‘They Don’t Want To Buy At The Peak’ In California
The Napa Valley Register reports from California. “According to Trendgraphix, the number of Napa County homes available for sale almost doubled, from 450 in August 2005 to 801 in August 2006. However, the number sold decreased 54 percent, from 172 to 79, said the report. Simultaneously, the home sale price per square foot in Napa County declined 8 percent year to year.”
“Realtor Elliott Faxstein manages both buyer and seller expectations. ‘I’m telling sellers to get their prices down to a realistic market level,’ he said. ‘I’m telling buyers I don’t know whether we’re at the low point or not and I can’t predict that. Buyers are hesitant. They don’t want buy at the market peak.’”
The Pacific Coast Business Times. “Recent reports in a Santa Barbara County real estate outlook suggest that as housing sales come to a halt, tenants are going back into the rental market. The outlook, presented by Mark Schniepp, discussed the end of the Central Coast real estate bubble and its impending soft landing.”
“Comparing the first eight months of 2006 to the same period of 2005, condominium sales have dropped 35.3 percent and single-family home sales are down 20.3 percent in South Santa Barbara County. Sales have dropped 25.7 percent in the Santa Maria Valley.”
“Overall, home sales have decreased by 27.4 percent in Ventura County, and in certain areas that drop is closer to 40 percent.”
“On Sept. 18, the design for a nine-unit apartment building at was returned. ‘It seems to make sense when you look at the economy, when condos are really that bad off right now, who would build condos?’ said Craig Lieberman of The Apartment Specialists.”
The Record.net. “When the home-sales market is hot, the remodeling business usually is, too. But home sales began slowing last fall, and a downturn is starting to show up in the renovation sector, say local contractors.”
‘”I think people are a little unsure of finances,’ said Rick Fooy Stockton. ‘It’s all about money.’”
“Daniel Maloy said there’s still a lot of work out there, but he has noted that a lot of customers are concerned about the scope of remodeling projects and pushing their lines of credit. Plus, with home prices flattening or even sinking in a slow housing market, there’s more concern about whether the cost of a remodeling will be recovered when the house is sold later, he said.”
“Julie Anderson said she also has been getting calls from real estate agents looking to fix a house up for sale. During the housing boom, sellers could often sell ‘as is.’ Real estate agents and brokers now say that increasing competition is forcing sellers to get their properties into top shape if they wish to sell.”
“Fooy said he hasn’t found that most people are downsizing jobs, there are just fewer customers. ‘There were just so many people borrowing money,’ he said. ‘Everybody was in a big flurry to do it.’”
The Orange County Register. “Melanie Toranto already has the land for the dream home she hopes to build near her native New Orleans. The only thing standing in her way is her Santa Ana condo, which she needs to sell before work can begin.”
“But after two months without a buyer, Toranto hoped to enlist a higher authority in her sales campaign, entreating St. Joseph to help sell her tidy two-bedroom unit. ‘Usually, I’m skeptical about these things,’ said Toranto. ‘But the times we’re in, the market being as slow as it is … I figured I’d give it a try.’”
“‘When there’s a slowdown in real estate sales, sales in statues go up,’ said Sam Romero, owner of St. Teresa’s Catholic Gift Shop in downtown Santa Ana. ‘Right now, it’s picked up quite a bit.’ Romero says he’s selling up to 30 statues a month. That’s double the number sold four months ago, he said, and customers include real estate agents buying a dozen at a time.”
“The Catholic Gift Shop in Fullerton reported sales of two to three dozen statues a week, compared with a half-dozen per month a year ago. At Catholic Books and Gifts in Huntington Beach, sales jumped from 25 a month to 25 a week. Gaby Koo in Anaheim, said he recently put in an emergency order to keep from running out. ‘The real estate market’s … been slow,’ Koo said.”
“Among the faithful, stories of uncanny results abound. Kathy Lopez, a Washington Mutual loan consultant, said St. Joseph helped her sell her home at the height of the housing slowdown in the mid- 1990s although she did end up taking less than she paid.”
“Back in Santa Ana, Toranto’s already dropped the price once, from $409,900 to $399,000. But hers is one of at least a dozen units for sale in the Hillview Regency complex where she lives.”
From Ben Stein. “In March of 1990, after two years of looking for a house during a hysterical real estate boom, I bought a modest home in Malibu for exactly $600,000. The real estate crash to end all real estate crashes began the next month. Within three years, I couldn’t have given that house away. If I’d been able to sell it, I might have gotten $350,000 for it.”
“The price languished in the same miserable range for a few years, then revived, and then took off for the moon. By early 2005, I might have been able to sell it for $1.8 million.”
“Then, in the early months of 2006, the real estate boom collapsed. I could put the house up for sale, but there are few buyers out there. I certainly couldn’t get anywhere near what I could have gotten for it in early 2005.”
“There’s a bit of a moral here. When real estate crashes happen, they rarely involve that elusive creature called ‘the soft landing.’ Yes, friends, when real estate starts to fall after a meteoric rise, it tends to fall hard.”