck for them.
Unfortunately, considering this nation’s warped view of “success” the bankers would probably have the poor fawning over them in no time?!
Chase, Acct holders beware. The new policy at chase is that if you want to call to um transfer funds, check on balances or ?, your acct # isn’t what you enter in your phone. Lets say you are in your office, on the street or on a bus/subway? whatever and you decide to do this type of business while waiting around. You enter the NEW Debit Acct # found on your card and your pin #. Someone sees this because MOST of us do not recall all 16 numbers.
Someone steals your acct # and the person or camera can view your pin and voila, they can hack into your acct.
1-do this at home, or hiding under your work desk.
2- call chase and tell them you want the old protocol returned.
Yeah, well just look where there ‘innovation’ got us.
oops there, their
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Two of the largest U.S. apartment landlords said on Thursday they see something in their sector that’s been missing for the past few years — a little optimism about the future.
While not declaring an end to falling rents and declining net cash generated by their properties, the heads of industry leaders Equity Residential (EQR.N) and AvalonBay Communities Inc (AVB.N) said they are seeing increased demand for some of their apartments.
“While we expect operating performance to remain weak near term, there are signs that the weaknesses in both the economy and in some of our operating metrics are beginning to moderate,” Bryce Blair, AvalonBay chairman and chief executive, said during a conference call with analysts.
Both real estate investment trusts have buildings in key U.S. cities and held conference calls following the release of their third-quarter results.
The U.S. apartment sector has been in a nosedive for more than a year, as job growth, the key driver of apartment demand, has been replaced by hemorrhaging unemployment. Because of their short leases, the apartment sector is quick to feel market softness, yet also rebounds quickly.
To keep or attract tenants, landlords have been offering months of free rent and other concessions.
AvalonBay said its properties in Washington, D.C. seem to be improving, while those in the New York metropolitan area are about the same. The West Coast is still seeing deep declines.
“there are signs that the weaknesses in both the economy and in some of our operating metrics are beginning to moderate,” Bryce Blair, ”
Things will always equilibrate or moderate at some point as things spiral up or down but that does not and will not fix the present problem nor in this case is it a reason for celebration.
Another view of this stabilizing: You can’t fall off the floor.
Cute - but no, we’re nowhere close to a real floor. A real floor would be stock market off 90% as it was in 1932, not 60% as it was this year. (90% off is actually four times worse than 60% off) With a real floor we would at least begin to approach pre-bubble levels of total debt - we haven’t.
AvalonBay properties in my part of the DC area are advertising like crazy on Craig’s list and they are offering much lower rents than they used to, so it sounds like what really happened is they finally reduced rent enough to get a few people interested. Hardly a big uptick in hopefullness in the rental market. They will have to reduce rents again in a few months. I’m not interested in the AvalonBay stuff in Montgomery County as they aren’t walking distance to the Metro, but for the people married to their cars for commuting, I guess they are OK properties.
Speaking of rents, I gave my landlord a letter on Wednesday saying that I plan to vacate my apartment at the end of my lease. Got the counter offer for no rent raise at all Thursday. Well, *that* didn’t take too long. I told the office that I was going to vacate because it was much too high a rent the week I was sick, but that was only verbal and they didn’t react at all. I’ll wait a bit before I counter offer, but they reduced their “one bedrooms starting from” price on Craigs list by a $100 a month last week, so I’m really not in a hurry to start negotiating. Looks like time is on my side.
And I have 2 and half weeks of “use or lose” leave in December, so I could always actually move. I’d rather use the time to change computers, do an inventory of my library, museum hop, visit family and friends, etc., but moving works too.
Good luck, Polly, and keep us posted.
I *know* we’ll be moving when our lease expires in the spring. I suspect this house is making us sick and anyhow we want a better school district. I’m already seeing houses with just about everything we want at prices a little lower than what we’re paying now.
I vote for a move with a substantial rent decrease, unless your landlord comes through for you, Polly. Finally, people who rent have an opportunity to save some money!
Oh, I won’t stay if this is the final offer. Not by a long shot. I’m just enjoying the power of my negotiating position for a little while.
I vaguely remember you have your eyes on another apartment closer to work and with more amenities.
Your in the drivers seat!
Well, there are issues with the particular one I found. First of all, I strongly suspect that it isn’t located where the ad said it was located. I’m only looking for places that are easy walking distance to a Metro stop and I think this place is actually too far away to count as that. The other issue was that one was a realtor owned condo. Just turns my stomach a little. Though, with a realtor and her highly developed skills at self-delusion, I think you might avoid someone doing a strategic default. Besides, the realtors around here probably think that stuff in this area is going to explode when the BRAC moves occur (Walter Reed merged into Bethesda Naval Medical). Yeah, right.
But maybe there really is a building in the location she showed in the ad. I’ll have to take a look.
Only a person from Maryland can understand the “BRAC will save us?!” insanity!
According to the BRAC Believers, when BRAC occurs, millions of people will instantly move to Maryland and buy the most overpriced house they can find. Right… The reality will be disappointing for the Believers, but that hasn’t mattered in the past…
Anyway, please be careful with all the slimy realtors out there looking for somebody to stick in their doomed “investment house.” They are like zombies near the end of a bad zombie movie, hoping to devour a few more heroes before they lose in the light of day, or something.
“And I have 2 and half weeks of “use or lose” leave in December…”
You could donate it.
I don’t know if you are joking or not, but it is actually possible to donate federal worker vacation time. You give it to a “leave bank” and certain people who have severe illnesses or family members with severe illnesses can draw from the bank after they use up all their own accumulated sick leave and regular leave. I make a small donation to the leave bank each year in order to become a member. It is like a version of short term disability insurance. I think that you can donate leave to certain people (family members?) who are also federal workers for certain reasons, like maternity leave. Feds don’t get any paid time off at all for having a baby other than being able to use up accumulated vacation and sick leave. They might be changing that soon. Not sure.
However, that is my vacation time. I think I’ll keep it thanks very much.
Good luck, Polly.
I hope that things work out best for you; please keep us informed.
Avalon? Good god. Those schmucks charge double NYC’s already silly prices for I can’t imagine what. Must be writing off all the empty apartments they haven’t been able to shovel twentysomething roommates into. They remind me of another ridiculous entity here — Archstone. These guys have had buildings full of 4K 1-bedroom apartments and 5.5K 2-beds forever. You can see dozens of listings online for them. Lately, they’re practically “giving them away,” though. Looks like you could score a 1-bed for around 3K+, yahoo!
they are seeing increased demand
I have gotten 3 calls this week to see if this Apt is still on our short list.
With 1 st mo free, and reduced rates. I get a call 1x pr wk.
Vote on Extending Homebuyer Tax Credit Delayed Over TARP Issue.
Oct. 30 (Bloomberg) — The U.S. Senate won’t vote until next week at the earliest on proposals to extend both an $8,000 tax credit for first-time homebuyers and unemployment benefits for the nation’s jobless.
Senate action was delayed by a Republican demand that a vote be allowed on an amendment to end the Treasury Department’s Troubled Asset Relief Program at the end of this year.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Nevada Democrat, balked yesterday at the demand by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Kentucky Republican. Reid also took procedural steps to end debate and schedule Senate action on extending the homebuyer tax credit and the unemployment benefits.
Lawmakers announced plans earlier this week to attach the tax-credit proposal to a pending bill on the unemployment benefits. The $8,000 tax credit, enacted earlier this year as part of the $787 billion economic stimulus package, is set to expire at the end of November.
The lawmakers want to extend it until April 30. Their proposal would also expand it to allow higher-income Americans and some who already own homes to qualify for the break.
Homebuyers who have lived in their prior residences for at least five years may receive a $6,500 credit under the plan, said Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus. Also, couples earning as much as $225,000 and individuals as much as $125,000 would qualify for the extended break, Baucus said. That’s up from a $75,000 limit for individuals and $150,000 for couples.
Has anyone in Congress expressed a single concern about the massive amount of fraud reported with the
first-time buyertax credit stimulus program? Or do concerns about fraud not matter, since we are in a crisis situation?I don’t think theycare as long as the money gets into the economy. Fraudsters buy bling!
I certainly hope the IRS is imposing fines, penalties, and interest on top of demands for repayment (IIRC these debts are non-dischargable in bankruptcy). Who knows, maybe the government can make some money off of these crooks!
years ago i lived in the Mississippi Delta. I was at a MS CPA society meeting where a regional director for the IRS was speaking. During the Q&A one of the members asked him what the IRS planned to do about the rampant fraud in the Earned Income Credit Program. The official response was that the IRS was aware of the severe fraud in the refundable credit program but that this area of the country needed economic stimulus (whether it was fraudulent or not).
the housing credit and the EIC are both refundable credits. IMHO any refundable credit in the Code should be abolished.
i would not at all be surpirsed if the EIC was 80% fraudulent.
That pales in comparison to the rampant fraud in the Cap. Gains Exemption ( here he goes again! )
Watch as people contort themselves in their filing to show they ‘were’ in their “primary” residence to be able to qualify for the credit. Out of pan into fire. At this rate many individuals will not have to pay CG’s no matter HOW many homes they’ve owned! Oh and claim the credit repeatedly as they play musical homes. Great work fella’s.
.aware of the severe fraud in the refundable credit program but that this area of the country needed economic stimulus
Hahahaha! I knew it!
The confusion as to which Bailout to extend and for how long! Why don’t we just handout 1 zillion dollars to the bankers, devalue everyone else’s money to zero, and declare “Mission Accomplished!” This idea would just speed up the process.
Bwahahah. 225K “limit”? ROFLMAO. What in the heck is the rest of the country thinking? 225K is such rarified air to almost everyone else in the world, and nearly everyone in this country, who in their right mind who set the “limit” at that level.
Got to help those folks scraping by on a QUARTER OF A MILLION dollars..
I received an e-mail that two of my relatives in the commercial construction business have been layed off. No real surprise, the thing is they primarily build new and refurbish old Wal-Marts. In North,South Carolina,Virgina &Georgia.
Wal-Mart pulled the plug on 2 of 5 planned new stores and they lost their bid on the other 3,under cut. Love or hate Wal-Mart, the point is they are a fairly good economic indicator. Commercial construction is in for a world of hurt, round two is right around the corner.
The Walmart in Greer, SC is suppose to be remodeled next year. At least that what some friends who work there told me. It’s only 11 years old and had some upgrades a few years ago. I don’t see that it needs anything, but maybe it does.
The Walmart in Watkins Glen spent a mil on an overhaul this year. The store is only about five years old. A friend in the retail business locally told me their new strategy is to open up the isles to be more like Target. Is that a sign of a failing business model?
In Elmira, Walmart built a bigger store down the street from the old Walmart. The old building sits empty. What a waste of money.
Good news folks.Walmart is now selling discount caskets and urns online.
Maybe the old building was leased?
In Elmira, Walmart built a bigger store down the street from the old Walmart. The old building sits empty. What a waste of money.
They skrood Cathedral City on same situation. They built on a bigger location down valley, and left a shell. No taxe revenue for Cat City.
Wal Mart also has an initiative to “green” their stores by making them more energy efficient, so there might be some long term cost savings from remodels.
Some former locations are empty because if they still have an interest in the lease/property, won’t rent to a potential competitor. Lots of empty big box stores out there.
Also nearly all retail stores re-arrange and remodel pretty regularly. Wear and tear is fairly high and redo’s theoretically keep the shopping experience “fresh”.
I’d imagine we’ve all experience the frustration of going into a big box store for a quick visit and getting lost because all the departments have been rearranged.
I read they were moving some departments to facilitate shopping, like moving the pharma next to food instead of on opposite sides.
In Elmira, Walmart built a bigger store down the street from the old Walmart. The old building sits empty. What a waste of money.
The original WalMart in Loveland sat empty for a few years after the 1st SuperWalmart opened in town, until Hobby Lobby leased part of the building. According to the local paper WalMart still owns the property.
WalMart’s aisles are a little narrow. It’s hard for buggies to pass either other. Narrow aisles will mean less stuff.
aisles are a little narrow. It’s hard for buggies to pass either other.
You are talking about their regular shoppers, right?
buggies being a euphemism?
Sorry to hear about your families employment situation wbmz.
It seems that when any company oversaturates it’s market share, the results are dismal.
I’m all for reasonable expansion - I guess it’s one of those to big to fail thingies, until it does.
Speaking of commercial real estate, there is an empty store front at 1730 Pennsylvania Avenue right now. Well, not exactly empty. Tishman Speyer is currently donating the space to an org that raises money for the Washington DC public schools for a used book store. They have been there for 2 weeks. Yup, a used book store a block and a half from the White House. Their time in the space is up on Saturday. Clerk told me they are moving to Pennsylvania Avenue and 20th street (closer to George Washington University) for the next chunk of time.
I think the space used to be a cell phone store. Maybe it was the camera shop?
I like the idea of a used book store being a block and a half away from the White House. Seems kind of wholesome- especially if it replaced a cell phone store. That trend is my friend.
But you forget it is in DC the locals wont go there because they can’t read. So it’s only for the tourists, high level gov workers, and college kids
Can that be a viable business?
It was never meant to be a viable business. The books and stuff are almost certainly donations. The clerk said that Tishman donated the space (tax deduction). The only cost is the clerk (or she could have been a volunteer) and any costs for moving the stock and racks in and out. Maybe they had to rent a cash register, but it was cash and checks only, no credit cards, so even that was cheap.
But, just to be clear, there are plenty of viable businesses in this area that cater only to office workers, tourists and the occasional student.
For everyone looking forward to gubmint sickness care. I don’t know what’s in it, but one thing I am 100% certain of… It will be one giant mess, that will take years if not a decade to get off the ground. Count on it!
House health bill clocks in at 1,990 pages.
It runs more pages than War and Peace, has nearly five times as many words as the Torah, and its tables of contents alone run far longer than this story.
The House health care bill unveiled Thursday clocks in at 1,990 pages and about 400,000 words. With an estimated 10-year cost of $894 billion, that comes out to about $2.24 million per word. .
And for some members, that may not be enough.
A “robust” public option can’t be found in the bill. Neither can the word “doctor” – save for a few references to degrees. No “cost curve” is bent. No “blue pill” is dispensed.
“Death” and “taxes” are both in there, but “death panel” is not.
The text defines dozens of words and phrases, including “family” (“an individual and . . . the individual’s dependents”), “health insurance coverage,” “exchange-eligible individual” and “Indian.”
And for those who cry “read the bill,” beware. There are plenty of paragraphs like this one:
“(a) Outpatient Hospitals – (1) In General – Section 1833(t)(3)(C)(iv) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395(t)(3)(C)(iv)) is amended – (A) in the first sentence – (i) by inserting “(which is subject to the productivity adjustment described in subclause (II) of such section)” after “1886(b)(3)(B)(iii); and (ii) by inserting “(but not below 0)” after “reduced”; and (B) in the second sentence, by inserting “and which is subject, beginning with 2010 to the productivity adjustment described in section 1886(b)(3)(B)(iii)(II)”.
The section deals with “incorporating productivity improvements into market basket updates that do not already incorporate such improvements,” if that helps.
Optimistic lawmakers say it could take a week just to get through the bill’s text.
“I’ll have to call an emergency meeting of my staff and drop the customary procedure of me reading and my staff not reading,” joked House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers (D-Mich.), who famously told filmmaker Michael Moore that lawmakers “don’t read most of the bills.”
“It’s one thing to read it,” said Rep. Lee Terry (R-Neb.), a lawyer who voted against the first version of the bill on its way through the Energy and Commerce Committee. “It’s another thing to understand it when it’s written in legalese.
America is doomed.
I still blame disco and cocaine.
I still blame disco and cocaine.
I still blame “It’s Raining Men”, cause I believed it then.
Now it is raining geezers -hehe
Dude, all the disco you can stand and coke you can blow up your nose didn’t come close to doing to this country what the housing bubble/fraud has done. This country is literally morgaging it’s future on the idea that home prices MUST GO UP and, if they do, everything will be OK again.
That idea is flawed; we’re trying to spend trillions on an idea that is just flat out wrong. So, I’ll happily take disco and coke (hold the coke and the disco though please) over this crap…
I’ll just eat an entire bag of oreo’s. Hold the disco and you take the coke. I’ll take Black Sabbath and Led Zepellin.
“There has been no indication that Mr. Bernanke will raise interest rates anytime soon, much less raise them to the level needed to convince the market that he intends to preserve the purchasing power of the dollar. ” ~James Turk
Is it me - or does the current time really mirror late 1980? Coming out of a recession (apparently) but with high inflation expectations. We had to bit the bullet and raise interest rates, which caused another recession but did kill inflation.
Back then was different in a lot of respects - general rates, both inflation and interest, where much higher than now. But the micro trends seem to be very similar.
Problem is this - if we were to raise rates - would we really only have a 1982-size second dip? I seriously doubt it.
1983 was the beginning of huge government deficits used to drive the economy. Greenspan screwed up social security in 1983 and we began stealing from ourselves. Can those “stimulus” measures be put on top of the stimulus measures already in play? Do we have as much room to rack up mammoth debts on top of the debts run up from 1983 - 2009?
My head hurts.
The beginning of huge government deficits was 1980 under Reagan. Looks like Reaganomics has come full circle.
Reagan took office in 1981.
Some historical perspective.
Yep - looks like 1982 was indeed a big turning point. People like to think that we entered a new era of prosperity then - but it’s all largely been on the backs of new debt.
(And especially true now for 2009)
But before that, Johnson ran up big debts to finance the Vietnam war without raising taxes and pissing people off..this goes back a a ways.
Johnson raised taxes with the famous “guns and butter” slogan in 1967.
It was the last time the government had a surplus until the Clinton administration.
I didn’t know that, thanks. I have read otherwise. that his reluctance to raise taxes is what led to the inflation in the early 1970s. That and the price of oil..
Reaganomics has come full circle.
It was under full steam when he was governator for CA.
Does that ring a bell?
well, one of many things he did and other states followed suit Pronto, was close all the mental health hospitals in the state. whoopsidaisy, now we have homeless everywhere.
States followed what he did in CA as if he was the oracle.
Reagan screwed us all. I was there.
Social Security was already screwed in 1983 when Greenspan “saved” it.
“Problem is this - if we were to raise rates….”
This time around it is the debt junkie who has his hand in the interest rate lever.
It’s a bit hard to convince the market when the dollar is dropping like a lead weight dropped into the ocean.
If we can just kill the dollar, we can finally get rid of those savers and workers!
For those that didn’t see San Diego RE Bear’s post towards the end of the day yesterday - it’s worth going back to check it out (maybe SDREB repost?). It’s an excellent summary of the HBB, our general views on the economy, and our wide variety views on political issues.
What was the time of the post?
I just read it p-man. That post basically sums up the overall consensus of this blog. Very well done SD RE Bear. Off to work now.
It was an excellent post.
Comment by San Diego RE Bear
2009-10-29 13:54:26
It is midway down on yesterday’s Bucket.
Found it, and you’re right, it’s an excellent post!
I enjoyed reading SDREBear’s post too. I like to think that HBBers have a good sense of what is truly valuable. Like peace of mind.
Thanks for pointing out the post, packman, and thanks to the San Diego real estate bear for posting a well written summary.
SDRE Bear made many good points in the post. For me, this is the phrase that stood out:
“There are a huge number of moderates who are desperate for the US to move away from partisan politics and find real solutions to save the middle class and indeed America.”
In my mind, this is the crux of the problem now in America. There are no more statesmen left.
Here’s a modest proposal: let’s equate lobbying with treason.
Brought tears to my eyes. Well said, SD RE Bear.
Thank you for the heads-up. Great reading. Maybe oughta be a front-page HBB post.
Geez Guys, I’m blushing! I’m glad you enjoyed it, but I just wrote the truth. I found the blog at a time when everyone I knew thought I was completely insane, but Ben and the posters here made me realize that the world was insane but we were not. I’m not sure what I would have done without the validation of this blog and its dead-on accuracy to date. I shudder to think I may have even bought a house! (I doubt it - I’m too cheap, but one never knows.)
I’ll repost it in a moment. Fixing all the errors this time
Reposted. (Thanks for reading it!)
Here’s my problem with your argument Eddie and this is not meant to be a personal attack because I don’t like them and believe people have the right to disagree with me without me reducing the argument to name-calling or other bad behavior. But for years I have witnessed posters come onto this blog and demean the general consensus. Posters, some “trolls” and some who just adamantly disagree with us, have at various times told the collective us we were stupid, ignorant, criminal, treasonous, corrupt, wishers of bad deeds on good people, cruel, cynical, right-wing, left-wing, communist, socialist, anti-capitalist, evil capitalists, pathetic, evil, hateful, hurtful, stubborn, bitter and just all out wrong.
We were wrong to insist housing prices rising that far and that fast was a bad thing. We were wrong to predict that the massive debt the average American was carrying was unsustainable and eventually crippling. We were wrong to maintain the idea that a correction was coming from all this bad debt and that it was going to be harsh. We were wrong to foresee that government intervention would put aid, AKA stimulus, in the wrong hands and in the wrong places. We were wrong to say that housing was going to fall XYZ% in ABC city. We were wrong to look at the history of past bubbles and other economic happenings to make predictions about what would happen in this new paradigm.
Except for one thing – we weren’t wrong. Unlike any other source of information I can think of, the collective wisdom of this blog has been right over and over and over again. Not certain individuals catching a lucky break and making a good prediction, but the overall theme – there is a housing bubble and it is going to have bad consequences – being proven years after it was first initiated.
There are extreme right wing and extreme left wing voices on this blog. There are a huge number of moderates who are desperate for the US to move away from partisan politics and find real solutions to save the middle class and indeed America. There are many of us who are mainly moderate but go left-wing or right-wing over a particular issue or “hot button” debate. Some of us are socialist. Some of us are communist. Some of us are born again. Some of us are atheist. Some of us are Jewish. Some of us are Moslem. Some of us are Scientologists. Some are black. Some are white. Some are Hispanic. Some are Asian. Some are Native American. Some are complete mutts. Some are men. And a slightly higher percentage (as far as Ben can tell) are women. Some own businesses. Some work for the government. Some are unemployed and hurting. Some are retired and loving it. Most of us care deeply about America and although we have very different ideas on how to fix her, we really do want to do so. (Heck, some of us are Canadian and even some of them care about America!) But it is exactly this blending of different viewpoints, experiences, education levels, geographical locations and socio-economic statuses that make this blog so powerful. Because we debate ideas. We insist upon proof and numbers. We research 24-hours a day from the main stream media to obscure journals and local publications. This all merges to into a powerful machine that eventually presents strong, and correct, themes.
Eddie, you’ve come on here pretty strong and very recently to tell us we are all wrong. The economic picture is looking up. The green shoots are real and viable and the worst is over. And you may be absolutely right. But the consensus here is that you are not. The “green shoots” are as real as a mirage and created by government intervention that cannot hope to last. There is more pain ahead, and worse than what we have seen so far. There is little chance we will go back to the excesses of the early century for many generations. And housing prices will continue to fall until they make sense for the underlying economy. Same as housing prices going through the roof in ’04 and ’05 after already being way too high, today’s recovery seems unsustainable and without real values propping it up.
I don’t know if you are clueless or not, but if you did not see the problem with housing back in 2004 or so I would have to argue that you may be as clueless as the average American. The problem was obvious to a few Americans which is why so many of us found this blog looking for data to support our crazy theory that something was very, very wrong in housing. Coming here in the early days was like being embraced by a family you didn’t know you had after being kicked out of your original family’s house for not joining their cult.
I’m not going to tell you you are wrong and we are right. I really don’t know. I just know the collective wisdom of this blog has yet to fail me and the people I have learned to trust for their intelligence, insight and ability to plow through data are telling me this is not close to over yet and I need to be very careful about how I will proceed. As they have earned my trust, admiration and gratitude I will continue to trust them over an unproven newbie. Time will tell who is right and years of watching people come on and demean our opinions only to watch those voices slunk away in the night has made me very comfortable with a wait and see attitude. So thank you for your input, but I will continue to trust the ones with the track record of being right.
Oh, and the other reason I think this crisis is far from over? The same reason I came to the blog in the first place – my gut is telling me something is very, very wrong.
“The largest stimulus program in the nation’s history has created or saved at least 650,000 state and local jobs, according to a report released by the Obama administration on Friday.
Based on approximately $150 billion in spending from the $787 billion recovery package, the tally is the first broad, concrete look at the stimulus program’s impact on the economy. The numbers are drawn from tens of thousands of reports from state and local recipients as well as private companies.”
That’s great news. They SAVED 650,000 jobs and so far it only cost $150 billion. I think that is still about $220,000 per job saved. What kind of jobs are these that they saved? Oh, that’s right, it’s mostly the boys on Wall Street and in hedge funds.
Mission accomplished for hope and change.
…works out to just around $230K, anway, just give every unemployed $230K + $15K for a new house. What the heck, just give everybody $1 million, that should get the economy going again. I wonder when happy hour at Uncle Sam’s bailout parlor will draw to a close. I wonder how long we will find suckers to loan the US money to fund this nonsense. I wonder what will happen when those same suckers find out that we’re dead broke and they will get stiffed. I don’t know the answer to any of these questions, but just based on some plain common sense, chances are that we’re headed for a horrible train wreck.
“…it only cost $150 billion. I think that is still about $220,000 per job saved.”
Don’t forget to subtract off banker bonuses from the cost before you divide.
These guys are like my hungover poker buddies. John says he won $200 last night. Sure John, but how much did you lose?
The way I see it, we spent about $25K per job lost or destroyed.
I thought the TARP was for the banksters and Stimulus for your local useless politicians and unions, no?
Did banksters benefite from Stimulus?
It really does get difficult at times to track which Bailout benefits which connected party. Fortunately, as a taxpayer, renter, and a saver, I don’t have to worry about benefiting from any of them.
Comment by San Diego RE Bear
2009-10-29 13:54:26
I agree.
Comment by San Diego RE Bear
2009-10-29 13:54:26
By looking at the charts, it looks like a new downward correction in the S&P is imminent. We should see a real slide of about 25% downward going into March. The Case-Schiller should resume its decline shortly as well. Then the Obama machine will pump in masses of stimulus from March until November for another giddy ride up to keep the pig-men followers all in their blankets for the election. This is entertaining!
Detroit’s answer to unemployment….Leave
The metro areas with the lowest unemployment rates in September were all in North Dakota, with Bismarck at 2.9%, followed by Fargo at 3.7% and Grand Forks at 3.8%.
WOW….but the question is, in ND, what are the major industries? I guess for you country people, this would work…..
I doubt that Detroit’s 25 dollar an hour bolt tighteners will find comparable work anywhere, let alone ND, SD, TX. The once highly paid, minimally educated, under skilled, recently unemployed are and will continue to be the next decades angry underclass.
They can go to work on the oil rigs in the Bakken Field if they’re not too fat and out of shape.
I believe petroleum industry in ND is kicking.
ND has a lot of credit card operations because they allow high interest rates.
On a side note, the news programs are predicting another “jobless” recovery. This happens every time the next class of tasks are outsourced/insourced. Manufacturing is already overseas, anything involving a computer (programming etc) is done by Indians either in India or by H1-B, and anything unskilled (cook/construct/landscape) is done by illegals.
We are at the point where are simply NOT enough jobs to employ all the employable people, no matter how much they are ridiculed for not “working hard.” And after each jobless recovery there is a new round of spending.
Maybe Rush is right: at some point we’ll all be dependent on the government. However, Rush says that the Dems “intend” to make us dependent. I disagree. It’s partially the fault of the greedy capitalists that disappeared all the jobs. Bring back the jobs, and all will follow.
Even the spammers on Craigslist have stopped wasting peoples times I used to get 30-40 commission only job offers a week, not its maybe 10
Click on my handle everyone…what a nice guy 70+ years old and still a DJ..
I am going to help him out with his website ,and start dj’ng the senior and nursing homes he does to supplement is SS.. ..hey its cash, and he is busy
We are at the point where are simply NOT enough jobs to employ all the employable people, no matter how much they are ridiculed for not “working hard.”
“and start dj’ng the senior and nursing homes he does to supplement is SS..”
Now THAT is a damn good idea, if a dj knows what he’s doing. Those folks would love to hear their old music, not too loud and not coming at them too fast and furious.. hmmm.
Went to ND earlier this month for my mother’s funeral. Hotels in Bismarck were booked and rental cars at the airport were tough to come by. Teacher convention in town followed by Jehoviah’s Witness convention.
Am so sorry to hear about your mom mtnbikegirl. I hope you and your family are doing ok and getting through this tough time. Our best wishes are with you.
Sorry about your mom, mtnbikegirl.
So sorry about your mom. Take care.
I hope we hear something soon from Eddie. I need a commentator to keep up with the fake recovery. Otherwise I get lost. When reality wins, we all lose.
Eddie called and he’s too busy “fluffing” over at WSJ and Marketwatch to tend to his duties here.
I think I just hurt myself laughing.
“Eddie called and he’s too busy “fluffing” over at WSJ and Marketwatch to tend to his duties here.”
Thank God the green shoots include gainful employment.
Tee hee, pressboard. I posted last night that Eddie reminds me of a couple of guys who used to be HBBers and talked up the stock market a lot. Anybody else remember them? Their names were like, Brandon and Palisades. They stopped commenting last fall when the stock market crashed. I assume that Eddie will do the same.
Snort. You funny, press.
Personal Income Remained Unchanged in September as Consumer Spending Fell 0.5 Percent.
WASHINGTON — Consumer spending plunged in September by the largest amount in nine months, reflecting the end of the government’s Cash for Clunkers auto sales program. Incomes, the fuel for future spending, were flat.
While the government reported that the overall economy grew in the July-September period, signaling the end of the worst recession in seven decades, the weakness in spending and incomes as the quarter ended underscores the fragility of the recovery.
The Commerce Department says spending dropped 0.5 percent in September, matching economists’ expectations. Personal incomes were unchanged as workers contend with rising unemployment and a squeeze on wages.
What is the distinction between “personal income” and “employment costs”? Is it that “personal income” includes banker bonuses, while “employment costs” mainly reflect Main Street pay checks?
Economic Report
Oct. 30, 2009, 8:47 a.m. EDT
Employment costs at record lows
By Greg Robb, MarketWatch
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — The costs of employing a worker in the United States fell to record low levels in the third quarter, the Labor Department reported Friday.
For the past year, the employment cost index increased 1.5%, the slowest pace since the government began tracking the data in 1982. The ECI increased at a 1.8% annual rate in the second quarter.
Wages increased 1.5% in the past four quarters, down from 1.8% in the previous quarter. Benefit costs rose 1.6% compared with a 1.8% rise in the second quarter. These are both record lows.
No idea, but I do have another question :-).
Anyone know if these wage rates account for retirement/unemployment turnover?
E.g. it’s very possible for average wages to go down while each person’s (who’s still working) wages go up. Take a company of 100 employees. Say they have an annual wage increase of 5%. But in the same year they lay off 10 people making $100k, and hire 10 people out of college making $25k. Their average wages may go down, however the 90 people still working see a 5% wage increase.
So does the 1.5% wage increase only apply to people working now who were also working last year? Or does it apply to the overall average? I’m guessing the latter but not sure.
You could also lay off 10 people and give the CEO a nice bonus.
I believe CEO pay is up at 9/10 companies this year.
Dat’s cuz the bidness leaders of ‘merica are the best and brightest!
We have to pay to retain their “talent.” - and boy, are we paying for it!
Take a company of 100 employees. Say they have an annual wage increase of 5%.
If you can find a place like that let me know where it is. The norm at everyplace I’ve worked at the past 10 years is 0% pay increases.
Come on PB,
Wages rose and benefit costs increased…to new lows.
There is that math stuff again.
bea dot gov
Personal Income and Outlays, September 2009
Personal income decreased $0.1 billion, or less than 0.1 percent, and disposable personal income
(DPI) decreased $0.2 billion, or less than 0.1 percent, in September, according to the Bureau of Economic
Analysis. Personal consumption expenditures (PCE) decreased $47.2 billion, or 0.5 percent. In
August, personal income increased $17.4 billion, or 0.1 percent, DPI increased $14.1 billion, or
0.1 percent, and PCE increased $139.8 billion, or 1.4 percent, based on revised estimates.
Real disposable income decreased 0.1 percent in September, compared with a decrease of 0.2
percent in August. Real PCE decreased 0.6 percent, in contrast to an increase of 1.0 percent.
(cont’d) graphs and charts follow
Wages increased 1.5% in the past four quarters,
Looking in my wallet/paycheck. I don’t see it…where should I look?
What? You mean you don’t have a mark-to-fantasy wallet?
You need to get with the times!
you don’t have a mark-to-fantasy wallet
Yes, I do. But it is tiny and fake red leather with a tiny silk flower near the clasp.
Apropos of nothing in particular and everything in general, I’d just like to say that with the exception of a (very) few members, CONgress is one of the most, if not THE most, viciously insane group of people on the face of the planet.
One look at Crazy Eyes Pelosi will make that remarkably clear.
The eyes do give away the fact that it is a robot. They need to do more R&D on the eyes.
it’s the speedballs
MB Polosi is a complete and total lunatic…However the rest of the lunatics running around in D.C. love her.
CONgress is one of the most, if not THE most, viciously insane group of people on the face of the planet.
IIRC approval ratings for Congress have been barely above 12% for several decades now. So why do we still have it?
Because everyone loves THEIR congress-critter while hating Congress as a whole, thus missing the point that their crook is part of the problem.
But gerrymandering the districts and loading up on voter fraud works wonders, too.
It’s the same ol thing. “Mine is okay, it’s yours that is a crook”
But really, your can take “mine” now. Please take her. She is an idiot. Waitress, turned housewife, turned widow, inherited her job. No experience required.
“There is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress.”
–Mark Twain
palmetto, you must not be familiar with Business Roundtable.
“Executives would have to apply to politics the same attention to strategy and methodical execution that they applied to business in general. To truly succeed in resetting the terms of American politics, corporations needed to systematize their approach, creating new institutions and giving those institutions sustained support.”
“The most important development came in 1972, when Frederick Borch of General Electric and John Harper of Alcoa spearheaded the formation of the Business Roundtable, an organization made up exclusively of CEOs from the top 200 financial, industrial, and service corporations.”
“Because of the composition of its membership, the Roundtable occupied a position of unique prestige and leverage. It functioned as a sort of Senate for the corporate elite, allowing big business as a whole to set priorities and deploy its resources in a more effective way than ever before. For example, in 1977, major corporations found themselves divided over a union-backed legislative proposal to reform and strengthen federal labor law and repeal the right-to-work provisions of the Taft-Hartley Act. Some members of the Roundtable, such as Sears Roebuck, strongly opposed the legislation because they believed it would provide leverage to their low-paid workforces to unionize. On the other hand, members whose workforces had already unionized, such as General Motors and General Electric, saw no need to oppose the legislation. However, after the Policy Committee of the Roundtable voted to oppose
the legislation, all the members of the Roundtable joined in the lobbying efforts. Political scientists mark the defeat of the legislation as a watershed.”
- “Gangs of America” Chptr “Revolt of the Bosses” pages 168-169
So building a 45′ party boat, in hopes of a rebound. Sounds like a solid plan! There are 10’s of thousands of used boats on the market.
Production cuts, layoffs continue at boat builders’ parent company.
Production cuts and layoffs will continue through the rest of this year at Brunswick Corp. plants, as the company tries to sell off existing inventory and lay the groundwork for a better 2010.
Brunswick, based in Lake Forest, Ill., announced Thursday its sales were down 36 percent overall in the third quarter of this year, falling to $665.8 million from $1.04 billion. Net losses for the quarter ended Oct. 3 were $114.3 million.
Sales for the boat division, which operates three plants in Volusia and Flagler counties, fell 62 percent in the quarter to $118.2 million from $314.2 million in 2008.
The boat segment includes Brunswick Commercial and Government and Boston Whaler plants in Edgewater and a Sea Ray plant in Flagler County.
During the past two years, the boat segment has cut production and laid off workers.
On Thursday, Boston Whaler employed 260 locally; Sea Ray, 270; and Brunswick, 95, according to company spokesman Dan Kubera. That was down from 400, 500 and 100 two years ago.
The company has been trying to reduce dealer and company inventories to reduce interest costs and other associated expenses. The strategy increased cash flow but hurt revenue and earnings.
CEO Dustan E. McCoy said the company will continue that strategy through the remainder of 2009. The result, he hopes, will be a rebound next year.
Part of that recovery, company officials hope, is the introduction Thursday of the Sea Ray 450 Sundancer, a cruiser designed for entertaining.
The 45-foot yacht — which features a retractable sunroof, entertainment center with a grill and TV, and a media room — will be built at the company’s Flagler County plant.
It makes sense to me: bankers buy yachts, and bankers will eventually be the only ones with money, so build yachts.
The low estimate for earnings this quarter for house builder MDC was a loss of 58 cents. They lost 69 cents on the quarter.
The headline on Yahoo! Finance for MDC was, “MDC Holdings 4Q loss narrows on smaller charges”. The dishonesty of the financial media is just staggering. Multiply this by 1,000 or more and that is what people are being spoon fed. CNBC isn’t the only despicable organization mis-reporting the news.
They are spewing so much BS over at cnbc these days it isnt even funny.I feel like they are getting paid by the govt to be megabulls.Erin burnett needs to be fired, she is clueless about finances.She might have a pretty face and nice body but lets keep it real here.They are hiring at playboy I hear.
Erin Burnett is a nasty skank.
I disagree, guys. (I know, I shouldn’t watch CNBC, but I’m a multitasker.) I think that Erin Burnett is a middle-of-the-roader on CNBC. Maria Bartiromo and Kudlow are the biggest cheerleaders on the channel. Most of the others see everything through a political prism. Burnett and her partner Hanes seem the most balanced - I haven’t a clue as to their political persuasions, and they seem willing to emphasize the negatives of the current economic situation.
I can’t dispute your findings anymore since I no longer turn that $hit on. EVER!
“Erin Burnett is a nasty skank”
…and when I told her….I didn’t love her anymore…she cried…SHE CRIED!
The Lettermen saw this coming
OK give her a break, she graduated from Williams and is HOT (granted in a skanky kind of way) !!
Some of ‘you guys’ love trashy ladies.
Heck they even made a CW song out of it.
“Erin Burnett is a nasty skank.”
One mans trash is another’s treasure. To each their own.
Erin= Goldman Sachs Alumni, and iirc is in the Council Of Foreign Relations.
Always nice to have MSM in your back pocket.
anyone check out the link I posted yesterday?
www dot
From the ‘you are among the muckey mucks’ elite.
It is cool as an interactive free form, who is who on BOD’s etc.
Thanx! Good link. I must have missed it yesterday.
Excellent! Thanks!
It’s damn scary how inbred it all really is, isn’t it?
Collusion? Nah, no way!
Great site - thanks!
You guys are all so good at sluething that I knew you would love this treasure trove of collusion.
Somehow, most financial reporting in this country became no different than sports reporting and just maybe even less useful.
To those who say “End the fed!” I ask, what then?
Audit request on Fed must be answered
Writer’s Bloc
By Jeremy Davis
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
People are getting fed up with the Federal Reserve.
“End the fed!” some say as the economy remains on shaky grounds, with a potential depression looming not far ahead. People are looking for answers.
Some of those answers may be found in the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009 (HR 1207), which, if passed, would shed light on what the Fed is doing with our tax dollars through a full scale audit.
The Fed, the unelected central bank of the United States, has not been truly accountable to Congress since it was created in 1913. Protection of the value of our dollar was the principle rationale for its inception, which has lost more that 95 percent of its purchasing power since the Fed came into existence.
The actions of the Fed, when combined with the Department of Treasury and Congress, has thrust the national debt to more than $11 trillion and added on nearly $13 trillion thanks to recent bailouts and loans. One would think that a private bank such as the Fed – having the power to manipulate our money and potentially endanger the free market – would be subject to higher scrutiny by Congress and have more transparency.
Despite all this, the Fed still refuses to tell members of Congress and the American people which financial institutions have been given large amounts of funds.
Rep. Alan Grayson of Florida recently asked Ben Bernanke, chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, about which foreign banks were the recipients of Federal Reserve credit swaps of more than half a trillion dollars, which Bernanke answered with a telling, “I don’t know.”
“Half a trillion dollars and you don’t know who got the money?” Grayson responded.
It’s no wonder a majority of Americans are supporting the need for more transparency.
A recent poll conducted in July by Rasmussen Reports found 75 percent of Americans actually favor auditing the Federal Reserve and making the results available to the public.
Only 9 percent of adults think it’s a bad idea to audit the Fed and oppose it, while 15 percent said they weren’t sure. HR 1207, introduced by Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, has gained support from both republicans and democrats, with 307 co-sponsors since it was first introduced earlier this year, making this issue a bipartisan one. And how could it not be? Government waste of money agitates everyone.
Only 9 percent of adults think it’s a bad idea to audit the Fed and oppose it
And 23% of those were named Eddie.
Did that 23% all wear headgear and ride the shortbus?
To those who say “End the fed!” I ask, what then?
Realistically, it’s only feasible if we went back to a PM-based money system. Think about it - are you going to trust dollar bills that say “Bank of America Note” on them, instead of “Federal Reserve Note”?
I would *love* for it to happen, but chances are about 0.0000001%. Only way it’s ended is all-out geopolitical revolution, and one that’s not funded by the PTB like so many revolutions are.
Until then - at least an audit would be nice, and at least has some chance of happening. Sure it’ll be rife with fraud, but at least that’s better than no audit at all.
To those who say “End the fed!” I ask, what then?
Do you care to refine this question at all? You could ask the same thing of anyone who wants to end abortion, end the war, etc., but it doesn’t mean much as posed.
Is Geithner planning to sell his NY home some time soon?
Oct. 29, 2009, 12:32 p.m. EDT
White House backs housing tax-credit deal
By Greg Robb, MarketWatch
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — The Obama administration threw its support Thursday behind congressional efforts to extend and expand a popular tax-credit for people interested in buying homes.
“This credit has brought new families into the housing market and contributed to three consecutive months of rising home prices nationwide,” Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said in a statement.
Note the subtlety of wording: “for people interested in buying homes”. I thought the credit was for first-time buyers?
lol…homes…they call them homes…not a house…or residential real estate…a home.
There are only 51 days left till Christmas. The retail numbers are going to look like crap.
I for one hope that charity’s wont suffer.
my family (not my wife’s) have decided not to buy each other gifts this year…just the kids.
returned items yesterday and macy’s was jam packed with women. I suspect they were snowbirds and husbands were out golfing. The 85 yo clerks were so nice. I know one that works there, she told me 3 yrs ago she was either 82 or more. idrc. Several clerks way way way over 75 working the purse department.
We’re doing gifts to people in our generation ( 4 warm bodies ), plus my father ( another warm body who at the age of 84 doesn’t really want anything ), and the grown kids are drawing one name each out of a hat. That makes 6 warm bodies. I already have a bunch of place settings for my sister’s inherited family china ( hard to find - the service came out in 1937 ), which I got on ebay, so that’s her present for the next several years. My brother and brother-in-law will get wallets, probably from Target, which has had nice ones at a reasonable cost in the past. My sister-in-law’s getting an antique cameo, also bought used on ebay. Doesn’t look like a very exciting Christmas for the retailers at our house. Husband, daughter & I are taking the trip to WDW to use our points, so that’s our present to each other. I got daughter a few sale items from Kohl’s for her teaching clothes in August, so those are already bought too. Tops were selling for as low as $3.95 on their clearance, and purses were at $ 5.95, so why not. We’re done.
It will definitely be unexciting giftwise at our house this year. But homemade pizza-a family tradition-and the Grinch That Stole Christmas-the cartoon- will be the highlights.
“It runs more pages than War and Peace, has nearly five times as many words as the Torah, and its tables of contents alone run far longer than this story.
The House health care bill unveiled Thursday clocks in at 1,990 pages and about 400,000 words. With an estimated 10-year cost of $894 billion, that comes out to about $2.24 million per word. . ”
LOL…bush spent $ 1 Trillion with one paragraph…i fracking hate irrelevant facts like this meant to insight outrage.
“LOL…bush spent $ 1 Trillion with one paragraph…i fracking hate irrelevant facts like this meant to insight outrage.”
700 billion…and the original paulson proposal.
ok…not one paragraph but 1 or 2 pages.
someone else can count the words.
microsoft counted the words for me.
$ 700 billion divided by 849 words = $ 824 million per word.
Outraged? I’m outraged that anyone would support a government take over of out health system. It appears this plan appeals to those who think buying a new car is more important than buying health insurance. health insurance is totally affordable by anyone if they put their priorities in the right place.
Its really sad, when a mother and father spend more on a new tv, than their childrens health insurance. Then, they have the gall to complain its not affordable. Oh government help me with insurance, so I don’t have to give up my cell phone. Only a fool would want a government run health industry.
health insurance is totally affordable by anyone if they put their priorities in the right place.
I don’t think that word “affordable” means what you think it means.
BTW, the gov’t doesn’t want to take over health care. Medicare, for example, is NOT gov’t-administered health care. Medicare PAYS for health care. Period.
I’m just a simple caveman, so all I know is what I see:
-The insurance companies are making bank.
-The medical software companies that help the hospitals/doctors “process” claims are making bank.
-The only commercial construction going on locally are the medical specialists building their Doctors-Office Mahals, designed to provide more examination rooms/chairs, to “serve” more patients/hour. to generate even more revenue. (When was the last time you went to a doctor’s office, and you actually SAW the doctor for more than 5 minutes?).
-None of these so-called “advances” in medical care are going to do me, or the general population much good, since we can’t afford them on our own, and insurance typically won’t pay for them. The LAST thing the world needs is twelve different types of boner pills.
But……..our system is so great, the following countries have decided to replicate it:
(sound of crickets chirping)
Terry, are you my brother-in-law? You sound familiar.
For $400, Alex, I’ll go with who is Eddie?
Outraged? I’m outraged that anyone would support a government take over of out health system.
Fed’s Massive Secret Wall Street Bailout Still Going Strong
Oct 30, 2009 Henry Blodget in Investing, Banking
Remember last fall, when our government explained that the reason we needed to give $800 billion to Wall Street was so the banks could lend it back to us and shock the economy back to life again?
That was a happy story!
And we fell for it.
What happened, of course, was that the banks took the money, stopped lending, and used it to pay themselves and their shareholders through the nose.
Twelve months later, the banks still aren’t lending, and we’re still bailing them out hand over fist.
By lending the banks money at zero interest rates, the FT’s Martin Wolf says, the Fed is helping the banks recapitalize themselves. The banks aren’t lending because they’re still trying to recover from all the lousy loans they made three years ago (and because there aren’t all that many folks to lend to). So there’s nothing else to do with the money other than hoard it, buy safe Treasuries, and pay huge bonuses.
It’s annoying to watch banks that would have collapsed a year ago now minting money at taxpayer expense. But that’s the way monetary stimulus always works.
Wolf, however, believes the public’s outrage over the bailout and bonuses will drive Congress to pass some kind of financial reform. And, in an ideal world, he’d also like to see a windfall tax levied against bank bonus pools, which he says serves “no economic purpose.”
The important questions for the economy and market now, says Wolf, are whether the Fed will remove the stimulus in time to stave off inflation, and it does, whether the removal will hobble the economy.
And we fell for it.
Who is this “we” of which he speaks?
You are NYCboy, do You have the mouse in Your pocket? lol
Remember last fall, when our government explained that the reason we needed to give $800 billion to Wall Street was so the banks could lend it back to us and shock the economy back to life again?
There is a cartoon on the lunch room fridge:
A guy walks up to an ATM (which has a big “ATM” sign on top)which morphs into a transformer type of robot and mugs the guy, stealing his money, which he proceeds to eat. Upon completing his meal the robot pronounces the “the system is once again sound, confidence had been restored.”
The mugging victim is furious and demands that his money be returned to him, to which the robot replies “of course” and morphs back into an ATM, except now the sign on top says “Loans”.
“By lending the banks money at zero interest rates, the FT’s Martin Wolf says, the Fed is helping the banks recapitalize themselves. The banks aren’t lending because they’re still trying to recover from all the lousy loans they made three years ago (and because there aren’t all that many folks to lend to). So there’s nothing else to do with the money other than hoard it, buy safe Treasuries, and pay huge bonuses.”
i tell people that the banksters are borrwoing money from the people at 0% (through the Fed window) and lending it back to the people (through the purchase of US treasuries) and making a 3.4% return…and then paying themselves huge bonuses. the kicker is…the people have supported two administrations that support this policy.
eyes gloss over…crickets chirp…and they blab on with each other about free healthcare for everybody.
The problem is inflation - all that new money has to go somewhere.
So the bankers have to figure out how to keep the game going while hiding the monetary inflation. Let’s see - what sector can we pick that can be inflated without being measured by CPI?
Bing! Housing.
eyes gloss over…crickets chirp…and they blab on with each other about f
No they don’t Michael. they blab on about sports teams etc.
Who will be the lucky ones getting the Bair hug today?
LOL! That was a good chuckle. I hear she provides the pizza too.
Went to withdraw money from a Big Bank yesterday . It took them a hour and 1/2 to give me the check . In addition, they subjected me to a salesman who tried to sell me bonds that had a 5 year term . In spite of me coughing all over the guy and repeatedly I said I didn’t like the term they offered on the bonds they wouldn’t let up . Because I was weak I just sat there and
listened and than I repeated my request for my money .Eventually I said to the three person team that didn’t want to let go that they were killing me .
I than went to a smaller bank who treated me like gold and even gave me water for my cough . The smaller bank offered me a bunch of free services
including a free safe deposit bank ,free checks and free money orders and
all kinds of stuff . The smaller Bank not only had a higher rate than the Bank I just left, but they treated me the way I wanted to be treated .
Good for you, Housing Wizard. We’ve walked down the street a few times for better treatment at banks as well. Turned out for the best each time.
We’ve used a small local bank for over 20 years and been treated nicely. I am considering opening a small account at a Big Bank for hubby to use when he’s away for long periods of time.
Which bank. Come on. COUGH it up.
Repost from yest
The FCC voted unanimously yesterday to move forward with the debate in an effort to formalize net neutrality guidelines. Senator John McCain followed up by introducing a bill that would prohibit the FCC from governing communications.
In the wake of FCC chairman Julius Genachowski’s initial announcement of his intent to pursue formal net neutrality rules, a group of GOP lawmakers already initiated a similar attempt. However, that amendment was retracted almost as quickly as it was filed.
McCain’s bill, the Internet Freedom Act, seeks to do the opposite of what its name implies by ensuring that broadband and wireless providers can discriminate and throttle certain traffic while giving preferential treatment to other traffic. Basically, those in power or those who pay more will have better access. Apparently we have different definitions of ‘freedom’.
Oddly, the bill also contains text stating that any regulations in effect on the day before the Internet Freedom Act is officially enacted are grandfathered in and exempt from the provisions of the Internet Freedom Act. The implication seems to be that if the FCC can formalize net neutrality rules before McCain can get the Internet Freedom Act signed into law, the net neutrality rules would still apply.
Net neutrality opponents claim that the free market can police itself and that any net neutrality restrictions will stifle innovation and competition. However, Comcast tried to throttle peer-to-peer networking traffic and only changed policy after the threat of FCC net neutrality rules. AT&T sought to block customers from using VoIP services from its wireless network, but changed policy out of fear of the net neutrality rules. The trend seems to be that these providers only do the ‘right thing’ when the net neutrality gun is pointing at their head.
I hope they don’t decide to slow Ben’s web site.
I guess we should just let AT and T and Comcast decide what we can look for on the internet.
Packman said
From someone who has worked in that business - I agree with McCain.
Take Verizon FiOS for example. Super-high speed access - 100-200 Mbps Fiber-to-the-Home. I worked on that equipment.
If this law had existed back when they did the business plan for FiOS, it would have altered their business plan dramatically, by reducing their potential profits.
It’s not like they have a monopoly on internet access - they don’t
Many markets only have two internet providers, that’s hardly competition. I have no problem with internet providers charging more for people who use it more to download movies TV etc, but I have a big problem with allowing AT and T the ability to slow down content or worse block it. The problem is that if they selectively slow a product customers might not realize that it is due to AT and T . The customer might blame the web site and choose another. If AT and T has a search engine, or takes a bribe from say Microsoft to slow Google people might say Google sucks and start using the AT and T site. If Ben’s site get’s interrupted repeatedly and appears to crash we might loose a valuable source of non MSM info.
Yes but disclosure, not making it illegal, will serve the same purpose. If someone’s aware that their service provider is blocking/slowing a given service, they’ll be less likely to use that service provider. This puts pressure on the providers to not do such activities.
And the fact that many areas only have two service providers isn’t unusual, or a monopoly at all. It’s the nature of business. Infrastructure-related businesses have huge sunk costs, and if there are too many competitors it doesn’t justify these costs, therefore they won’t spend them, and the infrastructure is not built up. That’s the whole issue.
It’s the same principle for utilities for instance. It’s simply not feasible to have 3+ (or even 2+ in most cases providers duplicating infrastructure. Therefore cost-wise the only feasible solution is for them to share the infrastructure. However if utilities are forced to share revenue with others on the same infrastructure, they simply won’t build it. That’s why we’ve chosen - correctly - to go the route of having a single utility provider pretty much everywhere. The justification for competition doesn’t overcome the extraordinary cost of additional infrastructure.
Telecom is a bit different in that the infrastructure costs are less than other utilities - that’s why it is indeed feasible to have multiple providers actually using independent infrastructures - to a point. Usually that point is 2 competitors splitting the customer base in half, with maybe a couple of other competitors getting niche customers (e.g. in the case of internet - people using GSM or dial-up rather than DSL or FTTH).
As long as there are least two competitors vying for the same customer base - there is no monopoly, at all. “Mono” means one.
It’s the same principle for utilities for instance. It’s simply not feasible to have 3+ (or even 2+ in most cases providers duplicating infrastructure
Exactly and this is why utilities are regulated in most parts of the country. It’s exactly why when they unregulated them Enron and others were able to screw users in many states for billions of dollars.
My belief is we need well regulated conduits and wide open content. We should have a company that provides high speed data lines and charges users and providers who want to provide content.
Regulated electrical line company with limits on profits and compensation, but anyone who wants can generate electricity and sell it if they meet quality control.
Regulate Cable and phone line company with limits on profits and compensation ie if they make too much next years rates are reduced, but anyone who wants to sell or buy content can do so at what ever price they can get away with. If you want high speed download of movies you pay more, but you can choose who ever you want to provide those movies without the fear that the provider will slow your system.
This is a much better system that stimulates creativity and innovation both the customer and the producer of content get all the benefits of the free market.
If we allow service providers to slow some content in favor of their own content we kill that benefit.
The funny thing is McCain was all for forcing cable companies to stop selling large packages so that content providers could compete and customers could have more selection, now he seems to have done an about face.
It’s simply not feasible to have 3+ (or even 2+ in most cases providers duplicating infrastructure
Of course it’s feasible.
As noted in a prior thread, anything that the governmentists want to have socialized– food, air, water, education, health care, financial markets– can be declared to be “infrastructure”.
The prevailing belief that, for example, it’s a great idea for government to own and operate highways, can then be transferred to justify suffocating yet another sector of the free market.
LVG says
The prevailing belief that, for example, it’s a great idea for government to own and operate highways, can then be transferred to justify suffocating yet another sector of the free market.
What they have now suffocates the market LV.
One cable company telling you if you want to watch ESPN you have to buy 100 channels that you don’t wan’t.
They determine which 100 channels you can purchase with their package.
In my system, you pay a monthly fee to access cable, then you pay the content provider directly for the right to watch their show. Providers could join together to provide packages that you could choose from. This way you only pay for what you want, the most popular shows make the most money. This is far more free market than a system where the cable company tells you what you can get and that’s it, no or little competition.
Tell me which is more free market oriented
1. One utility that owns all of the transmission lines. It tells you what price you will pay for electricity because they are the only game in town. Take away regulation and when the temp drops they can jack up rates. They can make it impossible for you to hook up solar cells or a generator.
2. A system where the transmission lines are owned by one regulated company that can’t game the system. Then anyone who wants to sell electricity can do so. Customer pays for access to the system and then pays the electricity provider directly. If the customer wants to put a fuel cell in their house (Honda now makes one) and sell excess electricity back to the grid they can. If they want to put up solar cells and sell excess electricity they can. If a small company wants to build a power plant and hook into the system and sell electricity they can.
I’d say my system is much more efficient and a much better free market. You’d really rather have an Enron type system??
I think what would happen is that service providers would enter into marketing agreements with companies ( eg Comcast/Expedia/Amazon, Verizon/Travelocity/WalMart, etc ) and guarentee quick access to those website.
Within a few years the internet would become a closed network much like cable tv is.
If you think this can’t happen, think of all of the websites that already forbid access to those outside the US ( Hulu, Pandora, etc).
I think what would happen is that service providers would enter into marketing agreements with companies ( eg Comcast/Expedia/Amazon, Verizon/Travelocity/WalMart, etc ) and guarentee quick access to those website.
And the downside to that is what?
Within a few years the internet would become a closed network much like cable tv is.
Good analogy, but the conclusion breaks down. I can’t tell you how many people I know who have switched from cable provider A to provider B, because A didn’t have certain channels they liked - however then A added those channels because they saw how many customers they were losing. As a result every provider now carries upwards of 1,000 channels - pretty much anything you could want.
Beyond that TV service is way different than internet, in two respects:
1. For TV it costs tons extra for a service provider to add channels to their network; that is in fact why such marketing agreements exist (see #2 below). However it costs zero for them to add access to new websites; in fact it actually costs them extra to block or slow access to specific sites than it does to just allow normal access.
2. The cost of creating the content of TV channels is several orders of magnitude greater than websites. That’s the reason for the marketing agreements; not because of some desire for your TV provider to control what you watch.
So - TV is a good analogy for discussion, not so good at reaching a similar conclusion.
For TV it costs tons extra for a service provider to add channels
Why have this model at all. One company owns the lines then those who produce content should be able to sell their content over those lines to any customer. The price to use the line should be maintenance plus a some reasonable profit. There should be an open pricing model, ie anyone who wants to sell X amount of contents pays f(X) for the right. Anyone who wants to buy Y amount of content pays a fee to the company f(Y).
The cost of creating the content of TV channels is several orders of magnitude greater than websites. Then they better produce good content that people will want to buy. They could throw out samples prior to bringing it to market.
Now this is something I do know about
Actually it doesn’t, the subscribers pay for it in increased rates.The Cable companies pay up front for the added equipment and advances to the new channel.
It was explained like this. My old network Court TV had a few ways to get on cable. they would give it for free and then allow the cable companies to put in 4-6 minutes of local commercials per hour,( you would hear the blip blip blip cue tone) but then they found it easy to raise rates so the Broadcast companies demanded cablevison or comcast etc to pay x amount per month per subscriber (not viewer)
I read Court tv was 8 cents a month x say 20 million subscribers = $1.6 a month to court tv to produce programming….so cable broadcast companies had a steady stream of revenue……some lesser known channels could have been zero to 2-4 cents a subscribers so even 100-150 channels would cost the cable companies less then $10 month
You notice not many cable channels have failed.
For TV it costs tons extra for a service provider to add channels
I wasn’t really referring to channels that have 10 viewers in West Virginia. Try a major network and get back with me.
At any rate - I don’t have the time to invest too deeply in this discussion - I’ll just leave it at this - you guys really don’t understand all the cost tradeoffs involved. I’m not saying that I do - just that you don’t. And neither does John McCain, nor Barack Obama, or pretty much anyone else in DC. It’s not just equipment - operational costs are huge - generally much higher than equipment costs.
A few people within the companies and perhaps at the FCC really understand it well enough to make an informed judgment decision. Which is why it’s simply not appropriate for the government to make such decisions - they make bad ones because they really don’t understand the issues in depth enough, which then invokes the law of unintended consequences.
In the end - the customers vote with their wallets. So if they’re getting crappy service - they need the option to go to another service provider. But they also shouldn’t have the government actually create crappy service, via less infrastructure investment, by forcing a “level playing field”.
“Which is why it’s simply not appropriate for the government to make such decisions - they make bad ones because they really don’t understand the issues in depth enough, which then invokes the law of unintended consequences.”
Heh. That is true for a lot of things Congress takes up.
“In the end - the customers vote with their wallets. So if they’re getting crappy service - they need the option to go to another service provider. But they also shouldn’t have the government actually create crappy service, via less infrastructure investment, by forcing a “level playing field”.”
but enough about health care..
“but enough about health care”
If you think health care problems can be solved by ‘voting with our wallets’ then you clearly haven’t been paying attention. Unless your wallet is bankster thick.
As for the many things that Congress takes up that shouldn’t be ‘decided by the gov’, well I guess you’re against auditing the Fed, right? Congress shouldn’t stick their nose in something they don’t understand, no?
The best system controls the conduit and allows competition for content.
Packman brought up utilities
Regulate the company that manages the lines (Cap profits and compensation), allow anyone who can produce electricity to sell via those lines. Enron gaming the system is what happens when private companies control the conduit and the content. We need laws that allow people to generate electricity at home and sell it to the grid (obviously pollution and noise controls need to be inplace). If you harness the waste heat, distributive generation can be 2-3x as efficient as using large generating plants and transmitting power over long distances. if you harness the waste heat.
Regulate company that controls cable lines (Cap profits and compensation), but allow anyone who wants to sell content to sell it via cable, rates for use would be determined by cost of maintainging lines.
It’s funny that McCain was all for allowing customer choice in Cable before but now he wants to give internet companies the power to veto or slow what you watch.
This type of system harness the power of the free market and capitalism. A system where one or two providers can control content results in stagnation.
“I think what would happen is that service providers would enter into marketing agreements with companies ( eg Comcast/Expedia/Amazon, Verizon/Travelocity/WalMart, etc ) and guarentee quick access to those website.
And the downside to that is what?
What if they decide to slow Ben’s site to a crawl or have it click out periodically. Is that exceptable?? What if you want to download music from Apple, but Microsoft has a contract that mandates Apple’s music downloads go 10x slower? What’s next they can start screening what you can see? Microsoft pays AT and T to block Google.
Yes but disclosure, not making it illegal, will serve the same purpose. If someone’s aware that their service provider is blocking/slowing a given service, they’ll be less likely to use that service provider. This puts pressure on the providers to not do such activities.
BS Plain and simple Bull pucky.
See how well all the other monopolies are working for the average citizen. Come ON. You can pull my good leg.
This is so silly. These people are acting like they actually have control of this..
Dude, it’s the year 2009, it’s called encryption, it’s unbreakable, it’s seamless, and it totally hides 100% of your traffic stream from the provider. Knock yourselves out, pass all the net garbage you want, it will have no effect on those who “abuse” the networks by running telco services over it and downloading/watching shows online. What a joke all of these proposals are; if this was to pass, and become a reality, using VPN/encryption software would become as common knowledge as using Internet Explorer.
What a bunch of morons. The creation of unbreakable encryption many years ago truly makes all this net-nanny stuff just laughable. Every time I hear that the FBI/CIA/etc is “watching” the Internet traffic for questionable activity I just laugh. Yes, you can catch a moron. But an actual, organized attack? Come on, I feel like we’re living back in the 1960s and they are trying to catch phone phreaks.
It’s encrypted, it’s unbreakable, and ANYONE doing anything questionable (and is well organized; read = dangerous) is using it.
Without net neutrality you WILL have only 2 providers and they WILL decide what you can and cannot access.
In 1996 there were something like 30+ different ISPs in my city. Now there are only 2: cable (Comcast who took over from Time/Warner) and AT&T. (why yes, you can still get some dial-up. What’s your point? Tried using a dial-up modem on the Internet lately? Good luck with that.)
Both have been caught “throttling” bandwidth TO customers and “throttling” bandwidth FROM certain websites.
Comcast is currently compressing their TV signals so hard that folks with HDTV are complaining how bad the picture and sound are and suing for breach of contract and false advertising.
You can google it.
currently compressing their TV signals so hard that folks with HDTV are complaining how bad the picture and sound are
TIme warner must be doing the same exact thing, or thereabouts. The reception is atrocious and sporadic throughout the day/night. As if the satellite isn’t getting the signal. Well, no it is probably the crooks. And the surges on the pc, perhaps the same source.
Local property tax bills came in yesterday’s mail. The news around Chicagoland had been full of dire warnings about tax increases, so I made sure to pour a BIG glass of wine before opening the envelope.
The tax increase on our modest less-than-quarter acre with 1800 sq ft 3br2ba ranch home is *only* 10 %. It was a relief, but knowing that our taxes have doubled in the 19 years we’ve been in our home made me kinda sick. After a couple glasses of wine, though, I felt better.
In other news, it appears we have entered a new period of market volatility. There may be some money to be made day trading. Too bad I’m still feeling too burned by SRS to participate.
My dad and I were commiserating over our bills as well yesterday. I bought in 2001, and mine have doubled since then. I’m fairly certain my house has not doubled in price Ah, the joys of homeownership in Cook County…
We did use an attorney this year to appeal, and we did get a few hundred dollar break (starting with next year’s property taxes). If you haven’t done that, it’s worthwhile. I think I paid about 175 for it and we’ll save about 700 bucks over the three year cycle. I had tried appealing on my own a few years ago and didn’t get anywhere (even with comps listed).
Doubled since 2001? Ouch, that’s gotta hurt! We tried appealing our assessment once, long ago, when we had a pretty airtight case. Shot down. It’s too late to appeal this year’s assessment but the next time those letters from RE attorneys start arriving in the mail, I won’t ignore them.
We got our Cook County landlord’s tax bill in the mail yesterday. It was a good day to be a renter.
Ohio residents say cops advised them to move away. Oct 29
COLUMBUS, Ohio – Residents of one Ohio city are complaining that police officers are telling them if they’re fed up with crime in their neighborhoods they should move out. At least two Columbus city council members have heard the complaint.
An aide to Councilwoman Charleta Tavares said she has received more than 20 calls. Councilman Andrew Ginther said if police are making the comments, they’re neither acceptable nor appropriate, though he said he believes most officers want to be helpful.
A police spokesman said the department addresses the complaints when it’s given the name of an officer.
A police union official said he understands if officers are frustrated with crime. Fraternal Order of Police President Jim Gilbert said: “It’s like the OK Corral out there.”
Here’s a great cartoon I just saw. It’s a keeper.
Good one!
EddieTard Bernanke!
Ain’t that the truth.
Time Inc. to lay off about 540:
NEW YORK (MarketWatch) — Magazine publisher Time Inc., part of Time Warner Inc. may cut more jobs as soon as next week, according to published reports Friday. Citing unnamed company insiders, the New York Post said that Time will lay off about 540 workers over a two-week period, with the news and finance group expected to be the hardest hit. Meanwhile, the New York Times reported that Time will cut $100 million in costs, which are expected to come largely from layoffs.
I think it’s about Time.
So when Time and the NYT’s lay people off do they write articles about their management and call them “heartless captialists”? Just curious…
That’s ~$185,000 per employee.
Are they really paying them that much? Somehow, I don’t think so.
Oh, the humanity!
Dow Jones down 236 to 9726.
DJIA 10100, 10000, 9900, 9800; we barely knew ye.
It’s time to lure in more shorts for another Fed liquidity driven squeeze.
Wallstreet doesn’t make money with a flat market man, you have to have some action to fleece the public.
The sky is falling the sky is falling
Green Shoots Green shoots
The sky is falling the sky is falling.
That’s how you generate the big bucks.
Down 268.
Good old October comes through for us again.
Wallstreet doesn’t make money with a flat market man, you have to have some action to fleece the public.
And neither do we… up or down, what does it matter when the signs are clear? I’ve been short the QQQQ since the confirmation of the “Dark Cloud Cover” on 10.26.
Want some advice? Learn technical analysis and Japanese Candlestick chart patterns and you’ll be amazed how clear the trading signals are…
And for those that say “If it’s so easy, how come you’re not a millionaire/billionaire/gazillionaire?” The answer is because to make that kind of money, you need to manage large amounts of capital, OPM… difficult to attract or access for someone like me who went to State U. not Ivy League, never worked on Wall St., and has a full-time day job in software development.
Jacques Chirac to become first former French President in history to stand trial for corruption ~ 30th October 2009
Jacques Chirac is to become the first former president in French history to stand trial for corruption, it emerged today.
The 76-year-old faces a range of embezzlement charges dating back to his time as the Mayor of Paris.
They mainly relate to ‘ghost’ jobs awarded to political cronies who were allegedly allowed huge salaries and expenses for doing absolutely nothing.
‘Mr Chirac will stand trial for misuse of public funds and breach of trust,’ said a judicial source at the Paris Prosecutor’s Office.
The announcement comes less than a year since Jean-Claude Marin, Paris’s chief public prosecutor, said there was no case against Chirac.
But Xaviere Simeoni, another judge who has since reviewed the evidence, said it clearly pointed towards corruption.
Mr Chirac, who was mayor from 1977 until 1995 when he was elected president, was principally investigated over 35 work contracts awarded by Paris City Hall to friends or associates, allegedly as political favours.
The allegations against Mr Chirac also originally included backhander payments made in return for contracts to refurbish secondary schools in the Paris region.
A source close to Mr Chirac, who now divides his time between Paris and a country estate in Morocco, said he was ‘relaxed’ about the charges and convinced he could avoid trial.
The source said there would be an appeal against the decision to prosecute.
During his 12 years in power Mr Chirac was able to claim presidential immunity against all the charges – an option which is no longer open to him.
Sleaze allegations have mounted up against Mr Chirac for years, with nobody until today taking firm legal action.
Now if we could get that kind of prosecution for
No bid contracts
400 dollar a gallon gas
and 700 billion dollar bail outs.
We could, if we could get rid of the hopelessly obsolete legal doctrines of sovereign immunity and official immunity.
I wonder who he pissed off.
My mother’s non-profit merged with another non-profit. The “other” non-profit’s executive director is now in charge, and has treated the merger more like a takeover, showing preference to her own employees and treating the rest like they’re diseased. My poor mother has worked for more than 20 years there, and now feels like she’s on thin ice- a very sad thing for somebody in their late 60’s who has little chance of getting a new job in this economy.
The latest in a long list of insults is that they told her they are running a credit check on her. She asked why, though she has nothing to fear, and they said “because we want to know the character of the people working for us”. I cannot believe what has become of this country. This is a complete violation of privacy.
Id sue in retaliation and demand the boss to take a drug test…just for spite.
Can you mom run a credit check on the boss? wouldn’t it be a scandal if she is underwater in her house,
Grizzly, you need to get out more often.
Credit checks for employment have been standard for almost 20 years. Drug tests even longer. Don’t even get me started about 40+ age discrimination.
“Mergers” really are nothing but disguised takeovers and the takeover company always cuts the other company’s employees no matter how much they know or how good they are.
Good luck to your mom. I think the age discrimination is and will be a huge problem for our citizens.The CLOSE TO HOME documentary on pbs
- is disturbing on that front.
Local builder here in Chicago promoting “well if the banks would just give us 3.5% interest rates on our home loads, the economy would recover.”
I spent three days debating with this guy on email privately last week. I’d like to see what the HBB crew has to say about his proposal.
John Hall Homes proposal
Uh-huh. Well if my orange trees would only sprout hundred dollar bills and pork chops with gravy my grocery bill would go down. If John Hall Homes would only build sturdy houses where people want them, for $250.00 each, housing would “take off” again. If only the Saudi’s would lower crude to 25 cents per barrel…if only John Hall Homes could explain why the taxpayers and banks should subsidize their fantasies in a hopeless mudslide to financial ruin…
With GRAVY? That’s impossible!
The moron doesn’t build affordable houses. if he mean Levittown type under $175K homes, yes it probably would work.
Remember rents would come down too. at those numbers
I never cease to be amazed that anyone thinks that markets could, would, or ever have been fair and honest. Ain’t gonna happen, add a thousand new laws, won’t ‘fix’ a thing, never has. I know, create a new law that makes greed, graft and deception illegal, punishable by death.
Galleon case portrays a world of corporate leaks.
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Galleon insider trading case reveals a world where corporate secrets are thrown around with cavalier disregard for regulations on how public company information should be disclosed.
For much of the past decade, U.S. regulators have sought to fight selective disclosure of sensitive company information, believing that such data should be disclosed to all investors in a fair and equal manner.
But the Galleon scandal suggests there may be many in American business prepared to make a mockery of these efforts.
Prosecutors have charged six people, including billionaire Galleon Group founder Raj Rajaratnam, in the biggest hedge fund-related insider trading case in history. Rajaratnam was at the center of crisscrossing illegal information networks that brought more than $20 million in profit, according to the complaints.
Among those entangled in the case are executives at several major companies, including IBM (IBM.N) and Intel Corp (INTC.O); an executive at management consulting firm McKinsey & Co; an investor relations specialist; and a former Moody’s analyst.
Some of these executives are alleged to have passed on information relating to their companies’ earnings or deals, potentially violating the disclosure rule known as “Reg FD.”
Regulation Fair Disclosure was put in place in 2000 to prevent corporate executives from selectively disclosing information to analysts and investors.
The rules have led to an increase in regulatory filings when executives speak at conferences, ensuring that information disclosed by the executives is available publicly. But the Galleon case is raising questions about whether rules to control such behavior have any teeth.
Guess what? Many District Attorneys offices are run the same way.
And stock brokers don’t pump and dump.
Told ya it was rigged.
Hey- Does anyone on here live in Temecula, CA? I see big McMansions on small lots for $250k (they were $600k). 30% less than it would cost to build. Temecula has highly ranked public schools, is it an awful place to raise kids? I hate being an in-lander, but sooooo cheap and a 3 car garage to set up a shop in. 2 hrs to Big Bear, 1 hr to Swami’s.
Hi Dude. I used to live in Orange County. Temecula is a schlep to everywhere, but if you don’t commute and work at home that’s ok, The weather is good. It’s very white there, but if you’re white that won’t bother you. Check it out and get a house inspection. And of course, lowball!
I live in SD so I should know more about Temecula but I don’t. It just seems very far away to my life so I’ve never looked at it much. You may want to visit piggington dot com as there are some Temecula posters there and a higher concentration of people who may be able to provide great data. Also, ask this again in a couple weeks because a couple SD people seem to be MIA and might be back soon.
Good luck!
Why Homeowners Are Raising the Roof
Thursday, October 29, 2009 ~ WSJ
People who refrained from splurging on big home-improvement projects during the housing boom are reaping the rewards now.
Depending on the region and the job, some homeowners are paying as much as 20% less for home-remodeling projects than they would have a few years ago. Many contractors are willing to accept smaller jobs and “handyman” projects that they used to snub. And more projects are being delivered on time and on budget—a stark contrast from the boom years.
Kim and Chandra Sobieski of Cat Spring, Texas, considered expanding their home two years ago, but thought the contractor’s $380,000 estimate was too high. Earlier this year, Mr. Sobieski, a 54-year-old retired title-company executive, called the same contractor and got a quote for a slightly revised expansion for 20% less. The couple wound up paying $300,000 to add 1,500 square feet to their old 3,400-square-foot home, including installing a new roof, converting a garage to an entertainment room and adding a new garage.
“We caught them at a time there was more downtime, and it seemed to work to our advantage,” says Mr. Sobieski, who adds that the project was finished ahead of schedule.
The Sobieskis’ contractor agrees that timing made the difference. “Three years ago, if you asked someone for a discount, they’d laugh at you,” says Jeff Hunt, vice president of Brothers Strong, the Houston firm that did the project.
I’m kind of evil. I got an estimate from a guy for some work last week, and then told the guy I really wanted to do the work the estimate, which he then lowballed. So I get the person I really want for less.
Why is this evil? It’s normal business.
It’s not like you carpet-bombed the Kurds or anything, right?
You are hilarious, FPSS! I have never been a good businessman. I feel like I’m being dishonest in that I really had no intention of hiring the first person, so I used him to get a lower estimate from the second. But you’re right. That is what business is. I will embrace it from now on! Before you know it, I’ll be bombing Kurds (or Sunnis.)
That is what states are doing to woo business, even cities next to other cities. And what it is doing isn’t illegal, but breaking up communities, businesses, all for the bottom line.
I love it, if ever there was a money sucking completely Worthless organization, that thinks they are smart and lofty thinkers. Far above the masses. Go Colonel!
Colonel Sanders infiltrates the UN
29 October 2009
A man dressed as KFC’s Colonel Sanders successfully snuck into restricted areas at the UN Headquarters in New York.
A spokesperson for Ban Ki-moon, the current UN Secretary General, said that an investigation into the security breach has begun.
The break-in is understood to be a publicity stunt organized by KFC as part of a wider campaign to promote a new menu range. This campaign has included several previous attempts to ‘lobby’ the UN – including a letter written to Mr Ki-moon asking for grilled chicken lovers to be represented at the assembly – for inclusion of the fictional ‘Grilled Nation’ as a UN member state.
News that the actor who dressed as Colonel Sanders for the stunt has been named by KFC as Robert Thompson will surely disappoint those die-hard fans who maintain that the iconic Colonel did not die in 1980.
Cool! Right up there with Pepsi freaking everyone out when they said they were going to laser their name onto the moon.
Ayn Rand’s Revenge - NYT Book Review
Published: October 29, 2009
A specter is haunting the Republican Party — the specter of John Galt. In Ayn Rand’s libertarian epic “Atlas Shrugged,” Galt, an inventor disgusted by creeping American collectivism, leads the country’s capitalists on a retributive strike. “We have granted you everything you demanded of us, we who had always been the givers, but have only now understood it,” Galt lectures the “looters” and “moochers” who make up the populace. “We have no demands to present you, no terms to bargain about, no compromise to reach. You have nothing to offer us. We do not need you.”
“Atlas Shrugged” was published 52 years ago, but in the Obama era, Rand’s angry message is more resonant than ever before. Sales of the book have reportedly spiked. At “tea parties” and other conservative protests, alongside the Obama-as-Joker signs, you will find placards reading “Atlas Shrugs” and “Ayn Rand Was Right.” Not long after the inauguration, as right-wing pundits like Glenn Beck were invoking Rand and issuing warnings of incipient socialism, Representative John Campbell, Republican of California, told a reporter that the prospect of rising taxes and government regulation meant “people are starting to feel like we’re living through the scenario that happened in ‘Atlas Shrugged.’ ”
Rand’s style of vehement individualism has never been universally popular among conservatives — back in 1957, Whittaker Chambers denounced the “wickedness” of “Atlas Shrugged” in National Review — and Rand still has her critics on the right today. But it can often seem, as Jonathan Chait, a senior editor at The New Republic recently observed, that “Rand is everywhere in this right-wing mood.” And while it’s not hard to understand Rand’s revenge-fantasy appeal to those on the right, would-be Galts ought to hear the story Anne C. Heller has to tell in her dramatic and very timely biography, “Ayn Rand and the World She Made.”
The Tea Party is “above ground.” Homey don’t do that.
The bigger unseen revolution began last year when it was obvious socialist A or Socialist B would be POTUS. At least for me. Lots of people are busy shifting their wealth into lower taxable investments, moving to low tax or no tax states, and will be converting traditional IRAs to Roths in 2010/2011.
Resist the state.
LOL- Glenn Beck IS John Galt. (What would we ever do without him?)
I’m confused. Who are the “looters” and the “moochers?”
The only socialism I’m seeing is for the so called hypocritical SOB “capitlaists.”
Obviously you did not read AS. The partnership between private enterprise incompetent businesses (Taggart Railroad, run by Dagney’s incomptent brother) and government was more than prevalent in the novel. It was very much like big banks, the Treasury Dept. and the Fed.
So, a hypothesis: The current downturn in the markets is the resultof the plans to cap/remove Wall St bonuses, and the market will magically start turning back up again once they stop talking about it.
It’s the same technique they used to extort, er, persuade Congress to give them the TARP moneys.
nailed it.
Good lord, just stick a fork in this one already…
CIT Gets $1 Billion Line From Icahn, Still Faces Bankruptcy
Friday, 30 Oct 2009 | 2:25 PM ET CNBC
Troubled lender CIT Group agreed to a deal with Carl Icahn Friday that will give the company a $1 billion line of credit, but the company is still likely to file a prepackaged bankruptcy Sunday night, CNBC has learned.
CIT shares [CIT 0.752 -0.198 (-20.84%) ] were halted on the Icahn news, but then resumed trading about 10 percent lower.
The agreement with Icahn was reached a day after CIT’s debt restructuring offer expired.
Icahn has been an outspoken critic in recent weeks of New York-based CIT Group’s plan to restructure its debt in an effort to avoid collapse.
CIT, one of the largest lenders to small and midsized business, has been trying to reduce its near-term costs in recent months as it struggles to survive.
CIT may draw on the Icahn line of credit on or before Dec. 31, and in the case of bankruptcy, it can be drawn as debtor-in-posession financing.
“Good lord, just stick a fork in this one already…”
+ 1,000,000,000,000 (that’s trillion)
Interesting about commerical loans vs. home loan crash is that banks for most part don’t chop the loans up and sell them. They have commerical loans front and center on their books and they own them.
From bloomberg dot com page 1
Wilbur Ross Sees ‘Huge’ Commercial Real Estate Crash (Update3) Share Business ExchangeTwitterFacebook| Email | Print | A A A
By John Gittelsohn and Thomas R. Keene
Oct. 30 (Bloomberg) — Billionaire investor Wilbur L. Ross Jr., said today the U.S. is in the beginning of a “huge crash in commercial real estate.”
“All of the components of real estate value are going in the wrong direction simultaneously,” said Ross, one of nine money managers participating in a government program to remove toxic assets from bank balance sheets. “Occupancy rates are going down. Rent rates are going down and the capitalization rate — the return that investors are demanding to buy a property — are going up.”
U.S. commercial property sales are forecast to fall to the lowest in almost two decades as the industry endures its worst slump since the savings and loan crisis of the early 1990s, according to property research firm Real Capital Analytics Inc. The Moody’s/REAL Commercial Property Price Indices already have fallen almost 41 percent since October 2007, Moody’s Investors Service said Oct. 19.
Billionaire George Soros, speaking today at a lecture organized by the Central European University in Budapest, said a “bloodletting” may be coming for leveraged buyouts and commercial real estate.
“The American consumer will no longer be able to serve as the motor for the world economy,” said Soros, 79.
His comments came in the same week that Capmark Financial Group Inc. filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection after originating $60 billion in commercial property loans in 2006 and 2007.
Don’t Soros and TTT played for the same team? Doesn’t Georgie know that CRE is contained?
Damn… This guy sounds like a nutt….
Sacked: Drug tsar who claimed Ecstasy, cannabis and LSD are less harmful than alcohol.
30th October 2009 (UK)
Controversy: Professor David Nutt criticised the decision to reclassify cannabis as a Class B drug
The Government’s chief drugs advisor has been sacked for claiming cannabis, ecstasy and LSD were less dangerous than alcohol and cigarettes.
Home Secretary Alan Johnson decided he had ‘no confidence’ in Professor David Nutt after he made a string of controversial remarks about drug use - including ecstasy being no more dangerous than ‘riding a horse’.
It is the first time a chairman of the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs has been fired in its 38-year history.
Home Office officials said Mr Johnson had been ’surprised and disappointed’ by Prof Nutt’s public comments on the harm caused by illegal drugs, most of which he ranked below drinking.
Mr Johnson said the remarks ‘damaged efforts to give the public clear messages about the dangers of drugs’.
Prof Nutt has long courted controversy. Under his stewardship, the ACMD resisted the reclassification of cannabis and also called for ecstasy to be downgraded to a Class B subst
When memes are threatened to be exposed as false, someone has to get punished. The sheople want to believe what they want to believe.
Besides everyone knows that a substance’s toxicity is inversely proportional to it’s taxability.
Does this mean my stand of 25 Dutch Purple plants behind the barn has to go???
Just when I had the cash flow picture getting clearer…
Wilbur Ross Sees ‘Huge’ Commercial Real Estate Crash (Update3)
Oct. 30 (Bloomberg) — Billionaire investor Wilbur L. Ross Jr., said today the U.S. is in the beginning of a “huge crash in commercial real estate.”
“All of the components of real estate value are going in the wrong direction simultaneously,” said Ross, one of nine money managers participating in a government program to remove toxic assets from bank balance sheets. “Occupancy rates are going down. Rent rates are going down and the capitalization rate — the return that investors are demanding to buy a property — are going up.”
U.S. commercial property sales are forecast to fall to the lowest in almost two decades as the industry endures its worst slump since the savings and loan crisis of the early 1990s, according to property research firm Real Capital Analytics Inc. The Moody’s/REAL Commercial Property Price Indices already have fallen almost 41 percent since October 2007, Moody’s Investors Service said Oct. 19.
Billionaire George Soros, speaking today at a lecture organized by the Central European University in Budapest, said a “bloodletting” may be coming for leveraged buyouts and commercial real estate.
“The American consumer will no longer be able to serve as the motor for the world economy,” said Soros, 79.
His comments came in the same week that Capmark Financial Group Inc. filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection after originating $60 billion in commercial property loans in 2006 and 2007.
‘Extreme Caution’
Ross, the 71-year-old chairman and chief executive officer of WL Ross & Co. LLC, said in an interview on Bloomberg Radio that he would use “extreme caution” before putting money into commercial real estate, especially office space, because properties are losing tenants.
Isn’t this assessment overly pessimistic, given the green shoots of recovery? I can’t help but wonder whether ole Wilbur is trying to shake down weak handed commercial RE investors by scaring them into selling at the worst possible time?
No way!
The new series I bond rate will start Monday November 2. The current fixed rate (May 1 to October 31) is 0.10%. The current variable rate is -2.87%. So the bonds currently yield 0% (guaranteed to not return negative rate).
The new variable rate is going to be 3.07% for the period November 1 to April 30. So you add that to whatever fixed rate your bond is and the total will be your yield.
The government will announce the fix rate on Monday for the series I bonds purchased the next six months. If you have a bunch of 1% or higher fixed rate Series I bonds, you are in a very good situation!
Brooklyn board-game maker meets it match
New York Game Factory files for bankruptcy, despite having a number of one-time hits like So Sue Me!
The board is bare for the New York Game Factory. The Brooklyn-based business, which primarily sells board games to retailers such as and Toys R Us, filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection this week.
The company cited assets of $5,000 and liabilities of more than $229,300, along with fewer than 50 creditors. Debts include $38,000 to small business advisor Accion New York Inc. and more than $6,000 to Mr. Chips, a game-part supplier based in Illinois.
Founded six years ago, New York Game Factory became well known through the sales of such hits as So Sue Me!, a Monopoly-style board game where players can “sue your friends, take their stuff;” as well as games Controversy and Powered By Fun. Just four years ago, New York Factory appeared on ABC’s Eyewitness News and in The Wall Street Journal for its innovative games, and So Sue Me! was stocked by trendy retailers such as Urban Outfitters. However, many of the company’s games are now marked down by more than 50% on Amazon’s Web site.
Neither owner Jeffrey Gross nor his attorney returned calls requesting comment.
The Constitution already has a provision for this… It’s called Bankruptcy! There is NO such thing as “too big to fail”! Get your head out of your ass.
U.S., EU urged to find common ground on “too big to fail”
LONDON/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States and Europe are moving at different speeds down possibly divergent paths toward dealing with troubled multinational financial giants, despite promises of transatlantic coordination.
The prospect has some prominent experts in the field of financial regulation worried, with a key U.S. congressional committee scheduled to vote as soon as next week on a new Obama administration plan for dealing with “too big to fail” firms.
“Negotiations to create a unified cross-country resolution process should begin immediately,” said a report released this week by the Squam Lake Working Group of 15 academics.
The group urged rapid adoption of at least one measure that could be shared and equally effective in any country.
“Every major bank holding company should be required to regularly file a ‘living will’ detailing how the bank should be legally resolved in the event of distress.
“Other systemically important institutions … should also file these plans,” said the report, whose authors include Yale University economist Robert Shiller, author of the 2000 book Irrational Exuberance, and Martin Baily, former chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers in the Clinton administration.
This would work if your former TBTF alumni didn’t actually control the government as well.
“Flat Incomes, Weak Consumer Spending Raise Concern”
Why is this concern? Did Wall Street really think the so-called “consumer” would be back that quickly? Like no one saw this coming, just like no one could have forseen the housing implosion…
BTW, from the article, “This recovery is going to be very weak. Consumers are in no position or mood to spend. Their wages are down and they can’t get credit,” said Sung Won Sohn, an economics professor at California State University’s Smith School of Business.
Is a consumer still a consumer if he doesn’t spend? Can we stop thinking of people as consumers as if we are all robots and are only programmed to spend? They act like there is something wrong with our programming.
Perhaps we if stop spending, they will stop referring to us as “consumers”. Anyone venture to guess what they would call us then?
They would call us criminals.
Wow. 9 banks on the FDIC failed bank list today!
Trick or treat, trick or treat, give me some banks to eat.