‘Unrealistic, Stubborn Sellers To Blame’ For Sales Drop
The Warren Group has a jump on the April numbers for Massachusetts. “Sales of homes and condominiums plunged in April, the heart of the spring selling season. In Massachusetts, 4,142 single-family homes sold last month, a 16.5 percent drop from the same month last year.fewer homes than the 4,961 sold in April 2005, The Warren Group, a Boston real estate data firm, reported today.”
“Single-family home sales in April are the lowest for that month since 1995.”
“While sales were down sharply, prices remained stable. The median price for a single-family home held steady at $335,000. Condo sales fell by 15.3 percent last month when compared to a year ago, while prices fell 0.4 percent, to $272,340.”
“‘The pace of sales has slowed,’ CEO Timothy Warren. ‘That remarkable bull market is coming to an end,’ he said. Warren said that ‘unrealistic, stubborn sellers’ will need to take some of the blame for the sales drop.”
“‘Realtors work awfully hard to get people to understand the market and to re-set their expectations,’ Warren said. ‘But a lot of sellers have a number in mind, and they hold on for their price.’”
“The numbers are even more dire for Lowell. Single-family home sales fell from 83 in April 2005 to just 48 last month, a 42.2 percent drop; condo sales were even worse, falling from 87 to 44 (down 49 percent). Median single-family home prices in the city fell 11.1 percent, from $269,900 to $240,000.”
“Warren said a legitimate fear for government officials and residents is to be tagged with the reputation that housing is overpriced in the state. ‘Two decades ago we were labeled ‘Taxachusetts,’ and that hurt us for a long time,’ he recalled. ‘I think now we’re better than we were, but labels have an impact. If we don’t moderate affordability, we could get another bad rap.’”
“Rising home prices and rents in Massachusetts could continue a trend in job losses and out-migration unless more housing and particularly more affordable housing is made available, according to a reported prepared by Barry Bluestone, at Northeastern University.”
“The report, commissioned by the Massachusetts Association of Realtors trade group, notes that the total population in Massachusetts shrunk by about 19,000 from July 1, 2003, to July 1, 2005.”
“The study suggests that there is correlation between rising housing costs and job losses in some markets. For example, employment declined 4.9 percent from 2000-04 in Boston. ‘Other high-cost housing areas also saw employment loss. San Francisco, with the highest cost of housing in the nation, lost 10 percent of its employment base; San Jose (lost) 15.4 percent.’”
“‘We also found some evidence suggesting that if the employment and migration trends were to deteriorate further, we could experience another sharp decline in housing prices, as rising out-migration could lead to rising housing vacancy rates,’ the report said.”