Countdown To LV - Day 0 - Topic Suggestions
OK folks, I could use some topic suggestions for this weekend. Here are some comments from the last countdown thread. “1. Regardless of the protests from Washington and Wall Street that ‘they never saw it coming’, many folks here did. It actually WAS as plain as the nose on your face when examined in comparison to historical data. Not only was it possible, it was inevitable. They knew it would fall apart, but maybe not how quickly it would implode. If we could see it coming, they could see it coming.”
“2. Also, the ‘best and brightest’ in Washington and Wall Street are the idiots who GOT us here and then couldn’t possibly see it coming- does anyone REALLY believe that these same idiots now know the way to get us out??”
“3. First the Bush administration and now Obama’s are trying to stop an erupting volcano by burying it with dump-trucks full of money. It won’t work and they are wasting scarce resources. You can’t cure a heroin addict by giving him another fix and you can’t cure our rampant debt problem by encouraging more people to borrow. We need to do something different, but the government is too frightened to admit, much less encourage it.”
“4. Obama, like all politicians, talks out of both sides of his face. He rails about the need for more affordable housing and then tries to impliment a plan to stop the decline in housing prices- WTF?”
Another posted, “The simple math, % interest, tax, insurance, cost of house, credit card debt, did not calculate out for my income and the house price. The loan officer said it would but the math just did not support it. Could I tell the peak? Yes, when the first loans started to reset. When will housing prices improve? When unemployment drops. Who will buy the empty houses? Investors who will turn them into rentals for the newly employed who will be reluctant to buy a home.”
One had this, “I’d first convey emapthy for what i imagine will be the horrid state of affairs they find themselves in. Then I’d tell them that money is a tool. Money is time. Money is food and shelter. Money is power. Money is an escape artist. Money is a viscious pit bull. Money is a sweet smelling rose. Money is a weapon. Money is freedom. Money is a ball and chain. Money is a joker. Money can lift you up or bury you.”
“Money is what gives strength to the people of all societies, no matter what political and/or economic system may be in use. Money is a lot of things, good, bad and indifferent.”
“Money directly impacts all parts of your life whether you have a little, a lot, or none. So, first learn about it. Then teach your children everything about it. Overcome what is sure to be powerful opposition and make economics studies a requirement in all schools, at all levels. Teach everyone where money comes from, where it goes, what it does and doesn’t do, what it can and can’t do, and how to use and control money.”
“Any society generally ignorant of and complacent about money puts itself at severe risk and will eventually find it to be their cruel, arbitrary and heavy-handed captor.”
One said, “Such immense kudos to the blog regulars, who saved my sanity, what little of it was left, when I found you in 2005 or so, and realized that there were smart articulate people who shared my belief–labeled fear and pathology by so many–that this whole housing bubble was truly the equivalent of a massive-scale ponzi scheme, based on no fundamental value or sound economic model fathomable by little ol’ me, anyway!”
“You guys were *brave* as well as smart enough to analyse the housing scene. As others have said, to see what was coming didn’t require genius or a crystal ball. Sure, to argue forcefully and lucidly some saavy was important– and so many of you surely have that. But to say it plain, say it often, say it with conviction, also required that the blinders of greed and fear be shaken off long enough to really see what was happening.”
“I hope you all have lots of fun in Vegas, now as ‘empty’ as Detroit?! omg, wow, what an appropriate place to speak about the bubble, about the gambling schemes that got us here…cheers all!”