The Beginning Of The End For The McMansion?
The Time Herald Record in New York reports on an end to a trend that accompanied the housing bubble. “Builders who came through local planning boards carrying plans for a dozen 3,500-square-foot homes and visions of $700,000 price tags are chopping hundreds of feet off those homes and tens or even hundreds of thousands off their price tags.”
“‘We find ourselves doing homes that I never would have thought of two years ago,’ said Dan Fini, a local builder who just began work on an eight-lot subdivision in Hamptonburgh. Fini had banked on building homes 3,200 square feet or larger. Now, he’s planning to keep those homes under 3,000 square feet, and the prices below half a million.”
“Fini is not alone, and that, it turns out, is one of the reasons he’s lowering prices. In Orange County, there are a lot of 3,000-square-foot homes for sale. ‘There’s a lot of them sitting,’ said Frank Nutt Jr., another local builder. Nutt is reducing the sizes and prices of homes he’s building in Montgomery and Goshen.”
“It’s a phenomenon that’s taking hold across Orange County and in some of the country’s hottest housing markets. ‘I’ve seen it in Los Angeles. I’ve seen it in Las Vegas,” said John McIlwain, at the Urban Land Institute. ‘We’re at a turning point in our housing, where the median size of the home is going to start declining, and that would be the first time in a little over 20 years that that’s happened.’”
“The median size of new homes has steadily increased over the past two decades, according to the National Association of Home Builders. In 1987, the mid-sized new home was 1,755 square feet. By 2004, it was 22 percent larger at 2,140 square feet. Now, the tide might be turning, in part because homes have gotten too expensive for prospective buyers.”
“Single-family home sales in Orange County declined slightly last year, the first time that’s happened since 1990. The first three months of 2006 were even slower than the first quarter of 2005. Now, it’s the builders’ turn to give a little. To begin with, their profit margins are shrinking. Nutt said he’ll be happy to make $40,000 apiece on his next few houses, about half the profit of a year or two ago.”
“Builders are also cutting out some amenities. The two-story entryway, a major selling point just a couple of years ago, has fallen out of favor because it wastes space and pumps up heating and cooling bills. ‘It’s a snowball effect. It’s not just the cost of a house. It’s the taxes. It’s the upkeep,’ said (realtor) Theresa Budich.”
“Nutt has reduced the starting size of the homes to about 2,100 square feet, from 2,400 or 2,500 square feet. Prices will start at $390,000, down from $430,000. A $40,000 price cut translates to a $250 per month reduction in the buyer’s mortgage payment.”
“The tax bill on a 2,100-square-foot home should run about $2,000 less per year than the bill for a 2,500-footer, Nutt estimated. That’s another $166 a month.”
“The builder has to sacrifice some profit to sell at $390,000 instead of $450,000, Nutt said, but it’s worth it. ‘It’s either that,’ he said, ‘or you build a $450,000 house and you might sit on it for awhile.’”