Oregon Is “Participating” In National Housing Downturn
The Register Guard reports from Oregon. “The median sales price of homes sold in Lane County hit $223,000 in September, continuing a trend that saw median home values rise 50 percent from 2000 to 2005. In contrast, median household income in Lane County went up 30 percent in the same time period. But appraiser Tawfik Ahdab says a measure of relief may be on the way for home buyers.”
“Many Lane County communities now find themselves in a ‘contraction phase,’ Ahdab said, meaning that the number of houses on the market is increasing faster than demand, relieving pressure on prices.”
“‘But more buyers are now ‘waiting out’ the market, to see if there will be price reductions in the future,’ Ahdab said.”
“At last week’s open house, real estate agent Mike O’Connell said,’ At a price of $209,900, some of them would be stretching themselves to the absolute limit,’ he said. ‘With the market the way it is, they need to ask themselves if they really should be buying a house right now.’”
“Mortgage broker Paul VanderPlaat agrees. ‘The old rule-of-thumb was not to pay more than 29 percent of gross income for housing, and not to have total debt, including housing, of more than 41 percent of gross income,’ VanderPlaat said. ‘Now many lenders are financing 100 percent of the sales price of a house, with an overall debt of 63 percent.’”
“Counting on continued price inflation that would allow homeowners to realize big profits after just a short time could lead many consumers to disaster if the market sours, and lenders have an obligation to educate home purchasers about the risks involved, he said.”
From KTVZ.com. “The month that ended with Halloween had both tricks and treats for Bend’s home sellers and buyers, with a big drop in sales, a big run-up in inventory (and) some big price reductions.”
“October home sales were off about 60 percent from the peak of Bend’s real estate boom a year ago, broker Rob Eggers said. Overall, there’s more than a year of housing inventory on the market, with the biggest run-up on the Westside, at 17 months of inventory, Eggers said.”
“‘Sellers have had to get very aggressive with their pricing to stand out amongst the competition. Unfortunately, for some sellers, selling their home is not something they would like to do, but rather, something they have to do,’ Eggers added. ‘As a result, those sellers have had to sharply lower their prices to get offers.’”
The Oregonian. “The Portland-area housing market has seen better days. New figures show the median home price in October was $270,000, about $5,500 lower than in September. The number of homes for sale is growing, and the pace of sales is falling.”
“‘There is a national housing downturn, and Oregon is participating in it,’ said Bill Conerly, an economist in Lake Oswego.”
“Local real estate agents and builders that the restrictive Urban Growth Boundary and the area’s ability to attract new residents shield it from the national housing slump. ‘If I were a praying man, I’d say thank God for Californians and the UGB,’ quipped agent Rob Levy.”
“The October RMLS report showed the market has 4.6 months of inventory, about double the amount in the fall of 2004 and 2005. By the end of the month, there were 11,533 homes on the market, 82.8 percent more than a year ago.”
“Closed sales fell 14.3 percent in October, compared with October 2005, the RMLS report said. That’s no surprise to Dave Hrabal, an agent with the Hasson Co. A year ago, he had two houses for sale and yearned for more, knowing they would fly out the door. Today he has 28.”
“‘The offers I’m seeing are just low,’ Hrabal said. ‘It’s definitely a buyer’s market. There’s just hoards of supply out there, and there’s just not that many buyers.’”