There’s No Fear Anymore Of Being Insulting In California
The Voice of San Diego. “With homes taking longer to sell, and buyers choosing between more homes on the market than just about ever, real estate agents are getting pickier over the clients they’ll take. ‘If you’ve driven somebody around for two or three days, six to eight hours of driving around in a day, and then they decide ‘Oh, I actually don’t want to buy,’ I don’t know — how does that agent make a living?’ said Sharon Crown, a Coronado-based real estate broker.”
“‘You know, these listings, it does cost money to carry them, to advertise them, to work on them,’ said broker Jim Abbott. ‘And the huge, vast majority of them are not going to sell.’”
“Emotion plays out most dramatically for sellers stubbornly married to a lofty price, said broker Adam Rappoport. ‘The common line you always hear is, ‘We think someone will fall in love with this house like we did,’ and pay the price we’re asking,’ he said. ‘That doesn’t happen anymore….In this day and age, at least most Realtors are trying to portray a more accurate view of the market, and sellers are still in denial.’”
“The buyers approaching agents these days are increasingly aware of the market conditions, Rappoport said. ‘What I have now is … a different class of buyer,’ he said. ‘It’s a very savvy group of very smart, intelligent buyers who know the market. They have me write up offers 10 to 20 percent below list. There’s no fear anymore of being insulting to the seller or the lender.’”
“Abbott said he and his colleagues typically spend between $1,500 and $6,000 to market a property. But if the price on that glossy flier makes a buyer laugh out loud? ‘If a listing is overpriced and you never sell it, then you’re just out that money,’ he said.”
“Ron Alpert, (who) coaches real estate agents around North America (said), ‘If you’re overpriced, people are going to look at it, and they’re not going to call. Maybe the market would firm up a little bit if all of these sellers in dreamy-dreamy land would just take their houses off the market.’”
The Times Delta. “Patricia Romer doesn’t remember exactly what the sign said. But it promised that a housing development would rise in a vacant lot near her east Visalia home by fall 2006. It didn’t happen. The lot, a former orchard cleared of trees sometime last year, remains vacant. And the sign, which fell down in January, is gone.”
“Meanwhile, Romer said, the lot has become an eyesore. ‘It was just a terrible mess,’ she said. ‘And [at one point] there were people sleeping in it.”
“Fed up, Romer called the property’s owner around January. She was told the project was delayed and would be completed by spring. It wasn’t. ‘So I said I’m tired fooling with these people,’ Romer said.”
“In August, she called Visalia’s Code Enforcement Division, hoping the city could put pressure on the developer to get something done. The city’s subsequent clean-up efforts improved the situation, she said. But the houses remain on the risers and trailer, which Romer said degrades the neighborhood and affects home prices.”
“‘There’s only so much people can be coerced to do,’ said Tim Burns, city of Visalia neighborhood preservation, code-enforcement manager. And still unresolved: the $632 the developer owes the city for its cleanup efforts.”
“The contractor, Ridgecrest Homes of Stockton, plans to build 149 single-family homes on a 40-acre site, according to Jake Jacobsen, vice president of operations. The subdivision is to be called Eagle Meadow, but the nationwide housing slump has forced the company to scale back its marketing of the homes, Jacobsen said.”
“Ridgecrest has pushed back the construction start date to summer 2008. The houses are no closer to being built, however. No construction permit has been issued.”
The Mercury News. “After years of planning, San Jose is joining the bandwagon of American cities that offer an urban lifestyle for those who are tired of commuting and yearn to walk to work - or at least to a train station.”
“While developers would have picked a more auspicious time to hit the market if they could have, it’s tough to time it right when these towers can take five years or more to plan, design and build.”
“‘The headlines are certainly bad for single-family residential homes in outlying markets,’ said Seth Bland, a partner with Wilson Meany Sullivan, which along with CIM Group is building The 88, scheduled to open in mid-2008. ‘But those headlines do not apply to our buyers. The 88 is a new lifestyle option.’”
“Matt Anderson, a partner in an economics and real estate research firm in Oakland, hedged his bets. It’s a tough call, he said, in a city that has never offered this product.”
“‘I wouldn’t call it a slam-dunk in today’s market. The stock market is unsettled. The economy is doing well, but it’s not an outright boom,’ he said. ‘The big question is whether they hit the demographic the right way. Affordability is not really an issue.’”
“For those who worry the market could be flooded, as were those in Miami, Las Vegas and San Diego, John Weis, of the city’s redevelopment agency, said the market in Northern California is so underserved that San Francisco is planning more than 8,000 units for the area stretching from the Mission District to the Bay Bridge.”
“In San Jose, along with the almost 900 units in four high-rise projects either on the market or about to be, 12 more towers with 3,700 units are in the pipeline. ‘San Jose has a total of 4,500 units coming to market over a five-year period where two years ago, we had none,’ Weis noted. ‘No, I don’t think we’re overbuilt.’”
The Contra Costa Times. “Erica Baez once figured she had a great gig in the mortgage business. ‘I kind of fell into this,’ said Baez, a Hayward resident who entered the mortgage business in 1995, soon after she graduated from high school. ‘I realized it could be a way to make a lot of money.’”
“The housing crash has erased all that for Baez and many other workers in the industry. In the East Bay in the past year, the home sales and financing quagmire has sucked into oblivion 8,100 jobs in construction, real estate and mortgage activities.”
“‘Everybody is losing their job,’ Baez said. ‘It’s really stressful. A lot of people are going through this.’”
“In more than a few cases, these workers are discovering that their skills do not always transfer readily to new industries. Many in the industry have been forced to scramble for work. Some must ponder whether to return to college to pick up skills for a new career, all while hunting for work or starting a new job.”
“Baez was out of work for a few weeks. She found a job in customer service for a wholesale manufacturer. Her pay plunged 32 percent, from $55,000 a year in the mortgage industry.”
“‘I expect I will have to take a job at Starbucks or something like that at minimum wage,’ Baez said by e-mail.”
“In 2005, Sabrina Wilson, a Hayward resident, made $110,000 in the home-financing business. Like others, she jumped into the working world right out of high school. Before getting into financial services, Wilson had jobs in retail and fast food.”
“Before long, Wilson found a job handling mortgages, and she never looked back, until this year. She loved the jobs she held in the mortgage industry, but she has never witnessed a meltdown so complete as what is going on in 2007.”
“‘I have seen ups and downs, but I have never seen it like this,’ Wilson said. ‘Companies are shutting down. I know loan officers who made $1 million a year, and now they are out of the business.’”
From “Falling stocks, the mortgage mess and rising oil costs, a combination that has experts warning that a recession is more than a possibility. Economists in the Bay Area are looking into a crystal ball that looks a bit scary.”
“A recession is a bitter pill to swallow, and the Bay Area Council isn’t trying to sugar coat it. The council’s new economic analysis says a recession is almost certain.”
“The housing market is playing a big role, but that’s only part of a complex economic picture. ‘We think a recession is in the offing here,’ said Bay Area Council and CEO Jim Wunderman.”
“And its latest survey is reflecting the most pessimism since the dot com bust seven years ago and it’s tied to the fall in Bay Area home prices. ‘Overall, people are feeling a sense of malaise and dread, and that tends to have impacts in the way people behave, including spending, hiring, and once that happens, you’re in for a pretty strong downward cycle,’ said Wunderman.”
“‘Many people have not gone through a bump in the road, so it’s a new experience for them. Old times like me have, and what you learn is, you hope for the best and plan for the worst,’ said real estate developer Jon Reynolds.”
“Perhaps the most sobering figure mentioned in its report today is that Bay Area home prices could fall 25 to 30 percent.”
The San Francisco Chronicle. “A real estate symposium on Monday - featuring panels titled ‘catastrophic risk,’ ’subprime crisis’ and ‘economy on the edge,’ among others - predicted more gloom in the Bay Area housing market over the next year or so.”
“‘Housing has not really hit the bottom … and we’re not going to hit the bottom for a while yet,’ said Jim Wunderman, CEO of the Bay Area Council.”
“Economist Ken Rosen, a notorious bear on housing who has called for a correction for several years, said home prices in the urban core of the Bay Area could drop 5 to 10 percent - but outlying areas could see tumbles of more than 20 percent.”
“In other regions, such as economically depressed Detroit, or Las Vegas - the land of speculative building - the damage could be far worse next year and beyond. ‘Las Vegas is finally deflating,’ Rosen said. ‘You had all these massage therapists who bought speculative homes that are now losing money.’”
“The Bay Area’s Wunderman is already seeing an effect on his constituents. Survey results show that business leaders in the area are less confident now than at any time in the last several years, and many say the housing downturn will push them to cut hiring plans.”
“Builders say the anemic market is effectively bringing the value of certain ‘C-level’ building sites to $0, while costs for labor and materials - which spiraled higher as prices rose - have not come down.”
“In order to survive to build another day, some builders may be forced to sell off valuable inner core land, shut down unprofitable divisions or merge with larger firms.”
“Michael Ghielmetti, president of Signature Properties of Pleasanton, predicted the market would begin to spring back in 2009. ‘There’s a perfect storm working against us,’ Ghielmetti said.”