Borrowers Find ‘Adjustable Rate Means Up’
A pair of reports on high risk loans. “Millions of Americans who have financed their homes with adjustable-rate short-term mortgages, some of which require interest-only payments, are starting to see their monthly payments rise as low introductory rates expire and market rates kick in.”
“‘I just cringe every time I get that bill,’ said Mindi Davis in Brandon, FL. The bill, which was $100 a month in May 2004, is now $219 a month and climbing. ‘I anticipated an increase,” Mrs. Davis said, ‘just not this much that quickly.’”
“Brian Wrage, who lives in Tampa, said he had begun to unload his investment properties in part because of the adjustable-rate mortgages attached to them. ‘My second mortgage on one property started at 5.7, and by the time we sold it three years later it was 9.9,’ Mr. Wrage said. ‘It was eye-opening: adjustable rate means up.’”
“‘Normally, nothing is a better predictor of foreclosures than high unemployment and credit card delinquencies,’ said Rick Sharga, of RealtyTrac. ‘But what most people are talking about isn’t any of that now. We think adjustable-rate increases coupled with a slowdown in the price appreciation and the demand of houses is why we are starting to see a fairly significant increase in the foreclosure rates generally now.’”
The Sacramento Bee. “Last year Janice Pierini fell in love with a two-bedroom condominium in Natomas and rushed into an adjustable-rate mortgage. She said it was the only way she could get into a place that cost her more than $200,000.”
“Now she’s struggling, like a growing number of homebuyers who face the risks that come with the loan that has become the leading way for Californians to buy a residence.”
“Pierini’s troubles occurred just months into her interest-only mortgage, when she saw her income fall because of sickness and fell behind on payments. Though she’s worked out a repayment plan, her next hurdle is less than a year away when she must start paying principal, too. ‘Down the road a little way I find I am really struggling with this mortgage,’ said Pierini.”
“Mortgage rates, which are tied to other interest rates, rise at designated intervals. That leaves many people who barely qualified for the homes in the first place paying higher monthly mortgages than they planned on. But Michael McGee said the industry’s array of adjustable mortgage products has opened homeownership to thousands who otherwise could never afford today’s prices.”
“Though there are risks with adjustable rate mortgages, many homeowners successfully use them to their benefit. Retired state employee Mark Stuart recently refinanced from one interest-only loan to another on his house in Carmichael. The new loan raised money for a son’s college expenses.”
“Stuart’s plan is to sell the house and downsize before the principal becomes due in three years. ‘We’ll be out of the house here before we have to pay more,’ he said.”
“Experts say adjustable rate loans generally work well in markets where values are rising and best when they’re rising quickly. That’s no longer the case in Sacramento and much of California. Yet buyers still get swept up in emotion while buying a house and often don’t adequately think through their loan decisions, said Pam Canada, executive director of a nonprofit homeownership center in Sacramento.”
“‘My guess is there’s a large percentage of people going in blind,’ Canada said. First-time buyers are especially vulnerable, she said, to a hurry-up atmosphere in which loan officers often say ‘just get this loan now and in a couple of years you can refinance.’”