Builders See A ‘Quicker Buck’ In ‘Residential Reincarnation’
A pair of reports on developers trying to catch the last of the housing bubble. “Imagine a grain elevator, once the biggest and fastest in the world, jutting 290 feet in the air. Now imagine that elevator sheathed in glass and metal and converted into about 230 condominiums. Hard to picture? Not for Baltimore developer Patrick Turner, who envisions a residential reincarnation of the boxy elevator building and silos.”
“‘You can live in a historic condo anywhere in the world, but there is no other grain elevator in the world where you can live,’ Turner said.”
“The Baltimore complex, Silo Point, sits in Locust Point, a once-gritty blue-collar neighborhood. A deteriorating terminal is across the train tracks from the complex on the harbor side, with abandoned piers and a rusting hospital ship, but Turner says the tracks are no longer used and the ship will soon be removed.”
“In a recent interview, he gushed about the condo units in the elevator building itself, he calls them ‘lofts in the sky.’ Silo Point is still a bit hard for visitors to comprehend initially, Turner says. But he’s taken ‘hundreds of them’ through the abandoned ‘lobby’ and then up 130 feet in an old claustrophobic workers’ elevator.”
“It is a jolt, though, to see the thin, boxy concrete structure now, standing in a mud field, with its crown of corrugated metal and steel girders and its banks of broken windows, which start halfway up the building.”
“(Architect) Chris Pfaeffle plans to reinforce the ‘industrial aesthetic’ with other touches, including landscaping with grasses or wheat. He also plans to build a mound of dirt on one side to show ‘the amount of grain that could be stored in one silo. It will be sort of like an obelisk in Rome.’”
And in Orange County. “A growing number of consumers who are buying condos at resorts, a trend that Orange County developers see as a way to make a quicker buck. With condos, a developer gets paid as soon as the units are sold. Lenders realize that and are more likely to extend money to a builder who plans some homes, said developer Paul Makarechian.”
“Though more popular, the condo-hotel mix remains limited. There are several reasons. The once-robust housing market has seen sluggish sales of late.”
“Also, cities enjoy tax revenue from hotels and are reluctant to see any revenue reduced. That’s especially important because hotel sites may lack zoning for condos. Developers and cities have struck a compromise. In some cities, a hotel owner can sell condos, but a buyer can only stay in the units 45 to 90 days per year.”
“Yet as projects mature, hotel developers could face lawsuits from homeowners just as traditional condo developers have seen, said (hotel broker) Alan Reay. ‘It’s inevitable,’ Reay said.”
“Some buyers just aren’t going to understand what they’re getting into, he said. ‘You can’t pick furnishings or paint. You have no say on management.’”